What does phenazepam do? Phenazepam tablets - official instructions for use

In our article, the drug "Phenazepam" will be considered, its indications and contraindications for use are briefly given, and cases of overdose are described in detail. this medicine and the answer to the question of what to do if it happened.

What is the drug "Phenazepam"?

The medical preparation belongs to the group of tranquilizers, that is, drugs that have a pronounced sedative effect. Also, the agent in question is able to effectively relieve symptoms such as increased anxiety, fears, anxiety. Main active ingredient the drug "Phenazepam" is, in fact, the substance phenazepam, also each tablet of the named drug contains auxiliary components: lactose, corn starch, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. The drug is available in the form of white tablets, each 1 mg. They are soldered in blisters of 10 pieces. The package itself contains, as a rule, 50 tablets.

Indications for the use of the drug "Phenazepam"

Pay attention to the cases in which this is usually prescribed medicine. Here are some indications for its appointment:

  • increased anxiety and irritability, causeless fears;
  • obsessive states;
  • insomnia;
  • withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal syndrome) in alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • psychoses.

In general, the range of application of this drug is quite wide, it is used both for the treatment of schizophrenia and reactive psychoses, and as an introductory anesthesia before surgery.

The drug "Phenazepam": contraindications for use, side effects

The drug has an extensive list of contraindications for use. So, it is not used if the patient has following states or diseases:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components present in the composition of the drug;
  • it can not be used to treat pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • it is not used to treat severe depression;
  • as well as myasthenia gravis, coma, shock, closed glaucoma.

Side effects from the use of this medical device may be drowsiness, distraction, fatigue And general weakness. From the gastrointestinal tract - constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, various violations appetite. They may also appear skin rashes caused by an allergy to the drug: itching, urticaria, various rashes and reddening of the integument.

The drug "Phenazepam": dosage for different categories of patients

The dosage of this medicine depends on which disease or condition is diagnosed in the patient. So, adult dose at the beginning of the drug is 0.5-1 mg two or three times a day. Medium daily dose for adults - 3-5 mg. The final decision on exactly how much to take the drug should be taken by the doctor. When taking the drug "Phenazepam" dose per day should not exceed 10 mg. At the same time, for sleep disorders, insomnia, usually prescribed from 250 to 500 mg, that is, half or a quarter of the tablet half an hour before bedtime. With epilepsy - 2-10 mg per day, with alcohol or drug withdrawal syndrome - 2-5 mg per day. At the same time, keep in mind that this drug is not sold freely in a pharmacy, it can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

The drug "Phenazepam": overdose. What to do if it happened?

Please note that taking large doses this drug can cause impaired coordination, trembling of the hands, impaired vision and speech, slow breathing and heartbeat. Two recent symptom are especially dangerous, therefore the drug "Phenazepam", an overdose of which can also cause coma, in no case should you take more than 10 mg per day. If it happened that a one-time was taken a large number of of this medicine, the person immediately needs to call ambulance either immediately go to the nearest hospital, and go or go there not on your own, but accompanied by someone. Usually in medical institutions to weaken the effect of this drug, drugs based on the substance strychnine are used. They are injected intramuscularly 2-3 times a day. Also, the patient is prescribed drugs that stimulate the work of the lungs and heart. For some time, the patient should be observed by a doctor. Please note that alcohol greatly affects the effect of Phenazepam, an overdose in such cases can occur even if you have taken the recommended dose of the drug. The thing is that ethanol enhances the inhibitory effect of the drug, and also makes toxic and other reactions more likely. side effects from his acceptance. Therefore, be careful, when treating with Phenazepam, alcohol is contraindicated during the entire course of the drug.

Conclusions and conclusion

In general, the drug in question is very known medicine, it has been used to treat patients for more than a dozen years. It is quite efficient and correct dosage does not cause any special side effects, except for drowsiness. But it is impossible to say at what exact number of single doses pronounced unwanted effects from Phenazepam. An overdose is also possible within the recommended 10 mg if you took the drug along with alcohol. Also, its effect depends on the age, health status and weight of the patient. Therefore, in no case should you take this medicine without the advice of a doctor, and also strictly follow his instructions. Usually, doctors calculate a single dose depending on the patient's complaints, as well as many other factors. Self-medication in this case can be life-threatening.

Phenazepam is a "complex" drug that must be taken with caution. It is undesirable to exceed the recommended dosages of phenazepam, so as not to provoke poisoning, side effects, addiction and drug dependence.

Doses of phenazepam according to the instructions

We will talk about tablets, since the drug is used in ampoules only in medical institutions. In an informational article for a wide range of readers, such distractions would be inappropriate.

For insomnia, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 0.5 mg 40-60 minutes before bedtime;

Neurosis, psychosis require the appointment of the drug at a dosage of 0.5-1 mg 2-3 times a day. Depending on the effect, it can be increased;

With fear, anxiety (which may also be accompanied by sleep disturbances), the daily dose of phenazepam for a person is 3 mg, followed by an increase;

Treatment of epilepsy, withdrawal syndrome requires even higher dosages;

Maximum dose phenazepam per day - 10 mg.

What affects the dose of the drug?

If you read the annotation to the drug, you will understand why it is worth limiting the dosage of sleeping pills. It has a lot of negative, side effects and contraindications, it is addictive and addictive. But what if usual dose taking phenazepam does not work?

Decide why this is happening.

1. Different people have different drug sensitivities.

Its effectiveness does not depend on body weight or age, it's all about sensitivity to active ingredient. Sometimes it happens that the dosage prescribed by the doctor does not work on a person with insomnia. This is usually noticeable from the very beginning of the reception.

2. Over time, addiction develops.

Another situation: at first phenazepam helped, and then stopped. The body begins to require a larger dose of phenazepam to have some effect! With the regular use of tablets, addiction inevitably occurs. The sensitivity of the receptors that perceive the drug is reduced, and the action standard doses Same.

How to choose a dose so that there are no consequences

1. Take this medicine only as directed by your doctor.

Hopefully you know this by default. Only a doctor understands all the details of your condition, knows what initial dose to prescribe, whether it is worth increasing it and by how much.

2. Increase the dosage gradually.

If a person takes phenazepam for insomnia, he should not have such a situation: he took a pill - did not wait for the effect - he took one or two more. The dosage is increased according to the doctor's recommendation and gradually, not abruptly!

3. You can not take phenazepam constantly.

The allowable duration of admission is 2 weeks. IN rare cases take longer. But it is optimal to take any sleeping pill as needed (occasionally) and no more than 8 times a month.

If you feel that you will fall asleep yourself, you should not take phenazepam as a means of preventing insomnia. Try to restrain yourself! This will slow down the decrease in sensitivity to the drug and prevent addiction from developing.

4. Be prepared to stop taking the drug.

You don't have to get attached to pills. Do not allow the belief that they are necessary for your sleep, and without them you will not fall asleep. Dependence is easily developed from phenazepam, it is not necessary to encourage it by constant replenishment of stocks, it is not necessary to keep the drug on the nightstand all the time. Think of it as just a temporary help that you can walk away from at any time.

5. Make sure you need phenazepam.

A lot of people take the drug without indications. Especially those who use it for sleep. It must be remembered that sleeping pills do not fight the cause of insomnia, which means that they simply suppress the symptom, but do not eliminate the problem.

The only drug that eliminates the cause of insomnia is Melaxen. It contains the sleep hormone melatonin, which helps to restore sleep and restore rhythms in circadian insomnia (sleep disorders caused by the wrong regimen).

The drug is very effective for insomnia due to shift schedule, jet lag, or sleep disturbances on weekends. It helps from the first days, does not cause addiction and dependence, is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Sign up for a somnologist

Phenazepam is the first one that was developed by Soviet pharmacists. Its task is to influence the central nervous system in order to help it cope with various critical situations. Phenazepam relieves any emotional stress, whether it be fear, panic or anxiety, depression or depression. It is able to put a person to sleep or reduce the degree of his irritability, relax the muscles of the body and neutralize convulsions.

However, this medicine can negatively affect a person's memory, as well as cause a number of other side effects, so before taking it, you need to figure out how Phenazepam works.

The action of the drug

The action of Phenazepam is due to the work of the main substance of the same name, which depresses the nervous system, suppresses nerve impulses inhibits physical and emotional responses to stimuli external environment. As a result, emotional balance and deep sleep return to the person.

The drug is taken orally in the form of tablets, and is also administered intramuscularly - by injection, and intravenously - through droppers. Phenazepam begins to act approximately 30 minutes after ingestion, but it will be excreted from the body for quite a long time - within a few days.

Indications for the use of Phenazepam

It is believed that Phenazepam is very popular among drug addicts because of its relaxing properties. Doctors confirm that the drug is indeed included in the group narcotic substances and can be harmful if taken inappropriately. medical indications and in violation of the norms of dosage. Meanwhile, there are clear instructions on the topic of what helps Phenazepam.

This medicine is indicated for the following psycho-physiological problems:

  • trouble falling asleep, as well as restless, interrupted sleep;
  • suspiciousness, including in relation to the state of one's health, expressed in an extreme degree;
  • unstable mood for no apparent reason, irritability, anxiety, unreasonable fear, phobias, psychoses and other neurotic conditions;
  • nervous tics and movements;
  • various types of disorders against the background of refusal to drink alcohol.

Doctors also traditionally prescribe Phenazepam for depression and other mental disorders.

The consequences of the use of Phenazepam

Phenazepam is a drug strong action. Its dosage, as well as the duration of use, must be strictly controlled, otherwise the consequences of using Phenazepam will affect both the physical and the psychological state patient. However, even with strict adherence to medical advice people taking Phenazepam may experience unhealthy manifestations in the form of:

  • drowsiness;
  • hallucinations;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • change of emotions - from positive to initial stage taking the drug to negative in the future;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • memory impairment;
  • addiction, which develops into addiction, against the background of which nervous disorders can occur.

It turns out that the incorrect use of Phenazepam will lead to consequences that the patient once wanted to get rid of. That is, what Phenazepam affects, it can both cure and destroy with new force. The task of doctors and the patient is not to fall into this vicious circle.

Attention! We must not forget about serious consequences medication in the form lethal outcome, which is possible if you combine it with alcohol.

If the patient nevertheless violated the regimen, and the body got used to Phenazepam, then it is recommended to cancel the drug in stationary conditions under medical supervision.

Side effects from taking Phenazepam

Side effects of Phenazepam are quite unpredictable. The probability and degree of their manifestation are individual and depend on the neuropsychological state of each patient. Listed negative reactions organisms are:

  • decreased concentration, coupled with drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • muscle weakness;
  • confused consciousness and disorientation in space;
  • low blood clotting;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea and loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • skin rashes;
  • problems in the liver and kidneys;
  • increase in body temperature.

Important! An overdose of the drug leads to violations of speech, motor, respiratory and muscle functions.

Contraindications for the use of Phenazepam

Due to the fact that the drug belongs to the category of potent, it is not suitable for all patients. Phenazepam contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age - up to 18 years;
  • muscle weakness;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • shock or coma;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

It is very carefully recommended to prescribe the drug to the elderly. Reviews about the use of the drug are contradictory. Among its merits is its affordable price, among the disadvantages - the risk of addiction and inhibited state during treatment. How to take Phenazepam correctly and whether it is worth doing it - the doctor will tell you. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can lead to negative consequences for good health.

The page contains instructions for use Phenazepam. It is available in various dosage forms drug (tablets 0.5 mg, 1 mg and 2.5 mg), and also has a number of analogues. This annotation has been verified by experts. Leave your feedback about the use of Phenazepam, which will help other visitors to the site. The drug is used for various diseases(neurosis, psychosis, epilepsy). The tool has a number of side effects and features of interaction with other substances. Doses of the drug differ for adults and children. There are restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Treatment with Phenazepam can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. The duration of therapy may vary and depends on specific disease. The interaction of the drug with alcohol and the control of dispensing from pharmacies (with or without a prescription).

Instructions for use and dosing regimen

The drug is prescribed inside.

A single dose of Phenazepam is usually 0.5-1 mg, and for sleep disorders - 0.25-0.5 mg 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

For the treatment of neurotic, psychopathic, neurosis-like and psychopathic conditions, the initial dose is 0.5-1 mg 2-3 times a day. After 2-4 days, taking into account the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug, the dose can be increased to 4-6 mg per day, the morning and afternoon dose is 0.5-1 mg, at night - 2.5 mg.

With severe agitation, fear, anxiety, treatment begins with a dose of 3 mg per day, rapidly increasing the dose until therapeutic effect.

In the treatment of epilepsy, the dose is 2-10 mg per day.

For treatment alcohol withdrawal prescribed at a dose of 2.5-5 mg per day.

IN neurological practice in diseases with high muscle tone the drug is prescribed 2-3 mg 1 or 2 times a day.

The average daily dose of Phenazepam is 1.5-5 mg, it is divided into 3 or 2 doses, usually 0.5-1 mg in the morning and afternoon and up to 2.5 mg at night. The maximum daily dose is 10 mg.

To avoid development drug addiction, at course treatment the duration of the use of phenazepam, like other benzodiazepines, is 2 weeks. But in some cases, the duration of treatment can be increased up to 2 months. When the drug is discontinued, the dose is reduced gradually.

Release forms

Tablets 0.5 mg, 1 mg and 2.5 mg.

Solution for injections 1 mg/ml.

Phenazepam- has a pronounced anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, central muscle relaxant and hypnotic effect.

It enhances the inhibitory effect of GABA in the central nervous system by increasing the sensitivity of GABA receptors to the mediator as a result of stimulation of benzodiazepine receptors, reduces the excitability of the subcortical structures of the brain, and inhibits polysynaptic spinal reflexes.


When taken orally, the drug is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Metabolized in the liver. Excretion of the drug is mainly carried out through the kidneys.


  • in various neurotic, neurosis-like psychopathic, psychopathic and other conditions accompanied by anxiety, fear, increased irritability, tension, emotional lability;
  • with reactive psychoses;
  • with hypochondriacal-senestopathic syndrome (including those resistant to the action of other tranquilizers);
  • at autonomic dysfunctions and sleep disorders;
  • for the prevention of fear and emotional stress;
  • How anticonvulsant the drug is used to treat patients with temporal and myoclonic epilepsy;
  • in neurological practice, phenazepam is used to treat hyperkinesis and tics, muscle rigidity, autonomic lability.


  • myasthenia gravis;
  • severe violations of the liver and kidneys;
  • tranquilizer poisoning, antipsychotics(neuroleptics), sleeping pills, drugs, ethyl alcohol;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

With caution - old age.

special instructions

It is necessary to use the drug with caution in elderly and debilitated patients.

Frequency and character side effects depend on individual sensitivity, dose and duration of treatment. With a decrease in doses or discontinuation of phenazepam, side effects disappear.

Similar to other benzodiazepines. has the potential to induce drug dependence long-term use in high doses (more than 4 mg per day). With a sudden cessation of administration, withdrawal syndrome (depression, irritability, insomnia, increased sweating), especially with long-term use (more than 8-12 weeks).

The drug enhances the effect of alcohol, so the use of alcoholic beverages during treatment with phenazepam is not recommended.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Phenazepam is contraindicated during work for drivers of transport and other persons performing work that requires quick reactions and precise movements.

Side effect

  • impaired memory, concentration, coordination of movements (especially at high doses);
  • drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • ataxia;
  • possibly paradoxical arousal;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • decreased libido;
  • dysuria;
  • addiction (drug addiction);
  • skin rash, itching.

drug interaction

Phenazepam is compatible with other drugs that cause CNS depression (hypnotics, anticonvulsants, neuroleptics), however, with complex application it is necessary to take into account the mutual reinforcement of their action.

Reduces the effectiveness of levodopa in patients with parkinsonism.

May increase zidovudine toxicity.

Inhibitors of microsomal oxidation increase the risk of developing toxic effects.

Increases the concentration of imipramine in the blood serum.

Antihypertensive drugs can increase the severity of lowering blood pressure.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

Analogues medicinal product Phenazepam

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Tranquezipam;
  • Phezaneth;
  • Fezipam;
  • Phenorelaxan;
  • Elzepam.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use:

pharmachologic effect

Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer that has anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, central muscle relaxant and sedative action. The tranquilizing and anti-anxiety effect is superior in strength to Phenazepam's analogues. It also has anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. The anxiolytic effect of the drug is expressed in a decrease in emotional stress, weakening fear, anxiety and anxiety.

According to the received reviews, Phenazepam has practically no effect on affective, hallucinatory and acute delusional disorders.

Dosage of Phenazepam and instructions for use

Intramuscularly and intravenously: for the rapid relief of psychomotor agitation, anxiety, fear, as well as in psychotic conditions and vegetative paroxysms - an initial dose of up to 1 mg, average dose per day -3-5 mg, maximum - 7-9 mg.

Oral: for sleep disorders, 250 to 500 micrograms, 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime. In the treatment of psychopathic, neurotic, psycho-like and neurosis-like conditions, the first dose is up to 1 mg, 2-3 times a day. Dosage may be increased after 2-4 days, if present positive effect, up to 4-6 mg per day. With severe fear, agitation, anxiety, the first dose is 3 mg per day, with a rapid increase until a therapeutic effect is achieved. In the treatment of epilepsy, 2-10 mg per day. In the treatment of diseases with muscle hypertonicity, 2-3 mg of the drug is taken 1-2 times a day. The maximum dose is 10 mg / day.

In order to avoid acquiring dependence on Phenazepam, the instructions recommend that the course of therapy should not last more than two weeks. In exceptional cases, it is possible to increase the duration of the course up to 2 months. Dosage reduction should be gradual.

Indications for the use of Phenazepam

Phenazepam is indicated for neurotic, neurosis-like, psychopathic and psycho-like conditions. With reactive psychoses, senesto-hypochondriac disorders, insomnia, alcoholism, substance abuse, status epilepticus, epileptic seizures.

For the treatment of muscle rigidity, hyperkinesis, athetosis, tics, autonomic lability.

Contraindications to the use of Phenazepam

  • coma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • severe form of depression;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • analgesic poisoning or acute poisoning alcohol;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • children under 18;
  • with lactation;
  • intolerance to benzodiazepines.

special instructions

Caution is required when using Phenazepam in patients with hepatic or kidney failure, persons prone to abuse psychoactive substances, with organic brain damage, elderly patients.

Like analogues, Phenazepam can cause drug dependence when long-term therapy large doses. During treatment with Phenazepam, the use of ethanol is strictly prohibited. There are no reviews on the treatment of persons under 18 years of age with Phenazepam, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has not been established. Phenazepam has an effect on concentration, so special care is required when driving vehicles for people receiving Phenazepam treatment.

Overdose of Phenazepam

Symptoms of an overdose of Phenazepam: decreased reflexes, drowsiness, tremor, nystagmus, prolonged dysarthria, shortness of breath or shortness of breath, bradycardia, coma, decreased blood pressure.

Interaction of Phenazepam with other drugs

According to reviews, Phenazepam reduces the effectiveness of levodopa in patients with Parkinson's disease. Phenazepam increases the toxicity of zidovudine.

A mutual enhancement of the effect was noted when combined with antipsychotic, antiepileptic and sleeping pills, as well as with central muscle relaxants, narcotic analgesics and ethanol.

When combined with antihypertensive agents, it is possible to enhance their action. At simultaneous reception clozapine may cause respiratory depression.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Phenazepam by pregnant women is permissible only for vital signs. The drug has toxic effect on the fetus, increasing the risk of developing birth defects, when used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The use of Phenazepam for more than later dates causes central depression in the newborn nervous system. Regular use during pregnancy may develop addiction and withdrawal symptoms in the newborn.

The use of Phenazepam during childbirth, or immediately before them, may be the cause of the newborn: respiratory depression, hypothermia and hypotension.

Side effects of Phenazepam

From the side of the central and peripheral nervous system: in the first days of admission (especially in elderly patients) - a feeling of fatigue, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, decreased concentration, disorientation, slow reactions; rarely - depression, euphoria, headache, tremor, impaired coordination, memory impairment, uncontrolled movements, asthenia, dysarthria, myasthenia gravis, epileptic seizures(in patients with epilepsy); extremely rare - aggressive outbursts, fear, psychomotor agitation, suicidal tendencies, muscle spasms, hallucinations, irritability, agitation, insomnia, anxiety.

From the circulatory system: leukopenia, agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia.

From the side digestive system: heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.

Possible allergic reactions in the form of itching or skin rash.

Other possible reactions: like its analogues, Phenazepam causes drug dependence, lowering blood pressure; rarely - visual impairment, tachycardia. With a sharp cancellation or dose reduction - the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome.



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