What is Duphaston prescribed for in gynecology? Use in childhood

Dydrogesterone is a synthetic hormone that prepares a woman’s body for pregnancy. It is also taken for endometriosis, irregular and disrupted menstrual cycles. It is also prescribed for therapeutic treatment hormonal levels in a woman and when a woman desires to have a child, but is unable to become pregnant. If a woman cannot get pregnant, but really wants this drug, the doctor may prescribe Duphaston.

Taking Duphaston during pregnancy. In what cases is the drug taken?

When a woman really wants to get pregnant, and all the diagnoses of both her and her partner are in order, but perhaps as a result of some past diseases, injuries, or may not be able to get pregnant as a result of stress, the doctor may prescribe Duphaston. This hormonal drug can also be prescribed to prepare the uterus and all pelvic organs for prenatal activity. Dufason is not the least involved in the collection of milk into the mammary glands. The very task of Duphaston is to increase the level of progesterone, the so-called “pregnancy hormone,” which may, in some circumstances, be reduced to the maximum. Basically, such processes of the natural presence of the hormone progesterone are reduced when:
  • The woman's age exceeds 35 - 40 years. During this period, the uterus fades and weakens more and more, and the egg becomes more “lazy” and does not always accept the zygote;
  • If a woman has more than two or three children. Then the egg “gets tired” and it is not always possible to get pregnant, even in sufficient time. at a young age;
  • If the egg does not match with the sperm. There is such a thing as “gene incompatibility”. It depends on the fact that there is too much melanin in the mother’s blood, and there is also plenty of it in the father’s blood. Then the antigens that are already contained in the blood of the partners repel each other. Roughly grieving “minus for minus” or “plus for plus”;
  • If the parents have the same blood type. In this case, it is very difficult for a woman to become pregnant. Antibodies in the blood push the sperm out. If you ask, what does blood have to do with it - despite the fact that sperm, without having blood in it, but the male sexual organ rubs against the walls of the vagina and transmits its “information” to the female body.
  • If a woman has had an abortion or miscarriage. The body has a hard time recovering. Of course, it’s different for everyone, but if three or more years have passed, your body is not just exhausted, but devastated, it needs help.

How to take the medicine

It depends on your diagnosis.
  • Miscarriage - 10 mg twice a day from 11 to 25 days.
  • Upon conception (there is a threat) - from the twentieth week the dose begins to be reduced.
  • Threat of interruption - 40 mg of dydrogesterone once a day. After the decline high risk- 10 mg every eight hours.
  • PMS - 10 mg from days 11 to 25 for three to six months.
  • When using HRT (hormone replacement therapy), use strictly in combined composition with estrogens.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Contraindications, as with every hormone, are naturally present. The most important of them are:
  • Breakthrough bleeding. This is the process of uterine bleeding that occurs when the uterus itself thins. This mainly occurs after taking estrogens, especially uncontrolled without special medical recommendations.
  • Liver diseases. Hepatitis of any group will cause neutralization of the hormone due to inflammation, so there will be no point in taking Duphaston. This drug is also contraindicated for Rotor and Dabin-Johnson diseases.
  • It is necessary to discontinue use during breastfeeding.

There comes a time in every family when it decides to have offspring. For the birth of a small life, future parents undergo a full examination and take medications for favorable conception. Gynecologists often prescribe Duphaston for. It is necessary to take the drug only according to indications and after familiarizing yourself with its properties.

Duphaston - properties

The drug is intended for a therapeutic effect on the body of women who have certain problems conceiving or bearing a child. These disorders can occur at low levels of such steroid hormone, like progesterone. It is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries; the menstrual cycle and the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy depend on it.

A woman's cycle is divided into 2 phases:

  1. Proliferative (follicular). At this time, estrogens predominate in the body, thanks to which the dominant follicle matures.
  2. Secretory (luteal). During ovulation, the egg moves to fallopian tube. And in its place there is a formation corpus luteum, synthesizing progesterone. After that in mucous layer blood supply to the uterus increases, it loosens and thickens.

These processes create ideal conditions for conception and implantation of a fertilized egg. If this procedure is violated or fails in a woman’s body, the gynecologist prescribes Duphaston tablets. They contain the main active ingredient called dydrogesterone (10 mg). This is an absolutely safe synthetic hormone, similar in structure to progesterone.

Each tablet is white. Additional components are:

  • silica;
  • maize starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose monohydrate.

The main indicator for using the drug Duphaston when planning pregnancy is the lack of your own progesterone, caused by all sorts of cases. The drug does not interfere with liver function, carbohydrate metabolism, or gastrointestinal activity. This medicine does not have contraceptive properties, does not suppress ovulation and helps restore and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Is it possible to drink duphaston when planning pregnancy?

Answering the question about whether you should drink Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, it should be said that it is absolutely safe, but it is taken for certain indications. The main criteria are:

  • insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle;
  • , which promotes miscarriages and prevents a woman from carrying a baby.

If expectant mother In the anamnesis, there is repeated experience of termination of pregnancy, then they speak of such a disease as “habitual miscarriage”. In this case, the hormonal drug Duphaston must be taken when planning pregnancy in order to cure infertility. The medicine should be taken in a course over a long period of time, and the dosage should be reduced gradually.

How does Duphaston affect the body?

The main effect of Duphaston when planning pregnancy is to restore the woman's hormonal levels. You need to take the medication for a long time - at least 6 cycles in a row. This drug It is considered the safest and at the same time effective in cases of threatened miscarriage at any stage, the possibility of fetal fading, or to prevent premature birth.

When planning pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed for the following indications:

  • when a woman has childbearing age no menstruation for more than six months;
  • irregular cycle - constants, which are confirmed in the laboratory during testing;
  • dysmenorrhea – bleeding during menstruation or its painful course.

How does Duphaston affect ovulation?

Women who dream of becoming a mother as soon as possible often wonder how Duphaston affects ovulation. Reproduction is influenced by many factors, the most important of which is hormonal system, chronic diseases or sexually transmitted infections. The drug provides normal course menstrual cycle, but also promotes the production of progesterone.

If a woman has normal levels of this hormone, then its excess leads to blocking ovulation and long-awaited pregnancy doesn't come. Gynecologists prescribe Duphaston in the 2nd half of the cycle, but after full examination and undergoing an ultrasound. This is done in order to determine the amount of progesterone, describe correct treatment, and in case of conception, save the fetus.

How does Duphaston affect the endometrium?

The pathology of the endometrium often lies in its redundancy. This problem is related to hormonal disorders in a woman’s body and is easily solved thanks to modern medicine. In this case, Duphaston is used when planning last stage cycle that successfully copes with the problem. The main indications for taking the medicine are:

  • corpus luteum deficiency;
  • hormone-dependent dysmenorrhea;
  • infertility;
  • excessive growth of the endometrium, which has been exposed to estrogen.

Does Duphaston affect basal temperature?

Many women, wanting to get pregnant, monitor their pregnancy. It helps determine the day of ovulation, and this means conceiving a child. Taking Duphaston eliminates the possibility of affecting this indicator, although it is an artificial analogue of the human natural hormone. The drug can be safely taken at any stage.

Does Duphaston affect weight?

This medicine is well absorbed into gastrointestinal tract, therefore does not have any effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. This is main reason what you won't type excess weight When taking the drug Duphaston, its use should be avoided if individual intolerance. A woman may gain weight due to poor metabolism or an unbalanced diet.

How to take Duphaston when planning pregnancy?

Answering the question about how to drink Duphaston correctly when planning a pregnancy, it is worth saying that the dosage and interval should be determined by a specialist. They begin taking the medication in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the day after ovulation. As a rule, this is only one tablet per day, but there are exceptions that depend on the characteristics of the woman’s body and the specific situation.

There is no special plan for how to take Duphaston. If the cycle consists of four weeks, then use the drug from days 11 to 25 for six months. At this time, the woman should become pregnant, but the medication should not be stopped. They continue to drink it for another 16 weeks until the placenta is fully formed and begins to produce progesterone on its own.

When should you start drinking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy?

If married couple has been active for 2 years sex life, A desired conception did not occur, then in these cases doctors put terrible diagnosis"Infertility". Taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy successfully helps to cope with this disease, and the woman is able to carry and give birth healthy baby. The medicine is prescribed after taking hormone tests in the 2nd phase.

Duphaston - dosage regimen when planning pregnancy

Future parents very often ask how to drink Duphaston when planning a pregnancy? In order to calculate the exact dosage, you need to know the exact amount of the hormone in the blood. To do this, they take tests after ovulation, if you don’t know exact date, then you will need:

  1. Monitor your basal temperature.
  2. Take a test for the date of conception.
  3. Go for an ultrasound until the doctor sees a mature follicle.

Based finished results, the gynecologist prescribes Duphaston, the dosage when planning pregnancy is at least 10 mg of the active substance. The maximum concentration of these enzymes in plasma occurs 2 hours after taking the medicine. The pills are not taken every day: they need to be taken after ovulation and finished on the first day of menstruation if conception has not occurred.

Duphaston when planning a pregnancy after a missed abortion?

If a woman has had spontaneous abortions in her life, the use of Duphaston when planning a pregnancy is simply mandatory. The medicine will not only help to firmly establish fertilized egg, but also the onset of conception. The dosage in this case is up to 40 mg at the first dose, and then one tablet every 8 hours. The medication is continued for up to 20 weeks, if there is no threat of fading.

Cancellation of Duphaston when planning pregnancy

If your tests return to normal while taking the medication, then discontinuation of Duphaston is carried out gradually and only according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor. For example, today you take three pills, tomorrow – two, the day after tomorrow – one pill. During pregnancy planning this medication They stop drinking only with the arrival of menstruation. This is done so that a hormonal imbalance does not occur in the woman’s body.

Duphaston - contraindications and side effects

Each medicine has its own advantages and disadvantages, side effects or cases of overdose. This drug is well tolerated, but it also has some unpleasant consequences. Women have the following reactions to the medication:

  • skin rash;
  • headache or migraine;
  • breakthrough bleeding;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver.

Duphaston has a gestogenic pharmacological effect. Main active substance is dydrogesterone, which is similar to natural progesterone. It is used to detect a lack of progesterone of endogenous origin. When the drug enters the body, the development of hyperplastic disorders and carcinogenesis in the endometrial area is stopped. One of positive effects its use means there is no contraceptive effect on the woman’s body, since ovulation and menstruation are not suppressed. Duphaston also does not affect the ability to bear fruit.

1. Pharmacological action

A synthetic analogue of the hormone progesterone. Does not affect the blood coagulation system and does not cause side effects. Therapeutic effect Duphaston is aimed at the endometrium of the uterus, preventing disorders associated with progesterone deficiency.

Not a contraceptive.

The concentration of Duphaston in the blood plasma reaches its maximum two hours after its ingestion. Binding to blood proteins is almost complete. The drug is neutralized in the liver by biochemical reactions with the formation of breakdown products, excretion through the kidneys.

2. indications for use

  • Threat of miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency;
  • Painful menstruation;
  • Growth of the endometrium of the uterus;
  • Uterine bleeding caused by disturbances in its function;
  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Lack of menstruation;
  • Infertility due to luteinizing hormone deficiency;
  • Irregular menstruation.

3. Method of application

Recommended dosage of Duphaston for the treatment of various conditions:
  • Proliferation of the endometrium of the uterus: 10 mg of the drug up to 3 times a day, starting from the 5th and ending with the 25th day of the cycle. Continuous use possible;
  • Threat: initial dosage - 40 mg of the drug once, then 10 mg of the drug at intervals of 8 hours until the threat disappears;
  • Premenstrual syndrome: 10 mg of the drug twice a day, starting from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle;
  • Irregular menstruation: 10 mg of Duphaston twice a day, starting from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle;
  • Elimination of uterine bleeding: 10 mg of the drug twice a day for a week;
  • Prevention of uterine bleeding: 10 mg of Duphaston twice a day, starting from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle;
  • Infertility due to luteinizing hormone deficiency: 10 mg of the drug per day, starting from the 14th and ending with the 25th day of the cycle for 6 subsequent cycles;
  • Recurrent miscarriage: 10 mg twice daily until the 20th week of pregnancy. Next, Duphaston continues to be taken, gradually reducing the dosage;
  • Painful menstruation: 10 mg of the drug twice a day, starting from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle;
  • Absence of menstruation: 10 mg of Duphaston twice a day, starting from the 11th and ending with the 25th day of the cycle, simultaneously with female sex hormones (once a day throughout the cycle);
  • Replacement therapy: 10 mg of the drug once a day for two weeks, in combination with continuous intake of female sex hormones.
Features of application:
  • If uterine bleeding occurs after a course of treatment with Duphaston, you should definitely undergo instrumental examination for the presence of a uterine tumor;
  • Before starting replacement hormone therapy, you should collect a complete medical history of the patient and undergo the necessary instrumental examinations;
  • Duphaston does not cause drowsiness, confusion or decreased reactivity, as a result of which it can be safely used by persons whose activities involve rapid reaction or driving.

4. Side effects

5. Contraindications

  • Hereditary galactose intolerance;
  • Dubin-Jones syndrome;
  • Individual intolerance to Duphaston and its components;
  • Irritable stomach syndrome;
  • Rotor syndrome;
  • Increased sensitivity to Duphaston and its components;
  • Congenital lactase deficiency.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Duphaston approved for use during pregnancy strictly according to medical indications and exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.

The use of Duphaston during lactation is possible only if complete failure from breastfeeding throughout the entire treatment period.

7. Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous use Duphaston with drugs that inhibit the activity of macrosomal liver enzymes leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of Duphaston.

8. Overdose

Overdose of Duphastonon this moment not described.

9. Release form

Tablets, 10 mg - 20, 28, 84 or 112 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

Duphaston is stored in a dry, dark place, well protected from access by children.

11. Composition

1 tablet of Duphaston:

  • dydrogesterone - 10 mg;
  • Excipients: lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed according to the prescription of the attending physician.

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* Instructions for medical use for the drug Duphaston has been published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

Duphaston: instructions for use


1 film-coated tablet contains: active substance: dydrogesterone, 10 mg;

excipients: lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate;

shell: Opadry white Y-1-7000 (hypromellose, polyethylene glycol 400, titanium dioxide (El 71)).


Round biconvex tablet white, beveled, film-coated, scored on one side, engraved with an “S” over the “T” on one side of the tablet and “155” on the other side (on both sides of the score).

Indications for use

Progesterone deficiency

Conditions characterized by progesterone deficiency:

Hormone replacement therapy

To neutralize the proliferative effect of estrogens on the endometrium as part of HRT in women with disorders caused by natural or surgical menopause with an intact uterus.


Hypersensitivity to dydrogesterone or other components of the drug.

With caution: itchy skin during previous pregnancy.

Currently, there is no data on the negative effects of dydrogesterone in patients with chronic renal failure.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug can be used during pregnancy (see indications for use). Dydrogesterone is released from mother's milk. Breast-feeding It is not recommended while taking Duphaston.

Directions for use and doses

Used internally. .

Endometriosis. 10 mg 2-3 times a day from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle or continuously.

Infertility (caused by luteal insufficiency). 10 mg per day from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle. Treatment should be carried out continuously for at least 6 consecutive cycles. It is recommended to continue treatment in the first months of pregnancy as recommended for routine abortion.

Threatened abortion. 40 mg once, then 10 mg every 8 hours until symptoms disappear.

Habitual abortion. 10 mg 2 times a day until the 20th week of pregnancy, followed by

gradual dose reduction.

Premenstrual syndrome. 10 mg 2 times a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.

Dysmenorrhea. 10 mg 2 times a day from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle.

Irregular menstruation. 10 mg 2 times a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.

Amenorrhea, estrogen drug once a day from the 1st to the 25th day of the cycle along with 10 mg of Duphaston 2 times a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (to stop bleeding). 10 mg 2 times a day for 5 or 7 days.

Dysfunctional (to prevent bleeding). 10 mg twice a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.

HRT in combination with estrogens.

With a continuous regimen of estrogen intake - 1 tablet for 14 days within a 28-day cycle.

With a cyclic regimen of taking estrogen - 1 tablet of dydrogesterone 10 mg per day during the last 12-14 days of taking estrogen.

If a biopsy or ultrasonography indicates an insufficient response to the progestogen drug, the daily dose of dydrogesterone should be increased to 20 mg.

Side effect

From the hematopoietic system:

V isolated cases hemolytic anemia was noted.

From the immune system:

Very in rare cases- hypersensitivity reactions.

From the central nervous system: headache/migraine.

From the hepatobiliary system:

Rarely, minor liver dysfunction has been reported, sometimes accompanied by weakness or malaise, jaundice and abdominal pain.

From the reproductive system:

in rare cases, breakthrough bleeding may occur, which can be prevented by increasing the dose of the drug. Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissue:

allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching, hives. Very rarely - Quincke's edema.

Common disorders:

very rarely - peripheral edema.


There have been no reports of overdose symptoms. In case of accidental ingestion at a dose significantly higher than the therapeutic dose, gastric lavage is recommended. There is no specific antidote; treatment should be symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs

Cases of incompatibility with others medicines unknown. Inducers of microsomal liver enzymes (phenobarbital, rifampicin) can accelerate the metabolism of dydrogesterone and reduce the effect.

Features of application

Some patients may experience breakthrough bleeding, which can be prevented by increasing the dose of the drug.

If dydrogesterone is prescribed in combination with estrogens (for example, for HRT), you should carefully read the contraindications and warnings associated with the use of estrogens. Before starting the use of a combination of dydrogesterone and estrogen (for HRT), a complete medical history should be collected. During treatment, it is recommended to periodically monitor individual tolerance HRT. The patient should be informed about what changes in the mammary glands she should report to the doctor or nurse. Studies including mammography should be performed in accordance with routine patient screening. In women receiving HRT, the exact risk and benefit are assessed over time. Sometimes breakthrough bleeding may occur during the first months of treatment. If breakthrough bleeding occurs after a certain period of taking the drug or continues after a course of treatment, the cause should be studied and an endometrial biopsy done to exclude malignant changes in the endometrium. Conditions that require observation. Patients should be carefully assessed if they have a history of progesterone-dependent tumors (eg, meningioma), or if they have progressed during pregnancy or during previous hormonal therapy.

Release form

Film-coated tablets, 10 mg. 20 tablets in PVC/Al blister. 1 PVC/Al blister along with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box.

Conception, pregnancy, birth healthy child– these events, natural for most women, remain just a dream for some. The inability to conceive, maintain a pregnancy, or carry a baby to term is often due to hormonal imbalances, or rather, insufficient production of progesterone. For this pathology, duphaston is prescribed, a synthetic analogue of the hormone of the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum. The drug affects the woman’s body like progesterone.

Progesterone – “pregnancy hormone”

Progesterone, in interaction with estradiol, regulates the menstrual cycle. In the preovulatory phase, the follicle matures under the influence of estrogen. At the moment (release of the egg due to rupture of the follicle) and in the postovulatory phase, progesterone plays the “main violin”.

Produces its corpus luteum - iron formed during ovulation internal secretion. Progesterone prepares the uterine lining for implantation of a fertilized egg: functional layer the endometrium thickens and becomes loose. When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum hormone:

  • prevents miscarriage by inhibiting activity (motility) smooth muscle uterus;
  • prevents ovulation of newly formed follicles;
  • prepares breast tissue for breastfeeding;
  • promotes the formation of a mucous plug in the cervical canal;
  • affects psycho-emotional state women, relieving excitement, providing a calming effect.

With the correct hormonal status, all these processes occur in a woman’s body “automatically”: conception, a normal pregnancy, the birth of a healthy baby. The slightest deviations or failures lead to insufficient progesterone production. Problems begin: inability to conceive, miscarriage. It is in such cases that gynecologists prescribe duphaston.

For more information about the effect of progesterone on the body of a pregnant woman, see the video review:

In what cases during pregnancy is duphaston prescribed?

Since duphaston contains dydrogesterone (a synthetic analogue of the corpus luteum hormone), the drug is indicated for repeated spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) and the inability to become pregnant due to insufficient progesterone production. In these cases, a synthetic analogue (progestagen) compensates for the lack of its own “pregnancy hormone”. Duphaston is prescribed only after determining the hormonal status. note: blood is donated “for hormones” after ovulation, that is, in the second phase of the cycle. It is advisable, in order to avoid errors, to additionally perform analysis in other laboratories and compare the results.

Can duphaston be taken for self-medication?

Uncontrolled use of duphaston without careful medical examination and determining the level of hormones in the blood is fraught with an unpredictable reaction of the body. Don’t forget that the drug is hormonal, so arguments like “it helped Svetka get pregnant and will help me” or “I read it on my favorite forum” are not enough to risk your health. There are many reasons for infertility, low level progesterone is just one of them. Important: the wrong dosage regimen for duphaston sometimes gives reverse effect: The pills will “work” as a contraceptive.

Taking duphaston

The dosage regimen is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle. Usually, at the stage of pregnancy planning, 1-2 tablets are prescribed from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle for six months. If pregnancy occurs, continue taking the drug until the 16th week. At this time, the placenta is formed and the production of its own progesterone increases. If there is a history of spontaneous abortions, the drug is prescribed until the 20th week of pregnancy. In case of threat of miscarriage, take up to 40 mg (4 tablets) at a time, followed by a subsequent reduction in dosage.

When stopping duphaston daily dose gradually adjusted in a decreasing manner. Individual scheme The dosage reduction is determined by the doctor. Important: Do not suddenly stop taking the pills - this can cause bleeding and even miscarriage.

Taking duphaston during IVF

During IVF, duphaston is prescribed both to prepare the uterine lining for implantation of a fertilized egg, and to reduce the risk of fetal rejection (the drug blocks cells of the immune system).

Duphaston: side effects

The most dangerous side effect Duphaston is breakthrough bleeding, which can be stopped by increasing the dose of the drug. Possible renal dysfunction, nausea, and prolonged headaches. Duphaston is prescribed with caution:

How safe is duphaston?

Opinions about the safety of duphaston are divided. If domestic doctors are confident in the harmlessness of the drug and exclude it Negative influence both on the mother’s body and on the fetus, their foreign colleagues think differently.

Duphaston has been discontinued in the UK. This is explained by the little-studied effect of dydrogesterone and the possibility of its teratogenic effect on the fetus (violation embryonic development, congenital deformities)

Duphaston: pros and cons

To take or not to take duphaston? The question is complex, akin to Shakespeare’s “to be or not to be.” On the one hand, the drug helped many women forget the diagnosis of infertility and become the mother of a long-awaited baby. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that reports of the ineffectiveness of duphaston or its teratogenic effect will not soon appear. Therefore, one should be guided by the principle: “do no harm.” You should take the medicine only after examination, consultation with several specialists (gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist) and full confidence need to take this particular drug.

Clinical pharmacologist, doctor highest category Nazarova Marina Sergeevna



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