Comprehensive diagnostics of vision and treatment of diseases of the visual apparatus. Diagnosis of eye diseases in ophthalmology: all methods of examination Where to get a vision diagnosis

Many diseases can be prevented if detected early. The same applies to the visual system - the sooner problems are identified, the better. By the way, modern vision diagnostics is very conducive to this. Neither serious diseases nor hidden pathologies can slip past the perfect equipment ...

Why is it necessary to follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists and check at least once a year?

Probably not from “nothing to do” ophthalmologists around the world trumpet: “Check your eyesight at least once a year! Especially if you are in any risk group! They care about the health of every person. After all, today, in the age of innovative industry, vision problems are on a massive scale. Assistants to this are televisions, computers, our carelessness, laziness and many other things.

Meanwhile, as world practice shows, preventive examination allows:

  1. Reveal hidden pathologies.
  2. Diagnose significant vision problems.
  3. Choose the right means of correction.
  4. Timely prescribe adequate treatment: medicines, devices, surgery.
  5. Significantly reduce the side effects of treatment.

But, alas and ah, a small number of people listen to the recommendations of ophthalmologists. Basically, they turn for help when even an operation does not guarantee a successful outcome. After all, the causes of vision loss can be different. For example, with cataracts, it decreases due to clouding of the lens, with glaucoma - due to circulatory disorders and increased intraocular pressure, etc.

In any case, these and other diseases without timely detection and treatment can lead to significant loss of vision, and often to complete darkness, i.e. blindness...

What is a complete diagnostic examination?

In many clinics, they limit it to a simple check according to Sivtsev's tables. But this may not always reflect the true picture of the state of the visual system. Therefore, it is necessary to insist on a comprehensive check.

If the polyclinic at the place of residence does not have the opportunity to conduct it, then you can take a free referral to an ophthalmological center or use paid services.

Comprehensive vision diagnostics includes:

  1. Measurement of visual acuity.
  2. Determination of the refraction of the eye.
  3. Measurement of intraocular pressure.
  4. Biomicroscopy (examination of the eyeball through a microscope).
  5. Pachymetry (measurement of the depth of the cornea).
  6. Echobiometry (measuring the length of the eye).
  7. Ultrasound of the internal structures of the eye, including opaque ones.
  8. Computer keratotopography.
  9. Diagnosis of hidden pathologies.
  10. Determining the level of tear production.
  11. Checking the visual field.
  12. Examination of changes in the retina (with a wide pupil), the optic nerve.

Such diagnostics allows you to identify all the features of the visual system and the causes of visual impairment. Also, the prediction of the outcome of a particular treatment depends on the results.

Comprehensive vision diagnostics helps to detect diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and rheumatism at the initial stages of development. And also tuberculosis, cervical osteochondrosis, problems with the thyroid gland and many other diseases.

How is a comprehensive examination carried out?

As a rule, the diagnosis of vision in children and adults begins with checklists. They can contain letters, pictures and other signs.

Additionally, a test can be carried out on an autorefractometer - a device that automatically determines the refraction of the eye and the parameters of the cornea and immediately gives the result.

If vision problems are identified, the ophthalmologist will begin to select lenses of the required optical power. For this, special glasses can be used, where test glasses are inserted, or a phoropter, a device where lenses change automatically.

Intraocular pressure is measured using a tonometer. If glaucoma is suspected, computer perimetry is additionally performed - checking the visual field.

The anterior segment of the eye (eyelashes, eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, etc.) is examined using a biomicroscope. This is necessary to assess the condition of the cornea, check for scarring on it, clouding in the lens, etc.

A complete picture of the state of the eye is obtained by examining the fundus through the dilated pupil. This allows you to determine whether there are changes in the retina, what is the condition of the optic nerve, etc.

Pachymetry allows you to calculate the maximum depth of the cornea allowed for laser exposure. And in cases of a high degree of myopia, it helps to establish how complete the correction can be carried out and which method is better to choose for this.

And if you need topography and the refractive power of the cornea, then a keratotopograph will come to the rescue. It can be used to examine individual optical defects of the cornea. Such diagnostics last only a few seconds, but during this time its entire surface has time to be scanned.

The information obtained from the keratotopograph is also necessary to perform laser refraction correction. After all, in the course of its implementation, the cornea is directly affected. At the same time, the machine provides results in the form of digital data, which allows you to predict visual acuity after laser correction. In general, diagnostics on a keratotopograph helps to identify the initial signs of keratoconus (changes in the shape of the cornea) and many of its other diseases.

Echobiometry allows you to measure the length of the eyeball, determine the size of the lens and the depth of the anterior chamber. Wave aberrometry - measure the optical system of the eye, identify all deviations from the norm on the retina and its other structures.

Why is it important to examine children in a timely manner (video):

A comprehensive examination allows you to more fully cover the human visual system, identify its features and weaknesses, and, of course, prescribe the most effective treatment. Do you agree? Your answer is in the comments!

In ophthalmology, instrumental research methods based on the achievements of modern science are used, which allow early diagnosis of many acute and chronic diseases of the organ of vision. Leading research institutes and clinics of eye diseases are equipped with such equipment. However, an ophthalmologist of various qualifications, as well as a general practitioner, can, using a non-instrumental research method (external (external examination) of the organ of vision and its accessory apparatus), conduct express diagnostics and make a preliminary diagnosis in many urgent ophthalmological conditions.

Diagnosis of any eye pathology begins with knowledge of the normal anatomy of eye tissues. First you need to learn how to examine the organ of vision in a healthy person. Based on this knowledge, the most common eye diseases can be recognized.

The purpose of an ophthalmological examination is to assess the functional state and anatomical structure of both eyes. Ophthalmological problems are divided into three areas according to the place of occurrence: the adnexa of the eye (eyelids and periocular tissues), the eyeball itself and the orbit. A complete baseline survey includes all of these areas except the orbit. For its detailed examination, special equipment is required.

General examination procedure:

  1. visual acuity test - determination of visual acuity for distance, for near with glasses, if the patient uses them, or without them, as well as through a small hole with visual acuity less than 0.6;
  2. autorefractometry and / or skiascopy - determination of clinical refraction;
  3. study of intraocular pressure (IOP); with its increase, electrotonometry is performed;
  4. study of the visual field by the kinetic method, and according to indications - by the static method;
  5. determination of color perception;
  6. determination of extraocular muscle function (range of action in all fields of view and screening for strabismus and diplopia);
  7. examination of the eyelids, conjunctiva and anterior segment of the eye under magnification (using magnifiers or a slit lamp). The examination is carried out with or without dyes (sodium fluorescein or rose Bengal);
  8. a study in transmitted light - the transparency of the cornea, eye chambers, lens and vitreous body is determined;
  9. ophthalmoscopy of the fundus.

Additional tests are applied based on the results of an anamnesis or primary examination.

These include:

  1. gonioscopy - examination of the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye;
  2. ultrasound examination of the posterior pole of the eye;
  3. ultrasound biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eyeball (UBM);
  4. corneal keratometry - determination of the refractive power of the cornea and the radius of its curvature;
  5. study of corneal sensitivity;
  6. examination with a fundus lens of the details of the fundus;
  7. fluorescent or indocyanine-green fundus angiography (FAG) (ICZA);
  8. electroretinography (ERG) and electrooculography (EOG);
  9. radiological studies (X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) of the structures of the eyeball and orbits;
  10. diaphanoscopy (transillumination) of the eyeball;
  11. exoophthalmometry - determination of the protrusion of the eyeball from the orbit;
  12. corneal pachymetry - determination of its thickness in various areas;
  13. determination of the state of the tear film;
  14. mirror microscopy of the cornea - examination of the endothelial layer of the cornea.

T. Birich, L. Marchenko, A. Chekina

22.01.2016 | Viewed: 5 238 people

Regular examination is the best prevention of eye diseases. Diagnosis of such diseases can only be carried out by an experienced ophthalmologist in a specialized equipped room. It is important that the ophthalmologist detects the first signs of deviations in time. Successful treatment largely depends on the promptness of their detection at the stage of reversible changes.

One examination of the doctor and subsequent conversation with him is not enough. It is necessary to conduct additional specific examination methods using modern equipment to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The doctor should tell you in detail about the exact diagnosis and determination of visual acuity, as well as possible deviations and pathologies.

Cutting-edge diagnostic methods contribute to the establishment of a high-precision diagnosis and allow you to control the treatment with high efficiency. Here are the most common ways to diagnose the most common eye diseases.

A doctor's examination reveals abnormalities with the following painless procedures:

A procedure that allows an ophthalmologist to see sections of the fundus on the surface of the eye. This method remains one of the most significant and popular in diagnosing eye diseases. The non-contact method is performed using a lens or a special ophthalmoscope device.

Allows you to evaluate during preventive examinations the main function - visual acuity for a distance. Decreased vision is an important signal in diagnosing diseases. The examination is first performed without correction - the patient, alternately closing one eye, calls the letters on the table indicated by the ophthalmologist. If there are violations, then the procedure is performed with correction, using a specialized frame and lenses.

This method determines the optical power of the eye and diagnoses refractive errors and visual defects: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. Now the procedure has begun to be carried out on refractometers, which allows the patient not to spend a lot of time and facilitates the eye doctor's manipulations.

The study is recommended for people over 40 years of age, as they have an increased risk of developing glaucoma. The procedure measures intraocular pressure, which is carried out in such ways: by palpation, according to Maklakov (using weights), pneumotonometer and others.

An important method that determines the presence of peripheral vision and the diagnosis of pathological diseases - glaucoma and the process of destruction of the optic nerve. The study is carried out on specialized hemispherical electrical appliances, which display light spots.

The study of vision for color perception

Widespread and intended to determine violations of color sensitivity thresholds - color blindness. Inspection is carried out using Rabkin's polychromatic tables.

The procedure for microscopic examination of the eye segment with a special device - a slit lamp. With a significant increase, the oculist can clearly see the tissues of the eye - the cornea and conjunctiva, as well as the lens, iris, vitreous body.

Determines the degree of astigmatism of the anterior surface and refractive power of the cornea. The refraction radius is measured with an ophthalmometer.

The simple Grishberg method allows you to determine the angle of strabismus using an ophthalmoscope through which the patient is looking. The ophthalmologist determines the problem by observing the reflection of light on the corneal surface.

It is carried out with obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculi. Thin tubes (cannulas) with a syringe and solution are inserted into the lacrimal ducts. If the patency is normal, then the liquid from the syringe will penetrate into the nasopharynx. With obstruction, the solution will not pass and will spill out.

It is usually performed in infants and the elderly for medicinal purposes, as they may experience stenosis of the lacrimal openings. Bougienage is carried out with expanding probes using local anesthesia.

To determine the diagnosis of common ailments, such as conjunctivitis, myopia, cataracts, such diagnostic methods are usually sufficient. However, if the eye doctor doubts the diagnosis, then additional methods of examining diseases on specialized equipment carried out in optometric centers are possible.

Additional methods in eye diagnostics

Ultrasound is a popular research tool due to obtaining accurate information in full and high efficiency of the procedure. Ultrasound examination is necessary to detect eye abnormalities, tumors, retinal detachment.

The method determines the central field of view for colors, is used to detect diseases of the optic nerve, glaucoma and retina. The diagnostic campimeter is a special large screen, where the patient looks with each eye alternately through a slit on the black screen.

The electrophysiological research method has found extensive application in the study of the cerebral cortex, retina and the levels of damage to the optic nerve, the function of the nervous section of the optical apparatus.

A method that studies the surface of the cornea before laser correction. Carried out on an automated computer system by scanning to determine the sphericity of the surface.

Study of intraocular pressure in dynamics. IOP takes about 5 minutes, in such a short time you can get important information about the state of the outflow of fluid inside the eye.

The method allows you to accurately determine the thickness of the cornea, it is required for laser operations

Shows the condition of the fundus and retinal vessels. A series of high-precision images are taken after the administration of a fluorescent solution intravenously.

Non-contact modern OCT method is used to determine the condition of the optic nerve and retina.

Operative research under the optical device regarding detection of ticks.

The procedure for determining tearing. The test is carried out with symptoms of dry eye. An ophthalmological test is placed on the patient for the edge of the lower eyelid, with the help of which it is possible to establish its wetting with a tear.

A method for accurately determining glaucoma using a lens. The angle of the anterior chamber is examined.

It is used for dystrophy and detachment of the retina, as well as to obtain data on its peripheral parts that were not detected during the classical examination.

High-precision modern devices and a variety of techniques allow you to accurately and efficiently conduct studies of the visual organs at the cellular level. Most diagnostics are non-contact and painless, without requiring preliminary preparation of the patient. In the relevant sections, you can familiarize yourself in detail with the methods of diagnosing eye diseases.

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Diagnostics in ophthalmology requires high accuracy and good equipment. For a general examination of the eyeball, you need a microscope with a special illuminator - slit lamp, and for the study of the fundus - several types ophthalmoscopes(direct, reverse).

Determination of visual acuity (visometry) is carried out using projection equipment and a set of trial lenses or a phoropter. To determine the patient's myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, a device is needed autorefkeratometer, which automatically focuses on the retina, determines the refraction, the optical power of the cornea and prints the result. To determine the intraocular pressure, several methods are usually used: non-contact pneumotonometer, Maklakov tonometer and Goldman applanation tonometer or tonograph.

Computer perimetry allows you to determine the boundaries of the field of view in patients. Ultrasonic research methods(A-method, B-scan) allow measuring the size of the eyeball and its internal structures, studying the acoustic transparency of the vitreous body and the position of the eyeball membranes. Keratotopograph and pachymeter give an idea of ​​the refractive power, the topography of the surface of the cornea and its thickness. All these devices are available at the Ophthalmological Center of the SM-clinic holding. But we are also equipped with equipment that few clinics can afford: an optical coherence tomograph, a fundus camera, an optical non-contact biometer, a digital photo-slit lamp.

The measurement of the parameters of the eyeball is carried out in diopters, millimeters and microns, and the pressure is in millimeters of mercury. The most thorough studies are carried out before eye operations, since an error in measuring the optical axis of the eye of 1 mm corresponds to 3 diopters in glasses. And an error in measuring intraocular pressure can lead to serious damage to the optic nerve, with dynamic monitoring of glaucoma.

Diagnosis of eye diseases is carried out according to certain generally accepted schemes, but may also include the use of additional equipment. Patients with cataracts undergo slit-lamp examination, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, corneal power, and ultrasound examinations. Patients with glaucoma, in addition, carry out the measurement of intraocular pressure by several methods and check the boundaries of the field of view. Patients with refractive diseases (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism) measure refraction not only with a narrow, but also with a wide pupil.

allows for ultrafine diagnostics of the state of the optic nerve and diseases of the central zone of the retina. allows you to show the patient the state of his fundus, as well as discuss the features of vascular changes with related specialists - cardiologists, neurologists, endocrinologists. The digital photo-slit lamp allows the patient to demonstrate the picture of the anterior part of the eye before and after surgical treatment. A non-contact optical biometer measures the parameters of the eyeball and automatically calculates artificial lenses for a given refractive result. Each disease requires an individual approach and the use of special equipment, as well as each patient needs special care and attention.

Prices for diagnostic services of an ophthalmologist "SM-Clinic" (Moscow)

Name of service Price, rub.)*
Standard ophthalmological examination (autorefractometry, visometry, pneumotonometry, anterior eye biomicroscopy, fundus biomicroscopy with a narrow pupil, total perimetry, ophthalmological consultation)3 470 rub.
Extended ophthalmological examination (autorefractometry, visometry, tonometry, computer perimetry and / or contact (non-contact) biometry, fundus ophthalmoscopy in conditions of mydriasis (in the absence of contraindications), consultation of4 830 rub.
Optical coherence tomography of the optic nerve (1 eye)1 790 rub.
Examination of the fundus on the Fundus camera (1 eye)1 790 rub.
Fundus fluorescein angiography (1 eye)3 470 rub.
Examination of the fundus with an ophthalmochromoscope (color)840 rub.
Study of visual acuity with spherical lens correction740 rub.
binocular vision test320 rub.
Pachymetry / Computer Perimetry630 / 1050 rub.
Ophthalmometry / Computer ophthalmotonometry370 / 580 rub.
Ophthalmoscopy with aspherical lens (1 eye)370 rub.

The insidiousness of many eye diseases lies in the fact that with similar symptoms, pathologies can have significant differences and require different, sometimes radically opposite approaches to treatment. For example, wearing glasses, which is useful in one case, will cause serious harm in another, and all this with the same reduced visual acuity.

In order to choose the right and truly effective treatment,
it is extremely important to conduct a thorough, as objective examination of the visual system as possible
and identify the exact cause of the disease!

What does vision diagnostics at the Excimer clinic include?

Each of our patients undergoes a comprehensive examination of the visual system, which, depending on the indications, may include:

  • Visometry

    The procedure for determining visual acuity using special tables with symbols of different sizes, which the patient views from a certain distance. This is the simplest and most accessible study - and ophthalmologists in minimally equipped optics salons or clinics are usually limited to it.
    The disadvantage of visometry is its subjectivity: what the patient said is taken for granted. This is not suitable for checking eyesight in children or in people who know the tables for checking eyesight by heart, as well as in many other cases - therefore, in such modern high-tech clinics as Excimer, along with visometry, which has long become a classic of ophthalmology, they also use other, much more objective methods of research.

  • Refractometry

    The study of the so-called classical refraction, that is, the ability of the optical system of the eye to refract light rays and focus them strictly on the retina. This procedure is carried out using a special device - an autorefractometer. According to the results of this study, the doctor determines the type of refraction and the degree of visual impairment by measuring the refractive power of the eye in diopters. The diagnosis of "emmetropia" means that refraction is normal, vision is in order; "Hypermetropia" ("farsightedness") - that there are visual impairments at close range, and "myopia" ("nearsightedness") - on the contrary, at a distance.

  • Tonometry

    Diagnostic procedure necessary to assess the risk of developing glaucoma, which consists in measuring intraocular pressure. Previously, such a study was carried out by installing special weights on the surface of the cornea, this method is still used in ordinary clinics today. In the Excimer clinic, this procedure is carried out on modern equipment, without contact.
    Non-contact tonometry is performed using a pneumatic tonometer, which produces a directed air flow, and that, acting on the cornea of ​​​​the eye at a certain speed, leads to a certain deformation of the eyeball, which is fixed by special sensors of the tonometer. This is a quick and painless method that has proven itself in measuring intraocular pressure, even in children.

  • Perimetry

    Examination of the visual field, one of the methods for diagnosing glaucoma, partial atrophy of the optic nerve and other eye diseases. By the nature of the changes in the visual field, the doctor can determine the localization of the pathological process - such changes are different in lesions of the retina, optic nerve, visual centers of the brain, etc.
    This diagnostic procedure is carried out using a device called the perimeter. The Foerster perimeter can be used, which is a desktop metal arc with a special graduation, or an automatic computer perimeter, the procedure on which is performed using points that alternately appear in different parts of the screen. For each eye, the study of the visual field is carried out separately.

  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT, OCT)

    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is currently the most modern method for studying various structures of the visual system. With the help of OCT, two- and three-dimensional images of the retina and optic nerve head can be taken, such a study allows you to get an optical section of the layers of the eye, which provides enhanced opportunities for diagnosing dangerous neoplasms of the choroid, macular holes and edema, peripheral retinal dystrophy, glaucoma, various inflammatory diseases of the eye, etc.
    This procedure does not require special training, but with a medical expansion of the pupil, the information content of such a study increases.

  • Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT angiography, OCT)

    Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT angiography) is a modern non-invasive method for studying the fundus vessels without the introduction of a contrast agent. This procedure allows you to identify the risk of hemorrhage and other problems that can lead to visual impairment. OCT angiography is successfully used in the diagnosis of dangerous eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (macular degeneration), diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein thrombosis, etc.
    This study has no contraindications, it is carried out in children, the elderly and patients with allergic reactions. The procedure takes a few minutes and, due to its harmlessness, can be carried out at any frequency, which allows for high-quality monitoring of the state of the circulatory system of the eye.

  • Fluorescein angiography (FA)

    Fluorescein angiography (FA) is an examination of different parts of the eye with a contrast agent that is used to visualize blood vessels. After intravenous administration of the coloring preparation, the doctor monitors the distribution of contrast through video or photography.
    This study allows you to obtain information about the integrity and patency of the veins, arteries and capillaries of the eye, FAG makes it possible to diagnose various eye pathologies at the initial stage.

  • Aberrometry

    During the aberrometry procedure, an eye scan is performed to study all the features and distortions present in the visual system. The unique capabilities of the diagnostic equipment available in the arsenal of the Excimer clinic specialists make it possible to record aberrations not only of the cornea, but also of the lens and vitreous body, as well as the state of the tear film, cameras of the visual apparatus, etc.
    Based on the data obtained during the aberrometric analysis, the shape of the cornea can be modeled, fully compensating for the detected distortions - taking into account this information, the laser vision correction procedure is performed with unprecedented accuracy and the highest quality results. If necessary, such an analysis can be carried out as part of a comprehensive examination of the visual system.

  • Electroretinography (ERG)

    Electroretinography is a neurophysiological study that allows not only to diagnose diseases of the retina and optic nerve, but also to predict possible changes in the visual system with high accuracy. This unique procedure provides invaluable information that allows both treatment and timely, targeted and effective prevention of dangerous pathologies of the organs of vision.
    To conduct such a study, special electrodes are placed on the eyes and back of the patient's head, fixing bioelectric impulses that appear in response to the action of a light stimulus. ERG can be performed both in a darkened room and in the light; this procedure is performed under local drip anesthesia, which does not adversely affect the body of patients of any age.

  • Color vision test

    Violation of color perception in some cases is one of the symptoms of the development of any dangerous pathology of the visual system (for example, glaucoma, retinal detachment, pigmentary dystrophy, etc.). Underestimation of the negative changes in color vision leads to delayed diagnosis, which can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment of eye diseases.
    To analyze the features and anomalies of color perception, multi-color pigment tables and various computer tests are used. This diagnostic procedure is mandatory for people whose professional activities are associated with serious visual stress - pilots, drivers of vehicles, railway workers, etc. The study of the possibilities of color vision in these cases is necessary to obtain permission to work.

  • Gonioscopy

    During gonioscopy, an examination of the anterior chamber of the eyeball is carried out, this is done to accurately diagnose glaucoma and other eye diseases - for example, with changes in intraocular pressure that accompany tumor processes that affect the organs of vision. Such a study is also performed when anomalies are detected in the structure of the visual apparatus, when a foreign body enters the anterior chamber of the eye, and in other cases.
    The procedure is carried out using special goniolenses (also called gonioscopes) in combination with a slit lamp.

  • Biomicroscopy

    The procedure for examining various parts of the eye using a special ophthalmic microscope - a slit lamp. During biomicroscopy, the conjunctiva, cornea, iris, vitreous body, lens, central sections of the fundus are examined in detail.
    This procedure allows you to diagnose various pathologies, examine the injured areas of the eyeball, determine the location of the smallest foreign bodies in the conjunctiva, cornea, anterior chamber of the eye and lens. Biomicroscopy is carried out in a dark room, this is done in order to create maximum contrast between the darkened and illuminated areas of the eye.

  • Ophthalmoscopy

    Ophthalmoscopy is an examination of the fundus of the eye using special optical instruments. This procedure makes it possible to assess the condition of the retina and optic disc, to examine the blood vessels of the eye.
    Ophthalmoscopy allows you to determine the localization and extent of various pathological processes occurring in the eye, for example, to examine thinned areas or places of retinal breaks, to estimate the number of affected areas. Ophthalmoscopy is performed with both narrow and dilated pupils.

  • Pupillometry

    A diagnostic procedure in which the size of the pupil is measured under illumination of various intensities. Photographing the pupil is performed using special equipment equipped with an infrared camera. Pupillometry allows you to find out the condition of the muscles of the iris, is used in the diagnosis of various eye diseases.
    When evaluating the results of this diagnostic procedure, changes in the diameter of the pupils are taken into account, depending not only on lighting, but also on the direction of gaze, age, and the general condition of the patient.

  • Lensmetry (lensmetry)

    The method of optical analysis of glasses used by the patient for vision correction. Such a study is carried out using a special lensmeter device (dioptrimeter), which makes it possible to examine any type of spectacle lenses, including bifocal and progressive ones.
    During the procedure, the optical power of the lens is measured, the position of the main meridians of its astigmatic glass is revealed, the optical center is determined and fixed. These measurements allow for the most personalized, accurate fitting of eyeglasses.

  • pachymetry

    Measurement of corneal thickness. This diagnostic procedure is mandatory during the examination before refractive surgery, it is also necessary after surgical treatment. Pachymetry is also part of the examination for diseases such as glaucoma, corneal edema, dystrophic processes in the tissues of the eye, keratoconus, etc.
    This diagnostic procedure can be carried out in two ways - using a slit lamp (additional equipment is installed on it for pachymetry) or by ultrasound, the results of which are more accurate.

  • Keratometry

    A method for analyzing the optical power of the cornea, which consists in studying the radius of curvature of its surface. This procedure is an obligatory part of a comprehensive diagnostic examination for diseases such as keratoconus and keratoglobus, glaucoma, astigmatism, etc. Also, keratometry is performed to measure the curvature of the anterior part of the cornea when choosing a contact correction and to assess the general condition of the eye in preparation for surgical interventions.
    The study can be carried out manually, using an ophthalmic ruler, however, modern ophthalmological clinics use special keratometer devices that scan the cornea in just seconds.

  • Biometrics

    Examination of the parameters of the eyeball, the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, the size of the vitreous body and cornea, the thickness of the lens, etc. This procedure is carried out when preparing the patient for laser vision correction, it is mandatory when examining myopia, cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases.
    In terms of information content, biometrics surpasses many other studies. Such a study is performed by contact ultrasonic or more advanced non-contact optical method.

Additional diagnostic tests may be performed as indicated.

Diagnostic equipment of the Excimer clinic

  • Autorefkeratotonometer is a multifunctional diagnostic device that includes an autorefractometer, an autokeratometer and a non-contact tonometer, and performs several types of examinations. Using this device, you can quickly and accurately study the refraction of the eye, measure the distance between the pupils, as well as the radius of curvature of the cornea and the diameter of the pupils (this is necessary to determine the laser exposure zone during excimer laser correction).

  • A multifunctional diagnostic device that includes an autorefractometer, an autokeratometer and a non-contact tonometer, and performs several types of examinations. Using this device, you can quickly and accurately study the refraction of the eye, measure the distance between the pupils, as well as the radius of curvature of the cornea and the diameter of the pupils (this is necessary to determine the laser exposure zone during excimer laser correction).

  • It is successfully used to measure refraction in children of any age, starting literally from the first days of life. This device allows you to analyze the corneal reflex (symmetrical or asymmetric), measure the diameter of the pupils and the distance between them, build a picture of fixing the gaze.

  • Recognized as the "gold standard" of perimetry, this device allows obtaining high-precision information about the visual field, violations of which can be diagnosed in the pathology of the neuroreceptor apparatus. Thanks to such diagnostics, it is possible to recognize diseases of the retina and optic nerve (such as glaucoma, macular degeneration) in a timely manner and take therapeutic measures to help avoid irreversible loss of vision.

  • Combined system, as standard, consisting of a phoropter, screen projector SSC-370 characters, built-in printer and memory card. The COS-5100 system is equipped with a microprocessor and has a centralized control that allows the exchange of research data between connected instruments and processing of results. Various configuration options are possible.

  • Designed to determine visual acuity, study binocular and color vision, identify various visual anomalies. The working distance on this sign projector can be set in the range of 3 to 6 meters in 1 cm increments. The device allows you to conduct high-precision tests aimed at examining visual acuity in conditions of reduced image contrast.

  • Allows non-contact method, without touching the surface of the eye, to measure intraocular pressure. This is done using a directed air stream. The patient feels only a slight breath of warm air, which eliminates any discomfort and infection. The device has the functions of automatic focusing, automatic shooting, as well as the function of minimizing the pressure of the jet of air during measurement (APC).

  • Designed for computer topography of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea and a comprehensive study of the anterior segment of the eye. Non-contact measurement takes only 1-2 seconds; in total, up to 25,000 real elevation points are analyzed to build a 3D model of the anterior segment of the eye. With the help of an automatic measurement guidance control system, such important parameters as the curvature of the anterior and posterior surface of the cornea, the total optical power of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber and its angle of 360 °, etc. are calculated.

  • Allows non-contact method, without touching the surface of the eye, to measure intraocular pressure. This is done using a directed air stream. The patient feels only a slight breath of warm air, which eliminates any discomfort and infection. The device has the functions of automatic focusing, automatic shooting, as well as the function of minimizing the pressure of the jet of air during measurement (APC).

  • Combined biometric device for obtaining data of the human eye, necessary for the calculation of an implantable intraocular lens. With the help of this device, the length of the axis of the eye, the radii of curvature of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, and much more are measured during one session. Such equipment allows for high-precision selection of an artificial lens in just 1 minute!

  • Studies on this diagnostic device allow you to determine the distortions (aberrations) of the visual system, both lower (nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism) and higher orders (coma, distortion, spherical aberrations). The highly accurate data obtained from the aberrometer study is used to perform a personalized laser vision correction procedure using the Custom Vue method.

  • Designed to obtain two- and three-dimensional images of the retina and optic disc, as well as the structures of the anterior segment of the eye. Ultra-high scanning speed, increased resolution, advanced diagnostic protocols allow RTVue-100 to assess the condition of the fundus structures with the highest accuracy. The device has such exclusive features as EnFace analysis of detachments of the pigment epithelium and neurosensory retina, retinoschisis, epiretinal membranes. RTVue-100 is highly informative in the early diagnosis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative diseases.

  • With the help of this device, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the corneal endothelium is determined. The layer of endothelial cells ensures the transparency of the cornea, analysis of its condition is necessary before making a decision to perform microsurgical operations in patients with corneal pathologies, as well as those who use contact lenses.

  • This slit lamp is easy to handle, easy to move in all directions, has built-in microscopes with high resolution, depth of field and perfect stereo image. With the help of this device, a detailed ophthalmological examination is carried out, biomicroscopy of the eye is performed. The device is equipped with a set of special filters that allow you to examine the blood vessels of the eye, the cornea and other structures of the eye with maximum accuracy.

  • An automatic dioptrimeter (lensmeter) is used to measure the optical characteristics of various types of spectacle lenses, reducing the time of this operation to a minimum. Using this device, the optical power of the lens, expressed in diopters, can be measured, the positions of the main meridians of the astigmatic glass of the lens are identified in order to determine and fix its optical center. The software on the basis of which the dioptrimeter works ensures the highest accuracy of all measurements.

  • A computer tonograph measures intraocular pressure fluctuations, the rate of production and outflow of intraocular fluid with high accuracy. A CT scan is very important for those diagnosed with glaucoma (in glaucoma, fluid circulation in the eye is usually impaired). The study of the hydrodynamics of the eye using this device greatly expands the possibilities of early diagnosis of glaucoma.

The quality of the diagnostic examination directly depends on the level of technical equipment of the clinic. Modern computerized diagnostic devices that our doctors have are able to detect any deviations from the norm, which ensures accurate diagnosis even at the earliest stages of the disease.

How to prepare for a diagnostic examination?

  • Some types of studies in the complex diagnostics of vision are carried out using drops that expand the pupil. Given this factor, you should not plan visual work for the next few hours after undergoing diagnostic procedures. Also, you should not come to the diagnostics while driving, driving a car with a dilated pupil is dangerous.
  • In order to ensure that studies such as measuring the thickness of the cornea, etc. are as accurate as possible, it is recommended not to use hard contact lenses 2 weeks before the diagnosis. It is advisable to remove soft contact lenses in the morning on the day of diagnosis, but this can also be done in the clinic, half an hour before the start of the examination.
  • On the day of the diagnosis of vision, it is recommended to refrain from using decorative cosmetics for the eyes.

Who should get tested first?

Regular monitoring of the state of the visual system is necessary for those who have suffered any injuries and inflammatory diseases of the eyes, people with aggravated heredity, suffering from high degrees of myopia and hyperopia, and everyone undergoing a long course of hormonal therapy.

It is also worth visiting an eye specialist more often:

  • Those who have crossed the 45-year milestone. Age-related changes affecting the eyes increase the risk of developing diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma, as well as problems with the retina. Almost all patients of this age begin to develop presbyopia (age-related farsightedness).
  • Pregnant women. Pregnancy affects the entire body of a woman and the visual system is no exception. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the retina, since during natural childbirth there is a risk of its ruptures and detachments.
  • Suffering from diabetes mellitus, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, etc. In case of diseases that can have a negative impact on the state of the visual system, regular examinations are necessary in order to take timely measures to maintain eye health.
  • Everyone who uses contact lenses - even the most modern lenses are a foreign body for the eyes, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the cornea, which is regularly exposed to traumatic effects.

Is it necessary to be examined if there are no problems with vision?

Some visual pathologies in the early stages may be asymptomatic. For example, a disease such as glaucoma may not initially manifest itself in any way - but meanwhile, if appropriate measures are not taken in time, glaucoma leads to irreversible loss of vision. The same applies to retinal pathology. Certain violations in its work can be detected only during a detailed study of the fundus of the eye - and without the intervention of a specialist, there is a risk of a serious deterioration in visual functions.

Many modern people spend long hours at the computer, forgetting to take at least minimal breaks. At the same time, the visual system may undergo changes that are not immediately noticeable, similar to unusual fatigue, and without urgent treatment can lead to serious problems.

If we talk about children, then here we cannot do without the professional attention of an ophthalmologist - there are not rare cases when an objective, competent diagnosis of possible deviations in the development of the child's visual system and timely treatment help prevent the development of dangerous ailments.

For pregnant women, ophthalmological examinations are mandatory with a thorough examination of the condition of the fundus at 6, 10 - 14 and 32 - 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Diagnostic examinations of the visual system are mandatory performed before microsurgical interventions for the patient. This allows you to identify possible contraindications, determine the individual parameters of the operation as accurately as possible and predict its result.

advantages of diagnostics at the Excimer clinic

  • In our clinic, only highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in carrying out all types of modern diagnostic procedures conduct appointments.
  • The modern equipment available in the arsenal of doctors at the Excimer clinic makes it possible to analyze the state of the visual system with the highest accuracy, which, if any abnormalities in the work of the eyes are detected, is extremely important for making the correct diagnosis and choosing an effective treatment method.
  • All studies are carried out in a short time.

Question answer

Cost of basic services

Service Price, rub.) By map

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation with an ophthalmologist ? Determination of individual parameters of the patient's visual system using a complex of diagnostic equipment with a consultation with an ophthalmologist.

2900 ₽

2600 ₽

Comprehensive examination of the organ of vision and consultation of an ophthalmologist upon repeated treatment (at the end of 3 months after the provision of the service) ? Determination of individual parameters of the patient's visual system using a complex of diagnostic equipment with an ophthalmologist's consultation during dynamic monitoring of the state of the visual system

2450 ₽

2200 ₽

Consultation of an ophthalmologist upon repeated treatment ? Examination and consultation of an ophthalmologist during dynamic monitoring of the state of the visual system

1600 ₽

1500 ₽

Consultation of a professor, doctor of medical sciences, leading surgeon of the clinic ? Examination and consultation of professor, MD. Pershin Kirill Borisovich

9000 ₽

8500 ₽

Consultation of the Chief Physician of the Excimer Clinic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor ? Examination and consultation of professor, MD. Pashinova Nadezhda Fyodorovna

5000 ₽



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs