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Eva Longoria, aka Gabby Solis, won the hearts of an audience of numerous viewers as a desperate and resourceful housewife. But not only unsurpassed artistry and worldwide popularity attracts attention to this famous film actress. First of all, everyone who has seen Eve at least once is enchanted by the magic of her graceful little figure. She looks so beautiful, moves so smoothly and easily, which causes involuntary admiration even among skeptical individuals. But here's the secret, how does she manage to always remain so incredibly fresh, beautiful, slim and fit with such high employment? It turned out that the star has her own set of activities, including exercises, but first things first

What does Eva Longoria's secret beauty complex include?

In fact, there is nothing complicated here. According to Eva herself, she leads a completely normal life. In addition, the star is very fond of Mexican cuisine and does not miss the opportunity to taste her favorite dishes. However, everything needs a measure, which the actress never forgets. And, first of all, it is this rule of moderation that helps her, with a height of 157 cm, to maintain a weight of only 46 kg. In addition, Eva moves a lot, does gymnastics according to an exercise scheme specially designed for her, and likes to walk. By the way, for many years she has been among the top women with the most beautiful legs, in which it plays an important role physical activity. Well, of course, this complex was not without diets. Eva Longoria's diet, or rather, diets, there are three of them, help the actress a lot when you need to lose a few extra pounds, for example, for filming in fashion magazine. In truth, they don’t even look like diets, but rather resemble an option. healthy eating. Let's get to know them better.

What is Eva Longoria's fish diet?

Oh, this is the most favorite diet of the actress. After all, Eva loves sea fish very much and can eat it at least every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In general, if you follow this diet, this is how it goes. But besides getting rid of a few extra pounds this species weight loss also perfectly helps to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. After all, it is in varieties sea ​​fish contains iodine, fatty amego-3 acids and antioxidants that stimulate renewal and rejuvenation at the cellular level. Here approximate diet this wonderful diet.

The menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner schematically looks exactly the same, 200 g of any sea fish and 200 of any vegetables. You need to cook fish either in a double boiler, or in the oven, or boil, but in no case fry. Also during the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of plain water.

Eva Longoria's vegetable diet

This is Eva's second favorite diet. It consists in the fact that daily ration 70% must be raw vegetables. As an exception, a couple of baked potatoes are allowed. Spinach and Brussels sprouts are especially in honor of the star. The total volume of vegetables eaten per day can reach up to one and a half kilograms. You can also prepare a variety of salads from them. This diet and fruits are not alienated. According to Eva herself, green apples are best suited. However, if you prefer some other fruits, you can take them. The main thing is that their color is green, not red. In the vegetable Eva Longoria's diet present great amount fiber that naturally cleanses the body of waste and toxins. So, of course, it reduces weight and rejuvenates the body as a whole.

What a marvel isThe Skinny Bitch Diet?

And, finally, the third most shocking and tough Eva Longoria diet, whose name translates as a thin bitch diet. No, of course, no one becomes a bitch while on this diet. It's just that the effect of it is really very powerful, well, just like the wrath of a bitch. Daily diet in this case is only 1200 kilocalories and consists of green vegetables and fruits, nuts and legumes. Namely, kohlrabi, green green beans, broccoli, leaf salad, cucumbers, sometimes red beans. It is also allowed to use soy cocktail and soy cheese Tofu, green apples and nuts. You can eat either seven almond kernels per day, or 3 brazil nuts. But these three diets are just flowers. Eva Longoria has another secret weapon.

Extra Diet - Eva Longoria's Secret Weapon

This diet is so hard and heavy that it is worth resorting to only in really emergency cases. Eva herself uses it only when the actress has to star in underwear. This diet lasts a week, and during this time, as if by magic magic wand, disappears at least five kilograms. Here is the diet of this effective method.

Breakfast consists of one soft-boiled egg. Lunch takes place three hours after breakfast and consists of one hundred and fifty grams fat-free cottage cheese and cups of tea without sugar. Three hours later, dinner, which is exactly the same as lunch. That's it, meals for today are over. Until tomorrow morning, you should only drink mineral water. Yes, the mode is very tough, but the game is worth the candle.

Well, we think that the diets of the famous pet will benefit many women who want to look young and beautiful. After all, their effectiveness and efficiency have been repeatedly proven by many years of practice and the stunning appearance of the actress herself. We thank her for such excellent recommendations and wish her to continue to remain as beautiful and successful in the future.

Actress and producer, Eva Longoria was born in Texas. Activity and sports have always been her way of life. Her grace is envied by women all over the world. She owes her slenderness to moderation in everything, or balance, which she calls the key to a good figure.

Famous movie star Eva Longoria looks great in almost any situation. She does not lose her femininity even in a tracksuit, to say nothing of evening dresses. This is also partly due to her refined figure.

Few people know that Eva Longoria holds a diploma in kinesiology - this is the science of muscle movement. Early in her film career, Eva even worked as a fitness instructor at the gym.

The actress has always boasted a good figure. Her weight never crossed the mark of 44 kilograms with a height of 157 cm. However, according to the confessions of Eva herself, it is not in her habits to exhaust herself physical activity. Her training program is quite diverse - here are kickboxing, dancing, and gymnastics. But most of all she loves yoga and golf. Workouts usually last an hour, up to five times a week.

Eva's hands, which always look elegant, are especially admired. As you know, women over the age of 30 need to take care not only of the lower body, but also of the upper body, especially the arms and shoulders, in order to show them to others without hesitation, putting on T-shirts.

3 exercises from Eve for beautiful hands

Now you also have the opportunity to learn three exercises that keep Eve's hands in good shape. They need to be performed regularly, doing 15 repetitions.

1. The first exercise is bicep curls. It must be performed at a slow pace, lingering in the upper position for 3 seconds.

2. The second exercise is push-ups. To perform, you will need a support, whether it be a chair or a sofa. Stand with your back to the sofa, put your hands on its edge and start push-ups. The body must be lowered along the support, without taking the elbows away from the body.

3. The third exercise is to use 1-2 kg dumbbells. Lowering your arms along the body, perform a biceps curl, and then squeeze the dumbbell up.

Diet is an integral part of staying in shape

Remember that for beautiful figure fitness alone is not enough - you also need to pay attention to diet. Eva Longoria never limited her menu, but she strictly monitored the presence of nuts, vegetables, fruits, fish and meat in her diet.

fish diet

Fish dishes are held in high esteem by Eva Longoria, so fish diet took a special place in her diet. The basis of this diet is the consumption of sea fish in large quantities. 200 grams of sea fish and the same amount of vegetables should be included in every meal. Fluid is also very important and should be drunk quite a lot.

vegetable diet

Eva also gives Special attention vegetable diet. The essence of this diet is to eat quite a large number vegetables, especially spinach and Brussels sprouts. Potatoes in small doses (a few potatoes) are also welcome.

low calorie food

Eva Longoria has in her arsenal and low calorie diet. It is based on variety of vegetables, nuts and soy products. Dishes should be composed only of green vegetables, exclusively green. It can be cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, beans and others. Eating enough nuts will saturate the body with the fats necessary for life.

In order not to eat fast foods generously flavored with fats, the actress herself cooks national Mexican dishes at home - tasty and dietary at the same time. She knows how to cook low-calorie, yet satisfying food.



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