Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis. Treatment of corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

Sometimes during pregnancy, fluid begins to accumulate in a woman's ovary - in this case, they say that a corpus luteum has formed in the ovary during pregnancy. This hormonal temporary organ is often formed even before the onset of pregnancy, when during ovulation a mature egg begins to emerge from the opened follicle.

What is a corpus luteum cyst?

Retention functional benign formation or cysticity of the corpus luteum received its name because of the lipochromic pigment that can form in its cells and give them a yellow color. The disease may look harmless and be practically asymptomatic; it is rarely accompanied by menstrual irregularities and slight abdominal pain. The stage of maturation of the corpus luteum is called the luteal phase. The normal size of a temporary organ varies from 20 to 30 mm. An excess indicates the presence of a disease.

Ovarian pathology during pregnancy is rare, but it can occur in both mature women and young girls. The main biological function of the corpus luteum is considered to be the production of progesterone, which promotes prolongation of gestation and is responsible for the formation of the reproductive centers of the fetus. As a rule, the cystic body does not pose a serious danger to the woman and directly to the child, but only when there is no rupture.

Reasons for the occurrence of education

Ovarian pathology during pregnancy occurs when the follicles stop growing after ovulation and are filled with serous fluid. As a rule, a luteal cyst can affect only one of the ovaries (right or left). More often it can be found in multiple pregnancies. Experts have not yet been able to determine the exact causes of the formation process. Although many of them confidently point to a number of main factors. Ovarian cysts during pregnancy can occur due to:

  • presence of hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • disturbances in the flow of lymph and blood;
  • severe stress, which provokes an excess of catecholamines;
  • drugs intended to stimulate the ovaries;
  • abortion;
  • emergency contraception;
  • poor nutrition (using an extreme diet during pregnancy dramatically weakens the female body);
  • hazardous production conditions;
  • some infectious diseases.

How does a corpus luteum cyst manifest during pregnancy - symptoms

Against the background of a regular influx of arterial blood, the formation can increase in size. If you do not start treating the cyst in a timely manner, then if present for a long time, it can cause peritonitis. Although very often the corpus luteum cystus is generally able to exist asymptomatically. If a rupture or torsion of the formation suddenly occurs, then pronounced symptoms appear:

  • Intense nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • the nature of the discharge changes;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • when there is a rupture in the resulting cavity, bleeding begins;
  • Nausea, stool retention, and vomiting may occur;
  • unpleasant uterine contractions;
  • rapid pulse;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pallor of the skin.

Diagnostic methods

To diagnose pathology in a pregnant woman, they resort to a gynecological examination of the right or left ovary. Using this method, you can find compactions that have formed in the appendage area. A cyst during early pregnancy can be detected during examination using a vaginal sensor. This test does not require special preparation; you just need to empty your bladder as much as possible. In addition, diagnosis of cystic formations may include:

  • Abdominal examination (ultrasound). Allows you to see a volumetric echogenic neoplasm and find out its size. As a rule, the corpus luteum may not be visualized on ultrasound during pregnancy due to its small size, then appropriate treatment will be required.
  • Laparoscopic functional method. The most informative method can be used to diagnose the disease, and in case of positive results, to remove the tumor.
  • Special test. With its help, human chorionic gonadotropin is detected.
  • Hormonal studies. Testing may reveal hormonal imbalance.
  • Laboratory research. Aimed at finding the infection that provoked the inflammatory process.

Is a cyst dangerous for mother and baby?

Cystic formation is observed during pregnancy only in the first trimester and often resolves on its own by the fourth month. Such education poses no threat to the health of the pregnant woman or the fetus. Although during sexual intercourse or heavy physical activity the cyst may burst, then this will lead to bleeding and deterioration of the patient’s condition. Ovarian disease can also cause premature birth or miscarriage. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of education.

Cysts growing on a stalk are considered especially dangerous, since there is a real risk of torsion, which will further lead to disruption of the blood supply and tissue death, in which case urgent surgical intervention will be required. In other cases, if a pregnant woman has a cyst, the gynecologist’s tactics in relation to it will be purely observational. The doctor should only note the dynamics of changes in cyst size. Specialists begin to take active measures when the tumor shows a negative trend.

A woman's body undergoes many changes.

And some of them may be cause for concern.

In our article we will tell you about the corpus luteum cyst of the ovary: what it is, what reasons contribute to its appearance and how to deal with it.

What it is?

is an education that provides an optimal level of and. The period of its formation is the second half, at which time it begins to prepare for the offensive.

Afterwards, thanks to the corpus luteum, it contributes to the production of the required amount. This is necessary so that new ones do not develop, and, accordingly, does not occur.
promotes the formation of a loose structure of the uterine lining. This is necessary so that the embryo can attach to it and develop further. If there has been no fertilization, the corpus luteum regresses, and at first it appears as a whitish area of ​​tissue.

A corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is a benign formation, the tissues of which do not degenerate into cancer. It has thick walls and contains a yellowish liquid inside.

The site of cyst formation is the area where the follicle ruptured. The reason for the development of such a cyst may be poor blood flow and impaired lymph circulation.

Are there reasons for concern?

It is very important to monitor the size of the tumor. Most often, it does not pose a danger and disappears on its own. But if it becomes large in size, this may contribute to the following complications:

  • the cyst shell will rupture and its contents will spill into the peritoneum;
  • necrosis may begin due to twisting of the leg of the cystic formation;
  • it is possible that hemorrhage may occur.

These complications are usually accompanied by terrible headaches, dizziness, weakness and nausea. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently hospitalize the woman and carry out a procedure that will prevent more serious complications. If this is not done, the following may happen:
  • inflammation in the peritoneum;
  • peritonitis;
  • sepsis;
  • death (rare, but such cases do occur).

Causes of cysts

Corpus luteum cyst of the right ovary appears for various reasons. These include:

  • the presence of hormonal disorders that can develop during and after taking and;
  • the presence of thyroid pathologies;
  • carrying out diagnostic curettage and other surgical interventions;
  • implementation of medication;
  • presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • the presence of inflammation of the reproductive system;
  • strict diets, insufficient food intake;
  • hard physical labor;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • work in hazardous conditions.

According to the observation of scientists, the appearance of a cystic corpus luteum is closely related to low fertility. Today, the majority of women have only 1, or in rare cases 2 children. This leads to continuous operation and increase. As a result of such active work of the ovaries, various disturbances in the functioning of the genital organs arise.

Is it possible to detect pathology (symptoms)

Many women often do not even realize that they have such a pathology. It is often asymptomatic.

However, sometimes a corpus luteum cyst may have the following symptoms:

  • the occurrence of pain during, lifting weights or other physical activity;
  • a feeling of heaviness from the placement of the tumor;
  • appearance of scanty .


For diagnosis, anamnesis is collected, the examination results are analyzed, and, in some cases, diagnostic tests are performed.
While examining the patient on the gynecological chair, the doctor may notice the presence of a formation on the side or behind the uterus. When palpated, it will not have mobility or sensitivity.

On the surface, the cyst looks like an anechoic, homogeneous formation with a rounded shape. Usually its dimensions vary from 4 to 8 cm. Sometimes the presence of fine suspension inside the cyst is diagnosed.

Thanks to the color, it is possible not to confuse SVT with true tumors. If you have been diagnosed with a tumor, your doctor should recommend that you test for CA-125 tumor markers.

Quite often, a corpus luteum cyst is confused with cystomas, chorionepitheliomas, and therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis, diagnostic laparoscopy is sometimes prescribed.

Features of treatment

Depending on the size and characteristics of the cyst, different methods of its treatment can be used.


When a corpus luteum cyst is detected during pregnancy, the formation is first monitored. Usually after 12 weeks it disappears, but if this does not happen, the doctor may prescribe the use of a solution that will promote its resorption.

Since many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women, you should only take those medications prescribed by your doctor. Among them are many, sedative medications,.

Surgical removal

If, as a result of conservative treatment, it was not possible to eliminate the tumor or there are ruptures and twisting, surgical removal of the cyst is recommended.

- a gentle operation that is allowed to be performed during pregnancy. The doctor makes three punctures in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall, introduces special instruments and performs the necessary manipulations. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

There are practically no complications as a result of surgery, and the next day the expectant mother can go home. Typically, after laparoscopy, pregnant women are prescribed medications that help maintain pregnancy and prevent the development of complications.

To prevent the development of cysts, it is worth timely treating inflammation of the reproductive organs. It is necessary to monitor the level of hormones, and if deviations occur, correct them.
When diagnosing a corpus luteum cyst in the left or right ovary in an “interesting” position, it is necessary:

  • avoid intense physical activity;
  • do not perform abdominal wraps, exclude, do not visit saunas, steam baths;
  • ensure that you have enough food, drink a lot;
  • avoid stressful situations and psycho-emotional stress.

Did you know? The longest pregnancy period in the world was 375 days - more than 1 year, with a normal duration of 9 months. At the same time, the child was born absolutely healthy, with normal weight and height.

If you feel pain in the lower abdomen, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. This will help clarify the situation more clearly and eliminate possible complications.

During pregnancy, you should pay special attention to your health. A corpus luteum cyst is not a terrible neoplasm, but you should still monitor its condition so that it does not negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

A corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is a neoplasm on the ovary that develops in the early stages of gestation.

The main task of the ovaries is to prepare the egg for fertilization. A follicle is formed in it, which bursts in the second half of the menstrual cycle and releases the egg. Then there are two options for events: fertilization or the beginning of menstruation. It is after conception that it appears.

As you know, the fetus grows and develops in the placenta, but while it is being formed, it is replaced by the corpus luteum. It got its name because of its specific yellow color. Normally, the size of the corpus luteum during pregnancy is 3-4 cm. Usually, by the end of the first trimester, it gradually decreases and soon disappears completely. The disappearance is promoted by the hormones progesterone and estrogen. If a woman has a hormonal imbalance, the corpus luteum does not resolve and a cyst appears.

Corpus luteum cyst

A corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy does not have the ability to degenerate into a cancerous tumor. It has a round outline and rather thick, dense walls. Inside it is filled with a semi-liquid substance of a yellowish tint, sometimes with bloody impurities. An ovarian corpus luteum cyst appears at the site of a ruptured follicle. The exact reasons for its formation during gestation have not been identified, but there is reason to believe that the risk factors are:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the presence of infections of the pelvic organs;
  • ovarian stimulation with medications;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills);
  • fasting and strict diets;
  • active sports;
  • daily presence in hazardous production.

Many doctors also believe that the appearance of ovarian cysts is directly related to low fertility rates. Those who have had one child, the number of menstruation increases several times compared to those who have several children. This increases the load on the ovaries and provokes the appearance of a cyst.

Symptoms of the disease

A corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy usually does not cause trouble or discomfort, since after 14 weeks it resolves on its own. But there were cases when this did not happen, the tumor continued to grow. Then clear signs of its growth appeared:

  • nagging or aching pain in the right or left side of the lower abdomen (depending on the location of the cyst);
  • increased intensity of pain when walking, sudden changes in body position;
  • discomfort during intimacy.
  • acute pain radiating to the lumbar region (observed when the tumor enlarges to 5 cm).

Possible consequences

An ovarian corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy can reach more than 7 cm. This increase in size can cause the following consequences:

  1. The tumor may burst, and its contents will enter the abdominal cavity and cause severe bleeding. Apoplexy (rupture) is the main cause of peritonitis.
  2. Torsion of the cyst stalk, which will lead to necrosis.
  3. Suppuration of formation. Causes infection of internal organs.

The following signs indicate the occurrence of complications:

  • acute pain that does not go away after taking painkillers;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • profuse sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39 °C;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • decrease in pressure.

The appearance of this symptomatology is very dangerous for mother and baby, as it threatens sepsis, peritonitis and even death.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should call a doctor immediately! Such “signals” from the body most often require urgent intervention by a surgeon.

Treatment of corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

If the expectant mother has been diagnosed with a corpus luteum cyst, this is not a reason for radical measures. Initially, the doctor simply observes the development of the tumor. If it does not increase in size, then it does not pose any threat to the mother and child and does not affect the normal course of pregnancy.

If an ultrasound shows an increase in the cyst of the right/left ovary, a decision may be made to undergo surgery in order to prevent adverse consequences. One of the most gentle methods of surgical intervention is laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor makes three small incisions on the abdominal wall with a diameter of no more than 1.5 cm. Through these incisions, a small camera with a flashlight and special instruments are inserted for the operation. The camera transmits the image to the screen, and with the help of manipulators, the surgeon removes the ovarian cyst. The unfavorable outcome of this treatment is reduced to zero. After 3-5 days the patient can return home. To maintain the normal course of gestation and eliminate danger to the baby, the woman follows all the recommendations.

Folk remedies

Corpus luteum cyst of the left or right ovary during pregnancy can be successfully treated with alternative medicine. Of course, even traditional therapy must be agreed with the attending physician and take place only under his supervision.

Golden mustache

There are the following methods for treating corpus luteum cysts at home:

  1. Golden mustache. Finely chop 30-40 joints of the plant, pour in 1.5 liters of vodka. Keep the tincture in a dark place for 10-14 days. Then strain through cheesecloth and pour into a glass bottle. Keep refrigerated. Every morning, dilute 10 drops of tincture in 0.5 cups of water and drink on an empty stomach. Despite the fact that the tincture is alcohol-based, it is absolutely safe for both the woman and the fetus. The recommended course of treatment is at least 2 weeks, after which take a ten-day break. Repeat the course.
  2. Chaga. This remedy will help not only get rid of the cyst, but also eliminate problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract and digestion. 1 tbsp. crushed chaga pour 5 tbsp. cold water, let stand for 8 hours. Then heat the mixture to 45-50 degrees, wrap it in a warm towel, and leave for two days. Strain and take 0.5 tbsp. twice a day. If there are no contraindications, you can be treated with tampons soaked in this decoction.
  3. Pine nut shells. Take 100 grams of pine nut shells, add 0.5 liters of water and simmer over low heat for an hour and a half. Strain the broth, drink 3-4 sips three times a day. Treat for a month, then take a two-week break.
  4. Wax and chicken yolk. Heat 200 ml of any vegetable oil in a bowl, dip a piece of beeswax, the size of a box of matches, into it. Wait until the wax melts, then mash the boiled egg yolk and throw a pinch at a time into the hot mixture of oil and wax. When the yolk gets in, the mixture will begin to foam a lot (this is normal). When the mixture has cooled, strain through cheesecloth. Moisten small tampons in the resulting mass and insert overnight. The same product can be rubbed on the stomach. If the cyst is on the right ovary, then the right side, if on the left, then the left.

Remember! Self-medication threatens the health of mother and child!

How to prevent cysts from appearing

In order to prevent cysts of the corpus luteum of the right or left ovary, you need to pay great attention to your health:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • do not take hormonal or other medications without a doctor’s recommendation;
  • avoid heavy physical activity;
  • do not expose the abdominal area to overheating, for example, avoid body wraps, visiting saunas and solariums;
  • try not to participate in conflict situations, avoid stress;
  • eat properly and nutritiously;
  • Drink clean water in the required amount.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman finds herself in a whirlwind of feelings - the joy of happy anticipation suddenly gives way to excitement or even anxiety. The expectant mother listens to her body and reacts sharply to all the changes occurring in it.

When, due to ovulation, the egg leaves the follicle, the granulosa cells of the latter grow, forming the corpus luteum. It got its name due to the corresponding color. The task of this temporary gland is to produce progesterone, starting from the moment of ovulation and until the 12-16th week of pregnancy (if the latter occurs). Afterwards, the formed placenta takes over the function of producing this hormone.

In some cases, a cystic corpus luteum forms, including in the early stages of pregnancy. This formation is a cavity with thick walls, inside of which there is a yellow-red liquid.

Size of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy

The size of the luteal body indirectly indicates the adequacy of its hormonal function. Sizes of 18-22 mm indicate readiness for conception (in the second phase). If pregnancy has already occurred, then normally the size of the luteal body fluctuates between 20-30 mm. Exceeding these numbers (30-40 mm) indicates cysticity of the corpus luteum. If the size of the formation becomes more than 40 mm, a luteal body cyst occurs. At the same time, this formation does not lose its function of producing the hormone that supports pregnancy and performs it to the required extent. In cases where its value exceeds 70 mm, it is possible that progesterone production no longer occurs.

A small corpus luteum in the early stages is also not the norm. This characteristic of education may indicate:

  1. Inadequacy of its functioning, which leads to a decrease in progesterone production. In this case, without correction with appropriate replacement (hormone-containing) drugs, pregnancy may be at risk, and there is a risk of developing feto-placental insufficiency.
  2. The small size of the corpus luteum is also observed with low levels of human chorionic gonadotropin, which supports the normal development of the embryo. Therefore, the small size of the luteal formation is an indirect sign of fetal development disorders.
  3. In case of an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, as a rule, the size of the corpus luteum is also below normal.

Ultrasound diagnostics allows us to assess the condition of pregnancy and the fetus. If the results are normal, and the corpus luteum in the early stages is small in size, then drug therapy is prescribed to support the process of bearing and developing the baby.

Corpus luteum cyst in early stages

Causes of cysts

Physically, the appearance of the formation is associated with impaired blood circulation and lymph flow in the corpus luteum itself. Some external factors, interventions and pathological processes increase the likelihood of a luteal cyst:

  • Artificial stimulation of ovulation.
  • Taking medications as part of the preparation protocol for artificial insemination.
  • Taking emergency contraceptives.
  • Presence of infections.
  • Poor nutrition (passion for all kinds of diets).
  • The result of previous abortions.
  • Organization of work in hazardous conditions.
  • Frequent stress.

Cyst symptoms

The development of pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in the size of the uterus and sprained ligaments. This process is often accompanied by painful sensations; it may seem that the corpus luteum hurts in the early stages of pregnancy. Unpleasant sensations of varying intensity can also be caused by: inflammatory processes in the appendages or ovaries, pain in the intestines, ectopic pregnancy. An ultrasound will help determine the exact cause of the discomfort. Signs the presence of which suggests the presence of a cystic formation:

  • Feelings of pain and discomfort in the lower left or right part of the abdomen (at the location of the cyst), intensifying during sex or active movements.
  • Feeling of heaviness, pressure in the abdominal area and groin.

It is necessary to exclude active dancing, sports, and vigorous sex life. All these factors, combined with the presence of a luteal body cyst, can provoke rupture of its wall. When the cyst hemorrhages, nausea, vomiting, sharp and acute pain in the lower abdomen, decreased blood pressure, and increased heart rate occur. Surgical intervention in this case is the only way to save life. In addition, twisting of the formation's stem is possible. The threat of this phenomenon arises if the size of the cyst is quite large - over 5 cm. In this case, there is a disruption in the blood supply, which is fraught with the development of peritonitis. This condition already poses a threat to the life of the baby and the mother, so you should immediately seek the help of doctors.

Diagnosis of a cyst

This formation - a cyst - in most cases does not make itself felt in any way and is detected by chance during an ultrasound scan of a pregnant woman. The optimal diagnostic method is examination using a vaginal probe. This method does not require special preparation; you just need to empty your bladder as much as possible. If there is a cyst on the side or behind the body of the uterus, a formation of limited mobility will be visualized, responding to palpation. Ultrasound allows you to examine the contours of the cyst and accurately determine its size.

Therapy for cysts

In most cases, the detected formation does not require any intervention and resolves on its own either by the 16th week of pregnancy or after childbirth. During this time, it gradually decreases, so by the end of pregnancy it becomes small in size.

Large cysts require additional analysis to determine the level of progesterone in the blood. In case of deficiency of the latter, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Among the most common progesterone preparations are Utrozhestan and Duphaston.

Prevention of luteal cyst

The optimal prevention of the occurrence of such formations is timely and complete treatment of all inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, correction of hormonal imbalances in the body.

Only a doctor can distinguish a variant of a physiological condition from a pathology requiring intervention. Therefore, in order for the pregnancy to proceed easily, the baby to develop correctly and on time, the woman should inform the doctor about all sensations that differ from the usual.

Many young women have doubts about whether it is possible to get pregnant with a corpus luteum cyst. The very concept of a cyst frightens patients, making them think about a bad outcome. In reality, everything turns out to be not so scary. A corpus luteum cyst is a large glandular formation that can occur in every woman of reproductive age. It is functional and does not develop into cancer.

It is a temporary hormonal organ or cavity that contains lutein (it is what gives the gland its characteristic yellow color). Its occurrence is always preceded by ovulation. After the release of the egg, a sac is formed in place of the dominant follicle, which produces the second phase hormone - progesterone. It is necessary to maintain pregnancy.

If conception does not occur, then the regression phase begins. The luteal tumor gradually decreases in size, leaving behind a small scar. Subsequently, menstruation and a new cycle begin. The monthly process of changing hormonal levels is natural and does not pose any threat to a woman.

Why does a cyst form?

A corpus luteum cyst is the same luteal sac that secretes progesterone. Its only difference from the usual one is its size. Any corpus luteum that extends beyond the generally accepted size is called a cyst.

Many people believe that ovulation and corpus luteum cyst are inextricably linked. Without the first there is no second. And most often this is true.

But in some cases, such a neoplasm can appear without ovulation. Sometimes it occurs as a result of sharp fluctuations in hormone levels (particularly when LH levels are high). Each representative of the fairer sex develops more than one luteal cyst during her life, which the patient may not even be aware of.

A functional tumor usually does not cause discomfort to its owner. It is present in the patient’s body asymptomatically, but is detected completely suddenly. Only in some women does this tumor provoke a delay in menstruation or heavy periods.

Doctors tell patients that a corpus luteum cyst does not pose any danger to them. However, no one is immune from complications such as cyst torsion or rupture.


If the cyst is small, the woman does not complain of feeling unwell. If the tumor exceeds 8 centimeters in diameter, then nagging pain and a sensation of pulsation in the right or left ovary (depending on the location of the tumor) may be noted. Discomfort is felt during sexual intercourse and during bowel movements. Lack of menstruation at the right time may be a symptom of a luteal cyst. To confirm the assumptions, the patient should contact a gynecologist.

Diagnosis of a neoplasm takes place in several stages. First, the doctor conducts a survey, based on the results of which he makes his first assumptions. Next, a gynecological examination is performed. On palpation, the ovary is enlarged in size and may be painful. To reliably determine the cyst, its size and location, an ultrasound scan is prescribed.

A distinctive feature of this neoplasm is the complete absence of blood vessels in its cavity. This can be determined by a qualified sonologist using a good ultrasound machine. Diagnostic procedures such as puncture and laparoscopy are performed less frequently. The anatomical features of the female body suggest that the luteal neoplasm more often affects the left than the right ovary.


Provided that the large corpus luteum does not bother the woman, she is not prescribed treatment. Doctors prefer a wait-and-see approach, observing the behavior of a benign tumor for 3-6 months. Over a set period of time, the patient is prescribed several ultrasound diagnostics to assess the condition of the cyst.

If after several cycles the woman’s condition has worsened or the tumor has increased in volume, then the patient is recommended therapy that includes progesterone-based hormonal drugs: Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Iprozhin. They promote rapid tumor resorption and normalization of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes a physiotherapeutic course is prescribed, including magnetic, laser and mud treatment.

Lack of results requires surgical intervention. Laparoscopy is a low-traumatic and safe method. During the operation, the cyst with the involved ovarian tissue is excised. An older method of surgical treatment of corpus luteum cysts is laparotomy.

Will I be able to get pregnant?

Women planning to conceive are wondering: is it possible to get pregnant with a corpus luteum cyst? Doctors give an unequivocal positive answer to it. Often, large sizes of the luteal body are discovered precisely after conception. The cyst in this case supports the pregnancy by supplying the necessary progesterone.

Otherwise, the connection between an existing cyst and pregnancy planning is considered. Fertilization in this case can be difficult due to the fact that the neoplasm releases progesterone on the “wrong” days of the cycle. The functioning of the hormonal background for conception must be well-functioning. The production of estrogen is replaced by luteinizing hormone, after which it is time for progesterone. Violation of this sequence prevents the formation of dominant follicles and, as a result, does not allow ovulation to occur.

During the period of regression of the large corpus luteum, remaining from previous cycles, and the correct functioning of hormonal levels, pregnancy is likely. In such situations, subsequent ultrasound diagnostics may show two corpora lutea, one of which will be small and regress.

Based on medical opinion and long-term statistics, it can be argued that a corpus luteum cyst most often does not interfere with pregnancy.

Neoplasm during pregnancy

Pregnant women are worried before their first ultrasound. They begin to worry even more when, during diagnosis, the sonologist talks about a corpus luteum cyst. A lot of questions immediately arise about the compatibility of the new situation with the diagnosis. A luteal cyst does not pose any danger. On the contrary, in the early stages it produces important progesterone, which will maintain the normal tone of the uterus and prevent rejection of the fertilized egg from its walls.

The absence of the corpus luteum during the first ultrasound scan of the expectant mother should alert the specialist. In this case, doctors begin to doubt whether pregnancy is possible. Without progesterone, the embryo will not be able to develop, which will lead to its death or miscarriage. Early diagnosis of corpus luteum deficiency allows this problem to be corrected with the help of supportive medications. The drugs are prescribed by the doctor in individual dosages.

The presence of a corpus luteum cyst in the ovary does not pose a threat to a pregnant woman. After 12 weeks, the tumor will begin to regress, disappearing completely before 20 weeks. This process, as a rule, does not require additional observation. However, if the patient complains, experts recommend re-examination. In rare cases, the cyst may remain large or become complicated. Further tactics of action are chosen in accordance with the well-being of the pregnant woman. In emergency cases, surgical treatment is performed - laparoscopic surgery.

Question answer

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers patient questions

— I am 27 years old, I dream of a child, but pregnancy does not occur. At the next ultrasound I received the result: the uterus has clear contours, the geometry is homogeneous, 51x46x50 mm. The right ovary is 60x43x51 mm, with a hypoechoic formation with a mesh internal structure, size. 50x40x38 mm. Conclusion: signs of a cystic formation of the right ovary (corpus luteum cyst). What does this mean and what should I do?

- Repeat the ultrasound immediately after your period. If it really is a cyst, then it should disappear. Although in some situations it “does not go away” for several cycles. Then you need to watch her.

The formation of the corpus luteum occurs under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is produced by the pituitary gland. A cyst occurs when there is excess production of LH. It usually regresses on its own, so in most cases it does not require treatment.

— On the 13th day of the cycle, the ultrasound specialist discovered a corpus luteum cyst. Is it necessary to have surgery? Is it possible to play sports if you have a cyst?

- Usually such cysts do not require surgery. Further observation and treatment tactics should be discussed with your doctor. You can do fitness, but without sudden movements, jumping and overexertion.

— I am 6 weeks pregnant, very long-awaited and desired. An ultrasound showed a corpus luteum cyst. Do you need surgery now?

- This is a variant of the norm. At the moment you don’t need to do anything, just watch. Most likely, the cyst will regress and will not affect the course of pregnancy in any way.



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