Pills to get pregnant right away. Pills for quick conception and pregnancy: what to take to get pregnant

Despite the great successes of modern medicine in the treatment of infertility, including with the help of IVF

The desire to get pills to quickly get pregnant often occurs in almost every woman who wants to have children.

Consult a doctor

If you have problems conceiving, then you don’t need to look for an answer to your question on the Internet; it’s better to immediately consult a doctor. After a thorough examination and identification of the causes of infertility, the doctor may prescribe you “pills to help you get pregnant”, only in each individual case they may be different.

For women with luteal phase deficiency, progesterone tablets are indicated. They are taken according to an individually developed scheme. Taking this drug may help if you have no other health problems.

With a lack of estrogen, infertility is associated with the impossibility of implantation of the fertilized egg, since the endometrium of the uterus is not sufficiently prepared for it. Taking estradiol medications can improve the situation and promote normal endometrial growth and pregnancy.

Drugs that help you get pregnant not only normalize hormone levels, they can also stimulate a process such as ovulation. It is used when there are disorders, for example, polycystic ovary syndrome.

Stimulation of ovulation is a rather serious treatment regimen that requires not only an individual approach, but also a doctor with experience in its implementation, since it may cause complications.

During stimulation, a woman must not only follow all the doctor’s recommendations, but also at a certain stage undergo a daily ultrasound to monitor the growth of follicles (folliculometry).

When should you take medications to help you get pregnant?

Your attending physician will best answer this question. The doctor will assess the health of the couple and recommend the necessary remedies.

A healthy couple planning to conceive will need a course of vitamins. In the presence of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated. If a woman has a disturbed menstrual cycle, you need to find out the reason for this and eliminate it.

If a couple cannot get pregnant within a year, they cannot do without qualified medical care and medications.

Contraindications to taking hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs are contraindicated:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • in the presence of epilepsy or other neurological disease accompanying convulsive syndrome;
  • with varicose veins, a tendency to form blood clots;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the mother has a serious disease of internal organs, which is a contraindication to bearing and giving birth to a child.

No matter how good the drugs may seem, they should be taken only after consulting a doctor.


If no problems with the reproductive system are detected and treatment is not required, the doctor can still prescribe medications to get pregnant, only in this case it will be a complex of vitamins and folic acid, which prepare the body for pregnancy, so it is better to start taking them in advance. This will increase the chances of conception and reduce the risk of developing fetal pathologies.

Pills to get pregnant quickly have not yet been invented; this is probably impossible, since the causes of infertility are different, so treatment in each case needs to be individual. In some cases, medications will help, in others you will have to do laparoscopy or even resort to assisted reproductive technologies.

Contact the Altravita clinic, our specialists will help you find out the cause of infertility and prescribe appropriate treatment so that you can conceive a child.

Most young women become pregnant naturally, visiting a doctor due to a delay in the menstrual cycle with an already established pregnancy.
In some cases, it is necessary to take pills for pregnancy and conception, because nothing happens in the usual way.

Medicinal assistance usually involves creating optimal conditions for conceiving a child, which is ensured by the formation of the correct hormonal levels and the preparation of the future fetal receptacle. Sometimes it is necessary to take medications for a long time if serious difficulties arise in conceiving a child.

Basic principles of drug therapy

  • correction of hormonal levels;
  • prevention of congenital anomalies;
  • creating optimal conditions in the uterus;
  • elimination of chronic infections;
  • effects on the ovaries;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases.

High-quality and timely preparation for conception with the use of medications will be the best for a calm and gestation of the fetus without complications and the birth of a healthy child.

Correction of hormonal imbalance

Most often, difficulties and difficulties with conception are associated with hormonal imbalance. The main reasons for this unpleasant situation:

  • phase 2 failure;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • high concentrations of estrogen;
  • excess amount of prolactin in the blood;
  • thyroid disease.

In each specific case, the doctor will need to accurately identify the causative factors and carry out comprehensive treatment. It is necessary to take medications in doses prescribed by a specialist.

You cannot voluntarily change drugs to cheaper analogues. Course therapy may consist of treatment with one drug, or the doctor will recommend the use of several drugs. Sometimes you will need to consult an endocrinologist.

Prevention of fetal abnormalities

It is very important to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations for preconception preparation. Preventive medications should be started 2-3 months before conception, so that by the time of pregnancy there is a constant concentration of the drug in the blood.

This is necessary to prevent malformations in the fetus that are possible during critical periods:

Periods of formation of fetal organs and systems

Formation of organs and systems in a child

Days since conception

1-7 8-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 50-56 57-63 64-70
central nervous system + + + + +
Heart + + + + +
Hands + + + + + +
Legs + + + + + +
Eyes + + + + + +
Teeth + + +
Sky + + +
Genitals + + +
Ears + + + + + + +

By the time menstruation is delayed, the embryo begins to form the heart and nervous system. If at this time a woman has a deficiency of certain vitamins, then the formation of a developmental defect in the child may become quite possible. To prevent this unpleasant situation, you need to take special vitamin preparations long before conception.

Creating conditions in the uterus

The fertilized egg, having reached the uterus, must find optimal conditions there in the form of a sufficiently enlarged inner membrane. If the “fetal cushion” is not created in a timely manner, then conception may end in spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the early stages.

It is better to prevent this trouble in advance by starting to take medications to prepare the future fruit container. Typically, problems with the inner lining of the uterus arise against the background of disturbed hormonal balance, when there is a lot of estrogen in the blood and little progesterone. Therefore, the doctor will recommend medications that will normalize hormonal levels and prepare the “fetal cushion” for the embryo.

Treatment of infections

An important condition for normal conception and uncomplicated gestation is getting rid of chronic infections. Viral lesions are especially dangerous when long-lasting microorganisms appear immediately after conception and become the cause of intrauterine pathology of the fetus. Depending on the pathogenic microbes identified, the doctor will prescribe:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral agents;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy.

The need to get rid of infections is extremely important: if a course of treatment is not carried out, then there are no guarantees for the successful gestation of the fetus and the birth of a healthy child.

Restoration of ovulation

In cases where the doctor detects a frequent absence of ovulatory days, special treatment for the ovaries will be required. Anovulation is one of the reasons for the absence of a child in the family, so special treatment is necessary.

And carrying a baby safely is now of interest to an increasing number of women who dream of motherhood. Such means really exist...

HCG drugs

These are also hormonal drugs. They contain human chorionic gonadotropin. “The main purpose of hCG drugs is to maintain the volume of the largest follicle, as well as to help bring the egg to the sperm for fertilization,” says Svetlana Mukanova.

Drugs to help you get pregnant

Progesterone and estrogen preparations

This is the final chord of hormonal therapy. Preparations containing the female sex hormones progesterone and estrogen are prescribed so that the still fragile pregnancy is firmly established. Such funds are necessary to prepare the inner layer of the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg into it and the subsequent normal course of pregnancy.

As you can see, modern medicine has enough tools to help each of us experience the joy of motherhood and safely conceive and bear a baby. But only a specialist should prescribe this type of treatment. “I categorically do not recommend that women choose any medications and means to get pregnant on their own,” says Svetlana Mukanova. “There is now a lot of varied information about such drugs, but in no case should it be used as a guide to independent action! Every moment of planning to conceive a baby if there are problems must be coordinated with a personal gynecologist.”

About 10% of women of reproductive age consult doctors due to problems with conception. Wanting to speed up the onset of pregnancy, some patients independently select pills to get pregnant, thereby further complicating the pathology. To quickly conceive a child, you need to undergo a thorough examination, based on the results of which the doctor will determine a treatment plan.

What pills help you conceive quickly?

Female infertility in most cases is associated with hormonal imbalance or abnormal development of the organs of the reproductive system. The doctor will be able to decide what medications need to be taken for quick conception after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Depending on the reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant, she may be prescribed the following medications:

  • tablets that stimulate the maturation of follicles in the ovaries;
  • drugs that ensure the release of a mature egg from the follicle and its escort through the fallopian tube to the uterus;
  • hormonal drugs that prepare the uterine mucosa for the attachment of the fertilized egg.

As an auxiliary therapy, and also in the absence of obvious causes of infertility, women are prescribed multivitamin complexes and calcium gluconate injections. Vitamins are necessary to strengthen the immune system and prepare the body for bearing a child. With the help of hot injections, common diseases and inflammations in the reproductive system that prevent conception are eliminated.

Tablets that stimulate the growth and development of eggs

Drugs in this group act on the pituitary gland. This gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone, which ensures the maturation of follicles in the ovaries and the release of eggs, that is, stimulating ovulation.

What medications should I take to get pregnant quickly? The drugs are selected individually by the doctor. During treatment, the patient undergoes an ultrasound to monitor the dynamics of follicle growth.

Puregon tablets

The active substance of Puregon is follitropin beta. The drug is intended for subcutaneous and intramuscular administration and is available in bottles and cartridges containing a certain dose of the drug. The drug is prescribed for disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary gland connection, polycystic ovary syndrome, anovulation and IVF. Due to the risk of ectopic pregnancy, doctors prescribe this medication to patients with caution.

In rare cases, after taking Puregon, local allergic reactions develop - rash and itching, as well as nausea, vomiting and pain in the mammary glands. In case of an overdose of the drug, 5% of women are diagnosed with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, characterized by diarrhea and bloating resulting from impaired venous circulation in the abdominal area.

It should be remembered that when using pens with cartridges, 18% more active substance enters the body than when using a syringe. For anovulation, as a rule, no more than 50 IU of solution per day is administered during the first week of the cycle. Before IVF, 100-225 IU of the drug is administered during the first 4 days of the cycle. In the absence of a therapeutic effect, a gradual increase in the dose of the drug is required.

The drug "Clostilbegit"

Clostilbegit is available in tablet form. The active substance of the drug, clomiphene citrate, in addition to stimulating the functions of the pituitary gland, activates the production of prolactin, therefore, if necessary, the patient is also prescribed drugs against hyperprolactinemia. Due to the ineffectiveness of treatment, this medicine is not used for pituitary insufficiency and ovarian depletion.

Clostilbegit is taken from the 3rd (for early ovulation) or 5th day of the cycle, 50 IU for 5 days. If there is no therapeutic effect, re-treatment is carried out after 3 months. You can undergo no more than 6 courses of therapy with Clostilbegit. Abuse of the drug leads to thinning of the endometrium of the uterus, and therefore, before prescribing it, an ultrasound is required to determine the thickness of the walls of the uterus.

Tablets "Menogon"

Menogon contains menotropin, lactose, monohydrate and sodium hydroxide. The drug is available in powder form for the preparation of a solution for injection. The drug is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly. In the first case, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood remains up to 48 hours after the injection, in the second - up to 36 hours. Drug administration regimens:

  • daily in the amount of 75 IU from days 2 to 11 of the menstrual cycle;
  • every other day, 225 IU for the same period.

The dosages indicated are recommended. The exact dose of the medication is determined by the doctor based on the examination results. Menogon is characterized by high gonadotropic activity. In case of overdose, the patient develops ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Taking the drug over several cycles increases the risk of developing tumors in the organs of the reproductive system.

After completing therapy with drugs of this group, a single injection of hCG is indicated, which promotes the rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg from it. An injection is required in cases of persistent anovulation, insufficiency of the corpus luteum and a history of miscarriages. If pregnancy does not occur after several cycles, re-examination and search for a new treatment method are required.

Pills containing the female hormone progesterone

Progesterone tablets are taken after ovulation to prepare the uterus for the implantation of the fertilized egg. Preparations with hormones can also be taken separately from medications that stimulate the growth of ovarian follicles. They are indicated for women with miscarriage and multiple abortions. In some cases, taking progesterone is required after conception.

Duphaston tablets

Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, therefore it does not affect metabolic processes and has almost no side effects. The drug helps normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminates endometriosis and reduces the risk of miscarriage. For infertility, take 20 mg of Duphaston 2 times a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle (more details in the article:). If uterine bleeding occurs, the dose of medication must be increased.

The drug "Utrozhestan"

Utrozhestan is produced from plant materials identical to natural progesterone, in the form of tablets and capsules for vaginal use. Due to its natural origin, Utrozhestan is a potent drug, which, if taken incorrectly, leads to side effects such as dizziness, general weakness, apathy and menstrual irregularities.

Herbal preparations “Cyclodinone” and “Bromocriptine”

Cyclodinone is available in the form of drops and tablets (we recommend reading:). The active substance of the drug - extract of common twig - promotes the balance of sex hormones, in particular, eliminates the imbalance of progesterone and estradiol, and reduces elevated levels of prolactin. Improper use of the medication leads to the development of local allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headache.

Bromocriptine is available in tablet form and is taken for elevated prolactin levels associated with functional disorders and neoplasms in the pituitary gland. For this reason, the drug not only stabilizes hormonal levels, but also reduces pituitary adenomas. The medicine is taken with meals, 1/2 tablet 3 times a day until the menstrual cycle normalizes.

Vitamins that help you get pregnant

To get pregnant quickly, take the following vitamins:

  1. A, involved in the formation of cellular immunity and in the implementation of the functions of vision and skin. An excess of this component leads to the development of pathologies in the fetus, so you need to be careful when prescribing medications with vitamin A during the period of planning and bearing a child. This substance is absorbed by the body only if there is a sufficient amount of vitamin E in the body.
  2. B vitamins involved in the functioning of the nervous system and metabolic processes. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is of particular importance, ensuring proper development of the fetus and preventing premature birth.
  3. C, which strengthens the body’s defense system and helps prevent common diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system that prevent conception.
  4. D. The lack of this component is one of the factors in the development of gestational diabetes mellitus and complicated pregnancy. The body especially requires vitamin D during IVF, as it enhances the functions of the ovaries and promotes the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus.
  5. E, or tocopherol, is the most important vitamin for conception. With a deficiency of this component in a woman’s body, the hormonal balance is disrupted, and in a man, the process of sperm maturation is disrupted. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and helps normalize the menstrual cycle. To bear a healthy baby, tocopherol intake begins 3 months before the planned pregnancy.

It is better to buy vitamin complexes with glutamic acid, which helps stabilize the menstrual cycle and prevents the onset of anovulation. In different phases of the menstrual cycle, the substance should be taken with different vitamins: during menstruation - with vitamin C, in the follicular phase - with folic acid, in the ovulatory phase - with tocopherol.

The problem of female infertility is very common nowadays. Most representatives of the fair sex one day decide to have a child, but they do not always succeed the first time. If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, patients begin to wonder what pills to take in order to quickly become pregnant and where to turn for help.

If a woman suspects that she is infertile, there is no need to self-medicate. Only a doctor can prescribe the right pills for a quick pregnancy, so the first step is to visit an antenatal clinic.

If a woman comes and asks the doctor what to drink to get pregnant, she will most likely be recommended Duphaston and Utrozhestan. These are hormonal preparations of progesterone, that is, its synthetic analogues. Duphaston helps prepare the uterus for the appearance of an embryo and maintain pregnancy.

If a woman does not ovulate, she is shown special drugs for conception that stimulate ovulation. An example of such a remedy is Clostilbegit.

No matter how strange it may sound, women are often prescribed contraceptives as pregnancy pills. If a woman starts taking such pills, she will not be able to get pregnant quickly, since birth control pills will not allow ovulation.

While taking oral contraceptives, the ovaries rest and the menstrual cycle is restored. Often, a course of OK helped to achieve natural ovulation without stimulation when the drug was discontinued.

Hormonal drugs are very effective in treating infertility, but only if a woman takes them as prescribed by a doctor. Unauthorized use of drugs without indications will lead to hormonal imbalance, disruption of the reproductive system, and pregnancy in a healthy woman will definitely not occur due to the failure.


If a woman is thinking about what pills she needs to take to get pregnant, then the first thing she should pay attention to is vitamins. Currently, there are a large number of pills to improve the reproductive function of men and women.

Such drugs for conceiving a child are safe if taken as directed. The advantage is that you can buy them without a doctor’s prescription, but experts still recommend undergoing a consultation before taking them.

Women are recommended to take folic acid and other B vitamins, as well as iron, during the planning period. You can choose a complex of vitamins and take several courses. This will help saturate the body with useful elements, as well as strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin complexes are recommended for men. To improve the quality of sperm, you can take dietary supplements, for example, L-carnitine, androdose, spermactive, sermoplant, etc. It is better to select a remedy together with a specialist, since you need to know what is the reason for deviations in the quality of sperm.


Indirectly, drugs for conception include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and immunomodulators. Such drugs will not help you get pregnant quickly, but they will eliminate the possible cause of infertility - inflammation or an infectious disease.

Whether it is necessary to take these drugs can only be answered by a doctor after an examination. Only with the help of tests can pathology be detected in the reproductive system and a decision be made on how to deal with it.


There are medications that negatively affect the process of conception. Antibiotics disrupt the microflora of the vagina and intestines and prevent normal fertilization. Antibiotics also worsen sperm quality. If a man or woman is forced to take an antibiotic, you need to come to terms with the fact that conception most likely will not occur. As a rule, after discontinuation of the antibacterial agent, reproductive function is restored.

There is an opinion that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nurofen and Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, can suppress ovulation. Therefore, these drugs can only be taken under strict indications; in other cases, it is better to avoid them.

Chemotherapy has a strong impact on male fertility. Most often, this course of treatment ends with the sperm ceasing to be produced altogether. If a man wants to have children in the future, he is recommended to donate sperm to a bank in advance, where it will be frozen.

If a man wants conception to occur, he should not take anabolic steroids. Such drugs inhibit spermatogenesis and lead to infertility. Drugs such as Allopurinol also have a bad effect.



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