Write down what determines the temperature of the day. What is normal body temperature

Normal body temperature is one of the most important indicators of human health. What should be the temperature? What does it depend on? Should I be worried if it goes down? What to do when it rises?

People belong to warm-blooded organisms, therefore, throughout their lives they are “forced” to maintain their temperature within the limits determined by nature, and regardless of the characteristics environment. Only under this condition, life processes will proceed at the proper level.

What temperature is considered normal?

Body temperature: what does it depend on and what should it be? Body temperature is measured with a thermometer under the arm, in the mouth, in the rectum or external ear canal. Since the temperature inside the body is slightly higher than outside, the measurements differ by 1-5 degrees.

When measured in armpit normal temperature is considered to be in the range of 35.5–37.4 0С.

At a temperature level below 35.2 0C, they speak of hypothermia, if the temperature is above 37.3 0C, hyperthermia.

If we take the temperature in the axillary region of 36.6 0С as an average indicator, then it will correspond to the temperature in anus 37.5 0С, in the mouth - 37.0 0С.

What does body temperature depend on?

Human body temperature is a variable value, it changes depending on the time of day, environmental temperature conditions, health status and existing diseases.

The most low temperature body is observed in the morning, at about 6:00, then it rises by 0.5–1 0С and reaches a maximum in the evening. Interestingly, these fluctuations are not determined by the level physical activity person, and biological rhythms laid down by nature in accordance with the daily solar cycles.

When overheated, the human body temperature rises by one and a half degrees, when hypothermic - it decreases, and can fall below 32.2 0C. In most cases, when the body is cooled to 29.5 0C, a person loses consciousness, and at 26.5 0C, most often dies. With an increase in body temperature to 44 0C, blood proteins coagulate, and the person dies from hyperthermia.

In young children, due to the functional immaturity of the thermoregulation system, body temperature can fluctuate more widely than in adults. In girls, the temperature level stabilizes by the age of 13-14, in boys - by 18 years. In adult women, body temperature is about half a degree higher than in men, it drops in the middle menstrual cycle, during the period of ovulation and the maximum level of estradiol, then increases by the time of the next menstruation or in the event of pregnancy.

The center of thermoregulation is located in the brain, in the hypothalamus. Body temperature is affected by the level functional activity thyroid gland. Thyroid diseases and brain tumors are the main causes of long-term and persistent violations of thermoregulation. Hypothermia and hyperthermia lead to disruption of vital processes and can cause death.

Hypothermia and its causes

Hypothermia, or a drop in human body temperature below 35.2 0C, is an indication to see a doctor, as well as fever. The condition is accompanied by chilliness, trembling in the body, weakness, drowsiness, a decrease in heart rate, and impaired coordination of movements.

Body temperature: what does it depend on and what should it be? Hyperthermia, or elevated body temperature, can be caused by an increase in heat production and a violation of its return to the environment. Most often, the condition is accompanied by the maximum tension of thermoregulation mechanisms: expansion of superficial skin vessels, increased sweating, rapid breathing and heart rate. In severe cases, body temperature reaches 41-42 0C, which leads to heat stroke, disruption of cardiac activity and clouding of consciousness.

An increase in body temperature is observed in the following cases:

  • with nervous tension
  • during a visit to the sauna, bath, at the reception hot bath, with prolonged exposure to the sun or in a hot room,
  • when eating hot and spicy food,
  • with some chronic diseases,
  • in diseases of the blood and lymphatic system,
  • for most dental diseases
  • with occult bleeding
  • in case of poisoning
  • with hyperthyroidism.

Body temperature above 37.0 0C indicates an acute inflammatory process in the body or a gross violation of the work of the thermoregulation center.

Bring down the heat?

Body temperature: what does it depend on and what should it be? High temperature is a reason to apply for medical care. If the body temperature does not exceed 38 0C, hyperthermia does not pose a danger to humans. Bringing down such a temperature is not worth it, because in most cases it is a protective reaction and helps the body fight infection and inflammation, except, of course, in cases where hyperthermia is caused by other reasons.

The human body temperature is the most important indicator health status. What is normal temperature human body? What does an increased or decreased body temperature in a person indicate? This is our article.

Normal human body temperature

Normal human body temperature in the middle of the day at rest is +36.6°C. Morning temperature healthy person maybe a little lower (by 0.5-0.7 degrees). In the evening, body temperature may rise slightly (by 0.3-0.5 degrees).

However, experts say that the normal human body temperature should not be lower than +35.9°C and higher than +37.2°C.

Everything that does not fit into this range - serious occasion for worry.

Low human body temperature

Body temperature from +34.9°C to +35.2°C is considered very low.

Important! If a person's body temperature is below +34, 9 ° C - urgently call an ambulance!

What does the temperature around +35°C indicate? This is a signal from the body that you have problems with the blood, or dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Also, a similar temperature occurs after radiation exposure, a course of antibiotics and other aggressive therapy. severe hangover- another reason for the sudden drop in temperature to + 35 ° C.

Moderately low body temperature from +35.3°C to +35.8°C can be individual feature a person, but can also signal diseases. Such as: VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), CFS (syndrome chronic fatigue), depression, initial stage type 2 diabetes, asthenic syndrome, disruption of the liver and gallbladder, impaired absorption of protein by the body, etc.

Subfebrile body temperature

Body temperature from +37.0°C to +37.3°C is called "subfebrile". This temperature in rare cases maybe for someone individual norm. But, usually, it indicates some problems in the body, for example, a sluggish inflammatory process.

Also sub febrile temperature can "signal" about the onset of a cold, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), diseases of the blood and lymph, food poisoning, internal bleeding, etc.

In the presence of subfebrile temperature, it is not necessary to take antipyretic drugs. It is also contraindicated to drink anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs without a doctor's recommendation.

High human body temperature

Body temperature from +37.4°C to +40.2°C is considered elevated and high.

This temperature indicates that body goes acute inflammatory process. Medical intervention is essential.

Depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. However, lowering the temperature with antipyretic drugs usually starts at +38.5°C.

Important! An increase in body temperature to + 40.3 ° C and above, most often leads to lethal outcome. Only special preparations can reduce such a temperature.


Any deviation in body temperature from the norm indicates a malfunction in the body. Therefore, you do not need to wait until "it will pass by itself." Consult a doctor!

One of the key indicators that reflects the relationship between heat generation due to leaking metabolic processes in the body and its return from the surface of the skin, through the lungs or excreted decay products. In order to correctly evaluate the information received, one should take into account many factors - when, to whom, in what way and under what conditions the measurement was made. Considering the totality of the facts obtained, one can answer the question of whether a temperature of 37 ° C is considered normal or not.

How to use a thermometer correctly

In order to get the most reliable information, you should consider some features:

  • A tool used for diagnostics. The most plausible information is obtained by measurements with mercury devices. Infrared and digital assistants, widely advertised to consumers, have a large measurement error or are unjustifiably high cost. If the values ​​obtained fluctuate around 37 ° C, this is the normal temperature for most practical cases.
  • Where did you put the thermometer? Mercury meters can be used to obtain temperature readings from armpit, orally or from the rectum. Each of these methods has its own diagnostic "fork". For example, with the axillary method, the typical range is between 36.3 and 36.9°C. If the thermometer was in the patient's mouth, then the resulting temperature of 37 ° C is normal, since it corresponds to the standard values ​​\u200b\u200bof 36.8-37.3 ° C. For the rectal method, the range of 37.3-37.7 ° C is considered classic.

  • When, to whom and under what conditions they measured. It is reliably known that in the evening hours the values ​​​​on the thermometer can rise by 1 ° C within the normal range. The same situation can be observed after intensive physical activity, visits to the bath, sauna and immediately after eating. And when choosing the right or left armpit, the difference in the data obtained can reach 0.3 ° C. Children's effect physiological characteristics development, there may be a rise in temperature that is not associated with diseases: after crying or due to overheating due to too warm clothes.

How not to measure temperature

We are so accustomed to this procedure that we do it automatically. However, it is worth asking yourself a question when you see the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bof 37 ° C: is this a normal temperature, is there a measurement error here?

It is important to remember that all manipulations are performed with a person who is in calm state. If the baby has just run, jumped or made other active actions, then before you put a thermometer in your bosom, you should switch it to quiet entertainment and wait at least half an hour. The same rule applies if a person has just taken food, water procedures or came from a walk.

Mercury thermometers require some skill to use. But the main problem for parents is the need to keep the child in a calm state for 8 minutes, which are required for a qualitative assessment of the child's well-being. Measure less - get unreliable values.

Do not rely only on your tactile sensations. IN Lately among children different ages cases of white fever are common. They are cold to the touch, but when fixed with instruments, shockingly high values ​​\u200b\u200bare observed. This effect occurs due to spasms of blood vessels, which must be eliminated in as soon as possible.

What pathologies can be hidden behind a slight increase in temperature

Correctly diagnosing the cause of subfebrile body temperature in a person is not an easy task for doctors of different profiles and qualifications. A slight increase in the mercury column may indicate a large number of deviations in normal functioning various bodies and human systems:

For such situations, an increase in human temperature to 37 ° C is normal phenomenon? Of course not.

Why does the baby have 37 on the thermometer?

In the absence of noticeable signs of the course of diseases various etiologies and visible deviations in the results of the analysis, you should not panic if your child's thermometer shows a value of 37.2 ° C. For peace of mind, you should check the values ​​in dynamics: if the increase was one-time, then there is nothing to worry about. Temperature 37 ° C in a child - normal reaction organism on the attacker external environment. If knowledge is often observed during long period time, this is a reason to see a doctor, as the human body can develop inflammatory processes.

Overheating is a common cause of fever in infants.

And if the child is a month old and the temperature is 37? Is it normal or not? In the first month of a baby's life, he is under the close attention of parents, doctors and caring relatives. Hyper-care is manifested in excessive wrapping not according to the weather, poor ventilation due to possible drafts. And since the function of thermoregulation of infants is imperfect, the growth of numbers is quite natural. To correct the situation, it is enough to remove excess clothing and cool the room with ventilation in the absence of a child in it.

And we have teeth!

One more possible cause temperature deviations from the norm in children of the first years of life is teething. In this case, a temperature of 37 is a normal phenomenon. Babies handle teething differently. Someone easily and naturally, but someone will have to be patient a little. Often, the growth of teeth in young children is accompanied by increased salivation, which can indirectly help parents understand the ongoing changes in the state of their child.

Asymptomatic causes of fever

There are several conditions of the human body that can be accompanied by slight increase values ​​on the thermometer:

  • Weakening immune system and, as a result, the acceleration of metabolic processes to combat various toxins manifests itself in the form of an increase in degrees.
  • Future motherhood. The organism of the expectant mother can respond to the ongoing changes by increasing the values ​​of the thermometer, so a temperature of 37 ° C during pregnancy is normal.

  • Impaired thermoregulatory function in the brain due to tolerated depression.
  • Overheating of the body due to prolonged exposure to the sun or wearing inappropriate clothing for the season, which is very common in infants.

When to sound the alarm

Today, experts admit that for some people, exceeding the values ​​​​on the thermometer is the norm, provided there are no other symptoms and normal tests. But there are situations when a slight deviation from the norm is the reason for contacting a specialist and conducting a series of studies.

Firstly, if the temperature lasts for more than 3 days in a child and this fact is accompanied by other symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, pale skin, and others.

Second, if the increase is repeated during the course viral infection. Most often, this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.

Thirdly, stable values ​​​​of 37 ° C are regularly recorded for two weeks, provided that the thermometer is in good condition and the measurement rules are followed.

Fourthly, it is worth closely monitoring the dynamics of measurements, if the child is injured, especially carefully you need to monitor the indicators when hitting the head.

Thus, the values ​​on the thermometer should be considered together with the general condition of the person and the events preceding the measurement. In general, a single slight increase temperature without any accompanying symptoms does not require intervention from health workers.

Temperature measurement

Everyone knows that the normal temperature human body- 36.6 degrees Celsius. However, this temperature cannot be kept constant, it rises or falls during illness, changes depending on what a person does in this moment. In general, a decrease in the temperature of the human body takes place with minimal consequences, while heat can lead to death due to blood clotting.

Body temperature is the result complex processes heat generation by human organs and tissues, heat exchange between the human body and the external environment.

The average body temperature for each person is individual, usually the norm is determined in the range from 36.5 to 37.2 degrees Celsius. Wherein human body It is equipped with a number of functions for removing excess heat from the body, the simplest of which is sweating.

In the human brain, thermoregulation is controlled by the hypothalamus, a tiny part located below the thalamus, or “thalamic thalamus”.

During the day, the body temperature fluctuates: in the morning it is lower on average, the peak of the maximum body temperature is observed at about 18 pm, after which it decreases again. At the same time, fluctuations between the largest and lowest temperature range from 0.5 to 1 degree.

Consequences of high temperature

The temperature of various human organs and tissues can differ by 5-10 degrees Celsius, which is why there are classic ways temperature measurements - an incorrectly installed thermometer can distort the picture: it is obvious that the temperature on the surface of the skin and in the mouth is somewhat different.

The critical body temperature is considered to be 42 ° C, when it occurs a metabolic disorder in the brain tissues. The human body is better adapted to the cold. For example, a decrease in body temperature to 32 ° C causes chills, but does not pose a very serious danger.

At 27°C, coma occurs, there is a violation of cardiac activity and respiration. Temperatures below 25°C are critical, but some people manage to survive hypothermia. Two more cases are known when patients, supercooled to 16 ° C, survived.

Hyperthermia is an abnormal increase in body temperature above 37 ° C as a result of a disease. This is a very common symptom that can occur when there is a malfunction in any part or system of the body. Not falling for a long time elevated temperature is indicative of dangerous state person. Elevated temperature is: low (37.2-38°C), medium (38-40°C) and high (over 40°C). Body temperature above 42.2°C leads to loss of consciousness. If it does not subside, then brain damage occurs.

temperature records

The highest body temperature - 46.5 degrees Celsius, was recorded 30 years ago in the USA (1980). American Will Jones (52 years old) received heat stroke and was taken to the hospital, where the record was recorded. The patient did not die and, after undergoing treatment, was discharged from the hospital three weeks later.

The lowest human temperature was recorded 16 years ago in 1994. Carly Kozolofsky, 2, opened front door at home and went outside, the door accidentally slammed shut, and the child was left in the cold - 22 degrees, where she spent 6 hours. When the doctors took her body temperature, it was 14.2 degrees.

Viktor Ostrovsky, Samogo.Net

In society, it is generally accepted that the normal body temperature in an adult is 36.6 ° C, and if this indicator rises or falls, this indicates pathological processes in the body. It must be remembered that changes in body temperature can be observed even during the day, however, these changes are insignificant and depend on the rate of metabolic processes. In the presented article, we will try to figure out what the body temperature depends on and what types of it exist.

Types of temperature

IN medical practice it is customary to allocate the following types human body temperature:

  • hypothermia;
  • normal;
  • subfebrile;
  • febrile body temperature;
  • pyretic;
  • hyperthermia.

Well, now we will consider each species in more detail and try to figure out what is the normal body temperature of a person.

In which case can we talk about the norm

Normal human body temperature may depend on:

Many are interested in a temperature of 37 ° C is it normal or not. So, the norm is considered to be:

  • temperature 36.8 ° C - in infants;
  • temperature 36.9 ° C - in adults;
  • 37.4 ° C - in children from six months to three years;
  • 37.0 ° C - in children of six years of age;
  • 36.3 ° C - in persons over 65 years of age.

If there is a temperature fluctuation in any direction by 0.5-1.5 ° C, this indicates a violation of the functioning of the body.

If you want to determine the exact indicators of normal body temperature, you should seek the help of a doctor. If this is not possible, then in this case you can do it yourself. It is necessary to measure temperature indicators three times a day for several days and record them. After that, divide the sums of morning, afternoon and evening indicators by the number of measurements. The average value will be the normal temperature.


Observational data indicate that hypothermia is diagnosed in humans much less frequently than hyperthermia, but it also poses a threat to human life. The critical temperature of the human body is 27 ° C, and it can cause coma. However, there have been cases where minimum temperature the human body was 16 ° C and he survived.

Under low temperature the body should be considered to be below normal by 0.5 ° C - 1.5 ° C. If they decrease by more than 1.5 ° C, then this condition is commonly called hypothermia, it requires mandatory medical attention.

The main cause of a decrease in temperature is the flu or a cold. If a person has a weak immune defense and the body, then it does not have the ability to fight the infectious process, this is manifested by a decrease in temperature indicators.

Factors that affect the decrease in temperature also include:

A decrease in temperature indicators is evidenced by loss of strength, dizziness and drowsiness.

There are many ways to help eliminate hypothermia, the vast majority of them do not require medication. The medicine is used only if the condition has led to a disease with severe course.

To normalize temperature indicators, you can:

Elevated temperatures

elevated temperature classified into four types, namely:

  1. subfebrile temperature body. We can talk about it if the temperature is 37.6 ° C, this is an indication of the presence of the process in the body inflammatory nature. This is the most bad temperature for a person, with such indicators occurs active struggle With pathogenic flora. In this regard, it is not recommended to knock it down, the best option there will be consumption a large number liquid to help reduce concentration toxic substances and prevent dehydration.
  2. Febrile temperature is an increase in performance from 38 ° C to 39 ° C, this indicates the body's fight against infections. For a child, febrile temperature is more dangerous than for an adult.
  3. pyretic temperature. They talk about it if the mercury column of the thermometer is 39 ° C. In this case, it becomes necessary to use antipyretic drugs.

At such temperatures, convulsions may occur, therefore given state requires special attention. Most often, viruses and bacteria that attack the human body, as well as burns and injuries, lead to this temperature.

  1. Hyperpyretic. This pathological condition is indicated by indicators above 40 ° C, it needs immediate medical attention.

In response to the question at what temperature a person dies from a fever, it can be stated that the lethal temperature of a person’s body is 42 ° C, because irreversible changes in the brain, depression of the central nervous system and sharp drop blood pressure.

As for the factors that can lead to a rise in temperature to high numbers, only a doctor can diagnose them, but most often this is due to:

High temperatures may indicate the following symptoms:

Be sure to bring down the temperature if its performance exceeded 38.5 ° C, the best option there will be a doctor's consultation. This is explained by the fact that this pathological condition indicates the presence of a disease in the body.

special attention requires subfebrile condition, it is very important to determine the boundary between normal state and formation pathological process in organism.

Medical workers emit hyperthermia and fever, it all depends on the provoking factor in the increase in temperature.


Hyperthermia is characterized by overheating of the body as a result of exposure to high temperature indicators of the environment or a violation of the heat transfer process. There is vasodilation and excessive sweating.

If the provoking factor of hyperthermia is not eliminated in time and the maximum body temperature is 42 ° C, heat stroke occurs. This pathological condition (especially if a person has a history of diseases of cardio-vascular system) leads to death.


Fever is characterized by an increase in temperature as a result of defensive reaction organism to pathogenic factors. To the formation of this pathological condition may lead to:

IN childhood fever may occur during teething.

Temperature measurement rules

In order for the temperature indicators during the measurement to be correct, you must adhere to following recommendations:

  1. Keep your armpit dry.
  2. On the eve of the measurement, wipe the thermometer with a dry cloth and beat to 35 ° C.
  3. When placing the thermometer under the arm, make sure that its tip fits snugly against the body.
  4. Hold a thermometer under your arm for at least 10 minutes.

Please note that the phenomenon is considered normal when an adult has different temperatures under different armpits.

When measuring in the mouth, you need:

  1. Be at least five minutes before the measurement at rest.
  2. Delete from oral cavity dentures, if any.
  3. Wipe the thermometer with a tissue and place it in the mouth under the tongue.
  4. Wait four minutes.

Summing up, it is necessary to focus on the fact that for each person the norm of body temperature can be different. Therefore, if there is even a slight suspicion of some violations, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

Now you know what temperature people should have normally. We hope the information was useful for you and gave answers to your questions.



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