Is it possible to eat liver while losing weight. Chicken liver: what is useful, how many calories and what is contained

The delicate texture and sweetish taste of this product make it incredibly popular. Many also know that it is prescribed for anemia, when you urgently need to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood - and this is not the only useful property. But at the same time, it can be a repository of a large amount of harmful substances. Against the background of such contradictions, the question arises: is it possible to include liver in the diet when losing weight without harm to health, and if so, in what quantities and which varieties?

Benefit and harm


For good health:

  • rich in trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron;
  • contains many vitamins: it contains almost the entire group B, as well as D, C, E, K, β-carotene;
  • useful for anemia, as it increases hemoglobin;
  • tones;
  • improves mental abilities;
  • useful after severe intoxication: alcohol, food, drugs;
  • regulates blood clotting, prevents thrombosis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep, helps to overcome stress;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves muscle cramps, tremors of the limbs, edema.

100 g of liver (generalized indicators for different varieties are given) contain:

  • 5 daily norms of vitamins A and D;
  • 1.5 - B2;
  • 1/2 - B4 and B6;
  • 2/3 - PP and selenium;
  • 1/3 - iron and zinc.

Back in the 1st century A.D. e. Avicenna, the famous Persian healer, wrote that regular use of this product relieves kidney problems, removes excess fluid from the body, strengthens eyesight and improves mood.

Benefits for weight loss:

  • quickly absorbed;
  • is a source of proteins, while it contains little fat and carbohydrates;
  • is not deposited in the form of fat reserves;
  • low-calorie (most varieties);
  • activates metabolism.

So the moderate and proper use of this product during the diet will be beneficial for health in general, and for the process of losing weight in particular.


The most negative effect that the liver can have on the body is to significantly increase cholesterol, since it contains an exorbitant amount. For example, per 100 g of pork - 120-160 mg, chicken - 100-280 mg, beef - 250-400 mg. The range is so wide, as the indicators depend on the method of preparation of the dish and additional ingredients. Least of all cholesterol in a boiled or steamed liver without the addition of flour and cream. A little more - in stew and baked. Maximum - fried.

Due to the large amount of cholesterol, you can not use the liver when losing weight, if there is a predisposition to atherosclerosis. With frequent use in large quantities, it can provoke angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke.

Of great importance is the health and nutrition of the animal (bird) to which the liver belonged. If it was kept in good conditions, did not get sick, ate only fresh and high-quality products, then the benefits would be maximum. If antibiotics or chemicals were added to the feed, bad water was given, and the care was not good enough, there will be much more harm. This is due to the fact that this organ in any organism is a filter that passes toxins through itself, and some of them settle there. The liver of an old, sick animal contains many harmful compounds that you risk absorbing along with it.

Be careful when eating liver while losing weight, as it has the property of increasing appetite. And the second point when organizing dietary nutrition: carefully select varieties, paying attention to their calorie content, since the difference is quite significant: lamb has only 101 kcal, and goose has as much as 412 kcal.


  • High cholesterol, atherosclerosis;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • diarrhea;
  • individual intolerance;
  • food allergy;
  • age up to 14 years and after 60;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

With individual intolerance and food allergies, the liver cannot be eaten at all. In the presence of other diseases and conditions - no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks and in small quantities. If you plan to lose weight on its basis, all contraindications from this list are absolute.

Is it possible to eat liver while losing weight?

When losing weight, you can eat low-calorie varieties:

  • lamb;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • chicken;
  • rabbit.
  • turkeys;
  • duck;
  • goose.

Fish (pollock and cod) is sold only in the form of canned food, so because of the oil it turns out to be high-calorie. But, since it is the leader in the content of trace elements, sometimes it can be included in the diet in small quantities.

How to choose?

A good quality liver has the following characteristics:

  • uniform color: allowed from pale brown and pink to deep burgundy; it is strictly forbidden to eat an orange-colored product (indicates that it belonged to a sick animal);
  • porous, but not loose, but rather dense structure;
  • tight-fitting film;
  • clean surface, no stains, large blood clots and incomprehensible inclusions;
  • specific sweet smell;
  • there should not be too many vessels;
  • ice crust is not welcome.

How to store?

In the refrigerator in a plastic bag or under a lid in a plastic container from 0 to 4 ° C for no more than 2 days. In the freezer at -10°C - 3 months.

How to cook?

  1. Before cooking, hold for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator (not in the freezer).
  2. Rinse.
  3. Free from fatty layers (if any), lived, film.
  4. Pat dry with paper towel to remove any remaining blood.
  5. Cut into sticks.
  6. It can be beaten off a little.
  7. Pour milk or kefir (soaking time - from 15 minutes to 2 hours).

What products are compatible?

It is well absorbed in combination with such products:

  • green bean;
  • baked potato;
  • leaf lettuce, asparagus, arugula, parsley, dill;
  • onion garlic;
  • tomatoes, bell peppers, pumpkin, carrots;
  • turmeric, oregano, rosemary, basil.

When is the best time to eat?

When losing weight, the liver is best eaten in the afternoon. Since it contains almost no carbohydrates, it is not suitable for breakfast. For lunch, you can eat more fatty and high-calorie varieties: cook soup, for example. Sandwiches with fish liver will be a great snack for an afternoon snack. For dinner, it is better to cook dishes from it for a couple, stew or bake. And you should choose low-calorie varieties that have more protein.

diet for the liver

Type: low calorie. Duration: 1 week. Results: 3-4 kg. Difficulty: medium.

The basis of the diet: lamb, pork, beef, chicken, rabbit liver. A couple of times a week you can make sandwiches with fish (pollock or cod).

Additional products: vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, mushrooms.

In limited quantities, low-fat sour-milk products, eggs, seafood are allowed, you can eat porridge for breakfast ().

From drinks, green tea, black coffee, freshly squeezed juices, rosehip broth and a couple of times a week, 1 glass of dry red wine are allowed.

Basic principles:

  1. Any cooking method. If fried, then in olive oil.
  2. Fractional nutrition.
  3. Daily calorie content - no more than 1,500 kcal.
  4. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  5. Physical activity is encouraged.

Sample menu for 1 day

Variety overview

Chicken (140 kcal)

Chicken liver is good because even children are allowed to eat. It is the leader in the content of vitamin B12. Recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, because cyanocobalamin promotes the production of red blood cells. It contains a lot of selenium, which normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. So for weight loss, it is better to use it for women whose excess weight is dictated by the improper functioning of this organ.

  • Recipe 1. Steamed cutlets

Skip 300 g of chicken liver through a meat grinder. Mix with 2 chopped onions and 1 egg. Add 100 g grated carrots. Salt to taste. Form cutlets, cook with a double boiler. Put fresh arugula on a plate, cutlets on top, which can be decorated with strips of bell peppers of different colors.

  • Recipe 2. Baked with vegetables

Chicken liver is small in size, so each should be cut into only two halves. Do this with 0.5 kg of product. Roll each piece in flour, fry in olive oil. Salt - to taste. Put 2 onions into half rings, 2 carrots into thin circles, 1 red bell pepper into large straws. Pour vegetables into one bowl, pour 100 ml of 10% sour cream, mix. Put the liver in a refractory baking dish, top with a sour cream and vegetable mix. Cover with foil. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before use.

Turkey liver (276 kcal)

Turkey meat is considered one of the most useful for weight loss, as it contains a lot of protein and has a low calorie content. However, this does not apply to the liver: there are 2 times more calories in it than in chicken. But it is the leader in iron content. Therefore, if there are problems with hemoglobin and the circulatory system, it should definitely be included in the diet.

  • Recipe. Liver and mushroom pate

Peel 600 g of turkey liver from the film, rinse, boil. Grind 100 g of onion, fry in olive oil. Randomly chop 250 g fresh mushrooms. Crush 4 garlic cloves. Chop 20 g of parsley and dill. Mix onions, mushrooms, garlic and greens, simmer in a pan for 10 minutes. Cut 2 hard-boiled eggs into cubes. Cool all ingredients, mix and beat in a blender.

Beef (130 kcal)

Nutritionists believe that beef liver is the best option for weight loss. It is the leader in the content of vitamins and microelements. Completely absorbed, does not go to the formation of subcutaneous fat. The composition is predominantly protein, low fat. Rich in vitamin A, B9, chromium and heparin. Recommended for atherosclerosis, diabetes, overwork, recovery of the body after a long illness or surgery. Strengthens immunity.

  • Recipe. Creamy

Cut 0.5 kg of beef liver into cubes, pour 250 ml of milk, set aside for a couple of hours. Drain the milk, roll the pieces in flour, fry in olive oil. Add 2 chopped onions. Pour into molds, pour 250 ml of cream. Salt, pepper, other seasonings - to taste. Bake in the oven for half an hour at 160°C.

Pork (109 kcal)

In its structure, it is as similar as possible to a human one. In this regard, the body spends less energy on its digestion than on other varieties. Many people who are losing weight are too biased towards it, as a stereotype of thinking works by analogy: if pork is a fatty, high-calorie product that is not recommended for dietary nutrition, then this also applies to the liver of this animal.

In fact, it is one of the most low-calorie (second only to lamb). The leader in the content of proteins, while there are few fats and carbohydrates in it, cholesterol in comparison with other varieties is the minimum amount. Therefore, it can be safely included in the menu when losing weight.

  • Recipe. Fritters

Skip 0.5 kg of pork liver and 3 onions through a meat grinder. Add 3 eggs. Salt, pepper, other spices - to taste. Stir, add 50 g of semolina. Leave for half an hour. Form pancakes. Bake in olive oil.

Lamb (101 kcal)

Lamb liver can become your favorite in the process of losing weight. It is the lowest calorie of all, there are absolutely no fats in it. It also has a soft and delicate taste. The composition and useful properties are not much different from beef.

  • Recipe. Liver cake

Soak 0.5 kg of lamb liver in milk for a couple of hours. After that, pass through a meat grinder, add 100 ml of low-fat milk, 150 g of flour, 2 egg whites. Mix. Divide into 3 parts. Each bake in a pan on both sides in the form of thick pancakes. Grate 2 carrots, chop 2 onions. Lightly fry, mix with sour cream or homemade mayonnaise. Lubricate the liver cakes with vegetable filling, put them one on top of the other. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

Rabbit (166 kcal)

It belongs to dietary products, so it can also be safely included in the diet when losing weight. It contains a lot of vitamin A, and therefore it is recommended for people suffering from insomnia and migraines.

  • Recipe. Salad with carrots

Marinate for 3 hours a couple of onions, put into half rings, in hot water with the addition of vinegar, salt and sugar. Chop a couple of cloves of garlic, lightly fry in olive oil. Cut 300 g of rabbit liver into strips, sprinkle with flour, put in garlic. Salt, pepper, other seasonings - to taste. Fry until done. Squeeze out the pickled onion. Grate 150 g carrots. Mix ingredients, season with olive oil.


codfish(590 kcal)

Despite the high calorie content, cod liver is often included in diets as a source of healthy fats and trace elements. The main thing is not to eat it in the evening and not to exceed the daily allowance of 30 g. It is better to use it in sandwiches. During weight loss, it supplies the body with valuable substances, energy and provides a good mood, as it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

pollock(474 kcal)

source of phosphorus. Provides health and beauty of teeth, strengthens the heart muscle, improves brain function, regulates acid-base balance. The rules for use are the same as for cod liver.

Calorie table

To clearly see which liver is best for weight loss, study the following table, which shows the calorie content and BJU for each variety.

The liver is undoubtedly useful if it is of high quality and properly cooked. In the absence of contraindications, low-calorie varieties will fit perfectly into the diet for weight loss. When following a diet, you need to look separately for each, on which list it is included - prohibited or permitted foods.

The number of people diagnosed with liver disease is increasing every year. Violations in the work of this important organ can be caused by various factors: malnutrition, infections, poor heredity, medication for other diseases, etc. For this category of patients, it is very important to follow a special diet that will contribute to a speedy recovery.

What can you eat with liver disease?

Currently, modern medicine has significantly expanded the list of foods that can be eaten daily by people with various liver diseases. Despite this, it is important for such patients not to overload this organ in order to avoid possible complications. The amount of fat during the course of treatment for patients should be severely limited.

The diet for liver diseases must include the following elements:


    Easily digestible proteins;



For liver diseases, patients are allowed various products:

    Cereals in the form of cereals (not very boiled);

    Pasta should be consumed in limited quantities;

    Dairy and sour-milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, fermented baked milk, milk, kefir, curdled milk, etc.);

    Lean meats (veal, beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit, etc.);

    River and sea fish;

    Eggs, in the form of an omelet or as part of other dishes (chicken and quail);

    Vegetables and greens (you should limit the amount of legumes and those vegetables that contain coarse fiber);

    Honey (is an excellent substitute for sugar, but should be consumed in limited quantities), etc.

Cooked dishes should be seasoned with vegetable oils:





When preparing first courses, patients with liver disease should use either pure water or vegetable broth. At the same time, one should not forget about milk soups, which are very easy to digest and keep the patient feeling full for a long time.

Despite the fact that during treatment, patients should limit the amount of sugar, gastroenterologists allow them some sweets:

    Mousses (boiled from berries or fruits);

  • marmalade;

  • Oat cookies.

During the passage of any course of treatment, it is important for patients to maintain normal water balance in the body.

For liver diseases, the following drinks should be preferred:

    Compote from berries and dried fruits;

    Weak tea;

    Kissels cooked from berries;

    Natural vegetable and fruit juices;

    Pure water.

People with liver disease should prepare food as follows:


    Cook for a couple;

    Bake in the oven;

    Consume sour and raw.

What can not be eaten with liver disease?

In case of problems with the liver, it is strictly forbidden to eat smoked, spicy, fatty and fried foods that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Gastroenterologists forbid their patients during the course of treatment to use the following products:

  • Fatty meats (pork, lamb, etc.);

    Broths (mushroom and meat);

    Cheeses, especially fatty varieties;

    Fatty cottage cheese;

    Butter, lard, margarine and cooking oil;

    Fatty fish;

    Canned food (fish, meat, etc.);

    Smoked products (sausages, sausages, sausages, balyks, loins, etc.);

    Seasonings (pepper, vinegar, mustard, etc.);

    Some vegetables and greens (radish, sorrel, radish, green and onion, garlic);

    Fresh pastries, as well as rye bread;

    Ice cream;

    Candy and chocolate;

    Any confectionery products, which include fatty creams;

    Alcohol and alcoholic drinks;

    Coffee and coffee drinks;

    Sweet and carbonated drinks;

    Strong tea;

    acidic fruit juices;

  • Bread (for some diseases, it is allowed to use stale or oven-dried white bread);

Diet after liver surgery

For liver diseases, gastroenterologists recommend that their patients who have undergone surgical treatment follow a special diet. Depending on the severity of the disease, patients are assigned a table, or No. 6. Due to dietary nutrition, there will be no additional effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Light foods, in turn, will not cause irritation, and make the liver work in an increased rhythm.

During any surgical intervention, patients artificially stop the work of the intestines. After the operation, the patient does not consume any food for a day, but only drinks clean water. With great care, you should start the work of the intestines, eating only light broths and diet soups.

During postoperative treatment, patients with liver problems should completely avoid the use of salt, sugar, hot spices and spices. The same ban is imposed on fatty, fried, pickled and smoked foods. Patients who have undergone surgical treatment should not consume natural juices, as they are too concentrated and can irritate the already weakened digestive tract. The daily volume of food should be divided into 5-6 parts and taken at a strictly set time.

When undergoing rehabilitation, the purpose of which is to restore the liver, patients should limit the amount of carbohydrates in their daily diet.

It is advisable to include in your menu products that contain in large quantities:

  • vitamins;


    Vegetable fats;


For regular and timely production of bile, it is necessary to consume vegetable fats and easily digestible proteins in sufficient quantities. Daily intake of fiber will allow the patient's intestines to function fully and get rid of toxins in a timely manner.

In order to avoid possible complications in the postoperative period, patients should follow a sparing diet, which includes the following products:

    Bran (they need to be added to various dishes);

    Cereals (do not use corn grits and rice);

    Crackers (white wheat bread can be dried in the oven);

    Milk and low-fat cottage cheese (sour-milk products are better not to use);

    Low-fat varieties of meat and fish (it is better to use chicken or veal);

    Plentiful drink (pure water, mineral water, herbal decoctions);

    Vegetables and fruits.

All permitted foods must be prepared as follows: boil, steam, bake or eat raw. During the passage of postoperative rehabilitation, patients should consume vegetable fats, spices and sugar in limited quantities.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Chicken and beef are the lowest calorie meats. That is why it is not excluded from many diets. From the article you will learn whether it is possible to eat beef on certain diets, as well as how to cook it correctly.

Beef liver is a healthy, fortified product that saturates the body with nutrients. Especially the liver is recommended on a diet, because with this product you can cook many dishes that are distinguished by a small amount of calories.

Beef liver consists predominantly of, and not of fats. Due to this, it does not harm the figure. The product is easily absorbed by the body, while it is not deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. The liver is especially useful for pregnant women, children, the elderly and athletes.

It is known that during a diet the body does not receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The liver just eliminates their deficiency, as it consists of amino acids and many nutrients.

How to eat beef for weight loss

You can cook a huge variety of low-calorie dishes from beef:

  • soups;
  • roast;
  • salads;
  • meatballs;
  • steaks, etc.

Among those who lose weight, the first three options for dishes are the most popular, as well as recipes for boiled, baked and stewed beef.

If the meat was frozen, then it will take about two hours to fully cook. Fresh beef is cooked for a maximum of an hour and a half. The best solution for losing weight is cooking meat in a double boiler. So the vitamins will be preserved, and the calorie content will be low. In this case, it will take approximately forty minutes to cook.

Sometimes the beef is tough. To fix this moment, experienced housewives have little tricks. Before cooking, the meat must be marinated. a lot of marinade: using apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, wine, pomegranate juice, olive oil, etc.

Calorie dishes from beef liver with a diet

The chemical composition of the liver is as follows:

  • 70% of the product is water;
  • 18% are proteins and vital amino acids;
  • cholesterol;
  • various vitamins: B, D, PP, A, C, biotin, niacin, choline, etc.;
  • also the liver is rich in micro and macro elements: Na, Cl, K, S, P, Ca, Mg, Fe and others.

The raw product is 127 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, during the cooking process, this indicator changes - it directly depends on the type of heat treatment. Boiled beef liver can have an energy value of 115-125 Kcal, stewed - 117 Kcal, and fried meat - all 200 Kcal or more.

Beef itself has a calorie content of 218 kcal / 100 grams of product. Proteins in meat - 19 grams, and fats - 15 grams. This indicator is unchanged: even after repeated processing, the amount of proteins and fats will remain the same.

The chemical composition of fresh meat is as follows:

  • minimum amount of carbohydrates;
  • vitamins of group B, as well as A, PP.
  • ash - 1.71 grams, folic acid - 6 mcg, choline - 67.4 mg;
  • K - 289 mg, P - 175 mg, Na - 68 mg, Mg - 19 mg, Ca - 12 mg, and other elements.

What can replace beef liver on a diet

Not always easy to digest. Especially if you eat it every day. If you do not appreciate the taste of beef meat, you can replace it with chicken or lean pork. In the first case, it is allowed to eat breast, as it is less caloric, and only boiled. It is better not to use the peel. Pork itself contains more calories. In this regard, choose less greasy pieces. You can boil pork tongue. It has great taste and low calorie content.

In the process of losing weight, many of us have to give up most products. It can be meat, milk, bakery products.

But is it possible to eat liver while losing weight? In fact, nutritionists have nothing against this offal, but they advise including it in the diet carefully and in moderate doses.

In addition, the use of the liver should be balanced with other products, and in case of contraindications, replaced with other protein meals.

When the liver becomes a necessary product

The liver is introduced into your diet when losing weight, if standard diets based on vegetables and other plant foods are ineffective. Namely:

  • Not every organism can cope with large amounts of plant fiber.
  • Not everyone can get enough of carrots, rice, apples and lettuce.

The main reason for the lack of dynamics in dropping extra pounds is a psychological factor. The person is constantly hungry. Constant discomfort causes stress (production), which affects the maintenance of body weight at the same level.

That is why protein foods are included in the diet program. Liver for weight loss is considered an ideal ingredient. After all, its composition contains easily digestible protein, which in its composition is in no way inferior to the protein contained in the chicken breast.

Which liver is best for weight loss

Another important point - which one to choose? Which liver is the most dietary? Pork, chicken or beef liver is suitable for the diet of an ordinary person. But for those who want to lose weight, it is better to opt for only two options - beef (or better - veal) and chicken liver.

in pork liver have high cholesterol levels. It leads to blockage of blood vessels, affects sebaceous deposits. Therefore, with frequent use, the weight will not only not decrease, but will become even greater. The maximum that you can afford is baked or boiled pork liver once a week.

Concerning chicken and beef liver, here nutritionists are not so categorical. It is worth noting that in addition to protein, these products contain a fairly large amount of useful trace elements and vitamins, which are ideal for a person who is losing weight:

  • B vitamins, which are responsible for transporting everything useful that is in food and reducing stress levels.
  • Iron to oxygenate the blood and to prevent anemia.
  • Chromium to improve metabolism and to convert fat into energy.
  • Vitamin A, good for skin and eyes.
  • As well as magnesium, folic acid, daily dose of phosphorus, iodine, selenium and numerous natural acids.

How and how much to use the liver with a diet

Like any other dietary product, the liver is best consumed at certain times of the day.

Carbohydrate foods are suitable for morning meals. They energize us for the whole day. Let it be not only porridge, but also a dietary toast or a very small piece of chocolate (maximum - a light cake).

At lunchtime, you can afford a full meal, which includes mostly protein foods. It is here that the liver will “look” best next to a side dish of rice and vegetables.

The taste of the liver is also very good set off by pumpkin or beets, which are seasoned with herbs and garlic.

As for the amount of liver, here nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to 100 g of the finished product. Even in such a small amount, there are all the useful substances necessary for the daily diet.

The energy value of a raw liver is approximately 132 kcal, while in a fried liver the number of calories increases to 172.

Instead of mayonnaise or sour cream, use lemon juice or low-fat yogurt to avoid extra calories. In addition, the liver can be cooked simply with onions. To remove bitterness, first soak it in milk.

Liver damage or when to refrain from this product

Even with all the positive qualities, the liver carries a certain danger. Losing weight is not good for:

  • First of all, it should not be used by people who have high cholesterol. In total, 100 g contains up to 280 mg of cholesterol. This is a very high rate! Diseases of the cardiovascular system may worsen.
  • It is better not to use the liver for the elderly. It contains a huge amount of extractive substances that can cause gastrointestinal disorders.
  • In addition, those who suffer from gastritis, gallbladder problems or peptic ulcers should not introduce liver into their diet because it is almost entirely a protein product. This food will be very heavy and harmful for such people.

And for everyone else who intends to lose weight, a fairly large number of diets are presented today, where the liver is the basis or one of the components.

To maintain a normal level of protein in the body, there is a special sports liver diet, which involves eating offal for several days. Also known throughout the world, the Dukan diet also contains liver in the list of allowed foods.

Therefore, you can eat the liver while losing weight to maintain the strength of the body during this difficult process. Just make sure that it does not harm your health.

Chicken liver dishes are part of many diets, as they are low in calories, but at the same time contain enough vitamins and minerals to maintain human strength and health.

In addition, the liver is affordable, and salads, pates and hot appetizers from it are distinguished by their variety and excellent taste. It is also important that you can cook dishes from this dietary product according to the proposed recipes quickly, even without special skills.

Recipe number 1. Chicken liver in kefir-mustard sauce


  • Chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
  • low-fat kefir - 0.1 l;
  • white onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • refined sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • soy sauce.

Cooking scheme:

  • put the chicken liver in a frying pan heated with oil and fry it with constant stirring for 5 minutes;
  • add the onion cut into thin half rings to the liver and fry for another 3-5 minutes;
  • in order to prepare the sauce, it is necessary to mix fat-free kefir with mustard, soy sauce, salt and pepper;
  • pour the chicken liver with this mixture and simmer for another 10 minutes under a lid over low heat.

The liver prepared according to this recipe can be served as an independent dish, decorating it with herbs. But you can cook a side dish of rice and a salad of non-starchy vegetables for it.

Recipe No. 2. Chicken liver stewed in milk


  • chicken liver - 0.2 kg;
  • milk - 0.25 l;
  • white onion - 0.5 onions;
  • dried spices;
  • fine table salt.

Cooking scheme:

  • pour milk into a glass container and dip chicken liver into it for 1.5-2 hours;
  • chop the onion into thin half rings;
  • pour sunflower oil into a heated frying pan and fry the onion in it;
  • add the liver to the finished onion;
  • top with milk;
  • add spices and salt;
  • simmer over low heat until the sauce thickens.

Recipe No. 3. Chicken liver with vegetables in a slow cooker


  • chicken liver - 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • white onion - 1 pc.;
  • coarse rock or sea salt;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • purified water - 0.35 l;
  • oregano, basil and other spices (depending on taste preferences);
  • ground white pepper.

Cooking scheme:

  • peel and chop the carrot root;
  • free the onion from the husk and cut into half rings;
  • put the vegetables in the multicooker bowl and lightly fry in the "Frying" mode for 5-6 minutes;
  • add chicken liver, salt, spices to the mixture and set the “Extinguishing” mode for 60 minutes;
  • put the finished dish in a deep plate and serve with herbs and non-starchy vegetables.

Recipe No. 4. Diet pancakes from chicken liver


  • chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat bran - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking scheme:

  • rinse the liver under running water and grind in a meat grinder;
  • peel the onion and also pass through a meat grinder;
  • mix them with bran and salt;
  • beat the eggs with a whisk and add to the mixture;
  • mix and leave for 30-40 minutes so that the bran swells slightly and absorbs moisture;
  • pour oil into a heated pan;
  • spread the minced meat on it with a tablespoon, forming thin pancakes;
  • fry each side for 2-3 minutes;
  • after all the pancakes are ready, put them in a pan, add 100 ml of purified water and simmer under the lid until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Recipe No. 5. Chicken liver pate with champignons

Pate Ingredients:

  • chicken liver - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • market cream - 50 g;
  • a mixture of black and white pepper;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • carrots - 1 large root crop;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • refined oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Pate preparation scheme:

  • Peel onions and carrots and cut into cubes;
  • place the liver for 90 minutes in a container with milk;
  • clean or wash the mushrooms thoroughly, chop;
  • fry onions with carrots and champignons until soft;
  • remove the liver from milk, rinse under running water, dry and lightly fry;
  • pour cognac into it and set it on fire;
  • after evaporating it, keep the liver in the included frying pan for another 2 minutes;
  • mix the fried ingredients in a deep container and beat them with a blender;
  • without ceasing to beat, add cream and spices to the pate;
  • after bringing to the desired consistency, put the pate in small bowls and place in the refrigerator.

If there is a lot of pate, you can put it on cling film or cellophane, roll up rolls and put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

When planning to serve this dish to the festive table, you can decorate it with fried mushrooms. To do this, cut the mushrooms in half lengthwise and fry them in refined oil. Cover the vase from the inside with cling film, place a layer of mushrooms on it, and put the pate on top. Send to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, get it, turn it over on a flat plate and remove the film. If you decorate with sprigs of greenery, you get a delicious mushroom clearing.

Recipe No. 6. Diet salad of chicken liver and vegetables

Salad Ingredients:

  • chicken liver - 0.3 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Crimean sweet onion - 1 pc;
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • dried herbs;
  • salt.

Salad recipe:

  • fry the liver cut into long slices in a dry frying pan or cook in a slow cooker for one and a half minutes;
  • add 50 ml of water and simmer until tender;
  • boil the carrots, remove the skin and grate;
  • onion cut into transparent half rings;
  • tear the greens with your hands into small pieces;
  • put all the salad ingredients in a glass container, salt and mix;
  • prepare the sauce by mixing olive oil, mustard, spices and lemon juice;
  • pour them over the finished dish.

Recipe No. 7. Diet chicken liver salad with cucumbers


  • chicken liver - 150 g;
  • cucumber - 4 pcs.;
  • green onions;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a mixture of lettuce and arugula;
  • black and green olives - 150 g;
  • feta cheese - 0.1 kg;
  • salt;
  • soy sauce.

Cooking scheme:

  • boil the liver in salted water;
  • cut it into strips;
  • peel the cucumbers from the skin and also cut into thin slices;
  • finely chop green onions;
  • line the walls of the salad bowl with green leaves;
  • put the liver, onion cucumbers and feta cubes on them;
  • grind nuts in a blender;
  • sprinkle them with salad;
  • prepare dressing from soy sauce and olive oil;
  • pour it over the finished dish.

Advice for those who are on a diet



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