Massages for the treatment of kidneys. Active points on the hands

Kidneys - an idea of ​​an organ in Chinese medicine 2

Storage is the main physiological function of the Kidneys 6

Gui fu di huang wan (Jin gui shen qi wan) - a remedy for the treatment of emptiness Yang Kidney 9

Antioxidant properties of Gui fu di huang wan 14

Influence of Gui fu di huang wan 15

Treatment of Kidney Yang emptiness with acupuncture. 18

Remedies derived from Gui fu di huang wan (Jin gui shen qi wan) 19

Ji sheng shen qi wan 19

Emptiness Kidney Yin 19

Liu wei di huang wan – remedy for treating emptiness Kidney Yin 20

The influence of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan on various organs and systems of the human body 25

Treating emptiness Kidney Yin with acupuncture 28

Remedies derived from Liu wei di huang wan 28

Mai wei di huang wan 29

Er long zuo ci wan 29

Ming mu di huang wan 30


This guide is intended for individuals interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Without pretending to be comprehensive and cover the material of traditional Chinese medicine, even on such a small topic as the treatment of kidney diseases, it makes it possible to create an idea of ​​the principles and tactics of treatment used by Chinese doctors. While working on this manual, the author, on the one hand, tried to preserve and convey to the Russian-speaking reader the philosophy and terminology of Chinese medicine as much as possible, and on the other hand, to make the text understandable and understandable for doctors of Western medicine. For objective reasons, within the framework of this project it is impossible to provide detailed comments and explanations to all specific Eastern categories and terms that are mentioned in the manual. If necessary, you can use the relevant educational literature on Chinese medicine.

The author will be grateful for all critical comments and suggestions regarding the content of the manual. Comments can be sent to the author at [email protected] or to the SINOPHARM Company at .

Zaitsev Sergey Vladimirovich. Candidate of Medical Sciences, specialist in Chinese language and traditional Chinese medicine.

In 1986 he graduated from boarding school No. 5 in Leningrad with in-depth study of the Chinese language.

In 1995 he graduated from St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova, majoring in general medicine.

In 1996, he studied at the Huaxia Qigong Training Center for the Possibilities of Consciousness, Beidaihe, Prov. Hebei, China.

In 1998-1999 Trained in Chinese medicine at the Institute of Chinese Medicine of Xinjiang Medical University and in Uyghur medicine at the Research Institute of Uyghur Medicine in Urumqi, Xinjiang, China.

In 2001, he defended his thesis on the topic: “Gas discharge images (Kirlianograms) in patients with bronchial asthma and their changes under the influence of drug treatments and acupuncture.”

In 2003, he completed an internship at the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, specializing in “Scraping massage - gua sha” and “Cupling treatment”.

In 2004, he trained at the Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, specializing in “Traditional Chinese Pharmacology” and at the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Research Institute of Basic Theoretical Research of the Academy of Chinese Medicine of the People's Republic of China, specializing in “Scraping massage - gua sha (highest level)” and “Vertebral Chinese medicine treatment (highest level).”

In 2005, he completed advanced training courses at the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Research Institute of Basic Theoretical Research of the Academy of Chinese Medicine of the People's Republic of China, specializing in “Theory and Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine” and “Therapeutic Foot Massage”.

Kidneys - an idea of ​​an organ in Chinese medicine

Kidneys (Shen, 肾): located in the lumbar region, which is called the “abode of the Kidneys” ( Shen Zhi Fu, 肾之府), on each side of the spinal column, one on the left and one on the right, have a bean-shaped shape. They belong to the element Water. The kidneys store the quintessence - ching, control water, manage the perception of Qi. The Kidney Channel is called foot channel minor yin kidney. Paired organ - bladder, paired canal - foot channel of the great yang of the bladder. Of the five zang organs, the Kidneys are called Yin to Yin.

The opening of the Kidneys opens in the ears and two Yin openings (the opening of the urethra and the anus), among tissues they correspond to bones, their splendor is visible in the hair, among emotions the kidneys correspond to fear, among liquids there is liquid saliva. The kidneys store the will zhi.

In the human body, the kidneys perform the following functions:

1. Keep the quintessence- ching (Tsang Jing, 藏精):

The kidneys store Jing, which is the force that supports the birth, growth, development, and reproduction of a person, ensuring the vital activity of all organs and systems.

Kidney Jing consists of two parts: before-heaven and after-heaven (innate and acquired). The pre-heavenly one is inherited from the parents, the post-heavenly one is formed from nutrients, processed by the spleen and stomach. The post-heavenly beginning nurtures and supports the pre-heavenly one.

Kidney Jing ensures growth, development, and reproduction of the human body. IN " Huang di nei jing. Su wen"("The Yellow Emperor's Canon of the Internal. Simple Questions", "黄帝内经.素问") says: “In a 7-year-old woman, Kidney Qi is abundant, teeth are replaced, and hair grows. At the age of 2 times 7 years, the celestial sign of Gui is achieved, the Ren-Mai vessel becomes passable, the Chun-Mai vessel becomes full, regular menstruation begins, and she gains the ability to have children. At the age of 3 times 7 years, the energy of the Kidneys is balanced, wisdom teeth grow, the growth of the body reaches its limit. At the age of 4 times 7 years, the ligaments and bones are strong, hair growth reaches its limit, the body reaches a period of maturity and flowering. At the age of 5 times 7 years, the light Yang channel becomes depleted, the face begins to fade, and hair begins to fall out. At the age of 6 times 7 years, the three yang channels are depleted at the top, the face completely fades, and the hair begins to turn gray. At the age of 7 times 7 years, the ren-mai vessel becomes empty, the chun-mai vessel becomes depleted and weakened, the celestial sign gui becomes impoverished, earthly path becomes impassable, the body deteriorates and the woman is unable to bear children.

At the age of 8, a man's kidney energy is full, his hair grows, his teeth change. At the age of 2 times 8 years, the Kidney energy is abundant, the heavenly sign of Gui is achieved, the semen is able to erupt, Yin and Yang are harmonious, the man is able to have children. At the age of 3 times 8 years, the energy of the Kidneys is balanced, the ligaments and bones are strong, wisdom teeth grow, the growth of the body reaches its limit. At the age of 4 times 8 years, ligaments and bones reach their peak, muscles are filled with strength. At the age of 5 times 8 years, the energy of the Kidneys is depleted, hair falls out, teeth deteriorate. At the age of 6 times 8 years, the yang energy is depleted at the top, the face fades, the hair on the head and temples turns gray. At the age of 7 times 8 years, the energy of the liver is depleted, the ligaments are unable to move, the celestial sign Hui becomes impoverished, the semen becomes scarce, the kidneys weaken, the development of the body reaches its limit. At the age of 8 times 8 years, teeth and hair fall out.”

The Kidney Jing determines the course of a person’s entire life. With the birth and growth of the organism, it becomes more and more abundant. Over time, Jing Kidney reaches the celestial sign Guy (tian gui, 天癸), which correlates with the element Water, which implies the achievement of puberty. Then the Kidney Jing begins to deplete, the body ages, and sexual activity fades over time.

Birth, growth, maturity, old age, death are determined by Kidney Jing. The condition of the teeth, bones, and hair reflects the condition of the kidney Jing.

With a deficiency of Kidney Jing, children experience a lag in growth and development; in adults, sexual activity decreases, the body becomes prematurely decrepit, and old age quickly sets in.

Jing Kidney activates and regulates the vital functions of the human body, all its organs and systems. This is achieved through the yin and yang energies contained in the quintessence-jing. Yin and Yang The kidneys are the basis of the Yin and Yang of the entire body. When the balance of Yin and Yang of the Kidneys is disturbed, the harmony of the entire body is disturbed, which leads to the development of diseases.

Jan Pochek ( shen yang, 肾阳) – provides warming, movement, excitement, metamorphosis, is the basis of Yang of the whole organism. To emphasize the importance of kidney yang, it is also called true yang ( zhen yang, 真阳), original Yang ( yuan yang, 元阳) or true Fire ( zhen ho, 真火). Zhang Jinyue in “Lei jing tu yi” (“Wing Schemes to the Canon of Categories”, “类经图翼”) wrote: “The great jewel of heaven is the red sun; the great treasure of man is true Yang.”

With a deficiency of Kidney Yang, the metabolic rate decreases, the production of heat and energy decreases, and vital activity decreases internal organs. Such a person has a pale face, chilliness, cold extremities, a weak, rare pulse, reactions are slow, libido decreases, impotence develops, infertility, lower back pain, weakness in the legs, asthenia.

Kidney Yin ( Shen Yin, 肾阴) – provides hydration, nutrition, peace, forms shape, controls and balances yang heat, is the basis of yin of the whole body. To emphasize the importance of kidney yin, it is also called true yin ( zhen yin, 真阴), primordial Yin ( yuan yang, 元阴) or true Water ( zhen ho, 真水). Zhu Danxi in "Additional Discussions on Correct Classification" (" Ge Zhi Yu Lun", "格致余论") wrote: “When true Yin evaporates, if Yin is depleted, then disease develops, if Yin is interrupted, then death occurs.”

With a lack of Kidney Yin, the secretion of fluids decreases, peace is lost, and a relative excess of Yang develops. Such a person experiences hot flashes, anxiety, dry mouth, night sweats, heat in the five centers, a thin and rapid pulse, a red, dry tongue, aches in the lower back, weakness in the legs, increased sexual excitability, wet dreams, and premature ejaculation.

2. Manage water ( zhu shui, 主水): The kidneys are the main organ that maintains and regulates the exchange of body fluids and water throughout the body.

Yin and Yang of the Kidneys regulate the activity of all parts of water metabolism, regulate the work of the Stomach, Small and Large Intestines, Spleen, Lungs, Triple Warmer, Bladder and, finally, the Kidneys themselves. Yang stimulates the formation, distribution, and excretion of fluids; Yin slows down these processes.

The water coming to the kidneys from the whole body, under the influence of the Yang of this organ, evaporates, and its pure part returns back and is distributed throughout the body. The cloudy part goes to the bladder and is excreted in the urine. Yin and Yang of the Kidneys control the opening and closing of the urinary tract.

If this function of the kidneys is disrupted, pathology of water metabolism develops, swelling and urination disorders occur.

3. Manage the perception of energy ( zhu na qi, 主纳气):

The kidneys help the lungs to inhale and make it deep. Due to this function of the Kidney, the inhaled Qi descends and is carried all the way to the lower cinnabar field ( Xia Dan Tian, 下丹田), to the original outpost ( guan yuan, 关元), where it accumulates and participates in maintaining the vital functions of the human body.

The pathology of this function is manifested by shortness of breath and shallow breathing.

In the u-shin system, the Kidneys are connected by a certain system of correspondences, which can also be considered as the functions of this organ:

1. They manage the bones ( zhu gu, 主骨):

Kidney Jing provides nutrition to the bones. If kidney Jing is abundant, then the bones are strong and healthy and have the correct shape.

Empty Kidneys can manifest as aches and weakness in the lower back and knees, fragility, bone atrophy, and impaired development.

Teeth are excess bones ( chi wei gu zhi yu, 齿为骨之余). With normal kidney function, the teeth are strong; If the kidneys are depleted, then the teeth become weak, become loose and fall out.

2. Generate bone marrow, fill the brain ( sheng sui, chun nao; 生髓, 充脑):

Bone marrow is located inside the bones, providing them with nutrition. It should be noted that in Chinese medicine the brain sui denotes not only bone, but also the spinal cord, which is also located inside the bones, in the spinal canal.

The brain is a sea of ​​bone (spinal) marrow ( nao wei sui zhi hai, 脑为髓之海). Kidney Jing is involved in filling and supporting the functioning of the brain.

With kidney weakness, depletion of the bone (spinal cord) and brain may develop, which is manifested by a decrease in memory, attention, mental retardation, and senile insanity.

3. Their (kidney) splendor is manifested in the hair ( qi hua zai fa, 其华在发):

The Kidney Jing nourishes the hair on the head. In youth, when the Kidneys are filled with Jing, the hair is strong, shiny, black (or has a different color); in old age, as the kidneys are depleted, the hair becomes dull, brittle, turns gray and falls out.

4. Kidney Hole - ears and two Yin holes ( kai qiao yu er he er yin, 开窍于耳和二阴):

Jing and Kidney Qi fill and support the function of the hearing organ. With weakness of the Kidneys and insufficient nutrition of the ears, hearing decreases, noise and ringing in the ears occurs. Small, thin Auricle also serves as a sign of the emptiness of the Kidneys.

Under two yin holes ( er yin, 二阴) mean the opening of the urethra and the anus.

Kidney Qi governs the activity of the two Yin holes; The storing action of the Kidneys maintains these natural openings in a closed state, and also ensures their timely opening and closing.

Weakness of the Kidneys can be manifested by disruption of the activity of the urethral opening - increased urination, urinary incontinence, enuresis, and in principle this can also include emissions, prospermia; and disruption of activities anusprolonged diarrhea, fecal incontinence, habitual constipation.

5. Fluid (Kidney) - saliva - That (zai e wei to, 在液为唾):

Due to the activity of the Kidneys, fluids rise upward to the jin-jin (金津) and yu-e (玉液) points and are secreted in the form of saliva - That. Saliva- That This is a very liquid, foamy saliva that is secreted outside of meals and moisturizes the oral cavity. Since in ancient times adherents of the doctrine of nurturing life considered saliva- That liquid of the Kidneys, they paid special attention to the fact that it should be swallowed and carried down to the lower cinnabar field, returned to the original outpost and thus strengthen the Kidneys.

6. Emotion (Kidney) - fear ( tsai zhi wei kun, 在志为恐):

Fear injures the Kidneys; with fear, Qi rushes down, which is manifested by urinary and stool incontinence.

Storage is the main physiological function of the Kidneys

The main physiological feature of the Kidneys can be summarized in one word - STORAGE. The kidneys are in charge closing and storage (闭藏, bi tsang). The kidneys are the pre-heavenly foundation of the human body, the root of life, they store the original Yang and the original Yin, they store fire and water. The kidneys store Jing; The Kidney Jing must be preserved within and must not be lost. The kidneys control the fire ming-men, it should be hidden and should not be excessively manifested.

If the storing properties of the Kidneys are violated, then this leads to loss of Yin and Yang Qi, loss of Jing, weakness of the lower outpost, incontinence of urine, stool, semen, and fetus.

For greater clarity, let us present the functions of the Kidneys, as well as their pathological changes in the form of a table:

Table: Physiology of the kidney system and its pathological changes.

functions and relationships

physiological significance

pathological changes

keep jing

are in charge of reproduction

decreased sexual function, infertility

ensure growth and development

developmental delay in children, premature aging in adults

support the functional activity of all organs and systems

decreased functional activity of other organs and systems

participate in blood formation

disturbance of blood formation, emptiness of blood

participate in protecting the body from the penetration of pathogenic factors

decreased defenses, decreased immunity

manage water

regulate the exchange of water and body fluids

disturbance of the exchange of water and body fluids, urinary disturbances, edema

manage the perception of Qi

assist the lungs in receiving and conducting Qi down to the kidneys, providing depth of inhalation

shortness of breath, shallow breathing

hold the fetus

provide nutrition and retention of the fetus in the uterus

fetal development disorder, miscarriage, premature birth

governs the Yin and Yang of the entire body

Yin and Yang The kidneys are the basis of the Yin and Yang of the entire human body.

depletion of Yin and Yang of the Kidneys, depletion of Yin and Yang of other organs, depletion of Yin and Yang of the whole body

are in charge of the bones

Kidney Jing nourishes the bones and brain - sui

weakness and fragility of bones, impaired skeletal development,

teeth - processes of bones

Jing Kidney nourishes teeth, healthy teeth are strong

loosening and loss of teeth

give rise to brain-sui

Jing Kidney generates and nourishes the brain-sui, supports its function

weakness and fatigue of bones, developmental disorders

brain- nao- a sea of ​​bone marrow - sui

Kidney Jing supports brain-nao function

impaired memory, attention, decreased mental abilities, mental retardation

splendor of the kidneys - hair

Jing Kidneys and blood fill the hair, the hair is black and shiny

dryness, brittleness, thinness, graying and hair loss

Kidney-ear window

Jing Kidney fills the ears, sharp hearing

hearing loss, tinnitus, tinnitus

Kidney window – anterior yin opening (urethral opening)

ensure the functioning, timely opening and closing of the urethral opening

urinary disorders, urinary incontinence

Kidney window – posterior yin opening (anal opening)

Yang Kidney warms the Spleen; The kidneys support the functioning, timely opening and closing of the anus

stool disorders, loose stools, stool incontinence

Kidney fluid - saliva - That

support normal salivation

violation of salivation, prolonged copious secretion of saliva depletes the kidneys

are in charge bladder

support the metamorphosis of bladder qi, support the functions of the bladder in storing and excreting urine

disturbance of urine formation and excretion

The kidneys store the will-zhi

Kidney emotion - fear

maintain harmony of emotions of fear

fear hurts the Kidneys, with fear Qi rushes down: urinary and stool incontinence

The Kidneys are characterized by the development of empty syndromes, the basis of which is Kidney Yang Emptiness Syndrome And Kidney Yin Void Syndrome.

Emptiness Yang Kidney

Emptiness Yang Kidney (shen yang xu, 肾阳虚), also called Kidney Yang deficiency (shen yang bu zu, 肾阳不足) is a type of empty cold syndrome that develops as a result of exhaustion, kidney yang deficiency, and a decrease in the warming and Qi-transforming function of kidney yang.

The main reasons for the development of the Kidney Yang Emptiness syndrome:

  • innate, constitutional emptiness of Yang
  • Yang depletion, fire depletion ming-men with age
  • long-term debilitating disease leading to yang emptiness
  • long-term sexual fatigue

Clinical manifestations: pale or dark face, aches and weakness in the lower back and knees, cold pain in the lower back and knees, chilliness, cold extremities, especially legs, weakness; impotence, premature ejaculation, infertility in men; infertility, decreased libido in women; morning diarrhea, loose stools with undigested food debris; increased frequency of urination, light-colored urine, increased nighttime diuresis, decreased amount of urine excreted, swelling; pale tongue with a white coating; deep, thin and weak pulse, especially at the point chi.

  • decreased sexual function
  • urinary and stool disorders
  • aches and weakness, cold pain in the lower back and knees
  • chilliness, cold extremities

Gui fu di huang wan (Jin gui shen qi wan) – a remedy for treating emptiness Yang Kidney

For the first time these pills called shen qi wan(Kidney Qi Pills) are described in the treatise “Important Information from the Golden Casket” (“ Jin Gui Yao Liue", "金匮要略"), written by Zhang Zhongjing (150-219) during the Eastern Han Dynasty. Thus, their history goes back almost 2000 years.

Subsequently they were also called Ba wei shen qi wan(Eight Component Kidney Qi Pills, 八味肾气丸), Jin gui shen qi wan(Kidney Qi Pills from the Golden Casket, 金匮肾气丸), and also Gui fu di huang wan(Cinnamon, Wolfsbane and Rehmannia Pills, 桂附地黄丸).

The various names of the pills reflect their composition and action, as well as the treatise in which they were first described:

  • shen qi wan(Kidney Qi Pills) – replenish Qi, strengthen Kidney Yang.
  • Ba wei shen qi wan(Eight-Ingredient Kidney Qi Pills) – The pills contain eight medicinal substances.
  • Gui fu shen qi wan(Kidney Qi Pills with Cinnamon and Aconite) Gui fu ba wei wan(Pills of eight components with cinnamon and aconite) - the main components of the product are aconite and cinnamon, which warm and replenish Kidney Yang.
  • Jin gui shen qi wan(Kidney Qi Pills from the Golden Casket) – pills were first mentioned in the treatise “Important Information from the Golden Casket”.

These pills are mentioned in “ Important information from a golden casket" in five chapters:

  • Zhong Feng Li Jie Bing Mai Zheng Bing Zhi(中风历节病脉证并治) – Pulses, syndromes and treatment of “wind blow” and “joint joint” diseases.
  • Xue bi xu lao bin mai zheng bin zhi(血痹虚劳病脉证并治)) – Pulses, syndromes and treatment of “blood stagnation-bi” and “empty exhaustion” diseases.
  • Tan yin ke sou bin mai zheng bin zhi(痰饮咳嗽病脉证并治)) – Pulses, syndromes and treatment of “cough with phlegm-tan and phlegm-yin” diseases.
  • Xiao ke xiao bian bu li lin bin may zheng bin zhi(消渴小便不利淋病病脉证并治)) – Pulses, syndromes and treatment of diseases “debilitating thirst”, “difficulty urinating” and “dysuria”.
  • Fu ren za bin mai zheng zhong zhi(妇人杂病脉证并治)) – Pulses, syndromes and treatment of “various female diseases.”

This indicates the extraordinary breadth of application of this tool. Subsequently, throughout the history of Chinese medicine, pills received more and more recognition, the scope of their use became more and more wide. It can be said that the creation Jin gui shen qi wan (Gui fu di huang wan) served as the source of treatment for kidney emptiness, stimulated the process of deeper study and analysis of this syndrome by subsequent generations of doctors. With the correct syndromic use of this medicine in clinical practice, outstanding results can be achieved in the treatment of internal, women's, children's and other diseases.

In "Important Information from the Golden Casket" the composition of the pills is described as follows:

“The roots of Rehmannia 8 liang; dogwood fruit pulp, dioscorea rhizome, 4 lians each; chastukha tubers, poria sclerotia, 3 lianas each, cinnamon sprigs, Carmichel aconite roots (processed) 1 liana each.

Crush the above eight components and roll into pills the size of a utong fruit with heated honey. Take 15 pills with wine. The dosage can be increased to 20 pills. You can take it one more time a day.”

In the Treatise of Sun Simiao (581-682) “A Thousand Golden Recipes” (“ Qian jin fan", "千金方") the cinnamon sprigs were replaced with cinnamon bark and since then the recipe has been used in this form until the present day.

Currently, according to the standards of the State Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, this ancient medicine is produced under the official name Gui fu di huang wan, while the composition and ratio of components exactly correspond to the ancient recipes.


Recipe outline:

kidney yang deficiency

replenish Kidney Yang


nourish Kidney Yin


Chinese cinnamon bark

spicy and hot; replenish the fire ming-men, warm Yang and generate Qi, slightly promote the formation of fire

replenish the Liver and Spleen, nourish Jing and Blood


peony root bark

removes fire from the Liver

sclerotium of poria cocosidae

remove water, express dampness, remove turbidity, promote the manifestation of the effect of warming replenishing components

Oriental chastukha tubers

Mechanism of action and indications for use:

Warms and replenishes Kidney Yang. Used for Kidney Yang deficiency, aching and chilliness in the lower back and knees, swelling of the limbs, urinary retention or excessive urination, shortness of breath and cough with thick and thin sputum, debilitating thirst.

Pills are the earliest recipe for replenishing the Kidneys. Another famous remedy Liu Wei Di Huang Wan(Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pills), which will be discussed below, and its many modifications - all of them evolved from Gui fu di huang wan and, in fact, are derivatives of this medicine.

Purpose of application Gui fu di huang wan is warming and replenishment (wen bu, 温补) fire in water (Shui Zhong Ji Ho, 水中之火), Strengthening True Kidney Yang (Shen Zhong Zhen Yang, 肾中真阳). As it is written in the most ancient Chinese treatises - “to nourish the source of fire to eliminate the yin barrier” (益火之源,以消阴翳).

Kidneys are pre-heavenly basis, the source of vital energy for the entire human body.

When the Kidney Yang is empty, there is a lack of Yang in the lower heater, the warming function of Yang is disrupted, chilliness, coldness of the lower extremities, lower back pain, weakness in the legs, and cramps in the lower abdomen appear.

When the Yang Kidneys are empty, they decrease functional activity, water management is disrupted.

The kidneys do not move and convert water well, which is manifested by fluid retention in the body, impaired urine excretion, and difficulty urinating.

The kidneys do not control, they do not retain water, and then frequent urination and urinary incontinence appear.

When Yang Kidney is empty, the physiological transformation and transformation of water is disrupted, it spreads throughout the body and turns into pathological dampness, phlegm, etc., the patient swells, the feet get wet.

The Kidney system does not elevate and transform water into body fluids, and debilitating thirst develops.

The main herbs in the recipe are aconite and cinnamon; they strengthen Yang and nourish fire. Yin and Yang are rooted in each other, give rise to each other. With mono-replenishment of Yang, on the one hand, the Yin principle of a person can be damaged, and on the other hand, with such replenishment, there is no support for replenishing the Yang of the Kidneys. The learned men of ancient China said: “Those who are skilled in replenishing Yang must look for Yang in Yin.” (善补阳者,必于阴中求阳).

Therefore, yang-replenishing medicinal plants are combined in Gui fu di huang wan with plants that moisturize and nourish Yin: Rehmannia roots, dogwood fruit pulp.

Also, when strengthening the body, one should not forget about the removal of pathogenic factors. For this purpose, the pills contain peony root bark, poria, chastukha, which remove pathological cloudy dampness from the Kidneys.

Thanks to this, Yin and Yang come into harmony, Kidney Qi is replenished, and the function is normalized.

As the famous Qing physician Fei Boxiong wrote: “There is rhemania with fatty properties to replenish the water of the Kidneys, and there is also a chastukha with spreading properties to remove turbidity from the Kidneys to help it. There is dogwood with warming and binding properties of the liver channel, and there is also peony with cleansing and fire-removing properties of the liver to support it. There is Dioscorea with properties that collect and hold the spleen canal, and there is also poria with insipid and decanting properties of the spleen in harmony with it..

If we analyze the composition Gui fu di huang wan, then we will see that the medicine simultaneously uses components that replenish Yang and components that nourish Yin; Moreover, the quantity and dosage of the latter is much greater than the former. From here you can see the deepest philosophical and practical meaning laid down by Zhang Zhongjing when creating this medicine. It is not about warming and replenishing the Kidneys in case of Yang deficiency, but about replenishing Jing and restoring the metamorphoses of Qi in the kidneys. This recipe moisturizes Yin to nurture Yang, thereby replenishing the true Yang Qi of the Kidneys and restoring their function. That's why they are called not Pills Jan Pochek, A Kidney Qi Pills. Rehmannia, Dioscorea, Dogwood, which make up most of the recipe, are plants that nourish Yin; they replenish the Jing of the Kidneys. A small amount of cinnamon and aconite has been added to this block, which have a warming and moving effect; they strengthen Yang and activate Kidney Qi. This composition of the pills is based on one of the most important postulates of the “Yellow Emperor’s Canon on Internality” (“ huang di nei jing", "黄帝内经"), which reads: small fire gives birth to qi(少火生气). This is especially clearly, and at the same time figuratively, described by the Qing Wu Qian, who in the treatise “The Golden Mirror of Medicine” (“ I zong jing jian", "医宗金鉴") quoted another famous doctor Ke Qing: " In Shen Qi Wan pills, cinnamon and aconite make up one tenth of the Yin moisturizing substances. The point of this is not to replenish the fire, but to generate fire little by little. This is the generation of Kidney Qi».

The recipe originally used cinnamon sprigs, but they were later replaced with cinnamon bark. Although both the twigs and the bark of Chinese cinnamon are capable of warming and replenishing yang, their properties are somewhat different from each other. Cinnamon branches restore the permeability of Yang to a greater extent, their property of mobility, therefore they are used mainly in the formation of liquid phlegm-yin, spillage of water and dampness, stagnation of Qi and Blood. The bark promotes the perception of Qi, returns fire to its origins, its property is gathering, not movement. Therefore, when the fire is exhausted ming-men, empty fire floating to the top, insufficient absorption of Qi by the kidneys, emptiness and coldness of the lower heater, it is more preferable to use cinnamon bark.

Since Zhang Zhongjing suggested using Gui fu di huang wan (Jin gui shen qi wan), numerous generations of Chinese doctors, based on their clinical research, have significantly expanded the scope of their application. Summarizing this enormous experience and knowledge, we can summarize the action of the drug as follows:

  1. Warm and replenish the lower initial (wen bu xia yuan, 温补下元): Kidneys store the original Yin (yuan yin, 元阴) and primordial yang (yuan yang, 元阳). Yang Kidney warms the lower heater, warms the human body. Gui fu di huang wan warm and replenish Kidney Qi, they are used for emptiness of Yang Qi of the Kidneys, weakness of the warming function, which is manifested by cold pain in the lower abdomen, aches and pain in the lower back and knees, increased urination, constipation, impotence, menstrual irregularities and infertility, etc.
  1. Warm up Yang and remove water (wen yang li shui, 温阳利水): The Kidneys are a water-tsang organ, Kidney Qi warms the bladder and supports its Qi-transforming function. The pills warm the original Yang Qi in the kidneys and restore their weakened function. They are used for edema, urinary retention, and the formation of tan-yin phlegm in the body due to the emptiness of Kidney Yang and weakness of the Qi-transforming function.
  1. Warm up and gain empty Yang (wen she xu yang, 温摄虚阳): The kidneys are the place of dragon-thunder-like fire ( Long Lei Ji Ho, 龙雷之火). When the Kidneys are empty, their storage function is disrupted, and empty fire floats to the surface. The pills replenish the Kidneys and improve their storage, can be used for headaches, toothaches, palpitations, insomnia during emptiness, when the storage of Yang Qi in the kidneys is impaired and the emergence of empty fire.
  1. Replenishes quintessence-Jing and bone-spinal cord- sui (tian jing bu sui, 填精补髓): The kidneys control the bones and brain - sui. If there is a lack of Kidney Qi, there is not enough energy to generate the brain - sui, which is manifested by softness and weakness of bones in children, lag in physical and speech development; dementia in older people. In this case they can also be used Gui fu di huang wan.

Pills Gui fu di huang wan can also be used as a means of correcting constitutional emptiness of the Kidneys manifested by insufficiency of Qi, Yang, Jing.

The following symptoms are characteristic of constitutional emptiness of the Kidneys:

  1. Inspection data:
  • dark circles around the eyes
  • loose bone-colored teeth
  • pale atrophied gums
  • small, thin, dark ears
  • weak, atrophied limbs
  • developmental delay in children
  • weakness
  • drooping head
  • light urine
  • pale menstrual flow
  • light liquid leucorrhea
  • Data of linguodiagnostics:
    • when Yang Kidney is empty, the tongue is pale or pale and swollen, the coating is white or white slippery
    • when Jing Kidney is empty, the tongue is pale pink, atrophic, flaccid, small
    • when Kidney Qi is empty, the tongue is pale, the coating is thin white
    • when Yang is empty and there is excess cold, the coating is black or slippery wet
    • with true cold and false heat, the tongue is pale and tender, the coating is black, needle-like, dry, but if there is thirst, the patient drinks a little
  • Listening data:
    • cough with copious sputum
    • shortness of breath, intermittent breathing, or the mouth is open, shoulders raised, the patient cannot lie down
  • Palpation data:
    • the emptiness of the Kidney is characterized by deep ( chen), thin ( si), tiny ( wei), weak ( jo) and other types of empty weakened pulse
    • when Kidney Qi is empty, the pulse is deep, thin, weakened
    • when Yang Kidney is empty, the pulse is deep rare, or thin rare, or weak rare, or tiny thin weak
    • when the Kidney Jing is empty, the pulse is thin, empty or thin, weak

    Antioxidant properties Gui fu di huang wan

    Without oxygen, a person cannot live, but at the same time, under certain conditions, it turns into a formidable danger to health. Every day we breathe polluted air, smoke, eat food with chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, drink water containing many harmful substances, overwork, and lead a life full of stress. Under the influence of these factors, the formation or intensification of the so-called “ free radicals».

    Free radicals are molecules that have an unpaired electron. They are formed due to the fact that one electron is removed or added from a molecule. In an effort to gain the normal number of electrons, they are ready to take away the missing particle from any molecule they encounter, causing chain reaction destruction. First of all, cell membranes, DNA, proteins, and enzymes suffer from free radicals. This process, known as oxidative stress, is believed to be responsible for a variety of diseases, from Alzheimer's disease and cataracts to asthma and cancer. Specialists studying this problem count more than 60 diseases in the genesis of which free radical damage to the body's cells plays an active role.

    According to scientists, about 1 trillion free radicals are formed per day in one cell of the body as by-products of normal life processes. But wise nature has installed a special antioxidant system in the body that neutralizes free radicals and prevents them from having their destructive effect. An important component This system is a special enzyme - superoxide dismutase (SOD).

    Unfortunately, as we age, the repair abilities of this system decrease, and as we age, more free radicals are produced and damage begins to accumulate. The formation of free radicals is also fueled by an increasingly deteriorating environment.

    The destructive effect of excess concentrations of free radicals manifests itself in accelerating the aging process of the body, provoking inflammatory processes in muscle, connective and other tissues, and improper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Free radicals can damage DNA and disrupt the transmission of hereditary information. Many scientists argue that the accumulation of free radicals and decreased activity of the antioxidant system is one of the main mechanisms of aging in the human body.

    Traditional Chinese medicine Gui fu di huang wan increases the SOD content in tissues, increases its activity, protects cells from harmful effects free radicals, slows down the aging process and promotes healthy longevity.

    Influence Gui fu di huang wan on various organs and systems of the human body

    Effect on the nervous system:

    Pills Gui fu di huang wan increase learning and memory abilities, which decrease with age.

    The pills counteract the increase in the level of lipid peroxidation in nervous tissue.

    The pills have a protective effect against the oto- and nephrotoxic effects of gentamicin. Upon admission Gui fu di huang wan better results of the acoustic brainstem potential test, as well as less increase in blood urea nitrogen. This is also confirmed by histological studies of renal nephrons and auditory cells.

    Effect on the immune system:

    Studies have shown that the pills have a complex stimulating and normalizing effect on the human body’s immunity.

    In an experimental model of kidney yang emptiness caused by hydrocortisone exposure, cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) levels in the spleen and thymus were found to decrease, while cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) levels increased. Gui fu di huang wan not only reduce the signs of Kidney Yang emptiness, but also normalize the ratio of the above nucleotides.

    In patients with Kidney Yang emptiness, the ratio of lymphocyte subpopulations is disturbed; Gui fu di huang wan restore the normal ratio of CD3, CD4, CD8 and T-lymphocytes.

    Gui fu di huang wan increase complement activity, increase the level of complement fractions C 3 and C 4.

    Wang Yu et al conducted a very interesting experiment. They used pregnant laboratory mice that were frightened by a cat as a model of “fear hurts the kidneys.” As a result, increased levels of interleukin-2 were detected in newborn mice. However, if pregnant mice took Gui fu di huang wan, then the level of interleukin-2 in the mice was normal.

    Similar results were obtained by Wang Miqiu et al. The activity of natural killer cells in the daughter generation of frightened mice is significantly higher compared to the control group. Pills gui fu di huang Wan return this indicator to normal, but do not affect the next generation in the case of a normal pregnancy.

    The destructive effect of radiation and chemotherapy is often the reason for the ineffectiveness of these types of treatment and forces one to interrupt the course of treatment. Gui fu di huang wan protect the body from their harmful effects and promote speedy recovery immunity and hematopoietic function in the bone marrow.

    Effect on the endocrine system:

    Research by Chinese scientists has shown that Yang emptiness syndrome is accompanied by disorders of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system. When using pills Gui fu di huang wan these changes decrease or disappear completely.

    Usage Gui fu di huang wan when taking hydrocortisone, it allows you to reduce its harmful side effects, and also prevents suppression of the function of the adrenal cortex with subsequent atrophy.

    Gui fu di huang wan increases the level of estrodiol in women and testosterone in men, slows down the depletion of gonadal function with age.

    Changes in spermogram upon admission Gui fu di huang wan for 12 weeks in infertile men:

    Gui fu di huang wan have a hypoglycemic effect acting through the sympathetic nervous system. The pills reduce thirst, polyuria, and lower sugar levels in the blood and urine.

    Effect on the cardiovascular system (CVS):

    Zhang Jianxin et al. studied the influence Gui fu di huang wan on the SSS and found out that the pills:

    Extend life time under hypoxic conditions

    Improves the condition of acute myocardial hypoxia

    Reduces the incidence of ventricular fibrillation when exposed to chloroform

    Delays the onset of arrhythmia when exposed to aconitine

    Reduce platelet aggregation

    Reduce the decrease in red blood cell plasticity

    Normalize the surface potential of erythrocytes

    Influence on lipid and amino acid metabolism:

    Gui fu di huang wan lower the content of cholesterol and triglycerides, increase the content of high-density lipoproteins.

    With cataracts, the content of glutathione in the lens decreases. Upon admission Gui fu di huang wan The content of glutathione in the lens and blood plasma increased significantly, which indicates the preventive effect of the drug against cataracts.

    Effect on bones:

    Gui fu di huang wan accelerate the healing of fractures and the formation of complete bone tissue, and also improve the condition of bone tissue and prevent the development of osteoporosis, which is confirmed by data from two-element X-ray absorptiometry.

    Antimutagenic effect:

    Gui fu di huang wan have an antimutagenic effect and reduce the development of micronucleosis and the exchange of sister chromatids in bone marrow cells caused by exposure to cyclophosphamide.

    Antimutagenic power Gui fu di huang wan can be estimated from the following data:

    InfluenceGui fu di huang wan on the mutagenic effect of cyclophosphamide on mouse bone marrow cells:

    Pills can be used as a means of preventing cancer.

    Slow down the aging process:

    Gui fu di huang wan(and its components: rehmannia, dogwood, cinnamon, peony) significantly increase the activity of superoxide dismutase and reduce the formation of malonaldehyde, while the effect of the pills is stronger than the similar effect of rehmannia alone.

    Pills Gui fu di huang wan surpass others in this action medicines TCM. This can be confirmed by the following data conducted on laboratory animals.

    SOD activity in liver tissues of elderly mice after 3 weeks of drug administration:

    In laboratory experiments Gui fu di huang wan increase the lifespan of fruit flies, whereas only Rehmannia and the composition without Rehmania do not have such an effect.

    Effect on the Kidneys:

    With nephrotoxic serous nephritis when taking Gui fu di huang wan The level of albumin in the blood serum increases, the level of protein in the urine, urea nitrogen and total cholesterol in the blood decreases. There is also an improvement in histological examination kidney tissue.


    Pills Gui fu di huang wan

    Increase physical endurance

    In some experiments, the survival rate of laboratory animals under extreme influences is increased by more than 50%

    Reduce the percentage of abnormalities and deformations of chromosomes when exposed to radioactive radiation

    Reduce leukopenia when exposed to radioactive radiation

    Treatment of Kidney Yang emptiness with acupuncture.

    1. Recipe for warming and replenishing the lower initial ( Wen bu xia yuan fan, 温补下元方).

    Method of influence: heating.

    1. Dotted Yang Recipe ming-men And [yao-]yang-guan (Ming men yang guan bu yang fan, 命门阳关补阳方).

    Products derived from Gui Fu Di Huang Wan (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan)

    Ji shen shen qi wan

    (Kidney Qi Life Saving Pill, 济生肾气丸)

    A remedy from the treatise "Recipes for saving lives" (" Ji sheng fan", "济生方"). They are pills Gui fu di huang wan with the addition of plantain seeds and strawflower roots.


    Chinese cinnamon bark

    cortex Cinnamomi cassiae

    Carmichel aconite roots (processed)

    radix Aconiti carmichaeli (praeparata)

    processed Rehmannia adhesive roots

    pulp of dogwood fruits (processed)

    peony root bark

    cortex Paeoniae suffruticosae

    rhizome of Dioscorea oppositeis

    rhizoma Dioscoreae oppositae

    sclerotium of poria cocosidae

    Oriental chastukha tubers

    rhizoma Alismatis orientalis

    Asian plantain seeds

    semen Plantaginis asiaticae

    strawflower roots

    radix Achyranthis bidentatae

    Used for Kidney Yang emptiness and swelling, aches and heaviness in the lower back and knees, urinary retention, sputum accumulation, shortness of breath and cough.

    In European medicine, they are more often used for edema, chronic nephritis, hypertension and edema of pregnant women, etc.

    Void Kidney Yin

    Void Kidney Yin (Shen Yin Xu, 肾阴虚), also called Kidney Yin Deficiency (Shen Yin Bu Zu, 肾阴不足) is a type of empty hot syndrome that develops as a result of exhaustion, lack of Kidney Yin, and a decrease in the moisturizing, nourishing and Yang-balancing function of Kidney Yin.

    The main reasons for the development of Kidney Yin Emptiness Syndrome:

    • prolonged debilitating disease resulting in yin void
    • late stage diseases caused by pathogenic heat
    • sexual intemperance

    Clinical manifestations: aches, weakness and pain in the lower back and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, loose teeth, hair loss; in men, premature ejaculation, seminal incontinence; in women, scanty or no menstruation, or uterine bleeding; insomnia, forgetfulness, dry mouth and throat, heat in the five centers, restlessness, hot flashes, night sweats, heat from the bones, flushed cheeks, symptoms appearing in the afternoon, weight loss, decreased and dark urine, red tongue with small amount of fluids, little or no plaque, thin rapid pulse.

    The main diagnostic criteria:

    • aches and pains in the lower back and knees
    • dizziness and tinnitus
    • seminal incontinence in men
    • menstrual irregularities in women
    • signs of empty heat

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan– treatment for kidney yin emptiness

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan(Rehmannia six-ingredient pill, 六味地黄丸), also called Di Huang Wan(Rehmannia Pills, 地黄丸) - described in Qian Yi’s treatise “Correct Poems on Medicines and Syndromes in Children” (“ Xiao er yao zheng zhi jue", "小儿药证直决") of the Song Dynasty. Qian Yi created these pills based on Zhang Zhongjing's Jin gui shen qi wan by eliminating cinnamon and aconite from the composition, as well as replacing rhemania roots with processed rhemania roots. He suggested using Liu Wei Di Huang Wan with “five types of lag” in development in children with timidity and weakness of the Kidneys, loss of voice, non-closure of fontanelles, lack of spirit; Shen, pale face and other symptoms. However, the use of this remedy is not limited to the field of pediatrics, gradually the range of use of the medicine expanded, and the pills became the main basic tool of Chinese medicine for the treatment of Kidney Yin deficiency, as well as the emptiness of Kidney and Liver Yin.

    Here's how the classic composition is described Liu Wei Di Huang Wan.

    “Processed rehmannia roots (crushed with cardamom wine, nine times steamed and dried) 8 liang, dogwood (soaked in wine and fried), dioscorea roots (fried) 4 liang, peony root bark (washed with wine and lightly fried), white poria ( processed with human milk), chastukha tubers (mixed with lightly salted wine and fried) 3 lan.

    Grind into a fine powder, add rehmannia and honey, make pills the size of a wutong fruit. Take 70-80 pills on an empty stomach, wash down with lightly salted water.”

    Currently, the product is available in the form of honey pills, aqueous concentrated pills, tablets, oral liquid, capsules, and granular extract.


    Recipe outline:

    Kidney Yin deficiency

    replenish Kidney Yin


    processed Rehmannia adhesive roots

    replenish Kidney Yin, nourish Jing and brain - sui


    pulp of dogwood fruits (processed)

    replenishes the Liver and Kidneys and also binds the semen

    rhizome of Dioscorea oppositeis

    replenishes Spleen Yin and also strengthens the semen


    Oriental chastukha tubers

    remove cloudy dampness, neutralize the greasy properties of Rehmannia

    peony root bark

    removes the fire minister from the Liver, balances the warming and binding properties of dogwood

    sclerotium of poria cocosidae

    fresh, drains the dampness of the Spleen, enhances the healing effect of Dioscorea

    Action and indications for use:

    Moisturize and replenish Kidney (and Liver) Yin. Used when Kidney Yin (and Liver) is empty, empty fire rises upward; aches and weakness in the lower back and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, congestion in the ears and decreased hearing, night sweats, prospermia, heat coming from the bones, hot flashes, heat in the centers of the palms and feet, debilitating thirst, toothache due to empty fire, dry tongue and sore throat, red tongue with a small amount of plaque, thin, rapid pulse.

    Area of ​​application of pills Liu Wei Di Huang Wan unusually wide:

    • neurasthenia
    • hypertonic disease
    • atherosclerosis
    • coronary heart disease
    • subacute or chronic hepatitis
    • cirrhosis of the liver
    • pulmonary tuberculosis
    • chronic nephritis
    • hyperthyroidism
    • diabetes
    • diabetes insipidus
    • functional uterine bleeding
    • disorders and developmental delays in children
    • central retinitis
    • facial neuritis
    • early stage of senile cataract
    • chronic glaucoma
    • climacteric syndrome

    Principles and features of the recipe Liu Wei Di Huang Wan.

    1. Three replenishments - three eliminations ( san bu san xie, 三补三泻).

    The pills use a large amount of processed rhemania, it is sweet with a rich taste, replenishes Kidney Yin and nourishes Jing and the brain. sui- this is the ruler. Dogwood is sour and warm, nurtures the Blood of the Liver, connects the Jing of the Kidneys; Dioscorea replenishes the Spleen and strengthens Jing - these are dignitaries. Blood is able to turn into Jing, the post-heavenly Qi can nourish the pre-heavenly; These plants help Rehmania to moisturize the Kidneys and replenish Jing. Together, these components of the recipe replenish the Liver, Spleen and Kidneys, with the replenishment of the Kidneys being predominant.

    Chastukha removes turbidity from the Kidneys, balances and neutralizes the sticky properties of rhemania. Peony is slightly cold and removes excess fire from the Liver. Poriya pumps and removes the dampness of the Spleen, helps Dioscorea to heal the Spleen.

    Thus, the pills consist of three replenishing and three excretory components. In general, the replenishing action of the recipe is the main one, and the excretory one is auxiliary. "Three withdrawals" neutralize the sticky, oily properties of the "three replacements", prevent the development of stagnation with a replenishing treatment method. These three excretory components in the recipe are helpers.

    Three replenishing and three removing components Liu Wei Di Huang Wan:

    processed Rehmannia adhesive roots

    replenish Kidney Yin

    removes cloudy dampness, neutralizes the greasy properties of Rehmannia

    Oriental chastukha tubers

    pulp of dogwood fruits (processed)

    replenishes Liver Yin

    removes the fire minister from the Liver, balances the warming and astringent effect of dogwood

    peony root bark

    rhizome of Dioscorea oppositeis

    replenishes Spleen Yin

    drains the dampness of the Spleen, enhances the healing effect of Dioscorea

    sclerotium of poria cocosidae

    2. Combination of replenishment and elimination ( bu xie jian shi, 补泻兼施).

    As Fei Boxiong wrote in his treatise “Discourses on Medical Prescriptions” (“ And fan lun", "医方论"): "This recipe not only cures the deficiency of the Liver and Kidneys, but also fills and heals the three Yin...". Rehmannia, dogwood and dioscorea compensate for the deficiency of Yin in three organs - the Liver, Spleen and Kidneys, and affect the root of the disease. Chastukha, peony, and poria remove empty fire and muddy dampness from these three organs and act on the peak of the disease. Thus, the pill recipe combines simultaneous treatment of the root and apex, combines replenishment and elimination. In replenishment there is excretion, excretion is hidden in replenishment. At the same time, “triple replenishment” prevails over “triple elimination”, due to this, replenishment does not create stagnation, and elimination does not damage true Qi; and ultimately the pills have a emptiness-filling effect.

    2. Mutual assistance of Yin and Yang ( yin yang hu chi, 阴阳互济).

    Yin and Yang symbolize opposites. Jing belongs to the Yin category; if Jing is deficient, Yang cannot be formed. If Yang is not formed, then the pathogenic water spreads throughout the body. Therefore, in the recipe, Rehmannia protects the storage base ( Feng Zhe Zhi Ben, 封蛰之本), and chastukha eliminates stagnation in waterways and removes pathogenic water. Dioscorea provides cool replenishment of the upper water source of the cyclic sign forge, and the fresh-tasting poria decants and improves the conductive properties of the upper water source of the cyclic sign ren. Sour and warm dogwood gathers fire shao yang, moisturizes liquids jue-yin; and the sharp and cold peony cleanses the fire shao yang and supports Shaoyang Qi. Thus, the recipe combines rest and movement, Yin and Yang.

    4. Moisturizing and replenishing Kidney yin, a combination of conserving replenishment and heat removal ( zi bu shen yin, wen bu yu xie zhe tong shi; 滋补肾阴,温补与泄热同施):

    The emptiness of Kidney Yin often leads to the formation of empty heat inside the body; in severe cases, the empty heat rises upward. Therefore, along with rehmannia, dioscorea and dogwood, which provide warming replenishment, the recipe includes peony, which removes fire from the Liver, and poria with chastukha, which remove water and help remove heat.

    5. Simultaneous treatment of several zang organs ( do zang jian zhi, (多脏兼治):

    The Kidneys store Jing, the Liver stores Blood, both organs are in the lower heater. Jing can transform into Blood, Blood can transform into Jing. Such a close relationship between these organs is called in Chinese medicine “the common source of the Liver and Kidneys” ( gan shen tong yuan, 肝肾同源), "common source of jing and blood" ( jing xue tong yuan, 精血同源). Main action Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is aimed at the Kidneys, but at the same time, rehmannia, which replenishes the Kidneys, is combined with dogwood, which nurtures the Blood of the Liver, due to this, the Blood, which is in abundance, is able to be transformed into jing.

    The Kidneys are the pre-heavenly basis, the Spleen is the post-heavenly basis. The pills contain Dioscorea, which heals the Spleen, which creates a post-heaven basis for nurturing and strengthening the Kidneys.

    Thus, the pills take care of three zang organs at once: they replenish the Yin and Jing of the Kidneys, nurture the Liver and heal the Spleen. “This recipe greatly replenishes the three zang organs - the Liver, Spleen and Kidneys... At the same time, it is not drying or cold, this is precisely the recipe for the Path of Rulers.” (" Cheng fan bian du", "Simple readings using ready-made recipes", "成方便读").

    6. A combination of substances that replenish yin and substances that express and remove water and dampness; prevention of stagnation and accumulation of water and dampness ( bu yin yao yu shen li shui shi yao tong yun, fan shui shi yong zhi; 补阴药与渗利水湿药同用,防水湿壅滞).

    The kidneys' control of the body's water metabolism is mainly based on the transformations and transformations of Qi that occur in this organ, on the raising of light and the lowering of cloudy ones. When replenishing the Kidneys, one should prevent disruption of the descent of turbid water. If the muddy water does not descend, then the true water will not rise, the harmony of the rise and fall of this important organ will be disrupted, and the goal of replenishing the Kidneys will not be achieved.

    Therefore, when replenishing Kidney Yin, adding a small amount of plants that remove water and express dampness allows, on the one hand, to take into account the physiological characteristics of the functioning of this water organ - zang, and on the other hand, it allows for a therapeutic effect on the pathological symptoms caused by the emptiness of the Kidneys. Due to this, the replenishing effect of the entire remedy on the Kidneys can be more fully manifested. These views of the doctors of ancient China are very similar to the concept of glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption of modern Western medicine.

    7. Harmony of Yin and Yang ( yin yang ping heng, 阴阳平衡):

    The pills harmoniously combine the opposites of Yin and Yang. Replenishment and elimination, binding and sliding, cold and warmth, nurturing Yin and removing dampness - the combination of these opposing factors allows you to obtain a single clinical effect. The combination of opposites is not the goal of the recipe, the goal is their unity. The combination of these particular plants with opposite properties, which are part of the recipe, allows, on the one hand, to have a therapeutic effect on the disease, and on the other hand, eliminates the possible adverse effect of the drug components on the course of the disease. The opposite properties of the components of the recipe both balance each other and stimulate each other, which ultimately forms a single therapeutic effect. And it is precisely this that is the prerequisite for the unity of opposites. If this unity does not exist, then the recipe turns into a disorderly set of components, which not only lacks medicinal properties, but on the contrary can only worsen the patient’s condition.

    Influence Liu Wei Di Huang Wan on various organs and systems of the human body

    Effect on the immune system:

    The immune system is one of the most important systems of the human body. A decrease or disturbance in the harmony of the immune system can cause many various diseases.

    For immune system disorders Liu Wei Di Huang Wan contribute to its restoration, have immunostimulating and immunomodulating effects. This is confirmed by data from numerous experiments and clinical studies.

    The pills increase the phagocytic activity of macrophages, stimulate the production of α-interferon, immunoglobulins, and promote the rapid elimination of immune complexes.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan stimulate the destruction of microbes by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and enhance their release of superoxide radicals.

    The pills prevent the decrease in immunity caused by cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone; reduce apoptosis of thymus and spleen lymphocytes caused by glucocorticosteroids.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan And san bu fan(Recipe of three replenishing components) reduce the decrease in immunity when intramuscular injection cortisone. san se fan(Recipe of three excretory components) does not have a similar effect, but enhances the effect san bu fan.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan has a preventive effect against changes in immunity caused by intestinal campphylobacter.

    Effect on the cardiovascular system:

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan lower blood pressure in hypertension, improve kidney function, and reduce mortality. Having a hypotensive effect, Liu Wei Di Huang Wan do not affect the electrical properties of the heart muscle, heart rate, contractility myocardium. Thus, the antihypertensive properties of pills are associated primarily with a decrease in total peripheral resistance and expansion of peripheral blood vessels.

    Sugar-lowering effect:

    Reduces blood sugar, blood urea nitrogen, triglycerides and ketone bodies in urine; increases sodium and protein levels in the blood.

    The drug reduces the activity of lipoxygenase and increases the activity of superoxide dismutase in kidney tissue, which plays a role in preventing the development of complications of diabetes mellitus.

    Lipid-lowering and anti-sclerotic effects:

    The pills increase the level of high-density lipoproteins, lower cholesterol levels, reduce lipid deposition in the aortic walls and tissues, and reduce the deposition of calcium ions in the aortic walls; with long-term use, they prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

    Has a hypocholesterolemic effect Liu Wei Di Huang Wan And san se fan, A san bu fan No.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan reduce the concentration of hydroxyproline in the myocardium, reduce collagen deposition and lipid deposition in the walls of blood vessels of the heart and other organs, which plays an active role in the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

    The drug does not have a significant effect on the level of cholesterol and triglycerides at their normal concentrations.

    Effect on local circulation:

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan reduce the area of ​​necrosis during myocardial hypoxia, improve blood supply in the area adjacent to necrosis, and have a cardioprotective effect.

    The medicine improves the rheological properties of blood in case of coronary heart disease, and also prevents the development of hypertrophy of the heart muscle.

    Antitumor effect:

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan have an antitumor effect, enhancing specific and nonspecific immunity.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan reduce the carcinogenic effects of numerous chemicals.

    The pills contain selenium in the form of sodium selenite, which in experiments reduces the incidence of lung cancer by 51% and sarcoma by 48% in rats, and also significantly suppresses the development of liver and intestinal cancer.

    Rehmannia polysaccharides CA4-3B and P-3, which is the main component of the recipe, suppress the formation and division of tumor cell clones in vitro, which suggests that they are able to directly suppress the development of tumors.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan enhance the anti-oncological effect of mitomycin and increase life expectancy in cancer patients; but if you remove rhemania, dioscorea, chastukha or poria from the composition, then life expectancy does not increase.

    The product suppresses the mutagenic effect of both small and large doses cyclophosphamide.

    Chinese scientist Jiang Tingliang showed that classical ancient replenishing recipes Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang And Bu Zhong and Qi Tang do not affect the incidence of cancer, and only Liu Wei Di Huang Wan reduces frequency spontaneous occurrence tumors.

    Slows down aging:

    Slowing down the elimination of free radicals and their accumulation in the body is one of the mechanisms of aging. Antioxidant enzymes play an important role in neutralizing free radicals.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan increase the activity of one of these enzymes - superoxide dismutase (SOD), reduce the content of lipid peroxidation products. san bu fan And san se fan also have a similar effect, but it is weaker.

    In enzyme synthesis antioxidant protection The body contains many microelements. If their intake into the body is insufficient, the concentration of antioxidants decreases. IN Liu Wei Di Huang Wan there is iron, manganese, zinc, copper, which are necessary for the normal synthesis of enzymes.

    In experiments, the drug increases the life expectancy of fruit flies. Wherein san bu fan And san se fan practically do not have such an effect.

    Long-term use Liu Wei Di Huang Wan improves memorization, information storage, spatial orientation.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan improves function and resists the decline of testicular activity.

    Effect on the urinary system:

    In elderly people when taking Liu Wei Di Huang Wan the frequency and amount of nighttime urination decreases, the urinary excretion of low molecular weight proteins decreases, the concentrating ability of the kidneys improves, and tubular reabsorption improves.

    Rehmannia and dogwood are capable of expanding blood vessels, especially the Kidneys, also contain a certain amount of vitamin A, which helps maintain the normal function of the epithelial cells of the urinary tract. Poria and chastukha have a diuretic and hypotensive effect, dilate blood vessels, slow down the development of atherosclerosis, and play a role in the treatment of proteinuria.

    Electron microscopy showed that when taken Liu Wei Di Huang Wan the number of lysosomes in the renal epithelium increases, thereby increasing the rate of breakdown and processing of toxic substances, protecting the kidneys.

    Hepatoprotective effect:

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan protects the Liver when exposed to carbon tetrachloride and thioacetamide, reduces the level of transaminases.

    Of great interest is a comparative analysis of the hepatoprotective effect of the entire recipe and its individual elements:

    Hepatoprotective effect Liu Wei Di Huang Wan:

    From this we can see that the hepatoprotective action is based Liu Wei Di Huang Wan lies the optimal combination of its individual components.

    Effect on the hormonal system:

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan stimulate the adrenal cortex.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan and rehmania reduce the content of T 3 and T 4 in Yin emptiness syndrome with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

    The pills activate the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system, increase the content of luteinizing hormone and decrease the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, and do not affect estradiol.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan improve the functioning of interstitial cells of the testes and vas deferens.


    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan reduce the ototoxic effect of kanamycin and gentamicin.

    For rickets, taking the medicine helps increase the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood serum. In the experimental model on chickens, the incidence of rickets was 65.5%, and when taking Liu Wei Di Huang Wan only 16.7%.

    Liu Wei Di Huang Wan in osteoporosis, they reduce the excretion of calcium and hydroxyproline in the urine, increase the calcium content in the blood serum and bones, reduce the number of osteoclasts, stimulate the formation of bone tissue, and prevent the development of this disease.

    Treating Kidney Yin Emptiness with Acupuncture

    1. Recipe with a dot tai-si to moisturize the kidneys ( Tai xi zi shen fan, 太溪滋肾方).

    Acupuncture method: tai-xi, shen-shu, zhao-hai – replenishing (bu) 20 minutes; yu-ji – removing (se) 1-2 minutes.

    1. Recipe with dots tai-si And Shuiquan for moisturizing Yin ( Tai si Shui Quan Tzu Yin Fang, 太溪水泉滋阴方).

    Acupuncture method: replenishing (boo).

    Products derived from Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

    Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

    (Rehmannia Pills with Anemarrhena and Velvet, 知柏地黄丸)

    A remedy from the treatise “The Golden Mirror of the Founder of Medicine” (“ Yi zong jin jian", "医宗金鉴"). They are pills Liu Wei Di Huang Wan with the addition of anemarrhena rhizome and Amur velvet bark.


    Used for the emptiness of Yin and the flowering of fire, hot flashes and night sweats, dry mouth and sore throat, heat emanating from the bones, tinnitus, prospermia, decreased amount, darkening and redness of urine.

    In European medicine they are more often used for tuberculosis, chronic pyelonephritis, neurasthenia, etc.

    Qi Ju Di Huang Wan

    (Rehmannia pills with wolfberry and chrysanthemum, 杞菊地黄丸)

    A remedy from the treatise “Achievement of Medicine (“ I ji", "医及"). They are pills Liu Wei Di Huang Wan with the addition of wolfberry berries and chrysanthemum flowers.


    Used for emptiness of Liver and Kidney Yin, dizziness and tinnitus, flickering of spots before the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation in the wind, dryness and pain in the eyes.

    In European medicine, they are more often used for hypertension and eye diseases.

    Mai wei di huang wan

    (Rehmannia pills with ophiopogon and lemongrass, 麦味地黄丸)

    Originally called Ba xian chang shou wan(Longevity Pills of the Eight Saints, 八仙长寿丸). A remedy from the treatise “Achievement of Medicine” (“I Chi”, “医及”). They are pills Liu Wei Di Huang Wan with the addition of ophiopogon tubers and lemongrass fruits.


    Used for emptiness of Yin of the Kidneys and lungs, hot flashes and night sweats, dry throat and hemoptysis, weak dry cough, dizziness and tinnitus, aches and weakness in the lower back and knees, debilitating thirst.

    In European medicine, they are more often used for the late stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary-cardiac diseases, heart disease, etc.

    Er long zuo qi wan

    (Pills beneficial for deafness in the ears; 耳聋左慈丸)

    Remedy from the “Self-edited treatise [Golden Mirror] of the Founder of Medicine” (“ Yi zong ji ren bian""医宗己任编"). Also called Er ming zuo qi wan(Pills beneficial for tinnitus; 耳鸣左慈丸). They are pills Liu Wei Di Huang Wan with the addition of water and magnetite.


    Nourishes Kidney Yin and pacifies the Liver. Used for emptiness of Kidney and Liver Yin, dizziness, noise, congestion in the ears.

    In European medicine, hypertension, otogenic dizziness, neurogenic congestion in the ears and hearing loss are more often used.

    Ming mu di huang wan

    (Rehmannia Pills, Brightening Eyes; 明目地黄丸)

    A remedy from the treatise “Precious Letters of Detailed Consideration” (“ Shen shi yao han", "审视瑶函"). They are pills Liu Wei Di Huang Wan with the addition of wolfberry fruits, chrysanthemum flowers, Chinese angelica roots, white peony roots, tribulus fruits and abalone shells.


    processed Rehmannia adhesive roots

    radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata

    pulp of dogwood fruits (processed)

    fructus Corni officinalis (praeparata)

    peony root bark

    cortex Paeoniae suffruticosae

    rhizome of Dioscorea oppositeis

    rhizoma Dioscoreae oppositae

    sclerotium of poria cocosidae

    Oriental chastukha tubers

    rhizoma Alismatis orientalis

    Chinese wolfberry fruits

    fructus Lycii chinensis

    mulberry chrysanthemum flowers

    flos Chrysanthemi morifolii

    roots of angelica chinensis

    radix Angelicae sinensis

    debarked peony roots

    radix Paeoniae lactiflorae alba

    Tribulus terrestris fruits

    fructus Tribuli terrestris

    multi-colored abalone shells (calcined)

    concha Haliotidis diversicolor

    They nourish Kidney Yin, nurture the Liver, and brighten the eyes. Used for emptiness of Liver and Kidney Yin, pain in the eyes and photophobia, blurred vision, lacrimation in the wind.

    In European medicine they are used for myopia, dilated pupils, keratomalacia, iridocyclitis, cataracts, and glaucoma.

    Kidney Meridian (KD ) Kidney (足少陰腎經, zúshàoyīn shènjīng) - 27 acupuncture points, paired, belongs to the yin system, element water. The movement of energy along the centro meridian is rapid. The energy comes from the bladder meridian and is transferred to the pericardial meridian. The period of maximum activity of the kidney meridian is from 17 to 19 hours.

    The kidney meridian originates below the little toe, runs to the sole of the foot and then to the outer ankle, which it surrounds. Next it runs along the inner side of the lower limb behind the liver meridian and the spleen meridian. From the back of the thigh, it approaches the lower end of the spine (Chang-Qiang point, 1st point of the ruler’s vessel), passes along the spine to the kidneys, from where its branch leaves, leading to the bladder.

    The other branch originates from the kidney, ascends to the liver, passes through the diaphragm, enters the lungs and meets the pericardial meridian. Inside the lungs, this branch branches into two parts. The first connects to the heart and spreads inside the chest. The second runs along the neck, ending at the root of the tongue.

    The most important diseases: dizziness, tinnitus, spermatorrhea (in Chinese medicine this means both the leakage of semen and impaired potency), shortness of breath, hemoptysis, dry mouth and dry tongue, swelling and pain in the throat, lower back pain, edema, constipation , diarrhea, flickering in the eyes, feeling of restlessness V heart mental disorders(state of anxiety, agitation), muscle weakness of the lower extremities, a feeling of heat at the foot, pain in the meridian area, in the back and V lumbar region.

    All acupuncture points:

    Zhan-gu (KD-2)

    Tai-si (KD-3) (太谿, tài-xī - big stream)

    Da-jung (KD-4)

    Zhao-hai (KD-6)

    Fu-liu (KD-7)

    Chiao-xin (KD-8)

    Zhu-bin (KD-9)

    Yin-gu (KD-10) (陰谷, yīn-gǔ - yin valley)

    Haeng-gu (KD-11)

    Da-he (KD-12) (大赫, dà-hè - great shine)

    Qi-xue (KD-13)

    Sy-man (KD-14)

    Zhong-zhu-belly (KD-15)

    Huang-shu (KD-16) (肓俞, huāng-shū - point huang)

    Shang-qu (KD-17)

    Shi Guan (KD-18)

    Yin-du (KD-19) (陰都, yīng-dū - capital of yin)

    Fu-tun-gu-belly (KD-20)

    Yu-men (KD-21)

    Bu-lan (KD-22)

    Shen-feng (KD-23)

    Ling-xu (KD-24) (靈墟, líng-xū - mound of God)

    Shen-tsang (KD-25)

    Yu-chung (KD-26) (彧中, yù-zhōng - in stagnation)

    Shu-fu (KD-27)

    The most common symptoms for diseases corresponding to the kidney meridian:

    dizziness, tinnitus, spermatorrhea (in Chinese medicine this means both the leakage of semen and impaired potency), shortness of breath, hemoptysis, dry mouth and sore throat, lower back pain, swelling, constipation, diarrhea, flickering in the eyes, feeling anxiety in the heart, mental disorders (restlessness, agitation), muscle weakness of the lower extremities, a feeling of heat at the foot, pain in the meridian area, in the back and in the lumbar region.

    Symptoms of excess kidney meridian energy (yang symptoms):

    bloating, swelling, feeling of suffocation; urinating more often at night than during the day; urine is dark brown (coffee-colored); unusual surge of energy, need for vigorous activity.

    Symptoms of kidney meridian energy deficiency (yin symptoms):

    frequent, profuse urination; tense neck; cold, weak, numb legs; chilliness in the buttocks; timidity, suspicion; impatience, uncertainty, involuntary, barely audible moans; frequent yawning; snoring at night; feeling of sleepiness and peace before sunset; early morning insomnia; intestinal disorder; decreased sexual potency.

    These symptoms are relieved by appropriate action on the points of the meridians of the kidneys R and pericardium MS.

    The effect on the kidney meridian points helps to cure diseases of the genitourinary system, neuropsychiatric disorders and has a particularly beneficial, restorative, healing effect on the entire body.

    Standard acupuncture points:

    Fu-liu (KD-7) (複溜, fù-liū - repeated error) - tonic,
    Yongquan (KD-1) (涌泉, yǒng-quán - bubbling spring) - sedative,
    Tai-si (KD-3) (太谿, tài-xī - big stream) - accomplice,
    Shen-shu (UB-23) (腎俞, shèn-shū - kidney point) - sympathetic,
    Jing-men (GB-25) (京門, jīng-mén - gate of the capital) - signal,
    Shuiquan (KD-5) (水泉, shuǐ-quán - water source) - anti-pain,
    Da-jung (KD-4) (大鐘, dà-zhōng - big bell) - stabilizing lo-point to the bladder meridian.

    This information is intended for healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. Patients should not use this information as medical advice or recommendations.

    Topography of acupuncture points of the kidney meridian

    - sedative

    Topography: on the plantar surface of the foot, between II and III metatarsal bones, on the border of the anterior third and posterior two-thirds of the sole, in the depression formed when the toes are bent; is projected onto the plantar aponeurosis, where the branches of the arterial and venous plantar arches, medial and lateral plantar nerves related to the system tibial nerve.
    Indications: headache with visual disturbance; dry mouth, sore throat, loss of voice (aphonia); nosebleeds, acute tonsillitis, palpitations, constipation, diarrhea, pain in the ligaments in the thighs, severe pain in the fingertips, convulsions in children, and also for emergency care.

    Zhan-gu (KD-2) (然谷, rán-gǔ - valley of three trials)

    Topography: on the medial edge of the foot, in the depression, anterior and inferior to the tuberosity of the navicular bone; is projected onto the muscle that abducts the big toe (innervated by the medial plantar nerve); here are the branches of the medial plantar artery, the dorsal venous network of the foot, the medial plantar nerve, and the saphenous nerve belonging to the femoral nerve system.
    Indications: sore throat, hemoptysis, prolapse of the vagina and uterus, menstrual irregularities, night sweats, urethritis, cystitis, anuria, urinary incontinence, diabetes mellitus, infertility in normal position of the uterus, hyperemia of the pudendal lips, itching of the vulva, pain in the foot in the thigh area.

    Tai-si (KD-3) (太谿, tài-xī - big stream) -accomplice

    Topography: in the cavity, in the middle of the distance between the calcaneal tendon and the medial malleolus, at the level of its center; the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial veins and tibial nerve, branches of the saphenous nerve pass here.
    Technique: oblique injection, bypassing the artery, depth 10 mm; thermopuncture up to 10 min.
    Indications: pain in the heart, pain in the heart with a cold, pharyngitis, sore throat, asthma, toothache, nephritis, mastitis, enlarged liver and spleen, constipation, vomiting, spinal diseases, ankle arthritis, leg paralysis.

    Da-jung (KD-4) (大鐘, dà-zhōng - big bell) -lo-point

    Topography: in the cavity, anterior to the place of attachment of the calcaneal tendon to calcaneus, 0.5 cun below and slightly posterior to point R(VIII)3 (tai-si); branches of the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial veins, tibial nerve and saphenous nerve pass here.
    Technique: oblique injection, depth 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is up to 10 minutes.
    Indications: paroxysmal tachycardia, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, narrowing of the esophagus, constipation, urination disorder, anxiety and depression, drowsiness, lumbar pain.

    - analgesic

    Topography: 1 cun below point R(VIII)3 (tai-xi), in the depression, anterior and superior to the medial process of the tubercle of the calcaneus; projection is the same as points R(VIII)4 (da-zhong)
    Technique: horizontal injection, depth 5 - 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is up to 10 minutes.
    Indications: menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, pain during menstruation, polyuria, bladder spasms, endometritis, decreased visual acuity, pain and tightness under the heart.

    Zhao-hai (KD-6) (照海, zhào-hǎi - shine on the sea)

    Topography: in the depression, 0.5 cun below the lower edge of the medial malleolus; projected at the insertion of the abductor muscle thumb foot innervated by the tibial nerve; branches of the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial veins, medial plantar nerve and saphenous nerve pass here.
    Indications: menstrual disorders, vulvar itching, uterine prolapse, arterial hypotension, migraine, cerebrovascular accident with venous stagnation, obesity, dysfunction digestive tract, liver, pancreas, sleep disturbance.

    Fu-liu (KD-7) (複溜, fù-liū - repeated error) -tonic

    Topography: posterior to point R(VIII)8 (jiao-xin), 2 cun above the level of the center of the medial malleolus, at the anterior edge of the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon; projected at the junction of the soleus muscle and the calcaneal tendon; branches of the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial veins, tibial nerve and saphenous nerve pass here.
    Technique: direct injection, depth 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is up to 10 minutes.
    Indications: nephritis, urethritis, orchitis, renal pathology, lower back pain, swelling of the extremities, paresthesia and hypoesthesia of the lower leg, ascites, indigestion, rumbling in the abdomen, night sweats, arterial hypertension, bleeding from hemorrhoids.

    Chiao-xin (KD-8) (交信, jiāo-xìn - cross in time)

    Topography: 2 cun above point R(VIII)3 (tai-xi) and 0.5 cun anterior to point R(VIII)7 (fu-liu), at the medial (posterior) edge tibia; projects onto the tibialis posterior muscle and flexor toes longus (innervated by the tibial nerve); here pass the branches of the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial veins, saphenous nerve, and superficially the great saphenous vein of the leg.
    Technique: direct injection, depth 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is up to 10 minutes.
    Indications: dripping urination, pain in the urethra, menstrual disorders; impairment of sensory and motor functions of the legs; orchitis, constipation, emotional lability, sweating.

    Zhu-bin (KD-9) (築賓, zhù-bīn - guest building)

    Topography: 5 cun above point R(VII)3 (tai-xi), at the junction of the gastrocnemius muscle into the calcaneal tendon, approximately 1 cun posterior to the medial (posterior) edge of the tibia; projects to the soleus muscle (innervated by the tibial nerve); branches of the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial veins, medial cutaneous nerve of the calf (departs from the tibial nerve) and saphenous nerve (departs from the femoral nerve) pass here
    Indications: impotence, calf muscle cramps, pain in the foot and leg; neurasthenia, epilepsy, manic state, mental retardation, mental retardation.

    Yin-gu (KD-10) (陰谷, yīn-gǔ - yin valley)

    Topography: at the medial end of the popliteal skin fold, posterior to point F(XII)8 (qu-quan), between the tendons of the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles of the thigh; here pass the branches of the arterial and venous network of the knee joint, the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (belongs to the sacral plexus), the obturator and saphenous nerves, and superficially the great saphenous vein of the leg.
    Technique: direct injection, depth 10 - 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is up to 5 minutes.
    Indications: impotence, frigidity, pain in the penis; pain in the knee joint, inner surface of the leg and thigh; vaginitis, orchitis, increased salivation.

    Haeng-gu (KD-11) (横骨, héng-gǔ - horizontal bone)

    Topography: on the first lateral line of the abdomen (0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline), at the level of the upper edge of the pubic symphysis, where the point J (XIV) 2 (qu-gu) is located; is projected onto the aponeuroses of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and on the lateral edge of the pyramidalis muscle; branches of the superficial and inferior epigastric arteries, inferior epigastric vein, external pudendal artery, branches of the iliohypogastric and iliac inguinal nerves pass here.
    Technique: direct injection, depth 10 - 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is up to 10 minutes.
    Indications: urinary incontinence, impotence; pain in the penis, urethra; hernia; keratitis, conjunctivitis.

    Da-he (KD-12) (大赫, dà-hè - great shine)

    Topography: 1 cun above point R(VIII)11 (heng-gu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (the level of point J(XIV)3 (zhong-chi); projected onto the aponeuroses of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall; branches of the superficial and inferior epigastric arteries, superficial and inferior epigastric veins, cutaneous branches of the iliohypogastric and hypochondral nerves.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 15 - 20 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: pathological emissions, leucorrhoea, pain in the external genitalia, ovarian retraction, conjunctivitis.

    Qi-xue (KD-13) (氣穴, qì-xúe - energy cave)

    Topography: 2 cun above point R(VIII)11 (Heng-gu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (level of point J(XIV)4 (guan-yuan); projected onto the aponeuroses of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall; pass here branches of the superficial and inferior epigastric arteries, superficial and inferior epigastric veins, anterior branches of the hypocostal nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, depth 15 - 20 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is up to 5 minutes.
    Indications: diseases of the genitourinary system, impotence, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, nephritis; pain in the lower back, spine; conjunctivitis, keratitis.

    Sy-man (KD-14) (四滿, sì-mǎn - fourfold completeness)

    Topography: 3 cun above point R(VIII)11 (Heng-gu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (level of point J(XIV)5 (shi-men); projected onto the aponeuroses of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall; pass here branches of the superficial and inferior epigastric arteries and veins, anterior branches of the eleventh thoracic nerve.
    Indications: menstrual disorders, pathological emissions, pain in the lower abdomen due to uterine pathology, pain and redness of the inner corner of the eye, enterocolitis, constipation, diarrhea.

    Zhong-zhu-belly (KD-15) (中注, zhōng-zhù - middle confluence)

    Topography: 1 cun below the level of the navel and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline - level of point J(XIV)7 (yin jiao); is projected onto the aponeuroses of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall; here pass the branches of the superficial and inferior epigastric arteries and veins, the anterior branches of the tenth thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 20 - 30 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: menstrual irregularities, inflammation of the appendages, fallopian tubes, constipation, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, conjunctivitis.

    Huang-shu (KD-16) (肓俞, huāng-shū - point huang)

    Topography: at the level of the navel, 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline; is projected onto the aponeuroses of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the inner edge of the rectus abdominis muscle; here pass the branches of the superficial, superior and inferior epigastric arteries and veins, the anterior branches of the tenth thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 20 - 30 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: stomach spasm, intestinal colic, habitual constipation, diarrhea, jaundice, conjunctivitis, keratitis.

    Shang-qu (KD-17) (商曲, shāng-qū - merchants' turning point)

    Topography: 2 cun above the point R(VIII)16 (huangshu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (the level of the point J(XIV)10 (xia-wan); projected onto the white line of the abdomen and the inner edge of the rectus muscle abdomen; here are the branches of the superior epigastric artery and vein, the anterior branches of the ninth thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 20 - 30 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: spasmodic pain in the abdomen, stomach, diarrhea, constipation, conjunctivitis, keratitis.

    Shi Guan (KD-18) (石關, shí-guān - stone border)

    Topography: 3 cun above point R(VIII)16 (huangshu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (the level of point J(XIV)11 (jian-li); projected onto the white line of the abdomen and the inner edge of the rectus muscle abdomen; here are the branches of the superior epigastric artery and vein, the anterior branches of the eighth and ninth thoracic nerves.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 20 - 30 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: stomach spasms, hiccups, drooling, constipation, infertility, uterine diseases, conjunctivitis.

    Yin-du (KD-19) (陰都, yīng-dū - capital of yin)

    Topography: 4 cun above point R(VIII)16 (Huang Shu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (level of point J(XIV)12 (Zhong Wan); projected onto the inner edge of the rectus abdominis muscle; pass here branches of the superior epigastric artery and vein, anterior branches of the seventh and eighth thoracic nerves.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 20 - 30 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: emphysema, pleurisy, asthma, increased intestinal motility, abdominal pain, leukoma, glaucoma, conjunctivitis.

    Fu-tun-gu-belly (KD-20) (腹通谷, fù-tōng-gǔ - valley passage)

    Topography: 5 cun above point R)VIII)16 (Huang Shu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (level of point J(XIV)13 (Shang Wan); projected onto the inner edge of the rectus abdominis muscle; passes here branches of the superior epigastric artery and vein, anterior branches of the seventh thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: cough, chronic gastritis, vomiting, flatulence, dyspepsia.

    Yu-men (KD-21) (幽門, yōu-mén - pylorus of the stomach)

    Topography: 6 cun above point R)VIII)16 (Huang Shu) and 0.5 cun outward from the anterior midline (level of point J(XIV)14 (Ju Que); projected onto the inner edge of the rectus abdominis muscle; pass here branches of the superior epigastric artery and vein, anterior branches of the sixth and seventh thoracic nerves.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: bloating of the upper abdomen, sour belching, drooling, intercostal neuralgia, vomiting, diarrhea, stool with blood and pus, bronchitis, liver disease, vomiting during pregnancy.

    Bu-lan (KD-22) (步廊, bù-láng - corridor for walking)

    Topography: on the first lateral line of the chest (2 cun outward from the anterior midline), in the 5th intercostal space; projected onto the initial section of the pectoralis major muscle, intercostal muscles; here pass the branches of the internal thoracic and intercostal arteries, the thoracic vein, and the anterior branches of the fifth thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: intercostal neuralgia, cough, shortness of breath, bronchitis, pneumonia, loss of appetite.

    Shen-feng (KD-23) (神封, shen-féng - spiritual boundary)

    Topography: in the IV hypochondrium, 2 cun outward from the anterior midline; projected onto a large pectoral muscle, intercostal muscles; here pass the branches of the internal thoracic and intercostal arteries, the thoracic vein, and the anterior branches of the fourth thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: intercostal neuralgia, cough, shortness of breath, bronchitis, pleurisy, lack of appetite, mastitis.

    Ling-xu (KD-24) (靈墟, líng-xū - mound of God)

    Topography: in the third hypochondrium, 2 cun outward from the anterior midline; projected onto the pectoralis major muscle, intercostal muscles; here pass the branches of the internal thoracic and intercostal arteries, the thoracic vein, and the anterior branches of the third thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: intercostal neuralgia, cough, shortness of breath, bronchitis, pleurisy, pain in the chest and hypochondrium, mastitis, neurotic conditions in women.

    Shen-tsang (KD-25) (神藏, shén-cáng - spirit storage)

    Topography: in the second intercostal space, 2 cun outward from the anterior midline; projected onto the pectoralis major and intercostal muscles; here pass the branches of the internal thoracic, thoracoacromial and highest intercostal arteries, thoracoacromial and highest intercostal veins, supraclavicular nerves, and the anterior branches of the second thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: intercostal neuralgia, chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, lack of appetite, vomiting.

    in the first intercostal space, 2 cun outward from the anterior midline; projected onto the pectoralis major muscle, intercostal muscles; here pass the branches of the internal thoracic, thoracoacromial and highest intercostal arteries, thoracoacromial and highest intercostal veins, supraclavicular nerves, and the anterior branches of the first thoracic nerve.
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 15 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is normal.
    Indications: chest pain, feeling of fullness in the chest, asthma attack, nausea and vomiting, cough, shortness of breath.

    Shu-fu (KD-27) (俞府, shū-fǔ - mansion of agreement)

    Topography: at the lower edge of the clavicle, 2 cun outward from the anterior midline; projected onto the pectoralis major muscle; here pass the branches of the internal thoracic, thoracoacromial and highest intercostal veins, supraclavicular nerves (from cervical plexus)
    Technique: direct injection, needle insertion depth 10 mm; Duration of thermopuncture is normal
    Indications: intercostal neuralgia, bronchial asthma, chest pain and shortness of breath, cough, suffocation, esophageal spasms.

    To say that an acupuncture technique is correct or that it is incorrect means that the correct technique is determined by the diagnosis. The injection technique should be appropriate to the disease and the general condition of the patient in accordance with the diagnostic findings. Prescription dots alone are the ultimate answer to a medical problem. In order for acupuncture points to provide the desired therapeutic effect, the correct needling technique must be applied to them.

    All information on the site is for reference only and is not a public offer as defined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Renal colic is a severe, sharp pain along the urinary tract on the left and right, usually associated with the movement of stones.

    In most cases, colic occurs suddenly and lasts several minutes. It is barely bearable and always spreads in the same way: from the kidney (this organ is located much higher than is for some reason commonly thought, under the ribs) down to the lumbar region and abdomen, and then passes to the genital area. Actually, this path corresponds to the ureter, through which urine moves from the kidneys to the bladder.

    The man writhes in pain, trying in vain to find a position in which it will be easier for him - nothing helps.

    Added to this are other troubles: with the intestines - indigestion, vomiting, gases - or more consistent with the disease itself: a person constantly feels the urge to urinate, although he literally squeezes out a few drops of urine, sometimes mixed with blood.

    Forms and development

    All renal colics are similar to each other. After hours of suffering, the patient calms down, leaving only a painful sensation, like after a bruise. But, alas, most often the same severe pain begins again, an attack is replaced by an attack, until the culprit of what is happening - the stone - goes down into the bladder, and from there it comes out without causing so much suffering.

    Despite the monstrous pain, it is better to survive the attack in its pure form, as a result of which the stone will pass, than a less severe one, when the ureter and upper urinary tract remain deformed, endangering the kidney.

    Causes of kidney colic and stones

    We have already seen that in the vast majority of cases, renal colic owes its appearance to a stone.

    Stones form in the renal pelvis, the reservoir of urine. The reasons for their occurrence are different and are not yet completely clear: the patient’s urine is overloaded with mineral salts and forms “scale”, like too much hard water in the pipes. At first, the stones are very small, more like sand or kidney mud, then the crystals gather together, and eventually real pebbles are formed, of different shapes and sizes. Chemical composition stones vary, urolithiasis is of calcium and magnesium types. And this is important from the point of view of choosing a treatment method.

    Traditional treatment

    In case of renal colic, people rely mainly on medications to relieve the pain and force the stone to pass.

    The most powerful painkiller is morphine, but it causes spasms, so the stone risks remaining in the ureter due to its contraction. Therefore, it is better to turn to antispastic drugs in any form: tablets, suppositories, injections, especially intravenous ones. Sometimes, in order to stop a terrible, endless attack, the doctor is forced to resort to intravenous infusions.

    Surgical intervention is necessary only when the stone has been stuck in the ureter for a long time, which threatens the life of the kidney. First they try to remove it with a probe - this is usually very difficult.

    The use of acupuncture to treat kidney colic and stones

    When renal colic acupuncture gives brilliant results. Experience shows that stimulation of points is often much more effective than the most strong medications. In the practice of many acupuncturists, there were cases when the patient was not helped by intravenous infusions, but thanks to several needles, the pain disappeared almost instantly.


    Two main, two auxiliary.


    • The first is on the back, in three fingers on either side of the spinal column, at the level of the iliac crest, it is necessary to stimulate on the side where it hurts.
    • The second is on the outside of the calf, in the corner formed by the head and body of the tibia.


    • The first is on the back of the calf, in its very center, in the middle of the calf muscle.
    • The second is on the inside of the ankle, two fingers above the heel bone.

    How to influence the points?

    During an acute attack, the points should be affected very vigorously. In these cases, deep massage, needles or electrical stimulation are used until the pain goes away completely. The Chinese also practice injections of painkillers into these points.

    If the stone is “stuck”, it is good to work on the first of the listed points, pressing on it with a finger or a heavier object, such as a reflex hammer, so that the stone comes out.

    One of the ancient methods of treatment and healing of the body is acupressure. This practice has become widespread in eastern countries such as China, Korea, Japan, and Mongolia. Many centuries ago, healers of the East paid attention to special places on the body, the impact on which can significantly improve the functioning of the body. internal systems and organs. Later, ideas about them found their scientific confirmation in the research of scientists. In the process of experimental research, acupuncture points located on the human body were identified and the basics of their massage were developed.

    Today, treatment of various diseases based on massage on bioactive points on the body is a widespread practice in official and folk medicine. It is based on compliance with such principles as:

    • implementation of an integrated approach;
    • thoroughness and leisurely treatment;
    • individual approach to each person.

    Knowing where healing points are located on the human body and competently using their healing properties helps to get rid of both symptomatic pain (for example, dental, menstrual) and overcome more serious problems. So, knowing how the massage points on the back are located, as a result of using a course of acupressure, you can get rid of problems with the lower back that have tormented you for years.

    The acupressure technique is quite simple and does not require the use of special equipment or expensive materials. Massage can be used as an independent means of pre-medical medical care, and in combination with other treatment methods. Let's take a closer look at what acupressure is, its principle of action and features of application.

    Chinese acupressure is one of the types of influence on acupuncture points on the human body.

    Acupuncture is healing method, based on the impact on special points located in various areas and associated with the work of internal organs and systems. It has been scientifically proven that mechanical action during the massage of active points helps release endorphins. These are hormones whose influence on the body has a pronounced analgesic effect. Thus, by influencing active points on the body, we “trigger” the body’s self-healing process.

    Chinese medicine offers several ways to influence points on the body - this can be either manual (acupressure) massage or the use of acupuncture.

    However, in order to correctly influence the points to get rid of various diseases, the use of acupuncture must be performed exclusively by a qualified specialist with education in the field of medicine and physiotherapy. But acupressure, or, as it is also called, is a type of reflexology that is quite accessible for use at home with a sufficient level of preparedness.

    The impact on the treatment points is carried out using the fingers. This allows you to activate the work of neuroreceptors in the subcutaneous tissue, which, in turn, send an irritating signal to the brain. The reaction to such an irritant when exposed to Chinese points is either a complete cessation of the pain symptom, or its minimization.

    An interesting fact: there are more than 750 acupuncture zones on the human body (in another way they are also called “health points”). Chinese medicine knows various points on the human body, or acupressure zones, through which you can overcome health problems and improve the general condition of the body. There are even so-called points of longevity, and it is quite possible that the possession of information about their location explains the secret of longevity of the inhabitants of the East. In addition to the “zone” of longevity, there is also a “point of youth” on the human body, as well as many others, the features of which we will consider below.

    However, before trying the healing possibilities of reflexology, you should know that this method of influencing points on the body has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

    Contraindications to acupressure

    Chinese acupressure or acupuncture massage is a safe, however, quite serious method of influencing the body.

    As a rule, the main indication for the procedure is pain of various kinds: pain in women, back pain, and chronic diseases, general fatigue of the body. Energy points on the human body, located in various parts of the body, function in such a way that thoughtless influence on them can cause serious harm. Therefore, we note that the Chinese massage technique, acupuncture, is contraindicated for such conditions and symptoms as:

    • tumors or suspected tumors;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • colds or other conditions accompanied by fever;
    • cardiovascular diseases, as well as previous strokes or heart attacks;
    • mental disorders;
    • age under 1 or over 70 years;
    • second half of pregnancy in women.

    You should be careful when acting on a condition that has led to a significant deterioration in your well-being. In this case, you should not hesitate and self-medicate, but it is better to immediately seek medical help.

    Consultation with a doctor is also necessary regarding the use of this method in the first half of pregnancy and during menstruation in women.

    How to find the right acupuncture points - location map

    Chinese acupressure is based on the impact on special acupuncture points, which, as we have already found out, are located in large numbers almost throughout the body. It is thanks to this type of impact, such as pressing on a specific acupuncture, that this massage is called point (acupuncture).

    In order to understand how to do acupressure, you need to know what is the scheme according to which the acupuncture of the human body is located.

    In general, there are main places where acupuncture points are located on the human body. These include:

    • on the back;
    • on fingers and toes;
    • on hands;
    • on the chest;
    • on the neck;
    • on the face.

    This is interesting: many years of research experience has even made it possible to create a special atlas that clearly and in detail illustrates the places where acupuncture points are located on the human body.

    A detailed layout of each acupuncture point on the body allows you to successfully use this method of oriental medicine, for example, during the acupuncture procedure, but for everyone who does not plan to use acupuncture, but simply wants to master the skills of self-massage, it will be enough to know how the main points are located. Therefore, before doing acupressure, you should remember the location desired channels influence, for example, by studying a photo or picture with its schematic arrangement.

    Points for massage have features due to which there is a healing effect on the body:

    • low level of electrodermal resistance;
    • high electrical potential;
    • high skin temperature;
    • increased level of pain sensitivity;
    • high rate of metabolic processes due to accelerated absorption of oxygen.

    All this provides high efficiency acupressure, but the types of this procedure may differ and depend on which places are affected. So, it can be, for example, acupressure of the chest, or a type of exposure in which active acupuncture points on the hands and feet are stimulated.

    This is interesting: influencing special areas on the hand allows you to activate the centers responsible for internal organs, which makes this type of massage useful for complex therapy various diseases.

    Let us consider in more detail the location of important points on which Chinese acupuncture and modern acupuncture are based.

    Active points on the feet

    Foot acupuncture is designed in such a way that on the feet there are points responsible for important human organs: liver, kidneys, gallbladder, bladder, thyroid gland. In addition, massage on the points of the foot allows you to get rid of back and lower back pain.

    Having examined the biologically active acupuncture points on the feet in the diagram, you can see which of them are responsible for what. In the diagram of the correspondence of points on the foot to the internal organs, you can see the connection between their correct stimulation and the corresponding beneficial result.

    Let's list the main acupuncture points on the foot.

    • On the second finger, slightly above the nail;
    • At the base of the last finger (located with outside, in a small depression);
    • On the first finger, closer to the second, slightly above the base, there is a tai chun point.

    Dot tai chun- this is the liver channel, its stimulation allows you to overcome the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic diseases and helps cleanse this organ.

    • Between the first and second toes, located on the outside of the foot;
    • On the side of the inside of the foot, close to the shin, in a depression located at the highest point of the arch.

    So, according to acupuncture, there are important acupuncture points on the foot, by acting on which you can alleviate the condition of diseases of various internal organs, and, as evidenced by acupuncture of the foot, improve the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system, and supporting apparatus. To do this, it is enough to regularly do acupuncture massage of the feet, which is performed by massaging the above points on the sole.

    Active points on the hands

    Important acupuncture points are located symmetrically on the arms and palms, which allow you to get rid of migraine attacks in a short time:

    • at the junction of the index finger and thumb (in a small depression);
    • in the recess between the radial and ulna on the forearm;
    • on the bends of the elbow joints.

    These zones are “responsible” not only for a person’s well-being when a headache occurs, but will also help get rid of other health problems.

    For example, acupuncture identifies points on the hands that are actively used in acupuncture to solve diseases such as lung diseases, digestive system, heart, liver, legs. The points on the hands responsible for these organs are located on the hand, and such points can be found on all fingers, from the thumb to the little finger.

    To achieve a healing effect, the areas are massaged alternately on both hands.

    General strengthening points

    Let's also consider the main zones that, according to Eastern medicine, can have a general strengthening effect on the body.

    • Nei Guan point- This is a zone located on the inside of the forearm, in the middle area. In order to determine exactly where Nei Guan is located, you need to place four fingers folded together on your forearm at the level of the wrist fold. The nei guan point is responsible for the operation of the pericardial canal. Knowing where the Nei Guan point is located, you can have a calming effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. To do this, slowly and deeply press on it and perform a massage procedure;

    • Wei Zhong point located in the popliteal fold, in its very center. It is easy to determine the Wei Zhong point in a sitting position (legs bent at the knees) or lying on your stomach. Chinese experts claim that the wei zhong point is the bladder channel, and accordingly, its stimulation helps with problems of the genitourinary system;

    • Shen Men point- located near the left edge of the wrist crease on the hand. The Shen Men point is the channel of the heart, responsible for the task of healing it during various diseases. Its stimulation is also practiced in Eastern medicine in the treatment of mental illness;

    • Shen Shu point also responsible for kidney function and excretory system. Massaging this point, located on the back, or more precisely, on the spine, helps with kidney disease and associated side problems, such as dizziness, weakness, chills, dry mouth, fever. Thus, knowing where Shen Shu is is useful for everyone who suffers from acute or chronic kidney disease;

    • Yin Ling Quan point is located on the inside of the knee and, according to the general interpretation, is responsible for the work of the spleen. At the same time, the acupuncture zones responsible for the functioning of this organ perform many functions. Massage performed on this area allows you to get rid of pain, dizziness, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Also, influencing this area on the legs will help get rid of pain in the knee joints.

    • Shen Men point also refers to general strengthening, and it is located on the ears - at the top of the triangular dimples on the auricles. Her massage helps to increase the body's performance, overcome depression, apathy, and improve immunity. Also, Shen Men acupressure is used in the fight against tobacco addiction;

    • On the crown of a person, in his very center, if you draw a conventional vertical and horizontal line, there is Bai Hui point, or Baihui. In this place, all the channels of the body actually connect, and therefore the list of possibilities that a properly performed massage has is very wide;

    • "Channel of Youth" or San Yin Jiao. The name speaks for itself - her massage provides beauty and a youthful appearance. If you want to know how to find the place where the San Yin Jiao point is located, you should place four fingers on the bone on the inside of the shin. Where the fourth finger ends up will be its location. Armed with this information and the skills of proper massage, women can not only improve the appearance of their skin and hair, but also normalize menstrual cycle, the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the appearance of the first wrinkles and even prevent the onset of premature menopause.

    So, if you want to achieve longevity, you should definitely know that influencing these points is the secret of good health and longevity of many Eastern sages.

    Other useful points on the body

    In addition to those discussed above, there are other active points on the body, the massage effect on which helps improve well-being and the general condition of the body. These could be, for example, longevity points, so named due to the fact that their stimulation has active influence to the work of many organs and systems at once.

    Longevity points can be located at different places our body, for example, Tzu-san-li– a longevity point on the knee, the impact of which is widely used in acupuncture.

    Many areas located on the head (for example, in the center of the forehead, above the bridge of the nose, or symmetrical areas located at the inner edges of the eyebrows) help even in cases where medications are powerless.

    It has a beneficial effect on the entire body, since the ears also have projections on all human organs.

    In addition to the fact that there are acupuncture points for various diseases that are relaxing, there are also those that help women look younger and more beautiful. So, among the secret techniques of oriental beauties you can find spot or spot treatment for menopause.

    So, Chinese acupressure or acupuncture massage is special technique, which has been used for many years to improve well-being and treat various diseases. - safe method non-drug treatment However, a doctor's consultation before starting the course is still mandatory.

    The kidney channel is the channel that is responsible for the happiness of a person from birth to old age. Only if you want to improve the quality of life, you should train and strengthen the kidney channel. The condition of the kidneys is often determined by heredity, transmitted from previous generations.

    If the inheritance is not very good, then it is all the more necessary to make an effort. Otherwise, upon reaching middle age, a person will quickly begin to lose health. The body needs physical exercise, even more hardening is needed for energy channels, as they restore damage done to internal organs and systems.

    Internal organs, like parts of a machine that is constantly in use, can wear out. But if you constantly carry out preventive work, clean and lubricate, the service life of the mechanism can be extended.

    We need to pay attention to 3 active points of the kidney channel - tai si (Ki3), fu liu (Ki7) and yong quan (Ki1). Each of these points is very effective.

    Acupuncture points.

    Let's talk about tai si first. It is located at the top of the inner surface of the ankle, slightly behind, between the Achilles tendon and the ankle. This point is effective in all ailments associated with impaired kidney function - aching in the lumbar region, dizziness, ringing in the ears, hair loss, loosening of teeth, shortness of breath, habitual miscarriages in women and a weakening of sexual function that is of particular concern to men.

    I knew a young woman, in her early thirties, who was suffering severely from a condition you wouldn't tell everyone about - urinary incontinence. She could not run, laugh, even cough, because with any physical effort, this trouble occurred.

    This woman worked in a foreign company as a manager, she was pretty, but the illness made her tough and withdrawn. She never went to corporate parties, she never had a man. Colleagues considered her unsociable and preferred to stay away.

    For three years she drank Chinese decoctions, but they turned out to be ineffective. I looked at the recipes for decoctions - everything is spelled out correctly, they should strengthen kidney function. But due to weakness and coldness in the spleen and stomach, medicinal substances were blocked in these organs and were not absorbed.

    Ten days later, she called me and said that on the eighth day of the procedure, blisters appeared in the area of ​​Shen shu points. Therefore, she was afraid to continue placing cups, and the Taisi points are now so painful that it’s scary to touch them.

    I told her that all this indicated that her kidney function had improved. Now you can take a short break and let the body harmonize its state on its own. Another week has passed. She came to my appointment joyful and inspired. She said that the situation with urinary incontinence has improved dramatically.

    Stimulation of Shen Shu and Tai Xi points is the best way to treat ailments caused by weak kidney function. Especially when your lower back aches - you will immediately feel the effect. By acting directly on the kidneys, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, we quickly and directly stimulate the weakened organ.

    Now let's move on to Fu Liu's point. Literally translated, this means resumption of flow - the flow of blood circulation. It is located 2 cm above the Taisi point. This point is most effective for treating blood stagnation and inflammation. Therefore, use it for inflammation of the bladder, vaginitis, prostatitis, as well as for the treatment of inflammation after miscarriage (abortion.

    It is best to ask an acupuncturist to work on this point. In terms of effectiveness, this is not inferior to the use of liuwei dihuangwan, so if you have dry mouth, are afraid of heat, or have trouble sleeping at night, be sure to pay attention to this point.

    Yun Quan point (Ki1) on the foot. Since ancient times, it has been believed that if you press this point 100 times before going to bed, you can achieve longevity. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it stimulates blood flow to the lower extremities, which helps fight hypertension, nosebleeds, headaches, asthma attacks and other manifestations of excessive accumulation of qi and blood in the upper body.

    Greatest therapeutic effect can be achieved by combining stimulation of this point with drug therapy. For example, when high blood pressure Will it be effective to take the Wuzhuyi medicinal plant? , The fruits of Evodia officinalis, grind it into powder, dilute it with vinegar to a paste and before going to bed, apply it to the yong quan points on both feet, wrap your feet with gauze or a bandage. Approximately 20 hours after this, the pressure will begin to decrease, and the effect will last for a long time. In severe cases, the procedure can be repeated several times.

    For nosebleeds, you can apply garlic paste to the yong quan point: for bleeding from the right nostril, apply it to the right foot, from the left nostril, apply it to the left foot. The bleeding will stop quickly. This method can also be used to treat chronic Rhinitis.

    Please note that experts do not recommend stimulating this point with acupuncture. When massaging a point, you should press on it quite firmly until you feel pain. Thus, if there is no obvious pain, or the skin in this place is relaxed, and when pressed, a dent remains for a long time, you should not massage the point (this will only weaken the kidneys even more), but you can apply the medications described above to it.

    Massaging the Tai Xi and Fu Liu points is very effective; these points can be activated if necessary without any fear. The impact should begin from the point that is more painful, then move on to the less sensitive point.

    The points can be used both to treat diseases and to strengthen the body in the absence of diseases. If, simultaneously with the massage of the points, jars are placed on the points of Shen Shu (bladder channel), Guan Yuan (Rn4), Qi Hai (Rn6), then this can be considered as a safe and balanced way to strengthen the entire body. Everyone knows such remedies for strengthening the kidneys as luzhun), gouqi? - Lycium Chinensis), Heche), Dongchong Xiacao (Cordyceps)), now you can add to these valuable medicinal herbs wonderful points of tai si (Ki3), fu liu (Ki7) and yong quan (Ki1.

    Correspondence with readers:

    Question: frequent urination And plentiful allocation of urine is one and the same?
    Answer: Frequent urination with a small amount of urine indicates weakness of the spleen and stomach, in this case, you should immediately start taking Qianshi? - Gorgon Fruit; Semen Euryales. Attention! Only in the event that there is little urine, and the legs swell, is it useful to drink shanyao? - Yam. Qianshi and Shanyao - twin brothers, heal the spleen and drive away dampness from the body, can be used in turn, or together, the main thing is to hurry up!

    Question: My husband (53 years old) was diagnosed 4 years ago with a cyst in his right kidney. How can I help him?
    Answer: when conservative method treatment of cysts, it seems to me that the easiest way for you to master foot massage. It is necessary to find the area of ​​the foot that correlates with the kidneys and lymphatic system and at every opportunity to massage her husband these areas of the foot. The effectiveness of treatment and the speed of achieving results depend on the individual and the skill of the massage therapist.

    Question: I place jars on Shen Shu points for my son in this way: I hold the jar on each side for about half a minute, release it, place the jar again, and so on 5-6 times. When I put the first can on right side, the place immediately turns black, on the left side the reaction is not so strong. After the end of the session, both sides turn black. Please tell me am I doing everything right?
    Answer: the fact that the places of application of the cans turn black is already an indicator of the effectiveness of the procedures. Next time try leaving the jars longer, about three minutes. At this time, massage the points of tai si (Ki3), fu Liu (Ki7. Start from the point that is more sensitive.

    Q: My son is 11 years old and has been bedwetting since the age of two. He often catches a cold, coughs, but when he takes cold medicine, incontinence increases. All these years we have been treated, we have drunk several courses of Chinese medicines, we have been seen by 4 different specialists in children's urinary incontinence, but there is no result. He's hunched over like an old man, he wore special device, but my back never straightened. He constantly twists his hair with his hands so that he pulls it out by the roots. My appetite is poor. I read in your article that it is useful to put pots on Shen Shu points, I want to ask how long do you need to hold pots? Should I hold it until marks appear? And another question: I forcefully massage the yong quan (Ki1) points on my son's feet, but he does not feel pain. Please tell me, maybe it’s better for him to apply medicine to these points? What medicine? Is it possible to stop my son from bedwetting?
    Answer: the boy has defective kidneys, so massage the tai xi point, do not touch the yong quan. Yongquan for release, Taixi for filling. The boy is hunched over, which means the calcium content in his bones should be checked. You can also massage your back every day from the neck to the tailbone with the edge of your palm. Banks on Shen Shu points will be very useful. Thus, if kept for a long time, blisters may appear, so be careful. Actually, blisters are not bad at all, but people are afraid of infection, so I do not urge you to bring it to blisters. You can place cups along the entire spine, this will help straighten your back. The treatment process will not be quick, but if you follow all the recommendations, I think you can expect results in three weeks.

    Fu-liu point for healing and rapid development of willpower

    Message You can strengthen a person’s conscious will by toning the Fu-liu point. The Fu-liu point is located 2 cun above the center of the inner malleolus, on the posterior edge of the tibia.

    Toning should be done between noon and midnight, every other day until results are obtained. As your will strengthens, you can move from a tonic effect to a harmonizing one.

    It is advisable after three weeks of exposure to the point to take a break of one or two weeks and repeat the course again.

    Effects on the Fu-liu point give especially noticeable results in children who have a weak and indecisive character.

    Excessive toning of the point can lead to manifestations of excessive categoricalness, capriciousness, and anger. In this case, you should take a break from the influence and subsequently influence the point using a harmonizing method.

    insomnia, palpitations, impotence, wet dreams, night sweats, sore throat, nosebleeds.
    lower back pain, shortness of breath, uterine bleeding.
    diseases of water metabolism: dropsy, edema of the lower extremities.
    illnesses due to the perception of pathogenic wind-cold: feverish conditions without sweating,
    body pain.
    shortness of breath, palpitations, dry mouth and tongue, pain in the spine, weakness and sensory disturbances in the lower extremities.
    diseases of the digestive system: abdominal pain, bloating, rumbling in the stomach, fever in the stomach.
    other diseases: manic state, tendency to anger, caries, mastitis, gonorrhea, diabetes, beriberi, decreased visual acuity.

    The palms of a person are the entrance to his energy field. The knowledge that there are points on the hand that are responsible for organs came to us from Ancient China: the inner side is responsible for the front of the body, the back for the back, the right side of the palm reflects the right side of the body, the left - the left. Doctors have noticed a connection between exposure to them and a person's well-being. This is how acupuncture was born - an effective method of treatment by massaging biologically active points on the body. What are biologically active points? These are special places on the hands that are responsible for the functioning of internal organs and the general condition of the body. Their location is chaotic: they are scattered over the entire area of ​​​​the hands at an independent distance from each other. It is simply impossible to see them with the naked eye, but if you start to slowly feel your palm, you will soon find small depressions on it. When pressing on these pits, as a rule, a person experiences pain or at least discomfort.

    These areas are affected in three ways:

    • massage;
    • acupuncture;
    • by pressing.

    When a specific biological point is affected, a signal is sent to the brain, and it, in turn, redirects it to the desired organ. It is enough to memorize these places well once, and in the future you yourself will be able to regulate your physical and emotional condition and also shoot nervous tension and cope with stress.

    According to experts, the main point on the human body, responsible for organs and general health, is the place located in the center of the palm. If you experience sharp pain when pressing it, this means that an energy imbalance has occurred in the body. This indicates possible diseases that are worth checking out.

    Organ projection

    Thanks to the study of bioactive points, it is possible to cure a person from skin diseases, depression and neurosis. And also acupuncture has great success in the fight against various chemical dependencies, for example, alcohol. So, the projection of the organs on the palm looks like this:

    thumb - heart, lungs, bronchi and liver;

    • index - gastrointestinal tract. By massaging this finger you can eliminate disorders in this system;
    • middle - circulatory system. If you feel dizzy or nauseous, massage this phalanx;
    • unnamed - nervous tension and disorders, stress;
    • little finger - small intestine, kidneys.

    The benefits of influencing reflex areas have been proven by various sources. Doctors say that with the help of acupuncture you can stop developing viral diseases. If a child has a delay in speech development, he will also benefit from such a therapeutic massage. Also, by applying various techniques in this area, it is possible to reduce weight, normalize hormonal background and metabolism, affecting the functioning of all internal organs.

    Self-massage instructions

    Of course, a Chinese massage specialist will bring more benefits, but self-massage can also help positive influence. At home, you can independently massage the active points on a person’s hand, the scheme is as follows:

    First of all, prepare your hands by thoroughly rubbing your palms together: they will warm up and the right places will become active.

    • After heating, you need to soften articular cartilage squeezing and unclenching the hands 15-20 times.
    • To stretch your joints, do the following exercise: interlace the fingers of both hands together and turn your palms away from you, moving them as far as possible. This should be done slowly, as sudden movements can lead to pain or injury.
    • Next, acupressure is carried out on each finger, paying special attention to the necessary places. If pain is felt at the point responsible for the disturbing organ, it is necessary to gently but thoroughly knead it with rubbing movements, gradually increasing the force of pressure.
    • Energy massage of the palm is carried out in three directions: from the center to the outside, from the outside to the center and from the center to the wrist.
    • Then the wrists themselves are gently rubbed.
    • A similar procedure must be performed several times a day for 10-15 minutes. It has no contraindications, so the number of sessions is unlimited. According to experts, it is best to knead the points on the palm that are responsible for the organs in the morning. This will help wake up dormant organs and improve blood circulation.

    When giving yourself a massage, you need to listen sensitively to what you feel: sharp and severe pain when pressing indicates a malfunction in the organ corresponding to this place. Gentle but constant acupuncture on it can miraculously heal. It is important to make movements in a clockwise direction, since it is with such a massage that the body’s energy resources are activated and it enters the active phase.

    It is possible that in the near future acupuncture will become the only method of treatment and medications will disappear from the shelves as unnecessary.

    Signs of diseases in the palm of your hand
    By the appearance, color and general condition of the skin on the palm, one can tell about diseases of the internal organs of a person.

    Red and yellow indicates liver problems. If only the fingertips are red, then it is possible that there is a problem in the gastrointestinal tract. But such spots at the base of the thumbs signal a malfunction of the reproductive system and its organs. Dark spots on back side talk about the need to pay attention to the gallbladder.

    The autonomic nervous system is disrupted if the palms are marbled in color.

    Peeling skin warns of vitamin deficiency, and specifically of a lack of vitamins A and D in the body. Large flaky flakes are a sign of a fungal disease.

    Ice brushes indicate a violation of peripheral circulation. Conversely, a too hot palm in winter and summer indicates that the liver simply cannot cope with toxins and needs help.

    The feeling of goosebumps in the palms is a sign of a malfunction of the endocrine system. Wetness on the hands means hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, dryness and pallor means hypofunction. Still pale colored palms may indicate a lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

    Do your fingertips, especially your little fingers, go numb? There is a problem in the cardiovascular system. The respiratory system is at risk if only the thumbs are numb.

    What does the shape of the hand say?

    What can the shape of the brush itself tell you from the point of view of Chinese medicine? short fingers a person indicates his tendency to hypertension and general circulatory disorders. And thin and long fingers reveal the emotional sensitivity and weak nervous system of their owner.

    Fleshy palms are mainly found in people susceptible to thyroid diseases and metabolic problems.

    Miniature hands and fingers indicate that the human autonomic system is too susceptible to the outside world. The most common diseases in such people are bronchial asthma, problems with the rectum and hypotension.

    Acupuncture and acupuncture points on the hand can help a person get rid of various types pain, for example, dental, headache, heart, stomach, back and many others.

    Kidney meridian, what is it, relationship and treatment

    Taking into account the ancient treatises of Eastern medicine, the kidneys are the guardians of the purest energy, which contains two main elements: essential nutrients and pure energy, which acts as the basis for the growth and development of each individual. It is no secret that after suffering long-term illnesses and serious surgical interventions, he develops a nervous breakdown, apathy, deviations in visual sensations, night sweats, sleep problems and so on. Based on the principles of Chinese medicine, the cause of such conditions is considered to be a lack of clean energy from the kidneys. The kidneys control many systems, and therefore they cannot carry out the necessary processes without clean energy. The kidneys and other organs are very interconnected. Points related to the kidneys, according to this theory, are very often used in anesthesia during operations on the skeletal system. In case of kidney dysfunction, the individual becomes lethargic and apathetic, incontinence and fear prevail in him. There are reflections of melancholy in his behavior; he is unsure of himself and intractable. In such situations, the lower extremities become cold, the cervical region is tense, and an extraneous sound appears in the ears. It should be noted that “the organ of hearing is a kind of mirror of the kidneys.” Thus, the auricles fully reflect the physiological characteristics of the kidneys. If the auricle is soft, it is characterized by lethargy and cyanosis if there is not enough energy in the meridian. An elastic and at the same time elastic shell indicates that the kidneys are working normally and there is an excess of energy in them. Excessive syndrome is also characterized by an unusual surge of energy, a high level of performance, determination, internal unrest, and sometimes pain in the sacral, lumbar region, etc. Based on Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the roots of life. In case of epilepsy and neurasthenia, special attention is directed to the lowest points in the meridian. Some of the cases indicate that the points that are the kidney meridian are the key to successful treatment of hypertension and hypotension, disorders of the cardiac and vascular systems. It is also worth noting that many points are closely related to the sexual sphere and the adrenal glands. As for the organ orientation of the points, the maximum success has been obtained from the so-called acupuncture with renal failure, dysfunction of the gallbladder, uterus and its appendages, as well as the oral cavity. In addition, the kidney meridian can be used during surgical operations on the above organs for pain relief through acupuncture. The kidney meridian consists of many BAPs:

    • Yun-tsuan.
    • Zhan-ku.
    • Tay-zi.
    • Da-chshun.
    • Shui-tsuan.
    • Zshao-hai.
    • Fu-lu.
    • Qsiao-xin.
    • Chshu-bin.
    • Yin-ku.
    • Hen-ku.
    • Yes-he.
    • Qi-xue.
    • Z-man.
    • Chshun-zhu.
    • Huang-zhu.
    • Shang Tsui.
    • Shih Kuan.
    • Fu-tun-ku.
    • Yin-tu.
    • Yu-men.
    • Pu-lan.
    • Shen-feng.
    • Lin-ju.
    • Shen-tsang.
    • Yu-chshun.
    • Ju-fu.

    Each of them differs in its location and indications.

    Main functions of the kidney meridian

    The kidneys control fear. Ancient books describe the connection between the lung meridian and the kidney meridian. Pathologies of kidney function affect the ability to perform heavy work. physical work. The functional points of the kidney meridian are influenced by positive influence on congestion in the chest, for example in asthma or angina pectoris. Symptoms of redundancy (yang) of the kidney meridian - rare urination, dark urine, dry mouth, nausea and a feeling of heat in the legs, feet feel warm to the touch, pain in the sacrum, lower back and inner thighs, weakness and pain in the knees - acute , an unusual surge of energy, excitement, increased sexual excitability. Symptoms of insufficiency (yin) of the kidney meridian are frequent urination, urine with a specific odor, profuse sweating, cold feet, numbness and weakness of the legs, lethargy, fear, anxiety and indecision, decreased potency, and intestinal dysfunction. The kidney meridian in Su Jok therapy is located on the H byel meridian.

    Video Why should the kidney duct be treated with great care?

    What is the Bladder Meridian

    The bladder meridian is one of the symmetrical energy channels belonging to the yang system, which is involved in the functions of removing urine from the body. This channel is also involved in the removal of harmful substances and waste from all organs in the body. Energy along the bladder meridian moves centrifugally and comes from the small intestine channel. Having passed it, it goes into the kidney canal. Maximum flow energy flows in the period from 15 to 17 hours every day. This energy highway begins from the medial corner of the eye and, passing through the entire body, ends at the little toe. In addition, it is paired, that is, at point V10, it diverges into two branches running parallel to the spine at a distance of 1.5 and 3 cun from it, respectively. These branches are connected to V40. This channel is designated by the Latin letter V.

    In the health-improving system of qigong, there are a great many exercises for treating the kidneys and strengthening the muscles of the lower back and abdomen. But the kidneys especially love walking, because it improves blood flow in the abdominal cavity and lower extremities, intestinal motility, and deepens breathing. 1. Qigong - walking. In the therapeutic practice of qigong, there are special types of walking that will help heal the legs, kidneys and heart, because such walking activates energy channels.

    Qigong walking is an ordinary walk on fresh air, but with concentration on the yongquan point, if you have high or normal pressure. And with concentration on the upper body if the pressure is low. The duration of such a walk is 30-60 minutes.

    rice. 2. Qigong exercise “Unusual steps”. This exercise can be performed in the morning, but it has a particularly good effect on the body during the activity of the kidney meridian - from 17 to 19 hours. This practice promotes better blood circulation in the legs and head, strengthens the kidneys and heart, normalizes blood pressure and even relieves swelling.

    Sit in a comfortable position on a chair and lightly tap your feet on the floor one at a time or simultaneously with both feet in this order: toes, heels, entire foot.

    Repeat each movement at least seven times, but if you feel normal, you should perform it until your feet become warmer. Rice.
    But when starting any of the practices to strengthen the kidneys, including energy ones, we must remember that these practices can cause the movement of sand and stones both in the kidneys and in the gall bladder. Therefore, you must exercise caution and remember to consult your doctor. To improve kidney health, you can use both individual exercises and entire specialized complexes. 3. Tilts with the movement of the hands. 4. "Swimming frog" 5. The movement of water. Special Complex exercises "Qigong for the kidneys." Video. Regular and systematic implementation of the “Qigong for the Kidneys” set of exercises not only improves the condition of the entire genitourinary system, but also allows you to maintain youthful kidneys for a long time.



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