How to stop the progression of the wedge-shaped defect of the teeth. Stages and signs of the disease

Oral diseases are a huge problem. It takes a lot of effort and time to eliminate the disease. A wedge-shaped defect can appear suddenly even in those who pay a lot of attention to the health of their teeth. How to fix the problem and avoid its occurrence in the future?

What is a wedge defect?

A wedge-shaped defect is represented by a deficiency of gingival tissue, resulting in a wedge-shaped protrusion in the neck of the tooth. It mainly appears on small molars (premolars) and canines - teeth that are subjected to heavy stress during chewing.

At the initial phase of development, a small gap appears, the size of which increases as the pathology progresses. In most cases, the tissue lesion is not a single one, but affects several teeth located parallel to each other.

What are the differences between the wedge-shaped defect in adult patients and children? The older the person, the greater the likelihood of developing pathology. In addition, the degree of manifestation of the reaction to damage is less in adults, which makes it difficult to detect the problem in a timely manner.


There are several theories explaining the reasons for the formation of a defect:

  1. Periodontal. The edge of the gum begins to descend with the development of the inflammatory process of the tissues of the tooth - as a result of the exposure of the neck, a wedge-shaped defect occurs.
  2. Visceral. The condition of the oral cavity is negatively affected by diseases of the nervous, digestive, endocrine systems. The presence of such problems in the body leads to a decrease in the enamel layer and provokes the formation of a defect.
  3. Erosive (chemical). The quality and composition of the food consumed is of great importance. The presence of acids in citrus fruits and drinks made from them reduces the thickness of the enamel. Salty foods and carbonated drinks negatively affect oral tissues.
  4. Mechanical. The choice of hygiene accessories for oral care is a responsible matter, as too hard or too soft toothbrush bristles irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth or do not clean enough of accumulated food debris.
  5. Load theory. Uneven load distribution during chewing is another factor leading to the development of pathology. The situation worsens with an abnormal arrangement of teeth (malocclusion).

Factors conducive to the formation of a wedge-shaped defect are:

  • abuse of whitening pastes - abrasive particles in their composition damage the enamel;
  • , gingivitis and other inflammatory processes in the periodontal tissues;
  • diabetes mellitus - a violation of calcium metabolism negatively affects the state of the enamel;
  • - also characterized by problems with calcium metabolism, which makes tooth enamel brittle;
  • depression and stress - negatively affect the general condition, often lead to hormonal disruptions;
  • reduction of the soft gum tissues surrounding the tooth - the neck becomes vulnerable to influences.

How a wedge-shaped defect is formed - video

Symptoms of pathology

The development of the defect occurs gradually, therefore, features are characteristic for different stages:

  1. First stage. A small crack appears near the neck of the tooth. It is difficult for the patient to detect a defect, since the pathology is hardly noticeable, and there are no unpleasant sensations.
  2. surface stage. There is a small depression (about 1 mm). Signs of the pathological process are not observed.
  3. Middle stage. The depth of the lesion can exceed 3 mm. The diseased area makes itself felt by discomfort during meals and painful sensations - a reaction to stimuli.
  4. deep stage. The size of the defect is more than 5 mm. Sometimes the pathology reaches the pulp. Attacks of pain occur suddenly, which is associated with the accession - inflammation of the neurovascular bundle. The body reacts to changes by activating the compensatory mechanism, which leads to the formation of dentin - in such cases, there may be no symptoms.

Diagnostic methods

It is necessary to detect a wedge-shaped defect as soon as possible. Visiting the dentist is the main task of the patient. To identify the problem use:

  • visual inspection - in the later stages, the pathology is easily recognized due to the wedge-shaped notch at the neck of the tooth;
  • mechanical diagnostics - exposure to the diseased area with irritants, but the method is ineffective, since the wedge-shaped defect may not appear.

Finding a problem, especially in the later stages, is easy. The specialist needs to distinguish pathology from diseases that have similar symptoms.

Differential diagnosis - table

sign Erosion of hard tissues of the tooth cervical necrosis of enamel Cervical caries
Focus localization Can develop on any surface.Can develop on any surface.
The bottom of the defect Dense.Loose, develops loss of enamel, dentin and pulp death.Softened tissues, uneven edges of the defect.
Defect shape Saucer-shaped.Rounded dark or black spots. Jagged edges and painful palpation.The form can be any.
Reaction to stimuli More responsive to cold and chemical stimuli (sweet or sour).Responds to any stimulus.Reacts to chemical irritation (sweet or sour).

Treatment of diseased teeth

The task of treatment is to eliminate the defect. For this purpose, several methods are used:

  1. Remineralization. It is most often prescribed in the initial phase of development. To eliminate the pathology, strengthen the enamel to protect against external influences - apply applications with a solution of sodium gluconate. The next step is fluoridation.
  2. Sealing. Used to repair large damage. The procedure differs from a similar event for the treatment of caries:
    • do not carry out significant drilling (preparation);
    • select elastic materials for fillings.
  3. Installation of veneers. Special plates prevent the appearance of pathology and protect against mechanical stress. The procedure is carried out after filling.
  4. Prosthetics. With significant damage to the tooth, an artificial crown is used to restore its original shape. Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to find out the cause of the wedge-shaped defect, otherwise there can be no question of a positive result.

If the cause of the defect was an incorrect bite, then special plates or bracket systems will be required.

Relapse Prevention at Home

After treatment, the patient follows the rules and recommendations of the doctor, which will avoid the recurrence of pathology:

  • selection of toothbrushes with the necessary rigidity;
  • use of toothpastes for sensitive teeth;
  • the use of dental floss;
  • exclusion of very cold and hot dishes;
  • the use of calcium-containing foods - cheese, cottage cheese, milk;
  • crushing hard food before eating.

How to treat a wedge-shaped defect - video

Complications and consequences

Lack of treatment inevitably leads to a worsening of the situation, which is manifested by the following consequences:

  • tooth fracture - the neck of the tooth becomes thinner, so the risk of chipping or fracture increases;
  • increased sensitivity - the edges of the defect are susceptible to influences, which leads to unpleasant sensations;
  • pulpitis - inflammation affects a bundle of nerves and blood vessels, leading to severe pain. In severe cases, the likelihood of nerve removal increases - in such a tooth, enamel is destroyed faster;
  • caries - the presence of damage to the enamel, combined with poor oral hygiene, accelerates the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which creates the conditions for the formation of a carious lesion.


To avoid the formation of a wedge-shaped defect, the following rules must be followed:

  • visit the dentist for preventive purposes - at least 1 time in 6 months;
  • follow the rules of nutrition: reduce the consumption of sour and sweet foods, chop hard foods before eating;
  • take proper care of the oral cavity;
  • correct shortcomings in the position of the teeth in a timely manner (adjustment of chewing surfaces, installation of braces to correct malocclusion).

It is not difficult to prevent the formation of a wedge-shaped defect in the teeth. A set of preventive measures will relieve not only this problem, but also other pathologies of the oral cavity. The task of the patient is to detect the violation in a timely manner and consult a doctor for treatment.

A wedge-shaped defect of the teeth is called a non-carious lesion. You can recognize it by external signs: a flaw appears on the front side of the crown, resembling the letter V (or a wedge - hence the name of the pathology). Most often, the defect occurs on the front teeth, making the smile unaesthetic, and the teeth brittle and brittle.

This lesion cannot be ignored, because over time the clinical picture only worsens, sooner or later the loss of teeth becomes inevitable.

Symptoms of a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth

As a rule, the lesion extends to the upper and lower premolars (small molars) and canines. Defects appear on several teeth at once, isolated cases are very rare.

External signs:

  • the appearance on the neck of the tooth of a characteristic recess - a crack or a wedge (its surface is shiny and smooth, depth is from 0.1 to 5 mm);
  • pigmentation (over time, when the wedge-shaped defect spreads deep into the dental tissues, the wedges acquire a yellowish tint).

Functional disorders:

  • tooth hypersensitivity (reaction to cold and hot, sweet and sour);
  • pain syndrome (for example, when cleaning);
  • fragility of the crown part (under loads, breakage may occur).

In many cases, there are no functional symptoms with a wedge-shaped defect.

Causes of the development of a wedge-shaped defect

Statistics show that most often a wedge-shaped defect is observed in patients of middle and advanced age. However, it is impossible to talk about the risk group, because the opinions of scientists about the causes of this pathology are ambiguous. That is why dentists call it different terms, in which the prerequisites for the appearance of a defect are read:

  • non-carious cervical defect;
  • cervical abrasion (abrasion) of tissues;
  • abfraction (microstructural loss of dental substance);
  • cervical erosion (surface destruction);
  • abrasion-abfraction, etc.

At the present stage, scientists adhere to the following theories of the appearance of pathology.

Theory of abrasion

Proponents of the theory believe that the cause of the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect is a mechanical effect on the teeth: using a toothbrush that is too hard, brushing with horizontal reciprocating movements (back and forth along the dentition). Indirect evidence of this theory is that in left-handers, wedge-shaped defects are most pronounced on the right, in right-handers - on the left.

erosion theory

It is assumed that the main reason for the appearance of a defect is the effect of food acids, which wash out calcium from the enamel, demineralize it. The content of such acids is especially high in citrus fruits, wine, carbonated drinks.

Visceral theory

Adherents of the theory believe that the occurrence of a wedge-shaped defect is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems. Enamel thinning is often diagnosed in patients suffering from these diseases.

Periodontal theory

According to this theory, a wedge-shaped defect is a consequence of inflammation of the periodontal tissues (gingivitis, periodontitis), accompanied by gum recession (exposing the neck of the tooth - an area with thin enamel at the junction of the crown part to the root). The neck is exposed, hard plaque and soft deposits accelerate the demineralization of the enamel.

Occlusive theory

Her followers associate the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect with malocclusion, due to which the load on the teeth is unevenly distributed. By simulating the process of chewing with a computer, the scientists proved that the greatest load falls on the cervical area of ​​the crown.

Treatment Methods

  1. Remineralizing therapy. To strengthen the enamel, the teeth are treated with compounds containing calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. They saturate tissues with essential minerals, making them resistant to cariogenic bacteria.
  2. Fluorination. It is carried out to reduce sensitivity to acids and increase resistance to mechanical stress.
  3. Sealing. If the wedge-shaped defect is pronounced, the wedge is filled with filling material. To keep the seal well, dentists use a drill to undercut the enamel (make its surface rough and uneven), use liquid-flowing materials with a high coefficient of elasticity.
  4. Prosthetics. At the very last stages of a wedge-shaped defect, only prosthetics will help maintain the integrity of the dentition - the installation of veneers, crowns. The last option is a radical method, which is resorted to only in case of a threat of a tooth fracture.

The procedure of remineralization and fluoridation can be carried out both at the dentist and at home. In the first case, patients are prescribed ten sessions of treatment with an enamel-sealing liquid (for example, Tiefenfluorid), after which the teeth are covered with a fluorine-containing varnish or gel. For the second, it is enough to use R.O.C.S. and Elmex, President, Splat, Lacalut, Silca pastes, Elmex, President rinses, etc.

These procedures are effective for small wedge-shaped defects that cause only aesthetic discomfort and do not provoke pain. If remineralization and fluoridation are performed qualitatively, over time, the defects disappear on their own.

In some cases, before filling defects, dentists have to open access to the desired area of ​​​​the tooth by “lowering” the gingival margin with retention threads. Without this procedure, it is impossible to fill the tooth with high quality, isolating it from saliva and gingival fluid.

Once filled, patients can expect the treated tooth to last at least eight to ten years.

Photos "before" and "after" the treatment of a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth

Complications of wedge-shaped defect

In most cases, the wedge-shaped defect will make itself felt, causing hypersensitivity. The tooth will react painfully to cold and hot, sweet and sour. Negative sensations are often observed during brushing, with pressure and biting.

In the absence of treatment of the wedge-shaped defect, the loss of the affected teeth is inevitable. Under load, they can simply break. This is often preceded by the appearance of pulpitis (damage to the neurovascular tissue of the tooth), hypersensitivity and pain.

In turn, pulpitis in a tooth with a wedge-shaped defect can provoke periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues between the root and the bone in which it is fixed. The course of treatment of periodontitis can last up to six months, inflammation is often complicated by the appearance of cysts on the roots - pathological cavities filled with purulent contents.

In addition to common caries, there is another disease that worries many people - a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth. What are its causes, treatment and photos are given below for a complete acquaintance with the problem.

The disease itself looks like cervical caries, although it is not. Since the process of enamel destruction is painless, many people miss the beginning, letting it drag on. How to deal with the unaesthetic appearance of such teeth, why it occurs, whether it can be prevented and what method to cure - we will tell in more detail.

What is a wedge-shaped defect of teeth?

Not every dentist will point you to a similar defect, and they can call it differently. Nevertheless, there is a definite diagnosis - a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth, it is manifested by a lesion of the cervical region of the tooth enamel and resembles a triangle or a wedge in shape. Sometimes in the clinic they can point you to gingival caries, but in reality this is not the case. The etiology of this disease is completely different.

He also confuses the disease with enamel erosion, the same caries and acid necrosis, that is, the destruction of hard tissues under the influence of acids. Although the damage looks similar, but they have a different origin, which means that they should be treated in a completely different way. Only by making the correct diagnosis, the doctor can help you get rid of the problem or at least stop it.


No doctor can yet single out the exact causes of the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth. But there are suggestions that it contributes to the worsening of the situation. And this:

  • Wrong in general. This includes illiterate cleaning - horizontal movements. Brushing teeth with a hard brush and immediately after eating acidic foods such as fruits.
  • The composition of modern hygienic pastes is also not always chosen correctly and is able to wash out the enamel, making it brittle.
  • Violation of acidity of a general nature and in the oral cavity as well. Even changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can affect the appearance of a defect.
  • Incorrect bite, which is observed in most of the inhabitants of the planet.
  • Active whitening compounds can also erode enamel.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Hormonal disorders, especially in women, can lead to tooth wear. And during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the risk of any dental disease increases.
  • Inflammation and various gum problems by type, periodontitis, etc.
  • Mechanical damage to teeth or gums is also possible, for example, as a result of frequent consumption of solid foods and bad habits.
  • Malnutrition, in which foods containing calcium and fluorine are excluded.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption and Alcohol leaches calcium from the body in large quantities, which leads to frequent dental diseases.
  • Passion for carbonated drinks or sour juices.
  • Some infectious diseases can also lead to similar consequences.
  • Radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Age-related changes in the body. In the elderly, such defects are much more common.
  • Wearing braces if they are not fitted correctly or the doctor removed them carelessly.

Even the presence of such a problem among relatives should cause increased attention to the prevention of the disease.



The main problem of the wedge-shaped defect is that its appearance is not immediately noticed by a person. After all, pain is completely absent. What symptoms should alert and make you pay more attention to the condition of your teeth?

  1. Initial discoloration of the enamel. It becomes less shiny and pale, and over time, distinct pigmentation appears.
  2. Gradually, as it were, the gum “slides” from the tooth and the tooth neck opens first, and later the root.
  3. Discomfort and hypersensitivity, reaction to cold and hot. Such hyperesthesia can even be manifested by irritation to toothpaste or brushing your teeth.


The pathogenesis of the defect is manifested by a gradual lesion of the enamel and, depending on its degree, the treatment of the problem itself will also differ. The following stages of the disease are distinguished:

  1. The initial stage - violations are almost imperceptible during a cursory examination. At this time, only sensitivity to irritants and a slight change in the gloss of the enamel can be observed.
  2. The average degree is characterized by an already high level of hyperesthesia and the beginning of the destruction of the tooth surface.
  3. The progressive stage is characterized by a noticeable depth of the defect, up to 4 mm. The wedge is already clearly visible and has a point.
  4. The stage of deep disease reaches more than 5 mm. In this case, there is a noticeable pigmentation of the enamel and dentin may be affected.

Treatment of wedge-shaped defect of teeth

To determine whether such a disease can be cured, it is necessary to take into account the degree of damage and choose the right treatment procedures. They may be as follows:

  • Filling wedge-shaped formations with special compounds. They have a high content of fluorine, which prevents further destruction.
  • Remineralizing therapy can also be used to compensate for calcium deficiency.
  • For home treatment of the initial stages, you can take a toothpaste containing fluoride and calcium. But for a good effect, it needs to be used for a long time.
  • Also, for home treatment, the doctor may prescribe special varnishes or gels that must be applied in a course.
  • Special braces are placed in cases where the cause was a clear malocclusion.
  • In more complex situations, a filling or crown is installed.
  • Full restoration of the tooth is carried out with a maximum deep lesion.
  • Modern dentistry also offers a less painful treatment - laser therapy. At the same time, the patient does not feel any discomfort at all. With the help of a laser, the enamel is strengthened, which reduces sensitivity and prevents further destruction. The procedure can be performed even in case of allergies, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Selective grinding, which corrects the tooth itself and the one opposing it, which, when chewing, strongly affects the appearance of the defect due to the load.

If the doctor establishes the cause of the disease, it will be much easier. By eliminating it, you can accurately guarantee that the defect will not reappear, and the problem that has already arisen will disappear by itself. Only modern medicine has not yet been able to reliably establish the causes of such a disease. There are only assumptions, and therefore a full-fledged treatment with a reliable guarantee is not yet available.

It is important to remember that even with the installation of prostheses, additional fluoridation should be carried out to prevent the situation from worsening. Indeed, under the prosthesis, the defect can further aggravate.

When wondering whether it is necessary to treat such a disease, it is worth understanding that it is dangerous and with severe damage to the enamel, as well as increased stress on the tooth, it can completely break.

Features of the treatment of a wedge-shaped defect is that the affected area is difficult to access for a filling. Also, during treatment, severe pain may occur. If you have to put a filling or a veneer, then the doctor should warn that they can soon, because it is almost impossible to fix such a structure. In addition, the constant increased load on the tooth and the filling contributes to the fact that it is, as it were, squeezed out of the cavity.

In order for the design to last longer, the doctor should do something:

  • Make notches on the enamel that will better fix the seal.
  • A special material is used, more often it is a liquid composition with increased elasticity.
  • The procedure is accompanied by a good drying of the desired area. After all, any saliva or moisture contributes to poor fixing of the seal and its rapid loss.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, you can try folk remedies to get rid of the wedge-shaped defect. Let's describe a few simple recipes:

  • Propolis tincture for alcohol is diluted in warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution after every meal.
  • A salad of seaweed, parsley, sage, basil with the addition of iodized salt and olive oil should appear in the daily diet.
  • Seashells with a mother-of-pearl surface are cleaned of sand and dirt, dried and heavily crushed. This powder should be applied to the surface of the teeth and not washed off.
  • Lemon leaves also strengthen the gums.
  • Horseradish has a healing effect on the oral cavity as a whole.
  • To wipe the gums, it is useful to use honey with crushed cinnamon.

Both for accompanying treatment and for prevention, foods containing a lot of calcium and fluorine should be added to your diet. With calcium it is easier, it is in all dairy and sour-milk products. Foods that contain fluoride include seafood, good wine, chicken breast and liver, legumes, bananas, apples, buckwheat, green and black tea, citrus fruits, honey, and walnuts.

Video: dentist blog - what is a wedge-shaped defect.


To avoid the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect, and many other diseases of the teeth and gums, you need to follow dental recommendations:

  • Correctly brush your teeth - movements should be only vertical or circular. The brush is selected with either soft or medium hard bristles. Brushing your teeth should take place twice a day, and rinsing should be done after each meal.
  • Toothpaste is selected of good quality and with a high content of fluorine and calcium.
  • Also try to eat foods rich in calcium, fluoride and other useful minerals.
  • Try to avoid acidic foods or keep them in your mouth for too long. For example, you can drink juice through a straw.
  • Get rid of bad habits, such as cracking nuts with your teeth, tearing threads, etc. Eliminate the possibility of mechanical damage to the gums or tooth enamel.
  • Correct the child's bite in time with braces or plates.

Among non-carious diseases of the teeth, the so-called wedge-shaped defect is widespread. It looks like cervical caries, but has a different origin. It is a wedge-shaped defect on the outer side of the tooth in the cervical region. The sharp part of the wedge is directed to the base of the tooth.

This damage often affects those teeth that have the greatest load - these are premolars and molars. The defect is less common in the anterior teeth, but may involve the canines.

Wedge-shaped denudation is usually not accompanied by a change in the color of the enamel. If pigmentation is observed during the lesion, then this indicates the spread of erosion to the deeper layers of the tooth. With a strong lesion, increased sensitivity is observed.

In the photo, a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth of the upper jaw

The wedge-shaped defect affects the teeth of both the upper and lower jaws, however, the lower teeth suffer from this disease more often due to increased load.

The wedge-shaped lesion is characterized by slow growth rates and can develop unnoticed by the patient for several years.

The erosion of the enamel has the correct form, which distinguishes it from the manifestations of a carious nature. It is noted that over the past decade the number of patients with this disease has increased significantly, while the vast majority of patients are women over 30 years old.

Reasons for the deviation

Dentists put forward several versions regarding the causes of wedge-shaped erosion. The main factor is improper oral hygiene, namely horizontal brushing of the teeth with a hard brush.

Horizontal movements when brushing your teeth are generally contraindicated, only vertical and circular stroke of the brush is allowed.

Surfactants in the composition of hygiene products also contribute to the washing out of the enamel. Various acids, including citrus juices and other berries and fruits, have the same effect.

Some dentists believe that mechanical cleaning and organic acids are not capable of causing such a devastating effect, although they can contribute to the development of the disease. This theory is supported by scientific studies in the animal environment: recently, the number of wedge-shaped erosions in livestock has increased, which cannot be associated with brushing teeth or the use of acid-containing compounds.

Also, the following are not so common, but there are causes:

More about the formation of a wedge-shaped defect:

Lesion classification

There are four stages of enamel damage:

How to treat pathology?

Depending on the degree of damage, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which includes the elimination of irritants, proper oral hygiene,.

For small deformities, filling is not required. Wedge-shaped formations are filled with special dental compounds that eliminate hypersensitivity and prevent further destruction.

The enamel fluoridation method is commonly used, which involves the use of high fluoride formulations or special applications. Remineralizing therapy is also prescribed to restore calcium deficiency in the enamel.

A high result can be achieved with a paste containing fluorine. True, in order for the effect to have a prolonged effect, pastes must be used for a long time.

Fluoridation at the dentist's office involves the application of special highly concentrated formulations.

For home use, special varnishes and gels are usually prescribed, the use of which is of a course nature.

If the wedge-shaped defect is the result of malocclusion, then the orthodontist can advise, taking into account the age and physiological characteristics of the patient. To align the teeth, other methods may be recommended: partial grinding, straightening of the antagonist tooth through the use of crowns.

Remineralizing therapy should be carried out annually, and preferably twice a year. This will significantly reduce the risk of further spread of the disease and reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.

With a deep lesion of the enamel, it is necessary, which is carried out by means of a filling material. To fill the loss, composite compounds or glass ionomer cement are used. Since the lesion is not the result of carious spread, significant drilling of the hole is not required. However, for better fixation of the filling, special notches are made on the enamel.

Filling solves the problem of hypersensitivity and aesthetic appeal. It may also be recommended to install veneers, which are micro prostheses and are selected taking into account the defect of the tooth. are installed with a significant loss of tissue, when sealing is ineffective or impossible.

The patient is prescribed remineralization of the cervical region and fluoridation of the affected area. When it is important to carry out complex therapy, otherwise there is a high probability that the disease will progress, and voids will form under the prosthesis, into which food particles will fall. This will lead to the formation and destruction of the tooth.

Difficulties in Effective Treatment

When treating with tooth reconstruction methods, difficulties may arise due to incorrect diagnosis and the nature of the damage. Fillings often do not have a long-term effect, as the fillings are destroyed or completely fall out within a short period of time.

This is due to the fact that the cervical zone experiences the most severe load, and in the process of chewing food, the filling is, as it were, squeezed out of the cavity. Notches on the enamel contribute to better penetration of the composition, but they do not completely solve the problem of fillings falling out.

For filling wedge-shaped defects, liquid compositions with a high coefficient of elasticity are recommended. They are applied to the treated surface with a special syringe and illuminated by a lamp. This material, experiencing loads, responds to them with microcompression, which saves the seal from extrusion.

Another problem in the treatment of the cervical zone is its preparation for the main procedures. Close proximity to the gums significantly increases the risk of saliva getting into the resulting cavity, which is undesirable when filling and prosthetics.

During the restoration process, bleeding of the gums may begin, especially when it comes to a wedge-shaped defect on the background. High-quality drying of the affected area will significantly increase the chance for successful treatment and effective restoration.

To keep the fillings longer, you should follow simple rules:

It should be remembered that a filling or veneer does not completely solve the problem of enamel erosion. If the cause of the disease is not eliminated, then the loss of enamel will not go anywhere. First of all, it is necessary to find out if there is a malocclusion.

By eliminating this problem, further damage to the teeth can be avoided. In any case, in the presence of at least one lesion, fluorine-containing pastes, protective varnishes and preparations containing calcium should be used for prevention purposes.

A wedge-shaped crown defect is a dental disease that is common in humans. old age. It is characterized by the formation of a defect in the neck of the tooth, shaped like the letter V.

Despite the fact that the lesion often resembles a carious one, the pathology has a different origin. The disease quickly covers nearby teeth, therefore, it requires mandatory treatment. The method is selected depending on the degree of neglect of the pathology.


The peculiarity of the wedge-shaped defect is that its filling can be associated with some difficulties. First, defects are often found on the line of contact with the gum.

Secondly, stability the delivered seal will be directly depend on the quality of work, since the base of the tooth is most susceptible to pressure.

Treatment of a wedge-shaped defect is considered a more complex procedure compared to filling carious defects.

Sealing with a wedge-shaped defect takes place in several stages:

  1. Staging local anesthesia injection method.
  2. aseptic processing oral cavity.
  3. Formation small cavities for better adhesion of the filling material to the crown. To do this, use a dental burr or laser.

    The use of a laser in this case is preferable, since it has characteristics that positively affect the tooth tissue. When exposed to the enamel, the laser beam provokes its compaction, as a result of which it becomes stronger.

    In addition, the laser is a high-precision equipment that minimizes the risk of gum injury.

  4. Treatment of the enamel of the affected area with a remedy, improving adhesion.
  5. Layered composite overlay using a syringe and spreading it evenly with a spatula to give the correct shape. Each layer is processed with a polymerization lamp until completely solidified. To completely eliminate the defect, 2 layers are applied.
  6. Formation and polishing of the applied filling with a fine-grained bur.

Filling process

To avoid falling out fillings, which is often observed with a wedge-shaped defect, dentists pay special attention to 3 factors:

  1. Insulation. High-quality filling is possible only in the absence of moisture. And since this reduces the likelihood of a wedge-shaped defect filling falling out, a rubber dam, a saliva ejector and other means that provide protection from moisture must be used during the procedure.
  2. Undercut crowns in the affected area. Even with a small defect, it is necessary to form a deeper and wider cavity, since due to its volume it will be possible to place a high-quality multilayer filling.
  3. Material. Since the defect is located in the narrowest and most loaded part of the tooth, it is necessary to use a special material for filling it.

    To do this, use tools with increased shock-absorbing properties. These include fluid-flowing composites that can adequately respond to compression and tension.

This video shows the actual treatment process in detail:

Influence of lesion size

In addition to filling, there are other methods of treating a wedge-shaped defect. Their use depends on the degree of destruction of the crown. With the formation of a defect up to 2 mm deep, the most optimal treatment is remineralization and fluoridation tooth tissues.

If a defect has formed on the crown with a depth of about 3.5mm, then the setting is shown veneers. When the cavity has deepened to 5 mm, carry out the installation crowns.

With an increase in the cavity more than 5 mm there is a danger of breaking off the crown part from the base of the tooth, therefore it is recommended complete removal with further prosthetics with a bridge prosthesis.

Prevention in the clinic

In order to prevent complications of the situation and not to lose a tooth, it is necessary to contact the dentist in a timely manner at the first stages of the development of the disease. In this case, the doctor will be able to prevent its spread using remineralizing therapy and the fluoridation procedure.


Remineralization is called saturation of tooth tissues. trace elements, where the main part is calcium. For the procedure, special gels or liquids are used, which are applied to the enamel, and then processed with an ultraviolet lamp.

Under the influence of the beam begin to be released ions- active components that penetrate into the pores and dentinal tubules of the tooth. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the remineralization process does not end in the dentist's office.

Microelements from enamel gradually begin to sink into the deeper layers, penetrating into the cells of enamel and dentin and compacting the structure of tooth tissues. Due to this, the crown becomes harder, which helps to stop the destruction process and prevents the inflammation from spreading from one crown to another.

With micro-chips or cracks, the enamel is completely restored.

This method is painless, safe and can be used for patients of any age. To obtain a stable result, it is necessary to spend about 10 such procedures.


Enrichment of tooth enamel with fluorine, as a rule, acts as a second stage with remineralization of teeth with calcium-containing preparations.

The procedure for fluoridation and the principle of action of the means used are similar to remineralization. A preparation containing fluorine is also applied to the surface of the crowns, after which the active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the tooth, gradually reaching the dentin.

In the process of penetration fluorine blocks dentinal tubules, due to which the sensitivity of the enamel is markedly reduced. In addition, fluorine contributes top layer seal crowns, which increases its acid resistance.

Prevention at home

Prevention at home is an important part of preventing the onset and worsening of this pathology.

Common care rules that will help prevent include:

  • regular quality cleaning teeth;
  • using a bristle brush soft or medium rigidity;
  • For a more thorough cleansing use additional funds: floss, dental brushes, irrigator, rinses;
  • after every meal it is advisable to brush your teeth. If this is not possible, then be sure to rinse your mouth with plain water.

In addition to dental hygiene, special attention should be paid to enamel strengthening through remineralization. This procedure can be carried out not only in the clinic, but also at home. To do this, dentists recommend using the following facilities:

  1. Toothpastes. In this case, it means the usual cleaning with the help of pastes, which include fluorine and hydroxyapatite(a form of calcium). It is necessary to choose pastes so that one of them contains only the first substance, and the other contains the second.

    Use these pastes alternately, For example, in the morning with fluoride, in the evening with calcium. The combined use of these funds will lead to zeroing their remineralizing properties.

    The use of remineralizing pastes can reduce or stop the intensity of the destruction of the crown and reduce the sensitivity of the enamel. As a paste of remineralizing action, they have proven themselves well Splat, Elmex Sensitive, R.O.K.S., Best Sensitive.

  2. Special remineralizing complexes intended for home use. Most often they are produced in the form of thick homogeneous gels or creams, which are easily applied to the crowns and at the same time are easily held on its surface.

    In their composition, calcium and fluorine are in a form that, when interacting with saliva, allows them to be released separately from each other.

    This provides a gradual saturation of the crown with the necessary microelements, as a result of which it becomes stronger. Most often for home remineralization use cream Tus Mousse.

    It does not require special skills to apply and provides a noticeable result already. a month later after regular use.

In addition to the listed preventive measures, one should mention proper nutrition and maintaining the health of the whole organism at the proper level.

Tooth with pathology in section

Folk remedies

Alternative methods of treating a wedge-shaped defect are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the tooth, as well as timely aseptic processing.

With this pathology, the following means are most often used:

  • decoction of calendula and sage. To prepare it, it is necessary to brew 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. After that, the broth is infused for 30 minutes and rinsed with their mouth.

    With daily use of this remedy, the situation will improve not only in the area of ​​​​the wedge-shaped defect, but also in the oral cavity as a whole;

  • saline solution- is a good remineralizing agent, since it contains iodine, potassium, sodium, calcium. In order to prepare a solution, only sea ​​or rock salt.

    For 100 ml of water, you need 1 teaspoon of salt. Before application, it is necessary to wait for the complete dissolution of all solid particles. In the presence of large stone inclusions, the solution should be filtered through gauze.

    Use this remedy after every meal. To do this, the crowns and gums are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in brine.

  • as a remineralizing and anti-inflammatory agent, a mass prepared from honey and ground eggshell. It is applied to the crowns for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off.


The cost of the wedge-shaped defect treatment service will primarily depend on the composite material used and the degree of tooth damage. At single defect of one crown treatment with a conventional glass ionomer cement filling will be approximately 1200 rubles.

Application of filling material European manufacturer raise this figure to 3000 rub. and more.

An intermediate option that combines good material quality and high aesthetic properties is a filling composite from American firm, which is worth about 2000 rubles.

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