Homeopathy treatment of breast cancer. Homeopathic plant-based preparations for curbing the tumor process

E. Schliegel


Ladies and gentlemen, you have done me the honor of inviting me to give a lecture on cancer after I published a book on the subject earlier this year. In my book, I have made an attempt to collect and analyze all currently available information about cancers and attempts to treat them, as well as to explore various aspects of this problem from the point of view of modern medicine in order to prove that homeopathic therapy is quite justifiably used in this pathology, t .k., is able to provide real help and shows great promise for the future. Much research and clinical experience gives me confidence in this.

Continuing the research of our compatriot Samuel Hahnemann, whose brilliant ideas are not widely known yet, I will try to show you the true value of his therapeutic technique in relation to this terrible disease. It has been more than a century since Hahnemann published his theoretical works substantiating the homeopathic doctrine, but it is only in the last fifty years that cancer has been seriously studied from the point of view of homeopathic medicine. Here British medical scientists such as Drs Pattison, Cooper and Burnett play a leading role. For the first time, a scientific and practical discussion was launched. But the ideas of these eminent physicians developed only on the basis of their own clinical experience, and from the point of view of modern science, we say today that all this time various medical schools have demonstrated the futility of their attempts to find a scientific justification for solving this problem. And this situation persists to this day. If we now ask what the treatment of cancer is scientifically based on, we will hear in response: medical science does not have knowledge that reveals the nature of cancer or makes it possible to treat this disease by any scientifically based method. Medical science is free in its choice due to the fact that with the help of experiments no one has yet been able to more or less reliably establish the nature of a cancerous disease, although it must be recognized that some fragmentary knowledge has been obtained during surgical operations and as a result of observation of the affected organism in the course of natural and artificial experiments. But nothing that we know about cancer shows us the roots of this process, there are no clear and definite data on the basis of which treatment could be carried out. No significant knowledge has been gained either in experiments with plants, where we find similar phenomena, or in experiments with animals affected by carcinoma. When someone seems to achieve a certain positive result in a particular case, the treatment is ultimately unreliable, and attempts to introduce it into clinical practice are doomed to failure. Similar experiments are being carried out everywhere, and it is hoped that they will continue until new preliminary information becomes available. However, no reliable therapeutic method has yet been found experimentally. Practical medicine presents ample opportunities for activities in all areas related to the problem of cancer. Success in itself can be decisive in this case, regardless of whether it is achieved through surgical, dietary, drug or radiation treatment. Therefore, we homeopaths are also free in our research on a par with representatives of other medical schools, but for the time being more free to criticize other schools.

I will briefly describe how, in my opinion, we should evaluate various therapeutic methods.

The first method of therapy, obvious even to an amateur, is surgical. You see the tumor and you know it shouldn't be here. To remove it is a completely natural desire, but, as you know, surgery is not applicable to all forms of cancer. And even in cases where the tumor can be removed, this will not be enough for a cure from a medical point of view. Can't an organism that has grown one such tumor grow another, even if not on the basis of the first one? In this case, the biological approach is missing. Indeed, in clinical practice quite often we see what is there. where one tumor was surgically removed, as a rule, a second and even a third appear later. Of course, sometimes surgical treatment is successful: there are no recurrences of tumors, and this fact is the main argument of supporters of surgical treatment. But the absence of a second tumor is not only the result of the removal of the primary, but also the result of the biological changes that the operation contributed to; severe physical and mental stress, possibly anesthesia, blood loss, stimulation of the body through blood transfusion, changes in diet and other factors affecting the patient's condition. We come to the conclusion that the surgical method of treatment has a biological rather than a purely anatomical basis.

So, the result of the operation may indeed be a cure, and the recurrence of the tumor may not be observed. But at the same time, the operation is a dangerous imperfect attempt to treat cancer, and often it is impossible due to the peculiarities of the localization of the tumor and the stage of development of the disease. Some doctors, who today, unfortunately, are still very few, consider cancer from a different point of view. At first, they do not take into account the localization of carcinoma at all and begin the study of the disease not from a visible tumor, but from the very roots of the pathology. At the same time they are physiologists, and probably adherents of vegetarianism. The fact that cancer patients tend to be corpulent people, apparently eating a diet rich in protein and meat products, and that cancer predominates among people who are accustomed to wealth and luxury, has led many doctors to fight this disease through strict diet. I believe you all know the name of Dr. L. Duncan-Bulkley, director of the New York Skin and Cancer Clinic, who could not miss the many opportunities provided by his daily practice to observe and acquire practical knowledge and rich experience. He published a book containing valuable information; he is also the editor of the journal "Cancer Diseases", published by him, along with other doctors who are of the same opinion as he. His school almost completely ignores surgical therapy. For various types of cancer, as well as for relapses and metastases, the doctors of his school recommend sticking to a strict vegetarian diet, eating more natural food without heat or other processing. Even milk is almost excluded from the diet. So many people have already been cured by this treatment of Dr. Bulkley, that he looks forward to the widespread introduction of his method into medical practice and hopes that such an invincible disease will finally be studied and retreated.

But one cannot ignore the fact that cancer is sometimes found in people who have been eating vegetarian food for a long time. I already published a similar observation several years ago, and it has been confirmed by many nutritionists. However, Dr. Bircher-Benner of Zurich, one of the most experienced and successful dietary reformers, remarked: “I have not seen cancer in people who Right eat vegetarian food."

In recent years, a book written by J. Ellis Barker "Cancer, its treatment and reliable prevention" has caused a great sensation. Dr. Barker describes the story of his family when, as a doctor, he had to observe cases of cancer in his parents and relatives. He himself. is believed to have approached the threshold of this disease, although it has not yet had visible manifestations and has not been diagnosed. Studying the problem as a whole, Dr. Barker came to the conclusion that cancer is a disease, the cause of which lies in the modern way of life and civilization, and by avoiding these evils, a person will be able to maintain health. Dr. Barker's body was firmly strengthened by diet and a healthy lifestyle, and he considered it fair to support the aforementioned concept of treatment. He pays close attention to artificial cooking and food processing. , thus devoid of vitamins, for preservatives, for the presence of nitrates and chemical additives, and sees in all this one of the greatest evils of civilization. To these observations we can add that the current carbon pollution of the air and the daily pollution of nature by all kinds of carbon compounds forms pathogenic substances that create a “favorable” ground for people's predisposition to cancer. This fact is confirmed by observations of the development of cancer when the body comes into contact with soot, paraffin, aniline, benzene oils and other carbonaceous compounds. Obviously, contaminated food and the air we breathe, gradually polluted by exhaust gases, increase the susceptibility to cancer. It is also obvious that the escape from all this will again put the body in more favorable conditions for existence, increase its immunity. Although the whole movement of defense against the evils of civilization that has recently begun is of a preventive nature, we can also understand how it works therapeutically. We can also argue that in cancerous diseases the human body retains a biological mechanism that allows it to protect itself and defeat the disease if its reserve forces exceed the disease. And that this is possible, Dr. Bulkley and other doctors, and I I think that a fruitful method of therapy for cancer patients opens here.

All these opinions are based almost directly on experience, but we have the happy opportunity to confirm them scientifically. The biological behavior of the organism is already manifested in the well-known experiment with the gumming of rabbit ears. The same fact is indicated by the spontaneous disappearance of a cancerous metastasis, and sometimes even the spontaneous disappearance of the entire cancerous tumor. Thanks to two Australian scientists, Freimd and Kaminer, we learned in 1925 the biochemical basis of the nature of cancer, and it became clear that cancer patients must be predisposed to this disease. These researchers traced the biochemical changes in the body during cancer and were able to divide all cancers into cancer and sarcoma. According to the two scientists, local cancer predisposition occurs when too much of the cancer-killing esterified sebacid acid is used and its protective preventative effect is weakened.

So, protection is possible, as well as the termination of protection due to too large biological loads. This concept is suitable for finding a form of treatment for carcinoma, either through direct relief of the load on the body through a natural diet, or in other ways, since the success of any therapeutic method will depend on whether the body can mobilize its internal reserves, which serve as a means of self-preservation. Obviously, some ability to adapt will continue to develop in us and in our descendants in relation to the disease-causing manifestations of civilization. It should also be understood that carcinogenic factors will appear in future generations in abundance, and perhaps in a more diverse form. But as the pathogenic impact of the environment as a result of technical and chemical emissions increases rapidly, the process of adaptation of the human body will probably not keep up with it, and a radical reform in the use of all these toxic substances will be needed to reduce the incidence of cancer. And when the disease has already begun to develop, in many cases it is too late to use diet and other similar measures that no longer have a positive effect by that time.

Now consider the third possibility to overcome the formation of carcinoma - through drug treatment The use of medicines is not the most convenient way to get rid of the disease, since we do not know what processes take place inside our body. If surgery solves the visible problem, and the broad-spectrum diet is also understandable, then drug therapy is a mystery to us. What is easy to understand in terms of chemical action does not belong to the field of drug therapy, for example, the destructive effect of soda on acids; the latter are of unclear origin and cause uncontrolled side effects when ingested. And yet these effects do exist in the most amazing way. We console ourselves with the thought that in general much is not clear in natural processes, although, nevertheless, we do not doubt the importance of the relationship of cause and effect. The whole problem of nutrition of the body lies within this sphere. We demand a scientific explanation of phenomena, the nature of which we do not understand, but the effect of which on our organism is beyond doubt. This is similar to the realm of medical experience, where observations of a general nature are constantly made, although they are difficult to apply to an individual case. Completely different medications, drugs, strong irritants, even poisons, of which I will name only belladonna and hemlock, sometimes had a strong effect on the body in cancer. Opposite various natural products stands the only indication- carcinoma, and many cases had to be treated with one of these remedies to get the same unerring reaction once more. It was a matter of chance, reinforced by the doctor's intuition, when the prescribed remedy worked. Yet no one can completely deny these effects, and even where medical skepticism has been practiced instead of medical skill, such drugs have been turned over and over again as a last resort in the face of the terrible suffering of cancer patients.

And now the medical genius Samuel Hahnemann stepped forward, whose teaching on this issue can be summarized as follows: "Ask nature!". Do not try to find scientific names for the various manifestations of a given disease, but look for all its natural manifestations, that is, the symptoms, objective and subjective. Do not let a single symptom escape your attention, as they are all an expression of certain physiological processes occurring inside the body. And do not neglect the study of natural phenomena caused by the action of drugs, study the action , etc. on relatively healthy people, and you get all sorts of pathological conditions that strike us with their similarity to the symptoms of various human diseases. When you find that the symptoms revealed in the tests are similar to those of cancerous diseases, prescribe the most similar remedy to the observed individual disease, having previously freed its active principle from the gross parts of their material original environment, thereby introducing into the affected organism a superior dynamic force that will destroy the action of the disease, because this force is very similar to the disease, since it acts on the same parts of the body. It is very easy to imagine such a therapeutic analogy if you intuitively understand the action of a drug: you have a poisonous substance that causes disease, and you can experience it for yourself, as Hahnemann did when he took cinchona bark. The deterioration of his health and the fever he experienced reminded him of the symptoms of malaria. Therefore, the active principle that causes the disease entered his body through the ingestion of cinchona bark. For a long time he could not explain this, until the obvious thought came to his mind that in this case a process is taking place, determined by some natural law, which should also act in cases with other medicinal substances. He tested this idea by testing the action and Ipecacuanha, and experiments led him to the conclusion that these potentized poisons were more suitable for treatment than non-potentized medicinal substances.

Again, in this case, the analogy is easy to imagine, but for therapeutic research, this case is more complex and confusing. If one accepts Hahnemann's doctrines as a whole, as they are set forth in the Organon, it is obvious that medical science can understand them and agree with them only in a roundabout way. But there is another, rather short and purely logical view of this problem, based on natural dynamics and stating: if in two complex systems of human organisms that fell ill accidentally and fell ill from medicines, there are far-reaching analogies of known natural phenomena, then there must also be relationships in the internal dynamics, which Maybe be related to the method of treatment; these arguments are true, but they take us no further. Data that can lead us further can only be obtained in medical science through experiment. Hahnemann, as you know, carried out the necessary experiments. He believed that the property of chance should be excluded from the whole system of medicine, since medicine is usually effective in the case of acute fever, and in the case of tuberculosis or cancer, except that all chronic diseases require a special approach, which is due to the fact that the body , which at the initial stage or during the acute development of the disease could not heal itself, has even less chance of being cured in the case of a chronic disease. Therefore, if in the case of an acute disease we can see how a homeopathic remedy acts quickly, dramatically reducing the manifestations of the disease, then in the case of cancer we cannot achieve a quick recovery, but we must patiently identify and analyze the symptoms of a chronic disease during its entire development, again and again trying to stimulate the body with a similar remedy. But this does not preclude the possibility of rapid success, at least in the early stages of cancer; this success may be encouraging, but it will require precise and correct continuation of the treatment according to the same scheme described above. And in some cases, when the disease occurs against the background of too weakened forces of the individual, we will not be able to overcome the disease.

I had the fortunate opportunity to speak to colleagues who are staunch supporters of homeopathy. Would you agree with me on the above formulation of our laws of cure. In fact, this formulation is borrowed from Hahnemann and slightly modified, and we need to give it our own assessment, since the modern development of medicine is moving towards it. You also know that Hahnemann pointed out the difference between acute and chronic illness, and his doctrine is not the result of theoretical research, but is derived experimentally. Hahnemann deduced from the observations and stated the following in the Organon: “If experience proves that the ‘opposite’the treatment turns out to be successful, you need to choose it, and if the experience justifies "similar" treatment, then you need to choose the drive. It was only after many experiments that this great physician finally formulated and expounded his concept of treatment, and we can say that thanks to his appeal to nature and his therapy based on purely natural phenomena, light was shed on the science of healing. No one can blow out the torch he has lit; on the contrary, several movements of medical scientists have united to kindle it even brighter. One day this torch will be placed in the very center, since it is 1 from the light that eliminates uncertainty and leads to success in the realm of the possible. In general, we can understand that therapy, and especially homeopathic therapy, stimulates the body's natural defenses.

However, we see that there are other therapeutic methods and concepts for cancer treatment that also need to be explored: I will only mention radiation therapy. Some believe that it kills cancer cells, others are of the opinion that X-rays stimulate the body's natural defenses against cancer. There may also be drugs that combine with the cancer toxin and neutralize it, and we, according to our homeopathic beliefs, believe in biological countermeasures in the sense that drugs that are toxic by themselves are just as toxic as the cancer toxin itself, but owing to the superior dynamic forces that drugs acquire in the course of their dilution, the medicinal substance disappears again after it has stimulated the organism. And in the case of radiation therapy, we can hold as a matter of fact that radium, like x-rays, acts like a common toxic substance that does its destructive work by chemical irritation. As for the law of similarity, the action of these rays often leads to the appearance of carcinoma, especially of the skin. They affect all tissues, causing, for example, clouding of the lenses of the eyes and destroying the embryonic tissues. Ulcers caused by radiation were often recognized as cancerous and led to the death of the patient. Therefore, radiation therapy should be included in the scope of homeopathic treatment. Therefore, our experimental work with minimal X-ray doses is justified.

In 1911, Dr. Stillman Bailey, speaking at a convention here, spoke about this method of therapy, and I was very excited to learn about the further development of this topic. I myself carried out several experiments in this direction, which proved to be very successful in the treatment of angioma and tuberculosis of the skin, but, unfortunately, I was not able to continue them in full in the case of cancer patients. It would be desirable to hear something about this topic and about how far the experiments have progressed, which I have not succeeded in spite of my best efforts.

But if you go back to homeopathic remedies, you will see that their similarity in terms of action in cancer is not so obvious. Apart from radium and X-rays, perhaps no drug can cause cancer directly except arsenic, but many drugs do so indirectly, especially the so-called carbolic compounds. Even with resinous rabbit ears, it takes a long time and repeated irritations for the malignancy process to begin. It often takes decades for cancer to become visible. These observations lead us to the conclusion that chronic changes occur as the disease progresses, and the analogy, at first seeming obvious, between cancer and any drug action is not enough to allow us to find a drug that could really help. . It is true that if the defenses are strong enough and the organism itself is not much worn out, then recourse to such homeopathic remedies can lead to rapid success. But in most diseases of this kind, we will have to look for a deeper similarity, found in the primary symptoms that appear for years in the patient's picture of the disease. And gradually we will find signs of gout, tuberculosis, sycosis, i.e. dium, and others that one way or another will be needed for a cure. At the same time, we can use directly ulcerative agents, such as others, and get a positive result fairly quickly; however , par sulphure, and similar constitutional remedies will be necessary for the cure, as the relationship between cancer and general constitutional predisposition must be neutralized. To weaken these constitutional predispositions and clear the way for natural remedies to work, these remedies should be taken in high potencies, which will also help to bring the body back to its original state and establish whether the disease is inherited or acquired.

But in the treatment of cancer, homeopaths have another special method about which I want to say a few words. This method is isopathy. Some doctors have already tried to create drugs that prevent the further growth of a cancerous tumor, as well as to treat a cancer patient with blood, saliva and other secrets, pre-potentiating them [Kolleg (Collet)]. We are also indebted to Dr. Burnegt for the way he treats cancer with drugs. Scirrin And carcinosinum, given in high potencies. But only in recent decades, thanks to systematic experiments carried out, for example, by A. Nobel, results have been obtained separately for carcinoma and sarcoma. Dr. Nebel suggested that cancer is an infectious disease with a widespread long-lived virus, but which takes root and develops only where there is a predisposition of the organism. Perhaps this is the predisposition that Dr. Freund and Kaminer had in mind: abnormal acids in the intestines and tissues that deprive us of our natural defenses, or is it a predisposition in the sense of a complication when there are prolonged contacts with hydrocarbons, which eventually begin to demand too much from the body's defenses. Such an unfavorable constitution must exist from the very beginning, which means that the soil must be prepared genetically. Now biology puts forward the same requirements for all infectious diseases, except for those cases when microorganisms penetrate directly into the blood. Of course, almost everyone is susceptible to infections. It often doesn't matter whether we believe the existence of a virus to be the cause of carcinoma or not. In any case, it is a question of foreign irritating elements that have a toxic effect, chemically or physiologically, whether they come from micro-organisms or from another material cause. In many cases, carcinoma gave food for suspicion that it is of an infectious nature. Infectionists and non-infectionists could agree on a conditional infection if it were found that a bacterial cause does indeed exist. Our highly respected colleague Dr. Nebel has identified and accepted Micrococcus doyen as an infectious cause of cancer. According to him, the pathogenic factor exists in various initial forms, and this pathogenic factor has been observed by many researchers. But it was precisely this variety of forms that misled former researchers. Dr. Nebel created an isopathic preparation of cancerous tumors, giving it the name “onkolysin". If we use serum for the treatment of any infectious disease as an isopathic remedy, we will always find two opposite substances in the serum: a toxin secreted by the causative agent of the disease, and an antitoxin produced by the body's defenses. If the serum acts as a toxin, it will have the same effect as the disease agent, just like homeopathic treatment. And if, for example, serum is used as an antitoxin, the diseased organism will be provided with a ready-made antidote, which in reality the organism must create itself, biologically. Both pathways are open to cancer therapy. And as far as I know, Dr. Nebel is also developing the serum as an antitoxin. We currently have onkolysin, which is a toxin in its pure form, which can be taken orally or injected, used as a homeopathic remedy. Therefore, this remedy can be said to be isopathic, and, being a toxin, it can at the same time be considered homeopathic; in any case, it is a drug very closely associated with the cancerous process!

Dr. Nebel understands that this drug mobilizes cancer toxins in the diseased body, and therefore he intends to use the so-called "drainage aids". d. 6. drugs that activate the elimination processes, which, he believes, make toxins harmless. These remedies include many herbal preparations, such as , . I I believe that it is not theoretically possible to completely distinguish between the functions of drainage and mobilization, since the aforementioned herbal preparations are also effective against cancer in themselves, and in some cases they themselves can satisfy all the requirements necessary for the cure of cancers. otherwise, a very important point is that we should not assign oncolysin, and this is a very important principle in the presence of carcinoma - without prior preparation of the body for its reception by activating the vital forces of the body. And what is true of oncolysin, it applies equally to other radical remedies that we may need in accordance with the strict guidelines formulated by J. T. Kent. The body will soon show if it is capable of overcoming cancer; If he was unable to do this, then we must immediately help this process by appointing, for example. , Fermm or any other remedy in less high potencies. It should be noted that many of our fellow homeopaths have had great success using oncolysin. Let's continue the research on this remedy as a valuable homeopathic arsenal and let's not forget that our colleague Dr. Nebel also continues to study and research the old well-tried remedies, I have often referred to them in cases of cancer.

Many doctors will agree with me if I say that it is necessary to mention another method of cancer therapy close to us, which has been used in the last 20 years and has a similar isopathic origin. Having studied numerous publications of German and foreign doctors, as well as having gained some experience of my own, I am confident in the value of this method. I am referring to the “novantiristem” procedure by Dr. W. Schmidt from Munich. The origin of this procedure is very close to our homeopathic methods of treatment, and although this system of treatment is not based on the principles of homeopathic therapy, it is successful in the treatment of cancer, and it is possible that practically and theoretically it will one day find itself in the works of Hahnemann.

So, what do we see in the homeopathic treatment of cancer and where does the confidence in the expediency of homeopathic therapy come from?

Gentlemen and my dear colleagues, unfortunately, we do not observe recovery and even a simple improvement in all cases. However, in many cases there is a stabilization of the patient's condition or an improvement, and sometimes even a complete recovery. Often we have to reckon with the counteracting influence of external factors, depriving us of the success that was almost achieved. And, unfortunately, patients are seldom willing to help their recovery with appropriate dietary restrictions. I would like to draw your attention to this point and encourage you to follow the direction given by Dr. Bulkley and others. Of course, there will always be very few who will be ready to change directly to the opposite of the old habits of life. Although we base our treatment exclusively on homeopathic and isopathic methods, we cannot renounce a certain dietary approach to the strict prescriptions of the vegetarian doctrine of eating raw, uncooked food. We will also have to set the table of the cancer patient in order, and with the help of homeopathic remedies, chosen according to the methods described and described above, we will in most cases alleviate the suffering of the patient.

In the case of carcinoma, we sometimes, although quite rarely, see rapid formation of abscesses, which then completely heal. I have observed in four cases how breast cancers were transformed into boils. .Other tumors decrease in size along with possible metastases, and this decrease continues for a long time, until it becomes a rudimentary form without complete disappearance.

Some tumors that are in the initial stage of development and are scheduled for surgery disappear spontaneously, leaving no traces. Perhaps later they will appear again and disappear again, which indicates the struggle of vitality with the disease and the value of drug therapy.

In some cases, we achieve nothing, and often the fault of the patient himself; often all attempts made on both sides are in vain. It is very unfortunate that this happens! But if we study the success of surgical treatment, which short-sighted people so often and easily turn to, we will understand that our patients are in a much better position: they suffer less, live longer, and they keep their body whole, which often leads, even after long and unsuccessful attempts to heal, to a change in the patient's condition for the better) '.

That unoperated cancer patients live longer is a fact that our homeopathic colleague Dr. Ebley has proven in a statistical study commissioned by Swiss insurance companies. However, one cannot ignore cases of carcinoma that were chronic and were cured by surgery. We do not ignore other therapeutic methods, although initially we treat the patient with medication. Apart from cases where surgery was extremely late and already inappropriate, there is no need for great haste; as experience shows, sometimes cancerous tumors that were hastily operated on and were the size of a pea or cherry seed subsequently produced rapidly growing metastases, and this led to a rapid, within two to three months, death of the patient. This development of the event has the following explanation; the adaptive capacity and opposing forces of the body were still too weak, so the tissue around the small tumor had not yet acquired protective properties that slowed down tumor growth. All these circumstances, judged from the point of view of our experience, justify adherence to our own therapeutic method). We leave other types of treatment experiments to those who find satisfaction in doing them, while we ourselves look for ways to develop and spread our own therapy. We affirm that it is necessary, and its realization is very important for us. It also provides a sense of brotherhood towards other therapeutic schools of the same opinion. For our own consolation, we may be convinced of the scientific merit and practical value of the homeopathic concept, but we are willing to put ourselves on a par with other therapies who think differently. And thanks to this attitude, we have the right to defend our position. Finally, if we raise the question of how homeopathic concepts can be promoted in relation to the treatment of cancer, it is worth answering - this teaching should be preached.

In your hospitable and wise country, there are a number of excellent homeopathic doctors who have previously successfully treated cancer, and fortunately there are such now. Allow me to name with great respect the names of Dr. John Henry Clark, who wrote extraordinary works on homeopathic therapy, and Dr. George Burford, based on his clinical practice, created a special system for promoting homeopathic treatment through instructing the public and medical staff - this system we can accept for a sample. Such work is a kind of sermon that should penetrate from us into the consciousness of a suffering person.

Dr. Burford also suggested that homeopathy holds the key to solving the problem of cancer. Figuratively speaking, we can say that the door is already open, and by entering it, humanity will acquire one of the forms of salvation. The scientific and practical development of our therapy will one day tear down and destroy the old fence of prejudice. However, we understand the need for a different, practical quality, different from the purely scientific approach, if we are going to defend our homeopathic method of cancer treatment. The generation that almost passed away had this quality. I repeat the names of Drs. Pattison, Cooper, and Burnett, and I extol the courage of conviction as the great force necessary for the advancement of medical science.


Dr. Clarke, speaking from the chair, said that Dr. Schliegel asked him to express his opinion that the treatment of cancer is not so simple and easy in homeopathy. The problem of cancer therapy belongs to the realm of progressive and fracturing homeopathy. The practical basis of the listened lecture are numerous cases taken from practice. Dr. Schliegel revealed this problem more fully in his book, located in the exhibition hall, and if anyone from those present knows German, this book can be viewed and a copy can be bought. Dr. Clark expressed the hope that someday this book would be translated into English. In his opinion, Dr. Schliegel, who has many years of experience in the treatment of cancer, has probably carried out more extensive work in this direction than anyone else.

The fight against cancer continues to be relevant to this day. In an attempt to help our patients, the MEDTRAVEL CLUB team found a very interesting material about homeopathic medicines that came to us from India, whose effectiveness has been proven in many countries. Considering that there is almost no information on this issue in Russian, we tried to study this topic as widely as possible and we hope that the material will be useful to you.

Homeopathy and Banerji Protocols


Dr. Prasant Banerjee
Founder/Manager of Prazant Banerjee Research Foundation

Dr. Pratip Banerjee
Co-Founder and Representative of Research Foundation Manager Prazant Banerjee
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

General information:

Medicinal homeopathic preparations intended for the fight against oncological diseases of various types.

Banerji Protocols are used in 60 countries by homeopathic physicians with the same effectiveness as Dr. Banerji themselves. The drugs also cope with the effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. According to statistical data, in a group of 21888 cases of patients with malignant tumors, the following were observed:

21% complete recovery
23% improvement
24% did not continue treatment
32% disease exacerbation/death

Classical homeopathy has recognized the Banerji Protocols as a very effective way of treatment and is now successfully using the achievements of Dr. Banerji.

Banerjee's drugs against brain and breast cancer were tested by scientists from MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA. The results, which were subsequently published in the International Journal of Oncology, showed that the effect of the drug is aimed at destroying cancer cells without affecting healthy cells.

Preparations are carefully chosen on an individual basis: they look at how the oncological disease developed, what form the metastasis took. Be sure to consider the symptoms and their dynamics throughout the history of the disease. All this significantly affects the choice of a particular drug. After the patient has recovered, the drug is still taken for three months, then the dose is gradually reduced.

The difference between traditional medicine and homeopathy.

The goal of traditional medicine is to control the disease by taking medicines, even if those medicines are just vitamins. If the patient stops taking the medicine, then the disease, sooner or later, returns.

Homeopathy targets the human immune system. Homeopathic medicines, taken according to the symptoms, make the immune system stronger than the disease itself, which will lead the person to cope with the disease. In the case of traditional medicine, everything happens exactly the opposite - drugs act on the disease itself, its focus. First, the patient is diagnosed, the infection is detected, drugs are selected, and then these drugs fight the cells of the disease. It happens that drugs kill cancer cells along with healthy ones, causing irreparable harm to the patient and leaving side effects. For many diseases associated with deficiency, traditional medicine suggests fulfilling the deficiency by taking certain drugs throughout life. For example, in cases of hypothyroidism, thyroxine deficiency is replenished by oral administration of OT throughout life. The homeopathic approach is fundamentally different - the patient is prescribed specific drugs that activate the thyroid gland. This effect persists even when the patient stops taking the medication. Banerjee's doctors have enough evidence for this, which you can find on their official website.

Specific examples of some Banerji Protocols homeopathic remedies:

Lycopodium 30CH: for excess fluid in any area of ​​the body (hydrocephalus, swelling of the brain resulting from tumors, pleurisy, pulmonary edema, ascites, etc.)
Carcinosinum: counteracts the weakening of the defense in tumor areas. Improves the immune system. Relieves pain in cancer.
Kali carbonicum: in cancer of the lungs, affection of the soft tissues of the body.
Thuja: in hard tissue tumors.
Ferrum fos-3X: hemoptysis.
Hepar sulfur: for dry cough in case of lung cancer.
Arsenicum album 3CH: stomach ulcer.
Arsenicum album 6 CH: sneezing, runny nose, cold.
Arsenicum album 200CH: skin ulcers, rash.
Medorrhinum: in the treatment of venereal diseases, kidney failure and arthritis.
Symphytum 200CH: effective for all bone disorders
Camphora 200CH: taken to clear the pharmacological effects of Banerjee drugs. Auxiliary agent

Malignant tumors characterized by unlimited growth of infiltrative nature, metastasis, death.

Etiological factors are physical, chemical and biological, the common property of which is mutagenicity. Physical factors - ionizing radiation, chemical - these are mutagens belonging to three groups of chemicals (derivatives of carbon C, nitrogen N and fluorine F - aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons, aminoazo compounds and fluorides). Biological factors - oncogenic viruses. Carcinogenic substances of endogenous origin include free radicals, peroxide compounds, metabolic products of steroid hormones.

Conditions that contribute to carcinogenesis are dyshormonal disorders, chronic inflammation, aging, and genetic predisposition. Among supporters of non-traditional treatment and the corresponding worldview, non-molecular (informational) reasons are also considered to be the cause of tumors.
It is possible that over time, informational causes of tumors and informational methods for their correction and prevention will be scientifically developed.

Pathogenesis malignant growth from a pathoanatomical point of view consists of three stages - tumor transformation, promotion and tumor progression.

Tumor transformation (transformation of a normal cell into a tumor cell), according to one of the theories, is a mutation (spontaneous or under the influence of mutagens), a spasmodic process, which results in cellular anaplasia and metaplasia, as well as the establishment of a cell division program to infinity. There is a theory of disinhibition of an endogenous oncogene that preexists in the body in a repressed state (it is this theory that gives importance to genetic control over tumor transformation).

The epigenomic theory casts doubt on the structural disorders of the genetic apparatus during tumor transformation, and considers it as a deregulation of genetic control under the influence of causes emanating from extranuclear (extracellular, and possibly extraorganismal) causes.
It is true that under experimental conditions it is possible to reproduce a malignant tumor in animals only with the help of chemical carcinogens, but in real life this is rare.

It is possible to express such a theoretical position that the cause of malignant transformation is a genetic predisposition (pathological constitution), and what is called carcinogens has the meaning of conditions, risk factors. These ideas are consistent with the homeopathic teaching about miasms as types of response and pathological predisposition. It is the syphilitic miasm that has all the prerequisites for a malignant process (dysplastic type of tissue response, chronic ulcerative processes accompanied by chronic regeneration, dysregulation of cell division processes, weakness of antiviral immunity).

A malignant process is never congenital; congenital is the insufficiency of antitumor immunity. Only in the course of life do conditions appear that make tumor transformation and subsequent stages of malignant growth possible.

Promotion, as the second stage in the formation of tumors, consists in a more or less long-term latent existence of tumor cells, for the further fate of which the factors stimulating their reproduction are important. The risk factor is chronic inflammation.

Tumor progression, as the third stage of the tumor (malignant) process, is the progressive development of the tumor towards increasing malignancy. It is at this stage that the selection of more malignant cells occurs, and this can be facilitated by therapeutic measures of a cytotoxic nature, since undifferentiated malignant cells are more resistant than normal ones. Taking into account the immortality of malignant cells (the loss of the Hayflick division limit), an onco-germinal theory has appeared that considers tumor transformation as a local disinhibition of the immortality program, and the malignant process as a payment for the existence of this phenomenon in nature.

The metabolism in the tumor is characterized by the fact that it is a "trap" of glucose and nitrogen, and this again confirms the importance of the elements carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in tumor growth.

Like any other pathophysiological process, the tumor process consists of pathological disorders and protective and adaptive reactions, the knowledge of which is important for the development of pathogenetic therapy. Antioxidant systems remove free radicals, repair enzymes repair damaged DNA. Theoretically, tumor cells can be removed by the immune system through phagocytosis, antibody production, and the function of killer T cells. There is an idea of ​​antitumor (antiviral) immunity as a function of connective tissue. Tissue regulators (keylons) regulate and inhibit cell division.

Scientific oncology is an independent branch of medicine with great theoretical and weaker practical successes.

In full accordance with scientific theories, scientific medicine is developing antitumor treatment, as well as prevention, which consists in preventing mutagens (carcinogens) from entering the body. The main directions of treatment are tumor removal, cytostatic effects (radiation and chemotherapy).

Homeopathic support in the treatment of malignant tumors
In homeopathy, the prevention of malignant growth is most successful, based on homeopathic treatment of precancerous conditions and miasmatic prognosis. Homeopathic practice shows that in the presence of a genetic tendency to malignant growth, it is precisely those patients who were on homeopathic treatment in a timely manner, avoided this category of diseases.

Homeopathic practice shows that the etiological factors of malignant tumors are not always mutagens. Thus, in the development of a malignant tumor, which is to be treated with Conium, the initial injury is a trauma (strike), and it is this circumstance that is the basis for choosing this remedy. It is those substances that are themselves carcinogenic that are used in the homeotherapy of tumors - preparations of Carbon, Nitrogen, Fluorine.

In the first two stages (transformation and promotion), malignant growth is not diagnosed. Being an adaptive therapy, it is homeopathy that can carry out true prevention of the malignant process by correcting immunological reactivity and anti-mutation mechanisms at the early stages of tumor transformation and promotion.

Homeotherapy has no noticeable success at that stage of tumor development, when the malignant transformation has reached the stage of tumor progression. Still, homeopathic support is possible. It is able to prolong the life of an oncological patient, alleviate the general condition, reduce the tendency to relapse after successful surgical treatment.

The most commonly used remedies are Conium (this is a hemlock, as in herbal medicine, but in a potentized state of matter), Thuja. The Fluor constitution is most prone to dysplasia. The leading Fluoride preparations in the homeopathic pharmacopeia are Calcium fluoricum and Acidum fluoricum, as well as its compounds with Silicon - Hecla lava and Lapis albus.

The old homeopaths considered Sulfuris and Calcium carbonicum as a means of extensive cancer prevention, if cancer is in the family. Kreosotum is listed as a possible remedy for cancer of the stomach and breast and also of the cervix, but there should be a typical spotting.

As a therapy of despair, there are complexes: Silicea, Phytolacca, Thuja, Hecla lava, Hepar sulfuris in high potencies or such a complex - Lachesis, Crotalus, Arsenicum, Kreosotum.
In addition, depending on the localization of the process and the individual characteristics of the body, other drugs are indicated.

Stomach cancer
In attempts at homeopathic help in this disease, the first name is Conium. Next comes Kreosotum for fullness in the stomach immediately after eating, unbearable heartburn, burning in the stomach, vomiting of bitter or sour undigested food, and bloody vomiting, worse from cold drinks and better from hot. Phosphorus is mentioned in cancer of the stomach when the tumor has become ulcerated. Sabal serulata and Colchicum were tested.

Cancer of the uterus (body or cervix)
A malignant tumor can originate from the epithelium of the cervix, polyps of the body of the uterus. At first, the disease does not manifest itself. Then there are serous or bloody leucorrhoea, which are released in large quantities to the extent of bleeding after examination of the vagina or after sexual intercourse. Further, the whites become purulent-bloody with a putrid odor. There are pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Cancer of the body of the uterus progresses slowly and in older women during menopause it manifests itself as serous-bloody or purulent-bloody, fetid leucorrhoea and bleeding.

Homeopathic literature recommends Jodium for cancer of the uterus, but the woman's constitution must be of a certain type (thin and swarthy patient with an insatiable appetite, profuse bleeding, yellowish and very acrid leucorrhoea). Kreosotum is listed as a possible remedy for cancers of the stomach and breasts, and of the body and cervix, but should be characterized by bloody discharge, irritating and offensive (sometimes sour) leucorrhoea, leaving yellow spots on the linen, accompanied by burning, and also itching on inner thighs.

Hydrastis is listed in the list of medicines used in cancer of the mucous membranes, in cancer of the breast and genital organs, and also in myoma, but in this case there should be a discharge with fibrin filaments and an admixture of blood. Carbo animalis is indicated more often than Carbo vegetabilis in cancer of the uterus and hardening of the cervix, if there are ulcers with a thin, offensive discharge, if the burning pains extend to the thighs. The drug of choice is Lapis albus.

Cancer of the glandular organs
Cancer of the glandular organs often occurs as metastases from other organs. So, ovarian cancer rarely begins in this area, but is a metastasis from the gastrointestinal tract. At first, the disease may be asymptomatic, but then leads to ascites.

Treatment of dyshormonal tumors (uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma, nodular goiter, mastopathy) is described above, as well as in the chapter "Endocrine insufficiency". In cancer of the glandular organs, Conium, Lapis albus, Hydrastis are prescribed.

Mammary cancer
Against the background of mastopathy, breast cancer develops more often. At the beginning there are almost no complaints, although the focus of compaction is determined. Then pains appear, and the skin over the gland changes, becoming like a lemon peel. The tumor has indistinct contours, initially mobile, and then soldered to the surrounding tissues. Axillary lymph nodes are enlarged. Further, the skin and tissues become more and more infiltrated, the nipple retracts, the lymph nodes become dense. Breast cancer metastasizes to the lymph nodes, bones of the spine and pelvis, lungs, less often to the liver. Treatment is surgical, chemotherapeutic, radiation. The most important is the prevention and timely treatment of mastopathy.

Homeopathic prescription is based on the variety of clinical manifestations of this disease, despite one diagnosis. There are forms that resemble eczema, erysipelas, there is an edematous form, ulcerative, there is a form with a relatively slow course.

Conium is indicated when there are no pains or they are insignificant, but sometimes there are very severe pains - burning, stitching and shooting. The development of the tumor may have been preceded by a blow, bruise. The tumor is as hard as a stone. Conium is indicated in the early stages of scirrhus (hard cancer). The patient has yellowness of the palms and nails.

Phytolacca is used for a variety of tumors. The gland is always hard, and the nipples are often cracked. The tumor is bluish-colored or almost purple with a very pronounced increase in the lymph nodes in the axillary region.

Carbo animalis is indicated when the pains are burning, there is suppuration, and the pus is defective, the mammary glands are hard and swollen. The mammary gland sometimes hardens in the form of small nodules, and in some places it is hard as a stone. Later, the skin over the induration becomes bluish and mottled. venous stasis develops. The axillary lymph nodes harden, and a burning or drawing pain appears in the breast.

Bromium is also indicated in breast cancer (more often on the left). The tumor is hard as a stone. As in Carbo animalis, there is hardening of the axillary glands with burning pains in them, but Bromium has cutting pains as well.

Hydrastis is used for cancer in various organs of the body, including breast cancer. Discharge appears from the nipple. This drug is recommended not only for internal, but also for external use in the form of a lotion from its solution (1 teaspoon of stock solution per glass of water). Accompanying symptoms are ulceration on the mucous membranes with burning fibrous secretions, a tendency to constipation.

If the pains are very severe and have a sharp cutting character, like a red-hot knife, the old homeopaths used the arsenic preparations Arsenicum album and jodatum. In breast cancer, Calcium fluoricum, Thuja, Lapis albus, and also Kreosotum were tested (the mammary glands are purple-red and hard bumps in them, there are uterine bleedings, as well as profuse acrid discharges).

Psorinum (with uterine fibromyoma and fibrous mastopathy), Graphites (inflamed and cracked nipples), Pulsatilla (menstrual irregularities, poor discharge) are mentioned as antitumor drugs in homeopathic literature.

The use of the homeopathic method of treatment in Russia was allowed by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation relatively recently - in 1995. No wonder that not only patients, but also doctors are not familiar with it.

The editors of our journal repeatedly received letters from readers in which the authors asked to talk about the possibility of treating cancer with homeopathic methods. In this regard, we asked a member of the editorial board of our journal, President of the Russian Homeopathic Society, Director of the Moscow Homeopathic Center, Candidate of Medical Sciences Vladimir Semenovich Mishchenko to answer a number of questions. The scientific director of the Institute of Regenerative Biomedicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Stanislavovich Rolik and the rector of the Moscow Institute of Homeopathy, Candidate of Medical Sciences Leonid Vladimirovich Kosmodemyansky also took part in the conversation.

- Vladimir Semenovich , V himself first room magazine , released VIn 1999, we published your article "Homeopaths Treat the Patient, Not the Disease" in which you mainly talked about the history and basic principles of homeopathy. Now we would like to ask you and your colleagues to briefly talk about the current state of homeopathy, as well as answer more specific questions related to the possibility of using homeopathic remedies in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

B. C. Mishchenko: An increased interest in alternative therapies has been observed since the last decade of the last century. Among these methods is the homeopathic method of treatment, which we will talk about today.

Homeopathy as a branch of medicine was formed over 200 years ago. It is inextricably linked with the name of the outstanding German physician Samuel Hahnemann, although the principle of similarity, which is the basic law of homeopathy, was known long before the birth of S. Hahnemann: it is mentioned in Arabic papyri, in the writings of Hippocrates and his students, in the works of Paracelsus.

The merit of S. Hahnemann is that he singled out homeopathy as an independent direction in medicine, substantiated the application of the principle of treating like with like as the only correct law when prescribing a medicine, developed the rules for preparing homeopathic medicines: multiple dilutions with mandatory dynamization (shaking a certain number of times) of the diluted medicines.

S. Hahnemann found that a drug taken by a healthy person causes painful symptoms, and the same remedy in small doses helps a sick person with a disease that occurs with similar symptoms. The list of painful symptoms caused by taking large doses of a drug is called the drug portrait of this drug, and a diluted and dynamized drug is called a homeopathic medicine and is prescribed to a sick person suffering from a disease with similar (similar) symptoms, regardless of the diagnosis of the disease. Individual manifestations of the disease in a particular patient are taken into account, that is, the fundamental principle of medicine is implemented: "Treat the patient, not the disease."

Currently, about 1,200 homeopathic medicines are allowed for use in Russia, and there are several thousand of them in the world. Using several homeopathic medicines, it is possible to prepare a complex homeopathic medicine, which is prescribed taking into account the diagnosis of the disease. For example, Antigrippin is prescribed to patients with colds (ARI, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.). Complex homeopathic medicines must undergo clinical trials according to the rules developed for all medicines, and only after that they enter pharmacies. Russian pharmacies sell more than 500 such medicines sold without a doctor's prescription.

In the last 15-20 years, homeopathic medicines have also become recognized by representatives of academic medicine, probably because studies have been carried out explaining the possible mechanism of their action. Indeed, in principle, the opponents of homeopathy argued that since there are no molecules of a substance left in the solution at all, then all treatment with such a drug is just psychotherapy and nothing more. However, in the 20th century, works appeared on the two-phase action of conventional, non-homeopathic drugs, which showed that drugs in large and small doses act differently. Now the attention of physicists, chemists, biochemists, biologists and physicians is increasingly attracted by the biological effect of ultra-low doses of substances that are not related to homeopathy. Works have appeared that explain the mechanism of action of ultra-low doses of compounds, which are confirmation that in the solution of a homeopathic medicine, although its molecules are not present, the information that was in it when this remedy was present in high concentrations is preserved. This may be the mutual arrangement of water molecules, there may be some other changes in the physicochemical properties of water, etc. Perhaps we are on the verge of another discovery that can change our understanding of the world around us. I think that the time has come for scientific confirmation of S. Hahnemann's discovery. He was just ahead of his time, and we are now using what he developed and trying to explain it.

Homeopathic medicines are used by doctors of all medical specialties, and perhaps it is not worth going down the path of creating another specialty - homeopath, but on the contrary, try to get as many doctors of different specialties as possible to get acquainted with this method of treatment. Only the patients who will turn to such doctors will benefit from this.

- Vladimir Semenovich, in view of the above, can homeopathic remedies be used to prevent oncological diseases? If so, which ones.

Prevention of oncological diseases is part of the general preventive direction in medicine, which, of course, has its own specific approaches. While it is premature to talk about the preventive direction in homeopathy, in general, and in relation to the tasks of oncology, in particular, there is a perspective in this regard.

- And what is the place of homeopathy in the system of treatment of oncological diseases? Can homeopathic medicines be used as the main method of treating cancer patients or should they be used only in combination with chemotherapeutic and radiation methods used by oncologists?

The answer is unequivocal: as the main method of treatment - no. Homeopaths do not treat cancer patients. If the patient's condition requires surgical intervention, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, then they must be carried out without fail. Homeopathy can be used as a remedy that can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, alleviate the general condition of the patient. Homeopathic medicines can also be used in preparing the patient for surgery, during rehabilitation, i.e. there are great opportunities for using these drugs to help cancer patients.

- So, despite all the successes of homeopathy, the path of a cancer patient is traditional - to an oncologist. First, the diagnosis, the definition of treatment tactics, and then, in cooperation with homeopaths, is it possible to resolve the issue of the use of drugs in preparing the patient for surgery or during the rehabilitation period?

From a medical point of view, this is the only way it should happen.
Homeopathy is a universal method of treatment and can be used at all stages of human development: when the fetus is in the womb, at the time of birth and throughout its life, including at the stage of a person’s departure from life, it must be worthy, and homeopathy is here may I help. As for oncology, from our point of view, it would be expedient for oncologists to master homeopathy, which does not exclude the arrival of homeopaths in oncology and their joint work with oncologists. There are such specialists, but the world has come to this for a long time. In particular, colleagues suggest considering the use of homeopathy in hospices. Oncological patients are divided into groups according to the stages of the disease. Unfortunately, there is also a group of cancer patients whose disease is already at an advanced stage, when modern oncology, despite great achievements, cannot yet help. But there is an opportunity to alleviate the situation of such patients: palliative oncology departments and hospices are beginning to be created. Homeopathic hospices already exist abroad (for example, in Switzerland), which was reported at one of the congresses. In Russia, we will also come to this, at least the Russian Homeopathic Society will contribute to solving this problem, since homeopathic medicines can effectively help improve the quality of life of such patients.

- Ivan Stanislavovich, a question for you: please tell us what homeopaths can offer for the rehabilitation of patients after chemotherapy and radiation treatment?

I.S. Video clip: First of all, I would also like to emphasize that in the case of the use of homeopathic medicines, we are talking exclusively about their use for rehabilitation, and not for the treatment of cancer patients. In the treatment of cancer, homeopathic remedies are not used, since among them there are no drugs with cytostatic and cytotoxic effects, i.e. no antitumor activity. Homeopathic medicines are mainly used to maintain the general condition of the patient, prevent myelo- and immunosuppression, especially against the background of radio- and chemotherapy, as well as for symptomatic treatment. The results of scientific research and our practice show that among homeopathic remedies for these purposes, the most effective are recently developed injectable preparations based on white mistletoe, as well as extracts of immunogenesis organs, called organ preparations.

The use of natural medicines, including homeopathic remedies, for the rehabilitation of cancer patients is described in detail in the recently published guide for doctors "Biological drugs in the rehabilitation of cancer patients." It for the first time provides a classification of drugs of natural origin for the purposes of rehabilitation, presents scientific data on their effectiveness, and objectively evaluates their contribution to solving this problem.

- Please tell us about the possibility of using homeopathic remedies in the treatment of such diseases as various forms of mastopathy, uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma.

I should note that the use of homeopathic remedies for the treatment of these diseases can be very effective. In this case, it is extremely important to know the hormonal and immunological status of the patient, which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect of the homeopathic remedy, as well as the long-term results of its use.

I want to emphasize that in those cases when it is necessary to use a radical method of treatment, it is a priority. We resort to conservative therapy only if the patient refuses to use radical methods of treatment or if for some reason it is impossible. At the same time, objective control is required (mammography, ultrasound, hormonal status, immunogram, etc.). Specific schemes for the use of homeopathic medicines are given in my monograph "Fetal organ preparations: clinical use".

- Leonid Vladimirovich wanted would to know your point vision By about judged problem.

L. IN. Kosmodemyansky: It is remarkable that the topic of our conversation is of interest to the readers of the journal, because the issues of treating cancer patients with homeopathic remedies, in general, and the treatment of malignant tumors of the mammary glands, in particular, were hushed up in our country for a long time. And only now the search for ways to apply the homeopathic method of treating such patients has begun. We consider this another confirmation of the development of homeopathy in our country.

Three years ago, together with B.C. Mishchenko tried to draw the attention of the medical community to the problem of using homeopathy for the prevention and treatment of neoplasms of the mammary glands by publishing an article in the Homeopathic Yearbook, but, in my opinion, there was no proper response. I hope that our conversation today reflects the reader's true interest in the possibility of using homeopathy in this group of patients. It is homeopathy, and not homeopathic medicines, because no homeopathic medicine by itself can cure a patient, especially an oncological one. A doctor who owns this art heals, therefore we cannot and should not give "recipes for happiness" for all occasions on the pages of educational publications - after all, each case of a disease has features that require an individual selection of homeopathic medicines.

On the basis of personal experience, I can say that when the patient already has "nowhere to go" (as a rule, we are talking about patients with an advanced stage of the disease), he is looking for any ways to solve his problem. In my practice, there were cases of managing such patients, and it was possible to significantly alleviate the patient's condition in the last months of his life, doing without drugs, avoiding pain syndromes and, most importantly, without agonal states.

Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about the prospects for treating patients in the early stages of breast cancer development, since I have no experience working with such patients. They are treated (and rightly so) by oncologists. But I can state that in patients with borderline conditions, the results of homeopathic treatment exceed all expectations. For example, it was possible to help women with fibrocystic mastopathy. With regard to specific homeopathic medicines, I want to emphasize once again that today the arsenal of remedies used by a doctor who owns this method of treatment has over 3,000 remedies. About 1000 are registered in our country, and any of them can be prescribed to a patient, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the disease in accordance with the rules of homeopathy.

- Leonid Vladimirovich, can any doctor who knows the method of homeopathy take part in the treatment of cancer patients (together with oncologists), or is it better to contact large centers where there are homeopathic oncologists, that is, people who work with cancer patients using the homeopathy method?

Unfortunately, at present there are more patients who need help than doctors who can provide it with the help of homeopathy. Therefore, if a patient has the opportunity to contact a center where there are specialists in the field of not only homeopathy, but also oncology, this is wonderful. However, although over the past decade homeopathic centers have already appeared in many regions of Russia, and not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the problem that we are discussing has not been sufficiently studied, there is not the required number of specialists with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of oncology, and homeopathy. Therefore, most likely, there should be a reasonable combination of using the experience of an oncologist, as the main specialist, with the experience of a doctor who owns the method of homeopathy, most likely of a therapeutic profile. Such cooperation today is the most realistic solution to the problem.

- And now, Vladimir Semyonovich, our last, traditional question: what are your wishes?

The issue raised by the magazine is a very serious one, and after one discussion it will certainly not be resolved. We are in favor of extensive cooperation with oncologists and specialists from other fields of medicine. It seems to us that they should be interested in joint work with doctors who know the method of homeopathy: time passes, new methods of treatment appear and they must be objectively evaluated and used.

The journal would like to wish that doctors, pharmacists, and our patients, for whom we live, read it. This will allow them to receive information that will help solve problems that arise.

I wish health to all readers, so that acquaintance with diseases is limited for them only to the prevention stage, and if any health problems appear, do not lose your head, soberly assess the situation and make the right decision.

"Together Against Cancer" №1 2003

“Psora is the true, the only reason,
producing all other innumerable
forms of chronic diseases
Samuel Hahnemann

Two years ago, a question about the possibility of curing cancer was put to Dr. Faroh Master, a well-known specialist in the field of oncology, at a seminar on the possibility of homeopathic treatment of tumors. The master looked around the hall and said:

Don't know…

The hall fell silent in bewilderment - in front of him was a man with forty years of experience in oncology, 20 of them work with the homeopathic method, a representative of the famous Indian school of homeopathy. The lecture continued, stunning (illustrated photos and videos) cases of homeopathic treatment of seemingly hopeless cancer patients were given, tumors of the 3rd, 4th stage resolved before our eyes (within weeks and days!) allopathic hell - operations, cytostatics, rays, hormones and, of course, antibiotics, antibiotics, antibiotics. Some patients died (mainly due to the intervention of allopaths), others were traced for years (up to 7 years), but Farokh said that: “If I have at least one case with a 15-year history, I will talk about a cure, Before that, I can't.
I confess that I didn’t understand it then, because from the point of view of classical oncology, a 5-year relapse-free period is sufficient to talk about a cure, and there are good reasons for this: histologists have proven that after 5 years there is a greater chance of getting a new cancer (from other cells ) than to get a relapse of the former. There was a sea of ​​information at the seminar, and I postponed this question for myself for the future, deciding that it was impossible to understand anything without having clinical experience with cancer patients. And in order to gain this experience, little is needed: not to refuse help to oncological patients who come to me, and not to refer them to other doctors unnecessarily. I am a gastroenterologist by education, I work at the Forerunner Training and Health Center specializing in Visceral Chiropractic. The center is headed by Dr. Ogulov A.T. (for those who don’t know: Victeros (visceros) “belly”, “stomach”; chiros “hand”; practice “work”) and, among patients passing through our center, the percentage of oncological patients is quite high (in general, we often come "those who have tried everything" - as for the last hope). It is clear to anyone who understands physiology - the work of the intestines, liver, kidneys is getting better, the organs of the vertebrae fall into place (the relationship between morphology and function), it will become easier for any patient - skin, kidney, cancer. But until that time (2003), there was no question of cancer treatment for me, yes, it is possible to relieve pain, remove swelling and constipation, even return the patient to vigorous activity for a while ... But the tumor continues to develop, it was not killed, not there was chemistry, radiation therapy, they didn’t remove it with a knife - in general, I adhered to that “quasi-religious” belief that is driven into every doctor when studying at a university.
At the same time, I recognized the possibility of a “miracle” performed by doctors, healers, magicians, and the same Ogulov A.T. - not one such case. Yes, miracles happen, the Lord does His will, but what would I have ...
And I can say that as soon as I decided to put into practice what I already know and can do, the Lord began to perform miracles with my hands. Three such cases, each of which enriched me as a doctor, I want to present in this article.
For the medical orthodox, I will immediately note that the cases in question cannot be classified as a violation of the law (prohibiting the treatment of cancer by non-oncologists), because

    patients before treatment with me (and during it) underwent inpatient allopathic treatment, which, however, led them to a hopeless and deplorable state;

    In all cases, it was not about the treatment of cancer, but about symptomatic care;

    What assistance, according to the law, I have no right to refuse.

Case number 1. One medicine.
Alexander Dmitrievich, born in 1927 Cr - lower third of the esophagus, coronary artery disease obstructive obstruction, chronic constipation. He has been ill for about six months, over the past three months he has lost 36 kg., from obesity he has moved on to exhaustion, the esophagus is passable only for water and, sometimes, for liquid food. Surgery and chemotherapy were denied due to health reasons, the prevalence of the tumor process, and (I think in no small part) due to the poverty of the pensioner (if he were rich, they would be treated according to the full program ...).
The skin is dried up, flabby folds hang down, the face is mask-like, devoid of facial expressions, permanent
itching (back, legs), dizziness, confusion of thought. White tongue, chronic constipation, dry feces, you have to help yourself with your hands during defecation. Aversion to potatoes and to starchy foods in general.
To come to our center, the patient spent 1000 rubles for a taxi, and 1000 rubles for a visit, in order to establish the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, 5-7 massage sessions would be required, with a temporary result (given the diagnosis). He said - I will treat at home, by phone.
Appointment: Alumina 1000 according to the Kent method, hydrastis 3 times before meals, milk thistle - one teaspoon with food. I was ashamed in front of the pensioners, they spent half their pension to get to me, and I can’t help them ... And what was my surprise when the phone rang three days later, the patient’s wife reported 3 pieces of news:

    Went to the toilet on his own;

    Started eating solid food and walking;

    He began to scratch furiously.

The next month, the patient's blood tests returned to normal (it is possible to go into space with such), he gained 3 kg of weight, became keenly interested in politics - in general, he restored the "moral and ethical image of a pensioner."
The patient has been observed for a year, during this time two destabilizations:

    At the fourth month, Alumina 1000 began to be used as a laxative in daily doses for a week, as a result of the return of symptoms of obstruction (my mistake: you should not give more than two doses of potent drugs to the hands of patients) - stopped Amm. mur. 30 Ant. crud. 6, no-shpa intramuscularly.

    A month ago, a telephone consultation: the patient stopped urinating, swelling of the legs, obstruction of the esophagus. Alumina 1000 - the condition was stopped during the day, the edema disappeared, the patient recoveredpatency, shins itched brutally, foul-smelling serous fluid began to stand out from them, stool was restored ... The little that I understood from Hahnemann is that the patient itches, and thank God ...

3. The patient is in remission, he will live 15 years, I will say that he has cured.Case number 2. The return of the experience. The first examination of the patient 3 years ago. M.S. 30 years old, schizophrenia, neuroleptic syndrome (6 tablets of chlorpromazine per day + haloperidol, sometimes more). A home visit, a heavy oppressive atmosphere: poverty, anger at the world, attachment, a typical "schizophrenic mother", making an inseparable couple with her daughter. No money + pathological greed, but the girl's brother asked for her, to refuse is a sin. I spoke with the patient whether she was ready to pay for treatment by effort (cleansing, therapeutic starvation, in order to avoid neuroleptics) - no, not ready, was her answer, and so “good”. I am relieved to leave the house… (Author's point of view: treatment cannot be free! No money - pay with your effort, work on yourself, asceticism).
Repeated appeal last year: she was operated on for ovarian cancer - opened - looked - spat - sewn up. The girl was discharged on New Year's Eve with ascites, a festering wound after laparotomy (they were injected with antibiotics for a week, but they could not suppress the septic process). After discharge, on the second day - hematuria, on the third day - anuria ... The temperature is 38-39C.
During the whole period of treatment, I never saw the patient. All appointments and consultations - only by phone. 4 months of an exhausting marathon, up to 5-6 calls a day, often at night... And yet - I didn’t take money at all, and I think I got much more: invaluable experience for me in managing terminal states using the homeopathic method.

    The patient died 4 months later.

    She died peacefully, for the entire period of treatment, without taking antipsychotics and drugs (occasionally baralgin and no-shpu). Homeopathy anesthetizes stronger than drugs (!), although the patient has “sprouted” with metastases through and through.

    In the course of treatment, resuscitation situations arose, which stoppedonly homeopathy, I will list: anuria + hematopyuria, obstructive intestinal obstruction, acute bleeding (stomach?) from a decaying tumor, two episodes of sepsis (without antibiotics at all!) - confirmed by blood tests, pulmonary edema against the background of bronchial obstruction, ascites and metastatic hydrothorax, and pain, pain, pain - different localizations and characteristics. I can say that I would never have decided to conduct a septic process without antibiotics, if it were not for the acute awareness - ladies - the patient will die immediately.

    It was observed, and very clearly, the dynamics of the flow of PSORA, described by Hahnemann - as soon as it was possible to stabilize the general condition - normalize the temperature, remove swelling, etc. - PSYCHOSIS returned, decompensation of functions arose, CANCER returned - psychosis disappears. The patient (according to relatives) seemed to be returning years ago, reciting poetry, being friendly with her relatives.

In conclusion, I want to say that I do not consider the outcome of the case to be my defeat (assuming that a more experienced doctor could significantly extend the life of the patient). The girl was tired of dragging out such a miserable, semi-animal state, and wanted death in both her states, both insane and in clarified ...Case number 3. The price of a mistake
On a call in a very good hospital, he went to a "stroke" - massage + leeches + homeopathy, and he was also given physiotherapy and some other unpleasant procedures ... In general, the patient thought and decided that leeches were not what he needed in life for happiness. They didn’t tell me this in time, and, frankly, it’s a long way to go ... Yes, I’m coming, manager. department, the professor apologizes, says so and so, but can I put leeches on my wife, she is here on occasion. And what, I say, is possible (it was not in vain that I was driving in the end), but what exactly does the young lady suffer from, except for varicose veins? Yes, she says, she is dying, cancer, brain metastases. Then I opened my eyes wider and saw a man with severe pain in his soul, he loves his wife, carries him to the toilet in his arms, there are such monogamous people. It's impossible, I say, he - well, for the sake of appearance, she wants to do at least something. Leeches can not - I say - will die immediately, but you can try homeopathy. I prescribe Radium brom 30. Based on the pains that fit into the pathogenesis of the drug and radiation burns on the patient's body. I’m leaving, I don’t take money ... They call the next day - the patency of the intestines has been restored, moreover, the stool was 5 times a day, the monstrous headaches have sharply weakened,
itched head. Come, they say, we will pay for the call (a talented doctor calls me, older and more experienced than me - what a wonderful power homeopathy is after all). I arrived, and I don’t even want to talk further, I made a mistake in choosing the drug - the pain returned. The patient was immediately returned to hormones and diuretics, drugs were added. If she hadn’t been the wife of a doctor… And so, one mistake, and the ray of hope that had been glowing in my heart faded away, and then they used me more like a placebo… No, they didn’t accuse me of anything, but here I’m my own judge – I know I believe – the patient could be returned, she retained a good supply of vitality.

      It is convenient to consider and treat the oncological process based on the miasmatic theory of Hahnemann "Chronic diseases";

      When using ANY methods (herbs, peroxide, prayer ...) as a criterion for proper treatment need to use Hering's rule: moving symptoms from the head to the feet and from the inside out (especially the recovery of itchy rashes);

      The more pronounced the concomitant psoriasms, the worse the prognosis: in case No. 2 in the patient’s family, a whole “bouquet” of lues and psora was observed, at all levels, from the psyche, through physiology to malformations (cleft lip, cleft palate, auricle dysplasia) , it is interesting that in childhood the surgeons closed the defects, closed them well - it was not visible. I stood on the barricades with Rostropovich (Participation in the revolution-LUES), psychosis developed - the vices were restored! The patient's brother was helped by KaliArs, a drug of the luetic series.

      PSOR, I believe the reason for the decrease in the body's resistance, against its background, the cause of CANCER penetrates into the body - viruses, fungi, chemistry, stress, evil spirits ... (I tried to list the most popular hypotheses), we will weaken psora, the body will have the power to “smoke out” the enemy from home , we will fight the “demons” without cleansing the body (miasm - Greek pollution) - the seven worst ones will come to the place of the expelled! Although even with palliative care, every day lived by the patient without suffering is a gift for him and a victory for the doctor.

Three cases, three lives - an invaluable experience, the experience of proving old truths. Psora is the mother of all diseases. Every time when it is possible to stop the tumor, or achieve its resorption, itchy rashes are restored - this is an objective criterion. Soul and body are two levers of the same rocker, and everything new is just a passing of the past.



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