Causes and treatment of persistent sneezing. Severe itching in the nose - possible causes, prevention and proper treatment

An itchy nose and sneezing for most of us are the harbingers of an impending cold. However, symptoms such as burning and itching, nasal congestion and lacrimation may also indicate a number of other diseases, for example, the development of an allergic reaction or the ingress of a foreign body into the nasopharynx. Household dust, pollen from flowering plants, animal hair, the presence of pathogenic microbes and even some odors irritate the nerve endings of the nasal mucosa and can cause not only a common cold, but also cause more serious problems, up to tissue destruction.

To clarify what exactly caused severe itching - an allergic reaction, a pungent odor, or the development of an infectious disease - will help nasal sowing, the results of which show the presence of certain microorganisms in the nasal cavity.

Possible causes of discomfort

The most common causes of itching in the nose can be divided into two large subgroups, the first of which includes purely situational manifestations of discomfort (external factors), and the second - the presence of symptoms of a particular disease (internal factors).

Most often, the causes of severe discomfort in the nostrils are external factors and irritants that we may encounter, such as colds, strong odors or injuries. This group also includes seasonal factors, including allergic reactions to the flowering of certain plants. Discomfort can also be triggered by animal hair, dust, or house mites. In such cases, in order to avoid contact with the allergen, it is recommended to rinse the nose immediately after a walk or contact with an animal, as well as keep the house clean.

In case of manifestation of additional symptoms, doctors recommend not to self-medicate, but to contact specialists.

Itching and burning in the nose with various diseases

Symptoms of redness, burning and itching may indicate the following diseases and disorders:

  1. Colds (infectious rhinitis). It usually develops in three stages. At the first stage of the disease, there is a slight malaise, accompanied by burning and dryness in the nose. Further, along with the abundant separation of mucus, there is difficulty in breathing and an accumulation of white and yellow purulent discharge is observed. In childhood, infectious rhinitis affects not only the nose, but also the throat, causing a sore throat.
  2. Folliculitis (inflammation of the nasal hair follicle). The disease begins at the base of the nose and is characterized by the accumulation of crusts, consisting of dried mucus and making it difficult to breathe. There is no runny nose.
  3. Atrophy of the mucosa occurs against the background of a protracted chronic infection, accompanied by the constant use of vasoconstrictor drops or frequent contact with harmful chemicals (dust) on the mucosa. There is a burning sensation and dryness in the nose with the formation of crusts that make nasal breathing difficult.
  4. Diseases of a fungal nature. This, in particular, is a fetid runny nose (ozena), the cause of which, according to doctors, lies in the infectious bacterium Klebsiella. Along with burning and itching of the mucosa, an unpleasant odor, crusts in the nose and loss of smell are observed.
  5. Allergic rhinitis is manifested by sneezing, a feeling of nasal congestion and discharge from it (hydrorrhea). Constant sneezing is associated with severe itching, additionally causing irritation of the mucous membrane. The disease is characterized by congestion and swelling, redness of the eyes, and sometimes the development of conjunctivitis.
  6. Deformation of the nasal septum is manifested by snoring and a constant desire to scratch the nose. Against the background of dryness and burning in the nose, there is difficulty in breathing and headache, especially in the ear region.
  7. Dry air and dust in the room provoke irritation of the mucous membrane. The feeling of burning, itching and discomfort is explained in this case by the lack of a secret to flush harmful substances from the mucosa.
  8. Wegener's granulomatosis. Itching and discomfort in the nose in this case occur due to ulcers on the mucous membrane.
  9. Benign (adenoids, polyps) or malignant neoplasms in the nasal cavity. They, touching the epithelium, irritate it, causing itching in the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. Their symptoms are characterized by a sensation of a foreign body in the nostrils and a constant feeling of congestion that does not go away from vasoconstrictor drops, as well as headache, increased lacrimation and general intoxication of the body.

Let us consider in more detail some of the diseases presented above.

Allergy (allergic rhinitis)

With allergic reactions, in addition to discomfort in the nose, a runny nose, tearing, sneezing and swelling of the mucous membranes are very often noted. These symptoms can appear not only simultaneously, but also occur independently of each other. So, if the air in the room is too dry, itching may appear in the nasal concha, accompanied by sneezing.

If the allergen is not identified and not eliminated in time, allergic manifestations threaten to develop into chronic inflammatory processes with spread to other organs and turn into the so-called hay fever.

In such cases, prescribes antihistamine nasal sprays, including Allergodil, Nasonex or Avamys.

Colds (infectious rhinitis)

Severe nasal itching and sneezing often occur in the early stages of acute respiratory or viral infections. These symptoms are associated with swelling of the mucous membranes. Initially, there is discomfort in the conchas of the nose, which then develops into a severe runny nose. A cold may be accompanied by a sore throat and high fever.

In the treatment of infectious rhinitis, drinking plenty of water, washing the nose with saline and vasoconstrictor drops is indicated.

Contaminated air

Air pollution, such as dust, cigarette smoke, plant pollen, or animal dander, is a common cause of itchy nose. In such cases, itching is concentrated inside the wings of the nose. Most often, such a sensation occurs in rooms with increased dryness during hot or frosty weather, and it is associated with drying of the mucous membranes and irritation of the epithelium with small particles in conditions of low humidity.

In addition to itching, polluted air provokes frequent sneezing, in some cases accompanied by tearing. To eliminate such symptoms, it is necessary to remove the irritant and rinse the nostrils with saline. In some cases, cold washing and wearing a mask may help.

In addition to the three main causes, there are a number of other factors that cause itchy nose.

Foreign object

Itching in the nasal cavity can provoke the entry of a foreign body there. In such cases, itching is usually accompanied by constant sneezing. Among the items that can cause such itching, the following can be distinguished.

  1. Hypertrichosis - long hairs in the nostrils, which are recommended to be periodically shortened with small scissors.
  2. The entry of animal hair into the nostrils, which must be removed by instillation and rinsing of the nose with saline solutions.
  3. Small objects entering the nasal cavity, such as buttons, peas, etc. A similar problem is often observed in babies and requires the help of an otolaryngologist.

fungal infection

The cause of itching is often a fungal infection, in particular skin diseases such as lichen, eczema, candidiasis, or demodicosis. In such cases, itching can be observed not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings, the tip or base of the nose, but also in other parts of the face.

With a fungal infection, symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes are usually not observed, and any of the skin areas may be affected by itching. The area may be red, swollen, or peeling. Skin lesions on the nose can be combined with itching in other parts of the body. Treatment of such manifestations requires special patience and time, especially in cases of detection of the disease in children. After establishing the nature of the infection, the doctor selects the necessary ointment for treatment.

addiction to drops

The desire to scratch your nose may result from the abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs. Due to addiction to drops, drying of the epithelium and small vessels is observed, leading to itching with each new portion of the drops. At the same time, there is a resumption of the common cold within a quarter of an hour after the next instillation, and each use of the drops is accompanied by discomfort.

A similar reaction is possible not only for drops, but also for nasal ointments and sprays. In this case, it is better to refuse their use.

Wounds and injuries in the nasal cavity

Itching can be caused by microscopic wounds or injuries in the nasal cavity. Wounds in the epithelium that lines the cavity of the nostrils may appear as a result of the addiction to "pick" in the nose. In such cases, itching stops after complete healing of wounds or injuries of other origin.

The use of drops will help alleviate the condition, but the itching will stop only after the wounds have completely healed.

Wegener's granulomatosis

The nature of this disease has not been fully elucidated to this day. The disease develops after a prolonged infection against the background of immune disorders. It is manifested by itching and discomfort in the nose, caused by ulceration of the mucous membrane. The disease is accompanied by headaches and frequent nosebleeds. Ulcerations can be localized on the wings of the nose, its tip or on the internal mucosa.

Itchy nose symptoms

The symptoms of itchy nose fall into four main categories:

  1. Constant itching of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Itching accompanied by sneezing.
  3. Itching of mucous membranes with lachrymation.
  4. Transparent highlights.

Most often, against the background of severe itching, burning, sneezing and lacrimation are observed. Also, depending on what kind of root cause causes itching in the nose, some specific manifestations may complement the clinical picture. So, an allergic reaction is manifested by symptoms in the form of increased lacrimation, runny nose and cough. Such symptoms may weaken or disappear completely if the provoking factor (allergen) is excluded.

The clinical picture in acute respiratory diseases (ARI) is characterized by severe itching against the background of fever, headache and sore throat, drowsiness, lacrimation, runny nose and general weakness. For colds with difficulty breathing, drugs are indicated that contribute to vasoconstriction. They are recommended to be instilled into the nose up to five times a day, and also to rinse the nasal cavity with special solutions. In the absence of a positive effect, additional examination is necessary.

In the case of a fungal disease, the following symptoms are observed: severe itching against the background of a constantly dry mucous membrane, which is practically impossible to moisten with any drugs; constant sneezing and a feeling of congestion, which nasal drops and inhalations do not help eliminate; secretion of foul-smelling mucus, a feeling of lack of air and pain in the nasal passages.

Itching of the mucosa

The nose can constantly itch against the background of dryness of the mucosa. Dryness of the mucosa is accompanied by a burning sensation and the formation of crusts, a feeling of "congestion". Additional symptoms include headache and nosebleeds.

Dryness of the mucosa can cause breathing difficulties and discomfort during sleep, as well as lead to the fact that the inhaled air is not sufficiently cleaned. The cause of dryness of the nasal mucosa may be climatic conditions in the region of residence, elevated room temperature, dusty air, or a reaction to medications.

Also, dryness of the nasal mucosa may indicate a number of diseases: it may be, for example, dry keratoconjunctivitis, accompanied by a chronic lack of moisture in the eye and oral mucous membranes, or Sjögren's syndrome, which affects the salivary gland.

Itchy nose and sneezing

Sneezing with itching in the nose is caused by irritation of the mucous membrane. Among the irritants can be not only allergens and gaseous substances (aerosols), but also house dust, animal hair, some plants, as well as perfumes and cigarette smoke.

When the body struggles with harmful substances, itching in the nasal passages, runny nose, swelling of the nose, reddening of the eyes, watery eyes and periodic bouts of malaise can be observed. For effective treatment, it is necessary to pass tests for allergens.

Itching of the wings of the nose

Very often, allergic reactions are accompanied by a short redness under the wings of the nostrils and at the tip of the nose. It is not recommended to remove the crusts formed under the wings of the nose, as this is fraught with the development of inflammation and even the formation of abscesses.

In such cases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Itching in the eyes and nose

In addition to nasal itching, allergic reactions may be accompanied by discomfort and a feeling of "sand" in the eyes associated with exposure to the inner surface, epithelium and skin of the eyelids of allergens, in particular plant pollen, cosmetics and household chemicals. So, with hay fever (pollen allergy), plant pollen enters the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes, causing bouts of itching and sneezing. After pollen enters the bronchi, the initial stage of allergy begins to develop.

Itching of the tip of the nose

Redness and itching of the tip of the nose can signal a nervous strain. As treatment, sedatives and topical ointments are indicated. In particular, doctors suggest using gioksizon.

Also, severe discomfort (itching) at the tip of the nose may indicate inflammation of the hair follicles. In this case, the following clinical picture is observed: increased sensitivity of the nose to pressure, swelling and redness, an increase in body temperature to a subfebrile level, headache and general intoxication of the body.

How to get rid of an itchy nose

Regardless of the causes of discomfort on the mucous membrane, it is not recommended to ignore this problem, as well as self-medicate. The decision on treatment methods should be made by the doctor based on the results of a comprehensive laboratory and instrumental examination.

After examining the inner surface of the nose with a rhinoscope, the doctor must take an anamnesis. So, he will want to find out what preceded the burning sensation, whether crusts form in the nose, what is the general well-being of the patient, what other symptoms are present (headache, fever, cough, runny nose, etc.). It will be necessary to inform him also about whether any medical means were used. After that, the doctor prescribes a culture of microflora from the nasal cavity to determine the causative agent of the disease, as well as a blood test and radiography of the paranasal sinuses.

If the disease is associated with an allergic reaction, i.e., its symptoms are provoked by plant pollen, animal hair, dust, tobacco smoke, mold and other allergens, it is enough to get rid of them for a complete recovery.

In the case of the development of the disease, the basic treatment depends on the established diagnosis and includes both drug therapy (taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunostimulants, antihistamines, vasoconstrictor and antifungal drugs) and physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy is based on the property of a number of drugs to intensively penetrate the body under the influence of electric current (laser and magnetic radiation).

In case of formation of non-healing ulcers in the nasal cavity (mucosal destruction), cauterization is indicated, with the help of which part of the damaged tissues is removed and the edges of the wound are sealed. Thus, the process of regeneration of the mucosa is started.

If conservative treatment fails, surgery may be required. Operations are usually performed in cases of deformities of the nasal septum or severe atrophy of the mucosa. Patients are operated on under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Surgical treatment is practiced after 14-16 years, but in emergency cases it is possible to carry it out from the age of six.

First aid for itchy nose

To stop severe itching in the nose at home, washing the mucosa with saline solution (a teaspoon in a glass of warm water) or instilling a few drops of the solution (if there is no allergy) is indicated. This procedure will improve the functioning of the mucosa by washing away allergens or dust from it.

In addition, it is recommended to maintain sufficient humidity in the room, in particular in the nursery. To do this, you can use a special device or a simple container with water installed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heating battery.

Crusts in the nose can be softened with tampons with vaseline oil. This procedure is especially indicated for infants, since nasal crusts have a detrimental effect on sleep and food intake.

In the absence of temperature and purulent discharge, heating of the nose and sinuses is indicated. Inhalations and compresses with essential oils (, menthol) will help relieve the burning sensation and cool the mucous membrane.

With abundant secretions, vasoconstrictor drops will help relieve the burning sensation. However, it is not recommended to get involved in them, as they can cause mucosal atrophy.

Itching in the nose occurs when the nerve endings of the mucous membrane are irritated. There can be several reasons: from a common cold to the destruction of the tissues themselves. In most cases, burning and itching are signs of an incipient cold or allergy.

Causes of burning

The symptom occurs with the following diseases and disorders:


The doctor, when contacting, should examine the inner surface of the nose, listen to whether breathing is difficult. If necessary, he will take a liquid secret for analysis in order to establish the nature of the pathogen. A blood test and x-ray may also be required.

It is extremely important to take an anamnesis. The doctor needs to tell in detail:

  1. What preceded the burning sensation;
  2. Are they formed;
  3. What is the general state of health of the patient;
  4. About concomitant symptoms - headache, fever, cough, runny nose, etc.;
  5. About drugs previously taken through the nose;
  6. About previous similar cases.


Steps to take before visiting a doctor

A burning sensation in the nose is rarely associated with something serious, most often it is a sign of an allergy or a runny nose. To reduce the severity of the symptom will help:

  • 1% saline solution or pharmaceutical preparations with sea water. The liquid washes away pathogens, allergens, dust from the surface of the mucosa, improves its functioning.
  • Maintaining sufficient indoor humidity especially in the children's room. To do this, you can use a special device or just containers with liquid that are supplied in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe battery. There is maximum evaporation of water.
  • In the presence of crusts - soften them with vaseline oil applied on a cotton turunda. It is especially important to carry out such activities in infants, since the crusts seriously impede their breathing, which prevents them from eating normally. As a result, the child does not eat, does not sleep well, is naughty, and cries a lot.
  • In the absence of temperature and purulent discharge - warming up the nose and sinuses. This can be done with inhalation or compresses. Bath with essential oils is useful. Mint and menthol have a cooling effect and relieve the burning sensation.
  • If the burning sensation is associated with copious discharge, they will help relieve the symptom.. However, they should not be abused. Taking more than a week can lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Important! If symptoms worsen, the use of herbal preparations must be discontinued! They are strong allergens and often cause similar reactions.

Therapeutic methods

If the cause of the disease is found, the doctor may prescribe the following medicines:

As therapeutic measures can be used:

  • Physiotherapy. A number of drugs penetrate the body more intensively under the combined action of an electric current. Laser and magnetic radiation is also used. Suitable for professional and home use, in particular, the Azor-IK device. Its instructions state that it has “universality of therapeutic action and the absence of harmful side effects”.
  • Moxibustion. If there are non-healing ulcers in the nasal cavity, non-falling edema, or places of severe destruction of the mucosa, such a measure can start regeneration processes. As a result of the procedure, tissue is often removed, the edges of the wound are sealed.
  • Operation. It is prescribed for deformities of the nasal septum, severe atrophy of the mucosa. Operate under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. For breathing problems, it is prescribed from the age of six, but it is optimal to carry it out after 14-16 years.


Preventing the most common causes of a burning nose is not difficult at all. To do this, you must follow these recommendations:

Proper nasal hygiene ensures the normal functioning of the mucosa. In this case, all pathogens, allergens and toxic substances are simply washed out of the cavity. Violations in its functioning make it possible to develop a whole range of diseases that manifest themselves in itching, burning and dryness in the nose.

Video: itchy nose with allergic rhinitis

Itchy sensations outside the nasal cavity always cause severe discomfort. There is a desire to scratch the organ of smell, which can lead to scratches and wounds. To prevent this, you need to establish the cause of the itching and apply the appropriate treatment tactics.

What causes nostrils to itch? Environmental factors

A completely normal reaction of the human body to an irritant is a sensation of itching in the nose. As a rule, the factors that contribute to the development of this symptom are the following:

  1. Suspended microparticles floating in the air (simply dust).
  2. Air humidity indicator. With an insufficient level of humidity, the nasal mucosa "dries up", which leads to the occurrence of the symptom in question.
  3. Aromatic substances or chemical compounds that have a sharp unpleasant odor. They have an irritating effect on the olfactory receptors, as a result of which there is a sensation of itching on the outer surface of the nose.
  4. Animal fur, bird fluff. Contact with these objects (or just contact with them) causes severe itching. When a person sleeps on a feather pillow, the desire to scratch his nose is a completely normal reaction of even a healthy body. In an asthmatic, this factor often causes bronchospasm and the development of a pronounced attack.
  5. Plant pollen. During the period of intensive flowering, even non-allergic people (people who do not suffer from increased sensitization of the body) experience itching of the nose. Even greater discomfort is typical in this situation for patients with rhinitis or hay fever.

Chemical irritants

Some medications can cause the symptom in question. Most often, they are inhalations carried out with a solution of chlorophyllipt or other medicines containing essential oils in large quantities. In all other cases, we have to talk about the development of an allergic reaction to taking the medication. Mostly the wings of the nose itch.

Diseases accompanied by itching

In most cases, the desire to scratch your nose is associated with some kind of pathological process in the body. If the nose is very itchy, then the causes of this phenomenon are most often the following:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections, in other words, are colds. The development of the inflammatory process and the resulting nasal congestion become factors provoking the development of this symptomatology.

  • Infectious processes caused by mycotic lesions of the skin (fungus). As a rule, they occur due to a decrease in immunity, as well as an imbalance in the microflora in the body (it is provoked by taking antibacterial drugs).
  • Given the fact that there are a large number of hair follicles in the nose, if at least one of them is infected, there is severe itching and pain in the affected area, and there will be a desire to scratch the outer surface.
  • As a result of a burn of the nasal mucosa, its atrophy is formed. This leads to a lack of the proper amount of secretion and hydration of the mucosa. The factors causing its atrophy are not only burns, but also injuries, surgical interventions, smoking and anemia. Also of great importance in this situation is the hereditary factor. The skin will itch over the entire surface of the nose - these are the features of innervation.
  • Allergic reactions, which include rhinitis, pollinosis and hay fever. The bottom line is that in an allergic person, a characteristic reaction is caused by a substance to which a healthy body does not react at all.
  • Iatrogenic (drug) causes. Here we consider not the case when the introduction of one drug provokes the development of itching, but the effect caused by the accumulation of biochemically active substances in the human body. Such situations arise during self-treatment, when a person arbitrarily prescribes a large number of sprays and drops for himself and takes them uncontrollably.

When the nose itches, the symptoms in patients with similar causes of the disease may differ.

The relationship between the origin of itching and its localization

The main approaches to eliminating the symptom: what to do, how to treat

When determining the approach to treatment, the origin of itching will be decisive.

Infectious factors

In the event that it is provoked by infectious processes, then the following drugs should be prescribed:

  1. Antibacterial (antibiotics) - Sumamed (aka Ormax, Azithromycin, Azitro-sandoz), Cefix, Cefodox or Ampsulbin. The selection of the drug in each case is carried out taking into account the weight and age of the patient.
  2. Of the antiviral drugs, it is best to use a spray called Nazoferon.
  3. Antiseptics - have a detrimental effect on both bacteria and viruses. The drugs in this group include Okomistin and Oftamirin (drops that can also be used to treat infectious processes in the eyes and nose).

For allergies

Provided that the desire to scratch the nose is caused by an allergic process, treatment should include the following drugs:

  • Anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs of hormonal origin. These include drops of Dexamethasone, as well as Hydrocortisone inhalation.

  • Antihistamines - the 1st tablet or injection of Tavegil and Suprastin will be enough to relieve itching. In the presence of a progressive reaction, it will be more correct if only one injection of suprastin is administered, and that's it.

neurology and fungus

If the nose itches badly if a fungal infection is suspected, then the use of antimycotic agents is mandatory - Clotrimazole ointment is suitable. In extreme cases, you can use tablet forms - Futsis or Fluconazole 100 mg once.

Neurological problems are treated by using NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) (Diclofenac, Movalis, Xefocam) and metabolic drugs (Actovegin, Riboxin, Piracetam). If even after the use of these anti-inflammatory drugs the tip of the nose itches, then you definitely need to go to a neurologist.


A person needs to know the individual characteristics of his body. This is the only way to determine which of the provoking factors the disease developed from, and take appropriate measures. Provided that he is allergic, then he definitely should not be in nature during the period of intensive flowering of herbs, as well as independently engage in treatment. This can lead to much more undesirable consequences.

Prevention in all other cases comes down to the fact that an individual plan is developed for the patient regarding the precautions that he should follow so as not to provoke the development of itching of the skin and mucous membranes in the nasal area.

If the nose does not constantly itch, but periodically, then you need to pay attention to the relationship between the occurrence of this symptom and environmental factors, and after that take appropriate measures. As a rule, such a dependence is observed in the case of an allergic reaction to the flowering of herbs or courses of treatment that are carried out at regular intervals.

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Despite the fact that allergy does not lead to general intoxication of the body and not the human body, it significantly reduces the patient's performance and quality of life in general. After all, it is impossible to read normally, and just look when your eyes are creepy. If the nose is blocked and mucus flows from it, this also leads to a decrease in activity, because oxygen begins to flow worse to the brain, drowsiness and irritability appear.

Why does a runny nose appear during allergies

What to do?

Eyes can itch for a variety of reasons. For example, if in addition to being they, they also watery, swell, this most likely indicates that you have. Additional symptoms in this disease may be a runny nose. In addition, the eyes may itch due to the strong. Often this happens to those people who like to sit at a computer or TV for a long time.

If the corners of your eyes itch, this may be a sign of a disease such as conjunctivitis. In this case, you may also notice the thickening of the eyes. The disease is treated under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Itching of the eyelids is often associated with the use of low-quality cosmetics, prolonged wearing of lenses or eye strain.

In addition to the above reasons, the eyes may itch due to demodicosis. The tick-causative agent infects the body of those people who have a weakened immune system. You can get rid of this disease only with the right treatment. Also, itching can occur due to cataracts, barley, trachoma.

How to get rid of itchy eyes

To stop itchy eyes, first eliminate the cause. If an allergy is to blame, protect yourself from contact with the allergen. Start taking antihistamines (for example, Suprastin, Lomilan, Erius or others). But remember that all medicines have, so read the instructions carefully. To at least slightly relieve swelling and itching, soak cotton pads in cold milk, then apply to closed eyes. Repeat the procedure several times.

A fresh cucumber will help you relieve fatigue, and with it the itching. Wash it with cold water, cut into slices. After that, place the chopped vegetable for a few minutes in the refrigerator. At the end, place the chilled slices over your eyes. You need to repeat this procedure several times in a row. You can relieve fatigue with ophthalmic drops, exercises for the eyes.

If you notice that the mucosa, you can improve its condition by washing your eyes with rose water. To do this, add 5 drops of rose water to 30 ml of distilled water. Rinse your eyes with the resulting product several times.

With conjunctivitis, self-medication is not worth it, since this disease is serious, besides infectious. But you can relieve severe itching with chamomile tea bags. Place used teas in the refrigerator, then put them on your eyes. Repeat the procedure after 10 minutes.

You can get rid of eye diseases only with the help of a doctor. Do not delay with treatment, at the first sign, seek help from a specialist.

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During the reaction of the body to a foreign agent (allergen), in especially sensitive individuals, there is an increased production and release of histamine into the bloodstream, which is produced by mast cells at the command of immunoglobulins, in which case the normal protective reaction of the immune system becomes excessive.

The most common clinical manifestations of an allergic reaction:

Nasal congestion and runny nose appear;

With mild manifestations of an allergic reaction, it is enough to simply stop contact with a foreign substance, change the diet. But if you have symptoms that you have not experienced before, help is needed.

Signs of a severe allergic reaction:

wheezing or wheezing when breathing;

Feeling of tightness in the chest, making it difficult to breathe;

A prolonged attack that is not stopped by conventional medicines;

Instead of a rash, small blisters appear on the skin.

Blisters on the skin may precede anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal.

Breathing changes are called an asthma attack. In this case, an excess of histamine begins a complex chain reaction. As a result, there is a spasm of the muscles of small and medium bronchi, an increased secretion of mucus in them. This greatly complicates the process of breathing.

How can you help with a severe allergy attack?

The condition calls for an ambulance as soon as possible. If you have to meet with such a reaction, ask the patient if he carries a pocket. Perhaps he just needs help using it.

It is best to avoid serious complications and consult a doctor in time. Pharmacies sell various antihistamines without a prescription. Be sure to read the instructions first. There are drugs in this series that can cause drowsiness. They are contraindicated for people whose work requires increased attention (transport or work with moving mechanisms).

Statistics gives one observation that may be somewhat reassuring: with excessive activity of their immune system, the risk of getting sick with malignant tumors is reduced by 30%.

Stuffy nose, watery eyes, fatigue and headache are symptoms that are well known to people suffering from allergies. One of the most common forms of this disease is an allergy to animals which is quite difficult to get rid of.


The cause of the disease can be all pets: hamsters, rats, rabbits, parrots. Forever healed from allergies with a lifetime guarantee that she won't come back to you again is almost impossible. In the fight against this disease, try to avoid contact with potential external "provocateurs". Sources of allergens - wool, dander, saliva, feathers, animals. In such a situation, unfortunately, it is better to part with your beloved pet. After this, several thorough general cleanings should be carried out in the house. Improvement, as a rule, does not occur immediately, but after a few weeks.

If this option is unacceptable for you, then, firstly, wash your pet regularly (at least once a week). Let other families do it. Secondly, get rid of "dust collectors" like carpets, heavy curtains, large soft toys. Dust is clogged in them, as well as particles of the epidermis of the animal, which negate all treatment. Try to isolate your bedroom as much as possible from living in all visible and invisible dust particles, pollen, destroy bacteria, viruses and chemical compounds. Be sure to use such a device in your home.

What to look out for

The appearance of a rash on the back of a child cannot go unnoticed. Parents of the baby will definitely notice even the slightest reddening of the skin while changing clothes or bathing. If reddish dots appear on the back, immediately carefully examine the entire body of the child and measure the temperature. For an accurate diagnosis, you will have to pay attention to many accompanying symptoms. Self-medication is not recommended in this case. Misdiagnosis, self-diagnosis, can cause complications.


If barely noticeable pimples appear on the child’s back, which look like bubbles, then such a symptom may indicate that the baby has become infected. The rash first covers individual areas of the skin, and then spreads throughout the body. The bubbles burst and cause a lot of discomfort. Chickenpox is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which does not subside for several days.

Chickenpox is a disease that is transmitted through the air or through close contact with an infected person. The best way to treat this disease is to lubricate each pimple with a small amount of brilliant green. In some cases, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used. It is necessary to do such procedures not just regularly, but almost constantly (up to 10 times a day).


Measles is accompanied not only by the appearance of a rash on the back of the child, but also by high body temperature. At the same time, the mucous membranes become very inflamed in the baby, the eyes turn red, a cough and runny nose appear. The rash in this case has a very bright color. Pimples are usually red and inflamed.

Measles is a very dangerous disease. If symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, the disease can cause many chronic diseases, such as bronchitis or even pneumonia.

Prickly heat

Miliaria is the most common and harmless cause of a rash on a child's back. Small pimples appear on any part of the skin, and most often in infants. Sweating usually goes away within a few days. Parents in this case need to pay attention to the clothes and hygiene of the child.

A small rash can occur, for example, due to too warm clothes, because of which the child constantly sweats, or if there is too much dirt on the skin if you rarely bathe the baby. Prickly heat is much easier to prevent by paying due attention to your child and what he is wearing.

Allergic reaction

A rash on the back can also be a manifestation of an allergy. If pimples occur, try to remember what the baby has eaten in the past few days. Probably, the child has eaten too many sweets, citrus fruits or bright fruits.

Allergy pimples constantly itch. The temperature rises only in rare cases. You can fight allergies with the help of special medications, but first of all, you need to give your child activated charcoal.

All people periodically experience itching in the nose. It can disturb both inside and outside, even if the tip of the nose itches - this causes discomfort. However, if this phenomenon is permanent and other symptoms appear, this is a reason to worry. So why does your nose itch?


If your nose is constantly itchy, pay attention to the symptoms that accompany it.

  • Redness
  • Tearfulness
  • sneezing
  • Pimples around the nose
  • Cold symptoms


The reasons may be minor, or they may be a serious cause for concern. Medical causes of itchy nose include the following:

  • Mucosal irritation. This can happen if dust or animal hair gets into the nasal passage.
  • Allergic reaction. Spring allergies to pollen, food, or the hair of some animals cause severe itching in the nose.
  • Dry air. During the heating season, the air in the room is not humid enough, so the mucous membrane dries up.
  • Colds.
  • Skin diseases. Eczema and ringworm cause itching all over the body, including inside the nose and outside.
  • Sunburn.
  • Scabies. With this disease, the whole body begins to itch.
  • Constant stress, strong emotional experiences.
  • Insect bites (fleas, mosquitoes). They bite almost painlessly, but the consequences are manifested in the form of redness and swelling.
  • The development of chronic rhinitis.
  • Violation of the endocrine system.

Why does the nose still itch:

  1. If itching is accompanied by sneezing. The most likely cause is exposure to mucosal irritants. Perfumes, household chemicals, cigarette smoke, pollen, animal hair are common allergens. The body tries to prevent the entry of irritating substances, so itching and sneezing begin. This condition can be supplemented by irritation and redness of the eyes, runny nose.
  2. Itching spreads to the eyes. Typically, this irritation is a reaction to household chemicals (cleaners and detergents). If it only showed up in one type of remedy, you may be allergic to the components contained in it. In this case, it is worth changing the cleaning agent. If the itching is persistent, be sure to consult a doctor.
  3. Nose itches inside. This is a consequence of the drying of the mucosa. The reason is the dry air in the room. Symptoms such as bleeding and headache may occur. It is important to maintain the freshness of the air in the room, for this it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.
  4. Itching with a cold. During the period of illness, itching in the nose is a frequent occurrence, especially during the course of the disease. To get rid of it, you need to start treatment as soon as possible and rinse the nasal cavity. For this, there are special solutions that do not dry the mucous membrane.

Now that the reasons are clear, you can begin to solve the problem.

With congestion of the nasal passages and during the period of illness, it is necessary thoroughly pick up nasal drops that do not dry the mucous membrane. You can check with your doctor about the medications that are right for you. It is important to remember that they can not be used for more than seven days, you must follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

In summer and winter (during the heating period), it is especially important to maintain optimal air humidity. The best way to do this is with a humidifier. If for some reason you cannot purchase it, then you can get by with an open container of water. You can also rinse your nose with special products (for example, spray with sea water).

If the nose itches periodically, but severely enough, then it is worth visiting an allergist and finding out what the allergy might be. If this is the reason, then the doctor will prescribe you anti-allergic drugs that will save you from constant itching.

Hypertrichosis is a common occurrence that can cause a lot of discomfort. To get rid of itching, it is enough to carefully cut the hairs with scissors, starting from the very tip. It is not recommended to use tweezers - this is a very painful procedure.

Tobacco smoke is a common cause of mucosal itching. He irritates and dries her out. Even if you don't smoke yourself, you should avoid smokers and places where people smoke a lot.


Good to know, Why does my nose itch and how can I get rid of itching? however, sometimes it can lead to unpleasant consequences, so it is better to prevent them. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

  • Take care of your health, especially during periods of viral diseases. To maintain immunity, it is recommended to consume vitamins that will help your body fight viruses.
  • During the heating season, when the air is dry and hot, it is necessary to maintain optimal air humidity. You can use special humidifiers, or you can improvise with improvised means.
  • When cleaning with chemicals, it is recommended to wear gloves and a mask to avoid an allergic reaction.
  • Bad habits (especially smoking) negatively affect both health in general and mucous membranes. They should be avoided as much as possible.
  • If you live in a big city, then the air in it is saturated with many harmful substances. For prevention, every evening you need to rinse your nose with special means.


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