Fucoidan. Fucoidan - elixir of health

History of discovery

Brown algae, whose cell membrane contains fucoidan, appeared on Earth about 200 million years ago. Fucoidan was discovered by German chemist Bernhard Tollens in 1890. 23 years later, Swedish professor Kilin isolated it from the composition of the cell membrane. And in 1913, the world received a panacea - fucoidan, the properties and capabilities of which became known only in our time. It was noted that, in addition to high life expectancy, the Japanese are distinguished by excellent skin condition, a low percentage of cancer, and an almost complete absence of problems with the cardiovascular system and cerebral circulation. The result of a comprehensive study of fucoidan was the statement of scientists that it is able to give an impetus to cancer cells to self-destruct and be eliminated from the body, completely restoring it at the cellular level.

For the first time, Japanese and American scientists announced that fucoidan treats cancer in 2005. Scientists from the Department of Molecular Virology and Oncology of the University of the Ryukyu (Nishihara, Okinawa) were among the first to write about the properties of fucoidan (self-destruction of diseased cells affected by the leukemia virus). Their colleagues from Keio University in Tokyo confirmed the report with the results of a study that showed that the use of fucoidan in treatment was significantly superior to the result of a series of chemotherapy sessions. The antiviral activity of fucoidan (HIV, herpes types 1 and 2) and its ability to have a healing effect in diseases such as diabetes, gastric ulcers, hypertension, chronic hepatitis, and atopic dermatitis were also revealed.

Fucoidan stimulates the body's production of its own

stem cells at any age!

New young cells mature and are sent to the damaged organ: heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, etc., replacing old and diseased cells, this is how the body naturally heals.

Official medicine has confirmed the effectiveness of fucoidan-based drugs and approved their use in therapy.

The Science of Fucoidan

Fucoidan is a polysaccharide found in brown algae, the unique properties of which have been scientifically proven by many modern research laboratories. A wide range of biological activity of fucoidan has been discovered and, first of all, its anti-cancer effect is noted, based on the suppression of active oxygen, the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells, and apoptosis - cell self-destruction programmed at the gene level.

Fucoidan can be considered a "polyvalent biomodulator". Scientists from South Korea, Japan, the USA, Russia, France and Germany, developing innovative immunostimulants, antiviral and anticancer drugs based on fucoidan, have proven that fucoidan stimulates the production of interferons and increases cellular immunity, stimulates the growth of cells of the immune system, the activity of macrophages, and suppresses allergic reactions . As a natural product, fucoidan is the most versatile and effective cell signaling agent. It has tremendous power and energy in supporting significant and important processes in stem cells, organs, tissues and many other biological structures and systems of the body.

Fucoidan contains eight essential saccharides for cellular communication



Increases growth factors IGF-1 and 2, identical to those found in abundance in breast milk. Affects brain development and the ability to create long-term memories.

Stimulates the production of immune factors interferon and interleukin in immunocytes. Regulates immunomodulatory activity. Activates stem cells. Creates hormonal anti-aging factors for longevity. Inhibits tumor growth through apoptosis. Protects the respiratory tract from infections. Inhibits allergic reactions by suppressing IgE. Increases growth factors for muscle recovery. Stimulates bone growth and repair. Creates growth factors for skin, hair, mucous membranes of internal organs. Acts directly with anti-inflammatory inhibitors. Helps increase energy metabolism.


Enhances wound healing. Increases calcium absorption. Promotes the formation of long-term memory.


A powerful source of fast energy. Strengthens memory. Stimulates calcium absorption.


Inhibits the spread of the tumor. Immune modulator with antitumor properties and anti-HIV activity.


Helps restore cartilage. Reduces pain and inflammation. Increases freedom of movement. Restores the mucosal protective barrier involved in Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and interstitial cystitis.

N-acetylneuraminic acid

Important for brain development and learning. Abundant in breast milk. Repels bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.


Antibacterial and antifungal properties may prevent gastrointestinal cancer.

Fucoidan is the basis of health. Leading researchers of the world

claim that they have never seen one ingredient

did so much for the human body as it does


Algae - a storehouse of fucoidan

Algae are classified into brown, red, green and blue-green. Brown algae are classified into typical seaweed, sea mustard, mozuku and hijiki. Red ones - for agar-agar and purple algae. Blue-green algae is represented by spirulina.

Blue-green algae grow on rocks, cliffs; green ones are in shallow waters and therefore receive enough light. Brown and red algae grow in shallow and deep seas. Accordingly, photosynthesis occurs in them with a small amount of light. How is fucoidan produced in algae, especially brown algae? What is its function?

Fucoidan is released as mucus from the algae duct when a leaf or stem is damaged by water flow or sand, thereby protecting the plant from bacterial invasion. Additionally, when algae is exposed to air, fucoidan is released and moisturizes the damaged part.

Apoptosis is the main antitumor mechanism of fucoidan

Scientists around the world have been trying for many years to develop a way to control the process of self-destruction of altered cells. Japanese scientists were the first to achieve success when they isolated a special healing substance, fucoidan, from the seaweed Laminaria Japonica. How does fucoidan work?

Fucoidan binds to a special antenna (receptor), which is present only on the surface of the changed cells. The scientific name of this antenna is “tumor necrosis factor receptor.” Normally, the lymphocytes of our immune system themselves “recognize” this antenna and release tumor necrosis factor, triggering the self-destruction of the altered cell. If this mechanism is disrupted, the altered cells continue to live. They become the center of inflammation and gradually degenerate into cancer.

In this case, fucoidan is able to replace the broken mechanism for destroying altered cells. When fucoidan binds to the “antenna”, a “self-destruction” program is launched inside the modified cell. Such cells die, turning into a bag with a protein substrate, and are absorbed by macrophages. When taking fucoidan, massive death of cancer cells occurs both in the main focus and in metastases. The immune system, instead of a “protracted war,” quickly destroys their remnants.

Apoptosis does not have any harmful effects on healthy cells, and its doses, even hundreds of times higher than recommended, do not cause any negative consequences.

This is confirmed by numerous studies conducted by scientists, thanks to which it turned out that fucoidan is a means of protection not only against cancer, but also rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Fucoidan also helps increase immunity against gastrointestinal diseases and various types of infections, in particular viral ones (including AIDS).

Fucoidan has proven to be an invaluable substance that can heal the body, strengthen the immune system and remove harmful substances from the body. In addition, fucoidan has a phenomenal ability to rejuvenate and heal the skin. Scientists have conducted a huge amount of research on fucoidan, especially focusing on the ability of the polysaccharide to regenerate cells.

These studies revealed that fucoidan helps maintain stem cells in constant mobilization, as a result of which they actively replace dead cells in the human body, thereby promoting the regeneration of organs and tissues. In addition to this, fucoidan slows down the aging process. Scientific research has proven that fucoidan helps the body fight for a long and healthy life by strengthening the immune system.

Fucoidan also stimulates cell growth and division and supports normal liver function and blood circulation. Consuming a certain dose of seaweed daily supports healthy functions throughout the body. People who consume fucoidan-rich seaweed on a regular basis have high energy levels and do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system or pancreas. Fucoidan also helps in the fight against diabetes.

Antiangiogenic effect of fucoidan (prevents the growth of new vessels that feed the tumor)

A cancerous tumor can independently grow blood vessels to increase the flow of blood and nutrients. If the growth of these new blood vessels can be stopped, the spread of the cancer is also slowed. Today, shark cartilage preparations are very popular due to their anti-angiogenic effect, but it turns out that fucoidan also has this effect.

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of fucoidan

The high antibacterial activity of the drug against Escherechia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Helicobacter makes it simply indispensable for normalizing the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal flora.

The effect of fucoidan on the cardiovascular system

The ability of fucoidan to improve blood circulation and heart function ensures adequate blood flow to all organs and systems of the body. The use of fucoidan is indicated for coronary heart and brain disease, hemophilia, thrombophlebitis, and Alzheimer's disease.

Fucoidan and the endocrine system

One of the most common diseases of the endocrine system is hypothyroidism (a pathological decrease in the function of the thyroid gland of various nature, expressed in a decrease in metabolism, the activity of many enzymes and disorders in many organs and tissues.

Hypothyroidism is manifested by weakness, drowsiness, memory loss, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, weight gain, apathy, edema, mental disorders, and decreased libido. The disease is closely related to the pathology of the intestines, liver, and microcirculation disorders.

There are several causes of hypothyroidism:

Autoimmune thyroiditis (chronic inflammatory disease of the thyroid gland);

Operations (usually for nodular goiter);

Pituitary gland diseases;

Lack of iodine, which is a pressing problem in the post-Soviet space due to its low content in drinking water.

Iodine forms the basis of thyroid hormones, which replenish vital functions, as they are responsible for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, regulate the activity of the brain, nervous system, mental development of children, genital function, immunity, etc.

The use of fucoidan will help relieve these symptoms and restore the vital functions of the body.

In addition, fucoidan normalizes the process of glucose absorption and regulates human blood sugar levels.

Immunomodulatory effect of fucoidan

There is a system inside our bodies that constantly searches for, identifies and removes foreign bodies. Cancer cells are not initially foreign to our bodies, but our immune system is able to identify cancer cells and launch an attack against them. The activity of our immune system is not always at the same level, it is constantly changing. Immune functions within our bodies are carried out by a specific type of cell present in the blood - immunocytes (for example, macrophages, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and others), which can be activated and enlarged. Cancer cells reduce the activity of the immune system, which reduces the overall effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, cancer patients need to activate their immune system. It is well known that if patients manage to remain positive, their immune system is strengthened and their general condition improves.

Fucoidan activates our immune system by stimulating immune cells and increasing their number. Different researchers offer different models to explain the immunomodulatory properties of fucoidan. According to one model, fucoidan is similar in structure to bacterial cell walls, and thus our immune system mistakes fucoidan molecules for bacteria and begins to activate and increase the number of lymphocytes in response (“by mistake”). According to another model, polysaccharides are able to transfer information from one cell to another (this is one of the biggest discoveries in microbiology in recent years) and thus convey to the immune system the most accurate information about diseased cells.

Connective tissue diseases

By stopping inflammatory processes in tissues and cartilage, fucoidan ensures their normal functioning. It is important to take the drug for preventive purposes, since during periods of exacerbation, for example, arthritis, the body may need a longer period to recover.

Antioxidant effect of fucoidan

Fucoidan is a natural antioxidant drug that neutralizes oxidative damage and its effect on the body at the cellular level.

Antitoxic effect of fucoidan

Fucoidan promotes the removal of natural waste products and cellular decay from the body, has the ability to bind heavy metal elements and reduce their absorption into the intestines, thereby preventing poisoning. Fucoidan neutralizes the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. As a result of its intake, an almost complete restoration of the body and its functions occurs.

Anticoagulant properties

Due to its anticoagulant effect, fucoidan can be used in the treatment of patients with congenital or acquired deficiency of antithrombin AT-III.

Regenerative properties

During research on fucoidan, its amazing regenerative properties were discovered, promoting the replacement of dead cells with young ones. These properties of fucoidan affect almost every system of the body. Fucoidan supports the signaling function of stem cells throughout the body, responsible for cell regeneration.

"Haewon Biotech" (South Korea) -
best pure fucoidan manufacturer

The only manufacturing company in the world that produces the highest purity fucoidan powder in the world (95%) is Haewon Biotech Co. LTD", South Kogea. The company's raw materials are mined in environmentally friendly marine areas. Only selected kombu brown seaweed is used to make the product. The unique patented technology, developed jointly with the Institute of Industrial Science and Technology of Japan (AIST - The National Institute of Advanced Industrials Sciences and Technology) is based on the extraction of fucoidan using citric acid (obtained from organically grown lemons), eliminating the use of chemicals.

The company's experience with the technology to obtain the purest raw materials has received international recognition. And there are five good reasons for this.

Firstly, this is the only company in the world that obtains fucoidan from all types of brown algae.

Secondly, this is the only enterprise capable of controlling the volume of molecules of the resulting fucoidan (from 3300 to 1,000,000 daltons). Extraction of the substance by molecular volume is very important because it promotes the use of fucoidan for the production of medical drugs.

Thirdly, the company provides raw materials that are in demand in the field of raw materials companies. Thus, the American company Sigma supplies it to laboratories around the world. This indicates the high quality and safety of fucoidan.

Fourthly, this is the only company that widely exports raw materials:

11 countries around the world purchase fucoidan from Haewon Biotech.

Fifth, Haewon Biotech Co. LTD" extracts raw materials in the area of ​​Wando Island - in the environmentally friendly sea waters of South Korea.

A powerful material and technical base and a staff of highly qualified specialists have brought Haewon Biotech Co. LTD" is a leader among similar manufacturing enterprises, and its products are known and in demand all over the world.

The high quality of the company's products is confirmed by special Kosher, ISO, Halal certificates. And this is not only a matter of special pride, but also a business card, the reputation of all the company’s products.

The company constantly carries out active research and development work. Promising types of plant raw materials are being studied, dosage forms and regulatory documents are being developed. New developments are tested and implemented, so the list of manufactured products is constantly expanding.

SFL Biotech Co. LTD", being the exclusive general distributor and representative of the plant in the post-Soviet space, offers high-quality products manufactured by Haewon Biotech Co. LTD" containing fucoidan: healing drinks, vitamin-mineral complexes, cosmetics and broad-spectrum preparations to improve health and restore high body tone.

Research and scientific works on Fucoidan


Scientific work Bo Li, Fei Lu, Xinjun Wei and Ruixiang Zhao Fucoidan: Structure and Bioactivity

  • Restoring apoptosis (the ability of cancer cells to die in time)
  • Prevents cancer cell migration (metastasis)
  • Suppresses the generation of new blood vessels
  • Suppresses oxygen supply to cancer cells

One of the anticancer actions of fucoidan is carried out by forcing cancer cells to self-destruct, which is achieved through the mechanism of apoptosis. However, fucoidan does not affect normal, healthy cells. In the cells of living beings, there are genes that transmit instructions to the cell to self-destruct when it has completed its biological function. This is apoptosis. Apoptosis is necessary to maintain the body in a healthy state, since thanks to it, regenerative processes are carried out in the body, in which old cells are replaced by new ones.

Cancer cell apoptosis has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments designed to investigate the effects of fucoidan on multiple generations of cancer cells. Specifically, they studied the effects of fucoidan on human promyelocytic leukemia cells, human acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells, human gastric cancer cells, and intestinal adenocarcinoma cells that were actively proliferating in Petri dishes. As a result of the experiment (the effect of fucoidan on human promyelocytic leukemia cells), it was found that the number of viable cancer cells decreased and tended to zero. Upon more detailed analysis, scientists determined that in the dead cells, the DNA, which is responsible for constructing the cell's development plan, was torn, which made these cells unviable. It was also determined that fucoidan had virtually no effect on healthy cells that were cultured in the control group.

Fucoidan binds to a special antenna (receptor), which is present only on the surface of the changed cells.

The scientific name of this antenna is “tumor necrosis factor receptor.” Normally, the lymphocytes of our immune system themselves “recognize” this antenna and release tumor necrosis factor, triggering the self-destruction of the altered cell. If this mechanism is disrupted, the altered cells continue to live. They become the center of inflammation and gradually degenerate into cancer. In this case, fucoidan is able to replace the broken mechanism for destroying altered cells. When fucoidan binds to the “antenna”, a “self-destruction” program is launched inside the modified cell. Such a cell dies and breaks into pieces. After this, the immune system, instead of a “protracted war,” quickly destroys its remnants.

Center for Bioengineering Research, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Denmark

According to other studies, a surprising fact was that in addition to the apoptotic effect, fucoidan began to stimulate the activity of killer cells against cancer cells at a dose of 50 mg/kg. That is, in oncology, the immune system does not notice cancer cells and the cells begin to multiply, but the study showed that fucoidan began to stimulate the immune system to suppress cancer cells.

Effects of fucoidan on hearing

The study was conducted: 05/23/2011 Cung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea.

Fucoidan shows promising results in the treatment and prevention of hearing loss, as well as the prevention of age-related hearing loss. Restores regeneration of sensory hair cells

Effect of fucoidan on the brain

Study conducted: 2011 – apr, School of Ghinese Pharmacy, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine


Capable of inhibiting the activity of cathepsin D, thereby increasing the life of nerve cells and their regeneration

Increases apoptosis of nerve cells as a process of brain aging. Cathepsin is an active substance in nerve cells.

Research in Russia (N. N. Drozd, N. T. Miftakhova, E. Yu. Savchik, 7. B. Kalinina, V. A. Makarov, T. I. Imbs, T. N. Zvyagintseva, T. A. Kuznetsova, N.N. Beselnova) showed the amazing ability of fucoidan:

Prevent the occurrence of blood clots.

Hemorrhagic activity

A notable feature of the study: when using 10 mg per 1 kg of weight, a 100% effect of eliminating blood clots is achieved.

Myocardial infarction

The study was conducted by: School of Pharmacology at Yantai University, China, completed on May 27, 2011

The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of Fucoidan in ischemic infarction. Conclusion: Fucoidan provides promising results for the successful treatment and prevention of ischemia of various tissues, including myocardial infarction. It increases the period of tissue preservation for subsequent reference fusion therapy. Prognosis: Fucoidan preserves cell life in case of peripheral circulation disorders

Blood purification

The study was conducted on April 30, 2011 by the Laboratory of Veterinary Pharmacology at the Korea Veterinary College


Liver and spleen studies

01/14/2011 Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology. Institute of Cell Biochemistry. India.

A. Kuznetsova, I.G. Agafonova, T.O. Krokhmal, T.N., Zvyagintseva, N.V. Filonova. Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (690087 Vladivostok, Selskaya St., 1), Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (690022 Vladivostok, 100 Let Vladivostok Ave., 159)

Liver fibrosis. Uncontrolled increase in collagen in the matrix and connective tissue of the liver with subsequent scarring. Fucoidan effectively inhibits the activity of growth factors in liver tissue, thereby preventing its growth.


Using magnetic resonance imaging and biochemical analysis, the hepatoprotective effect of fucoidan was studied in experimental chronic toxic hepatitis in mice induced by carbon tetrachloride. Normalization of the morphological structure and functional state of the liver was revealed with oral use of fucoidan for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The results obtained indicate the hepatoprotective activity of fucoidan and open up new prospects for its clinical use.

Fucoidan protects against radiation

Study and use of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs based on natural biologically active substances. (Ed. V.G. Bespalov and V.B. Nekrasova. St. Petersburg: Aesculapius, 2000. 468 p.). Studies were also conducted by Kyung Hee Medical Center, South Korea.

Fucoidan has radioprotective properties. Feeding rats carotene-containing seaweed protected their body cells from damage by free radicals generated by whole-body ionizing radiation. The resistance of animals under conditions of exposure to external radiation on the body increased: the survival rate and average life expectancy of irradiated animals increased, and the frequency of the main radiation injury syndromes decreased. A translam glucan compound from fucoidan stimulated the activity of peritoneal macrophages in irradiated mice. The ability of alginic acid derivatives to remove strontium and cesium radionuclides from the body of animals and humans is well known. Thus, fucoidan can be effectively used to protect the body from light, magnetic, and radiation radiation.


Department of Molecular Medicine, Institute of Medical Science, Japan

Fucoidan has high antiviral activity, suppressing the cytopathic effect of the vesicular stomatitis virus, the interaction of the surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus, cytomegalovirus, and genital herpes virus. Fucoidan inhibits the activity of native and recombinant human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Fucoidan has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug exhibits antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherechia coli, and Helicobacter. At the same time, fucoidan has a positive effect on the intestinal flora and normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The anti-inflammatory effect of fucoiadan appears at an early stage of development of the inflammatory process due to its interaction with P-selectin. Considering the antibacterial and antiviral activity of fucoidan, scientists have confirmed in their reports its effectiveness in tularemia, herpes types 1 and 2, HTLV viral diseases without side effects.

Questions and answers

What is fucoidan?

Seaweed, sea mustard and mozuku have a mucilaginous surface that produces the substance “fucoidan,” a type of fiber that has health benefits.

How is fucoidan produced in algae?

Fucoidan is released as mucus from the algae duct when the leaf or stem is damaged by water flow or sand, thereby protecting itself from bacterial invasion. Additionally, when algae is exposed to air, fucoidan is released and moisturizes the damaged part.

Antidiabetic effect and other beneficial properties of fucoidan.

Fucoidan prevents sudden increases in blood sugar. This is because fucoidan is a water-soluble plant fiber that increases the viscosity of foods and controls the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine. Moving food slowly allows glucose to be absorbed slowly in the small intestine. This allows your blood sugar levels to rise slowly and remain stable. Fucoidan effectively affects the liver and vision. Fucoidan is the best assistant for retinitis, atherosclerosis, stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension, renal failure, neurosensory disorder, infection and other complications.

What does the research show?

Research has demonstrated:

Antioxidant and antihyperglycemic effect.

Rapid healing of gastric ulcers, apoptosis.

Antiallergic effect, antitumor effect, liver restoration.

Intestinal cleansing, antihypertensive effect, inhibition of H1 N1 viruses.

Anti-cholesterol effect, activation of HGF (hepatocyte growth factor).

Inhibition of the HIV virus.

Freedom from smallpox, asthma.

Antithrombotic effect, etc.

Can you get the same effect from raw seaweed?

You will have to eat about a kilogram of raw seaweed every day if you want to prevent or cure the disease. But this is impossible. It can also cause nutritional imbalances. And the biggest problem is that the human body does not have an enzyme that can break down algae. Eating raw seaweed does not have the same effect as fucoidan.

Does fucoidan have side effects?

Fucoidan is not a chemically synthesized drug. It is extracted from seaweed. Fucoidan is consumed as food, as a seaweed. There were no clinical observations regarding side effects. But it is important to remember that fucoidan is a dietary fiber. If you eat a lot of it, minor diarrhea is possible.

Can fucoidan be taken with other healthy foods or anti-cancer drugs?

You can take other prescription medications at the same time as fucoidan, but if in doubt, consult your doctor. In addition, consuming fucoidan neutralizes the side effects caused by anticancer drugs.

How to take fucoidan?

As a preventative measure, it is recommended to take 1 to 2 grams of fucoidan per day (drinks or complexes). On average, you can consume from 0.5 to 2 grams per day, depending on your body type or physical condition. For more serious pathologies, during the first few days - 2-4 grams, gradually increasing to 7 grams per day. The period of application is not limited. It is recommended to drink fucoidan on an empty stomach, without mixing with other products.

It is good to take it early in the morning, before lunch, before dinner, before bed (4 times a day). People with sensitive stomachs can take fucoidan after meals.

Does fucoidan help heal wounds?

Fucoidan is effective for the treatment of wounds, especially in the postoperative period, helps rapid rehabilitation in the postoperative period, helps restore appetite, and helps cope with constipation.

Can pregnant women and infants drink the drink?

Fucoidan is prescribed to pregnant women and is especially important to take after childbirth to restore blood. Since there are no side effects, the child can too.

How does fucoidan affect the musculoskeletal system and osteoporosis?

Fucoidan contains heparin, which thins the blood, which promotes the self-regulation of connective tissue.

How does fucoidan work for kidney and liver diseases?

The product is very useful, especially for alcohol abusers, because fucoidan helps in the restoration of the liver and its cells.

How does the product affect women's problems (fibroids or ovarian cysts)?

Fucoidan cleanses the blood and restores cells, has an active effect on viruses and inflammation. If the diseases are related to these reasons, it helps.

Does the product help you lose weight?

Fucoidan slows down the proliferation of fat cells, normalizes and accelerates metabolism, which helps to lose weight. Now a new drug containing a unique substance Fucoxanthin has been launched onto the market. It allows you to quickly lose weight by burning white fat in the body. With the discovery of the natural metabolism-boosting properties of fucoxanthin in people seeking to lose weight, a new weapon has emerged that stimulates the functioning of mitochondria contained in fat cells. Unlike other drugs, fucoxanthin does not cause side effects, but on the contrary, prevents diseases of the heart, liver and pancreas. Scientific studies have shown that in addition to rapid weight loss by burning white fat, this substance improves blood counts associated with vascular and inflammatory disorders.

On average, 1 kg of algae contains about 2 grams of fucoidan.

Fucoidan helps the body produce interferon and interlecin-12, which allows it to cope with respiratory diseases.

The invaluable value of fucoidan has been proven: this chemical can not only prevent malignant tumors, but also treat cancer.

A positive effect of fucoidan on the state of the body and general well-being has been revealed. Fucoidan promotes health and strengthens the immune system. It has been proven that this polysaccharide perfectly eliminates harmful substances, having antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Interestingly, this substance contained in algae, with its anticoagulant effect, prevents the occurrence of blood clots: it thins the blood.

The wonderful element fucoidan in brown algae is present in the diet of every resident of Japan. Algae containing fucoidan are included in salads, main courses, soups and drinks.

The qualitative and quantitative content of macro- and microelements in seaweed resembles the composition of human blood.

Fucoidan is unrivaled in its ability to rejuvenate the skin and relieve it of various problems.

Okinawa cosmetologists have noticed that women who process mozuku seaweed have skin on their hands that remains young and smooth for many years.

What is the secret of the delightful condition of the skin and maintaining its youth? The answer is fucoidan. The mucilaginous substance extracted from brown seaweed, which contains fucoidan, is essential for the seaweed itself: at low tide, seaweed in coastal areas is often exposed and exposed to air and sunlight. Fucoidan, having a moisturizing effect stronger than hyaluronic acid, allows algae to “withstand” these harmful external influences.

Fucoidan contains all nine amino acids, which are essential for our health but are not produced by the body.

Initially, mozuku seaweed was loved simply because it was very tasty. Later, the Japanese noticed that women who washed and cooked had soft, youthful hands. The Okinawans not only collected it, but also created a unique technology for growing it. There are six types of mozuku: nori, wakame, kombu, etc. Their chemical analysis allowed biologists to make an amazing discovery: the coastal waters and soil in the Okinawa region have a unique mineral composition. This is the reason why Okinawa seaweed has a high fucoidan content.

Only biologically active fucoidan, obtained in compliance with the technology and having a molecular size that does not exceed permissible standards, can heal. Subject to these conditions, its complete absorption by the body and effectiveness are guaranteed.

Algae are collected at the bottom of the sea, quickly frozen, crushed and dried using special technology. The result is a powder ready for use.

Seaweed contains more vitamins, minerals and iodine than all other seafood products.

Seaweed is an ideal food to help balance a diet that is typically deficient in calcium, iodine, iron and other minerals. People who regularly consume brown algae, which contains fucoidan, throughout their lives have excellent immunity.

Fucoidan, which has antitumor, immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and a number of other properties, has high hopes as a natural remedy that can cure cancer, viral, allergic and many other diseases. Fucoidan has a cumulative effect in the body: the longer you use it, the better you feel.

Fucoidan is a drug of the 21st century that can cope with various ailments that were previously considered incurable, but can now be overcome thanks to this remedy. So, what is fucoidan, instructions for use, which is quite unusual? The fact is that the drug is used both internally and externally, which makes some scientists interested in its capabilities.

Methods of taking the drug:

  • When diluted, it is taken orally;
  • You can rinse proudly for a sore throat;
  • Rinse the nose or apply drops in case of ARVI, runny nose, acute respiratory infections;
  • Make lotions from a concentrated substance on papillomas, boils and ulcers.

Fucoidan: use of the drug

As you can see, the drug fucoidan, the use of which is possible in almost any area, is quite original. Although essentially it is an algae that contains many unique components that can fight diseases such as:

  • cancer of the uterus, mammary glands, intestines and stomach;
  • leukemia;
  • melanoma;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • heart diseases.

Now the unique drug is known all over the world, and the instructions for use are simple and not difficult to use. And you can buy fucoidan at an affordable price by following the link.


Based on this drug, tablets and drinks are produced that help in the treatment of various diseases that were considered incurable.

For the treatment of diseases, 50 mg per 1 kg of a person’s weight is used, and as a prophylaxis, 10 mg per kilogram. The doctor prescribes a drug to be taken according to a regimen or used as an external remedy. When taken orally, it is recommended to drink the drug on an empty stomach or between meals so that it is better absorbed. Can be taken an hour and a half before bedtime.

How does the drug work?

It helps strengthen the body, stabilize all processes, improve immunity, cure diabetes and prevent various complications of heart and vascular disease. In addition, the drug is widely used as primary and auxiliary therapy for benign tumors and even oncology.

The dietary supplement Fucoidan is an excellent general strengthening agent that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. This is a drug that can act on the body’s cells from the inside, causing them to increase immunity and restore broken biochemical connections.

What is Fucoidan?

Fucoidan is a compound, in powder form, isolated from the ingredients of edible seaweed, which has a wide range of biological activities, including anticoagulant, antitumor, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating and lipid-correcting, etc.

Currently, the study of the biological activity of fucoidan compounds or marine hydrobionts has attracted great attention from scientists around the world.

Brown algae, as a source of polysaccharides, is a potentially important source of biologically active compounds: alginic acids, as an enterosorbent, hyaluronic acid, responsible for cell adhesion, cell protection, moisture retention in tissues, formation of skin tissue and skin elasticity, lamiharans, as immunomodulators and antitumor agents , and fucoidans, chitcans and their derivatives as anticoagulants and antitumor agents.

Fucoidan turned out to be an invaluable chemical that has a corrective effect on various functions of the body, providing modulation of the functions of the immune system, regulation of the aging process, changes in the functional activity of the homeostasis system, and a hepatoprotective effect. Capable of causing apoptosis (self-destruction) of cancer cells and removing harmful toxic substances from the body, having an inhibitory effect on the growth and spread of cancer cells, their metastasis.

According to the first studies by scientists from the Department of Molecular Virology and Oncology of the University of the Ryukyu, Nimihara, Okinawa, Japan, sulfated fucoidan polysaccharides cause self-destruction of diseased cells affected by the leukemia virus. This message was soon confirmed by their colleagues from Keno University in Tokyo: exposure of cancer cells to Fucoidan led to the self-destruction of tumor cells without any harm to surrounding healthy cells, and the result of using Fucoidan after 72 hours was significantly superior to the result obtained by a whole series of sessions chemotherapy, without any of the side effects associated with chemotherapy.

Antitumor function of fucoidan

Cancer cells require a lot of energy to grow and divide. The tumor contains factors that cause the formation of new blood vessels, capillaries, connects them with our own blood vessel where blood is drawn in and the tumor receives nutrition.

In biology there is a concept called Apoptosis. This phenomenon is characteristic of cells throughout the living world.

Apoptosis: the action of our body to stop the functioning of an unnecessary or old cell. Thanks to apoptosis, regenerative processes are carried out in which old cells are replaced by new ones. When apoptosis occurs, the cell, relatively speaking, independently turns on the mechanism of its own self-destruction.

Unlike necrosis - cell death as a result of environmental influences or aging, apoptosis does not lead to such adverse consequences as the accumulation of poisons and waste in the body, since it is a natural, natural property of the body to cleanse itself when macrophages - the protective cells of the body, find decaying biological substances and devour them.

Apoptosis of cancer cells has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments designed to investigate the effects of fucoidan on multiple generations of cancer cells. In particular, the effect of fucoidan on human promyelocytic leukemia cells, acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells, and human cancer cells was studied. The cells actively multiplied in Petri dishes. As a result of the experiment (the effect of fucoidan on human promyelocytic leukemia cells), it was found that the number of viable cancer cells decreased and rapidly decreased and almost all cells died within 70 hours of cultivation. With a more detailed analysis, scientists determined that in the dead cells the DNA, which is responsible for constructing the cell's development plan, was broken, which made these cells unviable. It was also determined that fucoidan had virtually no effect on healthy cells that were cultured in the control group.

Fucoidan inhibits (suppresses) cancer cell angiogenesis, inhibits cancer cells from adhering to tissues or platelets.

The cell cannot grow and expand because its nutrition is blocked.

Sulfate polysaccharides disrupt the action of cancer cells and significantly block metastases.

Effect of fucoidan on tumors.

Alekseenko T.V., et al.

Antitumor and antimetastatic activity of fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide isolated from the brown algae of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk Fucus evanescens

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2007 Jun, 143 (6): 730-2 Roberts DD., Et al.

Coombe DR., Et al.

“Analysis of inhibition of tumor metastasis by sulfated polysaccharides.

Kwak J.

Fucoidan as a marine anticancer agent in preclinical development. (Preclinical stages of development).

Maruyama H., et al.

"The role of NK cells in the antitumor activity of wild fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida sporophylls"

[The role of NK cells in the antitumor activity of Fusobacterium sanguineus] Planta Medica., 2006 Dec; 72 (15): 1415-7.

Sugawara I., et al.

“Fucoidan inhibits (blocks) macrophage activation in the inductive phase, but promotes macrophage activation in the effector phase. Microbiology and Immunology, 1984; 28 (3): 371-7

Platelet thrombospondin mediates the attachment and spread of human melanoma cells.

Effect of fucoidan on the lungs

Lee H, Kim JS, Kim E.

Fucoidan from the algae "Fucus vesiculosus" inhibits the migration and invasion of human lung cancer cell l through the PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway.

PLoS One. 2012; 7(11):e50624.

Kimura R. et al.

Cytotoxic effects of fucoidan nanoparticles against osteosarcoma.

Effect of fucoidan on the bladder.

Fucoidan shows high results in the treatment and prevention of bladder diseases.

Cho TM1, Kim WJ2, Moon SK3.

AKT signaling is involved in fucoidan-induced inhibition of bladder cancer cell growth and migration.

Park HY., Et al.

Fucoidan inhibits the proliferation of human bladder cancer t24 cells by blocking cell cycle progression and inducing apoptosis.

The effect of fucoidan on the cardiovascular system

Ye J. et al.

Enzyme-digested fucoidan extracts derived from mozuku algae from Cladosiphon novae-calidoniae kylin inhibit tuning cell invasion and angiogenesis. Cytotechnology, 2005 Jan; 47(1-3): 117-26.

Boisson-Vidal C., et al.

Neoangiogenesis induced by endothelial progenitor cells: influence of seaweed fucoidan. Cardiovascular and Hematological Agent in Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 Jan, 5(1): 67-77.

Koyanagi S., et al.

“The use of fucoidan enhances its antiangiogenic and antitumor activity.”

Matsubara K. et al.

Effect of medium molecular weight fucoidans on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis of endothelial cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2005 April, 15 (4): 695-9.

Effect of fucoidan on the pancreas

Antioxidant effect of Fucoidan - Strengthening the immune system

If your immunity is strong, you can overcome the disease more easily.

The Japanese company Rikken announced that fucoidan improves NK cell activation.

Effect of fucoidan on the brain

Fucoidan is able to inhibit the activity of cathepsin D, thereby increasing the life of nerve cells and their regeneration.

Cathepsin is an active substance in nerve cells.

Study conducted: 2011-apr/ School of Ghinese Pharmasy Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.

Effect of fucoidan on the kidneys.

Area of ​​research:

Blood sugar associated with diabetes.

Suppression of kidney function caused by diabetes.

Area of ​​research:

Oxalate-mediated renal peroxidative changes: protective role of fucoidan.

Veena KK, Josephine, Preeta SP, Varalakshmi P, Sundarapandiya R.

Fucoidan improves renal blood flow in the early stages of renal ischemia.

Effect of fucoidan on the liver.

Area of ​​research:

Liver health, cholesterol elimination.

Fucoidan significantly increases hepatocyte proliferative factor (HGF) in the body.

As a result of the increase in HGF, cell regeneration and tissue regeneration occurs, which leads to improved liver health.

Research work

Effect of fucoidan on the spleen

Jang JY, Moon SY, Joo HG.

Differential effects of low and high molecular weight fucoidans on spleen cell viability and function. [Differential effects of low-molecular-weight and high-molecular-weight fucoidan on the survival and function of immune cells (splenocytes)].

Effect of fucoidan on the stomach

Boyakowski K., Abramczyk P., Boyakowska M., Zwolinska, Przybylski Y., Gasiong Z.

The polysaccharide component of Fucoidan prevents Helicobacter pylori from adhering to the stomach wall.

Fucoidan plays a role in preventing the formation of stomach ulcers and helping to treat them.

Haerim Fukoidan has confirmed the effectiveness of fucoidan through clinical trials at Chungbuk National University Hospital.

Helicobacter. 2003 Feb, 8(1):59-65.

Preventive effects of fucoidan "Cladosiphon" against Helicobacter pylori infection.

Biofactors. 2000; 12 (1-4): 267-74.

Antiulcer effects and biological activity of seaweed polysaccharides.

Nagaoka M, Shibata H, Kimura-Takagi I, Hashimoto S, Ayama R, Ueyama S, Yokokura T.

Lee HE., Et al.

Fucoidan induces caspase-dependent apoptosis in human mucosal carcinoma MC3 cells.

Effect of fucoidan on the mammary gland

Banafa A.M., et al.

Fucoidan induces G1 phase arrest and apoptosis through a caspase-dependent pathway and ROS induction in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells.

J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci. 2013 Oct 33(5): 717-24. doi:10.1007/s11596-013-1186-8.

Effect of fucoidan on the prostate

Boo HJ., et al.

Anticancer effect of fucoidan in PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Mar Drugs. August 19, 11(8): 2982-99

Matsubara K. et al.

Effect of medium molecular weight fucoidans on in vitro and ex vivo angiogenesis of endothelial cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2005 April, 15 (4): 695-9

Effect of fucoidan on platelets

Anticoagulant fractions of fucoidan from brown algae "Fucus vesiculosus" induce platelet activation in vitro.

Ushakova N.A., Morozevich G.E., Ustyuzhanina N.E., Bilan M.I., Usov A.I., Nifantiev N.E., [Article in Russian]

Research institutes in the Russian Far East actively studied brown algae, but with the collapse of the Soviet Union this work was suspended.

Currently, research work on brown algae, echinoderms and smooth-skinned mollusks is carried out by the Pacific Institute of Biochemical Chemistry and the Institute of Marine Biology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the Pacific Fisheries Research Center. A number of research institutions of epidemiology and microbiology: Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology G.P. Somov." Moscow - Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Ocenography. Federal State Budgetary Institution Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Murmansk. Pacific State University. Far Eastern State University. Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Vladivostok. Far Eastern Scientific Center for Physiology and Pathology of Respiration SORAMA. Institute of Climatology and Rehabilitation Treatment in Vladivostok. Institute of Maternal and Child Health in Khabarovsk. Medical Association FEB RAS, etc.

Based on seaweed, in particular fukaidans, peptides, sea mollusks, sea urchins, etc. A huge amount of research has been carried out, antitumor agents have been obtained for the treatment of various types of cancer and other diseases, but industrial production of fucoidan powder has not yet been established.

To date, the US National Library of Medicine (http://www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov/pubmed/t) contains almost 1,500 records on Fucoidan and its role in the fight against tumors.

Research has found that Fucoidan has a triple effect; with one exposure to fucoidan, the number of cells in the tumor was reduced by more than 95%.

Triple antitumor effect of fucoidan:

  1. Activation of macrophages leads to the activation of natural killer cells, digestion of foreign bodies in the system, and a high ability to stimulate the immune system appears;
  2. Apoptosis;
  3. Inhibition of angiogenesis (preventing the growth of new blood vessels feeding the tumor and preventing metastasis of cancer cells);

Other benefits of fukaidan:

  • Antioxidant effect of fucoidan;
  • Fucoidan lowers blood sugar levels;
  • Efficacy of fucoidan for weight control;
  • Efficacy of fucoidan in cholesterol control;
  • Antiviral and antibacterial properties;
  • Anti-HIV effect;
  • Reduction of allergic manifestations (hay fever, atrophy, etc.);
  • Improving the microflora and function of the stomach, the function of the liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas.
  • The effect of improving skin condition and hair growth;

How should I take Fucoidan?

For daily health maintenance, it is generally recommended to take at least 1 gram per day. If you have lifestyle-related health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure and want to improve symptoms associated with any of these conditions, take at least 2-3 grams per day. If you have cancer or another serious illness, it is recommended that your daily dose be at least 2 to 10 grams.

Maximum doses and therapeutic effect of fucoidan.

To maximize the therapeutic effect of Fucoidan, it is recommended to take the drug four times a day: morning, noon, evening and before bed. The body's natural immunity is highest during the daytime when we are active, but it declines when the body is at rest (while we sleep). Malignant cells, on the contrary, are most active when the body is resting. Therefore, it is very important to take Fucoidan before bed. Don't worry about taking too much Fucoidan - it's like eating seaweed.

Are there any side effects when taking Fucoidan?

Fucoidan, unlike chemically synthesized drugs, consists of natural ingredients from brown algae. So, you can take it as much as you want without any worry. More than 12 years have passed since the product was introduced on the market, but no serious side effects have been reported.

Of course, Fucoidan contains seaweed, which is a rich source of fiber, so if you take it in excess, your stool will be softer than usual. In rare cases, some people, due to the restructuring of adaptation mechanisms, experience mild malaise or allergization. However, this is only a temporary condition and after some time the body will return to its normal rhythm.

Combination of Fucoidan with drugs.

Remember, Fucoidan is not a medicine. It is a natural ingredient derived from seaweed. When taking chemical medications prescribed by doctors along with Fucoidan, there should not be any side effects, since it is the same as taking these medications after eating seaweed.

Undaria porous, or wakame (Japanese) or miyok (Korean) is a type of brown algae that has a sweet taste and is usually used in the preparation of soups and salads.

Mozuku (mozuku) - almost 90% of this algae in dry form is high molecular weight fucoidan - a polysaccharide with a strong antitumor effect. To increase the absorption of fucoidan from this algae, a little vinegar is added. Mozuku contains sucrose, dietary fiber, proteins 8g, fats 0.6g, carbohydrates, potassium 620mg, magnesium 890mg, calcium 1000mg. Has energy of 100g - 150kcal.

Wakame is a rich source of one of the omega-3 acids, it is high in thiamine and niacin.

Researchers from Hokkaido University discovered fucosatin in wakame, which promotes fat burning. In Eastern medicine, wakame is used for general health, blood purification, improvement of skin, hair, treatment of reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle.

Fucoidan is a group of polysaccharides obtained from brown algae. They are considered insoluble dietary fiber because they are not absorbed by the human body and are not used to meet the body's energy needs.

Fucoidan is considered beneficial for health. There are many publications on the Internet devoted to its antitumor activity. The substance is believed to treat cancer by inducing self-destruction of cancer cells. According to another theory, fucoidan is an angiogenesis inhibitor - it blocks the growth of blood vessels, and the tumor dies due to lack of blood supply.

There are dozens of supplements available online that contain fucoidan as the main, additional, and sometimes the only component. All of them are characterized by high price and low efficiency.

Drink Fucoidan World

Fucoidan World is called a drink, although it is actually a powder. Sellers claim that you will never get as much fucoidan from algae as this supplement contains. Hence the high cost. Types of drink:

  • Fucoidan– more than 1000 rubles per bottle (the exact price depends on the number of bottles you purchase).
  • Fukovel Alpha– almost 14 thousand rubles per bottle.
  • Fucoidan Power-U– more than 14 thousand rubles per jar.

Wholesale customers are provided with discounts. They start with 2-4 packages, depending on the type of product.

Why so expensive? But because Fucoidan World supposedly treats serious, fatal and often incurable diseases. These include cancer, myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure, and AIDS. It also lowers blood pressure and relieves a person from allergies, according to the manufacturer. But there is no scientific reason to believe him. It is unlikely that fucoidan cures cancer or restores a person after a stroke.

Fucoidan 1000 is a product of the network marketing company GBS Premium. Do you want an interesting life and easy money? Then this is the place for you! Here you will be taught how to sell useless dietary supplements at an insanely high price to old grandmothers suffering from cancer. By deceiving them, you will be able to have fun with the proceeds from the sale of Fucoidan 1000 with a sense of accomplishment.

The price of the additive produced by GBS Premium is very high. It is higher than most companies. But you can save money if you buy Fucoidan 1000 in the amount of 9 packages of 20 sachets. In this case, you will receive 3 more packages of 10 sachets as a gift.

Fucoidan 1000 costs differently, depending on the volume of your purchases. One box containing 10 sachets can be purchased for $119. The price per dose will be $12. But if you buy 9 packages for $1,755, and also pick up a gift (30 sachets), then one dose of fucoidan will cost only $8.35.

Fucoidan Tiande is a cosmetics, not a dietary supplement. It is applied to the face rather than taken orally. The manufacturer offers several products with fucoidan. They are offered to be purchased in one set. This includes:

  • cleansing facial lotion;
  • milk for washing;
  • anti-aging face cream restoring;
  • rejuvenating mask for the décolleté and face;
  • concentrated gel for wrinkles around the eyes;
  • lip balm;
  • CC cream for face (moisturizing and rejuvenating).

The price of the set is about 100 dollars. Fucoidan Tiande is not the most expensive cosmetics, but not the cheapest either.

Fukoidan Ohiro (Japan)

Fucoidan Ohiro is probably one of the most expensive sources of fucoidan. The product is available in capsules. For 90 pieces you will have to pay 8800 rubles. The package is only enough for a month of use, because one capsule contains 300 mg of fucoidan, and the product from the Ohiro company is taken 3 capsules per day.

It is assumed that the dietary supplement enhances tissue regeneration, strengthens the immune system, and rejuvenates the body. It promotes the healing of ulcers and traumatic injuries, normalizes blood circulation, and accelerates the rehabilitation period after illness or surgery. In addition, women are promised strengthening of hair and nails.

Doctor's review

Fucoidan may have adaptogenic properties. It stimulates nonspecific immunity and protects the human body from adverse environmental factors. But this, unfortunately, is where the list of its real therapeutic properties ends.

Fucoidan's ability to treat cancer, radiation sickness, diabetes, viral infections and other diseases has not been scientifically proven. Rumors about the healing properties of this substance are spread mainly by pharmaceutical companies that are interested in selling their dietary supplements.

Fucoidan may actually have health benefits when taken regularly. To the same extent that bioflavonoids, vitamin C or unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial. That is, lifelong intake of fucoidan is useful, but this substance cannot be called a panacea. It does not cure all diseases and does not turn water into wine.

In addition, you do not have to buy expensive supplements to obtain fucoidan. It is found in abundance in brown algae, accounting for up to 30% of the dried mass. Buy kelp at the store, add it to your foods, and reap all the health benefits that fucoidan can provide.

This beneficial substance is extracted from brown algae: fucus, Angustata kelp, kombu, wakame, aram, sea vegetable limumui, and some other varieties. There is one most important nuance: all plants must grow in clean water areas not contaminated with chemical waste. Only in this case, the drugs made from them will benefit the body.

Is fucoidan found in other foods?

No. It cannot be obtained from foods that are part of our normal daily diet. Fucoidan is found only in the cells of some algae and marine animals, as well as in special dietary supplements prepared on the basis of their cells.

What is its benefit?

The main benefit of this biologically active component is its oncoprotective properties. Fucoidan is capable of causing apoptosis (self-destruction, destruction) of cancer cells and metastases. In addition, it has the following effects:

  • has a preventive effect on the formation of malignant and benign tumors;
  • slows down the growth and development of existing tumors, without disrupting the functioning of healthy cells;
  • minimizes side effects from radiation and chemotherapy in patients with cancer;
  • activates the immune system;
  • prevents the development of peptic ulcers;
  • effectively fights inflammatory bowel diseases, helps normalize microflora;
  • protects the liver from toxic damage;
  • prevents the development of certain cardiovascular diseases;
  • helps fight atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • due to the high amount of fiber, it is very beneficial for digestion;
  • Suitable for those who are struggling with excess weight, as it creates a feeling of fullness and slows down the absorption of fats.

What diseases does fucoidan cure?

It is important to realize that fucoidan alone is not capable of healing diseases. But he is quite capable of slowing down and facilitating their course, and providing effective prevention. To get a good result, you need to use the drug systematically in the indicated dosage, without skipping a dose. Fucoidan has its maximum effect in an integrated approach to the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the blood, skin and digestive tract. It is also recommended for use during the period of rehabilitation and recovery of the body after injuries, burns, serious stress and long-term illness.

Can fucoidan cure cancer?

Alas, it is currently impossible to cure oncology with a single medicine. In the fight against such a disease, you need to use all possible means and methods: radiation therapy, chemotherapy, complex treatment with drugs prescribed by doctors. However, fucoidan-based drugs can increase the effectiveness of treatment several times, and significantly increase the patient’s chances of a successful outcome. Fucoidan also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy: nausea, vomiting, weakness. It has shown the greatest effectiveness in the fight against such types of cancer as melanoma, leukemia, breast cancer, cervical cancer and digestive cancer.

Is this data scientifically proven?

Scientists around the world have conducted many detailed studies on the properties of fucoidan. Reliable experimental results have been published in many scientific sources. Thus, the library of the National Institute of Medicine of the United States of America contains about 1000 references to the beneficial properties of this substance.

Ning Li, leader of a group of scientists from the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, presented the results of his research in 2005. According to these results, fucoidan is completely safe for humans (provided that it is consumed in the recommended daily dosage).

In 2012, Professor Naoki Mori, an employee of the Department of Microbiology and Oncology at the Graduate Medical School of Japan, also published the results of independent studies in which he proved the high safety of fucoidan and the complete absence of toxic effects of this substance on the human body.

Research by Japanese scientists from Keio and Ryukyu universities confirmed the oncoprotective properties of the drug.

Are there any contraindications to taking fucoidan?

Yes, like any drug, fucoidan-based supplements have certain contraindications:

  • individual allergic reactions;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • serious pathologies of the liver or kidneys;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • thyroid diseases.

Scientists have proven that if the recommended dosage is observed, brown algae extracts do not cause harm to the body. However, drug abuse can cause nausea and diarrhea, so always follow the instructions for use. The average daily dose of fucoidan is approximately 50 mg per 1 kg of weight, the maximum permissible is 8 grams per day.

Why is it worth purchasing our drug?

We offer only original fucoidan, which is made from algae grown in environmentally friendly waters. Our supplements do not contain harmful and toxic substances, as well as impurities that can cause harm to health. For the manufacture of fucoidan-based products, exclusively natural raw materials are used.



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