The dog has poor appetite, lethargy. The dog does not eat anything and is lethargic: why and what to do

When a person adopts a dog, he takes full responsibility for its future. It is not only about proper nutrition and regular walks, means help in the treatment and prevention of diseases. It should be noted that diseases of dogs, the symptoms of which are variable and numerous, in last years become a common cause premature death dogs. The problem of dog diseases lies in the fact that a pet, unlike a person, cannot tell the rest what hurts and where it hurts, so the owner is called with trembling and increased attention to the pet.

General information about dog diseases

The main groups of diseases:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diseases of the mouth, ear, nose and throat;
  • eye diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Endocrine diseases occur when various violations work endocrine glands, who do not have excretory ducts releasing hormones directly into the blood. These glands are thyroid gland, epiphysis, pituitary gland, parathyroid glands, thymus, adrenal glands, gonads and secretory parts of the pancreas. Endocrine diseases in dogs can occur in two forms: with an increase in the amount of hormones released into the blood and with a decrease. Such diseases are difficult to diagnose, often diagnosing pets in the last stages, when there is very little chance of curing a dog.

Infectious diseases are associated with the direct entry of a pathogenic microbe into the body of a pet. Note that infection and the development of an infectious process is possible only with the susceptibility of the dog's body to the microbe. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Therefore, dogs with a weakened immune system, puppies and old dogs get sick. Sometimes infectious process superimposed on the other, which exacerbates the course of each disease. Diseases proceed in the vast majority of cases quickly, threatening the dog with death. Spread through the air or by direct contact. There are frequent cases of epidemics among dogs.

Diseases of the circulatory system are divided into diseases of the heart and diseases blood vessels. Typically seen in adult dogs.

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose and mouth are divided into traumatic, infectious and inflammatory diseases. Such diseases are more common in dogs than others, these organs are the first to come into direct contact with various agents. The complexity of such diseases lies in their secrecy: on initial stages it is problematic to identify the disease, the dog does not show signs of the disease.

Eye diseases are not uncommon among dogs, but are noted in adult pets. To the main eye diseases include cataracts (clouding of the lens), iridocyclitis ( inflammatory process in the iris and ciliary body), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) and conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva).

Skin diseases differ in the causes of occurrence and in the places of localization of the pathological focus (on the skin, in the hair, on the visible mucous membranes).

Diseases of the digestive system are the result of improper and irrational feeding of the dog, although sometimes the cause of such diseases is banal poisoning. bad water or food.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are considered especially dangerous after the age of 8 years and in puppyhood. With such diseases, the body suffers: dog bones, internal organs.

It should be noted that kidney diseases are considered to be common pathologies among dogs, in particular, urolithiasis disease, liver disease. It is important to know the symptoms of distemper, sometimes called canine distemper.

Dog diseases: distemper - symptoms

Represents viral disease, characterized by damage to the skin, digestive and respiratory organs, in rare cases development of meningitis and encephalitis is noted. The virus infects dogs of all ages, although dogs between one month and two years of age are predominantly affected. Even marine animals are susceptible to the disease. Terriers are considered relatively resistant to the plague of dogs, and a person does not get sick.

The clinical signs of distemper are varied:

There is an asymptomatic virus carrier or a fulminant, violent course. The duration of the disease can vary from a few days or weeks to several months. When in clinical picture diseases are dominated by symptoms of damage to the respiratory system, talking about pulmonary form diseases when the nervous system is extensively affected - about the nervous form. Such a division is conditional, in the clinical picture, symptoms of damage to the digestive organs often prevail. Sometimes there is a combination of damage to the respiratory system and skin, the nervous system becomes the final stage in the development of the disease.

Canine distemper begins with a pustular or macular rash on the internal surfaces hips, with a runny nose, diarrhea, depression of consciousness, temporary refusal to feed, redness of the conjunctiva. As a rule, there is an increase in body temperature, although, for example, in pygmy poodles or in some other breeds of dogs, the plague occurs against a background of normal temperature. At the same time, the animal hides in dark places and refuses to walk. The dog's skin becomes dry.

Perhaps the development of hyperkeratosis on the elbows and small-focal alopecia. There are discharges from the nose, which are transparent at the first stages of the development of the disease, and become mucopurulent over time. Sometimes there is clouding of the cornea, gluing or redness of the eyelids, shortness of breath appears, wheezing is heard. The intestinal form of the disease is characterized by the development of diarrhea, vomiting.

Symptoms of damage to the nervous system include the appearance of tics, which begin with the muscles of the head. At the first stages, they are not intense, later they spread to the limbs and become pronounced, as a result, the animals do not sleep at night, often whine. Gradually develop paralysis, paresis, hyperkinesis. On last stage meningoencephalitis develops, which is accompanied by severe intoxication and ends in death.

Treatment is prescribed only by a veterinarian.

Liver disease in dogs: symptoms

Liver disease in dogs can be acute or chronic form. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of diagnosed liver diseases in dogs, which is directly related to the violation of the diet of pets, widespread autoimmune diseases. Sometimes the cause of liver disease in dogs is iatrogenic lesions (caused by a veterinarian).

Symptoms of liver disease in dogs are conditionally divided into a number of syndromes, among them it is customary to single out:

  • cholestatic syndrome;
  • cytolytic syndrome;
  • mesenchymal inflammatory syndrome;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • dyspeptic syndrome;
  • portal hypertension syndrome;
  • hepatolienal syndrome;
  • hepatodepressive syndrome;
  • liver shunt syndrome.

Cholestatic syndrome implies a violation of secretion and the release of bile, which is manifested skin itching, jaundice, tendency to eczematous skin lesions, discoloration of feces.

Cholestatic syndrome is a consequence of the destruction of liver cells and leads to fever (fever), enlargement and tenderness of the liver, and an increase in liver enzymes in blood tests.

Mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome is characterized by damage to the stroma and mesenchyme of the liver, which is manifested by an increase in the level of immunoglobulins.

Hemorrhagic syndrome is manifested by various bleeding and hemorrhages, anemia.

The syndrome of portal hypertension is manifested by an increase in the size of the abdomen, expansion of the veins on the skin of the abdomen.

Dyspeptic syndrome is manifested by lethargy, depression, vomiting, impaired defecation and weight loss.

Hepatolienal syndrome is manifested by an increase in the liver and spleen.

Hepatodepressive syndrome is manifested by a violation of protein-synthesizing, antitoxic and excretory functions liver, the symptoms are very numerous.

Liver bypass syndrome leads to the entry into the general circulation of substances dangerous for the life of the dog, leading to damage to the central nervous system.

Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Dogs

In dogs, kidney diseases are recorded more often than in other animals, their frequency increases over the years. According to scientists, in dogs older than 8 years, in almost fifty percent of cases, pronounced symptoms of kidney damage are detected during studies. At histological examination the number rises to eighty percent.

The main syndromes of kidney damage include:

  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • uremic syndrome;
  • pain syndrome;
  • osteorenal syndrome;
  • renal eclampsia syndrome.

The pain syndrome is manifested by the desire of the dog to lie in a cold place, in frequent arching of the back, the need for frequent urination, pain during urination, soreness of the muscles of the back (it is possible to check with finger pressure), edema and transient paresis.

Nephrotic syndrome is manifested by edema, proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, oliguria and cylindruria, detected during laboratory tests.

Uremic syndrome is manifested by apathy, lack of appetite, vomiting, persistently recurrent diarrhea, urine odor from the mouth, anemia and anuria.

Osteorenal syndrome is characterized by deformity and osteoporosis of bones, hypocalcemia and osteodystrophy.

Renal eclampsia syndrome is manifested by tonic-clonic convulsions, nephrotic syndrome, and episcleral vascular injection (eye redness).

Many dog ​​owners sooner or later face the fact that the dog does not eat well. For some, this is very upsetting and makes them instantly look for a way out of this situation.

But do not rush and immediately take any prompt action. Do not immediately run to the vet. First you need to watch the animals.

If nothing has changed in your pet's behavior, and he continues to jump and enjoy, then often refusal to eat is not a cause for concern.

This behavior can be caused by many factors.

Let's look at some of them.

Factors Affecting a Dog's Poor Eating

  • In hot weather, a decrease in appetite is observed in almost all animals. But they start drinking a lot of water. Therefore, during this period, make sure that your pet always has a bowl of water.
  • During estrus, many dogs refuse to eat at all.
  • Puppies may refuse to eat when their teeth are changing.
  • At purebred dogs Food preferences are inherited. So if your dog refuses certain products, it is worth asking how his parents reacted to these same products.
  • If between meals you gave your shaggy friend some delicacy in the form of a tasty tripe, or a beef trachea, then this trickster may refuse the next portion of food, in the hope that something tastier will fall to him. By the way, my prankster Dzhekushka does just that.
  • On a walk, your pet may eat grass or pieces of bark from a stick that you throw him. Therefore, various bubbling processes can take place in his stomach. Usually, on the next walk, it all comes out with poop, and after that, eating comes back to normal.

What not to do immediately when the dog is not eating well

  • Most often, your pet will eat well already in the next regular feeding, compensating for the missed meal. But you should not increase his portion, thinking that: He didn’t eat in the morning, but now I’ll give him more. You don't need to do this.
  • You should not start feeling sorry for the dog, change his food, and also feed him from your hand, or worse, try to give him something tastier. By doing this, you will only spoil the four-legged and get yourself unnecessary problems.
  • Usually dogs are taught to eat two meals a day. If she refuses to eat in the morning, wait 10-15 minutes and put the food bowl in the refrigerator. In the evening, take out the same portion, warm to room temperature and give to the dog. Do not give your pet anything between feedings. Sometimes a little fasting only benefits the body. Trust me, in the evening your furry friend will just lash out and slurp whatever you put in the bowl.
  • Another reason why a dog does not eat well may be that if it refuses food, some owners leave a bowl of food for the whole day. In such cases, the quadruped eats a little from the bowl throughout the day. The animal gets used to this regime, and this leads to a violation of appetite. This is not to be done under any circumstances. The diet must be observed, so you can control the health and well-being of your pet.

Ways to Increase Your Four-Legged Friend's Appetite

  • Most often, the dog does not eat well due to low physical activity. Walk with the tailed longer, play with him, leave him a stick on the street - let him run and jump. Such walks not only increase appetite, but also contribute to the health of your four-legged.
  • Make sure you eat the right food for your dog. Especially if you have it in natural. Do not forget, in addition to the main dish, include fish, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, fruits in the diet. By the way, you can see how to properly feed your pet.

What symptoms should be alarming when a dog is not eating well

Sometimes a lack of appetite can be due to serious health issues with your furry friend.

If he looks tired, the dog is cool, constantly hot nose, the baby refuses to eat for the second day, then you should definitely contact the veterinary clinic.

There can be a lot of reasons - from the appearance of worms in the animal's body, allergies or ear infections, to stomach diseases or tumors. In this case, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis.

So let's sum it up

  • If the dog does not eat well, but is quite active and mobile, her nose is wet and cold, then visible reasons no worries. In this case, refusal to eat is normal. Sometimes we all do not feel like eating, and we refuse breakfast, lunch or dinner. Also, our four-legged ones themselves know when to eat and when to starve.
  • You should never force a caudate to eat if he does not want to.
  • Well, if the dog is rather lethargic, refuses to play, then it is worth sounding the alarm.

In many families, dogs become real family members and any, even the most minor, pet health problems cause real panic. But what if the dog does not eat anything? What can cause this behavior, and in what cases do you really need to worry?

The main reasons why a dog refuses to eat

The answer to the question why the dog does not eat anything are the following reasons:

  1. Often this behavior is associated with feed change, which the dog simply does not seem edible. In the case of natural feeding, one unusual ingredient is enough for the animal to refuse to eat. For example, an eggplant suddenly appeared among the usual vegetables, having a sharp sense of smell, the pet will immediately detect an unknown object and will ignore the entire portion.
  2. Another common reason is complementary foods between meals. If the dog gets tidbits from the master's table, then it is quite natural that his own food will seem less tasty to him. Yes, and the appetite with such a gesture can be easily interrupted.
  3. Poor food quality, the presence of excess salt or spices can also spoil the pet's appetite. You need to check if the food has gone bad.
  4. Sometimes the reason for refusing food may lie in oral cavitypain from a broken tooth, infection of the gums and palate, or other diseases, make eating much more difficult.
  5. Infectious diseases, striking ears, also deprive the pet of appetite, as they are reasons, including food components. And besides, they provoke pain.
  6. Pain can be accompanied by other ailments, which can cause a lack of appetite. Typically, these conditions are accompanied additional symptoms:
  • the pet is trembling;
  • it is difficult for him to breathe;
  • back hump;
  • the activity of the animal is noticeably reduced, it most often lies on its side;
  • if you touch the dog, it may snap;
  • The dog sleeps longer than usual.

If the pet's condition has deteriorated significantly, the appearance has acquired signs of soreness and depression, then this may be a sign serious illness. You should especially worry if the dog's condition has not improved after skipping one or two feedings, and the pet is lethargic, does not show interest in the environment.

Among diseases, food refusal is most often accompanied by stomach ulcers or duodenum as well as kidney disease. If food refusal is accompanied by vomiting, foamy secretions from the mouth, then, most likely, the pet was poisoned. It is necessary to urgently wash the stomach and drink enterosorbent preparations, for example, activated charcoal.

Naturally, you should not speculate on your own what caused similar condition animal, it is clear that the disease was the culprit. Seeing a doctor as soon as possible or calling a specialist at home will help clarify the situation.

A fairly common cause of lack of appetite is helminthic infestations. The pet may feel nausea, it may appear, often particles of helminths can be seen in feces or in the pet's fur at the anus. In this case, deworming can improve the situation.

If the dog does not eat for several days, without any other signs of illness, you can also visit the veterinarian. If this single case, then there is no need to worry. Most often, the person himself provokes such behavior of the dog when he does not comply with the feeding regimen or treats the animal with goodies during the day.

When is it normal for a dog to refuse food?

  • Like humans, dogs have life situations when she does not want to eat, and this phenomenon is quite natural. For example, bitches have a decrease in appetite, or complete absence, can accompany. At this time, the animal may feel unwell, or else react sharply to sexual urges. At the end of it, the dog returns to the usual diet.
  • The same thing happens with males in estrus season. They become irritated, can provoke fights, follow any female in heat, and can go without food. long time live on her doorstep.
  • Puppies are most often large breeds, in some periods of growth, suddenly start eating a lot, constantly feeling hungry, this behavior is then replaced by complete indifference to food.
  • Teething in babies, it can disturb the pet, delivering an unpleasant sensation. Naturally, in this case, the crumbs are not at all up to food.
  • Surgical intervention, more precisely used anesthesia, can deprive the animal of appetite for several days. This is for the best, since after surgical operations it is not recommended to eat for the first time.
  • Dogs have decreased appetite heat time, as well as when added to food. Particularly picky pets may refuse any foods that they consider not tasty enough.

Dog won't eat what to do

The person who gets the dog takes over full responsibility for her behavior, well-being and nutrition. Providing quality food is one of the main tasks of the owner of a four-legged friend. But what to do if all the conditions of feeding are met, but the animal refuses to eat? Here are some ways to influence his behavior:

  • Skip feeding. This is the most effective way bring your pet back to normal. But you don’t have to make the common mistake among dog lovers by offering something tastier instead of the usual food. Food should be exactly the same that the pet refused. Usually two passes are enough for the dog to have an appetite.
  • Portion reduction. If the dog does not always eat the entire contents of the bowl, then this may indicate that the portion of food is too large. IN next feeding you can put food a quarter less than usual and see how the dog behaves.
  • Possibly proposed food does not meet the needs of the dog. It is necessary to take this issue more seriously if it has not been done before. You need to learn about the features of feeding a particular breed. For example, the Japanese cannot do without fish in their diet, pugs must be given raw bones, and some breeds with a tendency to stomach diseases should include beef tripe, rich in digestive enzymes, in the diet. Perhaps the dog lacks something important, which becomes the reason for refusing the food offered to him.
  • Required active walks. Fresh air, physical exercise fruitfully affect the dog's appetite. Taking an animal, various equipment, a treat to encourage completed commands - and running for a run. You can invite your pet to play, learn a new command or repeat already worked out. After this, the dog will not be pulled by the ears from the bowl.
  • If 10-15 minutes before eating, give the animal a couple of salted sprats or capelins, then you can make him want to eat.
  • Perhaps the dog is just bored monotonous food. You can slightly diversify the diet by replacing the usual cereal with another, for example, give buckwheat instead of rice, or mix several types of cereals at the same time. But you can change not only porridge, but also types of meat. Beef can be alternated with lamb, horse meat, periodically replacing it with boiled offal or fish. Vegetables can be offered to the dog not only boiled, but raw.

In general, through trial and error, you can, without compromising the health of your pet, choose a more successful diet that your pet will like.

What Not to Do

Worried about the condition of a four-legged friend, the owner can act recklessly in the heat of the moment. What is unacceptable when a dog refuses to eat:

  • Under no circumstances should a dog be forced to eat by physical force. Sometimes the owners, not finding another option, begin to “poke” the animal into the bowl. This attitude is unacceptable.
  • Do not try to fix the situation by treating the dog different kind yummy. Firstly, it will further strengthen the pet's reluctance to eat the usual food. Secondly, it will adversely affect the health of the pet.
  • In no case should food be left overnight or all day in the hope that the dog will come to its senses and eat. If this is possible with food, then ordinary food can simply go bad.

In any situation, a person must remember that a dog is also a living being that can experience, experience joy and other emotions that can distract it from everything else, including eating.

Unfortunately, it so happened that our smaller brothers, like people, are subject to various diseases. And the task of any good host- time to recognize dangerous disease and provide him with qualified assistance, if you understand this, or take your pet to the veterinarian. It is very important to recognize the disease in time, and for this you need to know the symptoms of various diseases. Today we will talk about such a symptom as lack of appetite in dogs.

Let's figure out why the dog does not eat anything, and what this may be connected with. Lack of appetite may be different, so we will try to make out as much as possible more options this dangerous symptom.

If dog refuses food, then it’s not a fact that you need to immediately rush headlong to the doctor or start stuffing your pet with various medicines. Remember yourself, because you also do not always have an appetite, but this does not mean that you are sick. Not only people suit themselves fasting days, dogs can also arrange a rest for their stomach, so if the dog drinks but does not eat, you should watch him. If the next day the dog, as usual, began to have breakfast when you brought food to her, then it may well be that she just had a fasting day.

If the dog refused to eat the next day, then you should already think. The reason for this behavior can also be different reasons and not necessarily these reasons are serious. Look at the thermometer, if it's hot outside, then the dog may well refuse to eat, in the heat and people don't really want to eat. It may be that the dog simply does not like the food that you offer him, this can happen with both natural products and dry food, the food simply does not suit your pet, or he is simply tired of the same food. It may well be that offering a different food or changing the diet will help regain appetite. But if such simple methods they don’t help if the weather outside the window has nothing to do with it, then the pet’s refusal to eat is a very serious symptom. Let's see what a symptom of what diseases can be a refusal to eat a dog.

Why is the dog not eating?

Another reason for refusing to eat can be indigestion, usually along with refusing food, vomiting and weakness may appear. These symptoms are typical for food poisoning and it is best in such a situation to call a doctor, rinse the dog's intestines, give Activated carbon, give plenty of drink and do not touch the dog for nothing. An upset stomach requires a dog to rest.

Another reason for refusing food can be quite natural needs of the body. They are connected with the continuation of the family, if a bitch lives near your house and she is in heat, then your dog may well refuse to eat, it’s just that he doesn’t have food on his mind, but completely different problems, after a few days the appetite will return to your pet.

Dental problems can also cause a dog to refuse food. If you notice that you started eating, and then stopped eating, this may indicate that he has a toothache. In this case, a veterinarian can help your pet, but in general you need to monitor the cleanliness of your pet's teeth.

Dog won't eat or drink

The previous symptoms related to benign diseases that most often go away on their own. Usually if the dog refuses food, she drinks water, if the dog drinks, then everything is fine.

It is much worse if the dog not only refuses to eat, but also to drink. Such symptoms may be signs of poisoning or problems with the liver or pancreas. Now cases of poisoning dogs with poisons, which are scattered on the street by the so-called dog hunters, have become more frequent. These non-humans deliberately poison dogs, and for this they choose the most terrible poisons that lead to a long and painful death of animals. If he refuses to eat and drink, immediately run to the veterinarian or call him home.

Dog won't eat and is lethargic

Such symptoms can be both in poisoning and in various viral diseases, for example, a dog can pick up distemper. If your pet has been vaccinated against distemper, then you should not worry, after a few days the dog will return to normal. If there are no vaccinations, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, otherwise you may lose your pet.

Remember that a dog's refusal to eat is already a symptom that something is wrong with your pet. The question of what to do if the dog does not eat anything is an excellent one, and you can ask them for several days, but it is still better to consult a doctor, even if there is nothing serious. As practice shows, a dog can also refuse food because it is sad. Imagine, too, can become depressed. Therefore, devote more time to your pets, walk with them, talk, be around and then your appetite will be lost. four-legged friend does not threaten J.

If your dog suddenly refuses to eat, do not prematurely sound the alarm. Perhaps the abnormally hot weather is to blame, but if the reason is different, then the pet needs to be helped as soon as possible. Of course, for many this can be a very problematic task, but we will help you find out the reasons why the dog is not eating and lethargic, as well as tell you when this condition is the norm.

Why does a four-legged family member refuse to eat?

Your puppy was active yesterday, but today refuses to eat? There may be several reasons for this behavior, including your fault. For example, if the puppy was frightened or visited some stressful situation. You could accidentally hit him or yell, and the dog took everything too seriously.

This option is the least problematic, but if the dog refuses to eat due to poisoning, then veterinary intervention is indispensable. In this case, you need to carefully observe the behavior of the dog, and if you see that he is constantly lying down, breathing heavily, occasionally vomiting and shaking, then things can be really bad.

The main causes of hunger and lethargy

To understand why a dog does not eat, consider the main reasons that affect its condition.


Often, at home, it is not always possible to quickly and correctly diagnose a disorder due to which the puppy breathes heavily, vomits, shakes and falls on its hind legs. The best thing you should do in this situation is to immediately apply for veterinary care. Only in this case can we hope for a positive outcome. Even with a slight delay, the condition of the dog may deteriorate sharply, and the treatment will be ineffective.

Despite the huge danger to the health of the animal, there are often adherents of home procedures. But if your dog is not eating anything, what can you do for him without identifying the cause of the hunger or doing it wrong? Only a diagnosis by a specialist with the help of x-rays, ultrasound and laboratory tests will help to correctly determine the cause of the disease. Remember, if you value your pet's life, then self-medicating is an extremely unwise idea.

Ways to normalize your pet's appetite

If a dog refuses to eat, then it is not so easy to normalize its appetite. You will have to work hard, but the reward for perseverance will be an improvement in her condition.

So, let's look at several ways to return the usual appetite.

  1. When a dog does not eat anything due to stress or shock, it is unlikely that he constantly drags his hind legs behind him. In this case, attention and affection will be the best means of restoring appetite. Spend more time with her together and soon she will be interested in food again.
  2. With a sharp change in diet, new foods and feeds should be introduced gradually. The dog should completely trust you and try new foods little by little. In this case, she will perceive novelties with curiosity and will not refuse water and food.
  3. If the dog refuses food, water, and at the same time its hind legs give way and shake, then you urgently need to go to the doctor. Such symptoms may indicate a tick bite or be the result of a serious illness. An accurate diagnosis can only be made in a hospital, so do not hesitate a second.
  4. Well, if the dog does not eat anything because of the great pickiness, then just spoil it less. Seriously, feed her. balanced feed at the same time, so that she develops a peculiar instinct. And yes, indeed, spoil her less with all sorts of sweets that interrupt her appetite.

When is fasting normal?

In some cases, a pet's refusal to eat is not a deviation and a cause for concern, below are some of them.

  1. Illness and indisposition. During periods when your dog is sick, food is the last thing he thinks about. Do not focus on this and overly bother her. Sometimes she knows best when to refuse a meal. It is better to direct your attention and care to the treatment of the pet and then his mood will definitely return to normal.
  2. Pregnancy and after birth period. At this time in the dog's body occur major changes due to high levels of hormones. She can gain a lot of weight or, conversely, lose weight, so a short-term lack of appetite should not surprise you. Another thing is if the dog refuses water and breathes heavily. In this case, she really can be in trouble.
  3. Excess nutrients in the body. It happens that the dog's body is oversaturated with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and he needs something like a short break. Do not force her to eat by force and soon she herself will express such a desire.
  4. Bad mood. Dogs also have their own problems: lack of attention, too short or vice versa, an active walk. Mood swings and blues can cause short-term refusal of food, but, as a rule, dogs in this case miss no more than one feeding.

Any refusal to eat for 2 days is already a reason to see a doctor, and if there are other symptoms, then you need to go immediately, and not watch the animal for a week, as many people like.

Video "What to do if the dog refuses to eat?"

Material from the Dog + Cat channel will help solve the problem.

Good appetite is an indicator of health pet. Therefore, if the dog does not eat well, only drinks water or does not drink at all, this is a wake-up call for the owner to pay attention to the health of the animal. There can be a lot of reasons why a dog stopped eating: from stress and whims to serious problems with the digestive tract. Therefore, it is desirable for each owner to know them so that it is clear how to act in such a case. We will analyze the reasons and what to do if the dog does not eat.

Sometimes an animal arranges an artificial hunger strike for itself - a fasting day when it eats less or does not eat at all, but at the same time the pet is active and healthy. The owner needs to worry when the hunger strike lasts more than one day, and the pet looks lethargic.

Reasons for lack of appetite

The dog stopped eating - there may be several reasons why this happened. For example, she experiences pain when eating due to a broken tooth or gum problems. Often an aversion to food in an animal can cause ear infection. Also, the reasons may not be related to health. The animal is naughty, makes a fasting day for itself, or is it just such a period. First of all, the owner needs to find out why the animal refuses to eat.

To check if your pet is in pain, the following signs will help:

  • the animal is trembling or breathing heavily;
  • he has a hunched back; have or have diarrhea;
  • the dog is lethargic and irritable;
  • the pet sleeps for a long time and does not drink water;
  • heat, dry nose.

Lack of appetite may be associated with diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys.

If the dog does not eat anything for several days, you should contact your veterinarian. The specialist should conduct a blood test, ultrasound or x-ray. Analyzes will help to identify the presence of tumors, check the internal organs and determine the organism.

What tests will help determine the disease

The exact answer to the question why the dog does not eat anything can be given by the veterinarian after certain tests. Typically, experts conduct the following tests:

  • general blood analysis
  • x-ray (will show if there are tumors)
  • Ultrasound (for diagnosing the condition of internal organs)
  • test for Addison's disease.

Diseases that provoke a lack of appetite

  1. Intestinal disease - enteritis. Accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, fever.
  2. The presence of a foreign body in the body. Accompanied by refusal to eat, vomiting with undigested food, liquid stool or, conversely, constipation.
  3. Volvulus. The classic sign is bloating.
  4. Intussusception - intestinal obstruction. Signs: Refusal to eat, bloody vomiting, stool problems
  5. Renal or liver failure, gastritis or stomach ulcer.
  6. Sore teeth, sores on the gums or in the oral cavity, a foreign body in the mouth (for example, a stuck bone).

When lack of appetite is the norm

In some cases, the dog does not eat or drink for natural reasons, and the owner does not need to do anything. Consider when this happens:

  • the period of estrus in bitches (at the same time, the animal does not eat well, only drinks water; appetite should return to normal after the end of the cycle; if not, you should contact your veterinarian.);
  • puppies during growth (appetite disappears, then appears)
  • period of teeth growth (the dog does not eat anything or eats badly, what should the owner do - at this time give the pet soft food)
  • hot weather (at this time the dog refuses to eat and only drinks water)
  • new food (if your dog has suddenly stopped eating, check for recent dietary changes or new supplements)
  • whims of the animal (the dog may refuse food due to the presence of some unloved foods in it)

What should the owner do?

If the dog stopped eating, what should the owner do? The first step is to determine whether the refusal to eat is the norm or an anomaly. For example, if a dog is lethargic, vomits, does not even drink water, then this is not normal. You should take care of your pet's health. If it lasts more than one day, you need to contact a specialist for help.

If the dog does not eat and is lethargic, and also vomits, this may be a sign of the presence in the body. Also note the nature of the vomiting. Yellow and with bile can indicate that the animal has eaten grass and thus cleanses the stomach. Excess bile in the body can also indicate malnutrition. In this case, the animal must be transferred to a special diet.

If the animal vomits with blood, you should immediately contact the veterinarian. If the animal's vomit contains undigested food, this indicates problems with the intestines. This can lead to cancer.

The owner should sound the alarm and if it comes out with vomiting a large number of water. So the body of the animal is dehydrated.

If the dog does not eat anything, only drinks water, this may indicate the presence of a digestive tract disease. In this case, the animal may not eat at all or eat poorly, while it needs to replenish fluid supplies. If the dog does not eat for 4 days or more, it must be taken to the doctor.

If your dog has stopped eating, consider whether he has recently severe stress. Even a long separation from the owner or moving can be the reason why the animal refuses to eat. In this case, you need to wait a while, and the appetite will return by itself.

New and unfamiliar foods can also be a reason why a dog does not eat well. Unloved foods can be excluded from the pet's diet, and the appetite should resume.

If the dog has stopped eating, the owner should try to "work up" her appetite. For this, they advise:

  • active pet (maybe the animal has a low physical activity and because of this there is no desire to eat)
  • skip 1-2 feedings (do not change the diet, do not follow the pet's lead by giving something tasty)
  • slightly change the diet (for example, change cereals).
  • add fish to the diet (10 minutes before a meal, give the dog a piece of salted fish. This will affect its appetite).

And you can also try the trick - give a portion of the animal to another pet. These methods will help restore appetite if the animal is healthy.

General feeding rules

Pay more attention to your pet, soothe and talk to him - this will help to cope with stress.

If you have changed your diet, go back to your old diet. And it is worth introducing all new products gradually so that the pet gets used to them.

Follow the rules of feeding: give the animal food at the same time. Remove the bowl after the pet has eaten - you do not need to allow him to approach the plate several times.

If the dog does not eat anything and vomits, be sure to show it to the veterinarian. Don't over tighten. It is better to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

Why the dog does not eat - sooner or later every owner asks such a question. The appetite of an animal, like a person, can disappear for various reasons. For example, the pet is upset and does not eat well. Also, the reason why the appetite has disappeared can be banal: the pet is naughty and thus wants to get something tasty. On the other hand, the animal may have something to hurt, and therefore it refuses to eat. In such cases, the owner needs to be very careful: observe the behavior of the pet and its activity, remember what he fed him the day before, whether he ate something on the street, and so on. If the dog is lethargic, does not eat or drink for several days, you need to see a doctor. If there are no other signs of the disease, the dog is not lethargic, active, cheerful, then you can wait a bit, skip one feeding, work up an appetite, or tease your pet with a salty fish.

The main task of the owner is not to leave this matter to chance. Be sure to act: monitor the pet and analyze the situation. Correctly identifying the causes of a hunger strike is the key to quickly eliminating the problem.

Refusal of a dog from drying and water does not mean at all that it is ill or poisoned. Animals live differently, feel and feel, they can starve not only because of gastric disorder, but also for reasons not understood by people.

If the pet is active, does not whine, and her nose is wet, there is no reason to worry about her health. Starting to resolve the issue of what to do if the dog does not eat dry food, it is necessary to understand the root causes.

Reasons for not eating dry food:

  • Abrupt transition from homemade food to drying. Natural food and feed are assimilated in different ways, when the food changes, the stomach is rebuilt to a different mode of operation, and for this the body needs time. The dog may feel internal discomfort and refuse to drink and eat;
  • plastic bowls. A person does not feel the smell of cheap plastic, but he knocks down the appetite of animals;
  • pampered. If the dog is used to the fact that after refusing food, the owner will offer a treat, then he will beg for yummy;
  • . If the dog walks and moves a little, the energy received through food is not wasted and the animal does not feel hunger and thirst;
  • Stress. moving, prolonged absence the owner or the appearance of a second animal will make the dog nervous;
  • High-quality dry food does not contain flavors, because he does not attract an unaccustomed animal.
  • Not suitable food. Meaning individual intolerance any specific ingredient in the composition. Try changing food.
  • A spoiled product will also not make the dog want to try it out.. It is a mistake to think that animal feed is stored for an arbitrarily long time. After opening the package, the food retains its properties only for a month.

The fact that the dog does not drink water worries many breeders. For unknown reasons, many puppies stop drinking regular water as they grow up.

When feeding your pet with homemade food, you will provide him with enough moisture, but the use of dry food requires plentiful drink, otherwise urolithiasis and constipation will not keep you waiting.

replenish water balance in the body of a dog is possible in the following ways:

  • Dilute water with kefir;
  • Shake canned dog food in water;
  • Pour water into a bowl of food, getting something like soup;
  • Soak some of the food in advance so that the water is absorbed into the crackers and sprinkle a new portion on top.

It is worth considering that after absorbing water, the food will reduce the smell and seem less attractive to the dog. To enhance the inviting smell, the soaked food can be slightly warmed up.

Attention! How do you know how much water a dog should drink per day? Pour water for reasons of norm from 200 to 700 milliliters per 10 kg of animal weight.

What to do if the dog does not eat anything and is constantly lethargic?

If, along with the refusal of food, the pet has disease state: loss of activity, trembling, rumbling in the stomach - the owner should worry. Such manifestations indicate a clear ill health of the pet.

The most common reasons for refusing to eat are the following diseases:

Self-medication in such situations should not be done. At the slightest suspicion of such diseases, the owner should contact an experienced veterinarian and comply with all prescribed treatment prescriptions.

Otherwise, wanting to do the best, the beloved owner will only aggravate the situation of the sick dog.

Situations in which lack of appetite is the norm

When thinking about why a dog is not eating, it is not necessary to grab onto a disease guide.

There are a number natural causes refusal of food:

  • Puppies cutting their first teeth. This process causes technical difficulties in eating and discomfort;
  • Ready for mating. During estrus, the dog is nervous, it shakes, the behavior changes. A male who smells a walking girl can also forget about food for a while;
  • Teenage years. Large breed puppies have an unstable appetite during maturation;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth. Naturally, during the period of gestation, the bitch consumes a lot of food, making up for what is missing, she may experience toxicosis when the dog vomits. After giving birth, while the body is recovering, the dog will not necessarily eat heavily;
  • Recent vaccinations or medications. Medications act on each organism in different ways, including often reduce the desire to eat;
  • Heat. This factor also pushes the dog away from his favorite bowl of food.

As you can see, the lack of desire to eat is not necessarily a concern for a caring breeder.

Before running to the doctor, it is necessary to analyze all the factors that can affect the behavior of the pet, the reason may lie in age-related changes or changing external conditions.

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Hello dear readers!

Dogs have extremely thin mental organization. Inexperienced owner often unable to understand all the nuances of their pet's behavior. Wet and cold nose the dog is not always an accurate indicator good health, and reluctance to eat is a symptom of almost all diseases in dogs.

Canine "hunger" can be caused by psychological, hormonal and physiological reasons.

The most elementary explanation for this is that the dog is not hungry. Most likely, he did not run much on the street and did not use up the available calories. Animals also eat little in hot weather, as the body does not have to expend a lot of energy to keep warm.

The animal may not like the food. Maybe he got bored or didn't like it. abrupt change food. For example, if the dog always ate natural food and suddenly he was given dry food. The dog may go on a “hunger strike” if it smells in the food harmful additives.

Dogs may refuse to eat when psychologically uncomfortable, for example, when moving to another apartment, the appearance of another animal in the house. In short, if a circumstance arises that violates habitual image life of a dog and causing stress. If degree psychological discomfort low, then the anxiety soon passes and the dog's appetite is restored. Otherwise, specialist help is needed.

Exacerbation of the sexual instinct. It happens in females during estrus or in the first days after mating, in males during the rut. These processes are natural and concomitant symptoms, which include, including loss of appetite, disappear along with the end of the period of exacerbation of sexual instincts. In case of severe estrus, mating or rutting, you should contact your veterinarian or dog handler.

The dog is in a bad mood or in a bad mood. The dog can overheat in the sun, overeat the day before, get injured in the oral cavity. Usually after a couple of days she returns to normal and begins to eat willingly.

The dog is sick. The disease can be caused by poisoning, bacteria, viruses, fungi, injuries, helminths. For example:

  1. intestinal enteritis. Characterized by high fever, diarrhea, nausea.
  2. Foreign object in the body. The situation is characterized by diarrhea or constipation, vomiting of undigested food.
  3. Volvulus of the intestines with distention of the abdomen.
  4. Intussusception (obstruction) of the intestine. Accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, vomiting with blood.
  5. Diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys.
  6. Injuries, diseased teeth, or a foreign object in the mouth, such as bone.

In these situations, urgent veterinary care is required.

What to do if the dog does not want to eat

If the reluctance to eat is associated with a sharp change in food, for example, the transition from natural food to dry food, then in this situation you should first mix with pieces of natural food - cottage cheese, boiled meat, cheese, fermented milk products. If the animal does not like the food, it is necessary to find a compromise - at least in the same way, add pieces of your favorite delicacy to a dish that you don’t like.

As mentioned above, if the dog's hunger strike is caused by natural processes, then it will pass by itself when they are completed. In cases of severe exacerbations of sexual instincts, veterinarians prescribe natural sedative medicines for dogs, made without the use of salt. If they do not have the proper effect, then a professional dog handler comes to the rescue. For example, if a dog during the rut intensively loses hair, there is uncontrollability in behavior and there is a strong weight loss, then to equalize the level of hormones, it must be castrated. In healthy animals, this operation is tolerated painlessly and does not affect their health. professional qualities—, sports, hunting. True, for the possibility of castration, there is one condition - the dog should not be pedigree.

Overeating is treated with a break in eating. A two-day fast will not harm the animal's health. IN vivo dogs can easily go without food from several days to 2-3 weeks. If the dog does not eat due to the change of teeth, then solid food should be replaced with soft moisturized ones.

If the animal is ill, then it does not matter what caused the disease - the sooner the animal is examined by a specialist, the more chances he has for a speedy recovery. Otherwise, the dog may die or remain disabled. For example, when bitten by a snake, the animal must be delivered to the veterinarian in a matter of hours - delay is fraught with deadly intoxication of the body.

The dog does not eat anything and vomits bile

It is easy to determine the presence of bile in vomit - they have a greenish-yellow color. Bile is the secretion of the endocrine gland and serves to facilitate the digestion of fat. It is formed in the liver. accumulates in gallbladder. After eating, bile flows through the ducts to a thin area gastrointestinal tract. Bile is aggressive. When bile enters the stomach, it irritates its walls, which provokes vomiting. Vomiting prevents the stomach wall from ulcerating and perforating.

Dogs are very well developed vomiting reflex. The explanation for this is their nature of nutrition - dogs often eat carrion. The ability to quickly release junk food is a protective physiological reflex of the body against poisoning. By itself, vomiting in dogs is not a sign of a serious illness. But when the animal vomits bile, it refuses to eat and, as a result, it has emaciation, pallor of the mucous membranes, "retraction" of the eyes, thinning and brittle hair - this is a symptom that signals about serious problems with health.

In this case it could be:

  • Worm infestation, in which worms secrete great amount toxic substances that poison the body of an animal.
  • Gastritis or inflammation of the intestines.
  • Poisoning with food or household chemicals.
  • Oncology of the small intestine.

Typically, vomiting occurs in the early morning or late evening. In the latter case, it happens with large intervals in eating. Most often vomits the bile of old dogs, but it also happens in puppies. Dogs of all breeds are susceptible to it without exception. To make it easier for a specialist to establish the cause of vomiting, the owner of the dog needs to pay attention to the chronology and stability of bilious vomiting, its appetite and behavior (whining, growling, howling), and the presence of diarrhea.

The dog is lethargic and refuses food and water

The animal may not drink or eat if he does not like the food or it Bad quality. The water may not be fresh. The reason for refusing water and drinking may be bowls rearranged to another place or because the dog does not like the dishes in general. The dog may be stressed or simply not in the mood. A dog may not drink water if it constantly eats only liquid food. She can also refuse water in the cold season. This will pass by itself, as the causes that caused the refusal of water and drink are eliminated.

But, if against the background of these “whims” there is lethargy and the dog lies all the time, then this signals possible diseases:

  • Bacterial or viral infections.
  • Ear diseases.
  • Diseases of the teeth, oral cavity.
  • Foreign object in the oral cavity.
  • The dog has had an injury, surgery, or chemotherapy.

The dog does not eat anything, but drinks a lot

This can be observed after suffering stress - fright, staying at strangers, moving to new house. It will pass. But if, in addition, the animal's stool and urine color have changed, then your pet's intestines may be affected by helminths. If this is the case, then diarrhea and vomiting will occur later. Other reasons for refusing food and excessive thirst are: kidney failure, inflammation of the uterus, diabetes, etc. In any case, the animal should be shown to a specialist.

The dog does not eat anything, but is active

The oral cavity and larynx of the animal should be examined for injuries, diseases of the teeth, gums, and stuck objects. If everything is in order, then pay attention to nutrition and exercise. Maybe your pet is overeating and not consuming calories completely. In this situation, you need to increase the load, and frequent walks. Feed your dog low-calorie foods and periodically "plant" him on a diet. Make sure your pet's diet is complete and varied.

Old dog refuses to eat

In old age, dogs develop health problems. To improve the quality of life of an aging dog, his owner should be caring and observant towards him.

If your old friend refuses to eat, he may be obese. In this case, you need to adjust the diet. It should be varied and consist of low-calorie quality products. Minimize your intake of carbohydrates (cereals). Let the foods containing fiber (vegetables) be predominant in the dog's diet. Walk your dog as much as possible. Even if she doesn't, quiet walks are also very helpful.

Carefully inspect the mouth of the animal, the problem may lie in a diseased tooth, gum, or wound in the oral cavity. If other than refusing to eat others warning signs the dog does not, then these tips will help your pet. Otherwise, you should take it to the veterinarian for a complete examination.

During heat, the dog does not eat anything.

During estrus (oestrus), the dog's behavior changes, taste preferences. Often she, having an excellent appetite, can refuse food at this time. This should not be of particular concern to the owner, but he should carefully monitor his pet in order to avoid problems with her health. During this period, the animal's hormonal level rises sharply, which affects, among other things, its appetite. Usually, with the end of estrus, all the functions of the body of the bitch return to normal.

If the period of refusal to eat is delayed for a long time and other atypical symptoms appear:

  • Drinks a lot of water, or refuses it;
  • The animal is lethargic or, conversely, tirelessly constantly runs around the house;
  • Overly affectionate or overly aggressive;
  • The bitch has a hunched back;
  • Trembling and breathing heavily;
  • Gets tired quickly and wants to sleep all the time;
  • The bitch has very abundant or too poor discharge.

In this case, you need to sound the alarm and immediately show the dog to the veterinarian.

Dog has diarrhea and won't eat anything

If the dog has not eaten for more than two days and has diarrhea, it is likely that he has:

  1. Acute inflammation (enteritis) of the intestine. It has a viral/infectious nature. Suitable for puppies and dogs adolescence. It is difficult to recognize and treat within a few days.
  2. Intestinal volvulus - torsion of any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Characterized by bloating.
  3. Intussusception (obstruction) of the intestine - one segment of the intestine enters the lower or upper lumen of another segment of the intestine.
  4. Renal, hepatic, pancreatic insufficiency. It entails severe intoxication in the dog's body, forcing it to refuse food.
  5. Teeth ache, gums or there is an injury in the oral cavity.
  6. There is a foreign object in the throat.

Good luck everyone, see you in the next article.

Apathy and loss of appetite usually signal a pet's illness. In this case, it is recommended to carefully observe the behavior of the animal in order to immediately take appropriate measures if necessary.

But when the dog does not eat food, do not immediately sound the alarm. There are many options that should not cause concern. For example, the dog is stressed or he decided to do a fasting day. Perhaps this is a simple whim or a reaction to weather conditions.

Check the freshness of the food, the abundance of spices and salt in it. Eliminate supplemental foods between meals - this is the first thing to do if the dog does not want to eat. It has been proven that all kinds of goodies interrupt the appetite, after which the main diet seems less tasty to the four-legged friend.

Important! A common cause of a hunger strike is a change in food. At natural feeding to refuse a whole serving, one unusual component is enough.

Starvation can be explained by the transition to dry food, which, out of habit, seems unappetizing to animals. Moreover, a sharp change in food can adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so veterinarians advise changing the diet gradually.

Cheap pellets are based on beans and soy, which will definitely not cause a stir in your pet. Another nuance is the problem with chewing: hard food is difficult for an old animal due to thinning of the enamel, and for puppies due to loose teeth.

Natural causes of hunger strike

Consider a number of cases where food refusal is considered normal, without requiring any intervention:

  • hot weather - in summer the dog is able not to eat for a whole week, but only to drink water;
  • an excess of vitamins - enough in the body nutrients, and the animal feels great without food;
  • reaction to stress - appetite disappears due to a change in the owner, environment or weather conditions;
  • teething - to prevent discomfort, during this period it is better to give the puppy soft food.
  • growth period - a constant feeling of hunger often alternates with loss of appetite.
  • puberty, the end of pregnancy and childbirth - the restructuring of the body on hormonal level causes a decrease, and sometimes a complete lack of appetite;
  • old age dog old age often does not eat anything and walks sluggishly.

When to sound the alarm

When refusing food, pay attention to additional symptoms. If the pet is breathing heavily, shaking, or sleeping longer than usual, this is a clear cause for concern. A dry nose, high fever, diarrhea and vomiting also speak of the disease. A sick animal usually ceases to be interested in the outside world, its appearance becomes less attractive.

10 signs of serious illness

  • Heat. This obvious symptom colds. Possible bacterial or viral infection accurate diagnosis established in accordance with laboratory tests.
  • Hypothermia (low temperature). If the dog also does not eat anything, most likely, she was poisoned. Similar symptoms also occur as a result of exhaustion, hypothermia, with diseases of the liver, kidneys and thyroid gland. What to do - the doctor decides on the basis of an examination of a four-legged patient.
  • Vomit. Problems with the gastrointestinal system are likely - they occur in 13% of dogs, ranking first among internal non-communicable diseases. It can also be poisoning or helminthic invasion.

  • Diarrhea. It is a symptom of an allergy to a food ingredient. Often indicates infection with helminths or disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question: “Why is the dog so lethargic and practically does not eat anything?”. Worms, dehydration, enteritis, poisoning are possible.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Most likely, it is an infectious disease or distemper.
  • Yellow tint of mucous membranes and skin. It's about about violations in the work of the biliary system and liver or piroplasmosis.
  • Refusal of water. Possible poisoning, liver problems.
  • The dog is breathing heavily and trembling. Moreover, she does not eat, she tries to move less - these are pain syndromes of various localization.
  • The animal only drinks. In this case, there are many options: from banal dehydration to pyometritis, Addison's disease, diabetes and Cushing's syndrome.

What to do

If the dog does not want to eat anything, determine how much liquid the animal consumes. If the indicator is within the normal range, then you can proceed to the next step, if not, you need to urgently take the pet to the doctor.

Advice! The dog is drinking standard rate water? Offer him milk or broth. A meal taken is evidence of indigestion or severe pain.

Then you need to take a measurement of body temperature, taking into account the fact that best indicator it is considered 37.4-39 ° a - it depends on age and breed.

If the dog is lethargic and does not eat anything, and the thermometer shows a critically low temperature, it is necessary to warm the animal and take it to the veterinarian. Or at least get advice from a specialist over the phone.

With a slightly elevated temperature, it is necessary to repeat similar measurements every two hours, and in case of fever, bring down the temperature and consult a doctor. normal temperature indicates the need for further testing.

The next stage is a thorough examination of the peritoneum, which should not be tense and swollen, as well as the oral cavity (pay attention to redness and stains, broken teeth). In a healthy individual, the ear passages are clear, and the mucous membranes are pale pink.

A lethargic dog who does not eat his usual food most often needs qualified help. The owner can only guess what happened to the pet, the diagnosis is made by the veterinarian.

The following manipulations are likely to be required:

What action should the owner take?

You can return your appetite by solving the problem that led to the hunger strike. When the refusal is associated with stress, it is necessary to give the pet more time and attention, if the reason is a change in diet, it is better to return to the previous option and introduce new products gradually. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the diet and walking. Try to improve your pet's appetite by increasing the time of active walks.

Always monitor the well-being of the animal in order to come to his aid in time. Timely action is the key to the health and longevity of your dog!

Veterinarian advice if the dog is poisoned and refuses to eat: video



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