Dull pain on left side under ribs. Intercostal neuralgia and its manifestation

Pain in the left hypochondrium can be a symptom of a number of diseases and pathological conditions. In a person on the left under the ribs are the spleen, pancreas, part of the stomach, the left part of the diaphragm, the upper pole of the left kidney and intestinal loops, therefore, for the correct diagnosis of the disease, it is important to know the nature of the pain and its localization, the dependence of pain on food intake and other factors.

What can hurt in the left hypochondrium

Pain in the left side under the ribs can be caused by organs located in this area, nerve endings and organs located in the neighborhood. The source of pain can be:

  • pancreas (the left side of this organ is located in the left hypochondrium);
  • stomach (the bottom of this hollow organ is adjacent to the ribs);
  • colon (on the left side of the abdomen in the hypochondrium there is a loop of transition of this part of the intestine to the descending section of the large intestine);
  • spleen;
  • the left side of the diaphragm;
  • left lung and pleura;
  • heart and mediastinum (reflection of pain from the organs of the chest);
  • left kidney and ureters (in the area under the ribs is the upper pole of this organ);
  • left uterine appendages in women (radiating pain);
  • ribs, muscles and nerves located in the region of the left hypochondrium.

Pain in the left hypochondrium can occur both in the upper part (closer to the ribs) of this area, and in its lower part. It is difficult even for a doctor to determine the disease in each case by this nonspecific symptom, so it is important to know the nature of the pain and the degree of its intensity.

Types of pain in the left hypochondrium

Pain sensations according to their characteristics and mechanism of occurrence are divided into:

  • Visceral. This type of pain can be cramping or aching, occurs with spasms of the stomach or intestines, manifests itself in violation of the motility of these organs or stretching of their muscle fibers. May give to nearby organs.
  • Peritoneal. They have a clear localization, are distinguished by constancy and intensity, appear suddenly and last for a rather long period of time, subside gradually. This type of pain is caused by irritation of the peritoneum. It develops with structural changes in organs (perforation of a stomach ulcer, etc.) and accompanies a pathological condition called "acute abdomen" (peritonitis, acute pancreatitis).
  • Reflected. They develop due to the irradiation of pain sensations that arose as a result of the pathology of an organ distant from the place of pain localization. In the left hypochondrium, pain can be given in the presence of pulmonary diseases (left-sided pneumonia, pleurisy).

By the nature of pain, pain in the left side under the ribs can be:

  • Sharp, cutting. It occurs suddenly, is intense, is associated with life-threatening situations, therefore, it requires an ambulance call (it is a symptom of rupture of the spleen, perforation of the wall of the stomach or intestines, rupture of the renal pelvis). Acute pain in the left hypochondrium during inhalation is a sign of traumatic damage to internal organs as a result of an accident or a fall.
  • Dull, spilled. Dull, present for a long period of pain in the left hypochondrium indicates the presence of a chronic disease (pancreatitis, gastritis, etc.).
  • Aching. Constant aching pain on the left under the ribs is a sign of a sluggish inflammatory process (colitis or duodenitis). Exhausting aching pain in this area in the presence of vomiting indicates a stomach ulcer. Often occurring pain in the left hypochondrium can cause angina pectoris, coronary heart disease and pre-infarction condition.
  • Stabbing. It can occur with strong physical exertion, passes quickly and is observed even in absolutely healthy people. Stitching pain on the left under the ribs, which increases with coughing and deep inspiration or is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is a sign of inflammatory diseases. This type of pain can occur with diseases of the spleen, intestines, heart, and with vegetovascular dystonia.

In order to speed up the process of establishing the cause of pain, it is important to take into account indirect manifestations of pain. When describing pain in the left hypochondrium, you must specify:

  • when pain appeared;
  • how the process developed;
  • what is the nature of the pain under the rib;
  • duration of pain;
  • pain intensity;
  • causes of strengthening and relief;
  • Where does the pain radiate?

Helps to establish the cause of the pain and the place of its localization (pain can occur under the left last rib in front, behind and on the side).

Pain in the left hypochondrium in front

Pain under the left rib in front occurs when:

  • . In chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the pain syndrome increases during palpation. For an acute inflammatory process, sharp, severe pain is characteristic.
  • Diseases of the spleen. The pain may be sharp or dull and pressing, depending on the nature of the disease.
  • Heart disease. The pain is burning or stabbing.
  • Diaphragm, pleura and lung lesions. The pain is sharp, rapidly growing, aggravated by deep inspiration, coughing and turning.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder with its atypical localization (the pain is aching in nature).
  • Diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system.

Diseases of the digestive system

The causes of pain in the left hypochondrium in front can be:

  • Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which in the acute form of the disease is accompanied by intense pain, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, fever, chills and vomiting with bile impurities (vomiting may be indomitable and not bring relief). Fecal masses acquire a mushy consistency, particles of undigested food are present. If inflammation has affected the head of the pancreas, obstructive jaundice may develop. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by dull, aching pain in the left hypochondrium, which increases with nutritional errors. May be encircling. There is bitterness in the mouth, heaviness in the upper abdomen, nausea is observed, vomiting is possible. With pancreatitis, pain can radiate to the lower back, be constant or paroxysmal.
  • Tumors of the pancreas. The appearance of neoplasms in this organ in the later stages of the disease is accompanied by prolonged and intense pain in the left hypochondrium and in the center of the abdomen. Pain is aggravated if the patient lies on his back, so he is forced to take a half-bent position.
  • Acute duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum), which is accompanied by bursting, paroxysmal pain in the stomach, radiating to the region of the lower left rib (may also radiate to the right hypochondrium or be shingles), nausea, rumbling and bloating, bitter belching or vomiting with bile , intestinal disorders and general weakness.
  • Duodenal ulcer, in which severe pain occurs in the left side of the epigastrium a few hours after eating, radiating to the left hypochondrium. The pain occurs when you feel hungry, as well as at night. Heartburn, sour eructation, vomiting and constipation are observed. Pressure causes pain in right side epigastrium.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach, in which pain in the upper abdomen and in the region of the left hypochondrium can be of a different nature (dull, aching, acute, burning). Occurs with a feeling of hunger and at night, lasts a long period of time. It can occur immediately after a meal or after a long time after a meal. Accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and noticeable weight loss.
  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). Dull, aching pain in the left side under the ribs that occurs after eating is characteristic of gastritis with low acidity. Accompanied by a tendency to diarrhea and loss of appetite. Vomiting relieves the patient's condition. With normal and increased acidity, heartburn is present, pain occurs several hours after eating, is felt under the ribs closer to the center.
  • Inflammation of the lining of the upper intestinal loops (colitis), which is accompanied by a dull, aching pain, aggravated by walking. Pain under the ribs and in the navel is accompanied by increased gas formation, rumbling of the abdomen, and diarrhea is often present.

Intense, sudden, dagger pain is a symptom of a perforated stomach ulcer. This life-threatening condition is accompanied by general weakness, sudden pallor, and possible loss of consciousness. A patient with these symptoms needs emergency hospitalization.

If it constantly hurts in the left side under the ribs, and the pain is not related to eating, it is necessary to exclude tumor diseases of the digestive system.

Diseases of the spleen

If the left side hurts under the ribs in front, the cause may be diseases of the spleen:

  • Enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly), which is observed in infectious, autoimmune and myeloproliferative diseases, hematological disorders and metabolic disorders (infectious mononucleosis most often causes this pathology). Accompanied by pallor of the skin, decreased appetite and performance. With the inflammatory nature of the disease, body temperature rises to febrile values, pronounced weakness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are observed. Pain in the left hypochondrium is characterized by a sharp, cutting character. For pathology of a non-inflammatory nature, normal or subfebrile body temperature is characteristic, intoxication is mild or absent, moderate pain is characterized by a dull pressing or aching character.
  • Abscess of the spleen, which develops as a result of infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases of other organs, injuries and bruises. Accompanied by high body temperature, fever and enlargement of the spleen. Pain worsens with deep inspiration, can be felt in the shoulder and in the left side of the chest.

Heart disease

Pain in the left side under the rib in front occurs when:

  • Cardiomyopathy. This is a group of diseases that are characterized by structural and functional changes in the heart muscle in the absence of arterial hypertension, pathology of the coronary arteries and lesions of the valvular apparatus. May occur for an unknown cause (idiopathic or primary) or develop due to various diseases (secondary cardiomyopathy). The disease is accompanied by increased fatigue and increased heart rate. The nature of the pain is aching, stabbing or pressing.
  • Ischemic heart disease. The disease is caused by a violation of the blood supply to the heart muscle as a result of damage to the coronary arteries. It is manifested by aching, pressing or burning pain of varying degrees of intensity. Pain attacks last from 30 seconds to 15 minutes, are provoked by emotional factors or physical exertion, pass at rest on their own, are quickly removed by taking nitroglycerin. Accompanied by shortness of breath, palpitations, there may be a burning sensation and heaviness in the chest, nausea is possible. The pain may radiate to the shoulder blade and to the left arm.
  • Myocardial infarction (a gastrological form that occurs in 2-3% of cases), in which necrotic processes affect the lower or lower back of the left ventricle of the heart. This life-threatening condition is accompanied by acute pain in the left hypochondrium, heart palpitations and shortness of breath. A feeling of heaviness under the heart extends under the left rib and shoulder blade, into the neck and into the left arm. There may be a burning sensation in the retrosternal space, profuse sweating, nausea, vomiting, severe hiccups and diarrhea. There is a puffiness of the face, a pale cyanotic shade of the skin and lips. When these symptoms appear, urgent emergency care is required.

Respiratory diseases

Pain in the left side under the ribs in front occurs when it radiates from the retrosternal space when:

  • Lower lobe left-sided pneumonia. The pain is dull, mild, aching, worsens with coughing and may acquire a stabbing character. It is accompanied by a dry cough, slight fever, severe weakness, excessive sweating, shortness of breath, rapid breathing and symptoms that resemble SARS (headache, etc.).
  • Left-sided pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane that covers the lungs). It can be primary (the inflammatory process develops directly in the pleural cavity) and secondary (the infectious process spreads from the lungs). With the loss of fibrin protein on the surface of the pleura, a dry form of this disease develops, and with the accumulation of any biological fluid in the pleural cavity (serous, purulent or hemorrhagic exudate), an exudative form of pleurisy develops. With dry pleurisy, there is increased sweating, rapid shallow breathing, fever, pain in the left hypochondrium with persistent coughing, body turns and bends. Patients try to lie on their side, trying to reduce the pain that occurs when coughing. The exudative form is accompanied by aching pains, a feeling of heaviness and squeezing in the chest, pallor of the skin and limbs, and a forced position of the body. The cervical veins swell, the affected half of the chest lags behind during respiratory movements, the intercostal spaces protrude. Relief comes from the intervention of a specialist who pumps out the collected fluid.
  • Cancer of the left lung with metastases of the pleural cavity and adjacent organs. It is accompanied by a violation of appetite and digestion, a sharp weight loss, a decrease in immunity and a lack of oxygen.

Diaphragm pathologies

It hurts under the left rib and with pathologies of the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities (diaphragm). Pain can be caused by:

  • Diaphragmatic hernia. This defect (hernial opening) can be congenital, traumatic and neuropathic. Through the hernial opening, the cardial part of the stomach or its bottom, and sometimes intestinal loops, penetrate into the chest cavity. Small hernias are asymptomatic, but if large hernial sacs form, the patient has bloating, heartburn, sour belching, persistent cough, burning sensation behind the sternum and palpitations after eating. The pain is dull, aching, has a constant character, may be accompanied by nausea. When the stomach or intestines are infringed, the left hypochondrium intensely hurts, vomiting is observed, stool retention, and the general condition worsens. If a diaphragmatic hernia is incarcerated, urgent medical attention is needed, as this condition is life-threatening due to the risk of developing peritonitis.
  • Relaxation of the diaphragm. With this pathology, the diaphragm becomes thinner and shifts into the chest cavity along with the peritoneal organs adjacent to it. It can be congenital or acquired (develops as a result of damage to the phrenic nerve), total or limited. On the side of the lesion, the lung is compressed, volvulus of the stomach or splenic flexure of the colon is possible. With left-sided relaxation of the diaphragm, the symptoms coincide with a diaphragmatic hernia, while the right-sided one is asymptomatic.

Neurological diseases

Damage to the peripheral nerves can cause sharp pain in the acute stage of the disease and aching in the chronic course of the disease.

It hurts under the left rib in front with intercostal neuralgia, which occurs when the nerves passing between the ribs are damaged or compressed.

Intercostal neuralgia can be:

  • radicular (occurs when the nerve roots are pinched in the spine);
  • reflex (occurs with muscle spasm in the intercostal space);
  • unilateral;
  • bilateral.

It does not pose a threat to life, but the pain is intense, stabbing or burning in nature. Pain is aggravated by inhalation, physical exertion, coughing or sneezing, and can radiate to the arm, epigastric region, collarbone, lower back, or under the shoulder blade.

A distinctive feature of intercostal neuralgia is the presence of pain points that respond to palpation of the intercostal spaces. The disease is accompanied by increased sweating, loss of sensation at the site of nerve damage, muscle twitching, swelling and discoloration of the skin in the affected area.

Stitches in the left side under the ribs with irritation of the nerve passing in the region of the last rib (pain resembles hepatic colic). The cause of intercostal neuralgia can be trauma, an uncomfortable position of the body or its sharp turn, osteochondrosis, hypothermia, etc.

Pain on the left under the ribs in front can occur during autonomic crises - paroxysmal conditions of a non-epileptic nature, which are manifested by polymorphic autonomic disorders. These conditions are not associated with pathologies of the heart, but are symptomatic of increased heart rate, arrhythmia, increased sweating, anxiety and panic, trembling of the limbs, a feeling of pressure in the chest, as well as pain in the stomach and under the left rib. The pain may be dull, sharp, stabbing, aching, girdle, but usually the patient is not able to determine its exact localization. Subjective symptoms in this disease do not correspond to objective studies (severe organic pathology is not detected).

A rare cause of pain in the left hypochondrium is abdominal migraine, in which pain spasms in the region of the left rib and abdomen are accompanied by blanching of the skin, nausea, vomiting, and muscle cramps of the abdominal wall are possible.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and spine

The cause of pain on the left side under the ribs can be:

  • Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. This degenerative-dystrophic disease develops with incorrect posture, deterioration of metabolic processes in tissues and improper distribution of the load on the spinal column. Changes in the intervertebral discs of the thoracic vertebrae cause compression of the nerve fibers, which leads to the appearance of pain. The pain may be mild and prolonged or sharp and sharp, causing difficulty in breathing and limitation of muscle movement. Pain can be felt in the interscapular region, in the left half of the chest, in the region of the internal organs and along the intercostal nerves. Osteochondrosis is accompanied by numbness in the affected area and a decrease in mobility in the thoracic region.
  • Fibromyalgia, which is diffuse, predominantly symmetrical musculoskeletal pain of a chronic nature. Can affect any part of the body. The affected area has increased sensitivity, stiffness is felt in the body after waking up, swelling and fatigue are observed, temperature jumps, convulsions and spasms are possible.
  • Tietze syndrome. This rare pathology is characterized by the development of aseptic inflammation of the costal cartilages (left or right, possibly affecting several cartilages at the same time). It is manifested by local pain, which, when pressed on the site of the lesion and with a deep breath, intensifies. Pain increases over time, the pain radiates to the forearm and shoulder on the side of the lesion, in most cases it is permanent. There are periods of exacerbation and remission.
  • Rib injury. In case of fractures of one or more ribs on the left side, there is a sharp pain, aggravated by respiratory movements, pallor of the skin, shortness of breath, hemoptysis (with fractures of the ribs, the internal organs in the sternum are affected), shortness of breath, weakness, fever and cyanosis of the skin in the affected area. A crack in the rib is accompanied by excruciating pain in the affected area, which increases with inhalation and coughing, there is anxiety, shortness of breath, a feeling of suffocation and fatigue, there is swelling and blueness of the tissues in the area of ​​injury. A bruised rib is accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues in this area and pain, which is aggravated by coughing, inhaling and moving.

Pain in the left hypochondrium behind

Pain under the left rib at the back occurs when:

  • Kidney diseases. Pain is pronounced and paroxysmal in nature.
  • Retroperitoneal hematoma, which develops with abdominal trauma. The intensity of pain varies, the pain increases with movements of the hip joint.
  • Diseases of the spleen. It can be acute in case of violation of the integrity of this organ and pulling in case of inflammation or death of its tissues.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Heart disease.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis.

kidney disease

If it hurts on the left under the rib and behind, and the pain is paroxysmal in nature, one can suspect renal colic.

With renal colic pain:

  • occurs suddenly;
  • very intense, acute, paroxysmal;
  • does not subside at rest (the patient cannot find a position in which it will be easier for him);
  • radiates to the lower back, spreads along the ureter, can radiate to the inguinal region, to the vulva and to the inner surface of the thigh;
  • accompanied in many cases by pain in the urethra and frequent urination;
  • lasts from several minutes to several days.

After stopping the attack in the lower back, dull pain persists, but the patient is able to return to a normal lifestyle.

Retroperitoneal hematoma

If it hurts on the left under the ribs in the back, and the patient has recently suffered a serious injury, there may be a retroperitoneal hematoma (limited accumulation of blood). This hematoma can form when the organs of the genitourinary system, esophagus, pancreas, rectum are damaged.

The pain syndrome causes compression of the surrounding tissues by a hematoma (the more blood has poured out, the more intensely the tissues are compressed and the more pronounced the pain). Signs of acute blood loss may be present (decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate, pallor, weakness, thirst, dizziness, and fainting).

Since this condition threatens the life of the patient, urgent hospitalization and additional examinations are necessary, and if necessary, emergency surgery.

Diseases of the spleen

Pain under the left rib from the back can occur with:

  • Traumatic damage to the spleen and violation of the integrity of the tissue of this organ. Sharp pain is felt in the lower part of the peritoneum (on the left) and in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, accompanied by pale skin, decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, unquenchable thirst. Cold sticky sweat appears.
  • Spleen infarction. Drawing pain radiates to the lumbar back and increases with inspiration, sweating increases, blood pressure decreases, pallor, nausea, vomiting, and thirst appear.
  • Spleen cyst. When a relatively large cavity is formed in the spleen parenchyma, which is delimited by a capsule and filled with liquid, a dull, constant pain occurs in the left hypochondrium in the back region, which radiates to the scapula and left arm (a small cyst is asymptomatic). There is itching of the skin (urticaria may appear), belching, nausea and vomiting may occur, the general condition worsens. The cyst may be congenital or formed after the outcome of a heart attack or abscess of the spleen. Also, a cyst occurs when a pork tapeworm, echinococcus is affected, as a result of operations on the spleen and with its traumatic injury.

Dull pain behind and on the left under the ribs occurs when:

  • inflammatory processes in the body, since the spleen as an organ immune system participates in the fight against various diseases;
  • the formation of benign and malignant tumors in the spleen (accompanied by a decrease in activity, loss of appetite and fever).

Respiratory system diseases

Back pain under the left rib can cause:

  • Dry left-sided pleurisy. The pain is felt when breathing or coughing, it can affect the chest area, neck or give to the shoulder. It intensifies when trying to make any movement, it is intense, it is distinguished by a stabbing or cutting character.
  • Oncological process in the left lung. Excruciating and persistent pain that cannot be anesthetized occurs when the tumor grows into the pleural tissue (tumors that do not affect the pleura do not cause pain, regardless of their size). The disease is accompanied by shortness of breath, then a cough joins, which can last for several hours, there is an increase in body temperature.
  • Pneumothorax is an accumulation of gas in the pleural cavity that occurs when the lung is damaged and causes its tissue to collapse. Pneumothorax leads to a shift to the healthy side of the mediastinum, compression of its vessels, descent of the dome of the diaphragm and disorders of blood circulation and respiratory functions. It can occur spontaneously (after intense physical exertion, etc.) or as a result of trauma. The pain on the side of the lesion is piercing, radiates to the arm, neck and behind the sternum, aggravated by coughing, inhaling and with any movement. The severity of the emerging shortness of breath depends on the degree of collapse of the lung. There is pallor of the skin, a dry cough is possible, there may be a fear of death.

Heart disease

Pain in the left side of the back under the ribs can be:

  • Atypical manifestations of myocardial infarction (ischemic necrosis of a part of the muscle of the left ventricle, which is caused by blockage of the coronary artery). Persistent, undulating sharp pains can last from 15-20 minutes to several hours. The pain radiates to the left arm (there is a tingling sensation), neck, shoulder girdle, jaw, localized in the interscapular space mainly on the left.
  • A consequence of dry pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the pericardial sac (pericardium). It can be infectious, rheumatic or post-infarction, manifested by dull pressing pain in the region of the heart, radiating to the left shoulder blade, shoulders and neck. Pain in most cases is moderate, but severe pain is also possible, resembling an angina attack in nature. Pain with dry pericarditis gradually increases, lasts from several hours to several days, is not stopped by nitroglycerin, increases with deep breathing, coughing, swallowing, changing body position. There is shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness, chills, dry cough.

Attack of pancreatitis

Pain in the left side of the back in the hypochondrium can cause an acute form of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, which does not have a clear clinical picture and may be accompanied by various symptoms.

The degree of severity of the pancreatic lesion affects the severity of pain sensations and the localization of pain.

Constant, intense pain in the left side of the back occurs when:

  • damage to the tail of the pancreas (affects the lumbar and chest);
  • general damage to the organ, necrosis of its tissues or the development of edema (the pain is severe, has a girdle character and affects the abdominal cavity and back).

In acute pancreatitis are possible:

  • nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • bloating;
  • intoxication causing dehydration;
  • hemorrhagic spots of a bluish or yellowish hue on the left side wall of the abdomen;
  • spots in the navel.

With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, back pain is moderate, reminiscent of pain in diseases of the spine.

Diseases of the spine

Pain in the left hypochondrium of the back can cause osteochondrosis of the thoracic or lumbar region. With this degenerative disease, as a result of compression and irritation of the nerve roots, discomfort occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ribs both from the back and in the sternum.

Aching pains are aggravated by movement, physical exertion, a long stay in one position, and hypothermia. Accompanied by muscle weakness and a feeling of numbness of the upper limbs.

Pain in the left hypochondrium on the side

Pain in the left side under the ribs occurs when:

  • An increase in the size of the spleen, which occurs with various infectious diseases (infectious mononucleosis, etc.). Unbearable, sharp pain occurs with tuberculosis of the spleen (in this disease, the spleen is so enlarged that it can be felt in the right side of the peritoneum).
  • Chronic pancreatitis. Pain in this disease of the pancreas does not have a clear localization, they are cramping, of varying degrees of intensity. They usually occur half an hour after eating, as they are associated with the use of provoking food (spicy, fatty, fried).
  • Herpes zoster, which is associated with damage to nerve endings. Pain sensations at the initial stage of the disease are aching in nature, then the pain becomes acute and rashes appear on the skin in the affected area.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis). It can be acute and chronic, accompanied by aching, dull pains that become intense and paroxysmal when the ureter is blocked by a stone. General weakness, fever, chills, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are possible.
  • Inflammation of the ureters (urethritis). It occurs in acute and chronic form, can be infectious and non-infectious, gonorrheal and non-gonorrheal. Accompanied by painful urination and discharge from the urethra.
  • Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation of the colon mucosa, which is manifested by cramping moderate pain in the left side of the abdomen, frequent diarrhea, false urge to defecate, fever, loss of appetite and weight, weakness and pain in the joints (not all symptoms may be present).
  • Obstruction of the large intestine, which develops for mechanical or functional reasons. It is manifested by spastic sharp pains in the abdomen, which are first localized in the left side, and then spread to the entire abdomen. Accompanied by vomiting, nausea, bloating, constipation and gas retention.
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system that causes sexually transmitted infections.

Side pain in the left side under the ribs can occur with injuries in this area, as well as with inflammation of the ovary in women.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in women

Pain in the left hypochondrium on the side, closer to the lower abdomen, in women can cause:

  • Adnexitis (salpingoophoritis) is an inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which is caused by various kinds of bacteria that have entered these organs through the bloodstream or sexually. The disease is characterized by sharp, spasmodic or dull and aching pains in the lower abdomen, which spread to the lumbar region. There is an increase in temperature, chills, failure of the menstrual cycle, profuse discharge, pain during urination and during intercourse.
  • Torsion and rupture of a cyst of the left ovary. When twisted strong pain localized in the lower abdomen, characterized by aching or pulling character, accompanied by fever, a drop in blood pressure, a violation of the general condition of the body, vomiting is possible. When the cyst ruptures, the pain becomes intense, radiates throughout the abdomen and to the rectum, nausea and vomiting occur. These conditions require urgent medical attention.
  • An ectopic pregnancy, which can manifest as a rupture of the fallopian tube between 6 and 10 weeks of gestation (the early stage of an ectopic pregnancy does not differ from a normal pregnancy in clinical signs). At 5-8 weeks, aching, cutting or cramping pain may appear on the side of the lesion, which, when the fallopian tube ruptures, becomes almost unbearable. When blood enters the abdominal cavity, pain extends to the epigastric region, shoulders and anus, urination and bowel movements are painful. With a large blood loss, pallor, a decrease in blood pressure, a weak frequent pulse and loss of consciousness appear. This condition requires urgent hospitalization.
  • Alain-Masters syndrome is a disease that causes rupture of the uterine ligaments (may occur after a complicated birth or after an abortion). It is manifested by periodic stabbing or cramping pain in the left side, which sometimes radiates to the anus, is accompanied by increased fatigue, painful periods and an increase in the uterus in size.
  • Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the growth of cells in the inner layer of the uterine wall (endometrium) outside the endometrial layer. Manifested by violations of the menstrual cycle, stabbing pains in the affected area, pain during intercourse, copious discharge during menstruation, infertility.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in a child

Pain in a child under the left rib can cause:

  • Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). The acute form in children is accompanied by severe pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, salivation and dry mouth. In the chronic course of the disease, the pain is moderate, there is a decrease in appetite, intoxication and indigestion.
  • Appendicitis (the appendix in most people is on the right, but sometimes the pain radiates to the left side of the abdomen, an abnormal location of the organ is also possible).
  • Coprostasis (accumulation of stool in the intestine), which occurs with constipation of various etiologies (organic, functional, alimentary, endocrine, conditioned reflex and drug). There is pain in the abdomen (the child cannot accurately indicate its localization), bloating, pain during defecation, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine. May cause intestinal obstruction.
  • Intestinal volvulus is a violation of intestinal patency with constipation, trauma, infringement, adhesions, hiatal hernia, which is often found in young children. With this pathology, periods of rest in a child alternate with attacks of sudden pain. During an attack, the baby cries and draws his legs to his stomach. The body temperature rises, vomiting appears, mucus or blood may appear in the stool. This condition requires urgent medical attention.
  • Infringement of inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia is an abnormal but painless bulge in the groin that increases with walking or crying and disappears with rest. The infringement is accompanied by sharp pain, the hernia is not reduced into the abdominal cavity, the protrusion area is tense. With the further development of the pathology, intestinal obstruction develops, which is accompanied by bloating, gas and vomiting. The child needs urgent medical attention.

Which doctor should be consulted for pain in the left hypochondrium

Since not only the spleen, but also other organs are located on the left under the ribs, and the pain can be radiating in nature, it is very difficult to independently determine the cause of the pain.

If pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, it is necessary to contact a therapist who will listen to the patient's complaints and conduct an initial examination, and then tell you which specialist you need to contact in a particular case.

The therapist may refer the patient to:

  • with suspicion of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis);
  • a cardiologist in case of suspected heart disease (cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction);
  • in case of suspected infectious diseases (infectious mononucleosis, etc.);
  • with diseases of the spleen;
  • with suspicion of pleurisy and pneumonia;
  • neuropathologist with suspicion of intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis;
  • traumatologist in case of suspected rib injury;
  • oncologist in case of suspicion of the presence of malignant processes;
  • surgeon in conditions requiring emergency medical care (rupture of the spleen, etc.)

Indications for urgent hospitalization are:

  • sudden sharp, sharp pains in the left hypochondrium;
  • aching constant pain that does not subside within an hour;
  • stabbing pains that occur during movement and do not subside within 30 minutes;
  • dull pain accompanied by vomiting of blood or undigested food particles;
  • any pain that is accompanied by pallor, palpitations, low blood pressure, dizziness, and difficulty breathing.

Unpleasant sensations, localized in the upper left side of the abdomen, signal various lesions of the internal organs. In the abdomen on the left are: pancreas, left side of the stomach, diaphragm, intestines, left kidney and spleen. So, the cause of pain symptoms should be sought in them.

The reason for the appearance of pain in the left hypochondrium can be not only in the disease of the digestive system, but also in the problems of other organs that give pain symptoms.

The nature of the pain, location and previous events will tell the doctor where to look for the cause, diagnosis and treatment.

Stitching pains in the left hypochondrium

When playing sports and physical exertion, it can hurt in the left side of the abdomen. Running, jumping, fitness even in a healthy person will cause discomfort. Medical assistance is not needed. A constant warm-up and the absence of sudden movements will favor the removal of pain. The body is not able to cope with the increased blood circulation during sports. It is important to remember that such pain is not terrible if it occurs during exercise.

Do not overload a healthy heart. Breaks are needed to rest and relax. Breathing is deep. With superficial frequent inhalation of air, a small contraction of the diaphragm is observed. Acute and stabbing pain syndrome occurs if the run started without a warm-up or after eating.

Dagger, cutting, sharp pain

A sharp unexpected pain syndrome under the ribs indicates a serious pathology that requires urgent medical attention. Symptoms indicate a possible rupture of the kidney, spleen. Signs point to the penetration of the walls of the left loop of the intestine or stomach by ulcerative formations. Myocardial infarction and acute pancreatitis are given to the left hypochondrium.

Acute and severe pain from injury

Not only diseases create an uncomfortable state. Mechanical injuries after a fall, blow, bruise are a sign of damage to internal organs that pose a threat to human life. There is a risk of internal tears and bleeding. External signs of dangerous traumatic phenomena do not appear immediately, which does not allow timely assistance to a person.

Dull pain under left rib

Pain, characterized as dull, with a spill effect, periodically signals a serious pathology of the digestive system. Consultation of the gastroenterologist is necessary. Cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and other inflammatory processes lead to discomfort in the hypochondrium. Taking tests and conducting an examination will give the doctor an accurate diagnosis.

Blood disease, systemic diseases, sepsis, infections in a chronic form provoke aching and dull pain under the left rib.

It's a dull pain

Duodenitis and colitis in a sluggish form cause aching discomfort. If nausea or vomiting is added, there are suspicions of gastric ulcer.

Aching sensation may not be a symptom of gastrointestinal pathology. Pre-infarction condition, coronary heart disease, angina give to the left hypochondrium.

To correctly determine the source of pain, it is necessary to distinguish between the mechanism of discomfort:

  • Reflected. Pain not related to the organ in which it is felt. This is a symptom radiating from other internal causes: heart attack, pleurisy, pneumonia.
  • Visceral. A sharp stretching or compression of the intestines or stomach leads to an acute syndrome. Intestinal colic, bloating lead to visceral pain symptoms. Dull, aching, cramping sensations are given to nearby organs.
  • Peritoneal. Constant pain syndrome, you can clearly show where it hurts, appearing with constant irritation of the nerve endings of the peritoneum. With a perforated stomach ulcer, phenomena of peritoneal pain are observed. Strengthening occurs when breathing, changing the position of the body. It is cutting and sharp.


Diseases that cause pain syndromes on the left, under the ribs or below the ribs require treatment. Lack of control of disease leads to complications, and in some cases, death. Be sure to conduct an examination, testing, after which the doctor prescribes adequate treatment and diet.


A disease that affects not only adults, but also children. Modern ecology, lack of quality products, bad habits lead to irritation of the walls of the stomach and the occurrence of gastritis. Inflammatory processes caused by Helicobacter pylori infection provoke the destruction of the protective layer of the gastric mucosa. Subsequently, the appearance of non-healing painful wounds is possible. Symptoms accompanying the disease:

  • Belching with a sour taste;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • Feeling of pressure inside.

Sensations appear immediately after eating.

The disease may be accompanied by: weakness, irritability. There is dry mouth, burning sensation in the chest, diarrhea or constipation.


Inflammation of the pancreas provokes discomfort below the ribs, on the left side, is characterized as shingles. Pancreatic juice and enzymes produced do not enter the intestines for food processing. Remaining in the gland, they begin to digest the tissues of the organ, which leads to inflammation. The following discomfort is observed with pancreatitis:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting, bile content in the vomit;
  • Bitter taste in the mouth;
  • High body temperature;
  • Darkening of urine and lighter color of feces.

Pancreatitis occurs in acute and chronic forms. The acute period of the disease is characterized by severe, intense pain that causes the person to bend over. The chronic stage is not so pronounced, but there is a aching, dull pain syndrome that accompanies a hearty meal.


A gallbladder with inflamed walls can cause pain in the left side of the abdomen. Urine accumulates in the organ, causes the development of infection and produces unpleasant symptoms. Sensations can appear below the ribs on the right, in the stomach area, in the navel area, give to the right shoulder, collarbone and jaw.

At a doctor's appointment, if cholecystitis is suspected, palpation is performed with provoking pain:

  • In the location of the gallbladder when pressed and inhaled.
  • In the upper right corner of the abdomen with light blows with the fingers or the edge of the palm on the right ribs.
  • In the abdomen, inhaling and by pressing on the gallbladder.


Disease of the stomach and duodenum. Destruction of the protective mucous membrane of the walls of organs leads to the appearance of wounds. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum can cause pain not only after eating, but also on an empty stomach. The destruction of the walls of the stomach itself produces pain immediately after food enters the organ. Accompanying symptoms: nausea, vomiting, heartburn. A person loses appetite, body weight quickly decreases.

A perforated ulcer is a disease that forms a hole in the wall of the stomach (an organ tissue corroded by hydrochloric acid). Blood and contents seep into the abdominal cavity, creating a risk of peritonitis. The pain is sharp, dagger, can occur unexpectedly. The intensity of the pain syndrome can lead to loss of consciousness.

The patient may experience nausea, heartburn, and vomiting. Appetite decreases and there is a sharp weight loss.


Food, stagnating in the intestinal canal, provokes the formation of excess gases, inflammatory processes and infectious diseases. The abdomen swells, which leads to spasms in the intestines and in the stomach.


Pain on the left in the intercostal space signal a serious pathology of the internal organs. The reasons are so different that consultation with more than one specialist is necessary.

  1. Gastroenterologist. It will help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Neurologist. Diseases are provoked by the psycho-emotional state of a person. Failures in the central nervous system lead to malfunctions of the internal organs.
  3. Cardiologist. Left-sided pain may indicate heart problems.
  4. Traumatologist. Outwardly not manifested injuries of the viscera, if left untreated, lead to disastrous results.
  5. Infectionist. Many diseases are provoked by infections and pathogenic microorganisms.

Medical treatment

For pain on the left, two types of treatment are used. Surgery and the use of drugs.

The need for surgery arises when a person’s life is threatened:

  • Acute form of pancreatitis.
  • Perforated peptic ulcer of the stomach.
  • Ruptures of internal organs as a result of trauma.
  • Malignant tumor in the gastrointestinal tract.

The pathology of other organs is treated with the help of pharmaceuticals:

  • Analgesics for pain relief. The use of these funds is possible only after consulting a doctor.
  • Antispasmodics. Contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, reduce muscle tone, relieve spasmodic phenomena. No-shpa, Duspatalin, Drotaverin.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The action is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microflora. Use under the supervision of a doctor - intoxication of the body is possible.

The human body is a kind of mechanism, all the problems in which one day they will certainly make themselves felt. Naturally, a momentary pain that does not recur any more is not a cause for concern, but when it becomes chronic, it can be regarded as an alarm signal. So, if the left side under the ribs periodically hurts, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness. It should be noted that not always such symptoms mean a problem with the heart, as is commonly believed. In order to more accurately determine the emerging or already existing disease, it is necessary to analyze where exactly the center of pain is concentrated and how exactly it manifests itself. And, of course, it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination by a specialist.

Why it hurts under the left rib: the main reasons

As mentioned above, the left side hurts under the ribs for a variety of reasons. Often this symptom signals heart disease. As a rule, this is a myocardial infarction, when pain occurs clearly on the left side and is given to the front. However, such pain can also be a manifestation of one of the following diseases:

  • Enlargement or rupture of the spleen;
  • Diseases of the stomach (ulcer, gastritis, dyspepsia, etc.);
  • disease of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • Lung diseases (pneumonia, inflammation, cancer, etc.);
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Diseases endocrine system;
  • Problems with the nervous system;
  • Diaphragmatic hernia;
  • Vertebral osteochondrosis.

To understand why it hurts under the left rib, it is also necessary to consider the frequency of pain and its accompanying symptoms. For example, subcutaneous hemorrhages in the navel area and bruises under the eyes testify to a rupture of the spleen. In gastric diseases, pain in the region of the left rib usually occurs after eating. Diseases of the pancreas, as a rule, are accompanied by nausea and impaired stool. With such an ailment, the left side under the ribs hurts most often after taking fatty or spicy foods and carbonated drinks.

No less common causes of similar pain in women are inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, less often - ectopic pregnancy.

Aching pain under the left rib: causes

A very common cause of aching pain under the left rib can be called gastritis or a stomach ulcer. With these diseases, there is also a sharp decrease in appetite, fairly frequent vomiting, which brings relief, sour or bitter belching, and sometimes diarrhea.

It is worth noting that often gastritis provokes the occurrence of such a terrible disease as stomach cancer. This is another disease, the signal of which can be a dull pain in the left side. Associated symptoms are:

  • Violation of performance;
  • Severe weakness of the body as a whole;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Yellowness of the face and eye proteins;
  • An unreasonable need to change the diet (for example, an inexplicable aversion to certain foods).

Aching pain under the left rib can also be a sign of diseases of the pancreas, which are characterized by nausea, vomiting and a sudden increase in body temperature.

Sharp pain under the left rib: causes

This symptom often indicates the presence of a disease such as a stomach or duodenal ulcer. A sharp pain under the left rib in this case goes to the lumbar region and is so strong that a person has to press his stomach against some hard object. In addition, pain is accompanied by headaches, heartburn, vomiting, constipation, general weakness, and often irritability. Physical exertion or nervous breakdowns can contribute to the exacerbation of pain.

Stitching sharp pain under the left rib, provoked by inhalation or a bout of coughing, may indicate a disease of the left side of the diaphragm or a serious lung disease (inflammation of the left lung, left-sided pneumonia, tuberculosis, or even lung cancer). Additional signs in this case may be:

  • Fever;
  • Heat;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • The bluish hue of the nasolabial triangle.

In addition, a sharp pain under the left rib, subsiding when the patient freezes in one position, is very characteristic of heart disease. Also, do not forget that such a syndrome can be directly related to a crack or fracture of the costal bones. In such a situation, the pain is exacerbated by breathing, coughing, and even the slightest movements.

Pain under the left rib at the back

As a rule, pain in the region of the left rib at the back occurs due to kidney diseases, and more specifically, diseases of the left kidney. If the pain is sharp and unbearable, then most likely it is a sign of renal colic. If the discomfort does not manifest itself in the form of sudden attacks and is more like a dull aching pain, then it can be assumed that the cause is inflammation or an increase in the organ.

The second common diagnosis for pain under the left rib from behind is such a common disease as vertebral osteochondrosis. With such a disease, mild aching pain may occur, for example, in the morning after sleep or after a long stay in an uncomfortable position. Also, osteochondrosis can make itself felt through sharp piercing pains that subside only after the patient freezes in a specific position of the body.

Treatment of pain under the left rib

If the left side under the ribs is very sore, you can alleviate the pain with the help of medicines. No-shpu should be taken no more than 2 tablets daily, nitroglycerin - 1 tablet under the tongue or 3 drops per piece of refined sugar. However, it should be remembered that pain in the region of the left rib is a rather dangerous symptom, which often leads to the identification of a complex disease that requires immediate surgical intervention. Therefore, when observing such pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the diagnosis has already been established, it is possible to combine drug treatment with traditional medicine recipes. For example, in diseases of the spleen, when the left side hurts under the ribs, a rosehip decoction helps well. For the treatment of gastric or duodenal ulcers take Schisandra seed powder: 1 g 3 times a day before meals. To prevent pain in heart disease helps tincture of birch buds, motherwort or hawthorn. It is recommended to purchase herbs exclusively in pharmacies and by prescription.

In fact, pain under the left rib can be a signal of an illness that requires immediate treatment. Therefore, this symptom should not be ignored in any case. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination annually and follow the doctor's instructions. If the pain is taken by surprise and has become chronic, you should immediately contact a specialist and find out why the left side hurts under the ribs. After all, timely diagnosis always contributes to the most effective treatment.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Any pain under the left rib in front or behind should be the basis for a visit to the doctor. Usually, they first turn to a therapist, who, according to the identified symptoms, will refer to a narrower specialist. Not so rarely, ischemia, angina pectoris, and a pre-infarction condition can become the cause of aching pain in the region of the left rib. Ischemic disease is a condition in which the blood supply to the heart muscle is interrupted due to damage to the coronary artery. In addition to aching pain, with heart disease, there is a feeling of heaviness and burning in the chest. Swelling in the mornings of the lower extremities;

  • Therefore, if pain occurs, do not self-medicate. If at the same time, your stomach hurts, and you do not know the cause, do not take painkillers. Perhaps the disease needs surgical treatment.
  • Pain in the left side of the back can be:

There is a backache, which increases with movement. It is best not to delay seeking help if a person is experiencing the following symptoms:

Why does it hurt in the back under the ribs

Due to the advancement of the calculus in the ureter, it moves from the costal region of the back to the lower lumbar region, and then to the iliac-sacral region

  • Stomach cancer
  • Circulatory disorders occur
  • The pain is similar in nature to the pain syndrome in chronic pancreatitis, but is not associated with food intake
  • Back pain can be everywhere.
  • A strange pain that painkillers do not help with is neuropathic pain, in adults it occurs for various reasons and requires immediate treatment.
  • positive Pasternatsky syndrome;
  • Back pain at the bottom left can be in women during pregnancy. They are associated with an increase in load and a violation of posture.
  • Primary.
  • incomprehensible strange sensations;
  • surge pressure
  • Pain attack is treated with antispasmodics and warm procedures

Back pain on the left under the ribs

Back pain right under the ribs

  1. Herniated disc Angina nausea, vomiting; irritable bowel syndrome
    • Hydronephrosis of the kidney Diaphragm pathology
    • Nausea with vomiting, fever
    • The pain initially props up under the heart and resembles an attack of gastritis with nausea, hiccups, and intestinal upset. This makes diagnosis very difficult.
    • Pain often does not concentrate in one place, but can capture a fairly wide area and even move around the body
  2. A stabbing symptom may be associated with a disease such as myeloid leukemia. This disease does not manifest itself clinically in the initial stage and can be determined by examining blood serum.
    • 4) Dull, aching pain - a syndrome of an inflammatory process in the spleen or kidney.
    • Tuberculosis of the spine
    • Pneumonia
  3. weakness and shortness of breath; insomnia and irritability
    • Retroperitoneal hematomas
    • Subdiaphragmatic abscess most often occurs with trauma to the abdominal organs or after surgery
    • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (optional)
  4. Then, after taking analgesics, the pain attack becomes typical for a heart attack:
    • Back pain under the ribs is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, kidneys, diaphragm, and many more diseases
    • With myeloid leukemia, the spleen, which is responsible for recreating leukocytes, suffers, inflammation of the spleen develops, manifested by heaviness in the hypochondrium and tingling after eating. With a neglected disease, a seal is clearly felt under the left rib.
  5. 5) Intense, girdle pain in the epigastric zone, radiating to the scapula, heart area and lower chest area may indicate acute pancreatitis.
    Intercostal neuralgia Pleurisy
    • pain gradually increases;
    • It hurts everywhere: either on the left, then on the right, then in the middle part of the hypochondrium

Formed mainly as a result of injuries to the kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneal part of the duodenum 12

Pain symptoms under the ribs in the middle

  1. Differs in sharp pain during inhalation in front under the ribs (in the middle), extending under the scapula and the area located above the collarbone
    • gallstone disease
      Localization of excruciating pressing pain behind the sternum with recoil on the left under the shoulder blade, collarbone, neck, arm and fingertips
    • Even with seemingly identical symptoms, each disease has only its own characteristic features that allow it to be diagnosed.
    • Also, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can be the cause of stabbing pain.
    • 6) Constant burning pain in the chest or in the left shoulder, as well as periodic "backache" in the back, indicate an aortic aneurysm. Osteochondrosis
  2. Aortic aneurysm
    • There is no sensitivity in the area of ​​discomfort;
    • Pain under the ribs in the back can be due to many diseases, even the most unexpected ones.
    • Accompanied by pain in the hypochondrium in the back in the back and large blood loss:
  3. The patient may be in a side-lying or semi-sitting position.
    • Disease of the spleen
    • Conventionally, these diseases can be divided into several groups:
    • Stitching pains manifest themselves and left-sided pleurisy. With it, the pain increases with coughing and exhalation.

Pain under the ribs of various localization

  1. 7) Projection shooting pain is a sign of damage to the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.
    • sciatica
    • Pancreatitis
    • Do not understand the location of the pain.
    • Video: Pain in the right hypochondrium
  2. The patient's blood pressure may drop sharply
    • Fever and severe intoxication begin
    • Attacks of unbearably sharp pain on the right under the ribs, with a return to the back
    • Often the spleen is enlarged due to the following diseases:
  3. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
    Pulsating pain in the left hypochondrium most often tells us about a violation of tissue repair and changes in blood supply to the spleen, and the cause of such pain can be a stretching of the capsule.
    Pain in the left lower back can be triggered by an injury or some kind of pathology. Sometimes it may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic disease.
    • lumbago
    • Pericarditis
    • The location of the pain is not always in the same place as the organ that is sick.

  4. Pain can pierce any part of the human body. Very often a person experiences back discomfort. This can be facilitated by various reasons associated with both diseases of the spine and disorders of internal organs.

    decrease in hemoglobin in the blood

    • right sided pneumonia
    • There is no vomiting, unlike cholecystitis,
    • Hemolytic anemia
    • Diseases of the respiratory system
      • Most often, such pain manifests itself as periodically dull, throbbing pains. The spleen may be stretched (splenomegaly) or reduced. This organ can also atrophy with anemia.
      • When does the pain mechanism kick in? An imbalance occurs in the musculoskeletal apparatus or organs of the abdominal cavity, which is accompanied by the release of an excess amount of chemical irritants. They, in turn, provoke muscle spasm. There is pain in the lumbar region.
  5. With tuberculosis of the spine, the pain may increase over time and intensify closer to the lower back. In diseases of the spine, pain can subside in a forced position and intensify with movements and deep breathing.
    • Renal colic
    • To understand why the left side hurts from the bottom of the back, you need to undergo such examinations as: computed tomography, ultrasound of internal organs, tests, magnetic resonance therapy.
      • When the pain is in the left side from the back, it may be connected not only with the back. This syndrome can cause any symptom that a person would not even think of.
      • increasing pallor and weakness
      • Pain under the ribs that occurs when inhaling and coughing without a clear localization and accompanied by fever
  6. When a stone exits the bile duct, the pain attack immediately subsides
    • Leukemia and lymphocytic leukemia
    • Myocardial infarction of the gastralgic type
      All changes in its parameters manifest themselves as characteristic pulsating symptoms in the left hypochondrium. Diagnosis of diseases of the spleen is carried out by ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, angiography of the aorta. The latter is done to exclude or confirm aneurysms

    When does the left side of the lower back hurt? Pain in the lumbar region may be associated with lumbodynia. Pain is long lasting or comes on intermittently. There are relapses. Lumbodynia does not arise from scratch. It is preceded by traumatic circumstances:

    • A sharp shooting pain on the left side of the back, radiating to the leg, may be a sign of pinching of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) on the left side. With this disease, numbness and tingling are possible. The pain may be aching in nature, but may be so severe that the patient cannot walk and perform simple activities. With sciatica, painful areas appear on the buttock, thigh and in the lower leg, knee on the side where the nerve is affected.
    • Pyelonephritis

    Where the pain is located, the nature of its manifestation, intensity - all this is important for the detection of pathology. It hurts in the left side from the back, then the following sensations are taken into account:
    Doctors classify pain in the left side of the back into two categories. The first is related to the back disease itself. The second occurs with diseases of the internal organs, oncology, or due to injury. Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the localization of pain.

  7. Intercostal neuralgia
    • Possible irradiation of an attack down the abdomen with an imitation of an attack of appendicitis
    • Chronic cholecystitis
    • Injury to internal organs
  8. About the author
    • systematic physical overwork; With radicular syndrome, when the nerve root is pinched, sharp pains can occur. The syndrome may be unilateral. With dystrophic processes in the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region, an attack of severe sudden pain occurs - lumbago.
      • Glomerulonephritis
      • For a long time it hurts on the left under the ribs, perhaps this indicates damage to the renal system (there may be swelling in the morning, high fever, frequent urination)
      • Pain syndrome can occur in the morning, disturb all day. The syndrome can intensify, become painful, make it difficult to lead a normal life. It is necessary to find the true cause of the problem.​
      • Burning, piercing (sometimes dull) paroxysmal pain on the left or right under the ribs that appears when inhaling
      • Shortness of breath occurs when moving
    • The pain is moderate, occurs after eating fatty, fried spicy foods

Hypertension in liver disease

Diseases of the spleen


Possible causes and symptoms of pain in the left side

​Latest articles​

sudden movement or prolonged uncomfortable posture;

Causes of pain

If the spinal roots on the left are involved in the process, then the patient’s left side hurts more when pressed. This disease is called lumbar ischialgia. It is necessary to provide the patient with rest, bed rest.

Diseases of the reproductive system.

If the discomfort increases with inhalation and gives off to the left under the ribs, then this is a violation of the lung tissue;

  • Pain in the lower left side can be caused by:
  • Given to a wide area:
  • Nasolabial triangle - bluish color
  • Possible belching and vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth
  • Infectious mononucleosis
  • Renal colic
  • Maria SosnitskayaWriting is my favorite pastime. Sometimes it seems to me that I learned to do this before reading and walking.​
  • hypothermia;

Taking into account the fact that the same symptom can be with various diseases, start treatment with a visit to the doctor.


when it hurts on exhalation, then it is osteochondrosis or intercostal neuralgia;

Osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, sciatica;


under the shoulder blades, lower back, heart

Dry pleurisy

  • Pancreatitis of the head of the pancreas and cancer
  • Endocarditis, lupus erythematosus
  • Diaphragm pathology
  • This is almost always associated with a disease such as chronic or acute pyelonephritis of the left kidney, which arose as a result of infections entering it.
  • contusion of the lumbosacral spine;
  • Sometimes you notice that your back hurts in the morning. Sometimes pain in the left side of the back bothers for a long time. And sometimes it becomes unbearable, does not allow you to rest and work. To decide what to do, you need to determine why the left side hurts from the back.
  • myocardial infarction
  • It hurts girdle and intensely, giving off in the area of ​​​​the scapula, heart and lower chest, speaks of pancreatitis;

Cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, angina pectoris);



Occurs with pulmonary pathologies (tuberculosis, lung cancer)

  • Have similar symptoms resembling bile duct dyskinesia
  • a etc.
  • Hematomas and formations of the retroperitoneal space
  • To diagnose such a pathology, you must contact the clinic.
  • Frequent colds.
  • When the left side of the back hurts, this may indicate both problems of the back itself and diseases of the internal organs:

Often occurs in the area between the shoulder blades on the left

  • code aches, dull pain - inflammation of the kidneys or spleen is possible;
  • disease of the reproductive system;
  • compression of the intercostal nerves
  • Pain on the left and right under the ribs, aggravated not only with respiratory, but also with normal movements, radiating to the back


Intercostal neuralgia


Why does it hurt on the left side of the back and what to do about it?

But for self-diagnosis, they use this technique: if you lightly tap under the lower rib from the back, and the sick person begins to feel increased pain with its spread to the center of the back, nausea will appear - all this is a sign of inflammation in the kidney.

A sharp, paroxysmal, sharp pain below may also indicate lumbago. An attack occurs suddenly with an awkward movement or physical exertion and completely "fetters" the movements of a person, penetrating him with unbearable pain.

  • pathologies of the respiratory system (pneumonia, pleurisy, pneumothorax, bronchial or lung cancer);
  • Aortic aneurysm

A symptom of a lumbago is a problem in the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord.

  • pregnancy;
  • Increased tone of the extensor and shoulder-scapular muscles
  • Accompanied by rapid breathing and peripheral cyanosis
  • They give pain in the right hypochondrium
  • Dull pain under left rib
  • Osteochondrosis
  • For urolithiasis, the absence of pain at rest is characteristic, but when the stones begin to move, they enter the ureter, an attack of intolerable, sharp pain occurs, which is localized, as a rule, in the left hypochondrium at the back.
  • If the pain is prolonged and intense, you need to see a doctor. He will make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.
  • pathologies of the cardiac system (myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm, pericarditis, angina pectoris);
  • Constant pain with periodic shootings in the left side of the back.

Characteristics of left-sided back pain in various diseases

Pain in the back in the left side is of a long-term nature or simply periodically manifests itself. It just won't hurt. Either trauma or pathology can contribute to this:
pathology of the respiratory system (cancer, pneumonia)

The following diseases can provoke intercostal neuralgia

Injury to internal organs

May be accompanied by jaundice

Veins of the esophagus and subcutaneous venous arteries dilate

If aching pain radiating to the back appears in a pregnant woman, the cause may be compression of the ureter, renal pelvis by the uterus. To alleviate such pain, it is recommended to take a knee-elbow position, which will reduce the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, normalizing the removal of fluid from the body.

If you experience severe pain, you can take an antispasmodic and massage - one of the effective ways to deal with pain in the back. We offer a small instruction for those who decide to help their loved ones cope with pain. So, how to do a back massage?

pathologies of the urinary system (renal colic, renal artery thrombosis, retroperitoneal hematoma);


injury of the lumbar spine;

pathology of the urinary tract;

Osteochondrosis, hypothermia, uncomfortable posture, stress

Most often, these are ruptures of the spleen or liver due to mechanical damage (catastrophe, fall from a height) or pathological processes (leukemia, cirrhosis) that violate the internal structure of organs.

Left-sided back pain in diseases of the spine

Back pain under the right rib causes diseases of the gallbladder, liver and pancreas

In parallel, hepatic failure develops

  • Pancreatitis
  • Such symptoms are a sign of inflammatory processes that have arisen in the human body.
  • First, lay the person on his stomach, placing a small pillow.
  • Pathologies of the spinal cord and nervous system.
  • Different intensity of pain radiating to the left side of the back, shoulder. In a sitting position with an inclination forward, the pain may subside.
  • frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • problems of the digestive system (pancreatitis);



Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Liver disease

In chronic form - pain under the ribs on the left of moderate strength, radiating to the back and under the left shoulder blade. Often takes on a girdle character, radiating to the right, front and back


It hurts the left side from the back: causes

Pneumonia. With this disease, body temperature rises, chills, fever, shortness of breath, and malaise occur.

What does pain on the left side of the back mean?

Secondly, start massaging from the lumbar region, then move to the neck along the spine, then to the sides.

  • The surest way is to get tested. Diagnostic methods can be the following:
  • Pleurisy
  • hypothermia;
  • damage to the nervous system;

How to determine for what reason the left side hurts from the back?

In a chronic form, it manifests itself in the form of constant aching pains in the back in the back under the ribs

  • Severe pain under the ribs on the left (with injury to the spleen), or on the right (liver), increasing due to blood accumulating under the capsule in a horizontal position
  • They give dagger-type pains in front in the middle part of the hypochondrium and on the left, which can be given to the back. Features of these pains:

Appears after eating fatty, sugary foods

In acute intestinal infection, pain is felt in the central part of the abdomen, as well as in the epigastric region, but can also radiate to the left hypochondrium. Body temperature ranges from normal to very high (over 40°C), depending on the pathogen. With an intestinal infection, health worsens, appetite disappears, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea occur, which leads to dehydration.

  • Thirdly, you need to start the massage with soft movements, and when the skin warms up, massage more powerfully.
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • Cutting pain in the chest, aggravated by breathing.

Left-sided pyelonephritis can be diagnosed when a person has pain on the left side of the back. It is characterized by chills, high fever and frequent urination.

A feature of pain is its distribution along the zone of innervation of the affected nerve:

Due to severe blood loss, the pulse quickens, and blood pressure drops, the skin turns pale

they increase on an empty stomach, after eating and also after stress

Cirrhosis, hepatitis, tumor, fatty hepatosis, congestion

In acute form - pain is sudden and sharp, not changing from a change in position, when breathing or coughing

Why does my back hurt at the bottom left?

Pyelonephritis. There is an increased body temperature (38 ° C or more), the cause of which is acute inflammation. The patient notes a strong deterioration in well-being, the onset of weakness, soreness with increased urge to urinate.

Anyone can handle massage and help relax tense muscles. For treatment, you need to contact a specialist.

magnetic resonance therapy;

  • Pneumonia, left side
  • Frequent physical overwork.
  • When a woman's left side hurts in the lower back, this may indicate a disease of the reproductive system.
  • From the lumbar region along the back of the buttocks, thighs and lower leg
  • The danger of injuries is in their concealment: the victim may feel well and even walk, and then his condition deteriorates sharply, and he may die. Especially often this occurs in cases where the parenchyma of the organ is first damaged, and then after some time the capsule ruptures and hemorrhages into the abdominal cavity.

The patient is in a forced position, in which the pain syndrome is somewhat smoothed out

How to provide first aid?

Accompanied by nausea and vomiting that does not alleviate the condition

It depends on the severity of the symptoms.

If such pain bothers you for more than two days and does not weaken, this is a reason to call an ambulance and insist on immediate hospitalization.

Laboratory tests of blood and urine.

Intense or moderate pain in the chest area at the back on the left, aggravated by breathing


When severe pain radiates to the left side from the back, it is better to seek medical help as soon as possible. The specialist examines, diagnoses and prescribes treatment.​

Causes of aching pain in the region of the left rib

  • Sometimes discomfort radiates to the back caused by intestinal colic due to eating bad food.
  • With exacerbation, the pain syndrome acquires the character of backaches that occur when moving, tilting or turning the body. The patient is forced to freeze in one position
  • Renal colic (kidney disease)
  • The presence of blood is noted in the feces (the feces may be black and tarry in this case)

They cause a dull pulling pain on the right under the ribs (it does not hurt the liver, but its capsule

In acute pancreatitis, there is increased intoxication, cyanosis of the skin, traces of pinpoint hemorrhages in the navel and on the sides

In acute conditions, first of all, pain should be eliminated, and only after that, therapeutic measures should be carried out in a hospital setting.

Stitching pain under left rib

Most often, the cause of aching pain in the left hypochondrium is gastritis. Depending on the acidity of the stomach at the moment, the pain may change from stronger to weaker. Any change in the concentration of acid in the gastric juice irritates the gastric mucosa and causes inflammation. Such pain is accompanied by vomiting and heartburn.

For the diagnosis of pathology, the nature and intensity of pain, the place of its deployment are important. When the back hurts on the left side, you should pay attention to the following characteristics of painful sensations:


The sooner a person turns, the better. Since it will be possible to do without serious consequences, such as surgery.

Pain in the lower part of the back in the side contributes to quite serious diseases, from which, in order to get rid of, it is better to go to the doctor. Only a thorough analysis of discomfort will make it possible to avoid an incorrect diagnostic conclusion.​

Throbbing pain under left rib

Neuralgic autonomic disorders

Pain in the back in the back under the ribs may be due to renal colic

Pain during perforation is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition due to incipient peritonitis: nausea, vomiting, fever

  • Pain on the left in the epigastric region is often associated with excessive consumption of fatty, sweet, fried foods
Patients who are aware of the presence of chronic diseases should learn the methods and ways to eliminate acute attacks of pain. To do this, you must always carry the medications recommended by your doctor, especially for heart pathologies, stomach ulcers, and intestinal problems.


Pain in the left hypochondrium behind

Visceral pain is caused by dysmotility of the stomach due to stretching of muscle fibers or spasms. Often gives to other parts of the body.

1) For a long time, the back hurts on the left under the ribs - evidence of damage to the kidney structures. The pain syndrome is accompanied by other signs:

Girdle pains radiating to the left shoulder blade, shoulder girdle.

Back pain is a common symptom. It can be associated both directly with diseases of the spine, and with diseases of the internal organs. If the left side hurts from the back, you must definitely visit a doctor.

Most often, pain is transmitted by the peripheral nervous system. In most cases, discomfort in the left side of the back is associated with displacement of the intervertebral discs.​

Pain in the left hypochondrium, accompanied by fever

Pain occurs unexpectedly and is not justified by objective reasons. The examination does not reveal serious pathologies, except for vegetovascular dystonia, with such symptoms

  • Pain in the back under the ribs, excruciating, radiating to the groin, thighs, abdomen
  • Blood test shows liver failure

Treatment of pain in the left hypochondrium

Pancreatic cancer

Symptomatic treatment should be carried out only by a doctor, because. self-medication can distort the symptoms of the disease, aggravate its course, lead to complications, and even death. In such cases, one cannot rely on the treatment recommended in the media, acquaintances, on the Internet, without first finding out the cause of the pain in medical institutions, passing the necessary tests and undergoing a complete diagnosis.​

The inflammatory process can also cause aching pain. This pain is caused by colitis. If you diagnose yourself with such a disease, then vomiting and nausea are observed along with this symptom.

frequent urination;

Back pain may not bother you much, and over time the patient gets used to it, not realizing that in the end chronic illness escalate.


Quite often, the difficulty in making a diagnosis is due to the fact that the patient cannot accurately describe the nature of the pain, where they are localized, what are the associated symptoms.

But sometimes the effectiveness of getting rid of the pathology depends on the timeliness and accuracy of the diagnosis, especially in the acute form of the disease.

Pain in the left hypochondrium in front

In order to understand what disease the pain on the left under the ribs can portend, it is not enough to determine its localization. An important point in the diagnosis is the nature of the pain. The pain may be:

  • Sharp.
  • Dumb aching.
  • Acute.
  • Stabbing.

Depending on the nature of the pain and its accompanying symptoms, it is possible to determine which particular organ needs a thorough medical examination and subsequent treatment.

Pain on the left under the ribs in front


The spleen is located in the upper left side of the abdomen. Being close to the surface of the body, it is most often subject to various injuries. In addition, a number of diseases can contribute to the enlargement of the spleen, which stretches and causes dull pain under the ribs on the left.

With untimely diagnosis and lack of treatment, an enlarged spleen can rupture. In this case, the pain will be acute, and the skin around the navel will turn blue, which will happen due to internal hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity.

If you observe similar symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, urgently call an ambulance, as even a minute delay can be fatal. However, even with timely hospitalization, the likelihood of removal of the spleen is high.

If a rupture of the spleen is suspected, the patient is recommended to apply a cold compress to the left side before the arrival of the ambulance team.

Abdominal injury;

Infectious mononucleosis;

Inflammation or infarction of the spleen.


Sharp, aching, pulling or girdle pain in the hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea or vomiting, may indicate problems with the stomach.

Pathology of the spleen

The diaphragm is a muscular organ that has several physiological openings through which the vascular bundles, esophagus, aorta, etc. pass.

This organ is located deep in the hypochondrium on the left, so pain can evenly spread both to the left hypochondrium and to the upper lumbar region.

Infectious diseases lead to damage to the spleen, in which the organ increases in size, and also loses its ability to filter the blood.

But this is not the only pathology of the organ that can cause pain on the left under the ribs. This may also include:

  1. Pathologies of development and neoplasms.
  2. Bruises caused by a strong blow to the left hypochondrium.
  3. Rupture of the spleen, which produces profuse bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

Type of pain The most acute pain occurs when an organ ruptures due to trauma. The patient cannot take a breath, and a burning sensation and overflowing heat are felt in the abdomen.

Localization Pain appears on the left under the ribs, but may radiate to the lumbar region, groin and navel. Diagnosis Blueness of the skin near the navel, painful palpation of the left hypochondrium and unbearable pain are three complementary clinical manifestations of problems with the spleen.

A more specific diagnosis can be made using the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Blood analysis.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  3. MRI.

Treatment In case of rupture of the spleen, a surgical operation is required to excise the damaged tissues. Otherwise, the treatment is reduced to taking special medications that support the organ's performance, which is complemented by a strict diet and lack of physical activity.

The diaphragm separates the chest from the abdominal cavity, and when its muscles weaken, the stomach protrudes through the lumen into the chest cavity. As a result, the contents of the stomach are constantly thrown into the esophagus, the person suffers from pain, heartburn and profuse belching.

A bruise of the diaphragm is possible when falling from a height or a targeted blow to the place of its localization.
Type of pain Dull pain in the left hypochondrium, which increases on palpation and after eating, if the volume of the stomach increases.

Localization Since the stomach, restrained by the diaphragmatic lumen, is directed to the left, it hurts on the left under the ribs. Also, pain can be given to the back and left shoulder blade.

Diagnostics An accurate diagnosis is possible only after hardware diagnostics: ultrasound of the diaphragm and abdominal organs, MRI, CT. Treatment If the hernia is small, it is possible to fight it with fractional nutrition, taking antacids and antispasmodics that relieve pain.

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With an increase in the lumen, an operation is shown, with the help of which the lumen is sutured, and the stomach is determined in its usual anatomical position.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium in front may be due to problems with the spleen (trauma, ulcer, sepsis, hepatitis). Violation of the integrity of the spleen is characterized by pain, burning, vomiting, general intoxication of the whole organism.

Also, the patient develops a need to take large amounts of water, a decrease in pressure and a rapid heartbeat. The spleen is one of the main organs, and if there is pain in it, you should urgently go to the hospital and undergo a full examination to establish the localization of pain.

Aching pain in the left side in combination with shortness of breath during exertion and even at rest, nausea, palpitations, burning and heaviness in the chest occur with heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease.

With the defeat of the coronary arteries, the blood supply to the heart muscle is disrupted, causing such a pathological condition as ischemia.

Aching pain under the left rib, as a rule, is permanent and indicates a chronic, sluggish disease, most often inflammation. This symptom is typical for gastroduodenitis, colitis and the beginning of an ulcerative process in the stomach.

If such pain is accompanied by vomiting, which relieves pain, then PUD (gastric ulcer) is almost undeniable. In addition, constant, aching pain in the left hypochondrium can signal developing angina pectoris, ischemia, and even an atypical picture of a pre-infarction state.

Also, aching pain under the left rib can serve as one of the clinical signs of diaphragmatic hernia, the initial stage of stretching of the spleen capsule.

If you feel aching pain on the left under the ribs, which is also located in the middle of the abdomen, this indicates gastritis or stomach ulcer. Symptoms associated with these diseases are:

  • Relief vomiting.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Sour and bitter eructations.

Stitching pain under the ribs on the left

Most often, stabbing pain under the left rib is associated with the onset of stretching of the spleen capsule, this symptom is especially characteristic during physical exertion, active movements, and overstrain.

In addition, a stabbing symptom in this area may be associated with a life-threatening disease - myeloid leukemia, which is not clinically manifested in the initial stage and can be determined randomly in the study of blood serum.

With this disease, the spleen, which is responsible for the production of leukocytes, also suffers, splenomegaly develops, manifested by heaviness under the left rib, tingling after eating.

In the terminal stage of myeloid leukemia, a seal is clearly palpable under the left rib.

A more favorable prognosis is osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, which can also signal itself with stabbing pains in the left hypochondrium.

It should be noted that left-sided pleurisy, especially exudative, is manifested by sharp stabbing symptoms in the hypochondrium, the pain increases with coughing, breathing (exhalation).

Stitching pain in the left hypochondrium, which is aggravated by coughing or inhaling, is a serious symptom of lung disease (left-sided pneumonia, inflammation of the left lung, tuberculosis, lung cancer) or the left side of the diaphragm.

If the pain does not go away for a long time or it is so severe that a person cannot tolerate it, then the visit to the doctor should be urgent, with an ambulance call. It is especially important to do this with the following symptoms:

  1. Severe nausea and vomiting.
  2. The presence of traces of blood in the urine, feces or vomit.
  3. Acute pain that is aggravated by the slightest movement of the patient.
  4. A sharp deterioration in the patient's condition.
  5. Temperature increase.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the hospital, the patient will be given a series of tests and examinations. Basically, this is an ultrasound, in unclear cases they can be sent for a magnetic resonance tomography or computed tomography, x-ray.

Of the tests, blood samples are needed - a general analysis and biochemistry, urine and feces sampling. If the doctor suspects the cause of the pain in the manifestations of the pathology of the female genital area, then he may prescribe an examination by a gynecologist.

Treatment depends entirely on what the examination reveals. In some cases, for example, rupture of the spleen, torsion of the cyst leg, the passage of a stone from the kidneys and gallbladder, acute appendicitis, urgent surgical intervention may be required.

In other situations, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment, which consists of taking specialized medications, performing some non-invasive effects (for example, lithotripsy with ultrasound or laser), diet for diseases associated with diseases of the digestive system.

You will also need general tonic and vitamin remedies, immunity stimulants, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and temperature-reducing drugs.

Agree, with such a huge number of diseases with similar manifestations, it is very difficult to recognize how dangerous the pain in the left side under the ribs is, so the best way to avoid complications is to call a doctor!

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Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

This pathology is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach and pain in the left hypochondrium. Also, intestinal obstruction is characterized by nausea, vomiting, increased flatulence, weakness and lack of feces.

Dull aching pain on the left under the ribs

Dull, aching pain symptoms are characteristic of the onset of inflammatory processes. Dull pain under the left rib is typical for developing chronic pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, less often - cholecystitis.

In addition, a factor that provokes dull pain may be splenomegaly - stretching of the spleen capsule, in which the breakdown and utilization of red blood cells occurs in hemolytic anemia.

Less often, dull pain under the left rib can be a sign of hemoblastic pathologies - lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma. The spleen is sensitive to the pathologies of the organs associated with it and may increase due to portal hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, which often manifest themselves clinically indirectly through the symptoms of diseases of the spleen.

Also, pulling, dull pains can serve as a diagnostic sign of an acute infectious disease - mononucleosis, which causes hypertrophy of the spleen up to its rupture.

Less commonly, the dull nature of pain in the left hypochondrium indicates chronic cardiological diseases - bacterial endocarditis, pericarditis.

Stomach diseases

Most of the stomach (about 80%) is located on the left side of the midline. For this reason, his diseases can lead to the appearance of pain in the left hypochondrium in front.

In the stomach, pain appears associated with irritation of the mucous membrane. Over time, the mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers and its destruction occurs. Also, the following symptoms are characteristic of an ulcer:

  • vomiting reflex;
  • pain that radiates to the left hypochondrium;
  • belching;
  • weakness.

Severe pain under left rib

Strong, sharp pains in the region of the left hypochondrium are most often associated with a serious condition, exacerbation of pathological processes, which requires emergency medical care.

Severe pain under the left rib can be triggered by such factors:

  • Inflammation of the lower lobe of the left lung in the acute stage.
  • Injury of the left ribs (lower) - bruise, fracture.
  • Splenomegaly caused by infection, cancer.
  • Traumatic damage to the capsule of the spleen.
  • Spleen cyst.
  • Rupture of the spleen.
  • Abscess of the spleen.
  • Pathological expansion and dissection (aneurysm) of the artery of the spleen.
  • Adenocarcinoma of the stomach in the terminal stage.
  • Exacerbation of gastroduodenitis.
  • Exacerbation of stomach ulcers.
  • Perforation of the stomach wall.
  • Acute pyelonephritis.
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  • Oncoprocess in the tail of the pancreas.
  • Cyst of the pancreas.
  • Colic of the left kidney.
  • Tumor of the left flexure of the colon.
  • Attack of angina pectoris.
  • Myocardial infarction.

Severe pain under the left rib, as a rule, is unbearable, even if it is stopped by antispasmodics, cardio drugs or other means, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to avoid life-threatening conditions.

Urolithiasis disease

Any surgical intervention on the space of the abdominal cavity is fraught with the development of adhesive process. Moreover, the method of surgical intervention does not always matter (open access or laparoscopic).

Therefore, with the development of the adhesive process, patients after surgery often complain that they have pain on the left under the ribs on the side.

It has been proven that adhesions develop when inflammatory exudate (fluid) accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

Inflammation of the muscles (myositis), as well as intercostal neuralgia, can be manifested by pain in the space under the ribs on the left, which is usually aching in nature. Its amplification is characteristic when moving, tilting to the side, with a deep breath.

Since the left kidney is located on the side, any inflammatory processes in it, including pyelonephritis and ICD, can cause acute pain radiating to the left hypochondrium.

Urolithiasis, caused by an increase and deposition of salts in conglomerates, is characterized by painful and frequent urination, as well as shooting and stabbing pains radiating to the peritoneum.

Type of pain In renal colic, the pain is acute, sharp, stabbing, squeezing.

At rest, the kidney may whine.
Localization Pain in the kidney can be given both to the left hypochondrium and to the back.

Diagnosis Diagnosis is made on the basis of a study of urine analysis for salt content, as well as blood for the presence of an inflammatory process. An ultrasound of the kidneys may be required.

TreatmentReducing the salt content in the urine will help diet, as well as drug therapy using antibiotics and diuretics that accelerate the excretion of salts.

To crush stones that have clogged the ducts, laser therapy or surgical excision is used.

Cancer pain on the left

The etiology of symptoms in the left zone of the body can be varied, since pain below the left rib is not a specific sign of a particular disease.

Diseases of the spleen caused by the following reasons:

  • Injuries - bruises, falls, accidents.
  • Inflammatory process.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Ischemia and infarction of the spleen.

Diseases of the stomach:

  • Gastroduodenitis.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • PUD - peptic ulcer of the stomach.
  • Tumor process, adenocarcinoma of the stomach.

Diseases of the pancreas:

  • Pancreatitis.
  • Pancreas cancer.

Diaphragm pathologies:

  • Hernia.
  • Congenital anatomical anomalies of the diaphragm.


2023 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs