Laurel oil unrefined properties. Uses of bay oil


Indications for use Laurel (essential oil):

Beneficial effects of bay oil on humans:

Relaxes and is a mild sleep aid;
- Relieves pain from rheumatism. In addition, bay laurel oil can relieve dull pain caused by other reasons;
- Has a beneficial effect on digestion, improving it. Increases appetite;
- Eliminates abdominal pain, improves the condition of the liver and kidneys, eliminates problems with urination and excessive gas formation;
- Treats infectious diseases;
- Increases sweating, therefore it is used as an antipyretic;
- Improves the functioning of female organs, normalizes menstrual cycle;
- Relieves dizziness;
- Relieves ear pain caused by infectious disease;
- Use with an aroma lamp gives self-confidence and has a slightly uplifting effect;
- Struggling with nervous tension, depressive state;
- Helps improve memory;
- Used as a fragrance for perfumes and aftershave lotions;
- Is one of the ingredients in the production of soft/alcoholic drinks;
- Used as a hair growth stimulator, prevention against dandruff, activates the scalp, restores scalp damage;
- Accelerates the resorption of scars and bruises;
- Relieves inflammation;
- Used for oily and problem skin;
- Normalizes the fat balance of the skin;
- Cleanses and refreshes the skin;
- Use in folk medicine: bay oil used for throat cancer, tumors, purulent wounds, seizures, arthritis, pediculosis.

Laurel laurel oil has following properties: antiseptic; diuretic; bactericidal; antirheumatic; sedative; fungicidal; gastric; general stimulant; antipyretic; pain reliever; diaphoretic; tonic; antineuralgic; choleretic; insecticidal; contracting; antispasmodic.

Laurel is an evergreen tree reaching 9 meters in height. Steam distillation is used to obtain oil from dry leaves and branches. The leaves of this tree are Ancient Rome used to weave wreaths that were awarded to the winners of the Olympic Games. It was also believed that if you put a laurel leaf under your pillow, you would have only positive or positive dreams. prophetic dreams. The oldest custom was to add laurel leaves to soup or sauce. The fruits (berries) and leaves of this tree were used for colic, indigestion, colds, and weak menstruation. They also treated hysteria.

This oil also combines with others and opens up new possibilities. To do this, you need to buy bay laurel oil and mix it with another oil:
When combined with clove, lavender or tea tree, it has antibacterial effect.
In combination with mint - antiviral, anesthetic effect.
In combination with basil, it relieves pain and spasms.
In combination with eucalyptus, it has an expectorant effect and also thins mucus and removes it from the lungs.
In combination with carrot seeds, it smoothes out lumpy skin and fights cellulite.
In combination with thuyanol thyme, it fights oral infections.


Compound:essential oilNoble laurel - 100 %.


Noble laurel - origin

Noble laurel- an evergreen shrub or tree with a densely leafy crown of the Laurel family (Lavraceae) or a pyramidal tree. The height of some species reaches 10 - 15 m. Belongs to the laurel family. Its leaves are dark green in color, lighter with bottom side, they are hard, leathery, elliptical, the edges are slightly wavy. The plant blooms with small yellowish-white flowers, collected in bunches and located in the axils of the leaves. In November, the fruits ripen - black-blue ovoid drupes. The whole plant is aromatic, the leaves and fruits are used as a spice from the fourth year of life, when the tree (bush) begins to bear fruit.

The trunk has dark gray smooth bark and a densely branched crown. The leaves are leathery, alternate, short-petiolate, entire, glabrous, simple, dark green, 6-20 cm long. The leaf blade is oblong, lanceolate or elliptical. The inflorescences are umbellate, numerous, collected mainly at the ends of branches, three in groups in the leaf axils. The flowers are small, whitish-yellow, on short stalks. The fruit is a black-blue ovoid or elliptical drupe with a large stone. Weight of 1000 seeds is 400-500 g.

Laurel plantations are located in subtropical areas where the annual amount effective temperatures not less than 3000°C, and absolute minimum temperature does not fall below -12 °C. The soil is pre-plowed to a depth of 40-45 cm. Organic (40-60 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers are applied in full doses during plowing. Then the area is harrowed and cultivated two or three times. Planting is carried out in autumn or early spring with row spacing of 1-2 m, the distance between plants in a row is 1-1.5 m.

Its homeland is Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. People have been growing laurel since ancient times; it was with the branches of this tree that emperors, heroes and athletes were crowned in Ancient Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, laurel symbolized kindness and served as protection from evil and lightning.

Composition of bay leaf

Very valuable components bay leaf are organic acids, fatty oil, essential oil, tannins.

In general, the composition of bay leaves includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, alimentary fiber, saturated fatty acid; vitamins – A, C, PP, group B; macroelements – calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus; microelements – iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium. Maybe, mineral composition It seems not so rich, but it is represented by precisely those substances that are very important for our health, and are required by our body every day, in fairly large quantities.

Characteristics and history

Bay leaf is a relict crop left over from the flora of the Tertiary period. In nature, a tree lives 300-400 years.
The birthplace of the laurel is the coast Mediterranean Sea. The plant is grown in Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Yugoslavia, and Guatemala.
In our country, it is cultivated as a decorative and spicy aromatic crop in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

People have been growing laurel since ancient times; it was with the branches of this tree that emperors, heroes and athletes were crowned in Ancient Greece and Rome. In the Middle Ages, laurel symbolized kindness and served as protection from evil and lightning.

Laurel laurel is an evergreen subtropical shrub whose leaves and fruits are a classic spice. This is a cult tree, it is primarily associated with Ancient Greece, with the mythological image of the ancient god Apollo, which is a symbol male beauty. The famous Ovid in his Metamorphoses tells that Apollo, who lived among people, fell in love with the nymph Daphne and constantly pursued her. One day, after defeating the serpent Python, Apollo met the young god of love Eros with a bow and arrows and joked with him: “Why do you need a bow and arrows, baby? Are you really thinking of surpassing me in the art of shooting?” This mockery offended Eros, and he sent two arrows in revenge. The first, the arrow of love, pierced Apollo, and the second, killing love, hit Daphne.

Since then, Daphne has always run away from Apollo. No tricks helped him. Exhausted by suffering and eternal persecution, Daphne turned to Father Peneus and Earth so that they could take her image away from her. After these words, she turned into a laurel bush (A curious fact is that in Rus' until the 18th century, the bay leaf was called “daphnia” (“laurel” in Greek is “daphne”).. The saddened Apollo from then on began to wear a wreath on his head from evergreen laurel.

In Greece, homes were decorated with laurel leaves to refresh the room. Laurel branches were placed in mattresses to encourage prophetic dreams.

There was a belief that laurel saved from lightning strikes. Thus, it is a known fact that the Roman Emperor Tiberius, during thunderclaps, put on a laurel wreath and crawled under the bed.

The laurel was considered a sacred tree; the heads of the winners were decorated with its wreaths. Ancient Greece. For several thousand years this tradition has been preserved in other countries, for example in England. From the word “laurel” comes the word “laureate” - “crowned with laurels”.

Oddly enough, but the purpose of bay leaf for a long time was somewhat different compared to modern usage. It was used to flavor water for washing hands before eating. In the 1st century AD e. it was already used as a spice (leaves and black-blue fruits). In cooking, desserts and puddings were prepared with it, and it was added to boiled apples, baked figs, and figs.

Laurel first came to Europe as a medicinal product, but very soon gained recognition as a spice.

Avicenna, for example, argued that the laurel leaf relieves pain in the joints, relieves tension, shortness of breath, and its bark and drupes have the ability to remove stones from the kidneys and liver.

In 1652, François Pierre de la Varenpe, the famous cook of the French queen Marie de' Medici, published a cookery book that became one of the best books of the time describing the history of spices and how to use them. Being a capable student in Italy, he succeeded in this matter, and the material that he presented in the book largely influenced French cooking, which, as we know, reached great heights. He wrote about bay leaf as a spice that can improve and correct the taste of a dish.
I recommended using it in desserts, puddings, etc.

Laurel came to Russia 25 centuries ago. The Greeks brought it to Crimea along with figs, cypress, olives and grapes. It grows to this day in countries with a coastal climate: in Greece, Turkey, Albania, Slovakia, France, Spain, Portugal, Guatemala, Crimea, and the Black Sea coast. Italy grows and exports this spice more than others.

The advantage of bay leaf is that even with long-term and improper storage it does not lose its quality.

Kinds: As a spice, laurel leaves are used in fresh and often dried form, as well as laurel fruits (seeds) and laurel powder, which is a concentrated extract of laurel essential oils.

Taste and aroma: Sickly sweet, resinous smell and bitter taste.

Uses of bay leaves

    In cooking. Bay leaves are indispensable for marinades, broths and jellied fish, sauces and soups, and boiled meat. Bay leaves are added at the rate of 1 leaf per 1 liter of liquid. It can be cooked together with the main product, but preferably not for very long. In the first courses, add the bay leaf 5 minutes before cooking, in the second - 10 minutes. And don't forget to take it out later. You can add bay powder to sauces when they have cooled to a warm state. Bay leaves also go well with other spices: sage, thyme, rosemary, cloves, coriander, basil, parsley, dill, hot and fragrant pepper. IN Western Europe Sometimes bay leaves are still added to desserts, drinks, jams and sweets. There are also areas in our country - for example, Kalmykia or Kuban - where they like to use it in sweet dishes.
    Dry bay leaves can be stored for about a year, so when purchasing, look carefully at when it was released. It is better to buy fresh leaves - now it is quite affordable.

    Medical use. Medical properties Laurels have also been known since ancient times. It has an astringent and diuretic effect, improves digestion, and improves appetite. Volatile aromatic substances of laurel suppress the development of tuberculosis bacillus and generally increase immunity.

    Wound healing properties. A paste of crushed leaves is applied to burns and cuts.


    Strengthens the immune system. Some experts recommend taking laurel for preventive purposes. You will feel stronger, you will breathe easier, and you will be less tired. Dip 5 g of leaf (about 15 leaves) in 300 g of water and boil for five minutes. This drink should be infused in a thermos for 3-4 hours, strained and taken in small portions throughout the day, drinking all 300 g. On the second and third days, do the same. After a two-week break, repeat the course. Only those who have a tendency to constipation should avoid this decoction.

    On the farm. In addition, laurel is useful in the house because moths and cockroaches are afraid of it (however, this only applies to relatively fresh leaves.)

    Bay oil used for rubbing in for scabies, rheumatism, paralysis and tumors, and for colds - for inhalation. To obtain bay oil at home, powdered leaves are boiled in ghee.

    Calms. Bay leaves were often used in ancient times as an antidote and disinfectant, and also as a means of increasing concentration and relieving insomnia. There is even a simple way to help calm young children: if a child has trouble falling asleep and is capricious, you should put 2-3 bay leaves next to the crib - this usually works, and children quickly fall asleep.

    For ear pain. You can use bay leaf infusion - it perfectly relieves inflammation and pain. Pour 5 laurel leaves with a glass of water, bring them to a boil and leave, covered, for 2 hours. Then drip the infusion into sore ear– 3 times a day, 3-4 drops, and drink it at the same time, 3 tbsp.

    For joint pain. You need to chop the bay leaf (5 g), pour boiling water (300 ml) into it, and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Pour the broth into a thermos, leave for 4 hours, then strain and drink 12 hours before, in small sips. The procedure should be carried out within 3 days.
    At first glance, this treatment is almost no different from the method of strengthening the immune system described above, but there are differences. The break in taking the decoction is not 2 weeks, but 3 days, and then the procedure is repeated.
    In addition, during treatment it is recommended to adhere to the strictest possible vegetarian diet, do cleansing enemas every day and take baths: with pine branches, magnesium salts, hay dust. It is also advisable to take a contrast shower and air baths. During a break in drinking, everything water procedures must continue.

Laurel completely retains its properties even when dried. And this is its advantage over other plants. Bay leaf has astringent properties and therefore constipation is possible. If a person is prone to them, then while he is drinking laurel tincture, let him eat more beets and prunes or slightly reduce the dose of the infusion. Let him adapt the laurel to his body, because he knows its subtleties better.

To get rid of stomatitis, sometimes it is enough to chew a bay leaf. Laurel completely retains its properties when dried. This is its advantage over many plants.

Application in cosmetology

Folk beauty recipes

    Toning lotion for face and neck skin
    Pour 25 laurel leaves into ½ cup of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 4 hours. Strain. Wipe your face, neck and décolleté with this lotion morning and evening. This lotion also lightens freckles and age spots. For oily skin add 1 dessert spoon of vodka to the lotion.

    Bay leaf decoction for oily skin
    Pour 2 bay leaves into 1/3 cup of water, let cool, strain and wipe your face.
    If you do this morning and evening every day, the pores will narrow, oily shine will disappear, and the skin will become smooth and matte.

    Bay oil
    Pour 2 laurel leaves into ¼ cup of vegetable oil and leave for 7 days in a cool, dark place. Use to rub into dry skin of the face and hands to give them elasticity, softness and get rid of wrinkles.

    Rinse hair with a decoction of bay leaves to get rid of dandruff. Brew a pack of bay leaves with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, filter and rinse your hair. It is advisable not to wring them too hard and let them dry naturally.

    Bay leaf for acne. Recipe No. 1.
    A homemade tonic based on bay leaves will allow you to carefully and effectively care for problem skin prone to acne.
    To prepare it, bay leaf leaves are tightly filled into a small glass container, you can use a glass or a small jar, and fill them to the top hot water. After a few hours, the tonic is filtered.
    By treating your skin with this product daily, you can dry out inflammation, eliminate oily shine and narrow enlarged pores.
    In addition, for greater effectiveness, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the prepared tonic, which will help reduce inflammation on the skin. Rosemary essential oil or tea tree.

    Bay leaf for acne. Recipe No. 2.
    This alcohol-infused lotion is more suitable for problem skin, as well as skin that is overly oily.
    To prepare it, bay leaves are thoroughly crushed in any way and, similar to the first recipe, placed in a glass container. The crushed mass of bay leaves should fill half of the selected vessel. The selected container with bay leaf is completely filled with vodka.
    The lotion is infused at room temperature for several days (3-5 days), then filtered. The prepared product is used for skin care every other day; it helps cleanse the skin of rashes, eliminate age spots and even out skin tone.

Contraindications for use

Doctors believe that it is undesirable to use bay leaf infusion in medicinal purposes at cholelithiasis, cholecystitis (although ethnoscience, on the contrary, recommends such treatment), pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

However, it is worth saying that even with these diseases it is quite possible to take this infusion, just be sure to cool down and not warm, and 10-15 minutes after eating, so traditional medicine is still not mistaken.

You should not put too much bay leaf in dishes, or drink too much infusion or decoction - this can cause poisoning.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, acute liver and kidney diseases, it should also be used in very small quantities.


Noble laurel along with many fragrant plants very popular in aromatherapy. Essential oil Laurus nobilis is recommended for many ailments: it helps during the treatment of fungal and viral diseases, skin pathologies, used to relieve pain of various etiologies. Unlike lavender, the use of laurel is more selective; therapy with its help is not indicated for everyone.

Laurel laurel is a tree or tall shrub with dark gray smooth bark. Its homeland is the Mediterranean region: France, Corsica, Morocco and the Middle East. It is also found in Slovenia and the Balkans. The dark green leaves of the laurel, shiny at the top and paler at the bottom, have a tough, leathery structure and an oblong shape. Its yellow-green flowers are collected in clusters and, as they ripen, gradually turn into green berries, which then darken to black. One of the features of this plant is that essential oil is contained in all its parts - this is why the noble laurel is distinguished by its great vitality! All chefs know that bay leaves can be stored for months and even years without the slightest damage to their properties. taste qualities: And with old, long-dried leaves, the roast will have the same flavor.

The properties and uses of essential oil in aromatherapy are described in detail in this article.

Composition and properties of laurel essential oil

The composition of laurel essential oil includes such biochemical components as:

  • Terpene oxides: 1,8-cineole.
  • Monoterpenides: linalool. terpinen-4-ol, alpha-terpineol.
  • Lactones: costunolide.

Laurel essential oil treats:

  • Viruses, bacteria, fungi.
  • Flu.
  • Pain of various etiologies.
  • Diseases of the skin and oral cavity.
  • Rheumatism.

Noble laurel has all the properties to occupy one of the key places in the list of essential oils. After all, already in ancient times, laurel was considered a sacred plant, and winners were awarded with wreaths in Ancient Greece! Such a wreath once adorned the august head of Julius Caesar, symbolizing the strength and success of the great commander. Long before this, a laurel wreath was also on the head of the beautiful Apollo, the god of light and leader of the muses, personifying the Sun and patron of healers. Asclepius, god of healing, his son. Today, laurel branches still symbolize success, greatness and victory: the word “laureate” means “crowned with laurel,” and “bachelor” comes from the Latin bacca lauri, which literally means “laurel berries.” So our plant has a glorious history stretching back thousands of years!

Laurel laurel essential oil is extracted from trees and shrubs that grow mostly in Europe. The aroma of laurel immediately brought the plant well-deserved gastronomic fame: its leaves and fruits began to be used as a spice back in ancient times. In his “Great Culinary Dictionary,” Alexandre Dumas reminds us that “only the Frankish laurel or the laurel of Apollo is used in cooking. It is part of a bunch of fragrant herbs (“bouquet garni”) - a mandatory seasoning for any stew. It should be added to dishes moderate amount, preferably in dried form, so that the aroma is not so strong and the taste is not very pungent.” So we have been warned to be moderate. Be that as it may, the fact that we are so familiar with laurel should not mislead us - this plant has absolutely amazing properties.

Pharmacological properties of laurel essential oil

The essential oil is extracted from leaves and branches by steam distillation. The resulting liquid has good fluidity and is pale yellow or more bright color. You are already familiar with the smell of laurel - it is very fragrant. For 150 ml of essential oil you will need 100 kg of laurel leaves.

Pharmacological properties of Laurel laurel essential oil:

  • Excellent antibacterial agent: destroys such extremely dangerous bacteria, such as staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, Klebsiella.
  • Kills many viruses.
  • An excellent fungicide - it fights fungi well: it is especially effective against diploid fungi, including the causative agent of mycoses Candida albicans.
  • Towards respiratory organs, relieves phlegm, helps with coughs and stops runny nose.
  • Powerful anesthetic effect, effective for neuralgia.
  • Fights skin problems infectious diseases, promotes wound healing.
  • Helps with bruises and contusions.
  • Expands coronary vessels, providing blood supply to the heart muscle (myocardium).
  • Prevents sclerosis and prevents tissue necrosis.
  • Activates lymph circulation.
  • Positively affects digestive tract, stopping the processes of rotting and fermentation that cause swelling.
  • Stimulates immunity.
  • Brings the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems into balance.
  • Being a psychoactive drug, it activates the functioning of neurons, improves mental capacity, stimulates brain activity.

Precautions for use

When using bay leaf essential oil, the following precautions should be observed:

  • The use of bay laurel essential oil requires compliance with certain precautions: it is used only in small doses. On the one hand, this is due to his great efficiency(even in very limited quantities it quickly gives the desired result); on the other hand, an overdose can cause mild drug intoxication (with all the subsequent negative consequences).
  • Topical use of this essential oil may cause allergic reaction. Always start with small areas of skin, first diluting it in vegetable oil. The procedure itself should be very short at first. Such a preliminary test will reveal your individual tolerance.
  • Laurel laurel essential oil is similar to tea tree essential oil, but has more pronounced antiviral properties, and therefore its use, for example, for the flu, gives top scores. Its action is much more effective in the treatment of mycoses and diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Among the many types of laurel, bay laurel should not be confused with cherry laurel or oleander - poisonous ornamental plants from which essential oils have never been extracted! Most other types of laurel (benzoin, Indian, Californian) used as seasonings are very rare.

Many people know bay leaf exclusively as a spice. However, oil has long been prepared from the plant, which has many beneficial properties. Laurel product is widely used in home medicine and hair care. But before you start this practice yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of using the product.

Laurel oil is a viscous substance produced from the leaves of the plant of the same name by pressing and distillation. The final product is light yellow or pale green in color. The smell of the product is spicy, and the taste is specifically pungent.

The oil contains the following components:

  • vitamins (C, A, PP, B),
  • eucalyptol,
  • camphor,
  • myrcene,
  • phytoncides,
  • alcohols,
  • pinene,
  • cineole,
  • acetic, formic and caproic acids,
  • tannins,
  • minerals (copper, potassium, selenium, zinc, iron).

The listed substances cause beneficial features laurel oils and its other features. For example, you need to know that the emulsion is one of the most toxic, since it contains cineole. The latter makes up more than half the volume of the product and can cause severe irritation at the places where the product is used.

Bay oil prepared in production is essential, so it is used very carefully and in small quantities.


The beneficial properties of laurel ether are divided into several groups:

  • Healing. If the oil is used for medicinal purposes, it has the following effects on the body:
    • Serves as a natural antiseptic.
    • Prevents the appearance of tumors, strengthens immune system and increases general tone body.
    • Reduces blood sugar levels, which is especially valuable for diabetics.
    • Fights any fungal infections.
    • Improves the digestion process.
    • Removes waste, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
    • Relieves itching.
    • Improves sleep.
    • Clears the airways.
    • Has a stimulating effect on regeneration processes.
    • Fights infections.
    • Reduces blood pressure, which is especially important for hypertensive patients.
    • Has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Cosmetic. When used externally for personal care, laurel oil acts as follows:
    • Cleanses the surface of the epidermis from accumulated impurities.
    • Fights blackheads.
    • Relieves inflammation.
    • Promotes rejuvenation of skin cells.
    • Accelerates hair growth.
    • Strengthens hair follicles.
    • Helps tighten pores.
    • Fights pigment spots.
    • Helps eliminate cellulite.
  • Psycho-emotional. Laurel ether has the following effects on humans:
    • Stimulates brain activity.
    • Helps improve self-esteem.
    • Calms the nerves.
    • Helps relieve tension.


The main indications for the use of laurel ether are:

  • Nervous disorders: increased excitability, absence or poor quality sleep, bad memory, depression, constant stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Colds: runny nose, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sore throat, sinusitis ( different degrees severity).
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: stroke, varicose veins, etc.
  • Headache.
  • Neurological abnormalities: neurosis and neuritis.
  • Poor condition of the epidermis: uneven color, loss of elasticity, etc.
  • Cellulite in the first stages.
  • Skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.
  • Poor functioning of the urinary system.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, flatulence, gastritis, pancreatitis, diarrhea, etc.
  • Diseases associated with musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, etc.
  • Poor hair condition: brittleness, lack of shine, split ends, etc.

Remember that laurel oil can be used for medicinal purposes only after consultation with your doctor. The fact is that the product is very strong, which is why the approval of a specialist is simply necessary before independent use product.

Combination with other esters

Laurel oil is best combined with esters from:

  • pine trees,
  • juniper,
  • incense,
  • sage,
  • rosemary,
  • anise,
  • nutmeg,
  • black pepper,
  • tangerine,
  • lemon,
  • grapefruit.

Esters made from:

  • Basil and mint. The products have analgesic properties.
  • Ravintsary. Known for its antiviral effect.
  • Lavender. Has antibacterial properties.
  • Tea tree and cloves.
  • Carrots.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Thyme. Effectively fights infections.

As a base oil when preparing products with laurel essential oil, it is better to take an emulsion made from:

  • hazelnut,
  • argans,
  • sesame,
  • St. John's wort,
  • evening primrose,
  • wheat germ,
  • coconut,
  • almonds,
  • olives,
  • sunflower,
  • jojoba.

Methods of obtaining

There are several ways to obtain laurel oil:

  • Industrial. The oil is obtained through distillation. Steam under high pressure, connect with essential substances. The latter are captured by steam. After this, cooling occurs, during which the resulting substance is separated into two components: water and laurel ether. The manufacturing time of the product using this method is about four hours. The final emulsion is 35 times smaller in volume than the initial raw material.
  • Home. If you wish, you can prepare laurel oil yourself. In this case, you will be confident in the quality and safety of the product. There are several options for preparing bay ether at home:
    • With olive oil. You will need 35–40 bay leaves and 1 glass oil emulsion. Heat the latter to 45–50 o C in a water bath. Chop the leaves and pour in the warm mixture. Shake the product and cover the container with a lid. Important: it would be better to use glassware for cooking. Place the oil in a dark, dry place. Shake the container daily. After a few weeks, strain the solution and squeeze out the leaves. It is recommended to store the product in a dark place. Shelf life - 6 months.
    • WITH natural oil sunflower. The product will complement the bay ether, enhancing its properties. It’s easy to prepare the product: pour dry leaves (1 ordinary pack) with a glass of oil. If you chop the plant first, active substances it will be better to stand out from it into the mainstream. Close the container with a lid, place it in a dark place and wait 10 days. After the allotted time, you need to do the following: boil water and lower a slightly open (not completely) bottle of oil into the hot liquid. Leave until cool. Then keep the product in a dark place for another 10 days. After this, you need to strain the resulting product. Laurel oil using the described preparation method can be stored for no more than six months.
    • Cold method. Dry or fresh bay leaves are crushed and poured vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Place the product in a cool, dark place. After two weeks, the product is filtered and the leaves are squeezed out. There is no need to heat anything. The method is the fastest and safest. In this case, the product is stored for up to 10 months.

Please note that oil homemade is not ethereal because it is made on the basis of another product.

Video: how to prepare bay oil at home

Features of choice

When choosing bay oil, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

To check the authenticity of the purchased ether, you need to apply a few drops to a handkerchief or any cloth made of natural material. Carry the cloth with you and smell it periodically. The aroma of this product changes throughout the day and manifests itself differently in a building and outdoors, in the heat and in the cold.

Bay oil and bay oil - what's the difference?

Some sources equate bay oil with laurel oil, but this is incorrect. The second one is very easy to find; it is sold in any Russian pharmacy. But real beya oil is a rare guest on domestic shelves. The fact is that the tree from which the product is made can only be found in Central America. Yes, the plant is also called American Laurel, but the esters are similar only in smell and some properties.

Some unscrupulous sellers actively take advantage of the similarity between laurel and bay oils, passing off cheap analogue for a rare product.

Uses of bay oil

The main direction of using laurel ether at home is the fight against various diseases. It should be borne in mind that oil is not a panacea and serves only as an addition to the main treatment.

For post-mortem diseases

There are several colds that bay laurel oil can help treat.


The simplest and effective method fight against sinusitis - inhalation. Simply add 2-3 drops of bay ether per liter hot water. You can also add fir, eucalyptus or golden mustache oil (2 drops each). Thanks to additional ingredients, the effect of the procedure will be enhanced. Lower your head above the liquid and cover yourself with a towel. Breathe the steam for 10 minutes. The session can be carried out only after rinsing the nose.

If you have heat, inhalation should not be done. Procedures should be carried out daily before bedtime. The course consists of 10 sessions. Then you need to rest for several days and, if desired, resume inhalations.

If sinusitis has progressed to chronic stage, then more effective method treatment will be instilling a drop of a mixture of almond and bay oil, taken in a ratio of 5:1, into each nostril. This should be done in the mornings and evenings until the condition improves or the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.


Inhalations are also suitable for treating sore throat. However, the mixture in this case will be more concentrated: 7 drops of ether per 500 ml of boiling water. Procedures are carried out at the same frequency as for sinusitis.


It is recommended to fight coughs with rubbing. To do this, laurel ether is mixed with base oil in a ratio of 1:5. Rub the resulting mass onto your back and chest before going to bed. The procedure is carried out daily until the patient’s condition improves.


There are several ways to prevent colds using laurel ether:

  • Aromapla. Add a few drops of bay oil to the water and leave the lamp lit for an hour. This way you will disinfect the room and protect yourself from illness.
  • Aroma baths. Who doesn't love to soak in warm water after a hard day at work? The procedure will become even more pleasant and beneficial if you add 5-6 drops of laurel and lavender oil. Esters must first be dissolved in 20 ml of heavy cream.
  • Aroma pendant. Such medallions are usually made in the form of vessels. A few drops of ether are poured into the latter. The pendant is worn around the neck during the day. The fact is that the smell of ether kills most viruses and bacteria.
  • Aroma massage. Do an ordinary relaxing massage, but add 5-6 drops of laurel oil to the usual composition for the procedure. It is recommended to conduct a session once every 7–14 days.

For joints

Bay oil helps heal bruises, dislocations and other joint injuries that are accompanied by severe pain. In this case, it is enough to lubricate the affected areas vegetable product. It is important that the product be prepared independently according to one of the above recipes. It is recommended to lubricate the damage twice a day - morning and evening. In this case, you can use laurel oil until the problem is resolved.

Against foot fungus

To rid yourself of unpleasant disease, just make a foot bath with laurel ether. Add 10-15 drops of oil to hot water. Immerse your feet in the liquid and hold for 10–15 minutes. After the required time has passed, you need to dry your feet with a towel. After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the legs nourishing cream. The bath has a powerful antifungal effect on the epidermis and also fights excessive sweating. The session can be performed daily until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

For nervous disorders

If you have no appetite, insomnia and other signs nervous disorder, take advantage of aromatherapy with laurel oil. There are several methods of treatment with ether:

  • Oil burner. Water diluted with laurel oil in a ratio of 10:1 is poured into the device. You can add any ester that is compatible with the main component (citrus or other). The procedure is carried out as needed, there is no need to take breaks.
  • Aroma pendant. Can be worn daily by adding 2-3 drops of laurel essential oil.
  • Aroma bath. The perfect end to a day filled with stressful situations. 10 drops of oil are enough for the entire bath. You can add salt and foam. The duration of the procedure is no more than a third of an hour. There is no need to take a shower after the aroma bath so that the aroma remains on the skin longer.

To improve digestion

Many people today face digestive problems. The former include constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and so on. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should take a remedy with laurel oil daily. 1 drop of ether must be combined with a teaspoon of honey. Take the product twice a day after meals. Honey with bay ester has additional effect: strengthening the walls of the stomach. After the lapse of three weeks Stop using the method for a month, and then resume taking it if necessary.

For gastritis

A recipe containing the following ingredients helps well against gastritis:

  • 1 drop of laurel ether,
  • 1 tsp yarrow herbs,
  • 1 cup boiling water.

First of all, you need to prepare a decoction: pour boiling water over the dry herb and wait 1 hour. Add ether to the prepared infusion. Take half a glass before and after each meal. After three weeks, you need to rest for 20 days and, if necessary, resume treatment.

In home cosmetology

There are several ways to use laurel oil in home cosmetology:

For hair care

Bay oil restores hair, stimulates hair growth, regulates hair function sebaceous glands and treats dry ends. There are several ways to use ether to care for curls.


Masks are considered the most effective and in a fast way get your hair in order. The most effective recipes with the addition of laurel oil are as follows:

  • Corn and laurel oil in a 1:1 ratio. The first one can be replaced with olive oil. Mix the ingredients. The resulting substance must be rubbed into the root zone for several minutes. Then wrap your head in a towel and wait 20 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, you need to wash your hair with shampoo. The mask accelerates hair growth. It is recommended to perform the procedure once a week. Course - 10 sessions. Then you need to take a break for several weeks and, if desired, resume the procedures.
  • 100 ml coconut oil, 6 drops bay ester, 5 drops lavender ether. Mix the components and apply the resulting product to the root zone. Distribute the remaining emulsion along the length of the curls. After 15 minutes, wash off the product with shampoo. You can make a mask 1-2 times a week. The course consists of 15 procedures. Then you need to rest for a month and, if desired, continue the sessions. The mask nourishes and moisturizes curls.
  • Burdock oil - 6 parts, avocado oil - 1 part, coconut oil - 2 parts, homemade oil laurel - 1 part. Mix the ingredients and lubricate the curls with the resulting mixture. After half an hour, wash off the product using shampoo. It is recommended to use the mask no more than once a week. The course consists of 10 procedures. Then you need to take a break for a month and, if desired, resume sessions. The mask strengthens the hair roots. To increase effectiveness, it is recommended to add 2 drops of patchouli and ylang-ylang esters to the composition.
  • 10 ml almond oil, 10 ml jojoba oil, 4-5 drops bay ether, 3 drops each rosemary and grapefruit oil. Combine the ingredients and apply to the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, wash your hair in the classic way. The procedure is performed once every 7 days. The course consists of 10 sessions. After treatment, they are interrupted for a month, and then, if necessary, the procedures are resumed. The mask strengthens the curls and gives them shine.
  • 10 ml jojoba oil, a few drops of bay ether, 1 drop of rosemary ether, 2 drops of juniper ether. Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, rinse off the product with shampoo. The mask actively restores curls. The procedure is performed in courses. The latter, as a rule, consist of 10–15 procedures. At the end of the course, you should rest for a month, and then, if desired, resume sessions.
  • 1 tbsp. honey, yolk of one egg, 1 tsp. cognac, 2-3 drops of laurel ether. Combine the components and lubricate the roots and lengths of the hair with the resulting substance. Put on a plastic cap. After 60 minutes, rinse off the product; you don’t need to use shampoo. The mask strengthens hair follicles and actively fights dandruff, so most of the composition is recommended to be applied to the skin. It is recommended to use the recipe once every 10–15 days on an ongoing basis.
  • 1 tbsp. castor oil, 2 tbsp. homemade bay oil. After mixing the ingredients, you need to apply the resulting emulsion to the length of your hair. The roots should not be touched. Wrap your head in plastic wrap or put on a special cap; it is also recommended to tie a towel. The duration of the procedure is one and a half hours. After the allotted time has passed, it is necessary to wash off the composition. copious amounts water with shampoo. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in a course. The latter includes 10 procedures. The frequency of sessions is once every 7 days. At the end of the course, you must take a break for a month, and then, if desired, resume the procedures. The mask deeply moisturizes the hair and fights the occurrence of split ends.

Aroma combing

Aroma combing is also beneficial for the health of curls. You will need 4-5 drops of laurel oil and an ordinary hair brush. You need to drop some ether onto the device and comb your hair for 5-6 minutes. Pay attention to each strand to achieve maximum effect. The procedure is performed daily, 1–2 times a day. After a week you need to stop. After 10 days, the course is repeated. Aroma combing additionally nourishes the hair and saturates it with oxygen. Split ends look better and your hair grows faster.

Contraindications, precautions and side effects

Of course, like any cosmetic product, laurel oil has its contraindications. The latter include:

  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Chronic low blood pressure (hypotension).
  • Mental disorders.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Age up to 2 years.

In cases of overdose and improper use of the product, the following side effects may occur:

  • rash,
  • skin redness,
  • headache,
  • dizziness.

To minimize the risk of side effects, adhere to the following precautions:

  • Do a sensitivity test: apply a little ether to the inside of your elbow and do not wash it off for 24 hours. If after the allotted time no irritation occurs, feel free to use the oil.
  • Do not use the product for more than three weeks in a row. Be sure to take breaks to give your skin time to rest.
  • Do not use expired ether, as this may lead to an unpredictable reaction of the epidermis.
  • Follow the storage conditions indicated on the packaging.
  • Avoid getting oil on mucous membranes. Ether can cause severe damage tender places.

Sources and methods of obtaining

Bay essential oil obtained from dried leaves, branches and fruits of Laurus nobilis. Other names for laurel include sweet laurel, Greek laurel, Mediterranean laurel and bay leaf. Laurel essential oil is obtained by steam distillation. To obtain 1 kg of laurel oil from leaves, 30-35 kg of raw materials are required, and from fruits - up to 100 kg. Laurus nobilis is also used to obtain fatty oil.

Color laurel essential oil – pale yellow, green or greenish yellow. Aroma – fresh, tangy, sweet with spicy and balsamic notes.

Compound : 1,8-cineole (40%), pinene, linalool, terpineol acetate, methyl eugenol, eucalyptol, phellandrene, geraniol, limonene, eugenol, camphor, as well as other terpene and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, alcohols and ketones.

Compatibility : immortelle, geranium, ylang-ylang, hyssop, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, lemon, juniper, bitter orange, rosemary, pine, fennel, citronella, clary sage, eucalyptus, and many citrus and spice oils.

Description of the ether carrier

Family : Laurels (Lauraceae).

Laurel noble - a subtropical evergreen tree or shrub reaching a height of 15 meters. The plant has smooth brown bark and a dense crown. The laurel has dark green shiny leaves, black and blue berries, small light yellow flowers collected in racemes. The fruits ripen in October-November.

The homeland of Laurus nobilis is the Mediterranean. Now the plant is cultivated in southern European countries, in Canary Islands, in Morocco, China, Israel, Turkey and Russia. The best laurel essential oil is produced in Yugoslavia.

There are several related species that are also called laurels: California laurel (Umbellularia california), West Indian laurel (Pimenta racemosa), cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus).


Ovid's poem tells the story of the beautiful nymph Daphne, who turned into a laurel tree after being pursued by Apollo. In the Bible, laurel is often mentioned as a symbol of prosperity and glory. In the Christian tradition, it symbolizes the resurrection of Christ. In Chinese folklore, there is a story about a large laurel tree on the moon.

In Ancient Greece, the heads of winners were decorated with laurel wreaths. For the Romans, the laurel was a symbol of wisdom, tranquility, and security. The richest temple built in honor of Apollo was installed here. The ancient Romans called the laurel noble. The plant was also used in sacrificial rituals.

ABOUT medicinal properties noble laurel was known to ancient healers. A decoction of the leaves helped pregnant women during labor and was used to restore the strength of a woman in labor after childbirth. Fresh branches of laurel were placed in the bedroom and tied to the crib so that the baby's sleep would be calmer and deeper.

Laurel has long become a popular seasoning in many European countries. It was added to food and drinks to treat hysteria, colic, to strengthen the digestive and respiratory system, as well as to stimulate menstruation.

Hippocrates advised the use of laurel oil to soothe pain during childbirth, Galen recommended laurel for urolithiasis, Arab doctor al-Razi - at nervous tic. Laurel also cured cholera, dysentery, malaria and repelled insects.

Impact on the body

Bay oil:

  • normalizes digestive system;
  • relieves indigestion, bloating, constipation and food poisoning;
  • strengthens the stomach;
  • increases appetite;
  • relieves colds, bronchitis and flu;
  • relieves cough;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • is good antispasmodic;
  • tones cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • lowers blood sugar;
  • has an anticarcinogenic effect;
  • rids the body of toxins;
  • has high bactericidal activity;
  • relieves the development of mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • has antiviral activity;
  • has high antioxidant and lipotropic activity;
  • has a warming effect;
  • helps normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • helps with rheumatic and muscle pain, osteochondrosis, salt deposits;
  • relieves bruises, pustules, wounds, contusions and fungal infections skin;
  • increases immunity;
  • eliminates depression, tension, fears;
  • stimulates memory and mental performance;
  • helps adapt to new climatic conditions;
  • improves sleep.

Cosmetic effects

Bay oil:

  • relieves inflammation skin;
  • gets rid of acne;
  • treats scars, acne, boils and scabies;
  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • helps fight dandruff;
  • relieves dry hair and scalp;
  • improves hair growth and structure;
  • strengthens nails.

Methods of internal use of bay oil

Bay oil should be taken orally 2 times a day. To do this, mix 1 drop of laurel with 1 teaspoon of honey. This remedy helps strengthen the stomach and improve digestion.

For pulmonary tuberculosis you can mix 1-2 drops of oil and 1/2 cup of hot water. Take 2-3 times a day before meals for one month.

For gastritis Dilute 1 drop of essential oil in a glass of decoction of 1 teaspoon of yarrow herb and one glass of boiling water. Drink 1/2 glass before and after meals.

Methods for external use of laurel essential oil

Bay oil must be used for massage for various types of pain, bruises and sprains: mix 5-7 drops with 10 ml of vegetable oil.

For colds, respiratory tract inflammation, cough You should rinse: mix 1 drop of oil with 200 ml of warm water. Inhalations can also be used against these diseases: 3 drops per 200 ml of water. The procedure time is 5-7 minutes.

Baths: 3-4 drops per 10 ml of vegetable or fatty oil. Helps to shoot different kinds pain and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

For skin infection You can apply compresses to damaged areas: 4-5 drops per 10 ml of base oil. For scabies, mix 1 drop of laurel with 20 ml of refined sunflower oil and lubricate the affected skin 2-3 times a day.

Enrichment cosmetics: 4-5 drops per 10 ml of base (mask, cream, lotion, shampoo, etc.). Helps get rid of brittle nails and hair, acne and other skin problems.

Other uses

Laurel essential oil is used as a fragrance in cosmetics and perfumes: eau de toilette, perfume, lotions, creams, etc.

Laurel is widely known as a seasoning in food, confectionery dishes, soups, sauces and canned food. Also used for the production of alcoholic and soft drinks.

Laurel is often used as an ornamental plant.


Bay oil should not be consumed during pregnancy and hypersensitivity skin. Overdose may cause headaches and skin irritation.



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