What vegetables are healthier to eat cooked than raw. What vegetables to eat to improve vision

Right Habits- pledge good health. It is important to lead not only healthy lifestyle life, but also monitor your diet, especially if you already have health problems. Hearts should be included in daily menu enough vegetables and fruits to improve the performance of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

What is the diet for?

If you eat right, you will work right digestive system. With useful products, she will receive nutrients that help the heart work.

The benefits of dieting are enormous. Due to daily stress and stressful situations, a person exposes the heart to unnecessary stress, this can cause heartburn. Due to heartburn, acidity decreases, which in turn leads to insufficient protein digestion. If in stressful situations Eat tightly in the evening, then the heart muscle will become even more difficult to work. Light meals, on the contrary, will reduce the load and help a person fall asleep soundly and fully relax.

Some foods accumulate excessive amounts of cholesterol and lipids in the body. All these components negatively affect the functioning of the heart vessels.

Meat products, dairy products slow down work gastrointestinal tract, This leads to chronic constipation, which affects circulatory system. Without proper blood flow, the heart begins to work weaker, heart failure develops.

Vegetables and fruits have essential vitamins and minerals, support the health of not only the heart, but the whole body.

Each fruit has its own beneficial features, but for people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, not every fruit will benefit.

Nutritionists recommend eating fruits that are rich in fiber, vitamins E, P, A and C. Studies have shown that these substances help to avoid heart attacks in 90% of cases. Here is a list of foods that are approved by cardiologists and nutritionists:

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These fruits are long-term use help to normalize the work of the heart. Can be used in pure form, and can be used for confectionery or salads. The key is to eat fruit in season. If apricots, peaches and currants grow in summer, then it is in this season that they will have more vitamins. In winter, bananas and avocados are ideal.

Useful properties of lemon and persimmon

Special mention should be made of medicinal properties persimmon and lemon. These two products allow not only to maintain the functionality of the heart muscle, but to cure various heart diseases.

Lemon is used to treat such diseases:

  • tachycardia
  • arrhythmia
  • heart failure
  • ischemia

In addition, lemon has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and the digestive tract. A high concentration of vitamin C saturates the body with nutrients and vitamins, strengthens the immune system, protects against viral and infectious diseases.

The product is used for prophylactic purposes during atherosclerosis, damage to the heart vessels and hypertension. One slice of lemon is able to relieve pressure by several units. Downgrade arterial pressure all citrus fruits can, but lemon is the best.

Persimmon is a specific fruit, because of its tartness and viscosity, not everyone likes it. However, it contains so many healing properties that you can tolerate it, it also contains various trace elements and sugar. Persimmon has a high concentration of magnesium, which expands and relaxes capillaries and arteries, normalizes blood flow and oxygen supply, and improves heart rate.

You can use the product fresh, dried, or drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice twice a week.

Can cook medicinal tincture which calms the central nervous system. Tranquility and positive attitude- this is what is really necessary for good heart function.

Healthy vegetables for the core

The above vegetables have been studied in cardiology centers, after much research, it has been proven that all of them help with cardiovascular pathologies. You'll get maximum benefit if you grow your own vegetables.

dietary requirements

In order for the diet to bring maximum benefit, you need to follow some recommendations or rules. Here are some of them:

  1. Healthy eating should be every day, not periodically. Fruits and vegetables must be included in the diet all year round.
  2. You need to eat in small portions, at least five to six times a day. Of the six meals, three should include vegetables.
  3. The interval between each meal is at least three hours. The last time you need to eat no later than seven o'clock in the evening.
  4. Dishes should be minimally salted, recommended daily dose- 10 grams.
  5. If the patient regularly takes Warfarin, then he should exclude all fruits and vegetables rich in potassium in order to avoid overdose and not reduce the effect of the drug. First of all, you need to give up green foods.
  6. If a person has a problem not only with the heart, but has diabetes, it is undesirable for him to eat a lot of fruits. For him hazardous products are: raisins, grapes, dates and bananas. It is better to replace them with vegetables.
  7. Eat foods that are in season. For cooking, use olive, sunflower, soybean, corn oil as a dressing.
  8. IN winter time consume dried fruits. After special treatment, the concentration of vitamins and microelements increases several times. Dried fruits can be eaten ready-made, and also add to cereals, drinks and cottage cheese.

The fact that raw vegetables extremely useful for many is beyond doubt. At the same time, many believe that cooked vegetables have no benefit at all and all the vitamins in them are killed by heating. However, scientists do not always agree with such conclusions: even boiled, stewed, steamed or pan-fried gifts of nature will serve the body well. About what vegetables would be nice to eat cooked, our new article.

New Research

Losses of vitamins during cooking are not as devastating as previously thought, scientists have found. From cooked vegetables, vitamins are absorbed by our body even better!

At the same time, not all vitamins give us raw gifts of nature - a significant part of them passes through the digestive tract in transit.

This happens because they are very densely immured in fiber. During the cooking of vegetables and fruits, it is destroyed, and they are easier to part with vitamins. And therefore, the absorption of vitamin C, the content of which decreases more than others under the influence of high temperature, from boiled, stewed and steamed vegetables can be even higher than from raw ones.

Tomatoes are the best!

Such conclusions are valid not only for vitamins, but also for other useful substances.

For example, for lycopene, a very powerful antioxidant. There is a lot of it in tomatoes, but it is very poorly absorbed when raw. Thus, stewing, steaming, light roasting will only benefit the tomatoes. If you knead them, turn them into tomato paste or juice, the lycopene will become much more active.

According to scientists, lycopene may be even more important to the body than vitamin C, which is easily destroyed by heat.


Consider this vegetable. It is traditionally believed that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. At the same time, alpha- and beta-carotenes are its main wealth. Being very powerful antioxidants, they neutralize harmful free radicals, slowing down the aging process and protecting us from atherosclerosis and cancer. Carrots also contain lutein. It allows you to save good vision even in old age. But the same vitamin A is not in carrots, but it is already formed in our body from carotenes.

The fact is that if carrots are boiled, then carotenes in it become 14% more, and lutein - 11%.

And this means that carrots should not be spared when preparing soup or stewing a vegetable side dish.


And so, in order for cabbage to protect against cancer, it is better to cook it in a double boiler.


For the most zucchini useful methods cooking turned out to be boiling, stewing and steaming. And, apparently, these are the most best practices cooking vegetables. The heating temperature during them is not as high as during frying, and its destructive effect is not so strong. The water present during cooking does not appear to be as detrimental to vitamin C as thought. For example, when cooking zucchini, it did not collapse at all, and when cooking carrots, it was only slightly destroyed.

Which vegetables are best eaten raw and which are cooked? Many modern housewives are wondering which vegetable products should be eaten raw and which ones should be cooked to get rid of harmful chemicals.

In today's thread, we will address this ongoing issue and share some exceptional useful tips for processing vegetables.

To begin with, we should recall such a popular trend as a raw food diet. Raw foodists claim that foods that have not undergone heat treatment are much healthier than those that have undergone it.

However, it is worth noting that many scientists have come to the conclusion that raw foodists suffer from a lack of such a pigment as lycopene, which appears only after heat treatment of some foodstuffs.

Therefore, it is definitely worthwhile to clearly understand which vegetables should be eaten raw and which ones cooked.

This is the product that must be eaten exclusively raw. Indeed, after its processing, more than thirty percent of folic acid and other beneficial trace elements for the health of your body.

Carrot- another product that needs to be eaten raw. Just heat treatment destroys vitamin C, which supports your immune system. In addition, almost the entire range of polyphenols that can prevent many oncological diseases is destroyed.

But it is worth knowing that we can get beta-carotene exclusively from boiled carrots. Therefore, boil or eat raw - depends on your decision.

Garlic refers to the group of foods that must be added to food in its raw form. Such a small-looking product contains a fairly voluminous amount of vitamins and useful elements.

In addition to the fact that garlic and its feathers contain vitamin C and have antiviral action, He able to lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of plaques in blood clots, thereby save your vessels from damage.

You also need to add only fresh. When this product is heated, all vitamin C evaporates from it.

Of course, pepper can be added to dishes with heat treatment, but it is better to take it in its original form - it is much more natural.

There are foods that can be consumed both raw and cooked. These include onion, broccoli And tomatoes. It is worth considering in more detail the benefits of each in two versions of their use.

While cooking onions you lose special chemical element that can reduce your feeling of hunger. With all this, in the case of heat treatment, the onion is able to release an element - a flavonoid, which has an anti-inflammatory property.

Also, when cooked, more calcium, lutein and vitamin K are produced. Remember that onions are not recommended to be baked or fried for more than five minutes, otherwise they will lose all the useful properties inherent in the product and there will be absolutely no benefit from this vegetable.

This is another product that can be eaten in any form. In a raw vegetable, it can prevent stomach ulcer and oncological diseases.

Also boiled broccoli produces a special enzyme that can prevent the occurrence of cancer cells or prevent them from becoming benign. Therefore, the use of broccoli in any form will significantly improve your body.

Tomatoes, used in cooked form, baked or fried, prevent the occurrence cancerous tumors and anything related to cancer. After all, during cooking, they release a special enzyme - lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer cells and various tumors any type.

Raw tomatoes are no less useful., because they contain a sufficient amount of magnesium, zinc and other useful substances. Ready-made tomatoes should be eaten by adding a little vegetable oil. Thus, lycopene is absorbed by the body much easier and faster.

Now it is worth paying attention to those vegetable products that should be consumed exclusively in cooked form. First of all potato.

Of course, no one eats raw potato tubers, but you should know that only in baked form does it benefit the body.

Other methods of cooking potatoes have their drawbacks. Fried - very harmful to your health, and has no useful properties, and in boiled potatoes there is solid starch.

When roasting potato tubers, make sure they are in their skins. It is she who protects the fetus from strong impact heat and helps preserve all the healthy ingredients.

Spinach it is best to cook, because it is after processing that your body will more easily absorb all the nutrients of this useful product. In this case best solution will steam the spinach. Do not cook it in boiling water under any circumstances, otherwise its benefits will be significantly reduced.

eggplant are able to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, especially their beneficial properties are manifested when baking. At high temperature all of it nutritional properties are intensely manifested, and harmful chemicals disappear.

Mushrooms should only be eaten boiled or fried. When cooked this way, they release potassium, which is very beneficial for your muscle tissue.

Asparagus and zucchini heat treatment badly needed. Under these conditions, asparagus releases even more vitamin A and lycopene than when raw.

A zucchini are able to secrete more folic acid and also vitamin A, positive impact which is a tangible plus for the human eye.

Now you know exactly which vegetables are good to eat raw and which are cooked. However, you should definitely know how to cook vegetables properly in order to get the maximum benefit.

Eat healthy and right!

Adherents of the alkaline diet know that in order to reduce the "acidification" of the body and increase its "alkalinization" you need to eat as many vegetables as possible. The most popular alkaline vegetables are eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, and celery. These most useful vegetables not only have a beneficial effect on the alkaline environment of the body, but are also delicious.

Very healthy vegetables: eggplant and broccoli

The use of eggplants has a positive effect on cardiovascular activity, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stimulates the functioning of the kidneys, and intestinal motor function.

Eggplants remove cholesterol from the body, improve hematopoiesis, lower blood sugar levels, have bactericidal properties, due to which they are widely used as a wound healing agent.

Another very healthy vegetable is broccoli, an alkaline food and effective remedy treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Broccoli contains vitamins C, PP, E, K, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, folic acid, beta-carotene, as well as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, sulfur and iron. This vegetable is especially valuable due to the content of sulforaphane, a substance that kills bacteria, causing ulcers stomach and inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Most of all sulforaphane is present in broccoli sprouts.

Broccoli removes from the body excess water, toxins and slags, normalizes metabolic processes. Regular consumption of this vegetable prevents the development of colon and breast cancer, atherosclerosis, slows down the aging process, has a beneficial effect on the heart, promotes the healing of stomach ulcers, normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves appetite and digestion.

Healthy foods: vegetables, potatoes and tomatoes

What other vegetables are good for "snapping"? Of course, potatoes are one of the most widely used foods. Many delicious and healthy dishes are prepared from this vegetable.

Potato contains a large number of proteins that contain almost all amino acids, including essential ones. This root crop is rich in carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, folic acid, vitamins C, PP and group B.

Potato has a mild laxative effect, does not irritate the rectum. Medical masks based on potatoes are widely used to relieve itching, irritation and inflammation of the skin.

The list of alkaline vegetables continues with tomatoes - one of the most common vegetables in the world, which are used in many delicious dishes.

The composition of tomatoes includes vitamins A, C, E, K, PP, group B, beta-carotene, sugars (fructose and glucose), organic acids, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, boron, magnesium, manganese, sodium, copper, zinc and iron. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that has a powerful healing effect.

Tomatoes have a laxative effect, improve intestinal motility, prevent the occurrence of malignant tumors and development cardiovascular disease.

Proven beneficial effect tomatoes on the overall vitality.

Tomatoes remove toxins from the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and have a diuretic effect.

Healthy vegetables onions and carrots

Onion- a healthy vegetable, but slightly alkalizing. However, it contains a large amount of useful substances - inulin, flavonoids, phytin, calcium, phosphorus, citric and malic acids, phytoncides. The onion contains vitamins A, PP, C, B1 and B2, as well as essential oil with an irritating mucosal odor.

Onions are most valued for their bactericidal and antiseptic properties, which provide the phytoncides contained in it. This vegetable improves performance digestive tract, effectively fights the putrefactive and inflammatory processes occurring in it.

Onion has antipyretic and expectorant properties, strengthens the immune system, has a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses, thereby preventing the development of a number of infectious diseases.

Carrots are also a healthy vegetable, besides, they are highly alkalizing. It contains vitamins PP, C, E, K, group B and carotene. This vegetable contains about 7% carbohydrates and more than 1% protein. in carrots are potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, magnesium, nickel, fluorine and cobalt.

The specific smell of carrots is determined by the essential oils contained in it.

Carrot normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, acts as a mild laxative, promotes the breakdown of stones in bladder, cleanses the blood from, displays, reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Regular consumption of carrots helps strengthen blood vessels, lower blood pressure, correct weight, improve vision, blood composition and skin condition.

Top Healthiest Vegetables: Cucumber and Pepper

Speaking about which vegetables are the most useful, one should not forget about cucumbers, which are considered one of the most alkaline products. They are 90-95% water, contain very few calories and therefore are widely used in diet food.

The composition of the radish includes sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C, PP and group B. This vegetable also contains thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, phytoncides.

The use of radish promotes peristalsis and bowel movements, increases appetite, stimulates metabolism, improves cardiac activity, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes toxins from the body and lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Healthiest vegetables: celery and garlic

One of the most healthy vegetables is celery, all the constituent parts of which (tuber, stem, leaves) are used in alkaline diet.

The leaves and roots of celery contain vitamins C, A, E, K, group B, fiber, asparagine, tyrosine, a nicotinic acid, calcium, chlorine, boron, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, potassium, sulfur, zinc, fatty acid and essential oils.

The use of celery has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, the condition nervous system. This plant stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach, lowers blood sugar levels, acts as an analgesic for migraine and joint diseases, has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Preparations from celery seeds remove uric acid from the body.

Celery- unique natural cosmetic product. Masks from its root and stems are used to smooth wrinkles and improve skin tone.

Garlic one of the healthiest alkaline vegetables healing properties which have been widely used for over 5000 years.

Garlic contains proteins, fats, fiber, calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iodine, sulfur, as well as phytoncides and essential oil. Garlic is rich in vitamins C, D, P and group B.

Garlic has antimicrobial, wound healing, analgesic, diuretic and anthelmintic properties. A small amount of garlic is useful for blood thinning, lowering cholesterol levels, and also as a cancer prevention.

This vegetable is widely used to improve immunity, treat respiratory diseases and also as a vitamin remedy.

The most useful vegetables for weight loss: pumpkin and beans

Pumpkin is also a healthy vegetable that is used in an alkaline diet to prepare low-calorie meals.

The pumpkin contains vitamins A, C, E, D, PP, group B, fiber, proteins, pectins, sugars, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt, phosphorus.

Pumpkin improves functions of cardio-vascular system, reduces pressure, normalizes acidity gastric juice, strengthens immunity and corrects weight. This vegetable is one of the best mild laxatives.

Pumpkin seeds have anthelmintic properties. Medicines based on pumpkin seeds, normalize sexual functions, effectively fight against skin diseases especially with acne.

Pumpkin- one of the most useful vegetables for weight loss. The use of this product not only promotes weight loss, but also prevents the formation of stretch marks and sagging skin.

Beans- plant of the legume family, useful dietary product and effective for weight loss.

The composition of the beans includes proteins (up to 75%), various acids, vitamins C, PP, group B, carotene, copper, zinc, potassium, iron, sulfur, as well as tryptophan, lysine, arginine, tyrosine and histidine.

String beans have a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis, lower blood sugar levels and normalize carbohydrate metabolism. It has diuretic, analgesic, wound healing and antibacterial properties. Regular consumption of beans increases the body's resistance.

Cauliflower is a healthy and tasty vegetable

Cauliflower - useful and delicious vegetable, which is widely used in dietary nutrition and traditional medicine. Thanks to the unique chemical composition it is used for the preparation of medicinal preparations.

The composition of cauliflower includes proteins, carbohydrates, cellulose, vitamins C, PP, H, B1, B2, B6. From minerals this vegetable has the most potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Cauliflower is also rich in apple, lemon, folic, pantothenic acids and pectins.

Each vegetable contains vitamins and nutrients. However, some vegetables contain more beneficial elements than others.

Green leafy vegetables - cabbage, spinach, parsley, dill, basil, dark green leaf salad- Ideal for weight control and weight loss. Because most green leafy vegetables are low in calories, low in fat. They also reduce the risk cancer and heart disease. Green leafy vegetables are high in dietary fiber, folic acid (vitamin B), vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, phytochemicals such as lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene. Due to the fact that green leafy vegetables are high in magnesium and low in glycemic index they are recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. High content As part of green leafy vegetables, it has a beneficial effect on the production of osteocalcin, a protein that has a beneficial effect on bone health.

Green leafy vegetables are best eaten raw; add to salads, sandwiches.

Broccoli (Asparagus)

Broccoli is a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. The composition of asparagus is rich in folic acids, which can prevent some birth defects development. Folic acids are also effective in the fight against heart disease, strokes and some forms of cancer. Broccoli contains high concentration vitamins A, C, E. Vitamins E, C and beta-carotene provide the body with adequate stores of antioxidants that help reduce the likelihood of heart failure and strokes. Broccoli is rich in iron, which effectively fights anemia.

It is best to eat broccoli raw (add to salads), also steam, add to soups and stews. Both the green inflorescences and the stem are nutritious.


Cauliflower is a source of vitamins C, A, B, E, carbohydrates, proteins, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, dietary fiber. Cauliflower is low in calories low maintenance sodium, does not contain fat and cholesterol. If you turn it on regularly cauliflower in your diet, you can avoid cancer, heart failure and hypertension .

Due to the fact that cauliflower has a mild taste, it can be eaten raw, baked, fried, added to soups and stews.

bell pepper

bell pepper(red, green, orange or yellow) a rich source of all kinds of nutrients. Peppers are rich in vitamins C and A - the most effective antioxidants. Bulgarian pepper contains folic acid, and also fiber, which lower blood cholesterol levels (cholesterol is the cause of heart attacks and strokes). If you regularly eat pepper, then the risk of getting colon cancer is minimized, thanks to vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid found in bell peppers.

Bell pepper goes well in salads, stews and soups.

Onion and garlic

Garlic contains the amino acid alliin, which has antibiotic and bactericidal properties. Promotes the work of the cardiovascular system, and effectively helps with respiratory diseases.

Onions - useful in preventing cardiovascular disease, especially when the risk of blood clots is increased. bow serves prophylactic cancer, in particular stomach cancer and prevents the occurrence of infectious diseases. Onions help improve lung function, especially for asthma.

To get all the beneficial nutrients found in onions and garlic, these vegetables are best eaten raw.


The presence of antioxidants in the composition of the tomato helps to remove toxic substances from the body. Lycopene, which is part of the tomato, neutralizes free radicals in the human body and reduces the risk of prostate cancer. People who eat frequently raw tomatoes are at least at risk for stomach or rectal cancer. Also, tomatoes block the action of nitrosamines, which in turn reduces the risk of lung cancer. Scientists have proven that if you regularly eat tomatoes, the risk of a heart attack is reduced. Vitamin K promotes strong bones and prevents bleeding in the brain.

Tomatoes are actually fruits, not vegetables. It is best to eat tomatoes raw - in salads and sandwiches. Tomato sauce goes well with many dishes.

Green pea

Green peas are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, but not fats. Green peas - great source fiber, iron, vitamin A and C, water-soluble fiber. The composition of green peas includes thiamine (vitamin B1), which is responsible for providing energy, providing normal functioning nervous system and.

Green pea best eaten raw and steamed. Delicious green pea puree.


Carrots contain beta-carotene, which has an antioxidant effect, reducing the risk of cancer. Carrots help maintain good vision, improve skin condition, strengthen immune system lowers cholesterol levels.

Due to their naturally sweet taste, carrots can be added to salads, eaten as an appetizer, or consumed as a juice.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Good afternoon, I am 23 years old, height 189 cm, weight 106 kg. Sedentary work. Even at the age of 18 I was like a flounder, now the aquarium has grown =) advise as a specialist how best to reduce your volumes?



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