How to properly carry out therapeutic fasting. Fasting - detailed description, tips, pros and cons

Fasting according to Nikolaev is a classic technique that includes three stages of fasting and recovery. The healer is confident that by abstaining from food, a person rids his body of excess water, fats, toxins and toxic substances. Therapeutic fasting at home according to Nikolaev is considered very effective and is recommended by many progressive nutritionists.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev (1905-1998) called therapeutic fasting the method of fasting-dietary therapy (RDT). Under the leadership of Yuri Sergeevich, in the diet therapy clinic at the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry M3 of the RSFSR, dosed therapeutic fasting was used with great success for the treatment of mental and psychosomatic diseases, the processes occurring in the human body during abstinence from food were comprehensively studied, and instructional and methodological materials on the use of RDT were developed. The scientist made a significant contribution to the popularization of therapeutic fasting in the USSR and abroad. Yu. S. Nikolaev practiced fasting, led a healthy lifestyle, he found understanding from his wife and associate, Narcologist Valentina Mikhailovna. His father’s work was continued by his son Valentin Yuryevich, who wrote the book “The choice of food is the choice of fate.”

The book by Yuri Nikolaev Nikolaev “Fasting for the sake of health”, written in collaboration with E. I. Nilov, V. G. Cherkasov, is very interesting. The book describes the method of fasting, the physiological changes in fasting people are scientifically substantiated, and there are many stories of transformation of patients suffering from various types of mental illnesses and neuroses.

Fasting to remove toxins according to the method of Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev

Recommending fasting, Yuri Sergeevich Nikolaev defines toxins: “...metabolic products that gradually accumulate both in individual cells of our body and in tissues. These are mainly the end products of protein metabolism - urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, ammonium salts, etc., which are sparingly soluble in water and remain in the body.” Unfavorable ecology, overeating, inability to properly combine foods, excessive dietary content of starches, fats, proteins, salt, frying foods, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, and medicines lead to slagging. Often people consume more food, and with it energy, than they need, and the excretory system cannot cope with the removal of increased amounts of toxins.

During therapeutic fasting, says Professor Nikolaev, the human body gets rid of excess water, fats, toxins and toxic substances. Waste and toxins are released through the urinary, respiratory systems, and intestines. The body switches to internal nutrition from fat and protein reserves. Adipose tissue is consumed most actively, with the smallest losses in the tissues of the brain and heart. Scientists have found that during fasting, “autolysis” occurs - the body destroys tumors, adhesions, and unhealthy tissues. When fasting, a person rejuvenates, because feeding the body with internal reserves restores cells and improves metabolism.

Therapeutic fasting according to Nikolaev must be carried out under medical guidance, having undergone a preliminary thorough examination - the professor himself insists on this. He gives examples of enthusiasts who, through improper long-term fasting, drove themselves to hunger psychosis.

The method of fasting according to Nikolaev has become classic. The professor usually prescribed fasting for up to 21 days, as well as up to 25-30 days, rarely up to 40 days. For severe illnesses, severe toxemia, and obesity, Nikolaev advised fasting in courses of several days.

Three stages of fasting according to Nikolaev

Nikolaev identified three stages of fasting and recovery. Stages of fasting: food excitement, increasing acidosis, adaptation. Stages of recovery: asthenic, intensive recovery, normalization. The fasting people lost 12-18% of their body weight; this is safe, since a weight loss of up to 20-25% during fasting is considered to be such that pathological changes do not occur.

A prerequisite for fasting-dietary therapy according to Yu. S. Nikolaev is procedures that promote the removal of toxic substances and the prevention of self-poisoning of the body with decay products, increasing the general strengthening effect of fasting: cleansing enemas, showers, baths, massage, breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air, sunbathing , relaxation, auto-training, feasible physical and mental work.

Before the patient began therapeutic fasting according to the method of Yuri Nikolaev, he was awaited by an examination: blood tests, urine tests, an electrocardiogram, an electroencephalogram, blood pressure measurement, weight measurement, etc. The doctor made sure that the patient was ready for fasting. The patient cleansed his intestines with a laxative. After that it was no longer possible to eat. In the mornings, the fasting person was given cleansing enemas from 1-1.5 liters of water; if necessary, the procedure was repeated in the evening. This was followed by a bath or shower. The time for “pressure” had come, special attention was paid to the cervical and thoracic spine.

Instead of breakfast, the patient drank rosehip infusion, and during the day - up to 1.5-2 liters of water. After half an hour's rest, the fasting person went for a walk, where he performed breathing exercises. At lunchtime and for dinner, an infusion of rosehip was allowed. You could drink alkaline mineral water. In their free time, patients could watch TV and play board games. Before going to bed - brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of soda or potassium permanganate. They went to bed in well-ventilated rooms.

Exit from long-term fasting according to Yuri Nikolaev

After fasting there is a recovery period. These two periods must be of the same duration. Nikolaev considered the appearance of appetite, almost clean water after enemas, and cleansing of the tongue as a signal to end fasting.

When coming out of fasting according to Nikolaev, a person needed to reduce activity, increase the time of rest and stay in bed. On day 1, the patient was offered juices (apple, carrot, grape) in half with water, on days 2-3 - undiluted juices, on days 4-5 - grated fruits and carrots, with rice, on days 6-7 - porridge. spread, vinaigrette, honey. On days 8-10, kefir, gray bread, vegetable oil and butter were introduced. From 10 to 30 days, when recovering from a long fast, according to Nikolaev, it was recommended to follow a dairy-vegetable diet. From the second week, proteins were added to the diet. When recovering from fasting, Yu. S. Nikolaev took into account the patient’s illnesses. For stomach and intestinal ulcers, the return to nutrition began not with juices, but with oatmeal broth; for asthma, with whey.

The professor writes that during fasting-dietary therapy, a bath or sauna can be used to stimulate sweating. During fasting, the steam room weakens a person; due to a lack of water in the body, the cleansing secretion of sweat may simply not take place. It is better to steam after you come out of fasting.

Yu. S. Nikolaev believed that with RDT it is necessary to give enemas 1-2 times every day. But you shouldn’t be too zealous with enemas: they take away the strength of a fasting person; with multi-day enemas, it takes more time to restore the intestinal microflora, and its peristalsis is somewhat weakened.

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How long can a person live? This eternal question faces humanity to this day. The ancient Greeks believed that dying at 70 was almost the same as dying in the cradle. According to ancient Greek writers and historians, the life expectancy of the Pelasgians averaged at least 200 years. At the same time, until the end of their days, they retained their vitality and their hair did not turn gray.

In Japan, the head of a family of centenarians, Mampe, lived for 240 years, working until his last day. And there are an infinite number of such examples of centenarians, including centenarians who still live in Japan, India, the Caucasus and other parts of our planet.

Even when a person is wealthy and healthy, there remains a word that he is afraid to utter, a thought that he drives away from himself, something that brings grief, pain and regret. This word, this thought is death.

Even when life seems like an unbearable burden, how frantically a person clings to it. What mental strength is spent fighting death! With what passion does a person hold on to life!

The greatest human dream is health and long life!

A person feels at home in this world, and would like to live here forever, if he is healthy and full of youthful strength. Life itself is a miracle. And this miracle is in our hands.

Since the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, prolonging human life has remained the most important issue. Persian and Greek sages, many centuries before Christianity, tried to resolve it, but to no avail. And today all serious minds are looking for a solution to this riddle.

It is impossible to avoid death, but every person, following the rules of hygiene and diet, can live to an old age. This can be achieved only by taking care of your body and extending life to normal limits - at least up to 120 years. But, unfortunately, a person, due to his shameless intemperance in food and drink, dies without living even half the time allotted to him.

Of the many biological species, only man does not live up to his natural limit. Animals instinctively feel what kind of life they should lead, what to eat, what to drink. When they are sick or injured, they usually go hungry. Instinct forces animals to eat what is good for them, and man consumes the most difficult to digest food, washing it down with poisonous drinks and then wonders why he does not live a hundred years! In theory, we all crave a long life, but in practice we reduce our lives to a minimum.

It turns out that there is a way not only to improve your body’s health, but also to return it to its original youth, and with it happiness and joy of life.

The secret of health and longevity can be formulated in three words: “Cleanse your body.”

Therapeutic fasting

The greatest cleaner, but not a cure for disease, is physiological fasting. By fasting correctly and wisely, a person is able to break out of the shackles of age. By fasting, you help nature remove waste products and poisons accumulated in the body.

Therapeutic fasting- this is the only method of cleansing the body and rejuvenating it, because this is the natural way of nature itself. And all the critical articles about fasting were written by people who have never missed a meal in their lives.

We know firsthand that many people, when cleansing the body, are treated by fasting, that there are even medical centers where they are treated by fasting under the supervision of qualified doctors.

And yet, despite this, the word “hunger” scares us, since our psychology is not prepared for it. But fasting has been familiar to humans and animals since time immemorial. For primitive people this was the only method of treatment. Centuries passed, man starved when he was wounded or sick, because the instinct of self-preservation told him so. True, it should be noted that along with fasting, medicinal plants were also used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Therapeutic fasting is not only the oldest of all means of combating illnesses, but also the best, since it has no side effects. This is the most natural way to cleanse the body.

From ancient history we know that since those times fasting has been used by adherents of Eastern religions and representatives of ancient civilizations. Fasting was then practiced not only to restore health and preserve youth, but also for spiritual enlightenment. The great Pythagoras believed that only a forty-day fast could cleanse and enlighten the mind to such an extent as to perceive the depths of the teaching about the mysteries of life.

You must always remember that health must be earned. It cannot be bought.

The principle of fasting

When we fast, that is, we stop eating, all the internal vital energy of the body, which was used for chewing, swallowing, digestion, moving through the intestines and eliminating food, is spent on removing toxins and poisons from the body. That is, vital energy performs cleansing work in our body.

The body cleanses itself, self-heals and self-regenerates. In short, when we stop eating, wonderful things happen in our body! And which ones exactly? What resources support the functioning of organs and the entire organism as a whole?
It turns out that everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

Approximately 18 hours after the last meal, the body switches to internal (endogenous) nutrition. Therefore, with absolute fasting (complete refusal of food), the life of the body is maintained by using up existing internal reserves, breaking down diseased and pathologically weakened cells, fat reserves and other foreign tissues (polyps, adhesions, scars, etc.).

During the process of fasting, many organs and systems of the body receive physiological rest, which allows them to restore their damaged structures and functions.

Professor Yu. Nikolaev, based on many years of practice in the use of therapeutic fasting, speaks about this phenomenon as follows:

Fasting leads to a sharp increase in “destructive” processes, to the destruction and removal from the body of all excesses, toxins, and everything that clogs it and interferes with normal life activity. This applies primarily to pathological deposits and formations, for example, salt deposits, excess fat, toxic metabolic products, etc. Freed from toxins, the body switches to endogenous nutrition due to the destruction of its own fats, carbohydrates and proteins of certain organs and tissues, but practically without affecting vital organs such as the heart and brain. This process of increased destruction of tissues, cells and molecules is accompanied by increased restoration processes at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels and leads to renewal and, as it were, rejuvenation of the entire body and all its organs.

Thus, with complete and absolute fasting, the principle of priority preservation of vital tissues of the body is triggered. This principle indicates that first of all it is necessary to “eat” everything foreign and unnecessary. Then they begin to “eat” their own tissue and organs according to the principle of importance. In this regard, fasting is considered an operation without a knife, and the surgeon here is nature itself.

Fasting means eating from your own body's reserves.

Herbert Shelton, the author of very popular books on human health, began practicing fasting in the summer of 1920. Over a forty-five-year period, he conducted thousands of fasts on people, lasting from a few days to ninety, both to reduce excess weight and to help the body restore lost health.
The works of G. Shelton are considered classics of natural healing.

Any drug treatment for a particular disease does not give such a positive effect as dosed fasting.

During the period of fasting, vital forces are aimed not only at cleansing the body, but also at the comprehensive restoration of damaged organs and systems. And what is very important, part of the cleansing efforts is aimed at cleansing the blood vessels and reducing, due to excess weight, capillaries.
That is why, after a ten-day fast, a feeling of lightness often appears throughout the body, the mind sharpens and becomes more receptive, and memory strengthens. There is a huge need for physical activity.

We can extend the life of our hearts through a fasting program, but combined with a natural nutrition program that removes artery-clogging substances.

Why do people get sick?

A chaotic lifestyle is the true reason for our poor health, weakness, exhaustion, premature aging and a whole range of all sorts of ailments that can turn us into a pathetic wreck. I would like everyone to understand this once and for all.

Excess weight is one of the factors that sharply reduces the life expectancy of well-fed people. Unfortunately, most people are slaves of their stomach; they eat in the morning, at lunch and dinner regularly, at the same time of day, all their lives they eat regardless of whether they are hungry or not, their poor body is overloaded with excess nutrition and, at the same time, poor nutrition. Therefore, it is not surprising that these people have many health problems.

One of the leading nutrition experts, Professor Arnold Erest, said: “Life is a tragedy of nutrition!”

Obesity and thinness

Many people never give their stomach a rest. They constantly overload their excretory and digestive systems with excess food. Such overload eventually disables these organs. The entire body is affected.

Hence, excess weight (obesity) steadily increases, complicating the work of the entire body. After all, for every cubic centimeter of excess weight, the body must have 11 (incredible, but true) kilometers of capillaries to nourish and maintain this excess fat in good condition. That is why excess weight places a huge burden on the respiratory system and the normal functioning of the heart (additional load).

Pulse and blood pressure rise to dangerous levels, which in themselves give serious concern. But after fasting, you will find that you no longer need as much food as you were used to. Fasting reduces the volume of your stomach and you will eat half as much and look better.

Some people have the opposite problem of being overweight—underweight.

How much should a person weigh?

The ideal weight of an adult is height minus 100. For example, height 180 cm. Minutes 100, therefore, weight should be 80 kg. Weight above 80 kg is overweight, below is underweight.

This deviation in the direction of reducing weight from normal is also solved, oddly enough, by dosed fasting.

The fact is that a person’s weight depends not so much on the amount of food eaten, but on how it is absorbed by the body. If absorption is poor, then you can eat as much fatty food as you like, but this will not bring the desired weight gain. Weight loss below normal is the result of a general deterioration in health.

It is completely useless to clutter the body when food absorption is at a low level. And the secret to weight gain is to use fasting to make the absorption mechanism more efficient. Only by freeing the body of all unnecessary things can a person with low weight regain their full ability to absorb food.


Every minute 30 billion cells die in the body. They become corpses and over time begin to secrete corpse poison, which is destructive to the body. Poisons are concentrated in various parts of the body, have a detrimental effect on the nervous system and you suffer from pain.

Modern people's bodies are so full of waste that they may die not from hunger, but from intoxication. The excretory organs do not have time to neutralize and remove them from the body. And some of the toxins settle in the secluded corners of the whole body.

A lot of waste accumulates in the liver and gall bladder, in the large intestine, in bone tissue, weakly working muscles, and in the working cells themselves. Waste is deposited in the form of blood clots and plaques in the blood vessels. Mucous wastes of protein and starch nature accumulate in the cavities of the lungs, nose, head, and mouth. Frequent colds, sore throats, sinusitis, otitis media, headaches, rashes on the skin of the face, loss of vision, coated tongue and bad breath are a consequence of this slagging.

Toxins formed from metabolic products include:

  • The end products of protein metabolism are urea, uric acid, creatinine, ammonium salts and some other substances.
  • The end products of fat metabolism, minerals that are not absorbed by the body due to modification - calcium salts, table salt, etc.
  • In addition, foreign substances enter the body - flour whiteners, dough leavening agents, salting preservatives, marinades, chlorinated water, dyes in drinks, chewing gum fillers, sweets and much more.

Most drugs and synthetic vitamins, having done the minimum for the body, clog it with substances formed as a result of their breakdown (dissolution).

From all that has been said, we can formulate the main principle of a healthy lifestyle - regular cleansing of the body from everything unnecessary that interferes with the normal functioning of the entire body.

Dosed fasting

The role of such a natural cleaner is dosed fasting.

In order to achieve physiological changes in the body, and then maintain them for some time for therapeutic purposes, complete abstinence from food intake is necessary. And fruit, vegetable, dairy, etc. “fasting” is a normal diet that has nothing in common with therapeutic fasting. It is not able to turn off the digestive organs and launch dormant intracellular mechanisms of renewal and restoration. These are regular diets and should not be confused with the proper concept of fasting.

In essence, there is no hunger; there is a qualitatively different type of nutrition.

During fasting - the physiological rest of the body - vital forces sweep away from the body everything foreign, unnecessary, and non-viable.

Orthodox medicine treats diseases as a fait accompli, without getting to the bottom of the causes that caused the disease. In addition, it is impossible to treat complexly with drug treatment, that is, for several diseases at once. And Mother Nature allows you to simultaneously heal the entire body and without negative side complications.

The greatest achievements in the field of surgery make it possible to perform the most complex operations - this is a fact. But why let your body do this? Kidney stones, gall bladder stones, inflammation of the appendix, pancreatitis and other diseases, sometimes requiring emergency surgery, can be cured by another natural surgeon - a surgeon without a knife - dosed fasting.

Therapeutic fasting is a phenomenon that, even during flu epidemics, does not allow a single person in a state of fasting to get sick. After the first courses, people are less likely to contract a viral infection or experience it in a milder form. And with repeated or systematic fasting, they generally stop getting sick, including viral diseases.

The virus invades and develops only where there are conditions for it, but in an organism cleansed of waste and toxins there are no such conditions and therefore the viral infection does not take root. It is also important that during fasting, the intestinal microflora in a person’s body is renewed. In the future, this plays a positive role in the digestion process.

After a series of fasting, the human body becomes young and resistant to various types of damaging environmental factors. The main thing in the fasting process is conscious patience, which gives the vital force the opportunity to work to restore the body.

How long should you fast?

The duration and frequency of fasting periods depend on the disease - for one it is enough to carry out one long fast, and for another several. It also depends on the individual characteristics of the person. For example, a person with an ideal weight can fast for 30 days or more.

At the same time, drink less water, do more movements, use a sauna, and stay in a warm and dry room. People with a thin build (less than ideal weight) are recommended to fast once a week, and they can do “cascade dry” fasting.

The longest periods of fasting can be withstood by people with overweight.

What diseases does hunger cure?

Doctors who practiced treatment with conventional methods and then tried fasting note that one therapeutic fast replaces many therapeutic and preventive methods and at the same time provides a more fundamental positive result. From this we can conclude that almost all diseases should be susceptible to the effects of therapeutic fasting with sufficient duration and repetition. This is how it really is.

The practice of using therapeutic fasting has shown which diseases respond well to hunger, and which are worse, and how much time of fasting is required to cure them.

It is important to note the fact that most people treated with fasting have tried other forms of treatment for many years before using it - medicine, radiation, surgery, massages, various procedures, electrotherapy, self-hypnosis, acupuncture, and so on - to no avail. They resorted to starvation as a last resort. As a rule, these were heart diseases, cancer, ulcers, colitis, asthma, arthritis, infections, dysbiosis, skin diseases - which were rarely cured by generally accepted means. And as a result of fasting, many were completely cured, while others received a noticeable improvement.

The progressive Soviet doctor Nikolai Narbekov wrote in 1947:

I realized that hunger brings not only harm to a person, but when seriously ill people are no longer helped by existing medicines and methods of treating them and these people are threatened with imminent inevitable death, then it is hunger that restores the working capacity of these people, it is hunger that snatches them from the clutches of death, returns them all the joys of life. Therefore, hunger is the strongest healing factor for a number of severe and otherwise intractable human diseases.

We list only the main ones:

  • coronary heart disease;
  • hypertension of I, II and III degrees;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • diencephalic syndrome;
  • arthrosis and arthritis of a metabolic nature;
  • gouty diathesis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic asthmatic bronchitis;
  • hay fever;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in remission;
  • chronic gastritis, colitis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • chronic recurrent urticaria;
  • lipid metabolism disorder and many others.

From the statistical data on the use of fasting compiled by Dr. McEitchen, we list the diseases that were completely cured:

  • hypertension;
  • rectal fistula;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • bronchitis;
  • mental disorders;
  • hepatitis;
  • constipation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • inflammation of the lungs and maxillary sinuses;
  • gonorrhea;
  • polio;
  • epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis.

If you want to achieve good results from fasting, be consistent, plan a fasting program for yourself and strictly follow it. It is not necessary to "make public" your plans that you are going to fast, because the average person is usually ignorant in this area and is unable to appreciate your program. You'll just get a bunch of useless advice from him.

Before fasting, ask yourself the question - are you ready for fasting? If you are convinced beyond any doubt that fasting will benefit you, then you are ready.

Remember that if your conscious and subconscious mind has taken possession of the idea of ​​fasting for cleansing, success is guaranteed.

After all, you have thus instilled in each cell your confidence that fasting will lead you to a good state. And each of your cells in this case will be ready to accept your command.

How to start fasting?

Start with a 24-36 hour fast on distilled water (artesian water is acceptable, but not chlorinated water from the tap). During this time you should not take anything other than water. This is the minimum period of fasting, which gives a positive effect on cleansing the body. After all, the body switches to endogenous (internal) nutrition approximately 18 hours after the last meal. And only after this, protective mechanisms for removing toxins and cell restoration are activated. This period of fasting is available to everyone and does not even affect the performance of your professional duties.

Starting fasting for longer periods (10-14 days or more) is dangerous.

Your body may be so polluted and filled with toxins that during their intensive movement and excretion through the kidneys, the latter may not be able to cope and fail. This is fraught with serious consequences, even for life.

After gradually cleansing the body of waste and toxins by fasting for 24-36 hours, and if you are confident that the body is prepared for longer periods of fasting, you can switch to this program (7-10 days).

After spending at least 6 ten-day fasts, you can move on to longer periods (15-30 days).

But I want to warn you that if you have not studied the mechanism of fasting and are not ready to carry it out on your own, then at this time it is necessary to be under the supervision of a qualified person who has many years of successful experience in fasting, since only he can determine the moment when it is better to interrupt fasting.

The following fasting scheme gives good results in cleansing the body:

  • weekly - 24-36 hours;
  • monthly - 3-4 days;
  • Once every 3 months - 7-10 days.

This fasting program will provide you with the kind of experience that will prepare you for longer periods of fasting. I want to emphasize that fasting is a science. Therefore, do not force yourself to fast for long periods just because you expect miracles from it. Rely on the recommendations of an experienced specialist. And a specialist will confirm that shorter periods of fasting will bring you more benefit.

Fasting for obesity

If you are concerned about the problem of excess weight, you can create the following fasting program:
start with weekly 24 hours, and then switch to fasting up to 3 times a week for 24 hours (i.e. every other day). This kind of fasting gives excellent results. Breaking a 24-36 hour fast is very simple.

When you come out of hunger, you should drink 200 ml of kefir or eat a light vegetable salad (cabbage, beets, carrots, onions, etc.). And a couple of hours after that you can eat everything.

Contraindications to fasting

Traditional medicine insists that fasting should never be carried out in the following cases:

  1. Serious illnesses thyroid gland;
  2. Severe exhaustion;
  3. Tumors (any);
  4. Severe brain diseases;
  5. Infectious diseases;
  6. Old age (over 60 years old);
  7. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  8. Acute tuberculosis;
  9. Infectious diseases.

In traditional medicine, a number of diseases are considered incurable. There are also diseases that require lifelong drug support - diabetes, gout, hypertension, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, asthma, allergies, epilepsy... But at the same time, there are many clinical studies proving that there is a simple and cheap method of getting rid of any disease, up to cancer. This is therapeutic fasting.

Proper fasting under the supervision of specialists allows people with chronic diseases to lose weight and rejuvenate, to give up medications, and even to be completely cured. Surprisingly, many years of practical experience in psychiatry have shown that with the help of fasting you can even completely get rid of mental illnesses! Is it so?

How to fast with health benefits? How many days? Is it possible to eat, drink, or exercise at this time?

Only in the twentieth century the situation changed dramatically: civilization found ways to cheaply produce and store food for a long time, thanks to which food is now available to almost every person at any time of the day.

This has become our scourge - we are not genetically adapted to constantly eating. How did our ancestors live? They starved for days, after a successful hunt the whole tribe ate, and when the meat ran out, the period of hunger began again. This means that we are programmed to fast for several days without harm to our health.

Have you noticed that sick animals refuse food? Yes, and you and I don’t particularly reach for food during illness. This signals that fasting may indeed be a disease-free method.

Pros and cons of therapeutic fasting

The results of therapeutic fasting can be seen with the naked eye. People who have undergone fasting look more fit, healthy, and refreshed. They note a feeling of euphoria and lightness in the body, and even changes in worldview.

Clinical studies conducted in the USA showed that cancer patients who fasted before chemotherapy tolerated it much easier.

Fasting changes the acidity of the blood, making it more alkaline - this is good news for those with diseases associated with hyperacidity of the blood (for example, gout).

Scientists have discovered that hunger affects our cells at the DNA level. A defense mechanism is launched in them, old immune cells are replaced by new ones. People with various diseases experience improved health, periods of remission become longer, and complete recovery often occurs.

The patient before and after therapeutic fasting is like two different people. All the effects of this method are difficult to describe in one article, so at the end I will post a video that talks about the changes that occur to us due to complete abstinence from food.

But everything can’t be that perfect, can it?

Indeed, proper therapeutic fasting can significantly improve our health. But it’s not in vain that I use the word “correct” and insist on medical supervision. Fasting is an extreme reboot of all body systems, and it can only be carried out by relying on the knowledge and experience of specialists. There are cases when fanatics of therapeutic fasting died from exhaustion or due to improper recovery from hunger.

You also need to be aware of the crisis that occurs approximately on the third day of fasting: a person feels very bad, feels weak, dizzy, nauseated, sadness and despondency appear. This is how we experience detoxification of the body. To understand how hard the body reacts to this process and whether it needs help, a doctor should be nearby.

Are you scared? No need. The lion's share of negative consequences relates only to a long period of fasting. Short periods are easily tolerated by the body, bring undeniable benefits and are indicated for all healthy people as a preventive measure for diseases.

The need for consultation and monitoring by a doctor is determined by several factors - the time of therapeutic fasting, the general health of the patient, the goal (weight loss, treatment, prevention).

There are three periods of fasting duration:

  • short period (1-3 days)
  • medium (up to 10-14 days)
  • long-term (up to 40 days)

Considering the specifics of the effect of hunger on the body, it should be understood that this technique is not useful for all diseases.

Fasting treatment is indicated for obesity, bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, skin diseases, pathologies of the endocrine system, musculoskeletal system, mental disorders (depression, schizophrenia). Contraindications to fasting are tuberculosis, type 1 diabetes, thrombophlebitis, chronic hepatitis, anorexia, hyperthyroidism.

Even traditional medicine recognizes short periods of fasting as beneficial for health. The practice of short-term refusal of food can be found in all the world's leading religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam.

Fasting at home is most often used for weight loss. But you shouldn’t think that you can eat everything, then sit on water for three days and get back to your old routine. In any case, you will have to change your diet and exercise. Fasting periods will make losing weight faster and more comfortable, but cannot be used as the only method.

Water fasting and dry fasting

Of these two types, therapeutic fasting on water is considered safer and gentler for the body. The principle is quite simple: do not eat anything, but only drink large quantities of water. This helps saturate the body with moisture, cleanse it of toxins, and improve the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems. The main thing is that the water is clean. Juices, herbs, and teas are also included in the list of prohibited foods during the period of water fasting.

In order to reboot your body without harm, it is enough to abstain from food for 16-24 hours. You can practice such days a maximum of 3-4 times a month (once a week).

Dry fasting is a refusal not only from food, but also from water. A one-day waterless fast once a month is enough to invigorate the body. Dry fasting for 3, 7 and 11 days is also practiced, but this is quite extreme, so you should be careful with such experiments.

When starting to fast, you should know that the last fasting day is only the halfway point. It is also important to properly organize the so-called “exit”.

If, after complete fasting, you suddenly load your body with heavy food, you can get serious complications and exacerbation of chronic diseases. During recovery from fasting, you are allowed to eat only light food - soups, mashed boiled vegetables, cereals. One meal should be limited to 250 grams.

The duration of the exit period should be no less than the fasting period. Those who have been on dry fasting should also limit their drinking, avoiding the temptation to drink to their heart's content.

This only in words seems to be a simple matter. Those who have practiced fasting say that the solution is much more difficult than the fasting itself. Moreover, the diet when recovering from fasting has a decisive influence on a person’s well-being in the future.

The longer the period of abstinence, the more attentive you need to be to every detail of the process. Therefore, next we will turn to the issue of therapeutic fasting in specialized clinics.

It would seem - well, why starve in a clinic if you can just stop eating at home? And what can a medical institution provide in this case, except a bed and clean water?

But this is wrong. Treatment with hunger in the clinic is a whole range of activities. It all starts with a consultation and testing to determine the patient’s physical and moral readiness for fasting. Before starting the course, you need to stick to a diet at home: a sudden refusal to eat after prolonged overeating is undesirable.

At the clinic, patients do exercises, exercise on exercise machines, visit the sauna, therapeutic baths, and massage. All this is aimed at accelerating metabolism so that the body can quickly remove toxins and more easily endure a period of crisis. And to maintain the mental health of patients, there are consultations with a psychotherapist and a cultural program.

Typically, clinics offer courses of medium-duration fasting (7, 10, 14 days), since long fasting requires serious preparation and good reasons.

Fasting clinics are now common all over the world, and there are especially many of them in Russia and Europe.

The fasting system of Dr. Otto Buchinger is one of the most famous abroad. Many clinics operate under this system in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Spain - you can count a good dozen centers bearing the name “Buchinger Clinic”.

But the very first is the Otto Buchinger clinic in Bad Pyrmont (Germany), founded by the creator of the system himself. It was opened in 1920 and today it is run by doctors of the third generation of Buchingers.

The most famous Russian fasting clinic is the Hospital of Professor Yuri Nikolaev in Moscow, which operates at the Institute of Psychiatry. In the 1940s, he began researching the effects of starvation on psychiatric patients and saw extraordinary results from this method. Yuri Nikolaev was one of the pioneers of therapeutic fasting in traditional medicine, and wrote a number of scientific papers on this topic. Today, in addition to mental disorders, his clinic treats asthma, lesions of the musculoskeletal system, and obesity with starvation.

The oldest operating sanatorium where therapeutic fasting is practiced is “Goryachinsk”. He is 200 years old. The sanatorium is located in the village of the same name in the Republic of Buryatia, on the shore of Lake Baikal.

Of course, it is impossible to list all the sanatoriums, medical centers and clinics where you can undergo a course of therapeutic fasting. When choosing a clinic, it is important to remember that it must be a medical center with a license and certified doctors.

When experimenting with your body, be extremely careful - we only have one, and, unfortunately, there is no “reset game” function in our lives.

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Fasting at home is the voluntary refusal to eat any food. Voluntarily stopping food intake for a certain period of time leads to amazing changes. When fasting, the body's reserve forces are activated, and work begins to destroy harmful deposits. Salt deposits, toxic metabolic products, and toxins are removed from the body. During fasting, the glycogen supply in the liver decreases, metabolism slows down, dizziness and weakness appear. Then the human body switches to endogenous (internal) nutrition due to accumulated fat cells. Those who have lost extra pounds by fasting at home have noted its amazing results. This is a feeling of youth and lightness, improved condition of nails and hair, and relief from snoring.

Types of fasting

There are several types of fasting. During complete (water) fasting, you can only drink water in unlimited quantities. This type of fasting is suitable for treating various diseases and for losing weight. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use distilled water. You need to come out of water fasting very carefully, under the supervision of specialists. Absolute (dry) fasting consists of an absolute refusal to consume liquids and food. Dry fasting should last no more than three days. Complete fasting at home is not advisable. This type of fasting is best practiced in sanatoriums and health centers.

The duration of food abstinence can be one-day (daily), three-day, five-day, week-long (seven-day) and long-term. During daily fasting, you are allowed to drink only water.

A three-day fast at home can be used to reboot and cleanse the body. A 3-day fast is considered the most optimal period of fasting.

The method of conducting a three-day fast does not differ from one-day food abstinence. Before carrying out a 3-day fast at home, it is advisable to consult a specialist. A 3-day fast is possible even during pregnancy and lactation. During a three-day fast, the body only partially switches to internal nutrition. You should not start a three-day fast without doing a one-day fast several times.

A week of food abstinence is aimed at cleansing the body and curing various diseases. Prolonged fasting can last up to a month. This type of fasting should be carried out exclusively in sanatoriums and specialized complexes. For any type of food abstinence, it is useful to keep a fasting diary. In your fasting diary you need to record your feelings and objective data indicating a change in condition.

Pros and cons of fasting

The undoubted advantages of therapeutic fasting include the healing effect that occurs as a result of the activation of the body's defenses. The process of fasting has a positive effect on the endocrine system and metabolism of the body. With food abstinence, salt deposits in the spine and joints evaporate. Fasting not only cleanses the body, but also activates all processes at the cellular, molecular and tissue level.

The disadvantages of food abstinence include the need to use regular cleansing practices. One-time fasting at home will not lead to the desired result. Before food abstinence, preliminary preparation is necessary. It is very important to learn the fasting method and gradually increase its duration.

Fasting cycle at home

Before fasting, it is very important to cleanse the intestines so that toxins are not absorbed and poison the body. Laxatives and enemas are used to cleanse the intestines. The popularizer of fasting, Paul Bragg, noted that it is possible to begin food abstinence without prior preparation. However, modern man simply needs preliminary cleansing. Poor food quality and environmental conditions lead to severe intestinal contamination. Toxins accumulated in the digestive tract can enter the circulatory system. Two to three days before the start of fasting, it is best to switch to dairy and plant foods, excluding legumes and meat from the diet. Rough food will help cleanse the intestinal walls. All this will ensure an easy transition to fasting, good health and effective weight loss.

It is very important to get out of fasting correctly. The classic way out of fasting is to take liquid and easily digestible food. Food should be administered in small portions. First, pureed vegetables, salads, and then cereals and meat dishes should be introduced into the diet. For the first meal, fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water are best. At the exit, Bragg recommended eating tomatoes that had been warmed in warm water and peeled.

Improper fasting at home can lead to poisoning of the body, disruption of fat metabolism, and loss of muscle mass.

Fasting cycle for 5 days

If you are fasting for 5 days, you should take a laxative on the eve of the first day. To do this, 60 g of magnesium sulfate is dissolved in 100 ml of hot water. The resulting solution is taken orally warm. The next day you need to do a cleansing enema, and then take a ten-minute shower or bath. After this, rinse the nasopharynx with lightly salted water, brush your teeth and tongue with a soft brush. Then rinse your mouth and throat with a solution of baking soda or potassium permanganate. After water procedures, it is necessary to perform self-massage or general pressure massage until the skin becomes slightly reddened. After the massage, mandatory gymnastics and a walk in the fresh air. A day with food abstinence should be filled with physical and mental labor, positive communication. During fasting, you should record changes in heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, and breathing rate in your diary. The effect obtained from fasting for 5 days at home should be secured by proper nutrition during the recovery period.

Lunar fasting calendar

According to the lunar calendar, fasting for up to seven days should be carried out only in the second or fourth phases of the lunar cycle. The lunar fasting calendar indicates that it is during this period that natural cleansing of the human body occurs. It is better to start food abstinence for more than a week so that most days of fasting occur in the second and fourth phases of the lunar cycle.

According to the calendar, fasting for more than 14 days must be planned so that the end of hunger coincides with the beginning of the lunar cycle. Fasting in the first and third phases of the lunar cycle is considered ineffective. During this period, the body does not release toxins well. One-day food abstinence is best carried out on the 11th day after the new moon and on the 11th day after the full moon.

Fasting for various diseases

Doctors who previously practiced treatment with conventional methods and then tried fasting note the fact that one therapeutic fasting replaces a lot of therapeutic and preventive methods and at the same time provides a more fundamental positive result, even in cases where it is carried out without any medical supervision.

From the practice of therapeutic fasting, it became known which diseases respond well to hunger, and which are worse, and how much time of fasting they require to be cured.

It is also important to note the fact that most people treated with fasting, before using it, had tried various forms of treatment for many years - medications, radiation, surgeries, massages, all kinds of procedures, electrotherapy, self-hypnosis, acupuncture and so on - to no avail. They resorted to starvation as a last resort. As a rule, these were heart disease, cancer, ulcers, colitis, asthma, arthritis, infections, dysbiosis, skin diseases; all of them were rarely cured by conventional means. As a result of fasting, many were completely cured, while others received noticeable improvements.

There are statistics on the use of fasting compiled by a doctor McItchen.

If you have a serious illness and are unsure of your abilities, go to a clinic where they are treated with fasting. In all other cases, gradually accumulate your personal experience of fasting and practice it fearlessly.

Arthritis, rheumatism and gout

Soreness and swelling of the tissues surrounding the joints are signs of early arthritis. As inflammation develops, pain and joint stiffness occur. Muscles and ligaments become tense and contract. Developing most often in the cartilage that connects the ends of bones, arthritis leads to the destruction of cartilage and deformation of the joint.

Arthritis represents the end of a pathological process that develops over years. Before the development of joint inflammation, a person experiences joint pain, poor health, insomnia, poor appetite, indigestion and other signs indicating that not everything is in order in the body.

Most often, the use of medications, massage, and hot baths only makes the patient feel better, but does not eliminate the disease. Moreover, it causes a deepening of the pathological process up to disability.

The cause of arthritis is indulging one’s taste preferences in food. Victims of arthritis overeat starch and sugar - bread, potatoes, pies, cakes and sweets.

Foreign substances accumulate in a weakened body (in joints, blood, connective tissue) and lead to changes in the joints.

To completely get rid of rheumatism, radiculitis, muscular and infectious rheumatism, gout, arthritis (regardless of the degree of the disease), a person must first give up habits that weaken the body.

Nothing can cleanse the body faster and more thoroughly than fasting. There are no other means at our disposal that can so quickly change the chemical composition of the body, especially its fluids and secretions.

Recovery from chronic arthritis is a slow return from a state of ill health to a state of health. It includes many factors: age, weight, prevalence of the disease, its course, supply of vital energy, the nature of existing complications, and occupation. All these factors determine the degree of possible recovery and its speed. An absolute minimum of sugar and starchy foods should be maintained in the diet.

Self-discipline, a persistent determination to get well, even though the restrictions may sometimes be bothersome and tiring and progress unclear, is essential to recovery.

Remember, dear reader who suffers from arthritis. Once you start fasting, the pain will decrease within a few days. Then the swelling will gradually disappear and the deformed joints will begin to recover. The greater the deformation of the joints, the longer the fasting period and the more courses will be required for complete recovery.

Peripheral endings of the nervous system are successfully treated by fasting. In patients with discogenic radiculitis and osteochondrosis, first of all, the pain syndrome disappears, and secondary neuritis ceases to bother them.

Some doctors believe that people with asthma are predisposed to developing the nerve disease. They have a strong psychological pressure that causes habitual internal tension. As a result, the work of the respiratory system is weakened and slowed down and the “roots” are laid for pathological changes in the lungs. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to act on the root causes of asthma, which is achieved through fasting.

Chronic asthma responds well to fasting. Sick people who could not sleep lying on the bed, but only sitting, after a few days of fasting (usually 5-7) received significant relief and were able to sleep in bed.

Depending on the severity of the disease, patients were cured by short courses of fasting for 2, 5, 6, 7 days, medium courses of 15 and 21 days, long courses of 23 and 26 days.

It is useful to combine treatment with dosed fasting for bronchial asthma with breathing, which cleanses the human field form, or Buteyko breathing, which accumulates carbon dioxide in the body.

As an example, let's look at several cases. Patient K., 41 years old, driver, disabled group III. The impetus for the disease was conflicting relationships at work and at home. His mood dropped, he became gloomy, irritable, and had trouble sleeping at night. One day, when I got excited, I felt suffocated. He was choking, wheezing, his face was filled with blood, there was a feeling that he was dying. K. was frightened, remembering that his brother died at 22 from bronchial asthma.

From that day on, K. lived under the weight of fear. He fasted for thirty days in a medical institution. At first there were several attacks, but during the recovery period the attacks no longer occurred. They did not recur even after he was discharged from the hospital. The man came to life: a normal, calm mood was established, fear disappeared, and irritability disappeared. And conflicts that seemed irreparable dissipated on their own.

A comment. A conflictual attitude is a clear expression of a psychological clamp that is activated in a stressful environment. Over time, this clamp of irritability transformed into a clamp of fear, which caused stagnation of energy in the lung area. Fasting completely destroyed this clamp, which qualitatively changed K.’s personality and normalized the physiology of breathing.

The following two examples from the practice of Dr. G. Voitovich show the effectiveness of therapeutic fasting for those people who use inhalers.

The child fell ill with pneumonia and then asthma at the age of six months. Treatment for ten years with medications, including the use of inhalers, direct-acting sympathomimetics and hormones, only led to a worsening of the disease with symptoms of chronic bronchitis and purulent sputum. Attempts have been made to free one from these drugs using various hardening options and folk remedies: vegetarian nutrition, climatotherapy, speleotherapy (treatment in the mines), sauna, acupuncture, acupressure, breathing exercises with breath holding, and so on. It was not possible to free myself from drug addiction and frequent exacerbations of the disease. 2 courses of fasting for 10 days were carried out on the seashore. Despite the extremely advanced process in the child’s bronchopulmonary apparatus, the disease disappeared.


Fasting has helped many women become pregnant after years of infertility. Many of them talked about disorders menstrual cycle, heavy menstruation, severe cramps that put them to bed every month, large blood clots, tenderness and pain in the chest and other symptoms indicating endocrine imbalance, inflammation of the ovaries or uterus and nervous disorders. Others reported inflammation of the lining of the uterus with more or less severe vaginal discharge. These abnormal vaginal secretions and environment inactivated the sperm and conception did not occur.

Such cases are easily curable. The ability to become pregnant is fully restored through fasting and subsequent proper nutrition.

Absolute sterility is rare in both men and women. In this case, fasting cannot help.

Ankylosing spondylitis

Many people classify this disease as a group of rheumatoid diseases. First, inflammation appears in the joints of the spine, and then mobility is lost, the ligaments and joint capsules ossify. The spine gradually takes on the appearance of a “bamboo stick”.

Yu. Nikolaev talks about the successful treatment of this terrible disease with hunger:

“We received patients with a chronic course of ankylosing spondylitis, with a long history of the disease, who unsuccessfully tried all treatment methods, including massive courses of antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

There was always an improvement in the condition as a result of RDT, but the durability of the results depended on the subsequent dietary regimen and lifestyle of the patient.

As a rule, one course of fasting brings more or less lasting improvement, and then the disease recurs, and in order to achieve a lasting result, several courses have to be taken.”

This is primarily due to the fact that during this disease the body gradually loses its position, falling lower and lower in its compensatory capabilities. In order to fully recover, it is necessary to unwind the compensatory mechanism in the opposite direction. Naturally, this requires time and competent help for your body.

Example: patient L.L., radio engineer, 55 years old, writes:

“The first signs of the disease appeared more than fifteen years ago. At first, lying in bed, I began to feel uncomfortable. For the first two years the condition seemed tolerable. But then stiffness appeared in the cervical spine (it was difficult to turn my head), and pain arose in the lower back and back.

For a long time, doctors diagnosed spondylosis. And only twelve years later - ankylosing spondylitis. Massages, electrophoresis, exercise therapy were regularly carried out, various pharmacological drugs were used (indomethacin, butadione, voltaren), and balneotherapy courses were conducted.

The treatment was almost unsuccessful. Short-term relief was followed by exacerbations. Intolerance to drugs appeared, especially indomethacin: dizziness, nausea, fainting.

By 1980, the condition had deteriorated so much that during periods of exacerbation it was impossible to turn over in bed. Coughing and sneezing caused severe pain.

I learned that hospital No. 68 has a special department where dosed fasting is used to treat many diseases, and in particular ankylosing spondylitis.

Completed RDT treatment courses in 1984 - 21 days, in 1985 - 24 days, in 1986 - 20 days. The results of treatment at each stage are very good. After the first course, the rheumatologist still insisted on taking indomethacin. After the second course of RDT, the same doctor allowed me to “live without medication unless there is an exacerbation.” Fortunately, there was no deterioration during the year, which gave confidence in the effectiveness of treating ankylosing spondylitis by starvation. Only traces or shadows of the disease were observed: slight limitation of mobility in the lumbar and cervical spine, rapid fatigue of muscles and ligaments in the joints.”

As you can see, even such a terrible disease can be treated with persistent use of therapeutic fasting, which destroys its information and energy basis.


Specialists in therapeutic fasting note that fasting is the most reliable and most suitable method of treatment for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, especially if before entering fasting and during exit from it the patient eats only vegetable and fruit juices (carrot, cabbage, tomato, beet, pumpkin, celery root juice, apple juice and other fruit juice). Fasting does not destroy or clog veins, which happens with other methods of treatment due to overload of deeper located blood vessels. It cures enlarged veins, and at the same time ulcers that arise from this. Fasting helps restore the tone of the vein walls, reduces their size and relieves pain.

Young men and women with mild to moderate varicose veins experience rapid and complete recovery. In persons older than middle age and with severe varicose veins, improvement can be achieved, but complete recovery requires a longer time and a strict diet after fasting, mainly a vegetarian lifestyle, limiting animal proteins and using short fasts at least once a week. Walking and jogging are very helpful in healing.

In all cases, individual nutrition is recommended with the mandatory inclusion of fresh vegetables, freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices, freshly cooked buckwheat porridge, sprouted wheat and a sufficient amount of physical exercise in the form of walking and slow running. Such a program will prevent the appearance of excess fluid in the body from excessive consumption of water, salt, animal proteins and guarantees the constant improvement and maintenance of normal tone of the vein walls.

Enlarged veins around the anus are called hemorrhoids. Fasting allows you to eliminate varicose veins, which will lead to the elimination of the disease. Provided there is no psychological pressure in this place.

“Urine” fasting promotes faster restoration of the bloodstream. Compresses from normal and evaporated urine should be applied to the area of ​​blood clots.

Hypertension and hypotension

Fasting has a strong effect on the state of blood circulation and helps restore capillary circulation in patients with hypertension.

From the very first days of fasting, blood pressure decreases. In case of long-term illness, it reaches normal levels after the 10-15th day of fasting.

In most cases, by the end of the fast, blood pressure drops below normal levels. During the recovery period, it increases, reaching the norm. To maintain a positive therapeutic effect, it is recommended to regularly conduct short-term courses of fasting - 3 days per month or 7-10 days per quarter.

G. Shelton cites a case where systolic pressure decreased from 295 to 115 within three weeks of fasting. If blood pressure dropped below normal during fasting, it rose to normal values ​​at the end of fasting. If a patient with hypertension followed a low-protein, low-salt diet after fasting, no increase in blood pressure was observed.

Fasting helps with both hypertension and hypotension (low blood pressure). The normalizing effect of fasting is well known: blood pressure that is too high and too low is brought back to normal by the same method.

It is important to recognize the fact that high blood pressure is the final link in the chain of causes and consequences of painful conditions in the body over a long period of time: various types of mental and physical stress.

Some of the main causes of the disease are: overeating, eating at night, drinking coffee, tea, and insufficient rest. Excessive consumption of salt in food aggravates hypertension as it retains water in the body.

Yu. Nikolaev describes the fasting treatment of a 48-year-old patient with hypertension. Treatment with drugs - clonidine, hemiton, adelfan and others - gave a very insignificant effect. Blood pressure constantly fluctuated between 160/110-140/90.

Three years later, angina attacks appeared, which progressed rapidly. A new treatment was prescribed: nitroglycerin, nitrong, nitromazine, sustak, sidnopharm. The medications quickly relieved heart pain, but had side effects.

A year later, the hypertensive crises intensified, the pressure jumped to 220/170. And then he suffered a small focal myocardial infarction and was hospitalized. New entries appeared in the medical history: coronary heart disease, small-focal cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, aorta, cerebral vessels, asthenic syndrome.

In the 68th hospital in Moscow, he underwent a course of therapeutic fasting. On the 7th day I felt a significant improvement. Heart pain disappeared, blood pressure returned to normal. After fasting, the patient’s performance increased, pain in the heart and eyes stopped, and his head became clear.

Eye diseases

Fasting is good for eye diseases. In many cases, visual defects were completely eliminated by fasting. Cataracts, conjunctival hypertension, catarrhal and granular conjunctivitis, glaucoma, keratitis and barley respond especially well to fasting treatment. G. Shelton reports a case in which the blindness of one eye (as a result of cataracts) completely disappeared after an 18-day fast. Varieties of conjunctivitis require urine therapy and fasting for recovery. For acute illness, use short periods of fasting and long periods for chronic ones. In glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure gradually disappears after two to three weeks of fasting. If you use urine, the cure will come faster.

In people with the initial stages of hypertension, during a period of therapeutic fasting and subsequent proper nutrition, there is an improvement in the condition of the fundus, expressed in a decrease in vascular spasm and normalization of intraocular pressure.

Jaundice (hepatitis) is characterized by the accumulation of bilirubin (bile pigment) in the blood and its deposition in tissues with a yellow coloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera of the eyes. The disease is associated with increased breakdown of red blood cells.

Fasting, usually with urine, gives good results in the treatment of this disease. Example:

“In 1993, I cured my daughter’s jaundice with urine. It just happened to be the May holidays, I called the doctor, she told us that after May 9 we needed to go to the hospital. And my girl turned yellow, urine drops drop by drop, temperature is 39 °C, her right side hurts. She was 5 years old. I spat on the doctors, started giving her her own urine, putting compresses on her side and bandaging her pulse with gauze soaked in urine. For three days she did not let her eat, only drink - urine and water. And on the fourth day the yellowness subsided, the temperature disappeared, and my side stopped hurting. And after the holidays, the doctor said that there was nothing. After that, I believed in urine therapy and stopped believing doctors, although I myself worked in medicine for 10 years.” (It has been known since ancient times that fasting and urine therapy are the best remedies for treating jaundice.)

Gastrointestinal diseases

Often, gastrointestinal diseases are caused by poor diet or a virus introduced into the intestines.

As a rule, drug treatment is long-term and does not bring significant relief, not to mention a cure.

It is known that during fasting during the siege of Leningrad in the Great Patriotic War, despite exhaustion and weakness, many gastrointestinal diseases were cured. They have resorted to the practice of treating with hunger even now. And here are the results it gave.

Example. "I am 42 years old. I am sick: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis, gastritis, endometritis. They injected me for 20 days, but to no avail. It got even worse - my arms, legs, all joints hurt. When I read your book, I suddenly went on a hunger strike. I drank only urine and water and every day I rubbed my entire body with evaporated urine 2 times. I had high blood pressure before this. They gave me injections and took handfuls of pills. And when I started drinking urine and rubbing myself, the next day my pain subsided, and I slept in “eternal” sleep from lunch until evening. To this day there is no headache, the pain in the pancreas has subsided, the pain in the liver and lower abdomen has disappeared. I was fasting for 3 days. But I still drink urine and rub myself. After fasting I felt better. I carry buckets of water and don’t feel their weight. The aching pain in the joints stopped bothering me. I haven’t been hungry enough yet.”

A comment. Indeed, this woman needs to fast for longer periods to obtain both a more pronounced and stable healing effect.

Among gastrointestinal diseases, peptic ulcer is quite dangerous. Using her example, we will consider how to properly carry out fasting treatment.

Peptic ulcer

Academician A. N. Bakulev pointed out the rapid ability of gastric and duodenal ulcers to heal during fasting, and the good analgesic effect of this method. In patients with peptic ulcer disease, the “niche” symptom disappears after 12 days of complete abstinence from food (an x-ray revealed a deepening of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum, indicating an ulcer).

A medical history of stomach and duodenal ulcers reveals that the person previously suffered from irritability (the main symptom of overexcitation of the life principle “Bile”). The inability to balance your “Bile” with lifestyle and nutrition ultimately leads to pathological development - irritation, inflammation, gradual thickening of the mucous membranes of the stomach or duodenum, and then to their ulceration. The final development of this process may be cancer.

Hunger eliminates sources of local irritation: mechanical irritation caused by food particles in contact with an irritated surface; mechanical irritation caused by compression and contraction of the walls of the stomach, which processes food, chemical irritation caused by acidic gastric juice. Hunger stops the secretion of gastric juice, the juice does not wash the ulcerated surface, and the healing process proceeds quite quickly. The small amount of juice subsequently released is very slightly acidic.

But the most effective and fastest way to recover is fasting on urine with rest and bed rest. The hunger must continue until all reactions indicate that the renewal is complete.

We emphasize: the operation does not restore health, since it cannot eliminate the cause of the disease.

G. Voitovich, with the help of fasting, helped about one hundred patients suffering from peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. Moreover, all patients before treatment had a “niche” symptom on x-ray examination. After the end of the fast, the x-ray confirmed the disappearance of the “niche”, that is, it indicated the practical recovery of the patient.

Patients tolerated fasting treatment generally well. The stomach pain usually stopped on the 3-5th day of fasting. On the 15-25th day, all complaints associated with peptic ulcer disappeared. Everyone had positive results, even in the case of a long history of the disease.

In chronic colitis, the most pronounced inflammation can be localized in different parts of the large intestine.

For a long time the condition may be unclear. A person barely feels any indigestion, which he may attribute to constipation or gas. When mucus appears in the stool, the painful condition has already fully developed. As colitis becomes more severe, mucus in the stool appears in the form of suspicious-looking stringy fragments, similar to flaps of the lining of the intestine, or the feces are shrouded in mucus speckled with traces of blood. In such cases there is no longer any doubt.

Each case of chronic colitis is accompanied by a “large intestine complex,” that is, negative or depressive psychosis. Given the nature of colitis, it is not at all surprising that a person suffering from it becomes depressed and restless. Constipation is present in 95% of cases of chronic colitis. It often continues for years, during which the patient tries various kinds of laxative decoctions, enemas, and colon lavages, without ever realizing that constipation is only a symptom of the disease of his field form.

Everyone who suffers from colitis complains of poor digestion, both gastric and intestinal, a more or less painful accumulation of gases in the intestines, sometimes in the form of colic, a feeling of fullness and discomfort. There is a dull and prolonged or acute, moving headache. Many people complain of stiffness and tension, even pain, in the muscles of the neck, in the area just below the junction of the head and neck. They are often described as a "pulling" sensation. Such people are usually anemic, thin, and emaciated, although colitis is in no way associated with poor nutrition. The tongue is usually coated, there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and there is an odor when breathing. Immediately after a large mass of mucus is expelled from the colon, nausea may develop. This is invariably followed by a feeling of enormous relief.

The development of colitis is accompanied by the accumulation of toxic digestive products and waste products in the blood and lymph.

Instead of relief diets, a liver cleanse followed by fasting is recommended. Fasting stimulates, accelerates that part of the metabolism that is involved in removing toxic digestive products, rejuvenates exhausted nerves, as well as cellular structure. It allows the body to restore normal blood chemistry.

Enemas from regular and evaporated urine help well in the healing process for colitis; all others, on the contrary, have a high irritating ability.

It is important to know that colitis is just part of a general irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the body, and if something relieves a person of colitis, the same remedy will also relieve inflammation in other parts of the body - in the nose, throat, bladder or uterus .

A commonly known condition called diarrhea is short-term colitis. It has no serious consequences and lasts from one to two days to several days, but repeated attacks of this disorder tend to develop into chronic colitis.

Ulcerative colitis– further development of mucous colitis. Chronic inflammation leads to hardening and ulceration of the lining of the large intestine. In any case, it is correct to say that when colitis has passed through the successive stages of irritation, ulceration and induration, it is ready to develop into cancer.

It is necessary to understand that all chronic forms of inflammation begin with irritation of the mucous membrane, followed by inflammation and ulceration. If the location of the lesion contributes to the retention of blood flow, induration and cancer follow.

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the large intestine and rectum using fasting (especially urine fasting) can be successful at any stage before the onset of the malignant process.

Gallstone and kidney stone diseases

Fasting allows you to remove the energy clamp in the liver and kidneys, which leads to stone formation. Fasting helps relieve inflammation in the kidneys, bladder, liver and gall bladder. The pus is removed and the tissues heal. If there are stones in these organs that cause pain, relief occurs after a few days. In many cases, resorption and crushing of stones occurs.

This process during fasting is significantly enhanced by the use of urine therapy. In advanced cases, 20–30 days of fasting are required with the application of woolen cloth soaked in urine compresses to the lumbar region for complete healing. In persistent cases, it is necessary to repeat the fast. After fasting, you should eat on a diet.

Often, people seeking treatment for various diseases discover hepatic colic on the 8th or 10th day of fasting. Previously, they were not suspected of having stones in the gall bladder and kidneys. If colic recurs periodically, in the intervals between them there is no need to apply any treatment, but only a strict diet: freshly squeezed juices, herbal decoctions, fruits, salads and boiled non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets).

G. Voitovich tells how a 46-year-old man got rid of a huge stone in the renal pelvis through fasting. Doctors offered this man surgery. But since he weighed more than 140 kg, had hypertension, osteochondrosis and “spikes” on his feet, he was recommended to fast for more successful surgery. Over the course of one calendar year, he completed 3 courses of fasting for 20–25 days. Of these, the last 2 courses were conducted independently at home. As a result, the huge stone began to break down and pass through the urinary tract. The man’s weight returned to normal, hypertension and “spikes” on his feet disappeared.

A comment. Why are stones formed? Most people eat the same foods, but only a few get kidney stones. In order for a stone to form and begin to grow, a focus of energetic stagnation is needed, which arises as a result of sensory experience (mental pressure). The area of ​​energy stagnation includes material particles that are held in it like iron filings in a magnetic field. Fasting removed energy stagnation.

Diseases of the endocrine glands

During fasting, the functions of the hypothalamic-pituitary and adrenal systems are stimulated and normalized. Dosed fasting has a regulatory effect and acts as a mild stress that stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands. Therefore, various forms of disease of the endocrine glands are cured by fasting. In many cases, hypertrophied forms of goiter resolve without surgical intervention. Tilden notes that Basedow's disease is easily cured by hunger. But cystic goiter and Addison's disease are much more difficult to treat.

G. Voitovich describes how a 46-year-old sick woman who suffered from grade III thyrotoxic goiter, chronic cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis, rhythm disturbances (attacks of atrial fibrillation), neurosis, and so on, carried out 3 courses of fractional fasting with an initial low weight of 52 kg. All symptoms of the disease disappeared.

Blood diseases

During fasting, the blood is cleansed, hematopoiesis processes are normalized, including coagulation. Fasting cleanses the blood more completely than through hemodialysis or hemosorption - hardware blood purification.

Responds well to fasting malignant anemia. Dr. Heya reported that out of 100 patients whom he treated with fasting, only eight had repeated cases of deterioration in their condition. This is reported by many doctors practicing fasting treatment. They believe that malignant anemia largely arises from poor nutrition.

Leukemia– excess white cells (lymphocytes) in the blood. The disease is thought to be associated with damage to bone marrow cells and changes in the lymph nodes. It cannot be cured by medicinal methods, and even an advanced form responds well to fasting. This is explained by the fact that hunger, producing profound changes in the body, has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and the spleen.

Respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases are easily treated by fasting. Colds and allergies disappear in all cases, although in the first days of fasting the outflow of mucus and phlegm may increase.


Hunger is effective for purulent polyposis sinusitis in combination with bronchial asthma or laryngeal fibroma. In most cases, the polyps resolved and the pus stopped secreting.

During fasting, due to increased enzyme activity, the ability to destroy microbial membranes increases. In some cases, when pathogenic microflora is concentrated in hard-to-reach areas of the human body (in the maxillary and other sinuses), during fasting an exacerbation of this infection in the form of chronic tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, hidradenitis, and so on with a temperature reaction is likely to occur. As a rule, in this case it is necessary to do without medications. The temperature usually returns to normal within two to three days. Complete recovery is noted.

Chronic sinus inflammation

This disease occurs as a result of the accumulation of mucus that accumulates in them over the years. This mucus is compressed as a result of dehydration and undergoes bacterial decomposition, which leads to the formation hearth of rot and inflammation. The set of these processes is called toxemia, it is the main cause of all types of inflammation of the internal membranes of the hollow organs of the human body. As long as the state of mucus production continues, supported by debilitating lifestyle habits and overeating, there is no hope of cure. Fasting will allow you to normalize your life habits and cleanse your body.

Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps resolve, and the mucous membrane is restored as a result of fasting. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses in some cases goes away quickly, and in some cases it requires long-term fasting.

Skin diseases

Dr. G. Shelton reports thousands of cases of skin diseases cured by fasting. Thus, treatment of acne and other simple skin diseases takes two or less weeks of fasting. Severe skin diseases such as eczema require a long period of fasting - up to three to four weeks. Improvement with fasting comes down to the elimination of swelling, dead scales, ulcers, inflammation, etc.

Eczema and psoriasis

Most skin diseases occur as a result of an overload of toxins and waste in the body. Some diseases appear as a result of taking medications containing arsenic, mercury, iodine, potassium, etc. Some forms of skin irritation are the result of vaccinations. In any case, for recovery it is necessary to remove the cause of the disease, and no ointment can do this.

For all skin rashes, even the worst forms of eczema, frequent bathing in warm water is recommended, or better yet, lubricating the skin with urine. Often this is enough to get better.

For all skin rashes, diet is the main consideration. Excess starch and sugar in food causes a lot of harm. In most cases, food is taken in combinations that are most unfavorable for digestion: starchy and protein-rich foods at one meal.

Yu. Nikolaev talks about the treatment of an 18-year-old girl for a skin disease (purple, swollen abscesses and scabs covered her face and hands).

As a result of fasting, on the 10-12th day the disease began to decline: the inflammation dried up, the scabs began to clear. But complete recovery was achieved only after a second course of fasting.

Skin diseases require a major cleansing of the body, and this cannot be achieved in one interrupted fast. Therefore, it is necessary to do two or three 20-30-day fasts over a year or two years.

Drug addiction, alcoholism

Fasting helps a person get rid of alcohol and drug addiction. It turns out that during fasting there is no withdrawal syndrome associated with drug withdrawal. Here is a case from the practice of G. Voitovich:

“Drug addict B., 42 years old, from Kiev, told the author, his attending physician, that after the first course of RDT he appeared in a society of drug addicts, sat there the whole evening without touching drugs, and thereby amazed the “friends” around him “. After this, S., 34 years old and suffering from the same illness, followed his example. Each of them can carry out a similar fractional method of therapeutic fasting on their own. You just need to know that the most difficult period for them is the first day of fasting. By the way, sitting near drug addicts who take drugs after a person has gotten rid of this illness is strictly prohibited.”

Thus, without resorting to long-term drug treatment, which is sometimes ineffective, the patient can get rid of his terrible illness. After all, these diseases lead to neuroses and psychoses, social degradation. Hunger treatment will help alcoholics and drug addicts become socially significant people.

Kidney inflammation is a chronic disease. It can be quickly cured by fasting, proper nutrition and hygiene. These simple life changes must be made before kidney disease reaches an irreversible state.

In these cases, it is better to use urine fasting: it specifically affects the kidneys. Fasting periods can range from two days to three weeks. Kidney health improves quickly during fasting. Symptoms of urinary poisoning: headaches, dizziness, frequent and heavy urination, sweating - quickly disappear on the first night. The urine becomes normal in color and odor, and all indications are that normal flow has resumed.

During the recovery period after fasting, moderate and dietary nutrition is necessary. You should exclude starchy foods, concentrated sugars, concentrated proteins (cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, broths), fats (all types of oils, without exception), and spicy foods. Alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate are harmful to a person with diseased kidneys. Excessive drinking of water is also harmful. Last meal no later than 16:00. In the morning, it is advisable to drink 100 ml of your own urine.

Low weight

If a person, regardless of his constitution, has low weight, this is primarily a disease indicating the presence of a compensatory process. Such a person has pathology both in the mind and in the body. Consciousness suffers from psychological pressures, and the body suffers from toxins. Due to cell contamination - more or less significant - some organs function abnormally. Fasting allows you to cleanse both your mind and body. In addition, the ability of each cell to better absorb nutrients is stimulated, which allows the person suffering from underweight to gain weight in a few weeks or months, and often so significantly that it surprises others.

G. Voitovich describes how, with the help of hunger, he treated thin women whose weight after the Leningrad blockade could not return to normal for many years. In addition, they suffered from some chronic diseases. Thin patients agreed to be treated with fasting, but at first they did not really believe in a favorable outcome. Imagine their amazement when, after repeated courses of dosed fasting, they were able to get rid of chronic diseases and regain normal weight for the first time in many years.

Neoplasms (tumors) benign and malignant

Activation of the hereditary apparatus and enzymatic system during therapeutic fasting makes it possible to destroy pathological tissues, foci of infection and tumor formations.

Benign skin tumors - papillomas, if not very large, can resolve within the first ten days of fasting.

Some lipomas (fat) resolve quickly during the first course of fasting. Others, which are encased in a dense capsule, may decrease in size, but not completely dissolve even during 2-3 courses of fasting.

Benign tumors of the female mammary gland and uterus resolve mainly in the second year of fasting, when the period of fasting reaches the second acidotic crisis. However, cystic degeneration of these organs can only be reversed by fasting with urine.

Treatment of cancer patients requires persistent and prolonged fasting. A lot depends on the stage of the disease and previous treatment. If the patient begins fasting at an early stage and has not previously been prescribed surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, painkillers or narcotics, then success is more likely. The fractional method of G. Voitovich, “dry” fasting and “urine” fasting are well suited for this. If the tumor does not disappear after fasting, then its further growth may stop or slow down. In addition to fasting, it is recommended to switch to a new diet. It is necessary to completely abandon animal proteins, refined and yeast products, and oils.

If regular fasting is ineffective, it is necessary to use “dry” fasting. In the intervals between fasting, you need to take a large amount of beet juice (from a liter or more), which delays the development of tumors.

Tumor with metastases in the stomach

Fasting treatment for such a tumor has a positive effect if the patient fully follows the recommendations and firmly believes in his recovery. As a rule, with this disease one turns to surgeons, but this does not prevent the spread of metastases.

An example of fasting treatment.

“On February 10, 1995, a polyp-like growth measuring 2–2.5 cm with the presence of metastases within the stomach was revealed in patient F. at the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Diagnostic Center during an examination of the stomach.

Doctors suggested immediate surgery on the stomach with its complete removal. I proposed to carry out treatment according to the method of G. P. Malakhov. Patient F. decided to start treatment.

It was proposed to:

1) cleansing of the large intestine and liver according to the methods of Semenova and Malakhov;

2) fasting for a week every other day on urine and protium water;

3) cleansing the large intestine with evaporated urine and the liver on full moon days;

4) massage with evaporated urine for 1.5–2 hours;

5) exclude meat, canned food, salt, sugar from the diet, switch to plant foods and juices of local vegetables;

6) fasting on urine for 3 days a week, the next week rest and weekly fasting, after two weeks fasting for 17 days.

I will add that, in addition to this, you need to visit the steam room daily, but preferably 2-3 times a week.

After two cycles of fasting, the tumor decreased in height to 1 cm, but expanded to 4 cm. Doctors refused to diagnose, continuing to insist on gastric resection. All this time, F. used the evaporated urine of a child up to ten years old.

F. turned out to be a very strong-willed person. In addition to the prescribed treatment, he began jogging and increased his running to 15–20 km in 1 day with a daily norm of 1 hour of running. I doused myself with cold water, swam in the river every day, worked in the garden, sawed wood.

On September 16, F. was examined at the Semashko Regional Hospital. No tumor was found, no metastases. Along the way, he got rid of cholecystitis, heart disease, hemorrhoids and many other minor diseases.”

Cervical cancer

G. Voitovich describes the fasting treatment of a 43-year-old woman with stage IV cervical cancer. Conventional treatment had no effect. After listening to a lecture on therapeutic fasting, she began to independently carry out a fractional version of this treatment method.

Before fasting, the woman had pale gray skin with an icteric tint, and her initial weight was below normal. Repeated courses of fasting gradually led to normalization of the skin. During the period of restorative nutrition, the woman gained normal weight. Gradually the reverse development of pathological processes occurred. This woman still periodically (2-3 times a year) conducts long-term (up to 35 days) courses of dosed fasting, during which she goes to work and feels quite satisfactory. He does not lose weight, the skin has a normal normal color. In retrospect, oncologists believe that an earlier mistake may have been made in the histological examination.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs