Female and male contraception. Natural types and methods of contraception

There are a lot of contraceptives. To navigate their choice, it is necessary to consider in detail the types of this assortment.

Main groups of contraceptives:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • spirals;
  • candles;
  • barrier agents;
  • natural methods.

Hormonal drugs are considered the most effective.

Hormonal contraception are divided into the following types:

  • vaginal ring;
  • patch;
  • injections;
  • pills.

All hormonal drugs contain sex hormones: estrogens and gestagens. These hormones suppress the ovulation process and thicken the natural fluid that the cervix secretes. As a result, it is difficult for sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

In addition, the entry of new sex hormones into the body slows down the production of its own. Because of this, the egg does not mature, which means pregnancy will not occur.

Under no circumstances should you take these medications on your own. Hormonal drugs contain many contraindications. Only after medical examination, the doctor will prescribe this or that remedy.

The Nova Ring vaginal ring is a modern contraceptive for women. It is a transparent elastic ring that is inserted into the vagina.

You need to start using the ring from day one menstrual cycle. The contraceptive releases a certain amount of hormones for 3 weeks. After this, the woman must remove the contraceptive without the help of a gynecologist. After 7 days, the ring is reinstalled as intended.

Side effects: migraines, nausea, vaginal discharge. If such manifestations become frequent, you should consult a doctor.

This tool it looks like a regular patch. It is glued to any area of ​​the skin except the chest. The principle of its action is that the patch actively releases hormones that are absorbed through the skin.

Hormones inhibit the maturation of the egg and increase the viscosity of the fluid that accumulates at the cervix.

The first patch should be applied from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The effect of one patch is 1 week. Therefore, in one menstrual cycle it is necessary to use 3 patches, and then take a break for 7 days.

The IUD is an intrauterine device that has proven itself to be a highly effective contraceptive. It is not recommended to use this method for girls under 23 years of age. Despite its effectiveness (99%), the IUD can cause complications, including infertility.

The spiral is inserted into the uterus itself. This is done by a gynecologist after a thorough medical examination. The validity period of this device is up to 5 years.

Happens hormonal IUD(Mirena) and non-hormonal - made of plastic and copper. The copper spiral is an effective remedy and has far fewer contraindications. It can be used even during lactation. However, a copper IUD cannot be used if you have chronic diseases reproductive system and inflammation.

The hormonal uterine device is the most popular among women. This drug releases certain doses of the hormone levonorgesterol into the uterine cavity, which prevents pregnancy.

Benefits of the hormonal IUD:

  • reduces discharge during menstruation;
  • long-term effect – up to 5 years;
  • efficiency 99%.

Disadvantages of the spiral:

  • age limit (from 25 years);
  • menstruation disorders;
  • contraindications for liver and heart diseases.

Contraceptive injections

This method involves injecting a woman intramuscularly with a special substance that stops the ovulation process and also changes the composition of the mucus in the uterus. As a result, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. The duration of the injection is 3 months.

However, not all so simple. This contraceptive can cause bleeding, headaches, and decreased libido. Long term use this method may negatively affect the integrity of bone tissue.

So, hormonal contraceptives are quite effective, but they have a number of side effects on the body. How to be? If a woman has health problems and the doctor does not recommend taking hormonal medications, then you can use non-hormonal contraceptives in the form of suppositories.

Contraceptive suppositories are chemicals from spermicide. The candle is inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse and, under the influence of body temperature, melts there, creating a protective membrane inside. Thus, sperm are retained by this substance and do not penetrate into the uterus.

The candle is valid for up to 5 hours. This remedy protects not only from pregnancy, but also from the penetration of infections and sexually transmitted viruses. The main disadvantage of suppositories is their regular administration before each sexual intercourse. Also undesirable long-term use suppositories, since spermicide can disrupt the internal microflora of the vagina.

After sexual intercourse using a candle, you should not wash with soap, as the alkali will neutralize the chemical substance that makes up the candle. Therefore, it is better to wash with just warm water.

Safe contraceptives

Thus, having studied the listed methods of contraception, we can conclude that they have side effects, as they contain hormones or chemicals. Are there really no other methods that are safer for health? This issue is especially relevant for young girls who have not given birth, who find it difficult to get pregnant after taking contraceptives.

Alternative methods of contraception:

  • interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • condom;
  • calendar method;
  • temperature method;
  • douching.

Alternative methods are not harmful to health, but their effectiveness is low.

Coitus interruptus- a fairly popular method among married couples. However, its effectiveness is 70-75%. It involves the man removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. The effectiveness of the method is reduced by the fact that during sexual intercourse a small amount of sperm is still released along with natural lubrication. And not every man can control himself during sex.

Condom– the most reliable means not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases. This is especially true for those who do not have a permanent partner.

Calendar method- simplest. It involves calculating the ovulation phase according to the calendar. To do this, you need to know the length of a woman’s cycle and the first and mark the first day of menstruation on the calendar. Count 10-11 days from this day - the beginning of ovulation. Ovulation lasts approximately 7-9 days. During this period, you should abstain from sexual relations, since it is at this time that the most big risk get pregnant.

Temperature method involves measuring basal temperature in women different days cycle. After ovulation, it rises by 0.2°C, which indicates that it is safe to get pregnant. This method is quite painstaking - it requires daily recording of the temperature.

Douching consists of washing the vagina various solutions immediately after intercourse. For this you can prepare weak solution sea ​​salt or herbal decoction. But this method is also very questionable - after all, there will always be “active” sperm that will “have time” to penetrate the uterine cavity.

Which birth control pills are best to choose?

Oral contraceptives are divided into two groups:

  1. Combined, containing estrogen and gestagen.
  2. Mini-pills that contain only one hormone - gestagen.

How to take contraceptives? There is no single regimen for taking oral contraceptives, since each of them contains different dose hormones and is prescribed individually.

Want something interesting?

Contraindications to taking oral contraceptives:

  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • migraine;
  • metabolic disease;
  • excess weight;
  • malignant tumors;
  • high cholesterol;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age over 40 years.

Types of birth control pills

One of the most popular contraceptives of our time is Yarina birth control pills. They stabilize the cycle well, do not cause weight gain, and perfectly fulfill their intended purpose - to protect against pregnancy.

But this drug has a side effect: long-term use causes frequent headaches.

If such diseases are present, then these tablets should not be taken. In addition, “Yarina” gives a number of other complications: vegetative-vascular dystonia and headaches.

Birth control pills Jess is combination drug antiandrogenic effects. This drug does good contraceptive effect, treats acne and eliminates premenstrual syndrome.

The package contains 28 tablets, which should be taken 1 per day. In addition, the pack contains a special calendar in which it is convenient to mark the days of taking the pills.

Side effects of the drug:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bleeding;
  • headache.

The drug is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Contraceptive Regulon has several areas of application:

  • protects against unwanted pregnancy;
  • treats dysfunction of uterine bleeding;
  • stabilizes the cycle;
  • treats dimenorrhea;
  • eliminates pain during menstruation;
  • treats uterine fibroids;
  • resolves ovarian cysts.

Thus, Regulon - excellent medicine from women's diseases. Unlike previous drugs, Regulon is usually prescribed to women over 40. It helps prevent abortion and its negative consequences.

Contraceptive Lindinet - hormonal pills, which help prevent pregnancy and also stabilize the menstrual cycle. The tablets also prevent the onset of ectopic pregnancies, reduces the risk of tumors in the mammary glands. Lindinet perfectly treats acne on the skin.


  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • otosclerosis;
  • smoking;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombosis;
  • tumors of the genital organs.

There are post-coital birth control pills that are emergency contraception. This method is an “ambulance” for unprotected sexual intercourse. They are hormonal and should be taken immediately after sex.

The most popular drugs in this series: Miniziston, Femoden, Marvelon. These contraceptives are widely available and are available in pharmacies without prescriptions.

Oral contraceptives are available in monophasic, biphasic and triphasic forms. The doses of hormones in each drug are different. However, the rules for taking pills are, in most cases, the same.

Rules for taking birth control pills:

  1. Before you start taking pills, you must consult your doctor.
  2. You should take the tablets at the same time every day (preferably at night or with meals).
  3. As a rule, 1 pack contains 21 tablets, which should be taken every day from the beginning of the cycle, and then take a break for 1 week.
  4. After the end of the break, on the 8th day you should resume taking the tablets from new packaging if pregnancy is not planned.
  5. If one tablet was missed in weeks 1 and 2, then it should be taken immediately, and then the next one after 12 hours. The next day - according to the usual schedule.
  6. If you missed 1-3 tablets in the third week, it is better to stop taking it before your period. And after menstruation - resume the course.

When to stop taking the pills:

  1. Onset of pregnancy.
  2. Frequent headaches.
  3. A sharp increase in body weight.
  4. Increased pressure.
  5. Visual impairment.
  6. Voice change.
  7. The occurrence of gynecological diseases.
  8. 3 weeks before surgery.

Pregnancy after birth control

Many women are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant after long-term use contraceptive drugs?

The answer is simple: you can! Any instructions for contraceptives indicate that pregnancy can occur in the next cycle after discontinuation of the contraceptive.

But is everything so clear?

After all, if a woman has been taking contraceptives for a long time, then all functions reproductive system were oppressed. After stopping the pills, female organs are gradually starting to return to old job, sometimes even with enhanced effect. It is this fact that gynecologists often use in the treatment of infertility. A woman who cannot get pregnant is prescribed contraceptives for 2-4 months, and then discontinued in order to “stimulate” the reproductive system to work twice as well. In most cases, this method helps. But sometimes you have to undergo 2-3 courses of such therapy.

Menstruation when taking birth control pills is quite scanty. This is due to the fact that hormonal drugs suppress biological processes female body. However, this case has its advantages. Firstly: menstruation passes very quickly while taking contraceptives and they are practically painless. Secondly, a clear monthly cycle— 28 days.

There are times when a woman wants to artificially “delay” her period. For example, when traveling to the sea. In that case she doesn't week break in taking pills, but continues to take them. Then your period does not come. But this cannot be abused! After all, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted or intermenstrual bleeding may appear.

Good contraceptives are those that suit a woman individually. This means that a contraceptive should be selected by a gynecologist, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. individual person. And whether or not to take contraceptives is a personal matter for everyone.

The main thing to remember: Children should be wanted and born on time. After all, there is nothing worse than an unloved and abandoned child.

Contraception is a term that has its roots in Latin and it comes from two words: “contra” - “against” and “conceptio” - “conception, perception”. Thus the concept " contraceptives" means "contraceptives."

Contraception methods

Contraceptive methods are very diverse and they are divided into the following types:

  • surgical,
  • barrier,
  • biological,
  • physiological,
  • intrauterine and oral contraception.

It is worth noting that the division into groups of the above types of contraceptive measures is relative. In particular, sterilization, that is, ligation of the tubes and seminal ducts, which are operational methods contraception can also be classified as a barrier.

Surgical contraception (sterilization)

Surgical sterilization (in some literature you can find the term “sterilization”) is sometimes used for strict indications in the presence of mental pathologies(for example, schizophrenia), congenital diseases and other reasons. Surgical sterilization of women is carried out using a bandage fallopian tubes, men - seminal ducts.

Surgical sterilization of women

Today, improved methods of surgical sterilization of women have appeared in medicine, in particular, it is carried out through laparoscopic diathermocoagulation of the fallopian tubes. This intervention is the same in duration as traditional surgical intervention, but the period of hospitalization is significantly shortened. Sterilization by laparoscopy and tubal diathermy can be performed after induced abortion and in postpartum period already on the third day.

Hysteroscopic tubal occlusion with direct visual inspection may be an acceptable method of sterilization.

Surgical sterilization of men

Surgical sterilization in men, performed by bandaging spermatic cord, causes obstruction of the path for spermatozoa and, therefore, provides male infertility. The sterilization operation may consist of the methods of applying a ligature, cauterization, a combination of ligature and cauterization, a combination of staples and cauterization, and fascial interposition. The probability of failure is 0.2-0.4%; complications after surgery account for 2% (hematoma, infections, epididymitis).

Biological method of contraception

Biological contraception is a type of contraceptive measures to prevent pregnancy, which is based on interrupted sexual intercourse and abstinence from coitus.

Physiological method of contraception

A physiological method of preventing pregnancy based on the assertion that at some points in the menstrual cycle a woman is infertile, that is, “physiologically sterile.”

The main thing for the effectiveness of using this method is knowledge of the time of ovulation. Most suitable for practical application The woman herself determines the time of ovulation by measuring the temperature in the rectum (basal temperature).

Another variety physiological method contraception, which also refers to biological, is interrupted coitus. Many men, not wanting to expose a woman to the risk of becoming pregnant, interrupt sexual intercourse until the ejaculation of semen. This often leads to harmful consequences both for the health of women and men.

Congestion in the pelvic organs associated with interrupted sexual intercourse can lead to disorders of the menstrual cycle, increased blood loss during menstruation, and the appearance of bloody discharge from the uterus outside of menstruation. These phenomena are also associated with a disorder of ovarian function, which also suffers from stagnation of blood, lymph and disruption of the central nervous system. nervous system. Coitus interruptus has bad influence on the health of men, and above all on the state of their central nervous system.

Barrier methods of contraception

For local mechanical contraception, male condoms (condoms) are used, as well as female condoms, divided into the so-called:

  1. vaginal condoms,
  2. cervical caps,
  3. sponges,
  4. tampons.

Vaginal condoms, otherwise called vaginal caps or diaphragms. The most common and convenient cervical vaginal condom is the KR cap. Of the cervical caps, the most frequent use received Kafka caps.

Chemical contraceptives

Local chemical contraceptives have a spermicidal effect and are therefore often called spermicides. Chemical contraceptives are used by introducing them into the vagina in the form of tablets, balls, pastes, jellies, creams, ointments using syringes, tubes, sponges, tampons, etc. Mixed chemical-mechanical local contraception is often carried out.

There are many chemical substances, disrupting spermatogenesis or destroying the tissues in which it occurs. However, these compounds, as a rule, cause a number of undesirable, sometimes dangerous complications. In addition, if it is not possible to prevent contact of the egg with a similar sperm, there may be a risk of teratogenesis.

Intrauterine and oral contraception

Along with local contraception wide use received two other types of pregnancy prevention - intrauterine and oral contraception. According to WHO, 100 million women worldwide use oral contraceptives, and about 60 million use intrauterine contraceptives.

Modern methods of contraception

Today the range modern methods contraception, especially in the form of oral hormonal and spermicidal agents, is constantly increasing. More and more attempts are being made to implement unusual shapes introduction of hormonal contraceptives into the body. They are part of vaginal ring devices, modern intrauterine devices. Efficacy studies are being conducted subcutaneous method administration of progestin-containing capsules. The drug is usually enclosed in a polymer matrix, which, gradually breaking down, releases one or another progestin, which has a contraceptive effect. Capsules containing levonorgestrel, norethisterone and other steroids are being tested. A study of the mechanism of action of these forms of modern methods of contraception indicates that it is based on suppression of ovulation.

Immunological method

New methods of contraception may include the immunological method. It is under development. It is known that immunological incompatibility based on the formation of antibodies against sperm causes infertility. As is known, the most promising sources antigenic material are sperm and placental hormones. Attempts have been made abroad to immunize humans human chorionic gonadotropin, that is, a hormone that appears during pregnancy and is necessary for its preservation. To avoid cross-reactions with other hormones, only a fragment of the specified hormone is considered less dangerous for use. However, it should be recognized that the development immunological method contraception is still far from complete, and the method itself is unlikely to be promising.

Attempts are being made to create male contraception. In this regard, a search is underway for contraceptives that have an inhibitory effect on the maturation of sperm or lead to the loss of the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. Among the various antihormones that affect male fertility, only antifollicle-stimulating antibodies can serve as the most effective means blocking sperm production. In an experiment on monkeys (macaques), the administration of anti-FSH antibodies significantly reduced sperm production, the number of live forms and their motility. Administration of anti-LH antibodies led to dysfunction of Leydig cells, decreased testosterone levels and blockade of spermatogenesis.

Progestin contraceptives

IN Lately Tests are being carried out on the contraceptive effectiveness and tolerability of various ring-shaped vaginal devices made of plastic materials and containing progestins (norgestrel, etc.), which are slowly released over a certain time. A study was conducted of the intravaginal use of a synthetic progestin (RU2323) and other agents included in the center of a ring made of silastic. This device is inserted into the vagina after the end of menstruation. During the use of the ring, the content of synthetic progestin, as well as estradiol and progesterone in the blood was determined. The drug concentration ranged from 1 to 3 ng/ml. After removing the ring, it quickly decreases to zero. The content of estradiol and progesterone throughout the cycle corresponded to the early follicular phase, which apparently indicates the inhibitory effect of the drug on ovulation.

New generation hormonal contraceptives

A new approach to birth control is vaginal use new generation hormonal contraceptives, in the form of microcapsules, which, penetrating into the uterine cavity, biodegrade, releasing progesterone.

It should also be noted that attempts to use prostaglandins for the purpose of birth control. The idea has been floated to create a "prostaglandin pessary" - a small tablet designed to be inserted into the vagina every month during the expected period. A clinical trial of this drug to induce regular monthly bleeding, whether pregnant or not, found that it resulted in unwanted side effects.

Summarizing the data presented above, we can conclude which contraceptives are better and which effective methods contraception today exists:

  • oral hormonal contraceptives (tablets),
  • injectable hormonal drugs,
  • intrauterine devices,
  • sterilization of women and men.

At the same time, less effective methods of contraception are also frequently used:

  • periodic abstinence,
  • male condoms,
  • means of female mechanical and chemical local contraception,
  • interrupted coitus.

Today, there is a huge selection of contraceptive methods for women that will help prevent unwanted pregnancy and maintain women Health for the possibility of having healthy children.

According to statistics, about half of girls lose their virginity before reaching the age of twenty. Moreover, in most cases the girls are not married. Two thirds have their first pregnancy terminated before the age of seventeen. The statistics are, of course, depressing. You can blame freedom of morals for everything, introduce all sorts of prohibitions, etc. However, nothing can be more effective than basic knowledge about contraceptive methods, which every girl must have. Only knowledge will help reduce the number of abortions among girls and young women who have not yet experienced the joys of motherhood, which bring with them various diseases gynecological properties, infertility and subsequent inability to carry a pregnancy to term. According to research American specialists in area oncological diseases, it is the first abortion that provokes the development of cancer of the mammary glands and uterus.

The issue of contraception should be a top priority for sexually active young girls and women who are at least a little concerned about their future. So what do you need to know about contraception, and what methods exist?

Contraception means preventing the occurrence of unplanned pregnancy during random connections or regular sexual activity. Every woman can choose for herself the most optimal method. In this case, some nuances should be taken into account, among which should be the absence of pathological effects on the body, high contraceptive reliability and safety of the method, reversibility of the process (that is, after the end of their action there are no obstacles to pregnancy), being accessible and easy to use. Efficiency of any contraceptive expressed by the Pearl index, which is determined by the number of pregnancies in 100 women who used this method of contraception during the year.

Contraceptive methods for women are divided into groups:
Group 1 – provides for complete abstinence from sexual activity. This method is absolutely effective.

Group 2 - includes contraceptive methods with low effectiveness, but which do not provide any benefit or benefit. harmful effects on female body(rhythmic method (abstinence from sexual intercourse during ovulation or use during this period additional funds contraception), intermittent sex, lactational amenorrhea method, temperature method, calendar method).

Group 3 – contraceptive methods with low effectiveness that do not have harmful effects, but at the same time exhibit some protective properties for the woman’s body (condom, vaginal diaphragm). Their advantage is that they prevent the possibility of infection venereal diseases, STDs, AIDS.

Group 4 – highly effective methods of contraception (hormonal contraceptives).

Group 5 – highly effective methods of contraception, but with the risk of developing a number of complications (intrauterine contraception, surgical sterilization of women or men).

Contraceptive methods are divided into:

  • hormonal;
  • intrauterine;
  • barrier;
  • surgical;
  • postcoital.
Hormonal method of contraception.
This method includes: combined (estrogen-gestagen) oral contraceptives (COCs), which are divided into monophasic oral agents with a constant dose of estrogen and gestagen, two-phase (the first 10 tablets contain estrogen, and the remaining eleven are combined), three-phase (include three type of tablets, their intake recreates the secretion of estrogens and gestagen during the menstrual cycle), vaginal rings and transdermal contraceptive system (Evra contraceptive patch), progestin oral contraceptives (mili-pili), long-acting injection contraceptives, implantation contraceptives (hormonal implant).

Oral contraceptives are the most common and popular methods of contraception today. This group of contraceptives is selected for each woman individually, taking into account her characteristics physiological properties, states hormonal levels, as well as existing diseases. Third-generation birth control pills recreate a woman's normal menstrual cycle and have virtually no side effects. Their action is aimed at inhibiting the production of hormones that promote ovulation. Under their influence, some changes occur in the endometrium, due to which the fertilized egg is not able to implant. Besides, this group contraceptives reduces the duration of menstruation, the volume of blood loss during the same period, reduces painful sensations, and also reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases.

Combined oral contraceptives have their drawbacks. Basically, when taking them, nausea, dizziness, headaches, irritability and mood swings may occur.

The main advantages of this method of contraception include high efficiency, positive impact on the woman’s body, including reproductive function, ease of use, process turnover. It has been proven that among women who regularly take this method of contraception for two years, the incidence of cancer of the reproductive system and mastopathy is reduced.

COCs have some contraindications, including thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, vascular hypertension, strokes, liver disease or dysfunction, hormone-dependent tumors, obesity, oncology, bleeding of unknown etiology. In addition, COCs should not be used smoking women over 35 years old.

Progestin oral contraceptives contain only progestins. These contraceptives are best used by women mature age. As a rule, their use is prescribed to women with heavy and painful menstruation, mastalgia, PMS ( premenstrual syndrome). Contraceptives of this group can be used even during breastfeeding, and they do not in any way affect the quality and quantity of milk.

Sufficiently long-term protection from unwanted pregnancy is provided by injectable contraceptives or implants inserted subcutaneously. These drugs constantly release special hormones in doses that prevent pregnancy. When using this group of contraceptives, there are the same side effects as when using oral medications contraception.

Intrauterine contraception (IUC).
Among the means intrauterine contraception The most common is the spiral. Made from plastic or copper, the IUD is quickly and painlessly inserted into a woman’s uterus for two or 5 years. Modern intrauterine devices release doses of hormones that prevent fertilization of the egg. Its action is aimed at reducing the viability of sperm, enhancing the spermicidal properties of the endometrium, reducing the viability of the egg, and also creates obstruction of the fallopian tubes and increases contractile function the uterus, due to which pregnancy will not occur even as a result of fertilization.

This method of contraception also has its contraindications. The main ones are pregnancy, oncology of the uterus or its cervix, uterine bleeding, infections of the reproductive system.

Barrier methods of contraception and spermicides.
These include: male condoms, vaginal diaphragms, cervical caps and spermicides.

This method of contraception creates mechanical obstacles to the path of sperm into the vagina (condom), cervix (caps, diaphragms), and also blocks sperm activity (spermicides). The effectiveness of this method of contraception directly depends on correct use.

Surgical method of contraception.
This method of contraception is widespread throughout the world. Its effectiveness is absolute, since fertilization does not occur. Surgical contraception or sterilization is resorted to if married couple decided that they should not have any more children. This method has no effect on sexual function. Female sterilization is carried out through occlusion of the fallopian tubes using laparoscopic surgery, for men - through ligation of the vas deferens. After sterilization, it is impossible to restore the ability to bear children.

Postcoital contraception or emergency method contraception.
Emergency contraception is a collective concept that combines a variety of methods of contraception, the use of which in the first 1–3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse prevents the onset of an unplanned pregnancy. Emergency contraception is used in cases where sexual intercourse, not protected by other means, has taken place, as well as in cases where pregnancy may pose a threat to the life of the expectant mother. Emergency or post-coital contraception is recommended for women who have been raped, if the integrity of the condom is broken, if the intrauterine contraceptive device falls out completely or incompletely, if sexual intercourse is interrupted, when ejaculation occurred earlier, as well as for women with irregular sex life. This type contraception is not intended for permanent use, it cannot be considered as a contraceptive.

This type of contraception includes: the high-dose gestagenic drug Postinor. Taken immediately after sexual intercourse and 12 hours later, 2 tablets, oral contraceptives containing 50 mcg of estrogen (2 tablets 2 times with an interval of 12 hours) - Danazol 400 mg 3 times with intervals of 12 hours, Mifepristone 600 mg once or 200 mg per day for 5 days in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle.

Each of the listed methods of contraception entails serious interference with functional state reproductive system of a woman, the violation of which can cause the further development of ovarian dysfunction.

Temperature and calendar methods contraception.
Temperature and calendar methods can only be used healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle. However, these methods are not effective and are inferior modern means. Most often, when using these methods, women make mistakes in calculations.

The temperature method is based on identifying the period during which physiological reasons conception is impossible. During the menstrual cycle, a woman measures basal temperature, by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. When the temperature rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees, ovulation occurs. After 2-3 days, unfavorable days for conception follow. The possibility of fertilization occurs 4-5 days before the next ovulation.

The calendar method of contraception involves monthly recording of the date of the beginning of menstruation and its end in order to identify unfavorable days for conception.

Interrupted sexual intercourse.
The most popular, but not reliable method of contraception is interrupted coitus, in which the man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. During sexual intercourse, a man must constantly control himself, which is difficult psychologically. In addition, during sexual intercourse, men release droplets of sperm, which is completely impossible to control. This drop is enough for fertilization to occur.

The choice of one or another method of contraception must be made together with a gynecologist, who, taking into account physiological characteristics and health status will tell you the most optimal option for you.



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