The following hormonal contraceptives are not contraindicated for lactating women. Contraception and breastfeeding

Oral contraceptives are considered the best contraceptives. If a woman takes COCs correctly, according to the doctor's instructions, then she will receive a full and reliable protection from unwanted pregnancy. The issue of contraception is especially important for women who have recently given birth and who feed babies. Birth control pills for nursing mothers should be absolutely safe for the baby, and should not adversely affect lactation. What to choose?

Doctors recommend that after childbirth until next conception it's been at least a couple of years. Such a break is necessary for the full and final recovery the female body and its preparation for the next bearing of the baby. Therefore, the question of the choice of contraceptive pills for breastfeeding considered almost inevitable.

Conception after childbirth occurs only when the mother's ovulation and menstrual cycles are restored. Every woman takes a different amount of time to restore fertility and reproductive functions. This indicator is determined by the hormonal status and depends on the degree of complexity of the past birth. Of no small importance for the speed of recovery is lactation and HB.

For about 8 weeks after delivery vaginal discharge cannot be considered as menstruation. But doctors recommend starting contraception as early as three weeks after giving birth, so that the risk of conception is minimized. If the mother does not feed the newborn, then full ovulation occurs in her already after 6 weeks.

Does lactation prevent pregnancy

There is a misconception that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. Gynecologists warn that lactation and breastfeeding are not able to save mommy from an unwanted pregnancy. But in some cases, HB is able to act as a contraceptive method.

If at least one of the conditions is violated, then the woman will have to pick up safe birth control pills during lactation.

Tablet preparations

The usual contraceptives that the mother took before planning pregnancy will no longer be suitable after childbirth, since such women need to select special contraceptives designed for lactating women. Such preparations should not contain estrogen, which is present in all COCs. This hormonal substance reduces milk production and affects the infant who consumes such milk. contraceptive drug for nursing is made on the basis of progestogen hormone, which is considered natural and safe for women.

This hormone is present in extreme amounts in female body during pregnancy. Taking such contraceptives, conditions are created, as if conception had occurred, therefore female cells do not mature and ovulation does not occur, which means that pregnancy is impossible. When breastfeeding, women are advised to protect themselves only with the help of monohormonal progestin contraceptives, which contain only one hormonal substance in the minimum dosage, therefore they do not penetrate into milk and do not harm the baby.

Operating principle

The mechanism of action of contraceptive pills during breastfeeding is somewhat different from the effects of traditional combined contraceptives. Their contraceptive effectiveness is much lower, and some of them do not prevent ovulation at all, but only prevent the egg from fixing in the uterus. Progestogen hormones thicken cervical mucus, preventing sperm from passing through the cervix. In addition, these hormonal substances help slow down the rate of advancement of the female cell and change the endometrial properties so much that the fertilized cell is simply not able to gain a foothold on the uterine wall. But often the protective effect of similar drugs insufficient for full contraceptive protection. Therefore, it is often recommended to combine such drugs with barrier protection methods.


All in all contraceptives are divided into combined (or COC) and monohormonal (mini-pills). COCs are made up of synthetic hormonal copies of estrogen and progesterone. A mini-pill contains a synthetic progestogen. Exactly latest drugs and recommended for use during lactation. But there is another classification of contraceptives used for HB.

  1. Microdose - Jess and Mercilon, Novinet and Logest. These contraceptives are ideal for girls who have not yet given birth, but live an active sex life. In addition, this category of funds is indispensable for women who have not previously used hormonal contraception.
  2. Low-dose - Jeanine or Marvelon, Silest, Regulon or Charozetta. These hormonal contraceptives are more suitable for women who have already survived childbirth and are older.
  3. Medium-dose - Tri-regol, Trikvilar or Diane-35. These hormonal contraceptives are used by women who have given birth and women of reproductive age.
  4. High-dose contraceptives such as Non-ovlon or Ovidon are usually indicated for therapy hormonal pathologies, but sometimes they are also prescribed to women who have given birth earlier.


For breastfeeding, mini-pills, micro-dose and low-dose are considered the safest. hormonal preparations. Mini-pills are often prescribed for women suffering from fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis, or painful periods. When the drug is canceled, a rapid restoration of reproductive functions soon occurs. Mini-pills have a lot of advantages. They almost never cause adverse reactions, do not have a negative impact on the quality of milk and its production, do not disrupt lactation and reduce the likelihood of thrombosis, they are often prescribed to patients for anti-inflammatory therapy of pelvic pathologies and with painful menstruation.

How to use

Contraceptives with progesterone can be taken starting from 6-7 weeks of the postpartum period, then the body and hormonal structures will be rebuilt gently and imperceptibly for the woman. You need to take the drug strictly at the appointed time, for example, in the evenings. If the reception is made in different time, the contraceptive effectiveness decreases. Although there are drugs that allow uneven intake, which does not affect the effectiveness of the medication.

A woman should always remember that hormonal contraception cannot be combined with antibiotic therapy, and such drugs do not protect against vaginal infections.

Adverse reactions

Contraceptive pills for HB usually do not cause adverse reactions, but sometimes some disorders still occur while taking them, such as the absence of menstruation or cycle disorders, hypersensitivity of the mammary glands and cyst formation in the ovaries, increased hair growth and skin disorders such as acne, excess fat, ultraviolet sensitivity, etc.

These side effects usually clear up on their own shortly after the drug is discontinued. If a woman suffers from diabetes, then when taking contraceptives, she may be disturbed by weakness and dizziness, often there are complaints of nausea. If the patient already has visual impairments and she wears lenses, then such contraception can provoke visual impairments, therefore, a preliminary ophthalmological consultation is necessary.

If, while taking contraceptives, there is a deterioration in the condition, discomfort and certain complaints, then this should be discussed with the attending doctor, you may need to replace the drug with another contraceptive.

When not to take oral contraceptives

The appointment of hormonal contraception is the task of a specialist only, especially when wrong choice children may be affected, as with breastfeeding. Contraindications for taking contraceptive hormonal agents for HB are:

These contraindications must be taken into account when prescribing hormonal contraception.

Popular drugs

The most preferred contraceptives for nursing mothers are drugs like Exoluton, Charozetta or Microlut, etc. Exoluton contains the active substance - linestrenol. It is often prescribed to normalize menstruation and prevent unwanted conception. The drug is contraindicated in the presence pathological conditions like liver disease or uterine bleeding.

Charosetta is the ideal oral contraceptive for the self-conscious and children's health mothers. Contains minimal amount hormonal substances therefore safe for baby and lactation. Charozetta tablets are contraindicated in uterine bleeding, tumors, liver pathologies, etc. In practice, the effectiveness of the drug is similar to many combined oral contraceptives.

Microlute is also enough famous name, it is frequently assigned contraceptive pills with gestagen as active component. The content of the hormonal component is minimal, so the drug is well tolerated by mothers. But he also has contraindications such as biliary pathologies, liver diseases or uterine bleeding.

These drugs are perfect option for mothers breastfeeding babies. They have practically no adverse reactions and do not inhibit lactation, do not affect sexual attraction and do not cause mood swings, and also prevent thrombosis.

What else can be protected

If for a number of reasons a woman is contraindicated in taking oral contraception, then which contraceptives can help her? It is recommended to use other contraceptive options, which include birth control suppositories, barrier devices, implants under the skin or IUDs.

Contraceptive suppositories are ideal for women who are contraindicated in oral contraception. Although at long-term use they cause disruption vaginal microflora, causing vaginal dysbacteriosis. When using such drugs, you have to tie the proximity to the time when the suppository starts to work.

Barrier contraception also does not affect the formation of milk and the health of the child. Such methods include a diaphragm, caps or condoms. are considered effective subcutaneous injections or progestin implants that are sewn into the patient's upper arm. The technique has lasting effect, but sometimes affect the cycle. Intrauterine devices also belong to effective ways contraception. Install the IUD 1.5 months after birth. You can choose a spiral up to a 10-year validity period, but such funds are quite expensive.

GV is a crucial period that requires a responsible approach to the drugs taken, therefore, only a specialist should prescribe the intake of any funds.

The question of choosing a method of protection in postpartum period relevant, since the newborn is still too small, and the woman's body did not have time to recover. When choosing suitable contraceptives, consider their effect on lactation and all sorts of side effects. Otherwise, there is a risk of disruption of milk production, an allergic reaction is possible, an improperly selected product can harm the baby.

There are many methods of protection, the most natural of them is lactational amenorrhea. In addition, lactating women use barrier, intrauterine, hormonal and other methods of contraception. The gynecologist will pick up suitable way protection against unwanted pregnancy for a woman who is breastfeeding.

Woman in the postpartum period

The body of a lactating woman requires restoration: weakened immunity, hormonal changes, energy consumption for lactation. Not all mothers have perfect health and can become pregnant 3–5 months after giving birth. It is possible, but dangerous to health. For full recovery women during lactation she needs at least 2 years.

Balance of hormones during prenatal development adjusted within 9 months. After the birth of a child, the woman's body is rebuilt again, hormonal background is changing. As a result, a woman becomes impressionable, distracted, quick-tempered. Approximately 3 months the body needs to regulate the production the right hormones. New pregnancy will only exacerbate the already unstable condition of the woman.

After unprotected intimacy use the drug emergency contraception, for example, Postinor. This hormonal remedy should be taken with caution if a woman is breastfeeding. The drug did not pass medical research, and therefore its effect on lactation and the newborn is not fully known. breastfeeding allowed only 36 hours after taking Postinor. The degree of protection of the drug is not higher than 98%.

Spermicidal contraception

Spermicidal preparations (Patentex Oval, Pharmatex, etc.) have low level reliability. Spermicides are available in the form of suppositories (vaginal suppositories), foams, jelly, creams, etc. The drug envelops the vagina and uterine cavity, and the chemical components that make up its composition destroy spermatozoa.

Spermicidal drugs help fight atrophic vaginitis(drying of the vaginal mucosa), this problem is typical for women in the postpartum period. Gynecologists recommend using them in combination with barrier means. The effectiveness of spermicidal contraception is from 59% to 96%.


Voluntary surgical sterilization- This cardinal method protection against unwanted pregnancy. This is an operation that creates an artificial obstruction fallopian tubes, and the woman loses her reproductive function. Efficiency this method equal to 99%, but the consequences surgical intervention are irreversible, and therefore, before making a decision, weigh the pros and cons. Entrust the operation to a professional, otherwise pregnancy is possible.

There are many more methods of contraception, among which you can choose the most suitable option. However, it should be remembered that hormonal drugs during breastfeeding are not recommended. Otherwise, there are side effects in the form of bleeding of varying intensity. Besides, hormonal agents negatively affect lactation and the body of the newborn. The gynecologist is engaged in the choice and appointment of a contraceptive.

Did you know that in some cases a woman can become pregnant in the first two weeks after the baby is born? It is unlikely that you will like such a prospect in the light of worries about the baby that have fallen on you. Yes, and the body should not arrange such shock therapy - according to experts, it takes 2 years for it to full recovery and hormonal changes.

Of course planning next pregnancy- the exclusive right of a woman or future parents, but it still doesn’t hurt to take care of yourself for a while. In this article, we will dwell in detail on contraceptive methods that are suitable for a nursing mother.

Lactational amenorrhea method

Contemplating the wisdom of Mother Nature, one never ceases to be amazed at how carefully she treats a woman's body and protects her. In the first few months, a nursing woman does not have a period. This physiological state(so-called lactational amenorrhea) is associated with high content prolactin - a hormone responsible for the production of milk and blocking the process of egg maturation.

lactational amenorrhea - effective method natural contraception for 6 months. after the birth of a child. For it to work, several conditions must be met:

  • the child should be immediately attached to the breast after birth, which is impossible if the woman was C-section;
  • the child must be fully breastfeeding, without the introduction of supplementary feeding;
  • the baby must be regularly applied to the breast. The recommended break between feedings during the day is 3 hours, at night - no more than 6 hours. The more often the feeding occurs, the better;
  • Mom hasn't got her period yet.

The disadvantage of MLA is a short period of action, as well as a sharp decline effectiveness in lengthening the interval between feedings or introducing supplementary feedings.

Other natural methods of contraception for breastfeeding

Focus on other methods of natural pregnancy planning - symptothermal and calendar methods, monitoring cervical mucus, basal temperature- Not recommended during lactation. For example, if in the normal state (assuming correct use) the reliability of the symptothermal method is comparable to hormonal contraceptives (at least 90%), then when feeding, its effectiveness decreases to about 50%.

Ovulation Tests

Usually women use to determine the time most favorable for conception. But with the same success they can be used for contraception.

They are used by analogy with pregnancy tests. To do this, dip the test strip into fresh urine and evaluate the test result after a few minutes. If there is no ovulation, one control band will appear, at a positive result there will be two lanes.

It should be noted that the intensity of staining of the second band may be different - it depends on the concentration of luteinizing hormone, determined using this test. But even in the case of the appearance of a very light strip, you should take appropriate measures and make sure.


You can use condoms without restrictions. They are absolutely safe for the baby and do not have any effect on the composition of breast milk.

It should also be noted high level their reliability and low cost. In addition, condoms are the only contraceptive that protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Barrier (mechanical) methods of contraception for women

Female condoms, diaphragms, and uterine caps are rare. They can be used no earlier than 6 weeks after birth.

We recommend that you consult with your doctor regarding the selection of a cap and diaphragm. right size, because the size of the cervix may not correspond to those before conception. In addition, when using "female" contraceptives, some skill and preliminary planning of sexual intercourse are required.

Hormonal oral contraceptives while breastfeeding

Until the 70s. 20th century oral contraceptives were prohibited during feeding. Now the situation has changed, but the restrictions remain. To protect against unwanted pregnancy in this period of time, only purely progestogenic contraceptives can be used, they are also called "mini-drank". The progestogen contained in them does not allow the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

This hormone does not affect the production of breast milk. COCs (combined oral contraceptives) with progestogen and estrogenic components cannot be used.

Apply "" can be no earlier than 6 weeks. after childbirth. Of the advantages of this method of contraception, its high reliability should be noted - it is higher than when using a condom. Compared to COCs, they have less side effects For example, they can be used for diabetes, they are not contraindicated smoking women regardless of age. "Mini drank" does not cause an increase in blood pressure, circulatory disorders, depression, nausea and headache.

Of the shortcomings of "mini pills", it should be remembered that in order to achieve a contraceptive effect, they must be taken at the same time in accordance with the instructions. They do not protect against STDs, while taking the pills, a slight increase or decrease in weight is possible.

"Mini drank" can provoke a change menstrual cycle, exacerbation of thrush, appearance age spots, swelling of the legs, hair growth on the legs, increased oiliness of the skin, general nausea and weakness at the beginning of the intake. a serious reason to cancel such drugs, bleeding that does not stop for a long time can serve, as well as cases when the side effects listed above do not disappear or do not decrease over 2-3 months of taking the pills.

Absolute indications for the appointment of "mini drank" include malignant tumors, uterine bleeding, acute hepatitis, epilepsy, serious illness heart, liver, kidneys. Therefore, before taking these drugs, you should definitely visit a antenatal clinic.

Injectable hormonal contraceptives

The list of advantages, disadvantages and side effects echoes oral contraceptives. Of the undoubted advantages of this method of contraception - the duration of action. To achieve the effect, one injection is enough 1 time in 3 months. The drug can be administered in different times- the first 5 days from the moment of the resumption of menstruation, 5 days after childbirth in the absence of HB (breastfeeding) or after 6 weeks. after childbirth with GV baby.

Also in the literature there are references to subcutaneous hormonal implants for subcutaneous injection, however, in currently such drugs are not registered on the Ukrainian market.

Important! Active ingredients injections and implants and their metabolites may be excreted in mother's milk and cause negative impact on a child. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use this method of protection with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

Intrauterine devices

These funds are highly reliable, they are allowed during lactation. However, you can’t put a spiral right away, because. there is a high risk of falling out. This procedure can be carried out no earlier than 6 weeks later. Some experts generally do not recommend using the IUD for six months. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you discuss this moment with a specialist.

Topical spermicides while breastfeeding

These tools include a variety of dosage forms For local application- creams, suppositories, tampons, etc. All of them are inserted into the vagina, usually 5-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Active substances These drugs destroy spermatozoa. In addition, along with the contraceptive effect, there is additional moistening of the vaginal mucosa.

Of the shortcomings local funds it should be noted that most of them are destroyed under the influence of soap solutions, so only water should be used for genital hygiene. Local allergic reactions are possible - both in a woman and in her partner.

Also, some experts note that the substances contained in these products can adversely affect the bacterial flora of the vagina. Despite the fact that they are all sold without a prescription, if there are controversial points, it is best to consult a gynecologist.

emergency contraception

They are used extremely rarely, in cases where conventional methods contraception did not help or was not used. Postinor is usually used - 2 tablets are taken according to the scheme for 3 days. after sexual contact.

Attention! The drug contains horse doses of hormones that are excreted in breast milk. For this reason, it is best to refrain from feeding for at least 8 hours after taking each tablet.

Surgical contraception (sterilization)

When a woman is sterilized, the fallopian (uterine) tubes are tied up, through which the egg moves into the uterus. The fallopian tubes create a favorable environment for conception and further development fertilized egg. The operation is done once and is irreversible, so you should think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons before agreeing to it.

Regardless of your choice, we want you to effectively protect your baby and yourself from undesirable consequences. Be healthy!

Medicines that contain minimum dose the hormone progestin is called mini pili. This is one of the varieties contraceptives, which is a good substitute for combined oral contraceptives (or COC). "Minimum pills", as mini-pills are also called, differ from combined oral contraceptives in their composition: they contain progestin, which was created as a synthetic substitute for progesterone ( a hormone produced in the ovaries).

The content of progestin in the "minimal pills" - from 300 to 500 micrograms. IN combined means contains synthetic substitutes for progesterone and estrogen, the dosages of which are higher. Progestin preparations are inferior in their effectiveness to combined ones, however, they also act on the woman's body much softer, which makes it possible to use them for those women who have contraindications to COCs.

When are progestin contraceptives the drug of choice?

  • during lactation ( do not affect the quality and taste of milk).
  • When smoking in older women ( nicotine in combination with COCs contributes to thrombosis due to a violation of blood clotting).
  • With cardiac pathologies.

Names of drugs included in the group

Mini-pill preparations constituting a separate group contraceptives:
  • Charosetta,
  • Ovret,
  • Exluton,
  • Primoliut-Nor,
  • Micronor,
  • Continuin.

Mechanism of action

Progestin drugs do not suppress ovulation like combined oral contraceptives. contraceptive effect This group of contraceptives is based on the process of changing the quality of the mucus that covers the cervix. The mucus becomes thicker and this is an obstacle to the passage of sperm to the egg. If the sperm nevertheless reaches the egg, then the second contraceptive factor of the mini-pili comes into force: if the uterine mucosa changes, it is impossible to attach the embryo to it.

In addition, the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes slows down ( The ovum travels through the tubes into the uterine cavity).

The effectiveness of progestin drugs - 95%; combined oral contraceptives - 99%.

Instructions for use

The effectiveness of progestin agents largely depends on the accuracy of their application. They need to be taken every day without skipping!), and preferably at the same time. Regardless of whether there was bleeding ( menstrual, spotting postmenstrual) or did not appear, the tablets should be taken 365 times a year. Optimal time reception - 18 - 20 hours. 4 hours after application, the tablets produce the maximum contraceptive effect, so it is better to take them in the evening, not in the afternoon. Although, of course, this does not mean that during the day during sexual intercourse this type of contraception will already be ineffective. But the optimal effect is preserved precisely when the above recommendations are observed.

When breastfeeding in lactating women, ovulation is suppressed and physiological infertility develops - the so-called lactational amenorrhea. This is because when ovulation is suppressed, the egg does not mature and does not come out of the ovary. But even in this period, before the onset of menstruation, the follicle can mature and then ovulation will occur. In this case, pregnancy occurs without the start of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. That is why it is very important to use contraceptives during lactation.

Mini-drinks are allowed to be taken by lactating women. However, after the cessation of feeding and the appearance of menstruation, it is better to switch to combined oral contraceptives. However, if desired, a woman can continue to use progestin drugs if she is satisfied with the schedule for taking the pills.

For best choice contraceptives, you need a consultation with a gynecologist, who will prescribe a diagnosis and, in accordance with its results, recommend the most suitable for a woman a drug. Before prescribing progestin drugs, gynecological examination, swabs are taken from the cervix and vagina ( to exclude oncology and determine the microflora); ultrasound of the pelvic organs ( to absolutely exclude pregnancy and confirm the fact of lactational amenorrhea).

When should you start taking?

Mini-pills need to start taking:
  • On the first day of menstruation.
  • Right after the abortion.
  • Six weeks after giving birth.


  • Soft effect on the female body.
  • Unlike the estrogen found in combination oral products, minipills do not reduce lactation or impair the taste of breast milk.
  • Render quick effect- in 4 hours the contraceptive effect reaches a maximum.
  • Do not cause headache or nausea even at the beginning of application.
  • Reception is not directly related to sexual intercourse.
  • No risk of thrombosis.
  • Does not increase the pressure in those who suffer from hypertension.
  • They do not affect emotionality, unlike COCs.
  • Do not affect libido.
  • Approved for use during preparation for surgical procedures ( COCs, on the contrary, are not recommended for use in such situations.).
  • Reduce pain during menstruation.
  • The ability to conceive is restored quickly - within a month after the abolition of the mini-pill.


  • The regularity of the use of tablets - this requires high organization from a woman.
  • More low efficiency than COC.
  • Small changes in a woman's weight ( plus or minus a few kilos).
  • Lack of protection against genital infections.
  • The contraceptive effect decreases with simultaneous reception Phenytoin and Phenobarbital ( anticonvulsants), Rifampicin ( anti-tuberculosis agent).

Side effects

  • Short-term changes in the menstrual cycle: the appearance of unplanned bleeding, increased duration of bleeding or their absence. Cancellation of the drug is not required.
  • Development of ovarian cysts after the abolition of the mini-pill, the cysts resolve spontaneously after 1-2 months).
  • Exacerbation of thrush chronic course diseases.
  • Nausea and weakness in diabetes mellitus are short-term effects that do not require discontinuation of the drug.
  • Change in oily skin temporarily).
  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands ( no cancellation required).
  • Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays (it is undesirable to sunbathe).
  • Increased body hair growth rarely).
  • Swelling of the legs.


  • Bleeding from the genitals of unknown etiology.
  • Severe lesions of the vessels of the heart and brain.
  • malignant tumor breast.
  • Tumor-like diseases of the liver, cirrhosis.
  • Serious pathologies kidneys.
  • Hepatitis in the active phase.
  • Simultaneous use of anticonvulsants.

Who can use?

  • Women of all ages: reproductive period and postmenopausal.
  • Lactating women.
  • Parents but not breastfeeding.
  • Smokers.
  • Women after an abortion.
  • Women who have contraindications to taking combined oral contraceptives.

If a woman wants to switch from mini-pill to combined oral means, she needs to start COCs on the first or second day of her period ( if possible, before the end of the last package of the progestin drug). If menstruation does not occur, then immediately after taking last pill progestin drug, you can take a combined oral contraceptive.

If a woman wants to switch from COCs to progestin drugs, then the mini-pill tablet can be taken immediately after taking the last COC tablet. Two weeks later, a full contraceptive effect occurs.

If a woman wants to switch to barrier methods of contraception, it is advisable to take another additional package of progestin preparation in combination with the barrier method to be sure.

What to do if you forget to take a pill?

It is highly undesirable to skip taking the pills, moreover, they must be taken strictly at the same time. If not passed more than three hours after the time of admission, then you need to urgently take a pill and still use barrier methods of protection for a week. If within 2 hours after the appointed time vomiting begins, which makes it impossible to take new pill, then the next two to three days you need to additionally protect yourself. The same applies to a case of diarrhea occurring within 12 hours of taking the tablet.

When do you need an urgent consultation with a gynecologist?

You should immediately consult a gynecologist if you observe one of the following symptoms:
  • Profuse and prolonged bleeding.
  • Delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy.
  • Pain in pelvic region (it could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy).
If you have broken the continuity of taking the pills, and pregnancy has occurred, you need to stop taking the mini-pill. At the same time, terminate the pregnancy due to hormonal influence not worth it - negative influence there is no fetus, and the pregnancy will proceed normally.

drug interaction

The effectiveness of progestin drugs is affected by the same medicines, which is the same for COC. However, when taking antibiotics such as Doxycycline, Amoxicillin, Tetracycline, Ampicillin, Phenoxymethylpenicillin, the effectiveness of the mini-pill does not decrease.

Storage method

Do not store in damp rooms or in rooms with high temperature air. Tablets should be out of the reach of children.

Where to buy and what is the price?

You can buy drugs from the mini-pill group at ordinary pharmacies, pharmacies with women's consultations and family planning centers, social pharmacies. The cost of drugs varies and can be, for example: Charozetta - from $ 25 for a pack of 28 tablets; Exluton - $100 for a pack of 84 tablets and $40 for a pack of 28 tablets.

There is a risk of becoming pregnant after childbirth while breastfeeding, so contraception for HB is important during this period. Because rapid pregnancy after childbirth is undesirable for a weakened woman's body. A number of doctors claim that after childbirth, when a woman is breastfeeding and menstruation does not occur, the body's natural defense against unwanted pregnancy occurs. Despite this, there were cases when women became pregnant even in the absence of menstruation, since ovulation still occurred. Therefore, it is also necessary to take care of contraception during the lactating period.

Criterias of choice

The best option- think about how to protect yourself while breastfeeding, even during pregnancy, after consulting your gynecologist. If this could not be done earlier, then you can always consult the women's department of the clinic.

Such measures are associated with the fact that a woman is breastfeeding. No action should be aimed at undermining the health of a growing baby. Often, during lactation, contraceptive methods are combined.

Breastfeeding is important not only for small child but also for his mother. It contributes quick recovery reproductive system women, as at the time of feeding there is a natural contraction of the uterus. In addition, breastfeeding is a natural contraception against pregnancy. Therefore, the question of conception arises in women whose child is on artificial feeding. And the choice of a method of contraception in this case is unprincipled.

Overview of contraceptive methods for breastfeeding

The following methods contraceptives suitable for breastfeeding:

  1. abstinence(absolute sexual abstinence) - of course, this method is the most effective and does not harm breastfeeding in any way, but most couples do not practice it, but use it as an intermediate measure.
  2. lactational amenorrhea(lack of menstruation while breastfeeding). In this case, we can say that nature itself took care of the safety of the mother and child in such a crucial period. Prolactin is a special hormone that is produced after childbirth, it promotes the formation of milk in mammary glands and inhibits the ovulation process.
  3. The use of condoms. Using them, you can protect yourself not only from unwanted early pregnancy, but also from various pathologies that are sexually transmitted. This method will in no way affect the health of the mother and baby, as well as the production of breast milk. The disadvantages of condoms include allergic reaction rubber, but this is extremely rare.
  4. Vaginal suppositories destroy spermatozoa after they enter the vagina. The active ingredients of suppositories cannot penetrate into milk and into bloodstream women. In addition, they are able to protect against certain types of genital infections.
  5. Protection with an intrauterine device. The method is very efficient. You can install a spiral immediately after childbirth or after some time. The disadvantage of this method of contraception can be incorrect installed spiral, that leads to inflammatory processes. And also with diseases of the genital area, painful and heavy menstruation. When installing an intrauterine device, a woman needs to be examined every six months, since the spiral can move inside the uterus, which leads to further complications.
  6. Subdermal implants during the lactation period, they have the same effect as birth control pills. The ampoule is sewn under the skin in the shoulder area. The calculation is taken over several years.
  7. Interruption of sexual intercourse. The method is not always effective, but many couples use it, since it does not involve the use chemicals from pregnancy.

oral contraception

How to protect yourself while breastfeeding with oral contraceptives?

There are 2 types of birth control pills:

  1. Containing progestogens, which do not affect the activity of the ovaries and, accordingly, the production of milk. Due to the low content of hormones in such tablets, they were nicknamed mini-drank among the people.
  2. Means based on gestagens and estrogens. They are aimed at blocking ovulation by affecting the functioning of the ovaries. They are not used during lactation, as these drugs negatively affect the quantity and quality of milk produced.

Thus, in order not to harm yourself and your child, before choosing a contraceptive method with pills, you need to visit a gynecologist and consult with him. Preparations of the progesterone group create unfavorable conditions for the further advancement of spermatozoa.

IN vivo the cervix is ​​covered with a small amount of mucus, this is necessary to protect against infections. When a woman takes contraceptives, the mucus becomes more viscous and thick. Spermatozoa cannot get through it and fertilize the egg.

The most commonly used drugs the following kind: Mercilon, Fermulen, Charozetta

Other benefits of these birth control pills include:

  1. Side effects rarely develop.
  2. Milk does not change its taste.
  3. The development of lactation is carried out as always.
  4. Fight inflammation or provide preventive action in this direction.
  5. The composition of the blood does not change, the production of platelets is normal.
  6. unable to reduce sex drive women.
  7. If you stop taking progesterone-type contraceptives, then the ability to conceive is quickly restored.

Contraindications and disadvantages of tablets

During lactation, pregnancy pills may be contraindicated due to the following reasons:

  1. If breast cancer is diagnosed.
  2. Liver diseases such as oncology, chronic diseases in the acute stage, cirrhosis.
  3. Cancers in the kidneys.
  4. Diseases of the vessels of the brain.
  5. Epilepsy and other ailments for which they are used anticonvulsants.
  6. Bleeding from the genitals of a woman, caused by an unknown cause.

Even if all these pathologies are absent, you still cannot take pills against conception on your own without consulting a doctor.

Hormonal contraception during breastfeeding should be used in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Tablets are used strictly according to the scheme, skipping admission is not allowed.
  2. These drugs are prescribed no earlier than after 1.5-2 months, the first 2-3 weeks will have to be protected after childbirth in other ways.
  3. You need to take the tablets at the same time.

The main disadvantages of such mini-pills are that they do not protect a woman from STDs and are not as reliable as progestogen and estrogenic drugs. If you are planning a quick pregnancy after childbirth, then you should stop taking birth control pills.

female sterilization

Most often, sterilization after childbirth or abortion is used according to indications. For example, if another pregnancy can threaten the health or even life of a woman. The method is carried out by ligation of the fallopian tubes.

A woman can independently express a desire to be sterilized. This is usually done if she already has children and is over 35 years old. But it is worth remembering that tribal activity no longer recover. Therefore, before using this method of contraception, you should consider your step.


In our video, an obstetrician-gynecologist gives answers to the most FAQ about contraception after childbirth.



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