Puncture for meningococcal infection in a child. Complications after spinal cord puncture

Smallpox in a cow is quite rare, but this disease should not be neglected. It is well known that it was the causative agent of smallpox in cows that became the basis for the creation of the first vaccine. In our article we will talk about how to treat smallpox in cows.

Obvious signs of the disease are the appearance of ulcers on the skin. At the same time, the cow's temperature rises. Usually the place where the accumulation of sores occurs is the udder. The nipples greatly increase in size, bubbles with a rim appear on them. The animal does not allow touching the udder. All signs indicate that the cow is infected with smallpox.

Every day the cow has an increasing number of blisters on the udder. For several days, the well-being of the animal is aggravated by the fact that all the bubbles and sores are combined together. The udder is already a bluish-black spot. The crust cracks, the sore brings pain and suffering to the animal.

When cowpox is affected, the animal tries to spread its hind legs, as it tries to somehow alleviate suffering and get rid of the pain that every step brings. The size of the rash reaches up to one centimeter. Itching causes discomfort to the cow.

The causes of the disease can be constant cold and drafts in the barn, which reduces the immunity of animals. If the barn is dirty and damp, farmers neglect dry and clean bedding, then all this can provoke infections.

Symptoms and distribution


The first symptoms that smallpox has overtaken a cow are lethargy, poor appetite, low milk yield. After that, fever and rashes appear on the udder. This disease is also dangerous for humans. Milkmaids can catch the virus through contact with animals and even milking machines. The virus spreads rapidly and can infect other domestic animals (goats, pigs, birds). The rash appears after five days.

Smallpox nodules are a purulent blister. If the skin on the udder is light, then the papules have a bluish-white tint, if the skin is dark - yellowish. In some cases, a reddish zone does not appear around the foci of infection, but there is always a hardening. After the smallpox disappears, scars remain on the skin. There is an opinion among farmers that smallpox most often affects young animals.

Features of treatment

The disease is treated with antibiotics and antiseptics. The sores are cauterized with tincture of iodine, drilling liquid. For the treatment of smallpox on the udder in cows, pockmarks are softened with fat or streptocid ointment, glycerin can be used. Cows are given irrigation of the nasal cavity with a solution boric acid. If nodules big size and rapidly swell, it is worth calling a veterinarian and conducting a histology to exclude the possibility of oncology.

There are several stages of the disease:

  • acute;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

It happens that the disease goes through all stages ( typical shape) or stopped at the stage when blisters form (atypical). Complications with secondary infections may occur.

If a virus infection is detected, the animal is isolated before treatment. The room must be equipped with heaters.

The animal is given plentiful drink with addition potassium iodide. You need to feed the cow with easily digestible feed.

Viral infection can be transmitted, so milkmaids should use rubber gloves and practice good personal hygiene. When milking, care must be taken not to cause bovine mastitis. In this case, the infection enters the milk, and it is subject to pasteurization and boiling for half an hour.

Can be treated folk ways. To do this, the cow is fed with green fodder, adding garlic, elderberry. Prepare a tincture of elderberry leaves and sorrel, and make warm lotions and rubbing sores.

It often happens that smallpox goes away on its own, but this disease should not be taken lightly, since if the whole body is affected, death can occur. When treating, do not use moisturizers, as this can lead to the multiplication of the virus.


Most often, the smallpox virus infects animals if they are improperly kept. Timely and balanced diet, maintenance in a spacious room and compliance with sanitary standards are one of the measures to prevent the disease. Regular ventilation of the premises will prevent air stagnation and the spread of viruses and infections. The animal should spend enough time outdoors - this procedure strengthens the immune system. IN winter time vitamin complexes should be used.

In the barn, rodent prevention should be carried out regularly. Rats and mice are active carriers of viral infections.

Farmers should remember that smallpox spreads rapidly and in a matter of days can lead to infection of the entire livestock and an epidemic of the disease. Therefore, if symptoms of smallpox are found in a cow, the individual should be quickly isolated, contacted by a veterinarian, and disinfected in the barn.

Most outbreaks occur in autumn and winter. In order to prevent from summer, the udder should be treated with antiseptics. If you have purchased a batch of cows, then the “new ones” should be kept in quarantine. It is possible that they were in the focus of infection. Therefore, it does not hurt to collect information whether there were any cases of the disease in the area where you purchased the cow. While the animals are in quarantine, it would be good to do an examination.

Regular disinfection with a solution of potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide of places where animals are kept will reduce the likelihood of a smallpox epidemic. Animals must also be clean. One of the necessary and effective measures is the vaccination of personnel, which should be carried out in accordance with the schedule.

Cowpox- zoonotic viral disease, proceeding with the development of a general toxic syndrome and single smallpox skin lesions.
The disease has been known for centuries among people involved in the care of cattle, but in recent years the etiology and epidemiological significance of the disease have been revised.

Pathogen- Cowpox virus (lacania virus), belongs to the genus Othopoxvirus of the Poxviridae family. The genome of the virus is represented by single-stranded DNA; genetic variants of the virus are known. The virus is well cultivated on the chorion-allantoic membrane of chicken embryos and a number of cell cultures (Vero, MRC-5, RK 13) with the development of a cytopathic effect in them.

Cowpox- natural focal viral infection Despite the name, the main reservoir of pathogens are forest mice and field mice. Under natural conditions, the infection develops in cattle, but domestic cats are most often affected among domestic animals, which serve as the main source of pathogens for humans. Human is random and the ultimate host of the virus, human transmission of the pathogen has not been established

Infection of people from infected cats and other animals occurs through the contact mechanism as a result of inoculation of the pathogen into the skin damaged by scratches, bites or abrasions

Most often disease detected in children and adolescents who have had contact with infected cats Known cases of the disease among adults caring for exotic animals (cheetahs, lions, anteaters, rhinos, elephants, okapi, etc.)

Disease recorded in Europe as sporadic cases, mainly in summer and autumn (July-October)
Mechanisms development diseases are not well understood. At the site of inoculation of the virus, focal inflammatory response with proliferation of cells of the basal layer of the epidermis and massive leukocyte infiltration, a large vesicle is formed. In the affected cells, light microscopy reveals characteristic intracellular inclusions of type A, represented by an accumulation of mature virions. The pathological process in the skin ends with scarring. Possible development of transient viremia

Duration incubation period not installed.
At first disease in children, flu-like symptoms are detected: fever, a feeling of general weakness; in adults, these symptoms are mild or absent.

At the place of implementation virus, usually on the skin of the hands or face, there are, as a rule, single large lesions that go through successive stages of development in the form of a macula, papule, vesicle, pustule, dark scab and pigmented scar (almost black). In the affected areas, severe soreness, intense hyperemia and swelling are noted, which persist until the stage of scarring. Marked enlargement of regional lymph nodes

In the case of several inoculations or autoinoculation when scratching the site of skin lesions, multiple rashes with different localization can form.
Duration clinical manifestations is 6-8 weeks, but can reach 12 weeks or more.

Forecast. The disease is usually benign, but generalized disease with a fatal outcome has been described in immunocompromised patients.
Diagnostics. Cowpox should be suspected in cases of onset, usually during the summer-autumn period, in children with contact with cats or in adult occupational groups. high risk infections (for example, zookeepers or circuses) of solitary painful vesicle-pustular elements of skin lesions with the formation of a scab and a dark scar in open areas of the body and the development of regional lymphadenitis. Differential Diagnosis spend with anthrax, paravaccine, herpetic eruptions.

Verification diagnosis usually achieved by detection of Cowpox virus by electron microscopy of the contents of the vesicles or isolation of the virus when infected with pathological material of the chorioallantoic membrane of the chicken embryo, on which hemorrhagic pockmarks form, or cell culture(Vero, MCR-5, RK 13), in which a cytopathic effect occurs. The virus can be detected in the form of type A intracellular inclusions during histological examination of material from the lesion.

Treatment. Antiviral therapy not developed, the use of acyclovir is not effective. Patients undergo pathogenetic treatment, local antiseptics are used, and antibiotics are prescribed to prevent secondary infection. The use of glucocorticoids is contraindicated. Seriously ill patients may be given immunoglobulin against Vaccinia virus (Vaccinia virus).

How smallpox manifests itself in cows, what are the ways to treat it, and how to protect the herd - ignorance of the answers to these questions can harm both livestock and people. If the disease is not recognized in time, the farm will have to be quarantined, as the virus spreads rapidly. In the event of an epidemic in large farms, many animals cannot be saved, as there are simply not enough staff. In order to prevent a tragedy, it is important to be vigilant and follow the rules that prevent the occurrence of viral infections.

Etiology of the virus

The scientific name for the virus that causes smallpox in animals is Cow Orthopoxvirus. Its structure is very complex, and the composition includes components such as phosphorus, copper, sulfur, carbon, carbohydrates, lipids and other substances. It is localized in epithelial tissues and affects places with particularly delicate skin.

Pocks occur on the lips, nose and mouth, but most often the disease affects the udder of cows. The smallpox virus can enter the body both from secretions from the nose or mouth of an infected individual, and due to contact with the affected areas. The infection is dangerous for all livestock, and even for farm personnel.

There are cases when smallpox vaccines administered to animals with weak immunity became the source of infection. Main danger the virus is that it integrates into the DNA of the animal and decomposes the epithelial cells, penetrating further and deeper into the body of the infected.

Virus survival

Cowpox is one of the most persistent viruses. In favorable conditions, it can be outside the animal's body for up to 1.5 years. Farms located in cold regions of the country, where the air temperature rarely rises above 4 degrees, are at particular risk. But even in hot weather, the virus can live up to 4 months.

The higher the temperature, the faster the smallpox virus is destroyed. At 55 degrees, he dies in 20 minutes. If the temperature reaches 60 degrees, then the virus lives only 10 minutes. At 70 degrees, it will last about 5 minutes, and when boiled, it will last only 2-3 minutes.

An effective way to combat smallpox is to irradiate the affected area with ultraviolet light. Only 4 hours is enough to completely destroy the virus. Ultrasound will cope with this task even faster. Also, to combat smallpox, disinfection with solutions of chloramine and carbolic acid is used.

Virus Development

Once in the body of cows, the virus begins to multiply rapidly. The first signs can be seen within a day. Redness forms on the affected areas. This is due to internal inflammation these places. Affected cells, accumulating in large numbers, begin to die.

Inside the body, the virus infects skin cells, lymph nodes and penetrates into the blood of the animal. This period does not last long, as the body begins to produce antibodies. Because of this, the lymph nodes of cows become very swollen, as immunocompetent cells proliferate in them.

Most often, smallpox is easily cured and does not leave consequences in the cow's body. Animals that have been ill remain immune to the virus for life. The disease is dangerous only for young calves and weak animals. If they become infected, a fatal outcome is extremely likely.

Manifestation on the skin

As a rule, the incubation period of the smallpox virus lasts from 3 to 9 days. The first signs can be seen on the skin of the animal. In cows, rashes appear on the udder, less often in other areas. For the first 12 hours after infection, redness can be observed on the skin.

Within 2-3 days, the reddish spots turn into firm nodules or papules. After a few more days, the nodule is filled with fluid - a vesicle is formed. By the 10-12th day of infection, pus begins to accumulate in the nodules. Recovery begins on the 14th day after the immune system recognizes the virus and starts the fight.

After the body joins in the fight against infection, dark brown scabs appear in place of the red nodules. round shape, less often - oblong. During the period of illness, the affected areas of the animal swell, and touching them causes pain in animals.. At this time, cows move with difficulty and do not allow milkmaids to approach them.

Smallpox virus symptoms

Outwardly, the manifestation of smallpox may differ in different animals, since much depends on the strength of the immune system. But, the virus can also be recognized by other signs observed in all infected people:

  • loss of appetite;
  • there is lethargy combined with anxiety, less often - aggression;
  • heat;
  • problems with lactation, leading to a decrease in milk yield;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • inflammatory processes, expressed by redness;
  • difficulties in movement - cows walk with their legs wide apart.

In severe cases, the temperature may not subside for a long time. In the affected areas, tissue necrosis is observed, The lymph nodes swell up. At weak immunity smallpox can be accompanied by a bacterial infection. In these cases, the prognosis for recovery can be poor.

Changes in the body leading to death

We have already told about how the usual course of smallpox manifests itself. But, as mentioned earlier, smallpox in cows can also occur in a serious form, leading to the death of the animal. In this case, in addition to nodules, purulent formations, ulcers and erosion appear on the skin.

In an acute form, rashes appear on all mucous membranes: in the nose, in the mouth and even in the pharynx. Internal organs also suffer. The lungs are affected, the liver rots, the spleen enlarges. The muscles of the heart become flabby. Most of all, at the autopsy of a cow that died of smallpox, the lesions are noticeable precisely in the lymph nodes.

The smallpox virus does a lot of damage epithelial tissues. Penetrating into the cells, it breaks their structure, changes and destroys the structure. If the body cannot cope with the infection and the animal dies, then in the cellular tissues one can detect a large number of putrid particles.

Diagnosis of the disease

Smallpox symptoms are very typical, but it can be confused with other diseases. So, similar symptoms have foot-and-mouth disease, pyoderma and false smallpox. The first thing to do for correct setting diagnosis, to separate the virus from cattle. Diagnosis of smallpox takes place in several stages:

  • the contents of the pustules are collected in a sealed container;
  • conduct research under a microscope, observing the shape and behavior of the virus;
  • V laboratory conditions the virus is grown on chicken embryos or cultivated on plant cells;
  • put research with the participation of rabbits.

Such studies can only be carried out in specialized laboratories. But experienced specialist can identify smallpox and clinical signs. If the doctor's guesses are confirmed, the infection control service should be notified.

Laboratory research

Smallpox in cattle can be confused with other diseases that have similar symptoms. Especially often farmers are confused by false smallpox. It practically does not differ from the real one, but it proceeds in a mild form, does not leave scars on the skin and does not lead to serious consequences.

When examining a false virus under a microscope, you can see the cells of an elongated shape, while ordinary smallpox has the shape of a circle. Most the right way diagnosing a real virus - Paul's experiment, carried out on rabbits.

The experimental animal is anesthetized and the cornea is cut, which is lubricated with a solution prepared using materials taken from an infected cow. If after a few days the rabbit shows characteristic signs, then the diagnosis will be confirmed.

No self-treatment

Only a veterinarian can treat smallpox in cows. At the first sign, you should immediately call a specialist. Any attempt to cure smallpox on your own can only harm the animal. Worse than that, inaction can lead to an epidemic on the farm, and the disease can spread to the staff.

To prevent an epidemic on the farm, a sick cow must be isolated from the main herd. When it is maintained, it is important to comply with all the sanitary and hygienic instructions of the doctor. Pay special attention to the udder and expressing milk.

A sick female should be milked every day. Due to pain, she may not allow the milkmaid to the udder. In this case, a catheter is placed to remove milk in order to prevent mastitis. It is forbidden to drink such milk. After milking, it is disinfected and poured out as waste.

Fundamentals of treatment

If you do not have the opportunity to call a veterinarian, then try to deal with the virus on your own. Isolate the sick animal and provide appropriate facilities for it. Treat skin rashes using iodine, borax, or chloramine solutions.

After the nodules disappear, apply ointments to heal wounds. Vaseline or ichthyol ointment are well suited. As soon as the wounds heal, begin to treat the skin of the udder with softening ointments. Creams based on glycerin and vegetable oils are suitable. You can use boric, propolis, zinc or salicylic ointment.

Pimples on the skin look ugly and scary, but much worse if they appear in the nose or in oral cavity animal. In this case, it is necessary to wash the affected area with a 3% solution of boric acid.

Be aware that cowpox can be severe. In order for the animal to tolerate inflammation more easily and recover faster, it is necessary to organize appropriate conditions for it. The insulator maintains a comfortable temperature and good ventilation.

Cows feel most comfortable at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Sick cows can only be cared for by personnel vaccinated against smallpox. If one of the farm employees has not been vaccinated, it is forbidden to let him near the animal.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards requires the treatment of the stall every 5 days, after the opening of purulent growths. Manure from such a cow is also subject to treatment so that the infection does not spread throughout the farm. They also process the dishes from which the animal drinks or eats, as well as containers for storing milk.

Preventive measures to prevent smallpox epidemic on the farm

Preventive measures will help keep smallpox from spreading on farms. Such prescriptions are comprehensive measures, they are aimed at caring for the well-being of the herd and reducing the risk of infectious diseases. To prevent smallpox from entering your household, you should:

  • buy animals only in places where no outbreaks of the epidemic have been recorded;
  • purchase household utensils only from reliable suppliers;
  • new cattle must undergo a thirty-day quarantine.
  • strictly observe all sanitary standards;
  • use only a tool treated with an antiseptic;
  • in case of fixation in the area of ​​outbreaks of smallpox, the entire livestock is immediately vaccinated.

Of course, always remains Golden Rule: cows fed quality feed, receiving normal dose vitamins and consuming clean water, are less susceptible to viral diseases, as they have strong immunity.

Human Precautions

There is always a chance of contracting smallpox while working on a farm. Therefore, all farm workers must be vaccinated. After a person has been vaccinated, he is released from work for 2 weeks, sometimes longer.

Often, cowpox affects small farms where sanitary hygiene is poorly observed. Many people forget that the staff must approach the animals in clean overalls, which are not allowed to be taken home. Before proceeding with milking, the hands and udder of the cow are washed with warm water and treated with a disinfectant.

If, after contact with the animal, the milkmaid develops a rash, she is urgently sent to the doctor, and the cow is isolated until the veterinarian arrives. If the diagnosis is confirmed, both animals and farm personnel are examined.

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Smallpox in a cow is quite rare, but this disease should not be neglected. It is well known that it was the causative agent of smallpox in cows that became the basis for the creation of the first vaccine. In our article we will talk about how to treat smallpox in cows.

Description and causes of the disease

Obvious signs of the disease are the appearance of ulcers on the skin. At the same time, the cow's temperature rises. Usually the place where the accumulation of sores occurs is the udder. The nipples greatly increase in size, bubbles with a rim appear on them. The animal does not allow touching the udder. All signs indicate that the cow is infected with smallpox.

Every day the cow has an increasing number of blisters on the udder. For several days, the well-being of the animal is aggravated by the fact that all the bubbles and sores are combined together. The udder is already a bluish-black spot. The crust cracks, the sore brings pain and suffering to the animal.

When cowpox is affected, the animal tries to spread its hind legs, as it tries to somehow alleviate suffering and get rid of the pain that every step brings. The size of the rash reaches up to one centimeter. Itching causes discomfort to the cow.

The causes of the disease can be constant cold and drafts in the barn, which reduces the immunity of animals. If the barn is dirty and damp, farmers neglect dry and clean bedding, then all this can provoke infections.

Symptoms and distribution

The first symptoms that smallpox has overtaken a cow are lethargy, poor appetite, low milk yield. After that, fever and rashes appear on the udder. This disease is also dangerous for humans. Milkmaids can catch the virus through contact with animals and even milking machines. The virus spreads rapidly and can infect other domestic animals (goats, pigs, birds). The rash appears after five days.

Smallpox nodules are a purulent blister. If the skin on the udder is light, then the papules have a bluish-white tint, if dark - yellowish. In some cases, a reddish zone does not appear around the foci of infection, but there is always a hardening. After the smallpox disappears, scars remain on the skin. There is an opinion among farmers that smallpox most often affects young animals.

Features of treatment

The disease is treated with antibiotics and antiseptics. The sores are cauterized with tincture of iodine, drilling liquid. For the treatment of smallpox on the udder in cows, pockmarks are softened with fat or streptocid ointment, glycerin can be used. Cows are given irrigation of the nasal cavity with a solution of boric acid. If the nodules are large and swollen rapidly, it is worth calling a veterinarian and conducting a histology to rule out the possibility of oncology.

There are several stages of the disease:

  • acute;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

It happens that the disease goes through all stages (typical form) or stops at the stage when blisters form (atypical). Complications with secondary infections may occur.

If a virus infection is detected, the animal is isolated before treatment. The room must be equipped with heaters.

The animal is given a plentiful drink with the addition of potassium iodide. You need to feed the cow with easily digestible feed.

The viral infection can be transmitted, so milkmaids should use rubber gloves and practice good personal hygiene. When milking, care must be taken not to cause bovine mastitis. In this case, the infection enters the milk, and it is subject to pasteurization and boiling for half an hour.

You can carry out the treatment of folk methods. To do this, the cow is fed with green fodder, adding garlic, elderberry. Prepare a tincture of elderberry leaves and sorrel, and make warm lotions and rubbing sores.

It often happens that smallpox goes away on its own, but this disease should not be taken lightly, since if the whole body is affected, death can occur. When treating, do not use moisturizers, as this can lead to the multiplication of the virus.


Most often, the smallpox virus infects animals if they are improperly kept. Timely and balanced nutrition, maintenance in a spacious room and compliance with sanitary standards are one of the measures to prevent the disease. Regular ventilation of the premises will prevent air stagnation and the spread of viruses and infections. The animal should spend enough time outdoors - this procedure strengthens the immune system. In winter, vitamin complexes should be used.

In the barn, rodent prevention should be carried out regularly. Rats and mice are active carriers of viral infections.

Farmers should remember that smallpox spreads rapidly and in a matter of days can lead to infection of the entire livestock and an epidemic of the disease. Therefore, if symptoms of smallpox are found in a cow, the individual should be quickly isolated, contacted by a veterinarian, and disinfected in the barn.

Most outbreaks occur in autumn and winter. In order to prevent from summer, the udder should be treated with antiseptics. If you have purchased a batch of cows, then the “new ones” should be kept in quarantine. It is possible that they were in the focus of infection. Therefore, it does not hurt to collect information whether there were any cases of the disease in the area where you purchased the cow. While the animals are in quarantine, it would be good to do an examination.

Regular disinfection with a solution of potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide of places where animals are kept will reduce the likelihood of a smallpox epidemic. Animals must also be clean. One of the necessary and effective measures is the vaccination of personnel, which should be carried out in accordance with the schedule.

In this video you will learn how to keep and care for cows at home.

Smallpox in a cow (cowpox) is a viral disease. The virus most often affects the skin of the udder, lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose. Healthy individuals can catch the infection through contact with infected individuals. To protect the animal, you need to follow sanitary standards and rules for keeping cattle. You can cure the disease in cows with antibiotics and folk remedies.

Smallpox in cows

What is chickenpox in a cow, what is its treatment, how are cows and human pox related? To get rid of this disease, you need to know the signs of the development of the disease and what consequences the lack of treatment can lead to.

Etiology of cowpox

Smallpox most commonly affects adult dairy cows. The etiology of vaccinia virus disease is as follows: the disease is caused by DNA viruses of the Chordopoxvirinae subfamily. The smallpox virus in cows consists of many chemical components. When the pathogen penetrates the body, it is localized in the cells of the integumentary tissue (skin, mucous membranes).

Cowpox virus can infect not only representatives of cattle, but also goats, pigs, horses, rabbits, Guinea pigs. Humans are also susceptible to the disease.

The infection is transmitted in the following ways:

  1. airborne and by contact. The virus enters external environment with secretions of mucous membranes, with crusts of dead epidermis.
  2. For insect bites. They can be carriers of the disease; in the body of arthropods, foreign DNA persists for up to 100 days.
  3. From rats and mice. Rodents shed the virus into feed, hay, and water.
  4. Through veterinary equipment, automatic milking machines.

The virus gets inside the broken skin of the udder, then smallpox develops on the udder of the cow. If an animal has a lack of vitamin A, the pathogen is able to penetrate the epidermis without violating its integrity. In calves, the virus enters the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Symptoms of smallpox in cows

How smallpox develops in cows and its signs appear depends on the way the virus enters the body, the virulence of the strain, and the state of health of the animal. Usually 4-9 days pass from the day of infection and the first symptoms appear. The disease is acute, very rarely passes into chronic form. In bulls, the course of the disease is latent, signs appear rarely. Smallpox in cows has symptoms similar to human form ailment.

Symptoms of the bovine form of the disease:

  1. Decreased interest in food.
  2. Lethargy, restlessness, sometimes aggression.
  3. Persistent hyperthermia up to 40°C.
  4. Decreased yield. Inflammation of the breast tissue develops, lactation becomes difficult.
  5. The skin of the udder and teats swell.
  6. Inflammation of the udder, mucous membranes in the mouth, nasal passages, in bulls - on the scrotum. The inflammatory process is manifested by a red rash or spots.
  7. When walking, the animal spreads its hind legs wide.

Inflammation begins with small reddish spots. After two days, papules grow from the spots. A papule is a nodular growth. After 24 hours, the inflammation passes into the stage of vesicles. The ailment is concentrated inside the vesicles, immune cells, lymphocytes, are thrown there. Gradually, pus accumulates in the vesicles. This is the result of the activity of lymphocytes. Pus is made up of proteins dead virus, blood albumin, spent immune cells. The pustular stage begins. The pustules are round or elongated. They are surrounded by a red rim and deepened in the middle.

Smallpox on the udder of a cow may present with a small number of pustules. The pus inside the bladder dries up on the 12th day, a scab appears from dead skin cells. In severe cases of the disease, the number of nodules is large, they merge into one. The skin under the abscesses is inflamed and hard to the touch.

What the udder of cows looks like with smallpox can be seen in the photo.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis of cow disease in most cases is favorable, but if treatment is not started in time, serious complications can occur.

If smallpox in a cow is mild, the inflammatory process ends after 20 days or after a month. In a severe form of the disease, recovery takes up to 2 months.

In calves, the virus multiplies in the mucous membranes respiratory tract. At untimely treatment the pathogen enters the gastrointestinal tract. Complications of the disease in calves:

  1. bronchopneumonia;
  2. gastroenteritis.

If red spots appear on any part of the body of cattle, it is necessary to isolate the animal and call a veterinarian for staging accurate diagnosis cowpox. Treatment must begin immediately.

Diagnosis of cowpox

bovine diagnostics viral disease holds veterinarian based on clinical signs and test results. For analysis use:

  1. Blood (examined for the presence of antibodies).
  2. Vesicle fluid.
  3. Smears from the surface of opened papules.

The contents of the vesicles are examined for the presence of the vaccinia virus. In the veterinary laboratory, the biomaterial is cultivated. Determine the strain of the virus and the degree of its danger.

During initial examination it is important to distinguish this disease from "foot-and-mouth disease". With "foot-and-mouth disease" in cattle (cattle), aphthae are formed in the interhoof space of the nasal passages - bubbles with clear liquid. The contents of the aft darken within 2 days and come out. Ulcers remain on the mucous membranes.

Cowpox treatment

After the diagnosis of cowpox is established, the sick animal is removed from the herd. This is important to keep livestock safe from contracting the virus. It is necessary to provide proper care for the cow, regularly ventilate the premises, disinfect, increase the number of feedings.

How to treat smallpox in cows? If smallpox is localized in cows only on the udder, treatment methods are used:

  1. Medical therapy. Treatment of a cow with smallpox involves the appointment of antibiotics. Antibiotics for chicken pox in cows have both a therapeutic and a preventive function.
  2. Local disinfection, cauterization of sores. Used tincture of potassium iodide, borax, chloramine (3% solution).
  3. Wound healing. Vaseline is used ichthyol ointment. Smallpox in cows shows signs of irritation and inflammation on the delicate skin of the udder. The first stage is blisters, rash, the second stage is the appearance of wounds, the third stage is purulent wounds.
  4. Skin softening. Apply ointments with vegetable oils and glycerin.

If the inflammatory process occurs in the nasal passages, a 3% solution of boric acid is used for washing. The treatment of cowpox with folk remedies is popular.

A sick animal, along with food, is given elderberry leaves, garlic cloves, blackberry and linden leaves.

The udder is treated with a decoction of a mixture of elderberry leaves and sorrel. They are combined in equal proportions, cut into small pieces. Then the raw material is poured with a liter of water and boiled in a water bath. The wounds are washed daily. After past infection the animal develops lifelong immunity.

What to do with the milk of a sick cow

If a cow is infected with a virus, her milk production is greatly reduced, but milk must be milked every day. The pathogen settles in the epithelial cells of the udder and can enter the milk. A person is sensitive to the pathogen, so you can’t drink raw milk, only boiled for 5-7 minutes. Also, you can not use the product during the treatment of cattle with antibiotics. This can lead to dysbacteriosis and allergies.

On large farms, milk from sick cows and animals that have been in contact with them must be pasteurized. It goes to feed the young.


To avoid infection of cattle with this virus on large farms and in small households, prevention rules must be followed. Exactly preventive measures will help to play it safe from an accidental outbreak of the disease. Chicken pox cows have it special form diseases, for its treatment requires a special medicine and norms of prevention.

Prevention of infection in cattle:

  1. Do not purchase or import animals from farms where epidemics of a viral infection have been recorded. Buy food and equipment only from trusted people.
  2. Purchased cattle must be kept in quarantine for a month. During this period it is important to full examination animals.
  3. Maintain the condition of barns, pastures according to the requirements of sanitary standards.
  4. Ensure that only disinfected veterinary instruments and household equipment are used.
  5. If outbreaks of disease in livestock are recorded in the area where the farm is located, all livestock should be vaccinated. A live virus vaccine is used.

One of the important preventive measures is the proper maintenance of sick animals. It is very important to limit the contact of infected livestock with healthy individuals in the farm yard as much as possible. If this is not done, there is a risk of a rapid spread of the disease to the entire livestock yard.

  1. Infected cows, bulls or calves are placed in a room separate from the general herd. It should not be damp, cold or hot. It is necessary to provide a temperature of 20-25 ° C and good ventilation. In such conditions, livestock feel comfortable, the treatment of cows with smallpox is accelerated.
  2. Sick individuals should be cared for by workers who have been vaccinated against the virus.
  3. Carry out cleaning and sanitization of the premises 5 days after each opening of the abscesses. The barn is disinfected with hot alkali (4%), 2% formaldehyde or 20% slaked lime solution. It is also necessary to decontaminate manure to avoid infection of animals by the fecal-oral route. Manure is treated with bleach or simply burned.
  4. Milk storage containers are treated with chloramine or sodium hypochlorite.

If cases of cowpox are recorded on the farm, the owner and the veterinary service are obliged to report this to the appropriate supervisory authorities. Sanitary restrictions are imposed on the farm, which are removed 21 days after the recovery of the cattle, if there were no new cases of infection. Final disinfection is carried out for prevention in all premises where livestock is kept.

Safe work with livestock

To prevent smallpox in cows on the udder from being transmitted to humans, simple preventive measures must be followed. In large farms, all workers in without fail vaccinated against cowpox. After vaccination, a person is released from work with animals for 14 days, if the reaction is normal. If the reaction to the vaccine is complicated, then it is possible to start duties only after a full recovery.

In small households, milkmaids must work in clean special clothes that remain within the barn and are not taken home. Before milking, be sure to wash your hands, treat the cow's udder with warm water and lubricate with disinfectants.

Diseases of cows. Diseases of the cows. Intertrigo udder.

udder dermatitis in a cow 2017

If, after working with a cow, a red rash, blisters appear on your hands, you need to see a doctor, call a veterinarian to examine the livestock. Also, the owner should immediately be examined by a dermatologist, because such a rash is a direct threat to humans.


Smallpox cows have a viral etiology. Signs of the disease are a red rash, purulent blisters on the skin and mucous membranes in cattle. Before treating smallpox in cows, animals are isolated from the general herd.

Treating a cow for smallpox requires injections of antibiotics and regular antiseptic treatment of inflamed tissues. The cowpox virus can infect humans, so vaccination is mandatory on large farms.

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There are hundreds of different pathogenic viruses and diseases they cause in the world. But smallpox in cows is a legend in its own way, since it was its pathogen that was used to create the world's first vaccine. Today, this disease is not so common, but it is still worth remembering about it for all owners of these animals.

What it is?

Cowpox is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form of small ulcers and pustules on the skin, accompanied by short-term and slight increase the general body temperature of the animal. Skin lesions usually disappear on their own (over time). However, if the animal's immune system is suppressed by drugs or another disease, the infection can be severe, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Causes of the disease

There are many viruses causing a rash that are able to infect a lot various kinds animals. Although the vaccinia virus infects large cattle, many cases of its transmission to other pets have been recorded, since cows are not a natural reservoir for this pathogen. In particular, domestic cats and even cheetahs, cattle and (very often) people working with cows have been repeatedly described as being infected with the virus.

In addition, the disease can occur in dogs, elephants and horses. Surprisingly, many scientists suggest that the natural host of the cowpox virus is ... small mouse-like rodents!

Veterinarians are sure that smallpox epidemics in isolated herds of cows (in isolated villages) are possible only because of the actions of peddlers. These may include: bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), common vole (Microtus agrestis) and house mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus).

When examining more than 1.5 thousand rodents, the researchers determined that at least 27% of them are natural carriers of the virus. Typically, these "reservoirs on legs" do not show any signs of infection. Cases of cowpox (and regular ones) have been reported in many European countries, including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Scandinavia, and throughout the former Soviet Union.

What is happening in some countries of the Asian region and Africa, one can only guess. However, regular essays by naturalists and ethnographers indicate that cowpox is encountered more than regularly in these parts.

Spread of disease

The spread of infection among cows and other domestic animals is believed to be rather low, but there are variations depending on the geographical location of a particular area. There is no breed, age or gender predisposition, but the risk of infection increases markedly in seasons when rodents begin to enter agricultural buildings en masse (for example, autumn).

Most often, smallpox in cows occurs where the animals are kept for walking, that is, in one way or another they are in contact with the external environment. In the conditions of modern automated complexes, where livestock is not walking and where deratization is regularly carried out, outbreaks of the disease are not recorded at all (with very rare exceptions).

Clinical signs of infection

As a rule, the virus enters the body through the alimentary route, when eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. In addition, cases of the disease after bites of rats and mice were recorded. How does cowpox manifest itself? Its symptoms are quite typical. A viral infection becomes apparent after a few days, when small, wrinkled nodules (papules) appear on the skin of the udder. This can be accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection, up to the formation of abscesses, so cowpox is not as harmless a disease as some owners think.

In addition, viremia (a virus in the blood) develops. It spreads very quickly to all organs and tissues of the body, which often leads to grave consequences. Cases of formation of ulcerative lesions in gastrointestinal tract. In more moderate situations, rhinitis, pneumonia and diarrhea develop. Fortunately, it doesn't always come to this. As a rule, the maximum that threatens a cow is a short-term increase in body temperature, a slight indigestion and a short-term refusal to feed.

Further development of the infection

Approximately ten days after the virus enters the body, more numerous, diffuse skin lesions develop in the form of papules and pustules. This is smallpox in cows on the udder. Their shape can vary from oval to almost perfectly round, the diameter of the lesions rarely exceeds a centimeter. Most often, although this phenomenon is described in the veterinary literature, in practice the animal does not experience severe itching.

After a few days, the pustules begin to become covered with crusts, which subsequently dry out and finally fall off the skin. These lesions can be seen on any part of the body, but are best seen on the udder. Cases of development of papules and pustules on the skin of the nasal planum of cows (although this is unusual) have been described.

When can a disease be deadly?

After about six to eight weeks, the infection "spontaneously" subsides. Important! If for some reason the animal at that time was receiving glucocorticoids (steroids), which have the extremely significant disadvantage of suppressing the immune system, or if it has some significant problems with the immune system (for example, leukemia), a general septic lesion all body systems. So if you see udder pox in a cow, under no circumstances should treatment involve corticosteroids!

In such cases, severe purulent pneumonia often develops, usually ending in the death of the animal. If signs of damage to the respiratory tract appear, it is recommended to slaughter the cow for meat. So if your cow has smallpox on the udder (there is a photo of pustules on the pages of this material), you should not take the disease lightly.


To confirm / refute the diagnosis, the veterinarian will take pieces of skin and samples of the contents of the papules. They are used to test for certain antibodies or the vaccinia virus itself. Infection can be confirmed using the following methods:

  • Positive antibody titer in blood tests. This test is carried out using serological reactions. Important! Initially, antibodies are detected no earlier than 7-10 days after the pathogen enters the body (when the first Clinical signs). If you do tests before that, their results will be false negative.
  • Growing the virus in cell culture, as well as conducting a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Detection of the genetic material of the pathogen with its subsequent identification. The test sample is taken from the crusts that have arisen on the skin of the udder, as they contain a lot of viral bodies. These types of tests are considered the gold standard for diagnosis, but they require a well-equipped clinic and an experienced veterinarian. However, smallpox in cows (the treatment of which we will discuss later) is usually so complex diagnostic methods does not require.
  • Skin biopsies from affected areas also demonstrate characteristic changes in infected cells and, if necessary, the virus can be detected by these indirect evidence(although this method is less reliable, it is much simpler).

Information about the treatment of sick animals

So how do you treat smallpox in cows? In most cases, the lesions will heal without intervention within a few weeks of the onset of the infection, and in mild cases often no treatment is needed at all. Of course, this does not mean at all that the disease can be treated carelessly. If there are a lot of rashes on the skin of the udder, and the cow's immunity is already weakened by some kind of infection, the consequences can be the most unfavorable, up to the development of sepsis with a massive bacterial lesion.

In the case when signs of deterioration are visible, a sick animal will definitely need treatment. specific therapy, as with many other viral pathologies, does not exist. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Thus, smallpox in cows, treatment (photo of the consequences pathological process is in the article) which we are discussing, no specific features, in comparison with other viral ailments, does not.

What to use to treat the affected areas of the udder?

The skin of the udder is processed using zinc ointment. It allows you to dry the lesions and accelerates the regeneration processes. Moisturizing ointments should not be used, since they may well contribute to maceration (softening) of the skin and simplify the task of pathogenic microflora to penetrate into its thickness. Because of this, smallpox in cows on the udder (treatment, photo - all this is in our material) can become fatal due to quite high probability sepsis.

If the cow is not eating well, appetite stimulants and, if necessary, mild laxatives (like Glauber's salt). With an increase in temperature, the appointment of intravenous buffer formulations and glucose solutions is indicated, which help relieve intoxication and help lower the temperature. It is vital to avoid prescribing glucocorticoids because the clinical signs can become much worse.

We emphasize once again that in severe cases, when it came to damage to the lower respiratory tract and lungs, it is recommended to slaughter for meat. In this regard, smallpox in cows on the udder (treatment, photo - you will find all this in our article) is a rather dangerous disease.

As a rule, antibiotics are not prescribed for this disease, since such drugs do not act on viruses in principle. But at the slightest risk of developing secondary bacterial infections appointment antimicrobials quite justified. However, the decision on this should be made exclusively by the veterinarian. Here's how to treat smallpox in cows.

Spread of infection and risks to people

Animal-to-animal transmission is extremely rare, but generally possible, as it is easy to infect a cow by simply rubbing the contents of her sick mate's papules into her udder. For humans, infection with cowpox is quite rare, but still such cases occur. In particular, it was on the basis of observations of milkmaids that the world's first vaccine was developed at one time, so that smallpox in cows (the photo of which is in the article) can be recognized as a zooanthroponotic disease.

If possible, work with sick cows of immunocompromised people should be limited. In addition, contact of sick animals with children is undesirable. Again, many pediatricians believe that it is useful for young people to get smallpox: despite its elimination in the world and the absence of infection in our country, the epidemiological situation in countries Central Asia difficult, and there is a possibility of infection.

Disinfection measures

When caring for sick animals, use disposable medical gloves, be sure to disinfect care items, as the virus is able to remain alive for a long time at room temperature. For effective disinfection, you can use any products based on sodium hypochlorite (whiteness, other chlorine bleaches). Thus, smallpox in cows is not the most dangerous disease KRS, but still certain measures should be taken without fail when it occurs.

At present, smallpox is not such a common disease and is extremely rare. But knowledge of this disease is mandatory for any livestock breeder. This will help not only to take timely measures and cure it, but also to prevent the possibility of infection of the animal.

What is smallpox in cows and its clinical manifestations?

Smallpox is infectious contagious disease. The most common causative agent is the vaccinia virus, which is transmitted mainly from milkmaids after vaccination. But there are also cases when the disease is caused by the true cowpox virus. Such smallpox is called genuina and in recent years is extremely rare.

Smallpox in cows is periodic.

It occurs when certain conditions are met, which are links in one chain - the epizootic process:

  • the presence of a source of the disease, for example, an infected animal or a carrier of the virus at the stage of the incubation period;
  • ways and favorable factors for infection transmission;
  • the presence of an animal susceptible to the disease.

Most favorable time for the outbreak of the epidemic is the stall period. Animals are kept in cramped conditions, receive an insufficient amount vitamins, which weakens the immune system and increases the risk of developing infectious diseases. At this time, one sick animal is enough to infect the entire herd in just a matter of days.

The first messengers of the disease are lack of appetite, lethargy of the animal and a decrease in milk yield. Then comes a feverish state, a short-term increase in temperature and specific manifestations on the skin in the form of ulcers or a purulent rash.

In adults, the lesion appears in the udder or teats. But cases have been recorded when smallpox manifested itself in other parts of the animal's body, for example, the neck, back, head or hips. Calves are characterized by the appearance of exanthema on the mucous membrane of the lips, nose or mouth, since their infection most often occurs through mother's milk, and in bulls in the scrotum.

After the appearance of smallpox nodules, the animal becomes restless, does not allow personnel to approach him. This is due to the fact that the disease gives him unpleasant or even extremely painful sensations.

Causes and spread of smallpox in cows

Most diseases, including cowpox, are caused by improper animal husbandry. The cow must be kept in a dry, clean and spacious room, fed with quality feed in a timely manner, and then the risk of infection and, most importantly, the spread of the disease is reduced many times over.

The main causes of smallpox in cows are:

  1. non-compliance temperature regime in the barn. It is very important to monitor the condition of the premises in which animals are kept. The presence of cracks, holes and other mechanical damage is unacceptable. Constant cold and drafts provoke frequent illnesses animals, and thereby reducing the protective functions of the body. Animals cluster together and the infection infects a larger number of individuals.
  2. Dampness and dirt. Need to pay Special attention bedding in the barn. It must be dry and clean. Humid environment and a large amount of dirt provoke the appearance of infectious diseases.
  3. Room ventilation. The room should be well ventilated, thereby not allowing air to stagnate and preventing the spread of bacteria in it.
  4. Lack of walking and fresh air. Daily exercise strengthens the body of the animal and increases its resistance to various kinds diseases.
  5. Poor nutrition. The feed must be of good quality and enough enriched with vitamins, especially in winter period when animals are kept in a stall and the risk of infection increases.

Smallpox has no age or gender restrictions. According to some observations, the probability of an outbreak of an epidemic may depend on the activity of rodents. Any animal, such as sheep, small cattle or horses, can become a carrier or source of infection. There have been cases of infection through insect bites, as well as from rats and mice.

The virus enters the external environment along with secretions from the oral or nasal cavity, as well as with shedding from crusted pockmarks.


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Smallpox spreads very quickly and can infect an entire herd in a short time.

For this reason, at the first signs of a disease or even the slightest suspicion of it, the animal should be separated from the main herd, as well as other animals of the farm, and contact a veterinarian.

Symptoms and course of the disease

Young individuals are most susceptible to the disease, among agricultural workers it is widely believed that smallpox is a disease of young animals.

The incubation period lasts an average of 3-9 days. At this time, there are no signs of the disease, which makes it very difficult to prevent the mass spread of the disease.

For the prodrome characteristic features are:

  • fever;
  • elevated body temperature, which is episodic, most often the indicators reach 40-41C;
  • lethargy of the animal;
  • poor appetite, the cow can almost completely refuse to eat;
  • reduction in milk yield.

This period is a harbinger of the main manifestation of the disease and subsequent symptoms. Smallpox is characterized by an acute form of the course of the disease.

Symptoms and course of the disease:

  1. Swelling and redness of the udder. This is characteristic of the initial stage of the disease and is the first sign of infection.
  2. The udder and nipples are covered with red spots - roseola. This stage lasts an average of 12-24 hours.
  3. The formation of smallpox nodules. They are called papules. These are dense formations, slightly towering above skin. They then fill with fluid that contains the virus. There is an inflammatory process and suppuration inside the papules, after which they break through and grow again.

    Over time, a clear red rim appears around the nodules and a small depression in the center of the papule.

  4. The formation of cracks in the pockmarks. Over time, pockmarks become bluish-black, begin to merge with each other, then their surface becomes covered with cracks. The udder becomes very inflamed and hardens.

    During this period, the cow behaves very restlessly, does not allow itself to be milked, beats with its hoof and is frightened of any approaching person. Due to constant pain, animals walk and stand with their limbs apart.

  5. The appearance of crusts. After about 10-14 days, the pustules turn into scabs - crusts Brown. Most of the time they go away on their own.

Treatment and prevention of smallpox in cows

Quite often, smallpox resolves on its own and does not require any treatment. However, it should not be taken lightly. In the case when the cow's immunity is weakened against the background of other diseases or infections, and there is also an active spread of pockmarks throughout the body, then the likelihood of extremely negative consequences leading up to death.

In the treatment of smallpox, there is no standard treatment regimen, it is mainly aimed at supporting the body in the fight against infection and is symptomatic. A sick animal should be kept in a clean and dry environment. Provided good nutrition. Milking is carried out with caution, trying not to touch the damaged areas of the skin.

At strong manifestations disease and the likelihood of complications, a course of antibiotics is primarily prescribed. After that, external methods of treatment in the form of ointments and creams are applied. The most common are zinc and boric ointments. Less often, streptocide-based or synthomycin-based creams are used. These funds accelerate the process of skin regeneration and dry out ulcerative rashes.

They also effectively fight inflammation and significantly speed up the healing process of cauterization with iodine or Burov's liquid.

There are also folk methods treatment of smallpox in cows. The animal is transferred to feeding exclusively with green fodder, with the addition of elderberry, blackberry, linden and garlic. For washing pockmarks, infusions on sorrel or elderberry leaves are used. Lotions from the same decoctions are considered even more effective.

Preventive measures to prevent smallpox infection:

  1. Treatment of the udder with antiseptic ointments. The peak of outbreaks of the epidemic falls on the autumn-winter period. Therefore, it is recommended to start prophylactic treatment of the udder even in the summer, in July - August.
  2. Quarantine of arrived individuals. If it is planned to purchase new animals, then it is necessary to collect preliminary information whether there was a smallpox epidemic in the farm itself, where the cow is taken from or possibly in the immediate vicinity. In any case, any new animal must be kept separately from the main herd for a month, all necessary examinations and analyses.
  3. Periodic disinfection. Regular disinfection of pastures and places where animals are kept is necessary. Solutions of formaldehyde, sodium and calcium hydroxides have proven themselves well. It is also very important to monitor the cleanliness of the animals themselves.
  4. Staff vaccination. All personnel must be vaccinated in accordance with the established schedule. It is necessary to exclude the contact of the employee within two weeks after the procedure with any animal of the farm.

Smallpox is a very insidious and unpredictable disease. It can proceed easily, creating only short-term discomfort to the sick animal. But in some cases it may fail. internal organs cows that cause very severe consequences.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the animal throughout the entire period of the course of the disease and, if necessary, immediately contact the veterinary service for assistance. timely assistance sick animal.

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