Treatment with garlic infusion, tincture, juice. Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels: recipes

Allium Sativum is an extract of a thick garlic substance that consists of many vitamins, minerals, sulfur, phytoncides, acids and proteins. This liquid should not be exposed to temperatures above 35 degrees. Therefore, it must be added to dishes at the end of cooking. Buying garlic extract is much easier than making it yourself.


The consistency of the extract is yellowish-gray, thick, oily, with waxy inclusions, the smell is like regular garlic. The extract contains allicin, sulfur, antibacterial compounds, dietary fiber, B vitamins, selenium, calcium, flavonoids, essential oils, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and uranium in small quantities. This composition explains its healing qualities.

pharmachologic effect

Garlic extract has the following healing properties:

  1. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the body's defenses, improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  2. Fights germs and toxins;
  3. Thanks to allicin, it serves as a prevention of thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and stroke;
  4. Normalizes blood pressure;
  5. Has an antihistamine effect;
  6. Stops the growth of mold fungi;
  7. Acts as a natural antibiotic, fights harmful microbes in the oral cavity, respiratory tract, lungs, and genitourinary organs;
  8. Has antiviral and anti-influenza effects;
  9. Stimulates the production of gastric juice, improves appetite and digestion;
  10. Cystine and cysteine ​​improve liver function;
  11. Participates in the dissolution of fats and the production of bile;
  12. Stimulates the production of insulin in the pancreas and reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

It is necessary to buy garlic extract not only to improve the taste of dishes, but also for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. You can purchase it in our store.

Instructions for use

Garlic extract is a 100% natural product. It is used to boost immunity, cleanse blood vessels, and improve general condition. It is recommended to use 2 drops twice a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.


Like any other natural product, garlic extract has a number of contraindications. These include acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy and lactation. It is also not recommended to use drugs based on this product for people with chronic kidney disease and children. Individual intolerance to some components of the drug is noted.

Garlic and extracts produced from it are used in cooking as an enhancer of the taste of dishes. It will also be useful in folk medicine. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it will serve as an excellent antiviral agent. The content of a complex of vitamins and microelements will improve the functioning of the digestive system, serve as an excellent antihistamine and prevent atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

Hello dear readers. Nature has given us many healing plants. One of the most famous among them is garlic. Everyone, young and old, probably knows about him. But what is known, to a greater extent, is its antiviral properties, which help both in the prevention of influenza and colds, and in their treatment. Meanwhile, the scope of use of garlic in folk medicine is much wider. Garlic with alcohol and vodka is a recipe that deserves special attention. And that’s exactly what we’ll talk about today. This perennial herbaceous plant is often used for industrial purposes. So, a wide variety of cosmetics, pharmaceutical drugs, useful products for a healthy diet, and so on are prepared from it.

Garlic is also good because it is not a scarce product, if we consider it precisely in the interpretation of raw materials for preparing home medicine (in this case, a vodka or alcohol tincture).

This representative of the very widespread Onion family grows in almost every garden; it is also cultivated on a farm scale. Finding it on the market, in a store, or growing it yourself is not a problem.

This is an unpretentious, resistant to the negative influences of the external environment, an extremely strong plant whose health is difficult to undermine. And it is precisely this strength, charge of strength and health that garlic conveys to us. And how to get the most from it - you will learn from this article.

Garlic infused with vodka - medicinal properties

As already noted, a tincture based on alcohol (vodka) and garlic (its cloves) has a lot of beneficial effects for the human body, including:

Saturating the body with many beneficial substances: vitamins, minerals and essential oils. This strengthens the immune system and the entire body as a whole.

For what diseases is it used?

The range of ailments for which tincture with vodka or alcohol, using garlic cloves as the main ingredient and active ingredient, is extremely wide.

These can be diseases of the nervous system (mild disorders!), the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system (in particular the joints), the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, various colds, and so on and so forth.

If we talk about specific ailments, then it is necessary to highlight the following:

Hypertension, arrhythmia, the presence of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, different stages of atherosclerosis.

Increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Diabetes mellitus at its different stages.

Flu, colds, acute respiratory diseases of various kinds, bacterial infections.

Thrombosis, excessive thickness and clotting of blood.

Scurvy and its effective prevention.

Gastritis, including low acidity of gastric juice, colitis.

Arthritis, arthrosis and other ailments of the musculoskeletal system. For joints, for external use, suitable with vodka.

A wide variety of dermatological diseases of fungal and bacterial nature (used externally to wipe affected areas of the skin).

Vitamin deficiency and its consequences.

Runny nose of viral and bacterial nature.

And other diseases.

In principle, garlic and its alcohol or vodka tincture can be used as an effective universal remedy for most diseases known to mankind, where there are no contraindications to their use.

Moreover, the use is not limited only orally, that is, internally, but maybe externally.

There are cases where garlic tincture, diluted with clean warm water in a ratio of approximately 1 to 3, respectively, helped get rid of lice in 1-2 procedures.

Of course, the smell coming from the body after this is not the most pleasant, but the result is worth it. And this is still better than lice itself. And the smell goes away after 1-2 “sessions” of visiting the shower.

How to cook garlic with alcohol and vodka - recipe

The simplest recipe for garlic tincture goes like this: take already ripe garlic in cloves, after which they are cleaned of dirt and husks, rinsed with cool, clean water and immediately chopped using an ordinary kitchen knife as finely as possible.


1. You must try to cut them so that the juice does not come out, but remains in the slices, without contacting directly with air.

3. Freshly prepared chopped garlic is placed in the container, which is immediately filled with alcohol liquid.

4. You need to take enough of it so that the garlic is completely covered with it, plus it still covers it by about 3 centimeters on top.

5. The container is then removed to a secluded dark place, where it sits in silence for about 6-8 days at an average air temperature of 10-12 degrees Celsius. After this, the healing liquid is ready.

Using alcohol or vodka is not so important here. You can even take moonshine with a strength of at least 39-40 degrees.

It is better to use 70% alcohol; you can dilute it with distilled water to a strength of 40-50 degrees. But, please note, it must be ethyl!

Tincture of garlic with alcohol for cleaning blood vessels - how to take

One of the most common goals pursued by a person when consuming garlic tincture is to cleanse blood vessels of slagging and blood clots in order to bring them back to normal and restore health to the entire circulatory system.

To do this, it is best to use the Tibetan version of this medicine, which, just like the first option, can be used at home to prepare a natural, effective medicine.

The recipe itself will be given below, and right now you will learn how to take the product that is obtained as a result of its use.

Dosage regimen for the first ten days

Time of use: morning, afternoon, evening (respectively - breakfast, lunch, dinner). You should start in the morning.

After a meal, take just one drop of garlic tincture.

At lunch, or rather, after it (after eating) - already two drops.

After dinner - three drops of garlic tincture.

The next, second day - four, five and six drops (after breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively).

On the third day: seven, eight, nine drops.

And so - according to the scheme, each time increasing the dosage by one drop. When you reach the dose volume of twenty-five drops (and this will happen if you do everything absolutely correctly, which, you see, is not so difficult, at lunchtime on the ninth day), continue to use the tincture.

Without changing the dosage (that is, exactly twenty-five drops after each meal). Do this on the tenth day, and so on, until the tincture you prepared is available.

Recipe for cleansing blood vessels using milk

You can use the tincture to improve the cardiovascular system and cleanse blood vessels, and before meals.

Then you need to do this: boil natural cow’s milk (volume - about 50-55 milliliters), cool it to room temperature, add the required number of drops of the tincture itself, and drink.

Consume 35-40 minutes before the intended meal.

Immediately drink with high-quality drinking water (its approximate volume should be three times more than the volume of milk with tincture you just consumed, namely 150-170 milliliters).

And a sufficient amount of water must be consumed throughout the day during the course of treatment, since all toxins and other substances harmful to the body will be eliminated mainly through the liver and sweat ducts, whose normal full-fledged work is simply impossible without entering the body life-giving moisture.

By the way, milk, when combined with garlic tincture, has one very interesting side effect, but very useful: it neutralizes the smell of garlic, which the vast majority of people really dislike. Here's an interesting fact! And now - about the Tibetan recipe itself.

Garlic in vodka - Tibetan recipe

Ingredients: medical ethyl alcohol (96%!), garlic (in cloves, fully ripe, fresh).

The first thing to do is thoroughly peel and rinse the garlic. This should be done as in the first recipe above.

The prepared cloves should be mashed or chopped as finely as possible, preferably to a mushy state. To do this, you can use a meat grinder, a garlic press, and even a blender, and so on.

Immediately place the pulp, which should be approximately 340-360 grams, in a glass container!

It should be tightly closed with a lid and moved to a dark and cool place for half an hour to an hour. During this time, the pulp will release juice. You need to take a little of it from above, squeeze it into a container, and throw away the cake.

Thus, about 200 grams of very wet raw material with juice should remain in the jar or bottle. All this needs to be poured with a glass of alcohol (220-230 milliliters).

After this, place it in a cool, dark place, the ideal of which is a cellar. The container itself with the product “ripening” in it must be covered with another vessel, creating a kind of dome in the shape of a cap over it.

In ten days the product will be ready. All that remains is to squeeze out the juice. Keep refrigerated.

It is the Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture already known to us that is considered classic. He is hundreds of years old!

It was found by a group of researchers in one of the treatises preserved from ancient times. It will not only help to effectively and practically safely clean blood vessels, but will also reduce the manifestations of varicose veins, relieve headaches, and bring a lot of benefits to the whole body! Enjoy it for your health!

Despite the fact that basic information on the topic of today’s conversation has already been given above, it is necessary to make additional emphasis on some points regarding the preparation and administration of the tincture, namely:

  • Never exceed the recommended dosage of ingredients when preparing a tincture, or the product itself when using it, in the hope that this will give an even better result! After all, it may turn out to be the opposite.
  • Strictly follow the schedule for taking the tincture, this is very important for the final result of the whole matter.
  • Best of all, do not self-medicate without being sure of your diagnosis. You can always check with your doctor.
  • If while using the tincture your condition worsens (insomnia, tachycardia, shortness of breath, heartburn, etc.), try to find the reason for this.

If suspicion falls on the tincture itself, it is better to stop using it until the circumstances are clarified;

— Use only high-quality ingredients to obtain the most effective and safe natural medicine

— Make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of the tincture.

Garlic is prepared with vodka or alcohol, choose the recipe that suits you. You know how to prepare this product, but before taking it, read the contraindications for use.

Contraindications for use

Both garlic and alcohol are quite powerful ingredients that can significantly affect the biological parameters of the entire body.

Pregnancy and lactation period.

Age up to 18 years or over 65-70 years (depending on health status in each individual case).

Diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Epilepsy, serious mental disorders.

Individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the alcohol included in the tincture is alcohol, you should refrain from driving a car or working with complex mechanisms during the treatment period, even though the dose is relatively small. Be healthy!

What can help treat high blood pressure, help you grow beautiful healthy hair, remove splinters and get rid of acne? If, after reading the title of this article, you assume that this is garlic, you are absolutely right! People have used garlic to flavor food and as a natural medicine for more than seven thousand years. Garlic tablets are the best option for garlic lovers.

Garlic is a bulbous plant belonging to the Allium species, a close relative of other bulbous plants such as onions, leeks and chives. When referring to a whole bulb of garlic, the term “head” is often used, and the individual parts of the bulb are called “cloves.” One head of garlic usually consists of 10-20 cloves, while the traditional serving of garlic is usually 1-3 cloves.

Garlic contains over 100 compounds that are beneficial for maintaining good health. In particular, garlic is a good source of vitamins B1, B5, B6 and C, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Each of the components of garlic plays an important role in the functioning of the body, and some of them have powerful antioxidant effects.

However, the real secret behind garlic's health benefits lies in the sulfur chemical compounds it contains, the main one being allicin. This compound gives garlic its strong, distinctive smell and is responsible for its effectiveness as a remedy for certain ailments.

Garlic is used as a remedy for a range of ailments, many of which are related to the heart and blood. It is also used for cancer prevention and as a remedy for fever, colds, coughs and earaches. Although many uses of garlic are based on tradition, there is scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness for various diseases. Moreover, many new studies are currently being conducted to confirm the beneficial properties of garlic that are already widespread.

Garlic tablets for good health

You can benefit from the many properties of garlic by taking garlic in tablet or capsule form. They're convenient and allow you to use garlic even if you're not a fan of its strong smell.

Due to the notorious aroma of garlic, many products containing it are manufactured so that they do not smell like anything. However, this process makes the garlic less effective. For this reason, it is better to pay attention to garlic supplements (tablets and capsules) that are coated so that they do not dissolve in the mouth or stomach under the influence of stomach acids. They dissolve in the intestines, where most of the nutrient absorption process occurs.

The dosage depends on the disease being treated and can vary from 300 mg 3 times a day (900 mg total) to 1500 mg divided into small doses taken throughout the day. Higher doses are sometimes used, especially in the treatment of high blood pressure. The following are the benefits of using garlic supplements.

There is evidence that garlic is an excellent antimicrobial agent, combating the effects of fungi, viruses and bacteria.

Garlic can be used as a remedy for hardening of the arteries. It also helps lower high blood pressure.

The level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood also decreases when consuming garlic. Because of this, garlic is believed to reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Research shows that the effectiveness of garlic in this regard compares favorably with the effectiveness of traditional medicines.

Garlic is used to prevent and treat breast, colon, rectal and prostate cancer. The polyphenols in garlic help prevent inflammation in the body and reduce muscle soreness. Thus, garlic may provide relief from inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

Garlic helps lower blood sugar levels and is therefore beneficial for people with diabetes.

The properties of garlic are also useful for people who often suffer from colds and bronchitis. This product reduces the incidence of colds and the risk of upper respiratory tract infections.

Garlic reduces breast tenderness, menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, and symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease.

It promotes weight loss because it increases endurance during exercise, cleanses the body of toxins, removes fat from cells and has strong diuretic properties.

Garlic acts as an antioxidant, stopping cell damage caused by free radicals. Thus, it is able to slow down the onset of age-related diseases. These diseases include conditions associated with cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Garlic also reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Garlic tablets can be purchased at most pharmacies, health food stores and supermarkets. Be sure to read the dosage instructions for the supplement you purchase and consult your doctor before starting to take it to rule out any medical conditions that are of concern.

Who are garlic tablets contraindicated for?

  • Garlic increases the risk of bleeding and may cause prolonged bleeding after surgery. It is recommended that you stop taking garlic supplements approximately 2 weeks before your planned surgery.
  • Eating too much garlic can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Additionally, since garlic is carried in sweat, its odor may be noticeable when you sweat.
  • Women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women, and women planning pregnancy should consult a physician before starting to take garlic supplements on a regular basis.
  • Garlic may interact with some medications, reducing or increasing their effects or side effects. For example, garlic supplements may increase the effects of blood thinners, leading to an increased likelihood of bruising and bleeding.

If you are interested in the many benefits of garlic, but are hesitant to use it because of the strong smell, then garlic tablets are what you need. You'll get all the benefits of garlic without having to endure the aroma or worry about bad breath.

Excessive consumption of fatty, fried and sweet foods leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels. These plaques clog blood vessels, interfere with the normal functioning of the blood supply, and serve as a prerequisite for the development of thrombosis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Traditional medicine offers a whole range of pharmaceuticals, the use of which will help cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol accumulations, but the drugs have a number of side effects and therefore it is better to clean the blood vessels with safer, natural means. One of these proven folk natural remedies is garlic vodka tincture.

How does an infusion of garlic with vodka affect the process of cleansing blood vessels?

Tincture from a caustic vegetable is not only a natural medicine, but also incredibly useful in cleansing blood vessels and overall health of the body. Garlic is a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals and an excellent immunomodulator.

The phytoncides contained in the vegetable have a pronounced antibacterial effect, and allicin significantly reduces the content of bad cholesterol in the blood and slows down the formation of plaques from this substance in the blood vessels.

Garlic infusion is a medicine that does not cause allergic reactions or side effects. It’s easy to prepare an infusion at home, and its proper use will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body: headaches and migraines will go away, you will no longer be bothered by a constant feeling of fatigue and jumps in blood pressure.

But you need to know that, despite the fact that garlic tincture is a natural remedy, its use has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of folk remedies

Before you start using a vegetable infusion with alcohol (vodka) for home blood vessel cleaning procedures, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to the product. You should definitely avoid using this infusion if:

  1. There are chronic gastrointestinal pathologies (gastritis, ulcers).
  2. Vegetable tincture may be harmful if you are overweight. Garlic is a vegetable that stimulates appetite, and therefore regular use of the tincture can lead to additional weight gain.
  3. Pregnant women are advised not to use the product. Also, mothers during lactation should refrain from vodka tinctures.

If you want a folk remedy to bring you exceptional benefits and help cleanse your blood vessels of cholesterol, before your first appointment, do not be lazy to visit a doctor and get detailed advice on the advisability of using garlic tincture and to exclude possible contraindications. You also need to understand that no remedy will be beneficial if used incorrectly.

To properly cleanse blood vessels from accumulations of waste, toxins and cholesterol using garlic infusion, you must follow the following rules:

  1. The medicine is taken in a certain course. The dosage regimen depends on the recipe for the infusion. So, for the Tibetan version of the remedy, there is a rather complex course of using the tincture - for ten days in the morning, afternoon and evening you need to drink a different number of drops of the infusion each time.
  2. It is advisable to use garlic infusion as a means of cleaning blood vessels no more than once a year.
  3. The infusion has a rather unpleasant taste, but it is not advisable to dilute the product with anything. It is better to drink the medicine with clean water after taking it. It is recommended to drink the product prepared according to the Tibetan recipe with cold milk.

Below are several proven recipes for a cleansing tincture based on a caustic vegetable.

Recipes for preparing garlic infusion to cleanse blood vessels

The simplest recipe is prepared from a minimum of ingredients: a head of garlic and high-quality forty-proof vodka. The head of the vegetable must be divided into cloves. Rinse the latter with clean water and then chop as finely as possible. Place the chopped vegetable in a glass container and pour two glasses of high-quality vodka into the garlic. Attention! Vodka must be pure, without flavoring or other additives. The container should be sealed with a lid and stored in a dark and cool room for two weeks. Every day you need to take out the container and thoroughly mix the garlic-vodka mixture in it.

After the recommended aging period, the finished infusion is filtered through sterile gauze. You need to drink seven to ten drops 30-40 minutes before meals, but no more than 3 times a day. The duration of the course is ten days.

The following recipe uses more ingredients: garlic, lemon, honey and water. To prepare the infusion for the entire course, you will need six large ripe lemons, four to five heads of vegetables, and a glass of fresh honey. The garlic must be divided into cloves and peeled. Then the vegetable and lemons are crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. The finished mixture is transferred to a clean glass container and filled with liquid fresh honey. Next, the mass must be thoroughly mixed and stored in a dark place for 14 days. After the specified period, the medicine will be ready for use. You need to eat a spoonful of the prepared drug half an hour before breakfast. To make it more convenient to take the product, you can dilute the mixture a little with water before use. The course of treatment is ten days.

Since ancient times, garlic has been a remedy for all diseases. With the help of such a universal product, you can cure a common cold, remove dandruff or relieve toothache. Garlic tincture is also an excellent means for cleaning the walls of blood vessels. The tincture recipe has been tested by several generations of Tibetan residents.

Read in this article:

The effect of garlic tincture is amazing!

It has a positive effect on all human organs.

  1. First of all, garlic tincture removes plaques and renews it as a whole.
  2. Bone structures are also cleansed quite effectively, as a result of which the bones stop creaking.
  3. In addition, the blood vessels of the brain are cleansed, and as a result, blood pressure normalizes.
  4. The intestines are cleansed of internal deposits.
  5. The tincture increases internal and muscle tone, and of course strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates the skin.
  6. This medicine helps cure tumors of various types, as well as gastritis.
  7. After completing the course of treatment, swelling disappears and sexual functions are restored.
  8. Garlic is an excellent prevention of the formation of kidney stones and an excellent remedy.
  9. Its juice has an excellent property - in a short period of time, because it consists of many cleansing elements, such as mustard oil.

How to cook?

During cooking, you need to remember that under no circumstances should you use metal objects. Do not cut the cloves with a knife or place them in a metal container. It must be cleaned exclusively by hand; the dishes must be ceramic or glass, otherwise oxidation may occur and the tincture will lose its properties.

A powerful medicine for cleansing blood vessels and blood in general.

Recipe No. 1 is classic. For cooking you will need 350 grams of peeled, selected garlic. It must be carefully ground in a mortar, being careful not to get your hands into the mixture.

After this, using a wooden spoon, you need to transfer the resulting mixture into a glass bowl. Then cover tightly with a lid and wrap with a cloth. Then leave the mixture for several hours to let it brew.

After a few hours, you need to transfer the most liquid mass, weighing 200 grams, into a half-liter glass jar and pour in 200 grams of medical alcohol (70 degrees).

After 10 days, remove the garlic mass and strain through linen. The resulting liquid must be placed again in a dark, cool place for another 2 days. After a couple of days, the tincture is ready for use.

Recipe No. 2 with vodka. You can also use the recipe for cooking not with alcohol, but with vodka.
To do this you will need 200 g of peeled cloves and 300 g of vodka (45%). Fill a third of the bottle with garlic and fill it up to the neck with vodka. You need to leave it for two weeks, shaking it every day.

Recipe No. 3 with apple cider vinegar. Another recipe is a garlic tincture with apple cider vinegar (Warning: Not for oral use).

You need to make a paste from 10 cloves of garlic and add a bottle of vinegar (0.5 liters). Add 100 grams of vodka. Then leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place, shake occasionally. The tincture is used to treat various skin diseases, as well as muscle or ligament sprains.

The best time to prepare and use the tincture

A very important point is the time when you need to prepare the tincture. Following the Tibetan recipe, the tincture should be prepared when garlic has its strongest properties, that is, in the autumn. You need to stop using the tincture at the end of January. This course of treatment can be repeated no more than once every 3 years.

The tincture is a very strong remedy. The dosage should be increased gradually every day. There is a specific regimen for taking the magic tincture, which clearly describes how to increase the dose every day.
The medicine must be dissolved in a small amount of milk so as not to burn the oral mucosa. After a month of treatment, the walls of the blood vessels will be cleared.

How to take garlic tincture

But like any medicine, garlic tincture has its side effects. During cleansing of blood vessels, insomnia, heartburn or tachycardia may occur. Appetite often increases, gastric juice secretion increases and urination increases.

But no need to be scared! All these phenomena are temporary. After completing the treatment, all such problems will disappear. To improve the condition of the body, you need to drink tea with mint or motherwort infusion. Also, during the day you need to drink at least a liter of water to reduce the load on the kidneys. After completing the course of treatment, you must take vitamins that contain fish oil.

It is worth noting that garlic tincture is contraindicated for people with kidney disease or epilepsy, and the tincture is also harmful for pregnant women.

To summarize, we can say that a plant like garlic is a universal remedy for many diseases. It has healing properties, regulates blood circulation and metabolism.



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