Sociopaths: a path to self-preservation or mental pathology. What is sociopathy and why is it dangerous?

Sociopathy is a type of psychological disorder that makes a person prone to antisocial behavior. Sociopaths live in discord with society. Very often, sociopaths pose a threat to society, because they show aggression and are prone to illegal actions and organizing sex, they can harm themselves and others. There are several signs of a sociopath, including lack of remorse, disregard for the law, constant lying.


Signs of a sociopath

    So what are the characteristics of sociopaths? Sociopaths are usually very charming and charismatic. Their personality attracts like a magnet, so they become popular in their circles. They usually have a highly developed libido and may be addicted to sex.

    Pay attention to the person's behavior in the past and now. Sociopaths behave spontaneously and are extremely unfriendly. They often go beyond social norms, and can do strange, risky, and outrageous things without thinking about the consequences.

    Pay attention to the person's relationship with other people. Communication with other people can tell a lot about a person. Sociopaths know how to convince others, charm and provoke aggression. As a result, the sociopath's friends and colleagues are willing to do whatever he provokes them to do.

  • Don't assume that a sociopath is necessarily a bad person or a criminal.
  • Sociopathy is genetically transmitted. Cruelty, enmity towards people and crime are literally in the blood of such people. That is why only the sociopath himself can change himself.
  • Dating a sociopath is devastating both emotionally and mentally. Pay attention to possible signs and, if present, protect yourself as soon as possible. When it comes to starting a new relationship, be careful and, if necessary, move away and end the relationship. Be careful and tell someone about what happened.
  • As a rule, it is possible to identify a sociopath only in adulthood, but the symptoms begin to appear earlier - from the age of 15.


  • Don't try to help the sociopath on your own and don't tell others that the person needs help. If it seems to you that your acquaintance is a sociopath, try to stop communicating with him.
  • If you feel uneasy and think you are in danger, contact the police. If the situation is really serious and you are threatened, contact the police and ask your loved ones to accompany you.

» (phobic fear of attention from others, which leads to the avoidance of social situations).

dissocial personality disorder (antisocial personality disorder by DSM; sociopathy; old names - personality disorder of the emotionally incapacitated, antisocial psychopathy, geboid psychopathy, psychopathy listen)) is a personality disorder characterized by antisociality, disregard for social norms, impulsivity, sometimes combined with aggressiveness, and an extremely limited ability to form attachments. The latest edition of the DSM-5 American Manual of Mental Disorders notes that "psychopathy"(eng. psychopathy) and "sociopathy"(eng. sociopathy) are synonymous with antisocial personality disorder.

Diagnosis [ | ]

ICD-10 [ | ]

Diagnostic criteria from the version of the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision of ICD-10 adapted for use in Russia

Conditions not directly attributable to extensive brain damage or disease or other psychiatric disorder and which meet the following criteria:

International Classification of Diseases (10th revision), adapted for use in the Russian Federation - / F60 / Specific personality disorders. Diagnostic criteria

To classify a personality disorder as one of the subtypes defined in the ICD-10 (to make a diagnosis of most of the subtypes), it must meet at least three of the criteria defined for this type.

Diagnostic criteria from the official, international version of the ICD-10 from the World Health Organization (general diagnostic criteria for personality disorders, which must be met by all subtypes of disorders):

Original text (English)

  • G1. Evidence that the individual's characteristic and enduring patterns of inner experience and behavior deviate markedly as a whole from the culturally expected and accepted range (or "norm"). Such deviation must be manifest in more than one of the following areas:
    • (1) cognition (i.e. ways of perceiving and interpreting things, people and events; forming attitudes and images of self and others);
    • (2) affectivity (range, intensity and appropriateness of emotional arousaland response);
    • (3) control over impulses and need gratification;
    • (4) relating to others and manner of handling interpersonal situations.
  • G2. The deviation must manifest itself pervasively as behavior that is inflexible, maladaptive, or otherwise dysfunctional across a broad range of personal and social situations (i.e. not being limited to one specific "triggering" stimulus or situation).
  • G3. There is personal distress, or adverse impact on the social environment, or both, clearly attributable to the behavior referred to under G2.
  • G4. There must be evidence that the deviation is stable and of long duration, having its onset in late childhood or adolescence.
  • G5. The deviation cannot be explained as a manifestation or consequence of other adult mental disorders, although episodic or chronic conditions from sections F0 to F7 of this classification may co-exist, or be superimposed on it.
  • G6. Organic brain disease, injury, or dysfunction must be excluded as possible cause of the deviation (if such organic causation is demonstrable, use category F07).

International classification of diseases (10th revision) - / F60 / Specific personality disorders. Diagnostic criteria

A personality disorder, usually marked by a gross disparity between behavior and prevailing social norms, characterized by the following (diagnosed when three or more common diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder are present):

As an additional symptom, constant irritability may occur. In childhood and adolescence, a conduct disorder can serve as confirmation of the diagnosis, although it is not necessary.

Note: For this disorder, it is recommended to consider the balance of cultural norms and regional social conditions to determine the rules and obligations that are ignored by the patient. Since in the case of a single violation of established norms by society, all people who were thus deceived no longer consider society decent in terms of further implementation of the remaining norms.


  • sociopathic disorder;
  • sociopathic personality;
  • immoral personality;
  • antisocial personality;
  • antisocial disorder;
  • antisocial personality;
  • psychopathic personality disorder.


DSM-IV and DSM-5 [ | ]

For the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder according to DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5, in addition to the general criteria for a personality disorder, the presence of three or more of the following items is necessary:

  1. Inability to comply with social norms, respect the laws, manifested in their systematic violation, leading to arrests.
  2. Hypocrisy, manifested in frequent lying, using pseudonyms, or deceiving others in order to gain benefits.
  3. Impulsivity or inability to plan ahead.
  4. Irritability and aggressiveness, manifested in frequent fights or other physical confrontations.
  5. Riskiness without taking into account the safety for oneself and others.
  6. Consistent irresponsibility, manifested in the repeated inability to maintain a certain mode of work or meet financial obligations.
  7. Lack of regret, manifested as an indifference to harming others, mistreating others, or stealing from other people.

By criterion B This diagnosis is made only in adults. Criterion C- there must be evidence of the same symptoms present before the age of 15 years. Antisocial behavior should not only be noted during episodes of schizophrenia or mania.

Descriptions by various authors[ | ]

McWilliams [ | ]

Eric Bern [ | ]

Primary Source: Berne E. Introduction to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis for the Uninitiated. - Minsk, 1998

The personality traits of antisocial psychopaths often lead them to commit crimes, and as a result, to stay in prison, however, they never regret committing a crime, but only that they got caught on it. They can also self-fulfill themselves as leaders of sects, criminal and fraudulent groups. They often become drug addicts or abuse alcohol, but not so much because they avoid reality, but because they indulge their desires.

Etiology and pathogenesis[ | ]

The reasons have not been reliably identified so far. There are diametrically opposed points of view, according to one of which sociopathy is a hereditary disease or a consequence of a genetic defect (possibly a mutation), according to another, the reasons for the development of sociopathy in an individual lie solely in the problems of upbringing and social environment. Most psychologists take an intermediate position on this issue, leaning in one direction or another depending on their beliefs. The presence of concomitant mental disorders (psychosis, schizophrenia, oligophrenia), as well as a history of traumatic brain injury, can have a significant impact.

Therapy [ | ]

They almost never come to psychotherapists on their own and are practically unable to form a working alliance with a therapist that is critical for many therapies (primarily psychoanalytic). However, sometimes they feel that the relationships of other people, apparently, are built on different principles than theirs, and as a result, they lack something important in themselves, which, in the end, can lead them to a session with a psychologist. Some also feel that psychoanalysts are deliberately trying to discredit them in the eyes of others, imposing on them the image of them as a crazy person who wants to attack, rape, rob or commit acts of bullying without interruption, as a result of which they behave in an extremely aggressive way towards anyone who tries to use to them standard psychoanalysis. . To correct impulsivity, normotimics, sedative antipsychotics can be used.

Literature [ | ]

  • McWilliams, Nancy. Psychoanalytic diagnosis: Understanding personality structure in the clinical process. - Moscow: Klass, 1998. - 480 p. - ISBN 5-86375-098-7.
  • Bern, Eric. Introduction to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis for the Uninitiated = A Layman`s Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (1968). - Minsk: Potpourri, 2006. - 528 p. - 5 100 copies. - ISBN 978-985-15-0236-9.
  • Psychopathies (specific personality disorders) - treatment, diagnosis, symptoms (Russian)(html) (unavailable link - story) . Retrieved July 6, 2009. Archived from the original on May 15, 2007.
  • Bednenko, Galina. Psychopathy (sociopathy) in culture and everyday life (Russian)(html). Retrieved July 6, 2009. Archived from the original on May 19, 2012.
  • Robert D. Hare (English). Devoid of conscience. The frightening world of psychopaths = Without Conscience. The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us / translated by B. L. Glushak. - , 2007. - 288 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-8459-1103-2.
  • Kent A. Keel. Psychopaths. A true story about people without pity, without conscience, without remorse = The Psychopath Whisperer: The Science of Those Without Conscience / transl. from English. Tatyana Shulikova. - Tsentrpoligraf, 2015. - 320 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-227-05854-6.

see also [ | ]

Notes [ | ]

  1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) . - Arlington, VA : "American Psychiatric Publishing", 2013. - P. 659-663. - $992 - ISBN 978-0-89042-554-1. - ISBN 978-0-89042-555-8. - ISBN 0-89042-554-X.

In the modern world, we often come across concepts that we use quite often, but do not know the real essence. For example, the word “sociopath” is familiar to everyone, in social networks, and in everyday life we ​​see it quite often, however, it seems to us, it is worth understanding this concept in more detail. So, today we will understand what a sociopath is.

Medical sociopath

Sociopathy, otherwise known as " antisocial personality disorder”is a medical disease of a psychoneurological nature.

Signs of Sociopathy the following:

  • Ignoring social norms;
  • Impulsiveness;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Limited ability to form attachments.

Doctors can diagnose a person who has at least three of the following phenomena: indifference to others, disregard for social norms, difficulties in establishing relationships with other people, lack of guilt, a tendency to blame others for all their problems, which leads to conflict .

Sociopaths are often constantly annoyed. Some scholars also refer to sociopaths as " antisocial personalities". The above signs of sociopaths force them to commit crimes, organize sects, get involved in drugs and alcohol. Treatment of such people occurs with a psychotherapist, but only a few notice a conduct disorder, which is why sociopathy is very difficult to identify.

What is a sociopath in simple words?

When using this term in everyday speech, we rarely mean a person with neuropsychiatric disorders. Most often, when someone says: “What a sociopath he is!”, He means the person’s inability to understand and build relationships. Moreover, sociopaths mean extremely taciturn and uncommunicative people.

It should be remembered that "sociopathy" is a medical diagnosis, the essence of which was described above, so the thoughtless use of such a word is unacceptable. If a person does not get along well with other people, then it is much better to use the epithet “non-contact” or “non-communicative” in relation to him, because only a qualified psychotherapist can make a diagnosis of “sociopath”.

If a person, then in particular his character may be uncommunicative, this does not mean at all that he has one or another personality disorder.

Highly Active Sociopath

The term was first used in the BBC television series Sherlock. modern medicine does not use such gradation, therefore, most likely, we can say that this phrase was introduced for the "red word".

In the series, it was meant that the main character disregards social norms, putting any effort into this. Unlike the average sociopath, who is driven only by his desires, the highly active sociopath may deliberately try to destroy relationships with other people.

Another famous example of such a sociopath is Dr. House. Behind his anti-social actions you can see an inquisitive mind and quick wit, charm - this is what he attracts viewers. The producers and creators of the series have found a wonderful niche for attracting people - a person with a complex character and destiny, but at the same time a very smart person.

Signs of a sociopath

The signs of a sociopath have already been written above, but it is worth adding a few more symptoms to this list. For sociopaths, there are no boundaries, they elevate their desires to an absolute and try to achieve them by any means, not shunning the feelings and thoughts of other people or social norms.

No sociopath likes people, even (and sometimes even more so) loved ones. Such people know how to love only themselves, but scientists have found that they can fall in love. Only the object of love will have a very hard time, because the sociopath will not reckon with his desires. Many people with a personality disorder often lie and cheat. They are also unusually smart, because in order to achieve their goals, they have to somehow develop.

Sociopaths - closed-in people who prefer to be alone than go out with friends (although they either have very few or none at all).

As we can see, one can live with sociopathy, but it is unlikely that one will be able to cope with it without the help of a psychiatrist.

Sociopath and sociophobe: the difference between them

While the word "sociopath" is firmly entrenched in the lexicon of many people, "sociophobe" is a much more applicable word in relation to most people (those whom we consider sociopaths).

Social phobia is also a mental diagnosis, but it lies in the fact that such people are afraid of speaking in front of a large number of people, they are afraid to talk to strangers (it’s even difficult for them to call an ambulance if necessary, they just don’t know how to start a conversation). With severe stress, sociophobes can experience panic attacks, a psychologist will help to cope here (and not a psychotherapist, like sociopaths) or you can get rid of your phobias on your own, it’s enough to train willpower.

Sociophobes are not aggressive creatures capable of showing sympathy - this is their main difference from sociopaths. Moreover, various fears and fears do not speak of a personality disorder, everything can be corrected without medication (which, again, cannot be said about sociopaths).

Social phobes can be quite sociable people, only they need to get used to a new person in their environment.

How to deal with such a person?

If signs of sociopathy are found in a loved one, doctors advise showing him to a psychotherapist for treatment. But what if this is not your loved one, but, for example, the boss? It's more difficult here. Again, many people recommend simply not communicating with a sociopath, as he can pose a threat to society, and even quit your job.

But what if you value your work? Firstly, your emotional and physiological health should also be valued, so prioritize correctly. Secondly, keep your interactions with the sociopath to a minimum, try to follow all his orders and do not enter into open conflict. It is worth carefully checking everything that is in your area of ​​​​responsibility, watch what you sign, as sociopaths are prone to fraud.

Some of the most famous sociopaths in history were Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Think about it, and then decide if you are ready to work with Stalin or Hitler in miniature.

In this article, we looked at what a sociopath is and how to behave with them. If you notice at least three signs of sociopathy in yourself, it is best to consult a specialist, as delay can lead to more serious disorders.

Video: deviation test

Modern psychiatry is regularly supplemented with new terms, one of which is "sociopath". It is difficult to say who this is, if we rely solely on the interpretation of the concept that television offers us. For example, according to the directors, the notorious Sherlock Holmes was a sociopath, the favorite of women Dr. House performed as well as Michael Carlyle as Dexter and others. However, there is nothing in common between movie characters and people with real psychological disorders. So what is a sociopath? And what are its signs?

Sociopaths: who are they?

Most people, having heard the question: “Who is a sociopath?” - most often they answer that it is “some kind of psychopath”. And although this is not entirely true, to some extent they are right. By the way, some time ago in textbooks and books on psychology there was no such thing as a "sociopath", but there was a generally accepted term "psychopath". That is why many put an equal sign between these two words. Let's see what sociopaths are.

So, a sociopath is an ordinary person with characteristic signs of a mental deviation from the norm. Note that sociopathy is not a disease, but a condition of the individual. As a rule, such a defect does not allow the sociopath to lead a normal life. In particular, such a person cannot stay in the circle of other fellow citizens for a long time.

He likes to be alone, but at the same time he tends to do unusual things in order to attract anyone's attention. For example, while walking along the street, he can suddenly pick up a stone and throw it at a passerby, break a shop window or a glass of a passing car.

More on sociopaths: what do the experts say?

According to experts, personality sociopathy brings its owner a lot of trouble, including with the law. The thing is, they see themselves as different from others. Consequently, they are not subject to the rules and laws established by society. They lack the elementary notion of ethics and manners. They easily turn to shouting and violate public order.

It is noteworthy that sociopaths transfer disrespect for other people to their loved ones as well. According to experts, these individuals do not care about family ties. They are accustomed to live and love only themselves. And all attempts to stop their unbridled "I" often come down to additional quarrels and scandals, often accompanied by assault and even stabbing. But how to recognize a sociopath in time and not confuse him with a normal person with an elementary mood swing or a psychological breakdown due to a bad day?

What are the common signs for sociopaths?

To determine the real psychological deviations, there are perfectly valid signs of a sociopath. For example, one of them is the spontaneous manifestation of aggression towards an interlocutor, relative or any other person. The second important sign is the presence of rudeness, that is, a sociopath is unreasonably impudent and rude to relatives, neighbors and other citizens.

Thus, he seems to challenge society, and also shows, in his opinion, the strength of his personality. Moreover, a verbal skirmish can often be accompanied by more active actions. For example, a sociopath somehow did not like a neighbor with his expensive and beautiful car. In order to satisfy his screaming and protesting inner ego, the patient may crash or set fire to the car. Thus, he will show that in one way or another the owner of the car was wrong or blurted out too much.

In addition, the sociopath refuses to follow the rules and norms of behavior, and also shows cruelty towards others, including animals. Often such a person is capable of maiming a cat, hitting a dog, etc. for no apparent reason. At the same time, it is quite possible that somewhere deep down she does not want to behave this way at all, but cannot do anything about it. Such is the psychology of a sociopath.

However, despite all these common signs for sociopaths, only an experienced doctor can determine the presence of a deviation.

At what age do symptoms of sociopathy appear?

Signs of a clear psychological disorder can be observed in people of all ages, regardless of their gender. So, a sociopath can be both a child and an adult man or woman. Moreover, depending on age, gender, as well as individual characteristics, some changes in the characteristics of behavior and character are possible. Let's talk about this in a little more detail.

Sociopathy in adults: what are the features?

An adult sociopath (signs in men can appear much more actively than in women) is able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of others and skillfully use them. Pursuing his goals, he gladly puts pressure on pity, skillfully rubs himself into trust and manipulates people who are weaker in spirit. At the same time, such a man often tells a lie, tries to impose his point of view, and is also prone to scandals and quarrels. He does not perceive criticism addressed to him, he likes to be rude, sarcastic, and when communicating, he begins to offend and mock his interlocutor in every possible way.

A sociopathic woman (signs of a psychological disorder in the fair sex are much less common than in men) has a special attractiveness and sexuality. Taking advantage of this, she literally goes over the heads, moving up the career ladder. Without feelings of shame, guilt and regret, she often succeeds, becoming a successful business woman, politician and director of an enterprise.

When your child or teen is a sociopath

A child suffering from sociopathy is not yet able to realize the full severity of his disorder. Therefore, its signs will most often be associated with a challenge to society. For example, he can regularly arrange various brawls at school or kindergarten, bite, fight and show aggression in other ways. In this case, the baby will do everything to attract the attention of others.

In addition, a sociopathic child (signs of his psychological disorder can be expressed in the characteristics of his behavior) is prone to committing reckless acts. For example, he can incite his classmates to steal something from a supermarket, set fire to a school toilet, beat someone up and post a video on the Web. In a word, morality and normal human values ​​do not exist for such children, and later adults.

Are signs of obscene behavior always a manifestation of sociopathy?

Since many of these signs are often not a symptom of a psychological disorder, you should not panic if you find them in your children, relatives or friends. On the contrary, this behavior is similar to the way adolescents communicate during their puberty.

In addition, sociopathy has a lot in common with narcissism. That is why the decisive conclusion on the slightest suspicion of sociopathy can only be made by a specialist.

Sociopath - who is it and what types is it?

People diagnosed with a mental disorder are conditionally divided into two groups. They are passive, or latent, and active. The most prominent among these groups are perhaps the active sociopaths. As a rule, these are arrogant, selfish, immoral and unscrupulous individuals.

They are the most aggressive and illegible in their actions. Active citizens often become criminals who do not respect the law. They are not interested in public opinion. They are evil, vindictive and selfish.

Passive sociopathy is comparable to the behavior of hermit crabs, since such individuals usually do not contact people, choosing a life of loneliness or a recluse. If necessary, they can communicate with other citizens, skillfully hiding their inner disgust for them. Often, latent sociopaths can break loose and, in a fit of anger, show their true, mentally unbalanced "I".

What are the reasons for the deviation?

Since the concept of sociopathy has appeared relatively recently, the reliable causes of the disorder are unknown. However, there is an assumption that human heredity plays an important role in development. As a rule, both one and several family members can suffer from such an ailment.

In addition, sociopathy (its causes can be both congenital and acquired) often arises from improper upbringing of a child. From an early age, children need to be socialized. They are obliged to contact more with their peers, make new acquaintances and become sociable.

Among the possible causes of the development of the disorder, it is also worth highlighting psychological stress and trauma in childhood. So, according to experts, a head injury that occurred at an early age may well lead to the development of a deviation.

How to treat antisocial disorder?

It is believed that a sociopath (who this is, we described in detail above) is difficult to treat. The fact is that such people, as a rule, have a negative attitude towards any criticism addressed to them. For the same reason, it is difficult for them to establish trusting contact with their doctor. However, if the patient belongs to a group of people with passive mental disorders, then it is much easier to cure him. Such individuals can usually complain about to others and about their incredible difference from others. Therefore, they often turn to specialists for help.

In the treatment of sociopaths, psychotherapists use an integrated approach. For example, they may prescribe medication to help suppress aggression. At the same time, patients undergo a course of therapy aimed at rapprochement with the family. Like little children, they learn the basic rules of behavior, learn about the norms of morality and ethics.

Are there preventive measures to deal with the disorder?

The best prevention, according to experts, is proper education, communication with peers, conversations on general topics, discipline and sports. And most importantly, an atmosphere of calmness, love and mutual understanding should reign in the family. Therefore, none of the parents should infringe on the rights of others, which will be an excellent example for the younger generation. And of course, it is necessary to pay due attention to the child, listening to his opinion. Remember that your baby is also a person. He can defend his point of view, even if it goes against yours.

Children are considered the most innocent and pure angels in every way. Many parents cherish and cherish their children, and this is understandable, because children are the flowers of our life. But what if your child is different? At first, you can simply attribute this to hooligan habits, and what could be wrong with your beloved child, this is most likely the age! But time passes, hooligan manners remain, but develop into something more serious than the deliberate destruction of someone's sand castles on the playground and tantrums with or without reason. And then you begin to take a closer look at your “flower of life”. You understand that something is wrong and this “something” requires the intervention of either a psychologist or a psychiatrist, because simple conversations, and perhaps even punishment, no longer play any role. Your child simply becomes unmanageable and out of control. So, today we will talk about how NOT to raise a sociopath and what are the main signs that something is wrong with your teenager.

One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to kill everyone

It is immediately worth noting that a sociopathic child does not succumb to any norms and rules at all. He has his own characteristics of good and bad, he sets his own priorities and goals, so controlling or somehow telling what is right and what is not will not be appropriate here at all. And it's not about you as parents, the fact is that the child has his own, so to speak, mental characteristics. Often, such children can beat another person, and most of the aggression falls on their peers. The reason for this may be the simplest and, it seems to us, completely unimportant reason, for example, he asked someone to give him a textbook, but he did not. It is the very fact that he was refused that can instantly blow all the fuses in his head and start a fight. Aggression, that's what can control such people. Much more often it manifests itself in puberty (transitional) age. If a teenager has nowhere to throw out his energy and anger, then he may well go and kill the animal, but for starters, having thoroughly exhausted him.
For people of such a plan, there are no leaders and authorities, so to speak. The family for him is not a home or a support. He does not perceive it in principle. Yes, of course, a sociopathic child can adapt to the environment, but only for his own benefit, and this is extremely rare. Often, in order to contain all the negative energy inside such a child, some resort to violent punishments, for example, they may not be allowed to eat and locked in a room. Then he understands that if he does dirty tricks again, then the consequences await him. Such actions can help, for a short time, until about the age when he will openly do not care that he will not be allowed to eat. If we consider adolescent sociopaths, then the situation is much more serious. Most of these people can go to kill, so to speak, people "undesirable" for them. They can become homeless people who, falling into the field of view of a sociopath, will completely pass for the "dregs of society", outcasts.
Many mislead themselves into thinking that such children are born only in dysfunctional families. This is completely wrong. There are recorded cases when a child was born into a completely prosperous family, who was loved and respected. In most cases, parents themselves admit to doctors that they are afraid of their offspring. And it may not be just fear, but a colossal and all-consuming horror. And this is quite the place to be, because a sociopathic child is not only a terrible sight, but a very dangerous one if no action is taken in time.

Information for parents

Dear parents, try not to miss your children. I do not urge you to drag your child every time he breaks or breaks something to a psychologist. But if a couple of toys may seem like a childish prank, then intentionally causing harm to other children, as well as other people's toys, should make you suspicious. Yes, of course, if you come to a psychologist and talk, then the problem may turn out to be of a completely different kind, for example, breaking toys and pulling girls by pigtails, the child thus wants to show you that he lacks your attention, care and love. But if you miss, brush aside and write off the already obvious manifestations of the habits of a sociopath as a simple prank, then irreparable things can happen. Therefore, take care of yourself and monitor the mental health of your children!


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