Why does a child have a dry cough without fever and what to do if it bothers you often or constantly? Dry cough in a child How to treat a severe dry cough in a child.

Any discomfort causes concern among parents. If a child develops a dry cough, but without a fever, not all adults understand what factor influenced the problem. Is it a cold, a severe viral infection, or allergy symptoms? It's difficult to figure it out.

Medical advice will help parents determine why the baby is coughing. Pay attention to the problem: coughing is often a sign of dangerous diseases.

Possible reasons for the appearance

Unpleasant symptoms occur under the influence of various factors. Among them: colds, allergic reactions, inhalation of a foreign object.

Common reasons:

  • penetration of infection into the upper respiratory tract. Dangerous diseases - whooping cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis. The baby tries to clear his throat, turns red, and his body tenses. With frequent attacks, muscles ache due to overexertion;
  • physiological cough. Sometimes children up to a year after waking up try to clear their throat. If the baby is calm, there are no whims, anxiety, or fever, then there is no need to worry. The airways are simply cleared of natural mucus that has accumulated overnight;
  • problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroesophageal reflux is the name of this unpleasant condition. Food mixed with acidic gastric juice is thrown back into the esophagus, “burns” the walls, and provokes a long-lasting coughing attack.

Doctors also identify other provoking factors:

Note! With acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, attacks of dry cough are observed during a certain period, but in most young patients the temperature rises at the same time. If the temperature is almost normal, and test results show the presence of a virus, it means that the body is so weak that it does not fight infection well.

Types of dry cough

Symptoms vary in nature, duration, and severity of the process. During your visit to the otolaryngologist, give the doctor as much information as possible about your child's severe dry cough.


  • coughing;
  • light;
  • medium-heavy.


  • throat;
  • barking;
  • whistling;
  • suffocating.

Process duration:

  • spicy. The baby has trouble coughing for three weeks;
  • subacute Symptoms of varying degrees appear up to two months;
  • chronic. The problem does not disappear after 8 weeks or more.


  • constant. Symptoms appear periodically;
  • episodic. The cough is short-lived and occurs infrequently.

The child tries to clear his throat at a certain time of day:

  • only after waking up;
  • In the evening;
  • during the day.

Sign of dangerous diseases

The child tries to clear his throat, but instead of phlegm, only wheezing comes out of his throat, is a strange whistle heard? Contact your ENT doctor or pulmonologist without delay: a dry cough often signals the development of pathological processes in the lungs, bronchi, and larynx.

A barking cough accompanies several types of diseases:

  • laryngitis, pharyngitis are characterized by severe inflammation of the throat area, larynx;
  • false croup is dangerous due to swelling of the vocal cords and larynx;
  • whooping cough occurs infrequently, but the course is severe; when trying to clear the throat, the child strains greatly, the voice becomes hoarse;
  • diphtheria. A dangerous pathology is rarely diagnosed due to mandatory vaccination. A contagious disease requires immediate treatment: with diphtheria, dangerous complications are possible.

False croup

Among the above pathologies of the ENT organs, swelling of the larynx and throat is especially dangerous.

What's happening:

  • with false croup, the tissues swell, the lumen narrows for air to enter;
  • The result is that the baby suffocates.

How to proceed:

  • Immediate consultation with a doctor is required: parents should call an ambulance;
  • the doctor will assess the condition of the little patient and relieve dangerous symptoms with the help of potent drugs;
  • Most often, successful therapy and control of attacks accompanied by swelling require hospital treatment and the introduction of a special serum.

Don't start the problem Visit a pediatric otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) if your son or daughter exhibits the following symptoms:

  • loss of voice/hissing when speaking;
  • barking cough, deep, paroxysmal;
  • inhalation is accompanied by a whistle;
  • the patient is pale and does not feel well;
  • at night the baby tries to clear his throat, attacks are often accompanied by suffocation;
  • Many children have a fever.

Note! Most often, false croup is diagnosed in children under five years of age. The reason is the structural features of the larynx. Viruses easily penetrate tissues and cause swelling. In older children, pathology is diagnosed less frequently.

Read here about how scarlet fever manifests itself in children and how to treat it.

Medicines and home remedies

Therapy depends on the results of the tests, finding out the reason why your son or daughter is coughing. In addition to antiviral and antibacterial drugs (if necessary), physiotherapy, medicinal syrups/lozenges, and folk remedies will help.

Home remedies that are good for relieving unpleasant symptoms include:

  • warm tea with milk is a good cure for dry cough;
  • herbal infusions (linden blossom, chamomile + coltsfoot, clover, marshmallow leaves);
  • milk + carrot juice (5:1). Drink the product morning and evening;
  • eucalyptus tincture. Half a glass of warm water + ½ tsp. rinses);
  • milk + butter + honey. Drink the product warm twice a day;
  • olive oil + honey (1:1). Dissolve the mass as much as possible, then remove it from the mouth. You can drink the warm mixture, 1 tsp. twice a day;
  • banana + warm water. Prepare the puree, heat it slightly, give it to the child three times a day;
  • rinsing with saline solution (take a teaspoon of sea/table salt for a glass of boiled water). Frequency: twice a day.

Other treatments:

  • inhalation. Herbal decoctions and medications are added to the water. The procedure is recommended in the absence of high temperature. Frequency – 3–4 times a day, in severe cases – up to 8 times;
  • Gerbion syrup is effective for dry cough. Read the instructions for use carefully and consult your doctor;
  • dry heat for the throat, rubbing. Ointments Doctor Mom, Travesil, rendered pork fat are effective;
  • lozenges and dry cough syrup. The products are suitable for older children. The pharmacy has many proven drugs: Angisept, Strepsils, Travesil, Doctor Mom;
  • in severe cases, the otolaryngologist will prescribe antitussive medications. Potent compounds are recommended for deep, paroxysmal coughs that exhaust a small patient. Tablets for dry cough are effective: Sinekod, Glaunvent, Tusuprex;
  • If it is difficult to cough up, after a week of using homemade preparations do not help, the doctor will prescribe synthetic drugs that dilute sputum. Do not buy medications on your own initiative: for some diseases it is better to avoid these compounds. Popular drugs: ACC, Ambrobene, Bromhexine, Mucodin;
  • if children often cough due to acid entering the esophagus, visit a gastroenterologist; if you suspect allergic reactions, visit an allergist. In case of helminthic infestations, the help of a pediatrician or gastroenterologist is required.

Important! The famous doctor Komarovsky believes that for problems of the upper respiratory tract during ARVI, it is undesirable to use mucolytics (expectorants). Taking medications will only increase the production of a large volume of sputum, and the small patient will cough harder and longer.

If a child inhales a foreign body and coughs

  • act clearly, without panic;
  • place the baby on your knee: the body and head should hang down;
  • open your mouth, gently but firmly tap between your shoulder blades, trying to push out the foreign body;
  • sliding movements, direction – from top to bottom;
  • stuck crumbs, dust bunnies usually fall out, the attack of suffocation passes, the baby no longer coughs;
  • be sure to show the victim to an ENT doctor: even in the absence of visible symptoms, damage to the respiratory tract is possible;
  • Don’t delay your visit to the doctor, put everything aside: this way you will preserve your child’s health.

An “unreasonable” cough in children against a background of normal temperature never occurs without good reason. The exception is physiological morning coughing. Contact your pediatrician for help. The pediatrician will examine the little patient and refer him for consultation to a specialist. After proper treatment, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Medical video - reference book. Folk remedies for dry cough:

An unbearable dry cough in children often appears without signs of fever, but treatment must be carried out after examining the patient. Determine the disease factor by hoarseness and the presence of nasal discharge. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medication and inhalation procedures.

Before starting treatment, you should determine the reasons why the symptom occurs. Infants may have illnesses without fever, so it is imperative to visit a doctor to rule out the seriousness of the illness.

The causes of dry cough in children are as follows:

  1. ARVI is characterized by nasal congestion, so the baby may gasp for air, coughing up accumulated mucus.
  2. Pharyngitis is considered a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the pharynx and begins after an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane. Cough brings a lot of inconvenience - the inability to sleep and difficulties during conversation.
  3. Laryngitis often goes away without fever. In addition to coughing, there is a whistling sound when breathing. Coughing attacks are accompanied by vomiting.
  4. Whooping cough produces a powerful, annoying cough. At the same time, the baby’s saliva takes on a blue color.
  5. Bronchitis. The most common manifestation of the disease is a nonproductive cough. The nature of the cough is different in that it appears in the first couple of hours of illness, lasts about four days and is difficult to mitigate.


When a baby coughs from time to time, but this does not cause inconvenience for him to carry out daily activities: play, eat, go to bed, there is no temperature or other signs that may indicate the onset of an illness - nothing should be treated! By the way, there is nothing to treat; this is precisely the moment when the release of foreign elements in the bronchi occurs.

But, along with this, there are cases where the cough is painful and is considered an indicator of illness. In this case, the child should be shown to a doctor; only a specialist can determine the root cause and determine the appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of dry cough in children are associated with respiratory tract diseases.

If the cough in children is dry, barking, intrusive and the baby has a paroxysmal appearance, you should see a doctor. In addition, children should be shown to a specialist when coughing begins unexpectedly, and there is a feeling that there is a foreign object in the child’s throat, the cough does not allow the baby to sleep, it turns out to be a factor in vomiting, and in addition to the cough, there are signs of an allergy or other illness.

Such signs indicate the presence of a disease, and the doctor is obliged to find out which one. During the first session, the doctor eliminates the penetration of foreign bodies and rules out allergies. Afterwards the doctor will eliminate inflammatory diseases.


At the first sign of a cold, you should call a doctor. Treatment of dry cough when the child is one year old must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Drugs are used as treatment, but folk remedies are considered effective.

Children are carefully prescribed medications for the treatment of dry cough, because they are unable to cough up mucus. Therefore, the doctor prescribes treatment in the form of suppositories to relieve inflammation. Massage of the sternum with plant-based balms is an excellent way to help remove phlegm. For older children, frequent dry attacks are treated with antibiotics. If the symptom is dry, Sinekod is prescribed, which suppresses the cough. They use natural-based syrups - effective treatments.

Treatment of dry cough when a child is 3 years old is much easier, because it is permissible to take a large list of medications.


Today, treatment of dry cough in children begins with the doctor prescribing medications to clear mucus. The following drugs are distinguished:

  1. Ambroxol is a mucolytic, which is effective when coughing with stringy mucus appears. The drug can be prescribed from birth in a dose: from birth to two years of age, two and a half mg after meals, up to two times. No need to consume more than 5 days.
  2. Lazolvan syrup works great for coughs with phlegm. From six months of age, half a tsp. 2 times.
  3. Ambrobene is prescribed from an early age for non-productive cough. The dose is calculated taking into account the release form. If this is a syrup, then the child is prescribed 2.5 ml, and if it is a solution - ml after meals up to two times.
  4. Bronchicum is produced on the basis of thyme herb. Prescribed at the age of six months, 0.5 tsp. up to two times during the day. You can use it for up to fourteen days.
  5. Fluimucil granules can be taken from 12 months. Also used for inhalation procedures.
  6. Bromhexine syrup is prescribed by a doctor up to the age of six, and for older children in the form of tablets.
  1. Gedelix syrup is prescribed for infants for persistent dry cough. The daily dosage is half a tsp.
  2. The doctor does not prescribe Mucaltin for up to 12 months.
  3. Syrup based on licorice root is prescribed by a doctor until the age of two.
  4. Linkas reduces the number of coughing attacks, helps thin mucus, and relieves sore throats. The dose from six months is half a tsp.
  5. Stoptussin drops are prescribed for six months after meals. The dose is calculated taking into account weight: if you weigh less than seven kilograms, eight drops are diluted; with a weight of up to twelve kilograms, nine drops per 125 ml of liquid. Can be taken up to 4 times.

Traditional methods

When parents want to treat a dry cough at home, alternative treatment, including inhalations, will help. For infants, use a steaming bath option. To do this, you need to fill the bath with boiling water so that the baby can breathe hot air. Steaming lasts twenty minutes and for a better effect add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil (when there is no allergy). The second treatment option is to add honey to breast milk at the rate of half a glass teaspoon of honey. This tea can be drunk up to three times during the day.

A simple massage of the sternum and feet is considered a useful procedure for treating dry cough in children at home. It is performed with light patting movements and tapping, which promotes the rapid removal of mucus. Massaging gives more effect when using balm.

Let's consider the treatment of dry cough in children with folk remedies, specifically badger fat and pine buds.

A good result is achieved by using tincture of pine buds in milk or water. To make it, add tbsp to 500 ml of boiling milk. l. raw materials, turn off the heat, leave to brew for up to an hour. Children should be given 50 ml of warm tincture every two hours throughout the day. If there is no milk, you can use plain water, and pine buds can be replaced with spruce shoots.

For infants and older children, badger fat is prescribed for external use - rubbing the back, chest, feet. Be sure to cover with a blanket after the rubbing procedure. When the baby starts to sweat, the underwear needs to be changed to fresh ones and wrapped warmly again.

Children over three years old are often prescribed badger fat orally, half a teaspoon, a full spoon before meals, three times a day. If the doctor prescribed badger fat, but the child cannot drink it, then you can buy the fat in capsules.

Cough prevention

It is much better when parents monitor their health and well-being, preventing the occurrence of cough. Initially, you need to worry about the immune system so that the body counteracts illnesses of a viral and infectious nature. Prevention of dry cough in children is presented below:

  • Frequent walks outside and ventilation of the room where the child sleeps.
  • The temperature should not exceed 22ºС, humidity from 50% to 70%.
  • Don't wrap up your child! Watch him sweat.
  • Active entertainment, sports, swimming in pools and lakes help strengthen the immune system and healthy physiological development.
  • The correct daily routine also matters. The child must get out of bed, go to bed, eat, and maintain hygiene at the same time. The child should spend the day actively. As for children under the age of six, they must be put to bed during the day after lunch.
  • Food must be high in calories and include healthy products: fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat. You can always consult a specialist about nutrition.
  • Help maintain good hygiene: wash your hands, wear clean clothes, clean your room. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms will not be able to weaken your well-being.

Dry cough in a child should be treated exclusively under the supervision of a pediatrician. Remember that self-treatment without a doctor’s examination can only cause harm. Not all over-the-counter medications are as safe as you might think. Certain medications should not be taken in combination with other medications. There are also contraindications to taking medications. Therefore, take care of your children, monitor their health and contact the pediatrician for help in a timely manner.

In children 2 years old, as well as in older children, it can incredibly exhaust both the child and his parents. Unlike a wet cough, a dry cough does not bring relief and is not able to rid the bronchi of accumulated mucus. Therefore, it is so important, after consulting a doctor, to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Possible diseases

When a dry cough appears in children 2 years old, parents should, with the help of a doctor, rule out possible dangerous illnesses. Of course, most likely, the baby just caught a banal acute respiratory infection, but perhaps the child has a more serious illness:

  • Whooping cough. A childhood infectious disease characterized by a severe, simply debilitating dry cough. In this case, antitussive drugs are needed, which a doctor can prescribe.
  • Pneumonia. In this case, the baby, in addition to coughing, has a high temperature. The disease is determined by listening to the lungs. An x-ray may also be needed. A young child will most likely be hospitalized. Still, the disease is serious and does not allow self-medication.
  • Tuberculosis. In this case, the cough is not only dry, but also dull and unproductive. Treatment under medical supervision is required. In the future, long-term rehabilitation will be required.
  • Laryngitis. This is an inflammation of the larynx. Laryngitis can be distinguished by its characteristic characteristics. When you hear such sounds in a child, you should immediately call a doctor. The disease is dangerous due to the risk of severe swelling of the larynx and the inability to breathe normally.

In any case, if a child develops a strong and unproductive dry cough, you should consult a pediatrician. If the doctor, after listening to the lungs and examining the child, does not find serious reasons for concern, then it will be possible to be treated at home.

Such a different cough

Cough can vary. Wet and dry have different manifestations. Let's look at their differences from each other:

  • Unlike a wet cough, a dry cough does not clear the throat and, accordingly, does not bring the desired effect of sputum separation.
  • A dry cough appears immediately at the beginning of the disease, only then does it turn into a wet cough.
  • With a dry cough, inflammation of the larynx or pharynx occurs. A wet cough is characterized by the formation of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Medicines for a dry cough are aimed at suppressing the cough reflex, while for a wet cough it is necessary to dilute the sputum for better clearance.

But when treating children, you should not get carried away with a variety of expectorant syrups. The fact is that the baby, due to his age, cannot yet cough productively. Syrups that dilute mucus increase its secretion; the child will not be able to cough up the increasing mucus, and it will begin to stagnate. This situation leads to chronic inflammation.

Dry cough. Looking for a reason

The most common cause of dry cough in children 2 years of age is viral infections. Cough is not a disease, but a symptom of it. Therefore, when it appears, the cause should be found and the underlying disease treated.

If the child is lethargic, has a fever and a cough, it means that the baby has caught a viral infection. In this case, the doctor will prescribe medications aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the infection.

Only a doctor will be able to determine whether it is a common ARVI, a more serious whooping cough, or pneumonia.

But it may well be that dry cough in children 2 years old is not associated with viruses. If the child is cheerful, does not have a fever and his general condition has not changed, it may be an allergic cough. You should pay attention to the baby’s environment and eliminate possible allergens.

If the causes of coughing cannot be found and eliminated, you should consult a specialist and test for allergens.

We alleviate the condition

When the doctor has examined the baby and prescribed treatment, the parents are able to help the baby and alleviate his condition. After all, dryness only torments the child and does not even allow him to sleep peacefully and gain strength.

Let your baby drink as much as possible. All systems in the body are interconnected. And if a person drinks a lot, then his blood thins out, and, accordingly, the mucus also becomes less thick. Consequently, the child will be able to start coughing productively and remove unnecessary things from the bronchi.

When a baby suffers from a dry cough, the air in the room should under no circumstances be dry and warm. This will only worsen the situation. The air should be humidified and the room must be ventilated.

If there is no temperature and the child is in general normal condition, he should definitely go for a walk. Don't be afraid to go outside again. The main thing is that there is no severe frost or wind.

Humidifying the air, sufficient fluid intake and washing children's noses can cure a dry cough without the use of various tablets and mixtures.

When you need to urgently call a doctor

  1. The cough took on a dull, barking character.
  2. A sudden dry cough does not clear the throat and occurs in increasing attacks. Sensation of a foreign object in the larynx.
  3. Cough that causes vomiting.
  4. Increasing dry cough, which intensifies, regardless of air humidification and drinking plenty of fluids.

Only a doctor, after examining the child, will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations for eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Drug treatment

With a dry cough, the baby cannot sleep or play normally. The cough plagues him and gives him no rest day or night. Therefore, in this case it should be suppressed.

They are divided into two types. Some are aimed at thinning sputum and making it less thick. The cough intensifies and becomes more productive. Accordingly, mucus is coughed up better.

Once the medicine has done its job, i.e. The sputum has become thinner and the cough has become more productive; the medication is discontinued.

The second type of medication is aimed at suppressing the cough reflex and, therefore, the cough recedes.

But antitussive drugs, as well as syrups to thin sputum, should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Remember! The medicine does not treat cough as such. Syrups and tablets act on specific receptors. They either thin the mucus and increase the productivity of the cough, or suppress the cough centers.

Antitussive medications are usually prescribed for childhood whooping cough and may be recommended for debilitating dry cough caused by ARVI.

Physiotherapy to help your baby

It happens that, despite following all the recommendations, the disease does not recede. In this case, physical therapy is recommended.

Warming up is carried out in the physiotherapy room. The required course and time will be prescribed by the attending physician.

In addition, the child may be recommended a massage. The fact is that active kneading of the chest by a specialist leads to an expectorant effect. It is very useful for parents themselves to give their child a warming massage at home, kneading the sternum and back.

We are treated with traditional methods

Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to get rid of all sorts of ailments using improvised means. Humanity has accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge used to get rid of cough at home.

But before trying traditional methods on a child, it is advisable to consult a doctor. After all, many people believe that herbal treatment is harmless, but they forget that these remedies can cause great harm.

Many medicinal herbs are poisonous and are simply not recommended for use by young children. But if a mother uses, for example, milk to treat a cough, then it will not hurt.

Milk will come to the rescue

For dry coughs in children, knowledgeable grandmothers have long been offering a remedy such as milk with honey and butter. Due to its accessibility, this method remains relevant to this day.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this treatment produces results. Already after the first cup drunk before bedtime, the baby feels better.

Milk with honey and butter can soften an irritated throat and reduce coughing attacks. The main thing is that the liquid is not too hot, otherwise it can only worsen the child’s condition. Very hot milk will irritate the inflamed mucous membranes and worsen the cough.

It happens that children do not want to drink milk and butter. Don't insist that your child empty the whole cup. A couple of spoons before bed is enough. You can also offer your baby a spoonful during the day.

But before giving your child hot milk with honey, you need to be sure that the baby is not allergic to bee products. In any case, you can simply offer a cup of milk with a piece of butter. The latter will soften an irritated throat and help relieve a dry cough.

Black radish is a storehouse of vitamins

Our great-grandmothers knew about this root vegetable. They used it to treat small children. Black radish contains a lot of vitamin C, organic acids and mineral salts. Thanks to the essential oils it contains, it has a sharp taste reminiscent of onions.

Radish juice is used to treat many diseases, such as ARVI and bronchitis. Juice helps very well when the baby has a dry cough that does not clear his throat and does not give him peace. Let's look at how it is recommended to use this tool.

Black radish for cough

How to use such a useful root vegetable and treat dry cough in children? It's simple. It is enough to select a mature vegetable without damage and cut off the top.

Then we cut a hole in the radish and fill the resulting hole with honey. Cover this place with the cut top and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. During this time, honey extracts the juice, which contains many essential oils and vitamins.

After the specified time has passed, remove the radish and give the resulting juice to the child. Pour honey into the hole again and put it in the refrigerator. As soon as the juice stops forming, you should take a new root vegetable. But usually one vegetable is enough.

Black radish with honey will not harm children. The only exception is an allergy to bee products. In this case, you can try pouring a weak sugar solution, which will draw out the juice.

Radish helps cough very effectively. In addition, children usually like the sweetish taste of the proposed medicine, which looks so unusual. And many parents prefer natural methods of treatment instead of pills and potions.

Radish juice with honey is considered excellent and also has a significant anti-inflammatory effect. Pediatricians recommend radishes to prevent serious diseases such as bronchitis and whooping cough.

How to use radish

Take one teaspoon three times a day. It is better to give juice before meals.

Despite all its usefulness, black radish is not used as food. As an additive for salads, it can be used no more than 1-2 times a week. To treat children, radish juice is used for no more than seven days in a row.

Cocoa butter for dry cough in children

Everyone knows that children do not like to take medications and pills. Sometimes the child refuses to take even a tasty and sweet mixture.

But many children love cocoa. And the oils contained in cocoa beans can reduce attacks of dry cough.

For those who don't really want to drink a cup of real cocoa, we can recommend purchasing cocoa butter at the pharmacy. It is absolutely harmless and is recommended for the treatment of influenza, ARVI and relief of their symptoms in both adults and children.

Cocoa butter contains theobromine, which fights bronchitis and asthma. It is also full of vitamins, such as C, E and A, which greatly help fight the disease.

To treat dry cough in children, you can add oil to warm milk. It is recommended to drink this medicine often and little by little. Use one teaspoon of butter per glass of milk. If you are not allergic, you can add honey.

If, in addition to a cough, a child suffers from a sore throat, encourage him to suck the oil like candy, thus lubricating the inflamed areas.

You can also add cocoa butter to badger fat for grinding. Children will surely like the chocolate aroma.

Before using any folk remedy to treat a child, you should consult a doctor and take into account possible contraindications.

Colds in children of all ages are almost always accompanied by a cough, which clears the airways of accumulated bacteria. With a mild disease of the respiratory system, the cough in the first days is very frequent and dry, but as the disease progresses it becomes more moist and sputum appears. In this article we will look at How to treat dry cough in a child.

Feverish syndrome is not uncommon during a cold; the body temperature rises. However, you should not worry or be scared, because this is a sign that the body has activated its protective function. Parents may have cause for concern if there is no increase in temperature. After all, the cause of this condition can be not only a viral, but also a more serious disease.

How to treat dry cough? To do this, you need to use medications prescribed by a specialist. It follows from this that at the first symptoms of a cold you need to visit a doctor. Remember, when you have a cold, you should not resist the cough reflex. This will prevent the body from getting rid of bacteria accumulated in the lungs. We recommend taking other measures to relieve dry cough:

  1. It is recommended to give the child alkaline solutions. Milk with soda or warm mineral water. Hot milk with honey or butter will also help.
  2. Excessive cough without fever can be moistened with steam inhalation. For breathing, you can use boiled potatoes or herbal infusions.
  3. You can use heat compresses. They help improve blood circulation in the chest and create mucus in the lungs. They need to be applied to the chest and left for several hours, after which they should be removed and the baby should be wrapped in a warm blanket.
  4. The air in the room should be slightly humid, smoking, or using perfume, etc. is strictly prohibited. Any irritating substances must be excluded.
  5. Make your child drink more fluids. Not just water, but compote, rosehip, lemon, lingonberry tea or cranberry juice. Decoctions of plantain, nettle, thermopsis, coltsfoot, oregano and sea buckthorn also help greatly. These herbs should be taken with caution, as an allergic reaction to one of them may occur.
  6. Honey and lemon juice in the same amount fights cough very well if it doesn't last long.

This method is very effective; it can be used to treat children with both dry and wet cough. Today, inhalations are done already at the very last stages of inflammation of the respiratory tract simultaneously with therapeutic treatment. With the help of such procedures, you can greatly facilitate the release of sputum, moisten the cough, and reduce the period of the disease.

Today, pharmacies offer inhalation with a nebulizer, of which there are two types:

  1. Ultrasonic. Small in size, quiet operation, the device is very convenient when treating small children. But it has the ability to destroy the active substances of medicinal drugs, so antibiotics are not used with it.
  2. Compression. Large size, very noisy, but produces even the smallest particles.

When choosing a camera, you need to pay attention to the child’s age and disease. We recommend purchasing a device with a particle diameter of no more than 10 microns.

Inhalation nebulizer recipes for children, what to do at home?

  1. With Berodual dosage for one inhalation for children over 12 years old, 40 drops are needed, for children under 6 years old - 10 drops. The product must be diluted in saline solution in an amount of 3 ml.
  2. With Mukaltin– take 4 ml 3 times a day.
  3. With Propolis– for one inhalation you need approximately 3 ml of a solution made from 1 ml of propolis and 20 ml of saline solution. Take 3 times a day. If you have an individual intolerance to beekeeping products, this method is prohibited.
  4. With Eucalyptus– for one procedure you need 3 ml of solution, also take 3 times a day. To obtain a solution, you need to mix 12 drops of eucalyptus and 200 ml of saline solution. Do not use if you have bronchial asthma.

You can buy these products at a pharmacy and easily inhale them at home.

For children aged up to 1 year Doctors often prescribe syrups for coughs. Because they have a pleasant taste and smell, but tablets are the opposite. Let's consider the most inexpensive options for syrups for these purposes, which are now sold in pharmacies:

Expectorants for dry coughs for children


You need to be very careful when using herbal infusions from thermopsis. With a minimal overdose, the child may simply vomit. Moreover, cytisine, which is part of the composition, in large doses, has a very detrimental effect on the child’s respiratory system. Recommended for children from 6-7 years, Not earlier.

Codelac Phyto

The drug is a combination drug. It copes well with coughs and helps with expectoration. Do not use during pregnancy or asthma. Not suitable for children up to 1 year, on the advice of doctors, it is better to give it to children only at age from 2 years. The composition contains plant substances that can cause an allergic reaction.


Shows itself very well in the treatment of dry cough in children aged from 3 years old, is an excellent expectorant. Due to the active components in the composition, it helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum.


We have already talked about it, but it has an excellent expectorant effect. Taken after meals, children are allowed to take it before 12 years. One teaspoon 4 times a day should be diluted in ¼ glass of one tablespoon of syrup. Treatment time is 14 days.


The drug has a triple effect, helping to reduce sensitive nerve endings. Helps relax the bronchi and reduce irritable reactions. Prescribed for severe cough, the effect of the drug is noticeable within 3 hours after administration. The product can be found both in the form of tablets and syrup. Allowed for children from 1 year. The average cost is 300 rubles.


An excellent remedy for dry cough, available in many forms, including tablets. Quickly relieves cold symptoms and reduces fever. Allowed for children aged from 6 years. There are side effects: agitation, dizziness. The average cost is 200 rubles.


Produced in tablets. Relieves inflammation, fights infectious diseases, and has a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being. It has some undesirable effects: vomiting, loose stools and makes you sleepy. Prohibited for pregnant women and children under age 7 years.


These tablets are used for irritable cough, in case of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The drug is absorbed fairly quickly, can be used up to 10 times a day, treatment should not exceed several days. Do not take to children under 4 years, lactating and pregnant women.

How to treat dry cough in a child Komarovsky

What is a cough and what causes it? how to treat? What do parents demand from doctors when their child gets a cold? Existing cough medications, what are they? How can you help a coughing child? Will answer all these and many other questions Doctor Komarovsky in his video.

Have you encountered a dry cough in a child? How to treat it is the same opinion? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum

For most people, such an unconditional physiological reflex of the body as cough is a symptom of beginning colds .

However, this is not always the case. At its core, a cough is provoked by irritation of receptors larynx, nose and his sinuses, pleura,trachea, bronchi exhalation through the oral cavity, which occurs when the muscles of the human respiratory system contract.

Not everyone knows that the main function of a cough is to clear foreign substances ( pus, sputum, foreign objects, mucus ) respiratory tract. In addition, this reflex helps to avoid mechanical obstacles that may interfere with the air flow of the respiratory system of the human body.

In fairness, we should agree that coughing is not just an unconditional protective reflex , but often the first symptom of many serious diseases.

In medical terminology, there are many descriptions for cough that help the doctor make the correct diagnosis:

  • dry;
  • spicy;
  • suffocating;
  • protracted;
  • paroxysmal;
  • wet;
  • allergic;
  • exhausting;
  • throat;
  • chest, etc.

You could say that coughing is the answer immune system organism to the spread of a particular pathogen. Therefore, by its main characteristics (strength, duration, timbre, character, time of appearance) one can understand the sickness of the patient and how to treat him.

Paroxysmal dry cough

First of all, it is worth understanding the mechanisms of such a reflex as coughing. So, it all starts with a deep breath, which lasts about two seconds, then the larynx contracts, as a result of which the vocal fold closes (part of the laryngeal mucosa, consists of the vocal muscle and ligament).

At the same time, there is an increase in the tone of the bronchial muscles. The abdominal muscles contract, and thus a forced exhalation is obtained, i.e. cough. What is incredible is that when coughing, the pressure in the respiratory system is so high (100 mm Hg) that, combined with the narrowing of the trachea, the resulting air flow can reach the speed of sound.

In order to understand how to cure a cough, you must first establish the cause that caused it. It is not always worth going to great lengths and starting to take a lot of medications to overcome this ailment. Of course, the best answer to the question of how to treat a cough can be answered by a doctor who will correctly diagnose it and, consequently, select an effective method of combating the disease.

Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of the Student Scientific Society. Advanced training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology".

Experience: Worked in a general medical network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time as a district oncologist and traumatologist. Worked as a pharmaceutical representative for a year at the Rubicon company.

Presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of microflora”, 2 works took prizes in the republican competition-review of student scientific works (categories 1 and 3).


When the cough is dry, i.e. unproductive - there is nothing to cough up, then in fact it loses its function - to rid the body of phlegm and infection and, on the contrary, becomes a factor that irritates the mucous membrane and this causes complete harm. And then systemic drugs are needed to suppress the cough reflex. I usually use Omnitus for these purposes, it’s just what I need.



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