Manufacturer of the trace element selenium for medicine. Selenium - a mineral of longevity

Selenium Description:
Selenium - chemical element, the significance of which for the human body was discovered in the 60s of the 20th century. Since this discovery, many studies have been conducted confirming the importance of this substance in preserving and fighting various diseases. IN pure form Selenium is poisonous, and in small quantities it is vital for humans. The bulk of selenium in the body is concentrated in the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart and testicles.
Selenium is widely used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, including as a powerful anticancer agent.

Why does the body need selenium:

  • Selenium reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  • Protects cells from DNA damage, helps normal growth cells, restores damaged cells.
  • Helps the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Selenium strengthens the human immune system, increases the body's resistance to various infections, viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Selenium protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • In pregnant and lactating women, a sufficient amount of selenium in the body helps protect both the fair sex and the development of various diseases, and the child from congenital pathologies and diseases that occur in the first years of life.
  • Selenium protects the body from premature aging.
  • Helps remove heavy metals (lead, mercury, platinum) and toxins from the body. Reduces the toxicity of certain drugs.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and nails.

Daily requirement organisms in selenium:
The body's need for selenium ranges from 20 to 100 mcg per day. At the same time, both a lack of selenium and its excess have a negative impact on human health.

Interaction of selenium with other substances:
Selenium is better absorbed in sufficient quantities and in the human body, these substances enhance the effect of each other. But sugar and products containing it in large quantities ( confectionery) on the contrary, interfere with the absorption of selenium. Also, some medications (for example: paracetamol) can reduce the amount of selenium in the body.

Products containing selenium:
Selenium is present in many foods of both plant and animal origin. Good source Selenium are sea fish and seafood, especially octopus, herring, and. Lots of selenium in sea ​​salt. This substance is also found in meat (liver, kidneys, heart), salted, :, flour coarse, bran, and cereals, . Selenium is part of, a, yeast, and. It is worth considering that when processing foods, the amount of selenium in them is significantly reduced. In addition, the amount of selenium in the soil can differ significantly in areas located close to each other and, accordingly, the products grown on them will also have different selenium content.
It is worth noting that infants receive selenium from their mother's milk, which contains several times more of this substance than in.

Lack of selenium in the body:
Selenium deficiency in the body disarms a person against various diseases and can lead to very sad consequences. Weakness, depression, decreased sexual activity or performance, skin, cardiovascular, oncological diseases, visual impairment and many other diseases can be a consequence of selenium deficiency in the body. Selenium deficiency most often affects older people, pregnant women, and infants with artificial feeding(especially boys), residents of regions with unfavorable environmental conditions.
The best way to replenish selenium deficiency is. The use of selenium supplements is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Excess selenium in the body:
It is difficult to obtain an excess of selenium in the body by eating foods rich in selenium. As a rule, an overabundance is rare and occurs when taking medications containing selenium. Considering that selenium in its pure form is a strong poison, taking dietary supplements and drugs enriched with selenium must be carried out strictly under the supervision of doctors, since a large number of Selenium in the body can lead to poisoning and other serious consequences. Medicines containing increased amount Selenium is prescribed by specialists only for the treatment of specific diseases.

Selenium, this important element in its action in the body, due to its functions, is also called the “microelement of longevity”.

The role of selenium in the body

The trace element selenium is concentrated in the body mainly in the kidneys, liver, bone marrow, heart, pancreas, lungs, skin, nails and hair.

Excessive intake of mercury, copper, sulfates, paracetamol, phenacetin, and anti-malaria drugs can lead to selenium deficiency in the body. Vitamin C and E improves the absorption of selenium.

Selenium performs following functions in organism:

  • strengthens the body's immunity (stimulates the formation of antibodies, white blood cells, killer cells, macrophages and interferon, participates in the production of red blood cells)
  • is strong antioxidant(prevents development tumor processes and aging of the body, neutralizes and removes foreign substances, activates vitamin E)
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (prevents muscular dystrophy heart, neutralizes toxins, stimulates hemoglobin synthesis, participates in the production of red blood cells and coenzyme Q10)
  • acts as a strong antitumor factor (prevents and stops the development malignant tumors)
  • is a component of most hormones, enzymes and some proteins
  • stimulates metabolic processes in organism
  • protects the body from the toxic effects of mercury, cadmium, lead, thallium and silver
  • stimulates reproductive function (part of spermatozoa)
  • stabilizes work nervous system
  • normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system
  • reduces the severity of inflammatory processes
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair

Selenium against cancer and aging

Selenium- one of the few substances with proven preventive effect regarding cancer. Studies on the anticancer properties of selenium have been carried out in different countries for several decades. The result of all this work is the same: selenium resists the growth of malignant tumors.

Selenium together with vitamin E and vitamin C protects us from destructive effect free radicals. These micronutrients are essential for the production of major antioxidants. Therefore, selenium can be considered not only an anti-cancer agent, but also an active antioxidant that prevents the aging of each cell and the body as a whole.

  • High levels of selenium and essential vitamins reduces the risk of arthritis and vascular damage, heart attack and stroke, protects against cataracts and vision deterioration, including age-related.
  • Imagine a miracle substance that prevents evil viruses, including the AIDS virus, from escaping from cells and starting to wreak death and destruction. This is selenium - a powerful antioxidant and an important trace element with various anti-aging properties. When the selenium content of your cells decreases—and this always happens with age—your the immune system becomes upset and you are more susceptible to infections, cancer and heart disease.
  • Further: Selenium not only has its own antioxidant effect, but is also an important building block in the creation of glutathione peroxidase, one of the most important enzymes in our body that neutralizes free radicals, and especially those that attack fat molecules, literally turning them rancid.
  • Since the glutathione peroxidase molecule contains four selenium atoms, researchers believe that selenium owes its effectiveness in the fight against aging to its ability to increase the production of this enzyme.
  • Alarming fact: As you age, your body's selenium levels drop. According to research, after sixty years, selenium levels drop by 7%, and after seventy-five - by 24%.

Selenium blocks the development of cancer.“A substance that can reduce cancer incidence by almost 40% and reduce cancer mortality by 40% should be hailed as our greatest medical breakthrough,” said the famous nutritionist and naturopath Dr. Atkins. At his Manhattan clinic, selenium supplements in doses of 200-400 mcg are the primary elements of the prevention and treatment program. cancer diseases. Selenium appears to fight cancer by preventing cell mutations, repairing cell damage, and rejuvenating the immune system. Studies have shown that in older people, after two-month intake selenium preparations, the response of lymphocytes to mutagens increased by 79% and reached a level typical for younger and healthy people.

However, there is another opinion: “The myth about the benefits of selenium has been debunked!” This conclusion was made by The Cochrane collaboration after analyzing 55 studies involving more than a million people.

In addition to the ineffectiveness of selenium, experts have determined its toxicity with long-term supplementation. Study leader Dr. Gabriel Dennert from the Institute for Interdisciplinary Health Research in Germany emphasizes: “Selenium is not large quantities vital. It helps build a strong immune system that fights infections and disease. Selenium is found in many foods - Brazil nuts, tuna and pasta. Supplements, like other vitamins, do not work as protection against cancer; on the contrary, they increase the risk of cancer in some cases.”

In turn, Inka Ebo from the British research center Cancer believes that people should be more careful about taking supplements, thinking twice before starting a cycle relying on selenium. The best way to compensate for the lack of microelements is through food. Exactly good nutrition, according to the expert, will work as protection against cancer. Most healthy people do not need to take supplements at all.

Selenium fights heart disease. Low levels of selenium in your blood make you more vulnerable to heart disease. People with low levels of selenium in their blood have a 70% higher risk of coronary heart disease compared to those who are not deficient in this mineral. The lower the selenium level, the higher the degree of blockage of the arteries, which is determined using an angiogram (x-ray of the heart vessels). Selenium protects the heart not only through its role in the production of glutathione peroxidase, but also by limiting toxic metals in the body such as cadmium, mercury and lead, for which it is an antagonist. The accumulation of toxic metals in the body is dangerous not only for the heart muscle, but is also main reason a disease such as multiple sclerosis.

Anti-inflammatory effect of selenium. Since glutathione peroxidase has anti-inflammatory properties, selenium has a beneficial effect on rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma and other diseases such as colitis and psoriasis.

Selenium is very important for thyroid function, since the enzyme that activates the main thyroid hormone depends on it. Selenium deficiency can lead to slow metabolism and even obesity, and the effect replacement therapy may be incomplete.

Daily requirement for selenium

IN methodological recommendations MR on the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2008, provides the following data:

Physiological need for Selenium, mcg per day:

Upper permissible level Selenium consumption is set to 300 mcg per day

People experiencing high physical activity, athletes, pregnant and nursing mothers, and smokers need to increase the amount of microelement they take.

Symptoms of selenium deficiency and overdose

The main symptoms of selenium deficiency:

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • dermatitis
  • weakness and muscle pain
  • eczema
  • hair loss
  • dystrophic changes nails
  • decreased immunity
  • increased blood cholesterol levels
  • liver dysfunction
  • blurred vision
  • decreased pancreatic function
  • reproductive dysfunction
  • slow growth and development in children
  • risk of cancer
  • earlier aging

At certain concentrations (in doses greater than 5 mg per day), selenium and its compounds are toxic to humans. The main symptoms of selenium overdose include:

  • brittle nails
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • unstable mental condition
  • garlic odor from mouth and skin
  • hair loss
  • liver dysfunction
  • skin erythema
  • bronchopneumonia

Sources of selenium

The main route of entry of selenium into the body is nutritional: a person receives 90% of selenium from food and 10% from water. The absorption of soluble forms of selenium (most of the selenium is absorbed in the duodenum and other parts of the intestine) is determined by the nature of the food.


Cereals and grains, garlic, porcini mushrooms, seaweed, olive oil, brewer's yeast, legumes, olives, coconuts, pistachios, cashews, oatmeal and buckwheat.


Meat and offal (organs, lard), seafood, milk and dairy products.

The problem of selenization

According to the recommendations of the US Academy of Sciences, the adult body should receive 50-200 mcg of selenium per day. The need for selenium is 90% met by various food products, 10% comes from water. Its content in food products is closely related to the distribution of selenium in the biosphere of the area where a person lives. Low levels of biologically active selenium are observed in the soils of the North-Western region of Russia (Karelia, Leningrad region), Upper Volga region(Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ivanovo regions), Udmurtia and Transbaikalia. In Ukraine, selenium-deficient provinces are Volyn, Sumy and Kiev regions. A particularly serious deficiency of selenium is observed in older people aged 45-55 years and after 70 (“selenium pit” discovered by Russian scientists).

Among the population, risk groups can be identified that are especially susceptible to selenium deficiency:

  • residents of territories contaminated with radionuclides, liquidators and workers of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant “shelter”.
  • residents of large industrial cities.
  • children, especially after artificial feeding.
  • pregnant women.

In conditions of widespread selenium deficiency, there is currently a need for widespread “selenization” of the population of many countries around the world. However, not every country has the practice of fortifying staple foods with selenium. The solution to this problem, available to everyone, is to take biologically active additives containing selenium.

Such supplements can contain both mineral selenium accumulators and organic ones. Mineral ones include sodium selenite and selenates, organic ones include selenomethionine And selencysteine. Unlike inorganic selenium salts, these latter are complex amino acid compounds with high bioavailability and prolonged action. They have the ability to accumulate in the body and maintain high level Selenium for a long time.

Products rich in selenium, Se

Product nameSelenium, Se, µg%RSP
Brazil nut, unblanched, dried1917 2738,6%
Lamb liver82,4 117,7%
Mackerel, salted73,4 104,9%
Turkey liver70,8 101,1%
Goose liver68,1 97,3%
Duck liver67 95,7%
Chicken liver54,6 78%
Dried bream54,3 77,6%
Sunflower seed53 75,7%
Pork liver52,7 75,3%
Pacific fatty herring, cold smoked52,6 75,1%
Octopus44,8 64%
Pink salmon44,6 63,7%
Beef liver39,7 56,7%
Halibut black36,5 52,1%
Fried chicken egg (fried egg, without oil)36,437 52,1%
Chinook36,5 52,1%
Natural sockeye salmon. Canned food35,4 50,6%
Chinook salmon, smoked32,4 46,3%
Boiled chicken egg (hard-boiled)32,02 45,7%
Boiled chicken egg32,02 45,7%
Lamb heart32 45,7%
Chicken egg31,7 45,3%
Corn, food grain30 42,9%
Corn, dent30 42,9%
Corn, high lysine30 42,9%
Fat cottage cheese 18.0% fat content30 42,9%
Soft dietary cottage cheese 11.0% fat30 42,9%
Bold cottage cheese 9.0% fat30 42,9%
Soft dietary cottage cheese, fruit and berry, 4.0% fat30 42,9%
Soft dietary cottage cheese, fruit and berry low-fat30 42,9%
Soft dietary cottage cheese 4.0% fat30 42,9%
Cottage cheese “Stolovy” 2.0% fat30 42,9%
Low-fat cottage cheese 0.6%30 42,9%
Red sockeye salmon29,9 42,7%
Soft wheat grain29 41,4%
Chickpeas28,5 40,7%
China27,2 38,9%
Rye, food grain25,8 36,9%

Global trends are such that people are increasingly thinking about the state of their body and health in general. Research is being conducted and theories of the influence of certain chemical compounds on organs and systems are being proven. Selenium was no exception, since the benefits of this chemical element for living organisms are invaluable.

What is selenium?

Selenium is one of the chemical elements presented in the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev. Refers to non-metals. Its atomic number is 34. Selenium minerals can be black, red or gray in color.

Natural selenium is found in earth's crust. It got its name from the Greek word “Selene” (Moon). Found in mineral waters And sea ​​water. Its properties are similar to sulfur, but its chemical activity is less.

Biological role of a substance in living nature

Selenium is one of the elements necessary for life, as it is part of proteins. In proteins it is represented by the amino acid selenocysteine. Selenium deficiency (especially in children) is fatal.

In the human body, this element performs several functions:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • anticancer;
  • promotes the formation of certain hormones;
  • is an antioxidant.

Interesting fact

Selenium is also present in the nuclei of living cells. It promotes the metabolism of nucleic acids. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are found in all living organisms and are responsible for the transmission of hereditary information.

Benefits of selenium

For human body This element plays an invaluable role. But you should be careful with it, since its deficiency (as well as its excess) can lead to the death of a living organism. Recommended daily dose substances for normal life human is 70-100 mcg.

Why is this microelement so necessary for any organism?

  1. It has anti-radiation and anti-toxic effects.
  2. Reduces the likelihood of mutation risk.
  3. Strengthens myocardial muscle fibers and prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Normalizes metabolic processes.
  5. Promotes the formation of thyroid hormones (triiodotyranine) and the absorption of iodine.
  6. Removes heavy metal salts from tissues (lead, mercury, cadmium).
  7. Promotes the synthesis of pancreatic hormones. Enhances insulin production. Therapy with selenium-containing drugs is used for type II diabetes mellitus. This treatment gives good results and with pancreatitis.
  8. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (improves mucus secretion and enzyme production).
  9. Stimulates the production of interferon, which allows the immune system to successfully fight influenza viruses.
  10. Accelerates the synthesis of vitamin E, enhancing its effect as an antioxidant.
  11. Reduces the severity of some common diseases (psoriasis, bronchial asthma, dermatosis). For this purpose, selenium is used in combination with vitamins E and C.
  12. Helps improve joint mobility. Used for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism. In traumatology it is used for fractures, as it promotes the growth of bone tissue.
  13. The nervous system responds quite well to selenium intake: memory and neuron activity improve. Sometimes the trace element is used in the fight against multiple sclerosis.
  14. Selenium improves mineral metabolism, promotes harmonious functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. Used in the treatment of pyelonephritis.
  15. The protective effect of the non-metal allows the restoration of liver cells. Used in hepatoprotective drugs for cirrhosis.
  16. Protects humans from the toxic effects of waste products of mold fungi.

On a note

Selenium is also extremely important for men's health: microelement helps enhance reproductive function, significantly increasing the activity of male germ cells.

This element increases the activity of the immune system, which is extremely important in childhood. Selenium deficiency can lead to endemic cretinism and mental retardation. And in combination with the Coxsackie virus, which has recently been spreading across the globe, a deficiency of the microelement can provoke Keshan disease. This pathology leads to degeneration of myocardial tissue with further necrosis. Without qualified help, it causes death.

Anti-cancer properties of the element

Unfortunately, malignant neoplasms are increasingly affecting human organisms in all corners of the planet. Cancer treatment is expensive and does not always lead to positive result. Reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors Taking certain substances helps. One of these substances is selenium.

This trace element helps reduce the risk of tumor development by almost 40%. It seems incredible, but a sufficient amount of selenium-rich foods in your diet will help prevent cancer. And selenium therapy during oncology can almost halve the mortality rate of patients.

Many developed countries have long adopted programs for the “selenization” of the population. The main objectives of such programs are aimed at preventing pathologies among residents. Research recent years show that the benefits of selenium in the process of such programs are obvious: the risk of developing oncology is significantly reduced, as well as pathologies of the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Harm to the human body

Despite positive traits Selenium, this microelement can cause enormous harm to the body. Doctors strongly recommend using it in doses so as not to cause excess.

Negative impact chemical substance on the skin is as follows.

  • When non-metal salts come into contact with the epidermis, strong reaction. A feeling of numbness and dermatitis are a small part of the consequences. The element can cause severe chemical burns.
  • If the substance gets on the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth), irritation, pain, and hyperemia occurs. Causes conjunctivitis.

All selenium compounds are toxic. Hydrogen selenide is especially dangerous in this regard. Gray, or metallic, selenium is the least dangerous, but even 1 gram of the substance ingested can cause poisoning. Symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. After some time, the symptoms go away.

The female body and selenium

For women, a sufficient amount of micronutrients in the diet plays a role important role. It provides many vital processes:

  1. normalizes metabolism, which allows women to look slim;
  2. delays the onset of menopause;
  3. improves reproductive function, which allows you to easily get pregnant;
  4. improves the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  5. prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

Thanks to a sufficient amount of this microelement, the risk of developing uterine and mammary gland cancer is reduced. If oncology has begun, then the chemical element can successfully cure the tumor. Taking selenium reduces the risk of having to remove the uterus, which allows you to preserve reproductive function.

During pregnancy, the microelement is also very important. It helps to cope with many difficulties of bearing a child:

  1. prevents toxic effects to the fruit;
  2. reduces the risk of developing fetal mutations;
  3. improves the condition of toxicosis;
  4. allows female body recover quickly in the postpartum period.

It is very important to consume enough selenium during breastfeeding. It ensures the mother's well-being and good health child. But you should not choose vitamin complexes with increased content Selena - give preference natural sources of this substance.

Symptoms of selenium deficiency and excess

How does a substance deficiency manifest itself? Its deficiency can be understood by the following symptoms:

  • weakness and aches throughout the body;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • deterioration of skin and hair condition;
  • vision problems arise (temporary myopia);
  • in the muscles constant feeling aches;
  • rashes may appear on various areas skin.
  • memory deteriorates;
  • body weight may increase;
  • immunity decreases, colds often occur.

But the following symptoms indicate an overabundance of the substance:

  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • bowel movements may become more frequent;
  • alopecia (hair loss) develops;
  • the breath smells like garlic (therefore, sometimes excess selenium can be confused with arsenic poisoning);
  • dizziness and headache appear;
  • eyes hurt and turn red.

Available Sources of Selenium

To understand how much of a substance is contained in certain products, just look comparison table. It presents herbal products– record holders for selenium content.

The product's nameMicroelement content in mcg per 100 g of raw product
Bertholetia (Brazil nut) grains1500
Oyster mushroom (mushrooms)130
Coconut pulp70-100
Sunflower seeds50

The following table shows animal foods rich in selenium.

IN pharmaceutical industry vitamin complexes enriched with selenium and preparations with high content of this substance. These medications should not be taken without medical purposes: they have quite a large number side effects and contraindications. Children, pregnant and nursing mothers especially should not experiment with such complexes.

To get the required amount of microelement, you should not stuff yourself with chemicals. It is enough to review your diet and enrich it with the necessary products. And resort to pharmaceutical products only in as a last resort. Take care of your health!

You've probably often read about microelements that are useful and necessary for the body. One of these substances is the chemical element Se (selenium). It was discovered as an independent element only two centuries ago, and its necessity for the body was proven much later.

Selenium Facts

Here are a few interesting facts from the difficult and unusual story of getting to know selenium and its role in the human body:

  • It was discovered as an independent element in 1817 by J. Ya. Berzelius.
  • Industrial use begins in the mid-19th century.
  • The first solar cells were made using selenium.
  • From 1900 to 1950, the use of selenium was extremely limited due to its proven toxicity.
  • 1954 marked the release of the first scientific article about positive biological properties Selena.
  • Since the 1950s, the effects of selenium on the human and animal body have been studied.
  • The selenium content in the body is 10-15 milligrams.
  • The daily human need is 70-100 micrograms.
  • Selenium is part of a whole group of enzymes.
  • Both deficiency and excess of selenium negatively affect the body.

Despite being contained in the body in very small quantities, selenium is important for all human cells, tissues and organs, as it performs many important functions. This is due to its inclusion in a number of enzymes, as well as its presence in the nucleus of each cell. In order to understand what happens when there is an excess or deficiency of selenium, you must first describe it physiological effects.

TO physiological functions Selena refers to:

  • Protecting the body from biological threats. As part of special proteins united in the group of selenoproteins, this element plays an important role in regulating the body's immune system. With its help, the body provides an adequate response to the introduction of bacteria, fungi, viruses, as well as protozoan microorganisms.
  • Protecting the body from chemical threats. Both during operation and when coming from external environment, the body constantly contains aggressive compounds that damage and destroy cells. Their action is resisted by a special, nonspecific antioxidant-antiradical defense system, which includes a number of enzymes that biologically active substances and some other factors, including cellular ones. Selenium is a component of a significant number of compounds from this system.
  • Participation in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Selenium is necessary for the regulation of normal synthesis of thyroid hormones, and also promotes the complete absorption of elements such as iodine from food and water. Indirectly, through these and other biologically active compounds, selenium affects all types of metabolism in the body.
  • Regulation of cell division. Selenium, like some other elements, is a necessary factor for normal cell division. The presence of selenium in cells prevents mutations and development tumor cells, and in existing cancerous ones, it triggers mechanisms for their destruction.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. It lies in the regulation chemical reactions and the actions of biologically active molecules that are responsible for the course of inflammatory - defensive reaction. These substances are called inflammatory mediators, and selenium helps normalize their release. The role of this substance is especially important in alleviating conditions characterized by an excessive response of the body, such as bronchial asthma, arthritis, psoriasis and chronic forms colitis
  • Detoxifying properties. Selenium has the property of reliably binding and promoting the rapid elimination of heavy metal ions from the body: cadmium, mercury, lead, synthetic medicines, a number of toxic compounds of biological nature - toxins of bacteria, fungi, protozoa.
  • Cytoprotective effect. Thanks to selenium, the processes of aging and damage to both individual cells and the entire body are significantly inhibited. That is why the presence of this element in required quantities promotes the longest possible functioning of the cells of the central nervous system, heart muscle, liver and bone marrow.
  • Reproductive effect. Selenium is metabolically very closely related to substances such as ascorbic acid(Vitamin “C”) and tocopherol (Vitamin E), biotin (Vitamin H). All these substances, and first of all, selenium, are extremely necessary for normal functioning human reproductive system. The effect of selenium extends both to the synthesis of sex hormones and to the process of formation of germ cells.
  • Other effects. Selenium plays an important role in the metabolism of other chemical elements in the body. This applies to iron, copper, iodine, zinc and others, and this influence is mutual and interconnected.

Important:Selenium is necessary for the body, as it participates in almost all processes in human body. By itself, it is quite toxic, so it is important required supply it into the body - within 70 - 100 mcg per day. A deficiency of selenium in the body, just like its excess, leads to pronounced negative changes.

Factors leading to excess or deficiency of selenium

The main factors contributing to selenium deficiency in the body include:

  • living in regions with reduced content selenium in soil;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract with a violation of the absorption process;
  • practiced vegetarianism, fasting, excessive dieting;
  • and alcohol consumption;
  • taking some pharmacological drugs– oral contraceptives, laxatives, statins, adsorbents.
  • elderly age;
  • excessive consumption of selenium during pregnancy, chronic intoxication, for example, with pollutants, in unfavorable environmental conditions;

A rarer condition is excess selenium intake into the body and is mainly associated with:

  • dietary habits with an excess of foods rich in selenium - mainly seafood;
  • unreasonable or excessive intake medical supplies Selena;
  • accidental rapid intake of significant doses of selenium into the body;
  • chronic excess intake of selenium into the body, for example, with a low level of safety precautions in some chemical industries.

With an abnormally low intake of selenium from water and food into the body for a long time, whole line negative phenomena, which can occur independently, disguise themselves as other diseases, or aggravate the picture of existing ones. For the convenience of describing such conditions, we will present them in the same sequence in which the physiological effects of this element were described.

As a result of selenium deficiency,:

  • . His protective properties are significantly weakened. Moreover negative impact All components of the immune system are affected - from leukocytes to antibodies. With prolonged and severe selenium deficiency, states of almost complete immune deficiency can occur. This is manifested by the body's susceptibility to infections of any type. Any infectious diseases are severe, with frequent complications, are difficult to correct with medication. Recovery from selenium deficiency takes a long time and is rarely complete.
  • Antioxidant protection. Selenium deficiency leads to rapid and massive damage to individual cells and rapid wear and tear of tissues and organs. The patient has different kinds tissue degeneration, atherosclerotic and other vascular changes. Rapid degeneration of tissues of the central nervous system, bone marrow, muscle fibers. Selenium deficiency results in various nonspecific diseases, and also, most importantly, worsening the course of existing diseases, such as coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, endocrine pathology and many, many others. This is manifested in more frequent exacerbations, maximum severity of clinical manifestations, more difficult recovery and short duration of remissions.
  • Metabolism. Violations manifest themselves in aggravation of the course of existing endocrine disorders, as well as overweight or, on the contrary, underweight, which cannot be actively adjusted through diets. There are often violations of water and salt metabolism, metabolism of other important macro- and microelements, which cascades to even deeper negative changes in the body.
  • Normal cell division. This condition is one of the risk factors for the development of tumors, both malignant and benign. If a situation arises where selenium deficiency occurs with tumors already existing in the body, this leads to a sharp increase in the growth and progression of tumors, the occurrence of relapses and the appearance of multiple metastases in malignant tumors.
  • Anti-inflammatory function. Inflammatory reactions and processes associated with inflammatory mediators, such as bronchial asthma, allergic reactions various types are more pronounced and severe. In this case, they are much less amenable to drug correction.
  • Cell protection. The protection of cells from biological toxins, organic and inorganic compounds, especially heavy metal ions, as well as toxic metabolic products of the body itself is sharply reduced, which manifests itself both in a decrease in the overall resistance of the body and in the appearance of a variety of diseases.
  • Reproductive function. It is one of the first to suffer, especially among men. This is not only the reason in most cases male infertility, but also leads to a decrease in the severity of desire and sexual activity. If selenium deficiency develops in women during pregnancy and this deficiency remains uncorrected, this can lead to various pathologies of fetal development. In some cases, a catastrophic lack of selenium causes spontaneous abortions and miscarriage.

Note!Selenium is quite a toxic substance!

Acute intoxication with selenium is extremely rare and is observed when it enters the body simultaneously large doses inorganic selenium, which is usually associated with accidental overdoses of drugs and man-made causes - accidents at selenium mining or processing facilities. In this case, clinical manifestations directly correlate with the amount of dose entering the body.

Symptoms are usually general toxic effects. The patient has:

  • abdominal pain and frequent stools; This symptom gradually fades away over several days;
  • constant nausea, vomiting, which does not bring relief, but is not profuse;
  • a rather sharp, pronounced garlic odor from the mouth;
  • severe headache, especially when moving, muscle pain;
  • Occasionally, photophobia and lacrimation may occur in bright indoor lighting;
  • weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness without proper sleep.

Carrying out general detoxification measures in intensive care units is quite sufficient so that without special consequences help the body recover from acute selenium poisoning.

Important!Specific antidote for acute poisoning no selenium.

Chronic selenium intoxication is not so common, and is mainly associated with living in regions containing excess selenium in soil, water and food. Also chronic intoxication selenium can occur in industrially undeveloped countries among employees of selenium mining or processing enterprises, when, due to poverty, no one cares about the safety and health of workers.

The main symptoms of chronic excess selenium intake into the body are:

Note! The result of all of the above is the following conclusion. Both excess and deficiency of selenium in the body leads to various pathologies or aggravates the course of existing diseases. That is why it is necessary to ensure that the body receives strictly required dose Selena.

Selenium has a remarkable feature - its deficiency can be easily corrected with nutrition. To do this you need to add to daily diet foods rich in this element.

Three important features should be taken into account:

  • At heat treatment When eating food, the amount of selenium is reduced on average by about half of the original level.
  • Foods rich in simple carbohydrates (sugars), alcohol, and excessively fatty foods reduce the level of absorbable selenium by almost 4 times.
  • The average daily requirement of the body for selenium is 70 – 100 micrograms.

Below is a list of foods containing selenium per 100 grams of raw food, in descending order:

Note: the champion in selenium content is Bertolecia, or Brazilian nut– one of its fruits can cover the body’s daily need for this element. A certain disadvantage may be the exotic nature and low prevalence of the product for ordinary Russians.

Our usual products containing selenium are:

  • poultry (turkey, duck, chicken) 70-55 mcg and animals (pork, lamb, beef) – 55-40 mcg, and poultry meat contains more selenium;
  • seafood (fish, shrimp, squid and more exotic lobsters, octopus, crabs) – 50-35 mcg;
  • chicken eggs - 32 mcg;
  • grains and legumes – corn, rice, beans, lentils – 30-20 mcg;
  • pistachios – 19 mcg;
  • peas - 13 mcg;
  • common nuts - peanuts, Walnut, hazel, almonds – 7-2.5 mcg;
  • vegetables and fruits - up to maximum 2 mcg.

How can you be sure varied diet, even without special correction, can replenish the body’s needs for selenium. Moreover, calculating the number of necessary products is very simple.

A state of selenium deficiency or excess can be established if violations are suspected and confirmed by appropriate special biochemical tests. If the element is insufficient, correction is carried out with diet and, in the case of laboratory-proven ineffectiveness of the diet, drugs containing selenium may be prescribed.

Selenium (Se) is a chemical element that is very rarely found in nature. The Earth's crust contains less than one ten-thousandth of a percent of selenium. And most of it is concentrated near volcanoes. But even in small quantities this natural element is very useful, since it is part of not only a number of plants, but also humans.

It is worth noting that in its pure form, Se is poison. But him complete absence leads to many diseases and premature aging.

Glutathione peroxidases are a group of enzymes that prevent our cells from oxidizing, protecting membrane walls from external damage, and enhance the formation and growth of new cells. These important enzymes are not produced in the body without selenium.

Elements in the human body such as cobalt and magnesium also work together with selenium, keeping DNA and RNA intact, thereby preventing the formation of both benign and malignant tumors.

Importance for the body

  1. Accepts Active participation in the formation and functioning of the immune system, protecting the body from harmful microorganisms.
  2. Positively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Helps reduce inflammatory processes in the body.
  4. Getting into our body along with vitamins C and E, selenium enhances their effect, improving appearance person, smoothing out wrinkles and promoting rejuvenation of the body.
  5. By interacting with nucleic acids, selenium contributes to their long-term preservation in organism.
  6. Se, promotes the production of leukocytes and antibodies in the human body. The latter actively fight against those that have entered the body. harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and also participate in the formation of red blood cells. That is, our immune system directly depends on the amount of selenium in the body.

Important, that male selenium is much more necessary than for women. And regardless of age. For adult men, selenium helps maintain and improve the duration of labor. But for the boys infancy This microelement is vital. After all, the tests carried out, based on the increased mortality of infant boys (there are many more of them than girls), indicated that very high rate Such mortality is precisely due to the lack of selenium. Do not be alarmed, because it is recommended to simply feed newborns with breast milk for as long as possible. After all, it is through breast milk that selenium enters the child’s body, and it is often not added to infant formula.

And this is not the entire list of useful things Se does in the body. Also, he:

  • neutralizes secreted mold fungi poisons, which in turn can cause serious damage to our body, including liver destruction;
  • has antioxidant properties, blocks the action of toxins, helping to preserve the heart muscle, and additionally forming proteins necessary for the continuous functioning of the heart;
  • accumulates in male genital organs and fluids (including sperm), contributing to the proper functioning of reproductive and sexual functions. At the same time, it is worth noting that if a man has vigorous sexual activity, then it is worth consuming a larger amount of Se, since in men this element leaves the body along with the released sperm;
  • The work of such glands as the pancreas and thyroid is also essential without its participation. It also promotes the formation of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland (triiodothyronine). They contribute to better dissolution of fats in our body;
  • protects against diseases such as asthma, arthritis, psoriasis, colitis, as it has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • helps in the prevention of multiple sclerosis;
  • promotes the removal of heavy metals from the body: lead, mercury, platinum. Reduces the harmful effects on the body of many heavy drugs, including drugs to fight cancer.

Daily requirement of selenium

per day adult, healthy body requires only 30-100 mcg of selenium. A deficiency can be judged if selenium intake is less than 5 mcg/day for a long period of time. We can talk about poisoning starting from the ingestion of more than 4 mg of selenium per day.

Selenium consumption rates are shown in the table.

What products contain

Use daily norm Selenium will not be a problem since it is found in many common foods. You just need to include the following foods in your diet:

Quite a high content of selenium in the liver:

Pork 67 mcg;

Chicken 88 mcg;

Lamb 111 mcg;

Beef 36 mcg.

There is also enough selenium in dried smelt (194 mcg), chicken (137 mcg), mustard seeds (134 mcg), sesame (98 mcg), octopus (90 mcg),

Selenium deficiency - what diseases are caused by deficiency?

Very often, selenium deficiency is a consequence past diseases liver, dysbacteriosis, intoxication of the body ( organic matter, metals, arsenic, etc.)

But most often, selenium deficiency occurs due to the fact that there is little of it in food due to the low availability of the trace element in the soil.

The following regions are particularly different low content selenium in soils (Northwest Russia, Transbaikalia, Irkutsk region, Belarus, Baltic states, Volga region).

How to identify a deficiency

If your body does not have enough selenium, then you will be familiar with the following symptoms:

Weakened immunity;

Decreased vision;

Decreased libido (this applies to males);

Scattered, foggy consciousness;

Decreased performance.

Watch the video below about the importance of selenium.

How to increase selenium levels in the body

Increasing the concentration of selenium in the body is quite simple. You just need to eat rationally, eating well-known and favorite foods: meat, milk and eggs. These products are found in almost every home, which makes it easy to maintain required level Selena is fine.

At the same time, the given amount of selenium that comes with these products will never exceed permissible norm. So this way of providing the body with selenium is the most acceptable and safe.

The best catalyst for the absorption of selenium is “ women's vitamin"(E). But glucose, namely sugar and all sugar-containing products, can prevent the deposition of selenium in the body. So take care to reduce your consumption of sweets, taking care not only of your figure, but also of your health. Don't take medications a long period without a doctor's prescription, especially paracetamol and phenacetin. These drugs inhibit the absorption of selenium.

What are the dangers of overdose?

But you shouldn’t overdo it with excessive intake of selenium into the body. Remember: in large quantities, selenium is poison! Moreover, very strong. Get it with food harmful dose Selena, you are unlikely to succeed, but with the use food additives And vitamin complexes be careful. Let us describe in order the symptoms of selenium overdose:

1. Hair loss;

2.​ Skin dehydration;

3. Brittle nails;

4. Nervous disorders;

5.​ Skin inflammatory processes, on any part of the body.

If you notice this order of appearance of symptoms, then rush to the doctor, do not self-medicate, because most of the symptoms described are suitable for many ailments and only a doctor will be able to identify the necessary diagnosis.



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