Frequent sneezing is all possible causes. Frequent sneezing in a newborn

Sneezing is understood as the occurrence of an involuntary sharp reflex exhalation through the nose and mouth due to irritation of the nasal mucosa. sneezing is physiological function protective unconditioned reflexes, manifested by the removal of foreign particles from the respiratory tract.

Often, perfumes and perfumes act as irritants. tobacco smoke. For the most effective removal harmful substances, sneezing begins, which accompanies nasal discharge (runny nose), itching of the nasal mucosa, swelling of the nasal mucosa, redness of the eyes and watery eyes.

Frequent sneezing may be the first symptom of certain diseases, for example, acute rhinitis that arose against the background of SARS. During pregnancy, sneezing may be accompanied by pregnant women, associated with hormonal changes occurring in a woman's body.

One of the main signs of occurrence is the appearance of periodic prolonged bouts of sneezing against the background of itching in the nose and difficulty in nasal breathing. In this case, there is no general malaise.

The most likely causes of sneezing include:

  • exposure to physical stimuli, mechanical provocateurs;
  • exposure to allergens, through which the reflex process of sneezing is enhanced. Most actively in this case, sneezing is manifested in animal hair, the presence of mold, plant pollen or an abundance of dust. In some people, a similar reaction may occur from the specific smell of a person;
  • influence chemical substances accumulating in the nasopharynx under the influence of a respiratory disease;
  • the glow of bright sunlight;
  • exposure to sudden temperature fluctuations.

In addition, there may be food allergies, as a result of which, in addition to edema, sneezing also appears. An equally serious problem is seasonal allergies, in connection with which people feel unwell during periods of rapid flowering of allergens.

Treatment for frequent sneezing

For treatment frequent sneezing You need to be tested for allergies. When allergens are detected, the doctor gives recommendations on improving the life and hypoallergenic diet. Homeopathic medicines are widely used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

As a rule, treatment of sneezing is necessary if a person has developed a persistent allergic reaction to irritants and persists for a long time. Often a particularly irritating cause is hay fever. Then it is very important to isolate the correct stimulus that causes discomfort.

The main allergen is detected through special tests that help to choose the necessary effect on the body. Self-treatment of frequent sneezing is not recommended, since it is likely that a person will use drugs that stop symptoms, as a result of which the person will again and again be exposed to allergies.

03.09.2016 72140

All people on our planet are gifted with a mass of reflex functions. One of them is sneezing. an incomparable reflex that a person needs to free the respiratory passages from irritants. If a person sneezes rarely, then doctors recommend not giving it special attention. You should think about treatment if this process is accompanied by other symptoms or lasts too long.

How do we sneeze?

This symptom is not a pathology. Its occurrence is accompanied by the influence of any irritant.

Before the start of the process, a person feels a slight and fleeting itching in the nasal passages. Then there is a shortened exhalation through the nose, then a deep inhalation through the mouth. During this period of time, the vocal cords contract, and tension appears in the tonsils of the palate. The tongue is “riveted” to the sky and a sharp exhalation is made.

It is worth saying that the lower center of the brain is responsible for the fact that a person sneezes. If this area is damaged, it will lead to the inability to sneeze at all.

Purpose of a sneeze

Why do people sneeze? This process is necessary for a person to clean the respiratory passages from dust, dirt and foreign bodies that have penetrated. In other words, sneezing is defensive reaction human body. After the process is completed, the person feels much lighter, while the lungs are filled with a new portion of fresh air.

If, after sneezing, the area of ​​​​the nose and mouth is not covered, then the germs will be transmitted to 150 other people.

Reasons why a person sneezes

In medicine, such causes of sneezing are noted.

  1. Presence colds.
  2. Chemicals that accumulate in the nasopharynx in the presence of viral diseases.
  3. Allergic response of the body.
  4. Dry or cold air.
  5. Hormonal changes.
  6. Mechanical and physical stimuli.
  7. Hypothermia.
  8. A sharp decrease or increase in air temperature.

It is worth saying that a person can sneeze for other reasons - due to exposure to too bright light (according to statistics, 35% of people sneeze for this reason).

Frequent experiences, experienced stress, fear and depression also lead to the formation of this process. This is due to the body's desire to maintain balance in the nose.

Doctors say that the membranes of the nose are too sensitive to emotional state his master. With a sudden change in mood blood vessels constantly compressing and unclenching. Helping them return to their previous state helps sneezing.

During the gestation of the fetus, the expectant mother constantly sneezes. This process is completely unrelated to the fact that a pregnant woman has overcome a cold. This is due to the violation hormonal background in organism future mother. A woman can also sneeze before the onset of menstruation. This process calls pain in the lower abdomen due to contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Sneezing in allergic reactions

The causes of frequent sneezing may be associated with manifestations of allergic reactions. This process occurs, as a rule, seasonally - during the flowering period. Allergens are:

  • animal hair;
  • pungent odors;
  • dust;
  • plant pollen;
  • bright light, etc.

With allergies, a person often sneezes, his nose itches on the outside, and his eyes are very watery. In such cases, the doctor advises taking antihistamines("Suprastin") and vasoconstrictor drops. After using the proposed means, the edema from the mucosa will drop sharply, and the accumulated mucus will separate faster.

It should be remembered that use more than 5 days vasoconstrictor drugs Not recommended.

Is sneezing a sign of a cold?

In medicine, this is considered absolutely normal.

Therefore, if the process is accompanied by increased body temperature, sore throat and runny nose, then they say for sure. Does sneezing cause pain? This is clearly an infection.

Do not delay the trip to the doctor, otherwise self-treatment will lead to irreversible consequences.

Many are interested in the question: "Sneezing with a cold - good or bad?". The answer in this case is obvious: "Good!". The body reflexively responds to the penetration and spread of infections in the nasopharynx. With the help of sneezing, all pathogenic microorganisms are rejected.

Never stop sneezing when you have a cold. Doctors explain this by the fact that microbes can penetrate the middle ear, which will lead to the appearance of otitis media, sinusitis and others. dangerous diseases.

Often people come to doctors who complain: “When I sneeze, whitish lumps fly out of my mouth.” In this case, they talk about the presence of tonsillitis in chronic stage. Lumps arise due to the death of epithelial tissues in the region of the tonsils of the sky, as well as the release of pus from them, which accumulates during inflammation.

Sneezing in babies

Frequent sneezing in newborns is not necessarily accompanied by a cold. During the period of being in the womb, the child is constantly in the water. There is also fluid in his throat and nasal passages. After the birth, the baby's respiratory system begins to work actively, getting rid of excess water, thereby leading to drying of the mucous membranes and the formation of crusts.

This is how doctors answer mommy's question about why her immediately after birth.

It is worth saying that people are not able to sneeze in their sleep, since all the nerves involved in this process rest with their master.

"Why am I sneezing?" The answer to this question is not necessarily the statement: "It's a cold!". The reason may be something else. Therefore, if this process occurs for a long time, it is better not to self-medicate, but to urgently consult a doctor.

Sneezing, which is a protective reaction of the body, occurs when the receptors located on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavities are irritated. The result is an uncontrolled surge of air passing through the nasopharynx from the lungs.

To understand what sneezing is, it is necessary to consider what is unconditioned reflex performing protective role. Since there is a sharp expiration, the removal from the respiratory tract of various agents that cause irritation of the receptors is ensured.
Performed physiological process in several stages:

  • the appearance of a tickling sensation in the nose;
  • this itch encourages to do deep breath to draw air into the lungs in full;
  • the soft palate rises, there is a contraction of the arches of the pharynx in front;
  • the back of the tongue is adjacent to the hard palate:
  • isolated oral cavity, nasopharynx, after that the eyes reflexively close;
  • a further mechanism of sneezing is to reduce a whole group of muscles - intercostal, diaphragm, abdomen, larynx, which leads to an increase in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure;
  • sneezing ends, which means a reflex protective process, with vigorous exhalation with simultaneous tearing off of the nasopharynx.

On average, the speed of a person sneezing in the glottis is 180-432 km/h. The volume flow rate of the air flow can reach 12 l/s. At this intensity, high pressure, due to which, on the way through the nose and mouth, the air captures microparticles of saliva and mucus. They are carried in the surrounding atmosphere at a distance of up to three meters.
Therefore, sneezing is autonomic reflex, which allows you to get rid of a variety of agents that begin to irritate the internal mucous membranes in the nose.


It is difficult to give a description of the symptoms of sneezing, since such defense mechanism itself is one of the common signs various diseases.
With allergies or the development of respiratory diseases due to swelling of the mucous membranes, it can very quickly stuff up the nose with a violation normal operation all respiratory organs. The beginning of this state is marked by a watery coryza, when the discharge from the nose flows in a stream. Gradually, they stop flowing as they turn into thick mucus.
Sneezing in the morning after sleep is the most severe symptom allergic rhinitis. There is a group of diseases that include atrophic and vasomotor rhinitis, as well as a curvature of the septum, when a person sneezes a lot during the day without signs of a runny nose. The same phenomenon with a genetic predisposition can be observed after a hearty meal, when heaviness is felt in a full stomach.


To understand why a person sneezes many times in a row, one should study the dominant causes that cause this phenomenon.

  • The most common and well-known cause of sneezing is a cold, as well as chicken pox, influenza, measles.
  • There may be a reflex emission of air, as a reaction to allergens. These are animal hair, household chemicals, dust, pollen. As well as smells, medicines, food.
  • Substances in the environment that are harmful to the body are often capable of provoking sneezing. These include chemicals, tobacco smoke.
  • If persistent sneezing is observed, the causes may relate to the development of a deviated septum.
  • Some women start sneezing just before giving birth. Simultaneously with the swelling of the nasal mucosa, they develop as a sign hormonal imbalance. The same phenomenon is observed during menstruation.
  • provoke sudden appearance sneezing more than once in a row can breakdown, fear, severe stress. With such an energy surge, blood vessels expand dramatically, and reflex muscle contraction allows you to stop this process.
  • Influenced by a temporary sudden change in temperature, bright lighting.
  • A baby sometimes causes a sneeze when a drop of milk gets into the nose when feeding. Causes in infants receptor irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity dry air, excessive presence of dust in it.
  • Another reason that can cause frequent sneezing indicates a loss of the nose's ability to self-cleanse from secretions as a result of mechanical injury.
  • If there is non-infectious vasomotor rhinitis, if the tone of the vessels located in the nasal cavity is disturbed, it develops chronic runny nose. The person suffers from constant congestion. He starts sneezing and coughing.

Reasons for sneezing many times in a row can be explained natural changes hormonal background that occurs during pregnancy. Enhanced level hormones can cause congestion due to the appearance of edema of the mucous membranes. In this state, there oxygen starvation that is harmful to developing fetus because of possible development hypoxia. Therefore, it is important for a pregnant woman to consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Attentive owners notice that their pets suddenly begin to sneeze loudly. This may mean that they got something in the nose. If the process becomes permanent, this indicates an infection. Cats can develop leukemia, polyposis. Allergy often provokes this condition. From some diseases, if left untreated, a pet can die, so contacting a veterinarian is a must.

Diagnostics. Who to contact

When contacting medical Center with complaints of prolonged sneezing are prescribed diagnostic examinations in order to identify the underlying cause that provoked this phenomenon.
Handle with similar problem should see an otolaryngologist. If, during examination, he reveals catarrhal pathologies, then usually additional tests are not prescribed. Rhinoscopy technique is used. Using an optical device equipped with mirrors, the doctor examines the nasopharynx, the mucous membranes of the nose. Since a posterior view is provided, the clinician can make quite a complete picture to make a diagnosis.
In a situation where there is a suspicion that sneezing develops against the background of allergic rhinitis, a special test will be required to determine exactly the type of allergen. An allergist will make a diagnosis after receiving the results of the study.

Allergy process.

The tendency to allergic reactions helps to understand why people sneeze many times in a row without obvious signs colds.
An allergen that causes such a protective reaction can enter the body of both an adult and a child. The result is a runny nose. Eyes often begin to water, cough, rash on skin, edema.
The presence of an allergy is distinguished by a characteristic paroxysmal process of sneezing. This one can last longer than 10 times. In adults, most often the release of mucus occurs in the morning, while there is no feverish state.
For some people, alcohol is an allergen. This is a fairly common phenomenon when, after a few glasses, a frequent sneeze attacks a person. Knowing about this feature, you must always have antihistamines with you, which will stop the involuntary reaction to irritation of the nasal receptors.

Sneezing with a cold

It is enough to catch a cold in the legs, as snot appears, cough, and the throat begins to hurt. The body seeks to free the nasal cavities and nasopharynx from infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, with the help of sneezing.
At the moment of switching on the protective mechanism, which ensures the reflex flight of droplets of mucus with saliva, sometimes pain occurs, confirming the additional infectious nature of the phenomenon. If purulent white lumps fly out of the throat, this indicates chronic tonsillitis.
Capable of stuffing up the nose thick mucus with a deterioration in well-being, a long-lasting high temperature, a cough with ARVI. Sneezing is protracted, as with the flu.

Therapeutic drug methods

Understanding the specifics of the protective mechanism, it is advisable to solve the problem of how to stop sneezing in the context of finding out the provoking factor.
A single sneeze is not a cause for concern, but you can’t stay for a long time if there are watery discharge from the nose, swollen and watery eyes, causes anxiety pruritus. Against this background, sneezing, which occurs in excruciating attacks, requires immediate admission - Claritin, Zyrtec and visits to the doctor. Because of the fast developing edema nasopharynx a person can die. Prescribed for allergic sneezing Nasonex, Aldecin in the form of a spray.
Used as first aid Aqua Maris. With its help, the nasal cavities are effectively washed and cleaned of secretions and irritants, causing sneezing. Sea water, which is the dominant component of the drug, will produce the desired therapeutic effect if a child or a pregnant woman falls ill.
It will make itching disappear, provoking sneezing, washing the nasal passages with saline solutions specially made for this purpose - Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin. fit antiseptic solutions Miramistin, Furacilina.

With congestion, forcing the free nasal breathing, treatment consists in the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, which include Tizin, Xymelin, in the form of a spray. It is useful to use drops Vibrocil, Rinonorm, Naphthyzin.
Effectively relieves edema accompanying sinusitis and vasomotor rhinitis, spray Rinofluimucil. It can cause an increased heartbeat, increase blood pressure, so pregnant women are not prescribed. If a bacterial infection develops, a doctor can prescribe appropriate antibiotics. It is dangerous to use drugs from this group on your own, as it may occur reverse effect worsening condition.
Acceptance of any dosage forms requires following medical advice and instructions. Do not exceed the dosage and duration of treatment. You should stop using the remedy if an allergy occurs.

Folk methods

A sneeze can be passed on to another person if the cause is infection. Treatment medications often accompanied folk remedies, which is sometimes very high.
With a stuffy nose in the absence of temperature, inhalation is recommended. For the procedure, pour hot water into a stable dish, about two glasses, add three drops of antibacterial essential oil- eucalyptus, mint, juniper. Covered with a veil, they begin to inhale and exhale healing vapors for 10 minutes, passing them through the nose.
To get rid of infections that hit the upper Airways, improve immunity, prepare useful herbal infusions. Flowers of Ivan-tea, chamomile, elecampane are suitable as raw materials. A tablespoon is kept in 200 ml of boiling water under a towel for 30 minutes. Divide into three servings and drink per day.
Always considered effective for colds hot tea with a slice of lemon raspberry jam, honey, a small amount of ginger root.
Benefits of fenugreek seeds. It will take two tablespoons of raw materials per 300 ml of water. After ten minutes of boiling, the pan is removed from the stove, wrapped in a terry towel and insisted for 45 minutes. Then comes filtering. Drink a decoction of 150 ml in the morning and evening.
Get rid of sneezing caused by a runny nose, herbal baths. Infuse for an hour two tablespoons of sage, birch leaves or yarrow in 500 ml of boiling water. After straining, pour into water. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
If they want to speed up recovery, they use aloe juice for instillation. Three times a day, two drops are injected into each nostril. Young children and adolescents under 12 years of age should dilute the juice with warm water. boiled water 1:3. For age category older than 12 years, the proportion is 1:1. According to the same scheme, drops are made from beet juice. You can instill a mixture of menthol and camphor oils taken in equal amounts.
The warming effect of pepper is known. If sneezing becomes painful, use pepper patch. Before going to bed, glue it on the soles, put on cotton socks.
At the first sign of a cold, which is evidenced by sneezing, a small piece is whipped into foam laundry soap. Dipped in foam cotton swab and gently lubricate internal cavities nose. After three days, relief comes, and the runny nose does not develop further.
It contributes to a good cleansing of mucus and pathogens.
To do this, a saline solution should be collected in a pear or a special device. To do this, stir in a glass of boiling water cooled to a warm state half a teaspoon of salt.
Homemade ointment helps well, for which fresh calendula flowers ground into gruel are added to the vaseline in a ratio of 1: 1. The mass is applied to cotton flagella and kept in the nostrils for five minutes.
There are many folk recipes that have a beneficial effect on the development of sneezing. In any situation, you must first consult with your doctor.

Complications and consequences

It is harmful to restrain sneezing, as the air will be directed to the Eustachian arch, and then to the middle ear, which provokes. Because of high speed flow can damage the eardrums. After the spread of microbes in the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis develops.
Covering your nose and mouth while sneezing can also cause Negative consequences. Cases are described when, due to a sharp movement of the head during violent sneezing intervertebral discs V cervical region got a break.
A young man in the UK suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage due to a series of consecutive sneezes. He lost consciousness, and after a while there was a cardiac arrest.


Sneezing cannot be regarded as a harmless process. During the release of the smallest saliva and mucus, the infection is transmitted. It is important to learn how to follow simple preventive rules to avoid sneezing:

  • not be in drafts;
  • do not overcool;
  • every morning, when going out, pick up clothes accordingly weather conditions;
  • avoid contact with sneezing people;
  • during periods of outbreaks of infections, wear a protective mask;
  • once a year in early autumn, get a flu shot;
  • exercise daily;
  • wash hands with soap several times a day;
  • take long walks;
  • systematically carry out the procedure of washing the nose saline solution.

Allergic sneezing can be avoided if the allergen is known. In any situation, it is important to strengthen the immune system, get rid of bad habits, plan a balanced menu.

Sneezing is a protective reflex of the body associated with the removal of foreign particles from the respiratory tract. Why do you often sneeze? There may be several reasons.

Often I sneeze: reasons

First of all, you need to understand, in general. Bacteria, dust, allergens deposited on the nasal mucosa irritate nerve endings, and the corresponding signal is transmitted to the brain. As a result of a sharp muscle contraction chest the air from the lungs is pushed out with force through the nose, sweeping away all obstacles in its path. That is why after sneezing a person feels relief.

Frequent sneezing can be attributed to several factors.

  1. Viral and bacterial infections. One of the answers to the question "Why do I sneeze so often?" is a cold. With a cold, sneezing is accompanied by copious discharge of mucus from the nose, difficulty breathing, itching in the nose. Frequent sneezing is typical for diseases such as SARS, influenza, measles, chicken pox. Sneezing can also be provoked by bacteria that have settled in the trachea, bronchi, and nasopharynx.
  2. Allergy. In the spring-autumn period a large number of people turn to allergists for help, as at this time there is an active flowering of plants. Not only can it act as an allergen pollen, but also animal hair, particles house dust and mold, tobacco smoke and other specific odors.
  3. Pregnancy. During pregnancy, women's bodies experience hormonal changes, which can provoke the appearance of a runny nose. There is such a thing as "rhinitis of pregnant women." As a rule, the disease manifests itself a few weeks before childbirth and can threaten with serious complications, as shortness of breath negatively affects the work of the heart and lungs. The difficulty of treatment lies in the inability to use vasodilators because of their danger to the fetus.
  4. Newborn sneezing. Barring the common cold, sneezing in infants can be caused by bright lights or insufficiently humid indoor air. Some babies sneeze during feeding, because sucking movements irritate the mucous membrane of the not fully formed nasopharynx. In addition, the baby's nose produces a large amount of mucus, which, forming crusts, causes involuntary sneezing.

03.09.2016 36910

All people on our planet are gifted with a mass of reflex functions. One of them is sneezing. an incomparable reflex that a person needs to free the respiratory passages from irritants. If a person sneezes rarely, then doctors recommend not paying special attention to this. You should think about treatment if this process is accompanied by other symptoms or lasts too long.

How do we sneeze?

This symptom is not a pathology. Its occurrence is accompanied by the influence of any irritant.

Before the start of the process, a person feels a slight and fleeting itching in the nasal passages. Then there is a shortened exhalation through the nose, then a deep inhalation through the mouth. During this period of time, the vocal cords contract, and tension appears in the tonsils of the palate. The tongue is “riveted” to the sky and a sharp exhalation is made.

It is worth saying that the lower center of the brain is responsible for the fact that a person sneezes. If this area is damaged, it will lead to the inability to sneeze at all.

Purpose of a sneeze

Why do people sneeze? This process is necessary for a person to clean the respiratory passages from dust, dirt and foreign bodies that have penetrated. In other words, sneezing is a protective reaction of the human body. After the process is completed, the person feels much lighter, while the lungs are filled with a new portion of fresh air.

If, after sneezing, the area of ​​​​the nose and mouth is not covered, then the germs will be transmitted to 150 other people.

Reasons why a person sneezes

In medicine, such causes of sneezing are noted.

  1. The presence of a cold.
  2. Chemicals that accumulate in the nasopharynx in the presence of viral diseases.
  3. Allergic response of the body.
  4. Dry or cold air.
  5. Hormonal changes.
  6. Mechanical and physical stimuli.
  7. Hypothermia.
  8. A sharp decrease or increase in air temperature.

It is worth saying that a person can sneeze for other reasons - due to exposure to too bright light (according to statistics, 35% of people sneeze for this reason).

Frequent experiences, experienced stress, fear and depression also lead to the formation of this process. This is due to the body's desire to maintain balance in the nose.

Doctors say that the membranes of the nose are too sensitive to the emotional state of their owner. With a sharp change in mood, blood vessels are constantly compressed and unclenched. Helping them return to their previous state helps sneezing.

During the gestation of the fetus, the expectant mother constantly sneezes. This process is completely unrelated to the fact that a pregnant woman has overcome a cold. This is due to a violation of the hormonal background in the body of the expectant mother. A woman can also sneeze before the onset of menstruation. This process causes pain in the lower abdomen due to contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Sneezing in allergic reactions

The causes of frequent sneezing may be associated with manifestations of allergic reactions. This process occurs, as a rule, seasonally - during the flowering period. Allergens are:

  • animal hair;
  • strong odors;
  • dust;
  • plant pollen;
  • bright light, etc.

With allergies, a person often sneezes, his nose itches on the outside, and his eyes are very watery. In such cases, the doctor advises taking antihistamines ("Suprastin") and vasoconstrictor drops. After using the proposed means, the edema from the mucosa will drop sharply, and the accumulated mucus will separate faster.

It should be remembered that the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for more than 5 days is not recommended.

Is sneezing a symptom of a cold?

In medicine, this is considered absolutely normal.

Therefore, if the process is accompanied by elevated body temperature, sore throat and runny nose, then they say for sure. Does sneezing cause pain? This is clearly an infection.

Do not delay the trip to the doctor, otherwise self-treatment will lead to irreversible consequences.

Many are interested in the question: "Sneezing with a cold - good or bad?". The answer in this case is obvious: "Good!". The body reflexively responds to the penetration and spread of infections in the nasopharynx. With the help of sneezing, all pathogenic microorganisms are rejected.

Never stop sneezing when you have a cold. Doctors explain this by the fact that microbes can penetrate the middle ear, which will lead to the appearance of otitis media, sinusitis and other dangerous diseases.

Often people come to doctors who complain: “When I sneeze, whitish lumps fly out of my mouth.” In this case, they talk about the presence of tonsillitis in the chronic stage. Lumps arise due to the death of epithelial tissues in the region of the tonsils of the sky, as well as the release of pus from them, which accumulates during inflammation.

Sneezing in babies

Frequent sneezing in newborns is not necessarily accompanied by a cold. During the period of being in the womb, the child is constantly in the water. There is also fluid in his throat and nasal passages. After the birth, the baby's respiratory system begins to work actively, getting rid of excess water, thereby leading to drying of the mucous membranes and the formation of crusts.

This is how doctors answer mommy's question about why her immediately after birth.

It is worth saying that people are not able to sneeze in their sleep, since all the nerves involved in this process rest with their master.

"Why am I sneezing?" The answer to this question is not necessarily the statement: "It's a cold!". The reason may be something else. Therefore, if this process occurs for a long time, it is better not to self-medicate, but to urgently consult a doctor.

Sneezing is an unconditioned reflex aimed at clearing the airways of various irritants. If such a process occurs extremely rarely, and is not accompanied by other symptoms, this should not be given special attention, but in the case of frequent sneezing, it is necessary to find out its causes. It is important to know that sneezing can have a variety of causes, but in any case, you should consult a doctor.

Certain receptors are involved in this process, therefore, if a sneeze has begun, it is already impossible to stop it. Probably, many noticed that if in daytime this symptom occurs regularly, then during sleep it does not occur, since the receptors are asleep.

Why a person sneezes may be due to the inhalation of cold, humid or too dry air, hypothermia, or as a result of a viral infection entering the body.

Traditionally, there are such main reasons why we sneeze:
  • colds;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • dry or cold air;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal changes in female body;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations.

Sneezing can be caused by stressful situations and bright lights.

Sneezing does not always occur when the nasopharynx is irritated; it has been scientifically proven that such a process in a small part of the population is observed when the body is exposed to bright light. Availability stressful situations and experiences such as longing, fear, excitement - another reason why we sneeze. In such a situation, sneezing occurs due to the fact that the body is thus trying to restore balance in the nose. As you know, the nasal membranes are very sensitive to the emotional state of the human body. With sharp and frequent shift emotions, blood vessels are constantly narrowing and expanding, it is the process of sneezing that returns the vessels to normal.

Despite frequent occurrence of this process, not all people know what happens when you sneeze. First, a person takes a deep breath, filling the lungs with air, then the glottis closes, the diaphragm contracts, after which the glottis opens and the air leaves the lungs. With absence pathological processes this phenomenon does not pose a risk to human health.

It is known that during pregnancy the level of sex hormones in the female body increases dramatically, which can manifest itself in the form of sneezing, runny nose or nasal congestion, but these symptoms do not indicate a cold. According to doctors, due to hormonal changes, girls can sneeze and every time with the onset menstrual cycle. Considering the fact that all muscles contract when sneezing, the uterus is no exception, therefore, in the case when sneezing during menstruation, pain in the abdomen may increase.

Sneezing for allergies

It is important to know that the reason why a person often sneezes can be not only an allergic reaction of the body to certain irritants, but also indicate the development of certain diseases.

Runny nose and sneezing, which usually occur when exposed to such allergens, can talk about allergies:
  • dust;
  • pollen;
  • particles of wool;
  • strong odors;
  • bright light.

At allergic rhinitis sneezing and itching in the nose are considered the main symptoms of the development of such a process in the body. As a rule, these unpleasant changes in human body occur in the autumn-spring period, which is the time of flowering of many plants. At this time, visits to the allergist are becoming more frequent, to which patients come with the words: “I sneeze and my nose itches,” and the main task of the specialist is to determine the cause of this state of human health and prescribe the correct treatment.

Sneezing as a symptom of a cold

Most often, people sneeze from a cold, which is quite normal. To confirm this assumption, it is necessary to measure body temperature and examine the nasopharynx. Inflammatory process, caused by a cold, will be immediately noticed by an otolaryngologist, and an elevated temperature will confirm the development of the disease. Often, sneezing during a cold can cause severe itching nasopharynx, so many people think that this symptom is caused by an allergic reaction of the body to penetrating into nasal cavity stimulus. Sometimes when sneezing, pain can occur, which confirm the infectious origin of this phenomenon.

Many are interested in the question of why a person sneezes with a cold, there is only one explanation for this process: when the infection penetrates and multiplies in the nasopharynx, it is produced local immunity, and the body is thus freed from pathogenic microorganisms. Doctors categorically forbid restraining such a process, since pathogenic bacteria can get into the middle ear or paranasal sinuses, which leads to the development of such dangerous diseases as otitis media, sinusitis and some others.

A living person has many reflexes from birth. So, when the larynx is irritated, a cough occurs. It can also be called a spasm. If dust or another foreign body gets into the eyes, then lacrimation begins. Sneezing is also one of the normal human reflexes. It is even found in newborn babies. This article will tell you about why people sneeze. You will find out the main causes of such a symptom.

Why do people sneeze?

Before finding out the main causes of this condition, it is worth talking about the process of its occurrence. Why do people sneeze?

This symptom is not an independent pathology. It always occurs due to exposure to an irritant. Before sneezing, a person feels itching and itching in the nose. After this, there is a sharp short exhalation (often the turn of the nose) and a deep breath. At this moment, there is a contraction of the vocal cords and tension of the palatine tonsils. The human tongue is pressed against the upper sky followed by a sharp exhalation.

Purpose of a sneeze

Why do people sneeze? Most often, this process occurs in order to cleanse the respiratory system of dust, dirt and foreign objects. Sneezing is a kind of protective function of the body. This symptom makes you feel better and fill your lungs with a large portion of fresh air.

Why does a person sneeze a lot? The reasons for the occurrence of such a reflex may be different. Let's try to understand each of them separately.

The influence of an external stimulus

Why do people sneeze so many times? Most often, such a reflex appears when an external stimulus occurs. Such substances can be dust, sand, Strong smell or any perfume. Often people can sneeze from cigarette smoke or exposure to carbon dioxide.

In this case, the irritant enters the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. She gets irritated and itches. Next, the person makes the same short breath, which pushes the external stimulus deeper. After this, a sharp exhalation occurs, which is accompanied by a sneeze and getting rid of a foreign substance.


The cause of a sneeze can be a banal disease. It can be viral or bacterial. Acute or chronic. If inflammation occurs in the nasopharynx, then it is there that the protective mechanism begins to work.

During illness, the nasal mucosa swells and secretes a large amount of sputum. It's called a runny nose. This pattern allows you to clear the nasal passages and save the patient from bacteria and viruses in short time. Often the resulting mucus dries up and small crusts form in the nose. They cause sinus irritation and sneezing.

In addition, a person can sneeze at the very beginning of the development of the disease. This is due to the fact that small viruses or bacteria actively multiply in the nasal passages. The mucosa begins to be irritated and reflex inhalation and exhalation occurs.

Allergic reaction

The cause of a person's sneezing can be a banal allergy. Most often, pathology occurs in the off-season, when various plants, flowers and trees begin to bloom. Pollen from them can fly in the air and enter the nasal passages.

Allergies can also be chronic. In this case, the patient often has a stuffy nose. This is caused by a slight swelling of the mucous membrane. For treatment, antihistamines and drops that have vasoconstrictor action. After the application of such compounds, the edema decreases sharply and the separation of mucus increases. Because of this, irritation of the membranes and sneezing occurs.

Sneezing in newborns

Often new mothers complain that their baby often sneezes. Usually this is not a sign of any pathology or cold. This reaction occurs for the following reasons.

While in the womb, the baby is completely immersed in water. Fluid is also present in his nasal passages and throat. After birth begins active work respiratory system. The body tries naturally get rid of the liquid, which often dries up and leads to the formation of those very annoying crusts.

Reaction to external conditions

Why do people sneeze in the sun? Sometimes a person tends to sneeze at the moment when he sharply looks at sunlight. Also, an ordinary lamp can act as an irritant. Sneezing begins when a person enters a light room from a dark room. Why does it happen?

When looking at the light or the sun, irritation of the membranes of the eyes begins. Often this leads to tearing. It is worth noting that it is not always possible to notice. However, the lacrimal glands are strongly associated with the functioning of the sinuses. When the eyes are irritated, a similar reaction of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract occurs. Because of this, the person feels the urge to sneeze and does so.

A similar reflex also appears when a person from warm room goes into the cold and vice versa. In this case, the change in temperature is to blame.


You now know the main reasons that a person sneezes. This symptom is not always a sign of illness. Why don't people sneeze in their sleep? This is due to the fact that during rest, a person’s breathing works a little differently. However, with a cold, contraction of the vocal cords and reflex exhalation of air can still occur. Be healthy!

sneezing- This is a physiological phenomenon, which is an unconditioned protective reflex that contributes to the removal of foreign bodies from the respiratory tract.

What happens when you sneeze?

When sneezing, a person sharply forcefully exhales air through the nasopharynx, this happens after he takes a short and deep breath. Coughs and sneezes differ in that during sneezing, the tongue is pressed against the roof of the mouth, and air is quickly exhaled through the nose.

Before the sneeze reflex appears, a person has a sensation of overthrowing in the nose, they take a deep breath, after which the lungs fill with air. Next rises soft sky, there is a contraction of the arches of the pharynx, and the tongue is pressed against hard palate. During sneezing, a person involuntarily closes his eyes, after which an involuntary contraction of the diaphragmatic, intercostal and abdominal muscles occurs.

Lastly, during a sneeze, the muscles of the larynx contract and the glottis closes. As a result of all the described changes, a strong intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure, and the person vigorously exhales the air. Exhalation of air occurs at a speed of 50 - 100 meters per second, while the air pressure is 100 mm Hg. In the exhaled air, there are both particles of saliva and elements of mucus, which, when sneezing, can spread over several meters.

Why does sneezing occur?

The occurrence of a sneezing reflex is a consequence of irritation of the mucous membrane in the nose. The causes of sneezing can be quite varied. Closely related are sneezing and - this is the body's reaction to the effects of the so-called "dust agents" - dust, wool, fluff, pollen, mold. Volatile substances also irritate the mucous membrane - tobacco smoke, perfume aromas.

With a sharp change in temperature, the sneeze reflex also manifests itself very often. For example, a person may begin to sneeze when leaving the house on a bright sunny day or when exposed to frosty air. In this case, sometimes watery eyes when sneezing.

Women sometimes experience frequent sneezing during pregnancy just before childbirth. At the same time, the woman also notes difficult breathing through the nose. However, a runny nose during pregnancy can occur at any time, since hormonal changes in the body contribute to the appearance of such a symptom. And in early pregnancy, sneezing can be one of the symptoms that indicate interesting position women. Therefore, sometimes sneezing is identified as an indirect sign of pregnancy, one among many others.

The sneeze reflex defines a defense mechanism by which foreign particles are removed from the airways. However, the occurrence of sneezing in diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets contributes to the transmission and spread of infection.

Sneezing in children most often occurs with colds. Sometimes a child can sneeze without a runny nose, but only because he has a lot of crusts in his nose. To stop this phenomenon, you only need to carefully clean the cavity of his nose.

Frequent sneezing in the morning is observed if the patient has developed vasomotor . Frequent sneezing and runny nose are sometimes also associated with the curvature of the nose due to trauma, difficulty breathing, and impaired self-cleaning of the nose. In the morning, a person can sneeze with a cold. Sneezing is often associated with the presence of polyps in the nose. Constant sneezing also manifests itself if the mucous membrane dries out due to congenital anomaly nasal septum in humans.

Those who sneeze frequently and for no particular reason have hypersensitivity body compared to people who only sneeze when they have a severe cold.

If, in addition to sneezing, a person has itching in the nose, but there is no runny nose, then most likely this is an allergic reaction. If a person also has a subfebrile or high temperature, most likely, we are talking about acute respiratory viral infection. develops under the influence viruses , and bacteria . Sneezing with a cold is manifested by the defeat of the respiratory tract. In addition, sneezing may be one of the symptoms allergic rhinitis , colds .

Sneezing due to an allergic reaction to specific factors environment appears quite often. Sneezing and other signs of allergy are present if the body is affected by an allergen. As a rule, people who have a genetic predisposition to it are susceptible to allergies. With allergies, a person sneezes in attacks - this process can continue without interruption for a long period of time. Most often, allergy-prone people sneeze during a period when different plants bloom and there is a lot of pollen around. An allergic reaction that manifests itself to plant pollen is called hay fever . Also, an allergic reaction of the body is often a runny nose, in which clear liquid. In addition to the symptoms described, with allergies, the patient's eyes itch and watery, a rash occurs. Several different forms allergic reactions. At allergic rhinitis cause chronic illness inflammatory reactions occurring as a result of allergens entering the nasal mucosa. Development vasomotor rhinitis- a consequence of the influence of non-specific factors on the body - endogenous or exogenous .

In addition to these reasons, sneezing is manifested when foreign objects enter the nasal cavity, when polluted air is inhaled.

How to get rid of sneezing?

If you want to restrain the sneeze reflex, it can only be suspended for a while, but it will not be possible to stop it completely. To stop the sneeze reflex, you need to strongly pinch the wings of the nose with your fingers and hold them like that for a little. But it should be remembered that a person whose sneezing is manifested as a result of any disease should not restrain himself. The fact is that in the process of sneezing, microbes, mucus, come out. And if all this lingers in the nasopharynx, then under the influence of pressure, microorganisms can get into the sinuses or into auditory tubes, which leads to development, .

To stop sneezing when you have a cold or SARS, it is important both to treat these diseases in time and to take regular measures to strengthen immune system. With a cold, you need to adhere to bed rest, drink plenty of warm liquids. It is especially important to follow these tips if the patient has a constant runny nose and sneezing.

With influenza, symptomatic treatment is practiced, in particular, taking antipyretic drugs if the body temperature exceeds subfebrile indicators. If at the same time there is a cough and runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy nose, snot and sneezing, then the doctor may prescribe other drugs that alleviate these symptoms.

Also, with a cold, tears can constantly stand out from the eyes. Sometimes the patient even thinks about how to cause a runny nose if he has difficulty breathing. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Severe runny nose, which lasts for several days and is accompanied by nasal congestion in the morning, requires application vasoconstrictor drops. However, it is still most important in the treatment of influenza and colds to eliminate the cause that provoked the disease.

sneezing at measles can only be overcome by right approach to the treatment of the underlying disease. This disease is highly contagious morbillivirus , which provokes the development of this disease, is transmitted by coughing and sneezing along with mucus. The disease mainly affects children, but if a person has not been ill with it in childhood, then it is mono to become infected and about adulthood. The course of the disease in adulthood is much more severe than in childhood. After treatment, immunity remains for the rest of life. On first, catarrhal stage, severe runny nose and sneezing is especially pronounced, before high performance body temperature rises. The second stage of the disease is characterized by rashes on the face. If you suspect measles, you need to see a doctor who prescribes a treatment regimen to relieve symptoms.

Sneezing with chickenpox - one of the symptoms of this common disease. Because the transmission of the disease is by airborne droplets, it is through coughing and sneezing that the causative agent of the disease will spread most often. Chickenpox mainly affects children, it is characterized by a rash on the skin. If a patient is diagnosed with chickenpox, then he must first be isolated from the team. Rashes are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of brilliant green. If there are complications, the patient is shown, and if the patient's condition is complicated by a bacterial infection, the use of antibiotics is practiced.

Treatment allergies - a very difficult process that requires careful diagnosis and establishment exact reason allergic reaction. For mild symptoms, you can do without drug therapy You should only avoid exposure to the allergen whenever possible. In more severe forms of allergy, the patient is prescribed
corticosteroids, and antihistamines. It is also important to lead a certain lifestyle - find time for regular hardening, exercise, eat food enriched with vitamins.

Sneezing in newborns - an absolutely common occurrence, which should not be frightened. To reduce the frequency of its manifestation, you only need to ventilate the child’s room more often, do regular wet cleaning, and also clean the baby’s nose, in which mucus and crusts accumulate. In addition, the baby may sneeze after feeding, as well as with a cold. To remove mucus or clear the nose with a runny nose, it is recommended to drip a drug into the nose that helps soak the crusts and mucus.

You should be aware that trying to get rid of sneezing as a separate symptom is impossible. It is imperative to establish its cause and treat the disease that provokes this symptom.

Sneezing is a reflex reaction of the body to clear the airways. A person begins to sneeze when the nasal mucosa is severely irritated. This can be caused by particles of dust, pollen and other allergens. Excessive reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms on the nasopharyngeal mucosa can also lead to such a reaction of the body. The causes of frequent sneezing lie in the action of allergens, as well as some diseases.

What is a sneeze

Sneezing is an unconditioned reflex that both humans and animals have. With a sharp exhalation through the nasopharynx, all foreign bodies from the respiratory organs. It can be particles of dust, pollen, fluff or some chemicals. This reflex occurs due to the strongest irritation of the mucous membrane that lines the nasopharynx.

The whole process of sneezing occurs in several successive stages:

With frequent sneezing, a person has time to take only a few breaths between sneezes. In one attack, you can sneeze up to 20 times. This condition is observed if the irritation of the mucosa is strong.

Frequent sneezing is observed in people after instillation of fresh kalanchoe juice. This vegetable composition used to treat the common cold.


The main causes of frequent sneezing are allergies and respiratory diseases. severe irritation The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx can be triggered by such factors:

  • Toxins that are formed on the nasopharyngeal mucosa due to the life and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. If a person sneezes repeatedly and without interruption, then this may be the first symptom of a respiratory disease. In this case, there are other symptoms of a cold - a runny nose, sore throat and severe weakness.
  • Allergens. May act as an irritant household dust, pollen of plants, down of animals and some foodstuffs. Allergies are almost always accompanied by lacrimation and a runny nose, while water leaks from the nose.
  • Strong smells of perfumes can lead to intense sneezing and coughing, household chemicals and some chemicals. Tobacco smoke and excessively polluted air can cause sneezing. Often a person begins to sneeze heavily after walking near a busy highway.
  • Foreign bodies in the nose. Frequent sneezing can be if a piece of dandelion fluff or some small object has flown into the nose. Small children during games often put various small objects up their noses, which can also provoke a sneeze reflex.

If a child has snot leaking from one nostril, and he often sneezes, you should contact an ENT doctor. Perhaps the reason for this phenomenon was a small bead stuck in the nose.

  • Sneezing can be triggered by a sudden change in temperature. For example, when leaving the house in the winter on the street.
  • The sneeze reflex occurs when a person looks at the bright sun. This can be explained by the fact that bright rays irritate the eyes, and they begin to watery, tears are partially removed through the tear ducts into the nose and irritate the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Sneezing and the subsequent passage of mucus is normal reaction organism and does not require treatment. But this phenomenon can be considered the norm only if the manifestations of the sneezing reflex are not too frequent. If similar condition occurs often, then we can talk about some kind of pathology.

If the cause of this phenomenon is an allergy, then the nasal mucosa will itch and the eyes will watery. In addition, there may be skin rashes different plan. Recognizing an allergy is often not difficult. All the symptoms of an allergic reaction occur after walking around flowering plants, playing with animals or being in a dusty environment. Some foods and household chemicals can provoke an allergic attack.

If the cause of the sneezing reflex is a cold, then in addition to this person will be disturbed heat, sore throat and general malaise. In this case, sneezing cannot be called harmless. If you pay attention to this symptom in a timely manner, you can quickly begin treatment and prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.

When sneezing, do not pinch your nose, as the air pressure at this time is large, damage may occur eardrum. In addition, improper sneezing can contribute to the spread of infection to the paranasal sinuses.

How to be treated

If sneezing occurs without other signs of a cold, then we can say that this phenomenon is provoked by allergens. If there is a desire to sneeze, you should not suppress it, perhaps due to this the body is trying to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasopharynx. It can be said that people do not get sick very often with colds, not only because of good immunity, but also due to the periodic cleansing of the respiratory tract with the help of sneezing.

If persistent sneezing is provoked by allergies, then it is recommended to avoid allergens and take antihistamines in a timely manner. Most often, people prone to allergies begin to take anti-allergic drugs in advance, before the mass flowering of vegetation. The drugs Cetrin, Claritin and Loratadin have proven themselves well. They have a prolonged action, so they can be taken only once a day.

If the sneeze reflex is caused by a respiratory disease, then at the same time the following symptoms occur:

  • High fever and chills.
  • Headache, weakness.
  • Sore throat and cough.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Drowsiness.

Treatment of colds should be comprehensive. The main task is to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevention of various complications. To eliminate frequent sneezing, the doctor may give the following recommendations:

  • Rinse your nose often with saline or anti-inflammatory herbal decoction.
  • Blow your nose in a timely manner, while the handkerchief should be changed every couple of hours.
  • Accept medications for a cold prescribed by a doctor.
  • Rest a lot in the first days of illness.

Frequent sneezing is observed with a cold only in the first two days, then the irritation of the mucous membrane is no longer so strong, so the sneezing reflex almost does not occur. The treatment regimen for a cold should include folk recipes, many of them give good results.

If a person is overcooled, and after that sneezing begins, that is Great chance that the person gets sick. To prevent this from happening, you should immediately take vitamin C and tincture of echinacea purpurea.

How to sneeze

To prevent the spread of infection, you need to sneeze properly. First of all, do not cover your nose with your fingers in an attempt to make the sound of a sneeze quieter. But in order not to embarrass the people around you and not infect them, you should follow these recommendations:

If the sneeze reflex is observed for several days, then it is very exhausting for a person. To quickly eliminate this phenomenon, you can rinse your nose with saline.

The causes of frequent sneezing most often lie in respiratory diseases and allergies. You should not restrain yourself, because due to the sneezing reflex, the body clears the airways and prevents their inflammation. When sneezing, it is advisable to cover yourself with a disposable handkerchief.



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