Anti-cancer food. The complex impact of food

They say, "You are what you eat." Hence a simple conclusion - your health and your illnesses are derived from what you eat. In the fight against cancer, in addition to complex pharmacology, they help regular products food that is the essence of life human body.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a list of products that contribute to general strengthening immune system, have an antidepressant effect on the psyche, increase the overall tone of the body. But most remarkable property of these beneficial foods is that they are able to stop the growth of cancer cells.


Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, watercress and other vegetables that have already earned a reputation as fighters against cancer.

These vegetables contain indoles, which stimulate the production of a powerful antioxidant, the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Scientists believe that indoles inactivate excess estrogens that can cause cancer, especially breast tumors. These vegetables are also high in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. For maximum preservation of indoles, these vegetables should preferably be eaten raw, or after a short steaming.

Soy and soy products

Soybeans and any products made from soy (tofu, tempeh, miso and soy sauce) prevent the reproduction of malignant cells. In addition, they contain isoflavones and phytoestrogens, which have antitumor activity. In addition, soy products reduce the toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

Various types of onions and garlic

Garlic has chelating properties, that is, the ability to bind toxins, including, for example, potentially carcinogenic cadmium from cigarette smoke, and remove them from the body. It also activates white blood cells, which absorb and destroy cancer cells. One of the most common types of cancer is stomach cancer, but eating garlic and onions regularly reduces the chance of this disease. In addition, garlic serves as a source of sulfur, which is necessary for the liver to perform a detoxifying function.

The bow works in a similar way, although to a lesser degree. Both garlic and onions contain allicin, a sulfur-containing substance with powerful detoxifying effects. Considering that the liver is a universal organ that cleanses our body of any carcinogens and pathogenic microbes, the importance of onions and garlic cannot be overestimated.

Brown algae

IN brown algae contains a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland, which regulates the metabolism of sugar (energy) in the blood. It is known that, starting at about 25 years old, the thyroid gland gradually decreases in size, and many people find that its function is insufficient (a decrease in hormone production) with age. If energy production is reduced, then blood sugar metabolism changes accordingly, which creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of cancer. Brown algae contain a lot of selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Nuts and fruit seeds

Almonds contain leatril, a natural substance that contains a cyanide-like substance that is deadly to malignant cells. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Chinese ate the seeds and pits of fruits such as apricots, believing that they suppressed the development of cancer.

Linen and sesame seed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds contain in their hard outer shell lignans. These are the so-called phytoestrogens (substances that imitate the hormone estrogen in their action), which help to remove excess estrogen from the body. Excess estrogen is known to stimulate the occurrence of hormone-dependent cancers, in particular breast, ovarian and uterine cancers.

Soybeans, tofu, miso, and tempeh are also rich in lignans, which may be one reason why hormone-dependent cancers are less common in Asian countries.

Japanese and Chinese mushrooms

Maitake, shiitake, and rei-shi mushrooms contain powerful immune-boosting polysaccharides called beta-glucans.

Ordinary mushrooms do not have them, so it makes sense to look for these natural oriental drugs, even in dried form, in supermarkets and shops selling Chinese food. Use them in any dish where mushrooms are added.


In recent years, special attention has been paid to tomatoes due to the discovery of antitumor properties in them. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant.

Fish and eggs

They are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that inhibit the formation of cancer cells. At the moment, preference is given to flounder from fish species.

Citruses and berries

Citrus fruits and cranberries contain bioflavonoids that support and enhance the antioxidant activity of vitamin C, which these fruits and berries are especially rich in. Strawberries, raspberries and pomegranates contain ellagic acid - strong antioxidant, which prevents damage to genes and slows down the growth of cancer cells. With blueberries, we also get substances that prevent oxidative processes and slow down the aging process.

Useful seasonings

Turmeric (turmeric) is a bright yellow powder from the tubers of a plant from the ginger family, widely used as a seasoning. Turmeric has good anti-cancer properties, especially in the treatment of colon cancer and Bladder. It can reduce the body's production of specific enzymes associated with inflammation, which are abnormally high in patients with certain types of inflammatory diseases and cancer.


Both green and black contain certain antioxidants known as polyphenols (catechins), which have the ability to prevent cancer cells from dividing. Most effective in this respect green tea, a little less - black, and herbal teas, unfortunately, did not show this ability.

According to a report published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (USA) in July 2001, these polyphenols, abundant in green and black tea, red wine, and olive oil, may protect against various kinds cancer. Dry green tea leaves contain approximately 40% polyphenols by weight, so green tea consumption can significantly reduce the risk of stomach, colon, lung, liver, and pancreatic cancers.

Are there foods that, on the contrary, increase the risk of cancer or worsen the course of the disease? Such products exist, and this is primarily:


Alcohol abuse has been found to increase the risk of cancer oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, liver and chest. Women from groups high risk alcohol consumption should be avoided altogether, as drinking even a few drinks a week increases the likelihood of developing the disease.


Eating meat for cancer or increased risk its occurrence should be limited. According to several studies, a higher risk of colon and stomach cancer is found among people whose diet consists mainly of meat products prepared in the culinary industry. Perhaps this is due to the addition of nitrites, widely used in cooking as food additives. In addition, meat contains cholesterol, and the consumption of fatty, high-calorie and high-cholesterol foods leads to the development of obesity, which is associated with a higher risk of developing oncological diseases(breast cancer in postmenopausal women, endometrium, colon, gallbladder, esophagus, pancreas, kidneys).

The data of scientists from Stockholm have recently been published. Swedish doctors summarized the statistics of scientific research, which involved almost 5 thousand people. It turned out that with an increase in the consumption of processed meat products for every 30 grams per day, the risk of developing stomach cancer increases by 1538%. According to scientists, the increased risk of cancer may be due to the addition of nitrates and preservatives to these products. In large quantities, these substances are carcinogens. The second important factor is the impact of toxic substances formed during the smoking of meat.

Salt and sugar

It has been found that people who consume large amounts of foods prepared with salting are more prone to developing cancer of the stomach, nasopharynx and larynx. There is no data on the dangers of salt used as a seasoning, but moderation is also needed here. Consuming large amounts of sugar is dangerous in terms of developing excess weight, which, as already indicated, increases the risk of cancer. It is better to replace it with honey.

Lofant Tibetan

Agastachys wrinkled, Agastachys rugosa, Louphantus tibeticus. A family of polygons. Relic plant. Immunostimulant.

Lofant Tibetan - a wonderful honey plant and effective medicine, and the lofant secretes nectar already in the first year and blooms until the end of summer, when the main honey plants stop blooming. Lofant-based honey is medicinal. The significance of the lofant in medicine is even greater than in beekeeping. It has been used in Tibetan medicine since time immemorial, and the peoples of the East believe that it is a powerful biostimulant that rivals ginseng.

According to biochemical studies, it is the most powerful long-acting immunostimulant, the equal of which has not yet been found in the plant world. Unlike ginseng, its effect on the body is milder and more lasting, its medicinal properties increase gradually and last for a long time. Its most important advantage is that, acting directly on the immune system, it makes it more actively affect our secretory organs and, consequently, raise our internal defensive forces.

Colloidal solutions

They can only be in liquid form and their absorption is 98% (tablets and capsules are absorbed from 4 to 40%).

They are made up of very small particles, 7,000 times smaller than our red blood cells. Each particle of colloidal solutions is negatively charged, and the coating of the intestine is positively charged, an electromagnetic field is formed, which is concentrated around the walls of the intestine. All this taken together and gives 98% assimilation. The colloidal solution in its physical properties is similar to the liquid medium of the body (blood‚ lymph), which allows the cell to naturally absorb the healing substances contained in it. Taking colloidal formulas supports and strengthens compensatory functions organism; helps to successfully deal with acute and chronic pathology of internal organs; significantly reduces the amount of prescribed drugs and successfully neutralizes their side effects.

Multi-component phyto-formulas are more effective than small-and, especially, single-component ones.

COLLOID SILVER is an effective natural antiseptic with a wide spectrum of antibacterial properties. antiviral and antifungal action. It is recommended for stimulation of nonspecific immunity and prevention of viral infections. Pathogenic microflora does not develop resistance to silver. Silver, which is included in the drug in the most active colloidal form, is an excellent antiseptic; the spectrum of its action is quite wide - OVER 650 species of bacteria! To silver, unlike antibiotics, resistance does not develop. Colloidal silver not only fights pathogens, but also neutralizes the toxins they release, helps restore damaged tissues, normalize pathological processes called inflammation. Again and again, chronic inflammation often ends in cancer .....

Anti-cancer nutrition

Here we will talk not only and not only about healthy nutrition, there are so many talks about it that everyone is already tired of the same postulates. The conversation is more serious - talking about foods that act like medicine!

It's so relevant now, so new, that I'm sure the "old cardinals" of oncology will yell at the farfetchedness of these claims, that they lack scientific justification. In vain. What will be discussed has been tested over many years of experience by outstanding pharmaceutical laboratories in France, England, Germany, and the USA. And since these experiments were not funded (who would finance the action of plums or raspberries?), the best minds of these laboratories did it at their own peril and risk - but in good conscience!

The logic behind the use of products says that if there are products that act like fertilizers on tumors, then there are those that contain anti-cancer substances. And it's not just vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Chemistry pharmacists have already eaten, so they turned their attention to vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices. To be honest, this has long been known in folk medicine of all peoples for many thousands of years. Just this one folk experience it was now to be put on a strictly scientific table for tests, very rigorous tests. Vegetables, herbs cannot hide from the aggression of the external environment, which means that in order to survive, they must be armed powerful means protection against insects, bacteria, fungi, bad weather, etc. These substances were to be found, tested for their effects in laboratory conditions and recommend to people for use. This is what these eminent scientists came to as a result of long experimental work.

Fundamentals of the anti-cancer diet

To be clear, this is not a diet. I don't like this word at all. This is a new way of life, and it only works if it is followed for the rest of your life. It is impossible to agree with the disease - “wait until tomorrow”, it works every second and now it depends on you which way it will go.

vegetable proteins- lentils (the most important), dried green peas, Turkish peas (mung bean, chickpeas).

Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans. Raw seeds. Chlorophyll, spirulina.

squirrels animals

In severe cases (III-IV Art.) They should be excluded, any.

The rest are acceptable - chicken, turkey, rabbit. They can rarely complement other dishes, but only from vegetables. They should not be the main dishes, 200-300 g per week. And most importantly, they must be grown in ecological conditions, on ecological feed. Once again, they are acceptable, but not required. The same applies to eggs - only rustic, fertilized and no more than 4 eggs per week.

Fish can be consumed 2 times a week, only with vegetables, or separately, without anything. With porridge and bread - you can not. The best fish is local, organically grown: carp, pike perch, herring; small fish are preferred.

Of the sea - better squid, salmon - ecological (very rare now). Artificially grown - a big muck (there are chemicals, dyes, etc.).

Fats - edible chestnuts, avocados, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame (sesame). Olive and flaxseed oils, fish oil, rarely ghee.

Cereal carbohydrates- millet (the strongest natural hormone, chickens start life on it), buckwheat (the most important product in the treatment of oncology), natural rice (or "Basmati", "Thai" rice), whole oats, rye, dry crushed wheat, barley in drinks and malt.

vegetable carbohydrates- pumpkin, zucchini, squash, zucchini, carrots, cabbage - cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts; radish (various) in large quantities; celery in large quantities, turnips, rutabaga, tomatoes (including juices, sauces, pastes, etc.), a little baked beetroot, a lot of onions (various), a lot of garlic (both onions and garlic with peel), asparagus, artichoke, a lot of horseradish, radish. Greens - as much as possible.

Dairy- only rustic, sour-milk - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. Better at night in small quantities.

Fruits and berries - as many apples as possible in any form, strawberries, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, pomegranates, persimmons, coconut milk, citrus fruits, peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots.

Vitamins - juices of the above vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, algae, perga, pollen, many rose hips. Askorutin, succinic acid(see separate article). Sprouted: wheat, broccoli, celery, alfalfa, peas (mung bean), seeds, rye, lentils.

Wheat, rye germinate 36-40 hours, mung bean, lentils - 2-3 days. Grind in a meat grinder, mixer.

Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder, adding a little sea ​​salt, and add to salads, cereals, fruits, juices, cocktails.

Salt - preferably sea salt.

Mushrooms - champignons, mushrooms, shiitake, oyster mushroom, meitake.

Red wine is a source of quercetin and resveratrol.

Dark chocolate - 70% cocoa.

Omega 3

Vitamin D3

Probiotics, Symbiotics(different)

Selenium in large doses(selenium-active, oregano, fish, shellfish, goose giblets).

Seaweed- fucus, seaweed, wakame, arame, nori.

Eliminate all drinks, consume green tea as much as possible (2-5 cups per day, without sugar).

Greens are different (in salads, cocktails, etc.).

As much as possible parsley, dill, celery.

After eating, do not drink for 2-3 hours.

The gap between what does not fit is 3-4 hours.

Here we are not talking about food "in general", but specifically about products that have antitumor effect. Snack on hastily, if only that - to help the disease! Do not forget that there are states in which the return no longer exists. Do not create deadlock situations for yourself, for your hard-earned money.

List and description of the most effective foods

Green tea

Tea grown in humid climates is high in polyphenols called catechins. One of them, EGCG, is one of the most powerful food molecules, preventing cancer cells from creating new blood vessels needed for tumor growth.

EGCG has been found to significantly slow down the development of leukemia, breast, prostate, kidney and oral cavity cancers.

Green tea is especially effective in combination with soy products in blocking the progression of breast cancer.

In addition, scientists found that those who drank 3 cups of green tea a day had 57% fewer relapses than those who drank only 1 cup.

Men with prostate cancer who drank 5 cups of green tea a day reduced their risk of developing advanced tumors by 50%. Impressive?

Black tea, whose leaves are fermented, does not have such polyphenols.

The best varieties of green tea from Japan: senga, gyokuro, matcha, etc., they have more EGCG than Chinese ones.

Brew a teaspoon of tea with a glass of boiling water, soak for 10 minutes, then drink it for an hour, after which it loses its healing properties.

Green tea works like excellent tool to detoxify the entire body. It stimulates the liver. Cases of a complete cure of cirrhosis of the liver are described, since tea cleanses the liver of toxins. In the experiment, green tea blocked the action of carcinogens that cause cancer of the breast, lung, esophagus, stomach and colon.


Turmeric (turmeric) is the most sensational remedy in recent times!

Although in India it has been known for many thousands of years ... both as a spice and as a very effective anti-inflammatory agent.

In laboratory conditions, curcumin has been shown to prevent the growth of many types of cancer, such as cancer of the liver, stomach, colon, breast, ovaries, and leukemia.

In addition, it blocks the growth of blood vessels and causes cancer cells to die, i.e. provokes apoptosis - cell suicide!

Indians consume 1.5 to 2 grams of turmeric per day (for life!), i.e. from ¼ to ½ teaspoon, so they get lung cancer eight times, colon cancer - 10 times, breast cancer - 5 times, kidney cancer - 10 times, and prostate cancer - 50 times (!) less often, than Europeans.

Turmeric is effective in the fight against breast cancer - in the stage when the tumor no longer responds to chemotherapy administered with taxol(a remedy for metastatic breast cancer, but helps in less than half of the cases and with great contraindications). Although in folk practice there are plants with the effect of taxol without contraindications. Hopeful trials go against multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer.

Even aggressive brain tumors such as glioblastoma are more sensitive to chemotherapy when curcumin is used in parallel. In Taiwan, they found that when treating malignant tumors with turmeric capsules, it is poorly absorbed in the digestive system. Indian wisdom has been forgotten, and it always involves the use of turmeric along with black pepper or ginger, as is always done in curry. Pepper increases the absorption of turmeric by 20 times! We will grow to Indian wisdom for many more decades ...

Turmeric can be consumed with soy products (but not genetically modified), which increases the medicinal properties of both. If you add a cup of green tea here, you will get a potent cocktail without side effects, which keeps the mechanisms of cancer development under control.

    Let's summarize our findings: turmeric, like green tea, stops

process of angiogenesis and stimulates apoptosis of cancer cells.

Ideally, turmeric should be consumed as follows: mix ¼ tsp. turmeric powder with ½ tsp. olive (or linseed) oil and a good pinch of black pepper. Can be added to vegetables, soups and salad dressings.

Curry contains only 20% of the composition of turmeric, so it is better to use turmeric in powder separately.


It is an excellent stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, carminative, antiemetic, analgesic.

Main action- Digestive and respiratory system.

Applies to: colds, flu, indigestion, vomiting, belching, abdominal pain, laryngitis, arthritis, hemorrhoids, headaches, heart disease - a universal remedy!

Fresh ginger is best used as a diaphoretic for colds, coughs, vomiting, and mucus related disorders. Dry ginger is bitterer than fresh ginger. It's over effective remedy as a stimulant and expectorant.

In its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it is more effective than vitamin E.

Ginger counteracts the growth of certain cancer cells, and it also prevents new blood vessels from growing.

Add to stewed vegetables, mix with honey and lemon (lime). Brew like tea, lowering for 10-15 minutes. thin slices of chopped root. You can drink both hot and cold.

Ginger well helps thin, weakened. But ginger can harm healthy, well-fed. It has a very strong psychotropic effect! Daily dose - no more than 1-2 g of powder.

Olive oil

There is a lot of talk about it, but few associate oil consumption with the Mediterranean diet. There are no Lithuanian smoked meats and sausages, there are no such potato dishes in dimensionless quantities, i.e. no major health concerns. There is little animal fat, but a lot of olives and olive oil.

It was found that the substances of olives and oils directly prevent the development of cancer in the initial stages. They slow down the development of breast, uterine, and colon cancers.

Experts advise to use olive oil along with herceptin, a drug that is very effective at suppressing the expression of the HER-2 gene, but olive oil has been consumed for many years.

Excess estrogen in the body of Western women (taking hormonal contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy during menopause) is known to be one of the main causes epidemics breast cancer.

In the United States, the incidence of breast cancer has decreased for the first time in several years. This happened after a significant reduction in the recommendations for taking hormones during menopause.

Soy phytoestrogens are 100 times less active than natural female hormones, but they act in the same way as tamoxifen, a drug commonly used to prevent recurrence of breast cancer. Phytoestrogens can slow the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors. But this effect is only true for those who have consumed soy since childhood.

Genistein (one of the soy flavonoids) resembles male hormones, so the result is the same for men - soy since childhood.

Therefore, avoid nutritional supplements containing flavonoids, especially concentrates (extracts) - they can cause tumor growth!

Soy flavonoids, like green tea, block the growth of tumor blood vessels. They play an important role in the fight not only against breast and prostate cancer, but also against many other types of cancer.

This means that many varieties of organic soy products - tofu, tempeh, meat, etc., can be useful products in the fight against cancer.

Very important! Do not consume soy products during taxol chemotherapy!

Replace milk soy milk or soy yogurt. Use tofu and meat, but only before chemo and a week after it.

Cook tofu with onion, garlic, curry and other spices (we'll talk about them later).

Soy can be sprouted and added to salads.


Daily - for every meal! – we can and should choose foods that will protect our bodies from the invasion of cancer.

These products:

    Neutralize carcinogens.

    Support our immune system.

    They block the development of new blood vessels necessary for tumor growth.

    They do not allow the tumor to maintain inflammation, which serves as a breeding ground for it.

    They block the mechanisms that allow the tumor to invade neighboring tissues.

    Promote self-destruction of cancer cells.

Once again I will repeat. Here we are not considering all vegetables in general, but rather those

which provide us with the six points above.

Here are the main "anti-cancer" vegetables:

carrots, pumpkin varieties - zucchini, zucchini, etc., tomatoes, radishes, onions, garlic, celery, horseradish; Brussels sprouts, sprouts, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli.

These types of cabbage contain sulforaphane And indole-3-carbinols, whose molecules successfully fight cancer. They are also able to neutralize some carcinogens that enter the body. Experiments have shown that the use of sulforaphane 3 times a week leads to a significant increase (more than 50%) in the activity of antitumor NK cells in prostate cancer. The risk of developing metastases was halved.

Try not to boil the broccoli, this destroys the healing elements. It is best to cook in a double boiler with a closed lid and not for long. You can fry in a pan with a little olive oil, also short.

Overseas vegetables have no place in the diet for oncology.


The linolene found in tomatoes has been found to increase life expectancy in prostate cancer patients who consumed tomato sauce at least twice a week.

Use canned juice, sauce only in glass jars or bottles.


All parts of this unique plant contain phthalides, polyacetylenes, which neutralize carcinogens even before they turn healthy cells into cancerous ones. Especially useful for patients with stomach cancer.

Celery relieves spasms of skeletal and smooth muscles, has the ability to raise the overall tone of the body, increase physical and mental performance. This is very important in oncology.

Celery juice is unmatched. It is good on its own, but better in mixtures with carrots and parsley or apples. Raw leaves are useful for nervous disorders. Perfectly removes inflammation on the skin from diathesis in children, urticaria, allergies and other skin problems. Relieves inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract.

Celery neutralizes acids and purifies the blood. It has protective substances that are beneficial for the brain and nervous system.

Tincture (for mental, mental disorders, physical overstrain, fear, anxiety, depression, stress).

Pour 100 g of fresh chopped celery root with 1 liter of Cahors wine (at least 16%), bring to a boil, but do not boil, and heat over low heat for 15 minutes, insist until cool, drain.

Drink ½ cup three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Normalizes blood circulation, metabolism of the brain, improves mood and appetite. But you should always remember - everything is good in moderation!

celery seeds- a strong stimulant of the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems. They give purposefulness and activate the best mental (ascending) currents.

Radish, turnip, radish

Firstly, men need to know that there are products that stimulate the production male hormones, but there are women's. There are not so many male ones, these include: radish, turnip, radish, celery, onion, garlic, horseradish, mustard, pumpkin (and seeds), turkey meat, chicken, game (everything rustic), eggs, green tea, etc.

In white radish, potassium is 357 mg%, in black 1199 mg%!

Radish juice in the form of a 30% aqueous solution - 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day - treatment and prevention of cancer, atherosclerosis, pernicious anemia.

If you use radish juice 3 ml (no more!) 3 times a day (at any time) - then you will clean all corners of your body: salt deposits in the joints, sand and stones in the kidneys, liver, bladder, pancreas, lymph , bronchi - everything will be removed from the cells of the body, both healthy and sick.

Turnip garden - an excellent source of silicon. Not a single person has it in the norm, and without it, other 72 minerals are not absorbed and do not work. Fiber, which is part of the turnip, helps fight cancer of the rectum and colon, pancreas and prostate glands.

Turnip contains anti-cancer substances - glucosinolates, significantly reducing the development of lung cancer, mammary glands.

Before potatoes, all of Europe ate turnips, turnips and never heard of cancer ... With potatoes, there was only talk about cancer ...

Garlic, onion

Onions and garlic belong to the lily family. Sulfur-containing compounds in this family reduce carcinogenic effect nitrosamines, formed in overcooked meat and during the combustion of tobacco. They also promote apoptosis in colon, breast, lung, prostate, and leukemia cancers. People who eat a lot of garlic are less likely to get kidney and prostate cancer.

Both onions and garlic are able to regulate blood sugar levels. It is better to grind the garlic and add olive oil to it. More often, both onions and garlic are fried and mixed with fried vegetables (or steamed) in combination with curry and turmeric, black pepper.

Scientific studies of recent years allow us to conclude that both fresh garlic and seasonings from it help prevent malignant neoplasms: cancer of the stomach, esophagus, breast, rectum, bladder, etc.

Substances of garlic prevent genetic damage to cells, which is one of the causes of cancer.

Whatever treatment the patient receives, garlic in his diet will be very useful. It reduces the painful effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Is Garlic Effective at All Stages of Cancer Development? it helps prevent both the onset and development of a tumor, and enhances the immune system's attacks on cancer cells in the blood and on the original tumor.

All people in some period of life become predisposed to cancer, we can say that we are all under this threat.

(See separate article for more details)


Not everyone probably knows that horseradish contains several times more vitamin C than lemon (up to 250 mg%), and potassium up to 370 mg%, which puts this vegetable (seasoning) among the leading foods for cancer patients.

British doctors have found that horseradish peroxidase can kill cancer cells!

Peroxidase is able to break up cancer cells into separate small elements, which makes them available for destruction by the immune system.

Back in the 70s, it was said that getting peroxidase into the blood increases the effect of treatment by 4000 times!? Oncologist Vulf Abramovich Laskin (chemotherapist) figured out how to introduce peroxidase into the blood, bypassing the stomach. Here's how it's done:

Grate horseradish on the smallest grater. 1 st. l. horseradish pour ½ cup cold boiled water, insist in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Children's enema (rubber pear) after the stool, enter into the anus 30-40 ml of infusion. If there was no stool, first make a cleansing enema.

This is an excellent remedy for primary or metastatic liver tumors, because in such cases, chemistry no longer helps. Very rarely, surgery helps ... Through an enema, the tincture is absorbed instantly and immediately enters the liver. On the surface of leukocytes of oncological patients there are receptors that perceive horseradish peroxidase, and then the activation of killer leukocytes increases 4000 times!

Do an enema every other day, 10-15 procedures. Then do a control scan. If necessary, repeat after 1-2 weeks.

Horseradish inhalations are effective for lung cancer (and any problems respiratory tract, influenza, inflammation).

Usually and simply do it through a teapot. 1 st. l. horseradish pour hot water 60-70 o, inhale through the mouth of the kettle, exhale through the nose. First, breathe for 2 minutes, bringing up to 10-15 minutes. 3-5 times a day.

It is very good to simultaneously put horseradish under the heel (see garlic) and walk 24 hours a day for 2 weeks (even at night).

Leaves of horseradish in the form of a compress apply on tumors of the liver and spleen.

Herbs and spices

Spices such as rosemary, thyme (thyme), oregano (oregano), basil, mint, sage, etc. (large list) are rich essential oils from the class of terpenes. These oils promote the apoptosis of cancer cells and also reduce their spread by blocking the enzymes needed to invade surrounding tissues.

Spices and herbs as medicine

In 2001, a new anti-cancer drug, Gleevec, was discovered. This medicine is considered active in advanced leukemia and also in a very rare and usually fatal form of bowel cancer. This drug opened up completely new approaches in the treatment of cancer. Instead of trying to poison cancer cells (as chemotherapy does), Gleevec blocks the mechanisms necessary for tumor growth. When taken daily, Gleevec can inhibit tumor growth, which can no longer be dangerous.

However, it turned out that many herbs and spices act like glivek? motherwort, mint, marjoram, thyme (thyme), oregano (oregano), basil, rosemary, etc. These herbs are rich in fatty oils of the terpene series, which give them a special flavor.

Terpenes as show latest research, affect a wide range of tumors, reducing the spread of cancer cells or causing their death.

Cornsol in rosemary paralyzes the ability of cancer cells to attack neighboring tissues, then aka cancer loses its aggressiveness. In chemotherapy, rosemary helps the chemicals get into the cancer cells. This helps reduce the resistance of breast cancer cells to chemotherapy.

similar substance apigenin in parsley and celery counteracts tumor growth and the formation of new blood vessels to the tumor. The effect occurs even from moderate doses of parsley and celery. Make sure you have these products in any salad, porridge, soup. But you need to lay them down fresh (not dry) only after the end of cooking. Don't forget dill and other spices.

The well-known parsley and celery contain apigenin, an anti-inflammatory substance that blocks the growth of new tumor blood vessels.

Complex impact food

Medicines usually act on a single factor! Moreover, there is a tendency to obtain drugs that strictly affect a certain stage of the process at the molecular level, in order to reduce the side effect of treatment.

But such medicines have already been created by Nature - it's an anti-cancer food, it acts on many mechanisms simultaneously and without side effects, gently and with great benefit to the whole organism.

But since we usually eat three or four times a day, and moreover different foods, this allows us, with the proper selection of anti-cancer foods, to simultaneously influence an even greater number of cancer formation mechanisms.

Most tumor cells use several growth factors at once. How to guess which one?

The only way out is to attack everyone at once.

Through the consumption of combinations of attacking substances in food, it is possible to reduce the risk of cancer from 100% to 80% avoidable.

Example: if tomatoes and broccoli are consumed together, the treatment effect is doubled in case of prostate cancer. If you use 4 or more components of anti-cancer food, then the risk of breast cancer is reduced by 90%, if 4 separately - up to 50%.

If tomatoes are cooked with olive oil (stewed in a frying pan), only then the active anti-cancer substance is released - lycopot. And if you add onions, garlic, tofu (or country eggs), cumin, turmeric, black pepper and other seasonings, then in total we will have an excellent healing effect that is many times superior to lycopene. Lycopene can even stop the growth of brain glioma cells. We think...


Ellagic acid, which belongs to low molecular weight phenolic compounds, in experiments on mice slowed down the growth of tumors from aggressive carcinogens. But, 95% of promising synthetic substances tested on animals are not suitable for humans due to high toxicity.

Ellagic acid is found in raspberries, strawberries, hazelnuts and walnuts (remember this!). It was decided to discard synthetics and try natural materials and ... then everyone was shocked - their effectiveness was quite comparable with the recognized synthetic drugs that slow down the growth of tumor blood vessels!

Patent raspberries? They will ridicule and stop financing ... I had to go in a roundabout way. Further experiments confirmed that raspberries and strawberries, as well as forest and walnuts, pecans give us even more, their range is wider and completely safe than vaunted synthetics. Ellagic acid detoxifies cells: it blocks the conversion of environmental carcinogens into toxic substances and stimulates the elimination of toxins. Toxins are dangerous because, interacting with DNA, they cause genetic mutations. Ellagic Acid works on multiple fronts with no side effects!

Cherries are another natural anti-cancer food. Its composition includes glucaric acid, it is able to cleanse the body of xenoestrogens.

Blueberries, blueberries, blackberries.

These blue berries contain anthocyanidins And proanthocyanidins, whose molecules are able to force tumor cells to commit suicide (apoptosis). They are effective in many cases, especially against colon cancer cells.

Other products with these properties are cranberries, cinnamon and dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa. Dairy and with additives - not good.

Recent experiments have revealed the inhibitory effect of raspberries on cancer of the esophagus, mouth and colon. The effect of this wonderful berry has already been tested on a group of patients genetically predisposed to a special kind of polyps that increase the risk of breast cancer.

Black raspberry (blackberry) extract reduced the risk of polyps by 59%, compared to a placebo control group.

Freezing does not destroy anti-cancer molecules!

Plums, peaches, nectarines

Texas scientists have studied more than 100 types of fruits. But only stone fruits - peaches, nectarines and especially plums are rich in anti-cancer elements, like berries. A simple plum contains as many antioxidants as expensive berries, and it costs much less. Stone fruits are very effective in fighting breast cancer and lowering cholesterol, especially plum extracts.


Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits contain anti-inflammatory flavonoids. They stimulate the release of carcinogens by the liver.

Proved that tangeretin And nobeletin from the peel of tangerines penetrate into brain tumor cells, promote their apoptosis, and also reduce the ability of metastasis.

Red grapefruit contains an anti-cancer carotenoid called lycopene. Studies have shown that low blood levels of lycopene are associated with an increased risk of cervical, bladder, or pancreatic cancer. And, of course, lycopenes and other antioxidants found in grapefruit reduce bad influence on the body of oxidation, which contributes to the occurrence of cancer.

Enough 1 glass a day before meals. The peel must be thoroughly cleaned with soda. It can be used as tea leaves, just in boiling water.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice has been tested by people for several millennia. Its medicinal properties are very widely used in many diseases. It is a tonic for the kidneys and bladder of cancer patients, diabetics; with insomnia, neurosis, irritability, depressive and stressful conditions, anemia, lack of appetite, various poisonings, diarrhea. Fresh pomegranate juice can destroy more than 100 types of pathogenic viruses in a fraction of a second. Do not throw away the white jumpers of the pomegranate fruit, but dry it and add it to tea. They help calm nervous system, remove the feeling of anxiety, arousal, eliminate insomnia.

In people who drink pomegranate juice daily, the growth of a prostate tumor slows down by 67%, even with its very aggressive form.

It is better to drink 1 glass (225 ml) a day, during breakfast.

Red wine

Benefits of red wine consumed in moderation with meals to reduce risk cardiovascular disease proven long ago. This may apply to cancer as well. But... only if you follow the Mediterranean diet (no cigarettes, a minimum of eco-meat, a minimum of fat, and more fruits and vegetables).

Wine protects even smokers from lung cancer more than those who drink beer or spirits.

Red wine contains polyphenols and the famous resveratrol. Since they are extracted from the skin and seeds of black grapes, they are absent or very small in white wine, grape juice, and raisins.

Resveratrol acts on genes (called sirtuins) that are known to protect healthy cells from aging. It can also slow down three stages of tumor development by blocking NF-kB (a universal factor that controls the expression of immune response, apoptosis and cell cycle genes. Dysregulation of NF-kB causes inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and the development of viral infections and cancer).

Norm - 1 glass of wine per day with meals, drink a sip during the whole meal.

Dark chocolate

Contains a range of antioxidants, proanthocyanidins and polyphenols, with cocoa content of 70% or more. There are more polyphenols in one piece of chocolate than in a glass of red wine, and as much as in a cup of green tea.

Molecules of these substances slow down the growth tumor cells and limit angiogenesis (the process of formation of new blood vessels in an organ or tissue. In cancer, this process is very intense).

A mixture of dairy products and other additives will cancel the beneficial effect of chocolate and its components.

The ability of chocolate to increase blood sugar is much lower than that of white bread.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D 3 has recently been shown to significantly reduce the risk of certain types of cancer: breast cancer, non-small cell cancer lung, colon cancer, prostate cancer.

Vitamin D 3 helps to suppress all types of cancer, especially at an early stage.

20 minutes. in the midday sun provides the synthesis of 8,000 to 10,000 IU of this vitamin.

Cod, 1 tbsp. l. – 1460 IU

Sardines in 10 g - 270 IU

Egg - 25 IU

Beware of excess vitamin D 3, this can lead to kidney stones, or excess calcium in the blood, this is dangerous for cancer. Before you start taking D 3, you need to do an analysis of calcium in the urine and blood, and do this every 3 months.

Be careful, don't confuseD 3 cD 2 ; D 2 Potentially toxic and causes hypercalcemia!

Omega 3 fatty acids

At a rate of 1:1, we manage to consume it with food 1:5 and even 1:40. Excess animal fats, margarine, in all products, especially bakery products, cause this epidemic.

It has already been clearly proven that in cell culture, omega-3 inhibits the growth of cells derived from different types tumors - lungs, breasts, intestines, prostate, kidneys, etc. Their action is also manifested in a decrease in the spread of tumor cells, leading to the formation of metastases.

It is advisable to eat fish at least twice a week. The best fish are small fish such as anchovies, small mackerel, sardines (including canned with olive oil). Salmon - can be tolerated if it is not artificial cultivation. Frozen fish has almost no omega-3s. Large fish are chemically tainted.

The best source of omega-3s and lignins is flaxseed. Linseed oil easier to use, but it does not contain as many lignins and quickly oxidizes, rancid.

Phytoestrogens (lignins) mitigate the harmful effects of hormones that trigger tumor growth.

Flaxseeds are low in cholesterol and lower blood sugar peaks.

Daily intake of 30 g of flax seeds slows down growth already an existing tumor prostate by 30-40%!

Breast cancer patients are at a significantly lower risk of having metastases if they consume plant-derived omega-3s - flax seeds, nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds).

Flax seeds are best ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with natural milk (or soy) yogurt. You can add vegetables and fruits to salads. Add to all cereals, baked goods, cocktails made from herbs, vegetables, fruits.


Man is 80% smart water and several hundred trillion bacteria. 2/3 of these bacteria should be "friendly" to us and only 1/3 can be "hostile" (conditionally). Then the person has strong immunity, since 2/3 will always pacify 1/3. If, on the contrary, we get sick, and everything is different, it all depends on which company of these 1/3. Yes, and 2/3 should be supported from thoughtless destruction by antibiotics, chemicals in food, water, air, household chemicals, synthetic materials, etc. We talked about this a little at the beginning, do not forget about it if you want a revival.

The intestinal tract usually contains "friendly" bacteria that help digest food and move it through the intestines. 80% of digestion and absorption depends on bacteria and only 20% on digestive juices.

The best known of these bacteria are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus.

Probiotics stop the growth of colon tumor cells.

Increase the efficiency of the immune system by increasing the number of NK cells (killers).

Contribute to the removal of toxins, which reduces the time of their contact with the gastrointestinal tract.

Good sources of probiotics are natural yogurt, kefir, and soy yogurt. Learn to make them yourself at home from natural village milk, using store-bought only for the first starter. Unique natural probiotics and symbiotics are unique preparations type:

Kurunga - dry symbiotic sourdough

Kefir Indian yogis(Tibetan fungus)

Tibetan sea rice

Kefir "Biovit"

- "Stelkor" - dry extract of wheat germ (Russia)

More details about these drugs will be discussed on the site below.

These precious bacteria are found in sauerkraut and kimchi! Our ancestors were smart, they fermented a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs. Don't poison yourself with synthetic vinegar and preservatives...


The inhabitants of Japan owe their excellent health and longevity to the regular (since childhood) consumption of seafood - fish, shellfish, algae.

The most commonly eaten seaweeds are seaweed, fucus, wakame, arame and nori. They contain substances that slow down the development of breast, prostate, colon and skin cancers.

In Japan, China, the United States and other countries, thousands of studies have been carried out and many hundreds of scientific papers have been published on the effectiveness of seaweed in the prevention and treatment of hundreds of human diseases. The main research is devoted to the problems of cancer.

The famous fucoidan(found in seaweed, fucus, wakame seaweed) stimulates immune cells, including killer cells.

And the colder the water, the more fucoidan. There are a lot of them in northern seas Russia.

Fucostatin, which stains algae brown, blocks the growth of cancer cells in the prostate. This carotenoid is even more effective than its cousin lycopene.

brown seaweed contains antiestrogen, which is of paramount importance for the treatment of estrogen-dependent tumors in women.

Contains nori seaweed contains unique long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, they are great at removing inflammation.

Algae cooked with legumes, in particular with lentils, is better and more quickly absorbed, it takes less time to cook.

Seaweed perfectly improves metabolism, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, has a gentle laxative effect, is recommended for stomach cancer, anemia.

It is better to take seaweed in powder form 3 times a day, 1 tsp. with compulsory drinking boiled water with cancer of various localization, in particular with prostate cancer.

Good to take after combined treatment, including radiation therapy, as well as in cases of severely advanced disease. At long-term use seaweed is gradually improving general state as well as mental state.

For more information on the medicinal properties of fucoidan, see a separate article.

The best preparations from fucoidan are:

UMI firm "Agel" USA.

Pyloris - Russia.


Consumption of mushrooms thins the blood, lowers cholesterol levels, increases the production of interleukin-1 and -2 by the immune system. These two substances help the body resist cancerous tumors.

Eat mushrooms regularly along with vegetables and you will prevent cancer and boost your immune system.

Many edible and even poisonous mushrooms have healing and antitumor properties.

The most studied are such Asian mushrooms: shiitake, meitake, champignons, oyster mushrooms, thistle mushroom and coriolus multicolor (tinder fungus). All of them contain polysaccharides and lentinin that stimulate the activity of immune cells. In Japan, China, they are often used as an adjunct to chemotherapy to support the immune system. Studies by Australian scientists have shown that the risk of breast cancer in women is reduced by 64% in those who consumed 10 g of mushrooms daily. And extract from 1 g of green tea leaves (or 5-6 cups of tea) reduces the risk by 89%. Other such effective food products Not yet.

The most effective European anticancer mushrooms: White mushroom spruce, gray talker, oblong golovach, gall fungus, common false raincoat (scleroderma), winter honey agaric, smelly veselka, fat pig, birch tinder fungus. The site does not intend to give detailed recipes for the treatment of these mushrooms, those who wish can find all the answers of the author of the site in his book "Treatment of severe and oncological diseases with mushrooms", Kaunas, 2006.

No need to look for great overseas rarities, our white fungus has a depressing effect on malignant tumors, especially spruce. This has already been confirmed experimentally.

Powder from dried mushrooms retains almost all of its healing properties. It is useful to take 1 tsp. powder with water 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes. before meals.

Tincture of fresh hats (fill a full jar to the top with vodka, leave for 3 weeks) you can drink 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals in courses of 3 weeks, a break of 7 days. Skin cancer, frostbite, burns can be treated externally. Do not be lazy to know and be able!

And what is our veselka mushroom (paprastoji pobiabudė) worth, it can work miracles of healing!

And oyster mushroom can stop the growth of cancer in cell cultures almost completely! And a new discovery in mushrooms - Brazilian atarik. Recommended for the prevention and treatment of: oncology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, genitourinary system, diseases of the lymph and blood, epilepsy, encephalopathy, autoimmune diseases, mycoses (fungi), endometriosis, polyps, inflammation of the appendages, fibroids, fibromyomas, malignant neoplasms, latent sexual infections.

White bloodroot

Potentilla white will warn and cure:

  1. Stroke - makes the walls of blood vessels flexible and elastic, prevents their impulse.
  2. Heart attack, atherosclerosis - perfectly removes cholesterol.
  3. Hypertension - lowers blood pressure.
  4. Completely removes radiation by the presence of 1 1 microelements. If today, after Chernobyl, thousands of the doomed are rushing about, then where will we rush to. when hundreds - thousands of Chernobyls literally crawl out of a multitude of radioactive burials?! You need to prepare for this in advance. But from radiation effective drugs no - only white cinquefoil.
  5. Completely cures diseases of the thyroid gland with an increase and decrease in its functions. There are official honey for this. conclusions.
  6. Improves the work of the heart - eliminates its arrhythmia by increasing the amplitude.
  7. Comprehensively improves blood composition - increases it best qualities(erythrocytes and leukocytes) by reducing the worst (cholesterol).
  8. Contains, among other things: glycoside (the main medicinal component of ginseng) amino acids - essential element life, many tannins.
  9. Anemia - increases red blood cells.
  10. Ulcers - silver antiseptic is present.
  11. Enhances bowel function.
  12. Heals the liver - enhances bile secretion.
  13. Best remedy for uterine prolapse, cuts and boils.
  14. The best preventive harmless remedy life prolonging.

stone oil

A unique complex of water-soluble natural minerals

Stone oil is an amazing and very valuable natural substance. Its healing properties are so extensive that it can be used for almost all diseases, because. first of all, it acts on the immune system, i.e. increases the body's defenses.

In Chinese mythology stone oil- the food of the immortals.

It is a perfectly balanced natural complex of water-soluble minerals with a wide range of trace elements.

KM does not have a harmful side effect on the body, but on the contrary, it treats everything at once! This is not only a PEOPLE's statement, but also the conclusion of leading oncological institutes.

Various causes and factors can lead to the development of malignant tumors. Scary statistic testifies: in Russia, more than 2 million people are registered with cancer. The threat of cancer hangs over every 5th Russian. Oncology experts say that 75-80 percent of the factors and causes of tumors can be eliminated, which means that in 80 cases (theoretically) the disease can be prevented.

But, let's move from words to deeds. Many oncologists agree that nutrition is one of the important factors contributing to the occurrence of malignant tumors. Approximately 34-37 percent is assigned to the share of this factor. The risk group most often includes those who exhaust themselves with diets, of course, not all types are included here. diet food but only those who are poor anti-cancer products, but abound in various dishes containing carcinogens. But it is precisely these products that are a significant factor in the formation of malignant tumors. Once in the human body, such products cause a malfunction of the chromosomal apparatus, affecting it, they activate oncogenes, which in turn contribute to the formation of oncocells, the process of cell fusion and tumor formation can last 10-12 years.

What foods should be paid attention to in order to reduce the consumption of substances that provoke the formation of oncogenes.

Foods that cause cancer

  • Sausages and sausages, as well as other products, including pesticide-treated vegetables that abound in nitrites, nitrosamines and a number of food additives: E 102 (tartrazine), E284 (boric acid), E123 (amarzant), E 285 (sodium tetracarbonate), E574 (gluconic acid), E512 (stannous chloride), E1200 (polydextrose), E999 (Quillaja extract), E127 (erythrosine).
  • Reduce the consumption of margarine and butter, the use of such fats should not exceed 1/5 of the entire diet. Remember, you can fry in oil only once, otherwise you risk getting a "nuclear" mixture of carcinogen - benzpyrene. By the way, this "horror" contributes not only to the formation and growth of cancerous tumors, but can also lead to fetal deformity in pregnant women.
  • Coffee. 2 cups (50 g) of this drink act as a prophylaxis against liver cancer, but when consumed 5-6 cups of this drink, it can provoke the growth of cancer cells in the pancreas and bladder.
  • Fatty meat and animal liver - no more than 3 times a week, only your body can handle this amount.
  • Alcohol. We can talk about relative safety when using no more than 20 g pure alcohol, which is equivalent to: 200 g of dry red wine, a glass of vodka or a half-liter bottle of light beer.
  • Moldy bread is the poison aflatoxin, in its purest form. It primarily affects the liver.
  • Boiled water, of course, we are talking only about the water that has already boiled 5 times in your kettle. Remember, there is no longer water at all, but dioxin - the strongest carcinogen.
  • So, what, it turns out that we can neither eat nor drink? No, of course it is possible and necessary, but only what is safe for our body.

List of anti-cancer products

  • Tomatoes contain the substance lycoptin. This powerful antioxidant is able to neutralize free oxygen radicals that promote the formation of cancer cells. You need to know that only bright red tomatoes contain lycoptin, which you need to eat at least 2-3 pieces a day.
  • Pumpkin and carrots are rich in beta-carotene. 200 grams of these vegetables, provided daily consumption, prevent malignant tumors of the breast, lungs, prostate, pancreas, cervix and large intestine.
  • Garlic - the selenium contained in it, will protect the oropharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon, mammary glands and skin from the action of carcinogens. As a preventive measure, 1-2 cloves of garlic per day are enough.
  • Radishes, horseradish, celery and radish contain indoles and isothiocyanates in abundance, which successfully neutralize the action of carcinogens. Prophylactic dose - 50-60 grams per day.
  • Onion, or rather the content of the substance quercetin in it, which, by the way, remains in it even after heat treatment, prevents cell mutation. Effective at malignant neoplasms breast, ovaries and prostate. Every day you need to eat at least 40-50 grams.
  • No less rich in quercetin and red wine. True, the principle of action of this substance applies mainly to kidney oncogenes. As a preventive dose, about 150-200 grams per day is recommended.
  • Bran (corn, wheat, oatmeal, rice) - rich in so-called ballast substances, which reliably stop carcinogens, preventing the occurrence of bowel cancer. Daily dose - 350 grams.
  • Salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel - these fish are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 acids, which help strengthen the "anti-cancer" immunity. 150 grams of seafood daily is the recommended dose.
  • Prunes - able to provide active resistance to cancerous tumors in the early stages. 5-6 dried fruits per day.
  • Nuts and vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E, another active cancer fighter. Nuts - 150 grams per day, vegetable oil - 50 grams.
  • Green tea and rose hips are rich in epigallocatechinin gallate, they “program” apoposis (death) of cancer cells. Drink 5-7 cups of green tea or 4-5 cups of rosehip tea.

Health to you!

Tasha Tashireva
For women's magazine website

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Cancer is serious enough serious illness and despite the latest technology and medications practically untreatable. Anyone can get cancer. Therefore, to prevent the development of this malignant pathology, it is necessary to take a closer look at the products indicated for this disease.

Anti-cancer foods that will help prevent it are better to include in your diet and consume them every day. Since thanks to these necessary and useful products you can feel like an absolutely healthy and energetic person for many years.

Eating right means being healthy

"We don't live to eat, we eat to live."


The food of modern man is far from ideal. After all, his menu often consists of semi-finished products, literally stuffed with carcinogens and dyes. Also, the daily meal is saturated with sugar, lots of pastries and smoked sausage with sausages.

Such food has the most negative impact on the health and well-being of a person. And if we add stress and insufficiently good ecology of big cities to this, it becomes clear why doctors have recently been more and more often diagnosed with cancer.

Anti-cancer products are ordinary and simple food components with the ability to stop the growth of cancer cells in the first place with the ability to strengthen the immune system and increase general tone organism.

Important! According to experts, products for the prevention of cancer should be served daily at the table in the following ratio: 2/3 of plant ingredients and 1/3 of protein should be placed on plates.

Antioxidant foods and their role in the fight against cancer

Antioxidants are oxidation inhibitors, as well as substances of both synthetic and natural origin. It is better to replenish the body with antioxidants - cell protectors in the process of eating food.

Through studies using a range of food components, scientists have concluded that the content of a huge number of antioxidants that help in the fight against cancer in the following food items:

  • In beans, any kind;
  • In wild and garden currants;
  • In cranberries;
  • In raspberries, strawberries, as well as in other red berries;
  • In apples, cherries and plums;
  • In nuts and dried fruits;
  • In tomatoes;
  • In green tea.

Many products against cancer contain generally recognized antioxidants in the form of vitamins "A" and "E", provitamin "A", lycopene, flavonoids, tannins and anthocyanins, which are recommended for inclusion in the daily human diet for the treatment and prevention of the described disease. For example, it is a well-known fact that lemons, oranges and açai contain vitamin C, the presence of vitamin E in cereal sprouts, and the presence of provitamin A in carrots.

The need for selenium in the diagnosis - cancer

selenium, is valuable trace element necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Selenium deficiency leads to poor absorption of iodine and vitamin E at the cellular level, which leads to the development of thyroid and liver pathologies, along with a decrease in immunity and anemia. Selenium also plays an important role in the treatment and preventive fight against cancer.

Being a powerful antioxidant, Selenium helps to strengthen the immune system and treat prostate cancer in males and mammary glands in females.

The list of products against cancer saturated with selenium consists of:

  • From the liver, eggs, rock salt;
  • From seafood (herring is more rich in selenium);
  • From exotic seafood - crabs, shrimps, lobsters;
  • From wheat bran, corn, seeds, nuts, as well as brewer's yeast;
  • And also from tomatoes, mushrooms and garlic.

The above products included in the diet are guaranteed to help provide a person with high-quality cancer prevention.

List of the best foods to help treat cancer

The most valuable products that help prevent the development of cancer in humans are:

  • Members of the cabbage family , these are vegetables in the form of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc. The indoles that are part of these vegetables are involved in the formation of antioxidants, help deactivate excess estrogens, which provoke cancer, especially oncological neoplasms of the mammary glands in women. The described products are best eaten raw or by steaming;
  • soy products . Beans and any other soy food ingredients help prevent cancer cells from dividing. Similar Products saturated with isoflavones and phytoestrogens - antitumor agents. In addition, soy components help in healing the body after radiation and chemotherapy procedures;
  • Onion and garlic . The described vegetables have a detoxifying effect, the ability to cleanse the body of toxins. Garlic, by activating white blood cells, starts the process of destroying cancer cells. Therefore, when using garlic, the likelihood of developing cancer in humans is significantly reduced. The action of onions is similar to garlic, but to a lesser extent.
  • nuts. Almonds consist of a natural substance in the form of leathrile, which suppresses the development of cancer. Stones and the seeds of apricots in them since the times Ancient Greece used as a means of prevent cancer. Nowadays, the relevance of this tool has been proven, and the product is indicated for use.
  • Seeds . Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are of great value in the treatment of oncological diseases and their prevention. The lignanans they contain (substances that mimic estrogens in their action) have been found to be able to remove excess estrogen from the human body and thereby prevent the formation of cancer cells.
  • Tomatoes. Tomatoes, saturated with the most powerful antioxidant in the form of lycopene, which has antitumor properties, are indicated for everyday use as a prophylactic against cancer.
  • fish and eggs, as a major source of omega-3 fatty acids prevent the formation and division of cancer cells and prolong a person's life;
  • Seasoning Turmeric - the owner of anti-cancer properties, most often it is used in the treatment of oncological diseases of the intestines and bladder. By reducing the amount of enzymes, turmeric prevents inflammation and the development of cancer.
  • Tea of any kind has cancer-preventing properties. This drink, rich in antioxidants, saturates the human body with energy and prevents the division of cancer cells.

Foods That Promote Cancer

In order to prevent oncology or suspend this disease, a person first of all needs to refrain from eating smoked ingredients, from meat with a high percentage of fat, fried foods, alcoholic beverages, and food filled with nitrates.

The products described above negatively affect the body and lead to inflammation and cancer.

List of foods that cause cancer:

  • refined sugar;
  • Flour of the highest grade;
  • sugar substitutes;
  • Vegetables and fruits saturated with pesticides;
  • refined oils;
  • Salted, pickled and smoked food ingredients;
  • GMO products;
  • Sweet sodas.

And in conclusion, we can say that cancer products indicated for use are mainly due to vegetable origin. It is these food components that are saturated with vitamins, acids and minerals. The second place is occupied by seafood and fish, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Therefore, it would be more expedient to use these useful and significant products from cancer than more expensive and harmful food components in the form of smoked sausages, sausages, white bread, etc.

The importance of dietary nutrition in the prevention of cancer is recognized by all doctors without exception. Numerous Scientific research conducted over the past 20 years, convincingly prove that the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by more than 40%. This happens due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals that support the immune system, as well as due to the presence of antioxidants and other valuable substances designed to fight free radicals in the body. Having closely taken up this issue, a group of scientists identified 15 unique products that really help in the fight against cancer cells. Let's get to know them better.

15 Unique Cancer Prevention Foods

1. Red apples

Recent studies by scientists show that red fruits, especially red apples, reduce the risk of developing cancer, and first of all, breast cancer. Carotenoids, which color fruits red, yellow, or orange, have been shown to have anticarcinogenic properties. Thus, in order to prevent the occurrence of cancer, you should eat red and yellow apples more often, moreover, along with the peel.

This exotic fruit, which also has a reddish skin, helps prevent breast and colon cancer. According to scientists, this is due to the large number of polyphenolic compounds that have antioxidant characteristics and actively reduce oxidative stress (cell damage due to oxidation), which is associated with the appearance of cancerous tumors. Add to this the fact that the polyphenols contained in mango actively eliminate the already existing inflammatory processes in the body, thanks to which the use of this fruit helps to stop the development of cancer.

3. Citrus fruits

Everyone knows that our popular citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, grapefruits and tangerines, are rich sources of vitamin C. But when ingested, vitamin C prevents the formation of nitrosamines - carcinogenic nitrogen compounds that contribute to the accelerated division of cancer cells. As a rule, nitrosamines enter the body through the use of fried and smoked meat, dark beer, as well as smoking. In this regard, avoiding the use junk food, beer and cigarettes, as well as the regular inclusion of citrus fruits in the diet, will help reduce the likelihood of developing cancer of the larynx, stomach, lung and thyroid cancer by 35%. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a citrus fruit as kiwi. It contains 12 times more vitamin C than the same orange, and 60 times more than an apple, and therefore, according to experts, it is kiwi that is the best cancer fighter among all citrus fruits.

To many fans of a healthy diet, the overseas avocado fruit is primarily known for its beneficial effect on the heart and eyesight, and all thanks to its high content of potassium, lutein and beta-carotene. However, more recently, a group of scientists have identified powerful anti-carcinogenic substances in the pulp of avocados, which actively deal with precancerous cells, increasing the amount of reactive oxygen in them, and preventing them from turning into cancer cells. Thus, by regularly eating avocados, you help the body prevent the appearance of cancer of the oral cavity, prostate and mammary glands.

5. Red dates

In the East, red dates are one of the main delicacies and the first remedy for cancer. Scientists have recognized that the low incidence of cancer in Asians is associated with dates. Dates contain a lot of different vitamins and mineral compounds, but we are interested in anti-cancer properties of this fruit are hidden in pectins and dietary fiber. To prevent the occurrence of oncology, you should use a decoction of 10 red dates, 1 cup on an empty stomach for 30 days twice a year. In addition, doctors recommend eating dates during the recovery period after surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, since this fruit not only quickly restores strength, but also prevents the reappearance of cancer cells.

This oriental fruit is as popular in its homeland as dates. But in its composition there are derivatives of benzaldehyde - a substance that, according to scientists, has a powerful antitumor effect. That is why people who have been diagnosed with cancer should regularly consume figs, which will help stop the spread of cancer cells and fight the existing tumor. This exotic fruit is supposed to be able to cope with cancer of the colon and liver, bladder and stomach, as well as lymphosarcoma and leukemia.

Raspberries contain many minerals and vitamins, but the most valuable are special antioxidants called anthocyanins. These valuable substances able to fight colon cancer, prostate cancer and other oncological ailments. According to doctors, in order to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing oncology by 20–25%, it is enough to eat 40 g of this fragrant berry daily.

Scientists are interested in this berry, primarily because it contains a powerful antitumor substance called lupeol. Studies conducted by Hong Kong scientists have confirmed that the antitumor properties of this substance are faster and more effective than chemotherapy used to fight cancer. Recent experiments have shown that lupeol is effective in treating blood cancer and head cancer, but the study of this valuable component of grapes has just begun, which means that it is quite possible that it helps to cope with other oncological ailments. By the way, in addition to grapes, lupeol is present in mangoes and strawberries, although in smaller quantities.

Given that for the fair sex, an alarming factor in the development of oncology is an excess of the hormone estrogen, doctors recommend that they consume broccoli more often. This vegetable maintains hormonal balance, which reduces the likelihood of developing a fatal dangerous tumor in the chest or uterus.

This wonderful vegetable has the most valuable compound - the substance allicin, which in itself is the strongest antioxidant that destroys cancer cells and prevents their massive division. According to experts, garlic is the best remedy cancer prevention among all known vegetables, and therefore, using it 1-2 cloves a day, you can be sure that oncology will bypass you. Interestingly, garlic is effective against all types of cancer, with the possible exception of skin cancer.

In the case when cancer cells nevertheless began to divide, breaking through the first line of defense of the body, more powerful substances can come to the rescue - isocyanates, which are present in all types. These substances activate special protein molecules that destroy carcinogens that affect healthy cells. That is why cabbage must be present in your daily diet, even in small quantities.

Soybeans, in which scientists have found genistein, comes to the rescue when the disease has already made itself felt and is developing at a rapid pace. This organic substance from the group of bioflavonoids destroys the channels of an existing cancerous tumor, which prevents its growth. That is, soy helps prevent the most dangerous - the catastrophic growth of killer cells and their spread throughout the body.

Over 30% medical preparations, produced in Japan to combat cancer, are based on medicinal mushrooms. Japanese scientists were the first to identify specific polysaccharides - glucans, which are able to activate a special cellular immunity and build a powerful antitumor defense. And given that in more than 25% of cases, cancerous tumors are simply not detected during the examination, mushrooms become an excellent prevention of this deadly disease. Reishi, meitake, and shiitake have also been recognized as the best mushrooms to fight cancer.

14. Tomatoes

Red tomatoes are recognized as the most faithful allies of man in the fight against cancerous tumors. This happens due to the presence in tomatoes of the carotenoid pigment lycopene, which acts in the body as the strongest antioxidant. Studies conducted over the past 5 years in Europe have shown that men who regularly eat fresh tomatoes and tomato sauce have a 55% lower risk of prostate cancer. There is evidence that lycopene plays an important role in the prevention of oncological diseases of the esophagus and rectum, pancreas and mammary glands, as well as cervical cancer in women.

15. Green tea

Green tea is a worldwide recognized remedy for cancer prevention. And how else, if it contains the strongest natural antioxidant EGCG or epigallocatechin-3-gallate. According to experts, regularly starting your day with a cup of fragrant green tea, you protect your body from prostate cancer and blood cancer. Moreover, people who have ovarian cancer or breast cancer in without fail should take this tea, as it slows down the development of tumors.

As you can see, in nature there are many products that are able to withstand even deadly dangerous diseases such as cancer. Knowing this, each of us has the opportunity to make changes in our own diet and thereby prevent disease. Good health to you!



2023 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs