How to treat a severe runny nose in a child Komarovsky. Are medications needed

I'm just trying to treat snot from the elder! No naviizins and drops! Physical solution, ascorbic acid and drink! And I open the windows wide open at home. Che child breathed! Fortunately, I live near the forest)

I like the mosquito, it dispels all Soviet stereotypes

Here I am copying you an excerpt from his book to you

At the beginning of the disease, the baby has a runny nose. With a cold in children early age almost before each feeding they make a toilet of the nose. First, wicks with soda solution (one teaspoon of soda per glass of water) clear the nasal passages of mucus, and then instill one or two drops breast milk. Mother's breast milk contains all the protective substances that a person produces throughout life. If there is no milk from the mother, then you can drip one or two drops of warm vegetable oil. I want to warn you about the dangers of introducing soda solution and other liquids into the baby's nose through a pear. In children, it is very easy for fluid to pass from the nose into eustachian tube that connects the nose and ear. This may cause inflammatory process in the middle ear (otitis). To avoid complications, it is better to rinse the nose with wicks dipped in soda solution. Runny nose is most often a manifestation viral disease. Firstly, the body thus tries to stop the infection in the nose (not to let it go further - into the throat, into the lungs), and secondly, the nasal mucosa secretes mucus (on human language the mucus flowing from the nose is called "snot"), which in large quantities contains substances that neutralize viruses. The main task of parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out. This requires, again, pure cool air And enough liquid ingested. If the mucus dries up, the child will breathe through the mouth and then the mucus in the lungs will begin to dry up, clogging the bronchi, and this is one of the main reasons for the development of inflammation (pneumonia) in them. At a room temperature above 22 degrees, the mucus dries out very quickly. The conclusions are obvious. You can help the child by moistening the nasal passages with drops that make the mucus more liquid. The simplest and all available remedy- physiological saline (available in all pharmacies). This is ordinary water with a small amount of salt added. It is impossible to overdose it, so drip quite calmly at least every half hour, 3-4 drops in each nostril. (In the case when the pharmacy is far away or there is no time to run there, you can make some kind of saline solution yourself: add one teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water, to be more precise - 9 grams). Very good drug- an ectericide, an oily liquid that has weak disinfectant properties, and the oil, covering thin layer mucous membranes, prevents them from drying out. For the same purpose, oil solutions of vitamins E and A (tocopherol and) can be used. It makes no sense to drip both ectericide and vitamin solutions more often than once every 2 hours (1-2 drops each), it is logical to combine them with saline, there are no side effects. Once again, if the air in the room is warm and dry, it is very, very difficult to prevent the mucus from drying out, no matter what you do. Therefore, with any illness, it is necessary to first answer the question “how to breathe?” and only then - "what to treat?". Never, under any circumstances, drip antibiotic solutions into your nose! Not to be used for common cold vasoconstrictor drops( , ). At first it becomes very good - mucus disappears, and then very bad - swelling of the nasal mucosa begins. It manifests itself like this: the "snot" stopped running, and nasal breathing not only does not recover, but also worsens (“you won’t breathe”). And in order to feel good again, you have to drip again. And so on ad infinitum. I repeat: a runny nose is a defense. He himself will pass, if not to interfere, but to help. These medicines were invented for the treatment of a completely different rhinitis - not infectious, but allergic. For example, a neighbor came to show off her Persian cat, and your nose is running (this is not from delight, but from an allergy to cats). Naphthyzine is just right here, although it’s better to kick the cat out (you can leave your neighbor). (From the book of E. Komarovsky "The beginning of your child's life. For dads and moms", Kharkov, 1996).

A runny nose is an increased production of mucus in the nasal cavity. In adults, rhinitis is usually not an independent disease, but a symptom of the most diverse and mild, and severe pathologies. In young children, a runny nose is predominantly physiological in nature, caused by dust, dry air, allergens, viruses, bacteria and other factors.

Babies often cry, their snot appears after loud and prolonged sobs, because the nasal canals are connected with the lacrimal ducts into one system. It is important for parents to know when it is necessary and when not, and how to treat rhinitis in children. The pediatrician answers these questions in detail the highest category Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

Causes of runny nose in children

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in a child usually occurs due to SARS. Such rhinitis may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, and may occur without fever. slime, in in large numbers nasal discharge is the body's immune response to a viral or bacterial infection. When you blow your nose, along with snot, they come out of the nasopharynx pathogenic microorganisms Also, the mucus contains substances that weaken the activity of bacteria and viruses.

Another reason for the appearance of a runny nose in a child, Dr. Komarovsky considers allergies. The baby is constantly in contact with potential allergens: indoor flower plants, hygiene products, household chemicals, pets. If rhinitis persists for a long time, is not cured by conventional medicines, then most likely the child suffers from allergies. To save the baby from such a runny nose, it is enough just to find and remove the allergen. Drugs for allergic rhinitis are prescribed only by a medical specialist.

A runny nose in infants can be both infectious and allergic origin. The formation of mucus in the baby's nose is often observed with dry air in the nursery. Another rhinitis in a newborn child is sometimes associated with the fact that the mucous walls of the nasopharynx get used to nasal breathing for a long time.

Symptoms of rhinitis in a child

Recognizing rhinitis in young children is not difficult at all. Parents should be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • discharge of mucus or pus from the nasal passages.

It is more difficult to determine a runny nose in newborn babies, because they cannot talk about their ailments. But usually babies with rhinitis look lethargic and sleepy, do not want to suck on their mother's breasts, breathe through their mouths.

Mandatory and optional treatment

The discharge of mucus from the nose in children is always due to certain reasons, but is not always associated with any disease. Most often, the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity are simply irritated when bacteria, viruses, dust particles, allergens, and toxic substances get on them.

It is not necessary to treat a runny nose, which is not a symptom of the disease, which is of a physiological nature. Through mucus, the nasal passages are cleared of harmful accumulations, tears that accidentally get there come out of the nasal canals, the nasal mucosa reacts to dry air.

A child with SARS does not need to be treated for rhinitis. Mucus protects the nasopharynx from pathogens entering it.

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend parents to take on the elimination of a runny nose in a baby who has not completely eliminated the infection from the body. Otherwise pathogenic bacteria and viruses freely enter the respiratory tract through the nose freed from snot. With the help of mucus, the child's body gets rid of the infection, there is no need to interfere with this process, thereby slowing down recovery.

There is only one task for parents - to carefully monitor the color and consistency of the child's snot. If liquid and clear slime, then there is nothing to worry about. If the baby's body temperature rises, the snot becomes thick, yellow or green, smelling sharp and unpleasant, then it is urgent to take treatment. The child must be immediately shown to the pediatrician, since a dangerous infection is likely to develop in the child's body.

Consequences of chronic rhinitis

If rhinitis is small child does not go away for a long time, despite all the measures taken, then parents should start treatment. Dr. Komarovsky explains that lingering runny nose often causes severe dangerous complications. A sick baby may develop:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • purulent otitis media;
  • inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil;
  • sinusitis of the maxillary sinus.

With the above diseases, the mucus thickens so much that it can no longer flow out of the nose, accumulates in the respiratory tract, dries up, turns into a crust. The child has difficulty in nasal breathing, hypoxia occurs - a decrease in the oxygen content in the body. For small children oxygen starvation- Very dangerous state, because it negatively affects the functioning of the brain, inhibits mental and mental development.

Methods for the treatment of rhinitis in children according to Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky always emphasizes that the mucus in the nose of a child is a reliable barrier against the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasopharynx. But only snot of a certain degree of density has a protective effect. Too thick, dried, crusted discharge does not protect against infection, but rather becomes perfect place habitat for viruses and bacteria.

Therefore, the doctor considers the main condition for quick and successful treatment bacterial or viral infection maintaining a viscous consistency of mucus. To do this, the pediatrician recommends that the following procedures and activities be carried out.

  1. Give a sick child to drink as much as possible more water. The fluid that enters the body thins the blood. And after the blood liquefies the mucus in the nose.
  2. Monitor the temperature and air conditions in the children's room. Usually the snot in the nose dries up at low humidity and temperatures above +22°C.
  3. Regularly walk with the baby on the street.
  4. Moisturize periodically nasal cavity child with medicinal solutions. You can buy Aquamaris spray based on sea salt at the pharmacy. Or you can make your own at home. To do this, you need to dissolve in a liter boiled water teaspoon table salt. Homemade medicine should be dripped into the nose of the baby every hour, four drops in each nostril.
  5. Treat the nasal cavity of the child with oily liquids. Pharmaceutical preparations based on vaseline oil, fish oil, tocopherol, retinol gently envelop the mucous surface of the nasal passages, preventing it from drying out.

The use of vasoconstrictor drugs

Komarovsky is ambiguous about vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold. These medicines, on the one hand, quickly and effectively rid the nasal cavity of mucus, on the other hand, eliminate only the symptoms, but not the cause of rhinitis. The principle of action of vasoconstrictor drugs is to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, to reduce the formation of mucus. The best drugs for children, Dr. Komarovsky believes:

  • Nazol,
  • Sanorin,
  • Otrivin,
  • Naphthyzin.

These are quality and effective drops and sprays, they do not give side effects if you follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions. Parents who decide to treat their baby with vasoconstrictor drugs should take into account the following points:

  • if the dosage specified in the instructions is exceeded, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages swells in the child, sneezing intensifies, there is a burning sensation in the nose, the oral cavity dries up, in severe cases, vision deteriorates, blood pressure rises, dizziness, tachycardia and insomnia occur;
  • the children's body quickly gets used to any vasoconstrictor drugs, which is why it is necessary to increase the dosage, increasing the risk of side effects;
  • it is advisable to ask in pharmacies medicines, designed specifically for children, containing active ingredients in small concentrations;
  • Before using the medicine, you must carefully read the instructions.

Use of antibiotics

Dr. Komarovsky refers to the treatment of children antibiotic drugs extremely negative. Using antibiotics for a cold is both dangerous and useless because it:

  • does not get rid of a viral infection, which often affects young children;
  • does not help eliminate allergic rhinitis;
  • can itself be a strong allergen for child's body;
  • causes addiction to potent antibiotic drugs.

Prevention of rhinitis

The doctor notes that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. It is not difficult to protect a child from an infection that causes a runny nose and cough, for this you just need to follow certain preventive measures:

  • walk daily with the baby fresh air;
  • maintain cleanliness, order, optimum temperature regime in the children's room;
  • accustom the child to hardening from the age of one;
  • provide the baby with quality and balanced diet;
  • take the child for a massage, sessions of recreational physical education, in sports sections;
  • organize a daily routine for the crumbs;
  • rinse baby's nose saline solution in the midst of viral outbreaks.

Duration of treatment

It is most difficult to treat a runny nose in children under one year old. But if the parents take good care of the baby, follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician, then recovery occurs in a week. If rhinitis does not go away, is poorly treatable, then the child should be immediately shown to the doctor.

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How to treat catarrhal runny nose . We share with you the advice of one of the most popular Ukrainian doctors.

The physiological basis of the common cold- increased production of mucous membranes of the nasal passages. Reasons for the above increased output"can be very different - infections (viral and bacterial), allergies (to anything), just increased content dust in inhaled air.

By the way, sniffing is not always a disease. So, for example, any active sobbing and related advanced education tears inevitably leads to the need to urgently use a handkerchief - "extra" tears are discharged into the nasal cavity through the so-called tear-nasal canal.

Most common cause runny nose are acute respiratory viral infections. Excess mucus, dubbed "snot", is actually one of the body's ways of fighting the virus. The fact is that mucus in large quantities contains special substances that neutralize viruses.

A completely different issue is that these substances can only work successfully when the mucus has a strictly defined consistency - when it is not thick. If the mucus dries up - for example, the room is warm and dry, or the patient is very heat- there is no sense in such mucus, on the contrary, - dried up or simply thick mucus represents rich in protein a liquid in which it is very convenient for bacteria to multiply. And this transition of a viral infection into a viral-bacterial one is easy to replace by the changed color of the snot - they become greenish or yellowish-green.

Thus, if the cause of the common cold is viruses, it should definitely be concluded: There are no cures for the common cold and there cannot be. Snot is needed for a viral infection, because, as we already understood, they neutralize viruses. The task is to maintain the optimal viscosity of the mucus - drink a lot, breathe cool, clean and not dry air (wash floors, ventilate, use humidifiers). To prevent the mucus from drying out, you can use and medications- pinosol, ekteritsid, normal saline solution (approximately 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water). The last two drugs - do not regret - half a pipette in each nostril every hour.

There are two main conclusions:

The first is that the treatment of a runny nose is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, for a suffering subject with a bottle of naphthyzinum in a trembling hand surprisingly resembles an ostrich with its head in the sand and does not understand the dialectical relationship of cause and effect.

The second conclusion is no less important - the best "cure" for a cold is a doctor who, unlike an ostrich, understands and realizes the dialectical relationship between the cause (a specific disease - allergic, infectious) and the effect (just a symptom - a cold).

Many young parents have already heard about Dr. Komarovsky. He is a practicing pediatrician and has opened his own clinic. In his free time from his main work, Komarovsky is engaged in research, which is reflected in his "work" - books, the main topics of which are - infectious diseases in children. Read the advice from the famous doctor in this article.


What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a runny nose in a child?

With this no doubt hot topic, Komarovsky even appeared on television and devoted several sections of his book to her.

To summarize everything said by Dr. Komarovsky, then a runny nose does not need to be treated. And to be more precise, it does not need to be treated, but stopped, since the snot released during rhinitis - defensive reaction organism for viruses that have entered the respiratory system. Together with the mucus, which in fact is what they used to call a runny nose, a large number of microorganisms that fight infections will be released. If the nasal passages are forcibly “dry”, pathogenic bacteria will easily penetrate the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs, causing more serious diseases.

Therefore, according to Komarovsky, with a runny nose, the main task of the parents of a sick child is to keep the mucous membrane of his nasal passages moist. To do this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, making sure that the temperature in it is not higher than 21 degrees, and the air humidity is not lower than 75%.

What does Komarovsky say about the treatment of the common cold in children?

This doctor knows a lot about rhinitis and its treatment, so he gives parents the following professional advice:

1. Komarovsky advises to humidify the air in the room in which the child is in case of a cold.

2. Regularly (every 2-3 hours) irrigate the nasopharyngeal mucosa with saline, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or cook it yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of boiled water.

3. The doctor also advises to use the drug Ekteritsid, which has anti-inflammatory and softening properties, for a runny nose.

5. In no case should vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Nafthyzin, Xelen, etc.) be used to treat rhinitis, which at the first stage provide temporary relief, and then only aggravate the severity of the condition, provoking swelling of the nasopharynx. The use of these drugs is permissible only in the treatment allergic rhinitis, and then only if the exposure to the allergen is stopped.

Komarovsky on the causes and prevention of rhinitis in children

Main reasons prolonged runny nose Komarovsky outlined the following:

1. allergic rhinitis 4 weeks or more. It occurs quite often and can last for quite a long period of time. It can be a reaction to any external stimulus. Starting from seasonal irritations in the form of an allergic rhinitis to poplar and acacia blossoms, ending with a constant allergy to tobacco smoke, dust or pet hair. Even parrot feathers and their excrement can cause a similar reaction in the body.

2. Constantly repetitive coryza. Due to the fact that a runny nose can be repeated constantly, those few days when a runny nose does not bother you are simply not noticed.

3. Physical damage to the nose and septum. Such deviations as the cause of a runny nose, according to Komarovsky, lead to incorrect work of the upper respiratory tract, which can often be the cause of a prolonged runny nose.

Prolonged rhinitis can cause disorders of the circulatory system, lungs, kidneys, and even disorders hormonal system. For diseases of the paranasal sinuses purulent discharge irritate the nasal mucosa. Then the sinuses themselves need to be treated, but only a specialist can detect this.

Thick snot in a child than to treat? Komarovsky: runny nose in a child

Snot in a child? Treatment is perhaps one of the most common problems that new mothers have to face. If for us adults, a runny nose is unpleasant phenomenon, then for babies this is a huge problem that can affect the functioning of the whole organism with the ensuing consequences.

As a rule, the appearance of this disease is a manifestation inflammatory disease nasal mucosa - rhinitis, and many novice mothers are immediately at a loss and stupor: thick snot What is the treatment for a child?

Etiology of rhinitis in children

In babies, the appearance of thick snot is under itself good reasons such as viral or bacterial infection or allergic diseases.

If a child has thick snot, Komarovsky advises solving this problem immediately. He indicates that the most susceptible to the occurrence this disease breast babies, which is associated with a low secretory ability of the nasal mucosa, difficult and narrow nasal passages, as well as the absence of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum.

These circumstances make it difficult to warm and purify the inhaled air and create quite favorable conditions for microbial and viral contamination. In other words, the occurrence of a runny nose in children is due to poorly formed immune protection, and its complex manifestation is reduced to such diseases as rhinitis and pharyngitis.

If a child has snot, what should I do? Knowing certain features of the functioning of the baby's body and its growth, mothers cease to be surprised at the appearance of snot after a walk.

The main causes that can cause a runny nose are:

  • infectious;
  • vasomotor;
  • hypertrophic;
  • allergic.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a medical reason should also be added to this list.

emergence vasomotor rhinitis may be due to a number of factors such as hot food, psycho-emotional experiences, smoke, etc. This reason is indicated by transparent thick snot in a child.

The occurrence of infectious rhinitis is associated, as a rule, with the presence of a microbial, viral or fungal pathogen, and it can appear against the background of a course various diseases: flu, cold infections, scarlet fever, etc.

Requires special attention allergic component, causing thick snot urebenka. How to treat, can tell medical statistics, which indicates a progressive annual increase in the number of children suffering from various allergic diseases. It is quite clear that the cause of such a runny nose is contact with the allergen, and distinctive feature- the presence of white snot.

Long-term use of medications vasoconstrictor action determines the appearance drug-induced rhinitis or, in other words, drug addiction.

Appearance various kinds injuries of the nasal mucosa predetermines the presence of traumatic rhinitis. Among the causes may be mechanical injury, chemical or thermal.

With the appearance of an overgrowth of the nasal mucosa, a hypertrophic runny nose is formed, and with its atrophy - atrophic.

The development of the common cold and its stages

Of course, the process of the appearance of rhinitis has certain stages in development.

  1. The appearance of swelling and swelling of the mucosa, which can last for several days.
  2. Increased secretory activity of the epithelium.
  3. Generalization of inflammation.

When primary symptoms appear, that is, when the development of rhinitis enters the first stage, it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe through the nasal passages. The peculiarity is that we, adults, easily begin to breathe through the mouth, but it is difficult for a child to do this. This determines the appearance of shortness of breath and the refusal of the breast or bottle of formula. After all, at the same time, the baby simply does not know how to eat and breathe through a nose stuffed with snot.

How thick snot appears

An exciting problem for every mother is the snot in a child. Treatment may vary. In otolaryngology, the origin of white snot is often associated with the presence allergic reaction at the baby. But mothers should remember that with non-bacterial diseases, thick snot may appear in a child. How to treat them in case of establishing the allergic nature of the disease? You need to take the following measures:

  • regularly ventilate the room in which the child is located;
  • at least twice a day to carry out wet cleaning of the room;
  • take frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • completely avoid contact with a potential allergen.

Often there may be a discharge of thick and transparent snot. According to parents, thick snot in infants are mucous secretions that appear as a result of contact with an allergen, and they may not always be white color. In this case, not only the allergic nature of the disease can take place.

Mucous secretions protect the baby's airways from getting into them the smallest particles that are in the inhaled air, and maybe the baby does not receive enough liquid. If this is the case, it is recommended to increase the amount of water you drink and consult a doctor than to treat thick snot.

At chronic diseases, such as bronchitis, or those that become protracted (pneumonia), there may be a discharge of thick green snot, which can also appear with a runny nose. Yellow-green color mucous discharge from the nose can take on bacterial infection, which is due to the massive death of leukocytes and microorganisms.

Thick snot in a child Komarovsky considers the most insidious. The nature of the origin of these secretions may be the same as in older children. It is worth not delaying treatment, as this can lead to the development of complications, and babies at such an early age are not able to blow their nose on their own. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly inspect the nasal passages, for example, after each bath, and clean them as necessary.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about a runny nose

Everyone knows how to get rid of snot, but it is clear that every mother is concerned about the question of the right and fast elimination baby runny nose. It is worth saying that you do not need to engage in self-treatment.

Babies and children under one year old are completely different people, from the point of view of medicine. The processes that occur in their body are very different from those that occur in the body of an adult or older children.

How to get rid of snot will help you understand the advice of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • When a child has a runny nose infectious nature, the main task of parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out. You should constantly provide the baby with a drink and regularly humidify the air in the room.
  • If this is not facilitated, the mucus can thicken and gradually settle in the lumen of the bronchi, which, in turn, can lead to the development of bronchitis or pneumonia. It can also lead to complications in the form of pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases.

The baby has thick snot

If thick snot appeared in a child, than to treat, the recommendations given above will prompt. Namely, it is necessary: ​​regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is located, and carry out wet cleaning. In a situation where hyperthermia occurs, boiled water should be given to the baby as often as possible. In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not force-feed the child;
  • regularly audit the nasal passages and suck out mucus;
  • take the baby more often in your arms;
  • speak kindly to your child.

Every mother is concerned about the issue of treating a runny nose with any medications. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in a child can be treated with medicines, but you should follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding their appointment.

So, vasoconstrictor drugs should be prescribed in the minimum dosage and only in the first two days of the development of the disease. To do this, you can use tools such as "For the Nose" (0.05%) and the children's "Otrivin", which are shown to infants.

If necessary, the use of antiviral and antibacterial drugs, you can use the following:

  • drops "Protargol";
  • nasal drops "Grippferon";
  • drops on oil based"Retinol", "Ectericide", "Tocopherol";
  • rectal suppositories"Viferon";
  • children's spray "Isofra".

When using these drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for use, and it is better to consult with your pediatrician.

Of the antihistamines, it is possible to use a drop of "Vibrocil" or washing sprays "Aquamaris" or "Aqualor baby".

Treatment of yellow snot

Let's say that even exact definition causes of the disease, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to agree on the treatment and its stages. If there is no opportunity to consult, then, as Dr. Komarovsky says, a runny nose in a child can be treated by following these recommendations:

It is worth remembering that in the absence of the effect of the ongoing drug treatment may have to resort to surgical intervention in the form of a puncture, which will remove the collected pus and ensure adequate ventilation of the sinuses.

The main measures in the treatment of green snot

After the diagnosis has been made by the attending pediatrician, they can be prescribed as medical preparations, and folk remedies. In especially severe cases, when yellow thick snot appeared in a child, antibacterial drugs may be recommended for a bacterial infection and antiviral drugs for a viral one.

Treatment of the disease should begin with the maximum release of the sinuses and passages from mucus to ensure comfortable free breathing baby.

It is possible to clear the nasal passages when yellow thick snot appeared in a child using an ordinary pear-syringe. By the way, this procedure it is recommended to carry out before each washing of the nose or instillation of drugs.

You can rinse your nose with special solutions that are sold in a pharmacy, or with self-prepared salt water. In the latter case, the solution should not be stronger than one teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water. Can be used as sea ​​salt, and ordinary cooking. For infants, it is recommended to take special solutions for washing, which can be bought at a pharmacy. In them, the microelement composition is observed in the most optimal proportion.

Thick white snot in a child is recommended to be treated after establishing the cause of their appearance. Initially, as in the treatment of any type of snot, it is recommended to rinse the nose to clear it of mucus and microorganisms. It is possible to use vasoconstrictor drops, which should not be used more often than 3-4 times a day. To combat inflammation, you can use the drops "Protargol", "Collardol" along with antiallergic or antibacterial drugs. Thick white snot in a child responds well enough to therapy with the anti-inflammatory ointment "Viprosal".

nose wash procedure

In order to rinse the baby's nose, it must be put on its side, and the solution for washing should be poured into the nostril that is located above. After this, the child is turned over to the other side and the procedure is repeated. The injection of the solution is done very carefully. You can also wash with an ordinary pipette. It should be remembered that the washing procedure is unpleasant for the baby. It can also be carried out using a medical syringe with a solution volume of not more than 0.5 ml.

After rinsing the nose is finished, you can drip therapeutic drops.

Proper nasal instillation

In order to properly drip drops into the baby's nose, it must be laid on its side, similarly to the washing procedure, and then drip 2-3 drops of the drug. It is necessary that they hit the mucous membrane - in this case, the effect will develop as quickly as possible. After that, you should gently press the nostril with your finger so that the drops do not leak out, turn the baby on the other side and repeat the procedure.

Folk ways

Help to ease the baby's condition folk ways used by our mothers and grandmothers.

So, for washing the nose, you can use not only salt water, but also freshly prepared and chilled decoction or infusion of chamomile at the rate of two teaspoons per glass of water.

To carry out "disinfection" in the room, you can put an onion cut in half or into 4 parts. Inhaling the phytoncides secreted by her will help break through a stuffy nose. After a while, the swelling of the mucosa will decrease, and the baby's breathing will become easier.

You can also lubricate the nasal passages sea ​​buckthorn oil that will provide preventive action in the formation of crusts.

You can lubricate the baby's feet with the Asterisk balm three to five times a day, combining this procedure with massage.

You can bury the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe. Freshly cooked carrot or beetroot juice, diluted boiled water in the same proportions.

Prevention of the common cold

As you know, the disease is better to prevent than to deal with its treatment. Following several simple rules, you can prevent the development and appearance of a runny nose. So, from a very early age, a baby needs to create and maintain a daily routine, ensure the correct good nutrition, conduct physical education classes and ensure the acceptance air baths. You can also wipe the baby with a damp towel and take contrast baths. In the latter case, the difference between the initial and final temperatures should not be more than 2-3 degrees.

Runny nose is very common symptom colds in children 2 years old. Many parents are familiar with the situation when, after treating a cold, it reappears. The reason may be that the previous rhinitis was not completely cured, or the immune system is very much weakened, so it reacts to each irritant in this way. Especially often such an ailment occurs in children at this age, since many go to kindergarten, where there is great amount viruses and bacteria.

First aid

What is the best treatment? To obtain the maximum result from the treatment of the common cold in children 2 years old, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Only in this way can you short span time to overcome the disease.

Firstly, you need to refuse to visit for 2-3 days kindergarten. Thus, you can slow down the disease on initial stage development. Otherwise, this symptom will turn into chronic form, and the treatment will be much more difficult.

For the first 2 days, give your child bed rest. The pillow should be placed under the head and shoulders. Then he will feel comfortable, and the accumulated sputum will begin to separate faster. And this will greatly improve the nasal breathing of the baby.

At the time of a cold, the child must drink as much liquid as possible. Prepare him a drink of jam, currants, cranberries. Such fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, and, as you know, it perfectly eliminates colds and infectious diseases. In addition, this drink has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens defensive forces child's body. Patients aged 2 years should be allowed to drink up to 1 liter of fluid per day.

If after 2 days the baby's runny nose has not gone away, then it is worth giving him a warm mineral water. alkaline water. The advantage of this treatment is that pathogenic microorganisms die very quickly in an alkaline environment. At plentiful drink it is possible to improve the discharge of nasal mucus and reduce the intoxication of the body that occurs against the background of redness by bacteria and viruses.

The video tells how to treat a runny nose in a child at 2 years old:


Such measures in the treatment of cough in children 2 years old are considered the most effective. Thanks to them, it is possible to evenly distribute medicinal substance deep into the nasal mucosa. The result of such treatment is a rapid and effective distribution of the drug over the surface of the epithelium of the nose. The healing process after inhalation comes very quickly. After 2-3 days, the baby's breathing improves, the amount of mucus secreted decreases and the general condition normalizes. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures per day.

For inhalation, you can use a special device, thanks to which it is possible to turn under pressure medicinal solution into an aerosol. The name of such a device is a nebulizer, through which inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial medicines can be sprayed. Here are the medicines for the nebulizer for the common cold.

Application of drops

As a rule, during the treatment of rhinitis in children 2 years old, vasoconstrictor drops. Do not use them for more than a week. Consider only the most effective for children of this age:

Other effective remedies

Positive effect on treatment baby runny nose Rinse with ordinary boiled water. For achievement maximum effect it is necessary to use infusion from medicinal herbs and sea water. Herbs such as calendula, St. John's wort and eucalyptus are considered effective.

Many children at this age are not very fond of flushing, but it is necessary to do this. Prepare your baby in advance, promise him some kind of reward for this. Over time, he will get used to it, and the procedure will not seem so scary to him. Besides, positive result will be noticeable after the first application.

An important role in the treatment of rhinitis in children 2 years of age is diet. Do not include fatty foods in your diet meat dishes. To digest such food, the baby's body will need more energy. Since the disease reduces energy reserves, it is very important to follow a dietary diet with rhinitis.

Saturate the body of crumbs large number drink rich in vitamin C. Fluid replenishment in these patients is very important point, after all, dehydration of the body occurs in them much more strongly. You can try other folk remedies.

Find out if licorice syrup can be given to children under one year old.

Runny nose can be a symptom various diseases and occurs in childhood often enough. It is based on an increase in the production of mucus in the membranes of the nasal passages. If a runny nose appears in a child and greatly disturbs the baby, parents seek to help the baby by any means. What treatment for a runny nose does Dr. Komarovsky advise and how not to harm a baby with a runny nose, but how to effectively eliminate such an unpleasant symptom?


The most common cause of a runny nose in children, a famous doctor calls SARS. Such a runny nose can occur both with temperature and without temperature. An excess amount of mucus, according to Komarovsky, acts protective reaction of the child's body against a viral infection. Firstly, viruses are removed from the nasopharynx along with mucus, and secondly, there are substances in the mucus itself that can neutralize the infectious agent.

Cause of runny nose baby doctor will help determine

The second most common cause of the common cold in children Komarovsky calls allergy. She can be called washing powder, flowering plants, dust, animal hair and other factors. If a child has a prolonged, prolonged runny nose, most probable cause there will be an allergic reaction. In treatment, the main condition will be getting rid of the allergen., and any medication for such a runny nose, according to Komarovsky, should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Allergies are one of the main causes of a runny nose in children.

For information on how to find the cause of an allergic rhinitis, how it differs from an infectious one, and how to treat a child, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.


In infants, the cause of a runny nose may be physiological response to dry indoor air. In addition, in the first months of life, a runny nose may occur as a result of the mucous membranes getting used to breathing through the nose. However, in infancy, both viral rhinitis and rhinitis of an allergic nature occur.

How to treat a runny nose with a disease from nozzles during teething, see the program.

There is an opinion that instillation of breast milk into the nose helps with a runny nose. What Doctor Komarovsky thinks about this can be found in the video presented.


Komarovsky emphasizes that in most cases a child needs a runny nose to get rid of a viral infection, but his own protective function mucus in the nasopharynx performs only under certain conditions. The most important of these is a certain consistency.

If the mucus in the nasal passages dries out or becomes very thick, not only does it not help get rid of viruses, but it also becomes an environment in which bacteria easily develop. It raises the risk of transition of a viral infection to a bacterial-viral. That is why the main condition for the treatment of the common cold Komarovsky calls the support of the optimal viscosity of the mucus. Here are the methods recommended by a famous pediatrician:

Plentiful drink. It will thin the mucus by thinning the blood. Creating the right indoor environment. Nasal mucus dries out especially quickly when the air temperature in the room is above + 22 ° C and in conditions of very dry air. Walks in the open air. If the temperature of the baby is normal, you should not leave the baby at home. Moisturizing mucous saline . You can buy it at a pharmacy or cook it at home by combining a liter of boiled water and a teaspoon of salt. Solutions based on sea salt, such as Aquamaris, are also suitable. They should be instilled into the nose of a baby with a runny nose every hour, 3-4 drops. Instillation of oily solutions into the nose. They, covering the mucosa with a thin layer, prevent it from drying out. Komarovsky recommends the use of an ectericide, olive oil, oil solution vitamin A, Vaseline oil, tocopherol solution. These solutions can be instilled 2-3 drops in each stroke every two hours.

If the runny nose is long and such methods of eliminating it do not help, Komarovsky recommends consulting a doctor to exclude the allergic nature of this symptom.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Komarovsky admits that such drugs quickly and effectively eliminate the common cold. They constrict the vessels in the membrane of the nasal passages, which leads to a decrease in mucosal edema and a decrease in mucus production. An example of such drugs can be called otrivin, nazol, sanorin, naphthyzine, tizin and many other drugs.

According to Komarovsky, their differences are only in the duration and strength of the impact, and the mechanism of the action on the mucous membrane and side effects are very similar.

Vasoconstrictor drugs will quickly get rid of the common cold, but will be addictive

Wherein famous doctor emphasizes that the use similar drugs eliminates only the symptom itself, without affecting the cause of the common cold. If parents decide to use such drugs in the treatment of a runny nose in a child, a popular pediatrician advises to take into account such points:

To any vasoconstrictor drugs enough rapidly addictive, because of which the drug is used more often or in an increased dose. This increases the risk of side effects associated with exposure to all vessels, and not just the nose area. If comply with the rules of application(do not exceed the dosage, do not use longer than a week), then the frequency side effects low. Local side effects are sneezing, burning sensation and tingling in the nose, swelling of the mucosa, dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth. To general adverse reactions refer dizziness, disturbed heartbeat, visual disturbances, sleep problems, high blood pressure, vomiting and other serious events. When choosing a vasoconstrictor drug for a child, it should be remembered that in pharmacies have special forms for children, concentration active substance in which below than in adult medicines. Important read the instructions for the drug and make sure that the remedy is not contraindicated in childhood.


Doesn't help with viral rhinitis, and it is the most common. Doesn't help with allergic rhinitis. Allergizes the body. Addictive to the drug, and if it is required in a serious infection, the effectiveness of the drug will not be sufficient.


To prevent the appearance of a runny nose, as a symptom of SARS, Komarovsky advises through the following actions:

Dress your baby according to the weather and avoid hypothermia. Monitor personal hygiene and cleanliness in the children's room. Strengthen the defenses of the child's body with hardening procedures and a balanced diet. Avoid crowds during the season viral infections. Isolate the sick family member from the child.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a runny nose in a child

Many young parents have already heard about Dr. Komarovsky. He is a practicing pediatrician and has opened his own clinic. In his spare time from his main job, Komarovsky is engaged in research, which is reflected in his "work" - books, the main theme of which is infectious diseases in children. Read the advice from the famous doctor in this article.


What does Dr. Komarovsky say about a runny nose in a child?

With this, no doubt relevant topic, Komarovsky even appeared on television and devoted several sections of his book to it.

To summarize everything said by Dr. Komarovsky, then a runny nose does not need to be treated. And to be more precise, it does not need to be treated, but stopped, since the snot released during rhinitis is a protective reaction of the body to viruses that have entered the respiratory system. Together with the mucus, which in fact is what they used to call a runny nose, a large number of microorganisms that fight infections will be released. If the nasal passages are forcibly “dry”, pathogenic bacteria will easily penetrate the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs, causing more serious diseases.

Therefore, according to Komarovsky, with a runny nose, the main task of the parents of a sick child is to keep the mucous membrane of his nasal passages moist. To do this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, making sure that the temperature in it is not higher than 21 degrees, and the air humidity is not lower than 75%.

What does Komarovsky say about the treatment of the common cold in children?

This doctor knows a lot about rhinitis and its treatment, so he gives parents the following professional advice:

1. Komarovsky advises to humidify the air in the room in which the child is in case of a cold.

2. Regularly (every 2-3 hours) irrigate the nasopharyngeal mucosa with saline, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or cook it yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of boiled water.

3. The doctor also advises to use the drug Ekteritsid, which has anti-inflammatory and softening properties, for a runny nose.

5. In no case should vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Nafthyzin, Xelen, etc.) be used to treat rhinitis, which at the first stage provide temporary relief, and then only aggravate the severity of the condition, provoking swelling of the nasopharynx. The use of these drugs is permissible only in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and then only if the exposure to the allergen is stopped.

Komarovsky on the causes and prevention of rhinitis in children

The main causes of a prolonged runny nose Komarovsky identified the following:

1. Allergic rhinitis 4 weeks or longer. It occurs quite often and can last for quite a long period of time. It can be a reaction to any external stimulus. Starting from seasonal irritations in the form of an allergic rhinitis to poplar and acacia blossoms, ending with a constant allergy to tobacco smoke, dust or pet hair. Even parrot feathers and their excrement can cause a similar reaction in the body.

2. Constantly recurring acute coryza. Due to the fact that a runny nose can be repeated constantly, those few days when a runny nose does not bother you are simply not noticed.

3. Physical damage to the nose and septum. Such deviations as the cause of a runny nose, according to Komarovsky, lead to incorrect operation of the upper respiratory tract, which can often be the cause of a prolonged runny nose.

Prolonged rhinitis can cause disorders of the circulatory system, lungs, kidneys, and even hormonal disorders. In diseases of the paranasal sinuses, purulent discharge irritates the nasal mucosa. Then the sinuses themselves need to be treated, but only a specialist can detect this.

Thick snot in a child than to treat? Komarovsky: runny nose in a child

Snot in a child? Treatment is perhaps one of the most common problems that new mothers have to face. If for us, adults, a runny nose is an unpleasant phenomenon, then for babies it is a huge problem that can affect the functioning of the whole organism with the ensuing consequences.

As a rule, the appearance of this disease is a manifestation of an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa - rhinitis, and many novice mothers are immediately at a loss and stupor: how to treat thick snot in a child?

Etiology of rhinitis in children

In babies, the appearance of thick snot has good reasons, such as a viral or bacterial infection or allergic diseases.

If a child has thick snot, Komarovsky advises solving this problem immediately. He points out that infants are most susceptible to the occurrence of this disease, which is associated with a low secretory ability of the nasal mucosa, difficult and narrow nasal passages, and the absence of a cartilaginous part of the nasal septum.

These circumstances make it difficult to warm and purify the inhaled air and create quite favorable conditions for microbial and viral contamination. In other words, the occurrence of a runny nose in children is due to poorly formed immune defenses, and its complex manifestation is reduced to diseases such as rhinitis and pharyngitis.

If a child has snot, what should I do? Knowing certain features of the functioning of the baby's body and its growth, mothers cease to be surprised at the appearance of snot after a walk.

The main causes that can cause a runny nose are:

infectious; vasomotor; hypertrophic; allergic.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a medical reason should also be added to this list.

The occurrence of vasomotor rhinitis can be due to a number of factors, such as hot food, psycho-emotional experiences, smoke, etc. This cause is indicated by transparent thick snot in a child.

The occurrence of infectious rhinitis is associated, as a rule, with the presence of a microbial, viral or fungal pathogen, and it can appear against the background of various diseases: influenza, colds, scarlet fever, etc.

The allergic component that causes thick snot in the baby requires special attention. How to treat, medical statistics can suggest, which indicates a progressive annual increase in the number of children suffering from various allergic diseases. It is quite clear that the cause of such a runny nose is contact with the allergen, and the presence of white snot is a distinctive feature.

Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs determines the appearance of a drug-induced rhinitis, or, in other words, drug dependence.

The appearance of various kinds of injuries of the nasal mucosa predetermines the presence of a traumatic rhinitis. Among the causes may be mechanical injury, chemical or thermal.

With the appearance of an overgrowth of the nasal mucosa, a hypertrophic runny nose is formed, and with its atrophy - atrophic.

The development of the common cold and its stages

Of course, the process of the appearance of rhinitis has certain stages in development.

The appearance of swelling and swelling of the mucosa, which can last for several days. Increased secretory activity of the epithelium. Generalization of inflammation.

When primary symptoms appear, that is, when the development of rhinitis enters the first stage, it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe through the nasal passages. The peculiarity is that we, adults, easily begin to breathe through the mouth, but it is difficult for a child to do this. This determines the appearance of shortness of breath and the refusal of the breast or bottle of formula. After all, at the same time, the baby simply does not know how to eat and breathe through a nose stuffed with snot.

How thick snot appears

An exciting problem for every mother is the snot in a child. Treatment may vary. In otolaryngology, the origin of white snot is often associated with the presence of an allergic reaction in a baby. But mothers should remember that with non-bacterial diseases, thick snot may appear in a child. How to treat them in case of establishing the allergic nature of the disease? You need to take the following measures:

regularly ventilate the room in which the child is located; at least twice a day to carry out wet cleaning of the room; take frequent walks in the fresh air; completely avoid contact with a potential allergen.

Often there may be a discharge of thick and transparent snot. According to parents, thick snot in infants are mucous secretions that appear as a result of contact with an allergen, and they may not always be white. In this case, not only the allergic nature of the disease can take place.

Mucous secretions protect the baby's airways from getting into them the smallest particles that are in the inhaled air, and maybe the baby does not receive enough liquid. If this is the case, it is recommended to increase the amount of water you drink and consult a doctor than to treat thick snot.

In chronic diseases, such as bronchitis, or those that become protracted (pneumonia), there may be a discharge of thick green snot, which can also appear with a runny nose. Mucous discharge from the nose can take on a yellow-green color with a bacterial infection, which is due to the massive death of leukocytes and microorganisms.

Thick snot in a child Komarovsky considers the most insidious. The nature of the origin of these secretions may be the same as in older children. It is worth not delaying treatment, as this can lead to the development of complications, and babies at such an early age are not able to blow their nose on their own. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly inspect the nasal passages, for example, after each bath, and clean them as necessary.

What Dr. Komarovsky says about a runny nose

Everyone knows how to get rid of snot, but it is clear that every mother is concerned about the correct and quick elimination of a runny nose in a baby. It is worth saying that you do not need to engage in self-treatment.

Babies and children under one year old are completely different people, from the point of view of medicine. The processes that occur in their body are very different from those that occur in the body of an adult or older children.

How to get rid of snot will help you understand the advice of Dr. Komarovsky:

When a child has a runny nose of an infectious nature, the main task of parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out. You should constantly provide the baby with a drink and regularly humidify the air in the room. If this is not facilitated, the mucus can thicken and gradually settle in the lumen of the bronchi, which, in turn, can lead to the development of bronchitis or pneumonia. It can also lead to complications in the form of pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases.

The baby has thick snot

If thick snot appeared in a child, than to treat, the recommendations given above will prompt. Namely, it is necessary: ​​regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is located, and carry out wet cleaning. In a situation where hyperthermia occurs, boiled water should be given to the baby as often as possible. In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

do not force-feed the child; regularly audit the nasal passages and suck out mucus; take the baby more often in your arms; speak kindly to your child.

Every mother is concerned about the issue of treating a runny nose with any medication. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in a child can be treated with medicines, but you should follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding their appointment.

So, vasoconstrictor drugs should be prescribed in the minimum dosage and only in the first two days of the development of the disease. To do this, you can use tools such as "For the Nose" (0.05%) and the children's "Otrivin", which are shown to infants.

If necessary, the use of antiviral and antibacterial drugs, you can use the following:

drops "Protargol"; nasal drops "Grippferon"; oil-based drops "Retinol", "Ectericide", "Tocopherol"; rectal suppositories "Viferon"; children's spray "Isofra".

When using these drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for use, and it is better to consult with your pediatrician.

Of the antihistamines, it is possible to use a drop of "Vibrocil" or washing sprays "Aquamaris" or "Aqualor baby".

Treatment of yellow snot

Let's say that even with an accurate determination of the cause of the disease, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to agree on the treatment and its stages. If there is no opportunity to consult, then, as Dr. Komarovsky says, a runny nose in a child can be treated by following these recommendations:

actively blow the mucus out of the nose; apply vasoconstrictor drugs; some time after that, flush the sinuses; continue local procedures; use antihistamines; if necessary, use broad-spectrum antibacterial agents; it is possible to use antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol.

It is worth remembering that in the absence of the effect of the ongoing drug treatment, you may have to resort to surgical intervention in the form of a puncture, which will remove the collected pus and ensure adequate ventilation of the sinuses.

The main measures in the treatment of green snot

After the diagnosis has been made by the attending pediatrician, both medications and folk remedies can be prescribed. In especially severe cases, when yellow thick snot appeared in a child, antibacterial drugs may be recommended for a bacterial infection and antiviral drugs for a viral one.

Treatment of the disease should begin with the maximum release of the nasal sinuses and passages from mucus to ensure comfortable free breathing for the baby.

It is possible to clear the nasal passages when yellow thick snot appeared in a child using an ordinary pear-syringe. By the way, this procedure is recommended before each nasal lavage or instillation of drugs.

You can rinse your nose with special solutions that are sold in a pharmacy, or with self-prepared salt water. In the latter case, the solution should not be stronger than one teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water. You can use both sea salt and ordinary table salt. For infants, it is recommended to take special solutions for washing, which can be bought at a pharmacy. In them, the microelement composition is observed in the most optimal proportion.

Thick white snot in a child is recommended to be treated after establishing the cause of their appearance. Initially, as in the treatment of any type of snot, it is recommended to rinse the nose to clear it of mucus and microorganisms. It is possible to use vasoconstrictor drops, which should not be used more often than 3-4 times a day. To combat inflammation, you can use Protargol, Collargol drops along with antiallergic or antibacterial drugs. Thick white snot in a child responds well enough to therapy with the anti-inflammatory ointment "Viprosal".

nose wash procedure

In order to rinse the baby's nose, it must be put on its side, and the solution for washing should be poured into the nostril that is located above. After this, the child is turned over to the other side and the procedure is repeated. The injection of the solution is done very carefully. You can also wash with an ordinary pipette. It should be remembered that the washing procedure is unpleasant for the baby. It can also be carried out using a medical syringe with a solution volume of not more than 0.5 ml.

After rinsing the nose is finished, you can drip therapeutic drops.

Proper nasal instillation

In order to properly drip drops into the baby's nose, it must be laid on its side, similarly to the washing procedure, and then drip 2-3 drops of the drug. It is necessary that they hit the mucous membrane - in this case, the effect will develop as quickly as possible. After that, you should gently press the nostril with your finger so that the drops do not leak out, turn the baby on the other side and repeat the procedure.

Folk ways

Some of the folk methods used by our mothers and grandmothers will help alleviate the condition of the baby.

So, for washing the nose, you can use not only salt water, but also freshly prepared and chilled decoction or infusion of chamomile at the rate of two teaspoons per glass of water.

To carry out "disinfection" in the room, you can put an onion cut in half or into 4 parts. Inhaling the phytoncides secreted by her will help break through a stuffy nose. After a while, the swelling of the mucosa will decrease, and the baby's breathing will become easier.

You can also lubricate the nasal passages with sea buckthorn oil, which will have a preventive effect in the formation of crusts.

You can lubricate the baby's feet with the Asterisk balm three to five times a day, combining this procedure with massage.

You can bury the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe. Freshly prepared carrot or beetroot juice, diluted with boiled water in equal proportions, also helps well against a runny nose.

Prevention of the common cold

As you know, the disease is better to prevent than to deal with its treatment. By following a few simple rules, you can prevent the development and appearance of a runny nose. So, from a very early age, a baby needs to create and maintain a daily routine, ensure proper nutrition, conduct physical education classes and ensure air baths. You can also wipe the baby with a damp towel and take contrast baths. In the latter case, the difference between the initial and final temperatures should not be more than 2-3 degrees.

Runny nose in a child 2 years old: how to treat, effective remedies

A runny nose is a very common cold symptom in 2 year olds. Many parents are familiar with the situation when, after treating a cold, it reappears. The reason may be that the previous rhinitis was not completely cured, or the immune system is very much weakened, so it reacts to each irritant in this way. Especially often such an ailment occurs in children at this age, since many go to kindergarten, where there is a huge amount of viruses and bacteria.

First aid

What is the best treatment? To obtain the maximum result from the treatment of the common cold in children 2 years old, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Only in this way can you overcome the disease in a short period of time.

Firstly, it is necessary to refuse to visit kindergarten for 2-3 days. Thus, you can slow down the disease at the initial stage of development. Otherwise, this symptom will become chronic, and treatment will be much more difficult.

In the first 2 days, provide the child with bed rest. The pillow should be placed under the head and shoulders. Then he will feel comfortable, and the accumulated sputum will begin to separate faster. And this will greatly improve the nasal breathing of the baby.

At the time of a cold, the child must drink as much liquid as possible. Prepare him a drink of jam, currants, cranberries. Such fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, and, as you know, it perfectly eliminates colds and infectious diseases. In addition, this drink has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the defenses of the child's body. Patients aged 2 years should be allowed to drink up to 1 liter of fluid per day.

If after 2 days the baby has not runny nose, then it is worth giving him warm mineral alkaline water. The advantage of this treatment is that pathogenic microorganisms die very quickly in an alkaline environment. With abundant drinking, it is possible to improve the discharge of nasal mucus and reduce the intoxication of the body that occurs against the background of redness by bacteria and viruses.

The video tells how to treat a runny nose in a child at 2 years old:


Such measures in the treatment of cough in children 2 years old are considered the most effective. Thanks to them, it is possible to evenly distribute the medicinal substance deep into the nasal mucosa. The result of such treatment is a rapid and effective distribution of the drug over the surface of the epithelium of the nose. The healing process after inhalation comes very quickly. After 2-3 days, the baby's breathing improves, the amount of mucus secreted decreases and the general condition normalizes. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures per day.

For inhalation, you can use a special device, thanks to which it is possible to turn the medicinal solution into an aerosol under pressure. The name of such a device is a nebulizer, through which inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial medicines can be sprayed. Here are the medicines for the nebulizer for the common cold.

Application of drops

As a rule, during the treatment of the common cold in children 2 years old, vasoconstrictor drops are used. Do not use them for more than a week. Consider only the most effective for children of this age:

Vibrocil. This medicine is approved for use in patients infancy. The duration of therapy is not more than a week. The resulting effect is achieved after 2-3 minutes, and lasts for 6-8 hours. You need to drip 1-2 drops in each nasal passage. Here you can find the instructions for using Vibrocil nose drops. It is advisable to blow your nose well before using the medicine or clean the nasal strip with a salt solution, as well as Aquamaris. Read how to properly rinse the nose of a child of 2 years. Nazol Baby. These drops should be used very carefully and not more than 3 days. The resulting effect lasts about 6 hours. It is worth dripping for children aged 2 years, you need 2 drops in each nostril. The field of application of the pipette must be wiped dry. Polydex. Polydex nasal drops for children is a nasal spray that is allowed to be used by patients over 2 years of age. The course of therapy is 5-10 days. The resulting effect is achieved after 3 minutes and lasts 8-9 hours. Instructions for use involves one spray in each nasal passage. The number of doses per day - 3 times. But the use of such a medicine is prohibited for children suffering from renal failure.

Other effective remedies

Washing with ordinary boiled water has a positive effect in the treatment of children's runny nose. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use an infusion of medicinal herbs and sea water. Herbs such as calendula, St. John's wort and eucalyptus are considered effective.

Many children at this age are not very fond of flushing, but it is necessary to do this. Prepare your baby in advance, promise him some kind of reward for this. Over time, he will get used to it, and the procedure will not seem so scary to him. In addition, a positive result will be noticeable after the first application.

An important role in the treatment of rhinitis in children 2 years of age is diet. Do not include fatty and meat dishes in the diet. To digest such food, the baby's body will need more energy. Since the disease reduces energy reserves, it is very important to follow a dietary diet with rhinitis.

Saturate the body of the crumbs with a large amount of drink rich in vitamin C. Replenishment of fluid in such patients is a very important point, because dehydration occurs in them much more. You can try other folk remedies.

Find out if licorice syrup can be given to children under one year old.



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