What antibiotics for the treatment of bronchitis in adults. Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics in adults

IN Lately All more people suffer from chronic diseases, the main disadvantage of which is incurability. To obtain a stable remission, treatment sometimes lasts several years. One of these ailments is inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, called bronchitis. This anamnesis is accompanied by cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.

Speaking about the disease, it is worth noting that the symptoms are caused by all sorts of provocateurs: from ARVI to the presence of chlamydia. With reduced resistance of the immune system, the course accelerates, the body is exposed to viruses and bacteria. For some people, the source of the disease is allergens or hypothermia. Staying near the patient can have a detrimental effect on well-being; if contact is unavoidable, wear sterile gauze bandages.

In the vast majority, bronchitis is a complication viral infection which is not worth treating with antibiotics. Antiviral medications are not able to destroy the cause, they have a detrimental effect on the immune system, and deprive the body of its independent fight. At viral signs stay in bed, use more liquid. As medicines, immunostimulants, drugs with expectorant properties have a positive effect.

When are antibiotics prescribed?

Treatment does not begin with medications in the early days. Use expectorant drugs against sputum, drink liquids 2 liters per day. Indications for prescribing drugs:

  1. Body temperature 38 degrees for two days.
  2. Manifestation of signs of toxic poisoning.
  3. Dyspnea.
  4. The level of ESR in the blood is above the permissible norm.
  5. Wheezing with no symptoms bronchial obstruction.

The reason for the use of therapy is the disease for three weeks with the presence of inflammatory processes in the lungs and blood.

Treatment of bronchitis

Before starting therapy, the doctor examines the patient, finds out the symptoms, the nature of the disease, and conducts laboratory tests. Depending on the symptoms, there are 3 types of bronchitis (acute, chronic, acute obstructive).

Acute form

A doctor can make a diagnosis by examining a patient in a few minutes, recording the following signs:

  • unproductive cough is a common ailment at the initial stage of bronchial inflammation. In patients, the cough is caused by inhalation, and at low or high temperatures the character is complicated;
  • superthermic reaction - the presence of a body temperature of 38 degrees for three days. Temperatures over 38 degrees indicate pneumonia;
  • deterioration general condition body, increased sweating. The accelerated inflammatory process occurring in the bronchial tree causes intoxication of the body;
  • shortness of breath, deterioration of the body. As the ventilation properties decrease, the state of health becomes sluggish, the course of bronchitis becomes severe, and complications may arise;
  • the appearance of wheezing during ausculation of the lungs: for initial stage are dry and rough in nature, and as the mucus leaves, it becomes large and medium-bubbly. The manifestation of other types corresponds to pneumonia.

The main symptom of the disease is cough. A two-week manifestation of which is diagnosed as an acute form.

Reasons for appearance

Microbes and structure bronchial tree play a major role in the occurrence of the disease. The reasons are detailed below:

  1. When a cold or hypothermia occurs, the body’s protective abilities decrease.
  2. The presence of bacterial infections: staphylococcus, pneumococcus, maroxel and other pathogens.
  3. Viral sources in ARVI or influenza affect the bronchial mucosa with subsequent activation of pathogens in the damaged area of ​​the epithelium.
  4. Immune system deficiency.
  5. A thin lumen in the bronchial tree interferes with the normal discharge of sputum, so the slightest infection causes inflammation.


The doctor decides whether or not to prescribe antibiotics for acute bronchitis individually. It is advisable to recommend the use of antibacterial and antifungal drugs for their destruction and subsequent reproduction in case of complications of the disease. Effective medicines against infections - Amoxicillin, Spiracimin and Erythromycin.

Therapy for acute bronchitis remains the same and does not differ from what was previously accepted. New methods have only improved the system for delivering medicines: directly to the bronchi, bypassing other organs. The most effective is inhalation. Medicines in liquid crushed form act in the smallest structures of the bronchial tree. Contraindications for inhalation therapy are sinusitis, the heating of the foci of which, when heated, promotes the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics for bronchitis for inhalation: Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Bronholitin.

What algorithm?

You can cope with the disease at home with medications recommended by your doctor. By following the recommendations given, you can eliminate foci of infections and inflammatory processes, avoiding complications.

When treating the initial stage, try to lie down and drink fluid 2 times the daily norm. Follow the principles of diet: eat dairy and plant foods, avoid spicy dishes and seasonings, do not provoke the body allergenic products, add an abundance of fruits to your diet. Administer aerosol therapy with ipratropium bromide, which will deliver to the lungs required dosage in the form of small particles. The use of Berotek or Salbutamol helps effectively (they soften the signs of the disease). Patients with sinusitis are recommended vibration massage with postdural drainage with copious sputum discharge.

Follow-up therapy contains methods to eliminate infections. For antiviral therapy Prescribe 5 drops of interferon in the nose 4 to 6 times a day. Application is also possible in the form of an aerosol. Ribavirin is indicated for influenza symptoms: 10 mg/kg per day divided into 3 doses and follow this regimen for up to 5 days. For severe ARVI, immunoglobulin 0.1 ml/kg every 6 hours helps. In case of immune deficiency, the dosage is increased to 0.5 ml/kg.

The etiology of the disease with possible complications requires other methods. Antibiotics for acute bronchitis:

  1. Azithromycin: 10 mg/kg immediately, and then 5 mg/kg per day for 5 days. You can replace the drug with another macrolide group: erythromycin (30-50 mg/kg), oleandomycin (0.25-1 g/kg), Roxithromycin (50-100 mg/kg), Medikamycin (30-50 mg/kg) .
  2. How expectorant for coughs, Pertussin, Mucaltin, and an infusion of licorice root are prescribed. For viscous sputum, Carbocisteine, Ambroxol for cough or Lazolvan are recommended. The dosage is individual for each patient and depends on the nature of the course of the disease and age.
  3. Antitussive medications Sinekod or Cofex help with nonproductive cough in the first days of illness. Purpose similar drugs can eliminate the cough reflex and increase the viscosity of sputum. For children with sinusitis, the described therapy is inappropriate, since it can cause a hallucinogenic effect.

Chronic form

Progressive or slow developing inflammation in the bronchi with the etiology of cough for more than three months, chronic bronchitis is determined. Main symptom appears from two years of age. The course of the disease serves as a sign for diagnosis. The pathogenetics of the disease consists of inflammation in the bronchi with subsequent restructuring. The described symptoms lead to obstruction of the lungs and interfere with the secretion of secretions. Are common immune mechanisms become vulnerable and are unable to eliminate the disease on their own. Infections continue to intensify, inflammation enters the chronic stage with signs of coughing and impaired respiratory functions.

Causes of the disease

Etiology of chronic inflammatory process is for the following reasons:

  • infections caused by pathogens: atypical, bacterial and viral. The combination of this cause with inflammation of the tonsils, sinusitis and caries activates the disease;
  • genetic predisposition in the structure of the bronchial tree: if from birth the bronchi are predisposed to external stimuli, then the secretion is formed regularly. When coughing, it is not possible to get rid of phlegm, so infections continue to create an inflammatory environment;
  • smoking: tobacco smoke, which smokers inhale, develops inflammatory processes in the bronchi;
  • harmful working conditions. Dust, dirt, and chemical pollutants in production are regularly deposited in the bronchi;
  • high air humidity and low temperatures create conditions for the activation of infections;
  • low degree of protection of the immune system: a weakened body is not able to fight viruses on its own.


If signs of a chronic disease are detected, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen. Does bronchitis need to be treated? Since it is impossible to get rid of a chronic disease, do not neglect the opportunity to stabilize your health and slow down the progression of the disease.

Treatment chronic stage consists of complex measures: the use of antibiotics, expectorants and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, inhalations outside of sinusitis, management healthy image life.

Is it worth fighting? chronic disease? This is a complex question, the answer to which must take into account etiology. Only a specialist can prescribe therapy, and self-treatment often leads to sad consequences: dysbacteriosis, the manifestation of allergic reactions, as a result - bacteria become more resistant to the action of the drug and the course of the disease worsens.

Take antibiotics when chronic bronchitis Suitable for elderly people and children. These groups of patients require drug therapy due to weakened immunity, since the body cannot independently overcome the disease. initial stage. Neglecting medications can lead to pneumonia. For adults, the prescription of antibacterial drugs is necessary for purulent bronchitis; after studying the sensitivity of the virus, a list of medications is prescribed. The course lasts from 7 to 14 days, depending on the etiology. Wobenzym can reduce the resistance of infections and increase the effect of drugs. It is prescribed 5 tablets in three doses together with the general list.

Before prescribing drugs, it is necessary to determine the patient’s microflora resistance to them. If mycoplasma, chlamydia and legionella are detected, prescribe macrolide antibiotics: Azithromycin, Rovamycin, Roxithromycin, a good antibiotic for bronchitis is Tetracycline. To treat positive coccal flora, semisynthetic combined penicillins and cephalosporin drugs are needed. The latter are injectable with extensive effects and destroy the cell membrane of bacteria. Today, cephalospoin antibiotics of the second and third generations are used: cefriaxone - Medaxone, Cefaxone, Emsef, cefuroxime - Axef or Zinnat. A history of negative coccal flora is treated with aminoglycoside antibiotics.

Acute obstructive stage

Obstructive bronchitis is characterized by: bronchospasms, irritation and inflammation of the bronchi, progressive impairment of the ventilation properties of the lungs. List of antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis consists of four groups of antimicrobial drugs:

  1. Aminopenicillins.
  2. Macrolides.
  3. Fluoroquinolones.
  4. Cephalonosporins.

Let's consider the prescription of each group of antibiotics for acute bronchitis

Medicines of the first group destroy bacterial cells with the subsequent death of the “culprits” of the disease. They are prescribed for pneumococcal, streptococcal and other types of bacteria that cause inflammation in the bronchi. It is worth noting that the drugs not only kill infected cells, but also affect healthy ones. In many patients, the administration of aminopenicillins provokes allergic reactions. List of antibiotics: Amoxilav, Augmentin, Ecoclave, Arlet.

Macrolides are better at eliminating cell proliferation by killing protein. Their penetration into anaerobic microorganisms is much more effective compared to the aminopenicillin group. Macrolides include: Azitral, Azitrox, Sumamed.

The third group of drugs is prescribed if the patient has an individual intolerance to the drugs described above. Fluoroquinolones destroy bacteria and have side effects and allergies. Treatment should not be carried out in combination with supportive therapy for the immune system. Good antibiotics for bronchitis: Ofloxacin, Cifran, Tsiprolet, Moxifloxacin.

The last group is strong antibiotics for bronchitis, it is most significant in the treatment of complicated types. They are needed if you are allergic or intolerant to these antibiotics. Main drugs: Suprax, Pancef, Ixim.

When and for whom is it important to resort to antibiotic therapy? Is cure possible?

Men and women after 60 years of age resort to treatment with drugs that kill viruses and infections due to weakened immunity. If you ignore such recommendations, pneumonia may occur. If symptoms do not go away within three weeks, then use antimicrobial agents. Smokers during periods of exacerbation of the disease and patients with allergic reactions to asthma need antibacterial therapy at initial manifestations. Forms of the disease caused by occupational irritants or infections require complex medical intervention.

The cure depends on: lifestyle, ecology, heredity. Significant improvements in patients were noted in salt mines. The natural microclimate has a positive effect on lung health. The correct medication regimen will relieve light form, more severe - will reduce the intensity of development.

General rules for taking antibiotics

  1. Strictly adhere to the course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Follow the intervals between medication doses indicated in the instructions.
  3. Keep track of your health status and note whether any improvements have occurred.
  4. If the antibiotic is ineffective and the pathogen is not eliminated, then it is better to prescribe another drug.

Signs such as fever, cough, malaise require observation by a specialist. Only he will be able to determine the nature of the course of bronchitis and prevent its complications. Trust doctors with a reasonable intake of antibiotics, always check their names with pharmacists.

Bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases in adults and children. Despite this, there is no unequivocal opinion about what means are best to treat bronchitis.

Are antibiotics needed?

The most controversial issue is the use of antibacterial therapy. After all, as experience shows, antibiotics for bronchitis are not always effective. This is due to the fact that this disease most often caused by viruses, and it makes no sense to treat it with drugs against bacteria. In addition, such treatment is fraught with consequences - dysbacteriosis, allergies, weakened immunity.

Therefore, if you are wondering what antibiotics to drink for bronchitis, first of all, think about whether you need them? recommended in the treatment of chronic bronchitis. But even in this case, it is not always possible to determine which bacteria cause a recurrence of the disease. Therefore, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics in such situations. These drugs are also called universal because of their detrimental effect on many microorganisms.

You can not make a decision on the appointment of antibiotic therapy on your own, be sure to consult your doctor. Only a specialist can choose best drug against bronchitis, based on test and examination data.

Groups of broad-spectrum antibiotics

Quite often, doctors are forced to prescribe antibiotics for bronchitis at random, because it is not always possible to wait from 5 to 14 days for the results of an analysis of the sensitivity of the isolated microflora. Modern medicine has at its disposal antibacterial drugs, capable of fighting not with one specific type of bacteria, but with a whole list of microorganisms.

Despite the wide spectrum of action, universal antibiotics divided into groups depending on the main active substance.

Let's get to know those groups antibacterial agents, with the help of which bronchitis is most often treated.


Penicillins include broad-spectrum drugs, natural source which are Penicillium fungi. The main substance of all antibiotics of this group - 6-APA (6-aminopenicillanic acid) consists of a thiazolidine ring and β-lactam.

The advantage of penicillins in the bactericidal effect that prevents the synthesis of peptidoglycan.

Suppression of the enzyme, which is the main component of the bacterial cell walls, leads to its immediate death. But many microorganisms have developed the ability to reproduce β-lactamases, and thus become resistant to the effects of penicillins.

Therefore, scientists have developed substances that can inhibit the activity of β-lactamases. The most famous of them are clavulanic acid, tazobactam and sulbactam. It is clavulanic acid that is a necessary component of modern antibiotics, which are recommended to be taken against bronchitis.

The most popular drugs are Panklav, Augmentin, Amoxiclav. They differ in that they have a small number of side effects, but are not able to fight against the chronic form of the disease. In addition, they are allergenic and can cause a skin rash, fever, and even swelling of the larynx.


Cephalosporins include broad-spectrum drugs based on the chemical structure of 7-ACA (7-aminocephalosporanic acid). Their main advantage is their resistance to β-lactamase enzymes produced by bacteria.

To further expand the range of effects of cephalosporins, scientists synthesized the drug with its semi-synthetic derivatives, thereby improving the pharmacokinetic parameters of the substance.

Treatment of bronchitis is recommended with such drugs as Levofloxacin, Cefuroxime. They are also allergenic and have an impressive list of side effects, but are most effective in the fight against advanced forms of bronchitis.


Macrolides include drugs whose principle of action is based on penetration active substance into the bacterial cell, on which it has a bacteriostatic effect. This substance is most often azithromycin, which has the ability to quickly concentrate in areas of infection, preventing the division and growth of pathogenic cells.

They are used in the treatment of bronchitis if the patient is allergic to penicillin drugs. TO modern drugs this group, which are often used against bronchitis, include Clarithromycin and Erythromycin. They are non-toxic, non-allergenic and have a small list of side effects.


Fluoroquinolones include broad-spectrum drugs based on the inhibition of the bacterial cell enzyme DNA gyrase. They are characterized by rapid penetration into bacterial cells and excellent pharmacokinetic properties.

Treating bronchitis with antibiotics of this group is contraindicated for pregnant women and children, since the active substance can disrupt the formation of cartilage. Other side effects include increased sensitivity To ultraviolet rays Therefore, while taking fluoroquinolones and for 3 days after the end of treatment, prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided.

Drugs in this group include Ciprofloxacin and Levofloxacin.


This type of medicine is characterized by complete cross-immunity. They belong to the class of polyketides due to their similar chemical composition And biological properties. Under the influence of tetracycline, bacteria do not die, but significantly reduce reproduction. Thus, microorganisms can be destroyed only through their own extinction, subject to prolonged exposure to an antibiotic of this group.

Treatment of bronchitis involves the use of long-acting tetracyclines, for example, Metacycline, Rondomycin, Doxycycline.

Universal antibacterial drugs against bronchitis

Only a doctor can choose effective antibiotics for bronchitis. After all, he is the one who is able to determine the drug to which a particular bacterium will be most sensitive. Here are the names of modern broad-spectrum antibacterial agents that are recommended to treat different shapes bronchitis.

Treatment of acute bronchitis does not require the use of antibiotics from the first days of the disease.

If there is a risk of complications, it is worth introducing drugs such as Amoxicillin, Spiramycin, Erythromycin into treatment. But for chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to take antibiotics; they are needed to reduce the number of relapses of the disease. The chronic form of bronchitis can be treated with drugs from the penicillin group, for example, Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Arlet, Flemoclav.

For patients old age It is better to treat bronchitis with drugs from the macrolide group - Flemoxin, Rovamycin, Hemomycin, Azithromycin. Or, if necessary, replace with cephalosporins - Cefazolin, Suprax, Cefepime, Ceftriaxone.

Any viral, infectious, bacterial disease may pose a danger. Bronchitis is one of these pathologies. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi. The disease develops against the background of swelling of the airways of the lungs. At this time, mucus begins to be produced.

Treatment for bronchitis is selected strictly individually for each patient. After all, there is a large number of types of pathology. And it is not always necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. When are antibacterial drugs needed? So, we choose the right antibiotics for bronchitis in adults.

Causes of bronchitis

It turns out that there are many causes of bronchitis. The main ones:

  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • mixed infection;
  • atypical pathogens;
  • chemical exposure;

The viral form of bronchitis occurs on average in 95% of cases of disease development in patients who do not have another pathological process. Antibiotic treatment is not necessary in this case. For a patient with normal immunity, this is sufficient symptomatic treatment, as a result of which recovery will occur in about 2 weeks. If the patient's immune system is weakened, then the prescription of antibiotics is justified.

Often the patient coughs up sputum, which can be of different colors (clear, white, yellow, green, brown, pink or red). There are several types of this disease: acute bronchitis, chronic uncomplicated bronchitis, chronic complicated bronchitis, chronic bronchitis with some characteristic diseases, chlamydial and mycoplasma bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis is very common, often resulting from an upper respiratory tract infection. Chronic bronchitis develops when the airways become irritated over a long period of time (often caused by smoking).

Acute bronchitis It usually goes away in 7-10 days, although the cough may continue for several more weeks. But if attacks of bronchitis are repeated, then this may indicate a chronic disease.

Specifically, bronchitis is considered chronic if the patient coughs up sputum for at least 90 consecutive days for more than 24 consecutive months. This disease is associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In acute and chronic bronchitis there are following symptoms: cough, phlegm, fatigue, breathing problems, discomfort chest. When a person has acute bronchitis, they may have some cold symptoms (such as a mild headache). These symptoms usually go away within 7-10 days, but the cough may last longer.

Important! You should consult a doctor if the cough lasts more than three weeks, if the body temperature rises above +38°C, if there is colorless sputum, if there is blood in the sputum, if there is wheezing when breathing or shortness of breath.

When are antibiotics needed?

In different countries, doctors continue to prescribe antibiotics with surprising stubbornness for acute bronchitis, although it has long been known that this disease is caused by viral infections. And antibiotics are not effective for them.

These drugs should not be used to treat acute bronchitis. Using antibiotics when they are not needed can lead to more harm than good.

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics for bronchitis with colorless sputum. This sputum is considered a sign of a bacterial infection. However, in 2014, Spanish scientists, as a result of a study, came to the conclusion that if you take antibiotics for colorless sputum, the cough does not go away.

In particular, patients who took ibuprofen coughed for 9 days, and those who took antibiotics or placebo coughed for 11 days. At the same time, the “last chance” medicine causes whole line side effects, including bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Worth knowing! Experts from the American College of Physicians do not recommend prescribing antibiotics to adults for uncomplicated bronchitis (unless pneumonia is suspected). Their recommendations were published in January 2016 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

But if the doctor suspects that the patient has a bacterial infection, he may prescribe antibiotics. These drugs also prevent secondary infections. As for children, if they have bronchitis heat, then the doctor may decide to use antibiotics.

For the following indications, antibiotics are prescribed for bronchitis in adults:

  1. Patients over 60 years of age. The immune system of older people often cannot cope with the disease due to weakening of the body. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of the inflammatory process without drugs of this group.
  2. Duration of treatment of the disease. Not every body can cope with inflammation in the bronchi during the intended course of treatment, so antibacterial therapy is prescribed.
  3. Smoker's bronchitis (obstructive) in the acute stage. With it, only antibiotics can overcome the disease.
  4. Allergies are the main cause of asthma. With it, attacks of suffocation torment the patient more and more often, which is the reason to treat the patient with antibiotics.
  5. Chemical bronchitis. Its development begins from aggressive substances (inhalation of acids, etc.). Conventional drugs this form of the disease cannot be overcome.
  6. The appearance of purulent sputum in acute bronchitis.
  7. Bronchitis caused by chlamydia or mycoplasmas.

Types of antibiotics prescribed for bronchitis

If treatment requires choosing effective drug group of antibiotics, then most often the doctor gives preference to new generation antimicrobial drugs.

Some doctors believe that recovery is accelerated if you use combined treatment several drugs belonging to different groups at once.


Penicillins (oxacillin, ampicillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin). The group of drugs includes Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Panclave, etc.

They have a bactericidal effect, affecting the formation of the protein wall of a harmful bacterium, as a result of which it dies. Drugs containing it are considered the safest. The only negative is the property of causing allergic reactions.

Worth knowing! If the disease is advanced and drugs with penicillin do not have the desired effect, then they switch to stronger drugs.


An extensive group of drugs that include erythromycin, oleandomycin, midecamycin, dirithromycin, telithromycin, roxithromycin, clarithromycin. Prominent representatives of macrolides on the pharmacological market are the drugs Erythromycin, Claricin, Sumamed.

The mechanism of action is aimed at disrupting the life of the microbial cell. In terms of safety, macrolides are less harmful than tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, more dangerous than penicillins, but they are well suited for people with allergies. In combination with penicillins, their effectiveness is reduced.


Fluoroquinolones (pefloxacin, lomefloxacin, sparfloxacin, gemifloxacin, moxifloxacin). On the market, drugs are represented by Afelox, Afenoxin, and medicines of the same name with the main active ingredient, for example, Moxifloxacin.

This group is specifically used as a medicine for bronchitis. It is prescribed only if the previous two groups of antibiotics did not work on the causative agent of the disease.


The most well-known antibiotics from the tetracycline group are Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline, Metacycline. The action of antibiotics from the tetracycline group is bacteriostatic.

As well as macrolides, tetracyclines are able to block protein synthesis in bacterial cells, however, unlike macrolides, tetracyclines have less selectivity and therefore, in large doses or at long-term treatment can inhibit protein synthesis in human cells. At the same time, tetracyclines remain indispensable "helpers" in the treatment of many infections.

The main areas of use of antibiotics from the tetracycline group:

  • treatment of respiratory and urinary tract infections;
  • treatment of severe infections such as anthrax;
  • tularemia;
  • brucellosis, etc.

Despite the relative safety, when long-term use tetracyclines can cause severe side effects: hepatitis, damage to the skeleton and teeth (tetracyclines are contraindicated in children under 14 years of age), malformations (contraindicated for use during pregnancy), allergies.


Cephalosporins (active substances – cephalexin, cefaclor, cefoperazone, cefepime). Depending on the type of pathogen, the patient is prescribed Cephalexin, Cefuroxime Axetil, Cefotaxime. Limited in action on some pathogens.

For example, such antibiotics have absolutely no effect on pneumococci, chlamydia, microplasma, listeria. First generation drugs are practically not absorbed into the blood, and therefore are prescribed by injection.

Features of treatment of bronchitis in pregnant women

Acute bronchitis during pregnancy is treated depending on the severity of the disease and the form of bronchitis. In the absence of pronounced symptoms and pathology, you can be treated at home. In other cases, hospitalization in a hospital and mandatory compliance are required. bed rest.

Standard treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is not suitable during pregnancy, as is the use of antibacterial drugs. If you cannot do without these drugs, then penicillin antibiotics are prescribed: Flemoxin Solutab, Ampicillin.

They can be used even during pregnancy and do not harm the fetus. Starting from the second trimester, cephalosporin antibiotics can be added.

In order to relieve the symptoms of intoxication, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and get adequate vitamin nutrition. You can drink tea with honey, milk, mineral water, herbal decoctions. To improve sputum discharge, antitussive therapy is prescribed: licorice root, marshmallow syrup, licorice decoction. Massage or gymnastics will also help remove phlegm.

The best antibiotics for bronchitis

At the first manifestations of a strong and suffocating cough, you should contact your local physician, who during the appointment will listen to your lungs for the presence of wheezing. This is very important, as it happens that patients confuse bronchitis and pneumonia, and this various diseases and none of them are self-treating.

If the diagnosis of bronchitis is confirmed, the doctor chooses a treatment method. It happens that only antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are the optimal solution. But not all patients tolerate penicillin drugs; in this case, sulfonamide drugs are prescribed. You also cannot stop taking antibiotics without your doctor’s permission.

Important! Remember that untreated bronchitis is even worse than the chronic form of the disease.


A broad-spectrum antibiotic that rarely causes side effects. In some patients, there is complete resistance to the active substance of the drug. Taking into account the development of the severity of the disease in bronchitis, it may be recommended to take 500-1000 mg active ingredient three times a day an hour or two hours after meals.

Amoxicillin capsules should not be chewed and divided, washed down with water or juice. Therapy with the drug continues for 5-14 days, on average treatment is on 10 days.


It is a combined antimicrobial agent based on sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. It refers to broad-spectrum antibiotics, is active against streptococci, staphylococci, and a number of other bacteria that can cause inflammation in the bronchi.

The drug is taken orally, after meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid. The dose is set individually.


A broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones, acts on the bacterial enzyme DNA gyrase, which provides supercoiling, etc. stability of bacterial DNA (destabilization of DNA chains leads to their death). Has a bactericidal effect.

Take orally: adults - 200-800 mg / day, course of treatment - 7-10 days, frequency of use - 2 times a day. Doses up to 400 mg/day can be given in one dose, preferably in the morning. The tablets are taken whole with water, before or during meals. The duration of treatment is determined by the sensitivity of the pathogen and the clinical picture.

Worth knowing! Treatment should be continued for at least 3 more days after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease and the complete normalization of body temperature.


Flemoxin Solutab is an effective antimicrobial drug that helps to cope with a large number of completely different infectious agents. This medicine has wide range antimicrobial activity against most staphylococcal, streptococcal, gonococcal, pneumococcal infections.

Main operating medicinal substance Flemoxin is Amoxicillin, which has an effective antibacterial effect against many bacterial pathogens.

The daily dose of Flemoxin for adults and children over 16 years of age is 1 ton (500 mg of the active ingredient) no more than 2-3 r. a day after meals, preferably with plenty of water.

Typically necessary medicinal dose of this antimicrobial drug is determined for each patient absolutely individually, depending on the severity of a particular infectious-inflammatory disease.

The minimum interval between doses of Flemoxin is 5-6 hours, while the maximum daily dose for adults should not exceed more than 3 tons (1500 mg). Average duration Treatment with this antimicrobial drug is 5-7 days and is determined by the attending physician absolutely individually for each patient.


A combined broad-spectrum antibiotic, resistant to β-lactamase, containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

The dosage regimen is set individually depending on the age, body weight, kidney function of the patient, as well as the severity of the infection. For optimal absorption and to reduce possible side effects from the digestive system, Augmentin is recommended to be taken at the beginning of a meal.

Treatment should not be continued for more than 14 days without reviewing the clinical situation.

Important! Adults and children over 12 years of age or weighing more than 40 kg take 1 tablet (875 mg + 125 mg) 2 times a day or 1 tablet (500 mg + 125 mg) 3 times a day.


Used for pneumonia. Not used by patients with liver and kidney dysfunction. Available in tablets, capsules, powder for suspensions. Dosage for adults – 500 mg per day, course 3-5 days. For children, the dose is determined by weight - 5-30 mg of medication per 1 kg. Only a specialist can tell you a more accurate and correct dosage; do not neglect your doctor’s opinion.


Powerful modern antibiotic for adults, which allows you to stabilize the patient’s condition in a short time. For severe lesions, treatment with Azithromycin usually does not last more than 5 days.

To obtain a pronounced therapeutic result, patients take 0.5-1 g of the active ingredient once a day. In some cases, a three-day course of treatment is sufficient.


Available in powder for the preparation of infusions and injections. Methods of administration: intravenous and intramuscular only. For adults, 3-4 injections are given per day, 0.25-1 g each. The treatment course is 7-10 days. The pediatric dose is determined in proportion to the child’s weight - 25-50 mg per 1 kg. Inject – 3-4 times a day.

If patients have renal dysfunction, dosage adjustments are made.


It is an analogue of Cefazolin. People with antibiotic intolerance penicillin series may react poorly to injections, so before treatment you need to make sure there are no allergic manifestations for medication.

Ceftazidime therapy is not recommended to be stopped until the end of the course of treatment, even if the person feels much better and the signs of the disease have disappeared. This can lead to the emergence of resistance of the source of the disease to the remedy, causing the disease to become chronic.

Important! Patients are advised to avoid drinking alcohol during injections as this increases the risk of toxic damage kidneys and liver.

When prescribing the drug to people with severe kidney damage or chronic renal failure it is necessary to carefully monitor the work of the body. If there is a slight deterioration in health, antimicrobial therapy should be stopped immediately.

When using the medicine intravenously, the patient may experience dizziness and drowsiness, so during therapy it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and operating equipment that requires increased attention.

Features of a course of antibiotics

Almost every child knows the thesis that antibiotics are harmful. But few people understand why antibiotics are actually harmful, what organs and systems are adversely affected by these drugs? Let us list several main directions of their negative impact:

  1. Antibiotics kill beneficial microflora, which is involved in digestion and protects the body from fungi. Thus, treatment with such drugs often requires the patient to comply with and take additional antifungal drugs. But even this does not completely eliminate the harm of antibiotics.
  2. Fungal infections, which are inevitably activated during treatment, damage the body's immune system and, in turn, can lead to the development of new diseases.
  3. Antibiotics are harmful to the liver, as they force it to process drugs in large volumes. Regular use of such medications can cause liver dysfunction.

So, the answer to the question “Are antibiotics harmful?” - a definite “Yes”. On the other hand, before starting treatment, it will always be reasonable to think: how to reduce the harm of antibiotics, how to reduce their negative impact on the body? Here are some recommendations from doctors in this regard:

  • antibiotics should be used only as prescribed by a specialist: not all infections can be effectively treated with antibiotics, and if there is any benefit, it is important to understand which drug fits better Total;
  • harm of antibiotics - payment for it powerful properties, which should only be used in real difficult situation. In many cases it is much easier and safer to do without traditional methods treatment;
  • antibiotics should be taken according to the prescribed schedule and be sure to complete the course, even if the disease has receded. By stopping taking drugs, you strengthen the infection, making it less susceptible to this drug;
  • many medications depend on each other. Some increase the effect, some are able to nullify the entire effectiveness of the drug. In order to avoid side effects, antibiotics must be taken with, as well as with antifungal drugs;
  • the harm of antibiotics to the liver increases many times over if a person drinks them with alcohol;
  • together with blood thinning drugs, antibiotics are harmful to circulatory system, as they increase the risk of internal hemorrhages;
  • during a course of antibiotics, it is wise to maintain your digestive system"live" yoghurts and / or kefirs, avoid heavy food for the intestines;
  • You can reduce the harm of antibiotics to the immune system by taking antifungal medications prescribed by your doctor.

Bronchitis itself is a non-infectious disease. This is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which affects not only the mucous membrane, but also the wall of the bronchus. Most often, bronchitis in adults develops after respiratory diseases. Bronchitis does not require antibiotic treatment. When infected with a viral infection, antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are not effective. Just on last stage disease can be connected to a bacterial infection. During coughing attacks, when the sputum is purulent and has a characteristic odor, only then, when bronchitis is diagnosed, are antibiotics prescribed. What antibiotics to take for bronchitis and when, read further in the article.

Antibiotics for bronchitis as standard of care in adults

Most often, bronchitis in adults is prescribed antimicrobials. And mostly they prescribe drugs of new generations, to which microorganisms have not yet had time to adapt. Or they prescribe a combination treatment of bronchitis in adults with two or more antibiotics. Each of the antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis in adults belongs to a different group of drugs. We also have to take into account individual intolerance To certain species Antibiotics or allergic reaction are not drugs.

In the diagnosis of bronchitis, a bacteriological and microbiological examination of sputum is carried out, which makes it possible to identify microorganisms (their association), which cause the disease and select more effective antibiotic, which will act on microorganisms, causing their death when minimum concentration in blood.

In the presence of foci of bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed for bronchitis in adults, as well as for protracted illness and inflammatory process, which are found in clinical tests blood. Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are prescribed from five to seven days, and in rare cases and until ten. It all depends on what form the disease has:

  • obstructive,
  • acute or
  • chronic.

Principles of treating bronchitis with antibiotics

Antibiotics for bronchitis are taken when the symptoms of intoxication are clearly visible, and also if the secreted sputum becomes purulent. Treatment takes place for two weeks, and if antibiotics do not give the desired result, a sputum analysis should be performed to determine the causative agent of the disease. During the illness, the patient should eat well, the diet should contain sufficient quantity proteins, vitamins and biologically active additives. If you follow the doctor's prescriptions, bronchitis can be cured without problems.

When it comes to antibiotics that are needed to treat bronchitis, experts are divided. Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is used in cases where bronchitis is in the stage of a relapsing condition. Very often, viruses are the cause of the disease, and the use of antibiotics is not practiced, since viruses are treated with antiseptics. Prescribed drugs antibacterial group can lead to the development of allergies, dysbacteriosis and resistance of microorganisms to this drug.

Today, antibiotics are prescribed simply at random to treat bronchitis. Some types, such as drugs of the tetracycline, penicillin, erythromycin group, may weaken immune system. To treat bronchitis with antibiotics, it is necessary to conduct a series of tests to determine sensitivity to a particular drug, and use only an effective drug.

Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics lasts from three to seven days, in rare cases, treatment lasts up to ten days. It most likely depends on the form of bronchitis. When treatment does not give the desired result, antibiotics of several groups are prescribed. Combine different groups antibiotics can be given according to special tables.

Indications for antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis

Experts have not come to a consensus on the advisability of using antibiotics for the treatment of bronchitis. There is only one opinion with which they are in solidarity - the treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics should not be used from the first days of the disease. The use of antibiotics is possible in a number of cases:

very high, persistent temperature (above 38 degrees) for more than 2 days;

manifestation of toxic poisoning (toxicosis);

in the absence of bronchial obstruction, the appearance of shortness of breath;

high ESR level in blood;

hissing breathing without bronchial obstruction.

The basis for prescribing antibiotics for bronchitis in adults is the protracted course of the disease, when laboratory analysis blood reveals an inflammatory process of the upper respiratory organs. Assign medications in the presence of a bacterial infection.

What antibiotics and other medications should be taken for bronchitis?

In the treatment of bronchitis in adults, the following are considered the most effective:

antibiotics Hemomycin, Flemoxin, Macropen, Rovamycin, Azithromycin, Frolimid - which represent the first group of drugs.

The second group includes cephalosporins: Suprax, Cephalozolin, Ceftriaxone, Claforan, Cephalexin, Fortum, Cefepime, Rocephin. The drugs are prescribed orally for mild to moderate forms of the disease.

For severe bronchitis, injectable antibiotics are more effective. Sometimes the doctor combines medications, prescribing both injections and tablets at the same time.

For viral infections and bronchitis, take antiviral drugs: Kipferon, Genferon, Viferon.

Also, for bronchitis in adults, expectorants are prescribed: Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Ambroxol, Fluditek, ACC.

For shortness of breath, effective bronchodilator drugs are used: Teopek, Eufillin, Berodual, Theotard, Salbutamol. Treatment is supplemented with half-vitamins.

In the treatment of bronchitis with medications, there are different directions. Each of them has its own method for treating bronchitis. This article will list the most effective medicines from bronchitis, which exist in medical practice.

Medicines for bronchitis for treatment by inhalation

The most safe method Inhalation is the way in which medications for bronchitis enter the respiratory tract. To achieve results, various devices are used: metered aerosols and dry powders. In some cases, nebulizers are used.

Anticholinergic drugs are administered by inhalation to treat bronchitis. Most popular remedy– Ipratropium bromide. A method of administering drugs using metered aerosols. For basic treatment For bronchitis, anticholinergic drugs are used, which have no side effects. When prescribing Beta2-agonists to older people, you need to be careful; there are contraindications for people with heart disease. In the form of an aerosol with a dosage, the following are used: Berotek, Berodual, Salbutamol.

Medicines for bronchitis of the mucoregulatory and glucosteroid class

Medicines for bronchitis of the mucoregulatory class are taken for bronchitis by those patients who have impaired mucus secretion, and lazolvan and acetylcysteine ​​are considered effective in use.

Therapy of bronchitis with glucocorticosteroids has results when basic therapy does not come to the rescue even in large dosages. Apply this therapy with a successful effective course of corticosteroids (taking prednisolone tablets). It is very important to try the GCS method in the form of inhalations, and only after a poor result can bronchitis in adults be treated with corticosteroids.

Home treatment and folk remedies as an alternative to antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis

Treatment and prevention of bronchitis in adults can be done using folk remedies, but only when the patient is in the recovery stage.

If you get sick with bronchitis, be sure to stay in bed.

Take for bronchitis hot tea with honey and lemon for bronchitis.

Brew raspberry branches for bronchitis and Linden blossom.

Warm compresses on the chest.

Menthol and eucalyptus inhalations are remarkably helpful in treating bronchitis in adults.

It is necessary to use cough and antiallergic drugs to treat the acute form of bronchitis.

Add to your daily intake food vitamins and dietary supplements that contain significant amount micro and macroelements.

Among the drugs that are used to treat bronchitis in adults, it is worth highlighting Bronchipret. It contains natural plant elements that have a complex effect.

Folk remedies in addition to antibiotics for home treatment bronchitis

To improve the separation of sputum in bronchitis, it is recommended to take an apple drink several times a day. To do this, you need to cut several apples into equal pieces, brew them with boiling water, let them brew for 30 minutes and consume them warm.

Well helps in the treatment of bronchitis in adults a simple recipe for cough treatment: mix the juice of black radish, carrots and a tablespoon of honey. Take 1 tablespoon every hour.

Extremely useful in the treatment of bronchitis in adults is also chicory with honey, ginger drink. These foods help your body fight bacteria.

It is also recommended to do rubbing of the chest for the treatment of bronchitis, spend enough time on fresh air, eat well, exercise. Avoid overcooling in cold and damp weather. In order for you to always be healthy, you need to take time to rest.

One of the causes of chronic bronchitis in adults is smoking. Bronchitis is an infectious disease, in order for the treatment to pass quickly, it is necessary to abandon first of all bad habits, and then the treatment of bronchitis in adults will be much more effective.

Treatment of bronchitis in adults gives positive and quick result when the cause of the disease – smoking – is eliminated. When smoking, chronic bronchitis is difficult to treat, and antibiotics sulfonamides are used for this. This method of treating bronchitis using antibiotics helps to stop the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, improve bronchial passage, and also helps restore immunity.

Recently, antibacterial and antiviral drugs have been elevated to the rank of a panacea for any inflammatory processes. Is it really? Are antibiotics needed for bronchitis and, if so, in what dosages and for what symptoms? Let's try to understand this issue from a practical and scientific points vision. Let's figure out what drugs are used to treat bronchitis in adults and children.

So, bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree under the influence various factors. One of the main agents of the inflammatory process is histamine. This substance is secreted by mast cells, which are present in almost all tissues. human body. It causes swelling and provokes blood flow in order to bring the pathogenic agent to the site of introduction greatest number macrophages, lymphocytes and leukocytes. At the same time, histamine is an indicator of an allergic reaction. To suppress it, modern antihistamines are used, which suppress the release of histamine from mast cells. The names of the drugs may differ from those given in the article!

What antibiotics should be taken for bronchitis, which, for example, has an allergic or ectopic etiology, given that synthetic antibacterial drugs themselves are the strongest allergens for the human body? In the vast majority of cases with allergic etiology of damage to the mucous membranes of the bronchi, such methods of therapy are strictly contraindicated. But there are other cases.

In particular, antibiotics for bronchitis in children and adults are prescribed if there is convincing evidence that the disease is caused by the introduction of pathogenic microflora that are sensitive to them. The most reasonable decision of any doctor is to refer the patient for a sputum test to determine sensitivity. This allows you to choose the most accurate drug and its dosage.

Based on the names given in the article, you can get a rough idea of ​​which drugs are most often used to treat these pathologies. But it is strongly not recommended to carry out therapy on your own, since only an experienced doctor can choose adequate tactics.

In what cases is it necessary to treat bronchitis with antibiotics in children and adults?

To begin with, it is worth understanding in detail in which cases the prescription of these medications is completely justified. Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics may be required if the patient has symptoms of severe intoxication and inflammatory reaction bacterial origin. For viral, fungal and allergic pathologies These remedies are not only ineffective, but also harmful to the patient’s condition.

The fact is that antibiotics can suppress not only the growth of pathogenic microflora, but also the human immune system. The overwhelming majority of cells responsible for the immune response to pathogenic microflora are produced in the epithelium of the small intestine. Under the influence of antibacterial agents, the beneficial intestinal microflora is suppressed and may die. This in turn attacks the immune system. Fungal flora and viruses begin to actively develop.

Remember one simple rule: the treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics, both in adults and in children, is possible only if microflora sensitive to them is detected during sputum culture. For prevention and "just like that" you should not take these drugs in any case.

Typically, inflammation of the bronchi is associated either with a complication of a viral infection respiratory infection, or with negative impacts factors external environment. Therefore, in the first 3 days, it is necessary to build treatment on the platform of antiviral effects and the exclusion of negative environmental factors. Drinking plenty of fluids and walking in the fresh air are prescribed. It is necessary to completely eliminate the influence of tobacco smoke.

Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics should be started for the following indications:

  • high body temperature (above 38.5 degrees Celsius) lasts more than 5 days in a row;
  • discharge of green or yellow purulent sputum;
  • severe shortness of breath at rest and with minimal physical exertion;
  • pathological abnormalities in general analysis blood, indicating an inflammatory process ( increased level ESR, leukocytosis with a shift of the formula to the left).

Preferred indications may be the elderly and infancy, the presence of chronic foci of infection in the patient's body, pronounced changes in radiographic images.

A prerequisite is sputum culture for microflora and the exclusion of tuberculosis infection.

Names of drugs, groups, dosages and dosage regimens

It is worth mentioning right away that knowing the names of antibiotics used in the treatment of bronchitis in adults does not mean the possibility of their use in children, especially in a child under the age of 12 years. Many products are contraindicated for use in children and low body weight.

Let's consider the main groups, names of drugs and recommended dosage regimens for sanitizing foci of infection in the bronchi. Recommendations for taking additional medications will also be given, the purpose of which is to eliminate negative side effects.

Antibiotics can be used for acute and chronic bronchitis if there are justified and motivated indications for this. In particular, in case of chronic obstructive bronchitis, these drugs can be prescribed only after laboratory research and if available evidence base that the pathology is caused by exposure to pathogenic microflora.

At acute form In cases of inflammation, the first choice drugs are broad-spectrum antibiotics. They can be prescribed at the first suspicion of bacterial infection, since they have pronounced destructive effect per gram positive and gram negative forms of bacteria. Sputum culture is done before starting treatment. The result is usually ready after 4-5 days.

But let’s return to the names of antibiotics that are preferred in the treatment of bronchitis in adults and children; they are divided into groups whose action is due to bactericidal (killing) and bacteriostatic (growth-suppressing) properties. Bactericidal drugs give quick effect, but their use is accompanied by a short-term deterioration in the patient’s condition due to an increase in symptoms of intoxication. This is due to the massive death of bacteria and the release of huge amounts of toxins. To counteract this effect, it is recommended to take antihistamines, vitamin C and drink plenty of fluids.

So, the group of penicillins is currently represented by artificial semi-synthetic drugs: Amoxicillin and Ampicillin. IN pharmacy chain there are variations of these substances under the trade names "Flemoxin slyutab", "Amoxiclav", "Augumentin", "Amotide", "Grunamox". Prescribed in the form of tablets (including water-soluble ones). Have a wide range bactericidal action for gram-positive and gram-negative forms of bacteria. The standard dosage for an adult is 500 mg 2-3 times a day for 7 days. For a child, the dosage is calculated based on body weight. It is not recommended to prescribe under the age of 6 years.

The group of aminoglycosides is prescribed mainly as additional means impact. Represented by "Gentamicin", which is used for intramuscular injections. Macrolides of the latest generation are more effective: Sumamed, Azitral, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin. They are used for all forms of the disease. They differ in the short duration of the course of treatment and relatively low dosages. Their undoubted advantage is that they do not have an overwhelming effect on normal microflora intestines. The standard dosage is 500 mg once a day for an adult for 3 days.

Antibiotics belonging to the cephalosporin group are no less effective in bronchitis. These are “Ciprofloxacin”, “Tsiprolet”, “Cifran” and others. They can be used both in the form of tablets and in the form of intravenous, intramuscular injections. The elimination of bacteria is quickly achieved, the patient's condition improves on the 2nd day from the start of treatment.

It is important to know so as not to harm your health!

Before starting antibiotic treatment for bronchitis, it is important to learn the basic rules of this therapy. This is necessary in order not to harm your health and not upset the balance of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

First of all, during treatment and 14 days after it, you should not take any alcoholic drinks. Violation of this rule may lead to the development toxic hepatitis leading to liver cirrhosis. The main blow from exposure to toxins and antibacterial agents falls on liver cells. Therefore, if there are problems with it, it is necessary to provide additional protection to hepatocytes. This could be a prophylactic intake of essential phospholipids “Essentiale”, “Esliver”, “Phosphogliv”.

It is also important to know that antihistamine therapy is necessary to prevent the development of allergic reactions. IN mandatory Pipolfen, Ketotifen, Suprastin, Diazolin and a number of other drugs are prescribed. They are taken 1 tablet 2 times a day throughout antibiotic treatment.

To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take complex vitamin and mineral formulations. To strengthen vascular wall You can recommend Ascorutin, 1 tablet 3 times a day.

If you have the financial means, you can supplement treatment with Wobenzym - it strengthens the immune system, enhances the effect of antibacterial agents and protects beneficial intestinal microflora. Also, for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, we can recommend “Linex” and its analogues.

General practitioner Nechaeva G.I.



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