Prostatitis. Symptoms, modern diagnosis and effective treatment of the disease

What not to do with prostatitis will tell the doctor. Prohibitions depend on the form of the disease and the duration of its course. Features of the disease should be discussed with the treating specialist. He will explain how you can restore the function of the prostate gland and support the body.

Characteristics of the disease

Prostatitis is caused by inflammation in the prostate gland. This organ belongs to the components of the male reproductive system. The prostate is involved in the formation of the base of the ejaculate.

Seminal fluid consists of spermatozoa and the base. The prostate gland is also involved in the production of testosterone. Androgen hormone is involved in the laying of male sexual characteristics. Also, the hormone contributes to the proper functioning of the whole organism.

The prostate gland is made up of several lobes. Between the lobes is the ureter. The upper part of the body rests on the sphincter of the bladder. This arrangement does not allow seminal fluid to enter the bladder cavity during ejaculation.

Each lobe consists of a shell and vesicle glands. With inflammation, a change in the structure of the vesicle tissue occurs. Under the influence of the pathological process, the tissue increases in size. Edema has a negative effect on the condition of the urinary canal and bladder. With severe swelling, a pocket forms on the lower part of the bladder. It accumulates residual urine. Fluid stagnation is dangerous for the patient. Fluid can lead to various additional complications.

There are several forms of prostatitis. Three types of illness are common:

  • chronic bacterial form;
  • chronic inflammatory variety;
  • acute pathology.

The chronic bacterial form is difficult to treat. This type of prostatitis is caused by pathogenic bacteria. A pathogenic microorganism destroys parts of the organ lobes. The membrane shell is destroyed, the cell dies. The accumulation of dead tissue is accompanied by swelling. The organ is inflamed. With a lack of nutrition, pathogens gradually die.

The complexity of this form lies in the problems of establishing the cause of the disease. Taking a sample does not detect the microbe. Only residual traces of bacterial activity can be detected. The choice of treatment is complicated.

The chronic inflammatory form develops under the influence of various environmental factors and the characteristics of the patient's life. This form of prostatitis causes negative processes in the tissues of the organ. They gradually cease to produce the basis of the ejaculate. This variety responds well to medicinal effects. The downside of this form is the lack of vivid symptoms. Most patients learn about the presence of the disease during a scheduled visit to a specialist.

Vivid symptoms have acute prostatitis. It comes with a variety of symptoms. Many men complain of a sharp deterioration in well-being. Body temperature may rise. During the examination, the doctor determines the cause and prescribes treatment. The positive side of this prostatitis is the presence of vivid symptoms. The disease is detected in the early stages. Treatment is carried out in a timely manner.

Causes of the disease

The disease affects the prostate gland for various reasons. Inflammation of the organ can cause the following pathological processes:

  • body temperature difference;
  • overeating and sedentary activity;
  • infection with pathogenic microorganisms;
  • hormonal changes;
  • gland injury;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the urinary system.

The change in ambient temperature is dangerous for the health of the entire reproductive system. Hypothermia or overheating causes contraction of the vascular tissue. Vessels deliver blood to organs. There are red blood cells in the blood. Red bodies are involved in the capture of oxygen. Oxygen is needed by tissues for constant cellular renewal. Under the influence of temperature, iron receives an insufficient amount of nutrients. Inflammation develops.

In modern men, a common cause of prostatitis is the consumption of junk food and sedentary activities. Frequent eating of fatty foods is fraught with the accumulation of excess body weight. This leads to obesity of the first degree. The organs of such patients cannot fully perform their functions. The prostate reduces the production of the seed base. Reproductive function is reduced. Gradually, under the influence of the lipid film, inflammation develops.

A sedentary lifestyle is also dangerous for the health of the gland. Reduced physical activity leads to a decrease in nutrient intake. Vessels cease to deliver the required amount of oxygen. Fabrics reduce the renewal process. Old cells stop doing their job. The prostate gland is inflamed.

The main problem arises from the infection of the organ with pathogens. Pathogenic bacteria can enter the gland in various ways. When infected, a partial death of beneficial microflora is observed. Pathogenic microbes settle in free areas. They lead to the defeat of individual lobes of the prostate. Prostatitis develops.

The cause of prostatitis in many men is a malfunction of the hormonal system. For males, the amount of androgens is important. The testosterone substance is partly produced in the prostate. When the quantitative composition of hormones changes, the activity of the organ slows down. Inflammation exacerbates the disease process. Prostatitis against the background of hormonal failure has a number of complications and prohibitions.

Injuries to the coccyx and pelvis can also cause prostatitis. With a strong impact, the prostate tissues are compressed. Under pressure, some of the cells die. Edema is formed in this area. Puffiness is accompanied by an inflammatory process leading to prostatitis. When an organ is injured, infection with pathogenic microflora can also occur. Through small wounds, dangerous bacteria settle in the tissue.

Inflammation can appear with a long course of chronic genitourinary diseases. Such diseases cause additional complications in the tissues of the organs. Processes can be inflammatory. Prostatitis is diagnosed in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, viral cystitis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Diagnosis of pathology

You can detect prostatitis in various ways. The main diagnosis is carried out using an ultrasound machine. The image helps the specialist to locate the area of ​​compacted tissue. Also, the diagnosis of the prostate is carried out after the palpation method.

Palpation of the prostate gland is carried out through the anus. With the help of a hand, the doctor feels the borders of the organ through the wall of the large intestine.

For research it is necessary to take a variety of samples. The study of blood fluid and ejaculate is carried out.

In both liquids, the specialist examines the qualitative composition. The blood of a healthy patient should not contain many leukocytes and antibodies. The presence of these substances indicates the presence of a prolonged inflammatory process.

The basis of seminal fluid has a certain viscosity and acidity. Under the influence of prostatitis, there is a decrease in sperm volume and an increase in density. In rare cases, seminal fluid changes color.

All methods of study allow the specialist to establish the type of disease. A variety of prostatitis is established by a sample of the microflora of the urethral canal. The smear is taken with a special stick, which is inserted into the upper paths. A separate research method is bladder catheterization. The catheter allows the doctor to take a sample of urine from the lower part of the bladder. This liquid contains a large amount of uric acid. Dead cells may also be found. According to these samples, a type of prostatitis is determined.

The swab taken is placed in favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. Overgrown colonies of pathogens are exposed to antibiotic substances. The drug that has shown the best result is used as the main treatment.

Preparation for analysis

There are a number of prohibitions before taking an analysis from the urethral canal. When sick, you should not drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol-containing liquid causes a change in blood pressure. The volume of incoming oxygen is reduced. Pathogenic microorganisms move into the upper urinary tract.

You can not have sex before the analysis. Sexual contact leads to the excretion of seminal fluid. Sperm can wash some of the pathogens out of the canal. Also, sexual contacts are accompanied by liquefaction of the ejaculate. The doctor will not be able to correctly determine the cause of the pathological process.

With bacterial prostatitis, you can not use antibacterial agents for intimate care. Such funds are able to wash off the microflora from the lower urethral canal. The analysis of such a patient will be uninformative.

You should not visit public places such as saunas or lakes before analysis. When visiting these places, the condition of the microflora of the urinary system may worsen. This will also prevent the specialist from getting the correct result.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment is carried out in a variety of ways. Modern experts offer the following methods for eliminating prostatitis:

  • drug treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • organ massage;
  • compliance with certain rules.

Drug therapy depends on the type of prostatitis. The main beneficial effect is carried out by antibiotic agents. Modern doctors use drugs containing levofloxacin. This antibiotic has the maximum effect on the cause of inflammation. Other systems are not affected by this therapy. The dosage and duration of treatment is selected by the doctor.

Severe forms of prostatitis can be quickly eliminated by electrocoagulation or magnetic influence. Under the influence of an electric current, a wave is created. Heat dissolves inflammation. Tissues are reduced in volume. There is a restoration of the prostate gland. In rare cases, surgical intervention is prescribed.

With prostatitis, a special form of massage is recommended. Massage is carried out through the anus and on the coccygeal region. Some men do not attend this procedure due to embarrassment. Massage is only suitable for patients who do not have an acute condition.

When sick, you should follow a diet. Such nutrition can reduce the development of the disease and speed up the metabolism. Also, dietary nutrition allows you to restore body weight. With normal weight, many ailments resolve themselves.

Rules for the treatment of the disease

Therapy should be accompanied by a number of specific rules. With prostatitis, the following conditions must be met:

  • refusal to visit saunas and baths;
  • elimination of alcoholic beverages;
  • increased motor activity;
  • adherence to dietary nutrition;
  • the use of vitamin complexes.

Saunas and baths are accompanied by a change in temperature. In the steam room, the body temperature rises. Blood circulation is greatly accelerated. After the steam room, the temperature drops sharply. The prostate gland is also subject to temperature changes. The glandular tissue ceases to function normally. With a drop in indicators, inflammation can worsen. To avoid strengthening the pathological process, the patient should not visit such places.

You can not visit places such as lakes and rivers. Swimming in open water can lead to additional infection. Pathogenic microorganisms can provoke additional tissue inflammation. For this reason, with pathology, you can take a warm shower. Hot baths are also prohibited.

During treatment, you can not drink alcohol-containing drinks. Alcohol leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the vascular tissue. Blood fluid enters the pelvic organs in insufficient quantities. The supply of oxygen is also reduced. Tissues receive less nutrients. The illness may get worse.

You can not drink alcohol for other reasons. Bacterial prostatitis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. When the nutritional function is weakened, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply intensively. For this reason, alcohol-containing drinks should not be consumed during treatment.

Alcoholic beverages are also contraindicated during antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics when combined with alcohol cause an upset of the gastrointestinal tract. During treatment, the patient may experience diarrhea or indigestion. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, alcohol-containing cocktails should not be consumed with prostatitis.

With this disease, you can not eat a variety of products. Fatty and fried foods cause stagnant processes in the gastrointestinal tract. A decrease in the digestive process leads to a weakening of metabolic processes. Cell renewal does not occur. With this disease, these problems are dangerous by increasing the course of the disease. You can not use a variety of spices.

During treatment, it is impossible to conduct sedentary activities. Low motor activity increases stagnation in the small pelvis. The pathology is getting worse. For this reason, with the disease, you can not take a sitting position for a long time. It is also recommended to engage in various sports. Such loads will help increase blood circulation in the pelvis.

Prostatitis is a problem for many modern men. It has been found that the disease also affects young people. For this reason, it is necessary to know what causes this disease and what prohibitions exist with it.


Many men suffering from prostate inflammation are interested in the question of whether it is possible to have sex with prostatitis and what are the consequences of abstinence. Sexual life plays a big role throughout the life of the stronger sex, so its restriction can adversely affect both his physical condition and psychological. Prostatitis itself is very unpleasant, and in most cases affects potency. If timely treatment is not started, the patient may remain infertile and incapable of sexual activity.

You can solve the problem in a variety of ways, the choice of which depends on the stage of the disease. However, it can be said right away that the refusal of sex will not lead to anything good, and the partner of the patient should also know this. Only in rare cases, the frequency of intimacy should be reduced, but it is still not worth stopping it completely. About how sex affects a man with prostatitis and how you can get rid of it in more detail in our article.

What is prostatitis?

Before dealing with the question of whether it is possible to have sex in the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to understand what this disease is. Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease that covers the tissues of the prostate gland - the male genital organ responsible for the formation of seminal fluid, blocking the urinary canal during intercourse, which controls a large number of hormones. This disease is quite common, especially among older men, because. age-related changes affect the functioning of the body negatively.

Prostatitis can also occur in young people, such cases are becoming more common. But according to statistics, people over 50 suffer the most from the disease - about 50%, from 30 to 40 about a third of the total number of men get sick.

The disease is divided into 2 forms - acute and chronic. Their difference lies in the fact that the first develops very quickly and with a large number of symptoms. The second can go unnoticed, only periodically a man will notice some manifestations. A chronic form occurs either after the absence of treatment for acute prostatitis, or as an independent pathology. The main features of both forms are:

  • Burning in the perineum
  • Problems with urination
  • The appearance of discharge from the urethra during bowel movements
  • Periodic slight rise in temperature
  • Pain in the groin and scrotum, may radiate to the lower back

The acute stage is also characterized by a temperature of up to 38-39 degrees, fever, sharp pains in the inguinal region, difficulty urinating, sometimes complete urinary retention. In rare cases, the symptoms of the disease resemble hemorrhoids or lumbar osteochondrosis. According to the listed manifestations, it is not difficult for a doctor to diagnose prostatitis. But for the accuracy of the diagnosis, they can prescribe an analysis of the prostate secretion, an ultrasound examination, and a puncture if an abscess is suspected.

Causes of the disease

To answer the question can you have sex with prostatitis and whether it will bring any consequences for both partners, you need to know the nature of the disease. The reasons for it are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Congestive (non-infectious)
  2. Infectious

The first includes hypothermia, a decrease in the protective functions of the body, a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged abstinence, injuries, bad habits, and much more. Infectious causes include all infections that are sexually transmitted, infections that have passed to the prostate from other organs (respiratory tract, kidneys, etc.) or entered the body in another way. Hormonal imbalance, circulatory disorders, stress, even ordinary constipation can lead to the development of prostatitis.

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You can cause inflammation in the prostate gland if you do not treat some other inflammatory disease in the genitals - urethritis or cystitis. For the bacterial type of the disease, E. coli most often become pathogens, but chlamydia, staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are also found. Some of these organisms can remain on the surface of the skin or in the intestines for a long time without causing harm. But when they enter the prostate tissue, they cause an acute inflammatory process.

When can and can't you have sex?

Any specialist on whether it is possible to have sex with acute prostatitis will answer you that sexual activity is even mandatory. At the same time, a woman may not be afraid for her health, because. cannot transmit disease. The only restriction - if it has an infectious nature, it is necessary to protect yourself. This is especially important if the cause of the disease is an STD.

It happens when, at the acute stage of prostatitis, a man himself cannot make love. This is due to his constant poor health and severe pain in the perineum. In this state, thinking about intimacy is unlikely to succeed. But as improvements appear, sexual contact must necessarily appear in the life of the patient. Among its positive qualities are:

  • Elimination of stagnation of blood, lymph and seminal fluid
  • Improving the blood supply to the prostate
  • Improving the mood of the patient
  • Stimulation of the body
  • Strengthening local immunity

Due to better saturation with nutrients and oxygen, prostate cells divide more actively, the intensity of inflammation subsides, the organ takes its former shape. It also leaves the secret from the vas deferens and the prostate, which eliminates congestion. Frequent friction exerts a certain pressure on the organ, which gives the same effect as massage.

The frequency of intimacy should not exceed 1 time per day, because. when it is overabundant, only harm is done to the body. If the patient does not have a partner, experts advise him to masturbate about 3 times a week. If it is, then doctors recommend paying attention only to vaginal sex, and refuse oral and anal.

Is it possible to have sex with an exacerbation of prostatitis and what consequences can this bring? Doing this is not worth it, if only because it will bring a lot of pain to a man. But at the stage of exacerbation, any effect on the organ can also aggravate the disease. If you take painkillers or try to endure pain in the future, there is every chance of being left without an orgasm or losing potency. In the chronic form, sex, on the contrary, can become a means that will speed up recovery. And it is worth doing it not periodically, but regularly.

It is important to remember that sexual intercourse should not be interrupted or artificially prolonged. It is better to use a condom, because. sperm quality will be very poor due to medications taken and impaired spermatogenesis processes. When treating prostatitis, you can have sex with only one partner, because. messy relationships will not help recovery. Abstinence, on the other hand, threatens those, blood will begin to accumulate in the prostate gland, it will become thicker until it forms blood clots. The latter will further increase inflammation and can lead to tissue death.

El Macho for potency

As mentioned earlier, you should not have sexual contact if the pathology is at an acute stage or has developed due to infection. But there are other limitations, which include the possibility of developing complications, the desire to conceive a child (the risk of his birth with congenital pathologies increases). Until the representative of the stronger sex recovers, you should not experiment with postures, because. their wrong choice can create additional pressure on inflamed tissues.

Treatment of prostatitis

If a man wants to be able to have sex or lead a normal life during prostatitis, it is necessary to choose the right treatment tactics. The disease will not go away quickly, but thanks to improved well-being, intimate contact will already be quite possible. It is used for the treatment of drug therapy, special procedures and folk remedies. Most often, everything takes place at home, and hospitalization is possible with the development of an abscess or acute urinary incontinence.

What else should the patient know? It is necessary to change underwear daily, especially with the infectious nature of prostatitis. His hygiene products must be personal, other people are not allowed to use them. You also need to know that the use of drugs that increase potency is not recommended, but nozzles, gels, and lubricants can be used to increase positive sensations.

Medical therapy

In order for a man to have sex with prostatitis and have a regular sex life, he needs to undergo a course of treatment with pills. Whatever the nature of the disease, medicines are an indispensable part of recovery. They are divided into several forms:

  1. Candles for prostatitis
  2. Tablets for oral administration
  3. Instillations
  4. injections

Rectal suppositories (candles) usually have analgesic and antibacterial effects. The most popular among them is Prostatilen. It increases the muscle activity of the prostate gland, relieves pain, and has a positive effect on the immune system. These suppositories are injected into the anus 2 times a day for 2 weeks. This medicine has other forms of release - powder for suspension (introduced intramuscularly) and capsules (usually prescribed in the initial stages).

Among the tablets, Prostamol Uno is considered effective (relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the genital organs, normalizes the production of hormones), Afala (a homeopathic remedy that relieves inflammation, eliminates difficulty urinating, and prevents complications). In a separate group, antibiotics (Oxacillin, Minocycline) can be distinguished, capable of destroying the causative agent of the disease. They are prescribed only after it becomes known exactly which infection has entered the patient's body.

Alpha-blockers (Citrin, Uroxatral) are prescribed to patients who have such a symptom as urination disorders. Tablets relax smooth muscle tissues and relieve spasms, improving urine flow and facilitating the process of defecation. Muscle relaxers have a similar effect. Hormonal drugs are prescribed if the level of testosterone in the body is too high (because of this, prostate tissue grows). Vitamins are needed to strengthen the immune system, weakened by the disease.

Prostate massage

During the treatment of prostatitis, you can have sex and at the same time perform one of the most effective treatment methods - prostate massage. During the procedure, its secret is squeezed out of the organ, and then goes out through the urethra. This allows you to improve the functioning of the prostate gland and save it from fluid stagnation. Along with it, pus, bacteria that cause inflammation, and harmful substances also leave.

You can perform prostate massage both on your own and with the help of a partner. There is also such a type of impact as "indirect" massaging, when the impact is carried out from the outside.

Before the massage, it is advisable to put an enema or go to the toilet a few hours before it. The patient should be relaxed. Put on gloves on your hands and grease your finger with grease or olive oil. The finger is carefully inserted into the anus, first a couple of millimeters, then it is brought out and back, but already deeper. As soon as you feel a ball the size of a walnut, you have found the prostate.

It needs to be gently stroked with wave-like movements. Put the least pressure on the middle of the organ, because. where most of the nerve endings are located. The patient may have a desire to go to the toilet, but he must relax and try to forget about it, the massage still does not last long. It is better to start on the right side, moving to the left, and then the center. The duration of the session should be no more than 3 minutes, it can be repeated every other day.

Prevention of pathology

To make it possible for a man to have sex with acute prostatitis or at another stage of the pathology, it is necessary to improve his condition. The first step is to reduce the risk of complications. For this you need:

  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Move more and be outdoors
  • Have a regular sex life
  • Avoid constipation
  • Get preventive checkups

It is forbidden for the patient to visit baths and saunas, stay in the sun for a long time, take mud baths, and engage in sports that require heavy loads. In the diet, preference should be given to steamed or cooked foods, and fried foods should be discarded. It is also important to reduce your salt intake, and focus on foods that do not harm the digestive process, which would not lead to constipation or diarrhea.


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Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases in men over 30 years of age. Each representative of the stronger sex knows what prostatitis is, and everyone hopes that an unpleasant disease will bypass him.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which is treated not only with drugs, but also with some time-tested folk remedies. In turn, the prostate gland or prostate is a glandular-muscular organ in men, which is located in the region of the bladder and controls urination, and also secretes a special secret, which gives the semen a liquid consistency.

Depending on the origin, the disease can be bacterial or non-bacterial, according to the nature of the course - acute or chronic. Acute prostatitis is most often caused by gram-negative bacteria and is easily recognized and treated with antibiotics.

The main symptoms of prostatitis include pain, difficult and painful urination, and sexual dysfunction. Symptoms are very unpleasant, so it is necessary to treat prostatitis when the first signs are detected.


The main cause of prostatitis is the penetration of infection into the gland, which is largely facilitated by the location of the prostate in the small pelvis.

Main routes of infection into the prostate

  • descending - the infection enters the prostate gland with urine.
  • ascending - the infection enters the prostate gland through the urethra.
  • hematogenous - the infection enters the prostate gland with blood flow.
  • lymphogenous - the infection enters the prostate gland with lymph flow.

The main causes and risk factors for the development of prostatitis in men:

  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity (stagnation of blood in the prostate gland).
  • violations of the normal rhythm of sexual activity - irregular sex, prolonged abstinence.
  • hypothermia in childhood, adolescence or adulthood (especially of the relevant part of the body).
  • sexually transmitted diseases (, gardnerellosis or).
  • Another reason may be trauma to the tissues and organs of the small pelvis.
  • reduced immunity in boys, boys and men.
  • unbalanced diet (fried, fatty, sweet foods make up 70% of the diet). Excessive alcohol consumption.

All of these conditions can both contribute to the penetration of microbes into the prostate gland, and lead to stagnant processes, poor blood supply to the pelvic organs, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of microorganisms and the progression of inflammation. In this regard, it is necessary to cure prostatitis in time, then complications will not bother you.

Signs of prostatitis in men

Frequent urination with a weak pressure of urine and pain during the process, a rise in body temperature, a burning sensation in the perineum, painful defecation are the first signs of acute prostatitis in men. You should also pay attention to the following clinical symptoms:

  • intermittent and difficult urination;
  • violation of the mechanism of erection;
  • the appearance of burning in the urethra and in the perineum;
  • increased imperative urge to defecate;
  • lingering discharge from the urethra;
  • floating fibers in the composition of urine;
  • prolonged erections, accelerated ejaculation;
  • the manifestation of orgasm in an erased form;
  • increased overall fatigue of the body;
  • anxiety, mental depression;
  • a significant decrease in potency.

It is worth noting that in the chronic form of prostatitis, symptoms may not appear at all, and additional signs are added.

Symptoms of prostatitis

In most cases, acute prostatitis begins with symptoms of fever up to 39-40 ° C, fever and chills. Urination is difficult and painful. Swelling of the prostate gland develops, which can cause acute urinary retention. In addition, the pains in the perineum, which radiate to the inguinal region, are quite bright.

As for, in rare cases it becomes the outcome of an acute process, however, as a rule, primary chronic prostatitis develops with erased symptoms. The chronic form differs from the acute form in that it proceeds without pronounced signs, that is, latently, without noticeable symptoms.

During the period of exacerbation of prostatitis, patients are concerned about the symptoms of pressure in the perineum and anus, dull pain radiating to the sacrum, perineum, rectum, inguinal region.

Signs of chronic prostatitis in men:

  • significant deterioration of erection;
  • decreased libido;
  • weakening of the jet during urination;
  • aching pain in the perineum, sacrum, rectum;
  • discomfort and burning in the urethra;

Sometimes patients neglect the symptoms of prostatitis, relying on the presence of prostate adenoma. In no case should this be allowed, since the treatment of adenoma is fundamentally different from how to treat prostatitis.


What happens if prostatitis is not treated with antibiotics and other means? You are waiting for such complications:

  • decrease in potency;
  • infertility;
  • exhausting pain in the perineum;
  • depression, etc.

To prevent the consequences of prostatitis, it is necessary to pay more attention to your health, to be examined and treated in time by a urologist.

Treatment of prostatitis

With severe intoxication, suspicion of a purulent process, hospitalization is indicated. Patients with uncomplicated acute prostatitis are treated by a urologist or andrologist on an outpatient basis.

To cure prostatitis, you need to adhere to a whole range of special events that successively replace each other. which are prescribed in the first place - antibiotics, especially when it comes to the infectious origin of the disease.

Medical treatment consists of the appointment of such drugs:

  • antibacterial drugs - treatment is carried out to destroy the infection;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation, which is characteristic of this disease;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • drugs that relieve spasm of the urethra;

As an additional measure, prostate massage is often prescribed. It promotes accelerated recovery, as well as reducing pain. According to reviews, this is a very useful procedure. The intervention of surgeons is recommended if the urogenital canal is narrowed and removal of prostate adenoma is required.

How to treat prostatitis in a complex? To do this, use all possible methods, appoint:

  • diet, lifestyle changes;
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • prostate massage and exercise therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment;
  • folk remedies for prostatitis
  • treatment of concomitant pathology;
  • psychotherapy.

Also, do not forget that the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies gives good results only in combination with the main therapy. Therefore, it is recommended not to self-medicate at home.

Antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics are necessary for acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, even if it is asymptomatic, and also as a trial therapy for the non-infectious nature of the occurrence of prostatitis, as a test therapy. Therefore, before starting a course of therapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination and establish the type of pathogen.

Drug treatment of prostatitis includes the use of various antibiotics with a wide range of actions:

  1. Macrolides (Zitrolid, Fromilid,).
  2. Tetracyclines (doxycycline).
  3. Penicillins (, Augmentin, Flemoklav, Flemoxin Solutab).
  4. Cephalosporins (Supraks, Kefadim, Cefspan).
  5. Fluoroquinolones (Ciprinol, Ofloksin, Elefloks, Zanocin,)

It is worth remembering that the treatment regimen is prescribed strictly by a specialist, where the use of antibiotics is one of the leading links in the chain.

How to treat prostatitis at home

Treatment of prostatitis at home is advisable in the chronic form. At the same time, treatment with folk remedies can help increase the overall resistance of the body and relieve pain.

  1. Take 2-3 g of dry, powdered orchis tubers, soak with a little water, then pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes on low heat. Then leave for 30 minutes, strain and take three times a day for half a cup.
  2. A decoction of marshmallow root - 40 grams, pour 200 milliliters of water and boil for half an hour, take 60 milliliters with food 3 times a day.
  3. Propolis extract helps a lot. It is obtained by evaporating 40 grams of propolis in 0.2 liters of 96% alcohol. Make suppositories from 0.1 grams of extract and 2 grams of cocoa butter and inject them rectally once a day. The duration of the course is 2-3 months, with breaks per month.
  4. A decoction of celery - 20 grams, pour 200 milliliters of water and boil for 12 minutes, drink 100 milliliters 3 to 4 times a day.
  5. Traditional medicine advises using the seeds of some plants as auxiliary elements. Pumpkin seeds will be the most useful, as they will enrich your body with linoleic acid and zinc. If you decide to end prostatitis, eat poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds.

In addition, treatment with folk remedies implies a complete rejection of alcohol.

Candles with propolis from prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis in the initial stage, you can use special suppositories with propolis, which can be made at home on your own.

To do this, take 50 g of crushed propolis and pour 50 mg of 96% ethyl alcohol. Insist in a secluded place for 2 weeks, not forgetting to shake daily. At the end of the term, the propolis infusion is evaporated in a water bath until it acquires a brownish-yellow color and softens to the consistency of honey.

In parallel, 20 g of cocoa butter is melted in a water bath and mixed with 1 g of the resulting propolis. From the resulting mass, 10 rectal suppositories are made and sent for storage in the refrigerator. One suppository is administered rectally at night daily. The duration of application is 30-35 days. It is recommended to take 3-4 courses with an interval between them of 30-60 days.

The inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland is called prostatitis.

Varieties of prostatitis

There are two main types of prostatitis - infectious and bacterial. Their name speaks for itself, depending on the causes that provoked the disease.

There are 4 main forms of this disease, while diagnosing prostatitis:

  • acute bacterial,
  • non-bacterial;
  • chronic bacterial;
  • prostatodynia.

The most common provoking etiological factor causing prostatitis is E. coli and other gram-negative pathogens. Treatment of the prostate in such cases involves a complex of medications designed to neutralize the pathogens of infection and localize the inflammatory process.

Causes of prostatitis

There are several types of pathogens of this disease:


In men younger than 35 years, this disease occurs in the form of an acute bacterial form. Its causative agent is an infection, most often trichomoniasis, chlamydia, as well as gonorrhea or gardnerellosis. The infection penetrates into the tissues of the prostate itself directly from the urethra.

Sometimes it enters the prostate from the bladder or rectum. It fits along the lymphatic or blood vessels of the small pelvis. Sometimes such a pathogen is already superimposed on already formed tissue changes in the prostate.

In older men, advanced chronic forms of this disease are more often diagnosed. Prostatodynia is the presence of clinical signs of prostatitis - thickening of the tissues of the prostate itself, but without signs of an inflammatory process.

Bacterial forms

Clinically significant types of such pathogens are ureaplasma, chlamydia, herpes virus, as well as Trichomonas, cytomegalovirus, gonococcus or fungi of the genus Candida. Such viruses and bacteria, in addition to the urethral cavity, can also be found in the tissues of the prostate itself.

Physiological factors

Intrapelvic disorders in the process of blood circulation can also lead to an inflammatory process in the prostate. These congestions can be the result of impaired capillary blood flow, and can also provoke inflammation. This development can be facilitated by the reduced motor activity of patients, the peculiarities of the sexual regimen, as well as unacceptable food and irregular stools. Sexual abstinence is quite detrimental to the health of the prostate.

Often, stagnation in this gland is also caused by a sedentary lifestyle (office employees, drivers, etc.). It is also harmful to practice artificial lengthening of intercourse or coitus interruptus.

Treatment of acute prostatitis

Treatment of the prostate for this form of the disease involves taking antibiotics that penetrate well into the tissues of the prostate itself.

For drug therapy, it is recommended to take fluoroquinolones: Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Sparfloxacin. Ciprofloxacin, Macrolide, Minocycline, Doxycycline, as well as Trimethoprim, Levomycetin or Sulfamethoxazole also work well. These dosage forms have good permeability to the secretion of the prostate gland and its tissue, and create high concentrations, affecting the causative agents of inflammation.

The use of antibiotics that can cause both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects, it is necessary to use a sufficient dose to have a bactericidal effect.

For patients with pronounced intoxication and poor general well-being, hospitalization and intravenous administration of drugs are necessary. In mild cases, acute forms of prostate disease are treated on an outpatient basis.

Additional measures of therapy for acute prostatitis

As additional methods of therapy, rest or bed rest is recommended. The following is helpful for patients.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

With excessive physical exertion, acute prostatitis can cause the infection to metastasize to other organs and develop sepsis. To localize the disease, analgesics, antipyretics (antipyretics), as well as anti-inflammatory drugs from the NSAID group can also be prescribed. For severe pain symptoms, short-term opiates can be used.

Active fluid exchange

It is very important for patients with acute forms of prostatitis to drink plenty of fluids. For especially severe patients, intravenous hydration (injection of fluid into a vein) is also prescribed, as well as the appointment of diuretics. Abundant urination allows you to mechanically flush the urinary canals, and is also a preventive measure against the development of ascending urinary infections (pyelonephritis and cystitis). Abundant water exchange reduces the degree of intoxication.


Also, for the treatment of prostate in acute patients, it is also recommended to take laxatives that relieve constipation and eliminate the need to strain. Which reduces the pain of the prostate itself. To facilitate the act of urination, it is recommended to take antispasmodics, as well as alpha-blockers (Tamsulosin, Prazosin or Doxazosin).


Muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Diazepam, Sirdalud, and Gabapentin or Pregabalin) are used to relieve tension in the pelvic floor muscles and to reduce the degree of soreness. For severe patients with acute urinary retention, a suprapubic fistula or periodic bladder catheterization is indicated.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

In these cases, prostate treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis and longer than in acute disease. In addition to taking a course of antibiotics, local thermal procedures and specialized candles, patients are prescribed prostate massage, as well as reflexology. For such patients, a more active lifestyle is recommended, which includes the exclusion from the diet of the use of spicy and spicy foods, as well as the intake of alcoholic beverages.

With asymptomatic chronic prostatitis, the disease passes almost without any signs. For the treatment of the prostate in such cases, anti-inflammatory, as well as antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. It should be noted that in some types of prostate cancer has a similar clinical picture, with asymptomatic prostatitis.

A significant role in the degree of development of prostate disease is played by the patient's previous or existing diseases. In particular, infections that can be involved in the inflammatory process in the urethra, as well as complicate the course of inflammation in the prostate itself.

Other therapies for chronic prostatitis

For the treatment of various stages of chronic prostatitis, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. At the same time, special attention is paid to the presence of infectious agents and the degree of work of the immune system.

For treatment, physiotherapy procedures are widely used:

  • ultrasound;
  • magnetic laser and inductive therapy;
  • reflexology:
  • thermal procedures;
  • specialized prostate massage;
  • leeches treatment.

A good effect is also achieved through the use of herbal preparations (phytotherapy). Prostate treatment is also carried out with cytotransmitters, immunomodulators, and special enzymes. In each case, the tactics and choice of methods of therapy should be determined only by a specialist.

Successful treatment of prostatitis is possible, the main thing is to choose the right technique and adequate measures to deal with this disease.

To date, pharmacies have a wide selection of a variety of pharmacological products to improve potency, which have significant differences in price. These funds allow you to return a second youth to family relationships, make it possible to feel like sexual giants in bed. According to consumers, one of the most popular products is Vuka Vuka.

This drug, based on the annotation for use, can both strengthen an erection and prolong it. Vuke Vuke is trusted by many men completely, the reviews are the most positive. But before you buy the drug, you should understand that this is not a panacea for all troubles and problems in bed.

Operating principle

In order for Vuka Vuka to help improve male performance in bed, it is important to understand what the drug is and how it affects the body. As mentioned earlier, the drug is a dietary supplement, according to the instructions for use, which has only natural ingredients in its composition. Therefore, be prepared that the price of Wuku Vuku may be slightly higher than expected. These components include:

  • Viroza Securinega (100 mg) - stimulates the nervous system and relieves erectile dysfunction.
  • Tree-like heteromorph (100 mg) - helps to cope with premature ejaculation and prolongs sexual intercourse.
  • Velvicha triumphetta (80 mg) - is the most effective component that helps to cope even with infertility.
  • Edible carissa (80 mg) - increases potency.
  • Geeria reticularis (40 mg).

For men, these plants are most useful because they have been known to medicine for a long time and are considered one of the strongest studied aphrodisiacs. That is why the remedy is not a medicine as such, but due to its properties it belongs to medicines. The drug is produced both in tablets and in special capsules; instructions for use are included. Many consumers especially like the fact that, unlike similar products, both spouses can use Wuka Vuka.

The drug is completely safe, does not cause persistent addiction. With it, you can increase potency immediately before sexual intercourse and carry out preventive measures to combat general sexual disorders.

Almost no contraindications

  • Chronic prostatitis, which is accompanied by a variety of manifestations and complications.
  • Erectile dysfunction of various etiologies.
  • Infertility.
  • Insufficiently fast recovery between sexual acts.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic area.

Thanks to the ability to use it immediately to both spouses, the effectiveness only increases. However, you do not need to use Vuka drive if everything is in order in your sex life. Uncontrolled, unjustified use can cause hormonal imbalance, especially in the female body.

Vuka Vuka is a herbal remedy and has almost no contraindications. The only significant of them, based on these annotations, can be called individual intolerance to any component.

Today, there are numerous reviews on the Internet on this topic, qualified specialists convey the necessary information using videos, manufacturers indicate the positive and negative sides of the medicine, and comparative prices are given in various pharmacies in the country. The estimated cost, depending on the number of tablets in the package, the manufacturer and the pharmacy chain, ranges from 300 to 1100 rubles.

Medication use

It is recommended to use two tablets for both men and women. The most important rule of use is to use only with meals. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to conduct a full course of 4 weeks at once. If you want to continue taking it, be sure to consult with your doctor. He can not only show a photo, but also acquaint you with other information brochures that address the problems of sexual relations in bed.

If everything is normal with potency, but you want to enhance sexual sensations in bed, then the amount per daily intake increases to 4-5 tablets. At the same time, they need to be taken a couple of hours before sexual intercourse. Only in this case, as numerous reviews say, the greatest effect is achieved. Habituation as a result of increasing the dose was not observed.

The action of the tablet lasts 12 hours. That is how long it takes to completely remove the components from the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to take pills in large quantities and more often than expected. Otherwise, the substances will begin to accumulate in the body and cause not only side effects, but even a severe allergic reaction.

Vuka Vuka instructions contain all the necessary information about the medicine. It is especially important to pay attention to the points in it regarding side effects that can disrupt the entire expected effect. Side effects are directly related to the presence of contraindications. Since these include individual intolerance, side effects are primarily associated with the occurrence of allergic reactions.

If, after using Vuk Vuk, men have unpleasant symptoms, then you should stop using it and seek qualified help. During its provision, doctors should check your health, help get rid of allergies and prescribe a different drug. Warning symptoms:

  • redness;
  • dermatitis;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

If you do not know what skin allergic reactions look like, look at the photos on the Internet. It is best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional and, given the issue of cost, since the latter confuses many, choose another remedy to increase sexual functional action in men in bed.

Problems with potency, male functionality in bed can occur at any age and position. It is important to remember that after the age of 50, the body experiences enormous stress, so medicines can only be used under medical supervision. During the course of treatment, blood pressure should be carefully monitored before taking the tablets.

Pregnancy can make any changes in the life of any person, as the instruction says. So, women are forbidden to use any stimulant drug, not only throughout the entire period of pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. Vuka Vuka is not considered prohibited in some cases, but its use should be restricted. For example, surgeries, strokes or other diseases are an indication that the use of biologically active agents should be stopped for a while.

With advanced dysfunction and serious problems with potency, it is necessary to undergo several courses of treatment, taking into account contraindications. And between them there should be a break of at least one month. This will allow the body to recover, strengthen its functions. The price of the drug for many may seem overpriced, but the increase in male efficiency in bed is worth the money spent. Nowadays, there are constantly many different medicines that help improve:

  • male potency.
  • The sexual side of life, direct it in a new direction.

To understand what is best suited for this - consult with experts, watch a special video, read the reviews of other people. Vuka Vuka has both positive and negative reviews. Negative reviews are primarily associated simply with the improper use of the drug and non-compliance with the recommendations of doctors.

What to look for when buying

In order for the drug to have a positive effect and the potency to return to normal, one should not only follow the rules for use specified in the instructions. Additionally, you must follow the recommendations for the acquisition of the drug. So, all dietary supplements and medicines must be purchased exclusively in specialized institutions, even if the price is clearly different.

When buying tablets (the instruction is attached to them), it is important to look at the expiration dates, which should be indicated not only on the package, but also on each plate. For Vuk Vuk, as a rule, expiration dates are three years. Information on the packaging must be printed clearly and legibly, without typos and blots. When purchasing two packages from the same batch, check the similarity:

  1. Inscriptions.
  2. Constituent ingredients.
  3. Expiration lines.

On specialized sites, you can watch a video for the drug and photos of the original packaging, as well as study reviews and the cost of the drug. To date, Vuka drive can be purchased on the official website of the company by filling out an application for the goods right there. The consultant provides detailed information not only on properties, but also on safety measures: contraindications, possible side effects. Respect your health at all times.

is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. Manifested by frequent urination mixed with blood, pus in the urine, pain in the penis, scrotum, rectum, sexual disorders (erection dysfunction, early ejaculation, etc.), sometimes urinary retention. The diagnosis of prostatitis is established by a urologist or andrologist according to a typical clinical picture, the results of a rectal examination. Additionally, an ultrasound of the prostate, bakposev of prostatic secretion and urine is performed. Treatment is conservative - antibiotic therapy, immunotherapy, prostate massage, lifestyle correction.

General information

- inflammation of the seminal (prostate) gland - the prostate. It is the most common disease of the genitourinary system in men. Most often affects patients aged 25-50 years. According to various data, 30-85% of men over the age of 30 suffer from prostatitis. Possible abscess formation of the prostate gland, inflammation of the testicles and appendages, which threatens infertility. The ascent of the infection leads to inflammation of the upper genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis).

Pathology develops when an infectious agent enters the prostate tissue from the organs of the genitourinary system (urethra, bladder) or from a remote inflammatory focus (with pneumonia, influenza, tonsillitis, furunculosis). There are a number of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease.

Causes of prostatitis

As an infectious agent in an acute process, Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), Enterococcus (Enterococcus), Enterobacter (Enterobacter), Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas), Proteus (Proteus), Klebsiella (Klebsiella) and Escherichia coli (E. Coli) can act. Most microorganisms belong to conditionally pathogenic flora and cause prostatitis only in the presence of other predisposing factors. Chronic inflammation is usually due to polymicrobial associations.

The risk of developing the disease increases with hypothermia, a history of specific infections and conditions accompanied by congestion in the tissues of the prostate. There are the following predisposing factors:

  • General hypothermia (one-time or permanent, associated with working conditions).
  • A sedentary lifestyle, a specialty that forces a person to be in a sitting position for a long time (computer operator, driver, etc.).
  • Constant constipation.
  • Violations of the normal rhythm of sexual activity (excessive sexual activity, prolonged abstinence, incomplete ejaculation during a “habitual” sexual intercourse devoid of emotional coloring).
  • The presence of chronic diseases (cholecystitis, bronchitis) or chronic infectious foci in the body (chronic osteomyelitis, untreated caries, tonsillitis, etc.).
  • Transferred urological diseases (urethritis, cystitis, etc.) and sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).
  • Conditions that cause suppression of the immune system (chronic stress, irregular and malnutrition, regular lack of sleep, overtraining in athletes).

It is assumed that the risk of developing pathology increases with chronic intoxication (alcohol, nicotine, morphine). Some studies in the field of modern andrology prove that chronic perineal trauma (vibration, concussion) in motorists, motorcyclists and cyclists is a provoking factor. However, the vast majority of experts believe that all of these circumstances are not the real causes of the disease, but only contribute to the exacerbation of the latent inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate.

A decisive role in the occurrence of prostatitis is played by congestion in the tissues of the prostate. Violation of capillary blood flow causes an increase in lipid peroxidation, edema, exudation of prostate tissues and creates conditions for the development of an infectious process.

Symptoms of prostatitis

The degree of sexual disorder is determined by many factors, including the sexual constitution and the psychological mood of the patient. Violations of potency and dysuria can be due to both changes in the prostate gland and the suggestibility of the patient, who, if he has chronic prostatitis, expects the inevitable development of sexual disorders and urination disorders. Especially often psychogenic dyspotence and dysuria develops in suggestible, anxious patients.

Impotence, and sometimes the very threat of possible sexual disorders, is hard to tolerate by patients. Often there is a change in character, irritability, obnoxiousness, excessive concern for one's own health, and even "care for the disease."


In the absence of timely treatment of acute prostatitis, there is a significant risk of developing a prostate abscess. With the formation of a purulent focus, the patient's body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C and can become hectic in nature. Periods of heat alternate with severe chills. Sharp pains in the perineum make it difficult to urinate and make defecation impossible.

The increase in prostatic edema leads to acute urinary retention. Rarely, an abscess spontaneously ruptures into the urethra or rectum. When opened, purulent, cloudy urine with an unpleasant pungent odor appears in the urethra; when opened, the feces contain pus and mucus in the rectum.

Chronic prostatitis is characterized by an undulating course with periods of long-term remissions, during which inflammation in the prostate is latent or manifests itself with extremely poor symptoms. Patients who are not bothered by anything often stop treatment and turn only when complications develop.

The spread of infection through the urinary tract causes the occurrence of pyelonephritis and cystitis. The most common complication of the chronic process is inflammation of the testicles and epididymis (epdidymo-orchitis) and inflammation of the seminal vesicles (vesiculitis). The outcome of these diseases is often infertility.


The characteristic clinical picture simplifies the process of diagnosis in acute and chronic prostatitis. A rectal examination of the prostate is mandatory, during which the andrologist takes the secretion of the prostate gland. The sensitivity of the microflora is determined (sowing of prostate secretion and bakposev of urine). To identify structural changes (tumors, cysts, adenoma) and differentiate prostatitis from other diseases, prostate ultrasound is performed. Spermogram allows to exclude or confirm the development of infertility.

Treatment of prostatitis

Patients with an uncomplicated acute process are treated by an andrologist on an outpatient basis. With severe intoxication, suspicion of a purulent process, hospitalization is indicated. Antibacterial therapy is carried out. Preparations are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the infectious agent. Antibiotics are widely used that can penetrate well into the tissues of the prostate (ciprofloxacin, etc.). With the development of an abscess of the prostate, an endoscopic transrectal or transurethral opening of the abscess is performed.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis should be comprehensive. The patient is prescribed long courses of antibacterial drugs (within 4-8 weeks). Prostate massage, physiotherapy, immunity correction are carried out. The patient is given advice on lifestyle changes. Selection of the type and dosage of antibacterial drugs, as well as determining the duration of the course of treatment is carried out individually. The drug is chosen based on the sensitivity of the microflora according to the results of urine culture and prostate secretion.

Prostate massage has a complex effect on the affected organ. During the massage, the inflammatory secret accumulated in the prostate gland is squeezed out into the ducts, then enters the urethra and is removed from the body. The procedure improves blood circulation in the prostate, which minimizes congestion and ensures better penetration of antibacterial drugs into the tissue of the affected organ.

To improve blood circulation, laser exposure, ultrasonic waves and electromagnetic oscillations are used. If it is impossible to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures, the patient is prescribed warm medicinal microclysters. In chronic, long-term inflammation, an immunologist's consultation is indicated to select the tactics of immunocorrective therapy.

Making certain changes in the lifestyle of a patient with chronic prostatitis is both a curative and a preventive measure. The patient is recommended to normalize sleep and wakefulness, establish a diet, conduct moderate physical activity.

Forecast and prevention

Acute prostatitis is a disease that has a pronounced tendency to become chronic. Even with timely adequate treatment, more than half of the patients end up with chronic prostatitis. Recovery is far from always achieved, however, with correct consistent therapy and following the doctor's recommendations, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and achieve a long-term stable remission in a chronic process.

Prevention is to eliminate risk factors. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, alternate between sedentary work and periods of physical activity, eat regularly and fully. For constipation, laxatives should be used. One of the preventive measures is the normalization of sexual life, since both excessive sexual activity and sexual abstinence are risk factors in the development of prostatitis. If symptoms of a urological or sexually transmitted disease appear, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.



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