Alternative treatment of chronic rhinitis. Effective treatments for chronic rhinitis in adults

The runny nose will disappear in a matter of days. Try this tool...

Systematic exacerbation of various pathological conditions signals that they can be attributed to the chronic form of diseases. These diseases include chronic rhinitis, characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa and proceeding for a long time, sometimes with hypertrophy bone walls nose. Very effective in such a situation is the treatment of chronic rhinitis. folk remedies.

Causes of chronic rhinitis

  1. Prolonged use of topical vasoconstrictors and exposure to pollutants such as gas and dust. As a result, the nasal mucosa atrophies, which leads to the formation of dense, dry crusts that narrow the nasal passage;
  2. An allergic reaction manifests itself in hypersensitivity to various products food, cosmetics and household chemicals, wool, etc. This is manifested in the systematic occurrence of attacks of chronic rhinitis in adults;
  3. Incorrect therapy of acute rhinitis or its complete absence leads to the spread of the infectious process in the nasopharynx, which leads to a violation of the structure of the mucous membrane;
  4. Adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum due to impaired ventilation of the sinuses lead to a decrease in the tone of the mucous membrane and the occurrence of chronic rhinitis;
  5. Pathological growth and increased secretion of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity lead to the appearance of copious discharge from the nose, often purulent, difficulty in nasal breathing and, as a result, complete or partial loss of smell.

In order to determine the direction of the therapeutic effect and understand how to treat chronic runny nose, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of its occurrence.

Features of treatment

With an exacerbation of chronic rhinitis, a person experiences severe itching and dryness in the nasal cavity, thick discharge leads to constant congestion and impaired nasal breathing. There is a headache, insomnia, a feeling of fatigue and apathy. This condition often leads to a violation of not only the ability to work, but also life in general. Therefore, treatment should be taken seriously.

Treatment of the common cold is possible in two ways: traditional drug therapy or surgery and folk remedies. Such tools, in turn, can enhance therapeutic efficacy medicines and strengthen the immune system, thereby accelerating recovery.

Nasal lavage

Washing the nasal cavity has an excellent effect, since this procedure helps to cleanse the nasal passages, remove pathogenic microorganisms and moisturize the mucous membrane. Traditional medicine has a whole list of precious recipes, fortunately preserved to this day.

  • by the most affordable recipe is a saline rinse. To prepare it, it is enough to dissolve a teaspoon of trusted salt in half a glass of boiled warm water. With severe congestion, 10 drops of calendula tincture should be added to the resulting solution;
  • For a persistent anti-inflammatory effect, a decoction of the root of a young burdock is used. A tablespoon of broth should be diluted in boiling water, then cool slightly and strain. Apply the resulting composition in a warm form up to 3 times a day;
  • For the treatment of chronic rhinitis, an iodine-based solution is used, which has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare it, it is enough to dissolve 3 drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine in 250 ml of water. The resulting composition should not be used by people who are sensitive to iodine components;
  • For chronic cold bacterial nature the solution with furacilin helps a lot. In a glass of warm water, you need to dissolve a tablet of furacilin, mix thoroughly and rinse the nasal passages with the resulting composition using a syringe.

Inhalation therapy

Inhalations have a beneficial effect on the inflamed nasal mucosa, moisturize and nourish it, and, thanks to the substances included in the composition, reduce secrecy and prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

For inhalation, you can use a nebulizer or a regular kettle, into which one of the following compositions should be poured and heated. You can inhale the vapors of the drug through an impromptu paper tube.

Recipes for inhalation formulations for the treatment of chronic rhinitis:

  • Infusions and decoctions of oak bark, blackberry leaves, calendula, coltsfoot, blackcurrant leaves, walnut and raspberries. To achieve the effect, it is enough to dilute 120 ml of infusion or decoction with a glass of water, heat it up. You should not inhale hot air, but warm air, then the possibility of burning the respiratory tract is excluded;
  • Alkaline inhalations are useful for severe congestion and difficulty in separating mucus. Alkali contributes to its liquefaction and better discharge. Besides, alkaline solutions for inhalation have high antimicrobial properties. To prepare the solution, it is recommended to dilute a teaspoon of soda in two glasses of water, slightly warm;
  • Treatment of chronic rhinitis is also characterized by the use of dry inhalations. The recipe for their preparation is very simple and budgetary: grate onions, a few heads of garlic or horseradish root. In some cases, the obtained ingredients can be mixed. Put in any convenient container and inhale the vapors for 15-25 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can continue inhalations during sleep by placing a container with wiped ingredients next to the bed.

Such inhalations have a high concentration of natural antibiotics and, accordingly, quickly relieve congestion and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Drops for a cold

The fundamental method of therapy for rhinitis is the instillation of drops into the nasal passages or the use of sprays. To use it, it is not at all necessary to empty the counters with medicines of nearby pharmacies, because medicinal drops can be prepared at home on your own.

1. Garlic drops.

Grind a medium clove of garlic, pour it with sunflower oil heated in a water bath. Then insist the resulting mixture for 4-5 hours, strain thoroughly and instill two drops into the nasal passages up to 4 times a day;

2. Drops of aloe.

To prepare these drops, you will need aloe leaves, from which you need to squeeze the juice and mix with water, observing the proportions of 1: 1. The resulting solution is instilled five drops into the nose three times a day;

3. Vegetable drops.

Grate fresh beets and medium-sized carrots. Squeeze the mixture well, mix the resulting juice with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1, add a couple of drops garlic juice. These drops are recommended to be instilled into the nasal passages 3 times a day, six drops each;

4. Onion drops.

Peel and finely chop the middle head onion. To the resulting mass add a tablespoon of honey and 220 ml boiled water. Leave to infuse for an hour, then strain and drip six drops three times a day;

5. Laurel drops.

Help cure chronic runny nose bay leaves, which should be mixed with half a teaspoon of salt, honey and pour boiling water. Carefully place the infusion and cool to a temperature of 23 degrees. It is recommended to instill into the nose up to 4 times a day, three drops;

Ointments for the treatment of the common cold

The use of ointments prepared at home according to folk recipes helps to relieve inflammation, soften the nasal mucosa and facilitate the discharge of a viscous secret.

Half a glass vegetable oil mix with the same amount of honey, add two grams of wax and propolis, one and a half tablespoons of juice of Kalanchoe or aloe leaves. Honey, oil, wax and propolis should be heated in a water bath, add flower juice. Store the resulting mixture in a cool place, warming up only immediately before use. Apply 2 times a day;

Bring 50 grams of vaseline to a boil in a water bath and add 10 g of propolis or bee bread. Mix the resulting product, filter thoroughly, apply 3 times a day.

Phytotherapy for rhinitis

Herbs at correct application can improve well-being

All kinds of herbs, infusions and teas are folk remedies for chronic rhinitis. Some herbs and fruits are just a storehouse beneficial trace elements, wisely using which, you can achieve positive results in treatment.

For example, herbal collection from the leaves of peppermint, St. John's wort and linden contributes to the maintenance defensive forces weakened body as a whole. To obtain an infusion, mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and pour boiling water in a volume of one and a half liters. The resulting remedy is taken 200 ml three times a day.

These remedies also include a decoction of rose hips, the main ability of which is to treat chronic rhinitis. To prepare a decoction, take a handful of rose hips, pour boiling water in a thermos and insist for 10-14 hours. The resulting tea is recommended to be consumed throughout the day.

Essential oils for colds

When essential oils enter the human body through skin or nose, it turns out irritant effect on receptors, the protective abilities of the nasal mucosa are activated.

Essential oils can reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, normalize its blood supply, block the functioning of pathogenic microflora and stimulate local immunity.

Chronic runny nose with folk remedies such as ethers should be treated with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that their use is associated with a high risk of allergic reactions and headache due to the specificity of aromas.

  • Tea tree oil instantly improves well-being after the first application. It has a high anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing process;
  • Fir oil is extremely effective for inhalation, quickly restores nasal breathing, known for its disinfectant properties;
  • Thuja oil is a godsend in the treatment of chronic rhinitis. Its difference is the possibility of using not only in the form of drops, but mixing with other oils in aroma lamps;
  • Rosemary oil has astringent and antiseptic properties, which favorably affects the removal of thick mucus from the nasal cavity.

The use of essential oils is acceptable for massage, dry and hot inhalations, taking aromatic baths. They relieve nasal congestion and restore nasal breathing, moisturize the swollen nasal mucosa.

It is worth remembering that essential oils, like any folk remedies, have a list of contraindications, which should not be neglected:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation;
  2. Diseases of the circulatory system;
  3. Epilepsy;
  4. Individual intolerance to the components;
  5. Age up to 7 years;

Chronic runny nose entails a mass negative consequences. For help, you should turn to the recipes of traditional medicine, which have been proving their effectiveness in the fight against this unpleasant condition for centuries.

Chronic rhinitis

Treatment of chronic rhinitis with folk remedies

What is chronic rhinitis or runny nose?

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis

The appearance of a cold every year several times, both in the warm and cold seasons.

Discharge from the nose - at first watery, colorless, then thick, greenish-yellow.

Frequent sneezing, stuffy nose.

Headache and malaise without fever.

Causes of chronic rhinitis

The cause of chronic rhinitis is a weakening of the immune system against the background of hypothermia, a stressful situation, chemical poisoning, etc., followed by the introduction of microbial flora and viruses into the nasopharynx. Another reason is the ingestion of allergens.

If rhinitis is not treated in a timely manner, it can be complicated by anosmia. Details here.

Alternative methods of treatment of chronic rhinitis

For the entire period of illness, take shock doses of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - pharmacy or better than natural - in the form of tea with currants, raspberries, lemon.

It happened that he was sick for one or two days, and another time for more than two weeks and was accompanied by chronic rhinitis with very loud sneezing, which made many people standing nearby very frightened.

Sometimes, after sneezing in the apartment, wishes of health were heard on the street. I was scared before sneezing, because it seemed that my lungs were about to burst or I would get an inguinal hernia.

I was in this state for many years: no prescriptions of official and traditional medicine helped me. The polyclinic doctors recommended an operation to correct the nasal septum and cauterization.

Based on the bitter experience of my employee (she did such cauterization twice, after which it got even worse), I decided not to repeat the mistakes of others.

Add crushed diphenhydramine there: if you have 5 ml. vial, you will need half a tablet per 10 ml. - whole tablet(0.05g).

Diphenhydramine dissolves well. Add 10 or 20 more drops pharmacy tincture propolis. That is, 5 ml. - 10 drops, per 10 ml. – 20. After that, there will be a short chemical reaction: “boils” a little.

Use drops in the following way. For rhinitis with mild discomfort, instill 2-3 drops in each nostril three times a day. With a runny nose in the background respiratory disease or flu in the first days, 3-5 or more drops, and the more often, the better, you can even every hour.

In the future - according to the state of nasal congestion. Drops will help the discharge of accumulated mucus in the nasopharynx.

This is how I cured chronic rhinitis and began to sneeze quietly, without frightening anyone, as it was before. Try it and you will not regret it.

Runny nose - treatment at home folk remedies

Everyone knows the saying - if you do not treat a runny nose, then it will pass in a week, and if treated - in 7 days .

Some folk remedies will help to quickly cure a runny nose in 1-3 days without side effects, others will make it easier general well-being relieve nasal congestion. It is better to combine several methods for the fastest recovery.

Consider folk recipes for the treatment of rhinitis at home from the most simple and improvised to more complex.

Washing the nose.

It is necessary to draw liquid from the palm of one nostril, and pour it out from the other nostril or from the mouth. After the procedure, blow your nose, the nose is cleared instantly, the water washes away the viruses in the nose. This remedy helps to cure a runny nose in one day, a maximum of 2 days. Need to rinse warm water with the addition of salt, better than sea food (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Raises medicinal properties such washing, adding propolis, calendula or eucalyptus tincture to the water (0.5 tsp per glass of water). Washing the nose with a decoction of beets also helps. If you rinse your nose with water every day for prevention, then the chance of getting a runny nose is reduced to zero.

Chronic protracted runny nose can be cured at home by washing the nose with this solution: for 1 glass of water - 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda and 5 drops of iodine - these washings help to cure even sinusitis.

  • Laundry soap.

    Lather your finger liberally with soap and lubricate the inside of the nose - do it three times a day.

    If every day, for prevention during the flu season, while washing your nose with soap and water, then the risk of getting rhinitis will be reduced to zero (HLS 2011, No. 21, p. 33)

  • Mustard.

    Mustard is widely used in folk remedies for the common cold: apply mustard plasters to the feet and secure with a cloth, or pour dry mustard into socks and walk for 1-2 days. Or foot baths: before going to bed, soak your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard. Clears the nose well, improves general well-being in case of a cold

  • Massage.

    They massage, rub their feet with alcohol, then put on woolen socks, it is advisable to put a heating pad on their feet after that.

  • Onion treatment.
    Wrap grated onions in a damp cloth, put on the wings of the nose, cover with a dry cloth on top, lie down with this compress for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. A runny nose with onions can be cured very quickly - in one day. You can insert gauze turundas soaked in onion juice into the nose. And you can dilute onion juice with water in a ratio of 1:3 - 1:6 and bury these drops in your nose.
  • Pairs of onions, garlic or horseradish.

    Often recommended next treatment runny nose at home: cut the onion, garlic or horseradish into small pieces, put in a tightly screwed jar and inhale the vapors as often as possible. During a flu epidemic, this folk method will help to avoid illness.

    And here is a more intense way of home treatment with garlic: take a large clove of garlic, cut off 3 plates from it. Spread the skin under the nose with one plate. Then lie on your back, insert a mug of garlic into each nostril, and every 10 breaths alternate two breathing options:

    1. Pinch your nose with your fingertips and breathe through your mouth - 10 times

    2. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

    The total duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. At the beginning there will be severe sneezing, here you need to take care of the pieces of garlic so that they do not scatter in different directions - take them out of your nose or vice versa pinch your nose and sneeze through your mouth.

    If you start this treatment at the first sign of influenza or acute respiratory infections, the development of the disease can be avoided (HLS Bulletin No. 19, 2010, p. 10)

  • garlic oil.

    Heat half a glass of vegetable oil in a water bath for 30 minutes. adding a head of crushed garlic. Insist for a day. Lubricate the nostrils 2-3 times a day.


  • Honey with beet juice for children.

    Take liquid honey, 1/3 tsp. dissolve in a dessert spoon of boiled water and mix with 1 tbsp. l. beet juice. Bury 7 drops every 2 hours in a heated form. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle No. 16, 2000, p. 12)

    You can cure a runny nose easier: mix beet juice with boiled water 1:1 and instill into the nose 4-5 drops several times a day. (Healthy lifestyle 2010 No. 20, p. 39-40)

  • Raw beetroot tampons.
    Cleans the nose very well. Grate fresh beets, put on a piece of bandage and roll into a tube, insert into the nostrils for 1-2 hours, do several times a day. Swabs with garlic are also made, but before the introduction of a garlic swab, it is advisable to lubricate the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly
  • Inhalation of smoke through the nose.

    It is necessary to inhale the smoke from smoldering cotton wool or smoldering crackers. Inhale first one nostril, then the other, to tears. (HLS No. 10, 2007).

    The man was tormented all year round constant runny nose. He took a cracker, set it on fire from one end, when it caught fire, he immediately extinguished it, smoke went out, he inhaled it first with one nostril, then the other. The runny nose went away after the first session. Now he is 91 years old, after that treatment he has never had nasal congestion. (HLS No. 18, p. 40, 2011).

    The woman read in the healthy lifestyle about this case. She had mucus coming out of her nose day and night, blowing her nose every five minutes, no longer in handkerchiefs, but in diapers. And after reading the note, she immediately began to treat with smoke. I did only one procedure, and the mucus stopped coming out. 20 days have passed since the treatment - no rhinitis, diapers thrown away, uses handkerchiefs, and even then occasionally. (HLS No. 21, p. 7, 2011).

  • Motherwort tincture:
    Rub your nose, lubricate near the nostrils, it will become easier to breathe.
  • Oil treatment.

    St. John's wort oil: instill 2-3 drops in each nostril 2-3 times a day or lubricate the inside of the nose every hour. After two days, rhinitis disappears (HLS No. 4, 2007).

    You can also use camphor oil for home treatment (HLS No. 2, p. 41, 2012). It is especially advisable to use camphor oil for treatment if a runny nose is accompanied by a headache - lubricate the nose and temples at least 2 times a day (HLS No. 3, p. 30, 2007).

    Helps in healing and menthol oil .

  • Kalanchoe.

    It is necessary to instill into the nose 3-4 times a day the juice of Kalanchoe pinnate or aloe, 3-5 drops in each half of the nose. Instillation of Kalanchoe juice sometimes causes severe sneezing, but rhinitis can be cured with this remedy in one day.

    You can also effectively cure a runny nose with the help of golden mustache juice - in just one day. Golden mustache juice instill 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

  • Viburnum juice with honey.
    The recipe is as follows: mix 1 glass of viburnum juice and 1 glass of honey, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Store in refrigerator, drink warm. On the 3rd day, all the mucus comes out (HLS No. 23, 2000, p. 19).
  • Warming up porridge lingering runny nose The child has.
    Sew a small bag of linen fabric, fill it with warm, hard boiled millet porridge and put the bag on the maxillary sinuses. Keep until cool.
  • Nasal warming.
    For warming at home, two boiled chicken eggs wrapped in a cloth, a bag of hot sand or salt.
  • Drops from propolis and oils.
    It happens that a runny nose does not go away for several months. Then use the following recipe: you need to take a 10% tincture of propolis, camphor oil, sunflower oil- all components for 1 tsp. pour into a dark bottle, shake. Drip into each nostril 3-5 drops 3 times a day for a week. Then a break of 3 days. Then drip again for a week. Runny nose goes away. Before dripping, the mixture must be shaken (HLS No. 10, 2007).
  • Washing the nose with salt water.
    The man had a chronic runny nose, he constantly instilled various drops into his nose, but they did not help for long, his nose was constantly stuffy, especially at night. I began to wash my nose with salt water using a pear (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water). At first I did this procedure several times a day, then less often. Chronic rhinitis was cured completely. (HLS No. 13, 2010, p. 28-29).
  • Healing drops.
    The woman had a constant runny nose for a long time. No means helped. A friend advised a simple recipe: take 1 tsp. 10% propolis tincture, camphor oil. sunflower unrefined oil Pour everything into a dark glass bottle and shake. Instill 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day for a week, then a break for 3 days. After the second week course, the woman's runny nose was completely gone. (HLS No. 9, 2007, p. 30).
  • Folk herbal treatment.

    The healer E. F. Zaitseva gives a recipe for a collection that cleanses the lungs and nasopharynx of mucus.

    It is necessary to take the herb of coltsfoot, wild rosemary, thyme, plantain, linden flowers and black elderberry, marshmallow root and licorice in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. collection of these eight components, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink infusion 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals for half a cup. The course of treatment of chronic rhinitis is 1.5 months. (HLS No. 8, 2006, p. 24).

  • Treatment of chronic rhinitis with water.
    The woman caught a cold, earned a runny nose, which did not end for a long time. And, in the end, it turned into a chronic one. A neighbor suggested an unusual folk method: you need to pour on thumb then left, then right foot cold water. I decided to try. Lila daily for 3 minutes on each finger cold water. The effect is amazing! For 2 years now, he has not remembered a runny nose and other colds (HLS No. 23, 2012, p. 32).
  • Dew treatment.

    The man was tormented by a severe runny nose both in winter and in summer. Drops from the pharmacy, folk remedies did not help. Then he decided to walk barefoot in the morning dew. Walked whole month. Chronic runny nose was cured. (HLS No. 8, p. 38, 2013).


    How to cure chronic runny nose at home?

    At an appointment with an ENT doctor, every third patient complains of a prolonged runny nose or, scientifically, chronic rhinitis. This disease is manifested by long-term inflammatory and degenerative processes in the nasal mucosa: constant congestion of the nasal passages, impaired nasal breathing, mucous or purulent discharge from the nostrils and headaches.

    Chronic rhinitis in most cases does not carry mortal danger for human health, but significantly impairs the quality of life. That is why, before curing a chronic runny nose, it is important to understand why it arose in order to prevent its reappearance.

    Causes of chronic inflammation in the nose

  • Frequent inflammation of the nasal cavity (acute rhinitis) with their improper treatment.
  • Irritants in the air (mineral or metal dust, high or low temperature inhaled air, low air humidity, nicotine). So, for example, work in hazardous industries and smoking can lead to chronic rhinitis.
  • Hereditary predisposition to diseases of the nose, defects of the nasal septum.
  • Uncontrolled use of certain drugs (for example, blood pressure tablets based on rauwolfia or vasoconstrictor drops).
  • Sometimes a chronic runny nose is not an independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of another pathology of the nose - adenoids or sinusitis.

    In such cases, its treatment should be preceded by measures to eliminate its root cause - removal of the adenoids, opening and drainage of the maxillary sinuses, etc.

    Also, rhinitis often occurs with cardiovascular and renal diseases, disorders hormonal background in women, with constipation and alcoholism.

    Ways to treat chronic rhinitis

    When a runny nose is protracted and gradually becomes chronic, it will not be possible to recover in a short time. Since hypertrophic or atrophic processes in the nose did not appear overnight, they will have to be treated stubbornly and for a long time.

    Sometimes in the first week of treatment, a deterioration in the patient's condition may be noted: a greater number of thick discharge, nasal congestion worsens, headache intensifies. However, this is not a reason to refuse treatment. You need to once again consult with your doctor to adjust the appointment, if necessary.

    The main treatments for chronic rhinitis are as follows:

    Local drug treatment

    Depending on the alleged cause of the development of chronic rhinitis, drops with anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, anti-allergic or antibacterial action are used. In the pharmaceutical market of such drops a large number of and most of them are of combined action (for example, moisturizing + antibacterial, anti-allergenic + healing, etc.).

    Of these, preference should be given to drops on oil based(sea buckthorn oil, oil solutions vitamins E and A) to facilitate the process of softening and removing crusts from the nose.

    It is better to refuse vasoconstrictor drops in a chronic process, since the effect of them, although it comes quickly, does not last long. But from frequent use, the mucosa becomes insensitive to their action, which is fraught with the development of a medicinal rhinitis.

    When choosing required type drops it is better to rely on a doctor who knows exactly how to treat a runny nose in your case. Some situations require the appointment of drugs by mouth in the form of tablets or injections (for severe forms allergic or purulent rhinitis).

    Physiotherapy treatment

    This type of treatment includes procedures such as: heating the nose with UHF and ultraviolet rays, endonasal electrophoresis, medicinal inhalation with the help of special nozzles for the nose, magnetotherapy and mud therapy. Physiotherapy is prescribed in conjunction with the main drug therapy or immediately after its completion to consolidate the result.

    Warming up the nose with an infrared lamp Minin

    The so-called "blue lamp" can successfully replace physiotherapy procedures. The lamp is turned on at a distance of 20-30 cm from the bridge of the nose so that pleasant warmth is felt on the skin. Warm up the nose under the lamp from 5 to 20 minutes once a day.

    This procedure effectively helps to cure a chronic runny nose in a child under three years old, since for the treatment of children younger age allowed to use a fairly narrow list of medications.

    Restorative treatment

    Because the prolonged runny nose, often occurs against the background of a decrease in general immunity, immunostimulants and adaptogens (for example, based on echinacea or ginseng), multivitamin and mineral complexes are used.

    Sinus massage

    In addition, the effectiveness of treatment can be increased with the help of a special massage. How to do it, will tell the next video.

    Surgical methods

    In cases where a prolonged runny nose is caused by an abnormal structure or traumatic displacement of the nasal concha, it can be prescribed surgery. During the operation, restore normal anatomical structure structures of the nose, excised excess overgrown tissue.

    If the nasal mucosa is slightly enlarged, it is cauterized liquid nitrogen(cryodestruction of nasal conchas).

    Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

    The following are recognized as the most effective folk remedies for chronic rhinitis:

    Warm dry compresses with salt

    Apply to the nose twice a day warm bags of salt. Such thermal procedures lead to a rush of blood to the nose area, improve blood circulation of the mucous membrane, and enhance regeneration processes.

    It is important to make sure that the bag is not hot (this can be checked by applying it to the inner surface of the forearm) so as not to get burned on the face.

    Honey milk drops

    Drip the nose with honey-milk drops (3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day) for 7-10 days. To make them, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of milk. Drops must be freshly prepared. Honey has excellent antiseptic and healing properties, and milk will moisturize the mucous well and facilitate the removal of dried crusts.

    Warming up the legs

    Hot foot baths are taken daily at bedtime, after which warm socks are put on with dry mustard poured inside. The course of warming procedures is 7-10 days, but the duration can be increased as needed. Contraindications are fever and pregnancy.

    Oriental medicine believes that the feet (certain points on the soles) and the nose (mucous membrane) are connected by an energetically active channel. There even exists such folk omen: today I wet my feet - tomorrow there will be a runny nose. In this regard, it is generally accepted that warming up the legs helps to get rid of chronic rhinitis in both a child and an adult.

    Tamponades with juices and oils of medicinal plants

    Nasal tamponade with a mixture of useful ingredients: honey, sea buckthorn oil, calendula juice (10 g each) and propolis (5 g) also helps with prolonged rhinitis. Dip cotton swabs into the resulting mixture and insert them into the nostrils for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

    Washing the nose with diluted infusions of herbs

    At home, rinse the nose with a solution of infusion of chamomile and plantain. Infusion of herbs, in addition to cleansing action, performs anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic function.

    Several Yet folk recipes helping with a runny nose, including chronic, you will learn from the following video:

    Prevention of chronic rhinitis

    To protect yourself from chronic rhinitis, you must avoid hypothermia and interaction with allergens, prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out, treat acute rhinitis in a timely manner, and do not get carried away with vasoconstrictor drops.

    If you can’t get rid of a runny nose on your own in a week, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

    How to cure a chronic runny nose with folk remedies at home | Folk remedies for the treatment of chronic rhinitis

    Chronic rhinitis is a neglected or untreated form of acute rhinitis. Such a symptom manifests itself in a person every autumn, regardless of whether the person is sick or not. Having a chronic runny nose, a person feels constant nasal congestion, headaches, he constantly secretes mucus from his nose, which can also swell. Such a disease can lead to a disorder of smell, eye disease and ear congestion. On the one hand, people think that if a runny nose is chronic, then in principle it cannot be cured, but for every rule there is an exception. Therefore, in this article you will learn the other side of the medal of this disease and get useful information about the methods of phytotherapy.

    Alternative methods of treatment in adults with chronic rhinitis

    Every person at least once in his life faced with the problem of a cold. This fairly common disease brings a lot of discomfort and discomfort. A runny nose prevents us from breathing, talking and working normally. In addition, it often brings headaches and can contribute to the development of more severe diseases, such as sinusitis. But also it may not develop into another disease, but drag out and become chronic. Your attention is offered recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of the disease.

    Folk recipes for washings for the treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults

    In order to get rid of a chronic runny nose, you need to thoroughly rinse your nose. To cleanse the nose of mucus, sea water diluted with water is used. Rinse the nose with this solution four times a day using a syringe, pipette or douche.

    Also effective way cleansing the nasal cavity is washing with a solution of potassium permanganate with iodine, in the ratio of three drops of iodine per glass of rose water. It is necessary to draw this liquid through the nose and spit it out through the mouth.

    Also wash the nose with tincture of calendula. For this recipe, you need to take a glass of water and drip 20 drops into it. alcohol tincture. The washing process is the same as in the first recipe.

    The saline solution for washing never interferes with treatment. According to this recipe, it is necessary to stir in one glass of water half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda, a few drops of iodine.

    For this recipe for chronic rhinitis, you will need to dig up a nettle root in the fall, rinse it, chop it and pour vodka, counting on 250 grams of vodka for two tablespoons of nettle. This mixture should be infused for two weeks in a warm place. After it has infused, wash it with it to treat chronic runny nose.

    You can treat with the help of nasturtium leaves. They must be consumed in salads up to ten pieces a day. You can also brew a few sheets and rinse your nose with this remedy. In addition, the nasal passages can be washed with a decoction of the roots of young burdock.

    You can make an infusion of eucalyptus. To do this, you need one teaspoon of eucalyptus and 500 milligrams of warm water. Rinse your nose with this solution 2 times a day.

    Treatment with a fermented decoction of red beets. To do this, you need to prepare this decoction. Peel, wash and dice the red beets, then pour them over hot water and let it brew for three days. At this point, the broth begins to ferment. It is with this fermented decoction that traditional medicine recommends rinsing or washing the nasal passages 2-3 times a day. Such a decoction is stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 4 days.

    Juice treatment for chronic rhinitis in adults

    If the runny nose has worsened, then you can take the onion, peel it, twist the tubes from the slices and make cuts in them. In the nasal entrances, they must be worn from one to two hours. Of course, during this time, mucus will flow very strongly, but after the procedure, the runny nose will definitely stop.

    A more conservative folk remedy are carrot drops. To do this, you will need to take a carrot, peel it, rub it on a grater. Then squeeze the juice and add the same amount of unrefined oil. Stir this mixture and drip into the nose three times a day, one drop.

    You can fight chronic rhinitis with the help of celandine juice. To do this, the instillation procedure is done as follows. First, two drops of the plant are instilled into one nostril, after two minutes, 2 drops of celandine are again into the same nostril. And then the same operation is performed with the other nostril.

    A very effective and long-term remedy is the ingestion of the following mixture. Three horseradish on a fine grater and get about 100 grams of fresh grated horseradish. Add the juice of two lemons to it. We mix everything. This mixture is recommended to be taken orally twice a day for a long time, from two weeks to a month.

    Inhalation treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults

    Also possible in folk treatment chronic rhinitis, use infusions and decoctions of plants for inhalation:

    How to quickly cure a runny nose

    Runny nose (rhinitis) is one of the most common seasonal diseases. As a rule, rhinitis is a concomitant phenomenon and has two root causes: viral or allergic. Despite the apparent frivolity of the symptoms, a runny nose gives quite a lot of trouble to the sick person, and, most importantly, when the problem starts, the risk of complications, including sinusitis and chronic rhinitis, increases significantly. In order to prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to be extremely responsible in the treatment of the common cold and its prevention.

    Seasonal decrease in immunity is an excellent background for the occurrence of acute rhinitis. A respiratory viral infection, getting into a weakened body, provokes an inflammatory process, which manifests itself in the form of a common cold.

    The common cold is a disease that inflammatory character manifested on the nasal mucosa. Sometimes a runny nose is called rhinitis, which is somewhat incorrect, because rhinitis is a special case of an exacerbation of the disease. Often both cases are observed due to SARS. The causes of inflammation of the nasal cavity are:

  • a cold resulting from hypothermia (flu);
  • infection that occurred on the street or in in public places With big amount people during a pandemic (ARVI).
  • This disease is not only inflammatory, but also allergic in nature. The allergic nature of the runny nose is characterized by the presence of an allergy source that causes the urge to sneeze, watery eyes, and irritation in the nose.

    Treating a runny nose in one day is almost impossible, but the pharmacology industry and a number of proven folk methods of proven effectiveness help to significantly ease breathing, getting rid of mucus in the sinuses.

    At the first stage of the disease, if you feel worse, but there is no temperature, it is necessary to warm the maxillary sinuses with a source of dry heat for 30 minutes. This can be done with boiled uncooled eggs, potatoes, dry cereals or sand. Also, at the first signs of a runny nose, it is used laundry soap. They need to lubricate the finger and smear thoroughly internal surfaces nasal cavities. It is advisable to repeat the procedure during a pandemic and as a preventive measure against the disease. Sometimes a preventive treatment of the disease is used with the help of a mesh of iodine, which is applied to the sinuses of the nasal cavities.

    allergic rhinitis

    Appears as a result of allergens entering the nasal cavity, which irritate the mucous membranes of the nose. As a rule, allergic rhinitis is especially relevant in the spring.

    Symptoms of acute rhinitis:

  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • nasal congestion (obstruction in the process of breathing);
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • headache;
  • sneezing.
  • At the first signs of rhinitis, it is extremely important to carry out a set of measures to stop the disease. But before talking about approaches to the treatment of the common cold, it would be fair to talk about preventive measures for this problem.

    Prevention and treatment of the common cold at home

    As cliche as it may sound, the best treatment is prevention. Preventive measures aimed at avoiding rhinitis are quite simple and available to absolutely everyone:

  • The first and most important rule is the general maintenance of the immune system. An integrated approach is important here: balanced diet, healthy sleep, moderate physical activity, avoidance of sudden changes in temperature, leading to hypothermia of the body. To stimulate the immune system, traditional medicine methods are well suited (using onions, garlic, honey, etc.)
  • With seasonal outbreaks colds excellent protection against viruses that provoke the appearance of a runny nose, is gauze bandage to be worn in public places.
  • To eliminate the virus that settles on the mucous membranes of the nose, it is recommended to wash it. It is enough to subject the nose to this procedure at least once a day. For these purposes, there are a huge number of drugs. But the best remedy is sea ​​water and products based on it.
  • For the prevention of rhinitis allergic origin it is necessary to ventilate the premises frequently, minimize contact with animals, and avoid the use of allergenic products. But, unfortunately, in cases chronic allergies All these measures may prove ineffective. Better prevention is the early use of antihistamines.
  • The specificity of the course of the disease in adults and children

    For an adult, the first signs of a runny nose (rhinitis) are a fairly common situation, not causing panic and serious concerns. Many even tend to endure such diseases "on their feet", which is not a deliberate act. But with more seriousness should be taken the signs of rhinitis in children.

    Principles of treatment of children's and adult rhinitis may differ significantly. In order to understand the cause of these differences, it is necessary to know the specifics of the course of this disease in different age groups.

    Treatment of the common cold in adults

    Rhinitis in an adult in the vast majority of cases proceeds without complications. This is due to a number of factors: a more prepared immune system, an expanded range of drugs acceptable for treatment, a high degree of understanding of what is happening (what worries, the nature of the symptoms, etc.). The occurrence in an adult of complications associated with acute rhinitis, in most cases, is associated with inattention and connivance towards one's body. At timely prevention and relief of symptoms, the disease rarely flows into something more serious. It should be noted that with stable immunity, the symptoms of rhinitis may disappear on their own in a very short time.

    Special attention should be paid to the treatment of rhinitis in children.

    Danger this disease in children is associated with an extremely rapid spread inflammatory lesions throughout the respiratory tract, as well as in the middle ear. The spectrum of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis in children is limited medicines on natural ingredients that are not addictive. Only in extreme cases, with a strong neglect of the disease, the use of more powerful drugs is allowed. The risk of bringing the situation to a critical point is increased by the inability of children to independently remove accumulated mucus from the nose, as well as the frequent inability to describe their feelings and concerns. Parents need to be extremely careful about their child and contact a specialist at the first warning signs.

    Runny nose treatment

    In cases where preventive measures have not been taken and the symptoms of rhinitis have taken by surprise, it is necessary to start their elimination and treatment.

    There are several approaches to the treatment of the common cold:

  • conservative;
  • surgical;
  • folk.
  • The essence of conservative treatment is integrated approach, which includes procedures for washing the nose, the use of vasoconstrictor drops, sprays and moisturizing oils. With allergic rhinitis, the use of antihistamine sprays is prescribed, which also have the property of constricting blood vessels. The disadvantage of drugs of this action is addictive, so the intake plan must be strictly agreed with the attending physician.

    In cases of excessive congestion, provoked by swelling of the mucous membranes, as well as a deterioration in the overall picture of the patient's condition, the doctor may prescribe the use of stronger steroid and corticosteroid drugs. The use of such drugs is strictly limited in time. They are extremely effective in removing puffiness, but their long-term use is highly undesirable. Moreover, it is necessary to strictly follow the application procedure prescribed by a specialist.

    Surgical treatment of rhinitis is a last resort when conservative treatment is not effective for a long time.

    Surgical treatment of rhinitis is divided into various methods:

  • conchotomy (dissection of vascular connections);
  • endoscopy (removal of obstructive formations);
  • electrocaustics / cryosurgery / laser surgery (cauterization of excess tissues with current / liquid nitrogen / laser).
  • Surgical treatment of all forms of rhinitis is highly effective. Its major disadvantage is the presence rehabilitation period and the need for follow-up with a physician.

    How to quickly cure a runny nose with folk remedies at home

    Alternative methods of treating the common cold are widespread, but, unfortunately, they cannot be called effective in acute forms of the disease. Of course, it is quite possible to relieve the symptoms and briefly alleviate the patient's condition with their help. Moreover, this approach to treatment can be called effective and acceptable in the initial stages of the disease (at the first appearance of symptoms).

    Home remedies for the common cold include mainly various inhalations, exercises (massage), the use of juices and decoctions.

    Rhinitis, or simply a runny nose, is a common condition.
    Few people take this disease seriously and deal with its treatment.
    But, with the onset of cold weather, an untreated runny nose often turns into chronic stage and causes inconvenience.
    Patients begin to think about the need for treatment.


    Chronic runny nose occurs against the background of a long or frequent acute inflammation. Factors that lead to rhinitis include:

    Types and symptoms

    Depending on the causes and clinical manifestations, there are several forms of chronic rhinitis.

    These types differ somewhat in symptoms and require a different therapeutic approach.

    catarrhal rhinitis

    It is manifested by nasal congestion, most often in one nasal passage. The symptom is not constant, but increases with adverse external conditions. The sense of smell is deteriorating.

    There is little discharge from the nose, they are mucous in nature. With exacerbation, it can acquire a purulent course. about the treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis in children, read the article.

    Hypertrophic rhinitis

    Constant inflammation leads to hyperplasia - the growth of the nasal mucosa. Hypertrophied mucosa blocks the nasal passages, compresses the lacrimal canal and the Eustachian tubes.

    The pathological process makes it difficult to breathe, causes conjunctivitis and otosalpingitis.

    Discharge from the nose becomes mucopurulent, plentiful.

    This leads to a deterioration in the sense of smell, makes the voice nasal.

    Hypertrophic rhinitis is characterized by headaches.

    Atrophic rhinitis

    The atrophic process in the nasal mucosa is its thinning. Dystrophic processes accompanied by secretion of viscous mucus. Because of her, which disrupt breathing.

    Their removal can aggravate the process, because there is a risk of damage to the mucous membrane.

    If an infection joins the sores that have arisen, a fetid runny nose - ozena () may occur. When, then with this variant of the course of the disease, the sense of smell greatly deteriorates, the balance of the microflora of the nasal cavity is disturbed.

    allergic rhinitis

    Transparent liquid discharge from the nose, itching and burning that cause sneezing are signs of allergic rhinosinusitis (written) and rhinitis.

    It can be permanent if the allergy occurs to household factors, or seasonal if the cause of the allergy is in flowering plants.

    Vasomotor rhinitis

    The only type of runny nose that is not caused by an inflammatory process.

    Its cause is a violation of the function of the autonomic system. Except watery discharge from the nose, sneezing and congestion, vasomotor rhinitis causes a general deterioration in well-being.

    Occurs due to stress factors or on the background of hypertension.


    Rhinitis is determined based on the patient's complaints. Discharge from the nose is the basis for the diagnosis.

    To determine the cause of the common cold and prescribe adequate treatment, additional examinations are carried out:

    • rhinoscopy;
    • laboratory research;
    • x-ray and tomography of the nasal sinuses;
    • allergic tests;
    • tank. sowing from the nose;
    • histological examination.

    Features of treatment

    There is an opinion that a runny nose does not require treatment and disappears in a week, even without application. medicines.

    But those who are faced with chronic rhinitis are looking for ways to treat it, which, as it turns out, are rather complicated.

    General principles

    Activities give positive effect regardless of the form of the disease.

    Nasal lavage.
    For this purpose, use a weak saline solution or herbal infusions.

    Salt solution can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently:

    • To do this, dissolve one teaspoon of salt in half a liter of water.

    In a steam inhaler, you can use infusions of the above herbs, potatoes, pharmaceutical products for inhalation.

    Nasal instillations are vasoconstrictor drugs.

    Also used drops and sprays, which include essential oils.

    infusions made from herbs such as:

    • calendula;
    • succession;
    • chamomile;
    • eucalyptus (read how to do inhalations);
    • sage.

    Features of therapy of various forms of rhinitis

    After the cause of chronic rhinitis is determined, the doctor prescribes individual treatment. It acts on the source of inflammation.

    The therapy does not require constant medical intervention and can be carried out at home.

    Folk methods

    Long-term use of drugs in the treatment of rhinitis can lead to a decrease in their effectiveness. In this case, you can use traditional medicine recipes.

    Possible Complications

    If a runny nose is not treated, it can lead to complications. The inflammation spreads to the sinuses and, depending on the localization, causes sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.

    To prevent complications, you need to know the symptoms for which home treatment is not possible.

    These include:

    • severe headaches;
    • purulent discharge from the nose;
    • persistent increase in body temperature.

    Prevention of the common cold

    It is not always possible to prevent rhinitis. But a number of preventive measures can increase the likelihood of staying healthy.

    One way is to take immunomodulatory drugs during the season of colds. Prophylactic washing of the nose also gives some effect.

    If prevention concerns allergic rhinitis, then the maximum protection of the patient from allergens will be appropriate. Prophylactic administration of antiallergic drugs is recommended.

    Chronic rhinitis is a disease that brings discomfort and inconvenience. It can also cause more serious illnesses.

    Timely treatment and preventive actions reduce the risk of complications and speed up the healing process.

    Watch the video on how to treat a chronic runny nose.

    A runny nose or rhinitis is nothing more than a non-specific inflammatory process (acute or chronic) that occurs in the nose, in its mucous membrane. This pathology is the most common in childhood as well as in adults.

    Acute rhinitis or runny nose

    Causes of a runny nose.

    Acute rhinitis (runny nose) can be an independent disease or a symptom of acute infectious diseases (flu, measles, acute respiratory infections). Hypothermia predisposes to the disease, less often mechanical or chemical irritations can be the cause. Acute coryza is always bilateral.

    Symptoms of rhinitis.

    First, there is a slight malaise, a feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx, itching in the nose. Nasal breathing is difficult, sneezing, lacrimation appear, the sense of smell decreases, the timbre of the voice changes, abundant liquid discharge from the nose is observed. In the future, the discharge becomes mucopurulent, with damage to small blood vessels- bloody.

    Treatment of rhinitis (runny nose).

    Indicated at elevated body temperature bed rest. Useful mustard foot baths, diaphoretics. To eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa, appoint vasoconstrictors. In rhinitis caused by bacteria, inhaled antibiotic aerosols and antibiotic ointments are also effective.

    Medicines for the treatment of rhinitis prescribed by a doctor

    Remedies for the common cold

    Naphazoline (Naphthyzin, Sanorin)

    Antibacterial agents
    Oxolinic ointment

    Runny nose chronic catarrhal

    Causes of a simple chronic runny nose.

    Chronic catarrhal (simple) runny nose is caused by prolonged or recurring acute runny nose, prolonged exposure to various irritants - chemical, thermal, mechanical, irritation of the nasal mucosa with pus in diseases paranasal sinuses nose, circulatory disorders in the nasal mucosa with heart defects, myocarditis, nephritis, endocrine diseases.

    Symptoms of a simple chronic rhinitis.

    Patients experience periodic nasal congestion, abundant mucus is secreted, sometimes the discharge becomes purulent. Left half the nose is blocked when positioned on the left side, the right - on the right, nasal breathing is difficult in the supine position.

    Treatment of simple chronic rhinitis.

    In chronic rhinitis, in addition to conventional means apply. If this treatment is ineffective, the lower nasal conchas are cauterized with trichloroacetic or chromic acid.

    Remedies for the common cold
    Xylometazoline (Brizolin, Galazolin, Grippostad Rino, Dlyanos, Xylen, Xylobene, Xymelin, Olint, Otrivin, Rinostop, Farmazolin)
    Naphazoline (Naphthyzin, Sanorin)
    Oxymetazoline (4-Wei, Afrin, Leconil, Nazivin, Nazol, Fervex cold spray)
    Vegetable oils (Menthol, Peach, Pinosol)
    Tetrizoline (Berberyl, Burnil, Tizin)
    Agents with astringent or cauterizing action,
    Silver nitrate

    Runny nose chronic hypertrophic

    Causes of a runny nose.

    Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis is a consequence of untreated chronic catarrhal (simple) rhinitis. It often develops as a result of prolonged exposure to adverse factors (dust, gases, climate). The cause of the disease can also be adenoiditis and sinusitis. A feature of the disease is the growth of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity.

    Runny nose symptoms.

    Patients note constant discharge from the nasal passages and nasal congestion, heaviness in the head and headache, decreased sense of smell. The color of the nasal mucosa is pale pink, sometimes with a bluish tint.

    Cold treatment.

    In mild cases, astringents and caustics help. In the absence of results, a galvanocaustic procedure is performed and prompt removal parts of the mucosa.

    Medicines prescribed by a doctor

    Agents with astringent or cauterizing action
    Collargol Silver nitrate Protargol

    Runny nose vasomotor (allergic)

    Causes of allergic rhinitis.

    Vasomotor rhinitis is caused, as a rule, by external factors: plant pollen, household or industrial dust, animals, food, drug allergens. Other non-allergic causes may be hypersensitivity to hypothermia, especially of the legs, and mental trauma. Under the influence of allergens, the nasal mucosa undergoes a number of changes, its swelling occurs, and mucus accumulates.

    Symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

    As a result of exposure to the allergen, an attack of the disease begins, accompanied by incessant sneezing, itching in the nose; it becomes difficult to breathe, abundant liquid discharge appears, in addition, itching of the eyes and lacrimation occurs. These symptoms are most pronounced during the flowering period, when the effect of allergens is most intense.

    Treatment of allergic rhinitis.

    The main treatment for allergic rhinitis is the complete elimination of exposure to the allergen. First aid is the use of antiallergic drugs. If necessary, to relieve excessive swelling of the mucosa, galvanocaustics is performed, cauterization of overly sensitive areas.

    Medicines prescribed by a doctor

    Antiallergic drugs
    Ketotifen (Astafen, Broniten, Zaditen, Ketasma, Ketotif, Stafen) Klemastil (Tavegil)
    Cromoglycienic acid (Intal, Ifiral, Cromolyn) Loratadine (Vero-Loratadine, Claridol, Clarisens, Claritin, Clarifer, Clarotadin, Loradin, Loratin, Lorid, Loridin, Erolin)
    Chloropyramine (Subrestin, Suprastin) Cetirizine (Zyrtec, Citrine)
    Antiallergic aerosols
    Allergodil Histimet
    Agents with astringent or cauterizing action
    Collargol Protargol

    Treatment of rhinitis (rhinitis) with folk remedies

    Herbs and fees for the treatment of rhinitis (runny nose)

      Pour 1 tablespoon of peppermint 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 0.5 cups of hot infusion, which can be sweetened with honey. Suitable for children. For adults with rhinitis (runny nose), rinse the nose with this infusion at the same time as drinking.

      Pour 1 teaspoon of garden woodlice herb with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Draw infusion into the nose with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Pour 50 g of pine buds cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink at severe runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or raspberry jam.

      Pour 1 tablespoon of dry chopped viburnum bark with 0.75 cups of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 5 minutes, cool, strain. Drink during the day with rhinitis (runny nose) in equal shares for 5-6 times, sweetened with honey to taste.

      Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped elecampane root with 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse in a water bath for 30 minutes. Drink hot, 0.25 cups 30 minutes before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Mix the roots of elecampane, marshmallow and licorice taken in equal amounts. 10 g of this mixture pour 0.5 l cold water. Insist 8 hours. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day for rhinitis (runny nose).

      Pour 10 g of crushed black poplar buds with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 0.3 cups 3 times a day for rhinitis (runny nose).

      Pour 10 g of blackhead grass with 1 glass of vodka. Insist for a day. Bury 3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day for rhinitis (runny nose).

      Pour 1 tablespoon of rosemary herb with 0.5 cups of vegetable oil. Boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool, strain. Take 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day for rhinitis (runny nose).

      Pour 2 teaspoons of rosemary herb with 1 cup of boiling water, put on low heat and keep until half of the water has boiled away. Mix the prepared wild rosemary extract and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:9. Put the mixture in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Instill drops in the nose 2 times a day for rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 10 g of hemp seeds, grind, pour 1 glass of water and 1 glass of milk. Boil for 3 minutes, cool, strain. Drink during the day with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Pour 6 tablespoons of burdock herb into 1 liter of water, boil for 3 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours, strain the infusion. Apply warm to irrigate the nasal cavity with a severe runny nose.

      Pour 10 tablespoons of tansy inflorescences with 10 liters of water, cook over low heat for 30 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Wash your head with a hot decoction in case of a severe runny nose, while washing the nasal cavity with decoction. Wipe your head dry, wrap it in a dry towel, go to bed and wrap yourself up well.

      In case of acute rhinitis, inhale the powder from the plantain leaf or St. John's wort.

      With a runny nose and headache, sniff the powder from the leaf and flowers of oregano.

      Take 2 parts of a white willow leaf, 8 parts of a blackcurrant leaf, 1 part of St. John's wort. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapping, for 30 minutes. Take the infusion warm for 0.25 cups during the day 30 minutes before lunch and in the evening 2 hours before bedtime with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 1 part mint leaf, 3 parts hawthorn flowers, 2 parts motherwort herb. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry chopped mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 0.25 cup 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 30 parts of buckwheat flowers, 5 parts of peppermint leaves, 1 part of celandine herb. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 0.3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 2 parts of pomegranate peel, 3 parts of white willow bark, 1 part of oak bark. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, put on water bath, cook 10 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Take 0.25 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).
      Attention! Do not use if you are prone to constipation.

      Take 3 parts of blackcurrant berries, 2 parts of forest raspberries and chokeberry berries. 1 tablespoon of a mixture of berries pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, place in a water bath, cook for 10 minutes, leave for 40 minutes. Drink 0.5 cups a day before bedtime with rhinitis (runny nose), sweetened with sugar or jam.

      Take 4 parts of calendula flowers, 3 parts of viburnum flowers, 1 part of chicory shoots. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, strain. Take 0.3 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 2 parts of oak bark, 1 part of St. John's wort, 1 part of willow bark, 2 parts of linden flowers, 2 parts of mint flowers. Grind all ingredients thoroughly. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, strain for 4 hours. Add 5 drops before use fir oil. In acute rhinitis, drip 5-7 drops into each nasal passage 4 times a day. You can do inhalations for 5 minutes several times a day and always at night.

      The juice of black nightshade leaves is instilled into the nose with a prolonged runny nose. For long-term storage, the juice is preserved with alcohol in a ratio of 5:1. Bury in the nose juice from the leaves of the mother and stepmother.

      Take 6 parts of a string grass, 2 parts of a mint leaf, 1 part of a birch leaf. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 3 hours, strain. Take but 0.3 cup 3 times a day before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 4 parts of coltsfoot leaf, 2 parts of burdock leaf, 1 part of primrose grass. 1 teaspoon of the collection pour 0.75 cups of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Take during the day in equal shares 30 minutes before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 8 parts of blackcurrant berries, 3 parts of a burdock leaf, 4 parts of a coltsfoot leaf, 1 part of a birch leaf. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day before meals with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Mix 5 parts of rose hips, 2 parts of linden flowers and chopped dry willow bark, 1 part of meadowsweet grass, elder flowers and sunflower petals. Pour 1 teaspoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Drink warm, 0.5 cup 4 times a day for rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take in equal parts oregano herb, pine buds, willow bark, coltsfoot leaf, forest mallow flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of dry chopped collection with 1 glass of cold water, leave for 1 hour, bring to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes, cool, strain. Apply in the form of drops in the nose, use for inhalation with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Take 3 parts of oak bark and sage leaf, 2 parts of calendula flowers and linden flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Use in the form of drops in the nose and for inhalation with a runny nose caused by a cold.

    Ancient recipes for the treatment of rhinitis (runny nose)

      An old folk remedy catarrhal rhinitis: keep vodka in your mouth for 10-15 minutes, and lower your knees into warm salt water. Then drink 2 cups of hot mint tea with raspberry jam and go to bed with a warm, preferably woolen hat on your head or a down scarf.

      Lubricate the heels with iodine at night, put on warm socks and sleep like that with rhinitis (runny nose).

      Soak a cloth in kerosene, wring it out and put it on your feet overnight. Put on woolen socks and wrap yourself up nicely.

      Heat a handkerchief folded in several layers with an iron and quickly attach it to the nose so that it covers both cheeks, lower part forehead and reached the chin. Hold the handkerchief with both hands so that fresh air does not enter. Open your mouth and inhale your own breath until the handkerchief is cold. It is advisable to do this in a hot heated room. You will immediately feel a pleasant relief - the swelling of the mucosa will decrease or subside completely. Can be repeated many times a day. This procedure is useful to do at night with rhinitis (runny nose).

    Home remedies for the common cold (rhinitis)

      Mix 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, etc.), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add 1-3 drops of garlic juice to the mixture. Prepare the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day for a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Boiled or fresh beetroot juice is instilled into the nose 5-7 drops 2-3 times a day or rinse the nose 2-3 times a day with beetroot decoction. Honey can be added to the decoction. Help cotton swabs soaked in beetroot juice, which are put into the nostrils for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a day with a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Grate the beets on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. Leave overnight in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice should be instilled into the nose, but 2-3 drops 3 times a day with a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Well helps with a runny nose (rhinitis) hot potatoes, boiled in their skins. A hot potato should be quickly rolled over the forehead, nose, ears, and then cut and put one half on the forehead, and the other on the wings of the nose. You can “roll” in a day, so 3-4 potatoes. After the procedure, be sure to wear a soft wool bandage on your forehead.

      Mix grated horseradish with lemon juice in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals with a runny nose (rhinitis). At first, this mixture will cause profuse lacrimation. But soon, with the cessation of lacrimation, the discharge from the nose also stops. Horseradish is recommended fresh. It is better to make such a mixture in the fall, immediately after the horseradish root is dug up. The mixture in a tightly sealed container can be stored in the refrigerator for several months.

      Boil water in a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Wrap yourself up, cover yourself with a terry towel and breathe over the steam, occasionally pouring 1 teaspoon of soda into the water. Do the procedure before going to bed with a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Thoroughly mix 6 parts sea ​​buckthorn oil, 4 parts fresh marigold juice, 3 parts melted cocoa butter, 2 parts honey and 1 part propolis. A cotton swab moistened with this composition is injected into the nose for 20 minutes with a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Chew for about 15 minutes (but do not swallow!) a small piece of propolis. Then drink an infusion: 2 parts of oregano herb and coltsfoot leaf, 1 part of calendula flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Drink with a runny nose (rhinitis) in 1 dose.
      Attention! Oregano is contraindicated during pregnancy.

      Mix 2 parts carrot juice, 2 parts honey, 1 part propolis in alcohol. The mixture is instilled into each nasal passage with a runny nose (rhinitis), 3 drops several times a day.

      Take 60 g of beet leaves, 20 g of strawberry and raspberry leaves, 1 medium onion, pre-chopped, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour. Drink little by little during the day with a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Mix equal parts Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drinking with an infusion of lemon balm or St. John's wort - this perfectly relieves nasal congestion.

      Bury with a runny nose (rhinitis) aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, tilting your head back and massaging the wings of the nose after instillation.

      Take 2 heads of very fresh garlic, peel, finely chop and crush with a wooden crusher. Put the resulting mass in a glass jar and pour it olive oil(about 0.5 cup). After thoroughly mixing the contents, put the jar in the sun and keep it there for 10 days, while stirring the contents of the jar 2-3 times a day. After 10 days, carefully filter the oil, add a drop of purified glycerin (purified glycerin is sold at a pharmacy), put it in a dark-colored bottle with a ground stopper and refrigerate. Bury in the nose with a runny nose (rhinitis), preheated to a temperature of 30-35 ° C. Garlic oil can be consumed no more than 2 months.

      Mix in equal parts by volume garlic water, aloe vera, honey. The mixture is instilled 4-6 times a day, 1-2 pipettes in each nostril with a runny nose (rhinitis). The mixture is drawn in as deeply as possible - this way you can treat the maxillary cavities and throat at the same time. For cooking garlic water Pour 3-5 cloves of garlic into 1 liter of warm water and seal tightly. Insist 3-4 hours, strain.

      Pour 1 tablespoon of dry garlic leaves or 5 finely chopped garlic cloves with 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap, insist overnight, strain. Infusion instilled into the nose with a runny nose, gargle with infusion in the throat with sore throat, chronic tonsillitis.

      For chronic rhinitis, 6 tablespoons of horseradish mashed into gruel, 5 tablespoons of garlic mashed into gruel and 1 tablespoon of black radish mashed into gruel, pour 0.8 liters of wine vinegar (fermented dry wine), cork, insist in a dark, cool place for 10 days by periodically shaking the contents. Having poured out a little liquid, sniff it several times a day for 3 minutes, and also 3 times a day with a cotton swab dipped in this infusion, lubricate the nose outside and inside for a few seconds.

      Pour the grated pulp of the onion with a glass of hot vegetable oil, insist, wrapped for 6-8 hours, strain. Use this oil to treat the nasal mucosa in acute and chronic rhinitis.

      An effective action in the common cold (rhinitis) can be inhaled by the smoke of burned onion peel. Do this 2-3 times a day for 5-6 minutes.

      Mix the onion, mashed into gruel, in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey. Take an onion-honey mixture 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals with a runny nose (rhinitis). The mixture will be more effective if onion juice is used instead of gruel.

      Prepare an ointment of the following composition: onion juice, aloe leaf pulp, cyclamen root, honey, Vishnevsky ointment (sold in a pharmacy). Take all these components in equal volumes and mix thoroughly. Store the ointment in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator. When used, heat up to 36-37°C. In this ointment, you need to moisten tampons and put them in each nostril for 30 minutes with a runny nose (rhinitis). Treatment is carried out until a noticeable improvement occurs.

      Several times a day, with a runny nose (rhinitis), instill warm water into the nose. St John's wort 3-5 drops. The oil is prepared as follows: 20-30 g of fresh chopped St. After that, strain through several layers of gauze. St. John's wort oil should be stored in the refrigerator.

      Mix 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort oil with the same amount of Vaseline. The mixture is injected with cotton swabs into each nasal passage for a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Mix in equal parts honey and St. John's wort. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab in the afternoon and before bedtime. It is useful for a runny nose (rhinitis) to drink linden tea with raspberries or fig jam at the same time.

      Mix in equal proportions Kalanchoe juice and St. John's wort oil. Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with inhalations of a decoction of St. John's wort for a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Take 4 parts of aloe juice, 2 parts of pulp from the pulp of rose hips, 2 parts of honey mixed in equal proportions with pork lard, 1 part eucalyptus oil. Mix everything properly. Put swabs moistened with the mixture into each nostril alternately for 15 minutes. Do the procedure several times a day with a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Mix equal amounts of honey and carefully crushed fresh rose petals. Infuse for a week in a dark place. Lubricate the nasal passages with a cotton swab several times a day with a runny nose (rhinitis).

      Mix 2 parts honey and 1 part mint oil(sold in a pharmacy). Lubricate the nasal mucosa with an oily mixture in case of a runny nose (rhinitis). Drink thyme tea.

      Mix 1 teaspoon of decoction of juniper berries with the same amount of gruel from the pulp of rose hips and 0.5 teaspoon of alcohol tincture of propolis. Moisten cotton swabs and inject in turn into each nostril. Do the procedure with a runny nose (rhinitis) several times during the day.

      Add 1 tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar to a glass of boiled water at room temperature. Gargle, rinse your nose. Do the procedure for a runny nose (rhinitis) on the first day of the disease every hour, on the second - every 2 hours, on the third - twice a day. Attach mustard plasters to the feet, bandage with a flannel cloth, put on woolen socks and hold for at least 2 hours, then remove the mustard plasters and walk quickly in socks in a warm room for 10-15 minutes. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed. Instead of mustard plasters, you can use gruel from horseradish roots.

      It is good to warm up in a bath or bath, rub the sacrum with grated radish, mixed in equal proportions with grated horseradish and a little honey and table salt, After the bath, drink tea from St. John's wort, raspberries, peppermint or lemon balm in any proportions. Runny nose in the morning as a hand will remove.

      Excellent cold remedy - hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder per 5-8 liters of water), as well as with drinking soda or salt. At night, it is recommended to wear warm, preferably woolen, socks.
      Attention! This procedure should not be performed on people with medical conditions. of cardio-vascular system and kidneys, with varicose veins and hypertension.

      Suck in lemon juice with your nose. Do the procedure several times, then dilute 0.5 teaspoon of table salt in 0.5 cups of warm water, soak 2 swabs in this solution and insert into each nasal passage alternately. Salt relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa.

    It turns into a chronic form. For chronic course the disease is characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing, abundant or moderate discharge, impaired sense of smell, proliferation of the mucous membrane. There are many reasons for this: often recurring rhinitis (development of the inflammatory process of the mucous layer), anatomical defects, constant exposure annoying factors, hypothermia, excessively dry air, infectious process, injury, reaction to medication.

    There are many ways to treat this ailment: medical preparations, inhalations, physiotherapy, laser treatment, washing the nasal passages. Along with this, there are a variety of folk remedies for chronic rhinitis, which will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and significantly improve overall well-being.

    Ointments, drops, inhalations

    1. The old proven way to cure chronic rhinitis with laundry (brown 72%) soap. Need to lather a lot cotton swab or finger with soap and rub the inside of the nose well. Such procedures during the day should be performed 5 times.

    2. Long lasting sinusitis and sinusitis can be cured mustard powder. It must be poured into socks and walked with it all day. At night, you can do hot mustard foot baths. After the procedures, all the mucus easily leaves, and the nose breathes all night.

    3. It is recommended to treat chronic runny nose and congestion with onions. It is necessary to grind it to a mushy form, wrap it in damp gauze and put it on the maxillary sinuses and wings of the nose. With such a compress, you need to lie down for 15 minutes, it is recommended to put a flannelette diaper on top of your face. Procedures should be carried out daily for a week, 3 times a day.

    To achieve a greater effect in the treatment, gauze turundas are also used, which are abundantly moistened with juice and inserted into the nasal passages. And also onion juice, diluted with water 1:3, instill the nose. This remedy relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and kills pathogenic viruses.

    4. With prolonged rhinitis folk healers advises doing inhalations with onion pairs. It is necessary to grind one large onion to a mushy state, place the mass in a half-liter jar and inhale phytoncides as often as possible during the day. No less effective in the treatment will bring chopped garlic or horseradish root in the same way.

    5. Chronic runny nose passes quickly if beetroot swabs are used. They are prepared in this way: beets are ground on a fine grater, wrapped with a tube in wet gauze and inserted into one nostril for half an hour, and then another tube is prepared for the other.

    6. If rhinitis does not go away, you can use this recipe. Take a teaspoon: tincture of propolis, vegetable and camphor oil. Mix and pour everything into a small dark glass container. Buried every three hours for seven days. You can drip from two to five drops. If the runny nose does not go away, after a five-day break, the treatment is repeated.

    Expert opinion

    The chronicity of even such a minor disease as a runny nose can seriously complicate the life of each of us. Mucous or purulent discharge, nasal congestion, redness and maceration of the skin due to frequent blowing of the nose - this is an incomplete set of charms that chronic rhinitis “gives” us.

    It is necessary to treat this pathology in a timely manner, since it can result in atrophy of the mucous membrane or inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. There are many pharmacological agents that will relieve swelling and stop the flow of mucus. You can also use folk remedies to relieve symptoms. Aloe juice or Kalanchoe, inhalation of essential oils, reflexology - these methods will help you in the fight against chronic rhinitis.

    How was chronic rhinitis treated in the old days?

    In many folk healers there are recommendations for the treatment of persistent rhinitis by inhalation of smoke. To do this, use smoldering on the stove: breadcrumbs, pieces of natural (cotton) fabric, cotton swabs, garlic stalks. You need to inhale the smoke alternately: first one and then the other nostril. Nasal congestion will pass very soon, and mucous discharge will stop.

    In the old days, great-grandfathers treated a long runny nose with honey and beet juice. You need to take half a teaspoon of May (or acacia) honey, dilute it in a tablespoon of warm boiled water and add a tablespoon of beetroot juice. Mix everything thoroughly. This remedy should be instilled every two hours. 8 drops are injected into each nostril. If there is no honey, you can get by with this recipe: dilute the juice with water 1: 1 and instill four drops into each nasal passage.

    With prolonged rhinitis in the old days, adults and children were treated with warming. To do this, they prepared small dense canvas bags, filled them with hot millet porridge, applied them to maxillary sinuses and wings of the nose. Keep it until completely cool. The bridge of the nose was also warmed up with hard-boiled eggs, hot salt or sand.

    To defeat a chronic runny nose, in addition to treatment with folk remedies, you should take up a serious improvement of the whole organism. First of all, you need to increase immunity and tone. Wholesome food, walks fresh air, hardening, physical exercise will definitely improve your health and well-being.



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