Choosing anthelmintic drugs for dogs. When and how to use anthelmintics for dogs? What are the best antihelminthic drugs for dogs?

Veterinary pharmacists can offer a fairly wide range of anthelmintic tablets, but how to make the right choice? You can adhere to the following recommendations:

Often owners have a question: “Is human anthelmintic drug suitable for dogs?” Veterinarians are categorically against such treatment, because in case of helminthic infestation, the dosage of the active component is selected depending on the weight of the animal, and in the case of medicines for humans, it is very difficult to make an accurate calculation.

The instructions must contain information as to whether the product removes dead worms or their larvae and eggs, otherwise, if there is excessive infection, there is a possibility of poisoning the body with toxins.

Some medications for pets of miniature size are often suitable for small puppies. As a rule, information about this is available in the accompanying instructions for use. First of all, the following medications are recommended for small dogs:

  1. Prazitel. It is made in the form of a suspension containing the same active substances as tablets for large dogs. The medication acts on helminths at all stages of development. The dose is 1 ml of product per 1 kg of weight. The suspension is sometimes prescribed to puppies older than 3 weeks and females bearing offspring, but no later than 21 days before the expected birth.
  2. Prazicide. A combined anthelmintic drug that eliminates worms, larvae and eggs of nematodes and cystodes, has a pleasant taste and smell for dogs. It is enough to give to your pet once.
  3. Helminthal. A universal anthelmintic agent that is highly effective. Available in bottles with syringes with a dispenser. The medicine is taken once, but you will need to repeat the dose after a week or a week and a half.
  4. Dirofen. The composition contains pumpkin oil - a natural anthelmintic substance. The product increases local immunity, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and eliminates inflammation. It is enough to take the medicine once to get rid of helminthiasis. But in case of severe helminthic infestation, experts advise repeating the course after 1-2 weeks.
  5. Febtal and Febtal Combo. A combined medication that eliminates tapeworms and roundworms. It is given to the pet once; to consolidate the result, the administration can be repeated after 7-14 days.
  6. Celandine Glistogon. The product containing pyrantel and praziquantel is characterized by a wide spectrum of effects. Destroys most types of nematodes and cystodes, and is also effective as a prophylactic drug.

Application rules

The hardest thing to do is feed your dog tablets. The most convenient is the liquid form of the drug - a suspension or drops poured directly into the pet’s mouth if he does not want to drink it voluntarily. The tableted medicine can be pre-crushed and mixed with a small portion of tasty food.

Regardless of the form of the drug, it should be given in the morning, before feeding. If the dog still does not want to eat “dubious” food, from his point of view, you can mix the crushed tablet with a small amount of water, place the liquid in a syringe without a needle and insert it into the throat.

How often should you worm?

The owner should be aware that an overdose of anthelmintic drugs can negatively affect the health of the animal, since most of them are quite toxic. This especially applies to puppies under 12 months of age.

Deworming is a mandatory measure that is included in the comprehensive care of a pet, along with flea treatment, vaccination and other procedures. Infection with worms can significantly undermine the health of a pet, so the owner should not forget to give the dog an antihelminthic in a timely manner.

Dogs of all age groups, regardless of breed, are susceptible to helminth infection. Worm infestations are especially dangerous for small puppies under the age of three to four months, animals with a weakened immune system, older dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches.

Severe helminthic infestation can cause serious pathologies and diseases. Injured tissues become a “gateway” for the penetration of pathogenic flora. Feeding on blood, lymph, and nutrients entering the body of animals, worms deprive the owner of vital energy, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

For puppies, decorative dogs, and miniature breeds, helminthiases can cause death. In veterinary practice, there are cases where, for example, worms in a Yorkie caused the death of a beloved pet. For this reason, dog owners and breeders must promptly deworm their four-legged friends.

How does infection occur?

Infection with helminths is possible in a transplacental way. Newborn puppies become infected with worms while inside the womb. For this reason, before mating, it is recommended to worm the bitch no later than a month before the planned event.

Types of worms in dogs

  • flat tapeworms (cestodes);
  • roundworms (nematodes);
  • flukes (trematodes).

Each of the above types of helminths has its own characteristics, structure, causes certain diseases with characteristic symptoms, and is localized in certain organs.

Lung, subcutaneous, liver, and heart helminths are no less dangerous for dogs and other animals. Lungworms (roundworms, esophageal helminths) can migrate with the bloodstream throughout the body, localizing in the most favorable places, the organs of the respiratory tract. Animals suddenly lose weight, pneumonia and bronchitis develop, and growth and development slow down in young dogs and puppies. Helminths violate the integrity of tissues, provoke internal bleeding.

Heartworms, cardiohelminths, are localized in the arteries, aorta, atrium, and right ventricle. The most dangerous disease in dogs is dirofilariasis. The carriers of heartworm larvae are blood-sucking insects - fleas, lice eaters, mosquitoes. The main clinical symptoms of helminthic infestations caused by cardiohelminths include severe intoxication of the body, lethargy, shortness of breath, fatigue, and disruption of the central and peripheral systems.

Symptoms of helminthiases

  • general exhaustion, lethargy, apathy, decreased activity;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • weight loss, slowdown in growth, development;
  • loss of appetite, refusal of favorite treats, difficulty swallowing;
  • vomiting, frequent attacks of nausea, diarrhea followed by constipation, flatulence;
  • deterioration of coat condition;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes.

Dogs are diagnosed with allergic reactions and dermatitis (skin diseases). Animals often “ride their butts”, trying to relieve the itching in the anus. Coughing attacks, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing are noted. Cough is most often caused by lungworms, roundworms.

In puppies, helminthiasis is manifested by bloating, noticeably protruding ribs, rickets, slow development, absence or, conversely, increased appetite. Worms in puppies can cause nutritional problems. Dogs begin to eat inedible objects. Even with a normal appetite, the dog does not gain weight and becomes inactive. The dog looks lethargic, gets tired quickly, and reacts poorly to external stimuli.

It should be noted that the symptoms of helminth infections may be similar to the clinical manifestations of infectious, viral, and respiratory diseases. It is quite difficult to determine whether a dog has worms on your own. If the general condition worsens and the first clinical symptoms appear, immediately take your pet to a veterinary clinic for a preventive examination.

Treatment and prevention of helminthiases in dogs

To treat helminthic infestations and worms in dogs, anthelmintic drugs are used, which should be prescribed by a veterinarian based on the diagnostic data obtained. There are no universal antihelminthics, so it is very important to determine what type of helminths your pet is infected with.

Anthelmintics and tablets at home are given to dogs in the morning, 30-40 before feeding the pet. For adult dogs, the tablet can be given along with their favorite treat. If the animal refuses to take the medicine, the tablet can be crushed into powder or placed on the root of the tongue, squeezing the jaws with your hands. Puppies are given antihelminthic suspensions. For puppies, you can also crush the tablet into powder, mix it with a small amount of water, and carefully pour it into the mouth with a syringe.

During treatment, after taking an anthelmintic, it is necessary to carefully monitor the dog’s condition. If immediately after taking the tablet the animal begins to vomit, it is necessary to give the pet an absorbent and immediately contact a veterinarian. Further treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

To prevent worms in dogs, the same drugs are used as for treatment. Puppies are dewormed for the first time at the age of three months, two weeks before preventive vaccination. In the future, deworming should be carried out once a quarter, after consulting with a veterinarian. It is optimal to worm your dog once every three to four months, strictly adhering to the indicated dosage.

If the pet looks healthy and there are no signs of infection with helminth infections, for preventive purposes, dogs can be given anthelmintics for worms once every five to six months.

When choosing anthelmintic drugs, read the instructions. Some deworming medications may be contraindicated in breeds such as sheltie, collie, and Yorkshire terriers. During and after treatment, it is recommended to give dogs hepatoprotectors and sorbents (Enterosgel), since anthelmintics contain toxic substances.

For the health of your pet, it is important to monitor the dog’s diet, hygiene, provide proper care, and optimal living conditions.

Popular deworming suspensions for dogs and small breed puppies

Routes of infection and signs of disease

Helminthiases in dogs can be recorded at different ages. At the same time, smooth-haired breeds are infected less frequently than animals with long fluffy hair.

Considering that the dog needs to be walked every day, it will not be possible to completely get rid of helminths. All actions are aimed at reducing the manifestations of the disease and improving the pet’s health.

Worms can enter a dog’s body in several ways:

  • licking street objects, drinking water from puddles and open reservoirs;
  • carriers of larvae are fleas and ticks;
  • contact with strangers or stray sick animals;
  • infection of puppies can occur in utero or during milk feeding;
  • feeding your dog raw meat or fish.

You should contact your veterinarian if the following symptoms appear:

  • the dog is inactive, plays little and sleeps a lot;
  • loss of appetite;
  • puppies stop growing and physically developing;
  • the condition of the coat deteriorates, the loss is not associated with the molting period;
  • the dog often hiccups and vomits;

A wide variety of helminth species can be found in dogs. All of them can be divided into three groups.

If the infection spreads, the respiratory, cardiac, digestive and endocrine systems begin to suffer.

The most common drugs in suspension form

Deworming suspensions for dogs are usually prescribed for small puppies, but can also be prescribed for small breed dogs. An anti-worm suspension is prescribed to prevent infection or quickly get rid of the disease. Prevention helps reduce the risk of helminth infection or eliminate it completely. Treatment is carried out according to a specific scheme, taking into account the age, weight and health status of the pet.

For puppies of small breeds, low-toxic anthelmintic medications can be prescribed. The dosage in most cases is 1 ml per 1 kg of pet body weight.

Drontal Junior. A drug based on three active components rarely causes side effects, so it is often prescribed by veterinarians. Leads to paralysis of round and tapeworms, which later naturally come out. It should be given along with food, it can be administered to the root of the tongue.

Prazicide. An anthelmintic drug that is active against round and tapeworms of various forms of development. Small breed puppies are prescribed 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight, large breed puppies - 1 ml per 2 kg.

Vacation. The combined anthelmintic drug can be taken from three weeks. Prescribe 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight of a puppy or small breed dog. The suspension is produced in special sealed droppers with a dispenser.

Azinox. The anthelmintic drug is produced in the form of tablets, but for small dogs and puppies the recommended dosage can be converted into a suspension. First, 1 tablet should be crushed and diluted with 10 ml of water.

Febtal combo. The suspension causes paralysis of a large number of different tapeworms and roundworms. It is recommended to give in the morning along with food. If the puppy weighs less than 500 g, the suspension is diluted with 0.3 ml of water.

Without following the rules, treatment will be ineffective, and in some cases will be harmful to the dog’s health.

Anthelmintics should be given at least 3 times a year. It is imperative to carry out deworming 2 weeks before scheduled vaccination.

Preventive measures will help avoid re-infection:

  • avoid contact with street and stray dogs;
  • The dog must not drink from puddles or eat raw meat and fish;
  • you need to clean your pet’s fur from fleas in a timely manner;
  • Outdoor shoes should be kept out of reach of the animal.

If you follow the rules of hygiene and start treatment on time in case of infection, you can preserve the health of not only the dog, but also all family members.

Have you even read anything about medicines designed to defeat the infection? And this is not surprising, because worms are deadly to humans - they can reproduce very quickly and live for a long time, and the diseases they cause are difficult, with frequent relapses.

Bad mood, lack of appetite, insomnia, immune system dysfunction, intestinal dysbiosis and abdominal pain... Surely you know these symptoms firsthand.

It is necessary and important for owners of shaggy pets to know what deworming is, how to properly care for a dog, what deworming medications for dogs to use if helminths are detected, and how to cure a pet from this dangerous disease. All this will be discussed in this article.


The behavior of the animal must be constantly monitored, since even a domestic dog can become infected by simply drinking water from a puddle or grabbing a ball from the ground with its teeth.

A sick dog's immunity is sharply reduced, as a result of which it will be vulnerable to many other diseases. The effectiveness of vaccinations decreases sharply, which explains the need for deworming before vaccination. Moreover, worms, living in the internal organs, cause mechanical damage to them and literally feed on the dog. If the disease is not cured in time, great harm to the animal’s health and even death is possible.


An attentive owner can, without visiting a veterinary clinic, understand that his beloved pet has worms; all he needs to do is watch him.

There are several main signs of infection:

  • changes in habits and behavior: lethargy, apathy, tendency to dermatosis and eczema;
  • changes in the gastrointestinal tract: decreased appetite or good appetite due to weight loss, changes in taste preferences, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation;
  • the presence of blood, mucus, larvae or worms themselves in the stool;
  • swollen and hard belly, protruding ribs;
  • developmental and growth retardation;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • itching of the anus (the dog “rides” on the back of the body in an attempt to get rid of it).

Types of worms

Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish three main types of worms:

  1. Round (nematodes): have the shape of a spindle, tapering at the ends. In nature there is a huge variety of species of these helminths (about 1,000,000); some species can reach 8 meters in length. These include: roundworms, pinworms.
  2. Tape, flat (cestodes): They have a ribbon-like, long body at one end of which there is a head. When it enters the animal’s intestines, the head turns out, sticks to the intestinal walls, and the helminth begins to grow, reaching a length of 10 meters. The most famous representatives: pork tapeworm, bovine tapeworm, broad tapeworm.
  3. Flukes (trematodes): These worms are distinguished by the presence of suckers not only in the front part of the body, but also in the middle. Due to the peculiarities of their structure, they can live in many internal organs, and their offspring are innumerable, since new embryos are already developing in each larva. These worms include: liver fluke and cat fluke.

What to do if the dog is already infected

As mentioned above, puppies can get worms from their mother even before birth, and deworming puppies has its own characteristics. In this regard, there is a need to deworm a newly acquired puppy, at least for prevention, even if no symptoms of infection are observed.

In this case, you must follow several rules:

  • If you plan to deworm your dogs before vaccination, be sure to inform your veterinarian about possible helminths, he will select a remedy for this case.
  • It is best to carry out deworming between February and March; at this time, deworming of dogs is most effective.
  • Only an otherwise healthy pet can be treated for fleas; even fleas should be treated before the procedure, otherwise the drug should be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Depending on the breed, some individuals may not tolerate deworming medications well; check this with your veterinarian.
  • Be sure to check whether the bitch received prophylaxis before pregnancy; the time of the first dose of medication will depend on this.

Choosing an anthelmintic drug

If you decide to treat your pet yourself, be sure to read the contraindications and dosage of the drug. If precautions are not taken when using deworming tablets for dogs, the pet can be seriously harmed, and if the dose of the medicine is insufficient, the long-awaited positive effect will not occur.

Dogs should be dewormed about 4 times a year, and this activity may be related to the dog’s lifestyle. For example, prophylaxis should be carried out on a bitch 2 times a year after estrus, as well as before and at the end of the summer season.

And remember, it is possible to determine helminth infection by symptoms only when the animal is already heavily infected. Characteristic signs of helminthiasis indicate that internal organs are already affected. In this case, it is best to immediately consult a doctor; you should not select deworming tablets for dogs on your own.

How to carry out the deworming procedure

Deworming is an important part of caring for a pet’s health and must be carried out with full responsibility, because the pet’s condition depends on the owners. Of particular note: these activities are carried out differently in puppies and adult dogs.

Treatment regimen for puppies

The very first time puppies are given medications 2 and 4 weeks after birth, then they are vaccinated on the 42nd day. This scheme for deworming puppies is explained very simply: due to the fact that most often puppies are infected already in the womb, by the time of the first dose, adults have already developed in their body, it is precisely for their destruction that the administration of deworming drugs is aimed.

During the second dose, helminths also grew from the larvae deposited in the puppy’s body; they will die this time, but their larvae will remain. As you might guess, this process is almost impossible to stop, but you can at least partially alleviate the puppy’s illness.

Puppies under 6 months of age are given canine deworming medications approximately once a month, then quarterly. A veterinarian will help determine the time of admission more accurately. In addition, professionals advise giving dewormers for dogs together with sorbents, as this will reduce the load on the liver from toxins released by dying worms. Most often, Enterosgel is used for this purpose at the rate of 1 tsp. by 10 kg. dog's weight - an hour before feeding for 3 days.

Treatment regimen for adult dogs

When treating adult dogs, first of all, you should pay attention to the animal’s lifestyle. Dogs that are often outdoors or in public places are at high risk of becoming infected. They need to take anthelmintic drugs for dogs every 1-2 months; pet dogs are wormed once a quarter. In any case, this event should be held at least twice a year.

A dog that has given birth to puppies should not be treated while the puppies are drinking its milk.

It is worth using deworming tablets for dogs at intervals of 10 days. This is due to the fact that the medicine does not act on the larvae, and a single dose will have virtually no effect. It is imperative to deworm all animals in the house; the health of both the owners and their children depends on this.

You can also use traditional methods of treating dogs for worms, but only if it is not possible to purchase a special medicine. For the greatest effectiveness of such drugs, they should be used as additional drugs between medications. Independent use of folk remedies alone will not be effective, since they do not kill the larvae and helminths living in the internal organs of the dog.

Unscheduled deworming

There are several cases when it is necessary to carry out unscheduled deworming of pets:

  • approximately 2 weeks before vaccination;
  • before mating, so as not to infect the puppies;
  • if there was contact with infected animals;
  • the presence of characteristic symptoms, after consulting a veterinarian.


There are many anthelmintics for dogs, depending on the type of infestation. If it is not possible to take tests and visit a specialist, you can choose a broad-spectrum drug.


You can choose the drug Alben: they give one tablet per 5 kg. weight with the first morning feeding, or a suspension is prepared from it in a small amount of water. No fasting is required before taking it, and there is no need to give a laxative afterwards. Alben deworming tablets are effective at all stages of worm development.


You can also choose Drontal deworming tablets for dogs. They are flavored and shaped like a bone, and are given in the morning during feeding at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. weight. They help well in the prevention of helminthiasis. Roundworms are killed, after which they are easily removed from the intestines. The good thing about this drug is that when you take it, the risk of side effects is minimal; it is recommended by veterinarians most often. For puppies it is available in the form of a suspension, Drontal Junior.

Kanikquantel Plus

Kanikquantel Plus is effective against nematodes, trematodes and flat helminths. Can be given to puppies from 3 weeks, contraindicated in females during pregnancy. However, dogs are reluctant to eat the medicine, and in case of an overdose, diarrhea and vomiting may occur. If you follow the instructions, side effects are rare. A nice bonus is value for money.


The drug is highly effective, but also has a number of contraindications: it is not recommended for puppies under 2 weeks of age and animals with impaired functions of internal organs. Available in two dosages: for adult dogs and for puppies and small dogs. When taking the drug, be sure to pay attention to the dog’s health; it is not suitable for sick animals and can cause adverse reactions in them (uneven gait, trembling and weakness).


Owners who are unable to force their pet to take medication may approach Lawyer's withers drops. Packing should be chosen depending on the weight of the animal, applied to healthy areas of the skin. The drug is prohibited for weakened animals and puppies under 7 weeks. After use, a local reaction is possible, but it passes quickly. Caution: the medicine is not effective against flatworms and tapeworms.


Broad-spectrum anthelmintic agent. Affects worms at any stage of development. Available in granule form. Before using Panakur, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage, which depends on the degree of infection and on the weight of the dog. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian. The drug is low-toxic, odorless and tasteless.

How to give deworming medication to a dog

Most often, the medicine for worms for dogs is given with food, but if they refuse such food, you can dilute the tablet with water and pour it into the animal's mouth with a syringe without a needle. In any case, you can learn about how to give deworming pills to a dog from the instructions.

After taking anthelmintic drugs for dogs, intoxication may occur, since all these drugs are toxic. The pet may be poisoned, be weak and lethargic, and may experience diarrhea. In this situation, it is necessary to immediately vomit and give a dose of absorbent. Moreover, the dead helminths sometimes curl up into a ball and clog the intestines. If you suspect that this is exactly what happened or your pet feels very unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of worms in dogs

As mentioned above, the risk of becoming infected with helminths is also quite high in indoor dogs, so special preventive measures are needed to prevent the disease in the dog.

In addition to the obligatory deworming of the bitch before mating, you also need to treat her nipples while she is feeding the puppies, if there is a suspicion that worm eggs may have gotten on them. This will help protect the puppies from infection for as long as possible; in addition, newborn puppies are wormed for the first time after two weeks of life.

The dog must not be allowed to roam freely; it must always be in sight of the owner. Otherwise, the animal may drink water from a puddle, try to eat garbage or feces of other dogs, then it will certainly not be possible to avoid taking deworming tablets for dogs.


Watch the video for useful tips on how to get rid of worms in puppies.

A dog can become infected with worms from a sick animal, through food or water. Tapeworms are usually caused by fleas. Dogs often pick up fleas from their relatives. If a dog lives in rural conditions, then it can become infected with fleas from wild animals.

Infection of a dog with worms

The disease may be asymptomatic and appear within a few days. If left untreated, the disease can lead to intestinal rupture and death of the pet.

The video from Anya talks about the signs of worms in a dog and treatment using the example of a dog named Chihuahua.


Below are the most popular antihelminthic tablets:


Suspensions are more suitable for puppies and unruly dogs.


The drops are applied to the animal's withers, making them easy to use.

Which medications are more effective?

The effectiveness of the medicine against worms does not depend on the form of release: in the form of drops on the withers, tablets or suspension. The owner has the right to choose the form that is most suitable for his pet. The main criteria for choosing a drug are the age and weight of the animal.

For the medicine to be effective, it must be used correctly and certain rules must be followed:

  • buy medications only at a pharmacy as prescribed by a doctor;
  • the medicine must have a good shelf life;
  • it is important to carefully study the instructions offered for the drug, pay attention to how much to give the drug, and contraindications;
  • It is better to carry out repeated deworming with different anthelmintic agents to prevent addiction.

Since drugs, in a sense, are poison, therefore the dosage must be strictly adhered to. How much to give is stated in the instructions.

How to deworm?

The removal of worms should be done according to the instructions included with the medicine. It prescribes the dosage and time of administration.

On the day of treatment for worms, dairy products should be excluded from the diet. Puppies should undergo their first anthelmintic treatment at 3 weeks (21 days).

There are some general rules for worming:

  • the most important first deworming, when the procedure is carried out for the first time, is often carried out before vaccination;
  • It is better to give the remedy in the morning on an empty stomach before meals;
  • if the pet vomits the remedy or spits out the tablet, the procedure can be repeated only after 14 days;
  • before the run, you should give your pet Gamavit, an immunostimulant;
  • The dog should be wormed at least once every 3 months, that is, once a quarter;
  • deworming should be done 10 days before vaccination, mating and birth;
  • before removing worms, measures should be taken to treat the fur against fleas and ticks, since fleas weaken the animal’s immunity;
  • if an adult dog salivates after the test and his pupils become enlarged, you need to give him an absorbent; in any case, it is given to puppies an hour and a half after taking the medicine;
  • the dog must empty its intestines no later than 6-8 hours later, otherwise it needs to be given a laxative: Duphalac or mineral vaseline oil;

Water should always be available to your dog as dewormers make you thirsty, which can cause dehydration.

How to give the pill?

If the drops are easy to use, you just need to drop them on the animal’s withers, then problems can arise with the tablets.

There are several ways you can give the tablet to your dog:

  1. Hide the tablet in food, such as minced meat, butter, cheese. If your dog can catch pieces of treats, you can give the tablet during play.
  2. For this method you will need an assistant. He holds the animal by the chest, and the owner takes the dog by the muzzle and lifts it up, throwing his head back. The dog's lower jaw automatically falls off. At this moment, you need to press on the base of the tongue and throw the tablet into the throat as deep as possible. Now you should stroke your throat so that the tablet passes further.
  3. It is safer to give your dog the tablet by pressing on its cheeks. When she opens her mouth, you need to stick her cheeks between her jaws. In this case, the dog will not be able to bite you. You need to throw the tablet with your free hand.

Prevention against worms is very important, since helminths are very dangerous for animals. In severe form, they can lead to the death of the pet.

Video “Antihelminthics”

Is your pet sad and doesn't want to play? Does he look sick and have no appetite, as well as vomiting or diarrhea after each meal, while his stomach is swollen, and is there also wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath? Perhaps it's time to think about anthelmintics? Because the above symptoms, like nothing else, are signs of a dog being infected with worms. How to choose a good anthelmintic and how often to give it to your dog, read this article.

One of the popular and affordable anthelmintics is deworming tablets. The tablets are dosed according to the weight of the animal and are used after a fasting diet; it is most effective to do deworming in the morning. Let's look at the most popular anthelmintics, which are recommended by doctors and animal owners.

  • - These are French-made tablets in the form of dragees. G leaf herb for dogs Milbemax dose strictly according to weight proportions: 0.5 - 1 kg / 0.5 tablets, 1 - 5 kg / 1 tablet, 5 - 10 kg / 2 tablets.
  • – the anthelmintic is taken orally by the dog at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The medicine is administered into the dog’s body forcibly or with food. There is no need to pre-diet or use laxatives. For preventive purposes, deworming is carried out quarterly, as well as before vaccination and 10 days before mating.
  • – an anthelmintic drug in the form of tablets that is administered orally in the proportion of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. After enduring a fasting diet, it is best to use the drug in the morning.
  • Azinox Plus - tablets for the prevention and treatment of worms at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of animal weight. This is a good anthelmintic with immediate effect.
  • Febtal combo are anthelmintic tablets that have a wide spectrum of anthelmintic action. The medicine is used in a single dose - 1 tablet per 1.5 kg of animal weight.
  • Prazicide - anthelmintic tablets for prevention and treatment are administered to animals individually and once in the morning in the food, or the root of the tongue in the form of an aqueous suspension.
  • — anthelmintic tablets are administered orally in the proportion of 1 tablet per 5 kg of animal weight in the morning meal or forcefully. For dogs and puppies weighing 2.5 kg, 1 tablet of the drug is crushed and mixed with water, then administered at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per 0.5 kg of weight.
  • – tablets for worms are light yellow in color, round in shape with beveled edges and a cross-shaped notch on one side. The spectrum of action is quite wide, but the drug itself is toxic and can cause side effects, such as weakening of the kidneys. Pets are given the drug once in crushed form with food or forcibly.

Other anthelmintics

It should be noted that there is no universal advice on choosing an anthelmintic. You can choose a good anthelmintic for your pet only based on the physical characteristics of the animal - weight, breed, age, and character. That is why we will consider anthelmintic drugs in the form of drops and suspensions.

  • Drontal Junior - suspension has therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for deworming puppies, starting from two weeks of age. The drug is administered orally and is a sweet substance. The medicine is administered in a dose of 1 ml. per 1 kg. masses having endured a preliminary starvation diet. For prevention, deworming of puppies can be done at the age of 2, 4, 8, 12 weeks, and then at the age of 4, 5, 6 months.
  • Helminthal - has a strong anthelmintic effect. The drug is used for adult dogs, as well as puppies, starting from the third week from birth at a dose of 1 ml per 4 kg of animal weight with food.
  • - anthelmintic drops. It looks like a clear yellowish solution with a slight odor. Administered orally after a fasting diet.
  • Prazitel for puppies - for prevention and treatment is used at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight, once. The drug is recommended for puppies - from 2 weeks from birth but strictly 10 days before vaccination, for bitches - only in the second half of pregnancy.
  • - drops on the withers. It is used for therapeutic purposes once, and for prophylactic purposes - once a month. A good and effective product.

Symptoms and how to remove worms from a dog

Where to buy anthelmintic on the Internet

You can buy deworming products for dogs in the PetShop online store and most others.



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