Femoroplasty is a tightening of the inner thigh. How to lift the inner and outer thighs Plastic surgery on the inner thigh

For many, age plays a positive role in life. It adds solidity, wisdom, prudence and experience. However, years also accumulate a number of delicate problems associated with skin aging, soft tissue sagging, decreased elasticity, and cellulite. Changes in the hips appear not only after childbirth or dieting; flabbiness can be caused by genes. Any lady is unlikely to be happy with such an inheritance, but what can you do? You need to pull yourself together and put your body in order! How? More on this later.

The laying of fat cells in humans occurs even in the embryo. The amount of fat in the thighs and abdomen is much higher than in other parts of the body. A woman is forced to struggle with such a gift of nature all her life, since deposits in these areas “go away” with difficulty. Even after achieving weight loss and volume reduction using liposuction, you still have to deal with sagging skin and an unaesthetic appearance. A thigh lift is an excellent option for women and men who, as a result, have medical indications for surgery.

A thigh lift is performed in patients with:

  • The presence of a clear cosmetic defect, pronounced flabbiness of the skin
  • Medical indications for a fairly wide subcutaneous fat layer and tissue sagging, the appearance of diaper rash, abrasions and wounds between the legs when walking

Can a facelift be done without surgery?

It’s possible, but to do this you need to sweat a lot in the gym, maintain a stable weight, and regularly visit a cosmetologist. And this is provided that the skin is stretched slightly.

  • Sport exercises

Exercising in the gym helps strengthen the body, improve blood circulation, and accelerate metabolic processes. When tightening, exercises affect skin tone and reduce fat deposits through the active work of the muscular system. At first, the results may upset a woman, since the muscles, increasing their volume, squeeze out excess fat. This whole process is reflected on the skin in the form of tubercles. Then things will become easier, and with regular work on exercise machines, the percentage of deposits will only decrease.

But often, having seen the initial unwanted changes, women quit training and give up. After reading a lot of reviews about diets, they decide to starve. But in this case, muscle mass begins to disappear first, and the fat layer “doesn’t even blow.” And only after a large loss of muscle volume, fat begins to be consumed. With such a diet, the skin undergoes changes and, without having time to shrink, sank under the force of gravity. Hence the sagging and cosmetic defect on the inner thighs. Thus, things can turn into worse problems.

  • Massage

Massage tightening can be a little successful if you choose a good specialist. But, it should be remembered that not every type of procedure will help change the situation. Aggressive movements will break up the fat deposits in the form of tubercles, but will disrupt the functioning of the lymphatic system. The intensive work of a massage therapist can result in swelling in the legs and lower abdomen. Since anti-cellulite massage must be repeated from time to time in courses, regular disruption of blood and lymph circulation will cause the thigh lift procedure to fail. In addition, there are a number of contraindications for massage, which also need to be taken into account.

With a less pronounced cosmetic defect and a slight fat layer, you can use a manual preventive massage. It stimulates metabolic and restoration processes, helps smooth the skin and get rid of adipocytes. But, it is worth considering that this method will not cope with pronounced skin folds after losing weight.

  • Hardware cosmetology

It is not possible to fight fat traps with the help of electrical stimulation or microcurrents, so hardware procedures such as mesotherapy, mesodissolution, lipomassage and LPG endermology are used to tighten the thighs. The breakdown of fat and its removal from the body is the basis for these manipulations.

Lipomassage and LPG endermology improve skin texture and increase elasticity, as well as stimulate lymph flow and treat cellulite. Thus, the indications for these procedures are fatty deposits in the lower abdomen, “breeches,” sagging buttocks and inner thighs. Minimum course – 8 sessions.

Tightening with mesotherapy consists of injecting special cocktails into problem areas. They contain drugs with a lifting and lipolytic effect: complexes MPX, SlimBodi, RevitalCelluform, etc. Mesodissolution also does an excellent job of tightening the thighs, but unlike mesotherapy, injections are not given over all surfaces, but into fat traps. Under the influence of the drugs, volumes are reduced, the skin is tightened, the proliferation of connective tissue is stopped, and the removal of decay products is stimulated. Reviews say that sometimes it is possible to get rid of 30% of fat in just 6 sessions.

  • Liposuction

This method can be performed in isolation or in combination with surgery. Excellent visual data can be obtained only when the volume of adipose tissue is not significant and the skin has a high reserve of contractility. If you ignore this condition, the result will be a worsening of the cosmetic defect.

However, even in such situations, it is possible to carry out the procedure in conjunction with surgical measures with excision of excess tissue through the groin and tightening the thighs from the inside. The liposuction procedure takes place under general or intravenous anesthesia for 1 hour.

Lifting with surgery

Dermolipectomy is a surgical procedure. The essence of the procedure is to remove excess subcutaneous fat in the upper third of the thighs, skin, stretch the free edges and stitch them. This method removes flabbiness, looseness, skin swelling, and smoothes the surface.

Indications for surgical lift

Candidates for plastic surgery are patients who have:

  • Loss of skin elasticity after sudden weight loss
  • Flabbiness and unevenness, cellulite
  • Fat traps that are not removed by exercise
  • Excessive tissue accumulation causing friction and wounds

Preparing for surgery

To be sure that the operation will be successful, the patient must carefully prepare for it. During your consultation with a doctor, you should talk about past illnesses, pathologies, and injuries that may be a direct contraindication for a facelift. Particular attention is paid to the issue of bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs and medications. It is also worth mentioning herbal treatments, since some of them can directly affect blood clotting and blood pressure. When talking with an anesthesiologist, you need to remember about allergies to certain medications and the outcome of previous operations.

After collecting anamnesis, the surgeon gives directions for the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood and urine analysis
  • Blood biochemistry
  • Coagulogram
  • Blood sample for group and Rhesus affiliation
  • Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C

The date of plastic surgery is set after receiving all test results and additional studies. Before the intervention itself (6-8 hours), it is forbidden to eat or drink.

Progress of the operation step by step

On average, the intervention lasts 2-3 hours and depends on the volume, condition of the skin, the amount of excess tissue, etc. A thigh lift is performed in isolation or combined with liposuction, implantation, etc. At the patient’s request, gluteoplasty is performed - endoprosthetics of the buttocks, which makes them more expressive and attractive. If the skin of the lower abdomen is very loose and sagging, a thigh lift is combined with abdominoplasty. The possibility of performing certain procedures in conjunction with plastic surgery is discussed with the surgeon.

Step #1. Anesthesia

The lift is performed under general anesthesia. Sometimes the patient is offered pain relief by spinal injection of the drug. In any case, an experienced anesthesiologist will always choose the optimal anesthesia depending on the type of plastic surgery and the patient’s health characteristics.

Step #2. Incision

The area of ​​the operation and the degree of correction determine the location of the incisions. When lifting the inner thighs, they are carried out in the groin folds and, subsequently, are perfectly hidden under underwear. The inner or midsection lift is the most popular because it suits many patients.

A lift on the outside runs from the groin around the hip joint, and when combined with an internal lift, the seam encircles the entire thigh through the top of the buttocks. Specialists also often use the spiral method in their practice, incisions for which are made below the gluteal folds and pass along the inguinal fold and pubis.

Step #3. Suturing the incisions

When sutures are applied after plastic surgery, drains are placed through which the accumulated fluid is then released. Suturing is carried out carefully and carefully, since the aesthetics of the result and the complexity of the rehabilitation period depend on it. Then the seams are closed with a sterile bandage, and compression garments are put on.

Step #4. Result of the operation

As a result of the tightening, the skin is significantly tightened, straightened, and sagging goes away not only in the upper part, but also in the middle. You will have to wear special shapewear for several weeks, which will minimize swelling and speed up the healing of stitches. The result of the intervention is noticeable immediately, but it can be finally assessed when the swelling has completely disappeared and the scars have healed.

Thigh lift: recovery rules

The patient will need the first 2-3 weeks after the lift for initial recovery. Complications may include pain, bruising and swelling. Painkillers are prescribed according to indications. Sometimes patient reviews indicate slight numbness in the groin area, but this symptom does not last long - 48-72 hours after the intervention. The sutures must be kept dry and sterile until they are removed by the surgeon. This is usually done 10 days after plastic surgery. At first, patients worry that the scars are rough and red, but over time they will begin to fade and become less noticeable. In any case, you should not put pressure on the scars, rubbing or scratching to avoid complications. Complete rehabilitation until the final result is obtained takes 4-6 months.

Complications after plastic surgery

  • Deformation of the genital organs
  • Formation of keloid scars
  • Infection and necrosis
  • Thrombosis
  • Bleeding and seroma

The development of complications is not mandatory. In most cases, if the rules of rehabilitation are followed, recovery proceeds normally.


  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Exacerbation of somatic diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Oncopathology
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Tendency to thrombosis and keloidization of scars
  • Inflammation of the veins of the lower extremities
  • Pregnancy and lactation

If there are contraindications, lifting is recommended to be carried out using other methods (mesotherapy, lipomassage, mesodissolution, etc.).

Cost of intervention

The price directly depends on the specific case, volume, area of ​​correction, and combination with other procedures. The authority of the plastic surgeon and the clinic also plays a big role. On average across the country, the intervention will cost the patient from 50 to 300 thousand rubles. The price includes hospital stay, postoperative care, anesthesia.

Thighplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at removing subcutaneous fat deposits and loose areas of skin. The need for surgery arises when the skin tone in the thigh area is severely weakened. The operation can last 1.5-3 hours, depending on medical indications.

Indications for hip plasty

  • Excessive amount of subcutaneous fat deposits on the inner thighs in combination with sagging skin;
  • unaesthetic large skin folds;
  • sagging, loss of elasticity, sagging skin caused by rapid weight loss;
  • the presence of many wrinkles on the skin due to age-related changes;
  • pronounced discomfort during movement, the appearance of abrasion and diaper rash;
  • excess weight caused by a rapid increase in the amount of fiber under the skin.

Carrying out the operation

Lifting can be carried out independently or in combination with other techniques aimed at correcting excess weight. Thighplasty begins with the removal of fat located under the skin. The surgeon then makes an incision along the perineal-femoral groove and excises excess skin. The tissues and skin of the inner thighs are slightly tightened. The surgeon applies a “cosmetic” internal suture. The patient is put on compression garments.

Contraindications for surgery

  • ARVI (viral, colds, infectious diseases);
  • somatic diseases in complex form;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • violation of the blood clotting process;
  • a sharp exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • herpes in advanced and active form;
  • oncological diseases of any etiology.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Thighplasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis using general anesthesia. After the operation, the patient remains in the clinic for 1-2 days under the supervision of a specialist. The rehabilitation period lasts 7-10 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

The patient needs to wear constrictive underwear for the first 2 weeks after plastic surgery. For several weeks, the patient may experience slight swelling in the operated areas; Sensitivity usually decreases and discomfort may be present when walking. But all these consequences quickly pass, provided that the patient follows the recommendations.

All postoperative sutures are removed. The patient can return to sedentary and office work after 1-2 weeks. You can usually return to full physical activity within 4-6 weeks. During this time, the patient must be constantly monitored by a doctor, who monitors the correct formation of scars and gives recommendations regarding physical activity. If necessary, the doctor carries out corrective measures aimed at preventing the scars from shifting.

Thighplasty results

  • Tight, firm, elastic skin in the buttocks and thighs;
  • high aesthetic and effect (improving the contours of the buttocks and thighs);
  • high cosmetic effect (after six months, postoperative sutures become almost invisible);
  • effective weight correction;
  • increase in skin tone;
  • a feeling of lightness while walking and active exercise.

The final result of hip surgery can be assessed after 4-6 months. After the operation, the patient will develop new fat deposits evenly. The created contour of the figure will not be deformed. A high effect will be achieved only if the patient follows all the recommendations of his doctor (healthy diet, active lifestyle, regular physical activity).

Sign up for a consultation with the specialists of the clinic "JENES". They will conduct an examination, give recommendations, talk about the correction method and answer all your questions.

Our specialists

Anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Doctor of the highest category. Active member of the Society "Aesthetic Medicine"

Every woman wants to have smooth and slender legs so that men will turn around in admiration after her. However, in reality it often happens that the legs are not so slender. The inner side of the thighs especially suffers, since in ordinary life this part of the muscles is practically not used, which often leads to various cosmetic defects. Now you can make your legs beautiful again by lifting the inner thighs.

What is a thigh lift

The operation, the purpose of which is to remove folds of sagging skin and excess fat, as well as to reduce the volume of the inner thighs, is called a thigh lift.

Causes of defects

The appearance of defects in the hips can cause several reasons:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • features of the constitution of the body;
  • childbirth;
  • natural aging of the body;
  • unsuccessful liposuction (after removing a large amount of fat, the skin did not shrink).

Thigh skin tightening methods without surgery

The operation is a big step. First, you should try to correct the situation using non-surgical methods:

  • Wearing low-heeled shoes and loose clothing is necessary for the proper functioning of peripheral circulation.
  • Wear special clothing made from fabric impregnated with anti-cellulite solution for 1-2 hours a day. It heals the skin and improves the silhouette. It should be remembered that clothes must be of the appropriate size.
  • If your health allows, visit the bathhouse or sauna once a month, or preferably once a week. When using a broom, lie on your side and work the area of ​​the hips and buttocks.
  • Strengthen muscles through massage, self-massage and exercise. It should be remembered that the inner side of the thigh has very delicate skin, on which bruises and spider veins can easily appear.

  • Use honey pats, for which you lubricate problem areas with honey and lightly pat. (The direction of movement should be from the knees to the groin).
  • Avoid a static position; when working sedentary, use anti-cellulite gel.
  • Help improve blood circulation through the use of a contrast shower.
  • Stimulate the muscles and skin by rubbing the thighs for 2-3 minutes with a piece of ice.
  • Use massage mittens and massage brushes to irritate nerve fibers and improve skin turgor. It is better to do this while lathering in the shower.
  • Make mud masks and wraps using seafood.
  • Take a body wrap procedure at a beauty salon. It helps remove excess fluid from tissues and relieves swelling, affecting the structure of the skin, not the muscles. Various anti-cellulite agents and therapeutic muds are used for wraps. Procedures are carried out 2 times a week. Course – 8-10 procedures.

Hardware cosmetology and injection techniques

Lifting the inner thighs can be done using hardware cosmetology and injection procedures.

  1. Using the device, which is a cold laser, a pulse effect is produced on fat cells, as a result of which the process of fat removal is stimulated in them. It enters the intercellular space and is excreted through the lymphatic system. Course from 6 to 9 procedures. The greater the initial amount of fat, the more significant the result. During the course it is possible to reduce the volume from 6 to 10 centimeters.
  2. Microstimulation. To increase the elasticity of the inner thighs, a procedure such as microstimulation is used. It is carried out using electrodes applied to problem areas. When an electric current is connected, muscle contraction occurs without the participation of the patient. The procedure is quite effective: after 4-5 sessions, visible skin tightening occurs, muscle elasticity increases, and the hips acquire smoother contours. The procedure is practically painless, but not particularly pleasant. It should be noted that this method has many contraindications (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, and so on).
  3. Microcurrents. In this procedure, a weaker current is used than in the previous one: it does not reach the muscles. This process helps improve metabolism, which has a positive effect on the skin. If an anti-cellulite gel is used in conjunction with current, the result is more pronounced, since it penetrates the subcutaneous fat of the thigh. During this procedure, the patient experiences a slight tingling sensation.
  4. . To influence the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, the problem area is injected with special preparations. Some of them promote the breakdown of fat, others serve to improve skin contractility. This method also has many contraindications (decreased immunity, pregnancy, skin diseases, chronic diseases, and so on). The procedure is practically painless, but after it redness of the skin and bruises are possible. The recovery period lasts up to 2 weeks. The course of treatment is 4-10 procedures.

Who is indicated for a thigh lift?

Thigh lift is indicated:

  • People who have excess soft tissue along the inner thigh and have a stable weight.
  • Patients whose skin on the thighs is flabby and sagging.
  • Those wishing to improve the contour of the hips and make them more dense.
  • Slim women and men whose skin has weakened after they have lost a lot of weight.

Indications for surgery

If non-surgical methods do not help, you have to resort to surgery.
Indications for its use will be:

  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • the appearance of “dimples” on the hips;
  • weak muscles;
  • defects such as fatty “breeches”, “ears” and “pockets”;
  • constant friction and irritation of the inner thighs, caused by excess skin and fatty tissue.

Contraindications for surgery

The operation is not possible for everyone; there are a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • oncology;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diseases affecting blood clotting;
  • diseases of the vascular system and heart;
  • mental illness;
  • varicose veins in the legs;
  • pregnancy.

In cases where surgery is not possible for the reasons listed above, the patient must turn to hardware or cosmetic procedures.

Preparation and performance of the operation

In order for the operation to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to follow some rules when preparing for it:

  1. Do not plan trips or any events that require active participation one and a half months before surgery.
  2. Follow a special diet recommended by your doctor.

Before the operation, the patient is examined by a surgeon, during which he determines the size of the area to be corrected and assesses the general health of the person.

The operation lasts about 2-2.5 hours. First, general anesthesia is administered, then the doctor makes an incision through which a flap of skin and fat is removed. Then the excess skin is excised, and the flaps are pulled together and sutured.

If the need arises, . After this, cosmetic stitches are applied and drainage is installed for a week. The wound is bandaged with sterile dressings.

When lifting the inner thighs, incisions are made in the groin folds, so that later it will be possible to hide them under underwear. The incision can be made along the entire inner surface of the thighs to the knee if there is too much fatty tissue.

How is a thigh lift performed?

The operation is performed in a hospital setting (where the patient spends 2-3 days) under general anesthesia. When the anesthesia is already in effect, the surgeon makes precise markings, makes an incision and removes excess skin and subcutaneous fat. The wound is then sutured and a drainage tube is removed. The operated site is closed with a sterile bandage.

Recovery after surgery

The rehabilitation period after surgery takes about 3 months. The patient stays in the hospital for 1-3 days, depending on the complexity of the operation. Over the next 2-3 weeks, bruising and swelling disappear. The preliminary result of lifting the inner thighs can be assessed in 3-5 weeks.

To reduce the negative consequences of the operation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • After the operation, stop playing sports for at least 2 months.
  • Light physical activity is allowed no earlier than after 2 weeks.
  • Wear compression garments for at least 3 months.
  • Avoid any thermal procedures (sauna, steam bath) for at least a month.
  • Silicone-based ointments should be rubbed into postoperative scars to prevent stretching, speed up the healing process and maintain skin elasticity.


Like any serious intervention in the human body, lifting the inner surface of the thighs can provoke a number of complications, which is associated with large incisions performed during the operation:

  • seromas;
  • discoloration of the skin and postoperative scars;
  • hematomas;
  • persistent swelling of the lower leg and foot due to impaired lymph outflow;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • uneven contours;
  • poor healing of sutures;
  • persistent pain syndrome;
  • unsatisfactory result, that is, ripples, unevenness, unsightly seam;
  • skin necrosis;
  • noticeable asymmetrical scars.

The occurrence of such complications may be due to both the patient’s failure to comply with the rules of postoperative behavior and the low qualifications of the surgeon who performed the operation.

Side effects

Some side effects are possible after surgery:

  • moderate soreness;
  • discomfort when walking;
  • bruises;
  • swelling;
  • temporary loss of sensitivity.

They usually go away within 2-3 weeks after surgery.

The effect of the operation

After the operation, excess skin disappears, which makes the contour of the inner thighs smooth and improves tissue tone.

Lifting the inner thighs is not the most popular among clients due to the duality of the results obtained: on the one hand, a person gets rid of excess skin and fat, on the other, he gets scars on his legs. What is more important - a toned figure or skin without scars - only the patient himself can decide.


The cost of this procedure has a fairly wide range, which depends both on the chosen clinic and on the volume of upcoming procedures. In Moscow, the price for lifting the inner thighs ranges from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles.

How long will the results last?

When performing an operation, you should take into account that a long-term effect is only possible if the figure has already been brought to the desired appearance with the help of proper nutrition and physical activity, therefore this method cannot be used during or immediately after the end of the diet. This is due to the processes occurring in the human body - with the loss of more than 2 kilograms of fat, a restructuring of metabolism occurs, the goal of which is to bring body weight to the previous level. Thus, in order to get a significant effect from an inner thigh lift, you must first lose weight and then stabilize your weight for six months before surgery.

The modern beauty industry continues to evolve every year. She can propose to a woman different methods to make her hips attractive and slender.

Every woman wants to have beautiful and toned thighs. Women's slender legs have always attracted the attention of men. Therefore, the unaesthetic, unattractiveness of the hips often upsets a woman.

The appearance of the thighs may deteriorate due to severe weight loss, due to age-related changes, decreased skin elasticity, due to hormonal imbalance and a number of other reasons. Excess skin in the thigh area is a common indication for aesthetic surgery - a thigh lift.

Some women are only unhappy with the inner thighs, where the skin is often less elastic and the tissues are looser. Due to friction on the inner surface of the thighs, skin irritation is often observed and in general discomfort is felt when moving.

Of course, the advisability of the operation is discussed at the consultation, after examination by a plastic surgeon.

According to indications, the inner and/or outer surface of the thighs is lifted.

The most common types of operations:

  • tightening the inner thigh;
  • tightening the outer thigh;
  • tightening of both the outer and inner surfaces of the thigh.

The location of the incisions is discussed during the consultation. As a rule, postoperative scars are hidden under underwear.


The scope of the upcoming correction depends entirely on the initial condition of the patient’s hips, as well as his wishes for their appearance after surgery.

According to indications, liposuction of the thighs is additionally performed.

A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. The average duration of the operation is about 2 hours. Upon completion of the operation, cosmetic stitches are applied.

The patient stays in the hospital for 1 day or more (as necessary).

After a thigh lift, it is mandatory to wear special compression garments for a month.

Rehabilitation after a thigh lift

Recovery from thigh lift surgery takes approximately 3 months. During the rehabilitation period, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

You should rest more in the first weeks. Minor physical activity is allowed 2 weeks after a thigh lift. Active sports - no earlier than after 2-3 months. For at least a month it is forbidden to visit a sauna, bathhouse, solarium, or expose the operated area to direct sunlight.

Femoroplasty is a direction in plastic surgery, the object of which is the inner and outer surface of the thighs.

With the help of such an intervention, you can tighten sagging skin, remove excess fat deposits, and eliminate various defects.

Causes of skin ptosis in the thigh area

Even during the prenatal period, the fetus deposits a significant amount of adipose tissue in the hips and abdomen.

From a biological point of view, this is a natural defense mechanism that allows you to survive during forced starvation.

Due to various factors, this feature of the body results in external defects.

Fat deposits have the ability to grow rapidly, but it is in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks that they “go away” very slowly.

To do this, you need to make a lot of effort: constantly monitor your diet and never stop exercising. Similar measures are required to maintain the achieved effect.

If we take into account that the skin on the thighs is subject to stretching during pregnancy, loses its elasticity with age, or sags after severe weight loss, we can come to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to restore its former elasticity using conventional means.

So, among the factors contributing to ptosis (or sagging) of the skin in the thigh area are:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • poor nutrition (lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, etc.);
  • sedentary lifestyle, neglect of physical activity;
  • previously performed liposuction (fat is gone, but the skin is not contracting enough).

If activities such as diet, sports, massage with cosmetics, etc. do not help in any way, the solution is to contact a plastic surgeon.

Indications and contraindications

Surgical correction of the hips is performed in the following cases:

  • elimination of cosmetic defects in cases where loose skin negatively affects the psycho-emotional state, deprives one of self-confidence, and does not allow one to wear open clothes;
  • for medical reasons, if too voluminous folds of skin and fat lead to friction while walking, diaper rash, irritation, abrasions, and poor circulation.

Ptosis of the skin on the inner thighs can be observed even in young girls.

Individual characteristics play a role here: persons with thin skin are more prone to the appearance of a defect.

In adulthood, this problem occurs in most women.

Ladies with too full hips, which rub during walking, are especially affected, thereby causing significant discomfort and rubbing of clothes.

Such phenomena force many to resort to surgical correction.

What can be achieved with femoroplasty:

  • elimination of sagging and flabbiness;
  • excision of excess adipose tissue;
  • reduction in hip volume (if necessary, increase through implants);
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Plastic surgery on the hips is a serious intervention, so the possibility of the intervention depends on several conditions.

The first thing to do is to identify possible contraindications:

  • Varicose veins;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • minor age.

Types and techniques of femoroplasty

List of tests

A standard set of tests before any plastic surgery includes:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting test);
  • blood for viral hepatitis, HIV infection, syphilis.

Additionally, an electrocardiogram and Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities are performed. Consultation with specialists may be required.


During the conversation with the doctor, the following questions are discussed:

  • technique and tactics of the operation;
  • duration of intervention;
  • type of anesthesia;
  • the duration of complete recovery of the body and the time for the final result to appear;
  • shape, manufacturer, size of implants (if they are planned to be implanted).

At the time of surgery, the client should not experience any health problems, including minor ailments. For a woman, the day of intervention should not coincide with menstruation.


  • stopping smoking and drinking alcohol a week before surgery;
  • refusal of certain medications (anticoagulants, etc.);
  • exclusion of physical activity two to three days before the intervention;
  • Last meal and liquid intake – 12 hours before.

There is another important point that concerns people who have suddenly lost weight.

If your skin begins to sag after losing so much weight, you should not immediately go under the knife. First, you should normalize your weight and maintain it for some time, otherwise the fat layer will quickly recover and return to its original appearance.

Therefore, a period of at least six months must pass between weight loss and surgery. During this time, the weight will have time to stabilize.


The operation is performed under general anesthesia, as the surgeon will have to work with a large volume of tissue.

This is a rather painful procedure. Its duration ranges from one and a half to three hours, in some cases even more.

The total intervention time depends on the problem being solved.

Before using anesthesia, consultation with an anesthesiologist is required, since the patient may have an allergic reaction to some substances.

Types and techniques

There are two main types of femoroplasty:

  • the first is aimed at correction in the direction of reducing tissue volume (excision of excess subcutaneous fat is carried out through a small incision, then the surgeon performs skin tightening);
  • in the second case, the patient requires hip augmentation using anatomically shaped implants.

If the correction involves removing excess fat, they start with liposuction.

Access is through an incision in the popliteal cavity.

After excision of excess fatty tissue, the surgeon tightens the inner thigh.

The following methods are used for this:

  • median technician a (an incision is made on the inguinal fold) - this is the least traumatic method, which is used to correct minor defects;
  • vertical technology(a continuous vertical incision is made from the inguinal fold to the kneecap, excess skin is excised);
  • mixed media(a combination of a vertical incision and incisions on the groin folds) - the technique is used to remove a significant amount of skin.

After removing all excess, the surgeon applies stitches.


There are two options for liposuction:

  • self-correction;
  • together with other surgical techniques (lifting, hardware rejuvenation, etc.).

Anatomical areas:

  • "breeches" zone;
  • inner thighs;
  • peri-knee area.

Liposuction as an independent intervention is indicated for people who have a slight excess of fat deposits and sufficient skin contractility.

If the tissues cannot contract properly after correction, the result will be an even more pronounced defect.

To avoid sagging and sagging skin after liposuction, it is advisable for some patients to additionally excise skin flaps from incisions in the area of ​​the inguinal folds.


The laser technique involves destroying fat deposits under the influence of laser energy supplied through a thin needle (1 mm in diameter).

During movement, it disrupts the integrity of fat cells.

Benefits of laser hip correction:

  • minimal injury;
  • duration less than an hour;
  • compression of collagen fibers and, as a result, a lifting effect;
  • no complications;
  • short rehabilitation period.

The method is often used to correct hard-to-reach and intimate areas.

In some cases, the technique is used as an addition to classic liposuction to straighten the surface of the thighs.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are pros and cons to the liposuction procedure.

The advantages include:

  • guaranteed removal of fat deposits in the problem area (“breeches”, inner thigh, near-knee area);
  • selectivity of impact: with the help of liposuction, you can correct only the area that needs it (with normal weight loss, the arms, chest, and face are the first to lose weight);
  • possibility of combination with other techniques;
  • sustainable result: the need for a new operation arises only with prolonged abuse of unhealthy and high-calorie foods;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional state: increasing self-esteem, eliminating complexes, etc.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • high cost;
  • risk of scarring;
  • the possibility of side effects occurring after an improperly performed operation (unevenness, lumpy skin, “washboard” effect, etc.);
  • swelling and pain in the first days after classical liposuction.

How long does it last?

Liposuction of the thighs takes about 1-1.5 hours. Depending on how much fat tissue needs to be removed, the surgeon makes 1-2 skin punctures and small incisions.

In some cases, preliminary fat breaking with ultrasound is required, which also affects the duration of the operation.

Are there any seams?

Even minimal incisions and punctures require sutures.

For this purpose, absorbable or non-absorbable threads are used. The length of the seam does not exceed 2-4 mm.

After a week, the suture material dissolves on its own or is removed by the surgeon. Due to the special technology of suturing, scars on the body practically do not remain.

Postoperative period

You will need to wear compression garments for some time after liposuction.

In addition, the patient should carry out procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin and reducing sagging.

  • restriction of physical activity;
  • refusal of thermal procedures (baths, saunas), instead of a bath - shower;
  • use of healing ointments and medications prescribed by the surgeon.

Consequences and complications

Possible complications after liposuction:

  • Flabbiness. Before the operation, the surgeon evaluates the ability of the skin to contract, on the basis of which he makes a prognosis regarding the appearance of flabbiness. Wearing compression garments plays an important role in this matter.
  • Reduced skin sensitivity. The disorder occurs due to damage to nerve endings. This is usually a temporary complication. During this period, it is important to choose comfortable clothes that will not rub or pull the skin.
  • Swelling. After liposuction, swelling is observed in everyone, but each patient subsides after a different time.
  • Hematoma. Pronounced tumors are rare. Usually these are small bruises that disappear in 1.5-2 weeks.
  • Fixation of the skin to the muscles. The complication occurs due to the fault of the doctor if he removed too much fat tissue. The result is that the skin seems to “grow” to the muscles.
  • Infection. If the health worker does not follow the rules of asepsis, the wound may become infected. As a result, a purulent-septic complication develops. Such a patient is indicated for intensive antibacterial therapy, and in some cases, surgical intervention.

Surgical plastic

A surgical thigh lift is called a dermolipectomy.

From the name of the operation it follows that the intervention consists of excision of excess skin and fatty tissue. The remaining skin flaps are stretched and stitched together.

The operation allows you to get rid of sagging and uneven thighs.

Surgical beret lifting can be performed in conjunction with the following operations:

  • liposuction;
  • buttock lift;
  • Tightening of the abdomen and groin area.


This type of lift is also called a “median” lift.

The method is suitable for those people with slight ptosis of the tissues on the hips.

Incisions are made along the inguinal folds. The skin on the thigh side is partially excised, thereby providing a lifting effect on the inner surface.


With this technique, the incision goes along the inner surface of the thigh from the groin to the knees.

The technique is used if a large amount of skin needs to be removed.

At a short distance from the first incision, the surgeon makes a second one - so that a skin wedge is formed, tapering towards the knee.

The skin flap between the incisions is excised, the edges of the wound are aligned and sutured.


The method is used if any one technique is not enough to eliminate the defect.

The set of combined techniques is determined by the plastic surgeon.

For example, a lift can be combined with excision of excess fat tissue or augmentation with implants.

Volume increase with implants

Too thin hips and underdeveloped inner muscles can be corrected with silicone implants.

The materials from which modern implants are made are safe and biocompatible with the human body, so the risks of denture rejection are minimal.

Surgical access is provided through the subgluteal fold, resulting in almost invisible scars.

Before and after hip augmentation with implants:

How long does it last?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Usually, inhalation or intravenous anesthesia is used, less often - epidural in combination with sedatives.

The intervention takes 2-3 hours, in particularly difficult cases – more.

Where are the seams located?

The stitches are located on the groin folds, around the pelvis or along the inner thigh.

Depending on the purpose of the surgery, the scars may also extend from the groin to the buttock folds.

Surgeons try to make incisions where they will be least noticeable.

In order to minimize rough scars, many specialists now refuse to sew the edges of the skin together and use the tactic of layer-by-layer application and combination of skin flaps.

Postoperative period

Recovery after surgical correction of the hips takes up to six months.

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the individual characteristics of the body and how well the patient follows the surgeon’s recommendations.

The first few hours after surgery should be spent in the hospital.

Doctors should monitor how recovery from anesthesia proceeds.

In some cases, the patient remains under medical supervision for 1-2 days. The stitches are removed after 10-14 days.

Soreness and numbness may persist for up to two months.

Consequences and complications

The more extensive the intervention, the higher the risk of postoperative complications.

These include:

  • deformation of the genital organs;
  • rough scars;
  • thrombosis;
  • bleeding;
  • seroma;
  • infection;
  • violation of the lymph flow.


After the intervention, you need to wear compression garments for two to three months, which promotes better tissue regeneration and healing of sutures.

The speed of recovery depends on what type of plastic surgery was performed. With surgical correction, the initial state of health returns after 2-4 weeks.

In the first days after discharge, sensations such as pain, burning sensation, and numbness are disturbing.

To relieve discomfort, take painkillers. Sutures should be treated with antiseptics.

What not to do?

Restrictions in the postoperative period:

  • exclusion of physical activity for two months;
  • refusal of thermal procedures (saunas, steam baths, hot baths) until swelling completely disappears;
  • refusal of solarium until scars heal.


Surgical thigh lift without liposuction costs about 100,000-130,000 rubles. You will have to pay an additional 70,000-80,000 rubles to remove fat.

The cost of the operation depends on the prestige of the clinic and the experience of the surgeon.

In Moscow

Rates in Moscow:

In St. Petersburg

Rates in St. Petersburg:


With this operation you can achieve:

  • reducing fat deposits on the thighs;
  • visual improvement of outlines;
  • increasing the volume of too thin hips with the help of implants;
  • elimination of defects in the form of curvature, irregularities, etc.

Photos before and after:

When will the effect be noticeable?

The result can be assessed no earlier than three months after correction.

But it must be borne in mind that the final tightening of the scars may occur much later.

If the purpose of the operation was to reduce the volume of the hips, the effect will be noticeable almost immediately, despite the presence of swelling and bruising.

How do you know that everything went well?

The success of the intervention is evidenced by the absence of complications.

This is the main point to focus on. At the end of the recovery period, the patient should see the result that was initially discussed with the surgeon.

Any defects (irregularities, asymmetry, depressions, etc.) indicate that the surgical technique may have been violated.

In this case, repeated consultation with a specialist is required.

How common are unsuccessful surgeries?

Most hip plastic surgeries are successful.

Complications occur in 0.5% of cases.

Plastic surgery is a reliable and effective method for eliminating defects in the hip area.

However, you should resort to it only if no other measures help.

You need to be prepared for the fact that recovery takes quite a long time, and you can return to your usual lifestyle only after two to three months.

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