Is it possible not to remove an ovarian cyst? Ovarian cysts - laparoscopy, removal, treatment of ovarian cysts, surgery

An ovarian cyst is a cavity that is limited by a capsule and filled with fluid. Many cysts are completely normal and perform specific functions in the body. Such cysts are formed as a result of the processes of ovulation, shrink over time, and subsequently dry out completely. The whole process takes about three months.

The question of whether it is necessary to remove an ovarian cyst can only be answered by a gynecologist, and then with the help of a special gynecological examination. If a functional cyst is detected, in most cases, a repeat examination is scheduled after three months. This is done to make sure that the cysts are decreasing in size. In some cases, even after the first examination, the doctor may recommend taking birth control pills that prevent ovulation, without which new functional cysts will not form.

In what cases and is it necessary to remove an ovarian cyst?

In a woman who has already reached menopause, menstruation stops, as well as the process of forming a functional cyst - ovulation. If a cyst is detected in a woman of this age, she must be sent for an echogram. The doctor’s subsequent recommendations fully depend on the patient’s age category, the presence of various symptoms, as well as the type of cyst on the sonogram.

A sonogram is a graphic representation of the sound vibration of a particular organ. In fact, it is a spectrotemporal representation of sound. Thanks to this procedure, specialists can carefully examine the ovaries and obtain the necessary information about their condition. Ovarian sonograms are currently performed in two ways – through the vagina and the abdominal cavity. Both one and the other method are completely painless, and the procedure itself takes no more than half an hour. With the help of such an examination, the doctor can determine and prescribe the most effective treatment.

The degree of need for surgical intervention to remove a cyst, as mentioned above, is determined primarily by the patient’s age, the size of the cyst, the symptoms of the disease, as well as the menstrual cycle. So, for example, in cases where the menstrual cycle is not disrupted and the cyst is functional, there is no need to remove it, since it will resolve on its own within three months. But in the case when, after the above period of time, the cyst only increases in size, and the sonogram performed indicates that this cyst is not functional, it must be removed. The fact is that women who have reached childbearing age very often develop types of cysts that require mandatory removal. At the same time, at a young age, the risk of developing a malignant cyst is minimal, which means that such women are not at risk of ovarian cancer.

In almost all cases, the formation of an ovarian cyst for women who have reached postmenopausal age ends with surgical intervention. The reason is that women between the ages of fifty and seventy are most susceptible to ovarian cancer.

Depending on the size of the detected cyst, a certain type of operation is prescribed. So, for example, to remove a cyst no larger than a plum, gently perform laparoscopy, which does not involve large incisions and is performed using a special device - a laparoscope. To perform an operation to remove larger cysts, a laparotomy is performed, which consists of hiding the abdominal cavity and removing the cyst or the entire ovary.

Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst

A pathology such as an ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled bladder located inside the ovary, which may differ in size, histological structure of the cyst capsule and the nature of the internal contents.

Do I need to remove an ovarian cyst?

Most ovarian cysts do not pose a health risk and may appear and disappear spontaneously without causing any symptoms. Doctors recommend removing an ovarian cyst if it is constantly growing and reaches a large size and causes pain. It is worth removing the cyst even when there is a suspicion that the process is malignant.

Methods for removing ovarian cysts

Most often, an ovarian cyst is removed endoscopically. To do this, three small punctures are made on the front wall of the abdomen. The advantages of this method include: low level of trauma to the patient, no need to spend a long time in the hospital, no scars and pain after surgery, and quick recovery.

A laser can be used to carry out this operation if the medical institution is equipped with such equipment, but in most cases the electrocoagulation method is used.

Endoscopic or laparoscopic removal of an ovarian cyst is performed using general anesthesia. Before surgery, the patient’s abdomen is filled with gases and only after that the cyst is removed by inserting the necessary instruments through punctures.

After removal of an ovarian cyst by laparoscopy, thanks to optical magnification and more careful handling of internal organs, it is most often possible to avoid such consequences of the operation as adhesions in the pelvis, which is an important factor for women planning pregnancy.

Sometimes, to remove an ovarian cyst, abdominal surgery or laparotomy is necessary, which involves making a large incision on the abdomen. In such situations, the patient takes much longer to recover.

The choice of method for removing an ovarian cyst is determined by the doctor based on certain factors:

  • the patient's health status;
  • type of cyst and its size;
  • the equipment of the medical institution where the operation will be performed;
  • the risk of various kinds of complications.

The main purpose of surgical intervention is as follows:

  • confirm the diagnosis and establish the nature of the cystic formation;
  • exclude cancer;
  • remove the ovarian cyst and its contents, preserving the healthy tissue of this organ.

Preparing for removal of an ovarian cyst involves avoiding drinking and eating on the day of surgery. Before the cyst removal procedure, it is also recommended to stop smoking for a certain period of time to prevent the development of infections. Before the operation, the patient may also be given special agents that prevent the formation of blood clots.

Postoperative period

After surgery, the patient should rest until the anesthesia wears off. If a woman feels pain, she may be prescribed analgesics.

For two days after removal of the cyst, it is not recommended to drive or perform work that requires increased concentration.

The recovery period after cyst removal is usually 7-14 days.

Side effects of surgery to remove ovarian cysts

Side effects, as a rule, boil down to painful sensations in the abdomen or shoulder, which disappear within two days. Sometimes the following may occur: infection, abnormal reaction to anesthesia, heavy bleeding, blood clots.

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Is it worth removing an endometrial ovarian cyst or not?

A functioning female reproductive system without deviations is the key to full life sensations, because the opportunity to have children is a gift from nature itself. Unfortunately, the modern world is not without specific diseases associated with women's health. Pathologies of the reproductive organs are quite common. Endometrioid ovarian cyst is a disease that negatively affects the possibility of conception. Its complications can be so serious that removal of the endometrioid ovarian cyst is the only option to avoid severe consequences.

How does an endometrioid ovarian cyst occur?

The cyst is formed during the implantation of endometrial cells into the ovarian tissue. How do these cells, which form the basis of the inner uterine layer, end up outside the uterus? The reason for this is endometriosis, a gynecological hormone-dependent disease of unknown etiology. A cystic formation is formed against the background of this pathology, the essence of which is the movement of cells of the internal uterine layer outside the boundaries of the uterus. Cells of a healthy uterus retain its layer-by-layer structure and do not allow cells to move from layer to layer and beyond the outer boundaries of the organ.

But with endometriosis, an anomaly occurs, expressed in the migration of cells from the endometrial (inner) uterine layer to other tissues. This causes the formation of structures uncharacteristic for such tissues in the form of foci that function like the lining of the uterus, growing and being rejected in a cyclic cycle with bloody discharge, as happens during menstruation.

If endometrial cells enter the ovary through the fallopian tubes, then its loose structure, due to the periodic maturation of follicles, poorly prevents their penetration. These cells in the thickness of the ovarian tissue gradually form a capsular cavity, which, functioning like the uterine layer, is filled with blood.

Clinical signs of cysts and complications

In terms of its symptoms, the course of the disease manifests itself differently, depending on the stage of the pathological process. If hormonal parameters do not deviate from the norm and the cystic formation grows slightly, then no pronounced symptoms are observed. The progression of the disease leads to:

  • to the appearance of aching painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which are more intense on the right, if it is an endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, and on the left, if the left ovary is affected;
  • to pain along the entire line of the lower abdomen with bilateral development of the process;
  • to heavy blood loss during menstruation and spotting during the intermenstrual period;
  • to general weakness, malaise, mild nausea;
  • to frequent urination;
  • to unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

Untimely treatment of the pathology provokes secondary complications:

  • problems with the maturation of eggs in the ovaries that have undergone structural changes due to the functional activity of the endometrioid cyst;
  • compression and deformation of the ovarian body due to a growing tumor;
  • inflammation and development of suppuration at the location of the cyst;
  • scarring of the ovarian region of the ovaries due to the proliferation of cystic structures;
  • the appearance of adhesions in closely located tissues of neighboring pelvic organs.

All these abnormal processes lead to disruption of a woman’s reproductive functions and interfere with the normal process of conception, which results in infertility.

But the most dangerous condition can develop when the cystic capsule ruptures, when its bloody contents leak into the abdominal cavity. The woman feels a paroxysmal acute pain in the abdomen, a sharp drop in pressure is recorded, the body temperature rises significantly, and the condition is close to fainting. In this case, emergency medical care in a hospital through surgical intervention is indicated.


An endometrioid cyst is not easy to recognize. An examination by a gynecologist provides general information about the presence of a formation on the ovary and its approximate size. To obtain a more detailed picture, an ultrasound examination is prescribed. Ultrasound scanning makes it possible to accurately identify the location of the capsule with its contents, determine the size of the tumor, examine the pelvic organs, and monitor the development of the process over time.

However, ultrasound cannot always reliably determine the origin of the tumor and differentiate the endometrioid type from other variations. In particular, the MRI method allows, in special modes, to recognize the presence of fatty inclusions in the cystic contents along with blood, which is typical for a dermoid cyst.

The patient is recommended to undergo laboratory blood tests for hormone levels and the tumor marker CA-125, the level of which is sometimes elevated in the presence of an endometrioid cyst. The results of cyst puncture, carried out with a special instrument with a needle for puncturing the capsule and the ability to suction out the cystic contents, are also examined in the laboratory.

The only modern method that determines the nature of the disease with absolute reliability is laparoscopy. It gives the doctor the opportunity to visually assess the degree of pathology by introducing a special sensor with a mini-video camera through a puncture in the peritoneum, and, if necessary, begin treatment immediately. Therefore, laparoscopy has not only a diagnostic, but also a therapeutic direction.

Timely diagnosis of an endometrioid ovarian cyst will make it possible to begin comprehensive treatment and eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system.

How does an endometrioid cyst affect pregnancy?

The onset of pregnancy with this type of cyst is a big problem, since the ovarian tissue suffers, and, as a result, the process of egg maturation is disrupted. We must not forget that the appearance of the tumor is caused by endometriosis, often accompanied by hormonal dysfunction. And this, in turn, leads to problems with ovulation.

What to do if a woman has not regularly visited the gynecologist, pregnancy has already occurred, and upon examination a small cyst is discovered? When positive dynamics of her growth are not noted, then the woman must be observed by a gynecologist throughout the entire period of pregnancy. However, if the cyst grows rapidly, its removal is indicated, as this may negatively affect the pregnancy of the baby. Therefore, the surest way is to regularly visit your doctor and solve the problem before conception.

Development of treatment tactics

Women who are diagnosed with an endometrioid cyst ask the question: should they remove it or not? Among patients with this diagnosis, there is a common misconception that removal of the tumor is always carried out together with the ovary. In reality, this is not the case. Small cysts that do not affect the functions of other organs often disappear after competent complex therapy. Drug treatment of a hormonal, immunostimulating and restorative nature is prescribed.

The expediency of surgical intervention often depends on the timeliness and correctness of treatment tactics. Experts recommend the drug Visanne. Its active substance, dienogest, can inhibit the growth of endometrioid tissue and restore hormonal levels. However, the success of such treatment is not yet an indicator of complete recovery. Endometriosis is a recurrent pathology, so there is a risk of the formation of new lesions.

Radical surgery methods

If the conservative method does not produce positive results, and further growth of formation is noted, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. But women need to know that even if surgery is necessary, gentle options are possible that will eliminate the cyst but preserve part of the ovary. The determining factors in the development of therapeutic measures are:

  • type and size of cystic formation;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • age category of the woman;
  • the feasibility of preserving reproductive function.

The extent of the surgical intervention is assessed by the doctor. Depending on the course of the disease, the following are possible:

  • surgery to excise the cyst while preserving the ovarian tissue of the appendages;
  • elimination of cystic formation without interfering with the functional activity of the ovaries;
  • removal of the cyst together with the affected ovary.

Previously, access to the affected organ was provided through an incision in the abdominal wall, but modern laparoscopic techniques are a minimally invasive intervention. After 3-4 punctures in the peritoneum, special manipulator tubes with instruments and a video camera are inserted, and the whole process is displayed on the monitor. For spatial freedom of movement and complete visualization, gas is injected into the peritoneal cavity, the action of which contributes to the elevation of the abdominal wall.

The removal operation is performed taking into account the following features:

  • the endometrioid cyst is removed, taking care not to touch the follicles with maturing eggs “soldered” to it, so as not to reduce the volume of the follicular reserve;
  • the ovarian cyst is excised with care, without damaging the nearby blood supply vessels, since this can disrupt the nutrition of the appendage and negatively affect its function;
  • In addition to the cyst itself, it is necessary to determine the localization of existing endometrioid foci, eliminating them by coagulation (cauterization).

A proven gentle technique is laparoscopy, which involves opening the capsular part with subsequent evacuation of the contents through a special suction. Capsular tissues freed from liquid filling must be removed, since they can subsequently become the source of a new focus of pathology.

In complicated cases, surgery is performed to remove the cystic formation without preserving the ovarian tissue:

  • Endometrioid cysts that have reached large sizes in their growth, as a rule, lead to structural changes in the ovary that are irreversible. Therefore, preserving an ovary that has lost its basic functions is considered inappropriate.

  • At an age close to perimenopause, a woman’s hormonal background undergoes changes. Because of this, the body cannot cope with the pathology of proliferative processes. It is possible that, against the background of hormonal dysfunction, such a formation can trigger the onset of a malignant process.

Experts always notify women that eliminating a cyst does not lead to a complete recovery. After removal of an endometrioid ovarian cyst, it is necessary to restore the normal balance of hormones, which is achieved by subsequent courses of well-chosen individual hormonal therapy.

Solving the problem of endometrioid cyst recurrence

Recurrence of an endometrioid cyst is a problem that must be solved with the participation of a competent gynecologist and an experienced surgeon. The highly qualified doctor performing laparoscopy will make it possible to perform an operation not only to remove the cyst, but also to eliminate during the intervention all foci that contribute to the development of recurrent phenomena. After the operation, it is necessary to regularly visit the treating gynecologist and conscientiously follow all his instructions, which will be the key to getting rid of chronic endometriosis.

For patients of childbearing age, after laparoscopy and complete postoperative recovery, it is preferable to plan pregnancy. The course of pregnancy and the associated restructuring of the female body contribute to the restoration of the structure of the endometrium of the uterus and do not allow the formation of new endometriotic foci. But you need to take into account that you need to try to get pregnant on your own within a year or a year and a half. If such attempts are unsuccessful, after agreement with the doctor, you can resort to IVF.

The main task of preventing relapses is the removal of all existing endometriotic lesions and individual adequate hormonal treatment.

Ovarian cyst - does it need to be treated?

The diagnosis of an ovarian cyst usually sounds scary for a woman. Behind this diagnosis, she most often expects to hear an equally terrible conclusion - surgery.

Is it always possible to put an equal sign between the diagnosis of “ovarian cyst” and surgery?

Let's find out!

What types of ovarian cysts are there?

Below I will not give a generally accepted classification, but simply divide the formations of the ovaries to make it clear.

  • functional
  • endometrioid
  • benign tumors
  • malignant tumors
  • dermoids

Functional ovarian cysts

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These include two types of cysts - follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts.

The mechanism of formation of these cysts is as follows:

Normally, at the beginning of every woman's menstrual cycle, follicles (small vesicles containing an egg) begin to grow in the ovaries. Usually, in one menstrual cycle, several follicles grow and only one of them grows to 20 mm and bursts in the middle of the cycle. This process is called ovulation. An egg is released from the ruptured follicle and in its place another formation is formed - the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is a burst, collapsed follicle, inside of which there is a little blood, which gradually resolves. The corpus luteum exists for 10-12 days and if pregnancy does not occur, it regresses.

During the maturation of the follicle and the formation of the corpus luteum, disturbances may occur, leading to the formation of cysts.

If the follicle grows to 20 mm and does not burst, but continues to grow further, then such a follicle turns into a cyst, which is called a follicular cyst. The size of a follicular cyst can reach 8-10 cm, but usually it is about 4-6 cm. Such cysts resolve on their own within 2-3 months and do not require surgery! To speed up their resorption, monophasic hormonal contraceptives are usually prescribed.

There are cases when a follicular cyst bursts and its contents spill into the abdominal cavity. In this case, bleeding may occur, which will require hospitalization. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with a follicular ovarian cyst, you should refrain from physical activity and violent sexual intercourse.

A corpus luteum cyst is formed in almost the same way as a follicular ovarian cyst. Often this is due to more pronounced hemorrhage into it, or it simply increases in size under the influence of various factors. Corpus luteum cysts also should not be operated on; they, as a rule, resolve on their own within 2-3 months.

Functional ovarian cysts (follicular and corpus luteum cysts) are operated on only if complications arise against their background (bleeding, suppuration, etc.) or if they do not disappear or decrease in size for more than 4-6 months. This does not happen very often, so in most cases functional ovarian cysts are not operated on!

Endometrioid ovarian cysts

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This is a benign ovarian tumor. Such cysts are also called “chocolate” cysts, since their contents are a dark liquid that resembles melted chocolate. Such contents of cysts are due to the fact that their inner wall consists of the same cells that make up the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. These cells are also sensitive to hormone fluctuations and are able to be shed into the cyst cavity, similar to menstruation. That is, small menstruation occurs inside the cyst. As the contents of the cyst accumulate, it increases in size.

Most often, endometrioid ovarian cysts are asymptomatic and are accidentally found during ultrasound. They are double-sided and can reach large sizes. The growth rate of such cysts is different and difficult to predict. Some cysts may not grow for a long time and maintain their size throughout life, decreasing slightly after menopause. Endometrioid cysts have a small risk of degenerating into a malignant ovarian cyst, most often occurring in late reproductive age and after menopause.

Since endometrioid ovarian cysts are sensitive to sex hormones, in some cases, for their treatment, drugs are used that temporarily introduce a woman into artificial menopause (GnRH agonists: zoladex, buserelin, diferelin, lucrine depot, etc.), as well as drugs synthesized from male sex hormones. Drug treatment can reduce the size of the cysts, but, as a rule, after stopping treatment, the cysts begin to grow again. To prevent relapses after the main course of treatment, modern hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

All endometrioid cysts respond to treatment differently - they can significantly decrease in size, or they can, despite treatment, remain the same size.

Most often, endometrioid ovarian cysts are operated on. This is a relatively simple operation that is performed laparoscopically (with special instruments inserted into the abdomen through small holes under the control of a video camera). The cyst along with its capsule is removed from the ovary, while the ovary most often retains a sufficient amount of the tissue it needs. If the size of the cysts is very large, then it happens that the ovarian tissue can hardly be found. In this case, the entire ovary is removed.

Relatively often, endometriotic cysts recur after surgery. To prevent their reappearance in the postoperative period, a course of drugs is prescribed that are used for the medical treatment of these cysts (GnRH agonites and derivatives of male sex hormones). The duration of this anti-relapse course of treatment is from 3 to 6 months.

Endometriotic cysts and pregnancy

Sometimes the question arises of what to do in a situation when a woman is diagnosed with a small endometrioid ovarian cyst and she is planning a pregnancy. Surgical treatment not only entails getting rid of the disease, but also often gives rise to quite serious problems that affect the ability to get pregnant. Adhesions, which occur to varying degrees after surgery, can make the fallopian tubes obstructed, which is why pregnancy may not occur or an ectopic pregnancy may develop. In addition, excessive coagulation of the cyst bed after its removal from the ovary can damage the remaining tissue, which will affect the function of the ovary.

Therefore, if you have small ovarian cysts, it is possible to become pregnant and, after giving birth, evaluate her condition and decide whether she should be operated on or whether she can be further monitored.

True ovarian tumors

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Benign tumors, like malignant ovarian tumors, are always operated on, and the earlier they are detected, the better. As a rule, ovarian tumors do not manifest themselves in any way and only sometimes can lead to nagging abdominal pain or menstrual irregularities. This “secretive” behavior of tumors once again indicates the need for annual ultrasound, regardless of age. I repeat once again, surgical removal of tumors in their early stages allows us to achieve a very good prognosis in treatment.

There is such a “funny” ovarian tumor - dermoid or “dermoid cyst”, or “teratoma”. It is a rounded formation in the ovary, inside of which there is a liquid in which fat, hair, teeth, nails float - in general, a set of “spare parts” differentiated in composition. This cyst is formed from the remaining rudiment of one of the embryonic tissues. The size of such cysts varies from a few centimeters to gigantic sizes. Such cysts are usually removed surgically. A separate type of such cysts, “immature teratomas,” is a malignant formation.

Thus, functional ovarian cysts are not operated on (extremely rare). You can get pregnant with small endometrioid cysts. All other ovarian “cysts” should be operated on without delay.

2018 Blog about women's health.

An ovarian cyst is a single-chamber or multi-chamber cavity filled with fluid or blood. Pathology is detected at any age - from menarche to menopause. Some cysts do not cause much discomfort, others lead to menstrual irregularities and infertility. Sometimes, under the guise of a relatively harmless formation, ovarian cancer is hidden, requiring a special approach to therapy.

What is indicated when a cyst is detected on the ovary - drug treatment or surgery? This question worries every gynecologist’s patient, but it is not always possible to give a definite answer to it. The choice of treatment method depends on the type and size of the cyst, its growth rate, concomitant pathology, the woman’s age and other factors. Before making a decision, you need to evaluate all available data and weigh the possible risks. In controversial situations, it would not hurt to consult an independent specialist.

Treatment methods for ovarian cysts

In modern gynecology, there are two treatment options:

  • Conservative therapy involves exclusively non-invasive intervention. The woman is prescribed a course of medications - hormonal or non-hormonal. For some ovarian formations, anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated. Don't forget about physiotherapy methods;
  • Surgical intervention is the mechanical elimination of a pathological focus. Both excision of the formation and removal of the entire affected organ are practiced.

In medicine, there are 2 methods of treating ovarian cysts - conservative and surgical.

You can treat an ovarian cyst with only one method or use a combination of them. In some cases, hormonal therapy may be prescribed before and after surgery. The techniques are not always interchangeable. In difficult situations, to get rid of the pathology, a woman will have to go through all possible stages of treatment.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Conservative therapy


  • No invasive intervention is performed on the woman’s body;
  • It is possible to save the ovaries;
  • It can be carried out at home, in a antenatal clinic or a day hospital. Hospitalization in a 24-hour department is not always necessary;
  • Does not require special training.


  • High risk of side effects of medications;
  • Does not apply to organic ovarian cysts: dermoid, paraovarian, serous;
  • Does not always bring the desired effect;
  • After discontinuation of the drug, a relapse of the disease is possible;
  • Not suitable for all women (during menopause, the choice of medications is limited).

Types of ovarian cysts that are not treated with medication.



  • Allows you to radically get rid of the pathological focus;
  • Suitable for women of any age;
  • Low probability of disease recurrence.


  • Invasive intervention - an incision of soft tissue is assumed;
  • Risk of postoperative complications;
  • The need for careful preparation.

It is important to know

The operation has one undeniable advantage over drug treatment. Surgical intervention allows you to radically remove a suspicious tumor and avoid its malignancy. Taking medications prescribed for benign ovarian processes does not affect the growth of cancer cells and does not help prevent the development of metastases.

Factors influencing the choice of treatment method

Important criteria:

  • Type of cyst. Functional formations - luteal and follicular cysts - often do not require drug treatment. They are able to regress on their own within a short time. Endometriomas respond well to hormonal therapy. Dermoid, serous and paraovarian cysts are not treated with medication;
  • Education size. Surgery is necessary if the size of the lesion exceeds 10 cm. As it grows, the risk of developing complications increases significantly. For small functional formations, drug therapy is allowed;
  • Woman's age. At menopause, all ovarian tumors are removed. During reproductive age, some conditions are amenable to conservative treatment;

  • Reproductive plans. It is recommended to remove the formation before conceiving a child, since during pregnancy it can interfere with the development of the fetus. An exception is made only for small lesions up to 30 mm in size;
  • Preliminary survey data. If ultrasound or MRI reveals signs of a malignant tumor, surgery is mandatory. Surgical treatment is also recommended if tumor markers increase (CA-125, CA 19-9, HE4);
  • Presence of complications. If the cyst ruptures or twists, surgery cannot be avoided.

It is important to know

If the doctor insists on surgical treatment, and the patient does not agree with his recommendations, you can always get a second opinion. To do this, you should contact another specialist. After consulting an independent expert, a final decision can be made.

Principles of drug therapy

Indications for conservative treatment:

  • Detection of functional ovarian cyst (follicular, luteal);
  • Detection of endometrioma;
  • The size of the formation is up to 8-10 cm (discussed individually);
  • The woman is under 50 years of age (or before menopause);
  • Absence of complications and severe symptoms causing significant discomfort;
  • There are no signs of tumor malignancy.

There are no clear criteria regarding the size of education. The question of the treatment method is decided individually, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathology.

Conservative therapy involves taking hormonal drugs:

  • Combined oral contraceptives. Treatment uses drugs based on strong gestagens with a pronounced antiproliferative effect (gestodene, desogestrel, dienogest, levonorgestrel). Assigned according to the standard 21+7 or 24+4 scheme;
  • Progestin drugs. Used from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle, continuously or according to another scheme specified by the doctor;
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. Prescribed for endometrioid cysts. They are used in conjunction with low doses of estrogen to suppress unwanted side effects.

During conservative therapy, a woman may be offered drugs based on gestagens.

The course of drug treatment for functional cysts lasts 3 months. For endometrioma, hormonal medications are prescribed for 3-6 months. If there is no effect, the issue of surgery is decided.

The goal of treatment is to achieve a reduction or complete regression of the formation, eliminate unpleasant symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. Drug therapy can be prescribed when planning pregnancy, and also as one of the stages of preparation for surgery.

Other medicines:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain;
  • Vitamins and immunostimulants to maintain the body's defenses.

Conservative therapy does not guarantee complete elimination of ovarian cysts. Only with functional formations is there a chance that the lesion will resolve and will not reappear. In the case of endometriosis, there is an effect as long as the woman takes the medications prescribed by the doctor. The effect of the medications lasts no more than a year, after which the endometrioid cyst may begin to grow again. Conservative therapy for this pathology is used as a means to gain time to conceive and bear a child.

Features of surgical treatment

Indications for surgery:

  • Detection of dermoid, paraovarian or serous ovarian cyst. These formations are not amenable to drug therapy;
  • Suspicion of a malignant tumor;
  • The size of the pathological focus is more than 10-12 cm;
  • Rapid growth in education;
  • Detection of ovarian pathology during menopause;
  • Development of life-threatening complications;
  • Pregnancy planning.

When planning a pregnancy, experts usually suggest surgical removal of the cyst so that the pathology does not interfere with conceiving and bearing a child.

On a note

In the absence of complications, the operation is carried out as planned after preparation and testing. In case of torsion of the leg, rupture of the formation or its suppuration, surgery must be performed urgently.

The best option for removing the formation is laparoscopic intervention. If minimally invasive surgery is not possible, laparotomy is indicated.

Surgical treatment options:

  • Cystectomy. Only the pathological focus is removed. Healthy tissue is practically not damaged, the ovary remains. It is considered the best option for women of reproductive age, including those planning pregnancy. It is carried out when the formation is small, when it is possible to remove the cyst within intact tissues;
  • Wedge resection of the ovary. It is used when it is impossible to remove only the formation, but there are no indications for removing the ovary. A small section of the organ is excised. During the operation, it is important not to damage the ovarian stroma and follicular apparatus. Tissue trauma threatens depletion of the ovarian reserve and infertility;
  • Ovariectomy. The ovary is removed along with the pathological formation. It is used for large cysts when there is no healthy tissue left. It is also practiced during postmenopause: after the end of the reproductive period, there is no point in leaving a potential source of malignant tumors in the body.

The photograph shows one of the stages of laparoscopic removal of an ovarian cyst:

When ovarian cancer is detected, the scope of the operation expands to removal of the uterus, appendages, and leaves of the greater omentum. A revision of the abdominal cavity and regional lymph nodes is indicated.

Surgical treatment in most cases radically relieves the woman of the problem, but relapse of the disease cannot be completely excluded. If the factors contributing to the growth of the tumor are not eliminated, it may grow again after some time - months or years.


When choosing a treatment method, patients ask the gynecologist the following questions:

Is it always necessary to remove an ovarian cyst?

No, not all formations are subject to mandatory surgical treatment. Functional cysts can even spontaneously regress without surgery. Endometriosis often goes away with the onset of menopause.

Do I need to remove an ovarian cyst if it does not bother me and is not growing?

It all depends on the type of education. If we are talking about functional cysts, dynamic observation is sufficient. If a dermoid or paraovarian cyst is detected, surgery is inevitable, but it can be postponed for some time. It is better to remove serous formations immediately after diagnosis, as the risk of malignancy is high.

When is a cyst on the ovary cut out, and when is the entire organ removed?

The extent of the operation depends on the size of the lesion, location, age of the woman and other factors.

How dangerous is surgery for ovarian cysts?

Laparoscopic intervention is tolerated quite well. After the operation and recovery from anesthesia, short-term weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, and headache are noted. Recovery after laparoscopy takes 12-14 days. The menstrual cycle returns to normal within a month. You can plan a pregnancy 3-6 months after endoscopic removal of the formation. Proper selection of anesthesia and compliance with safety precautions can reduce the risk of possible complications.

After laparoscopic surgery, a woman recovers quickly because this treatment method is minimally invasive.

Can menopause occur after removal of an ovarian cyst?

In most cases, the operation goes well and menstrual function is not affected. It happens that when trying to remove a cyst or perform an ovarian resection, healthy tissue containing follicles is injured. A decrease in the supply of follicles can lead to an early onset of menopause and the appearance of its characteristic symptoms: hot flashes, emotional lability, decreased libido, etc.

How much does it cost to remove a left/right ovarian cyst?

The price is determined by the volume of the operation and the selected access. The average cost of laparoscopic cystectomy in Moscow clinics is 25-30 thousand rubles. According to the compulsory medical insurance policy, the operation is performed free of charge for the patient.

What are the risks of refusing treatment?

Treatment can only be avoided if there are functional ovarian formations. But even luteal and follicular cysts do not always resolve on their own, and then surgery is required. Refusal of surgical intervention threatens the development of complications:

  • Infertility. Follicular and endometrioid cysts prevent pregnancy and can also interfere with pregnancy;
  • Malignization. Not all cysts develop into cancer, but any ovarian formation is considered potentially dangerous and requires mandatory monitoring. Tumors detected in postmenopause deserve special attention. After 50 years, the risk of developing malignant tumors increases;

Adenocarcinoma in section. Some types of cysts can become malignant, so you should not neglect the treatment of tumors.

  • Education gap. The larger the size of the cyst, the higher the likelihood of damage to its capsule. The rupture leads to profuse hemorrhage into the ovary. The development of peritonitis is possible;
  • Cyst torsion. If the tumor is located on a thin stalk, it may twist. This complication threatens necrosis of ovarian tissue;
  • Chronic pelvic pain. The growing formation leads to stretching of the ovarian capsule. A large tumor presses on the nerve plexuses. All this leads to the appearance of constant aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. With endometriosis, pain occurs during menstruation; with other formations, it is not associated with the day of the cycle.

It is important to know

If you suspect an ovarian cyst, do not delay visiting a doctor. It is necessary to assess the nature of the formation, undergo a full examination and determine the diagnosis. This is the only way to choose the optimal treatment and avoid the development of health and life-threatening complications.

The nuances of using folk remedies in the treatment of ovarian diseases

Traditional medicine recipes are used in the treatment of pathology of the appendages only as an adjunct and exclusively for functional formations.

Alternative medicine for the treatment of ovarian cysts can help strengthen the immune system, but cannot get rid of the tumor itself.

Alternative methods in the treatment of endometriosis are allowed, but not at the expense of the doctor’s recommendations. The following options have worked well:

  • The use of “female” herbs (red brush, celandine, boron uterus, etc.) in complex therapy of hormonally active ovarian cysts. Decoctions and infusions normalize hormonal levels and speed up recovery;
  • Hirudotherapy can be used to improve blood flow in the pelvic organs and only under the supervision of a physician;
  • The effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of ovarian cysts has not been proven, but attempts to use it continue.

Mature teratoma, paraovarian cyst and true tumors cannot be treated with folk remedies. If such a pathology is detected, surgical treatment is indicated. It is possible to use herbal medicine in the postoperative period to stimulate the immune system and speed up the recovery of the body.

Useful video: in what cases is it necessary to remove an ovarian cyst?

Patient's review of surgical removal of an endometrioid cyst

Ovarian cysts are found in many women. They often reach large sizes, and various complications arise. Some of them do not pose any particular danger; they can resolve on their own over time. Other similar neoplasms are a serious threat to health and cause infertility. When choosing a method for eliminating cystic cavities of various types, possible complications are taken into account. In case of real danger, it is removed surgically. If possible, they try to perform the operation using gentle methods.


Why is a cyst removed?

Cysts are benign neoplasms that can change the structure of these organs and disrupt their functioning. The causes of their occurrence may be hormonal imbalances in the body, diseases and injuries of the genital organs, genetic disorders or congenital pathologies of reproductive health.

Enlargement of ovarian cysts leads to complications of varying severity. Among them are suppuration of the contents, as well as rupture of the tumor membrane, leading to peritonitis and internal bleeding. The leg may become twisted and necrosis may occur. Often the formation of a cyst causes infertility. Adhesions appear around it, disrupting the functioning of neighboring organs. Some types of such neoplasms can degenerate into malignant tumors.

There are so-called “functional” cysts that are capable of self-resorption (follicular and luteal). They are formed due to a temporary hormonal imbalance that occurs during the processes of the menstrual cycle. As soon as the disorder disappears, the reverse development of neoplasms begins.

All other types of ovarian cysts require removal, as they are capable of growing, and the consequences of their development are unpredictable.

Note: Such complications are especially dangerous during pregnancy. Doctors advise undergoing a full gynecological examination during the planning period in order to get rid of tumors in advance.

Cysts of this type include endometrioid, dermoid, and paraovarian. In addition, there are also cyst-like ovarian tumors (teratomas, fibromas, cystadenomas). Drug treatment will not stop their growth or prevent the consequences. You can only get rid of them surgically.

Indications for removal of cystic neoplasms

Removal of an ovarian cyst is indicated in the following cases:

  • there is a noticeable increase in the cystic capsule, which does not stop after 3 months, its diameter exceeds 3 cm;
  • there are doubts about the nature of the neoplasm;
  • the cyst has a long stalk that can twist;
  • due to the enlargement of the cyst, the woman developed abdominal pain;
  • there are signs of bladder or bowel dysfunction being compressed by a growing ovarian cyst.

If a woman is admitted to the hospital with symptoms of complications such as tumor rupture, torsion of the leg, ovarian apoplexy, hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity, surgery is performed immediately. Such symptoms include sudden severe abdominal pain, bloating, fever, and fainting.

Types of cyst removal operations

When choosing a method for surgical removal of an ovarian cyst, its size, type, and severity of complications are taken into account. The patient's age is also taken into account. If possible, when treating young women, the operation is performed in the most gentle way in order to preserve the functionality of the ovaries. There are several types of surgical intervention.

Cystectomy– enucleation of the tumor while preserving the ovary itself. After such an operation, a woman retains her ability to bear children. This method removes small cysts (up to 3-5 cm in diameter) that are benign in nature.

Wedge resection. The cystic capsule is removed along with part of the ovarian tissue. This operation is more traumatic. It is produced if the cyst has a wide base and fuses with the ovarian tissue.

Ovariectomy– complete removal of the ovary. The operation is performed for ovarian apoplexy, torsion and suppuration of the cyst, which creates a threat of peritonitis.

Adnexectomy– removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Performed if the onset of a malignant process is confirmed.

The presence of cancer cells in the tumor is determined by performing an ovarian biopsy. In this case, the method of diagnostic laparoscopy is used, the contents of the cyst are sampled for histology (microscopic examination).

Preparing for a planned operation

Before undergoing a planned operation to remove a cyst, the woman undergoes an examination. In this case, blood clotting, group and Rh factor are determined, urine and blood tests are performed for sugar. The blood is also examined for the presence of pathogens such as syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis.

Carrying out abdominal surgery requires additional examination to study the condition of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, endocrine and other organs. 7 days before surgery, a woman should switch to a diet: avoid eating fatty foods and flour products, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as other foods that cause increased gas formation and bloating. There should be at least 10 hours between the last meal and the operation. In the evening they take a laxative. On the morning of surgery, the intestines are cleansed with an enema.

Video: Preparation and performance of ovarian surgery

Conducting transactions in various ways

The main methods of surgical intervention are laparoscopy and laparotomy. Laser removal is also used. The procedure can be planned, as well as emergency, when the question of the volume of intervention is decided during its implementation.


The cyst is removed through holes in the peritoneum. The manipulations are controlled using a video camera (endoscope), which is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small puncture. Two more punctures are made to insert instruments. The progress of the operation is reflected on a special screen, which allows the surgeon to act with great precision.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Before removing ovarian cysts, carbon dioxide is injected into the abdominal cavity so that the walls of the organs do not stick together and are clearly visible.

The procedure is carried out in stages. First, the cystic capsule is punctured and its contents are aspirated, and then the membrane is removed. This is done to ensure that the cyst does not burst during extraction and its contents do not enter the abdominal cavity. After washing the cavity with an antiseptic solution and removing the gas, the punctures are sutured. They are so small that only barely noticeable seams remain. The operation lasts approximately 30-60 minutes.

After it, within a few hours the patient is allowed to get up. After 4-5 days she is discharged from the hospital. The stitches are removed after 6-7 days. In the first days, antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed to prevent complications and alleviate the woman’s condition.

Complete healing occurs after 4-5 weeks.

Video: How laparoscopy of a cyst is performed

Laser surgery

It differs in that a laser beam is used instead of surgical instruments. In this case, the damaged blood vessels are simultaneously cauterized. The procedure is bloodless and takes place with minimal risk to the patient’s health.


This is an abdominal operation in which an incision is made in the abdomen below the navel. Through it, the severed cyst or ovary along with the tumor is removed. Laparotomy is performed in cases where the cyst is too large (more than 10 cm in diameter), there are adhesions, suppuration of the cyst occurs, twisting of the leg and other emergency situations. Cancerous cystic neoplasms are also removed using laparotomy.

This method is used to remove ovarian cysts found in menopausal women. In this case, as a rule, regardless of the location of the cyst, both ovaries are removed (sometimes even along with the uterus), since the risk of cancerous degeneration increases significantly with age.

The operation lasts about 2 hours. This method is the most traumatic; there is a risk of infection, damage to internal organs, and the appearance of adhesions. The patient must remain in the hospital under medical supervision for several days. It takes 2-6 months to fully restore health.

Sutures must be treated with antiseptics until they are completely healed. It is recommended to use ointments that accelerate healing and prevent scar formation. After 2 weeks, a control ultrasound is performed.

Cyst removal during pregnancy

If a neoplasm is discovered after pregnancy, the approach to treatment is purely individual. If it is small, the tactics of monitoring the condition using ultrasound are chosen.

With a noticeable increase in the cyst, the threat of dangerous complications increases, so it is removed at any stage of pregnancy. If possible, laparoscopy is performed. If there is a rapid increase and suspicion of cancer, a laparotomy is performed. At the same time, the threat of fetal death and a sharp deterioration in the condition of the woman herself increases.

Possible complications and consequences

After surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, in rare cases complications arise due to individual intolerance to medications (antibiotics, narcotics).

Possible consequences may include infection of wounds, bleeding, and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. A specific, extremely rare complication is accidental damage to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder or intestines during cyst removal.

It is possible that adhesions may form around the ovaries, which subsequently cause infertility. This pathology occurs in approximately 15% of operated women. There is a possibility of recurrence of cysts after cystectomy.

Warning: The more complex the operation, the higher the likelihood of complications. Therefore, it is so important to undergo regular gynecological checks of the condition of the genital organs, during which neoplasms can be detected at the initial stage of their development.

Hormonal restoration occurs within 4-6 months. During the rehabilitation period, a woman may be in a state of depression and feel hot flashes, as during menopause. After using anesthesia, problems such as rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, headaches, and insomnia appear.

You should consult a doctor as soon as possible if, after removal of an ovarian cyst, redness of the suture and sanguineous discharge from the wound are observed.

The restoration of menstruation should occur in 1-3 months. If they linger, become scanty, spotting or purulent discharge from the genitals appears, this indicates the occurrence of diseases of the appendages. If bleeding or pain in the abdominal cavity occurs during the postoperative period, you should consult a doctor immediately.

During the recovery period after surgery, a woman should not lift anything heavy or perform sports exercises that involve bending over or tensing the abdominals. It is necessary to regulate the functioning of the digestive system to avoid constipation or intestinal upset.

Thermal procedures should be avoided. Sexual relations can be resumed after 1 month, but pregnancy can be planned no earlier than 3 months after the operation.

Video: A woman’s recovery after laparoscopy surgery

A jaw cyst or dental cyst manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory formation that affects the soft periodontal tissues. This formation is a capsule filled with purulent contents.

The disease develops as a result of infection of damaged areas of the gums.

Until relatively recently, it was possible to get rid of a jaw cyst only through tooth extraction surgery. But the development of technologies, including medical ones, does not stand still and today it has become possible cyst treatment without removal.

Tooth cyst: symptoms and causes

A dental cyst has hidden symptoms and practically does not manifest itself at first. However, in most cases the disease can still be diagnosed in a timely manner.

Primary and secondary symptoms

A dental cyst occurs as a result of infection (for example, due to poor-quality dental canal filling) or traumatic exposure. Often the disease develops against the background of recurrent sinusitis and sinusitis. Therefore, the initial stage of the disease can only be detected by visiting the clinic and taking an x-ray.

At first the patient only appears discomfort when biting hard foods or chewing food. However, there may be no primary symptoms at all.

After some time, pain occurs in the area of ​​the affected tooth, which is periodic in nature. The tooth becomes very sensitive to everything cold and hot. Pain syndrome also appears when eating solid foods and sweets. However, later the pain disappears and the patient calms down, while the disease progresses to the final acute stage, often requiring surgical intervention.

Signs of the acute stage

The patient experiences acute pain, often due to a weakened immune system. The development of the inflammatory process can be triggered by factors such as relapse of chronic pathologies of internal systems and organs, taking aggressive medications, as well as previous infectious diseases.

Among the pronounced characteristic signs of a dental cyst are the following:

Such symptoms are already characteristic of the last stage of cyst development.

Is it possible to identify a dental cyst on your own?

Patients who very rarely visit the dentist's office and do not want to undergo preventive examination every 3-6 months, should more carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity. After all, the development of a cyst can be triggered by poorly treated or untreated caries.

Therefore, to prevent the disease, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • Headaches that are periodic;
  • slight displacement of the affected tooth;
  • partial loss of the filling, which is often accompanied by chipping of bone tissue;
  • slight discomfort during chewing (especially hard foods);
  • darkening of the tooth.

Features of the disease associated with its symptoms

The main feature of the appearance of a cyst is its slow growth. Therefore, initial signs can appear only after the destruction of the root system of the tooth and jaw tissue has begun. A slight displacement of the tooth and its darkening appear when the size of the formation reaches 2-3 cm. The larger the formation, the more pronounced the symptoms.

Often the patient complains of enlarged lymph nodes, mistakenly believing this to be a sign of some infectious or endocrine disease. Frequent colds, weakness, sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue - the presence of these factors, seemingly unrelated to dentistry, should serve as a reason to visit the dentist. After all, the external signs of the disease are the occurrence of a fistula, gumboil, as well as swelling and suppuration indicate a very large size of the formation.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, do not expect the disease to disappear on its own and do not self-medicate. In this case, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible for timely treatment.


A tooth cyst appears as a result of trauma or infection in the root canals. The development of a cyst may be due to the following reasons:

  • Complication of chronic sinusitis;
  • poor endodontic treatment;
  • complications during the eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • chronic periodontitis;
  • chronic inflammatory processes under the crown;
  • consequences of infectious diseases, in which harmful microorganisms penetrate the gums along with the bloodstream.

Tooth cyst: treatment

Is it possible to cure a cyst without removing a tooth?

Cyst treatment can be carried out in two ways: therapeutic and surgical. Conservative, that is, drug treatment is possible only with timely detection of the disease at an early stage. This method is used for small tumor sizes (up to 8 mm).

Conservative treatment

Therapeutic treatment of a cyst consists of procedures such as treatment with antiseptic agents, tooth cleaning and filling. An alternative option for conservative treatment is the use of depophoresis. In this case, a copper-calcium suspension, after which the dentist, using a special device, acts on the affected tooth with electric current (at low power).

In some cases, when a cyst develops, antibiotics may be prescribed, but only as an auxiliary method of treatment, the task of which is to prevent the development of the pathological process and its further spread. Antibiotics cannot be used as the only and independent method of treatment, since in principle there is no drug that can completely get rid of a cyst without the participation of a dentist.

A small cyst detected in the early stages can be treated conservatively.

The dentist fills the capsule with a special cement composition, and as an additional method of treatment prescribes antibiotics, which helps stop or prevent the development of the purulent process.

Stages of therapeutic dental treatment:

  • opening the affected tooth and expanding the root canals;
  • treating the canals with disinfectants and blocking the lesion;
  • etching of cyst tissue with medical means;
  • filling the formation cavity with a special filler;
  • tooth filling.

Surgical treatment: is it possible to remove a cyst?

If therapeutic manipulations do not produce the desired result and the formation continues to grow and develop, surgical treatment is used, which should not be refused under any circumstances. Is it possible to remove a cyst while saving the tooth itself?

When the cyst reaches significant size, it must be removed. What is noteworthy is that until relatively recently this was only possible after removing the diseased tooth, however, now there are a number of ways to get rid of the cyst without the use of radical methods.

Due to the fact that the cyst is removed under local anesthesia, the patient feels virtually no pain. In case of a complicated course of the inflammatory process (complete destruction of the tooth, down to the root system or germination of dental roots into the cyst), an operation is performed to remove the formation along with the tooth. In other cases, dentists attempt to save the tooth.

There are the following methods surgical removal of the cyst:

  • cystotomy;
  • cystectomy;
  • hemisection.

The dental surgeon decides which of these methods is suitable for a particular patient.


This method of treating cysts has been used in dentistry for quite a long time. To perform the operation, the doctor carefully removes part of the cyst that is located near the tooth root through the root canal. Since the formation is located deep in the soft tissues, the root canal must be thoroughly cleaned, after which the dental nerve is removed.

Having provided open access to the formation, the dentist pumps out all the liquid from the cavity. This method does not completely get rid of harmful microorganisms, which makes it necessary to use antibacterial ointment.

After filling the canal with a special solution, a temporary filling is installed.

After about a week, the patient’s oral cavity is re-examined and the removal of affected cells is checked, after which a permanent filling is placed. The use of cystotomy allows you to save the tooth.

However, despite the high effectiveness of this method, there is a risk of remission. This happens in the case of unfinished treatment.


Compared to the previous method, this method is more complex, but no less effective. Such an operation is performed only in case of severe complications, when there is a huge risk of losing a tooth, but there is still a chance to save it.

During cystectomy, along with the removal of affected tissue, part of the tooth root must be removed. After the operation, painkillers and anti-inflammatory therapy are prescribed.

If a fistula is attached, surgery to remove the cyst cannot be performed. Only complete removal of the entire tooth will help here.


Hemisection is prescribed in order to preserve at least part of the tooth with extensive infection of soft tissues.

The method consists of completely removing the tooth cyst along with its root. The main condition for using this method is that the inflammatory process concerns only one tooth.

The affected tooth root is detected using an x-ray. In the absence of contraindications, this rather painful procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

The void formed after the removal of the cyst and tooth root must be filled with artificial bone material, otherwise it will become overgrown with gum tissue. Artificial bone material is created based on plasma obtained from the patient's blood. This is done to prevent rejection in the future.

Before the two-hour operation, the dentist, using special surgical instruments, pushes back the gum, the integrity of which is restored at the end of the procedure. Then appointed long-term therapeutic treatment. The tissues and the remaining part of the tooth must take root.

We should also talk about laser treatment. In this case, the formation is removed without any pain or difficulty. In addition, the use of laser therapy allows not only to remove the cyst, but also to disinfect the affected area, which ensures that the growth of harmful bacteria stops and their further spread is prevented.

If symptoms indicating the development of a dental cyst appear, it is necessary contact your dentist urgently for carrying out therapeutic measures. Otherwise, you risk losing a tooth, or even several.

In their opinion, this is practically synonymous with ovarian cancer. Others, on the contrary, believe that this is a benign neoplasm that can not be treated.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. In this post, we will look at why ovarian cysts occur during menopause and what types may be of concern.

Ovarian cysts in women are essentially benign neoplasms on the ovary that have fluid inside. Experts believe that the disease develops due to hormonal imbalances that occur during menopause. Cystic formations come in different types. Some really don't require treatment.

They do not bother the woman in any way and can disappear spontaneously.

They can only be identified during an examination by a gynecologist. While other types of cysts transform into malignant neoplasms or grow greatly. Therefore, they require surgical removal.

Schematically, the cyst looks something like this.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

Ovarian cyst is a rather insidious disease. At the beginning of the disease, nothing bothers the woman.

After some time, the neoplasm manifests itself with characteristic signs. Painful manifestations indicate an advanced form of the tumor, which will have to be removed surgically. Therefore, it is very important to know what alarm bells in the body should alert a woman.

How to treat polycystic disease?

The following symptoms of a cyst are distinguished:

  • frequent urination (the tumor puts pressure on the bladder);
  • the abdomen grows asymmetrically (protrudes more at the location of the tumor);
  • feeling that the stomach is bloated;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • nagging pain in the lumbar region;
  • painful bleeding that does not occur regularly;
  • acute pain on the right or left side during physical activity;
  • periodic or constant dull pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies with physical activity.

In addition, a woman should be alert to constipation or varicose veins in her legs. After all, the cause of constipation may be the pressure of the cyst on the intestines. Pressure on the vessels provokes the appearance of varicose veins.

With some types of cysts, fluid may accumulate in the abdomen. If a lady discovers one or more symptoms, she urgently needs to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

When the pain intensifies or spreads over a large area, and is also accompanied by fever, vomiting or a fever, this indicates that the cyst has twisted around its base or has ruptured due to a sudden movement of the lady.

With such symptoms, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary. The tumor must be removed.

What types of neoplasms are there?

The following types of pathologies are distinguished:

Expert opinion

Alexandra Yurievna

General practitioner, associate professor, teacher of obstetrics, work experience 11 years.

The first type is the most common; it occurs in 60% of women with cystosis.

How is the disease detected during menopause?

It is very important that the doctor makes the correct diagnosis during the examination. He needs to determine the type of neoplasm, its nature and predisposition to degeneration into a malignant tumor.

For this, a gynecological examination is performed. The neoplasm causes the ovary to increase in size and the gynecologist can feel it. In addition, the woman is given a referral for blood tests for hormones and the CA-125 tumor marker. To make a more accurate diagnosis, hardware tests are prescribed: MRI and CT.

Diagnostic laparoscopy is sometimes performed. The removed cystic body is sent for histological analysis. It should be noted that this is the most accurate medical test. Aspiration biopsy is rarely prescribed due to the risk of damage to the cystic capsule during collection of material for analysis.

Who is at risk?

The appearance of a single cyst or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), when multiple neoplasms appear, can be triggered by hormonal imbalance or endocrine diseases.

According to medical statistics, postmenopausal ovarian cysts most often occur in women who:

  • were not sexually active;
  • did not have pregnancies or did not end in childbirth;
  • face early menopause;
  • already had benign formations on the ovaries or fibroids;
  • suffered from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Fibrous mastopathy developed during menopause.

Ladies at risk need to be examined more often and thoroughly after the onset. A woman suffering from fibrous mastopathy of the breast, a benign growth of the connective tissue of the mammary gland, requires special attention.

With this disease, cyst formation very often occurs. Therefore, the second name of the disease is fibrocystic mastopathy.

Features of drug treatment

What is the effective treatment for ovarian cysts during menopause?

Ovarian cysts can be treated with medication only if the disease cannot develop into ovarian cancer. After a thorough examination, the attending physician prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications, as well as vitamins E and C.

It is strictly forbidden to take such drugs on your own, so as not to cause a worsening of the condition. Therefore, we will not give the names of medicines. Once again, I would like to remind you that if you notice symptoms of the disease, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only the doctor decides how to treat the disease.

When is surgery scheduled?

What does a cyst look like on an ultrasound?

If, during an examination of a woman who is in menopause, a cyst is detected, a very important question will arise - what to do? The main rule to remember is to trust the opinion of a specialist. It is he who will choose the optimal treatment after menopause and for a particular case.

Can a cystoid formation resolve on its own during menopause? You should know that functional cysts resolve during premenopause, when a woman is still menstruating.

In menopausal women, it is no longer present, and therefore the cyst will not resolve on its own.

Is it necessary to remove an ovarian cyst during menopause? Not at all.

There are only two indications for surgery. Firstly, the cyst grows. In this case, cancer is possible. According to experts, it is necessary to remove the tumor surgically. Secondly, twisting of the cyst stalk, which is accompanied by severe pain. Therefore, an urgent operation is prescribed. In all other cases, treatment without surgery is prescribed.

Bottom line

Every woman should make it a rule after the onset of menopause to monitor her health more carefully. Since at this age the risk of cancer increases, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist, take blood tests and conduct medical tests.

An ovarian cyst detected in time does not require immediate surgical removal. Depending on the type of tumor, a treatment method is prescribed. But the cyst must always be monitored. We wish you good health!



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