Persistent mucous discharge. Vaginal mucus: clear or white? Watery discharge in the middle of the cycle

Many women show concern when they notice that there is fluid from the vagina. In fact, this is not always associated with any pathologies. The main thing is to monitor the color, smell, consistency and amount of fluid released. If they change, you should definitely visit a doctor.

The secretion of fluid from the vagina is the result of the secretory functioning of the intervaginal glands. The first discharge of such a liquid begins in girls of 9 years of age.

In the first years of life, the genitals are in a state of physiological rest. The absence of menstruation and the maturation of eggs in the ovaries do not cause an abundant production of sex hormones. Therefore, no vaginal discharge is observed in healthy girls.

In adolescent girls, the discharge of vaginal fluid is associated with puberty and the beginning of the preparation of the body for the implementation of the reproductive function. A gradual increase in the amount of secreted female hormones begins, fluctuations in the hormonal background.

In adolescence, the secretion of intravaginal glands, as a rule, is irregular. The fluid from the vagina follows a mucous character. Normally, it looks like rice water or raw chicken protein.

As puberty develops, the discharge becomes cyclical. Their appearance depends on the specific phase of the menstrual cycle. In the first few days after menstruation, a clear liquid is released in a small amount. The appearance of abundant mucous secretions in the middle of the menstrual cycle is the main sign of ovulation and the maximum amount of estrogen.

On the eve of menstruation, a cloudy liquid flows from the vagina, like a decoction of rice grains. It thickens and acquires a sour smell. If at the same time the woman does not experience any discomfort in the external genital organs and the body temperature is normal, then there is no reason for concern.

Composition of vaginal discharge

If fluid from the vagina is released due to normal physiological processes in the female body, it must meet the following characteristics:

  • environment - acidic;
  • volume - no more than 4 ml per day;
  • color - milky;
  • smell - absent;
  • the consistency is slimy.

In healthy women of childbearing age, that is, from 18 to 45 years, vaginal microbiocenosis is a collection of transient and permanently living representatives of the vaginal microflora, lymphoid transudate, cell fragments and mucus from the cervical canal. Among temporary (transient) vaginal microorganisms, bacteroids, staphylococci (epidermal), prevatella, corynebacteria, etc. are dominant. Their number is up to 98%.

The vaginal microflora is estrogen-dependent, its composition may vary depending on the amount of the hormone estrogen produced by the ovaries.

Purpose of the vaginal fluid

The main functions of the vaginal fluid are to ensure self-cleaning of the internal genital organs (especially the vagina) and protection from infection of the reproductive system. The necessary protection of the vagina from external irritants and infections is provided by factors such as:

  • the required amount of estrogen;
  • proper level of lactobacilli;
  • the presence of glycogen in the epithelium of the vaginal walls;
  • the appropriate pH level of the vaginal microflora;
  • the presence of immunoglobulins as the main immunostimulants.

Discharged from the vagina, a clear or white liquid that does not have an unpleasant odor is necessary for:

  • lubrication;
  • moisturizing;
  • cleansing;
  • protection against infection.

In addition, the secreted white liquid ensures easy passage of the male penis during sexual intercourse.

An increase in the number of secretions may occur due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • stressful situations in a woman's life;
  • excessive physical activity.

Genital hygiene

For the formation of a healthy vaginal microflora, proper hygiene procedures are necessary. All women should remember that the vagina is self-cleaning under the influence of microflora, so hygienic douching with water or any formulations is not necessary. It is enough to regularly wash and change underwear. For daily washing, ordinary tap water or special formulations purchased at a pharmacy can be used.

Changing the properties of the vaginal secretion

Violations of vaginal microbiocenosis occur under the influence of such causes as:

  • oral contraception;
  • treatment with drugs from the group of antibiotics, cytostatics, hormones;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, etc.;
  • violation of the general immunity of the body.

These reasons cause violations of the vaginal microflora. The first signs of such a pathology are changes in the main characteristics of the secreted fluid:

  • quantities;
  • colors;
  • smell;
  • consistency.

Abundant liquid mucous discharge with blood streaks appear due to erosion of the cervix or inflammation in it.

Pink or brown liquid is observed in pregnant women when there is a risk of fetal detachment. By the nature of vaginal discharge, the doctor will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis. For example:

  • vulvovaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • cervicitis;
  • thrush, i.e. vulvovaginal candidiasis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncological neoplasms.

Therefore, if any doubtful signs appear, it is best for a woman to contact a gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to properly assess the state of the reproductive system.

Prevention of vaginal infection

To prevent infection with harmful bacteria through the genital tract, a woman must follow the following rules:

  • observe intimate hygiene;
  • wash regularly;
  • use a simple high-quality soap for washing;
  • douche only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics and change it regularly;
  • avoid casual sex and unprotected sex;
  • use spermicidal gels and lubricants (lubricants) with caution;
  • use pads more often and less often tampons;

From all of the above, it follows that if the color and other characteristics of vaginal discharge change, it is necessary to seek help from a gynecologist, since self-medication can be dangerous. Be healthy!

The mucus lining the cervix serves as a natural barrier against infection. It maintains a slightly acidic environment in the vagina, which makes it impossible for bacteria to multiply. The secretion of this mucus is a physiological phenomenon for any healthy woman.

But sometimes watery discharge accompanies the development of serious diseases. Also, the volume of secreted mucus increases during pregnancy.

Mucous fluid discharge is as normal as sweat, tears and saliva. They are classified as physiological fluids of the human body. In addition to the mucus itself, the composition contains about 10 types of various bacteria that make up the natural microflora, dead particles of the epithelium.

Secretion in the normal state is allowed if it does not have an unpleasant odor, color, its volume does not exceed the physiological norm.

Watery discharge in the middle of the cycle

Transparent and liquid discharge in women that occurs in the middle of the cycle most often speaks of such moments:

  • the time of ovulation has come, the egg can be fertilized;
  • the secreted transparent mucus indicates the imminent opening of the cervix and the onset of menstruation;
  • a change in the ratio or concentration of female hormones also causes an increase in the volume of secretion, which is manifested by transparent secretions in the middle of the cycle.

2 weeks after the last menstruation, mucus can indicate the fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy.

Discharge before menstruation

Before the onset of menstruation, watery discharge from the vagina, more liquid than usual, may indicate the development of an inflammatory process and other pathologies. In general, an increase in the volume of secretion before the onset of menstruation develops under the influence of increased production of progesterone and estrogen.

Even before the onset of menstruation may appear. Their large volume is provoked by increased blood flow in the uterus, which increases in volume before the onset of critical days.

Vaginal secretion before menstruation in the luteal phase is a physiological norm. Especially often such discharge is observed in the morning after a night's sleep.

Profuse watery discharge from the vagina after and instead of menstruation

Without any smell and color, they speak of the active work of the cervical gland. Within 1-2 days after the end of menstruation, colorless or with a small admixture of blood mucus may still appear.

Such secretion instead of menstruation is not the norm and is more often caused by the following reasons:

  • pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • colpitis;
  • hormonal changes;
  • adnexitis;
  • stress, physical overload, climate change.

Menstrual bleeding, ending in copious mucus, odorless and color, which does not end within 1-2 days, requires clarification of the cause and appropriate treatment.

Watery discharge during pregnancy

Time can be both a normal physiological phenomenon and a pathology. Such discharges are of particular danger in late pregnancy after 36-38 weeks, since they can be nothing more than discharge or leakage of water.

Depending on the gestational age, the causes of watery mucus in women also differ:

  • in the first trimester, the secret of how water speaks of a rapid change in hormonal levels. It appears even before the delay and means the fertilization of the egg and successful conception. Excessively abundant discharge during the first weeks serves to protect the fetus from infection;
  • in the second trimester, closer to the middle of the pregnancy, the concentration of estrogens increases, due to which the glandular layer of the neck changes the composition of the mucus, making it more liquid;
  • in the last trimester, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming delivery. But it is precisely after the 30th week that it is necessary to control the volume and consistency of mucus, since it may indicate water leakage.

You can determine the composition of the secretions even at home with the help of a special amniotest. It will show if the secretion is normal or if water is leaking.

During menopause

Odorless onset may be present but should not be profuse or offensive. They serve to lubricate the vagina, external genitalia. And if such secretion does not cause burning, itching, pain, then it does not need treatment.

If the amount of vaginal discharge during menopause increases significantly, an odor appears, the consistency of mucus changes, it is necessary to take smears to detect bacterial, fungal and other infections, as well as STDs.

Diseases of the genital area

Pathological abundant liquid discharge may have a yellowish or pinkish tint, an unpleasant odor, especially rotten. In addition, in the presence of inflammation of a bacterial or viral origin, the consistency of the mucus changes - it becomes thicker or curdled, reminiscent of coffee grounds or flakes.

Mucus with an unpleasant odor is almost always accompanied by pain and other symptoms - burning and itching of the vulva, discomfort during urination, and even fever.

Bacterial vaginosis

A non-inflammatory process caused by a change in the microflora is called bacterial vaginosis. The disease is very common, especially among women under 40 years of age. Vaginosis does not pose a danger to life and health, although it gives a woman a lot of discomfort. The disease manifests itself with symptoms such as burning, profuse foul-smelling discharge, itching.

This disease develops in violation of the rules of personal hygiene, unprotected sexual intercourse.

If left untreated, pathology can cause complications after childbirth, miscarriage, intrauterine infection of the fetus during pregnancy.

Inflammation of the appendages

Leucorrhea with inflammation of the appendages occurs under the influence of viruses and bacteria against the background of hypothermia or a general decrease in immunity. The main symptom of the disease is scanty watery discharge, menstrual cycle failure, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and other characteristic signs of the inflammatory process.

In the acute course of the disease, the symptoms are pronounced, in the chronic stage inflammation of the appendages proceeds hidden - periodically increasing pain, the appearance of uncharacteristic bleeding in different phases of the cycle, deterioration in general well-being, pain during sexual contact.


With colpitis, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa occurs under the influence of infection. Liquid discharge becomes white, itching, pain and burning in the vagina, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Most often, this disease occurs in women after 20 years, but it can also appear in girls even before the onset of menstruation. The secret always has an unpleasant odor, causes a state of vaginal distension, itching, and the external genitalia turn red. The development of colpitis occurs when the conditionally pathogenic flora of the vagina is violated, with a sharp decrease in immunity, hypothermia, during pregnancy.

This condition is caused not only by an infection, but also by allergic reactions, the use of suppositories and certain medications, the introduction of foreign bodies, and substances that make up douching solutions.

Oncological diseases

Cervical cancer and other genital cancers also cause profuse watery discharge. Most often, the secretion is bloody or brownish, but purulent-watery mucus can also be observed.

Any staining of the discharge indicates necrosis of the tumor itself - its pieces are rejected and excreted from the body. If dead cells remain inside, tissue inflammation develops. Mucus often has a fetid odor and a greenish tint.

The appearance of abnormal secretion along with other symptoms - periodic bleeding, delays, cycle changes, increased pain during menstruation, the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding - should be the reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor.

Discharge color

The shade of vaginal secretion may indirectly indicate a particular disease that caused an increase in discharge. Usually the smell is also important, for example, an unpleasant, reminiscent of rotten fish, more often indicates a bacterial infection.


The pink hue of vaginal secretion is given by drops of blood that come out of bursting blood vessels. Pink discharge appears after intense sexual intercourse, trauma to the genital organs, in the first months of installing an intrauterine device and taking hormonal contraceptives.

  • erosion of the cervix;
  • hyperplasia;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • polyps;
  • inflammatory process.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist if the appearance of pink whites is combined with other characteristic symptoms - menstrual irregularities, pain, discomfort.


Liquid yellow discharge in women can also be normal and pathological:

  • Normally, mucus with a yellow tint is explained by the peculiarities of the hormonal background and the functioning of the reproductive system. Usually it manifests itself immediately before menstruation or immediately after their end and indicates the presence of a small amount of blood in the mucus;
  • in pathological cases, such secretion may be accompanied by colpitis, erosion, adnexitis, and some types of STDs. In addition to color, such mucus is distinguished by an unpleasant odor, swelling and itching of the external genitalia, pain in the lower abdomen.

Also, a secret with a yellow tint may appear after abortion, surgery, childbirth, with the development of oncological tumors of the cervix and other organs, improper installation or prolonged wearing of the IUD.


Mucous brown discharge from the vagina is stained when a small amount of blood enters the mucus. Most often they occur on the first day of menstruation and after it ends for 2-3 days.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, such secretion may indicate the attachment of an egg or the pathological development of the fetus.

In the middle of the cycle, small brown leucorrhoea is called ovulatory bleeding. They talk about the readiness of the egg for fertilization.

Liquid whites that are not combined with other unpleasant symptoms and do not cause discomfort in a woman do not require medical intervention. But with the appearance of any unpleasant odor, a change in color, an increase in the volume of secretion, it is necessary to undergo an examination and begin taking appropriate therapy.

Discharge in girls and women should always be present - this is the natural state of the vaginal mucosa. In addition, thanks to the secretions, the vagina can independently cleanse itself of pathogens, necrotic cells, mucus and menstrual blood. In most cases, the natural discharge is colorless, but some girls and women may have a white discharge, so a reasonable question arises as to whether such discharge is the norm or a symptom of some kind of pathology.

When is white discharge considered normal?

Quite often, white discharge in girls occurs somewhat more abundantly, compared with women of middle and reproductive age, as well as during menopause. This can be explained by the fact that the body is in the formation stage, the hormonal background begins to stabilize, while in middle-aged women this process has already been completed and has a stable character. It is normal for both girls and women in the premenopausal period to have a slightly acidic environment in the vagina due to the presence of lactobacilli that form lactic acid. This environment is detrimental to harmful microorganisms, and it is also unfavorable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. So what kind of discharge can be considered the norm?

    In terms of color, the discharge should not be particularly noticeable, in most cases they are transparent, however, the predominance of slightly yellow, white or cream shades is possible.

    Normal discharge should not smell.

    The consistency of the whites should be watery, liquid, during ovulation, the discharge is transparent and stretchy.

    The norm of daily secretions should not be more than a teaspoon.

    The amount of discharge may increase after intercourse, with sexual arousal, before menstruation.

Why does a girl have white discharge and sour smell?

White mucous discharge in women and girls is called leucorrhoea. Such secretions are a natural waste product of the female body, since the cells of the vaginal mucosa are constantly being updated. Dead cells are in a state of constant sloughing and mixing with mucus. In addition, exudate from the cervix is ​​also part of the leucorrhoea, therefore, physiologically, during the process of ovulation, the amount of discharge from the uterine cervix increases, acquires a mucous, more stretching character. It is normal when the discharge is colorless or has a white tint, provided that the woman is not bothered by pain, burning and itching in the vagina.

But if discharge with a sour smell and a white tint is released, discomfort, itching occurs, which are either permanent or periodic, one can assume the presence of vaginal candidiasis. There are many reasons why women develop thrush - too frequent douching, synthetic underwear, malnutrition - diets, a large amount of sweets, climate change, stressful situations, taking antibiotics, abuse of colored toilet paper, intimate hygiene products (antibacterial and flavored), violation hygiene, pregnancy (because immunity decreases), taking hormonal contraceptives, hormonal disruptions and adjustments.

What discharge may indicate the presence of the disease?

Under the condition of a decrease in general or local immunity, hormonal failures, and the use of antibiotics, the opportunistic microflora, which is present in the body normally and does not harm the vagina before, begins to activate and multiply uncontrollably, which provokes the inflammatory process. If a girl has the following character of leucorrhoea, this indicates the presence of any pathologies and disorders that require a thorough diagnosis by a specialist:

    Too abundant curdled thick white discharge. When the discharge resembles cottage cheese in its consistency, while there is burning and itching in the vagina, especially if you sit with your legs crossed, you can talk about a vivid manifestation of thrush. In this case, vaginal candidiasis does not depend on the presence of sexual activity.

    Abundant, frothy discharge - more than 1 teaspoon per day.

    Discharge of any pronounced color - green, yellow, brown or other bright shade.

    Offensive odor - the smell of onions, sour, putrid odor, the smell of fish.

    In the presence of any discharge, especially if they are accompanied by itching, discomfort and dryness during intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen, redness of the external genital organs, constant pain after and during intercourse, fever, pain and burning sensation during urination.

If the discharge began to change volume, smell, color, and discomfort appeared in the genital area, we can talk about the presence of pathological changes, the cause of which should be clarified. In addition, the discharge can have a different origin, namely, come from different parts of the genital area. Whites are classified by origin as follows:

    Uterine leucorrhoea - in the presence of endometritis of various etiologies. Inflammatory exudate at the same time passes through the cervical canal and flows into the vagina, gradually mixing with vaginal discharge.

    Cervical leucorrhoea - occurs with cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) of any origin. The cause may be gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis.

    Vaginal leucorrhoea - the most harmless discharge that occurs with inflammatory pathologies of the vagina, can be yellow, white, often combined with an unpleasant odor. The cause may be thrush, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis.

    Tube whites - occur when the fallopian tubes become inflamed, fluid begins to accumulate in the uterine tubes, which first enters the uterine cavity, and then flows down the cervical canal into the vagina.

Is it possible to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately, there can be more than a hundred reasons that provoke the nature and color of the discharge, therefore, based on the appearance of the discharge, no competent gynecologist will make a diagnosis. Theoretically, only in the presence of abundant curdled discharge, which is accompanied by burning and itching in the vagina, can we talk about the presence of a woman or girl with thrush. But vaginal candidiasis can be combined with other sexually transmitted infections, so the final diagnosis can only be made on the basis of a smear and bacterial culture, as well as the results of an analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. The color of the highlights can only give a small hint as to the directions to look for the root cause:

    Transparent discharge that foams indicates signs of chlamydia.

    The gray shade of whiter, along with the characteristic smell of fish, may indicate the presence of bacterial vaginosis, gardnerellosis.

    Yellow discharge is one of the signs of trichomoniasis, since with the development of trichomoniasis, the inflammatory process is most often localized in the vagina, the concentration of leukocytes in which is lower.

    Greenish discharge - present in the presence of a purulent process, since a large number of leukocytes stain the discharge green. Accordingly, the stronger the inflammatory process, the greater the number of leukocytes concentrated in this area, respectively, and the shade is greener.

    White discharge in girls can indicate both the development of thrush and be the norm. The fact is that with mild thrush, significant burning and itching are absent, they can only occur occasionally and are not very pronounced, therefore, in the event of the appearance of abundant, too thick, white curdled discharge, you need to contact a gynecologist, who will find out the true cause of the appearance of such whites and say Is it normal or pathological.

But the color of whiter should not be regarded as a diagnostic tool, only with the help of analysis can an accurate diagnosis be determined and candidiasis be detected.

When should you see a doctor if you have white discharge?

In the case of the release of white whites in volumes of no more than 1 teaspoon per day and in the absence of unpleasant symptoms, do not worry. But if the discharge is very plentiful, thick, cheesy, frothy and has a green, gray, yellow, brown color, has a fetid odor, while there is burning, itching, fever to subfebrile or high numbers, painful syndrome - you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

    First, the doctor will examine the chair. Using a mirror, it will determine the appearance of the walls of the vagina, the cervix, whether inflammation is present in them and whether there is a pathological discharge from the cervix.

    In some cases, colposcopy may be required to rule out or diagnose erosion or dysplasia.

    In case of suspicion of the presence of STIs, in addition to the usual smear for culture and flora, materials can be sent for a PCR study.

    If the patient has pain, cycle disorders, and if an inflammatory process is suspected in the appendages and the uterus itself, a transvaginal ultrasound is indicated, which will help establish a complete clinical picture.

There is always a transparent secret in the vagina. Mucus serves as a protective barrier, it prevents bacteria and infection from penetrating deeper and reaching the uterus. Abundant discharge, like water, is considered the norm, if there are no blood impurities, there is no unpleasant odor. Normally, the smell is slightly sour, but if it is strong, specific and at the same time the mucus is yellow, green or with blood, this is not the norm.


Abundant mucous discharge like water may be the norm in the following cases:

Puberty. A transparent vaginal secret begins to appear at the age of 10 years. At this time, girls begin puberty. It lasts until the beginning of the first menstruation. Abundant, odorless, watery discharge is the cause of hormone surges. They may be completely absent or become more abundant. Also, their character may change to slimy. This is also the norm. Mothers are obliged to know about this and explain to the growing lady.

Ovulation. Ovulation is the short phase of the menstrual cycle during which conception occurs. It lasts about 3-4 days, sometimes less. For some women, this interval is 48 hours. The ovulatory phase is between the follicular and luteal.

In the middle of the cycle, profuse watery discharge in women, like water, may indicate the onset of this phase. The vaginal secretion can also be sticky, with a slight admixture of blood, so in many the discharge takes on a slightly pinkish tint.

They can also be jelly-like, resembling egg white. Such a vaginal secret appears a few days before the onset of the ovulatory phase and can last until it ends, or it may end, and then resume after the end of the OF. That is, this is considered the norm and you should not panic.

The period before menstruation. Before the onset of menstrual bleeding, profuse vaginal discharge may also begin. This is due to the activity of the endometrial lining of the uterus, in which blood circulation processes begin to intensify and fluid accumulates. Up to 1 tsp can pour out of the vagina per day. transparent discharge, if there are more of them - this is a pathology.

During gestation, there should be no vaginal secretion. However, around the 13th week of pregnancy, discharge may appear. This is due to a sharp jump in progesterone in the blood. They do not last long, so there is nothing to worry about either. This is a normal physiological process.

Sexual arousal is another reason for normal vaginal discharge that looks like water. They stop after a few hours. This is also the normal state. The secretions serve as a lubricant so that during intimacy the male genital organ slides freely and does not injure the female internal genital organs.

Climax. Menopause is also no exception. At this time, a vaginal secret, like water, may appear due to changes in the hormonal background.
Abundant watery discharge lasts no more than 5 days. If the vaginal secret is poured out longer than the specified period, a gynecologist's consultation is required. Most likely, an inflammatory process will be found in a woman, the cause of which the doctor must identify.

Also, the cause of discharge resembling water can be the lack of a regular sexual life, the use of contraceptives and the use of antibacterial drugs. In addition, climate change also affects reproductive function.


Watery discharge in women and abundant may indicate the presence of pathology. But when are they a symptom of a disease?

The inflammatory process is the first reason why a copious secretion of the vaginal secretion begins. It may have started in the fallopian tubes and ovaries or in the lining of the uterus. In any case, you need to find out where the inflammation was localized.

Cervical erosion . Copious discharge resembling water appears if it is reopened. But this is only the primary symptom of this disease. If the discharge lasts more than 5 days, you should worry and consult a doctor. After 2 weeks, their character may change, and

Are you concerned about vaginal mucus but don't know what it might be causing? There are two options: the first - you have a completely healthy body, the second - you are seriously ill with something. To understand whether there is a disease, you need to know some of the nuances. See if clear mucus comes out of the vagina or not. Pay attention to how it smells. It also matters whether mucus causes irritation of the skin and mucous membranes or not. Discharge that is of one color or another and makes you uncomfortable is a cause for concern.

The mucus from the vagina is clear A

Doctors call her "cervical". If you find yourself with such discharge that is very similar to that, do not panic. Perhaps this is quite normal for you. This fluid is produced by the cervix. It is necessary to provide optimal conditions for spermatozoa and protect them from death. The fact is that the acidic environment of the vagina quickly destroys cells, but has an alkaline environment, which ensures movement and

maintaining the life of the seminal fluid of men. It may appear and disappear depending on how long before the discharge may not be at all (dryness is felt in their absence), and at a time when the likelihood of becoming pregnant is very high, the mucus from the vagina may become liquid, and it may be excessive. This allows the sperm to reach the fallopian tubes, where the egg is fertilized.

from the vagina

You have already understood that transparent discharge is the norm, but what to do if you start to have leucorrhoea? What kind of disease can they be a signal of and what should be done? For starters, advice to you - do not self-medicate. If you feel that your body is a little "jumping", and even with such symptoms, then make an appointment with a doctor to find out the true cause of such discharge. In most cases, the symptom of white mucus refers to diseases such as candidiasis (thrush) or gardnerellosis.

It is these ailments that change the microflora of the vagina in women and can cause inflammation and dysbacteriosis. Fungi of the genus Candida and gardnerella microorganisms come "to help" ailments, which affect the body with incredible speed. They can also provoke itching, irritation, redness. Thrush can occur not only after frequent use of antibiotics, but also when changing sexual partners and even with unreasonable douching.

Mucus from the vagina: treatment

Many of the problems that have arisen, which are provoked by diseases, can be cured quickly enough, if only in time to consult a good doctor. Tell us about your problem and the symptoms that concern you. Such information will facilitate the identification of the disease. The gynecologist will do certain tests and diagnose your disease. In most cases, the specialist prescribes a course of treatment using various suppositories, tablets, and douching procedures.



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