Mom compliments from which week to take. Three vitamin complexes from Complevit

Pregnancy is a joyful and exciting state for a woman. The need for vitamins at this time increases significantly, since minerals are required both to maintain the health of the mother and for the harmonious development of the child. Many mistakenly believe that the right and varied diet can cover the recommended daily intake of beneficial compounds. However, the need for minerals is so high that only special vitamin complexes can satisfy it. So, "Complivit Mama" can become an ideal drug. Reviews of pregnant women on these multimineral tablets are mostly positive.

Properties of the drug "Complivit Mom"

The vitamin complex contains 8 minerals and 11 vitamins in the concentration necessary for the mother. All vital elements for the body are presented in the Complivit Mama - the reviews of doctors about the remedy in this matter converge. The drug is manufactured and marketed in Russian Federation, therefore its composition is adapted to the climatic and environmental conditions of the country. When selecting the ratio of substances, the needs of the pregnant body in minerals are taken into account. All tests are carried out in laboratory conditions.

Release form

The drug is a yellow tablet (let's also say a light brown tone film shell). Possible pinkish tint. Tablets are presented in a biconvex oblong shape. When cut inside, vitamins have a gray yellow with colorful inclusions.

The vitamin complex is packed in special plastic jars with a screw-on lid, which are placed in cardboard boxes with a list of substances contained on reverse side. The number of tablets in one tube may vary and ranges from 30 to 60 units.

Composition "Complivit Mama"

For 1 tablet you have:

  • Vitamin A (retinol acetate) - 1650 IU.
  • Vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) - 20.00 mg.
  • Zinc (zinc sulfate heptahydrate) - 10.00 mg.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) - 2.00 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 5.00 mg.
  • Nicotinamide - 20.00 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 2.00 mg.
  • Folic acid - 0.40 mg.
  • Magnesium (magnesium oxide) - 25.00 mg.
  • Calcium pantothenate - 10.00 mg.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 0.005 mg.
  • Ergokaciferol - 0.00625 mg.
  • Phosphorus (calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate) - 19.00 mg.
  • Iron (iron furamate) - 10.00 mg.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 100.0 mg.
  • Manganese (manganese sulfate monohydrate) - 2.50 mg.
  • Copper (copper sulfate pentahydrate) - 2.00 mg.
  • Calcium (calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate) - 25.00 mg.

As excipients the composition also includes starch, talc, calcium stearate, lemon acid, sucrose, E122, soybean oil, titanium dioxide, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid, povidone, hyprolose, tropeolin O and povidone.

Useful properties of the vitamins included in the composition

In a certain way, each of the substances in the Complivit Mama preparation affects the health of the body. Reviews during pregnancy mainly describe positive effect in recovery wellness. So, vitamin A has a significant effect on visual acuity, improves skin condition, helps to normalize metabolism, stimulates the production of lipids and takes part in many redox reactions. The content of vitamin A is considered by some doctors to be a disadvantage of the Complivit Mama complex. The feedback from doctors about this compound is negative, as it can provoke deviations in the fetus.

Vitamin E stabilizes the work of the gonads, is a strong antioxidant, leads to normal condition circulatory system by participating in the formation of red cells.

A recognized wound healing substance is ascorbic acid - skin recovery with the use of vitamin C is accelerated by rapid education connective tissue. In addition, the substance effectively protects the body from various diseases. infectious nature, acts like strong antioxidant and reducing agent immune system.

Vitamin D2 improves the digestibility and absorption of calcium and phosphorus compounds, accelerates the synthesis of proteins containing calcium.

Group B in this vitamin complex is represented by a wide range of substances. You should pay attention to each of them.

Vitamins of group B in the composition

B vitamins work more effectively together, enhancing each other's influence. The specialists who developed the complex took into account this circumstance - there are several representatives of the corresponding group in the composition. Basically, they perform metabolic, hematopoietic and restorative functions. So, B1, thiamine, takes part in the energy conversion of glucose, normalizing the metabolism of carbohydrates. In addition, the substance is an indispensable component in the treatment of nervous abnormalities.

Riboflavin, the second vitamin of the group, is effective in the treatment of problems associated with vision. The substance improves cell metabolism, participates in protein metabolism and promotes the formation of blood hemoglobin.

Calcium pantothenate is a means of accelerating the recovery of the skin after any type of lesions. Vitamin B5 also forms mucous membranes internal organs and keeps them functioning properly.

B6 stabilizes the state nervous system through education and recovery nerve fibers. In addition, pyridoxine normalizes the functioning of the brain and eliminates the consequences long-term use oral contraceptives.

Folic acid (B9) performs the function of replenishing erythrocytes of the correct structure in the body and the synthesis of amino acid compounds.

Vitamin B12 is used as therapeutic substance in the treatment of neuralgia. Effective for skin regeneration and hematopoietic activity.

An extensive amount of vitamins is contained in the Complivit Mama complex. The review of doctors usually indicates this fact when describing the drug.

Useful properties of the minerals included in the complex

A number of essential minerals to maintain the health of the mother during pregnancy contains the drug "Complivit Mama". Reviews during lactation also indicate the benefits of this complex after childbirth. The need for sufficient mineral intake increases during such a period of time.

So, phosphorus, like calcium, has a positive effect on the condition of the bones of the expectant mother, preventing their fragility and fragility. The substance is an indispensable participant in many metabolic processes and a stimulator of the formation of minerals in the body.

Calcium is considered to be the main ion that forms bone tissue. In addition, it increases the ability of blood to clot and stabilizes the course of nervous processes.

Copper ions are involved in metabolic mechanisms. Their positive influence due to increased strength blood vessels and prevention of osteoporosis. Copper minimizes the risk of hypoxia and anemia.

Zinc reduces the likelihood of developing pathologies in a child, affects the production of insulin in the body and is a restorative component for most types of body tissues.

Iron is the first assistant in the treatment of anemia and the lack of a sufficient number of red blood cells. Also takes part in respiratory processes.

Magnesium prevents the risk of spontaneous abortions and symptoms of late toxicosis. Has a calming effect on the central nervous system and stabilizes arterial pressure organism.

For prevention and treatment inflammatory processes manganese is used, the ions of which are also present in the composition of the vitamin-mineral complex. The substance has a therapeutic effect in osteoarthritis.

Pharmacological action of vitamins

A significant part of pregnant women were helped to choose vitamins "Complivit Mama" reviews. It is attractive that the drug is the most balanced remedy that prevents the appearance of a deficiency of any essential mineral. Due to the influence on the amount of hemoglobin, the risk of developing anemia is reduced, the composition of the blood and its metabolic processes are normalized. Vitamin complex stabilizes lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in organism. That is why doctors recommend Complivit Mom when planning a pregnancy. Preconception Mineral Reviews Describe Improvement general condition and well-being.

Who is shown a vitamin complex

It is prescribed for a lack of vitamins in the body and for the prevention of mineral deficiency. With an unbalanced diet, the Complivit Mama complex is also recommended. Reviews when planning pregnancy indicate that it is enough to start taking the drug 90 days before the expected onset of conception to maintain the strength of the body. Minerals are also effective as prophylactic after colds and infections, during lactation and to prevent the appearance of fetal defects.

How to use "Complivit Mama"

The drug is convenient to take - just drink 1 tablet once a day at breakfast or immediately after, with a glass of water. enough warm water. It is forbidden to use the complex in high dosages, as it may be necessary to wash the stomach. This procedure contraindicated in pregnant women.

The duration of the reception is affected by "Complivit Mom" ​​review of the attending physician about physical condition women and the quality of her tests. There is usually a break between courses.

It should be noted that in some cases, B vitamins, especially riboflavin, can cause dark urine. This is normal reaction organism for the corresponding substances.

Who is contraindicated in vitamin complex

Intolerance to any of the components of the mixture is the basis for refusing to use. Due to the vastness of the composition, the Complivit Mama vitamins also have a number of contraindications. Reviews do not indicate any serious side effects.

So, the use of these vitamins is undesirable for women who have any kidney pathologies, especially urolithiasis disease, there is an increased content of iron and calcium in the blood, anemia due to a lack of vitamin B12 or excess content retinol acetate.

The drug is not used in childhood up to 12 years, as well as in the presence of allergic reactions to components, hypersensitivity to them or their intolerance. Before taking the vitamin complex, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What to do in case of an overdose

In case of an overdose, immediate medical attention is required, who will prescribe symptomatic treatment. The main methods of therapy include gastric lavage, drug withdrawal, intake of sorbents.

How "Complivit Mama" interacts with other drugs

Care should be taken to combine the mineral complex with antibiotics, as some of them may interact with the components of the tablets. For example, when using fluoroquinolone or tetracycline preparations, their absorption can be significantly slowed down due to the presence of calcium and iron in the vitamin complex. About especially important occasions combinations warns for vitamins "Complivit Mom" ​​instruction. Reviews of many women do not indicate the presence of sharply negative manifestations from mixing vitamins with anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.

Iron absorption also decreases with simultaneous use medicines With high content aluminium, magnesium, calcium and cholestyramine. This is especially true for anti-acid compounds.

Joint reception of the complex with ascorbic acid undesirable, since it is possible to increase the effect of sulfonamide preparations (including increasing side effects). This can provoke the appearance of crystalluria.

It should also be noted that an overdose of calcium is possible when vitamins are combined with thiazide diuretics.

Price for a package of vitamin complex

"Complivit Mama" is considered one of the most popular mineral preparations on Russian market due to the low price, availability for purchase in pharmacies and the absence of an extensive list of contraindications. Depending on the area of ​​purchase for a package of 30 tablets, the price varies from 135 to 160 rubles, from 60 - from 165 to 215, respectively. It is a complex of over-the-counter dispensing.

How to store the drug

The drug is stored at room temperature at a temperature not exceeding 20-25 degrees. The location of "Complivit Mama" should be dry and protected from direct sunlight. You should also limit the access of children to the drug.

"Complivit Mom": reviews of doctors

Most experts give a positive assessment vitamin complex "Complivit Mom", as it contains many elements necessary during pregnancy in balanced proportions. Nevertheless, doctors also note some disadvantages of the remedy. The first disadvantage of gynecologists is the lack of iodine in the composition of the drug. The substance is necessary for proper functioning thyroid gland and nervous system of the body. In addition, some experts are concerned about the presence of retinol acetate in Complivit Mom. Vitamin A can negatively affect the development of the child, and it is much safer in this case to take beta-carotene.

"Complivit Mom": reviews of pregnant women

Mothers' opinions about this drug vary greatly - some leave sharply negative feedback and some are positive.

Some women who took the vitamin complex during pregnancy experienced persistent drowsiness, weakness and fatigue. According to their estimates, such manifestations were not observed before the start of the use of Complivit Mama, and when the drug was changed, the symptoms completely disappeared. For some, in the first months of pregnancy, the vitamin complex caused nausea, and with a later intake, this effect disappeared.

Others speak well of the experience of use - the drug did not cause pronounced side effects in them. The overwhelming majority of children born to these women were healthy. In addition, many noticed that the quality of their hair, nails and skin did not suffer during pregnancy, and their health was almost always good.

Women note that “Complivit Mama” is advised to them by local gynecologists. In a number of clinics, the drug is issued free of charge. Some of the hosts admit that they chose Complivit Mom, reviews of nursing mothers special influence. Many preferred this drug because of the reluctance to overpay for similar more expensive complexes.


On the Internet, the reviews for vitamins for pregnant women "Complivit Mama" are positive. Due to the rich and balanced composition, the drug provides more than 70% of the daily intake of most substances that are necessary for the pregnant body. In addition, the complex has a low price, which makes it the most affordable multivitamin for pregnant women. When using, it is important to strictly follow the recommended dosages.

During pregnancy, the need for essential vitamins and minerals almost doubles - because now they are required not only to maintain the health of all the internal organs of a woman, but also for proper development and fetal growth. Some women believe that a varied diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products, will provide the body with all the necessary substances.

Unfortunately, it is not. Daily dosage vitamins, macro- and microelements required by a pregnant woman is so high that it is necessary to eat to cover it huge quantities most different products, which is physically beyond the power of even a man, not to mention the fair sex. In such a situation, multivitamin complexes come to the aid of the expectant mother. One of the most popular is Complivit Mom.

This complex contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals that are vital for the human body.

Now the pharmacological industry is releasing these vitamins with a new composition: until recently, one tablet contained 13 vitamins and 8 minerals.

Depending on the package chosen, the quantity can be 30 or 60 pieces per jar.

The ratio of components in the preparation is carefully selected in the laboratory, taking into account the climatic features of our country, as well as the need for individual substances and elements during childbearing. "Complivit Mama" is released Russian manufacturer, which allows you to fully assess the living conditions of a pregnant woman in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The drug is available in the form of yellow or yellow-brown tablets, packed in special jars, which are placed in cardboard boxes.

What is 1 tablet

The main effect of the drug

"Complivit Mom" ​​contributes to the normalization of hemoglobin in the blood, as a result of which it prevents the development of anemia, which is often diagnosed during pregnancy. Other blood parameters also improve, which often differ from the normal values ​​​​during the period of bearing a child.

The the complex also helps to control fat metabolism and carbohydrate, which is important for the general condition of the body. Thanks to this property, it is possible to maintain a constant level physical strength and activity for the implementation of work activities in that .

Indications for use

The multivitamin complex is prescribed for the prevention of deficiency of vitamin elements and minerals, which is extremely important for the health of the mother and for the development of the fetus. The lack of certain elements (for example, vitamin B9) can cause serious pathologies and birth defects the future baby.

Taking the drug "Complivit Mom" ​​can be recommended in the following situations:

  • meager diet of a pregnant woman;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • deficiency signs various vitamins and macro- and microelements;
  • pregnancy planning in the next 3 months;
  • lactation period;
  • to prevent the shortage of necessary elements.

How to apply

Vitamin and mineral complex "Complivit Mom" ​​is convenient in that you need to apply it only 1 time per day, 1 tablet drinking boiled water room temperature.

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in a dosage exceeding 1 tablet per day, as this can cause complications requiring gastric lavage, which is undesirable during pregnancy.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor observing the pregnancy, based on the state of health of the woman and indications for additional intake of synthetic vitamins.

Expectant mothers also need to know that B vitamins can cause dark yellow urine color - this is absolutely normal phenomenon, and if no other symptoms disturb the woman, then special measures such a state is not required.

When not to take Complivit Mom

Like any other medical preparation, the vitamin-mineral complex "Complivit Mom" ​​has contraindications for use. You can not choose these vitamins for women who have a history of the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • B12 deficiency anemia;
  • increased levels of calcium and iron in the body;
  • hypervitaminosis A.

Also, this complex should be abandoned if there is an individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug, since severe allergic reactions may occur.

Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

At serious pathologies in the work of the kidneys, you can take Complivit Mom only with the permission of the doctor after thorough examination and visual inspection.

Price range for this drug in Russia

Complivit Mom is one of the most affordable complexes that are prescribed for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as those who are just planning the appearance of a child in the near future. This explains its popularity among consumers, because average price for "Complivit Mama" (depending on the region) is from 170 to 210 rubles per jar containing 60 tablets. A pack of 30 tablets will cost about 140-150 rubles.

What do experts and consumers say?

Doctors' opinion

Most doctors consider Complivit Mom to be a pretty good source of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, however, certain disadvantages are still noted.

Valentina Katysheva, gynecologist:

“A very significant disadvantage of this complex is that it does not contain iodine - essential element responsible for the functions of the thyroid gland and the functioning of the nervous system. Considering the nutritional habits and eating habits of Russian women, the lack of given element Almost all women in our country have it. Therefore, I try to prescribe to my patients with the optimal amount of iodine in the composition.

Nadezhda Gaidukova, head gynecological department maternity hospital:

“In principle, the complex is quite good, the content of vitamins and minerals in 1 tablet covers the needs of the body of a pregnant woman by 75 percent. But I would advise replacing it with another drug at least in the first months of pregnancy, since it contains vitamin A in the form of retinol acetate, which is very undesirable for a child. Women who are carrying a baby should receive provitamin A (beta-carotene) - in this form it is absolutely safe for the formation and development of the fetus.

Maxim Sokolov, obstetrician-gynecologist:

“Very good product for the price. At balanced diet, which includes sufficient consumption of fish and seafood, is perfect for those who cannot afford to buy more expensive multivitamin complexes.

Opinions of women about the drug

Alena, 26 years old:

My review of Complivit Mom is rather negative. When I got pregnant for the first time, from the very beginning of pregnancy I began to take vitamins. The first choice was the Complivit Mom complex. The condition did not improve significantly, weakness, drowsiness and increased fatigue were still present. I don’t know if this is somehow related to these vitamins or not, but I began to feel much better. ”

Anastasia, 22 years old:

These vitamins were given to us for free in antenatal clinic in which I was registered for pregnancy. I took them until the very birth with short breaks. The baby was born strong and healthy, so I really liked this complex. And, by the way, the teeth and hair during this time did not deteriorate at all. Now I am breastfeeding my son, so I continue to take Complivit Mom for prevention. ”

Maria, 31 years old:

Like many, I decided not to spend a lot of money on analogues, but immediately took the drug cheaper, especially since the doctor at the site praised these vitamins very much. The complex may be good, but I often had bouts of nausea from it. Against the backdrop of severe toxicosis, it was, to put it mildly, not very pleasant. So I had to replace them with another drug. But in the 3rd trimester I took out a jar again and decided to finish it. Everything went fine, no side effects, the result is a healthy daughter with a heroic weight of 4.420 kg.

“Complivit Mom” is a multivitamin and nursing mother, which deserves a rather high rating, as it allows you to cover the need of this category of women for the basic elements necessary for favorable course pregnancy, as well as for the full growth of the fetus. At good diet it will be an excellent addition to the measures that a woman takes to bear a strong and healthy baby.

During childbearing female body needs a lot of minerals, vitamins, so a compliment for pregnant women will come in handy. Vitamins are necessary for the full development of the fetus and maintaining the health of the mother. Lack of trace elements and vitamins can cause serious violations during pregnancy, the appearance of pathologies in the development of the fetus.

Mineral Deficiency Complivit
Three months before planning a pregnancy, it will be useful for a future mother to take a complex of vitamins. dental problems during pregnancy.
It is important to take Daily dose Do not self-medicate

Sometimes beriberi can provoke premature termination of pregnancy. Complivit vitamins for pregnant women will allow you to enjoy a magical period of life, and not worry about the fact that valuable substances will not enter the baby's body. The expectant mother will also feel much better, because her body will receive constant nourishment.

These vitamins are designed specifically for expectant mothers. Also, they do not hurt to drink when planning conception. In this case, the drug:

  • compensates for the lack of vitamins, minerals;
  • prepares the body for bearing a child;
  • strengthens the immune system.

These vitamins are specially designed for expectant mothers.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

For pregnant women, it is very important to exclude the appearance of hypovitaminosis, and calcium supplement d3 perfectly copes with this task. The doctor prescribes it when the body needs to replenish the deficiency of minerals. The drug is also useful during breastfeeding. The composition of the drug includes full complex macro- and microelements that are compatible with the period of bearing a baby.

Just one tablet of vitamin for pregnant women from Complivit contains the daily intake of all mineral complexes, which, judging by the reviews of satisfied women, allows you to improve your well-being. It is enough to take one tablet in the morning to recharge with vivacity and energy for the whole day. In addition, nourishing the mother's body allows you to provide optimal development fetus.

Judging by the reviews of women, the compliment mom for pregnant women allows you to feel great during the 2nd and other trimesters. There are several conditions that are indications for prescribing a remedy.

  1. Increased immunity with simultaneous treatment of infectious and chronic pathologies.
  2. Unbalanced, malnutrition.
  3. Treatment, prevention of hypovitaminosis, deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

However, in addition to a large number of advantages, there are several disadvantages. However, they are inherent in almost all vitamins.

The composition of the funds for expectant mothers

As part of the drug Complivit Mama, developed for pregnant women, there are components that provide positive impact for a woman and her baby. It contains vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect, has a positive effect on muscle, nervous tissue, the function of the sex glands. Vitamin A is very important for recovery processes in the body. future mother. It affects the normal development of the placenta, is responsible for the growth of bones, bone tissues, and the construction of visual pigments.

Replenishes the lack of minerals

Due to vitamin B1, adequate functionality of the nervous system, carbohydrate metabolism is ensured, which is very important for expectant mothers. B2 is necessary for the vision of a pregnant woman. It is also involved in the development of the visual mechanisms of the fetus. B6 is needed in order to restore the reserves of pyridoxide in the female body. B12 improves the absorption of folic acid, promotes the growth of hematopoiesis and the development epithelial cells.

No less important is vitamin PP, which is involved in carbohydrate and fatty process, normalizes the processes of tissue respiration. Vitamin C maintains the normal state of the structure of teeth, bones, cartilage, improves immunity, is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin, and prevents inflammatory reactions.

Folic acid is necessary to prevent various fetal defects during the first trimester of pregnancy, in particular, pathologies maxillofacial cavity. Manganese prevents the development of osteoarthritis, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to copper and iron, which are also present in the composition of the popular complement for pregnant women, the walls of blood vessels receive oxygen and are strengthened. Zinc is involved in tissue regeneration, the formation of hormones and the formation of the skeleton of the fetus. Zinc also reduces the risk of developing pathologies in the baby. Phosphorus and calcium are beneficial for blood clotting and bone formation.

During the first trimester, the laying of the systems and organs of the child begins. That is why various diseases may affect his health. At this time, a woman is especially in need of folic acid, iodine, vitamins B12 and B6. All this is in the composition of vitamins Complivit Trimester 1 trimester for pregnant women. The price of the drug is low, and the benefits are invaluable.

In the middle of pregnancy, the fetus begins to actively grow and develop, therefore it takes a lot of resources from the body of its mother. A woman is especially acutely aware of hypovitaminosis, since she needs iron, zinc and calcium. Her nails may begin to break, the condition of her teeth worsens. The listed trace elements are part of Complivit Trimestrum 2 trimester. The preparation contains the required dosage trace elements and effectively eliminates hypovitaminosis.

During the third trimester, the female body prepares for childbirth and the approaching lactation period. The expectant mother needs vitamin D3, calcium, which is taken into account in vitamin preparation Complivit Trimestrum 3rd trimester.

Instructions for use and analogues

Before using Complivit for pregnant women, be sure to read the instructions for use. The remedy is taken every day, one tablet, either before or after breakfast. The duration of the course depends on individual features women.

The drug should be taken only after consulting a doctor, because it has its own contraindications and features. For example, iron and calcium, which are included in the composition, slow down the absorption of antibiotics with fluoroquinol and tetracycline antibiotics. If a woman is treated with them, you need to individually calculate the dosage.

Also, the drug is poorly compatible with drugs from the group of thiazide diuretics. If taken at the same time, the risk of developing hypercalcemia increases. Simultaneous reception Complivit and antacid medicines for heartburn reduce the efficiency of iron absorption, especially if the drug contains magnesium, aluminum or calcium.

That is why you do not need to listen to the reviews of girlfriends who took vitamins for pregnant women. The drug Complivit should be prescribed only by a doctor. There are also analogues of this tool.

9 months Vitamin and mineral complexSupports the level of metabolism, which is necessary for the growth and development of the fetus, the normalization of work hormonal system growth, tissue renewal.About 400 rubles
Multiproduct for pregnant womenEngaged in the regulation of metabolic processes in the female body.About 170 rubles
Magnesium plusCompensates for the lack of magnesium, eliminates conditions associated with a deficiency of this microelement.About 140 rubles
Multi-tabs PrenatalContains ingredients that help effective prevention beriberi during pregnancy and lactation.About 540 rubles
VitrumThe drug normalizes reproductive function, prevents the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, prevents increased fragility, capillary permeability.About 600 rubles
Contraindications and overdose of the drug

Pregnant women should definitely check with the doctor if they can complete it, because the popular drug is not useful for everyone. For example, it is not assigned to those who have individual intolerance any of its components. It is also contraindicated in the following cases.

  1. Hypercalciuria.
  2. Hypercalcemia.
  3. Osteoporosis.
  4. calcium nephrolithiasis.
  5. Decalcifying tumors (bone metastases, myeloma, sarcoidosis).
  6. Chronic renal failure.
  7. Pulmonary tuberculosis.

Many non-pregnant girls are interested in whether they can take a course of complementary mom. The drug will not cause harm, but it contains exactly the dosage of vitamins that pregnant women need. Therefore, it is best to choose a drug that can solve exactly your problems.

Help with planning a baby

An overdose of Complivit for pregnant women is possible. This is evidenced by the reviews of the girls. An overdose usually manifests itself in the form of dizziness, bouts of vomiting and nausea. You need to stop taking the pills immediately. Do not take on your own Activated carbon or gastric lavage. Your best bet is to call your doctor right away.

Sometimes there are side effects that are expressed in the form of allergic reactions. Rarely, indigestion occurs. If you immediately stop taking the drug, all these phenomena will disappear. Most often, the doctor will simply prescribe a different vitamin complex. It is worth knowing that Complivit vitamins, created for pregnant women, can stain urine in a rich yellow color. Do not worry, because this is just the effect of a large number vitamin B2.

Alena Ivanova:

I took Complivit, designed for pregnant women, during the 2nd trimester. I was pregnant with twins, so the body was very weakened. After this drug I started to feel much better.

Maria Moskvina:

I took Complivit, which is sold specifically for pregnant women, because I arranged the price for it. Other vitamins were much more expensive. I did not notice any significant changes in my state of health, but it definitely did not get worse.

Valeria Krantseva:

My mother took a complement for pregnant women. The sister's comments were of interest, so I asked the doctor, he allowed it. I had a lack of calcium in the body when I was carrying my daughter. I drank the course of the drug and the deficit was replenished. I liked it, I will recommend it to my friends.

Also find out the whole truth about and

Complivit for pregnant women - vitamins, which are increasingly preferred by women who are expecting a baby. Such popularity is due not only to its advertising, but also to a number of advantages compared to other vitamin complexes of this series. Affordable price, domestic production (compared to the well-known imported drug Elevit), quality determines the choice of these vitamins by many women. The peculiarity of this tool is that the complex contains three different sets in accordance with the gestational age.

Complivit for pregnant women includes three groups of drugs, the names of which coincide with the names of the trimesters. Each group contains elements relevant for a particular stage of pregnancy. Separate periods prenatal development the baby is characterized by the need for the presence of various vitamins and trace elements. It all depends on the stage of formation of the fetus and its organs.

Recommendations regarding the choice of a particular group must be given by the doctor. After all, the development of the pregnancy process is individual. And in some cases, small doses of vitamins are needed. IN vitamin complex x Complivit, you can choose exactly the group that contains the optimal number of vitamins for a particular period of development of the crumbs.

Qualitative and quantitative composition

All three groups of the drug contain the same composition of vitamins. Differences are only in their doses, which depends on the stage of pregnancy.

The first trimester is the period when all systems are laid. The need for folic acid, iodine, vitamins B12 and B6 is increasing. They are present in the Complivit Trimester complex 1 trimester. The second stage is characterized active growth fetus. All the necessary components for this are contained in Complivit Trimester 2 trimester.

In the third trimester, a woman's body prepares for childbirth and breastfeeding. The need for vitamin D3, calcium, which in required quantities present in Complivit Trimester 3rd trimester. The complexes contain the following vitamins:

  1. A is responsible for maintaining normal functioning the immune system of a woman, for the development of the fetal skeleton without pathologies.
  2. E is a powerful antioxidant.
  3. B1 participates in metabolic processes.
  4. B2 - responsible for energy metabolism in tissues.
  5. B6, without which the circulation of amino acids is impossible.
  6. C enhances immunity.
  7. PP prevents the development of pellagra, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  8. B9, being essential vitamin for expectant mothers, participates in the nervous system of the fetus.
  9. B5 is involved in the metabolic processes of the body.
  10. B12 is indispensable in the creation shaped elements blood. Supports the functioning of the nervous system.
  11. D3 is essential for proper bone development and skeletal maintenance.
  12. P (rutin) is an antioxidant.
  13. F activates the activity of brain structures and the circulatory system.

The composition of the drug includes such components as:

  1. Lutein is responsible for vision.
  2. Iron involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and protecting against anemia.
  3. Manganese and copper are important for functioning hematopoietic system and harmonious functioning of the sex glands.
  4. Zinc and iodine regulate the activity of the endocrine system
  5. Magnesium and calcium are involved in the bookmark various bodies, as well as further functioning.
  6. Selenium is a strong antioxidant among minerals.

These components are extremely important for human development, including intrauterine. They allow the development of all organs and systems, respectively. age stage without pathologies and deviations.

Features of manufacturing technology

The manufacturing process of the drug is called separate granulation. This technology differs from others in that the individual elements in each tablet are grouped in microscopic quantities. In this case, they do not mix. As a result, the components cannot interact, because this does not always have a positive effect on the body. Sometimes some vitamins. This favorably affects the absorption of vitamins in the digestive tract.

Another main distinctive feature of the drug is that during its development the degree of occurrence of reactions is reduced allergic nature. This is important for the pregnancy process.

Application features and cost

Instructions for use are attached to a jar of vitamins. It contains all the necessary information.

Complivit is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis;
  • replenishment of the lack of minerals;
  • health promotion at the stage;
  • increased milk production, which is important for lactating women.

Contraindications to the use of the vitamin complex are:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • excess vitamins in the body;
  • excess calcium;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • osteoporosis;
  • calcium nephrolithiasis;
  • the presence of decalcifying tumors (sarcoidosis, myeloma, metastases in various bones);
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • chronic pathologies of the kidneys;
  • childhood.

Vitamins must be drunk every day during the time prescribed by the doctor, 1 tablet. It is advisable to take them in the morning after meals. Need to take vitamins big amount water. Many are interested in the question: how much does the drug cost? Its price fluctuates, depending on the complex, and is a little over 200 rubles.

The fact that during pregnancy a woman's body must be constantly replenished with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is known to every expectant mother. After all, it is vitamins that are the guarantor of the full development of the unborn baby. lack of vitamins and essential trace elements can provoke the development of serious disorders during pregnancy, as well as the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the baby. In some cases, a lack of vitamins causes premature termination of pregnancy. Vitamins Complivit will allow you not to worry about your health and enjoy this magical period, since from now on they take responsibility for the supply valuable substances for your baby and for your overall health. And all because this complex of vitamins is designed specifically for expectant mothers and nursing mothers. Let's take a closer look at what is included in the Complivit vitamins and who are these vitamins shown to?

Complivit during pregnancy:

- indications for use

As a rule, Complivit vitamins are prescribed by a specialist as a prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, and also if the body of a pregnant woman should make up for the deficiency of minerals. In addition, Complivit vitamins are often prescribed to improve health during pregnancy planning and enhance milk production during breastfeeding.

- composition of vitamins Complivit

As part of this drug there is a full range of micro and macro elements that are compatible with the period of pregnancy. 1 tablet of Complivit contains daily rate all the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes, therefore, by taking a pill in the morning, you will charge your body with energy and vivacity for the whole day, until the evening. Complivit vitamins fully satisfy all the needs of the “pregnant” body in essential vitamins and minerals, which improves well-being and ensures optimal development intrauterine fetus. In addition, Complivit vitamins are also taken after childbirth, during breastfeeding, since this drug promotes milk production.

The composition of vitamins Complivit is as follows:

  • Vitamin E - has antioxidant property, has a positive effect on the function of the sex glands, has a beneficial effect on the nervous and muscle tissues.
  • Vitamin A - plays essential role V recovery processes body of a pregnant woman, contributes to normal development placenta, increases the growth of bone tissue of the embryo, participates in the construction of visual pigments, regulates bone growth.
  • Vitamin B1 - produces carbohydrate metabolism and ensures optimal functionality of the nervous system, which is very important during pregnancy.
  • Vitamin B2 - helps to improve the vision of the expectant mother, and is also directly involved in the development of the visual mechanisms of the unborn baby.
  • - essential component to restore the reserves of pyridoxine in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Vitamin B12 - participates in the development of epithelial cells, normal growth hematopoiesis, better absorbs folic acid.
  • Vitamin PP - optimizes all processes of tissue respiration, participates in the processes of fat and carbon metabolism.
  • Vitamin C - essential for maintaining the structure of cartilage, bones and teeth. Promotes the formation of hemoglobin, improves immunity, prevents inflammatory reactions.
  • Folic acid is a necessary component that prevents the development of defects in the unborn baby on early dates pregnancy, including the defect of the maxillofacial cavity.
  • Manganese has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents osteoarthritis.
  • Iron and copper will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and provide them with oxygen. In addition, they will prevent the development of anemia.
  • Zinc is necessary for the formation of the skeleton of the future baby, tissue regeneration, as well as in the formation of hormones, including insulin. Reduces the likelihood of developing fetal anomalies.
  • Calcium and phosphorus are substances that are essential for bone formation and blood clotting.

- how to take Complivit for pregnant women?

In conclusion, we recall that the Complivit vitamin complex should be prescribed only by a doctor, so as not to provoke allergic reaction or side effects in the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, you cannot prescribe a course of vitamins on your own.

Take Complivit vitamins during pregnancy, 1 tablet in the morning, after meals, with a glass of clean water.

That's all a pregnant woman needs to know about Complivit vitamins. Therefore, armed with knowledge, consult your gynecologist about taking this drug and be healthy!

Especially for Ira Romaniy

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