Can scabies stay in the body. The itch is coming! What you need to know about scabies

It is important to identify the problem in a timely manner and begin treatment, otherwise various complications of scabies are likely. Such a picture can be observed if the disease lasted long enough, therapeutic measures were absent or were applied incorrectly.

Scabies is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. It manifests itself, as a rule, between the fingers and toes, on the skin of the elbows, feet, lower abdomen, on the genitals, and can affect the mammary glands. The disease is transmitted through contact with an infected person, as well as the use of his household items. Outside the human body, itching can exist for no more than three days.

The disease is dangerous because symptoms may not appear for several days after infection. In some, scabies may appear after 8-12 days, while in others, a scabies rash may appear within a few hours after infection, it all depends on the number of mites that remain in the body and attack it, and the body's ability to withstand external stimuli. A latent tick can exist in the body for more than one year.

The rash can manifest itself in different ways, it can be both small pimples and large watery blisters. In no case should you scratch them, as this can lead to an inflammatory process and an increase in their number.

Scabies move has the form of a pink or white line with a length of 1 mm to 1 cm, at the end of which there is a slight expansion - the location of the tick. At the beginning of the disease, scabies of a light shade, but when the disease is ignored, their color begins to change, becoming darker. In addition, the feeling of severe itching increases.

Types of complications

Consider what is dangerous scabies, in addition to unpleasant symptoms. In case of untimely or incorrectly selected treatment, as well as infection in the affected area, various kinds of consequences are possible in the form of serious skin diseases.

With scabies, complications can be:

Accession of an infection. With severe itching, a person cannot control his actions and tries in every possible way to rub or scratch the affected areas. With mechanical action, a wound remains, into which bacteria can easily enter. These complications include:

The occurrence of complications depends on the duration of the disease, as well as the presence or absence of treatment. Most often, with the competent actions of a dermatologist and the use of modern drugs, selected individually for each client, the disease can be easily overcome and the serious consequences of scabies can be prevented.

Prevention of complications

Many people wonder if scabies can go away on its own without any treatment. The answer is unequivocal - scabies itself cannot be cured. If left untreated, the disease can become chronic and last for years. Itching may remain on the skin, even if several years have passed since the last manifestation. Under favorable conditions, they provoke periodic exacerbations of scabies, in which case new skin boils appear.

If it was noticed that a rash of unknown origin appeared, you should urgently contact a dermatologist.

At the initial stage, the symptoms of the disease are nonspecific, and can occur both in scabies and in other diseases that are more dangerous and difficult to treat. The following methods are used to confirm the diagnosis:

  • questioning for complaints and a thorough examination of the patient;
  • carrying out dermatoscopy - scraping from the skin and further examination of the material under a microscope to detect the presence of mites;
  • iodine test, which allows you to identify scabies.

Necessary measures

Self-medication in case of scabies is not worth doing. All medicines and ointments used to eliminate scabies in adults, the duration of treatment measures and the dosage of drugs should be agreed with the doctor. Properly selected therapeutic measures and following the doctor's recommendations will help get rid of scabies in the shortest possible time.

It is also important to follow preventive measures in order to prevent the occurrence of complications:

Consequences of treatment

However, sometimes it happens that scabies after treatment does not go away completely, but can last longer than the prescribed period, and the symptoms of the disease again make themselves felt. When contacting a doctor, patients often complain: "I can not cure scabies, although the treatment takes a long time." What to do in this case and why does scabies not go away? The reasons may be:

If you are faced with such an unpleasant disease as scabies, you should not be shy and worry. It is enough to contact the clinic in a timely manner and get help. If treatment is started on time, it is quite possible to get rid of the symptoms of scabies, as well as possible complications. Otherwise, running scabies can cause intractable diseases that will lead to disability.

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  • red rashes on the skin;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nervousness and anxiety.
  • lateral parts and lower abdomen;
  • between the fingers and toes;
  • inner thighs;
  • genitals;
  • the region of the mammary glands;
  • elbow bends.
  • head and neck;
  • palms;
  • buttocks.

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Possible Complications

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Consequences of not treating scabies

Who has scabies? Respond? I was treated with Spregal aerosol, but unfortunately the symptoms persist. Already done it four times. Who had experience in the treatment of scabies, advise what to do?

06/04/2008 00:00, elena
Scabies is a contagious disease caused by the scabies mite, which can be seen as a white dot the size of a poppy seed. The scabies mite lives and breeds exclusively on human skin. It has been estimated that if scabies is not treated in just three months, six generations of scabies mite in the amount of 150 million individuals can be born. A fertilized female makes an itching passage in the upper layers of the skin, a kind of gallery, where she lays eggs, from which larvae are subsequently born. The causative agent of scabies is small and almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. The length of the scabies mite is 200-400 microns. He lives for about 1 month. The scabies mite lives and reproduces as follows: females make moves under the stratum corneum of the skin, laying two or three eggs a day there. Larvae are born from eggs. For 10-14 days, the larvae go through several stages of development and eventually become adults. The larvae come to the surface of the epidermis and, together with the males living on the skin, provoke itching and scratching with bites. The period of manifestation of scabies is 7-10 days. Infection usually occurs through close contact of the infected with healthy ones or, which is much less common. The favorite places of the scabies mite are the interdigital folds of the hands, the area of ​​​​the wrist and elbow joints, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, thighs, lateral surfaces of the body, lumbosacral region, buttocks, chest in women, genitals in men. Symptoms of scabies Standard clinical symptoms of scabies: - itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night; - polymorphism (papules and vesicles that are covered with hemorrhagic crusts, excoriations, vesicles, erosion); - favorite places (interdigital folds hands, the area of ​​the wrist and elbow joints, the abdomen, the lateral surfaces of the body, the lumbosacral region, buttocks, thighs, mammary glands in women, the genitals of men); , lenticular inflammatory papules. With scabies, if not treated in a timely manner, complications can occur. The most typical complications of scabies are pyoderma and dermatitis, eczema and urticaria are slightly less common. Diagnosis of scabies is based on the clinical picture. The main diagnostic symptom of scabies, which distinguishes it from other itchy dermatoses, is the presence of an itch. In parallel, the diagnosis of scabies on the genitals of the patient is carried out with syphilis, and other diseases that are sexually transmitted, and are accompanied by an erosive-ulcerative and papular rash on the genitals. Treatment of scabiesTreatment of patients with scabies is concentrated on the elimination of the causative agent of scabies with the help of acaricidal drugs: benzyl benzoate, sulfuric ointment, spregal. During the treatment of scabies, underwear and bedding must be constantly boiled and ironed on both sides.

06/04/2008 00:00, Tatyana
Good afternoon First, I advise you to consult a doctor immediately. My child (9 years old) is predisposed to allergies, and for a week (under the supervision of a dermatologist in half-ke) we were treated for it. But then they turned to the children's dermatological dispensary. As the doctor told us, now in Moscow the so-called. *atypical scabies*. We managed to detect it only after the analysis of the scabies mite. So it is quite difficult to recognize it, so it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist. Now about the treatment.1. For 4 days they were smeared with benzyl benzoate 20%. I warn you right away, an unpleasant remedy, it burns terribly. The scheme is this - in the evening before going to bed, thoroughly smear yourself, put on clean linen and change bed linen. The next evening, wash yourself in the shower (never take a bath). Again change underwear and bed linen. All linen should be boiled or machine washed at 90 degrees. The outerwear in which you walk during the day should also be changed every day and washed (it is better to use old things that you don’t mind). After washing, iron on both sides. And so for 4 days. Do not forget about the shower.2. On the fifth evening, the whole body (except the head) was treated with *Spregal* (this remedy is ineffective for the main treatment). Wash off in the morning.3. During the entire course of treatment, they drank drops * zodak * (to relieve itching), you can use any other remedy (Suprastin, etc.) .4. In addition to benzyl bonzoate, new foci were cauterized with fucorcin (red liquid, does not wash off for a long time!). 5. in no case do not itch, because sores appear, which can persist for a year. But if you already combed it, then lubricate it with levomekol.6. After all the procedures performed, the tick dies, but traces of its activity remain on the body (a rash similar to an allergy, by the way, this can also be a reaction to benzyl benzoate). It is necessary to smear with a prepared cream (zinc ointment + celestoderm 2: 1). Helps a lot! The rash disappears right before our eyes. By the way, the itching after treatment persists for 5-7 days. This is normal.7. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Complete disinfection of the entire premises. All that is possible is to wash with domestos. Treat the rest - furniture, carpets, outerwear - with A-FAIR (do not forget about curtains, slippers, remote controls, women's bags, door handles, switches, etc.). 8. Remove all soft toys from bags and put away for 7 days. The tick will die by itself.9. Eliminate fatty and spicy foods from the diet.10. All family members should also bathe in benzyl benzoate once. At worst, sprinkle with * Spregal *. That. healed within a week. Most importantly, don't be lazy.

06/07/2008 00:00, Ksenia
It seems that the disease has gone by itself! I no longer itch, my family too! It's definitely not scabies! what a blessing!

Complications and consequences after scabies

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general information


At the site of penetration of the tick under the skin, a small bubble appears. A characteristic symptom of scabies is the strongest itching of the affected areas of the skin, aggravated at night. In addition to skin itching, there are other manifestations of the disease:

  • red rashes on the skin;
  • scabies, noticeable on close examination;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nervousness and anxiety.

Itching affects such parts of the body of an adult:

  • lateral parts and lower abdomen;
  • between the fingers and toes;
  • inner thighs;
  • genitals;
  • the region of the mammary glands;
  • elbow bends.

When a child is infected, the localization of ticks is slightly different from adults, the main ones are:

  • the inner parts of the feet and the sole itself;
  • head and neck;
  • palms;
  • buttocks.

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Possible Complications

If the disease is detected in time and treated, relapses are practically excluded. However, if the full treatment course is not completed or after self-administered therapy, scabies may recur. Symptoms can also appear after excessive scratching of the affected areas of the skin and infection. Complications of scabies are manifested in the form of skin diseases that are more difficult to treat.

In case of improper treatment

There are cases that complications of scabies appear in the course of improper treatment or inadequately selected drugs. The most common complications in such cases are:

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Consequences due to infection

With strong scratching of the skin during intolerable itching, the upper layer is scraped off and open wounds form. Fresh scratches and wounds open access to infection. The most common consequences of scabies when infected areas are:

  • Pyoderma is a purulent lesion of the skin due to the penetration of harmful microorganisms into it. In the absence of timely treatment, the inflammation spreads further along the surface, scars appear.
  • Microbial eczema. It develops on areas of the skin affected by microbes or fungi. The most common causative agent of microbial eczema is β-hemolytic streptococcus. The disease manifests itself on the skin in the form of ulcers, weeping wounds, scabs.
  • Skin hyperemia - an increase in blood flow in the area of ​​​​inflammatory processes. Red spots on the skin with scabies occur against the background of wounds and abrasions.

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Diagnosis and treatment of complications after scabies

If you find unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately consult a dermatologist and undergo the necessary studies. The diagnosis is based on the following tests:

Treatment of complications of scabies is aimed at getting rid of unpleasant symptoms, eliminating the subcutaneous tick - adults and larvae. For any skin disease that occurred during an exacerbation of scabies, the doctor prescribes an internal antibiotic and external ointments (Bactroban, Bonderm, lincomycin ointment). As the pustules decrease, ointments are used directly from scabies: "Benzyl benzoate", "Spregal", sulfuric ointment. In more advanced cases, treatment of scabies with cold (cryotherapy) is prescribed.

Complications and consequences after scabies

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general information


At the site of penetration of the tick under the skin, a small bubble appears. A characteristic symptom of scabies is the strongest itching of the affected areas of the skin, aggravated at night. In addition to skin itching, there are other manifestations of the disease:

  • red rashes on the skin;
  • scabies, noticeable on close examination;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nervousness and anxiety.

Itching affects such parts of the body of an adult:

  • lateral parts and lower abdomen;
  • between the fingers and toes;
  • inner thighs;
  • genitals;
  • the region of the mammary glands;
  • elbow bends.

When a child is infected, the localization of ticks is slightly different from adults, the main ones are:

  • the inner parts of the feet and the sole itself;
  • head and neck;
  • palms;
  • buttocks.

Scabies: complications - are there any? Let's consider this in more detail.

Scabies: the consequences of the disease

If the diagnosis and treatment of such a disease are timely, the likelihood of relapse will be minimized. But if the course of treatment is not followed as required by the doctor or the patient is self-medicating, scabies can again make itself felt. Symptoms can make themselves felt after an additional infection enters the human body, excessive scratching.

Complications of scabies are most often skin diseases. It is very difficult to treat such atypical skin problems.

Complications after scabies in an adult: what happens with the wrong treatment?

In some cases, the consequences can manifest themselves due to inadequately prescribed drugs for the treatment of scabies by the doctor. The most common consequences in this case are considered to be:

“Consequences of scabies with a photo”, “consequences of scabies in adults (photo)”, “complicated scabies: photo” - such queries help a person to find out what complications of scabies really look like. In many cases, this can prompt a person to contact a qualified specialist in time.

Forum: Scabies (Treatment and Consequences) is a place where patients can find proper support and calm down a bit after reading the stories of people who have been treated. In fact, scabies is not a dangerous disease, it can be treated.

Consequences of scabies due to an additional infection

When a person intensively scratches the skin, he can wear off the top layer of the skin, which leads to the formation of open and bleeding wounds. Such wounds and scratches are entry gates for additional infection. What happens when an injured area becomes infected?

  1. Microbial eczema. It appears on skin that is infected with fungi or germs. The most common causative agent of such eczema is beta-hemolytic streptococcus. This disease is visualized as a scab, an abscess, a weeping wound;
  2. Pyoderma. This is a purulent injury to the skin. It appears when harmful microorganisms penetrate the skin. If this problem is not treated in time, inflammation will go along the skin surface with the formation of scars;
  3. Skin hyperemia. This represents increased blood flow to the area of ​​inflammation. Red spots appear on the skin due to abrasions and wounds.

Scabies complicated by pyoderma

Pyoderma is treated by a dermatologist. The patient should not have much contact with water, especially if the disease occurs in an acute vase

The skin around the injured area is treated with disinfectants and solutions, salicylic acid and potassium permanganate solution are also effective. Although contact with water is undesirable, you should always wash your hands and treat the nail plates with a two percent iodine solution. You also need to wipe the intact skin with a damp sponge. This will protect the patient from the spread of infections.

The patient's diet should be balanced, you need to consume more dairy products and vegetables. It is necessary to limit the use of salt, simple carbohydrates, extractives and alcohol.

If pyoderma becomes chronic, treatment with antibacterial agents should be used.

Complication of scabies in the groin

What can be said about the complications of this type of scabies? In women, it may be vulvovaginitis. As for men, due to constant itching, there may be problems with erection and sexual intercourse.

Scabies during pregnancy: consequences

If the disease was detected in time and cured, the fetus during pregnancy will not undergo negative consequences.

The only problem is that the expectant mother will be constantly distracted by unpleasant sensations. This will contribute to the development of weakness, which will make her more irritable before childbirth.

At the advanced stage of scabies, abscesses form on the mother's skin. This can negatively affect the intrauterine development of the unborn child.

That is, if a person has any complications, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. However, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. It is also much easier to treat it at the initial stage than in the chronic stage. Thus, you need to carefully observe your own body and listen to its sensations. This will help avoid the development of consequences.

Itching is one of the common symptoms with which patients turn to a dermatovenereologist. This is often caused by allergies. But do not forget about such a disease as scabies. It is important to immediately determine the cause of the itching. How to find out at the initial stage? What questions should you ask the patient?

What is scabies?

There are direct and indirect ways of tick transmission. Direct is carried out at night in bed, when the tick is most active. The indirect route is through shared items and bedding. There is also a transient invasion, which can be carried out in saunas, trains, baths, where streams of people use items that were used by a patient with scabies.

The pathogenesis of the disease fully reflects the life cycle of the tick, which is divided into 2 periods - short-term cutaneous and long-term intradermal phases.

The location of the passages in scabies depends on the density of the sweat glands, the type of hair growth, the temperature of the outer skin, the rate of regeneration of the stratum corneum and the structure of the skin. So, often the moves are localized on the hands, elbows, wrists and feet, where the stratum corneum is the thickest. There are also many passages in those areas of the skin where the density of the sweat glands is increased (male genitals, wrists, hands, feet). That is why, when a patient has scabies combined with atopic dermatitis or ichthyosis vulgaris, there are very few scabies. Also, due to dry skin, they are few in the elderly. But there will be many moves with hyperhidrosis, epidermophytosis and dyshidrotic eczema.

But, given the fact that modern people wash their hands with soapy chemicals several times a day, a patient with scabies may not have these moves at all. Then the diagnosis becomes difficult, because there is no main symptom, but the disease is. The only symptom that can help make a preliminary diagnosis is the time of itching. This is the question that should be asked to the patient in order to make a differential diagnosis with allergies. This is due to the daily activity of ticks.

Daily activity of scabies mites.

The female is in a calm state during the day. In the evening and at night, she gnaws through the egg knees, laying an egg in each. At the same time, the female deepens the very bottom of this passage, making the subsequent exit of the larvae possible. This is done by every female and every night. One female leaves up to 2 eggs per night. From this process, the itch move on the skin of a patient with scabies is convoluted and consists of parts of moves, which are called the daily move element.

Thus, the nocturnal activity of ticks explains the predominance of the direct route of infection through the bed at night and in the evening, as well as the effectiveness of anti-scabies preparations at night.

Clinical picture of scabies

If the infection occurred by larvae, the incubation period lasts 2 weeks. And if the infection happened from a female, then the clinic is immediately visible. Itching is the main characteristic symptom of scabies. It occurs as a result of sensitization of the body to the end products of the vital activity of ticks (excrement, secretion of the glands of the oviduct, oral secretion). Itching appears after 1-2 weeks with a primary infection, and up to 3 weeks with a second infection.

The second characteristic sign of scabies is the presence of scabies. The skin reacts to the appearance of these same moves. Non-inflammatory vesicles, follicular pustules, also appear. An allergic reaction to the end products of the tick's metabolism is also manifested, which manifests itself on the skin with bloody crusts, scratching and miliary papules. But we found that the skin of each person reacts differently to tick activity. Some burrows do not exist at all (intact burrows), others have vesicles, blisters, pustules and lenticular papules, which is caused by jet burrows. Now it becomes clear the similarity of allergies and scabies.

Diagnostic symptoms for scabies:

  1. Ardi's symptom - purulent crusts and pustules on and near the elbows.
  2. Gorchakov's symptom - bloody crusts in the same place.
  3. Michaelis's symptom - impetigo rashes and bloody crusts in the intergluteal crease with the transition to the sacrum.
  4. Cesari's symptom - on palpation, an elevation is determined, which indicates the presence of an itch.

Scabies can be complicated by dermatitis and pyoderma. Sometimes - urticaria and microbial eczema.

When a person is infected with ticks from animals (dogs, pigs, horses, wolves, foxes, rabbits), pseudosarcoptic mange develops. With this disease, the incubation period lasts several hours, and typical scabies are absent, because ticks do not multiply in conditions unusual for it. They only penetrate the skin, causing severe itching. Pseudosarcoptic mange is not transmitted from person to person.

Scabies in children occurs with possible damage to the skin of the face and scalp. In infants, even the nail plates can be affected.

Methods for detecting scabies

In our country, the diagnosis of scabies must be confirmed by laboratory. For this use:

  • The oil vitropressure method - the skin is lubricated with mineral oil, after which granulomas are visualized by pressing on the pouring element.
  • A method of staining a suspicious element with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine, ink, ink or aniline dyes.
  • Scraping method - detection of contents in the scabies, vesicles and papules;
  • The method of extracting the tick with a needle is after opening the blind end of the stroke. At the same time, sharp needles move in the direction of travel and the female is attached by suction cups to the manipulation needle.
  • Dermoscopy - must be carried out necessarily for a patient with scabies.

Treatment and prevention of scabies

Scabies is treated on an outpatient basis. The most effective and commonly used ointments for scabies are benzyl benzoate, medifox, spregal and sulfur ointment. But, regardless of the chosen treatment, there are general principles for the treatment of patients with scabies:

Treatment of all patients in one focus is carried out simultaneously;

Rubbing ointments should be carried out exclusively in the evening;

For children under 3 years old, all areas of the skin are subject to rubbing, for the rest - with the exception of the scalp.

Scarbicides are rubbed only with hands, after which hands must be washed thoroughly;

The drug must be on the skin for at least 12 hours;

Treatment of complications should be carried out in parallel with the treatment of scabies;

Change of underwear and bed linen is carried out after the completion of the treatment process.

Treatment of scabies in children

Children under 1 year old can only use Spregal ointment, from 1 to 3 years old - Spregal and Medifox. From 3 years old - no restrictions.

The doctor must remember that in the treatment of scabies, relapses cannot occur, since the tick does not have long, latent periods. And such “relapses” are the result of non-compliance with treatment regimens, an independent decrease in the concentration of the drug, if the term and frequency of application of the ointment are not observed, as well as the use of the drug in the inactive phases of the tick cycle (in the afternoon) and the use of expired drugs. Reinvasion is possible - re-infection from the primary source of scabies, if the latter has not received adequate treatment.

Prevention of scabies consists in the active identification of patients at medical examinations and in any treatment for medical help.

It is important to know the preventive measures that will reduce the chances of contracting scabies:

Use of personal hygiene products and bed linen;

Adhere to hygiene standards in saunas, pools, baths;

Follow basic hygiene procedures.

It is not always possible to prevent a disease such as scabies, but by remembering the elementary rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of infection. And most importantly, after reading this article, you will have no doubts at the initial stage of diagnosis, whether it is an allergy or scabies.

Health to you and your patients!

The disease is caused by the scabies mite. It is transmitted by contact-household way. The main symptom of the disease is itching, which worsens at night. There are also scabies - red stripes on the skin. But there are other forms of the disease, for example, scabies without itching and a characteristic rash. The latter, for example, is often observed in people who are very fond of hygiene.

The therapy is carried out with acaricidal preparations (ex. benzyl benzoate, sulfuric ointment), and takes about a week.

Why did itching remain after treatment

Even with proper therapy and following the doctor's recommendations, they can persist for another month. Nodules on the skin are especially noticeable for a long time.

scabies mite

As a rule, doctors prescribe to relieve residual symptoms antihistamines and corticosteroids.

In some cases, if discomfort persists for more than 2 weeks, repeated use of acaricidal agents may be prescribed.

So, why does itching after scabies not go away:

  1. Nodular form diagnosed. The reaction of the immune system is too strong, so the discomfort takes longer than usual.
  2. Incorrect treatment - unsuitable drugs or their inadequate use (not the whole body was treated, too little medicine was used, the product was unevenly distributed over the skin). As a result, the mite remains to live in the skin.
  3. Live unfertilized female ticks. They do not lay eggs and do not appear on the surface of the skin, so they are more difficult to get rid of. Such females can live up to 6 weeks. That is why the body can itch for another month and a half after treatment.
  4. Allergic reaction on the anti-scabies agent used.
  5. Re-infection. This happens if, for example, not all members of the family / team have been treated or things have not been disinfected.

nodular scabies

This form of the disease is different in that itching and scabies all over the body, even after that, can persist for several months.

Therapy is standard- prescribe anti-tick drugs for external treatment. It can be supplemented with antihistamines.

What to do if itching remains

Scabies on hands


Tablets are drunk immediately after a meal. The dosage is as follows:

  1. A single dose for adults is 25-50 mg. The frequency of admission is 3-4 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg.
  2. For children under 3 years of age, a single dose is 5 mg, the frequency of administration is 2-3 times a day.
  3. For children 3-7 years old, a single dose is 10 mg, the frequency of administration is 2 times a day.
  4. For children 7-12 years old, a single dose is 10-15 mg, the frequency of administration is 2-3 times a day.

The duration of the course is 10-20 days.

"Fenkarol" is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components and in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects can occur with hypersensitivity to the drug or overdose. These include: dry mouth, dyspeptic symptoms (stool disorders, abdominal pain and disorders in the digestive tract). With a significant and prolonged overdose, headache, vomiting may occur.


This anti-allergic drug acts within half an hour after ingestion. The dosage is as follows:

Duration of admission - 10-15 days. The doctor can adjust the course - from 1 to 28 days.

"Loratadin" is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components and during lactation.

Side effects include dry mouth and vomiting. In case of an overdose, the heartbeat may become more frequent, drowsiness and headache may appear.

Glucocorticoid drugs

Hydrocortisone ointment

It treats the affected areas, applying a thin layer, up to 3 times a day. It is contraindicated in skin infections (tuberculosis, pyoderma - purulent inflammation of the skin, fungal infections), wounds and sores.

How to get rid of itching after treating scabies with Sinaflan ointment

The ointment is used 1-3 times a day, applying a thin layer, without rubbing. Duration of therapy - 5-10 days, but may increase to 25. It is not recommended to treat areas with sensitive skin (face, skin folds) and over large areas with ointment.

With prolonged use or treatment of sensitive skin, side effects such as adrenal hypofunction and skin atrophy. Sinaflan ointment is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to components, skin tuberculosis, skin infections, sores and wounds, as well as during pregnancy.

Itching from the remaining mites

It happens that after the use of acaricidal agents, unfertilized female ticks remain alive. How long does itching last after scabies treatment in this case? About a month - one and a half, and for very sensitive people even longer.

Aerosol "Spregal"

Aerosol "Spregal"

The drug can be used even for babies. The first treatment is carried out in the evening (18-19 hours), so that the therapeutic effect occurs at night. After processing, you can not wash. First spray the patient, then the rest of the family.

"Spregal" is applied like other anti-scabies: they treat the whole body, except for the head and face. Spraying is carried out at a distance of about 25 cm from the surface of the body. Well-treated skin begins to shine.

After 12 hours, you need to wash your body well with soap.

Often a single application of an aerosol is enough, but the doctor may advise another preventive treatment. When spraying the aerosol, a slight tingling sensation is possible. The latter is self-limiting.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

Calcium reduces the permeability of blood vessels, respectively, it is more difficult for allergens to penetrate into the blood. Calcium gluconate helps with various allergic reactions, including those caused by drugs.

How to relieve itching from scabies with calcium

Calcium gluconate should be drunk before a meal, it is recommended to drink milk. The dosage is as follows:

  1. For children 3-4 years old, a single dose of 1 g.
  2. Children 5-6 years old - 1-1.5 g.
  3. 7-9 years - 1.5-2 g.
  4. 10-14 years old - 2-3 years
  5. From 14 years and older - up to 3 years.
  6. Elderly people - no more than 2 g per day.

The frequency of admission is 2-3 times a day. Course duration - from 10 days to a month.

Calcium gluconate is contraindicated in renal failure, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, atherosclerosis, thrombosis. Possible side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain.


Seek medical attention if you have symptoms of scabies

In addition, do not exclude an allergy to ticks or to the medicine used. Identification of the allergen will help prevent adverse events in the future.

Scabies, although treated quickly and simply, requires a visit to a specialist. The disease is very contagious, and its symptoms cause severe discomfort. Therefore, it is better to entrust the diagnosis and prescription of therapy to a specialist.

In contact with

Scabies is a contagious disease caused by the scabies mite.

The first signs and symptoms of scabies

The duration of the incubation period is 1-2 weeks, in people with strong immunity, the first signs appear after 1-1.5 months, in the presence of immunodeficiency states - after a few days.

When re-infected, the disease begins to manifest itself after 3-5 hours.

How the disease manifests itself:

In adults, the rash affects different parts of the body, most often localized in the folds on the elbows, between the fingers, on the back or abdomen. In a child, the disease proceeds in a more severe form, rashes cover the palms, feet, face and head, scabs appear on the skin. In infants under one year old, there is a deterioration in the condition of the nail plates, they become brittle, many cracks form on the surface.

Itching and rash are signs of many dermatological and infectious diseases, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the onset of discomfort after examination and diagnosis.

Manifestations of allergies and scabies are very similar. But allergic reactions are manifested in the form of rhinitis, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, the general condition worsens, itching around the clock, the rash is localized in places of contact with allergens. After taking antihistamines, the discomfort disappears.

What can be confused with scabies:

  • pyoderma - dermatological purulent pathology, occurs when pathogenic cocci are introduced into the skin;
  • eczema is a chronic non-contagious skin disease of allergic, autoimmune origin;
  • dermatitis, lichen - inflammation of the skin;
  • dermatosis of pregnant women;
  • senile itchy skin- occurs in older people after 50 years of age against the background of disorders in the nervous system, sebaceous and sweat glands, joint diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes, pathology of the gallbladder and liver;
  • Hodgkin's disease- a granuloma of a malignant nature, formed from atypical cells of the lymphoid tissue;
  • head and pubic pediculosis, bites of blood-sucking insects.

In addition to typical scabies, there are atypical forms of the disease, in which the main symptoms of the pathology manifest themselves somewhat differently.

Norwegian scabies is characterized by the formation of scabs

Pseudo-scabies is transmitted from animals, is not dangerous to humans and disappears after a few hours.

A consequence of running scabies

Appears when infected with pruritus larvae

Diagnosed in people who often take showers, as the top layer of the epidermis is washed off

Types of skin disease:

In men, rashes are most often localized on the legs, genitals.

Reasons for the appearance

Anyone can get scabies, but most often the disease is found among residents of disadvantaged segments of the population.

It is difficult for the scabies mite to move over sweaty skin - the peak of scabies occurs in the cold season.

Transmission routes

Scabies is transmitted through direct household or sexual contact, contact of the skin of a sick and a healthy person is necessary for infection. The tick is also transmitted through things, dishes, bedding, toys.

The size of the scabies mite reaches up to 0.5 mm

Which doctor should I contact?

A dermatologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of scabies, it is desirable to isolate a sick person from others, for this, separate rooms are allocated in the dermatovenerological departments.


Scabies has a pronounced clinical picture, the dermatologist makes a diagnosis after the examination, sometimes additional tests are prescribed.

Video dermatoscopy is one of the ways to diagnose the disease - an increase of 500 times and allows you to carefully consider the problem

Research methods:

  1. Examination of the affected areas with a video dermatoscope- the device magnifies the image 500 times, which allows you to see the tick and its eggs under the skin.
  2. Analysis of the skin under a purple lamp- a special solution is applied to the affected areas, when translucent, the scabies acquire a yellow-green color.
  3. Scraping from affected areas, the skin is pre-treated with a solution of lactic acid.
  4. To distinguish scabies from allergies, allergic tests are performed, ELISA.

The reliability of the results of skin scrapings is no more than 30%, therefore, treatment is prescribed not on the basis of diagnostic results, but based on specific symptoms.

Treatment of scabies at home

How long scabies is treated - the answer to this question depends on many factors. With timely access to a specialist in people with good immunity, all discomfort disappears within 1-2 weeks. In the presence of complications, chronic pathologies, treatment can be delayed for several months.

Preparations and ointments for scabies

To eliminate the manifestations of scabies, special preparations are used - scabicides, which adversely affect the tick, promote skin regeneration.

Apply all medicines to clean, steamed, dry skin, strictly follow the instructions, do not wash off the medicines earlier than the period indicated in the annotation.

Sulfuric ointment smeared on the affected skin

Effective anti-scabies drugs:

  1. Sulfur ointment - apply to all skin, with the exception of the scalp and face for a week. The tool is effective, inexpensive, but has a persistent unpleasant odor, leaves greasy stains on things.
  2. Benzyl benzoate - ointment or emulsion with an active substance concentration of 10 or 20%. All adult mites die after the first procedure, but the eggs survive, so the product must be applied for 2-3 days, re-treatment should be carried out after three days. During therapy, a burning sensation, allergic reactions may occur, the drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Spregal - medicine in the form of a spray, allows you to evenly apply it to all skin integuments. All parts of the epidermis are treated with the drug, left for at least 12 hours, the procedure is carried out twice with an interval of 3 days. The tool is safe, has practically no contraindications.
  4. Lindane - ointment, cream or lotion is applied to the skin, washed off after 6-24 hours, it is enough to apply the product 1-2 times.
  5. Crotamiton is the safest remedy, suitable for the treatment of pregnant women, newborns. The duration of therapy is 5 days.

With severe itching, antihistamine and hormonal drugs are prescribed - Hydrocortisone ointment, Zodak, calcium preparations and Zinc ointment will help eliminate the rash. When abscesses appear, antibiotic therapy is carried out, sulfonamides are used, the skin is additionally treated with Fukortsin and other antiseptics.

To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, visit the doctor again and take tests after 7-10 days.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment will help to cope with itching, rashes, reduce the risk of complications, especially if you start using them at an early stage of the disease.

Celandine juice is mixed with petroleum jelly and lubricated with affected areas of the skin

Simple Recipes:

  1. Mix 1 tsp. purified turpentine and 2 tbsp. l. homemade butter, apply a thin layer of ointment on the affected areas before going to bed.
  2. Combine 15 ml of fresh celandine juice and 60 g of petroleum jelly, treat the skin with the mixture in the evening. Celandine is a poisonous plant, collect shoots and squeeze the juice only with gloves.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves of fresh rue 500 ml of water, put on medium heat, wait until everything boils, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, strain. Lubricate the whole body with a decoction, put on clean, ironed linen.

Possible consequences and complications

In people with strong immunity, complications after scabies are rare, negative consequences occur against the background of the addition of bacterial infections. An unfavorable prognosis is only with Norwegian scabies, drugs help little, against the background of severe intoxication, cardiac activity is disturbed.

Carefully! Scabies can develop into chronic allergies

What is dangerous scabies:

  • severe kidney pathology;
  • heart disease, rheumatism;
  • streptococcal pneumonia;
  • chronic allergies, severe intoxication;
  • post-scabious dermatitis - reaction to drugs against scabies, rash and itching persists for 15-20 days after completion of therapy;
  • pyoderma, microbial eczema, hyperemia, furunculosis, abscess.

In newborns and children under 3 years of age, sepsis may occur against the background of scabies.


Prevention methods:

  1. Clean surfaces with 1-2% soda solution or any chlorine-based cleaner.
  2. Soak things, bed linen in a 1-2% solution of washing powder for an hour, wash at a temperature of 60 degrees, iron with an iron.
  3. Hang outerwear, blankets, pillows in frost or sun, leave for 48-72 hours.
  4. Household items that cannot be washed, put in vacuum bags, leave for 7 days.
  5. Treat toys, upholstered furniture with a steam cleaner, or insecticidal spray A-Par, Medifox.
  6. After contact with a person who has symptoms of scabies, treat the skin prophylactically with any drug to treat scabies.
  7. Do not use other people's things, do not give your belongings, clothes to strangers.
  8. Carefully follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hands after visiting public places, use antiseptics on a walk.

Disinfect the entire living area to prevent recurrence

If the child attends school, kindergarten, parents should examine the skin daily for a rash, paying special attention to the folds between the fingers, the elbow and knee folds, and the area around the navel. Scabies is a contagious skin disease, if an itchy rash appears, visit a dermatologist, self-medication is fraught with the development of severe complications, especially in children.



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