Cefazolin for pneumonia in adults dose. Directions for use and dosage

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Medicine Cefazolin is antibiotic belonging to the first generation of the group cephalosporins. Cefazolin is administered only by injection, since when taken orally (in the form of tablets) it is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, without having time to be absorbed into the blood and have an antibacterial effect. The antibiotic has a wide spectrum of action, so it can be used to treat various infections caused by microbes sensitive to it. Cefazolin is used to treat organs of almost all systems, for example, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, skin, joints, etc.

Release forms and name

The antibiotic Cefazolin is available only in the form of a dry powder intended for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration. The powder is packaged in glass bottles and hermetically sealed.

In Latin, the name of the drug is written as follows - cefazolin, which is the international name of the antibiotic. Commercial names may differ from international ones, since each pharmaceutical company can produce a drug with the active ingredient cefazolin, but give it a memorable and simple name. For example, the antibiotic cefazolin is produced under the following commercial names - Amzolin, Ancef, Atralcef, Vulmizolin, Zolin, Zolfin, Intrazolin, Ifizol, Kefzol, Lizolin, Natsef, etc. However, there are antibiotics whose name coincides with the international name of the substance, for example, Cefazolin-AKOS, Cefazolin-Sandoz, etc. All of the listed drugs are the same - the antibiotic cefazolin, which is used as a standard, regardless of the name and manufacturer. Only the quality of the drug itself, produced by different pharmaceutical factories, may differ.


Today, various pharmaceutical concerns produce Cefazolin in the following dosages:
  • 250 mg;
  • 500 mg;
  • 1 g (1000 mg).
This is exactly how much (250, 500 or 1000) milligrams of powder are in one bottle.

Therapeutic effects and spectrum of action of Cefazolin

Cefazolin belongs to the semisynthetic antibiotics from the group of beta-lactams. These antibiotics kill pathogenic bacteria by destroying their cell wall. Cefazolin is capable of destroying many types of microorganisms, therefore it is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Compared to other drugs from the group of first-generation cephalosporins, it is the safest drug because it has minimal toxicity.

The main and main therapeutic effect of Cefazolin is the destruction of the pathogenic microorganism that caused the infectious-inflammatory disease. Accordingly, the drug effectively cures infections and inflammations caused by microbes, on which Cefazolin has a detrimental effect.

To date, Cefazolin is effective against the following pathogenic microorganisms:

  • Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus);
  • Epidermal staphylococcus (Staphylococcus epidermidis);
  • Beta-hemolytic streptococci from group A;
  • Pyogenic streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes);
  • Diplococcus pneumoniae;
  • Hemolytic streptococcus (Streptococcus hemolyticus);
  • Viridal streptococcus (Streptococcus viridans);
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Klebsiella spp.;
  • Proteus (Proteus mirabilis);
  • Enterobacter aerogenes;
  • Haemophilus influenzae (Haemophilus influenzae);
  • Salmonella (Salmonella spp.);
  • Shigella (Shigella disenteriae, etc.);
  • Neisseria (Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis);
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae;
  • The causative agent of anthrax (Bacillus anthracis);
  • Clostridia (Clostridium pertringens);
  • Spirochetes (Spirochaetoceae);
  • Treponema (Treponema spp.);
  • Leptospira spp.
This means that Cefazolin is able to cure infection of any organ caused by the above pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, due to the frequent and unjustified use of antibiotics, their spectrum of action is steadily decreasing as resistant types of microorganisms emerge. Therefore, after 5 years, this list of bacteria on which Cefazolin has a detrimental effect may change significantly.

The antibiotic does not act on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, viruses, fungi and protozoan microorganisms (Trichomonas, chlamydia, etc.).

Indications for use

Due to the fact that Cefazolin has a detrimental effect on many pathogenic microorganisms, it is used to treat infections of various organs. Today, the indications for the use of Cefazolin are the following infectious and inflammatory diseases:
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • infected bronchiectasis;
  • pneumonia caused by bacteria (not fungi or viruses);
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • chest infections that developed after surgery (for example, after puncture, etc.);
  • pleural empyema;
  • lung abscess;
  • acute and chronic pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • skin infections;
  • carbuncles;
  • infected gangrene;
  • infection on a wound or burn surface;
  • skin or soft tissue infection after surgery;
  • eye infection;
  • septic arthritis;
  • biliary tract infections;
  • infection after abortion;
  • uterine infection;
  • pelvic abscess;
  • peritonitis.
The above pathologies can be successfully cured with Cefazolin. However, the antibiotic can also be used to prevent the development of infection before and after surgery during removal of the uterus, gallbladder, heart surgery, bones and joints.

Cefazolin injections - instructions for use

Cefazolin is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, after dissolving the required dose of powder in water, lidocaine or novocaine. The dosage and frequency of Cefazolin injections are determined by the severity of the person’s condition and the potential risk of infection.

Injections are given in parts of the body where the muscle layer is well developed, for example, in the thigh, shoulder, buttock, etc. Cefazolin can be administered intravenously in the form of injections or droppers.

The powder should be diluted in the dosage required by the person. For example, if you need to administer 0.5 g, then take a bottle with the appropriate dosage of Cefazolin powder. You cannot take a 1g bottle and split it in half to get a 500mg dose. But to get a dose of 1 g, you can take two bottles of 500 mg or four bottles of 250 mg.

Intravenous injections Cefazolin in a dosage of less than 1 g is administered as a slow injection. The solution is injected into a vein over 3 to 5 minutes. If Cefazolin is administered intravenously in a dosage of more than 1 g, then a dropper should be used. In this case, the antibiotic solution is administered for at least 30 minutes.

Antibiotic solutions must be prepared immediately before use. A high-quality solution must be transparent and not contain any impurities, suspended particles, sediment or turbidity. A slight yellowish tint of the finished solution is allowed, which is normal and does not indicate deterioration of the drug. If the resulting solution is not transparent, it cannot be used. It is also not allowed to use a solution prepared in advance. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to store the prepared solution in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.

The dosage of Cefazolin is determined by the severity of the pathology. Adults without kidney failure should receive the following antibiotic dosages:
1. Mild infections caused by cocci (staphylococci, streptococci) require the use of Cefazolin at a dose of 500 mg - 1 g every 12 hours. 500 mg can be administered every 8 hours. The maximum daily dose is 1.5 – 2 g.
2. Acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections (urethritis, cystitis, etc.) - Cefazolin is administered 1 g every 12 hours. The daily dose of antibiotic is 2 g.
3. Pneumonia caused by pneumococci requires the administration of Cefazolin 500 mg every 12 hours. The daily dosage of the antibiotic is 1 g.
4. Severe or moderate infections require the use of Cefazolin 500 mg - 1 g every 6 - 8 hours. The daily dose is 3 – 4 g.
5. Life-threatening infections are treated by administering 1 - 1.5 g of Cefazolin every 6 hours. In this case, a person receives 4–6 g of antibiotic per day.

It is possible to increase the dosage of Cefazolin to 12 g per day in case of a person’s serious condition, when there is a question of life and death. Elderly people without renal impairment receive Cefazolin at the usual adult dosage.

To prepare a solution for intramuscular injection, 2–3 ml of sterile water, 0.5% Lidocaine or 2% Novocaine are injected into a bottle with powder. After which the bottle is shaken vigorously until the powder is completely dissolved and a clear liquid is formed.

For intravenous injection, Cefazolin powder is dissolved in sterile water. In this case, at least 10 ml of water is needed to ensure the administration of the drug within 3 to 5 minutes. It is allowed to dilute the antibiotic in at least 4 ml of water per 1 g of powder.

A solution for intravenous infusion (dropper) is prepared using 100 - 150 ml of the main solvent. The following drugs are used as a solvent:

  • sterile saline solution;
  • 5% or 10% glucose solution;
  • glucose solution in saline;
  • glucose solution in Ringer's solution;
  • 5% or 10% fructose solution in water for injection;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • 5% sodium bicarbonate solution.
Most often, intramuscular injections of Cefazolin are used at home. Therefore, we will consider in detail how to properly dilute the powder in solutions of the anesthetics Lidocaine and Novocaine.

Cefazolin with Novocaine and Cefazolin with Lidocaine - how to dilute?

To dilute Cefazolin powder you will need 2% Novocaine or 0.5% Lidocaine, which are sold in pharmacies in sealed ampoules. You will also need sterile syringes. Method for preparing a solution of Cefazolin on Novocaine or Lidocaine for intramuscular administration:
1. Carefully file and break off the tip of the ampoule with 2% Novocaine solution or 0.5% Lidocaine.
2. Open the sterile syringe, put on the needle and lower it into the ampoule with Novocaine or Lidocaine.
3. You need to draw the amount of Novocaine or Lidocaine into a syringe (2 or 4 ml).
4. Remove the syringe from the ampoule with Novocaine or Lidocaine.
5. Remove the metal cap from the bottle of Cefazolin powder.
6. Pierce the rubber cap of the bottle with Cefazolin with the syringe needle.
7. Carefully squeeze out the entire contents of the syringe into the bottle of powder.
8. Without removing the syringe, shake the bottle until the powder is completely dissolved.
9. Draw the prepared solution into a syringe.
10. Remove the syringe from the rubber stopper and turn it upside down with the needle.
11. Tap the surface of the syringe with your finger in the direction from the piston to the needle so that air bubbles collect at the base.
12. Press the plunger of the syringe to release the air.
13. Give an intramuscular injection.

The amount of Lidocaine or Novocaine is determined by the dosage of Cefazolin. To dilute 500 mg of Cefazolin, you will need 2 ml of Novocaine or Lidocaine solution. And to dilute 1 g of Cefazolin, you need 4 ml of Novocaine or Lidocaine.

Cefazolin injections - instructions for use for children

Cefazolin in infants can only be used if there is an urgent need and the child’s life is at risk. In this case, the antibiotic is used only under the supervision of a doctor.

The dosage of Cefazolin in children is determined by the severity of the pathology and the child’s body weight. It is by weight that the daily dose of the antibiotic is calculated, which is divided into 2 to 4 administrations. If the child suffers from renal failure, then the dosage is also affected by the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), determined according to the Rehberg test.

Dosages of Cefazolin for children who do not suffer from kidney pathology are as follows:

  • For mild and moderate infections, the daily dosage is calculated at the rate of 25–50 mg of antibiotic per 1 kg of child’s weight. The resulting amount is divided into 2 - 4 administrations per day.
  • For severe infections, the dosage is calculated at the rate of 100 mg of Cefazolin per 1 kg of child’s weight. The calculated daily dosage is divided into 3 to 4 administrations.
  • Newborns and premature infants weighing less than 2 kg receive Cefazolin in a single dose of 20 mg per 1 kg, every 12 hours. That is, the daily dose of antibiotic is 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
  • For children over 7 days old and weighing more than 2 kg, the daily dose of the drug is determined at the rate of 60 mg per 1 kg of weight.
In newborns and children under 1 month of age, the elimination rate of Cefazolin is low, so it is not recommended to exceed the recommended dosage.

If a child suffers from renal failure, then the algorithm for determining the dosage of Cefazolin is as follows:
1. Calculate the dose based on body weight, as for a child who does not suffer from kidney pathology.
2. Perform the Rehberg test and assess creatinine clearance.
3. Calculate the dose of Cefazolin that can be administered to the child according to the ratios shown in the table:

However, the first dose of Cefazolin is administered completely to children suffering from renal failure. And then all subsequent ones are reduced to the required amount, depending on creatinine clearance.

Cefazolin injections for children - how to dilute?

For children, Cefazolin injections should be diluted exclusively with solutions of Novocaine or Lidocaine. Moreover, it is better to choose the anesthetic that has the best analgesic effect in this particular child. In most cases, Lidocaine has a more pronounced analgesic effect, so it is recommended to use this particular drug to prepare Cefazolin solution for injections. If possible, you can give the child one injection of Cefazolin with Novocaine, and one with Lidocaine, so that the baby himself can evaluate which solution has the best analgesic effect.

Cefazolin powder for intramuscular injections for children is diluted immediately before use. An antibiotic dose of less than 500 mg is diluted in 2 ml of Novocaine or Lidocaine. A dose of more than 500 mg requires 4 ml of Lidocaine or Novocaine. The sequence of actions for diluting Cefazolin is as follows:
1. Open the ampoule with Lidocaine or Novocaine, dip the tip of the syringe needle into the solution.
2. Take the required amount of solution - 2 or 4 ml of Novocaine or Lidocaine.
3. Pierce the cap of the bottle with Cefazolin powder with a needle.
4. Pour Novocaine or Lidocaine into the bottle and, without removing the needle, vigorously mix the contents to obtain a solution.
5. Carefully draw the entire contents of the bottle into the syringe.
6. Remove the syringe from the bottle and give an intramuscular injection.

Use during pregnancy

Cefazolin penetrates the placenta and affects the fetus, so the antibiotic during pregnancy can only be used if there are absolute indications, when there is a threat to the life of the mother. To date, it is not clear exactly what effect Cefazolin has on the fetus, therefore, when deciding whether to use an antibiotic in pregnant women, it is necessary to carefully weigh the possible risk/expected benefit ratio.

To date, Cefazolin has only been tested in pregnant rats. Moreover, the drug in large doses did not cause a teratogenic effect, that is, it did not lead to the formation of congenital deformities of the fetus. However, for obvious reasons, such controlled studies have not been conducted in pregnant women.

Cefazolin also passes into breast milk, although there it is detected in small concentrations. However, if it is necessary to use it during breastfeeding, the child should be switched to artificial formula for the duration of treatment.

How to inject the antibiotic Cefazolin?

Cefazolin should be administered intramuscularly only to those parts of the body where a person has a well-developed muscle layer. Usually this is the front and side of the thigh, buttocks, shoulders or abdominals. Since the injection is very painful, and a lump often forms at the injection site, it is recommended to change the injection areas one by one. For example, one injection is placed in the buttock, the second in the thigh, the third in the shoulder, and the fourth in the abdominals. Then they start again with the buttock, and so alternate the injection sites for Cefazolin until the very end of the course of treatment.

The intramuscular injection should be done slowly - over at least 3 - 5 minutes, gradually introducing the medicine. The needle should be inserted deep into the muscle so that the medicine does not enter the subcutaneous fatty tissue. After administration of Cefazolin, you should not heat the injection site, as this may lead to the development of aseptic inflammation. When performing Cefazolin injections, the general requirements for performing these medical procedures should be observed:
1. Treat the injection site with an antiseptic (70% alcohol, etc.).
2. Use only a sterile syringe with a sterile needle.
3. Release the air from the syringe with the prepared solution.
4. Position the needle vertically to the surface of the skin and insert it deep into the muscle.
5. Slowly press the plunger, injecting the medicine over 3 to 5 minutes.
6. After injecting the entire solution, remove the needle, holding it by the edge placed on the syringe.
7. Treat the injection site with an antiseptic.

Many people use intravenous needles for intramuscular injections of Cefazolin (especially for children), trying to reduce pain. However, this cannot be done, since a thin needle for intravenous injections quite often slips out and goes deep into the muscles, remaining there for many years and causing discomfort to the person. Surgeons often encounter similar phenomena when they have to remove syringe needles from buttocks and thighs that broke off and went into the “muscle” several years ago. In addition, the use of a thinner needle does not reduce the pain of Cefazolin administration.

How much to inject Cefazolin?

The duration of use of Cefazolin depends on the severity of the infection and the speed of recovery. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days. Cefazolin injections should not be used for less than 5 or more than 15 days, since in this case there is a high risk of developing types of microorganisms resistant to the antibiotic. These resistant microorganisms can re-cause an infection that will have to be treated again, only with the use of another, even stronger antibiotic. Unfortunately, there is a high risk that the microorganism may be resistant to another antibiotic. In this case, the prognosis for life is unfavorable, since there are very few antibiotics in the world that can cope with resistant microbes. And if they do not help, then you can only count on the immunity of the sick person.

That is why the use of antibiotics, including Cefazolin, must be taken responsibly. You should not give up injections as soon as a person feels better, considering the treatment to be completed. At least 5 days of Cefazolin injections must be given, overcoming pain and reluctance. This is especially true for children. After all, a child can “acquire” resistant types of microbes faster and easier than an adult, which will constantly cause infections that are difficult to treat.

Side effects

For the most part, the side effects of Cefazolin concern the gastrointestinal tract, or are limited to hypersensitivity. If a person suffers from hypersensitivity to any other medications, then the risk of developing it to Cefazolin is also high. In addition, hypersensitivity to the antibiotic relatively often develops in people who are prone to allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, urea rash and creatinine in the blood according to laboratory tests. When using large doses of antibiotics, the functional activity of the kidneys may be impaired. In this case, the dosage of Cefazolin is reduced, and further treatment is carried out under constant monitoring of the concentration of urea and creatinine in the blood.

Local reactions. The main local reaction is severe pain when the antibiotic is administered. In some cases, a lump may form at the injection site. In rare cases, intravenous administration of an antibiotic can trigger the development of phlebitis.

Other organs and systems. Cefazolin can lead to the development of side effects such as dizziness, a feeling of constriction in the chest, convulsions, dysbacteriosis, the addition of another infection, candidiasis (candidal stomatitis or vaginitis). If candidiasis develops or another infection occurs, it is necessary to decide on the further advisability of using Cefazolin.


If you are allergic to any other antibiotics from the cephalosporin group, Cefazolin is strictly prohibited for use. If a person is allergic to penicillin antibiotics, then Cefazolin is administered carefully, having prepared a kit to combat anaphylactic shock, since there is cross-allergenicity between these two groups of drugs.

The antibiotic is also contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Cefazolin is not administered to infants under 1 month of age, since there is no scientifically proven data on its safety for newborns.


Today, the antibiotic Cefazolin is produced under different names, but all these drugs are synonymous because they contain the same active ingredient. All synonyms of Cefazolin are a powder intended for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration. The following synonyms of Cefazolin are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:
  • Amzolin;
  • Anceph;
  • Atralcef;
  • Vulmizoline;
  • Zolin;
  • Zolfin;
  • Intrazolin;
  • Ifizol;
  • Kefzol;
  • Lysolin;
  • Natsef;
  • Orizolin;
  • Orpin;
  • Prozoline;
  • Reflin;
  • Totacef;
  • Cesolin;
  • Cefazolin-Biochemi;
  • Cefazolin-Watham;
  • Cefazolin-KMP;
  • Cefazolin Nycomed;
  • Cefazolin-Sandoz;
  • Cefazolin-Teva;
  • Cefazolin-Elfa;
  • Cefazolin-AKOS;
  • Cefazolin-Ferein;
  • Cefazolin sodium;
  • Cefamezine;
  • Cefaprim;
  • Cefezol;
  • Cefzolin;
  • Cefopride.
Analogues of the drug Cefazolin include only antibiotics from the group of first generation cephalosporins, which are intended for oral or injection use. That is, analogues are antibiotics that have the same spectrum of action as Cefazolin and belong to the same group and the same generation. Analogues of Cefazolin include the following drugs:
  • Cephalexin granules, capsules, powder and tablets;
  • Cephalothin powder;
  • Ecocephron capsules.

Cefazolin is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of activity. The medication is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases in patients of older and younger age categories. The medicine destroys pathogenic microorganisms, inhibits their further development, and as a result, the child recovers.

Cefazolin helps fight inflammatory diseases of the respiratory, digestive, genitourinary and skeletal systems. The effect of the drug is due to the properties of the components that make up it. During treatment, it is important to follow the treatment regimen and the rules for using the injection solution.

Description of the pharmaceutical form

Cefazolin is an antibiotic that is a member of the cephalsporins. The medicine goes on sale in the form of a white powder with a yellowish tint. Before use, it is mixed with a solvent. The powder is packaged in glass bottles with a volume of 0.5, 1, 2 ml. For children, the drug is used in dosages of 0.5 and 1 ml.

The drug consists of a single component - cefazolin in the form of sodium salt.

A semi-synthetic antibiotic destroys pathogens by destroying their cell membrane. Cefazolin has a wide spectrum of activity and therefore kills different types of bacteria. The medication is the least toxic cephalsporin antibiotic.

The drug destroys harmful microorganisms that provoke infectious and inflammatory diseases. The medication is active against staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus, enterobacteria, salmonella, etc.

Thus, Cefazolin allows you to cure all diseases caused by pathogenic microflora. An antibacterial drug is used to prevent infectious diseases before and after operations on various organs.

The medication is poorly absorbed into the walls of the digestive tract when administered orally, and therefore it is injected into the muscle and vein. The antibiotic begins to act 60–120 minutes after administration. The drug is excreted unchanged through the kidneys.


As indicated in the instructions for use, Cefazolin injections are prescribed to children for the following diseases:

  • Infectious lesions of the biliary tract (cholecystitis);
  • Urogenital infections (inflammation of the kidneys, bladder);
  • Abdominal infections (peritonitis);
  • Purulent infection of tissues or organs;
  • Infectious lesions of the skin and soft tissues (due to the penetration of microbes into burns, wounds, sutures after operations);
  • Inflammatory disease of the joints or bones (arthritis, osteomyelitis);
  • Sexual infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia);
  • Inflammation of the endocardium;
  • Infectious.

Before injecting Cefazolin into children, you should consult a doctor.

Application and dosage

If the child is under 1 month, the drug is used only when absolutely necessary. The dosage of the drug for children from 1 month to 15 years depends on body weight and severity of the disease. The standard daily dose is 20 to 50 mg/kg three or four times.

The drug is injected into a muscle or vein; it is prohibited to use it orally or intranasally.

The therapeutic effect appears 15 minutes after intravenous use. The drug continues to act for 2–4 hours. The active component destroys existing pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the formation of new bacteria.

After intramuscular administration, the therapeutic effect appears within an hour and lasts from 8 to 12 hours.

Solution preparation technology:

  1. 5 ml of Novocaine (1%) is taken into the syringe.
  2. Remove the protective foil from the neck of the bottle.
  3. A cotton swab is soaked in alcohol and the cap on the bottle is wiped.
  4. The Novocaine solution is injected into a bottle of powder.
  5. The solution is shaken until the powder is completely dissolved.
  6. The finished medicine is drawn into a syringe for injection.

The daily dose of the drug depends on the severity of the infection and the location of the inflammatory focus.

Cefazolin for children of the first year of life with infectious diseases of the respiratory organs or genitourinary system is given in the following dosage - from 25 to 50 mg/kg of total weight. This dosage is relevant for mild or moderate illnesses.

For purulent infection (for example, osteomyelitis), inflammation of the endocardium or lungs, the dose is increased - 100 ml/kg. The injection is given at intervals of 6–8 hours.

If kidney function is impaired, the doctor independently adjusts the dosage and frequency of administration of the drug.

Rules for using the solution:

  • Before administering the drug, the doctor performs a sensitivity test to cefazolin. To do this, the powder is diluted with novocaine and lidocaine.
  • The inner side of the forearm is lightly scratched, and 2-3 drops of medicine are applied to the damaged skin.
  • If there is no reaction after 10–25 minutes, then the antibiotic can be administered. If an allergy manifests itself in the form of redness or itching, you should discard the medication and select a suitable analogue.
  • For intramuscular use, the needle is inserted as deep as possible into the muscle of the buttock or shoulder.
  • For intravenous injections, the drug is slowly injected into the vein (over 3–5 minutes). Drip administration is carried out over 30 minutes.

The final dosage and treatment regimen are determined by the attending physician after diagnosis.

special instructions

The antibacterial drug should not be used if there is hypersensitivity to cefazolin. In addition, the drug should not be used for a child under 1 month old, weakened or premature infants.

With an unreasonable increase in dosage or the presence of hypersensitivity to cefazolin, negative reactions occur:

  • Allergies in the form of redness, swelling, itching of the skin, nettle fever.
  • The functionality of the liver is impaired.
  • Digestive disorders: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Long-term use disrupts the natural bacterial flora of the intestine. Due to dysbacteriosis, thrush or pseudomembranous colitis occurs.
  • Inflammation of blood vessels (when injected into a vein).
  • Pain at the injection site.

Less commonly, the activity of liver transaminases (liver enzymes) increases, anaphylaxis, joint pain, and Quincke's edema occur. In addition, tests can detect a decrease in the concentration of leukocytes, platelets, and neutrophils in the blood. In some patients, renal function is impaired as a result of taking the drug.

If too large a dose of the drug is administered intramuscularly, headaches, dizziness, and skin sensitivity are impaired (numbness, tingling).

If the child had kidney problems, then due to an overdose of an antibiotic, involuntary muscle spasms, vomiting, and increased heart rate occur.

Similar drugs

Cefazolin is a first generation cephalosporin antibacterial agent. Other representatives of this group:

  • Cephalothin is also marketed in powder form for injection. Prescribed for the treatment of infections of the urinary tract, respiratory organs, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, etc.
  • Ecocephron is an antibacterial agent based on cephalexin. Used to treat diseases of cephaloxin-sensitive microorganisms.
  • Cephalexin is available in the form of powder and capsules. Used to treat infections of the genitourinary, respiratory, ENT organs, etc.

These are analogues of Cefazolin, which have a similar mechanism of action.

Thus, Cefazolin is an effective antibiotic with a wide spectrum of activity that eliminates infectious diseases of various body systems (respiratory, genitourinary, cardiovascular, digestive, etc.). The medication is used only intravenously and intramuscularly. To avoid negative reactions in the child, parents must strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations regarding taking the drug.

First generation cephalosporin

Active substance

Cefazolin (as sodium salt)

Release form, composition and packaging

white or almost white.

Powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration

Glass bottles (1) - cardboard boxes.

Powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration from white to almost white.

Glass bottles (1) - cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

First generation cephalosporin antibiotic. Acts bactericidal.

special instructions

Patients with a history of allergic reactions to penicillins may have increased sensitivity to cephalosporin antibiotics.

WITH caution- renal failure.

Patients with renal dysfunction it is necessary to change the dosage regimen in accordance with the CC values: when CC 55 ml/min or more or when the plasma creatinine concentration is 1.5 mg% or less, the full dose can be administered; with CC 54-35 ml/min or plasma creatinine concentrations of 1.6-3.0 mg%, the full dose can be administered, but the intervals between injections must be increased to 8 hours; with CC 34-11 ml/min or plasma creatinine concentration 3.1-4.5 mg% - 1/2 dose at intervals of 12 hours; at CC 10 ml/min or less or with a plasma creatinine concentration of 4.6 mg% or more - 1/2 the usual dose every 18-24 hours. All recommended doses are administered after an initial loading dose of 500 mg.

For liver dysfunction

WITH caution- liver failure.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

The group of drugs called cephalosporins refers to semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics, which can be injected even into children older than one month. The most famous representative of the first generation of cephalosporins is Cefazolin.

The cephalosporin group has been known since 1962 and at one time was in demand against infectious diseases caused by the action of gram-positive microorganisms, in particular typhoid fever, which was then widespread. The antibiotic Cefazolin is outdated and is practically not used in global medical practice. The lag in medication time is due to three factors:

  • More than 50 years of successful use have not been in vain - evolution continues and the vast majority of modern bacterial strains have developed full or partial resistance to the active substance.
  • Each antibiotic acts aggressively towards the body. This is a doubly fair remark for first-generation drugs. The high toxicity of Cefazolin is manifested in the presence of serious side effects that complicate the process of prescribing the drug as injections or nasal drops.
  • Already in the 70s, representatives of the further development of the cephalosporin series appeared - Ceftazidime and the like. Each of the above antibiotics solves a greater number of problems, hitting targets that are invulnerable to Cefazolin, with fewer negative consequences for the patient.

The instructions define the only commercially possible form of the drug - a powder diluted for injection parenterally (intramuscularly) or intravenously.

Oral use is useless - when it comes into contact with gastric juice, the antibiotic instantly and irreversibly oxidizes, losing its medicinal properties. In advanced cases, a solution of cefazolin is prescribed for instillation into the nose for sinusitis, sinusitis, and similar severe inflammations. It is worth remembering the harm Cefazolin causes to children in general, and the antibiotic in the nose even to an adult, and use it only when absolutely necessary, strictly on the recommendation of an otolaryngologist (the so-called ear-nose-throat specialist).

Injecting Cefazolin is important in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, ears, nose, throat: bronchitis, tracheitis, purulent tonsillitis and pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pleural empyema and lung abscesses. The list includes sinusitis, otitis, mastoiditis, sinusitis and the like.
  • The wide bioavailability of the drug (the ability to penetrate into various organs and tissues remote from one another) allows the antibiotic to be used for infectious infections of the urinary system and kidneys: including cystitis and pyelonephritis.
  • For purulent abscesses on the skin and connective tissues that require intervention and support with an antimicrobial drug, pathologies of the biliary tract, primary, less often secondary sepsis and peritonitis.
  • The instructions state that Cefazolin injections are included in preventive measures against secondary infections in the postoperative period.



The instructions for the drug pay special attention to how to dilute the antibiotic for injection. To get 500 mg of solution, you should take as a basis a bottle of appropriate size - also 500 mg. It is impossible to divide the container into 1 gram in half - the proportion will not be uniform.

The antibiotic is administered exclusively intramuscularly and intravenously. Cefazolin is not available in tablets. The instructions for Cefazolin injections indicate that to obtain a dosage of 500 mg, you should use a bottle with the same dose. The 1 gram bottle cannot be divided into two uses. How to dilute Cefazolin for intravenous administration? To carry out this manipulation, you should use only water for injection. The dosage varies for each specific case, but cannot exceed the daily requirement.

  • The adult daily value is 1 g;
  • Cefazolin for children under 12 years of age: dosage is calculated according to the formula - no more than 30-40 mg per kilogram of body weight. Except for severe cases when the associated harm to the body is justified, the dosage increases to 75-100 mg/kg per day.

The concentration of the drug in the blood is in the active phase for up to 8 hours. Based on this, the daily norm is calculated and the total product is divided into three parts and injections are performed every 8 hours. It is important that the course of treatment is most effective when the antibiotic is introduced into the body regularly, without interruptions and at the same time.

Nasal drops

The instructions do not provide for intranasal instillation of the solution into the nose, and any decision on this matter is made solely by the doctor at his own peril and risk, being convinced that the use of alternative remedies in the nose will not have the desired therapeutic effect for bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. The dosage in this case also cannot be standardized and is set based on the clinical experience of the doctor.

What to breed

Ledocaine is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, as the instructions confirm. To prepare a solution of 500 mg of Cefazolin powder, it is enough to take 5 ml of novocaine, concentration 1%. This mixture can be used for intramuscular injection into the gluteal muscle, thigh or shoulder of a child even less than a year old (but older than a month - the use of Cefazolin for completely newborns is prohibited).

An exception may be the body's intolerance to Novocaine - then standard water for injection will become the basis of the solution. For intravenous solutions, nothing other than water is allowed to be used as a solvent.

Usually the course lasts 7 - 10 days. Obvious improvements in the course of the disease should occur no later than the 3rd day of treatment, otherwise the outdated antibiotic Cefazolin has encountered pathogenic bacteria resistant to its action and further use of treatment with the drug is pointless. Decisions on all issues regarding changes in the duration and nature of drug therapy are solely within the competence of a qualified physician.

Cefazolin during pregnancy

Cefazolin, which is outdated and has side effects, is not recommended during pregnancy. But during pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body becomes sharply susceptible to bacterial and infectious diseases. Such pathological conditions also require injections of Cefazolin, which is periodically prescribed by doctors.

The benefit of the drug is that the antibiotic with high bioavailability is quickly eliminated from the body. The effect on the embryo is assessed in the second category B according to the FDA standard (an important point is that the relevant studies were carried out only on animals, so the interaction with the body of a pregnant woman has not been thoroughly studied).

Only her attending physician can prescribe Cefazolin to a woman carrying a child after a thorough examination and assessment of vital signs.

The standard dosage is 500-1000 mg per day and diluting in smaller quantities is not rational. A reduced content of the drug will not have any therapeutic effect on the course of the disease other than a negative one - pathogenic microflora can develop resistance more easily when faced with a weakened dose of the drug - a kind of vaccine in reverse.

Incomplete knowledge of the effect of the drug on the development of the child prompts to postpone injections, instillation of Cefazolin or similar substances into the second trimester of pregnancy.

During the first trimester, the fetus is most vulnerable and this time is characterized by the strongest effects on the processes of intrauterine development. When a choice is possible between antibiotics and more studied and less aggressive drugs, you should choose a use that is gentle on the body, but only after consulting with your doctor.


Instillation into the nose or injections are possible with a variety of medications that are similar in composition or pharmacological group. From the first generation of cephalosporin antibiotics, we can highlight the names that are current on the antimicrobial drug market: Ancef, Totacef, Intrazolin, Cefazolin - AKOS and this is not a complete list. Taking into account the acceptability of the treatment method, the pediatrician may suggest replacing the antibiotic Cefazolin with a more modern analogue of the second or third generation. The advantage of the drugs over outdated samples, among others, is resistance to the acidic gastric environment - Ecoferon, Cefalotin are available in the form of tablets, granules, suspensions



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