Nasal drops have a vasoconstrictor effect. Drops for the little ones

Vasoconstrictor drops are the easiest way to treat rhinitis or other inflammatory process in the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract. They can be used at almost any age. When used correctly, patients should not be afraid side effects or the body getting used to the active ingredients. The principle of operation of drops or sprays is quite simple. It is enough to introduce the medication into the nasal cavity, after which the medication enters the mucous cavity, starting its work.

Immediately after using the drug, the patient feels relief in nasal breathing and a general improvement in well-being. Patients note a decrease in swelling, normalization of functions breathing apparatus, as well as other positive actions. But to achieve such a result, you need to use only proven products, and it is best to use nasal drops without xylometazoline.

There are nasal drops various types, so choosing a medication today is not difficult. It is important to choose the medicine that has the least pronounced side effect and is ideal for your case.

The main effect of nasal drops is a vasoconstrictor effect and improvement of nasal breathing.

In addition, medications of this kind are responsible for improving the removal of mucus from the nasal cavity and reducing swelling.

Another effect of such drops is a decrease in the amount of mucous secretion produced.

You can use such medications almost from birth, but it is important to understand that the human body quickly absorbs the active components and after three days the medication ceases to be effective.

Therefore, treatment with nasal drops should be strictly dosed and carried out only with a doctor’s prescription.

If you use nasal medications correctly, there will be no side effects. But if the treatment rules are violated, the patient may develop dependence of the vessels in the nasal cavity on the sprays.

As a result, the patient may develop medical rhinitis, as well as headache, nausea and vomiting, bad feeling, dizziness and other symptoms. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor for further treatment.

Often patients with colds are concerned about the question, which nasal medications are best to use? Doctors have been arguing for many years about the need for various drugs, but experts agree on one issue.

It is best to treat a runny nose with drops that do not contain xylometazoline.. It is quite difficult to choose a medication without this active ingredient, so we offer a list for you to study.

One of the most effective drops for rhinitis - Adrianol. Active ingredient This drug belongs to the sympathomimetic group, which affects the source of inflammation. Immediately after use, the patient notes the effect on the respiratory tract. It should be noted that there is no negative factor on beta-adrenergic receptors, which is especially important when treating young children.

Adrianol has a vasoconstrictor effect and also relieves swelling in the nasal mucosa. When applied to the nasal mucosa, only small arterioles narrow, which causes an immediate reduction in swelling. In addition, this effect of the drug allows you to reduce the amount of liquid or mucous secretion, restoring nasal breathing.

The effect of the drug begins two minutes after application and lasts for eight hours.

Adrianol can be used in case of mucous membrane and swelling in patients suffering from inflammation of the nose in case of rhinitis or pharyngitis. In addition, the medication is prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis or hay fever.

Do not use this medication in case of special sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as for rhinitis without mucous discharge, which is also called dry runny nose.

Other contraindications to the drug include the presence of closed glaucoma.

Do not use the product if you have arrhythmia, heart problems, metabolic disorders, diabetes, or if you are using MAO inhibitors or other medicines, which can provoke an increase blood pressure.

Adrianol should be used in the following way:

  1. When treating adults, it is necessary to administer four drops five times a day.
  2. For children, three drops should be administered three times a day.

In some cases, your doctor may change the dosage.

Another drug that does not contain xylometazoline is Salin. Its action is aimed at reducing swelling and restoring respiratory function. Salin has a pronounced anti-congestive effect and is considered a harmless drug for the treatment of children. In addition to the vasoconstrictor effect, the medication has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Salin should be used in case of prolonged rhinitis. Its main effect is to improve nasal breathing with abundant secretion of mucous secretion.

Liquefying thick mucus, the active substance of the drug removes secretions from the body. In addition, Salin moisturizes the mucous cavity and softens the formed crusts.

In addition to the described effect, Salin has an antiseptic effect.

The bactericidal effect allows the product to be used for rhinitis and inflammation paranasal sinuses and other inflammations in the upper respiratory tract.

In addition, doctors often prescribe this medication in cases of atrophic, infectious and allergic rhinitis. Salin is useful to use as a drug to maintain hygiene of the nasal mucosa and in case of complex therapy with inflammation of the sinus area.

Salin is necessary for patients whose professional activity associated with constant contact with dust, building materials, and also in an office where the air conditioner is often running.

It is important to note that this drug has virtually no contraindications or identified side effects.

  1. To treat children, one spray into each nostril three times a day is sufficient.
  2. For therapy in adults, up to two injections at a time three times a day are prescribed.

Do not use the product in case of severe acidosis, as well as hypernatremia and extracellular hyperhydration.

For the treatment of rhinitis, a drug from the clinical-pharmacological group of anti-inflammatory action is suitable - Pinsol. Local preparation for the treatment of rhinitis is prescribed in case of acute course illness.

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, the medication has antimicrobial effect. The plant origin of the drug allows the product to be used from the age of two.

The medication relieves swelling, and thanks antiseptic effect destroys the cause of inflammation, improving the overall well-being of the patient. Therefore, this remedy is effective in the following cases:

  • coryza;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • atrophic runny nose;
  • acute inflammation in the nasal mucosa and nasopharyngeal cavity;
  • dry mucous membrane;
  • copious discharge mucous secretion;
  • in case of rehabilitation after surgery.

For treatment with Pinsol The following dosages must be adhered to:

  1. When treating children, it is enough to administer two drops of the drug.
  2. For adults, four drops are usually prescribed.

The product must be used once a day. The dosage should not be violated, as side effects may occur. If dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of overdose occur, call an ambulance.

Vasoconstrictor medication for local application without xylometazoline – Vibrocil.

This drug has an alpha-adrenomimetic effect, which causes vasoconstriction.

This effect reduces swelling, improves nasal breathing and restores the functions of the upper respiratory tract.

This medication will be useful for those who do not tolerate contact of medications with the mucous membrane.

Its effect reduces sensitivity and removes mucus from the nasal cavity. The medication reduces the effect of irritation of the cavity during rhinitis, as well as in the case of long-term treatment antibiotics. In addition, Vibrocil is prescribed in case of long-term treatment with drops containing xylometazoline.

The effect of the drug begins after two minutes, after administration of the drug into the nasal cavity. In therapeutic concentrations, Vibrocil does not provoke the mucous membrane and improves nasal breathing. Therefore, doctors prescribe this drug in the following cases:

  • sinusitis;
  • hay fever;
  • acute rhinitis;
  • respiratory inflammation;
  • allergic runny nose;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • eustachitis;
  • with inflammation of the middle part of the ear with increased swelling of the mucous part in the nasopharynx cavity;
  • when preparing the patient for surgery.

The product must be used as follows:

  1. For the treatment of children under five, one spray is prescribed in each nostril up to three times a day.
  2. When a child between five and eleven years of age has inflammation, it is necessary to administer two sprays into each nasal passage.
  3. For the treatment of adults, three injections three times a day are sufficient.

Do not use the product more often than prescribed. Remember to administer the drug immediately before bedtime.

Treatment of rhinitis takes place over the course of one week, but if you follow all the rules, you can get rid of mucous discharge after three days. Therefore, do not violate the dosage and monitor general health patient.

During the autumn-winter period common problem your nose gets runny. It may be present alone or together with other colds. To restore the free flow of air into the lungs, many resort to various means pharmaceutical market.

They most often choose a medicine without consulting a doctor, relying on their own knowledge or experience. But you need to be aware that medical drug has a complex chemical composition, the action of which must be understood, so the selection safe means For a runny nose, you should contact a specialist, and not a pharmacy worker.

Harm from vasoconstrictor medication for nasal congestion

Most often, when nasal congestion occurs, people resort to with vasoconstrictor effect. Today they are produced in two forms: drops used for small children and sprays designed for children over 6 years old and adults. They act quickly, so the patient feels relief fairly quickly. Removal of edema occurs due to a sharp contraction of the vessels of the upper respiratory tract. Breathing becomes easier due to a decrease in the volume of blood flow, which reduces the rate of mucus formation, making it thick and tightly located to the walls of the mucous membrane.

Most people use nasal drops for nasal congestion based on vasoconstrictor components. But many of us do not know that this group of drugs is designed for short term application, because otherwise addiction and abnormal reactions of side effects occur. In the instructions for these drugs you can read that vasoconstrictors not used for more than 3 days.

The thing is that the vessels are under the influence chemical substances begin to narrow urgently. If the patient starts dripping drugs into the nose every day for a week, addiction to the medicine will occur. Since the drops have a short period of action, the stimulant substance constricts the blood vessels for a while, as soon as the medicine evaporates, the swelling returns. In all cases of addiction, to maintain as much as possible longer effect the remedy requires a new, ever-increasing dose.

But the problem lies not only in getting used to the vasoconstrictor drug, but in the fact that if drops or sprays are used frequently, the vessels will atrophy and will not “notice” the stimulation of constriction at all. In some situations there is reverse effect when the swelling became even more pronounced. Even if the drug is used infrequently, in case of chronic runny nose, against the background of visible improvements in the condition and the disappearance of swelling of the mucous membrane, a gradual violation metabolic processes , which leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels. As a result, frequent nasal bleeding occurs due to increased pressure or minor injuries.

It is necessary to mention side effects if the patient overdoses. This list is filled with the following symptoms:

  • Heartbeat.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Hypertension.
  • Sleep disorder.
  • Depressive state.

Contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are glaucoma and atrophic rhinitis. Before use vasoconstrictors that are addictive, you should consult a doctor if present high blood pressure, problems related to the activity of the heart and thyroid gland. You cannot do without consulting a pediatrician, and in situations where it is necessary to treat children for a runny nose, it is worth finding out about a remedy with a vasoconstrictor effect and visiting a therapist for a pregnant woman or nursing mother in this case.

Rules for using drops and sprays with vasoconstrictors:

  1. The drugs cannot be used constantly, but only once in cases where nasal breathing is completely blocked, in order to quickly restore it.
  2. Do not use such drops and sprays at the first sign of congestion. It’s better to try to restore the capacity of the airways with physical exercises and breathing exercises.
  3. Children should not use medications with an effect of up to 4 hours, since during the period of activity the child may not use nasal breathing, and temporary swelling will disappear due to the body’s defenses. Medicines with an effect of 8 to 12 hours are used for sleep.

In any case, try to use drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect as rarely as possible. As a rule, the most severe runny nose occurs at the beginning of the illness, then there is an improvement in the condition. Therefore, do not use them immediately after the condition of the nasopharynx improves. It is better to fight a runny nose by rinsing the nose with saline solution or using inhalations.

The vasoconstrictor substances of known drops and sprays include:

  • Xylometazoline,
  • Oxymetazoline,
  • Naphazoline.

Drops for nasal congestion with a moisturizing effect

Moisturizing drops will help relieve nasal congestion, but they are not intended to treat the symptoms and causes that caused it. They are, rather, auxiliary, to speed up the process of mucus removal. Many doctors prescribe them as part of a set of measures for nasal congestion and consider them mandatory for use. Moisturizing the mucous membrane is required to maintain its integrity, since during a runny nose they use various drugs, which often dry it out and injure it, this especially often happens with atrophic chronic rhinitis.

Moisturizers are made based on sea ​​water or mineral. They contain many useful natural substances:

  • Calcium,
  • Magnesium,
  • Potassium,
  • Iron and others.

These components stimulate mucus movement epithelium and normalize the functioning of glandular cells of the mucous membrane. Typically, moisturizers do not contain active chemicals, so the preparations have no side effects and are approved for use up to several times a day.

As a rule, the airways during a runny nose are blocked by mucus, so there is no reason to use vasoconstrictor drops.

If a lot of mucus has accumulated and there is no swelling, then it’s better use saline solutions that contain drugs:

  • Aquamaris.
  • Marimer,
  • Salin,
  • Aqualor.

Medicines for edema and allergies

Remedies for eliminating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis provide complex impact. Thanks to the vasoconstrictor and antihistamine action the condition of the nasopharynx improves. They quickly relieve swelling and make breathing easier, and also prevent allergic manifestations. Drops and sprays of similar action are used to treat runny noses of an allergic nature and colds. Popular combination drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Vibrocil. This remedy is well tolerated even by very young children, which is why pediatricians often prescribe it.
  • Sanorin-Analergin belongs to combination drugs used for rhinitis allergic origin. Side effects of the drops are drowsiness and lethargy, so it is used at night.
  • Rinofluimucil has a mild effect and contains vasoconstrictor, antihistamine and mucus-thinning components.
  • Koldakt for allergic rhinitis has a side effect - drowsiness.
  • Orinol tablets are often prescribed for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Nasal decongestants with antimicrobial action

Drops and ointments, which contain not one active ingredient, but two or more, have an antimicrobial effect. They are made on the basis natural ingredients and are able to cope with fungal and bacterial rhinitis by stimulating the restoration of the mucous membrane and the subsidence of edema. Popular products in this group include:

  • Dr. Theiss Nazoline contains xylometazoline as a vasoconstrictor component. In addition, it contains eucalyptus essential oil, which has antibacterial properties.
  • Pinosol is a drug that contains a complex of various medicinal herbs with natural action against microbes. The product is produced in the form of drops, creams, ointments, and bath capsules.
  • Bactroban is a nasal ointment made on the basis of antibiotics. Finds application in staphylococcal infection, which is characterized by purulent secretion.
  • Polydex with Phenylephrine contains antibiotics and is available in the form of a spray. The composition contains anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor substances that are good at helping to cope with the cause of a runny nose - bacterial infection, as well as alleviate its negative symptoms. For viral rhinitis, the drug should not be used; children under 3 years of age, pregnant women, and people with renal failure should be protected from it.

Hormonal drops

Allergic rhinitis in addition to antihistamines, they also treat hormonal drugs. A common form of release is a spray, since the effect occurs locally, which does not disrupt hormonal balance the entire body system.

The most popular means are:

  • Baconase.
  • Flixonase.
  • Nasobek.
  • Nasonex.

Hormonal sprays do not give a quick effect, as after the use of vasoconstrictors, for example, Nasonex is considered the fastest-acting, the result after its use occurs in 12 hours. This drug is indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children over three years of age. Nasobek and Beconase are approved for use only after 6 years.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed exclusively by doctors. They are prohibited for bacterial and fungal rhinitis, as they can reduce local immunity of the mucous membrane and also cause reproduction pathogenic microorganisms which lead to complications.

Plant drops

This group of drugs is designed to refresh the mucous membrane with the help of essential oils. This effect is due to the incoming basic substances, most often this is oil peppermint, eucalyptus and pine oil. Complex drugs do not eliminate swelling, do not constrict blood vessels and do not change the properties of the secretion. A popular remedy is Sinupret. This combination drug stimulates the outflow of mucus from the sinuses, due to its anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and secretolytic properties. It moisturizes, soothes irritation, improves the condition of the body, making it resistant to biological and physical influences. It can be given to a child from two years of age, in the form of release: drops and tablets.

Homeopathic remedies

Acute rhinitis caused by viral infections, are often treated with drops and sprays based on natural homeopathic substances. They act widely: relieve swelling, fight viruses, activate the immune system. As a rule, the treatment regimen is selected based on age. The drug is taken every day every 15 minutes within 1-2 hours until cure.

A homeopathic medicine is prescribed by a homeopathic physician individually. WITH various kinds The following medications can quickly treat a runny nose:

Euphorbium compositum nasal spray.

Edas-131 drops for nasal congestion.

Antiviral drugs

This type of drops is used for prevention and treatment viral diseases nose Pharmaceutical drugs are made from donor cells or based on genetic engineering. The products are able to combat the proliferation of viruses. They are accepted at high risk infection, during the first signs of ARVI and until complete recovery:

  • Gripferon is a solution for instillation into the nasal passages.
  • Tamiflu and Arbidol capsules.
  • Rectal suppositories Viferon and Kipferon.
  • Remantadine tablets.

Today there are a lot of remedies for the treatment of the runny nose and making a choice is not difficult. But we must remember that they must be prescribed by a doctor, after diagnosis, since taking the wrong drug will not only not improve the condition, but can also lead to complications, one of which is drug-induced rhinitis.

Dear friends, hello!

When you do the same thing for many years, you do some things automatically. You know the active ingredients, dosages, release forms, but some subtleties of the action of the drugs are erased from memory. And sometimes there is simply not enough time to get into the annotation and refresh the nuances.

The period of sneezes and snot is just beginning, so I would like to continue the conversation about colds and invite you to the farm. a circle dedicated to drugs for the common cold. How to choose the right drug for every “wrong” nose?

I have already said that a runny nose and a runny nose are different. Therefore, when I hear that with a runny nose, without any questions, the buyer is offered vasoconstrictors, my heart bleeds.

So, let's remember what remedies for the common cold are available in pharmacies. They can be divided into groups:

  • Vasoconstrictors.
  • Mucolytics.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Vegetable.
  • Homeopathic.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Antiallergic.

Short-acting drugs. They last on average 3-6 hours.

Medium-acting drugs. After them, the nose breathes for an average of 6-8 hours.

Drugs long acting. Their action lasts 10-12 hours.

All these vasoconstrictor drops act on the alpha receptors of the vessels of the nasal mucosa and cause their narrowing.

But receptors are also different. There are alpha1 and alpha2 receptors.

Of all the above, only phenylephrine acts on one type of receptor: alpha1. All others - for both types.

What's better?

On the one hand, the effect on both types of receptors gives a more pronounced effect. This seems to be good.

On the other hand, have you ever wondered why phenylephrine is included in many children's drops?

Because the effect is only on one type of receptor more safely for the nasal mucosa. Fewer blood vessels narrow, which means less oxygen starvation of the cells of the nasal mucosa.

Phenylephrine is less effective than other active ingredients, but safer.

Why do you need to narrow the blood vessels in the nose?

Because when colds the vessels of the nasal cavity are dilated, while the liquid part of the blood leaves the vessels and causes swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The swelling shrinks the nasal passages and the person cannot breathe.

How to help your nose?

Narrow the blood vessels, reduce swelling, “clear” the passages for air flow.

...when the nose can't breathe!

Therefore, ask the buyer how a runny nose manifests itself. If your nose is “running,” completely different medications can and should be recommended.


...that under the influence of the above listed agents, blood vessels narrow not only in the nose. It is no coincidence that they are contraindicated for hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, thyrotoxicosis, and glaucoma. And there are many side effects: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, etc., etc.

Therefore, be especially careful when recommending these products to older people.

Be wary when they ask you antihypertensive drugs and at the same time vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

Explain to your clients what this entails.

Some manufacturers are foaming at the mouth to prove that these products do not have a systemic effect. In this case, please explain to me why their annotations include this killer list of contraindications and side points for 10?


...the buyer that you can drip a vasoconstrictor drug for a runny nose for no more than 5 days.

You get used to it very quickly.

I remember my dad, who at one time became firmly hooked on ephedrine for the rest of his life. Those who are older probably remember that there used to be such drops in the nose.


...that the use of vasoconstrictors for more than 5 days leads to the fact that it is no longer possible to “get off” these drugs.

I know it from myself. Once I bought the most modern vasoconstrictor spray and sprayed it for a week. That's all! The nose categorically refused to breathe without this poison!

Why is my nose constantly stuffy after taking these medications for a runny nose?

Because constant narrowing of blood vessels leads to oxygen starvation of nasal cells. Without nutrition they atrophy. But a holy place is never empty. Mucous tissue is replaced by connective tissue. This is why atrophic and hypertrophic rhinitis occurs after vasoconstrictors, in which the nose stops working normally.

To reduce the harmful effects of vasoconstrictor drugs, manufacturers combine the active ingredients with other substances, for example, eucalyptus oil ( Sanorin with eucalyptus oil), moisturizing component ( Snoop) etc. This, of course, saves, but not much.

Which drug is better?

Now let's turn on the head. Which vasoconstrictor is better: short-acting, medium-acting, or the longest-acting?

Buyers, of course, will prefer the longest one: spray in the nose and forget about it for 12 hours. But they don’t realize that mucosal cells are deprived good nutrition and oxygen for as long as 12 hours!

Therefore, personally, I would choose the golden mean, that is, xylometazoline-based products.

No! Because they cause vasospasm of the placenta, and therefore oxygen starvation of the fetus.

But when a woman cannot live without them, we choose the lesser evil, that is, children's dosages.

These include Rinofluimucil. Contains mucolytic acetylcysteine ​​and a vasoconstrictor component.

Its task is to liquefy mucus and facilitate its removal.

At thick discharge from the nose (rhinitis, sinusitis).

Has the same side effects as vasoconstrictors. So be careful when making recommendations!

As a rule, these products are made based on sea water ( Physiomer, Aqua Maris, Aqualor and etc.). They moisturize the mucous membrane, thin the mucus, and it is easier to remove. Sea water mechanically cleanses the nasal cavity from viruses, bacteria, allergens, and reduces swelling due to its salt content.

For any runny nose.

By the way, before dripping a vasoconstrictor, you need to clear the nasal cavity of mucus and crusts so that it “reaches” its destination.

Therefore, do not forget to recommend a moisturizer along with the vasoconstrictor drug.

These drugs have undeservedly received the reputation of “not working,” although in fact they are the most therapeutic.

good old Pinosol. It gets its name from the Latin "Pinus", which means "pine", because it contains pine oil.

And a few more vegetable oils medicinal herbs that relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa, restore it, have a mild vasoconstrictor effect, and at the same time also act on viruses and bacteria.

And for those who do not like drops, you can offer ointment or cream Pinosol.

For a “cold” runny nose, when there are other signs of ARVI.

For a runny nose that is accompanied by sinusitis, another herbal preparation for oral administration is recommended Sinupret. It relieves inflammation and improves the flow of secretions from the paranasal sinuses. It is recommended when nasal discharge is thick and often yellowish-greenish in color (a sign of a bacterial infection).

The most common in this group are: Euphorbium compositum And Edas-131.

As usual, it is not clear why they act, but they do.

It is too medicinal drops. As you understand, an ambulance cannot be used. Homeopathy is good, but most often it is slow.

When asked for something “natural”.

How to stop using vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays.

Having become accustomed to the use of vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants), which help to quickly get rid of the sensation severe congestion nose, you no longer leave the house without a bottle of life-saving medicine? This means that the material in this article will be useful to you.

How to wean yourself off vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays? Why is it dangerous? permanent application medications and will they serious problems with health after long-term use of spray or drops? Read about all this in the article.

I can't live without nasal drops: what should I do?

At first, you applied the vasoconstrictor two or three times during the day. It made breathing very easy. However, now you notice that the drug only works for a few hours and you have to resort to using the medicine again.

Among clinic patients who complain of addiction to vasoconstrictor drugs, you can find not only those who have been using the medicine for 5 years. Even such “record holders” who have “experience” of continuous 20 years are asking for help in getting rid of addiction to sprays and drops. summer use medicines.

Doctors state that they have to deal with such patients on a weekly basis. One of the most common mistakes in treating a runny nose in patients is continuing to take decongestants after a week from the start of treatment. There is an addiction to the drug.

One of the most common mistakes in the treatment of a runny nose in patients is the continuation of taking decongestants after a week from the start of treatment.

The mechanism of the problem can be described as follows: when “providing constant assistance” to the nose with sprays and drops, it loses the ability to function independently.

  • The vessels of the nasal cavity swell, the nasal turbinates become larger in size, and the area of ​​the nasal passages, on the contrary, decreases. As a result, more secretion is released, and discomfort nasal congestion only gets worse. You have to reapply drops or spray.
  • A side effect of long-term use of vasoconstrictors is stimulation of a rise in blood pressure. The problem gets worse when arterial hypertension, increased intraocular pressure.
  • Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that such patients stop taking vasoconstrictor drugs after 5 days from the start of treatment.

I can’t live without nasal drops: what to do

Reasons for the popularity of vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • Drops and sprays that help relieve nasal congestion are available (they can be bought without a prescription).
  • Some patients are too arrogant and frivolous about their own health, so they can independently “diagnose themselves and prescribe” treatment. They mistake prolonged nasal congestion for an allergic reaction, so they do not stop taking the vasoconstrictor.
  • In case of serious inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to stop taking vasoconstrictor drops and look for the true causes of the disturbing symptoms by contacting an otolaryngologist. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

If addiction to a vasoconstrictor drug begins, doctors resort to surgical treatment

Why is nasal congestion worse in the evening?

  • In the evening, a person is less active. IN horizontal position(lying on the sofa or bed), blood flow in the vessels of the nasal cavity slows down.
  • Weakening of tone vascular wall with rhinitis, it leads to the fact that the vessels and capillaries cease to cope with their function - pumping incoming blood. They swell, edema appears, and it is difficult for the patient to breathe.

If addiction to a vasoconstrictor drug begins, doctors resort to surgical treatment. Previously, to expand the nasal passages, such patients were prescribed a traditional lower conchotomy. The result of the procedure was complete or partial removal mucous membrane of the nasal concha. Now doctors are armed with more gentle procedures - laser cauterizing technologies.

But as a result surgical intervention in the absence of pronounced hypertrophy, undesirable consequences may occur:

  • mucosal function is impaired
  • trophic processes develop
  • the patient complains of increased dryness in the nose

Treatment drug-induced rhinitis V Lately carried out using nasal topical corticosteroid drugs. You should not count on a lightning-fast effect, but the cause of congestion is cured. Such drugs cannot be combined with vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. Otherwise, the patient will not be able to get rid of drug addiction.


Can you die from nasal drops?

Vasoconstrictor drugs can be life-threatening. This should be remembered when using them to treat runny nose in children.

Many people do not think at all about the consequences of self-medication, especially when it comes to a common runny nose. There are many different vasoconstrictor drugs in pharmacies: drops, sprays, aerosols.

Their action is based on vasoconstriction. The swelling is removed, which significantly reduces mucus formation. The longed-for freedom of nasal breathing comes. However, it only lasts a few hours.

Those who are accustomed to the use of vasoconstrictor drugs should know the following:

  • nasal drops and sprays do not have a therapeutic effect
  • when they are used, only the symptoms are removed, which resume after a while
  • the effect of the drug does not last long, after which swelling appears again
  • To treat any runny nose, not only vasoconstrictor drugs should be used
  • Nasal drops and sprays should be used as an auxiliary therapy to facilitate nasal breathing

For a runny nose, patients use not only naphthyzin. Today pharmaceutical market offers many other vasoconstrictor drops. Only their composition and duration of action differ. An overdose of any of these drugs by 3-4 times can cause a complication - naphthyzine poisoning.

With prolonged intake of the drug into the body, its accumulation occurs, which means the symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning are aggravated

Reasons why naphthysine poisoning occurs:

  • the concentration of the solution does not correspond to the age of the patient
  • it is difficult to visually determine the number of droplets that have entered the nose
  • uncontrolled use of drops

What signs can be used to determine mild or initial stage naphthysine poisoning:

  • the patient experiences increased agitation
  • heartbeat increases
  • the patient feels dizzy
  • the patient begins to experience abdominal pain

With prolonged intake of the drug, its accumulation occurs, which means that the symptoms of naphthyzinum poisoning are exacerbated:

  • the heart begins to beat slower
  • blood pressure decreases
  • the patient feels lethargy, weakness and drowsiness
  • tone in the arms and legs is not felt
  • confused consciousness
  • body temperature drops
  • the patient turns pale
  • skin is cold and wet
  • shallow breathing

This serious condition may result in coma and even death.

How to help the patient with such symptoms?

  • call an ambulance
  • stop taking medications
  • cover the patient with a warm blanket
  • give warm drink
  • measure pressure and temperature
  • try to prevent the patient from losing consciousness and falling asleep before the ambulance arrives

Vasoconstrictor drugs are used from 2-3 to 5-7 days, after which their use is stopped. This time must be used as efficiently as possible to treat the inflammatory process.

How to remove dependence on vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays?

If you are inclined to vasomotor rhinitis(breathing is impaired due to narrowing of the nasal cavity):

  • It is not a disease of the nasal cavity that leads to unpleasant congestion, but an illness of the body. It is associated with the vegetative nervous system. In some diseases, it makes itself felt with certain symptoms. One of them is nasal congestion.
  • Changing your lifestyle and strengthening your ANS will help you get rid of the disease. Hardening procedures are recommended, more physical activity, taking contrast shower. If you continue or do not want to get rid of old habits, the patient will not get rid of rhinitis.
  • It is not enough to just relieve the symptoms. It is necessary to influence the cause of their appearance. To do this, the patient must be diligent and not count on quick results.

How to relieve dependence on vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays

How many days does it take to wean off vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays?

When you stop taking vasoconstrictor medications, the patient may experience a painful state of nasal congestion. To feel normal both day and night, doctors recommend the following:

  • stop using drops or sprays for 2-3 days
  • endure unpleasant symptoms

Usually discomfort is felt for another 3 days. However, such “torture” will pay off handsomely, because the patient will not have to “feed” his dependence on the use of vasoconstrictor drugs from year to year.

  • You can relieve difficulty breathing by using your lungs massage movements pass over the area of ​​the external nasal turbinates.
  • Helps in the fight against nasal congestion and breathing exercises. The essence of such gymnastics is to take a forced breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. As a result of this method of breathing, the passages widen. The oxygen they contain dries out the nasal mucosa. Thanks to forced inhalation, the blood vessels are trained and tone up.
  • To sleep without symptoms of nasal congestion, you can raise your pillow higher. Before going to bed, hot foot baths lasting 5 minutes are recommended. Add to bath water mustard powder. After foot baths, a redistribution of blood flow occurs from upper sections torso to the lower ones. This reduces the blood filling of the nasal vessels. Swelling decreases, nasal passages expand. As a result of this simple procedure, breathing becomes easier.


A runny nose (rhinitis) is a common symptom familiar to every person. The cause of its appearance can be various viruses, bacteria, and allergens. The appearance of a runny nose always reduces a person’s quality of life, causes discomfort, disrupts sleep, sense of smell, and reduces taste. To eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, you can use folk remedies or seek help from drugs of natural or synthetic origin. Treatment should always begin with identifying and eliminating the cause, but to cope with the runny nose itself, you need to use symptomatic drugs, the use of which will help relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa, eliminate congestion, the amount of mucous secretions, and improve nasal breathing. First aid medications include vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which can be used in the treatment of runny nose of various etiologies for adults and children.

Range of drugs local action for intranasal administration - quite large, but the choice of drops with a vasodilating effect should always be entrusted to the attending physician. The fact is that vasoconstrictors for the nose have many contraindications, so their uncontrolled use can be harmful to health. Perhaps, and this is why some are trying to use folk remedies and give up synthetic drugs. Despite such precautions, many, when a runny nose appears, rush to the pharmacy and buy remedies for the runny nose, without consulting a doctor. However, experts strongly recommend not to self-medicate without first reading the instructions for use.

Treatment of a runny nose very often consists of the use of topical vasoconstrictors, which can be used for viral, bacterial or allergic rhinitis against the background of which edema, hyperemia and inflammation of the mucous membrane appear, which leads to congestion, copious mucous discharge, and impaired nasal breathing.

Nasal vasoconstrictors are not intended to treat rhinitis, but only to relieve general symptoms due to a cold or allergy. The principle of action of such drugs is to constrict blood vessels, which reduces mucus production, reduces swelling, relieves inflammation, and improves nasal breathing. Vasoconstrictor drugs contain components from the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists, which make it possible to provide next action on the nasal mucosa:

  1. quickly and effectively narrow the lumen of blood vessels;
  2. reduce swelling of the mucous membrane;
  3. restore breathing;
  4. improve the removal of mucus from the nasal cavity;
  5. improve drainage from the maxillary sinuses;
  6. eliminate stagnant processes;
  7. relieve nasal congestion.

This effect of the drugs allows you to feel visible improvements in sinusitis, colds, flu, allergies, sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs after the first use. Despite quick effect Such drugs must be used with extreme caution and strictly adhere to the recommended dose and course of treatment.

Indications for use

Vasoconstrictor drugs are widely used in complex therapy of diseases such as:

  1. Acute or chronic sinusitis.
  2. Sinusitis.
  3. Exacerbation of allergic rhinitis.
  4. Otitis.
  5. Acute period of viral or bacterial infection.

Adults and children can use drugs from this group, but before purchasing and using any drops, you need to pay attention to the dosage, study the instructions, or consult a doctor.

Types of vasoconstrictor drops

In pharmacology, nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are divided into several types, each of which has its own composition, period for maintaining the effect, but the same mechanism of action.

Vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of runny nose are produced by various pharmaceutical companies in different forms: drops, spray, have different prices, analogues. Before purchasing any medicine, it is very important not only to exclude the presence of contraindications for their use, but also to become familiar with the permissible doses, composition, and duration of use. Nasal drops are provided in a wide range, so if a person is looking for inexpensive medicines, he should pay attention to drugs - analogues of domestic production. The names of such drops may not be so popular, but the effect of use will be identical. Analogs of vasoconstrictor drugs are divided into structural ones, that is, those that have the same composition or analogues in terms of therapeutic action. Such products have a different composition, but have the same principle of action.

Review of effective drugs

The list of drugs for the treatment of runny nose with a vasoconstrictor effect is quite large, but in practice doctors most often use the following drugs:

Naphthyzin. A drug based on naphazoline, which is widely used to treat rhinitis in adults and children. Available in bottles at a dose of 0.1% for adults and 0.5% for children. , taking them allows you to relieve tissue swelling and inflammation. IN currently they are not used as often as before. Naphthyzin is recommended to be used for no more than 5 days. Naphthyzin nasal drops should not be used by children under 1 year of age. Long-term use the drug can cause tachyphylaxis - drug addiction. The drug is not used during lactation and pregnancy.

Read also this useful article and find out which are the most effective.

Sanorin. Vasoconstrictor drug to eliminate swelling and improve nasal breathing during rhinitis of different origins. The use of the drug in the treatment of runny nose allows you to stop not only the manifestations of viral rhinitis, but also allergic rhinitis. Sanorin drops are intended for adults and children over 2 years of age. The therapeutic course should not exceed 5 days.

Vibrocil. A phenylephrine-based drug that is widely used in children and adults. can be used by children from birth. Its use will cure viral, bacterial and allergic rhinitis. The drug is available in the form of drops, ointments, and sprays. The most convenient is a nasal spray. Can be used during lactation and pregnancy, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Otrivin. A local drug for the treatment of rhinitis of various origins. Available in the form of spray and drops. Otrivin copes well with nasal congestion and can be used for sinusitis, sinusitis, and rhinitis. Effective 5 minutes after instillation. The effect lasts up to 4 hours. In addition to the main component of the drug, Otrivin contains glycerin, which moisturizes the mucous membrane and prevents it from drying out. Otrivin, unlike others similar medicines, is well tolerated.

Rhinonorm. Vasoconstrictor drug for the treatment of runny nose. Rinonorm is intended for the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis, and can be used for sinusitis. The medicine is available in the form of a nasal spray for adults, 10 mg and children, 5 mg. The use of Rinonorm allows you to reduce hyperemia, relieve swelling, and restore breathing. During lactation and pregnancy, it is better to refrain from using drops. The effect of Rinonorm will be noticeable within 10 minutes and will last for 4 hours.

Nazol baby. Children's vasoconstrictor drops based on phenylephrine hydrochloride. Used for colds, allergies and other diseases of the nasal mucosa, which are accompanied by swelling, inflammation, and increased mucus secretion. The drug can be used by children from birth, but its use should not exceed 5 days.

Polydexa. An effective remedy with a pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug belongs to combination medications. It contains phenylephrine, neomecin, dexamethasone. Prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, also used for sinusitis and other diseases of the nasal passages. Children can only use the medicine from 2 years of age.

Nazivin. One of effective drugs, used in pediatrics to treat runny nose in children. Nazivin is a synthetic drug fast action from the group of vasoconstrictors, which effectively constrict blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, thereby quickly relieving the symptoms of a runny nose, improving nasal breathing, and relieving congestion. The basis of Nazivin drops is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. When purchasing Nazivin drops, you need to pay attention to the dose.

That's not all medications from the group of vasoconstrictors for the treatment runny nose Considering that such drugs have enough big list contraindications, can be addictive, many are looking for means that can replace such drops. One of the popular and safe drugs is considered Pinosol, which is of plant origin, is well tolerated. Pinosol contains essential oils of medicinal herbs, which provide anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. Pinosol is used for sinusitis, rhinitis and other types of runny nose. Pinosol can be used by adults and children over 2 years old, as well as pregnant women. A contraindication to the drug is considered to be individual intolerance to the composition. Pinosol nasal drops are quite cheap, but they should be used after consultation with a doctor.

Disadvantages of vasoconstrictor drugs

Despite the widespread use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, they must be used with extreme caution. Such medications can be addictive, so they should be used for no more than 5 to 7 days. During use, you must strictly adhere to the recommended doses. In addition, the disadvantages of such drugs include:

  • Temporary effect.
  • Addiction or ineffectiveness with long-term use.
  • Dry the nasal mucosa.
  • Causes thinning of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Does not relieve sneezing, itching and burning in the nose.
  • They do not treat the disease, but only temporarily eliminate its symptoms.
  • In case of overdose, they cause adverse reactions in the body.

Despite the shortcomings of such drugs, they are still the most effective in treating the runny nose, since they quickly relieve its symptoms. The market offers both cheap and expensive drops and sprays for the common cold, but when choosing a medicine, it is better to rely on doctor’s recommendations or consumer reviews.

Naturally, in adults, side effects from the use of such drugs are quite rare, which cannot be said about children. Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on use in pediatrics deserves special attention:

It is important to understand that drops with a vasoconstrictor effect have many contraindications, so they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and only after reading the instructions. It is important to understand that a runny nose needs to be treated comprehensively and, in addition to drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, you need to use other drugs for local or internal use. Assistive therapy Folk remedies can be the main treatment. Only A complex approach to treatment will help in short time relieve a person from a runny nose and other manifestations of illness.

Every person has experienced a runny nose in their life. Despite the nature of snot, the phenomenon of nasal congestion always occurs. Sometimes one nostril is “clogged”, there is alternating congestion, and the worst is snot with bilateral swelling of the mucous membrane.

Vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants) for children and adults are designed to eliminate severe swelling, they allow the patient to breathe freely through the nose. This is achieved by narrowing blood vessels in the nasal cavity. Prescribing vasoconstrictor drops helps relieve swelling of the nasopharynx and maintain normal pressure in the nasopharynx. tympanic cavity. Decongents are also needed to prevent the development of sinusitis, otitis, and frontal sinusitis.

Why do vasoconstrictor drops sometimes not help? This question is often asked at an appointment with an otolaryngologist. This phenomenon associated with improper use of decongents. Prolonged instillation of drops leads to addiction and the therapeutic effect is reduced to zero. That is why vasoconstrictors are prescribed in short courses, for a maximum of 3-7 days.

An otolaryngologist is involved in the selection of decongents. First of all, the doctor focuses on the form of rhinitis and the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Drops that constrict blood vessels are divided according to the duration of their action. Some retain the vasoconstrictor effect for up to 12 hours, while others only for 3-4 hours.

Long-acting drops (prolonged) are best used at night or in situations where the patient is on the road, in in public places, and he is not comfortable using other medications.

It should be noted that a runny nose does not always require the use of vasoconstrictors. Often, snot is accompanied by moderate congestion, and after instillation of the usual saline solutions The nose begins to breathe normally again. But, if nasal congestion does not respond to saline solutions and plant-based drops, you cannot do without vasoconstrictor drugs. Indications for their use are as follows:

  • rhinitis (all types);
  • sinusitis;
  • allergy;
  • colds;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa of unknown origin.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

Patients should remember that the dose of drops must fully comply with the instructions, otherwise you can get a paradoxical effect: swelling in the nose will increase significantly.

In addition, patients sometimes complain of dryness, burning and discomfort in the nose. Often there is a rash on the skin, pain in the head, rapid pulse reaching up to 100 beats per minute or higher, and surges in blood pressure.

If the patient has a history of pathologies such as hypertension, glaucoma, endocrine problems, atrophic rhinitis, then vasoconstrictor drops are not recommended.

Unfortunately, most patients independently purchase nasal drops and begin uncontrolled instillation, supposedly with the goal of quickly defeating snot. Hence the whole “bouquet” of ENT problems. It’s not without reason that there is a saying in medicine: “the main thing is not to harm the patient.”

What does the irrational use of vasoconstrictor drops lead to?

The most important disadvantage of vasoconstrictors is addiction. But that's not the only potential problem. Improper use of drops also leads to increased fragility vascular bed, malnutrition of the mucous membrane, nosebleeds.

Long-term use of the drops in question causes persistent arrhythmia and other cardiovascular pathologies. Patients experience depression, headaches, and poor sleep.

What are the types of vasoconstrictor drops and their names?

All vasoconstrictor drops are divided according to the type of action: short, medium and long. Let's take a closer look at each group.

Short acting

Short-acting drops have the most low cost. They contain the active substance - naphazoline.

Prominent representatives of this group are naphthyzin (Russia, Ukraine) and sanorin (Czech Republic). Vasoconstrictor effect These remedies last from 2 to 4 hours. Sanorin emulsion is less irritating and dries out the nasal mucosa (it contains petroleum jelly and Eucalyptus oil), and this is important especially for chronic runny nose.

The concentration of drops for children is 0.05%, for adults - 0.1%. Sanorin is more expensive, the average price for a 10 ml bottle is 150 rubles. Russian drug Naphthyzin (in drops) can be purchased starting from 6 rubles.

According to patient reviews, the maximum therapeutic effect can last up to 6 hours. According to research data, naphazoline has moderate toxicity; ciliary epithelial cells are especially susceptible to negative effects. Long-term instillation of these drugs also leads to systemic disorders, most often from the blood vessels and heart.

Medium action

Medium-acting drops are based on xylometazoline. Compared to the drugs described above this group has a higher therapeutic potential and prolonged action. On average, xylometazoline-based drops last 6-8 hours, sometimes up to 10 hours.

Drugs in this group are indicated only for patients over two years of age. Maximum Application for adults - 7 days. Representatives of the medium action group include:

  • xymelin,
  • suprima-noz,
  • tizin xylo,
  • galazolin,
  • fornos, rhinostop, rhinorus,
  • otrivin, others.

Rhinorus is considered the cheapest drug in this group; it can be found in pharmacies even for 14 rubles. Galazolin is a little more expensive; the price for a bottle of these drops starts from 20 rubles. The list of cheap drops from this group can be continued, because... on average the price does not exceed 100 rubles.

Drops containing sea water or ipratropium bromide are also available for sale. For example, snoop (xylometazoline + sea water), or xymelin extra spray (xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide). The price for snoop is on average 150 rubles, and for xymelin extra spray about 210 rubles.


Long-acting drops contain oxymetazoline. These drugs include nazol and Nazivin. The therapeutic effect lasts up to 12 hours, so the drops are used only twice a day. According to doctors' recommendations, oxymetazoline should not be used for longer than 3-5 days. These drugs are strictly prohibited for use in children under one year of age, during pregnancy, and in patients with endocrinological problems and diabetes.

Important! If possible, the dose of long-acting drops should be reduced, even if the instructions for use allow more high dose. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are used symptomatically, not remedy, therefore their use should be aimed at reducing dosages.

At an appointment with an otolaryngologist, patients are asked to choose the best vasoconstrictor drops. Any doctor will answer this question in such a way that the best drugs will be those that bring maximum effect in a specific clinical case with the least side effects.

Pregnancy and vasoconstrictor drops

Medicines during pregnancy are prescribed in exceptional cases, even if we are talking only about the use herbal preparations. What can we say about antibiotics or vasoconstrictors. All these drugs are highly toxic and therefore are potentially dangerous to the body as a whole.

The use of any medications in the first trimester of pregnancy poses a particular danger to the embryo. During this period, the placenta is still forming, and there is a great threat to the life of the unborn child.

As for vasoconstrictor drops, they are generally not recommended for use throughout pregnancy. If a runny nose appears during any period of gestation, and nasal congestion does not go away within three days, the woman must seek help from an otolaryngologist.

IN in rare cases the doctor may suggest children's dosages of vasoconstrictor drops, as well as reduce the frequency of their use.

As an exception, when vasoconstrictor drugs are indispensable, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • xymelin,
  • galazolin,
  • tizin.

These products quickly relieve swelling. Their absorption concentration into the blood is minimal (taking into account the use of children's dosages).

Sometimes you have to use vasoconstrictors that are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, for example, vibrocil. The ENT specialist will prescribe this drug only in half the dose.

What vasoconstrictor drops are in demand in pediatric practice?

Internet search engines have noticed that many parents are interested in information about the possibility of using vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in a child under one year old. The first stage of a baby's life (from birth to 12 months) is very important. The child gets used to external environment, gets acquainted with new foods, which in turn increases the risk of allergic reactions. And then there are medications.

But, unfortunately, the baby is not immune from a runny nose, and it is not always possible to cope with snot with the help of saline solutions. Swelling of the nose provokes sinusitis and otitis media. The child’s nasal passages are still narrow, therefore, they are a predisposing factor for such complications. What to do if your baby has a stuffy nose and regular rinsing doesn’t help?

Nazol baby

In otolaryngology, children of the first year of life are allowed to use drops with phenylephrine. The most popular means based on phenylephrine is nazol baby. It is used up to four times a day (one drop in each nasal passage). How older child, the number of drops increases to 2-3.

In addition to the vasoconstrictor effect, nazol baby has a moisturizing and softening effect. This effect is achieved due to glycerin, which is part of this product. Thanks to glycerin, the nasal mucosa does not dry out and does not cause discomfort in babies.


The drug otrivin is used from infancy; it contains xylometazoline. The main effect of Otrivin is to narrow the blood vessels lining the nasal cavity, which relieves swelling and congestion. This drug is popular among allergy sufferers who have very sensitive mucous membranes. The duration of action of the drug reaches 10 hours.

Otrivin drops and spray contain: Excipients, which influence the balanced pH value. When using Otrivin, there is no dryness, burning or irritation of the nasal passages. According to studies, extremely low concentrations of xylometazoline are determined in blood plasma.

In addition to the children's dosage (0.05%), otrivin drops for adults (0.1%) are also on sale. The main indications for Otrivin are acute and chronic runny nose. of various etiologies accompanied by severe nasal congestion.


Children after 12 months can use vibrocil. This product also contains phenylephrine. After the age of two, otolaryngologists often prescribe tisine (tramazolin). This drug acts instantly, and the duration therapeutic effect lasts at least 6 hours. If the instructions are strictly followed, tizin is practically not adsorbed in systemic blood flow.


The well-known drug Sanorin is approved after the age of two. For the smallest drops of 0.05% are shown. For children, the drug is recommended to be used only for three days, for adults - for a maximum of a week. The duration of action of the drug is usually 4-6 hours. Sanorin relieves swelling and significantly improves breathing through the nose.

Rules for using vasoconstrictor drops

When prescribing vasoconstrictor drops, the doctor always informs patients how to correctly use these unsafe drugs. It happens that they forgot to inform the patient about the rules for using drops, so we present to you the following memo. So, the rules for using drops that constrict blood vessels:

  • use drops for as many days as indicated in the instructions for the drug;
  • with minor swelling and congestion, vasoconstrictors are not needed; it is enough to use salt and herbal rinses;
  • to limit instillation of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, techniques such as acupressure, breathing exercises and aromatherapy;
  • During the daytime, short-acting drops are better, because... they are less toxic. If possible, you should try to do without vasoconstrictors, or use them less often;
  • For normal sleep It is recommended to instill long-acting drops at night, which will relieve swelling for 10-12 hours;
  • An alternative to vasoconstrictors can be inhalations with saline or Borjomi. It must be remembered that the solution for performing procedures must be warm, not hot;
  • If it becomes easier for the patient to breathe, but the doctor’s prescription states that the drops should be used 2-3 times a day, you can adjust the prescription yourself. Remove one instillation at a time, or cancel these drops altogether.


In the article, we got acquainted with vasoconstrictor drops, learned what they do, how they are used in children's practice and in pregnant women. From the information presented, it became clear that the principle of “work” of vasoconstrictors is to narrow blood vessels.

Normalization of nasal breathing occurs by relieving swelling and congestion. It should be noted that the rate of mucus formation is reduced, snot does not flow, and patients note that the runny nose has decreased.

Despite all the effect of drops against nasal congestion, one should not forget about their disadvantages. First of all, almost all instructions say that safe instillation, minimizing the development of adverse reactions- that's three days. In most cases, it is in the first days of the disease that symptoms associated with swelling and congestion are most pronounced.

If the patient follows the instructions, uses drops for swelling and congestion sporadically, and does not exceed the dosage and frequency of administration, then literally on the second or third day, breathing through the nose becomes almost normal. Uncontrolled use of drops causes dependence, increased swelling, and complete absence therapeutic effect. Follow all doctor's instructions and be healthy!

Rhinitis - complex various symptoms, familiar, without exaggeration, to every person. Pharmacy vasoconstrictor nasal drops offered in a wide range solve the problem of an annoying runny nose very quickly. But there are other advantages of products that are in great demand among consumers.

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity becomes inflamed when:

  • hypothermia;
  • infection with viruses of various diseases and bacteria;
  • action of irritants.

Due to the influence of these factors, a runny nose, or rhinorrhea, begins, which is manifested by copious secretion of mucus from the nasal passages. Rhinitis is also accompanied by sneezing and decreased sense of smell.

Benefits of treating a runny nose with nasal drops

Vasoconstricting drugs make it easier to tolerate acute period ARVI, flu, allergies. The active substance in the nasal product most often belongs to the group of anticongestants. They provoke a narrowing of the lumen and a decrease in the permeability of the vessels lining the inflamed mucous membrane. As a result, swelling decreases and mucus production decreases.

The vasoconstrictor effect of the drug develops after a few minutes and lasts from 30 minutes to several hours.

Pharmacies have a large selection of products used topically for a runny nose. The drugs are available in the form of drops or spray.

  • The first get on the mucous membrane when squeezing a plastic bottle or just a soft nozzle on the neck of a glass bottle.
  • The spray is sprayed using a mini pump.

The advantage of the drip method is the ability to use the drug in the treatment of runny nose in infants. The spray can be used no earlier than 2 years. Liquid medicine settles “in place” and does not cause bronchospasm. Nasal medications with a “children's” dosage are intended for the treatment of a small child.

Disadvantages of use

Vasoconstrictor drugs only temporarily relieve a runny nose and do not treat the underlying disease. Drugs in this group develop addiction, so it is recommended to use them for 3 to 7 days. On the first day, you can instill the maximum number of times allowed (according to the instructions). Then you need to reduce the dosage.

To reduce side effects, they are used simultaneously antihistamines. The causative disease is treated with antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

If you use a nasal vasoconstrictor frequently:

  • swelling of the mucous membranes increases;
  • it dries up;
  • becomes easily irritated;
  • often appear unpleasant consequences: medicinal and atrophic rhinitis.

Also, anticongestants in the drops can increase blood pressure and cause increased excitability.

Indications for use of drops

Too much active struggle with a runny nose brings not good, but harm. Of course, the watery secretion interferes with breathing and speaking normally. However, a runny nose is the body’s way of fighting infection and allergens. An increase in blood supply to the nasal mucosa and abundant mucus secretion are necessary to cleanse the nasal passages and destroy germs and their toxins.

Strong anticongestants for topical use (oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, naphazoline) when applied to the mucous membrane, reduce local redness, swelling and inflammation, and facilitate nasal breathing.

Indications for the use of drops that constrict blood vessels in the nose:

  • acute infectious or allergic rhinitis;
  • chronic diseases of the nose and nasopharynx;
  • rhinoscopy and similar procedures;
  • sinusitis in acute and chronic forms;
  • nosebleeds;
  • otitis media;
  • eustachitis;
  • hay fever

The vasoconstrictor effect of sea water and saline in nasal drops is less pronounced.

Such means are used:

  • to reduce dry nose;
  • when inhaling polluted air;
  • for the prevention of ARVI and complications of the common cold (otitis media, sinusitis).

After instillation or rinsing of the nasal passages with a preparation based on saline solutions, nasal medications “Vibrocil”, “Flixonase”, “Tizin Alergy” or others are used.

List of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose

For acute respiratory viral infections, colds or long term In cases of inflammation in the nasal cavity, it is better to use Derinat solution (an immunomodulatory agent) for instillation. If greenish-yellow or brownish mucus is released from the nasal passages, then, in addition to vasoconstrictor drops, Isofra spray with an antibiotic is prescribed.

Short acting

The effect of respiratory agents develops 2-15 minutes after application to the nasal mucosa. The drugs differ not only in the period before the onset of the vasoconstrictor effect, but also in its duration. The most popular drops for a runny nose help relieve swelling quickly and permanently.

  • "Vibrocil" and "Adrianol". These are combined respiratory drugs. Phenylephrine in their composition has a vasoconstrictor effect 2 minutes after application to the mucous membrane. The effect lasts for 8 hours. The second component in the drug "Vibrocil" is an antiallergic medicine. Lerimazoline in Adrianol drops is a vasoconstrictor and decongestant.
  • "Naphazoline". After applying the product with naphazoline, the vasoconstrictor effect develops within a few minutes. The effect lasts from 2 to 8 hours.

List of drugs (price in rubles):

  1. "Sanorin" (from 130 to 170);
  2. "Naphthyzin" (from 7 to 24);
  3. "Naphthyzin Plus" (from 25).

Active ingredient when local use solutions enter the systemic circulation. The vasoconstrictor effect decreases after 5–7 days of treatment.

Medium duration

Tramazolin in nasal drops or spray reduces congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane during allergic rhinitis and colds. The action begins 5 minutes after application and lasts from 8 to 10 hours. The name of the drug is “Lazolvan Rino”. In combination with phenylephrine, it is contained in Adrianol nasal drops.

  • "Tizin Alergy" is a nasal spray with levocabastine. Local antiallergic and vasoconstrictive effect occurs 5 minutes after application. The action lasts for 12 hours. The spray eliminates sneezing and reduces nasal discharge.
  • "Pinosol." Vasoconstrictor drug plant origin is available in the form of oily nasal drops, spray and ointment (price 140, 240 and 270 rubles, respectively). A product based on essential oils is used for runny nose of various origins and duration. Almost non-addictive.
  • "Nazaval Plus". This cellulose powder forms a protective film on the nasal mucosa. It protects against exposure to allergens and microbes, so vasoconstrictor drops are required less often.
  • Xylometazoline. This active ingredient is contained in a large number nasal drops and sprays. More than 35 drugs with various trade names are produced based on xylometazoline. For the treatment of adults, products containing active substance 0,1%.

The dosage of xylometazoline for adults is 2-3 drops in each nasal passage, no more than 3 times a day. The product begins to act in 3–7 minutes. The vasoconstrictor effect lasts from 2 to 10 hours (depending on the disease).

List of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (price in rubles):

  1. "Tizin Xylo" (from 97 to 194).
  2. “Star Noz” (from 35 to 75).
  3. "Xymelin" (from 70 to 178).
  4. "Otrivin" (from 150 to 176).
  5. "Xymelin Eco" (160).
  6. "Galazolin" (from 35).
  7. "Rinostop" (from 25).
  8. "Rinonorm" (from 70).
  9. "Rinorus" (up to 62).
  10. "Snoop" (130).

Long-term exposure

Adults can use to treat a runny nose and ease breathing. local remedies with oxymetazoline 0.05%. The effect of the medicine begins 15 minutes after application to the mucous membrane and lasts from 6 to 8 hours.

List of nasal drops/sprays with oxymetazoline (price in rubles):

  1. "Sialor rhino" (110).
  2. "Nesopin" (from 90).
  3. "Afrin" (from 180).
  4. "Nazol" (from 150).
  5. "Nazivin" (150).

Oxymetazoline increases vascular tone, resulting in reduced swelling and reduced mucus secretion. The effects are higher when simultaneous administration antihistamines(“Cetirizine”, “Loratadine”, “Desloratadine”).

What vasoconstrictor drops can pregnant women use?

Not all medications are approved for use during pregnancy. The therapeutic agents used must not harm the mother and have not yet born child. Let's find out which vasoconstrictor drops are suitable for pregnant women.

Drops and sprays based on saline solutions have a mild, gentle effect:

  1. "Aqua Master";
  2. "Aqualor";
  3. "Marimer";
  4. "Aquamaris".

They do not have a strong effect and do not relieve a runny nose instantly.

Drops and sprays with oxymetazoline are conditionally allowed during pregnancy:

  1. "Otrivin";
  2. "Nazivin";
  3. "Nesolin";
  4. "Nazol."

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are prescribed to pregnant women only in cases where the expected benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

You can take the plant-based remedy “Sinupret” orally, which thins viscous mucus. After agreement with the doctor, treatment is carried out chronic runny nose drops with corticosteroid substances: “Flixazone”, “Nazarel”.

The most budget drugs

Even short review prices for drops and sprays with the same active substance convinces that the cost is influenced by the release form and advertising costs. The main criteria for choosing a medicine: indications, contraindications and the presence of serious side effects. In case of difficulties, you should contact your doctor or pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Among the naphazoline preparations there are inexpensive vasoconstrictor drops and Naphthyzin spray (from 7 to 25 rubles).

Preparations based on xylometazoline are considered budget-friendly:

  • "Rinostop";
  • "Xymelin";
  • "Rinonorm";
  • "Rinorus".

The cost of funds is in the range of 25–70 rubles. The effect of these vasoconstrictor drops develops quickly and, if well tolerated, after half an hour you can forget about a runny nose for at least 2 hours.

Contraindications and side effects

Most nasal preparations based on saline and sea water are intended for patients starting from infancy. A ban on the use of such products is intolerance to the components.

But anticongestants in the composition of vasoconstrictor drops have the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to substances in the composition;
  • atrophic and medicinal rhinitis;
  • pregnancy (not for all drugs);
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tachycardia;
  • glaucoma.

With frequent and/or long-term use arise side effects. The most common of them are: burning of the mucous membranes, sneezing, increased runny nose, headache and insomnia. Less common are Quincke's edema and disorders heart rate and blurred vision.

Before using any vasoconstrictor It is recommended to read the manufacturer's instructions. Although local forms medications have no effect on internal organs, it is necessary to observe the dosage and frequency of use. Drops or spray should not be used for longer than 8 days as they are addictive. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to first use a product with sea ​​water for rinsing the nasal cavity.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs