Massage technique for hypertension. Acupressure for hypertension to reduce blood pressure

Even in ancient times, massage was used to get rid of all kinds of ailments. This procedure also had a good effect in the fight against high blood pressure. In the modern world, a large number of massage techniques are known that have a beneficial effect on the body. Using massage for hypertension can eliminate unpleasant symptoms and significantly reduce the amount of medication used.

The influence of massage treatments

Massage appeared a long time ago; back in ancient Egypt it was used as a body care product. Among the Roman people, this process has several types - dry or with oils, intense or weak, fleeting or long-lasting. Among the Slavs, massage was associated with a steam room and was performed with brooms made of oak or birch leaves.

The purpose of massage (as well as physical exercise) is to activate the functioning of vital organs. Massage is a dynamic way of influencing certain areas of the body through measured mechanical pressure. The process is carried out in compliance with special techniques and techniques or using special devices. But in terms of the degree of influence, as well as the very effect on the human body, massage differs significantly from other physiological methods of therapy.

Under the influence of massage techniques, streams of impulses begin to flow into the central nervous system from the skin, tendons, internal organs, ligaments, blood vessels and muscles. They are received by the cerebral cortex and awaken the body's reaction. This manifests itself in the form of various changes in tissues and organs. Through a course of massage techniques, you can influence the excitability of the nervous system, and through it, the functioning of all other organs. In addition, in the process of mechanical action on the skin, the movement of blood and lymph changes, and tissue stretching and movement also occurs.

Thus, with the help of massage, a physiological reaction from the nervous system is awakened, but at the same time the patient is not required to display activity and volitional tension. Under the influence of massage, the regulation of redox processes, hemodynamics and lymph flow improves, that is, in general, material metabolism is activated.

Indications and restrictions

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to do massage with hypertension. The answer is definitely yes. For preventive purposes, you should choose. The main indication for massage for hypertension is a hereditary tendency to increase blood pressure. In this case, doctors recommend taking a course of hygienic massage at least twice a year.

Restrictions on massage for hypertension are:

  1. Hypertensive attack.
  2. Hypertension in the last stage with severe complications such as kidney failure, heart failure and breathing problems.
  3. Feverish conditions and inflammatory processes.
  4. Bleeding and tendency to it.
  5. Skin diseases.
  6. Thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, inflammation and lymphangitis.
  7. Conditions accompanied by psychomotor agitation.

In addition, it is very important that all mechanical influences (as well as the therapy itself) are carried out by a qualified physician. He must have the necessary level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

How to prepare for a massage

Massage is not just stroking the skin and kneading various parts of the body. This is a specially developed mechanism of action on the body as a whole. Improper preparation for the process can significantly reduce the effect.

To achieve a positive result, the patient must do the following:

  1. Relax. It is best to come to the procedure in advance so that you have the opportunity to readjust.
  2. Don't eat much. It is recommended to eat no later than two hours before the session; the food should be light. In addition, drinking strong tea and coffee is prohibited.
  3. Before the massage, you must take all medications prescribed by your doctor.
  4. Do not smoke 3 hours before and after the procedure.

Violating these rules will greatly reduce the effect. Drinking coffee may cause increased blood pressure in some patients.

Massage techniques

  1. Classic scheme.
  2. Acupressure for hypertension.

Features of massage

This technique is used by specialists in most treatment centers specializing in the treatment of hypertension. The main focus in the treatment of hypertension is on areas associated with nerve endings. So, the main areas of massage for hypertension:

  1. Head.
  2. Collar part.
  3. In rare cases, a massage of the entire back and buttocks is performed.

Features of massage for hypertension include kneading the lower parts of the body with a smooth transition to the collar area, and then to the head. This technique allows you to stimulate vascular receptors to redistribute blood flow and stabilize blood pressure.

The following applies to the process:

  1. Stroking. Stroking movements help relax muscles and prepare the body for deeper effects.
  2. Rubbing. They produce a similar effect.
  3. Kneading. The specialist kneads muscle groups with his fingertips. These movements lead to relaxation of spasm areas and normalization of blood flow.
  4. Pressure. This method is used when the previous one is impossible to implement.

Alternating stroking with kneading and pressing gives a noticeable result. The duration of the massage session should not be longer than 20 minutes. To consolidate the result, you need to complete a full treatment course, consisting of 12-16 sessions. The patient's condition will begin to improve after the fifth procedure.

Classic massage

There are a huge number of types of massage in medicine. For hypertension, it is customary to use the classical technique, but it is not recommended to use the back area above the lower back. Exceptions may be made in individual cases.

Technological scheme of massage for hypertension:

  1. The lower back, limbs and abdomen are treated superficially, without using deep kneading techniques and excessive rubbing.
  2. Next, massage the collar part in a sitting position.
  3. After this, a neck and head massage is performed.

These are exactly the parts that should be worked on if you are diagnosed with hypertension.

Cervical and collar area

Before starting the process, you should decide on the patient's posture. It is permissible to perform a massage both in a sitting position and in a lying position. But most often the patient sits down, and the massage therapist takes a position behind or on the side. The massage technique for hypertension consists of certain types of effects:

  1. Stroking. Typically, this is the first step to warm up the cervical region. Smooth stroking movements are performed from top to bottom, then to the sides (from the middle to the edges). The movements need to be performed alternatingly - grasping, comb-shaped planar and forceps-shaped. This helps relax the muscles and relieve tension.
  2. Trituration. At this stage, the movements become more assertive. They are performed using a fist and bent fingers or palm in directions from top to bottom and from the middle to the edges. This technique has a deeper and more effective effect on the muscles. Hemodynamics improves. In addition, you can use circular rubbing (the thumb and index finger “draw” a semicircle near the neck), which gives a very good effect.
  3. Kneading. Using the thumb, index and middle fingers, the trapezius muscle is worked. The action is performed using pressing movements in a circle. This area is most often the cause of headaches because blood stagnates in it. If pain occurs during kneading, it is recommended to continue, but reduce the intensity.
  4. Tapping. This step has a good effect if the patient has stagnant fat deposits. Movements are made with the pads of the fingers. They must be swift and strong. As a result, tension goes away, and the nervous system comes into tone.
  5. Squeezing. The technique is used in therapeutic and sports types of massage. This method perfectly helps to cope with swelling and improves lymph outflow. The so-called squeezes are carried out by applying pressure to the area. The hand is placed on the side of the spine on the back of the head, movements begin down to the second thoracic vertebra to the shoulder and deltoid muscle.
  6. Slip. This is the final stage of the massage. Stroking movements are performed with the fingertips from top to bottom and back.

In order for massage for hypertension to give maximum effect, it is necessary to divide the points into groups. Some areas should be worked on even days, others on odd days. This will streamline the process and get quick results. To reduce tension, a procedure lasting 30-60 seconds is sufficient. The described method is universal; it can be used even at low pressure.

Abdominal massage

The peculiarity of reflex abdominal massage for hypertension is that it is prescribed only to patients with a flaccid and flabby abdominal wall, as well as in the case of weak abdominal muscles, enteroptosis, constant constipation, and flatulence. Abdominal massage allows you to eliminate all of these problems and restore cardiac activity. Movements when working with the abdominal cavity should not be vigorous; everything is done smoothly and calmly. Kneading movements and all types of intermittent vibration (patting, tapping, etc.) are excluded from the standard techniques of classical massage. If the patient has congestion in the systemic circulation, then he is prescribed a massage of the lower extremities.

It is recommended to combine abdominal massage with physical activity. They must be correctly selected and dosed. The duration of one procedure is no more than 15 minutes, the course must be completed daily for 20-25 days.

Acupressure for hypertension

For hypertension, doctors recommend using acupressure techniques. An improvement in the patient's condition in this case is observed after the third session. To normalize blood pressure, it is recommended to undergo massage manipulation courses. Most often, the course includes from 16 to 25 sessions. To get maximum results, you should visit a specialist 2 times a day.

Acupressure for hypertension should be done regularly. The main thing is that the patient breathes evenly through the nose and is relaxed. In case of hypertension stages 1 and 2, acupressure massage can be performed. It is allowed even for coronary heart disease, but not during an attack.

Execution technique

During the procedure, the specialist points his index finger at the desired point and begins to massage it. The intensity of stroking at the beginning and end of the procedure is very light, in the middle the force increases. So, the point of hypertension is as follows:

  1. First of all, the work is performed with points located at the edge of the knee joint and slightly lower, that is, next to the central part. This is done for five minutes.
  2. The next pressure points are located on the fourth toe and below the kneecap. They are also worked on for five minutes at a time.
  3. The third points are between the metatarsal bones. Massage for five minutes.
  4. The fourth ones are located in the same place, only this time a section of the second and third bones is taken. Work for five minutes.
  5. Fifth - on the fourth finger and above the ankle on the inside.
  6. Sixth - the area of ​​​​the subcutaneous muscle in the neck, where the connection with the occipital protuberance occurs. The duration is the same.
  7. The seventh is at the intersection of the line of the head with the ears. Massage for 3 minutes.
  8. The eighth is the dimple behind the ear (next to the lower jaw). Work for 3 minutes.

Self-massage for hypertension

Patients often have a question: can you do massage for hypertension yourself? With this disease, this option is allowed. In this case, it is necessary to follow the same rules as when receiving treatment from a specialist. Before the procedure, the patient must take medications that lower blood pressure. You can also reduce this indicator by performing special exercises. It is recommended to do self-massage in the morning.

To perform the actions, you should take the most comfortable position in which you can completely relax. To do this, the patient needs to lie down or remain in a standing position. When treating hypertension at home, it is necessary to perform superficial stroking, rubbing and kneading. During the manipulation process, it is imperative to take short breaks.

There are patients who note that after performing a massage their blood pressure rises. This is normal. If you have hypertension, you can massage the collar area, back, neck and abdomen on your own. It is recommended to massage your back while sitting. This is done with rubbing massage movements. The abdomen should be massaged in a sitting position, making circular movements around the navel. The concepts of hypertension and massage are inextricably linked. It is for this reason that this technique is used to stabilize the patient's condition.


Massage and self-massage are very effective in combating high blood pressure. These manipulations will help improve your well-being, prevent the occurrence of hypertensive crises and reduce the dose of medications taken. To achieve higher efficiency, it is recommended to combine massage and exercise therapy (physical therapy complex) for hypertension.

Of course, it is better to seek help from professionals who know the anatomy of the body well and can influence reflex zones, effectively reducing vascular tone. But if this is not possible, then self-massage will also help to significantly improve the condition. You just need to consult your doctor first.

Hypertonic disease is a widespread disease. The prevention and treatment of hypertension is of particular importance due to the serious complications of this disease - myocardial infarction, stroke, nephrosclerosis.

According to modern views, in hypertension, the cortical-subcortical regulation of vascular tone and blood pressure is disrupted due to psycho-emotional overstrain of the nervous system.

According to the classification of A. L. Myasnikov, three stages of the disease are distinguished.

  • In the first stage of hypertension, blood pressure sometimes increases, but there are no disorders of the internal organs (phase A). Crises and spasms of blood vessels, coronary and cerebral vessels may occur (phase B).
  • But stage II of the disease (phase A) blood pressure is constantly elevated, but its level fluctuates. Crises and spasms are more often expressed: left ventricular hypertrophy appears. In phase B, elevated blood pressure levels persist, crises are more severe; cardiac hypertrophy is significantly expressed and dystrophic changes appear in various organs.
  • In stage III, the sclerotic process is expressed and the function of the blood vessels of the brain, kidneys, and heart is impaired.

Frequent complaints with this disease are headaches, heaviness in the occipital region, dizziness, and tinnitus.

Influenced massage in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the indicators of the oscillographic curve, which characterizes the state of vascular tone and blood pressure, change.

Changes in hemodynamics are favorable with adequate influences and the use of special massage techniques in accordance with the pathogenetic and clinical characteristics of the disease.

V. N. Motkov (1950) developed in detail and substantiated the methodology with clinical and physiological observations massage for hypertension. The author conducted studies of the state of peripheral circulation using arterial oscillography before and after a single massage:

  • head, neck in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle;
  • belly.

In most cases, after the procedure, the maximum pressure decreased by 10-20 mmHg. Art., minimum - 5-15 mm Hg. Art.; after a 15-minute rest, blood pressure increased slightly. Mean arterial pressure decreased within the same limits. The oscillographic index decreased slightly or did not change. The heart rate did not change. Only after the abdominal massage did the pulse slow down.

Under the influence of a course of treatment with massage of the head and back of the head, favorable changes were noted in clinical indicators: heaviness in the occipital region, forehead, and eye sockets decreased; headaches and dizziness decreased or disappeared.

The procedure should be carried out in a separate room, in silence. The patient should sit with his elbows on the back of the chair and relax his muscles. The massage therapist stands behind the patient. Two main techniques are used - stroking and kneading, alternating them. The massage begins with stroking and kneading the muscles of the interscapular area with the palm of the hand along the spine and in the direction from top to bottom.

After this, massage the shoulder girdles from the neck and spine to the shoulders and shoulder blades. Then knead the II and III fingers in the area of ​​the mastoid process and the occipital protuberance. All these techniques alternate with stroking the back of the neck and shoulder girdle in the direction from top to bottom and outward to the shoulder joint and armpit. When massaging the scalp, kneading with fingers II, III, IV is carried out from the occipital protuberance to the crown. After this, the patient tilts his head back, leaning on the massage therapist’s chest. In this position, the frontal and temporal areas are massaged; start by stroking with one or two fingers along the midline of the forehead to the scalp, then to the bowls with four fingers or palms. Knead the forehead, supraorbital and infraorbital arches upward and to the sides with all fingers. Then massage the temporal areas with the base of the palm from the eyes to the back of the head. The circle of the eye sockets at the top is kneaded with the ends of the fingers, and on the lower arch they are punctured. Then they massage using a rake-like technique, stroke and in the same sequence knead the forehead and scalp with separated II, III, IV, V fingers towards the back of the head. Finally, repeat the massage of the neck, shoulder girdle and interscapular area.

The areas of the mastoid processes, between the eyebrows and along the midline of the parietal region are especially painful. Light stroking and vibration are used here.
The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 15 minutes. 20-24 procedures are prescribed for a course of treatment.

Abdominal massage is indicated for increased nutrition and obesity in order to influence blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, reduce congestion and reflexively lower blood pressure. In addition, massage improves motor and digestive function.

The patient lies on his back during the procedure. The impact on the muscles is carried out by stroking and kneading according to the method generally accepted for this area. Then the patient bends his knees, rests his feet on the couch, after which the intestinal massage begins.

Apply shallow kneading with four fingers (pressing on them from above with the other hand), along the left half of the abdomen from top to bottom (along the colon) 6-8 times. After this, massage the right half of the remnant from bottom to top in the direction of the ascending and transverse colon and complete the procedure with a massage of the left half of the abdomen.

Kneading is alternated with vibration stroking. After vibration, stroke in a clockwise direction, then, bringing your hands under the lumbar region, shake 3-5 times and complete the procedure by stroking the abdomen.

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

A. F. Verbov recommends for hypertension a massage of the “collar” area according to A. E. Shcherbak - neck from the scalp, shoulder girdle, upper back and chest (zone C2-D2). The patient can sit or lie down during the procedure. The author recommends rubbing paravertebrally in the places where the roots emerge, towards the spine, and moving from bottom to top to the C4 segment, and then massaging the area of ​​the spinous processes, placing them between the fingers. The technique of shading is applied to the sides, above and below the projection of each spinous process. After this, the extensors of the upper back, the back of the neck, the shoulder girdle and the upper chest are affected using stroking, rubbing and kneading techniques. Massage in general should not be vigorous.

We observed the beneficial effects of massage according to the method of V. N. Moshkov in combination with therapeutic exercises and various physical factors in patients with stage I and II hypertopic disease.

When hypertension and spondylosis are combined, A. F. Verbov’s technique can be used. We prescribe massage every other day, alternating it day by day with electrophoresis of medicinal substances, pulsed current using the electrosleep technique, diathermy, inductothermy, aeroionization, and pulsed electric UHF beam.

When using various baths, massage can be combined with baths on the same day, but it is more advisable to prescribe it every other day.

Hypertension accompanies almost every third modern resident, both at a young age and in adulthood. As healthy people age, there is a natural shift in the upper limits of normal blood pressure due to changes in the structure of blood vessels and the functioning of the heart muscle.

The causes of unhealthy (above normal limits) blood pressure can be diseases of the genitourinary, endocrine or circulatory system. It can be either symptomatic or permanent.

Massage for hypertension is especially useful, as it has a complex therapeutic effect on the circulatory system, spinal cord and brain. In this article we will consider the technique of performing this procedure.

First you need to figure out which blood pressure readings are considered normal and deviating from the norm in the upper limits.

Systolic pressure (upper limit) is considered reasonable up to 140 mm Hg. st., diastolic (lower limit) - no more than 90 mm Hg. st.

Hypertension has several degrees of its development. The degree of illness determines what type of massage will be selected for therapy.

  1. The first stage - changes and increases in pressure occur periodically when environmental conditions change or stress occurs.
  2. The second stage is characterized by a constant value indicating an increase in systolic pressure above 140 mmHg. Art.
  3. At the third stage, serious consequences arise - atherosclerosis, dysfunction of the brain, heart, kidneys and blood vessels.

Sometimes, the patient becomes so accustomed to constantly increased blood pressure that when drugs reduce it to normal values ​​that are safe for the patient’s health, his health worsens.

The consequences of hypertension lead to death in 80% of cases through heart attacks, heart, kidney, and brain failure.

How it works

The technique of acupressure for hypertension helps lower blood pressure by narrowing or dilating blood vessels through mechanical action on them during massage.

The vasomotor center, located at the bottom of the fourth ventricle of the heart chamber, is responsible for the contraction of the vascular wall.

In addition to the mechanical effect on it, it also perceives nerve impulses and commands from the central nervous system.

Massage affects nerve endings that transmit a signal to reflexogenic areas that constrict or dilate blood vessels and arteries.

Result Such therapy - normalization of blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, circles flashing before the eyes.

With caution: indications and contraindications

Each treatment procedure has certain contraindications that should be examined to determine if the patient has any. The use of massage techniques in the presence of these pathologies can lead to complications of the disease and deterioration of the patient’s well-being:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • last stage of the disease;
  • hemophilia;
  • oncological tumors;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • fever;
  • indigestion;
  • acute stage of central nervous system diseases;
  • open wounds;
  • purulent inflammations on the skin.

Indications to carry out massage for hypertension is hypertension of the first or second stage, in the absence of vascular crises of the heart, kidneys, brain.

Indications and contraindications for massage for hypertension are required to be studied before starting a treatment session!

Execution technique

For safety reasons, before starting the session, you should verify your blood pressure level by measuring it.

If there is an increase in normal blood pressure levels, massage with increased blood pressure lasts no more than 15 minutes.

It should be remembered that with hypertension, the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the epithelium increases, any impact on it can be felt very painfully Try to relax the patient with the help of psychotherapeutic agents.

Let's start looking at the step-by-step massage.

Neck and collar area

Patient position: sitting or standing.

Techniques: from top to bottom, the degree of effort is 2 times lower than on other parts of the body.

In order to avoid fainting and dizziness when acting on the sternocleidomastoid muscle, you should alternately turn the patient's head to the side with upward tension.

Sequence for high blood pressure:

  1. Superficial, then deep stroking from the ears to the shoulder blades, from the shoulder blades to the cervical supraclavicular lymph nodes.
  2. Rubbing the shoulder joint from the top to the shoulder blades on both sides of the chest.
  3. Spiral rubbing, shading, sawing, intersecting.
  4. Kneading the trapezius muscles.
  5. Rubbing and kneading the chest muscles.
  6. Pinches of the cleidomastoid muscle.
  7. Stroking the subclavian space.
  8. Rubbing by shading the paravertebral zones at the exit points of the spinal nerve endings.
  9. Kneading the spinous processes and interspinous spaces.
  10. Deep stroking of the massaged areas is performed several times after each appointment.


Patient position: sitting, leaning on the headrest while massaging the frontal and temporal area.

In case of high blood pressure, carry out on loose hair (there should be no parting):

  1. Covering the head from the forehead to the back of the head with the fingers.
  2. Rake-like rubbing, linear and spiral stroking from the crown to the ears.
  3. Technique of point 2 along the entire head using longitudinal and transverse lines.
  4. Displacement of soft tissues.
  5. Rubbing the space behind the ear.
  6. Stroking the forehead towards the temples.
  7. Stroking from the bridge of the nose to the back of the head.
  8. Press rhythmically on the frontal part, temporal, then parietal.

You can complete the procedure lightly, then lightly stroke the entire surface of the head.


The massage effect for hypertension is confirmed by medical studies, which note the result in reducing the manifestations of pathology. This technique can be used as prophylaxis or primary therapy for high blood pressure.


Hypertension, in which blood pressure rises and the cardiovascular system is affected, is a consequence of a violation of the complex mechanisms of the nervous and endocrine systems of water-salt metabolism. The causes of hypertension are different: neuropsychic stress, mental trauma, negative emotions, closed skull injury. Hypertension is associated with unfavorable heredity, obesity, diabetes mellitus, menopause, and excess salt in food. Hypertension can lead to cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease, stroke, and kidney damage leading to uremia (the kidneys are unable to produce urine). There is hypertension with predominant damage to the heart vessels; cerebral vessels; kidney

Hypertension occurs in waves: periods of high pressure are replaced by a relatively satisfactory state. Three stages of the disease are identified. During the first stage, periodic increases in blood pressure up to 160/95-180/105 mmHg are observed, accompanied by functional disorders: headaches, noise in the head, sleep disturbances. The second stage is characterized by an increase in pressure to 200/115 mm Hg. Art., headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, staggering when walking, sleep disturbances, pain in the heart. Organic changes also appear, for example, enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart, narrowing of the retinal vessels of the fundus. In the third stage of the disease, the pressure rises to 230/130 mm Hg. and more and steadily remains at this level. In this case, organic lesions are clearly expressed: atherosclerosis of the arteries, dystrophic changes in many organs, circulatory failure, angina pectoris, renal failure, myocardial infarction, hemorrhage in the retina or brain. Hypertensive crises occur in the second and mainly third stages of the disease.

Treatment of hypertension of all three stages, in addition to the use of medications, involves the correct alternation of work, rest and sleep, a diet with a decrease in sodium in the diet, adherence to a motor regimen, systematic physical exercise, massage and self-massage.

Massage strengthens the body, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, central nervous, and respiratory systems, normalizes metabolism and the functions of the vestibular apparatus, reduces blood pressure, adapts the body to various physical activities, promotes muscle relaxation, which relieves symptoms.

Indications: functional (neurogenic) disorders of the cardiovascular system (heart neuroses); myocardial dystrophy with symptoms of circulatory failure of I - II degrees; rheumatic heart valve disease without decompensation; myocardial and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis with symptoms of circulatory failure of I - II degrees; angina pectoris during the interictal period in combination with osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, with spondylosis, hypertension, cerebrosclerosis, traumatic cerebropathy; chronic ischemic heart disease post-infarction cardiosclerosis; cerebral atherosclerosis (dyscirculatory encephalopathy) with chronic cerebral circulatory failure in the first compensated and in the second subcompensated degree; hypertonic disease; primary arterial (neurocirculatory) hypotension; obliterating diseases of the arteries of the extremities; diseases of the veins of the lower extremities, etc.

Contraindications: acute inflammatory diseases of the myocardium and membranes of the heart; rheumatism in the active phase, combined mitral heart defects with a predominance of stenosis of the left venous orifice with a tendency to hemoptysis and atrial fibrillation; heart valve defects in the stage of decompensation and aortic defects with a predominance of aortic stenosis; circulatory failure degrees II and III; coronary insufficiency, accompanied by frequent attacks of angina pectoris or symptoms of left ventricular failure, cardiac asthma; arrhythmias - atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrioventricular block and blockade of the atrioventricular bundle; thrombobliterating diseases of peripheral arteries; thromboembolic disease, aneurysms of the aorta, heart and large vessels; stage 3 hypertension; late stages of cerebral atherosclerosis with symptoms of chronic cerebral circulatory failure of the third degree; endarteritis complicated by trophic disorders, gangrene; angiitis; thrombosis, acute inflammation, significant varicose veins with trophic disorders; atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, thromboangiitis in combination with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, accompanied by cerebral crises; inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and nodes (enlarged, painful lymph nodes adherent to the skin and underlying tissues); systemic allergic angitis, occurring with hemorrhagic and other rashes and hemorrhages in the skin; blood diseases; acute cardiovascular failure.

Begin the massage session from the upper back (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades) and chest. The founder of Russian physiotherapy, A.E. Shcherbak, attached great importance to massage of this area of ​​the body (he called it the “collar zone”) as an effect that normalizes the most important functions of the organs and systems of the human body.

When massaging the back, the person being massaged lies on his stomach, with a bolster (folded blanket, etc.) under his feet, his shins should be raised at an angle of 45 - 90°; the head lies arbitrarily, the arms are extended along the body, slightly bent at the elbow joints and turned with palms up. This starting position helps to relax all muscle groups and joints.

The first technique, as always, is stroking, performed with both hands along the entire back from the pelvis up to the head (5 - 7 times). Then squeezing (4 - 6 times), kneading with the heel of the palm on the long muscles of the back, double circular on the latissimus muscles (4 - 5 times) and again on the long muscles, but this time using a pincer-like technique (3 - 4 times). After this, perform combined stroking (4 - 5 times), light squeezing (3 - 4 times) and begin a detailed massage.

On the upper back, combined stroking is performed from the lower edge of the shoulder blade and neck (5 - 7 times) on one side, then on the other. Then squeeze with the edge or base of the palm (3-5 times on each side), knead with the pads of four fingers along the spine (4-6 times), squeeze and stroke (3-4 times). Next, longitudinal alternating stroking is carried out, paying special attention to the upper back, and the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments (C7-C2 and D5-D1) are rubbed. Apply straight-line rubbing with the pads of the thumbs (4-7 times), with the pads of the four fingers (3-5 times), spiral rubbing with the pads of the thumbs (3-5 times). Finish with squeezing (3-5 times) and stroking (3-5 times). The whole set of techniques is repeated 2 - 4 times.

After this, the patient lies on his back and a cushion is placed under his head. Massaging movements are performed in the direction from the hypochondrium. All techniques are carried out either from one side or the other.

On the chest, perform zigzag stroking (4-braz), squeezing with the base of the palm and the tubercle of the thumb or the edge of the palm in the direction from the sternum to the armpit in three to four lines (5 - 7 times), stroking (2 - 3 times), ordinary kneading ( 3 - 5 times), shaking (2 - 3 times), squeezing again (3 - 4 times) and kneading with phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist (3 - 5 times), shaking and stroking (2 - 3 times). The entire complex is repeated at least 2 times, after which the person being massaged lies down on his stomach again.

On the neck and shoulder girdle (from the head down on one side or the other to the shoulder joint), stroking, squeezing transversely or with the edge of the palm (3-4 times) is performed.

Kneading on the trapezius muscles is carried out with the pads of four fingers (4-5 times). Then, after squeezing and stroking (2-3 times), repeat kneading (3-4 times) and proceed to massage the scalp. Here, first, stroking is done from the top of the head down to the neck: the palms are located on the crown of the head (left hand on the right, right hand on the left) and, at the same time moving down, stroke the front and back of the head (3 - 4 times). After this, the hands are moved to the sides of the head with the fingers towards the back of the head; Stroking is performed down to the ears and from the top of the head down the neck to the back, alternately with the right and then with the left palm (3 - 4 times).

After this, squeezing is done with the edge of the palm slowly and with considerable pressure (3 - 4 times). The next technique is rubbing. It is performed on the back of the head, closer to the neck. Rubbing is carried out with the pads of four fingers (fingers bent) simultaneously with both hands; movement - from the ears along the occipital bone towards the spinal column (4-5 times). Then a double circular kneading is done along the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, from the scalp down to the shoulder joint (3 - 5 times). Next, the upper back and chest (collar area) are massaged: stroking and squeezing (3-4 times), kneading (2-3 times), stroking. And return to the scalp.

Stroking is performed with palms from the top of the head downwards, either on the front and back sides, then on the sides (3 - 4 times) and with the pads of the spread fingers of both hands from top to bottom (2 - 3 times). Rubbing is also carried out with fingertips penetrating through the hair. First, the hands move in a circular manner from the forehead to the top of the head, and then from the top to the neck (3 to 4 times). Then stroke from the top of the head down (2-3 times).

Now the person being massaged should lower his head and press his chin to his chest - a massage behind the ears will follow. After stroking with the tips of the index and middle fingers, lightly squeeze from top to bottom (3 - 4 times) and rub (the pressure should not cause pain) with small rotational movements (4 - 5 times). Following this, kneading is carried out in the area of ​​the crown: with fingers spread apart, make circular pressing movements; the skin and underlying tissues are kneaded, the fingers are moved along with the skin (2 - 3 times).

Then the fingers of both hands are placed on the frontal part, and kneading is done from the bottom up to the top of the head. On the side parts of the head, the fingers of both hands knead the skin above the ears (rotation goes towards the little finger, movement towards the top of the head). Finally, when kneading the back of the head, the fingers are placed at the border of the hairline and moved upward. At each site, kneading is carried out 2-3 times. After kneading, stroke from the top of the head down over the entire head.

Now you can move on to stroking your forehead, very gently, without moving or stretching the skin. The technique is carried out with the fingers of both hands, each moving in its own direction, from the middle of the forehead to the temples (3 - 4 times). The next stroking is performed from the eyebrow to the hair (3 - 4 times). In the same directions, do circular rubbing (2 - 3 times), followed by kneading with fingertips; they are placed perpendicularly and, pressing, displace the skin.

Next, a massage of the temporal areas is performed. Using the tips of the middle (or middle and ring) fingers, gently press on the skin and perform circular rubbing (3 - 4 times). At the end of the session, repeat the general stroking of the head from top to bottom, to the shoulder joint (4-5 times), and on the chest (4-6 times). The duration of the massage is 10-15 minutes.

Self-massage in the form of rubbing with a hard towel also gives a good effect: along and across the back (5-6 times), along and across the back of the neck (3-4 times). First, rubbing is done with a damp towel, and then with a dry one. At the end, it’s good to do light head rotations, bends forward and to the sides.

In case of hypertension, physical exercise has a great effect. It is important to carry them out regularly. They include general developmental exercises for all muscle groups (including small ones), exercises to relax the muscles of the arms and legs, as well as training of the vestibular system, which effectively helps lower blood pressure. All movements are performed with full amplitude, freely, without tension or holding your breath. It is especially important to learn how to voluntarily relax your muscles (swinging movements, swaying, shaking relaxed limbs) and breathe correctly (extended exhalation, exhalation into the water). To relieve excitation of the vasomotor center and reduce muscle and vascular tone, muscle relaxation exercises in different starting positions are very effective, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure. Exercises in water and swimming are no less useful for hypertensive patients, since the aquatic environment greatly facilitates movement and promotes muscle relaxation.

In the first stage of hypertension, dosed walking and walks, swimming, games (badminton, volleyball, tennis), and skiing are also recommended. You need to walk every day, starting at your usual pace, then the speed decreases and the distance increases (from 3 to 5 km), and then the pace increases. After 2 - 3 months, the distance is increased to 10 km. Having mastered walking, you can start jogging under the supervision of a doctor.

In the second stage of the disease, you can perform physical exercises from the starting positions sitting and standing: general developmental exercises, breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises, as well as self-massage. In addition, measured walking is recommended at a slow and medium pace, first for short distances, then at distances of up to 5 - 7 km.

In the third stage of the disease, therapeutic exercises are performed in a supine position with the head of the body raised high, and then, when the condition improves, in a sitting position. Useful, in small dosages, are exercises for the joints of the arms and legs in combination with deep breathing (general developmental exercises are repeated 2-4 times, and breathing exercises 3 times), with rest pauses of a few seconds after each exercise. The pace of execution is slow. If the condition is satisfactory, when they practice while sitting, they include exercises for relaxing the muscles of the arms and legs, for attention, and for simple coordination.

Many experts note the positive effects of massage for hypertension. That is why it is often used as an adjuvant to lower blood pressure, as well as as a comprehensive technique in the fight against this disease.

Basic information

Hypertension is a disease that is diagnosed when blood pressure is high. There are a number of reasons that predetermine the development of this disease. Among them are:

  1. Age measurements.
  2. Low level of physical activity.
  3. The presence of a large percentage of subcutaneous fat (obesity, excess weight).
  4. Excessive alcohol consumption.
  5. Heredity.

In medicine, it is customary to classify hypertension into stages or degrees, of which there are three:

  • from 140 to 90 to 159 to 99 – 1st degree;
  • from to 179 to 109 – illness;
  • from 180 to 110 – 3rd degree.

To lower blood pressure, you must always act comprehensively, regardless of the stage of the disease, because the number of causes that provoke it is quite extensive and affects many body systems.

Medical therapy to lower blood pressure can never be complete if it does not include both drug treatment and correction of a person’s lifestyle.

Massage procedures and their effects

Without exaggeration, we can say that a healthy lifestyle is at least 50 percent of the success in treating hypertension, if not more. This should be understood as adequate compliance with the work and rest regime. A person must approach his daily activity competently and also rationally and responsibly towards daily recovery.

That is why doctors, in addition to moderate physical activity and a healthy diet, prescribe massage for high blood pressure, and also focus on learning self-massage for blood pressure.

Pressure massage has an unprecedented positive effect on the human body:

  1. Helps strengthen the central nervous system.
  2. Normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Restores breathing.
  4. Leads to balanced functioning of all organs.
  5. Saturates cells with oxygen and nutritional components.

During treatment complexes, the body relaxes, which leads to a natural decrease in blood pressure.

Note! Massage practices are contraindicated for people in a state of hypertensive crisis, as well as patients who are being treated for the second and have severe headaches.

Exacerbation of the disease, as well as its high stages, should be accompanied by drug therapy. Massage with high blood pressure cannot have any positive effect. It is even possible to develop severe side effects.

Important! Massage can be done when the body is in a stable state. If you were in hospital treatment or suffered a hypertensive crisis, then before undergoing it, you need to consult a doctor.

Types and techniques of the procedure

As an ancient system of influencing the human body, massage for hypertension has evolved into various techniques. It can be performed on individual parts of the body (neck), acupressure (shiatsu massage), or on the whole body at the same time. The degree and form of impact vary, which will be discussed below.

Classic way

It assumes a variant of massage practice that is familiar to our understanding, in which the patient lies down on the couch with his stomach down. This is how the procedure is performed for both children and adults. In this case, the massage therapist works on the upper back, thoracic spine and shoulder girdle. It is also possible to massage the lower back and lower limbs.

Classic massage for high blood pressure also involves treating the cervical region and the back of the head. It involves influencing the so-called “active points”. There are 3 techniques for neck massage with high blood pressure:

  1. Stroking.

It can be carried out with different strengths of influence. As a rule, the specialist begins the massage with relatively light stroking, changing the direction from bottom to top, from left to right. This is a very useful practice if the pressure rises slightly. It is also effective as self-massage for hypertension.

  1. Squeezing.

Used to massage the part of the body between the shoulder blades.

  1. Kneading.

This technique allows for more thorough treatment when the muscles are already sufficiently warmed up and require active work to increase the effectiveness of the procedure itself.

As a rule, massage for arterial hypertension does not last long. On average, it is carried out from 15 to 20 minutes, and the effectiveness of the procedure is measured not by the duration of the sessions, but by their number. To achieve improvement in health, at least 10 sessions are required.

Spot method

According to doctors, it is more effective for hypertension. Patients note an improvement in their condition after the first couple of massage sessions. The therapy is somewhat different from the classical one, since the course is longer and manipulations must be carried out twice a day.

It is very important to prepare for it:

  1. Eat only light food.
  2. Don't drink coffee.
  3. No smoking.
  4. Take medications before the procedure.

It is worth noting that acupressure techniques involve superficial pressure, rotational and stroking movements. It is best if such a procedure is carried out by a specialist, however, you can learn the technique and practice self-massage.

Since hypertension is caused by excess weight, it is also useful to carry out anti-cellulite massage.

How to give a massage yourself

It is not always possible to consult a specialist, and there is not always a strict need for this, because doing massage at low pressure over long courses is also not recommended.

Nevertheless, for prevention, relaxation and maintaining excellent well-being, it would be useful to learn an independent technique for influencing the body and, if desired, perform self-massage to relieve tension and vascular spasm.

Self-massage can be perceived as a type of therapeutic restorative exercise. It is best done in the morning. It is very important to take a comfortable body position so that all muscles are relaxed and your movements are as free as possible.

It is best to sit lying down or standing. This is the most optimal. Acceptable techniques:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading.

During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure proper breathing so that the massage is not too bothersome and promotes relaxation. If your blood pressure rises after a massage, you must stop any manipulations and do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Methods of massage for hypertension

To avoid harm to the patient, tonometry must be performed before the procedure. If the pressure is higher than the individual norm, a massage for hypertension should last no more than 15 minutes. It is also important to improve your breathing and completely relax before the procedure, otherwise the process itself may seem uncomfortable and painful.

As a rule, massage rooms play slow music or sound compositions that put the client in a positive mood. To make the session as productive as possible, the specialist can also offer a cup of relaxing tea (from valerian or mint herbs).

The patient should sit comfortably on a chair or a special trestle bed, which, as a rule, is equipped with massage rooms. It can also be a regular massage chair. Then the master, with moderate pressure, makes massage movements from top to bottom.

In addition to the direct pressure technique on the collar area, massage therapists also use palm stroking. Having placed the latter behind the ears, the massage therapist slowly lowers them from the neck to the shoulder blades and back. The technique of rubbing the shoulder girdle and shoulder blades is widely used.

As a rule, the collar area is rubbed with low intensity, which is similar to a head massage for hypertension. The specialist’s movements can be straight or spiral.

Note! Massage is a kind of muscle training. That is why each technique must be followed by relaxation. Thus, the session consists of exposure and rest (in the form of stroking). It is in this case that the connection between blood pressure and massage will not interfere.

Paravertebral zones

This is a part of the body that belongs to the cervicothoracic region. In this case, it is necessary to lightly rub with your fingertips. Specialists start from the back of the head and go down to the scapular angles. The degree and direction of rubbing gradually changes from light and straight to more intense and spiral-shaped.

After the preparatory process described above, the master also proceeds directly to the paravertebral zones with his fingertips. It is very important to control the force of impact; it should be moderate. In this regard, it is advisable to constantly monitor how comfortable the patient is.

The massage technique includes a short relaxation session in the form of stroking.

Important! The patient's body should always be in line. It is unacceptable for his head to fall forward, it is dangerous.

Shoulder girdles

Exposure to this area brings the greatest degree of relaxation. As a rule, this massage begins with rubbing. They are performed in a spiral direction, from the shoulders. Various kneading techniques are used.

Head massage for high blood pressure

High blood pressure is often associated with severe headaches. Often it is massage practices that make it possible to more effectively combat this symptom. If necessary, it is quite easy to perform a head massage at high pressure on your own, but you can also seek help from a specialist.

As with a classic massage, for the session you need to lie on your stomach. Then the patient comfortably places his head on his crossed hands. After this, the master begins to make stroking movements in different directions. As a rule, from the forehead to the temples and from the crown to the back of the head.

The massage technique also involves rubbing the head and circular movements of different levels of intensity. This massage for hypertension has its own indications, which will be discussed below.

The session continues by changing body position. The patient lies on his back and places his head on a special cushion. In this position it will be convenient for the master to work on the frontal part of the head. The specialist makes circular, pressing and zigzag movements.

All kinds of pinching, stroking, as well as various types of massaging are also allowed to affect superficial and deeper areas.

Important! This type of massage does not require strong pressure. The patient should not feel any discomfort, much less pain. Correct manipulations should lead to complete relaxation.

Neck massage for high blood pressure

This type of influence is easy to implement. It can be done at home. Of course, with an assistant it is easier, more enjoyable, and more effective. As a rule, the patient should sit in a comfortable sitting position, tilting his head slightly forward so that access to the massaged area is open.

To normalize blood pressure, each appointment should take no more than 5 minutes:

  1. Preparation - stroking.
  2. A deeper effect is rubbing. It can be straight, zigzag or spiral.
  3. More energetic stroking, which in the language of massage therapists is called “squeezing.”
  4. Finally, kneading.
  5. The final stage is rest.

Important! If attacks of hypertension become more frequent and previous massage practices have become ineffective, consult a doctor.

Contraindications to massage for hypertension

In certain conditions of the body (critical tonometry), massage for hypertension is not recommended. This:

  1. Direct hypertensive crisis.
  2. Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  3. General malaise, colds or acute inflammatory processes.
  4. Diseases that are in active form (tuberculosis).
  5. Tumors.

There are strict or temporary contraindications. For example, the same ARVI is not an absolute ban on massage. Also subject to a conditional ban:

  • fever and chills;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • poisoning;
  • breakdown.

Note! Massage is one of the types of treatment that must be carried out in courses on a regular basis. This is his specialty. Only in this case will it be truly effective.

It must be remembered that a similar effect on the body is an extremely useful measure, which allows you to restore vitality and prevent high blood pressure and the development of hypertension. After a couple of sessions, the person feels much better.

However, be sure to consult with a good doctor to eliminate the risks of exacerbation of the disease and get only the benefits from massage.



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