What dry food is best for white dogs? How to properly and how to feed the Maltese so that the eyes do not flow Dry food for white dogs reviews.

And in order for the pet to be healthy and always look well-groomed, it is necessary to pay attention not only to, but also to choose the right feeding strategy for the pet.

So, the torment of choosing a dog is over and you have acquired a representative of the Maltese breed or, which is a fairly similar breed. The very first thing you will ask is what to feed a maltese lapdog. To help you understand, I am publishing this article with a photo.

The health and activity of an animal largely depend on how balanced its nutrition is and whether it contains all the microelements and vitamins necessary for the animal. An improperly selected diet can cause the dog's coat to become dull and brittle, or it may have digestive problems.

What to choose as food for the Maltese lapdog? ? This choice depends not only on the owner, but also on the preferences of the dog itself.

It is also important that the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in ready-made feeds is balanced, while when feeding with natural food, the owner has to independently calculate the balance of all these parameters.
It is not recommended to combine dry and natural food, as this can cause problems with the animal's digestive system.

If your pet normally treats dry food and eats it with pleasure, then it would be better to stop at those. This is the right choice.

Modern manufacturers have reached perfection and at the moment their products meet all the norms and standards of proper feeding.

Natural feed

In order for the dog to please the owner with excellent health and activity, the nutrition of an adult Maltese should be balanced and high-calorie. Feed an adult dog no more than twice a day.

Calculate the serving volume per feeding so that for every 500 grams of animal weight, there is approximately one tablespoon of food.

Grocery list

  • Porridge from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, from oatmeal flakes;
  • Fresh herbs - parsley, dill, cilantro;
  • Dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt);
  • Meat products (lean pork, beef, chicken or turkey meat);
  • Offal beef or pork;
  • Cartilaginous components of the joints and throat;
  • Vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin);
  • Boiled egg whites. Yolks can sometimes and only after one and a half years of age;
  • Sea fish, as there are too many bones in the river.

For breakfast, the dog is boiled porridge, mixing it with pieces of boiled meat and vegetables. Chopped greens and a few drops of vegetable oil are added to food. In addition, it is recommended to add a few drops of a mixture of fat-soluble vitamins - trivit or tetravit.

For dinner, you can offer your pet low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg white or boiled sea fish.

A couple of times a week, a snow-white friend can be pampered with a vitamin salad of nuts, honey and finely chopped dried apricots or prunes.

When feeding a pet with natural food, vitamins should be given with food. The water-soluble ones are given directly, like candy, while the fat-soluble ones are added to food.

In older dogs, the need for plant fiber increases, so more vegetables and dairy products are introduced into their menu, and cereals and meat are given in limited quantities.

The French and the British developed a special diet for snow-white creatures. The staples of the English diet are goat's milk, cereals, and chicken egg scrambled eggs. French Maltese fans offer to feed miniature pets with chicken or beef, cottage cheese and fresh fruits and vegetables.

If the owner decides to choose a French or English diet as a food, then he should remember that such feeding, the puppy must be taught from a young age, so that the dog is normally used to such a diet.

List of prohibited products

The dog will never refuse to try food from the owner's plate, and many owners allow such a whim to a charming pet, not even suspecting that this can cause irreparable harm to her health.

What foods are contraindicated for lapdogs:

  • Smoked meat;
  • Sausage;
  • Potato;
  • Canned fish and meat for people;
  • Flour and confectionery products;
  • Chocolate;
  • hard cheeses;
  • White and cauliflower, potatoes;
  • Legumes (peas, soybeans, beans);
  • Animal or bird bones.

If your dog loves sweets, you can treat him to a piece of oatmeal cookies or special sweet biscuits designed for decorative dog breeds. You can easily buy them in a specialized pet food store.

If your eyes are flowing

Perhaps it makes sense to say a few words about the most common problem of this breed. I am often asked what to feed Maltese so that my eyes do not flow? Forced to disappoint fans of natural feeding. My advice is to switch to premium dry food.

You are unlikely to be able to determine exactly which natural product is an allergen for your pet. For some it's chicken, for others it's beef liver. You will go through options for a long time and it’s not a fact that you can get to the bottom of the truth. It is best to simply switch to super premium dry food and thus eliminate all allergic reactions. I would recommend Choice Hypoallergenic ALL BREEDS or holistics from Grandorf. It is these feeds that give very good results.

puppy feeding

In puppies under six months of age, the digestive system is not yet fully formed, so the owner should pay special attention to feeding a young, growing organism.

Or from a private breeder, despite, the owner needs to ask how and what he was fed during the first weeks. This is necessary in order to adhere to the same diet. New foods should be introduced into the animal's menu gradually, as a sharp change in nutrition can provoke constipation, diarrhea, or dyspeptic disorders.

Initially, small puppies up to two months old are fed frequently, up to six times a day. Further, every two months, this amount is reduced by removing one feeding. Thus, at the age of six months, the puppy should be fed four times a day, then the puppy should be transferred to three meals a day.

Calculate the amount of food at one time based on the needs of the puppy. Starting with one tablespoon, gradually you will reach the volume of a small bowl. The main rule is that the puppy must eat everything at once.! If there is something left in the bowl, then you are overfeeding!


The owner must take care of the health of his little pet and provide him with, without forgetting the importance of proper nutrition. Then the white beauty will delight the owner with activity, playfulness and good health for many years.

In contact with

This question is of concern to all owners and breeders of white-coated toy dogs such as Shih Tzu, Biewer York, Biro, West Highland White Terrier, Maltese and others, and below we provide practical advice that helps us and hopefully will help you achieve results.

First of all, make sure that the food you feed your dog, as well as all the treats that are given to him as a reward, do not contain dyes. Premium foods are usually free of colorants. If you are giving your dog canned food, make sure that there is no pinkish color there, which could very well be evidence of the presence of artificial colors in the food. In case you use a variety of dog biscuits, as an added encouragement, choose those that are white or very light in color.

Secondly, in many regions drinking water may be too hard or have a high content of iron and other components that are harmful to both humans and dogs. The use of such water can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Use purified bottled or filtered water.

In addition, you can use a glass or plastic bottle nozzle.

With this method, the hair on your dog's face will remain dry. "Untidy and dirty" hair on the muzzle of white dogs becomes from the fact that the dog lowers its wet muzzle into a bowl of water or vice versa, first climbs into a bowl of food, and then particles of food, combined with water, stain white wool and make it untidy. And yet, if you use a drinking bowl, bacteria will not multiply in the water.

The next important point. It is most correct to use stainless steel dishes as feeding utensils. It is antibacterial, does not crack and is easy to keep clean. If you are using plastic utensils, there is a very high chance that the paint from the plastic will transfer to your pet's fur. In addition, plastic absorbs all odors very well. Food or water left in a plastic container can acquire a very unpleasant odor that a person cannot distinguish, but a dog, due to its much more acute sense of smell, feels great.

Try adding a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to your drinking water. Alternatively, you can give your dog 100-200 mg of vitamin C per day or, as suggested by some naturopathic veterinarians, supplement your dog's diet with zinc. It must be remembered that different options work differently on different dogs.

If the dog's tear duct is not clear enough, tear fluid can leak out excessively and contribute to the formation of spots on the muzzle.

In this case, the following will help you: using your thumb and forefinger, gently massage in the direction from the nose of the dog to the bottom of the eye. Most dogs like this massage very much. Do this twice a day for a week or two at first, then cut back to once or twice a week. You will be surprised to see how much the situation has improved over time.

In some cases, when spots are formed from excessive tearing, we are dealing with an eye infection, namely conjunctivitis. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, who will most likely prescribe a tetracycline ointment. Ingestion of tetracycline is not desirable, as it can have side effects on the kidneys and liver. It is better to postpone taking an antibiotic until the moment when it becomes really necessary, and at the same time combine it with drugs that restore the intestinal flora.

You can also suggest making a solution of one part distilled water and one part 3% hydrogen peroxide (such a solution will have a weak antiseptic effect). After pouring this solution into a spray bottle, gently spray the area under the eyes on the soiled coat, avoiding getting the solution into the eyes. This solution can also be wiped around the mouth by moistening a cotton swab with it.

Some owners and breeders use powder or cornmeal to keep the white hair under the eyes and whiskers. Cornstarch is an excellent remedy, but talc is completely unsuitable. Also, be careful, some dogs cannot tolerate the use of various powders under the eyes and may show allergic reactions. You can use a rouge brush or a child's toothbrush to rub in the powder or cornmeal, some people find it more convenient to do this by rubbing the flour with their fingers. You can also add 1-2 teaspoons of boric acid to the flour for half a cup of cornmeal. But, if you have other dogs in the house, you should not add acid, as the substance can get into their mouth and harm the stomach. Boric acid, however, works very well for bleaching the coat, keeping it dry and getting rid of various kinds of bacteria on the dog's muzzle coat.

A truly admirable snow-white puppy has appeared in the house of a happy owner, and now that he has become a full member of the family, caring dog breeders strive for their pet to grow up healthy, cheerful and, of course, beautiful.

Usually, the question immediately arises of acquiring a balanced food for a pet, which is not only completely suitable for the breed, but also with its qualities will leave the appearance and health of the dog’s coat at the proper, high level.

The effect of food on the dog's coat

Incorrectly selected food for white dogs leads to the formation of red smudges under the eyes of the animal. A metabolic disorder caused by an inadequately balanced diet causes a porphyritic coloration of the coat, which appears on the ears, lips, abdomen and paw pads.

When changing food, if such was needed due to an undesirable change in coat color, the color takes on the usual white color, including regrown dyed hairs, because a change in diet changes the animal's metabolism and, accordingly, a change in coat color.

Feeding white dogs with natural products

When feeding a pet with natural products, it is necessary to take into account the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in food, and vitamins and minerals must certainly be included in the portion. It is important to ensure that the natural diet of a white dog does not include manganese, which contributes to a change in white color. Excess oily food accumulates on the beard of the animal, collecting dust and harmful microorganisms, and staining the white hair on the face of the pet in unsightly colors.

It is undesirable to give bones, both natural and artificial, to white-coated dogs, because they leave red and yellow spots on the white coat. Seaweed also leads to pigmentation of the coat, in which case yellow strands appear.

As for carrots, you should not rush to exclude this vegetable from the diet, because not all white dogs change their coat color when eating carrots. Some white dogs regularly eat carrots without any consequences.

Differences between white dog food and regular dry food

To be honest, dog food with white hair is practically no different from other food, but certain nuances are still present, which are expressed in the composition of dry food. Dry food for white dogs should include ingredients that do not cause allergies, for example, chicken meat, corn are a strong allergen, and also without the inclusion of artificial colors, preservatives and flavors in the food. They contribute well to the preservation of the snow-white color of the feed, which includes rice, turkey and lamb, which usually do not cause allergic reactions in pets. Wheat, corn and soy included in the feed, as well as an increased content of protein, iodine, copper and carotene can lead to darkening and redness of the coat. The beet pulp contained in the dry food can cause a discoloration of the coat, but the beet pulp does not affect the color, because in the dry food the beet pulp is used as fibers, which have no color and therefore cannot contribute to the coloring of the coat.

The vitamin and mineral supplements that are part of the dry food also contribute to the magnificent appearance of the animal's coat. However, if a dog with a white coat receives high-quality nutrition that fully meets its needs, and problems with unwanted color have not disappeared, then in this case it is worth contacting a veterinarian, as the pet may have a latent substance disorder in the body.

There are manufacturers who produce special food for white-haired dogs on the pet market. All coloring ingredients are excluded from the composition of such feeds, for example, beets, which are usually useful for living organisms, can cause big problems in coat color. Dyes and allergenic products do not contain premium food.

It is undesirable to feed a dog with a white coat with canned food that has a pinkish color, as this is a clear sign of the presence of artificial colors in the food.

Popular White Dog Foods

ORIJEN, produced by the Canadian company Champion petfoods, is very popular, as it has the highest quality and the most suitable and perfectly balanced composition for animals.

Experienced owners of white-haired dogs recommend using Grandorf's French food when feeding their pets - a hypoallergenic food, which includes high-quality meat ingredients.

Two formulas for white coated dogs are offered by CANIDAE. Grain free salmon is a grain-free formula that includes salmon meat, fruits and vegetables, which is ideal for dogs that are allergic to animal protein and grains. Lamb & Rice is formulated with a high quality, hypoallergenic brown rice and lamb product that is free of all substances that can cause hair to darken.

Owners of white dogs speak positively about dry food Bocsh, Husse, Trainer. Some dog breeders note that when switching to Our Brand food, the coat becomes whiter, but Our Brand food lines are not suitable for all animals, because they contain corn, which is an allergen.

When feeding white dogs Brit and Pro Plan dry food, many dog ​​owners have noticed feathering in their pets' coats.

As sources of carbohydrates and vitamins, the food contains vegetables and fruits (apple, black currant, cranberry), seaweed. The products are not frozen, and no dyes or preservatives are added to them. The food is steamed.

CANIDAE offers two formulas for white dogs. The LAMB & RICE formula is a hypoallergenic product made from high quality lamb and brown rice. It does not contain wheat, corn, soy, by-products, gluten and synthetic preservatives that can cause allergies and darken the coat.

The GRAIN FREE SALMON formula is grain free. It contains salmon meat, vegetables and fruits, which is very suitable for dogs with allergies not only to cereals, but also to animal protein.


Grandorf's French food - Sensitive Care Holistic - is a completely natural hypoallergenic product with high-quality meat ingredients (lamb, turkey, salmon). These foods do not contain:

  • wheat,
  • corn,
  • beet pulp,
  • offal,
  • chicken fat and chicken,
  • artificial fillers,
  • sugar,
  • salt,
  • dyes,
  • flavors and GMOs.

All this can cause allergies and dye snow-white wool.

Dry food reviews for white dogs

Review #1

My White English Bulldog has a rather traditional chicken allergy for this breed. We tried a lot of expensive and hyped feeds, but it still didn’t fit. Finally stumbled upon Barking Heads Bad Hears Day lamb with rice.

We have been feeding them for a year now and we are not overjoyed at the snow-white coat of our pet. They also forgot what discharge from the ears and eyes is. There is a minimum composition of products, there is nothing superfluous.

Irina, Moscow

Review #2

We have two tiny Maltese. They have a constant problem of dyeing white wool from food. Feed 10 tried, nothing helped. Even from licking, streaks appear on the cheeks.

They suffered until familiar breeders of the same breed advised hypoallergenic food from Bosch. This is a diet of lamb with rice - the most sparing for allergy sufferers. For half a year we have not known any problems and calmly go to exhibitions.

Alexey, Krasnodar

The owners of white dogs have noticed more than once that some, if not many, types of food cause pinking and browning of the coat in their pets. This is not only not beautiful, but also completely spoils the appearance of the animal preparing for the exhibition.

The dog risks being disqualified because of such an annoying trifle. Therefore, some dog food companies produce special food for dogs with white hair. Such feeds do not contain coloring ingredients (for example, beets) and substances that can cause allergies, from which a discharge flows from the dog's eyes, leaving red tracks on the coat.

White dog food from ORIJEN and Canidae

One such food is ORIJEN by Canadian company Champion petfoods. This is the highest quality food from Canadian farms. In addition, in principle, only ingredients that are most suitable for dogs are used in the feed.

The composition includes such varieties of fish as:

  • lake trout,
  • whitefish,
  • zander,
  • salmon,
  • burbot,
  • chicken meat,
  • turkeys.

As sources of carbohydrates and vitamins, the food contains vegetables and fruits (apple, black currant, cranberry), seaweed. The products are not frozen, and no dyes or preservatives are added to them. The food is steamed.

CANIDAE offers two formulas for white dogs. The LAMB & RICE formula is a hypoallergenic product made from high quality lamb and brown rice. It does not contain wheat, corn, soy, by-products, gluten and synthetic preservatives that can cause allergies and darken the coat.

The GRAIN FREE SALMON formula is grain free. It contains salmon meat, vegetables and fruits, which is very suitable for dogs with allergies not only to cereals, but also to animal protein.


— Sensitive Care Holistic is a completely natural hypoallergenic product with high quality meat ingredients (lamb, turkey, salmon). These foods do not contain:

  • wheat,
  • corn,
  • beet pulp,
  • offal,
  • chicken fat and chicken,
  • artificial fillers,
  • sugar,
  • salt,
  • dyes,
  • flavors and GMOs.

All this can cause allergies and dye snow-white wool.

Dry food reviews for white dogs

Review #1

My White English Bulldog has a rather traditional chicken allergy for this breed. We tried a lot of expensive and hyped feeds, but it still didn’t fit. Finally stumbled upon Barking Heads Bad Hears Day lamb with rice.

We have been feeding them for a year now and we are not overjoyed at the snow-white coat of our pet. They also forgot what discharge from the ears and eyes is. There is a minimum composition of products, there is nothing superfluous.

Irina, Moscow

Review #2

We have two tiny Maltese. They have a constant problem of dyeing white wool from food. Feed 10 tried, nothing helped. Even from licking, streaks appear on the cheeks.



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