Student misbehavior: a conversation with a student. Scheme of individual conversation with students

In the work of any teacher, teacher, director of an educational institution, there have been cases of unpleasant communication with parents of students. Of course, such situations are possible due to the fault of the teacher, but there are situations when conflicts occur due to character traits or bad mood parents themselves, they themselves provoke conflicts, do not refuse to build a constructive dialogue, make threats, write unfounded statements to higher authorities, etc.

Such situations are clearly have a negative impact on work both individual teachers and the team as a whole: this contributes to a decrease in teacher self-esteem, a decrease in performance, increased conflicts within the team, as well as a “teacher-director” conflict when the teacher does not see support from the director. And it’s not easy for the director: on the one hand there is a parent with threats, on the other there is a teacher, a member of the team whom he must protect, but who, in principle, has taken a course in psychology and conflictology and knows several techniques for working to prevent conflict.

This has already been discussed on our website, but what to do with “inadequate” people, with clearly unreasonable demands, boorish, rude people?

As a rule, “inadequate” - "professional" brawlers: they can make a scandal out of any situation, unbalancing any person. Such people like “violent emotions” and deliberately provoke their interlocutor. In such a situation, the main thing is not to give in, to determine for yourself that the person is only seeking a scandal and to “switch” attention from it to something else. When communicating with such a person there is only one rule: answer calmly, politely, with dignity and without raising your voice, it is better to speak in general phrases and in no case make excuses for anything. As soon as the “inadequate” person understands that you will not become his victim, he will calm down and begin to behave differently. Perhaps you can discuss pressing matters, or it would be better to postpone normal dialogue to another time. At school, you don’t talk to such parents one-on-one, but when a colleague or administrator is nearby.

How to react to a violent outburst of emotions from a parent?

  • Don't interrupt. Silently, with a smile, listen to everything they tell you. Do not take these words to heart: just listen and sometimes assent, ask again, your posture should be “open”: do not cross your arms, look into the face. This will help you understand the parent’s complaints, and he himself, after speaking out, will calm down.
  • Express your understanding and regret in his situation, make it clear that you are generally on the side of the parent, the child, that you wish them well. If you are really guilty of something and admit it, say it out loud and apologize. If you consider the demands and complaints to be unreasonable, then wait until the parent calms down and either bring the dialogue to an end, or offer to meet at another, more convenient time for you and the parent, for example, in the principal’s office or in the teacher’s room.
Remember: in school the teacher is in charge, and you control the situation. Take the situation into your own hands, learn not to take unintelligible nagging to heart, and such situations will never ruin your mood.

But there is another opinion:

“To allow such an attitude means simply cherishing their (inadequate) paranoia and bad thoughts. That is, the balance between receiving and giving is disrupted. After all, if you think about it, by accepting such behavior and putting up with it, we are simply shifting someone else’s burden onto our shoulders. Just count how much patience and nerves it takes just to bring such a person to his senses, to listen to ridiculous nagging...To what extent is it possible to tolerate such bullying?”
What do you think?

Together with him, we analyzed his behavior and identified what needs to be changed.

The conversation ended with the boy promising to behave well and do everything agreed upon.

In the first days after the conversation, Volodya’s behavior changed dramatically.

The conversation was conducted on January 23, 1955. The teacher reported that Volodya behaved well on January 23 and January 25. He remained in school and did not respond with rude objections to the “D” he received. Came to class on time after recess.

25/1 Volodya greeted us with a smile, was delighted to meet us, and said that everything was fine.

26/1 did the same. But already 27/1, i.e. on the fifth day after the conversation, he began to behave worse again.

28/1M. I. complained that Volodya behaved very badly. He was rude in class, during a test he demanded that something he didn’t understand be immediately explained to him, he left the lesson and walked around the school.

28/1 Volodya greeted us very gloomily, he was silent and gloomy. When asked what happened, he replied: “I couldn’t behave well.” - "Why?" - “I couldn’t, I don’t know why, nothing comes of it.”

Thus, the conversation fulfilled its role - creating Volodya’s intention and changing his attitude towards his actions, which can be judged by the way he behaved in the first days, and by the fact that he was upset by his inability to maintain the new forms of behavior that had appeared. However, as a result of the fact that we did not use the techniques described above aimed at highlighting for the boy’s consciousness individual specific segments of behavior that need correction (writing them down, monitoring, self-control), it turned out that Volodya was unable to carry out the decision made; old habitual forms of behavior again replaced still unstable new forms. We explained to the boy that this was a temporary setback, that he was already accustomed to behaving in a certain way, and therefore it was difficult to change everything right away. They suggested writing down what needs to be done in order to improve.

Select and write down the following points.

1. Stay to prepare homework at school.

2. Do not answer if a friend addresses him in class.

3. Don’t say anything in class if you get a bad grade. If you don’t understand why this mark is given, ask M.I. after the lesson.

4. Do not ask permission to leave during class.

5. Spend recess with Vitya (with the boy who agreed to help Volodya master his behavior).

6. Immediately after the bell rings for class, drop everything you’re doing and go to class.

It was agreed that Volodya would daily mark against all points the fulfillment (with a plus sign) or non-fulfillment (with a minus sign) of what was written down.


Nadezhda Mukhina
Summary of the conversation with high school students “Let's talk about love”

Target. Understand what love is, what are the stages love.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

3. Main part.

It all starts with love...

They say: "In the beginning was the word..."

And I proclaim again:

It all starts with love.

It all starts with love:

And inspiration, and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child -

It all starts with love!

It all starts with love!

WITH love! I know that for sure.

Everything, even hatred -

Eternal Sister love.

It all starts with love:

Dream and fear, wine and gunpowder,

Tragedy, melancholy and feat -

It all starts with love.

Spring will whisper to you: "Live..."

And you will sway from the whisper,

And straighten up and begin...

It all starts with love!

R. Rozhdestvensky.

What is love? Can we explain this?

What is love? (parable)

I was about 15 years old when, on a quiet evening in early autumn, sitting with my grandmother under a spreading apple tree and looking at the flying cranes, I asked:

Grandma, what is love?

She knew how to explain the most difficult things with a fairy tale. Her black eyes became thoughtful and anxious. She looked at me with some kind of hidden surprise.

What is love? ...When God created the world, he taught living beings to continue their race - to give birth to their own kind. God settled a man and a woman in the field, taught them to build a hut, gave the man a shovel, and the woman a handful of grain.

Live, continue your family line, - said God, - and I will go about the housework. I’ll come back in a year and see how you’re doing here...

God comes to people a year later with the Archangel Gabriel. Comes early - early, before sunrise. He sees a man and a woman sitting near a hut, with bread ripening in the field in front of them. They sit and look at the pink sky, then into each other’s eyes. At that moment when their eyes met, God saw in them some unknown power, a beauty incomprehensible to him. This beauty was more beautiful than the sky and the sun, the earth and the stars - this is love. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky.)

"The Greatest Gain of Humanity".

What do you think are the similarities between friendship and love?

Why friendship can be called a school love?

What is the main meaning of the concept "Love"? Think about these questions throughout the lesson.

William Shakespeare wrote: “Love is the shine of the sun, following the rain... Love is always fresh, like a bright spring color.” And here are the words of Gyo those: “The soul knows happiness only by loving”. Molière heartfelt noticed: “The day would darken in the soul and darkness would come again if we drove love out of it.” The recognition of A.P. is surprising. Chekhov: “When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that.” ABOUT love wrote Homer and the author "Tales about Igor's Campaign", Leo Tolstoy and Stendhal, Pushkin and Goethe, Gorky and Sholokhov... The great minds of mankind thought about its nature, purpose, role in the life of every person and society as a whole.

If we set out to read everything what is written about love, we would not have had enough of our whole lives. And yet the topic love remains unexplored. It is inexhaustible - the feeling is so rich and versatile in content love, it is so unique in its form of manifestation, so amazing is its development.

Is love only the love of a man and a woman?

Who else do you love?

Exercise. Draw a circle of those people, things around your "I" that you love.

Love for the homeland, for the mother, love for music, for cinema, for books, love for a girl, woman, man, love for one’s business, for life, etc. The ambiguity and versatility of this concept is inexhaustible. But it almost always means a feeling of selfless affection, the most complex, highest human feeling.

In ancient times, the relationship between a man and a woman was a manifestation of the sexual instinct. Gradually, the relationship began to acquire a human, social character. However, it was still impossible to characterize this relationship as love. Many, many centuries passed before the moment of selectivity appeared. The basis was external physical data, youth, health.

Developing, becoming more complex and ennobled, love for a person of the opposite sex began to be based on an appreciation of beauty. An important stage in the further development of this feeling was knightly love - the worship of a woman, a Beautiful Lady. This kind of love is called romantic. In knightly love The worship of a woman’s physical beauty still prevailed, and at the same time it little affected the inner, spiritual world of people. "Lady of the Heart" was an ideal for the knight, but by no means a friend; while showing her signs of external worship, he had not yet condescended to recognize her as an equal person.

So there are three stages love: love is platonic, love is passion, love is kinship.

In your opinion, how do these stages differ from each other?

Love in the bourgeois world. Love exists outside of marriage. In slave and feudal societies, love often had nothing to do with marriage. But love is the basis of marriage, and marriage without love rarely happy.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Do you think love influences the transformation of a person himself and his personal qualities?


  1. Find out students' views on this issue.
  2. Introduce students to the Code of Friendship. Help children realize what qualities are important in friendship. Provide students with guidelines for establishing, maintaining, and maintaining friendships.
  3. Contribute to the formation of skills of constructive interaction in the group.
  4. Help overcome communication barriers. Improve communication skills.
  5. Increase children's self-esteem.


  • Students analyze their relationships with people around them, adjust and introduce novelty into these relationships.
  • Students' awareness of the importance and necessity of friendly relationships.


  1. Ball or toy.
  2. Sayings and proverbs about friendship.
  3. Code of Friendship.
  4. Sheets of paper, pens or pencils.
  5. Materials for the exercise “What is important for friendship?”

The conversation is designed for 3 lessons, 1 time per week. Possibly carried out during classroom hours. The whole class participates in the conversation without prior preparation.



A short story about the purpose of the conversation, about the features of the upcoming meetings. Formulation of the problem.

Exercise “What I love to do most and what I would like to learn”


  1. Creation of trusting relationships in the group.
  2. Formation of children's positive attitude towards each other.
  3. Increasing children's self-esteem.

Task: Provide students with the opportunity to get to know each other better.

“You have been studying at school together for a long time. Each of you is an interesting person, an interesting personality, each of you contributes to the affairs of the class, to intra-class relationships. As you pass the ball (or toy) to each other, say your name and tell a little about what each of you likes to do and what you do best. And also tell me about what you would like to learn.”

Discussion on the topic of the lesson

Question: What is friendship?

“Friendship” (dictionary) is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

“Friendship” (dictionary) is an intrinsically valuable relationship, which in itself is a benefit, since friends help each other selflessly.

“Friendship” (dictionary) is individually selective and based on mutual sympathy.

It is known that friends can be permanent or temporary. We call temporary friends buddies.

Questions: - How are buddies different from friends?

How many true friends can a person have?

Conducted sociological studies have shown that people who claimed to have many friends, in a difficult, critical situation, remained either with themselves or with close relatives. And people who claimed that they had few friends (1-3 people) always found support and understanding from them. Thus, we can say that there are never many true friends. But any person must have not only friends, but also buddies.

So, friends are those whom we trust, who will not betray us, who will not let us down, who are able to support us in difficult times, sympathize with us and help. We can entrust all our revelations to a friend. Over the course of his life, a person gains and, unfortunately, sometimes loses friends due to various situations. Friendship brings us a lot of joy. Friendships can change as we ourselves grow and change.

Question: Who is a friend? What qualities should he ideally have?

Exercise “My ideal friend”

Target: students' awareness of the qualities that are valued in friendship.

Task: self-analysis by students of their views on the qualities necessary in friendship.

Students are asked to write in groups the qualities that a friend needs. “A friend is someone who...”

Joint discussion of the results.

Discussion in circles


If your best friend said what he/she likes most about you, what exactly do you think he/she would say?

If this person were asked to say what he doesn’t like about you, what do you think he would say?

What do you think is most important in friendship?

What can interfere with friendship?

Introduction to the code of friendship (rules of friendship).

The Code of Friendship, developed by domestic sociologists and psychologists:

  1. Everything is tested by time, over the years! If there is a person next to you with whom you communicate regularly for 3 - 5 years or more, with whom you have common interests, mutual understanding, common views, common memories, if you can always turn to him with your questions and problems and you know for sure that there will be no refusal - this means that you have a friend!
  2. Friendship must be treasured, cherished and protected! Know that it is always easy to quarrel, but making peace and forgiving is very difficult. It's better to discuss than to argue.
  3. Never compare your new friend with other or former friends! If you do this, it means that you are dissatisfied with something. And discontent leads to distrust. Mistrust is the horse of friendship.
  4. Remember that everyone is different! Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Don't try to change your friend - it's not fair to him.
  5. Friendship is a mutual process! This means that you also need understanding and attentiveness towards your friend.
  6. Don't treat your friend the way you wouldn't want them to treat you.
  7. Friendship involves trust and sincerity. Therefore, be sincere with your friends! Remember the saying: “What goes around comes around, so comes around.” A person always gets suspicious for being suspicious, for lying - a lie, for openness - openness.

The Code of Friendship, developed by European psychologists and sociologists:

  1. Share news about your successes.
  2. Offer emotional support.
  3. Volunteer to help when needed.
  4. Try to make your friend feel good in your company.
  5. Return debts and services provided.
  6. You need to be confident in your friend, trust him.
  7. Protect a friend in his absence.
  8. Be tolerant of the rest of his friends.
  9. Don't criticize your friend publicly.
  10. Maintain trusted secrets.
  11. Don't be jealous or criticize your friend's other personal relationships
  12. Don't be annoying, don't lecture.
  13. Respect your friend's inner peace and autonomy.


What do these two codes of friendship have in common? What is the difference?

What rules do you think are especially important to follow to strengthen and maintain friendship?

Do you think failure to follow what rules can lead to the breakdown of friendships?

Discussion of sayings, proverbs and situations

1. The poet Mikhail Svetlov (1903-1964), having written poems, often read them to friends on the phone at any time of the day or night. Svetlov’s friend, awakened once again in the middle of the night by a telephone call, reproached him: “Do you know what time it is?”

“Friendship is a 24-hour concept!” Svetlov answered.

2. Khoja Nasreddin was once asked: “Can you tell me how many friends you have in this city?”

“How much now,” Khoja answered, “I can’t say, because I had a good harvest this year, I live in abundance. And friends are known in trouble.”

3. An Eastern sage was asked: “Why do friends easily turn into enemies, while enemies become friends with great difficulty?” He replied: “It is easier to destroy a house than to build it, to break a vessel is easier than to repair it, to spend money is easier than to acquire it.”

Exercise “What is Important for Friendship?”


  • consolidation of acquired knowledge about friendship,
  • forming new relationships with people around you

Task: expand your ideas about friendly relationships.

Rank the following statements in order of importance to you. What is important for friendship:

  1. Let each other copy tests and homework.
  2. Protect each other from offenders.
  3. Come up with interesting games together.
  4. Be able to sympathize, support, console.
  5. Treat each other with sweets.
  6. Be able to tell each other the truth, even if it is not very pleasant.
  7. Be able to give in to each other.
  8. Visit each other often.
  9. Always say only nice words to each other.
  10. Be able to share news.
  11. To help each other.
  12. Be able to listen to each other and understand.
  13. Be able to be tolerant of your friend's other friends.
  14. Don't quarrel with each other over trifles.
  15. Sincerely rejoice at each other's successes.

Questions:- Why do you think you often hear the following phrases from guys: “I don’t have a real friend,” “I can’t find friends,” “It’s difficult for me to be friends,” and so on?

Where can a person find friends?

Of course, friends can be found anywhere. But I would like to note that best friends are friends from childhood and school. At school it is easier to find a person with whom you will be interested, with whom you will have common plans, common views, common interests, common problems and affairs. It is easier for you to understand each other.

Do you think there are age limits for friendship?

Research and surveys have established that there are no age restrictions. But still, most people are of the opinion that a friend should be the same age or a little older or younger than you.

In conclusion, some useful tips:

Don't be too critical of the people around you. To establish relationships, it is very important what impression you make on the people around you. People always see you as you present yourself.

To make friends you need to be able to communicate. Communication is an art! Communication has to be learned. In this regard, do not be critical, suspicious, gloomy and suspicious. If you are always energetic, moderately open, and calm, you are attractive to others.

Conduct yourself in such a way that people have reason to treat you with respect and see you as a strong and attractive person. Try not to think badly of anyone. Give yourself an exam: try for a week not to slander or gossip about anyone, either out loud or to yourself. It's pretty hard! But it turns out that if we ourselves do not think badly of anyone, then it seems to us that everyone also thinks only good things about us.

Build your attitude and communication with others “on equal terms”, do not hurt what is dear to a person: his clothing style, his hobbies, his loved ones, his ideals and values.

Be careful with humor. The most dangerous humor is that which is directed at another person. If you value the good mood of yourself and those around you, then before you joke, think about the consequences.

As for advice, they rarely teach, but often anger. Therefore, to those who like to give advice, I would like to say that they should be given only when you are asked for it and only such for which you will be grateful.

Be attentive to those around you, don’t forget to say hello, don’t forget to congratulate people on holidays, remember the birthdays of the people around you.

And then they will definitely notice you, they will definitely remember you, they will value your communication, they will appreciate and respect you. And each of you will have real friends, permanent friends who will help you in the most difficult life situations.

Now let's try to remember the code of friendship.

Features of the conversation:

It is more convenient to conduct a conversation when the participants sit in a circle. It is advisable to decorate the office: prepare an exhibition of books on this topic, including fiction, design posters with statements and sayings about friendship.

1. At the end of each lesson, there must be a discussion of the results. The feelings of the group members are discussed. Students talk about what they liked or didn’t like, what they learned new from the conversation, what surprised or pleased them, what questions they still have.

2. At the end of each lesson, homework is given. Homework options:

Write a story about your real (or imagined) friend.

Come up with and write an advertisement: “Looking for a friend” (indicating the qualities that you would like to see in a friend).

Come up with and write (together with your friends) a friendship motto.

Interview parents. Sample questions: What is most important to you in a friendship? Do you have real friends? How many years have you known them? Do you know anything about the code or rules of friendship?

3. A lesson always begins with some kind of warm-up exercise, which is aimed at creating a trusting relationship between the participants in the conversation. In the warm-up, you can use elements of psycho-gymnastics or exercises. Examples of exercises:

1. Psycho-gymnastics: “Swap places with all those…”

Target: development of a trusting atmosphere between students.

Task: bring the group together.

Participants sit in a circle with one chair missing. The driver is in the center of the circle, the command is given: “now all those who have...” will change places. Any sign is called: hair color, clothing, birthday, etc. You cannot change with your neighbor on the left and right. The driver must have time to sit on the vacant chair. Whoever is left without a place is the one who drives.

2. Game exercise: “Hello!”

Target: development of trusting relationships between students.

Task: bringing group members closer to each other.

Participants begin to walk around the room. They are invited to shake hands with each person in the group and say “Hello! How are you doing?". You only need to say these words and nothing more. When greeting one of the participants, you can free your hand only after you start greeting someone else with your other hand. In other words, it is necessary to be in continuous contact with someone from the group and say hello to all members of the group.

The game can also be used at the end of the lesson, replacing the greeting with a farewell: “Thank you!” or “Thank you, it was so good working with you today.”

Conversation one: "Happy is the one who is happy in the family."

Conversation two: "Are you comfortable at school?"

Fourth Conversation: "On Tolerance".

Fifth Conversation: "There is no limit to perfection."

Conversation six: "Who is who?".




Program mottos:

1. “We are people as long as we want to be better”;

2. Do not forget that any person is looking for joy in life.

And bring back this joy,

Instilling optimism in a child’s soul is the task of a social teacher at school.

Conversation one: “Happy is he who is happy in the family”

Are you happy in your family? What do you like and what do you dislike?

The conversation is based on specific facts (without naming the student’s last name), after tests and questionnaires about the family, which include questions such as: Who is the head of your family? What are the traditions? How do you spend your leisure time? What do you like? What kind of family do you dream of? What kind of family do you want to create yourself (yourself)? How should you prepare yourself from childhood for family life? And etc.

After discussing the final conclusions from tests and questionnaires, we create and play out various situations (in high school). For example: 1. At the time of a family quarrel, guests came to you. Your actions. 2. My husband returned from work, the apartment was not cleaned, there was no lunch. My wife was late at work. A quarrel broke out. How to find a way out? And etc.

These mock conversations are of interest to high school students. Such classes are held in the form of a young family club, where the main idea is emphasized that family is not pleasure, but a lot of work. Family is the first school of love. A person does not choose when to be born, in which family to live, but he can create a family of joy in the future. It's his choice.

Conversation two: “Are you comfortable at school?”

Can you say: school is your home? The main goal: to find out what prevents the student from feeling comfortable in the classroom, i.e. has he adapted?

The conversation takes place in the form of a dialogue:

1. Where does the Motherland begin? From the path to school, from friends and comrades in the schoolyard.

2. What new has school brought into your life?

3. How do you understand the motto: one for all, and all for one?

4. Which classmate can you call your friend (girlfriend) and why?

5. What is the difference between a friend and a comrade? We read T. Bulba’s speech about partnership. Let's analyze this text.

What rules should children live by in the classroom? Brainstorming is carried out. Children offer the following rules and wishes:

1. Boys should respect girls.

2. Carry out the instructions given to them by their class leaders or class leader.

3. Don't give nicknames.

4. Don't be rude, don't call people names.

5. Be friendly, etc.

Conclusion and appeal: let's be mutually polite, cultured and attentive. The call is accepted and the rules appear in the classroom corner.

Conversation three: “It all starts from childhood.”

The purpose of this conversation is to awaken in students the desire to be better tomorrow than yesterday, to think about their behavior, about their daily routine, to think about a responsible attitude towards learning, because there are no trifles in life:

It's sad to think

That youth was given to us in vain,

That they cheated on her all the time,

That she deceived us...

(A.S. Pushkin)

We discuss the poet’s thought: childhood is the most wonderful time in a person’s life, but it quickly passes. The basic qualities of a person are laid down from childhood. If you are used to doing all your homework on your own, never being late, never lying, never being rude, you always understand that you were born human.

A survey is carried out in advance:

a) How do you imagine a real person, what qualities do you put in first place?

b) Do you know the rules of conduct? Why do they need to be done?

c) Have there been any cases of vandalism against objects or school property in your life?

d) Honestly admit, have you ever had a barbaric attitude towards animals and plants in your life?

e) If you were the Minister of Justice, how would you combat the manifestation of barbaric attitude towards city property?

The most interesting answers are read out and discussed. Students, as a rule, actively discuss these negative phenomena in society. They draw unexpected conclusions: You need to skillfully and with interest organize your leisure time and play sports.

Why do children often end up on the street among teenagers prone to crime? It’s a herd feeling – where everyone goes, so do I. Childhood inexperience. The media brings enormous harm: only crime is published. Where is the media leading the younger generation? What do militants teach? Violence. Violence and the desire to get rich by any means are promoted on television, but we have four armies: “Conscience, honor, duty and dignity.” This needs to be taken into account.

Conversation four: “On tolerance”

“Me, you, he, she – together the whole country!” “We are all sisters and brothers.” “If we are united, we are invincible”...

Goal: To cultivate respect for each other, tolerance, the desire to perceive people of other nationalities as equals in society, having the same rights and responsibilities.

Conversation five: “There is no limit to perfection”

“If the Earth knew about the actions of its inhabitants,

That’s right, I would be amazed: what did we spend our minds on?”

Goal: to make students think about the fact that a person is born to understand the world, to create, to be able to overcome various difficulties and trials of fate, one cannot destroy, suppress another, humiliate someone’s dignity, do not give preference to physical pleasures and needs, because a person is born for in order to advance yourself and your family to perfection at least a little.

Strive, people, only for heights.

What is beauty? It will abide and pass away,

And the craving for beauty will not let you down!

Conversation six: “Who is who?”

Class hour “Who is who?” is held separately for girls and boys.

Target. During the period of maturation, boys and girls strive to find a mate. Help them not to make a mistake, to be guided not only by emotions, but also to listen to the right choice.

Thesis. A family grows out of love, lives by love, children are born in love. When creating a family, young people choose the path they want to follow together. Will the one who walks overcome this difficult road? (For every 1000 marriages we have 800 divorces) Why?

Questionnaires of young men indicate that they would like to see a wife who is smart, conscientious, honest, loving, faithful and devoted, sincere, able to maintain a sense of her dignity, improve her character with sedateness, and be cheerful and hospitable.

A girl is a future mother, and a mother is a difficult mission: you must have the ability for self-sacrifice, incredible patience and tolerance, because loving a specific person can be unbearably difficult. He has his own habits and does not always give in in quarrels or arguments. A girl-wife should be a hundred times wiser than her husband-boy. Humanity exists because there is maternal love.

How does a girl want her husband to look? He must earn good money, love his wife devotedly and faithfully, love children, understand his wife, take into account her opinion, be able to understand her, be a good person, help his wife, have a calm and restrained character.

Does a young man always come to the rescue of a girl when she is offended, does he show chivalrous qualities, does he go in for sports in order to be strong and justify the concept of “being a man.” “Being a man” means taking on an equal share of care for the family, a share of labor, being able to preserve what surrounds you, multiplying only the good in the family, living for your family, preserving it like God - for happy is the one who is happy in family.

Our socio-psychological service is in a creative search for methods and means to help form the socialization of a student’s personal qualities, understanding that each of us is a “product” of the degree of social development of the individual. We need to help students who are registered at school to find their place in life, teach them the ability to live in a team, society and be happy.



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