The wart is white. Warts on the face are a serious viral disease, not a cosmetic defect.

Warts are benign, painless formations on the skin; often they only cause moral discomfort to the patient, since warts localized on open areas of the skin look unaesthetic. They can occur in people of any age, regardless of gender. About the causes of warts and modern methods We will discuss their treatment in this article.

Causes of warts

Warts appear in people infected with the virus human papillomas.

The reason for the formation of warts is, which is transmitted through household contact (by shaking hands, using common household objects, walking barefoot in in public places etc.) or sexually. The carrier of the virus may not have any external manifestations. Incubation period can last up to six months, so it is often not possible to establish when and where the infection occurred.

There are a number of factors that predispose to the appearance of warts:

  • microtraumatization skin;
  • constant maceration of the skin (work in a humid environment);
  • decreased immunity;
  • Wearing tight shoes can cause plantar warts.

How to treat warts?

In many cases, some time after the appearance of warts, they disappear on their own as they recover immune status. But many people prefer not to wait for the problem to resolve itself and remove warts on their own or by consulting a doctor. You can only remove a wart at home if you are sure that it is one.

There are a number of diseases in which elements that look like warts may appear on the skin, but they are treated with completely different methods and the use of products for the treatment of warts is unacceptable.

You should not try to remove it yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor if the wart has unclear boundaries, uneven color, quickly increases in size, itches, bleeds, hurts, is injured, or if genital warts appear.

Removing warts with chemicals

Used to remove warts chemical substances– caustic alkalis or acids that cause tissue death. Apply this method not recommended, however, many choose it because there is no need to waste time visiting a doctor. Wart removal products can be purchased at pharmacies, the most popular of which are salicylic acid and “Super Clean.” It should be noted that there is nothing in common with celandine - a plant whose juice is folk medicine used to treat warts, this drug does not (it is potassium and sodium hydroxide).

The product should be applied only to the wart, avoiding contact with healthy skin. To protect surrounding healthy tissue from accidental chemical burn, it is recommended to lubricate the skin around the wart with baby cream or stick a patch on it, in which a hole is pre-cut according to the shape and size of the wart. A few days after using the product, the wart begins to turn black and then disappears. A barely noticeable defect may remain in its place, but sometimes quite noticeable scars remain.

Not recommended for use chemical method for removing warts on the face, neck, décolleté, genitals, as well as for people with sensitive skin, especially those with a penchant for education keloid scars, and in children. Also, you should not remove all warts at the same time: if they are large, then one or two should be removed in one procedure, if the warts are small, then no more than four or five.

Cryodestruction method

This method is considered the most preferable for removing warts; it is practically painless, so it can be used even in children. Another advantage is that after removing the wart, there are no cosmetic defects left on the skin.

Warts are removed by freezing liquid nitrogen for 10–30 seconds (depending on size). At first, the wart turns white and becomes dense; after a few hours, a blister forms in its place. Over the course of a week, it gradually dries out (you cannot open it), the crust should fall off on its own after a few weeks, and the defect on the skin will disappear without a trace after a while.

Usually, one freezing treatment is sufficient to remove warts, but for plantar warts, several treatments may be necessary, performed at intervals of 2-3 days.

Electro- and laser coagulation

Electrocoagulation is one of the main methods of treating warts.

Using a thin metal instrument through which a high-frequency current is applied, the wart is “cut off”; this method is almost bloodless and is performed under local anesthesia, and the risk of infection is minimal. This method is recommended to remove warts when there is a need to send the material for histological examination. After 1–2 weeks, the crust formed at the cauterization site disappears.

The principle of the laser coagulation method is similar to that described above. The wart is removed layer by layer under local anesthesia using a laser; in its place a small depression is formed, which evens out on its own after a few weeks.

Surgical removal of warts

This method is rarely used in cases where the warts are large or there are several warts merged into one. Under local anesthesia the tissues are excised, after which they are necessarily sent for histological examination, and the skin incision is sutured with a cosmetic suture. After removing warts using this method, a scar always remains on the skin.

Treatment of warts with folk remedies

For a long time, people have been getting rid of warts using traditional medicine.

  • Celandine juice has been used since time immemorial to remove warts. You need to lubricate the wart with the juice of the plant 2 times a day until it turns black and falls off (usually 3-4 weeks). But, unfortunately, take advantage of the juice of this medicinal plant It is possible only in the summer, and even in cities it is not easy to find a celandine bush.
  • Garlic and onion juice is also used to get rid of that problem. It is recommended to lubricate warts with garlic or onion juice, you can simply cut a clove of garlic or an onion and rub the cut on the wart or apply onion paste to it.
  • You can also lubricate warts fresh juice sour apples, tomatoes, potatoes, rowan berries or aloe.
  • You can try to remove warts with artificial ice. To do this, you need to apply a piece of ice to the wart and hold it for as long as possible (as long as the skin tolerates it), this procedure must be repeated several times.

Which doctor should I contact?

If warts appear, you should consult a dermatologist. He will recommend medications to get rid of them or remove these formations. You can also remove warts in a beauty salon. in some cases, if the malignant nature of skin growths is suspected, consultation with an oncologist (oncodermatologist) is required. For recurrent warts, you should consult an immunologist.

– disease viral nature, characterized by the appearance of small round protruding growths on the skin. There are several types of warts: common - localized on the fingers, face, scalp; plantar, flat (youthful) - located on the face, back of the hands, pointed (condylomas) - most often occur in the anogenital area. Warts are prone to spreading, recurrence and rapid growth; when injured, they bleed, can change shape, color, and become painful; when self-medicated, they cause the appearance of scars and malignant degeneration.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Human papillomavirus (HPV), educative warts are widespread in all age groups and the most common are simple, plantar and flat warts. Not only the skin is affected by HPV, but also the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, Bladder, vocal cords etc.

Infection HPV virus occurs as a result of contact with an infected or sick person, as well as through contact with sick animals. Cases of infection are common by everyday means, through things, toys and objects common use. After entering the human body, the virus begins to actively multiply in surface layers skin.

Autoinoculation (self-infection) is quite common; warts in the periungual area are associated with the habit of biting nails or biting fingers, and the appearance flat warts on the face associated with shaving, peeling and others cosmetic procedures, which may result in damage to the skin.

The papilloma virus enters the human body through microtraumas of the skin; people who actively visit swimming pools, gyms, baths and saunas are most susceptible to infection. Poultry farm workers and those involved in cutting meat or fish are also at risk; warts affect their hands and forearms.

The incubation period is usually from one and a half to five months, but even with infection there may be no external manifestations of the virus. The most common are simple warts, juvenile (flat) and plantar; genital warts are also called condylomas.

Simple (vulgar) warts. Simple warts are localized on the palms, back of the hands and fingers, rarely appear on the face and even less often on the mucous membranes; outwardly they look like rounded dense nodules, the color of the skin is not changed, but pink or yellow shades may be present. Such warts are multiple in nature and tend to merge. The affected areas of the skin feel rough and uneven to the touch. Among total mass One wart is usually the largest, it is also called the mother wart, after removal of which the rest often disappear on their own.

Warts vulgaris make up 70% of all skin warts; most common in children and schoolchildren.

Plantar warts . Localized on the soles and causing painful sensations when walking, they look similar to ordinary warts.

Palmoplantar warts widespread among young and older people. These warts appear as dense formations with a thickened stratum corneum of the skin. They need to be differentiated from ordinary skin abrasions and calluses, and also differential diagnosis with plantar papule in syphilis. Uncomfortable shoes And increased sweating contributes to the spread of infection.

Periungual warts are a variant of common warts, most often found in children who bite their nails and the skin around them. After their removal, relapses occur quite often.

Flat or juvenile warts occur in 4% of cases and affect the skin of the hands, face, and mucous membranes. Flat warts can be localized on the glans penis, cervix and rectal mucosa. The risk group is age category from 10 to 25 years.

Filiform warts located on the neck, skin of the eyelids, in armpits, on the mammary glands and in groin area. Outwardly they look like soft papules, sometimes pedunculated, which often leads to their traumatization. The color of filamentous warts varies from flesh-colored to dark brown.

The viral nature of filamentous warts is confirmed by their tendency to autoinoculate, and their hormonal nature is confirmed by their association with diabetes mellitus, the onset of menopause and other conditions in which hormonal shifts are observed.

Genital warts(condylomas) due to their lobular structure and doughy consistency, they are similar in appearance to cauliflower or cockscomb. The color of warts is pink or flesh-colored, however, when rubbed they become bright red, and when injured they bleed easily. They have a narrow stem and are prone to forming extensive conglomerates. They are localized on the genitals and in the perineum; in children, the nasolabial folds are most often affected.


The diagnosis is made based on external signs. But warts need to be differentiated from lichen planus, which is characterized by a waxy sheen and violet-red color of the papules. Warts differ from warty tuberculosis of the skin by the absence inflammatory infiltrate and a red-violet corolla along the periphery.

When removing the central part plantar wart the delicate papillary layer is exposed, and a dense horny ring remains on the periphery. When a biopsy is taken, such a picture confirms the correctness of the diagnosis.

Treatment of warts

The main method of treatment is to remove or destroy the warts using medicines or mechanically. Antiviral ointments prevent the spread of infection to unaffected areas of the skin. Prescribe oxolinic, tebrofen and other ointments in the required percentage concentration.

Cryodestruction and electrocoagulation have good therapeutic effect in most patients. Laser removal, depending on the type of beam, produces the effect of evaporation or coagulation of the affected skin. After local anesthesia, the wart is removed layer by layer; the depth of penetration and exposure time depend on the size and location of the formation. This type of treatment leaves virtually no scars, and skin pigmentation does not change. A depression remains at the site of the wart, which heals after 10-14 days.

Electrocoagulation is also carried out under local anesthesia, the principle of operation is the ability of high-frequency current to coagulate tissue, a metal loop simply cuts off the wart, and short-term exposure high temperature prevents bleeding and spread of infection hematogenously. A small crust remains at the site of the wart, which disappears after a week. If there was a wart big size, then a barely noticeable scar may remain.

Surgical treatment is performed if a large area of ​​tissue is affected by warts. Excision of tissue is carried out under local anesthesia, with the application of intradermal cosmetic stitches, which are removed after 7-10 days; After treatment, a light, invisible scar remains. Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen is similar in principle to electrocoagulation, only tissue death occurs not due to heating, but due to deep freezing.

Depending on the course of the disease, you can combine mechanical and drug therapy. Histological examination removed material is required. The effectiveness of treatment ranges from 50 to 94%, and relapses occur in a quarter of patients. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is; it is also advisable to carry out general antiviral and anti-relapse therapy. The prognosis and likelihood of relapses depend on the timeliness of treatment and the state of the immune system.

We often find new growths on the skin - these are warts, which cause discomfort and spoil appearance one or another part of the body. In essence, the manifestations are not malignant, but a person still strives to get rid of them. To do this, you must first determine what causes warts. Do you know about these reasons? Below is information that will help you understand what warts are and why they form.

Why do warts appear?

The cause of a wart is considered to be the human papillomavirus or HPV, the reproduction of which leads to the growth epithelial tissue and a subcutaneous layer called the papillary layer. Once on the skin in one place, the virus spreads to other areas. Viruses can come out under 2 conditions:

  • violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  • decreased immunity.

On the face

Under the influence of the following main factors, neoplasms can grow on the face:

  • insufficient or incorrect;
  • scratches and scratches;
  • using household items of a sick person;
  • violation hormonal levels during pregnancy and menopause;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diabetes;
  • visiting public places where there is high humidity, but hygiene is poor;
  • constant stress.

On the body

Infection with the papilloma virus can manifest itself throughout the body, and this happens for the same reason - using the patient’s household items, visiting public places with high humidity, and failure to maintain personal hygiene. Promiscuous sexual intercourse and possible hypothermia are also added to the reasons. Due to the latter factor, warts are more likely to form on the arms and legs. Excessive sweating contributes to the appearance of the virus in the armpits.

On the finger and hands

Warts on the fingers in most cases arise due to hangnails, which every person encounters at least once in their life. Through such damage, the virus easily enters the skin and spreads quickly, because a person often touches other parts of the body with his hands. This is how self-infection occurs. Warts on the palm and fingers are a common occurrence due to the fact that these are the most traumatized parts of the body, and with them a person comes into contact with any objects, be it handrails in public transport, door handle or hand of an infected person.

On foot

A favorite part of the body for warts is the soles of the feet. Narrow, damp shoes or excessive secretion sweat in lower limbs provokes the development of human papillomavirus. If the situation is aggravated by contact with an infected person, skin injuries, nervous feelings and work failures thyroid gland, then the risk of warts on the feet increases. Most common for legs plantar form these neoplasms look like calluses.

On the penis

The appearance of warts in the groin area indicates the development of a virus; this type of neoplasm is called genital warts. Occurs due to unprotected sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact. Hook it up dangerous infection possible when using personal items of a virus carrier or in public places - baths, saunas, swimming pools. Small formations appear on the head of the penis and its shaft, on the frenulum foreskin and less often on the scrotum.

On the neck

The source of the virus that causes HPV to appear on the neck is also an infected carrier. Upon contact with it, neoplasms may appear. This picture is especially typical when wearing neck jewelry. In addition to the contact and household route of infection, there are others: the risk group includes those who have diaper rash, pimples or abrasions on the neck, and reduced immunity. Provoking factors include colds, taking antibiotics, digestive disorders and pregnancy.

Types of warts

The structure of the wart and its size depend on the type and location of its appearance. In addition, neoplasms can merge with each other, forming conical or spherical tumors. The initial color is almost the same as the shade healthy skin, but over time it turns into gray and even black. This happens due to the adhesion of dirt to the already dry surface of the formation.


Also called youthful. The wart looks like a papule with clear edges. Its diameter reaches 1-5 mm, and the protrusion above the skin is about 1-2 mm. The surface of the warts is smooth, the color ranges from pink flesh to light brown. It is easy to get rid of them with the help of a plant such as Kalanchoe. These warts are most often observed in children and adolescents along scratches or cuts, and they occur:

  • on the back of the hands;
  • on the legs;
  • on the forehead, cheeks, lips.


This is the name given to common warts, which are the most common, accounting for 2/3 of all skin growths. This species is characterized by the presence of a maternal formation, the reduction of which leads to the disappearance of all others. This virus most often affects younger children. school age due to decreased immunity or colds. Places of dislocation are the hands, areas around the fingernails, and the face. Externally it looks like a nodule round seal. The maximum size is a small pea.


The name itself speaks about what a wart looks like - it is a small hanging formation with a stalk. They do not cause any particular discomfort, and the affected areas are the armpits, neck or area under the hair. The reason is considered tight clothes or microtrauma of the skin, for example, due to shaving. Hanging warts are the least contagious of all and are more common in older people over 50 years of age.


This type of wart also has other names - seborrheic or keratomas. It arises due to benign tumor, which is formed over the years. The initial appearance is small spot Brown. Larger size it acquires over the years, reaching 5-6 cm. The surface of the spot is greasy and crusty, which is why the neoplasms are called seborrheic. Gradually, the stain thickens, cracks, and the shade becomes more saturated. Age-related warts spread on closed areas of the body, but later they can appear on the limbs, face or chest.


A peculiarity of warts on the genitals is the sexual route of infection, i.e. through unprotected act. In women, the area of ​​distribution is the entrance to the vagina, its inner surface, anus and even the cervix. Men may notice genital warts on the penis, testicles, around anus and in urethra. This form of HPV It is particularly resistant to treatment, so it is difficult to remove. In addition, the affected area may be painful. The color of the formation does not differ from healthy skin, the structure is soft, and the size is small.

Are warts contagious?

How are warts transmitted? This is a contact-household or sexual route. When using general subjects hygiene with a person or contact, for example, through a handshake, you can become infected with the virus. The carrier may simply be a carrier and not have warts themselves, and it often takes a long time for new growths to appear. Medicine offers treatment with surgery or by medication using trichloroacetic acid or ointments. In addition, cryotherapy has proven itself in getting rid of warts, i.e. cauterization with cold liquid.

Video about the causes of viral warts papillomas

A wart is a benign formation on the skin. The appearance of warts is caused by the human papillomavirus. This disease is transmitted through contact with objects used by a person with this disease. They can form on any part of the body. Warts must be treated as they can develop into a malignant tumor.

Types of warts

Today, the following types of warts are distinguished:

Flat (youth)

These warts appear on the face or back side palms mostly in adolescence. Appear in the background various types scratches, cuts or other skin irritation or damage. They look round or irregular shape, are localized in small groups and practically do not stand out above the surface of the skin. The color may be light pink or brown. Such warts do not tend to develop into malignant tumors and arise in in rare cases, may also appear and disappear.

To remove flat warts, you can use the following products:

  • laser removal;
  • burning with nitrogen;
  • electricity;
  • radio waves;
  • pharmaceutical preparations (Cryopharma, Salipod patch, Supercelandine).

Ordinary (vulgar)

Vulgar warts are the most common. Sizes vary from the head of a pin to a pea with clear boundaries. It is dense to the touch with a rough surface. It has a “mother” wart, after removal of which the remaining small ones may disappear. Color varies from light yellow to dark gray. Appear on the hands, elbows or knees. To treat such a wart, use:

  • exposure to current (under local anesthesia);
  • freezing with liquid nitrogen;
  • excision (with a scalpel under local anesthesia);
  • folk remedies (burning with celandine, rubbing castor oil).


Filiform warts or acrochords, this type of wart appears in older people age group. They also occur during pregnancy and menopause, and indicate complications in the normal course of pregnancy and menopause. Initially, a mole appears on the body, which eventually stretches upward, forming a “thread” of 5 to 10 millimeters with a small “bead”. To the touch they medium density and can sometimes be itchy. Localized very thin layers skin (armpits, nose, eyelids, neck). Mostly the wart is flesh-colored, sometimes darkening to brown.

Suitable for treatment:

  • electricity;
  • laser removal;
  • excision with a scalpel;
  • folk remedies (garlic ointment compress: finely grate a head of garlic, mix with Vaseline and mix until smooth; apply the compress to the wart every night until it disappears completely).


Occurs on the legs when strong pressure on the same place of the foot and when they sweat excessively. Enough sickly look warts They interfere with walking, wearing shoes and are very itchy. It is dense to the touch, and over time it becomes rough with black dots in the center (capillaries affected by a blood clot). It does not rise much above the surface of the skin, as it grows mainly in width. It has a “mother” core wart and “daughter” warts may appear around it, which can merge into one large growth. Location: heels, thumbs legs It reaches no more than a centimeter in diameter. Color – beige, dark pink or brown.

Such warts are removed using the following methods:

  • laser removal;
  • exposure to electric current.

Preparations with high content alkalis and acids to get rid of plantar warts:

  • Super clean;
  • Dufilm;
  • Salipod patch;
  • medical pencil (lapis);
  • Panavir gel.

Senile keratomas

Senile or seborrheic keratomas are benign formations, appearing in old age and are not based on the human papillomavirus. These are small beige or brown spots with clear boundaries that appear on the body from the epidermis and sebum. Locations: neck, face, rib cage and back.

For treatment you can use:

  • retinoic acid;
  • increase your vitamin C intake;
  • cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen);
  • removal by electric current;
  • radio waves (scalpel).

Traditional methods:

  • juice fresh celandine(cauterization of warts);
  • rubbing the wart with chopped potatoes;
  • onion (pour half an onion in vinegar for 2 hours, and then tie it to the wart overnight).

Condylomas acuminata

This type of wart is based on a virus and is transmitted sexually. It is pink or white in color and looks like a cauliflower inflorescence. Infection with such a virus and the appearance of warts are also accompanied by bleeding, discharge from the genitals and severe itching in places where warts appear. Condylomas may occur on the internal and external genitalia, lips, throat or nose. In order to get rid of genital warts applies only drug treatment. If treatment is not started in time, tumor growths may appear at the site of condylomas.

You can live long life and avoid such scourges as warts on the skin. But if they appear, there is no need to worry. They will not cause serious harm to the body. Over time, they will disappear on their own. If this does not happen, it can be removed.

Warts on the body are unpleasant, but they often go away on their own

Reasons for appearance

If you have warts on your body, the reasons for their appearance are different. So a senile wart or age keratoma, which is diagnosed after 40 years of age, appears due to the proliferation of cells in the outer layer of the skin. It is not yet clear why this process is activated; there are many hypotheses.


But more often the growth is formed due to the patient being infected with the human papillomavirus. There are many varieties of this virus. It enters through wounds, scratches on the skin, and leads to the formation of tubercles and growths. This is how warts appear on the body.

It is not difficult to become infected with the virus: you shook the hand of an infected person (the carrier of the virus does not always have a wart), wiped yourself with one towel, or held the handrails on public transport. Some types of the virus are transmitted sexually, through unprotected sex. The human papillomavirus occurs in many, according to some estimates, in 85% of the population.

Wart virus under a microscope

Weakening of the body

But if you are a carrier of this virus, this does not mean that growths will immediately grow after infection. Healthy strong body will neutralize the virus, and it will not manifest itself. It may take weeks or months for him to “wake up.” And this will happen due to a number of reasons:

  1. The man survived severe stress or constantly lives in stress.
  2. He has many microtraumas on his skin.
  3. The growths on the feet are caused by wearing tight shoes or shoes made of synthetic materials, which cause the skin of the feet to sweat.
  4. Sweating.
  5. Decreased immunity due to past diseases or hypothermia of the body.
  6. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins.
  7. Hormonal disorders.

We figured out why warts appear on the body and the reasons for their occurrence. It's bad if you have a lot of warts on your body. Their number could increase if you removed it incorrectly, cut it, or picked it out. Or did it happen reinfection, the virus that was in one place has spread. What to do if there are a lot of warts on the body? Urgently go to a dermatologist who will prescribe treatment. It will help make a diagnosis. If you are concerned about a wart under your skin, the growth is not necessarily caused by HPV.

There are many diseases that cause a lump to appear under the skin (neurofibroma, lipoma, epidermoid cyst, etc.). This growth may look like a growth on the skin, but it is not a wart.

Bad, unbalanced diet weakens the immune system

Types of warts

How to understand that this is a formation on the skin in the form of a wart, a safe growth, or the beginning cancer? Even experienced doctor cannot make a diagnosis “by eye”, it is necessary to undergo tests. There are single small warts on the body, or larger specimens, they have different shape and size.

  1. Ordinary. Most often it appears on the hands, but can also be found in other places. It is dome-shaped and rough to the touch. The size varies, from 1 to 1.5 cm. Sometimes the growths form one plaque.
  2. Plantar. They grow on their feet. They often appear where shoes press on the foot, in people with very sweaty feet. This is a variation of the first type of growths, but they cause pain when walking.
  3. Youthful. Most often found in children or adolescents. They grow up to 1-5 mm and are similar in shape to nodules. Color - from pink to darker.
  4. Thread-like. This is a growth 5-6 mm in size that rises above the surface of the skin. The color is the same as human skin. Most often they grow under the breasts or in the armpits, covering the face and neck.
  5. Condyloma acuminata. Appears in intimate places, in the anus. They can also grow in the mouth.
  6. Senile. This non-communicable disease which appears in older people. Growths are visible on the neck, head, torso, and throughout the body, except the palms and soles.

Filiform wart - an elongated growth


Is treatment necessary?

If small warts appear on the body, wait a while, they will disappear on their own. But watch your health. Avoid stressful situations, rest, eat right, don’t forget about sleep. Then the body will recover and cope with the virus itself, the wart will resolve.

But sometimes seeing a doctor is necessary:

  1. Growths appeared in an intimate place.
  2. They hurt and itch a lot.
  3. You accidentally injured the growth or it began to bleed on its own.
  4. You were alarmed by the color of the wart and its shape. It has an indefinite contour and uneven color.
  5. The number of growths has increased sharply.

If the wart grows, it should be removed

Treatment options

Visit a dermatologist who can advise you on treatment options. Now there are many options for removing growth, painless and effective. The doctor may also recommend immunotherapy, which activates protective power body. This method is not suitable for pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding. It is contraindicated for asthma, allergies, flu, etc.

Fighting methods:

  1. Chemical. Rarely used. The growth is lubricated with acid or alkali, which cauterizes it.
  2. Cryotherapy. This effective method, after which relapses occur in 10 - 15% of cases. The growth is frozen, thereby removing it and destroying the virus. The procedure is carried out either in the doctor’s office or at home, using the drug “Cryopharma”.
  3. Electrocoagulation. The wart is “cut off” using current. At the same time, the tissues are disinfected. The operation takes place without bleeding. The method works in 80 -95% of cases.
  4. Laser. The growth is destroyed layer by layer. There remains a hole where the wart used to be, but it also disappears after 1 - 2 weeks. There is a high probability that the tumor will not appear. One of the best ways: the patient does not feel pain, no traces of growth remain.
  5. Surgery. This method is rarely used. Only if the wart has grown significantly or several growths have grown together into one. It is removed with a scalpel, then a suture is applied. After surgical removal scars and scars remain. The probability that the growth will return is 40 - 55%.

Cryotherapy - destruction of warts with cold


The appearance of warts on the body does not please anyone, because these growths cannot be called beautiful. Therefore, it is better to prevent their occurrence rather than treat them.

  1. Do not wear other people's things or use another person's towel. Follow other personal hygiene rules.
  2. Don't shake hands with someone who has a wart on it. Avoid contact with infected skin.
  3. Avoid promiscuous sex.
  4. Try not to injure the skin, treat wounds. It is through them that the virus penetrates.
  5. Take care of yourself and your health. Strengthen your immune system.



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