How to quickly cure a sore on the face. Ointments for treatment

Until now, wounds are treated using two main techniques. This is a treatment under a bandage and without a bandage.

When carrying out treatment without the use of a bandage, that is, with open method, a protective element is a scab or crust formed on the wound, which is a special formation of necrotic (dead) tissues, as well as coagulated blood and dried pus.

The formation of a crust begins immediately after, in which a yellowish tissue fluid begins to concentrate, in the process of its hardening it forms a crust.

Often tissue fluid confused with pus. However, pus cannot form from the very beginning of the wound, it has a more viscous consistency and characteristic odor which most find unpleasant. In order for the wound to heal and the healing process to begin, the body needs to completely remove all foreign substances from the wound and provide it with new “building” material.

Thus, a special type of wound healing is carried out in the form of a crust of coagulated blood and lymph, which are tightly attached to wound surface. Similar crusts occur with abrasions and burns of the second degree, superficial wounds and abrasions with subsequent blistering.

A constant flow is needed to form a scab fresh air for drying the protruding lymphatic fluid, which contributes to its coagulation and the formation of a film on the wound surface. The crust on the wound is thus a natural dressing, under which the epithelialization of the damaged area of ​​the skin is carried out. This is a highly effective wound protection against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into it, however, on wounds large areas this technique is not applicable, since the crust slows down the formation of the superficial skin layer, and therefore slows down healing.

When and how does the crust fall off?

It is so arranged that the crust on the wound falls off as it epithelizes. If, nevertheless, it becomes necessary to remove the formed crust, for example, in case of accumulation of purulent contents under it, it should first be soaked with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or furatsilin. After thorough soaking, the crust is carefully lifted by the separated part, peeled off to the possible length and in this place carefully cut with sharp sterile scissors. At the same time, they do not try to tear off the part that has not peeled off, but leave it in place.
On average, it takes three to five days for wounds on the face to heal, on the arms or on the chest - up to a week, and wounds on the limbs heal in a week and a half.

If pus accumulates in the wound, it can be pumped out using a scalpel or needle, but this procedure must be performed medical worker. This is not a very painful operation, but it brings quick relief.
However, even taking into account the effectiveness of the natural crust that our body produces, immediately after the injury, it is still necessary to treat the wound.

First of all, it follows, for this you should press on the wound and keep it in this state for six to eight minutes. After stopping the flow of blood, will decrease and pain. To reduce the risk of infection, the injured area should immediately be washed with tap water, after which scratches, cuts or abrasions should be smeared with an antibiotic ointment, for example, a streptocidal ointment or a “rescuer” is suitable, and cover the treated area with a plaster on top, or tie gauze. Before going to bed, remove the bandage, let the wound breathe. To painlessly separate the adhered bandage, it should be slightly moistened with salted water (a teaspoon of salt per 0.5 l of water).

If there are no complications on the wound, the crust should not be torn off. It is optimal to wait out the period during which it will disappear by itself. By tearing off the crust, you can reopen the wound, in which case the healing process begins again.

There are many causes of acne on the skin - hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, violation fat metabolism. When an abscess appears, most people try to quickly get rid of the defect by squeezing out the contents of the follicle. After a pimple, a wound remains. If the wound is not treated, bacteria will get into it, and the inflammatory process will begin. How to speed up the healing of a teased area, everyone who has ever faced the problem of acne is thinking.

Traditional medicines that accelerate the regeneration process

The pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection of drugs that have a healing effect on problem areas. The most popular medicines that are used if required fast elimination problems are:

Having wondered how to get rid of sores after acne, first of all, you should consult a doctor
  • gel "Pheniran". This tool launches regenerative processes skin to reduce inflammation. If the gel is applied immediately after squeezing out the abscess, there will be no trace of the wound after 6-12 hours. The main advantage of the drug is that it quickly acts on the problem area, healing the skin without crusting, even if the girl picks it up a lot;
  • "Alazol". This wound healing product comes in the form of a spray. It is convenient for them to treat acne wounds. Thanks to sea buckthorn oil, the basis of the spray, the remedy eliminates acne wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • "Algofin" and "Levomekol" - an ointment for wound healing. The drugs are made from natural ingredients, penetrating deeply into the layers of the skin, acting at the cellular level. Acne ointment quickly relieves inflammation, starts the regenerative processes of the epidermis. Active ingredients prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, disinfecting damaged follicles;
  • zinc ointment for acne has been used for a long time. Before applying it, the wound from the abscess is treated alcohol solution. Then a thick layer of ointment is applied, leaving it for several hours. The tool perfectly disinfects, stopping inflammation, dries the damage, which allows you to accelerate the healing of the epidermis.

Having wondered about the prevention of acne holes, the girl should purchase a series of medicines

Thinking about how to quickly heal an ulcer, most people opt for drugs that have alcohol base("Dimenside", iodine, "Fukortsin"). They quickly dry the skin, leaving colored, hard-to-remove traces on it. And if you use an incorrectly diluted "Dimexide", you can get burns.

Traditional medicine

Secrets will help in deciding how to quickly heal an acne wound traditional medicine. Now, as in the old days, everything more people use herbal decoctions, plant juices to improve the condition skin, make the complexion healthy without additional cosmetics. Here are the most popular and effective recipes.

When thinking about how to get rid of acne wounds, people often use improvised means - toothpaste, shaving foam. These products are made on the basis of antiseptics, so they heal superficial injuries perfectly.

Good healing effect home plant– scarlet

What to do if the sore is inflamed

Sometimes inflammation provokes the growth of acne wounds. How to get rid of the problem and pain without a visit to the doctor? In this case, you need to use special preparations based on Vishnevsky's ointment. These medicines have a strong unpleasant odor, so it is recommended to apply them before bedtime. Vishnevsky's ointment draws pus out, stopping inflammation. In the morning, the compress is removed, and the contents of the boil are squeezed out until a drop of blood appears. The problem of how to remove pus and pain is solved.

Now you can choose how to heal the wound. The best option- disinfect it with an alcohol solution, apply zinc ointment(another drug that has a drying effect). To relieve swelling, you can wipe the place with a decoction of rosemary. The healing power of the infusion, thanks to its regenerative effect on tissues, promotes quick recovery skin cover.

If there are 10–20 simultaneously inflamed abscesses, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. Popular remedy containing erythromycin (antibiotic a wide range actions) - "Zinerit" in the form of a lotion. The action of the main component is enhanced by zinc acetate, which eliminates inflammation and dries up irritation.

The affected area should be smeared with Vishnevsky or Ichthyol ointment.

If 30-40 pustules are inflamed at the same time, you should consult a doctor. Based on results laboratory tests antibiotics are prescribed internal use(suspensions, tablets, capsules).

What absolutely cannot be done

To avoid long-term treatment and the appearance at the site of a small pustule of an ulcer with advanced inflammatory process, looking for ways to get rid of wounds after acne, you can not:

  • squeeze out the contents, scratch, scratch the damaged area;
  • steam out the skin. Contrary to popular belief, enlarged pores do not help eliminate the ulcer, but contribute to the deep spread of inflammation, exacerbating the situation;
  • peel off the crust formed over the healing wound. By negligence, you can bring an infection into the body and then think about how to cure a running inflammatory process.
  • mask pustules with cosmetics. Powder or foundation clogs the pores, does not allow air to pass through, which only increases swelling.

Do not apply acne ointment to dirty skin. Together with the remedy, bacteria will get inside the open sore, infecting it.

Pyoderma - chronic or acute illness skin, caused by staphylococci, streptococci, less often - by other microorganisms. Insect bites, diaper rash, scratching and other microtraumas of the skin contribute to the occurrence of pustular pathologies. Some forms of the disease are caused by metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system.

You will need

  • - hydrogen peroxide 3%, Solcoseryl, Vulnuzan, Levomikol;
  • - viburnum berries;
  • - black poplar buds, olive oil;
  • - resin;
  • - "Vinilin";
  • - leaves walnut, succession grass, strawberry leaves, tricolor violet grass;
  • - burdock root, elecampane root, walnut leaves.


Traditional treatment aimed at boosting the immune system restorative means, vitamin therapy. Outwardly recommended: treatment of sores with hydrogen peroxide, further use of drugs that accelerate scarring - Solcoseryl, Vulnuzan, Levomikol, etc.

Traditional medicine will come to the rescue. Fast healing and the removal of damaged tissues is facilitated by their treatment with viburnum juice. Apply berry pulp to the sore 2-3 times a day, not forgetting to wash it off with warm water an hour and a half after application. Sores heal very quickly, leaving no scars or scars.

Grind 2 cups of black poplar buds to a powder. Fill them with 120 ml olive oil and put for 2 hours on a slow boil water bath. Cool, filter. After treating the sores with hydrogen peroxide, lubricate them with prepared oil. The sores disappear quickly and leave no traces.

Very effective method to get rid of sores is to lubricate them with resin. After treating the damaged areas of the skin with hydrogen peroxide, apply on them thin layer spruce resin. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

No less effective is the use of ready-made pharmaceutical preparation"Vinilin", which is also made on the basis of resin. Lubricate sores 3-4 times a day, and they will heal very quickly.

At frequent relapses pyoderma recommended next remedy. Take equal amounts of walnut leaves, strawberry leaf, string grass, tricolor violet grass, chop and mix. Pour 50 grams of the prepared mixture into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. After insisting for 40-45 minutes, strain. Take during the day in between meals 0.5 cup 5-7 times. The course is 5-7 days.

Also, to cleanse the body of coccal infection, prepare the following composition. Take 50 grams of burdock root, elecampane root, walnut leaves, chop and mix. Pour a tablespoon of the prepared composition with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain after cooling. Take a glass every 3 hours during the day. Repeat the procedure every month for six months, and you will forget about the sores for a long time.

Any wound on the face is a broken integrity of the skin. May occur when various factors, with insufficient hygiene, untimely treatment of abrasions, and so on. Since the skin of the face is a very sensitive area, the treatment will be different, gentle. When using strong aggressive drugs, the appearance of allergic rash and on the face.

Causes of weeping wounds on the face

When weeping wounds appear on the face, this may mean that not only the outer shell of the body suffers, but also any functions are impaired. The causes of occurrence may be different:

But do not immediately sound the alarm if such rashes appear on the face. Perhaps the reason for their appearance lies elsewhere. Cosmetic factors can also cause such a reaction:

  • reduced immunity
  • unbalanced diet
  • polluted environment
  • inadequate hygiene

How to recognize and diagnose

Such rashes on the skin do not appear immediately visually. You can begin to act in advance by detecting the symptoms of the appearance of such wounds. In most cases, dermatitis begins with peeling and dry skin. Small crusts may form at the sites of peeling. The skin area is slightly swollen and reddened.

After a while, redness forms at the site. The bubbles of the rash are different, with clear liquid, blood or pus inside. After the bursting of these bubbles of the rash, weeping sores remain in their place. In more difficult cases there is weakness, fever, the body begins to shiver.

If left untreated, there may be serious consequences such as anemia, intestinal disorders, bacterial infection. Also, dermatitis can spread to the whole body and go into chronic form, which is difficult to cure and the treatment of which reaches several years.

Only a specialist can accurately diagnose the disease, therefore, if any symptoms are found, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist. At the first examination and careful questioning, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis on the day of treatment. By appearance A dermatologist can make two diagnoses. The first is eczema, the second is dermatitis. With a more thorough examination, the diagnosis will be clarified.

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How to quickly heal a burn - proven tips

Basically, eczema is a lesion of skin areas, inflammation occurs in the epidermis. Whereas dermatitis covers deeper areas of the skin and body systems.

During the interview, the doctor will rule out or confirm primary causes diseases. such as: allergic reaction, chemical poisoning or professional harm. With a lack of information, analyzes and studies will be carried out. Blood donation for hemoglobin and leukocytes is usually prescribed, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is checked. Scrapings from the site of the lesion of the face are also being studied.

Methods of dealing with weeping sores

As it turned out, before starting treatment, it is required to find out the cause and diagnosis. If the cause is an allergy. Then you should simply stop contact with the allergen and prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.

First of all, wounds on the face should be healed with the help of regenerating drugs. For drying, you can use zinc ointment, a solution of iodine or brilliant green for local treatment. After drying the wounds, the dry crust should be lubricated with a moisturizing cream with the effect of tissue regeneration.

If the cause is hormonal or endocrine disruption, the treatment will be more difficult. In such cases, general strengthening therapy is prescribed. The use of antiallergic drugs that increase immunity and vitamin complex. In more complex - hormonal therapy.

In the event of a fungal infection, antifungal drugs in conjunction with vitamins, immuno-boosting drugs and sedatives. In the case of diagnosing herpes, the treatment is prescribed as follows:

  • change in nutrition and hygiene
  • topical antiseptic treatment
  • moisturize crusts with creams
  • application antiviral ointments and tablets
  • boosting immunity

Mandatory wound care information

During the course of the disease, it is not necessary to open and scratch weeping wounds. This may help spread. During processing, you should be extremely careful and use some mandatory tips and recommendations:

  • Thoroughly wash and disinfect hands before treating wounds
  • Use sterile material for dressing
  • Do not open a weeping wound
  • Do not tear off the adhered bandage, but moisten with chlorhexidine, remove

The appearance of a sore on any part of the body causes a person to experience: it is both painful and ugly. If such a nuisance appears on the face, then the situation seems even more unbearable. It seems that those around you are only busy discussing the imperfection of your appearance. In fact, of course, this is not the case.

But the question of how to quickly cure a sore should not lose relevance from this. If the lesion on the face is not caused by an insect bite or a blow, it is likely that this may be a manifestation of a viral (herpes) or streptococcal infection(pyodermatitis). And this requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

If you are sure that there is nothing dangerous behind the desire to quickly cure the sore, you can turn to folk recipes:

  • Pass 3 small cloves of garlic through a garlic press (can be chopped on a grater) and place in a container. Pour alcohol there (4 tablespoons) and mix the composition. The remedy is insisted for at least a day in the dark and cool. After that, it can be used as a base for dressings. They need to be changed twice a day. It should be noted that this method is absolutely not applicable when sensitive skin. Otherwise, you will also have to overcome the consequences of a burn.
  • Another potion with garlic: take a tablespoon of this burning healer (in crushed form) and honey. The mixture is brought to readiness in a dark place for 2 days.
  • Resin coniferous trees- resin - a wonderful healing agent against sores. It is applied to the affected area with a thin layer three times a day. Before use, the face is wiped with hydrogen peroxide.
  • The name of the plant "celandine" is not accidental - it really allows you to cleanse the skin of wounds. To prepare a medicinal drug, you need to mix 30 g of vegetable raw materials with 100 ml of olive oil, hold in a water bath for 2 hours and put in a cool dark place for 2 days. Strained celandine oil perfectly heals any sores.
  • Rarely in which apartment does not grow aloe, which has proven healing properties. The sheet must be washed and cut along the longitudinal line. The watery part is applied to the sore and kept there until completely dry. After that, the procedure must be repeated.
  • Application of ointment with propolis (5 g), wax (5 g) on vaseline base(50 g) solves the problem of how to quickly cure a sore. The components are mixed and heated in a fifteen-minute water bath. Apply the mixture on the sore for a day, fix the bandage on top with a plaster. The result will certainly please you.

Treatment according to traditional medicine prescriptions is appropriate if the sores do not spread throughout the face, do not become larger in size, and inflammatory response is not amplified. Otherwise, medical intervention necessary. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.



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