Metastases what degree of cancer. Peculiarities of use in various tumor localizations

Everyone has heard about this disease and that it is deadly, but not everyone understands how exactly cancer kills and what it is. The body is constantly producing new cells to replace old ones or to grow something new in the body, such as a fetus during pregnancy. Unfortunately, it happens that there is a failure in this process. But the nature of the failures is different; neoplasms in the body are not always cancer.

What is oncology

They call it cancer malignant types tumors. Unlike benign cells, malignant cells grow uncontrollably, and even if the tumor is excised, they high probability begin to grow again. This is due to a gene mutation in healthy cells. According to one theory, malignant cells constantly arise in the human body, but normally they are killed by the human immune system.

The very term for the disease was given by the father of medicine, Hippocrates; the tumor seemed to him similar to this amphibian animal. One of the most dangerous species cancer - carcinoma, and translated from Greek - crab, cancer.

Malignant tumors grow much faster than benign ones. But the worst thing about them is that they give metastases to lymph nodes, bones and other organs, starting from neighboring ones and ending with the most distant ones.

Causes of cancer

The exact causes of this disease have not yet been identified, but the risk factors have been fairly accurately identified. Conventionally, it is possible to define two natures of the occurrence of tumors: hormonal and physiological. Physiological provocateurs of cancer cell growth are as follows:

  • long-lasting wounds and inflammations, ulcers;
  • birthmark trauma;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun without protection;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • eating carcinogenic foods;
  • smoking.

Hormonal provocateurs of malignant tumors include the following factors:

  • abortion;
  • late pregnancy;
  • disruption of the functioning of any of the glands;
  • menopause;
  • absence of childbirth and breastfeeding at fertile age;
  • elderly age.

What these processes have in common is that they are all associated with a sharp or increased release of hormones, which can cause disruptions in the growth of normal cells.

Scientists have found a gene that is responsible for the growth of malignant tumors, and therefore we can safely say that cancer is a hereditary disease.

Stages of cancer

The earlier the disease is detected and treatment is started, the greater the chances of salvation. To know what cancer metastases are, you need to have an idea of ​​the gradation of oncology stages. They are determined based on the size of the tumor, as well as the absence or presence of metastases and their degree of spread.

It is customary to measure these indicators according to the international TNM classification. According to it, the size is measured in the tumor and has 4 degrees, the presence or absence of metastases themselves in metastasis. There are three degrees of germination, and they are measured in node. They are indicated abbreviated by the first letter of the name. In fact, the degree of germination is the degree of cancer. That is, the code T2, M1, 3N, according to this classification, will mean that the tumor has reached size 2, there are metastases, cancer degree 3.

Based on the above, there are 4 stages of cancer:

  1. The tumor is no more than 2 cm, cannot be detected by palpation, the lymph nodes and neighboring organs are not affected. There is no pain or discomfort.
  2. The tumor is from 2 to 5 cm, the lymph nodes may already be affected, depending on the location, the tumor may already be palpable. Mild discomfort and symptoms may occur.
  3. Cancer cells take over the space: nearby lymph nodes and organs are affected.
  4. Metastases are possible in any organ, the size of the tumor can be any, the patient experiences severe pain, and can die at any moment.

How quickly one stage will flow into another is individual; this can happen either in a few months or in a few years.


What are metastases in cancer, a question that interests those who have been asked this terrible diagnosis. Metastases are secondary foci that occur at stage 2 in neighboring organs and nearby lymph nodes. At stages 3 and 4 they can spread to any organ and lymph node. The spread occurs like this: cells break off from a cancerous tumor and begin to migrate through the bloodstream through the body through arteries and veins along with the blood and through the lymph nodes with the help of lymph. Thus, two migration routes are distinguished: lymphatic and hematogenous.

There is a third way - this is germination into neighboring organs by invasive means, it is called implantation. The likelihood of migrating cancer cells attaching depends on the person's immune status. At an early stage of cancer, metastases often occur only in neighboring organs, since the body is not yet exhausted by the fight and is able to stop development. But over time, he succeeds worse and worse, and the cancer comes into its own. And in the final stages, when the body is exhausted from the fight against the disease and its resistance is almost zero, cancer cells easily take root at any distance from the primary focus.

To combat metastases, it is first necessary to remove the maternal tumor and all metastatic ones, and then proceed to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It is not possible to remove all metastases. And the degree of cancer is a decisive factor in deciding whether surgery is advisable.

Diagnosis of metastases

There are symptoms that suggest the presence of metastases in specific organ. They are different for each location. If specific symptoms are detected or there is suspicion, then additional studies are prescribed, the purpose of which is to detect metastases.

The presence of metastases is most often diagnosed using ultrasound and x-rays. But in some cases, if healthy organ covers the tumor, detection is difficult. For example, it is difficult to detect a tumor in the milk ducts.

Blood and lymph tests are no longer indicative, because the person already has cancer and, naturally, tumor markers will be detected, and the level of eosinophils and leukocytes will be increased. But a urine test can reveal the location of the tumor. When compressed by tumors in neighboring organs or metastases to the liver, the level of bilirubin increases, which is noticeable externally by the yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin, as well as by urine analysis. Or hypercalcemia with metastases to the lungs.

Visual detection of tumors is possible using the following studies:

  • X-ray (irrigoscopy, relaxation duodenography, angiography);
  • ultrasonic;
  • positron emission tomography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radionuclide methods, such as radioisotope scanning;
  • computed tomography and others.

Visually, you can see both the tumor itself and the consequences caused by it: compression, deformation, violation of the integrity of organs.

There are also methods for studying organs, tumors and tissues at the contact level. The following research methods are considered:

  • oral cholangiopancreatoscopy (insertion of a probe into the duodenum);
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (insertion of a probe into the stomach);
  • bronchoscopy;
  • cytological examination of discharge;
  • biopsy using laparoscopy (removal of a tumor fragment for examination);
  • percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (liver puncture).

With the help of such studies, it is possible to determine the nature of the tissues and identify a tumor that is not detected during visual diagnosis.

Metastases in stomach cancer

Tumor growth occurs on the mucous membrane of the stomach walls. At one time, stomach cancer was even more common than lung cancer. The reason for the high mortality rate from this species is its late diagnosis. Often a tumor is detected when metastases have already begun. With stomach cancer, the probability is very high and averages about 85%. This is due to the fact that the walls of the stomach are quite thin, and many organs are located next to it. The most frequently affected organs by invasive means are the following:

  • liver;
  • esophagus;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder;
  • spleen;
  • liver;
  • intestines.

Approximately 50% of patients also have liver cancer with metastases. The prognosis for recovery from it is quite disappointing. Actively growing, cancer cells compress the liver tissue, causing inflammation - as a result, necrosis and rupture, followed by bleeding into the abdominal cavity. Symptoms that gastric cancer metastases to the liver are as follows:

  • sudden weight loss, while the stomach, on the contrary, may increase;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • peeling, itching on the skin;
  • icteric tint of the skin and mucous membranes.

Metastases in lung cancer

The most common location of cancer is the lungs. About 70% of all cases of malignant tumors are found there. Elderly people are at risk, especially those who smoked or worked in hazardous industries where they inhaled harmful fumes.

What are metastases in lung cancer and how do they manifest? Metastases in lung cancer occur very quickly; the routes of spread are hematogenous and lymphatic. By implantation, tumors penetrate primarily into the following locations:

  • second lung;
  • spine, often the lumbar region;
  • liver;
  • brain;
  • other bones;
  • spinal cord.

Lung cancer with metastases can only be treated in the first two stages. But many discover it already at stage 3. The reasons lie in the lack timely diagnosis and attributing symptoms to a cold or a smoker’s cough, despite the fact that it is quite easy to diagnose metastases in neighboring locations using X-rays.

The worst thing is that some people do not quit smoking, even if they have stage 4 lung cancer with metastases. How long do people live with this diagnosis? Usually no more than a year, but there are lucky ones who lived for 5 years, which is rather an exception. But if you continue to smoke, you shouldn’t hope for it.

Metastases in thyroid cancer

Cancer is becoming more common in people of all ages thyroid gland. Metastases with it are most often localized in the following organs:

  • bones;
  • brain;
  • lungs;
  • adrenal glands;
  • liver.

Cancer cells in this type move mainly by lymphatic route, through the peritracheal and preglottic lymph nodes.

To combat thyroid metastases, the following methods are used:

  • complete removal of the thyroid gland;
  • removal of metastases.

Life without a thyroid gland comes with some challenges:

  • lifelong hormone therapy (L-thyroxine);
  • weight gain that is difficult to combat;
  • loss of strength, apathy;
  • drop in visual acuity;
  • sleep problems;
  • difficulty conceiving;
  • decreased attention and concentration.

But despite this, it is possible to live without it, and if it helps to save or prolong life, then the organ is removed in fragments or even completely.

Metastases in pancreatic cancer

A rather rare type of oncology, in only 4 cases out of 100 the tumor is localized in the pancreas, but this number is inexorably growing. People with poor eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles are susceptible to this type of cancer. Older men are at risk; women suffer from this disease a little less often.

Tumors in this location do not manifest themselves in any way for a very long time, and often the diagnosis is made when neighboring organs are compressed and there are metastases in them. And this happens when the size is quite small relative to other locations; a tumor of 2 cm can already cause serious harm.

This type of cancer is seen to metastasize quite early; they are detected in more than 60% of cases. Pancreatic cancer with metastases to the liver or pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes is a fairly common outcome. In addition to these organs, metastases penetrate into the following organs by implantation:

  • stomach;
  • abdominal cavity (cancerous ascites, peritoneal carcinomatosis);
  • duodenum.

But since the pancreas has an excellent blood supply and is adjacent to the parapancreatic lymphatic system, metastases from this type of cancer can reach anywhere via lymphogenous and hematogenous routes.

The kidneys, lungs, and bone marrow are affected by the hematogenous route.

Lymphogenously, cancer cells spread in 4 stages:

  1. Pancreatoduodenal nodes.
  2. Retropyloric, hepatoduodenal nodes.
  3. Superior mesenteric and celiac nodes.
  4. Para-aortic nodes.

This type of cancer is quite aggressive in terms of metastases; they spread through interstitial or intertissue gaps.

Symptoms that the tumor is in the pancreas itself are as follows:

  • change in color of stool;
  • yellow tint to the skin and whites of the eyes;
  • bloating abdominal cavity;
  • lack of appetite and nausea;
  • enlargement of the gallbladder, palpable.

Metastases in liver cancer

Most often, liver cancer is metastatic, that is, the tumor itself is a metastasis. If liver cancer with metastases is diagnosed, it is difficult to give a prognosis for the development of the disease. This is due to the peculiarity of the blood supply. The liver is enriched with blood through the system portal vein, which before this passes through all the organs of the peritoneum. Accordingly, cancer cells can come from any of them hematogenously and settle in the liver. That is why one of the methods of preventing metastatic cancer to the liver is portal vein embolization. Prevails nodal form tumors.

The primary focus of occurrence in the liver is extremely rarely localized in this organ. This is a very small percentage of all morbidity cases. This is mainly a consequence of liver destruction by alcohol or hepatitis.

Metastasis occurs in 3 stages:

  1. A single lesion, no more than a quarter of the entire liver volume is affected.
  2. A little more than a quarter of the volume is affected; there may be more than one lesion.
  3. More than half of the liver is affected, there are multiple lesions.

If liver cancer with metastases is diagnosed, the prognosis is rather disappointing, since the disease is asymptomatic for quite a long time. When symptoms appear, they are often incurable or not associated with liver disease. The symptoms are as follows:

  • peeling, dry skin;
  • nosebleeds;
  • elevated temperature;
  • pain in the right side;
  • yellowness of the mucous membranes and skin, from mild to severe.

Frequency fatal outcome is also due to methods of treating cancer. In this type of cancer, they can cause liver failure, which can be instantly fatal. No more than 10% of patients diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer will live at least 5 years.

What are metastases in prostate cancer?

The prostate gland has a second name - prostate. This is an organ that is found only in men and is responsible for sexual function, namely for the protection and nutrition of sperm. But disturbances in its work will affect the health in general, as well as the psycho-emotional state of a person. Men over 50 are at risk. The main symptoms of cancer are prostate gland is pain when urinating and blood in the urine. One of the legs also goes numb, depending on the area of ​​the gland affected by the tumor.

With prostate cancer, metastases usually occur no earlier than stage 3. For the 1st and 2nd, the prognosis for recovery is quite optimistic.

Cancer cells from the prostate migrate through the hematogenous route. And the target of metastases in prostate cancer is often bone tissue. Mainly localized in the following bone groups:

  • spine;

If this type of cancer already has metastases, then the prognosis for recovery is no more than 10%. But they undertake treatment in any case, at least to prolong life and alleviate suffering.

Metastases in bones

Bones are quite often attacked by metastases through the hematogenous route, since many vessels and capillaries pass through them. Most often these are the following groups of bones and their joints:

  • hip joint;
  • spine;
  • shoulder;
  • ribs;
  • scull.

Metastases in the bones due to cancer often go unnoticed for a long time due to the lack of pain. The bones may ache slightly, but few people pay attention to this, attributing it to fatigue and an uncomfortable position.

Metastases in the bones occur in the last stages, rarely occurring in initial stage. And most often they occur in prostate and breast cancer. They are divided into osteolytic, which leach minerals from the bones, and osteoblastic, which cause the accumulation of minerals.

In the first case, vitamin D is prescribed, but in the second it is contraindicated.

The presence of a neoplasm is manifested by pain, which is caused by compression of the nerve endings and the inflammatory process. Bones affected by cancer become brittle, and the risk of fractures increases significantly. Removing tumors from bones, especially from the spine, is not an easy task, it is not always possible, and such an operation requires a top-notch surgeon. The following methods are used for treatment:

  • chemotherapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • radioisotope treatment;
  • embolization of spinal arteries;
  • radiofrequency ablation;
  • epidural injections;
  • surgical removal of tumors, at least partially, if this will reduce the patient's suffering.

The most best clinics who specialize in treatment similar diseases, are located in Israel. They even undertake the treatment of stage 4 cancer with metastases. After all, this will prolong the patient’s life, at least for a short time. After all, what are metastases in cancer? This is the leading cause of death from the disease. After all, the tumor itself could be cut out and live on, but it is impossible to permanently remove metastases and not everything can be cut out.

Every day in human body Thousands of abnormal cellular structures appear that can subsequently acquire a malignant status. Thanks to the immune system, these cells are destroyed in a timely manner.

But if the immune defense for certain reasons allows these cells to pass through, then they multiply unhindered, forming into a tumor.

What are metastases in cancer?

Malignant cells from foci of primary localization spread through blood and lymph flow to other organic structures, forming metastatic foci, which are actually secondary localizations of cancer.

So, metastases are cancer cells that spread throughout the body from the main focus of the tumor process.

When cancer spreads into neighboring tissues, it is called regional metastasis. If malignant cellular structures penetrate into the bloodstream or lymphatic fluid peripheral tissues, then distant metastasis occurs.

Reasons for the spread

In general, metastasis is caused by certain oncological growth factors that stimulate the formation of capillary and vascular networks around the tumor formation.

As a result, a favorable environment is created for malignant structures, which provides them with the necessary nutrition. In this scenario, metastasis occurs throughout the body.

In general, the spread of malignant cells can occur in different ways:

  • With the bloodstream - malignant cells spread hematogenously through veins, capillary structures and vessels throughout the body;
  • With lymph flow. Lymph nodes act as a protective barrier for malignant structures and their partial destruction occurs in them. But when there are too many changed cells, macrophages cannot cope with them;
  • Implantation or along the membrane of serous tissue.

Metastases of lymphogenous origin are most common in both, and, and.

Hematogenous routes of metastasis are usually observed in late stages of chorionepitheliomas, pelvic and abdominal tumors, hypernephroma, etc.

At what stage do they appear and how quickly do they spread?

If a cancer patient does not receive the necessary treatment, then metastases will occur over time in any cancer process, but the timing of appearance is not always clear.

In some oncological pathologies, metastasis occurs within a few months after the formation of the primary tumor focus, while in others it is detected only after several years. Therefore, it is impossible to even tentatively establish the timing of metastasis.

Considering metastasis in the lymph system, we can say that metastases are a sign of the transition of cancer to the second stage of development.

If hematogenous spread of malignant cells appears, then we're talking about about the transition of oncopathology to stage 4. On average, metastases form at stages 3-4 of cancer. That is, in fact, the appearance of metastatic processes determines the stage of the cancer tumor.

Video about how cancer metastasizes:

How do different types of cancer metastasize?

Typically, metastases are detected in the pulmonary structures, liver and lymph nodes. Much less frequently, metastatic foci are found in the heart and skeletal muscles, spleen and pancreas.

Experts have identified a certain pattern of cancer metastasis in different locations:

  • Melanoma usually metastasizes to muscle or skin;
  • – into a healthy lung, liver and adrenal tissue;
  • A malignant tumor in the uterus, stomach and pancreas usually metastasizes to the lungs, liver and abdominal cavity;
  • It is mammary glandular and spreads mainly to liver and lung tissues.

Why are they dangerous?

Lethal outcome in cancer pathologies often occurs precisely because of active metastasis rather than due to the presence of a primary tumor. Therefore, metastases are very dangerous.

  1. They disrupt vital activities important systems and organs;
  2. If metastases appear, the body can no longer resist cancer on its own;
  3. Metastasis negatively affects the course of the oncological process and the patient’s condition, worsening it.


Metastasis has many options and varieties that differ significantly from each other.


Virchow's metastasis is localized in the supraclavicular region of the neck and occurs against the background of gastric cancer. This location of the secondary cancer focus is determined by the direction of lymph flow from the abdominal cavity.

Malignant cellular structures rise along the lymphatic pathways exactly to cervical lymph node, they cannot go further, so they begin to form into a secondary tumor. Virchow metastasis can occur as a result of other abdominal structures.


Such metastases are also characterized by lymphogenous origin and are localized in the ovaries. The share of such secondary tumors accounts for about 35-40% of the total number of ovarian metastases.

Krukenberg metastases are observed in malignant gastric, mammary glandular, intestinal or bile duct lesions, bladder or cervical cancer.


Schnitzler metastases are the spread of a malignant process to the perirectal tissue and perirectal lymph nodes.

Such metastatic formations can be palpated rectally digital examination and are painless compactions.

Most often occurs against the background of stomach cancer.


Metastatic tumors that form in bone tissue and promote the activity of osteoblasts are called osteoblastic. Against the background of increased osteoblastic activity, increased calcium deposition occurs in bone tissue, which contributes to their rapid growth.

Such metastatic foci occur against the background of mammary glandular or prostatic cancer, sarcomas, etc. The prognosis is mostly unfavorable.


Metastases of the solitary type are large-nodular single formations localized in the lung, brain and other tissues.


Osteolytic secondary formations are also localized in bone structures, however, their effect on bones is of a slightly different nature. They destroy bone tissue and activate osteoclasts, which leads to destructive changes in bones.

Symptoms and signs

The clinical picture of metastasis depends on its location and type of primary tumor. Typically, metastases lead to severe dysfunctional changes in the structures of the body.

  • With liver metastasis Patients experience itchy skin, jaundice and liver failure;
  • Brain metastatic processes lead to rapid;
  • Pulmonary metastasis causes bronchopulmonary inflammation, respiratory disorders, etc.;
  • Bone metastases are characterized by severe pain throughout the body.

On the skin

Skin metastases occur predominantly against the background of malignant lesions of the ovaries, lungs and kidneys. Metastatic processes on the skin are of lymphatic or hematogenous origin. In men, such metastases are localized on the abdomen and neck, chest and head, and in women on the chest and abdomen.

Signs of skin metastases:

  1. The appearance of formations similar to moles;
  2. Change in skin color at the site of metastases;
  3. Rapid increase in skin formation;
  4. Asthenia;
  5. Exhaustion;
  6. Drowsiness and weakness;
  7. Lack of performance;
  8. Painful sensations in the area of ​​the tumor;
  9. Weight loss and hyperthermia.

The photo shows what stage 4 cancer looks like with metastases on the skin

If the metastasis has formed on the scalp, it usually looks like a sebaceous cystic formation.

In the ribs

The first signs of rib metastases are intense pain, leading to limited mobility. At later stages, secondary tumor foci can lead to rib fractures that occur even with minor loads.

Cancerous tumors of the thyroid gland, breast, prostate and cervix, liver and lungs, etc. most often metastasize to the ribs. To detect them, it is necessary to carry out.


Secondary cardiac tumors usually arise from pleural, carcinoma, melanoma or esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, renal and thyroid oncology or.

Signs of cardiac metastases are:

  • Pericardial effusion;
  • Obstruction of veins in the myocardium;
  • Depression of cardiac activity;
  • Arrhythmia, myocardial failure.


Cancer cells can invade any part of the body, particularly the abdominal cavity. Malignant structures settle on the surface of the internal organs and peritoneal walls. They accumulate for quite a long time, gradually forming a secondary tumor.

Such processes in the body are usually accompanied by an enlarged abdomen. If the tumor begins to disintegrate, then general signs intoxication.

For breast cancer

Metastatic foci in the mammary gland are manifested by the appearance of lumps in the breast, which are easily felt by palpation.

Malignant cells penetrate into the mammary gland through the bloodstream or lymphogenously. The patient feels intense pain in the chest and other uncomfortable sensations.

Distant metastases

The greater the parameters of the primary formation, the earlier the metastatic processes will begin. Typically, the real threat of metastasis occurs when the tumor exceeds a 3-cm diameter.

Together with the bloodstream, malignant cells spread to distant tissues and organs, which indicates the late stages of the tumor process.

  • If metastases occur in the skeletal system, then patients experience bone pain, which can seriously reduce their quality of life.
  • If breast cancer has metastasized to the lungs, then the patient is worried about shortness of breath, cough and chest pain.
  • With nervous system metastasis dizziness and headaches, convulsions and hallucinations, auditory and visual disturbances, coordination disorders, etc. appear.


Already in the early stages, metastases may occur in regional lymph nodes. Typically these are axillary lymph node structures.

But if the primary tumor formed closer to the center chest, then the sternal lymph nodes undergo metastasis.

Subsequently, the cancer process spreads to more distant lymph nodes.

In the intestines

Metastasis to the intestines is accompanied by frequent diarrhea or constipation, blood in the stool, abdominal pain and bloating.

In addition, waste products of cancer formation cause general intoxication of the body, which is manifested by dyspeptic disorders.


The main sign of metastasis in the kidneys and adrenal structures is hematuria, which is characterized by the presence of blood in the patient’s urine.

An additional sign of kidney metastasis is pain in lumbar region, constant temperature and weakness, elevated blood pressure and progressive anemia.


Metastases in the spleen are extremely rare, because the organ itself is capable of producing substances that destroy malignant cells.

Among obvious signs metastases include fever, thrombopenia, increased organ size, heaviness and pain. As the secondary tumor grows, the condition worsens and the body becomes exhausted.


The pleura lines the chest wall and lungs with inside. It produces a special lubricant that makes it easier pulmonary work during the breathing process. Metastasis to pleural tissue is accompanied by coughing, low-grade fever and soreness in the sternum.


Metastasis in the stomach is quite rare, with tumors spreading here from the uterus, esophagus, breast or lung. Metastasis is accompanied by hyperthermia and lack of appetite, anemia and taste changes, pain in the stomach, etc.


At the initial stages, ovarian metastases do not manifest themselves in any way. Some cancer patients experience a lack of appetite and general weakness, menstrual irregularities and hyperthermia. When the metastasis increases, painful sensations and a bursting feeling appear in the lower abdomen.

Adrenal glands

Many tumors metastasize to the adrenal glands, for example, from the lungs, kidneys, mammary glands, etc.

Such tumor spread causes adrenal insufficiency.

Large secondary formations are almost always accompanied by necrotic processes.

For uterine cancer

Metastasis begins at stage 3 of the oncological process. The spread of malignant cells occurs through the lymphogenous route, and hematogenous spread is possible in last stage cancer.

Patients complain of bleeding between periods, lumbar pain and pain in the lower half of the abdomen, especially during exercise.


Metastatic spread of malignant cells into the bladder structures occurs through the lymphogenous route, mainly from the pelvis or ureter.

At first, symptoms most characteristic of cystitis appear, including frequent urges, lumbar pain, and painful urination.

With the development of metastasis, the condition worsens, constant hyperthermia appears, blood in the urine, etc.


Pancreatic metastasis is characterized by such manifestations as sudden weight loss and lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting syndrome, epigastric pain and frequent diarrhea.

Sometimes metastases in the pancreas cause some yellowing of the skin and girdle pain in the abdomen.


Metastatic formations in the throat usually appear from tumors of the mouth, respiratory and digestive organs. Most often, such localization of metastases causes the following symptoms:

  • Sores and sores in the throat;
  • Swelling of oral tissues;
  • Problems speaking, breathing, swallowing;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes, etc.

How to detect in the body?

Detection of metastases requires a thorough diagnosis, including:

  • Survey radiography;
  • Radioisotope diagnostics.

Such procedures make it possible to determine the degree of metastasis, the size of secondary tumors, germination into other tissues and the presence purulent processes or decay, the nature of growth, etc.

Are they visible on ultrasound?

Ultrasound diagnostics is one of the main methods for detecting the metastatic spread of malignant processes.

Such a study is considered quite informative and is widely used in modern diagnostic practice.

How to cure?

Treatment of cancer pathology with metastasis is determined by the location, size and number of secondary foci. Several different techniques are used: surgical removal, and drug therapy.

Surgical treatment

Initially, doctors try to remove the primary formation, which in the future may act as a source of metastases.

Then they proceed directly to the removal of the metastatic foci themselves. To do this, the lymph nodes and adjacent tissue are removed.

When removing secondary formations, the surgeon also cuts off part of the healthy tissue, which may also contain micrometastases.

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation is now successfully used in the treatment of metastatic spread of tumor processes.

This method involves destroying the tumor through high temperatures created by special electrodes. Electromagnetic currents heat malignant tissues and destroy them. Then the dead cells dry out, and a scar forms in their place.


Drug treatment of metastatic tumors involves the use of methods such as and hormonal therapy.

Chemotherapy with antitumor drugs stops the growth and spread of metastases. This technique is often combined with radiation or radiofrequency ablation.

How long do people live with metastases: prognosis

Typically, the presence of metastases in lymph nodes and other organic structures indicates an unfavorable prognosis for oncological pathology.

  • Prognosis of metastases in the abdominal cavity. The mortality rate for such metastasis today is 5%. Timely detection abdominal metastasis and mandatory chemotherapy with appropriate rehabilitation greatly increases the patient’s chances of favorable outcome oncology treatment.
  • To the adrenal glands. Adrenal metastases are usually combined with damage to other organs, so the prognosis depends on the specific clinical situation.
  • Mediastinum. Such metastasis, if detected early, can have a positive outcome, however, if detected late, the prognosis is unfavorable.
  • Intestines. With timely access to an oncologist, there is a tendency to a successful outcome of the disease. Cure with timely surgical intervention in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy occurs on average in half of the patients. In the later stages, the prognosis is disappointing.
  • Liver. Without treatment for metastatic liver lesions, survival is 4 months. If the patient receives the necessary help, the life of the patient is extended by one and a half years; additional chemotherapy can give the cancer patient about another year of life.
  • Lungs. Unfavorable factors for pulmonary metastasis are its appearance earlier than 12 months after removal of the primary cancer focus, as well as the rapid increase in metastatic tumors. The 5-year survival rate for single metastases and after adequate treatment is about 40%.

Almost all patients suffering from cancer die within a decade, regardless of the presence of metastatic processes. And if they are present, then life expectancy is significantly reduced.

If the patient has terminal (fourth) stage of oncology and there are metastases, then life expectancy is several weeks, and sometimes days, depending on the type of tumor.

Quite often, a malignant tumor is diagnosed at the metastasis stage. This is due to a person’s late visit to the doctor, since the formation can manifest itself as clinical symptoms in grades 2-3.

Is it possible to cure cancer with metastases?? – not only patients, but also oncologists are puzzled by this question, since it is impossible to be 100% sure that there are no foci of dropouts even after treatment.

Despite modern instrumental and laboratory methods for detecting a tumor, it is not always possible to diagnose the pathology at the initial stage and detect metastases in some locations.

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Metastases - what is it?

The presence of metastases in cancer significantly complicates therapy and worsens the life prognosis for. They are a secondary malignant focus, which is formed by the spread of cancer cells throughout the body using blood or lymphatic vessels. Abbreviated as “mts”.

Their location can be both in surrounding structures and in distant organs. The rate of metastasis depends on the type of tumor, its location, and the degree of progression at the time of onset. healing process and degree of cellular differentiation.

Most often, secondary damage affects the lymph nodes, liver, lungs, organs reproductive system, bones and brain.

Metastasis is dangerous because, affecting surrounding organs, the risk of developing multiple organ failure increases, immune defense decreases and strong ones appear (sometimes without clear localization).

In addition, it should be noted that in most cases, mortality in cancer is caused precisely by the dissemination of secondary foci, and not by the initial tumor.

Clinically, metastases are manifested by symptoms characteristic of a specific location. For example, with secondary damage to bones, increased fragility and severe pain are possible. If the brain is involved, seizures are likely to occur, headache, loss of consciousness and impaired cognitive function.

To identify oncological foci it is used instrumental examination(Ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, broncho-, gastro-, colonoscopy).

Also, these studies help to evaluate the dynamics of treatment, visualizing the spread to neighboring structures.

How is metastatic cancer treated today?


Chemotherapy has proven itself to date. It is included both in the treatment tactics of primary malignant neoplasms, preventing the spread of cancer cells throughout the body, and with the aim of inhibiting the growth of secondary lesions.

Depending on the type and degree of cancer, certain treatment regimens have been developed, which differ in the duration of administration, the use of special medications and their combinations. They can be administered intravenously, endolymphally or intraarterially (depending on the location of the pathology).

The disadvantage of using chemotherapy drugs is their toxicity, which affects the affected and healthy cells. The chemotherapy course must be carried out exclusively under supervision medical workers in a hospital setting. After each course, it is necessary to restore the body, increasing immunity and normalizing impaired organ functions.

To completely cope with metastasis, prescribing one course is irrational, so the patient must understand that the treatment is quite long and complex. Even in the absence of visualization of secondary lesions with instrumental diagnostics additional chemotherapy sessions are still required to prevent their recurrence.


One more in a therapeutic way is a surgical intervention. It consists of complete removal of metastases, however, provided that the lesion is operable, that is, it is accessible and not connected to vital organs or structures.

The operation is suitable if there is only one lesion, since if it spreads to the bones and lymph nodes, their complete removal is impossible.

Radiation therapy

Concerning radiation therapy, it is used when . It is tolerated by the patient much easier than taking chemotherapy, but is not inferior in effectiveness.

Traditional treatment

Separately, it is necessary to say about traditional medicine. The debate about its effectiveness has been going on for many years. Traditional recipes can be used to reduce the symptoms of a tumor or to combat the side effects of chemotherapy. However, you should not use unconventional techniques for the purpose of treating cancer without the use of proven medical methods(surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy).

A thoughtless decision on your own can lead to the patient turning to a doctor at a late stage, as he has been treated for a long time with herbs or other available means. As a result of untimely proper treatment life expectancy and prognosis are significantly reduced.

Leading specialists from clinics abroad

How can metastases be cured?

The prognosis for complete cure of secondary tumors depends on the type of primary oncology. For example, cancerous degeneration of thyroid cells due to modern techniques responds well to treatment, but therapy for damage to bone structures can only reduce pain and slow down the process of spread of affected cells.

In this case, surgical treatment is impossible, however, with a clearly localized cancer formation, for example, in the cervix, surgery is the first treatment option.

When examining patients, it is necessary to identify the sensitivity of the malignant tumor to hormones. If such a dependence is detected, it is recommended to remove the organ that produces this type of hormone or prescribe medicines to inhibit its functioning. This type of therapy is most often used for metastasis to the prostate, mammary glands, ovaries, bone and other structures.

It is worth noting that hormone therapy also has its disadvantages and side effects. Thus, it is possible to increase body weight, decrease libido, change the functioning of some organs and worsen anemia.

It is considered another healing method. It is based on intravenous administration radioactive substances into the bloodstream, which, reaching the bloodstream malignant tumor, begin to fight its cells. This technique helps get rid of pain syndrome for 3-4 months, but do not forget about side effects in the form of bleeding and the development of infectious processes.

Having considered possible types therapeutic tactics, to answer the question “Is it possible to cure cancer with metastases? cannot be answered unambiguously. The prognosis depends on the number, location of mts, the treatment used and the degree of the pathological process at which the disease was detected. In addition, the characteristics of the neoplasm are taken into account in the form of its size, histological structure and spread to neighboring organs. In this regard, it is recommended to consult a doctor when the first signs appear and maintain a cheerful mood, because a lot also depends on your psycho-emotional state!

According to medical data, more than 30,000 abnormal cells are formed in the human body every day, which then become cancerous. The human immune system finds and destroys them. If for some reason protective system the body did not work or “missed” cancer cells, they begin to actively multiply and turn into malignant tumors. Pathogenic cells from the primary focus, using the lymph or blood flow, penetrate into other organs and tissues, forming metastases (metastasis).

What are metastases

Metastases are secondary foci of enlargement of most malignant tumors. Pathological processes in the body cause the formation of foci in distant and local lymph nodes. These phenomena relate to internal organs:

  • lungs;
  • liver;
  • mammary gland;
  • spinal column;
  • brain.

Metastasis studies rely on the fact that secondary lesions form almost immediately after the onset of malignant tumor formation. Fragmentary cellular structures through the area of ​​luminal narrowing of the vessel. This type spread is called hematogenous, it can also affect lymphatic structures and this already refers to the lymphogenous path of entraining the number of metastases.

When tumors spread in breast and lung cancer, they affect the brain and are transported with lymphatic fluid and blood. Then they stop in a certain area, leave the vessel and form a site of metastasis. This process develops slowly at the initial stage, and is often asymptomatic, so doctors are unable to notice it immediately.

At what stage does cancer appear?

It is impossible to speak unambiguously about the timing of the appearance and spread of metastases throughout the body. For example, according to lymphatic system Cancer metastases spread during the transition from stage 1 to stage 2. If the tumors have spread to more distant organ systems, this indicates the 3rd or 4th stage of cancer. This means that different stages of disease development are determined by metastasis processes, and not vice versa.


Modern medicine is constantly studying the issues of development oncological pathologies, but still cannot give an exact answer why cancer appears with metastases. the main problem in determining the mechanism of formation of abnormal cells. If we can solve it, then doctors will be able to prevent their occurrence and cancer will be defeated. In the case of metastases, we need to talk about an advanced disease, which is very difficult to cure. Only aggressive and serious therapy can help, so the main task of all doctors is to prevent the appearance of metastases.

There have been cases in practice where the development of cancer occurs very slowly, over 2-3 years. Accelerated growth abnormal formations are triggered by mechanisms that have not been studied modern medicine. Doctors can only distinguish common reasons the appearance of cancer that develops into a metastatic form:

  • severe weakening of the immune system due to concomitant pathologies or enhanced drug therapy;
  • the formation of a new branched network of capillaries in the tumor itself;
  • at stage 3 of cancer, the first metastases form, which indicate the transition of the disease to the next stage;
  • the focus of the pathology is located in places that contribute to the spread of the tumor throughout the human body;
  • age of the patient (as a rule, metastases develop more often in young people due to faster metabolism);
  • Secondary lesions occur more often in the infiltrative type of cancer.

Distribution routes

The difference between a malignant tumor and a benign one is that it is not limited to one area of ​​the lesion. Cancer spreads to other organs and grows into neighboring tissues. Metastasis is the journey through the body of cells that have lost intercellular connections. The process occurs in the following ways:

  1. Lymphogenic. The cancer cell first enters the regional lymph nodes located next to the organ that has affected the malignant process. As the tumor progresses, more and more cells concentrate in the lymph and penetrate into distant lymph nodes. As a rule, they are localized near the vessels of the liver, spleen, intestines, and adrenal glands.
  2. Hematogenous. Metastases are carried along with blood. Cells move through the vessels and end up in other places, sometimes very distant from the primary malignant formation. Often the target organs are those that have a wide range of capillary network, so the lungs and liver are more often affected.
  3. Implantation. This pathway realizes the dissemination of cancer cells through the serous membranes (mesothelium). The process develops if the tumor is located close to the mesothelium, the tumor node has reached large sizes, which, when enlarged, reaches the pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium. Cancer cells seed the surface of the serous tissue, forming a process called carcinomatosis. Often this process is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the cavities (hydrothorax, ascites). This path spread indicates stage 3-4 of the pathology, it most often occurs in elderly patients, which greatly complicates life and treatment of the disease.


Metastatic cancer will manifest itself differently, depending on the location of the secondary lesions. The main symptom of any type of cancer will be pain. The main signs of pathological development include the following manifestations:

  1. When metastases enter the brain, a person experiences disorientation, headache, nausea, dizziness, problems with speech and vision, and difficulty walking.
  2. If the metastases are in the bones, then there may be no pain. Often the main symptom of the development of pathology is that the bone breaks without damage at all or with minor damage.
  3. When cancer metastasizes to the lungs, symptoms occur that indicate other problems. This organ should be checked if a person complains of chest pain, shortness of breath, cough (with blood, dry, wet).
  4. In the liver, a metastatic tumor is often accompanied by sudden weight loss, nausea, jaundice, and loss of appetite.
  5. The first sign of skin metastases is often the appearance of hard, painful oval or round nodules. They are often skin-colored, red or, if it is melanoma, black or blue. In some cases, several nodules form over a short period of time.


There are several types of metastases, so important stage Pathology is diagnosed before treatment. The following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Virchow type. Localized on the neck in the supraclavicular region, it occurs as a complication of gastric cancer. This position of the cancer focus is determined by the direction of lymph flow from the abdominal cavity. Malignant neoplasms rise through the lymph nodes to the cervical node, where they cannot pass further, so they settle there and form a secondary tumor. Virchow metastasis occurs due to the development of cancer of the pancreas, liver, and other abdominal structures.
  2. Krukenbergsky. They also have a lymphogenous origin and are localized in the ovaries. These secondary tumors account for about 35-40% of all ovarian metastases. This type appears with malignant lesions of the bile ducts, intestines, mammary glands, stomach, cervical, bladder cancer.
  3. Schnitzler's. The penetration of the malignant process into the tissue of the peri-rectal localization and pararectal lymph nodes is characterized. You can feel such neoplasms during a rectal digital examination; they are painful lumps. Often occur during the development of stomach cancer.
  4. Osteoblastic. Cancer metastases form in bone tissue. They promote the activity of osteoblasts, which is why they have this name. Against the background of these processes, active deposition of calcium occurs in bone tissue, which leads to their accelerated growth. Foci occur against the background of thyroid, mammary glandular, prostatic cancer, lymphomas and sarcomas. The prognosis for this disease is often unfavorable.
  5. Solitary. This type manifests itself in the form of large-nodular single formations that are localized in the brain, lung tissues.
  6. Osteolytic. Secondary tumors are localized in bone structures, but the effect on bones manifests itself differently. They destroy bone tissue and activate osteoclasts, which causes destructive changes.


As a rule, doctors talk about cancer, but metastases also have a certain gradation, which is marked with the letter M. Only distant formations are taken into account. The following stages are distinguished:

  • Mx – no study has been conducted, so the presence of metastases is unknown;
  • Mo – no distant tumor formations were found;
  • M1 – distant formations are detected.

Danger of metastasis

In oncological pathologies, death in most cases occurs after metastasis, and not due to the primary tumor. This indicates a high danger of secondary foci, which consists of the following points:

  1. They affect the functioning of vital important organs and systems.
  2. Once metastases appear, the body is no longer able to resist cancer on its own.
  3. Anemia may develop.
  4. Metastasis has negative effect on the course of the oncological process, the patient’s condition, which is greatly deteriorating.

How to determine metastases

An effective diagnostic method for the early stage of secondary neoplasms has not been developed. this moment. There is always a chance that cancer cells migrate. For example, from the mammary gland they can spread to the bones and brain, and colorectal cancer migrates to the liver and lungs. Single detached cells can be detected only at the stage when they have already grown.

Choice suitable test due to the location of the primary tumor. An oncologist can diagnose metastatic tumors using imaging techniques (usually computed tomography). It is possible to do this only when they apparently reach mass; the disease is often at this stage already extremely difficult to treat. Diagnostic methods metastatic cancer at an early stage significantly increases the patient's likelihood of survival. The following test options are used:

  • ultrasound;
  • X-ray;
  • osteoscintigraphy (scanning the bones of the body);
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • positron emission tomography;
  • CT scan.

A routine blood test can help detect the presence of detached cells if there is an increase in liver enzymes, which indicates metastatic liver cancer. In some situations, even in the presence of the disease, the test shows normal. The data from all tests do not provide definitive confirmation; they are compared with the symptoms present, general examination body, sometimes a biopsy is performed.

Are metastases visible on ultrasound?

The ultrasound research method is the main method if necessary to detect the presence of metastatic spread of malignant neoplasms. Ultrasound is a highly informative test, which is why it is often prescribed in modern diagnostic practice. As a rule, the patient needs to undergo several examinations to confirm the diagnosis.


Secondary foci of malignant neoplasms indicate the transition of the disease to the last stage; the prognosis is often unfavorable. Treatment is selected taking into account the location of the primary tumor, its size and the number of metastases. Several main cancer treatment methods are used for therapy:

  • drug therapy;
  • radiotherapy;
  • surgical removal.


Drug treatment involves the use of the following methods: immunotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal and targeted therapy. Chemotherapy helps stop the growth and spread of secondary lesions. As a rule, this technique is combined with radiofrequency ablation and radiation. Bisphosphonates are widely used in oncology. They are taken orally or administered intravenously. The most popular of this group are the following medications:

  1. Zometa. One of the most effective medications, which belongs to the 3rd generation drugs. Helps achieve positive dynamics in hypercalcemia and osteoporosis. The main advantage of the product is electoral action. The medicine penetrates well into bone tissue and has a minimum side effects, well tolerated by patients.
  2. Bondronat. Used to fight cancer. This medication is often used by doctors, administered intravenously or taken orally. The product helps relieve pain and reduce the duration of radiation therapy. The dose of the medication is prescribed by the doctor individually.
  3. Bonefos. A good medicine that belongs to bone resorption inhibitors. Helps stop the development of the malignant process and slow down the spread of secondary lesions. The drug suppresses the activity of osteoclasts, improves general health patient, reduces the likelihood of new lesions appearing. Bonefos is the best choice in the treatment of breast cancer.

Surgical treatment

Doctors immediately try to remove the primary tumor, which in the future can cause metastases. Next, the secondary formations themselves are directly excised from their localization sites. To do this, lymph nodes and adjacent tissue are removed. During the operation, the surgeon cuts off part of the healthy tissue, because it may contain micrometastases.


The appearance of metastatic formations in the human body indicates an unfavorable prognosis for the patient. This indicates the transition of the pathology to the last stage of development. Forecasts for different types metastatic cancer:

  1. Metastases in the abdominal cavity. At this stage the probability fatal outcome in this case, the type of pathology is 5%. With timely detection of the disease, chemotherapy and rehabilitation, a person’s chances for a favorable outcome are significantly increased.
  2. Adrenal glands. In this case, damage to other organs often occurs, so the outcome largely depends on the specific clinical situation.
  3. Mediastinum. Such metastasis in the early stages of detection can result in a positive outcome, but in the later stages the result is unfavorable.
  4. Intestines. When contacting an oncologist after the first symptoms appear, there is a tendency to have a favorable prognosis for the disease. Half of the patients experience positive dynamics with timely surgical intervention, which is combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The prognosis at the later stages is disappointing.
  5. Liver. Life expectancy for liver damage without treatment is 4 months. If you receive adequate and timely help, a person’s life is extended to 1.5 years, chemotherapy can give another year.
  6. Lungs. With single or multiple metastases of this organ, an unfavorable factor is its appearance earlier than 12 months after surgery to remove the primary cancer focus. The 5-year survival rate after a single secondary neoplasm with proper treatment is about 40%.


The word “metastasis” is familiar to many; it is because of them that cancer is so difficult to treat and quickly progresses to stage 3-4. The essence of metastasis is that cancer cells, having appeared and multiplied, begin to move throughout the body, affecting other organs - lymph nodes, liver, lungs, intestines, brain, etc. Early detection and treatment will help improve the prognosis and prolong the patient’s life, so it is important to know the first symptoms of the pathology.

What are metastases

The human body constantly produces abnormal cellular structures, with a potentially malignant nature. Timely recognition of such cells by agents immune system guarantees their complete destruction. But in some situations immune function turns off and enemy cells are mistaken by the body for their own, which leads to their rapid and uncontrolled reproduction. In such cases, saying that the patient has cancer with metastases.

As they develop, cancerous elements from the original site begin to migrate throughout the body, moving with blood or lymph. Settling in tissues and bones, they give rise to secondary lesions called metastases.

Based on the stage of the disease, metastasis can be regional or distant. In the first situation, abnormal cells settle in neighboring tissues, in the second they penetrate into any distant areas. For example, for lung cancer 4 degrees cancer metastases cover the brain, intestines, liver, bones. People usually live with this diagnosis for no more than a few months.

Often, after removal of the main focus and a diagnosed cure, metastases are still discovered after some time, and the fight has to be started again.

What is the danger

High mortality and poor prognosis for cancer are largely associated with the formation of metastases in other parts of the body. In this case, the primary lesion is most often successfully removed and protected from relapse, but it is almost always impossible to suppress all secondary complications. If we take into account what kind of treatment a patient requires even for one oncology - chemotherapy, radiation, complex surgery - it becomes clear that it is almost impossible to carry out several complexes of such therapy.

The main danger of metastases is:

  • In violation of the functionality of a number of vital and secondary systems of the human body
  • The fact is that their appearance signals the inability of the immune system to independently fight the disease.
  • In a sharp deterioration of the patient’s condition, as the symptoms quickly increase and worsen.


The appearance of regional neoplasms occurs already at stage 2 of cancer. Signs of this will be inflammation of the lymph nodes closest to the lesion, for example, cervical, inguinal, under the armpit.


A more extensive initial lesion leads to an accelerated transition of cancer to severe grades 3 and 4 with a large number of metastases. The average parameter at which a tumor begins to move throughout the body can be considered a figure in 30 mm in diameter. With such sizes, cancerous structures spread abundantly throughout the body, settling in the tissues of organs encountered along the way. The prognosis for recovery is very poor.

Symptoms of distant metastasis directly depend on the localization of secondary foci, examples of which are given above.

Reasons for the development of metastases

The phenomenon of metastasis occurs due to the growth of an oncological formation, due to the stimulation of the formation of networks of vessels and capillaries around it. As a result, the malignant neoplasm receives all the necessary resources for rapid growth and distribution. There are several travel routes:

  • Through blood flow, with venous, vascular and capillary blood flow.
  • By lymph. Lymph nodes are a protective barrier to the development of metastases; to some extent, abnormal agents die when passing through the lymph node. However, with a significant volume of them, the protective system cannot cope.
  • Through implantation.

Lymphogenous metastasis most often results in cancer of the uterus, stomach, throat, intestines, and as a result, sarcoma and melanoma develop. With the help of hematogenous transfer, the formation of metastases at a late stage of tumors in the abdominal cavity becomes possible.

Stage of appearance of metastases

Any cancer patient undergoes metastasis if he is not provided with the necessary timely treatment. The timing can vary significantly and is determined by the individual course of the pathology. In one case, metastases appear after a few months, in another after several years. Symptoms are often very vague.

The formation of metastases is one of the signs of the transition of pathology to a more severe stage, sometimes called grade. Usually lymph node involvement means the second stage. In such a situation, the patient needs urgent treatment, since further oncological development accelerates, and malignant cells begin to move throughout the body.

With hematogenous spread through blood, the disease quickly progresses to stage 4. In general, the formation of distant metastases occurs at stages 3-4 of cancer.

The answer to the question “how long do they live” at stages 3-4 depends on many factors, which we will consider below.

Features of metastasis of different cancers

Depending on the variety cancer, it is more or less prone to metastases. They are often formed when the lungs or liver are affected, when the pathology reaches the lymph node. Rare formation of metastatic foci is observed when the disease is localized in the heart muscle, muscular skeleton, spleen.

Behind long years studying and monitoring the development of cancer symptoms in many people, the following patterns were identified regarding the location of formation of secondary lesions:

  1. When melanoma develops, it metastasizes in the lungs, liver, muscle structures, and skin.
  2. Pulmonary oncology on one side spreads to the other, also metastasizing to the liver and adrenal glands.
  3. In women, oncology in the ovaries and uterus migrates to the stomach, intestines and other abdominal organs.
  4. With cancer of the female mammary glands, prostate in men and kidneys in both sexes, there is a high probability of relapses in the bones and lungs.

First signs and symptoms

When cancer develops to the stage of metastasis growth, diversity clinical picture is very wide. Among the obvious consequences are deep dysfunctional disorders of the organs of the trunk, limbs, skin, and bones.

  • Liver metastases lead to itchy skin and symptoms of liver failure - a yellow tint.
  • Brain metastasis results in an increase in signs of encephalopathy with headache and dizziness.
  • A tumor in the lungs is a terrible and severe lesion respiratory function and subsequent death.
  • With severe bone cancer, the patient experiences severe pain throughout the body.

Let's take a closer look at the symptoms based on the location of the metastases.

Skin covering

Complications on the skin appear with cancer of the lung, adrenal glands and ovaries in women. The procedure for their formation can be lymphatic or hematogenous. The typical place for metastases to occur in men is the chest and head; in women, signs appear in the abdomen and chest.

Photo 1. Superficial metastases

Symptoms of skin metastases are similar to those of skin cancer and melanoma.

  • New nevi (moles) appear, which quickly grow in size and have jagged edges and color
  • Skin surface color changes
  • New growths are painful
  • The person is in a state of malaise, he is drowsy and weak, his performance is low, and there are signs of severe weight loss.


Symptoms of a costal tumor include severe pain and impaired mobility. At a later stage, metastases in the ribs can grow so deep that this results in their fracture even with slight pressure. To detect pathology, a scintigraphic examination of the skeletal bones will be required.

Secondary tumors in the ribs are distinguished by cancer of the thyroid gland, sternum, prostate, and larynx.


Metastases in the heart muscle are formed after disease with pleural mesothelioma, carcinoma, melanoma, with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, kidney and thyroid tumors. The main signs are:

  1. Venous obstruction of the myocardium
  2. Presence of pericardial effusion
  3. Weakened cardiac functionality
  4. Irregular heartbeat


When cancer cells enter the abdominal area, they settle on the organs located in this part of the body and on the inner walls of the abdomen. During the accumulation period, symptoms are absent or very blurred.

After a critical mass has been reached, ascites, causing the patient's stomach to become larger. The disintegration of metastases leads to signs of toxic poisoning.

Mammary gland

The main symptoms of metastases in the mammary gland are the appearance of lumps in the breast. Breast cancer affects not only women, but in rare cases Men are also susceptible to it, and in them the disease is more aggressive. Penetration of malignant cancer cells occurs with blood or lymph, usually from nearby affected organs - lungs, liver.

Seals can be easily diagnosed even at an early stage by self-palpation in front of a mirror. Among characteristic manifestations metastasis painful sensations and discomfort at the sites where symptoms appear.


Metastases in the intestines lead to bloating, increased flatulence, traces of blood in the stool, problems with stool (both diarrhea and constipation are observed). When the intestinal mucosa is damaged, intoxication with the products it contains triggers, which brings symptoms of dyspeptic disorders.


With metastases in the kidneys, the functionality of urine formation and excretion suffers. A common symptom is the presence of blood in the urine. In addition, pain is felt in the lumbar region, an increase in temperature, and an increase in blood pressure above normal.


The appearance of metastases in the tissues of the spleen is a rare phenomenon. Mainly due to the secretion of substances that negatively affect abnormal cells. But if the process of metastasis occurs, the patient suffers from thrombopenia ( sharp decline platelet count), fever, heaviness and enlargement of the spleen. Without treatment, symptoms continuously increase, leading to severe exhaustion.


Metastases rarely penetrate into the stomach; typical primary tumors, when this occurs, are cancer of the uterus, breast in women, and the respiratory system. When an illness occurs, a person experiences taste changes familiar dishes, appetite worsens, stomach ache.



Pleura is called inner surface lungs, which are one of the components that ensure normal breathing. It is logical that a violation of the pleural layer results in chest pain, cough, problems with normal breathing. On early stages metastases in the pleura may be perceived as pleurisy, which is why the patient does not receive adequate treatment.

Adrenal glands

Metastases in the adrenal glands are observed in different types of cancer tumors. They often appear after the division of atypical cells in the lungs, kidneys, and mammary glands. The pathology is characterized by adrenal insufficiency and necrotic death of organ tissue, which further aggravates the prognosis.


Uterine cancer develops at stages 3-4 of the disease. Initially, the transfer is carried out through the lymph; at the 4th stage, it also connects circulatory system. Signs of the disease are the presence of bloody discharge during periods when there should not be any, sharp pain in the lower abdominal cavity, pain in the lower back. Increased physical activity results in more severe symptoms.


In case of defeat Bladder There are signs of cystitis, urination is frequent and painful.


Metastases in the pancreas threaten disruptions in the production of necessary hormones, an increase or decrease in the secretion of which affects various processes of human life. Among the consequences of this process are sudden thinness, refusal to eat, nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea.


Complications in grief occur after cancer in the mouth, lungs, and stomach. They lead to the appearance of laryngeal wounds and ulcers, swelling in the mouth and throat, problems with breathing, swallowing, and making sounds.


Correct and timely treatment metastasis is impossible without an accurate diagnosis, including:

  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Ultrasound examinations
  • X-ray
  • Radioisotope examination procedure
  • Taking a puncture
  • Lab tests
With the help of a set of diagnostic examinations prescribed by a doctor, the level of metastasis, the location of secondary foci, the presence of deep growth, background purulent phenomena, growth rate, etc. are established.

Ultrasound is one of the most available methods detection of primary and secondary cancer. It is used as a primary research method, based on the results of which a decision is made to carry out more in-depth and expensive procedures.


The existence of metastases greatly complicates the treatment process, since several tumors need to be treated at once, and there is a risk of new ones appearing. The following techniques are used in this therapy:

  1. Surgical excision. A very effective method, but only before metastases appear. If the process of cancer reproduction did not exist, then the pathology would not be so terrible. If there are a small number of secondary lesions, they are removed surgically, involving nearby areas, since they can potentially also be susceptible to metastases. Before this, excision is indicated lymph nodes and other fiber affected by pathologies.
  2. Method radiofrequency ablation involves the destruction of abnormal cells using high temperature created by special equipment using electric current.
  3. Drugs. Used wide range medications, treatment is carried out through chemotherapy, immune stimulation, and hormone administration. The goal is to stop the growth of a malignant neoplasm.

The disease is treated by an oncologist; therapy is a complex of the above measures.

How long do people live with metastases - prognosis

The presence of metastasis is always an aggravating factor that greatly reduces how long a person will live. Here is a forecast for different types cancer:

  1. Metastases in peritoneum give a 5 percent mortality rate. If promptly detected and given a complex of necessary chemotherapy and rehabilitation, it gives a good chance of cure.
  2. By adrenal glands the prognosis is not so favorable, since they are associated with a more extensive pathological process.
  3. Intestines. Treatment uses a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. After carrying out the entire complex, about 50% of patients are cured and continue to live.
  4. Liver. Without treatment, liver metastases kill a person within 3-5 months. If you carry out the necessary treatment procedures, the prognosis improves to one and a half years. Subsequently, this figure may be added another year.
  5. Lungs. The average survival rate for one additional tumor is 35-45%.

With stage 4 (terminal) and extensive distant metastasis, patients rarely live more than a few weeks.



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