Positive psychological attitude. Emile Coue: positive attitudes for every day

How to create the right psychological attitude?

You should not maintain a bad mood, no matter for what reason it comes to you. First, look around - how many people are there who have it many times, ten times harder than you!

There is a little parable: “A man fell to the very bottom, lay there, crying - and suddenly someone knocked from below!” Look at your difficulties or problems objectively - whether they are far-fetched, whether you have “cheated” yourself - especially if you are prone to a pessimistic attitude.

Our psychological attitude is inseparable from what happens to us in life. We are accustomed to perceiving success as a coincidence of fortunate circumstances, a consequence of long and hard work, the presence of the necessary connections and much more. Yes, that's all true. But success is also a consequence of deep faith in the favorable outcome of one’s plans.

Cultivating the right psychological attitude for success is one of the tasks of our self-development. We must clearly realize that mood is a relatively long-lasting and stable mental state of a person.

To the extent that the sensations of daily fluctuations in internal energy corresponding to biorhythms, the influx and outflow of hormones, and even the huge energy decline that we call sleep are normal for us, we have the right to consider periodic changes in mood normal.

How could we imagine the essence of pleasure if we did not have the opportunity to compare it with the opposite sensation? Or how would we know that we were happy if we had never been unhappy.

At the same time, our obsessive desire to achieve limitless happiness, inherent in all modern culture, has distorted real life. This pursuit of happiness can lead straight to hell.

“When a thing, even a very good one, becomes one-sided and excludes the other side, it is possessed by the devil.” © James Hollis

There can be “ordinary” adversities or mood swings in any person’s life. Here you need to learn to overcome them by developing a positive psychological attitude in yourself.

How to achieve a positive psychological attitude?

A positive psychological attitude is achieved in two steps:

Step one– get yourself out of a negative mood, at least temporarily.

Step two– start working on the problem by drawing up a plan to solve it.

Change your thoughts first

It is quite obvious that positively directed thoughts such as “I will succeed!”, “Fate will smile on me!” etc. will help you much more than thoughts like: “I’m unlikely to be able to do this,” “I don’t have enough money, connections, skills,” etc.

“A man is a product of his own thoughts. What he thinks about is what he becomes." - Mahatma Gandhi

Watch your words

Compare the usual expressions: “Life is beautiful and amazing!”, “I have many creative plans!”, “Let’s break through” and the expressions: “Life is melancholy,” “Some are unlucky in life,” rude language. Which person do you think will achieve the goal first?

Change your Habits

A healthy lifestyle is a habit, careful planning is a habit, and hard work, self-development, determination and many other qualities are also well-developed habits.

But there are other habits, for example, sleeping until lunch, wasting time watching TV, talking on the phone for hours, doing poor work, etc. For the future: it is worth developing the habit of always thinking positively and not losing a good mood.

Stay away from people who complain about life, pessimistic people - their mood can be contagious

Remember the “rule of five”: you are the average of the five people you interact with the most.

Communicate with joyful and positive people, with those who share your aspirations, interests and dreams. Conversely, avoid the negative influence of pessimists who have lost faith in life.

Your pastime

What do you do in your free time? What films do you watch? What books do you read? Where do you go? What mood do you bring into your life? Everything we do, watch, read, listen to - everything becomes part of us and our reality. Therefore, be selective about what you fill your life with. The beautiful makes our life even more beautiful and vice versa.

Map out your action plan

Start developing a plan to eliminate the causes that are bothering you at the moment. Make a step-by-step algorithm for getting out of a negative situation and describe everything in as much detail as possible: what you want to get rid of first, second, and so on.

Secrets of psychologists for creating a positive psychological attitude

The first secret is this: Bring a smile purely mechanically. Stay in a state of smiling until you feel that it ceases to be mechanical and begins to be real.

It turns out that not only the brain controls the muscles, but also the muscles control the brain - they give signals of a good mood.

The second secret of psychologists is how to gain a positive psychological attitude? You need to remember some good moment in your life when you felt truly joyful, happy, successful. Remember your state at that moment and don’t let it go, penetrate it, enter it and experience it again.

Positive memories will make a bad mood crack.

Psychologists have another cool psychological technique- make a fly out of an elephant, and an elephant out of a fly. That is, everything good, no matter how insignificant it may be, needs to be inflated to incredible proportions, and everything bad, on the contrary, must be reduced.

For example,
“I did 5 push-ups! What a great fellow, wow!”
“A car smashed into rubbish is such a small thing! The main thing is that I’m alive and happy!”

Finally, I would like to note that a person with a designated goal to which he strives does not linger in a bad mood. Perhaps, momentary misunderstandings that only help to establish oneself in the chosen goal and adjust the path to achieving it. Usually those who have nothing to do, who have no aspirations and dreams are susceptible to depression and bad mood.

If you have a clear goal that you are striving for, there will simply be no time to be bored or sad. Always remember where you are going, take small and large steps towards your goal and remember that for all your efforts you will be rewarded many times over.

And over time, your psychological attitude will become consistently positive and conducive to fulfilling your plans, and you yourself will incredibly change for the better, as well as your life!

You, and only you, are the most important person in your life. What about your loved one, children, relatives, friends? Believe me, the more happiness shines in your eyes, the more often you “pamper” your own ego (in a good way), the brighter and happier the world around you. Give a good mood to your loved ones and family, which will return to you with a sincere smile, warm hugs from your child, enthusiastic compliments (and not only) from your husband, the joy and warmth of your parents’ home.

Positive thoughts and attitude will give you the desire not just to exist, but to feel, rejoice and experience every day of an amazing life. 7 surprisingly simple, heartfelt affirmations will help you find pieces of happiness in any event:

  1. I believe in my dreams

    Self-confidence is that little “perpetual” motion machine that guides you through life, preventing you from veering off the path. Dreams tend to come true, so you need to be prepared for the chance that Lady Fate will give you.

  2. I do my best every day

    One step towards your dream - small or big - is already a huge victory over yourself. Constantly remind yourself that all actions, thoughts, feelings lead you to your goal. Learn from mistakes - yours or others', taking them as a chance for constant development.

  3. I love myself the way I am

    When looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning, smile at your own reflection and say: “I love you.” Remember, as in the cartoon about Little Raccoon: life will definitely give you its smile. Accept yourself with all your flaws, be proud of your virtues. Only a happy, self-sufficient woman is able to give love and joy to others.

  4. I am responsible for my own happiness

    No one can come and give you positivity, great mood and harmony. You are responsible for your own happiness. Dissolving, at times, in her beloved, giving her soul and heart to children, a woman loses herself, forgetting about the truth: the search for happiness will not bring success as long as it is aimed at the outside world.

  5. I accept responsibility for my own life

    Problems, worries and sorrows make you stronger. Remember that the Universe gives us a feasible burden, inviting us to think and draw the right conclusions. Whining and complaining: “Why, why?” will not bring success. Get used to being responsible for the decisions you make, weighing the consequences of your actions, thoughts, and actions.

  6. The best is yet to come

    Repeat these words often. Believe that even if today the day did not turn out as you planned, it means it was necessary for something. Belief in the best, confidence, and a positive attitude will begin to attract positive, unexpected and very pleasant surprises into your life.

  7. I'm grateful for every day

    Appreciate every day for what you have in your life. Change your own attitude towards what you cannot influence by making efforts to achieve those goals that are within your control. Thank the Universe for the miracle of feeling and enjoying the gentle sun, the first flowers or pouring rain; to love loved ones, feeling their warmth and care, to finally live! After all, life is so multifaceted and interesting.

What is self-tuning?

Self-tuning is tuning to a certain vibration of energy, carried out independently with the help of a certain call. You work directly with the Higher Powers.


For a more successful setup:

— Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you or disturb you while making settings;
— take a comfortable position (sit or lie down);
- You must be completely relaxed and in a state of complete trust;
- be sure to ground yourself using one of the methods known to you; Grounding in new energies
— close your eyes, say a call and lie or sit quietly until the flow of energy ends;
— be sure to thank the Higher Powers for the energy given to you.


— It is not recommended to take more than one setting per day! Take a break between settings, preferably 3-5 days.
— You need to get used to the new energy and develop a channel. Try to work regularly with the energy you receive.
- DO NOT forget, there may be a cleansing crisis (your body getting used to a new level of energy).
— Try to drink more water and do breathing exercises (pranayama).

I wish you a successful and productive practice!


    The Violet Ray is one of the rays that carries the light of transformation. Purple color best promotes forward movement. It helps you get rid of everything you no longer need and take advantage of new opportunities. It helps you, as a creative being, to better use your abilities and powers. The Violet Ray stimulates the growth of creativity on Earth. It does this not only because of its natural qualities, but also because it is a kind of “introduction” to the higher rays, the highest vibrational energies available to the Earth.



    Archangel Michael provides this Energy by Protecting us from Psychic Energy Strikes.
    Psychic attacks exist and many people are not even aware of them.

    The Psychic Protective Flame is created not only to protect yourself but also to restore the personal Spiritual Immune System every time you Activate the Flame, thereby you are Protected but also Doubly Strong.

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    This is a truly complex procedure, and usually in the past it was resorted to by those of you who were in extremely serious condition, by those who could not find any other way out. These procedures are performed by a whole team of Mayan Genetic Engineers from Sirius.

    They do it Masterfully, without mistakes. Because they carry out these operations, projecting through their consciousnesses and centers the pure spiritual Light of the One God, the Most High, this Light is a reasonable Light. As you know, this is the Holy Spirit.



    Hyperborean Energy Alva is the energy of the fundamental principles, it is more than 40 thousand years old andat the moment, conditions have developed for the possibility of using it

    Alva energy, which will help activate internal reserves,
    will cleanse the subtle and physical plane from negativity and foreign influences,
    GE is a powerful tool in working on oneself, capable of answering many questions and providing awareness.



    This is the simplest type of energy called for energetic“recharge” when you need to neutralize the consequencesunpleasant life situations - busy working day, tightwork schedule, times when you lose control of the situation andetc. It is in these cases that a person needs to recharge his energy.
    This type of energy will help you feel energized and at peace.

  • Summoning Mahatma Energy

    Summoning Mahatma Energy

    Mahatma energy is the greatest energy available to us on Earth. This is the Synthesis of the energies of many Ascended beings, many Mahatmas. It includes the vibrations of all 12 Rays.

    Mahatma energy is the connection between people and God. She builds a bridge of light - the Antahkarana between us and the Source. Thanks to their high vibrations, Mahatma energy helps us raise our frequency to the level of Light and thereby accelerates the process of Ascension.


    Self-tuning "Opening the healing channel from Dr. Kahn" and Dr. Fritz

    Dr. Kahn, an Austrian physician who lived in the 19th century, a spiritual entity working with Nama Ba Hal (Kryon channel, Archangel Michael and 36 Light Entities) - a group of entities who have received special education and direction in the spiritual world, based on special training, working with both our subtle and gross physical bodies.



    This attunement reveals the true meaning of energies coming from the Cosmos. Receiving it, a person calms down for a certain period of time and does not create a release of negativity, thus retaining the positive energy potential of the force.

    It helps to overcome timidity and partly the fear that haunts a person in life situations. Helps relieve anxiety about some future events, constant anxiety about people close to you.

  • Self-tuning Beam "Beauty of Aura"

    Self-tuning Beam "Beauty of Aura"

    The aura is an electromagnetic field, 4 octaves below the capabilities of the physical eye with a wavelength of 12-6 microns and a frequency of 60-120.
    A good aura surrounds the physical body in the shape of an ellipse, it is dense, pure and sparkling in color.

  • Energy for working with viruses and cancer

    Self-tuning TANAKA-SAN Energy for working with viruses and cancer

    Those who work with it note that it is very useful when working with cancer of various etiologies and viral diseases. This energy also works well with flu, allergies and other viruses.

    When the energy of Tanaka San passes through, the following are activated: Anahata, hand channels, Vishuddha, thymus gland.
    Information is released naturally, through the kidney channel, with an exit at the feet.

  • Self-tuning "Healing life. Divine alignment"

    Self-tuning "Healing life. Divine alignment"

    The body, which is your home, is the construct of your life, so your physical home, your physical career, the people who were part of your life, the things you were involved in, can all change because it is no longer a part of you.

    This appeal will be to any aspect of you that is in a state of stunting and will be encouraged to be revived so that it can catch up with the rest of you.

  • Self-tuning POWER OF ABUNDANCE

    The Abundance Empowerment attunement is a simple energy healing system to open the recipient to the flow of abundance. This setting removes blocks and helps overcome a person’s subconscious resistance to abundance and well-being in his own life.

    The more blocks a person has, the longer this process will take. But the main thing is not to give up, use energy! She will change everything.



    A constantly open heart chakra will fill your life with happiness and joy. People will feel sympathy for you, and you will forget what a “difficult relationship” is. For according to the cosmic law “what is inside, so is outside,” if there is Love in you, then Love reigns around you.

    Unconditional Love has powerful healing properties. Being a high-frequency energy, it perfectly dissolves negative energies and blocks.


    Self-tuning Aphrodite's Ray "Golden Threads"
    Aphrodite's Ray "Golden Threads" will allow you to rejuvenate your physical body. All elements, including gold, are found in cosmic rays.
    Precious stones, gold bars, etc., are all frozen rays of light. Concentrated currents of the universe pass through us, and we can take advantage of this by retaining them in the etheric body (energy double), which is closely connected with the physical body.

  • If we can create a positive attitude every day, we will achieve amazing results! Let's figure out a positive attitude - what it is, how to be positive and set yourself up for it. We need to create a positive attitude ourselves, in contrast to a pessimistic one, which has a habit of forming automatically in our minds.

    Positive attitude - what is it and how is it formed?

    Ours command our thoughts and then our body to act in a certain way. Thanks to them, we perceive the world around us from a certain point of view. As a result, our entire success in life depends on which point of view we choose to look at this world.

    A positive attitude is a state when a person is confident in the positive outcome of any matter or the occurrence of an event.

    Our beliefs are so ingrained in our consciousness that changing them is a rather long and painstaking process of working on ourselves, unlike changing our mood. If you are convinced of something, then you will act in accordance with your conviction. If you are convinced that the goal is real for you, that you deserve it, then you are guaranteed to achieve it.

    How to be positive every day?

    Many of you are interested in how to always be positive. Let's figure out how to do this.

    A daily positive attitude will help us create and deeply imprint positive beliefs, give us faith in our strengths, in the achievability of plans and intentions. The negative that was embedded in our minds in childhood due to pain or negative experiences can be replaced with positive ones. To do this, you need to force yourself every day to believe that all your plans are within your reach!

    Believing in your strength, in your capabilities and ability to achieve what you want means much more to achieving success than luck, circumstances, consultations with a coach combined. The positive belief that there is a way out in any situation forces you to look for options, appeals to the subconscious, intuition, memory, thereby activating your nervous system, taking it out of your comfort zone to a new level.

    Remember: “According to your faith be it done to you!”?

    Believe in yourself! Be positive!

    If you want to become a successful person, think positively and believe in yourself. How you see yourself, how you evaluate yourself, how you evaluate your talents, human qualities, knowledge and experience, your personality - all this determines your behavior, and therefore the results of your work, and therefore your success in life. Confidence and frequent repetition of thoughts, for example, “I am a good salesman”, “I am a great organizer”, have a strong impact on our subconscious, then on actions, and ultimately on results.

    There is a very good example of the influence of our beliefs on a person. Imagine an iceberg floating in the ocean. The tip of the iceberg is our behavior, and its underwater, hidden part is our beliefs, which are not visible and the weight of which carries us in a certain direction. Moreover, there is a direct relationship: the deeper our belief is rooted, the stronger its influence on our subconscious.

    How to be positive day after day? It’s up to you to instill in yourself positive thoughts, self-confidence, or let everything take its course. Just don’t forget that beliefs have a habit of unexpectedly coming true. Therefore, it will be better if beliefs are directed in the right direction, in the direction we need, helping us achieve our goals in a short time and without much effort.

    People tend to seek confirmation of their beliefs. Just think, if you think badly about yourself, then you yourself will create situations where you will show your bad side!!! And the more sensory experiences we have that confirm our beliefs, the stronger the belief becomes.

    How to understand yourself?

    To understand which direction you should go and what needs to change, follow these steps:

    • Clearly define your core beliefs.
    • Analyze your beliefs one by one. How much do your beliefs help you achieve your goals?
    • Analyze what behavioral features entail the chosen beliefs.
    • If your beliefs seem negative, replace them with positive ones that are most consistent with your goals.

    So, in order to identify your own negative beliefs and create a positive attitude for every day, you need to write down on a piece of paper all the actions that you performed during the day. Then think about what prompted you to commit these actions and remember what you were thinking about at that moment - what internal dialogue you heard. Write everything down on paper.

    The next day, write down your actions again. Analyze them. Repeat for a few more days.

    After a while, you will notice that your beliefs repeat themselves and cause similar actions. Beliefs can be different, for example:

    • “I’m not comfortable in companies with a lot of people”
    • "I suffer from my loneliness."
    • "I have a bad memory"
    • “I have great difficulty concentrating”
    • “I will never be promoted”
    • “I don’t understand mathematics because I’m a humanist”
    • “I do everything slowly”
    • “I will never succeed like my parents”
    • "I'm always late."

    Now ask yourself, do your beliefs align with your life goals? If not, then you urgently need to change your attitude to a positive one, otherwise your beliefs will influence your will more and more and weaken it day after day.

    Now let’s transform the will-weakening negative statement into a positive one using the following exercise.

    Belief Replacement Exercise

    1. We start by deciding what belief we will work on and what exactly it is that prevents you from achieving your goal.
    2. Come up with a new positive belief to replace the previous one. Ask your inner voice if this is what you really want? State the statement in dynamic form, i.e. in the form of an action (I study, I sell, I become slimmer...), rather than a statement.
    3. Take 6 sheets of A4 paper and write one line on each of them: 1 - current belief, 2 - ready for criticism, 3 - museum of outdated beliefs, 4 - desirable beliefs (what beliefs are needed), 5 - ready to accept new beliefs (life lessons), 6-sacred (high significance).
    4. Place the sheets on the floor in a counterclockwise direction.
    5. As you step on each piece of paper, try to remember your experiences in each of these situations.
    6. Turning to the “current belief” sheet, think about how exactly this belief weakens your will.
    7. Go to the “Ready for Criticism” sheet and look for at least 3 critical comments about your current belief.
    8. Go to the “museum of outdated beliefs” and imagine how your belief is transferred to the museum. It's a thing of the past now.
    9. Go to the “desirable beliefs” sheet. Think about what your belief should be. Now imagine that you have this belief.
    10. Now go to the “ready to accept a new belief” sheet and imagine yourself ready for changes in life due to a change in belief.
    11. Then go to the “sacred” sheet and think about how important and meaningful the new belief is to you.
    12. Now move back to the “current beliefs” sheet and note the changes that have happened to you.

    This exercise is especially effective if you have been able to feel strong emotions. It can be used to change any beliefs, both individually and in groups.

    What helps a person cope with difficult situations in life and experience failures with less emotional turmoil? What makes you think of any obstacles that arise along the way as feasible and easily overcome? What puts a smile on a person’s face that remains even in difficult moments of his life? A positive attitude, a positive mood - this is the answer to these questions.

    A positive mood manifests itself in deep self-confidence, in the confidence that luck will not abandon us, that no matter what the obstacle, we will still overcome it.

    Optimistic mood has a lot of positive aspects! Positive attitude improves performance and affects both the physical and mental well-being of a person. Positive mood creates self confidence(however, and vice versa, high self-esteem sets us up in a positive way - a vicious circle)). Others are drawn to positive-minded people.

    To create and maintain a positive mood in any life situations, do the following exercises:

    1. The first exercise to create a positive attitude involves constantly remembering the positive moments in your life. Memories, life episodes, thinking about which brings a smile to your face, should always be at hand. When your positive mood leaves you, when it seems to you that the whole world is against you, remember these pleasant moments and laugh heartily.
    2. Look for the good even where it would seem that it cannot be, change your attitude towards failure. Even from the most difficult and unpleasant situations, extract positive moments. For example, by solving a problem that has arisen, you learn, gain knowledge, and life experience. And if a similar situation arises in the future, you will cope with it more effectively. By not losing self-control in crisis situations, we build character. The proverb, “For one beaten, they give two unbeaten,” is exactly what it says.
    3. In moments of weakness, when a positive attitude leaves you, communication with a cheerful, cheerful person will return you to the right direction. And vice versa, if a tense situation arises in your environment (in your work team, among friends, in your family), skillfully dilute it with positivity, because your good mood depends not only on your personal well-being, but also on the mood of all those around you.
    4. Praise yourself for the work you've done. Praise should not be empty, it should be justified. Those who keep a diary can be advised to write down their victories and achievements in it and in moments of doubt and emerging uncertainty to look inside. This is a great way to deal with low self-esteem, and cheer yourself up.
    5. A huge surge of energy and positive mood occurs after morning exercises. If you barely got up and woke up at your desk only in the afternoon, then it’s difficult to count on a positive attitude. Do morning exercises, take a contrast shower, and go for short runs.
    6. Smile more often. Even if you force yourself to smile, you will experience a surge of positive mood. A sincere smile promotes the production of endorphin (the hormone of joy), which allows you to cope with stress and pessimistic moods.
    7. A positive mood often arises from contemplating the views of nature around us: enjoy the movement of clouds, the rustling of trees, the sunrise, a rainbow, the surf...

    Naturally, problems cannot be solved with a positive attitude alone, and with this article I do not want to say that we should always be wearing rose-colored glasses. But even if the world around us does not live according to the laws of our positive mood (one could argue here, but what about the power of thought, visualization, etc.), still this mood affects us and our success in life.



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