Alkaline diet. All the nuances and rules of the alkaline diet that you need to know for proper weight loss

Now on the Internet you can find thousands of methods to combat obesity. But not all of them are as universal as the acid-alkaline diet. Some require incredible effort, some simply don't yield results. In addition, the vast majority of diets only cause harm to the body, depleting it. We offer you a unique weight loss program, thanks to which you can easily get rid of 3-5 kilograms in just a week. But rapid weight loss is not the only advantage of this diet. Following this diet, after 5-6 days you will feel a surge of energy and vigor.

How the alkaline diet works

All the food we eat has a certain environment: acidic or alkaline. Food with an acidic environment is certainly necessary for the body, but its excessive consumption contributes to the formation of toxins and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it is less susceptible to metabolism, and its breakdown products accumulate in the liver and kidneys. Unlike an acidic environment, an alkaline environment helps eliminate toxins and strengthens mucous membranes. It also neutralizes the incoming acid.

The acid-alkaline diet is based on a balance of acid-forming foods and alkaline foods. The ideal combination in which a person’s well-being improves and extra pounds melt away is 30/70. The main source of alkali is raw vegetables and fruits. Their share in the daily diet should be at least 50%.

For effective weight loss you should consume:

  1. Watermelon or lemon. They help remove toxins from the liver and neutralize the acid balance. And the high content of vitamin C improves immunity.
  2. Kiwi, grapes, pear, melon, pineapples, juices. These fruits improve metabolism, cleanse the intestines and saturate the body with vitamins.
  3. Carrots, asparagus, celery, garlic, nuts, dried fruits. The Ph level of such products is almost 8.0; due to which they regulate the state of the acidic environment.

Carrot diet - for quick and effective results!

The main rules of the acid-base diet

  • For breakfast - one raw green and one yellow vegetable.
  • You can drink it with fruit juice or herbal tea;
  • The last meal is no later than three hours before bedtime. Herbal tea will help satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • Every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of purified water (teas and fresh juices can also be drunk in unlimited quantities);
  • Cereal dishes can be consumed no more than three times a week;
  • A mandatory part of every meal is raw vegetables;
  • You can afford fish 2-3 times a week;
  • Give preference to lean meat (beef, veal or lamb). Chicken or turkey meat is also allowed;
  • Legumes are very useful: peas and beans. Don't forget to include nuts in your menu;
  • Cook with olive or peanut oil;
  • Completely eliminate chemical additives and unnatural flavorings from your diet.

Diet feature

This method of losing weight is based on healthy, nutritious nutrition. The alkaline diet has a very varied menu. Only products of chemical origin (chips, instant noodles, semi-finished products) and too fatty foods are unacceptable. The basis of the daily diet should be natural, as fresh as possible food. You can even eat your favorite desserts in small quantities: marshmallows, meringues, jam and ice cream.

Try to eat smaller meals, about 5 times a day, but in small portions. You can always afford snacks in the form of a vegetable salad or fruit.

Enter an alkaline diet gradually, reducing the amount of food with an acidic environment every day. And gradually the share of alkaline foods should make up 70% of your daily menu.

A complete alkaline diet can last up to four weeks! Recommended products can be found in the following two tables.

Foods with the greatest alkaline propertiesFoods with the greatest acidic properties
Fresh cucumbersMeat
Green teaFish
CitrusHard cheese
Radish and radishBakery products
Milk and kefirPasta
PeachesAnimal fats

To maintain the results, you also need to gradually exit the diet. To maintain good health and good mood, experts recommend maintaining the acid-base balance even after a diet, but the ratio of products can be 50/50.

Who needs an alkaline diet

Since alkaline is one of the options for proper nutrition, everyone can periodically resort to it. Even if you have no complaints and you just want to cleanse your body, or use it for weight loss. But first of all, you need to maintain the balance of the acidic environment if you have:

  • recurrent headaches;
  • excess weight;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased nervousness;
  • the appearance of the skin has deteriorated.

Secrets of the diet menu

If you like the alkaline diet, the proposed menu for the week will help you properly organize your diet.


Breakfast: two red and green vegetables, a glass of milk or herbal tea.

Lunch: 200 grams of boiled or baked chicken fillet, vegetable salad, yogurt.

Dinner: vegetables stewed in vegetable oil, 150 grams of sea fish, kefir or yogurt


Breakfast: muesli with fruit (preferably peach or apple), freshly squeezed juice.

Lunch: fish soup with vegetables, herbal tea.

Dinner: two-egg omelet, whole grain bread, glass of juice.


Breakfast: a couple of squares of dark chocolate, fresh fruit.

Lunch: any soft cheese (preferably tofu) with beans or green peas, fried zucchini, herbal tea.

Dinner: 200 grams of boiled or baked beef, vegetable salad, yogurt.


Breakfast: fruit salad, a couple of walnuts or peanuts, kefir or fermented baked milk.

Lunch: vegetable soup, vegetable salad, boiled chicken fillet.

An incorrect acid-base balance in the body is indicated by decreased immunity, digestive system disorders, fatigue, mucous discharge and nervous disorders. And an alkaline diet helps solve this problem. The menu for the week should be drawn up based on the list of acceptable foods and basic nutritional principles.

The main rules of the alkaline diet

The purpose of the nutrition system under consideration is to restore the acid-base environment. A healthy person has a pH level of 7. And proper nutrition, based on the consumption of alkaline and acidic foods in appropriate proportions, allows you to normalize this indicator and lose excess weight.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of basic rules:

  1. There is no doubt that it gives a positive result. However, you should not suddenly change the menu for the week. First, read the list of acceptable and prohibited products. After this, gradually introduce alkaline foods and eliminate junk foods.
  2. Eat at least 5 times a day.
  3. For better absorption of food, it is recommended to chew each piece thoroughly.
  4. You are allowed to drink plain water and herbal tea.
  5. Dress salads with olive, soy or sunflower oil.
  6. Eat nuts and plant products fresh.
  7. Do not have dinner too late; carry out this procedure 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  8. Eat sweets in limited quantities.
  9. Fish and lean meat are allowed.
  10. Eat meat and grains no more than three times every 7 days.
  11. Remove processed foods, smoked foods and pickles from the alkaline menu.

Allowed and prohibited alkaline foods

The most important principles of the diet have been studied, now you need to know what an alkaline product is. The human diet should include foods with alkaline and acidic reactions in proportions of 70 and 30%. It is recommended to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. First, cook them in the oven or steam them. Excess dietary fiber can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Alkali is found in large quantities in the following products:

  • Carrot.
  • Radish.
  • Eggplant.
  • Beet tops.
  • Banana.
  • Watermelon.
  • Apple.
  • Peach.
  • Orange.
  • Melon.
  • Berries.

Buckwheat, rice and poultry should be eaten in limited quantities and not too often. On an alkaline diet, limit your intake of dairy products and honey.

Acidic products:

  • Starch.
  • Sugar.
  • Sweet sparkling water.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Pasta.
  • Liver, heart.
  • Beans, peas, lentils.
  • Cakes, pastries, sweets.
  • Canned food.

Sample alkaline menu

The alkaline diet consists of a low-calorie diet. Let's look at a sample menu for the week. If you make a meal plan in advance, you don’t have to think about preparing meals every day. And minimal heat treatment allows you to cook quickly, while the nutrients in the food are preserved.


Breakfast – grapefruit, cucumber salad.

Lunch – chicken soup.

Dinner – steamed fish, cabbage salad.


Breakfast – natural yogurt, banana.

Lunch – vegetable and herb soup.

Dinner – carrot salad, boiled chicken and a glass of yogurt.


Breakfast – sour apple, sweet pepper.

Lunch – baked fish with carrots and onions.

Dinner – cottage cheese, dried apricots.


Breakfast - fruit salad.

Lunch – cucumber salad, nuts.

Dinner – steamed fish, beet salad.


Breakfast – vegetable or fruit juice.

Lunch – vegetarian soup, buckwheat porridge.

Dinner – boiled chicken fillet, vegetable salad.


Breakfast – steam omelette.

Lunch – fish soup, salad with radishes.

Dinner – baked potatoes, yogurt.


Breakfast – a glass of yogurt, prunes.

Lunch – salad of chicken, herbs and vegetables.

Dinner – baked eggplants, almonds.

Now you know what the alkaline diet is. The weekly menu can be adjusted to suit personal taste. Eat any fruits and nuts. Don't forget that the menu should consist of a variety of dishes. Grated vegetables and fruits and juices from them are suitable for snacking.

Alkaline Diet Recipes

From this article you learned what an alkaline diet is. And planning a menu for the week is not difficult at all if you have detailed recipes at hand. It is recommended to prepare dishes from seasonal vegetables. And for food in the winter, you need to buy homemade products that are not grown in greenhouses. Let's see what alkaline dishes can be prepared.

Oatmeal with apples


  • Oatmeal – 160 g.
  • Coconut milk – 130 ml.
  • Almond oil – 70 ml.
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.
  1. Pour coconut milk and almond butter into oatmeal.
  2. Grate a green apple.
  3. Add grated apple to oatmeal. Cover with foil and refrigerate for 10 hours. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon before use.

Avocado salad


  • Lettuce leaves – 5 pcs.
  • Cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Pomegranate seeds – 1/3 tbsp.
  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Pistachios – 35 g.
  • Garlic – 1 tooth.
  • Apple vinegar – 20 g.
  • Olive oil – 50 ml.

Method for preparing an alkaline dish:

  1. Cut the cucumbers and avocado into small cubes.
  2. Chop the salad with your hands and chop the pistachios with a knife. Combine all prepared ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Make a sauce with olive oil, vinegar and grated garlic. Dress the salad.

Fruit salad


  • Raspberries – 1 tbsp.
  • Blackberries – 1 tbsp.
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Cherry – 1 tbsp.
  • Pear – 1 pc.
  • Orange juice – 2 tbsp.
  • Sesame seeds - to taste.

Method for preparing an alkaline dish:

  1. Rinse all products under water. Remove the pits from the cherries.
  2. Cut the apple and pear into cubes.
  3. Combine fruits and berries, season with orange juice and sprinkle with sesame seeds. It turned out to be a light salad that you can eat for breakfast.

Berry drink


  • Almond milk – 400 ml.
  • Strawberry – 75 g.
  • Strawberries – 75 g.
  • Banana – 1 pc.
  • Chia – 1 tbsp.
  • Almond oil – 3.5 tbsp.

Method for preparing an alkaline dish:

  1. Peel the banana and cut into pieces. Remove leaves from berries and rinse with water.
  2. Beat banana, berries, almond milk and butter with a mixer.
  3. Add chia and stir. Drink this alkaline drink 3-5 minutes after preparation.

What was your favorite alkaline dish? Or do you have your own preferences?

In modern conditions, alkaline nutrition has become very famous, especially among those people who monitor their health. This diet is a favorite of Hollywood stars.An alkaline diet is a diet in which the diet is dominated by fruits and vegetables and is free of animal foods, fillers and emulsifiers.

Alkaline diet. Research.

Eating too many acid-forming foods, especially meat and cheese, over many years can damage the kidneys and lead to the formation of kidney stones. With the decline in kidney function that occurs with age, an older person is unable to excrete excess hydrogen ions. Metabolic acidosis slowly increases, muscle atrophy occurs in chronic renal failure.

Some studies have also shown that acidic foods may also lead to osteoporosis, age-related muscle loss, muscle weakness, a greater risk of falls, fractures, disability and loss of independence. As a result of the reduction in acid load, muscle mass was preserved in older men and women.

There is also some evidence that chronic low back pain improves with alkaline mineral supplementation. Dr. Robert Young, for example, claims that an alkaline diet can cure any disease, and that it is in vain that all modern medicine is so skeptical about it. Dr. Michael Greger made a number of conclusions about how an alkaline diet affects the kidneys and advises eating right and then you won’t need pills or surgery.

Dr. John McDougall has fully explained the effects of an alkaline diet on osteoporosis. The McDougall diet is based on starchy foods, with the addition of vegetables and fruits, does not contain animal foods or vegetable oils, and allows salt, sugar and spices in small quantities.The most alkaline foods, mainly fruits and vegetables, are the healthiest foods.

The famous doctor of the ancient world, Hippocrates, who lived in BC, wrote in his book “On Diet” that all food consumed by a person must be combined with the person’s age, the climate of the place of residence, the work he does and the time of year.

Every organ in the body is affected by acidity: lungs, bones, brain, liver, heart, kidneys, intestines, stomach and skin. If your body is too acidic, you will not be healthy. When our bodies enter a state of acidosis, which is an ideal breeding ground for disease, disease can easily manifest. A body that maintains its high alkaline point will have less chronic inflammation. When the body is in a chronic acid state, valuable minerals are leached from the bones and removed from vital organs to neutralize the acidic environment and remove acid from the body.

Osteoporosis removes precious minerals needed for protection (such as sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium) from the bones. Once these reserves are completely depleted, there are no more reserves, the body simply continues to accumulate more and more acid. And this can be the cause of a serious illness (cancer, for example).

Most grains, dairy products, soy and meat are acidic. Alcohol, coffee, highly processed foods, refined sugar, sugar substitutes, transgenic oils and transgenic foods in general are also very acidic. When we eat acidic foods, our metabolism produces waste from these foods. Waste that is harmful to health can be neutralized with alkaline products. Alkaline foods neutralize acids from unhealthy diets. So let's switch to an alkaline diet!

Alkaline diet. Meet her.

Alkaline nutrition serves to cleanse the body and restore normal functioning. The transition to an alkaline diet should be gradual, without sudden jumps, especially if you previously ate mainly meat, eggs, bread, pasta and other acidic foods.

The alkaline diet is not a fast-acting weight loss system. It is aimed mainly at normalizing metabolism and improving the health of the whole body.

The alkaline diet does not require strict control and does not cause hunger. There are no contraindications for its use. Children and elderly people should treat it with caution. It wouldn't hurt to consult a doctor.

The alkaline diet originated in the 1920s. American physician William Howard Hay popularized “therapeutic and separate nutrition.” Currently, alkaline eating is supported by Robert O. Young, D. S. Jarvis, Tony Robbins, Herman Aihara and Joseph McClendon.Back in 2002, research showed that while absorbing large amounts of protein into the body and limiting carbohydrates in food, urine chemistry and pH are significantly affected, but blood pH changes only slightly. An alkaline diet has health benefits.

The human body contains too much acidity, which leads to fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, pain, and early aging. Acidic foods, stress and lack of physical activity lead to an imbalance in the acid-base balance of our body. This imbalance creates health problems. The normalization of blood acid level and an increase in calcium content in the body is facilitated by the ingestion of tablets with calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), which, having an alkaline property, neutralizes increased acidity in the body, most often caused by fermentation, rotting and decay of incoming products.

To get into shape, you need to restore your body by consuming two-thirds alkaline foods and one-third acidic foods. Acidifying foods do not have to taste sour. Lemon is acidic in the mouth, but remains an alkaline food. An “acidifier” is a food that tends to increase the acidity of the blood.

What is an alkaline diet?

Today, supermarket shelves are filled with innovative food products. The dishes have become too refined, sweet and fatty. Result: we tend to get an acidic diet that is not suitable for our body. To achieve the normal acid-base balance in the body, scientists suggest changing our diet by following the principles of alkaline nutrition. Headaches, insomnia, bloating and poor digestion can be due to an imbalance in the body's pH levels.

Principles: The alkaline diet is not a method for losing weight, it is a treatment. The basic rule of the alkaline diet is to control the intake of acidic foods in our plates, which are responsible for various pains (weight gain, fatigue, headaches, hypertension, etc.).

Advantages: all products are allowed! This diet focuses on the staples: fruits and vegetables, which are great for your health and good when you want to lose some weight.

Flaws: your diet will be richer in fruits and vegetables. If you are not in the habit of eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, then consuming them in large quantities can upset the balance of your body. Therefore, they must be introduced into the diet gradually.

Alkaline food belongs to a healthy diet because it is based on natural and not processed foods. Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, etc., and eat less meat, cereal, etc., not because it may change the acid-base balance (ABC) in the body. But do not abuse the restriction of eating meat and cereals, etc., otherwise it will lead to a lack of certain nutrients, minerals and vitamins caused by poor diet. A balanced intake of sufficient nutrition from food is a healthy diet.

If you want to keep your body in balance and have good health, then your diet must be optimally balanced. Eat less oil, less sugar, less salt, more water, more fiber, more exercise and follow the rules of an alkaline diet. Of course, you should eat more alkaline foods, but acidic foods are also an integral part of a balanced diet.

Your body acidity level can be easily and quickly determined , e if there is no disease of the conjunctiva and

5 basic rules of the alkaline diet.

  • Eat natural and healthy foods and avoid dishes and foods with additives or genetically modified ones.
  • Give preference to high-quality poultry meat and fresh cheeses.
  • Use unpasteurized milk to preserve nutrients. Replace dairy products with plant milk whenever possible: almond milk, hemp milk or macadamia milk. Eat more cheese or feta cheese (sheep's milk cheese) and soy yogurt.
  • Forget about products made from wheat grain and take products from barley grain, quinoa or buckwheat.
  • Drink two liters of water or herbal tea (fennel, mint, ginger) per day.

You must constantly monitor the changes that will occur in your body. If, for example, you suffer from frequent colds or ailments, ENT diseases, then you need to replace products based on cow's milk with products made from milk of plant origin. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or bloating, you should first remove wheat-based foods and replace them with gluten-free grains. If you are tired, or even depressed, it is recommended to quickly cleanse your body by drinking nutrient-rich fruit and vegetable juices or green smoothies. Alkaline smoothies and juices are created from green herbs and vegetables. You should avoid drinking fruit juice because fruits contain a lot of sugar.

Once your body's pH levels are balanced, your symptoms will begin to subside. After a few weeks, you will feel more dynamic, your attention and memory will improve, and you will sleep much better. This is the power of an alkaline diet.

There is no reserve of hydrochloric acid in our body. The stomach produces hydrochloric acid only when needed. When the body's water content is low, acid-forming foods (eggs, meat, bread, etc.) cause the stomach to secrete hydrochloric acid in large quantities to break down the food. Starch-free fruits and vegetables require less hydrochloric acid. A large amount of water in the body does not cause the stomach walls to release hydrochloric acid into the human stomach. Water does not enter the acidic atmosphere of the stomach if it is taken with alkaline foods or separately.

Our body contains 70 percent water, blood - 94 percent. When we drink polluted water, we destroy our body. This is today's reality.

The body should be given a lot of clean, healthy and alkaline water. Ideally, the volume of good water consumed daily should be 4 liters. That's not a lot. When your body is constantly saturated with water, you will develop a desire to drink more water.

The desire for food is the body’s desire to drink water. When the body receives a large volume of alkaline water with a pH level of 9 - 11, neutralization of acid waste in the body begins to occur.

By combining good nutrition and daily drinking of alkaline water, you will gradually and confidently remove excess acids from the body.

Tap water, even filtered, is not at all beneficial for the body. This water may contain chlorine and fluoride. Bottled water tastes better, but may contain many impurities or be dead water after storage and processing.

The PRAL index is an indicator of the acidity and alkalinity of products.

The PRAL index was developed by German scientists Thomas Roemer and F. Manz in 1995 and was first published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. There is a lot of conflicting information and confusion about which foods are alkaline and which are acidic. But the authors claim that the most alkaline foods are vegetable and fruit groups, the most acidic are cheese, meat, fish and grain products. All values ​​are per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of food. If you eat, for example, 200 grams of herring, the PRAL index value for herring per meal will be 14.0 (7.0×2). The PRAL index is measured in milli-equivalents (or milligram equivalents).

The PRAL index value can vary depending on many factors and depends on growing conditions, variety, season, and also on the cooking method. Not only that, but digestion varies from person to person, and is different at different times of the day. You should only use these tables as a guide and eat a balanced and moderate diet.

Calculation formula andindex PRAL.

PRAL(mg-equiv/100 g) = 0.49 x proteins (g) + 0.037 x phosphorus (mg) - 0.021 x potassium (mg) - 0.026 x magnesium (mg) - 0.013 x calcium (mg).

We will provide data on average PRAL index values ​​for specific food groups and combination products (reviews per 100 grams of edible portion).

In this table, food that has a negative value is alkaline, and any food that has a positive value is acidic.

Table of averages andindex PRALfor certain food groups and combination productsThomas Roemer and F. Manz.

Food group PRAL index

(mg-equiv/100 g)

Fats and oils 0
Fish 7,9
Fruits and fruit juices -3,1
Cereal products:
Bread 3,5
Flour 7,0
Vermicelli, spaghetti 6,7
Meat and meat products 9,5
Milk and dairy products:
Milk and cheese products 1,0
Cheese with reduced protein content 8,0
High Protein Cheese 23,6
Vegetables -2,8
Dark beer -0,2
Strong beer -0,1
Coca Cola 0,4
Cocoa made with semi-skimmed milk -0,4
Coffee -1,4
Mineral waters -0,1 _ -1,8
Indian tea, infusion -0,3
Wine white, dry -1,2
Fats and oils
Oil 0,6
Margarine -0,5
Olive oil 0,0
Sunflower oil 0,0
Cod fillet 7,1
Haddock 6,8
Herring 7,0
Brown trout, steamed 10,8
Fruits, nuts and fruit juices
Apple juice, unfiltered -2,2
Apple, 15 varieties, medium -2,2
Apricots -4,8
Black currant -6,5
Cherry -3,6
Grape juice, unsweetened -1,0
Lemon juice -2,5
Orange juice, unsweetened -2,9
Oranges -2,7
Peaches -2,4
Pears, 3 varieties, medium -2,9
Raisin -21,0
Walnuts 6,8
Cereal Products
Bread, rye flour, mixed 4,0
Bread, rye flour 4,1
Bread, wheat flour, mixed 3,8
Bread, wheat flour, whole 1,8
White bread 3,7
Cornflakes 6,0
Rye bread 3,3
Egg noodles 6,4
Oat flakes, Hercules 10,7
Brown rice 12,5
White rice, easy to cook 4,6
White rice, easy to cook, boiled 1,7
Rye flour, whole 5,9
Spaghetti white 6,5
Spaghetti, whole food 7,3
Wheat flour, white 6,9
Wheat flour, whole 8,2
Green beans -3,1
Lentils, green and brown, whole, dried 3,5
Peas 1,2
Regular peanuts 8,3
Meat and meat products
Beef meat 7,8
Chicken meat 8,7
Corned beef, canned food 13,2
Sausages 6,7
Liver sausage 10,6
Canned meat 10,2
Lean pork 7,9
Lean rump steak 8,8
Salami 11,6
Veal fillet 9,0
Milk and dairy products
Prostokvashino 0,5
Cheese, Camembert 14,6
Cheese, Cheddar 26,4
Cheese, Gouda 18,6
Regular cottage cheese 8,7
Fresh creams, sour 1,2
Fresh cheese (cottage cheese) 11,1
Cheese is soft, full fat 4,3
Hard cheese, 4 types, medium 19,2
Ice cream, milk, vanilla 0,6
Whole milk, condensed milk 1,1
Whole milk, pasteurized 0,7
Parmesan cheese 34,2
Processed cheese, regular 28,7
Yogurt, whole milk, fruit 1,2
Yogurt, whole milk, regular 1,5
Chicken eggs, all 8,2
Egg white 1,1
Egg yolk 23,4
Sugar, jam and sweets
Milk chocolate 2,4
Honey -0,3
Pie 3,7
Marmalade -1,5
Sugar, white -0,1
Asparagus -0,4
Broccoli -1,2
Young carrots -4,9
Cauliflower -4,0
Chicory -2,0
Leek -1,8
Salad, 4 varieties, medium -2,5
Lettuce -1,6
Mushrooms, medium -1,4
Onion -1,5
Green pepper -1,4
Old potatoes -4,0
Radish red -3,7
Tomato juice -2,8
Tomatoes -3,1

Conclusion from the table.

Some results that do not match the table. For example, coffee has a table value of -1.4, i.e., an alkaline precipitate, while it is generally considered a highly acidic food. The same thing happens with beer (in the table -0.2, 0.9, -0.1), while beer is usually considered a high acid-forming food. Another unexpected result was for sugar (in table -0.1), whereas it and sugar-containing foods such as chocolate (in table 2.4) are considered high acid-forming foods. The explanation for this disparity relies on different ways of obtaining the data. PRAL index closely related to the presence of minerals and trace elements, particularly in foods, such as chlorine, phosphorus, sodium sulfate, potassium, calcium and magnesium. White sugar, for example, is a pure crystalline carbohydrate (sucrose) and does not have any minerals or trace elements associated with it.

Kidney acid load potential (PRAL index) for food and beverages according to the above table confirms that:

  • alkaline-forming foods are fruits and vegetables;
  • Acid-forming foods include fish, meat, cheese, grains and salty processed foods.

The body has its own characteristics and the body always has a good buffer (compensator) for metabolism in the body. One meat patty cannot greatly change the pH inside and outside cells.

Ideal diet: 75%-80% should be alkaline-forming foods. It is necessary to gradually reduce the consumption of food of animal origin, ideally to zero. This will mean more consumption of vegetarian food. Eliminate all processed and refined foods and foods that have chemicals (preservatives, flavors, etc.)

Acidity and alkalinity of products according to the V.V. Karavaev system.

V.V. Karavaev forty years ago called for eating dairy and plant foods without fungi, microorganisms and without the fermentation process. Vegetables contain a lot of alkali. Our body urgently needs alkaline foods. Find the strength to break the bad habit of eating unhealthy food.

In V.V. Karavaev’s table of alkalinity and acidity of food products, it is clearly visible that the first place in terms of conventional units of alkalinity is occupied by black radish (forty units of alkali). In descending order of alkali, the following are located: lettuce, celery, spinach, parsley, turnips, carrots, cabbage, dill, porcini mushrooms, potatoes, buckwheat and pumpkin. Cucumber has 10 - 30 units of alkali.

All alkaline vegetables (with the exception of rhubarb, tomatoes and sorrel) have an alkaline level. The most useful vegetables are turnip-shaped ones: black radish, white radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip and others. V.V. Karavaev recommended eating black radish with split milk. And V.V. Karavaev advised processing many store-bought food products at home.

High alkaline foods.

Three household products that are alkaline:

1. usually consumed boiled, fried, baked, conservatories and raw. It is very good to eat garlic to cleanse the body of toxic waste. Garlic should always be added to most dishes due to its alkalizing and antibacterial properties.

2. is an alkalizing spice and helps you maintain your body within a healthy pH range. It is best eaten raw as it retains more nutrients and nutrients in the raw form.

Improves overall digestion and keeps skin fresh and bright. Cucumber contains a lot of alkaline water, which helps in cleansing the body of unwanted waste.

Top 10 Alkaline Foods.

  • Collard greens (Kale)
  • Broccoli
  • cucumbers
  • bell pepper
  • Avocado
  • Parsley

Additionally, these alkaline vegetables can be safely consumed:

  • Asparagus
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Burdock
  • Cabbage
  • Green and yellow pumpkins (zucchini and pumpkin)
  • Green bean
  • Greens of all kinds (including mustard, lettuce, watercress and chard)
  • Okra pods
  • Onion
  • Parsnip
  • Peas (fresh)
  • Radish
  • Swede
  • Salsify
  • Leek
  • Sea edible algae
  • Sprouted: grains, beans and seeds
  • Turnip
  • water chestnut

The leaders in alkaline vegetables are black radish with split milk and beet tops.If you have diabetes, avoid eating vegetables high in sugar (beets, carrots, pumpkin).

Top 20 alkaline products.

1. Beet tops –PRAL index: -16.7

The most alkaline product: beet tops.Although beet tops are not the most popular green food in our diet, their high alkalinity rating makes beet tops one of the best additions for smoothies, stirred into French fries, or added to salads and soups. In addition to being highly alkaline, beet greens have a bitter taste, which can help stimulate bile production and help digest fats better.

PRAL index: -11.8

Spinach is a highly alkaline food that is good for bone health. Spinach contains a lot of calcium.

3. Black radish, radish leaves - PRAL index, radish leaves: -10.5

Radish is an excellent remedy for promoting health. It is an immune-effective and antimicrobial agent. Contains many vitamins and mineral salts.

PRAL index: -8.3

These collard greens are high in vitamin K, calcium, and iron. Cabbage has a mild flavor that can liven up any recipe. You can easily add cabbage to any smoothie, French fries, salads and soups.

PRAL index: -8.1

In the world, the most alkaline foods are the leaves or stems of leafy greens. Chard is another green food that provides vitamins that support healthy cells.Chard also contains phosphorus and plant protein.

PRAL index: -6.9

Bananas are an alkaline food. Bananas are also a source of fiber, which helps stimulate the digestive function of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.Most people try to avoid bananas to prevent weight gain due to their high sugar content. Eating a banana is much better for you than eating a candy bar or some other processed foods that are loaded with sugar and acidifying ingredients.

One of the tastiest ways to include bananas in your diet is to make banana cream (frozen bananas blended until creamy).

PRAL index: -5.6

Sweet potatoes can be consumed in moderation.It contains starch. Sweet potatoes are an alkalizing food that provides your body with plenty of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fiber helps slow the release of sugar into the blood.Sweet potatoes are a great food when it comes to eating for energy and for providing your body with alkaline nutrients.

PRAL index: -5.2

Celery has alkalizing and additional cleansing properties. Celery is high in water, so it can easily help flush out toxins from your body. It takes more calories to chew and digest celery than the total number of calories it contains.

9. PRAL index: -4.9

Carrots are a highly alkaline food that are recommended for improving vision based on their vitamin A content.1 cup of carrots contains more than 300% of the recommended daily intake of beta-carotene, the antioxidant vitamin A. Carrots promote brighter, younger-looking skin.

PRAL index: -4.1

Kiwi contains many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.And while oranges are famous for their vitamin C content, kiwi contains almost five times more vitamin C than an orange. Kiwi is rich in fiber, which serves to improve digestion and potassium to improve muscle function.

PRAL index: -4.0

Cauliflower contains a nutrient that helps the body regulate estrogen levels. We come into contact with estrogen every day through estrogenic foods, environmental chemicals, and medications. High levels of estrogen are harmful to the body and can lead to weight gain, digestive symptoms such as bloating, reproductive cancer and infertility.

PRAL index: -3.6

Cherries are known as one of the world's best sources of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which may help prevent cancer. Research also confirms that cherries may help relieve inflammation associated with joint pain and arthritis, and may even prevent cardiovascular disease.

Ideally, you should always include alkaline foods after your workout. This happens because lactic acid, a substance that naturally helps increase the body's energy, is naturally released during intense exercise. Lactic acid acidifies the body.

PRAL index: -3.4

Eggplants help stimulate digestion and improve metabolism.Eggplant baked in olive oil is delicious. Eggplants can be added to salads.

14. PRAL index: -2.9

Pears are low in fiber and sugar, making them an excellent fruit even for those with blood sugar imbalances. Pears are high in antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps protect cells from carcinogens.

PRAL index: -2.8

Most nuts have an acidifying effect. Hazelnuts are no exception.So if you like nuts, it is better to include hazelnuts in your diet compared to peanuts (PRAL +8).Hazelnuts are known for their contribution to the notorious Nutella nut butter.

PRAL index: -2.7

PRAL index: -2.6

Zucchini is an excellent source of phytonutrients such as lutein. Lutein is in the same category of antioxidants as beta-carotene and serves to protect vision.Zucchini pasta is popular as a low-carb, gluten-free, and vegetarian option. You can make noodles with zucchini.

PRAL index: -2.2

Strawberries are another very rich source of antioxidant and vitamin C. Strawberries also contain manganese, which is a trace element that is necessary to facilitate the body's metabolism.The ways to enjoy strawberries are endless, as they can be added as a sweet to any dish.

PRAL index: -2.2

Apples have a reputation as one of the healthiest foods in the world, mainly because they are so rich in detoxifying fiber and antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids, which protect against cancer. All of these nutrients are also essential for the development of healthy blood pressure and cholesterol.To get even more health benefits from apples, you can add apple cider vinegar to your diet every day. Malic acetic acid has antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can dilute apple cider vinegar with water, this is normal.

PRAL index: -1.9

Watermelon alkalizes food. Watermelon provides the body with essential electrolytes for cardiac function, such as potassium. Because watermelon is made mostly of water (hence the name), it also hydrates us more than most fruits and vegetables.Watermelon is a delicious snack in itself.

What changes will happen in the body with an alkaline diet?

From the point of view of modern medicine, food has an acidic and alkaline level. Foods from a nutritional standpoint fall into two categories:

  • heat-generating (proteins, carbohydrates, fats);
  • non-heat-generating (minerals and vitamins).

The pH of the body is affected by only 8 types of minerals, such as potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur.

Food cannot change the pH value of the blood.

The blood of a healthy normal person has a pH = 7.35 - 7.45 and is considered a slightly alkaline liquid. Acidic or alkaline foods hardly change the acidity of the blood. Therefore, people are confused about the impact of the type of food on health.

Human metabolism consists of many biochemical reactions, each reaction requiring a certain pH level of the environment. The pH value is usually between 0-14, but can be less than 0 or greater than 15.

To ensure that the body is functioning properly, the pH of the blood must be maintained stable. If the pH of the blood deviates from the normal range, cells stop functioning and this quickly leads to death. Therefore, the body has several effective mechanisms to maintain a stable blood pH value. The blood pH level is not affected by external factors, including nutrition and other factors. Only a few types of serious illnesses will cause a change in blood pH. Renal failure and diabetic ketoacidosis will lead to acidosis, and poor pulmonary function will lead to alkalization.

Food can actually change the pH of your urine.

If you eat acidic foods, your urine will be acidic because your kidneys remove excess acidity from your body. However, urine is not a reliable indicator of pH balance and health. If the urine was alkaline, but the pH of the blood as a whole changes very little.

Can alkaline foods prevent cancer?

The idea that an alkaline diet can cure cancer is untenable and unproven. Food cannot change the acidity of the blood. Cancer cells can survive not only in an acidic environment. There are many studies that show that cancer cells can also survive successfully in an alkaline environment. There is no scientific evidence to prove that eating alkaline foods can be effective against cancer. Additionally, there is no reliable scientific evidence showing that an alkaline diet can be effective in preventing or treating osteoporosis and other diseases.

Green drink recipes.

Green smoothie recipe.


  • Banana – 1 pc.
  • Apples – 4 pcs.
  • Mustard spinach - 4 bunches
  • Water -1 glass

Cooking method

All ingredients need to be ground in a home blender. You can add any berries and fruits to your taste. It is necessary to add greens, as they contain chlorophyll and many useful substances. The ratio of fruits to vegetables is 6:4. Create your own smoothie!

Green smoothie recipe with banana.


  • Banana – 1 pc.
  • Greens – dill, parsley, spinach (to your taste) – 1 bunch
  • A glass of water – 200 ml

Cooking method

All ingredients need to be ground in a home blender.

Recipe for a green smoothie with avocado, lemon, cucumber and tomatoes.


  • Cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Lime or lemon – 1 pc.
  • Greens – spinach – 1 bunch

Cooking method

Chop the cucumber and tomatoes, scrape out the avocado. Place the mixture in a container, add a bunch of spinach, add a little water, squeeze out lemon juice. All ingredients need to be ground in a home blender and served!

The smoothie is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin B6, folic acid, potassium, manganese, and a very good source of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. Green smoothie is low in cholesterol and sodium. This is a highly alkaline cocktail.

Recipesweet green drink.


  • carrots – 3 pcs.
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • green pepper – 1 pc.
  • beets (medium) – 1 pc.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • ginger (to taste)

Cooking method

Wash all ingredients, cut carrots, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes. Place the mixture in a container, add beet tail and ginger on top. Pass everything through the juicer and enjoy! If the drink is thick, you can add a little water.

Recipesweet alkaline cocktail.


  • avocado – 1 pc.
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • red pepper – 1 pc.
  • celery – 2 sticks
  • tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • broccoli and stems - 2 heads
  • basil - a few leaves
  • warm water – 50 ml

Cooking method

Wash all ingredients thoroughly and then roughly chop the cucumber, tomatoes, celery, peppers and avocado. Dissolve the vegetable mixture in a small amount (50 ml) of warm water and add the avocado. All ingredients need to be ground in a home blender and served!

Recipejuice to protect the immune system.


  • garlic – 1 clove
  • cucumber – 1 pc.
  • celery – 1 stalk
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • raw ginger (to taste)
  • raw turmeric (to taste)

Cooking method

Wash all ingredients, chop, including garlic, and pass through a juicer. It is recommended to wash the juicer immediately to remove all traces of garlic. Otherwise, every juice you make next week will smell garlicky.

Restoring and maintaining the pH balance (acid-base balance) of the body at an optimal level must be done constantly. But there is no need to artificially try to create and consolidate an unusual environment, either in the direction of alkalization or acidification. It is always necessary to maintain the operating potential of buffer systems. This is achieved through proper breathing, a properly balanced diet and optimal exercise. Avoid stress.

1. Eat natural foods.

Supermarket food is not food. Eat real foods that significantly improve every aspect of your health.

2. Eat more alkaline foods.

It is necessary to keep the pH level of your blood slightly alkaline at all times. To do this, you need to eat more alkaline foods, such as vegetables and fruits.

3. Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are 80 percent full.

Learn to eat only when you are truly hungry, not when you are stressed or anxious. Better yet, stop when you are 80 percent full.

If you find yourself craving food due to stress, then find alternative ways to extinguish it to change your focus and reduce stress loads. To do this, you can use a quick burst of activity or meditation.

4. Don't eat everything.

Digestion of food is an energy-dependent process. If your digestion is poor, your energy will drain. Digestion consumes a lot of energy. With less food consumption, paradoxically, you can get more energy.

5. Be mindful and love what you eat.

We live our lives on autopilot, not paying attention to what we do or say, think or feel. This is especially true when it comes to food.It's too easy to eat two or three donuts on your morning commute or eat a large serving of French fries while you're preparing a report at work.

To avoid this, do not eat while you are watching TV or working on the computer. When you sit down to eat, you should be focused on how your body feels the food and each bite you take.By doing this, you allow yourself to feel a true appreciation for the food you eat, and you will ultimately be more mindful in your approach to food.

In Soviet times, V.V. Karavaev recommended eating alkaline foods. He advised focusing on dairy-vegetable foods without fermentation products, without fungi, without microorganisms. It is easier for the body to build its own protein from simpler products of the plant environment than to adapt to foreign protein of animal origin, contained, for example, in meat.

In any case, it is advisable for people with excess body weight to limit themselves in food, despite the feeling of sucking in the pit of the stomach, and separate meals are also allowed.For patients with gastrointestinal pathologies, it is recommended to avoid salt and acidic foods.

Children, teenagers and pregnant women should consume the foods they need regardless of the system, not forgetting to make homemade preparations for store-bought products. If dry mouth or heartburn appears, it means that the person is overusing carbohydrates or drinking alkaline tea after meals, thereby complicating digestion. For heartburn and flatulence, we recommend taking a dessert spoon of cumin or drinking water with baking soda. If you have heaviness in your stomach, reduce your consumption of flour products.

People who are exhausted and have diseases of the cardiovascular system need to remember that during cleansing of the body, chronic diseases worsen. Therefore, you should enter an alkaline diet gradually.

Try to eat vegetables raw and have about 40% of your food raw. Gradually increase your raw food intake to 70-80%. Gradually get used to the alkaline diet. Eat more different salads. Raw foods give you life force, but cooked foods are dead. Natural products obtained without the use of chemical fertilizers will allow you to avoid harm from chemicals and pesticides. Natural foods contain 3 times more valuable nutrients than non-natural foods. The minute you pick a natural product, its nutritional composition begins to deteriorate.

Ideally, we would live near our garden, pack our lunch and quickly cook and eat it.

When natural food is not available, try to purchase fresh food from health food stores. Food must be thoroughly washed after purchase using special products for washing fruits and vegetables. For a short time (10-15 minutes), you can place the food in plain water by adding 15 drops of chloride (ClO 2) per 1 liter of water or hydrogen peroxide. Then the products must be rinsed properly.

If you have difficulty digesting food, then you need to check whether your stomach acidity is currently low. If there is a lack of acidity, add acidic foods to your food. If you have high acidity, then reduce your intake of acidic foods. Unbalanced and excessive acid content in the body contributes to the deformation of cell membranes. This leads to functional disorders in the body. With an increased acidic environment in the body, you need to eat more alkaline foods. Over-alkalinization of the body should not be allowed. The best option is the golden mean. With normal blood acidity and gastric juice acidity, the gastrointestinal tract functions efficiently and optimally.

Always listen to your body's needs. The physical body will always tell you when and what it wants to eat or drink. Trust your intuition in nutrition, taking into account the indicators of blood tests, and most importantly, the results of the examination. Avoid excesses in your diet; it should always be balanced.

The human body is an integral self-regulating system

Consult your doctor if you want to change your diet.

Let's eat according to the commandment of Hippocrates, who said this about food: “Food should be medicine, and medicine should be food.”

If you feed yourself well, your body will take care of you. Who needs a hospital when you have a healthy kitchen!

Alkaline diet. Rules and products.(video)

We wish everyone to benefit from alkaline nutrition and improve their health!

The human body has a certain level of acidity (pH) - 7.4. This indicator indicates that the reactions of the internal environment are slightly alkaline. Most of the foods that modern people are used to eating daily are classified as acidic, so the balance shifts towards lower pH, and the body becomes acidic. An alkaline diet helps restore the body's natural environment, which is accompanied by an improvement in well-being, appearance, quality of internal reactions and health.

Nutrition on an alkaline diet

To maintain a normal acid-base balance in the body, you need to consume 80% alkaline and 20% acidic foods per day. It is advisable to eat them unprocessed, since the acidity of some foods decreases during heat treatment, especially frying. The course of the alkaline diet is 3 weeks, each is a certain stage of transformation of the processes of the internal environment:

  1. Cleansing and restructuring of acidity levels. A person gradually changes his diet, begins to eat more fruits and vegetables (alkaline food), less animal fats, meat and fish (acidic food). There is active weight loss - up to 4 kg in 7 days, but at the same time there is poor health and general weakness.
  2. Leveling the pH level to normal. The weight comes off more slowly, and you feel better. More energy appears.
  3. Consolidation of results. Body weight reaches the desired level, the body’s strength is strengthened.

Robert Young, a healthy nutrition specialist and microbiologist, claims that with an excess of acid in the body, toxins and waste accumulate faster, and pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells develop. This leads to the occurrence of a variety of diseases. Alkaline nutrition helps to equalize the balance, cleanse the blood and restore the body's defenses.

Alkaline nutrition composition

Products are divided into three categories based on pH level:

  • acidic - pH
  • neutral – pH=7;
  • alkaline – pH>7.

Anyone who wants to try on an alkaline food system and lose weight should significantly reduce acidic foods in their diet (in terms of pH, not taste): white flour products, pasta, white rice, fish, pork, beef, poultry, cheeses, butter, margarine, sugar, industrial sweets, carbonated drinks. Some dairy products and multivitamins also have a slight acidifying effect.

Neutral foods include hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, cold-pressed coconut oil, walnuts, macadamia nuts, buckwheat flour, natural spices, and dried herbs. If you analyze products for acidity and alkalinity, you will notice that food modified in industrial conditions has a pH less than 7 - refined, polished, processed at high temperatures. Animal protein itself has a low pH.

Alkaline products

The diet should focus on natural plant foods that are not processed. Alkaline nutrition has become popular all over the world because it prolongs life and makes you feel great. The alkaline diet involves eating 4 categories of foods. Here is their list:

  1. Weak alkalizing effect: lard.
  2. Medium alkalizing effect: fresh and dried apples, ripe bananas.
  3. Strong alkalizing effect: whole milk, whey, all fruits, fresh and dried, green beans, green peas, grains, oats, coconut, Brazil nuts, almonds, cilantro, dill, parsley;
  4. Very strong alkalizing effect: vegetables (except cauliflower, asparagus and corn), green root vegetables, lemons, oranges.

Alkaline drinks

The menu should include drinks that contain alkali or contribute to its formation in the body. This is mineral water with bicarbonates, soda, calcium, magnesium, potassium. Add a small amount of lemon juice to it. Although citrus tastes sour, it participates in the formation of alkali. Sugar-free fruit and vegetable juices and green tea will also play a positive role in the diet.

Diet menu for the week

The general rules for creating an alkaline diet are simple. Follow the proportion of acidic and alkaline foods indicated above. You can't wash down your food. 40 minutes after eating, you can treat yourself to herbal or green tea. Do not include fish, seafood and grains in your diet more than 3 times a week. A dietary menu table for 7 days will help you create your own alkaline nutrition system.

Day of the week



1 glass of natural yogurt/kefir, 1 yellow or green fruit/vegetable

1st snack

1 any fruit

Vegetable soup

2nd snack

1 any fruit

100 g boiled chicken fillet, light vegetable salad with dressing (olive oil)

1 cup soy milk/herbal tea with a spoon of honey or brown sugar

1st snack

1 fruit or 40 g dates

Creamy cauliflower soup

2nd snack

Smoothie: 1 banana, some cherries and 1 glass of milk

Baked low-fat fish, fresh vegetables

Sandwich: whole grain bread, a piece of tofu and lettuce

1st snack

1 orange/apple

Brown rice with steamed vegetables

2nd snack

Vegetable soup

1 cup soy yogurt

grapefruit, 1 hard-boiled egg

1st snack

20 g dark chocolate with at least 72% cocoa content

Salad with avocado, cherry tomato, goat cheese or feta, arugula

2nd snack

1 yellow/green fruit

Low-fat stewed fish with a portion of vegetables

1 cup natural low-fat yogurt

1st snack

Handful of dried fruits

Vegetable stew with a little chicken fillet

2nd snack

1 orange/apple

Steamed egg white omelette

1 cup herbal tea with honey or brown sugar

1st snack

1 banana/orange

150 g boiled lean veal with vegetables

2nd snack

1 cup soy yogurt

A fresh vegetable salad

1 cup soy milk, peach

1st snack

1 orange/apple

Cream of mushroom soup

2nd snack

Smoothie: 1 cucumber, herbs to taste, a glass of kefir/yogurt

Baked fish with fresh vegetable salad

Victoria Beckham's diet

The celebrity knows a lot about losing weight - after four births, she looks very attractive. Victoria Beckham is an ardent fan of alkaline nutrition. The woman focuses on raw fruits and vegetables, a minimum of meat, fish, eggs and other acidifying foods (but they are still included in the diet). Sample celebrity menu:

  • a cup of green tea for breakfast;
  • after 2 hours, fruit salad;
  • boiled chicken fillet (200 g), stewed vegetables for lunch;
  • grapefruit for a second snack;
  • dinner - a piece of cheese, shrimp, green salad.

Video: 14 rules of alkaline nutrition

Want to know more about the benefits of an alkaline diet? Watch the video, which clearly explains the essence of the body's acid-base processes and the importance of eating the right foods for good health. Many Hollywood stars have already appreciated the beauty of alkaline nutrition and continue to show their beauty and health to the whole world.

Mono-diets for weight loss are always at the peak of popularity because they are simple and effective. One of them is alkaline, based on the fact that foods have different effects on the pH level in the body: some are harmful (they are called acidic), others are beneficial (alkaline).

A nutrition system based on these concepts has become popular in Hollywood. It is promoted by model and actress Elle Macpherson, TV presenter Kelly Rippa and other stars.

The essence of the diet

In the human body, the level of acid-base balance (the same pH) should be neutral and equal to 7. In the blood it is higher (up to 7.45), in the stomach it is lower (3.5). Any jumps in these indicators have a negative impact on health, and the absorption of nutrients is disrupted. And this is caused by excessive consumption of acidic foods. The result is the development of osteoporosis, digestive disorders, and the appearance of cancer cells.

The alkaline diet is designed to normalize the pH level by including healthy foods in the diet with a maximum content of alkalis and a minimum content of acids. This speeds up metabolism, renews blood flow, and puts lipid metabolism in order.

As a result, when the balance is brought to the desired level, the body gets rid of fat deposits and will no longer store them for future use. That is, the results of such a system are stable: you don’t need to worry that the kilograms will return in a couple of days.

The diet guarantees not only weight loss: it treats lower back pain, alleviates diabetes, removes kidney stones, reduces the likelihood of the proliferation of cancer cells and cardiovascular diseases, and preserves muscle mass even in old age.

The only problem is that due to the lack of confirmed evidence about the benefits of this technique, many people perceive it as pseudoscientific. Nutritionists and doctors rarely recommend it to patients.

Product tables

A food table will help you create a diet. The first contains the basis of the menu, especially columns 1 and 2. In the second - food, which you should try to minimize.

To lose weight, you need to introduce both foods into your daily diet, but in different ratios: 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. Some nutritionists change these numbers to 60 and 40. So don't worry about having to completely give up a handful of walnuts or a glass of fruit juice.

Harm and contraindications

The alkaline diet is a new and sometimes incomprehensible nutritional system, which is why it scares many people. Can it cause harm to the body in certain cases?

This can happen if:

  • sit on it for more than a month (recommended period is a week);
  • eat only alkaline foods, excluding acidic foods from the diet;
  • ignoring contraindications.

As for contraindications, there are few of them:

  • renal failure;
  • heart diseases;
  • childhood.

Despite this minimal list of contraindications, it is worth consulting a doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

For an acid-base diet to help you lose weight and improve your health, try to adhere to the following rules:

  1. There are more foods that are not thermally processed.
  2. It is better to take from oils, corn or.
  3. Don't wash down your food. It is recommended to consume all drinks only 40 minutes after eating.
  4. Have dinner early, 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  5. The longer you chew food, the more alkali it forms, which means it becomes healthier.
  6. Keep in mind that the pH level in the body is changed not only by food, but also by stress, lack of oxygen, toxins, and the presence of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Engage in light sports, but do not overload your body.
  8. Consult with your doctor what he thinks about this nutrition system.

You shouldn’t count on results of minus 10 kg in a short period of time. The system is aimed primarily at promoting health and improving well-being. And losing weight is a consequence of all this.


The most difficult thing is to create a menu, since you constantly have to look at the tables. Sample diagrams will make this task easier.

For a day

To make it easier to understand how to combine products with each other, look at the sample menu for 1 day:

For a week

This weekly menu is approved by experts. In order not to make a mistake in preparing your diet, it is better not to change anything in it:

An alkaline diet for a week remains the best option with which you can get rid of 3-4 kg. But the main result you will achieve is improved well-being.

For a month

If you are creating a menu for a month, you must be sure that the diet will not harm you and you can lose weight for as long as possible using this method. On the other hand, it is precisely this period that allows for the full implementation of this power system. The body will transform through three stages.

  • Stage I (7 days)

Active restructuring and cleansing of the body. Physical discomfort and various ailments (headache, nausea) are possible. Weight is lost quickly. It is recommended to play sports (great for home use, etc.). Bread, cheese, butter, and alcohol are contraindicated. When creating a menu for every day, focus on the following set of products.

  • Stage II (7 days)

The required ratio of acids and alkalis is restored. Physical ailments, heaviness in the stomach, and fatigue disappear. Bread, sweets, and alcohol are still prohibited. But a little cheese and butter is okay.

  • Stage III (12 days)

Aimed at maintaining the acid-base balance and consolidating the results. Whole grain bread and mineral water are added to breakfast, and throughout the day.


To diversify your diet on an alkaline diet, we offer you the following recipes that fully satisfy the requirements of this weight loss technique.

Spring salad


  • 300 g fresh;
  • 200 grams of radish;
  • 10 ml honey (liquid);
  • 100 grams of almonds;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • dill;
  • clove of garlic.


  1. Soak almonds for 8 hours.
  2. After this, grind it in a blender.
  3. Finely chop the garlic. Mix with nuts.
  4. Add garlic, honey and lemon juice.
  5. Add salt.
  6. Add water, mix well.
  7. Chop the cucumbers and radishes and season with sauce.
  8. Sprinkle with chopped dill.


  • 150 grams of sweet pepper;
  • carrot;
  • 60 grams of sprouted sunflower seeds;
  • 30 gr;
  • 30 grams of almonds;
  • garlic clove;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil.


  1. Soak flaxseed in water for 8 hours.
  2. Grind almonds into flour.
  3. Cut peppers and carrots into slices.
  4. Garlic is passed through a press.
  5. Grind the seeds, carrots, peppers, garlic, oil in a blender, without pureeing.
  6. Add almonds.
  7. Add salt and mix.
  8. Form and fry cutlets.



  • 600 grams of Chinese cabbage;
  • 300 g tomato;
  • 250 gr;
  • 150 grams of sweet pepper;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 30 g basil;
  • 40 g cilantro;
  • green onions;
  • garlic clove;
  • 50 grams of sunflower seeds;
  • 40 g sesame seeds;
  • 20 ml lemon juice;
  • 700 ml water.


  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Grind half the carrots onto a coarse grater.
  3. Cut half the pepper into strips. Mix what you chopped.
  4. Chop cilantro, basil, onion.
  5. Puree the garlic.
  6. Chop the beets, remaining carrots and peppers. Peel the tomatoes. Dilute all this with 700 ml of water and pass through a blender. Add garlic, cilantro, basil, salt and beat again.
  7. Pour the mixture from a blender over cabbage, peppers and carrots.
  8. Mix sunflower and sesame seeds ground into flour with lemon juice, add the resulting dressing to the vegetables.
  9. Sprinkle with onions.

Now you can try a new weight loss method - an alkaline diet, which also promises to improve your health. Be extremely careful when choosing products - look at the tables more often. For best results, follow a healthy lifestyle.



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