The role of the class teacher in elementary school. Positive results of work as a class teacher


Remembering childhood, each of us often reproduces events related to life in school years. A good memory remained of that teacher, with whom joyful moments of communication are connected, who helped in solving personal problems, in choosing a life path, was an interesting person. Most often, this is the class teacher. He really stands closest to the child in the teaching staff of the school, since the class teacher is the link between the student, teachers and parents, society, and often between the children themselves.

The activity of a modern class teacher is the most important link in the educational system of an educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to pupils. It is due to the modern task that the world community, the state, parents set for the educational institution - the maximum development of each child, the preservation of his originality, the disclosure of his talents and the creation of conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical perfection.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that, in connection with the improvement of education, a modern class teacher must not only work with children, but also comply with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of elementary school. In this regard, teachers have a mountain of paperwork and no time at all to work with children. A plan of educational work, a work program for each subject, filling out a class journal and much more.

The purpose of the work: to show the complexity of the activity of the class teacher of an elementary school.


    describe the main functions of the class teacher

    reveal the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard

    bring the concept of primary education.

Chapter 1. The class teacher and his functions

The class teacher is a teacher who carries out the functions of the organizer of children's life at school. The class teacher has a higher or secondary special pedagogical education. The activities of class teachers are supervised by the deputy director for educational work. The class teacher reports on the results of his work to the teachers' council, director, deputy. school principal in due course.

The purpose of the work of the class teacher is to create favorable conditions for personal development, manifestation of initiative, independence, responsibility, sincerity, mutual assistance, self-affirmation of each student, disclosure of his potential.

The main tasks and content of the work of the class teacher:

    contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the individual development and moral formation of the child's personality, makes the necessary adjustments to the education system;

    creates a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each child in the class;

    helps the child to solve problems that arise in communication with friends, teachers, parents;

    promotes the acquisition of additional education by students (pupils) through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized in educational institutions at the place of residence;

    promptly notifies the school administration of each accident, takes measures to provide first aid;

    conducts safety briefings at training sessions, educational events, during vacation time with mandatory registration in the briefing registration log;

    observes the rights and freedoms of students;

    together with student self-government bodies, actively promotes a healthy lifestyle.

The class teacher has the right:

    receive regular information about the physical and mental health of children;

    monitor the attendance of classes by students of his class;

    monitor the learning progress of each student, noting successes and failures to provide timely assistance;

    coordinate the work of subject teachers who have an educational influence on his students at pedagogical councils;

    develop, create, together with a social pedagogue, physicians, individual work programs with children and adolescents, girls, boys, parents of students;

    invite parents (persons replacing them) to an educational institution;

    participate in the work of the teachers' council, administrative council, scientific and methodological council and other public bodies of the school;

    conduct experimental and methodical work on various problems of educational activity;

    create their own educational systems and programs, creatively apply new methods, forms and techniques of education;

The class teacher does not have the right to:

    humiliate the personal dignity of the pupil, insult him with an action or word, inventing nicknames, hanging labels, etc.

    use grade to punish a student;

    abuse the trust of the child, break the word given to the pupil;

    use the family (parents or relatives) to punish the child;

    discuss behind the eyes of their colleagues, present them in an unfavorable light, undermining the authority of the teacher and the entire teaching staff.

The classroom teacher should be able to:

    communicate with children, encouraging children's activity, responsibility, setting an example of efficiency and responsibility;

    to form their educational goals;

    plan educational work;

    organize an educational event: a conversation, debate, excursion, hike, class hour;

    hold a parent meeting;

    use psychological and diagnostic tests, questionnaires and use them in work.

Functions of the class teacher.


    Working with latecomers and finding out the reasons for the absence of students.

    Catering for students.

    Organization of duty in classrooms.

    Individual work with students.


    Check student diaries.

    Carrying out activities in the classroom (according to the plan).

    Working with parents (depending on the situation).

    Working with subject teachers.

Every month:

    Attending classes in your class.

    Consultations with a social pedagogue, psychologist.

    Excursions, visits to theaters, etc.

    Meeting with the parent asset.

    Organization of the participation of the class team in the affairs of the school.

    Organization of the participation of the class team in extracurricular activities (district competitions, subject Olympiads, excursions, etc.).

Once a quarter:

    Making a class journal at the end of the quarter.

    Analysis of the implementation of the work plan for a quarter, correction of the plan of educational work for a new quarter.

    Conducting a parent meeting.

Once a year:

    Holding an open event.

    Registration of personal files of students.

    Analysis and preparation of a class work plan.

    Making a student portfolio.

A real class teacher owns the technology of his activity, thanks to which he is able to see in each of his pupils a unique personality; with the help of which he deeply studies each student on the basis of pedagogical diagnostics, harmonizes relations with him, and contributes to the formation of a children's team. The class teacher is called upon to be a link between the student, teachers and parents, society, and often between the children themselves.

The class teacher predicts, analyzes, organizes, cooperates, controls the daily life and activities of students in his class. The modern class teacher in his activities uses not only known forms of educational work, but also includes new forms of work with the student team in his practice. Forms of work are determined based on the pedagogical situation. The number of forms is endless: conversations, discussions, games, competitions, hikes and excursions, competitions, socially useful and creative work, artistic and aesthetic activities, role-playing training, etc.

The class teacher designs the educational system of the class together with the children, taking into account their interests, abilities, wishes, interacts with parents, takes into account the ethno-cultural conditions of the environment.

But at the same time, professional qualities are also important: education, general outlook, erudition.

The teacher humanizes the relationship between children in the team, contributes to the formation of moral meanings and spiritual guidelines, organizes socially valuable relationships and experiences of pupils in the class community, creative, personally and socially significant activities, and a system of self-government. The class teacher creates a situation of security, emotional comfort, favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the child's personality, contributes to the formation of students' self-education skills. In the course of their activities, a modern class teacher primarily interacts with subject teachers, attracts teachers to work with parents, and includes students in their class in the system of extracurricular work in subjects. These include a variety of subject circles, electives, issue of subject newspapers, and joint organization and participation in subject weeks, theme evenings and other events. In his work, the class teacher constantly takes care of the health of his pupils, using the information received from the medical workers of the educational institution.

The class teacher contributes to the inclusion of schoolchildren in various creative associations of interest (circles, sections, clubs) operating both in general educational institutions and in institutions of additional education.

Collaborating with the librarian, the class teacher expands the reading circle of students, contributes to the formation of a culture of reading, attitudes towards moral ideals, ethical standards of behavior, awareness of one's own individuality through the development of classical and modern literature.

The class teacher should also work closely with a social teacher, who is called upon to be an intermediary between the child's personality and all social institutions in resolving students' personal crises.

One of the most important social institutions of education is the family. The work of the class teacher with parents is aimed at cooperating with the family in the interests of the child. The class teacher attracts parents to participate in the educational process in an educational institution, which contributes to the creation of a favorable climate in the family, the psychological and emotional comfort of the child at school and at home. At the same time, the most important task remains the actualization of the content of educational activities that contribute to the emotional development of the student, his speech, and intellect.

A special place in the activities of the class teacher is occupied by the class hour - a form of organizing the process of direct communication between the teacher and pupils, during which important moral, moral and ethical problems can be raised and solved.

Already from the first year of schooling, the class teacher develops the skills of self-management in the children. From the 2nd grade, the shift asset, headed by the shift commander, coordinates work on academic subjects and creative groups in preparing class events. Class members are elected by secret ballot once every quarter. By the 4th grade, children prepare class hours on their own, organize holidays, meetings with interesting people, publish a newspaper twice a quarter. Self-management in the children's team includes the following areas:






    public order

Thus, the class teacher is a professional teacher who performs the functions of the organizer of children's life at school. To successfully address the issues of education, upbringing and development of the child's personality, active interaction of all participants in the educational process is necessary.

Chapter 2

2.1. Standards of work of the class teacher.

The main standards for the work of the class teacher are spelled out in the Federal State Educational Standard (FGOS) of primary education. At the heart of the Federal State Educational Standard, the class teacher provides the direction:

    equal opportunities to receive quality primary general education;

    spiritual and moral development and education of students at the stage of primary general education, the formation of their civic identity as the basis for the development of civil society;

    continuity of the main educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education;

    preservation and development of cultural diversity and linguistic heritage of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, the right to learn their native language, the possibility of obtaining primary general education in their native language, mastering the spiritual values ​​and culture of the multinational people of Russia;

    the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation in the context of the diversity of educational systems and types of educational institutions;

    democratization of education and all educational activities, including through the development of forms of state and public administration, expanding opportunities for exercising the right of teaching staff to choose teaching and upbringing methods, methods for assessing the knowledge of students, pupils, using various forms of educational activities of students, developing the culture of the educational environment of the educational institutions;

    formation of criteria for evaluating the results of students mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, the activities of teachers, educational institutions, the functioning of the education system as a whole;

    conditions for the effective implementation and development by students of the main educational program of primary general education, including the provision of conditions for the individual development of all students, especially those who are most in need of special learning conditions - gifted children and children with disabilities.

To obtain results, a system-activity approach is used, which involves:

    education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, the tasks of building a democratic civil society based on tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for the multinational, multicultural and multi-confessional composition of Russian society;

    transition to a strategy of social design and construction in the education system based on the development of the content and technologies of education that determine the ways and means of achieving the result of the personal and cognitive development of students;

    orientation to the results of education as a backbone component of the Standard, where the development of the student's personality on the basis of the assimilation of universal educational activities, knowledge and development of the world is the goal and main result of education;

    recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, ways of organizing educational activities and the interaction of participants in the educational process in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students;

    taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role and significance of activities and forms of communication to determine the goals of education and upbringing and ways to achieve them;

    ensuring the continuity of preschool, primary general, basic and secondary (complete) general education;

    a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (including gifted children and children with disabilities), ensuring the growth of creative potential, cognitive motives, enrichment of forms of interaction with peers and adults in cognitive activity;

    guaranteed achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, which creates the basis for the independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills, competencies, types and methods of activity by students.

The result of the standard of primary education is focused on the formation of the personal characteristics of the graduate. The portrait of a primary school graduate looks like this: this is a student who loves his people, his land and his homeland; respecting and accepting the values ​​of the family and society; he is inquisitive, actively and interested in knowing the world; possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities; a student who is ready to act independently and be responsible for his actions before his family and society.

The result of the work of the class teacher of primary education is the development by students of the main educational program of primary general education. The activities of the program are divided into 3 types of results:

    personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, the value-semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual-personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; the formation of the foundations of civic identity.

    meta-subject, including universal learning activities mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), ensuring the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.

    subject-related, including the experience, mastered by students in the course of studying the subject area, of activity specific to this subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world.

Thus, the class teacher must base his work on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, since it indicates the direction of work, methods and methods for achieving results. The result of the work of the class teacher is the comprehensive development of students, the achievement by students of the portrait of a primary school graduate.

2.2. The concept of primary general education

Today, the elementary school is in fact engaged in the selection and screening of children, it is not able to educate and educate everyone. Those whom it sifts into C grades and hooligans, already in the 5th grade, join the group of potential outcasts, fans, drug addicts, criminals, passive, offended and humiliated citizens. This happens because one elementary school teacher cannot teach and educate 25-30 very different, individual, original, unique, little nimble, distracted kids. This comes from the installation of the class-lesson system: “you can’t teach everyone, which means you need to select those who learn on their own.” In fact, this is the path to social segregation, the path to a social dead end.

The teacher is the foundation. A class teacher cannot be considered outside the school, outside the classroom system, outside of his rights and obligations, outside of the material, moral and regulatory incentives that determine the work of a teacher. So, if we want to change the quality of education, we must change all the components of the system:

    Classroom system. It can be summarized that the elementary school must be restructured in such a way as to teach and develop everyone - today it can at best be selective.

    Normative acts. A very important point is the teacher's rate. It should not exceed 18 hours a week - this is a scientifically proven and practice-proven requirement. It is impossible to load the teacher, as today with thirty - fifty hours - the teacher does not work on the assembly line, he needs to emotionally recover, because he gives his emotions to the children. The teacher should have free time for rest, preparation for classes, his own continuous development. The second point is the number of students per teacher - the most optimal for the effective work of a teacher in an elementary school is 5-7 people in a group. Large classes can only be from high school.

    Material incentives and assessment of the work of the teacher. The salary of a novice teacher should already be at the level of the average for the economy. And then there must be incentives. Two criteria for the success of the teacher's work: firstly, the level of progress of all students, and secondly, the criterion for success should be the attitude of students and parents to the teacher of all children. It is necessary to change the criteria for evaluating the work of teachers and schools in general - to evaluate them not only by academic performance, attendance and USE results, but by the desire to study school students, from first graders to graduation classes. The desire to learn is easy to assess through online surveys. The selection of teachers will be carried out not by an official, but by life itself, by the children and parents themselves.

    Moral incentives - the status of the teacher. It needs to be raised not only by salaries, but also by the attitude of the state: in sleep, the first places on TV are jokers and politicians, and if there are teachers, then these are “teachers” or “teachers”. We need an information policy to improve the status, but now it is going down.

    Teacher's toolkit. These are textbooks, methods, an assessment system. We need very good textbooks, written in a systematic way (there are few systematic textbooks for children in the Russian language - chaos, all sections are mixed and scattered across the classes). There are many good methods, but they do not fit into the classroom system.

Today, there is another problem: a teacher, built into the class-lesson system, giving a grade to a student for a dictation or a math test, does not meaningfully give any signals to the student and his parents about what needs to be done, what to work on. With the current grading system (no matter what the number of points is 5 or 100), a student and a parent experience only negative emotions when they see a “deuce”, but they do not understand what the child should work on. The teacher himself, tied to the quantitative assessment of the student's work (one error - "5"; two or three errors - "4", four or six errors - "3", etc.), does not get used to working on the content. It turns out in such a system the following: the teacher, giving a quantitative assessment ("5", "4", "3" or "2"), actually sorts the students into strata: excellent students, ..., losers - this is required of him by the system. A student who received a “deuce” and his parents, experiencing negative emotions and not understanding what to do, turn out to be fools. The student learned the rule for "5", wrote a dictation for "2", received marks in the diary - but neither he nor his parents understand what needs to be done. The following solution is suggested:

    The existing student assessment system should be changed. How it might look like: the teacher, together with the parents and the student, draw up a plan - each teacher gives the student and parent from the very first grade skill cards in all subjects. These cards (for example, in mathematics, communication or reading) spell out all the skills that the student must master (in writing, reading, counting, communication, and so on). The teacher has the necessary exercises and techniques for training individual skills, for developing skills in all areas. Working with children, the teacher keeps track of each student on an individual skills map: what path has been traveled, at what level of skill formation the student is, what needs to be done to advance. Instead of an assessment, the teacher puts a flag on the segment of the path that has been passed, "won" by the student (the number of flags for all children is the same in terms of the number of skills). Parents and the student can be active with such tracking, because they now see the content side of the problem, and not an empty mark.

    Final work. Dictations and controls are not canceled, but now they become only informative. For example, the test for checking the skill of cheating will no longer be assessed with points (“5”, “3”, “4” or “2”) - the student will be given recommendations for practicing the skill (if the skill has not yet been worked out) or more difficult tasks for independent development at will (if the skill is worked out at the level of the 1st grade). Similarly in mathematics: the goal of the teacher is to track the development of a skill during tests and tests, and not to set an empty mark.

    Individual subject trajectory of development of skills and abilities. As a result of all this, in a month we will get an individual trajectory for the development of skills and abilities for each specific child in each subject, and it will be clearly visible on the map of skills and abilities. On each subject map, specific achievements in skills development will be marked and it will be clear: what needs to be worked on. It will be seen that in some children some skills will be better, in others it will be worse to form, but neither the teacher, nor the parent, nor the student will now lose sight of the content of the study.

    Connect active parents to the educational process on a new level. The teacher works not only with students, but also with parents, explaining to everyone what and how to do, providing them with methodological and educational literature - in fact, pedagogical training of parents is underway.

A student (from the first grade) gets used to working on content, on specific skills, learns to set educational tasks for himself and solve them, thereby solving one of the main tasks of elementary school: each child develops the ability to learn independently, children learn to set educational content for themselves. tasks. The same approach will allow you to track: which student needs to be given more attention, which less, what content needs to be invested in working with each specific student. In addition, this approach develops in children strategic thinking and the skills of strategic and tactical problem solving and tasks. And most importantly, this approach will allow all children to be taught basic learning skills by the end of primary school.

    Changing the accountability system of teachers in elementary school.

But such an approach will automatically require the school system in elementary school to change the system for evaluating teacher work and remuneration. Today, payment depends on the number of students, and reporting is reduced to counting the number of "excellent", "good" and "triple" students. In the new system, there will be no need to write meaningless assessment reports, the teacher will be able to present (in electronic or paper form) how and how far his students are progressing in the formation of skills. This approach will encourage teachers to look for the most effective methods. [3]

Thus, the concept of primary education has both advantages and disadvantages. A class teacher with a heavy workload should assess students objectively, but also design test papers in a way that tests basic learning skills. Also, the class teacher should track the development of skills and work with gifted people.


The class teacher of an elementary school is a teacher assigned to the class, having a huge number of functions and rights that allow you to competently teach the Federal State Educational Standard. The main thing in his activity is the interaction of all structures for the benefit of the student's development: from parents to the director of the school. Extra-curricular activities of the teacher in many ways allows you to see the potential of students. It depends on his activity how much his students will correspond to the portrait of a primary school graduate.

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) shows what is the focus of the work of the class teacher, what methods help to achieve this result, and what the teacher should receive at the end of primary education. The Federal State Educational Standard also shows what types of results a teacher (class teacher) should achieve.

The concept of modern primary education shows that primary schools have problems that need to be addressed. The problem of assessment and the workload of class teachers is still relevant today. The concept also suggests how you can achieve satisfactory results and not harm anyone.


    Artyukhova I.S. Handbook of the class teacher grades 1-4. - M., Eksmo, 2012.

    Dyukina O.V. Diary of a class teacher of primary classes - M., Wako, 2011.

    Kosenko A.M. New concept of elementary school. 2011.http:// professionali. en/ Soobschestva/ kakie_ esche_ conferences_ nuzhny_ v_ etom_ forum/ novaya_ conception_ nachalnoj_ shkoly/ .

    Methods of educational work / ed. V. A. Slastenina. - M., 2012.

    Nechaev M.P. Management of the educational process in the classroom. - M., 5 for knowledge, 2012

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, 2011.

Classroom teacher- a teacher, designed to coordinate the educational and educational activities of one class, form a student team and organize various types of activities of this team. The primary school teacher is also the class teacher. The activity of the class teacher is determined by a special provision in which his main functions: cognitive-diagnostic, organizational-stimulating, unifying and rallying, coordinating and personality-developing. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Cognitive-diagnostic the function is to constantly monitor, analyze and take into account the moral and physical condition of the students in the class. The class teacher must monitor the level of upbringing of students and correct the shortcomings of education, be aware of the state of health of children in a given period of time. Unlike subject teachers, the class teacher has the opportunity to deeply understand the psychological characteristics of the personality of each student of the class entrusted to him. Analyzing and processing this information, the class teacher should bring it to the attention of other teachers working in the class in order to achieve the best learning effect and the possibility of implementing an individual approach.

Organizational and stimulating function is to involve students in extracurricular activities. Participation in such activities is not mandatory, but it plays a significant role in shaping the personality, broadens one's horizons, helps to acquire new skills and abilities, discover new interests and abilities, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to organize extracurricular work in such a way in such a way that the students strive to take part in it, show activity in its organization and preparation. To do this, everyone needs to be assigned a certain place in the implementation of this type of activity, each student must feel involved in the common cause, clearly understand his role and responsibilities, then he will have a sense of usefulness and necessity. It is important to select duties in such a way that they are feasible and interesting for the student, and coincide with the direction of his inclinations and abilities. In addition, it is necessary to strive for the aesthetic design of various holidays, together with the children to develop interesting scenarios, taking into account the needs and interests of students that are appropriate for their age. Every time you need to come up with something new, while developing and preserving the already formed and beloved traditions of the class.

Unifying and rallyingfunction. This function is to form a healthy, regularly functioning student team. The class teacher should strive to develop friendly, collaborative relations between the children, encourage them to the unity of the main goals and aspirations, take care of each other, take responsibility for the state of the class team, respond to individual manifestations of its members. At the same time, the class teacher is obliged to monitor all internal relations that arise in the team in order to prevent the formation of negative groups, the suppression of others by some students. In order to avoid negative manifestations in the team, it is necessary to conduct various joint activities more often, thereby developing the interests of students in a positive direction.

coordinating function. The class teacher must coordinate the efforts of teachers and parents of the class to achieve a unified approach to the upbringing and education of students, eliminating possible contradictions and creating as many opportunities as possible for an individual approach. To do this, parent meetings, pedagogical councils are arranged and individual conversations are held with parents and teachers. If possible, parents should be involved in various types of extracurricular activities. The shortcomings of home and self-study are compensated by organizing home reading, various assignments and assignments for students.

Personal development function. Pedagogical impact on students should contribute to the development of their personal qualities. This task is the responsibility of the class teacher. This requires a thorough study of the personality of each student and the creation of conditions for its full development, the provision of assistance and support from teachers, parents and the student team. The duties of the class teacher in this matter include the following:

1) studying the personalities of students;

2) monitoring the progress of students, regulating the amount of homework;

3) clarification and control of compliance with the rules of conduct;

4) holding class meetings;

5) involvement of students in all types of extracurricular activities (hobby circles, work activities, charitable assistance);

6) active participation in the management of educational activities at the school, making proposals on the methods of education adopted at the school;

7) work aimed at establishing a unified approach to the education and training of students;

8) establishing and maintaining contacts with parents and families of students;

9) keeping personal files of students.

The work of a class teacher is complex and diverse, therefore, it requires a highly qualified teacher, a creative approach and personal interest in the successful development of each student in the class and the student team as a whole.

2.21. A variety of modern technologies of educational work with younger students and their characteristics.

The technology of education (educational technologies) is a system of methods, techniques, procedures of educational activity developed by science and selected by practice, which allow it to appear at the level of mastery, in other words, guaranteed to be effective and of high quality. " How?" - the fundamental question of technology in the field of education. Education technology includes a certain sequence of procedures:

Definition of a clear specific goal: a goal in technology is a hypothetical idea of ​​the entire technological project.

Development of a "package" of theoretical foundations: the implementation of certain theoretical ideas about the process of education, i.e. certain pedagogical concepts.

Step-by-step, step-by-step structure of activity: educational situations (preparatory, functional, control, final) act as stages.

Analysis of the results (monitoring - correction - reflection).

The effectiveness of educational technologies should be assessed by how much it changes the child's attitude towards himself, how it affects
"I am a concept" and how it contributes to the self-determination of the individual.

Dozens of options for classifying educational technologies are described in modern pedagogical literature: V.P. Bespalko, M.V. Klarin, F.A. Mustaeva, L.E. Nikitina, I.P. Podlasy, G.K. Selevko.

Educational technologies are classified:

On a philosophical basis: materialistic; pragmatic; humanistic, anthroposophical.

According to the scientific concept: behavioral; activity; interiorization, neurolinguistic programming.

Signs of educational technologies:

The technology is developed for a specific pedagogical idea and is based on a certain methodological position of the author;

The technological chain of pedagogical actions, operations, communications is built in accordance with the target settings, which have the form of a specific expected result;

The technology provides for the interconnected activities of the teacher and students, taking into account the principle of individualization and differentiation, dialogical communication;

Elements of pedagogical technology should guarantee the achievement of the planned results by all students;

Diagnostic procedures are an organic part of pedagogical technologies.

An example of educational technology is the technology of organizing a “success situation” (ideas by N.E. Shchurkova):

Cultivating a mood of benevolence;

Removal of fear of activity; hidden help;

Advance payment of the child (the term of A.S. Makarenko), i.e. announcement of its merits;

Strengthening the motives of activity;

Pedagogical suggestion;

Pedagogical assessment.

Technological algorithm of educational activities:

Goal definition;

Content building;

Event preparation;

Holding an event;

Analysis of the results of the event.

Primary school teacher and class teacher are inseparable concepts. The entire educational process of junior schoolchildren is educational, both in school hours and outside school hours. This is due to the psychological characteristics of the younger student, for whom the leading activity is educational activity. Therefore, the basis of the work of the class teacher in the primary grades is spiritual and moral education, the formation of the "moral foundation" of the student. The formation of a class team contributes to the improvement of the educational process in the classroom, increases the motivation of students. How does the formation of a children's team begin? Since this work is possible only in close cooperation with the parents of younger students, the work of the class teacher in the primary grades begins with the formation of the parent team.

Working with parents of students is a priority in elementary school. Only in the unity of the activities of the teacher and parents is a positive result achieved. The class teacher thinks through his activities in such a way as to involve all families in school activities as much as possible. This requires great tact from the teacher and an individual approach to each family. Parents voluntarily choose the direction in which they would like to cooperate with the school (cultural, educational and social, economic and labor, sports and recreation). When from the first grade it is possible to establish the work of these areas, then in the future all educational work in the children's team is facilitated.

As noted by I.I. Yudin, I.V. Kamenev, extra-curricular educational work in the primary class, focused on the development of spiritual needs, creative abilities and national self-awareness of children, should be based on joint activities with parents, representatives of the intelligentsia and the public of the region and city. To make parents active participants in the pedagogical process is an important and responsible task of the teacher. The solution of this problem seems possible if the following activities of the class teacher with parents are reflected in the work plan of the class and the school:

studying the families of students; pedagogical education of parents; ensuring the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of collective affairs in the classroom; pedagogical management of the activities of the parent council of the class; individual work with parents; informing parents about the progress and results of training, education and development of students.

Work in each of these areas consists of a certain set of forms and methods of activity. Their choice is determined by the goals and objectives of educational work in the classroom, the personal and professional characteristics of the class teacher, the traditions of the school, the class, the originality of the composition of students and their parents, the trends in the development of educational relations in the class community, the principles of interaction between the teacher and parents.

The work of the class teacher in the primary grades is a purposeful system, planned activity, built on the basis of the education program of the entire educational institution, analysis of previous activities, positive and negative trends in social life, based on a personality-oriented approach, taking into account the urgent tasks facing the teaching staff of the school, and situations in the class team, interethnic, interfaith relations. The teacher also takes into account the level of upbringing of students, the social and material conditions of their life, the specifics of family circumstances.

The work of the class teacher begins with diagnostic activities. Diagnostic activities are carried out taking into account the following conditions: research is aimed at identifying the developmental features of each child; diagnostic results are compared only with the previous results of the same student in order to identify the degree of his progress in development; the study of the personality of the student and student team is carried out throughout all the years of schooling; the prospects for the development of the student and the team are determined; research is of a complex systemic nature; diagnostics is carried out in the natural conditions of the educational process.

The study of children and the team is carried out not only with the help of special psychological techniques, but also through individual conversations, observations, conversations with parents, teachers.

After the diagnosis and determination of the goals and objectives of education, class teachers choose areas of educational work, the implementation of which becomes the first brick for the formation of a system of educational work in the classroom.

The position of the class teacher of the primary classes in the school management system is determined, firstly, by the general tasks of training and education facing the given school; secondly, the place of the class as an organized association of students, the main and stable unit of the general school community and the main sphere of self-realization of each child; thirdly, the functional duties of the class teacher and the needs of the class; fourthly, the characteristics of the personality of the teacher.

In the course of his activity, the class teacher interacts with:

WITH educational psychologist the class teacher studies the individuality of students, the process of their adaptation and integration into micro- and macro-society. The class teacher coordinates the communication of the teacher-psychologist with the parents, their advisory, therapeutic support. With the support of a teacher-psychologist, the class teacher analyzes the development of the class team, determining the cognitive, creative abilities and capabilities of pupils, helps the child decide on the choice of a future profession; coordinates the choice of forms and methods of organizing individual and group educational extracurricular activities.

WITH additional education teachers. Interaction with them helps to use the whole variety of the system of additional education for children to expand the cognitive, creative abilities of their pupils, stimulate their self-determination, self-development and self-education, the desire to expand the zone of communication; supports pre-vocational training of students. The class teacher contributes to the inclusion of schoolchildren in various creative associations of interest (circles, sections, clubs) operating both in general educational institutions and in institutions of additional education for children.

WITH teacher-organizer. Coordinating joint activities, the class teacher involves him in holding events within the class, organizes the participation of students in his class in school-wide events during extracurricular and vacation time.

WITH social educator. The class teacher is called upon to be an intermediary between the personality of the child and all social institutions in resolving the personal crises of students. With the direct participation of a social teacher, the class teacher organizes socially significant activities of students, activities aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation of social projects.



Subject-cycle commission "Pedagogy, psychologists, private methods"

Course work

According to "Pedagogy" __________________ ______________________________ ______

(name of discipline)

on the topic: "Features of the work of a class teacher in elementary school"

Student (s) Uz-15 course group V

Specialties 5.01010201

Evsyunina Ya.A.

(surname and initials)

Head Filimonova E.L.

(position, surname and initials)

Commission members ______

(signature) (surname and initials)

(signature) (surname and initials)

Sevastopol 2013

Introduction………………………………………………………. ……………………………..…3

1. Class teacher in primary school……………………………………………….

1.1 The history of the emergence of the classroom leadership…………….…………………....5

1.1 The essence of the activity of the class teacher……………………………....5

1.2 Goals, tasks, functions of the class teacher……………………………..... 8

1.3 Functions of the class teacher……………………………………………. ....8

1.4 Organization of educational work in the classroom…………………………………………………………………………….. ..eleven

1.5 Interaction of the class teacher with students……………………..... 15

1.6 Forms of interaction between the class teacher and parents……………...18

2.Practical part…………………………………………………………………………..20

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………..50

List of sources used…………...……………………………………………….52


In this course work, we will consider what role the class teacher plays in the education of younger students and in the formation of their knowledge. As you know, the education of schoolchildren cannot be carried out without the direct activity of the class teacher. Therefore, this position must be present in the field of education.

In the work of almost every teacher there is a difficult, but very important mission - to be a class teacher. Some teachers consider this work an additional burden to their teaching activities, others call it the most important. No matter how difficult the work of the class teacher, no doubt, children need it, since the main structural link in the school is the class. It is here that cognitive activity is organized, social relations between students are formed. In the classes, care is taken for the social well-being of children, the problems of their leisure are solved, the primary rallying of teams is carried out, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed.

The organizer of the activities of students in the classroom and the coordinator of educational influences is the class teacher. It is he who directly interacts with both students and their parents, sincerely strives to help children in solving their problems in the school team, organizes school life in an interesting and useful way. The class teacher performs very important and responsible tasks. He is the organizer of educational work in the classroom and mentor of students, organizes and educates the student team, unites the educational efforts of teachers, parents and the public.

The object of this course work will be the pedagogical activity of the class teacher.

Subject - features of the activity of the class teacher - primary school teacher.

The purpose of the course work is to study the features of the activity of the class teacher in the primary grades.

Main goals:

Analyze the literature on the topic;

Give definitions of the main concepts.

Determine the essence of the activity and the main functions of the class teacher,

To reveal the main forms and methods of work of a teacher.

Present practical materials of the real work of the class teacher.


1. 1 The history of the appearance of the class teacher

The institution of class leadership has been established for a very long time, practically along with the emergence of educational institutions. In Russia, until 1917, these teachers were called class mentors, class ladies. Their rights and obligations were determined by the Charter of the educational institution - the fundamental document in the activities of any school. It was he who outlined the terms of reference of all teachers of the children's institution.

Teachers-mentors were selected very carefully. The highest demands were placed on those who performed duties similar to those of a modern class teacher. A class mentor, an educator was obliged to delve into all the life events of the team entrusted to him, monitor the relationships in it, and form friendly relations between the children. The teacher had to be an example in everything, even his appearance was a role model.

During the days of the Unified Labor School, the class teacher was called a group leader.

The position of the class teacher at the school was introduced on May 16, 1934 by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the Structure of Primary and Secondary Schools in the USSR."

One of the teachers was appointed as the class teacher, who was given special responsibility for the educational work in this class. It was one of the best teachers in the school, he was approved for this position by the director. The duties of the class teacher were considered as additional to the main teaching work.

1.2 The essence of the activity of the class teacher, etc.

The class teacher is a teacher who organizes, coordinates and conducts extracurricular educational work, one of the leading figures in the educational system of the school.

The main purpose of the class teacher is, within the framework of the general goal of education, to ensure the individual development of the personality of schoolchildren, the discovery of the world of culture, the introduction to the world of modern culture, familiarization with the values ​​of culture, assistance in choosing the environment of life and ways of implementation in culture. The class teacher is engaged in educational activities, he is the central person of the educational process. According to K.D. Ushinsky, “in education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because the educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality”

The activity of the class teacher is the most important link in the educational system of an educational institution, the main mechanism for implementing an individual approach to pupils. It is due to the modern tasks that the world community, state, republic, parents set before an educational institution of any type - the maximum development of each child, the preservation of his originality, the disclosure of his talents and the creation of conditions for normal spiritual, mental, physical perfection (World Declaration on ensuring survival, protection and development).

The class teacher implements these tasks in his educational institution:

1) directly monitor the individual development of the student;

2) contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for the formation of each personality;

3) organizes the interaction and cooperation of all educational forces;

4) makes the necessary adjustments to this process, contributing to the free and full manifestation and development of the abilities of pupils;

5) helps to organize all types of individual and collective activities involving students in a variety of communicative situations;

6) work on the creation of a classroom team as an educational subsystem, environment, society that ensures the socialization of each child.

The activity of the class teacher achieves its goal and gives the best result, provided that it is carried out in a certain system. The system of work of the class teacher is a set of interrelated educational activities arising from the goals and objectives of education. It involves a thoughtful selection of educational material feasible for students and the skillful use of the most effective means and methods of influence.

The activity of the class teacher achieves its goal and gives the best result, provided that it is carried out in a certain system. The system of work of the class teacher is a set of interrelated educational activities arising from the goals and objectives of education. It involves a thoughtful selection of educational material feasible for students and the skillful use of the most effective means and methods of influence. Let's try to consider the main sections of the class teacher's activities, which in their totality constitute the system of his educational work.

First, the study of students. Classroom leadership usually begins with studying the class and each student individually. As a result, the necessary conditions are created for the correct, rational organization of educational work, for the implementation of an individual approach. The study of students continues throughout the entire period of their education.

The organization and education of the classroom student team is one of the main, leading sections of the work of the class teacher. By uniting students into a friendly and purposeful team, the class teacher creates the prerequisites for the successful solution of educational problems.

The next section of the class teacher's activity is to improve the quality of knowledge and strengthen discipline. A high level of knowledge and conscious discipline are the most important indicators of the correct organization of educational work. The class teacher takes care to improve the quality of knowledge of schoolchildren, seeks to prevent the backlog of individual students and repetition in their class.

The organization and conduct of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work is another of the most important sections of the activity of the class teacher. Various forms of this organization have developed and are successfully used in schools. Education in the classroom, in the learning process is complemented by extracurricular educational activities. The organization of extracurricular work usually combines two of its main directions - ideological and educational work and the organization of practical affairs of schoolchildren.

A very important section of the activity of the class teacher is the coordination of the educational activities of teachers. The class teacher must coordinate and direct the educational work of teachers in his class. The charter of the school states that the duties of each teacher include not only equipping students with knowledge, but also the formation of a worldview, the development of cognitive interests and abilities. The task of the class teacher is to ensure close cooperation with the teachers of his class, to achieve unity of requirements and pedagogical influences. From time to time, the class teacher meets with the teachers of his class, discusses the implementation of uniform requirements, the quality of knowledge and the state of discipline. Active communication between teachers and the class teacher helps to improve the state of educational work in the classroom.

The next section of the class teacher's activity is work with parents of students. Each teacher maintains contact with the parents of the students. A closer connection between the school and the family is carried out through class teachers. They communicate with parents more often, inform them about the educational work and behavior of children, outline ways of joint activities for their upbringing.

Here, perhaps, the main sections of the activity of the class teacher. In their totality, they constitute a complex system, which is the basis of the activity of any class teacher.

The class teacher, in comparison with other teachers, performs additionally very important functions for the education of students. Therefore, high pedagogical requirements are imposed on him, the fulfillment of which creates favorable conditions for improving the quality of his educational activities.

The class teacher in elementary school has a great responsibility. Together with the parents and the support service (psychologist and social teacher), the class teacher solves the problems of adaptation and socialization of the child. Their joint activity provides a growing person with real assistance in the process of mastering their sociocultural experience.

Any experience begins with understanding the basics. In an educational institution, this is an elementary school. Primary school teacher and class teacher are inseparable concepts. The entire educational process of junior schoolchildren is educational, both in school hours and outside school hours. This is due to the psychological characteristics of the younger student, for whom the leading activity is educational activity. Therefore, the basis of the work of the class teacher in the primary grades is spiritual and moral education, the formation of the "moral foundation" of the student. The formation of a class team contributes to the improvement of the educational process in the classroom, increases the motivation of students. How does the formation of a children's team begin? Since this work is possible only in close cooperation with the parents of younger students, the work of the class teacher in the primary grades begins with the formation of the parent team.

Short description

In this course work, we will consider what role the class teacher plays in the education of younger students and in the formation of their knowledge. As you know, the education of schoolchildren cannot be carried out without the direct activity of the class teacher. Therefore, this position must be present in the field of education. In the work of almost every teacher there is a difficult, but very important mission - to be a class teacher. Some teachers consider this work an additional burden to their teaching activities, others call it the most important. No matter how difficult the work of the class teacher, no doubt, children need it, since the main structural link in the school is the class.

Table of contents

1. Class teacher in primary school……………………………………………….
1.1 The history of the emergence of the classroom leadership…………….…………………....5
1.1 The essence of the activity of the class teacher……………………………....5
1.2 Goals, tasks, functions of the class teacher……………………………..... 8
1.3 Functions of the class teacher………………………………………………..... 8
1.4 Organization of educational work in the classroom…………………………………………………………………………………… ..eleven
1.5 Interaction of the class teacher with students……………………..... 15
1.6 Forms of interaction between the class teacher and parents……………...18
2.Practical part…………………………………………………………………………..20
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………..50
List of sources used…………...………………………………………...….52

Appendix 8




on the results of the activities of Natalya Dmitrievna Nikovskaya, a primary school teacher, as a class teacher

Work experience Nikovskaya N.D. in the position of class teacher is 32 years. INCurrently, Natalia Dmitrievna Nikovskaya is the class teacher of 2nd grade students.

During her work as a class teacher, she proved herself to be a creatively working teacher. The teacher has developed a system of educational work with primary school students. The main direction of educational workis carried out on the basis of the target program "School - educational space" developed in MBOSHI "YASHIS (P) OO". In 2012, Natalia Dmitrievna developed the author's educational program "Step by Step", which she is currently using. The leading idea of ​​​​the educational system is to create a comfortable atmosphere of life in the class team, based on friendly treatment with each other, contributing to individual and collective creativity.

When checking the plans of educational work, it was revealed that the class teacher Nikovskaya N.D. long-term plans are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of modern pedagogy, for the entire academic year. The plan of educational work reflects: the characteristics of the class, the social composition of families, a daily, weekly and annual cyclogram of work with the class team is provided. Individual work with students (problem, hyperactive) and their parents, work with class assets, work with diaries is traced. The plans traced the participation of children in both intra-class and school-wide events.

An analysis of the class hours attended showed that Natalia Dmitrievna Nikovskaya pays great attention to education: responsibility, discipline, objective self-esteem, the right attitude to one's own successes and failures, the ability to compete with others, the ability to obey, the ability to lead, the ability to achieve success, develop self-confidence.

Working with the class, Natalia Dmitrievna achieved great results in the educational and upbringing process with students. The result is a high level of student achievement in the class. Initiative, activity, a lively response to new things, creative undertakings - these are the main features of the students of the class.The most important aspect of the educational system is to reduce the negative impact of society on the personality of the child. The class teacher and the class team work closely with the cultural center, the Artika sports and recreation complex. All the children in Natalia Dmitrievna's class are actively involved in sports sections, participate in school competitions, and are participants in events held at the boarding school.

The key to successful educational activities with students is the cooperation of the class teacher with parents, because the family has a significant impact on the development of the child's personality. Nikovskaya Natalia Dmitrievnaworks closely with parents, building relationships based on respect and cooperation. Cooperation with parents includes the main areas: psychological and pedagogical education; involvement of parents in the educational process. Forms of interaction of Natalya Dmitrievna when working with the family are diverse: both individual, group, and creative(parent meeting, parent lecture hall, meetings of the parent community with the school administration, individual work, group forms of interaction between students and parents, participation of parents in student conferences and festivals, days of open lessons, holidays of knowledge, weeks of subjects, forms of leisure: joint holidays, competitions, competitions, KVN, sightseeing trips, etc.)

Organizing the process of education, Nikovskaya N.D. pays great attention to the education of moral culture among its students, as this is the basis of the educational system of work with the class team. A series of conversations was held on the topic “Lessons of Tolerance”, a cycle of class hours “I am involved in Russia”, “History of the Yamal region”, “Our school family”, lectures and workshops on the ethics of behavior (open class hours-workshops "Ethics of speech and behavior", "Foul language - fight. Start the fight with yourself!".), A series of conversations on the psychology of friendship (open class hour "Tell me the truth"), cool watch "What can I do”, “Hurry to do good”, “Traffic light holiday”, “Folk games for Christmas time”, “May 9 - Victory Day!”, “We are Earthlings!”, “Sport against drugs”

Students actively participated in the action "Give a smile to children”, “Clean yard and my school”, “Parcel and letter to a soldier”. The children are happy to follow the corner of wildlife "We are responsible for those we have tamed."

The active participation of the class students in the life of the school, the local society (concerts, festivals, KVN, competitions, olympiads, conferences, competitions, excursions) is marked by letters and diplomas from the institutional to the federal level.

Deputy Director for VR ________________ O.V. Lutoshkina



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