Modern methods of contraception for women. Contraception: types and action

Pregnancy in women after 30 years of age represents increased risks both for the baby and for the expectant mother, since fertility begins to decline at this age. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, there is currently a whole range of contraceptives or birth control for women over 30 years of age.


According to one study, in 16% of cases, women of fertile age do not use any method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The main reasons for this behavior of women during sex are inconvenience, religious beliefs and distrust of modern methods of protection.

The same study says that about 40% of pregnancies are unplanned.

All contraceptives are divided into two large classes: those after which you can get pregnant, and those after which you cannot. The first group is divided into disposable contraceptives and long-term, reusable. Disposable protective equipment includes the following:

Methods such as various implants and hormonal injections, are long-acting contraceptives.

Disposable contraceptives

These contraceptives are effective when used either once (female condom and diaphragm) or for short periods of time (pills, patch and ring). At correct use The effectiveness of these methods exceeds 90%.

Female condom and diaphragm

The female condom is a barrier method that is an alternative to the male condom. It is a thin case made of transparent and soft plastic that fits loosely to the walls of the vagina. In addition to its role as a physical barrier that prevents sperm from penetrating the egg, the product is the best protection against sexually transmitted diseases. You can wear this condom for up to 8 hours and use it only once. According to general assessments, the effectiveness of this method against conception is from 79% to 90% depending on whether it is used correctly or not.

The advantages of this method also include the fact that it is safe for a woman’s fertility and does not lead to side hormonal consequences. However, many women reject this barrier contraceptive due to its anti-aesthetic appearance (the edges of the condom protrude from the vagina). Another disadvantage is its high price.

Another method of protection against conception is the diaphragm.. It is a cover made of latex or silicone, which a woman inserts into the vagina and covers the cervix with it, thereby blocking sperm from entering the uterine cavity. Before using this method, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, as the woman must learn how to correctly install the diaphragm. In addition, it is most effective to use this barrier method in conjunction with spermicides.

Experts say the diaphragm should be inserted 10 minutes before sex and removed only 8 hours after sex to ensure the spermicide has done its job. After the diaphragm is pulled out of the vagina, it must be thoroughly washed with water and neutral soap, dried and placed in an appropriate case. It should be stored in a dry and cool place. The diaphragm should be changed once a year.

Correct use of this method in conjunction with spermicides determines its effectiveness between 84% and 95%. Just like the female condom, the diaphragm can protect against certain diseases and does not negative impact on a woman’s health, so it can be used even during lactation. The disadvantages of the method are the high price, the feeling of discomfort in some women when the diaphragm closes the cervix, and the inability to use it during menstruation.

Oral methods

These are pills that consist of a set of hormones that must be taken once a day at the same time to increase their effectiveness. There are two types of such tablets:

  1. Combined, consisting of two types of hormones: gestagens and estrogens. Progestogens prevent ovulation, and the additional amount of estrogens leads to a regular menstruation process. However, there are groups of women for whom estrogen use is contraindicated due to health problems, such as hypertension and obesity, and for women over 35 years of age who smoke heavily.
  2. Mini-tablets containing only gestagens.

An analysis of research results shows that the rate of use of contraceptive pills is in second place after the frequency of use of the male condom. The effectiveness of this anti-conception drug is in the range of 90−99%.

The main advantage of the tablets is fast recovery fertility after a woman stops drinking them, as well as their low price. In addition, they help with problems with skin acne, hair loss and reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. It should be remembered that the effectiveness of tablets directly depends on their daily use at the same time.

The disadvantage of this method is that it does not protect against diseases that are transmitted during sexual intercourse.

It should be noted that there is also an emergency contraceptive pill, which is taken by a woman after sexual intercourse and only if sex was carried out without any means of protection or this means has failed. At the same time, the risk of becoming pregnant is reduced by 95%.

Bandage and ring

The patch is a tissue consisting of gestagens and estrogens, which are released gradually after the patch comes into contact with human skin. It is attached to those areas of the body that are not influenced by clothing. Its action is carried out according to the same principle as the action of the contraceptive pill. The patch needs to be changed every 21 days. Seven days after removing the patch, the woman begins to menstruate. The patch is not too expensive, and its effectiveness is 98.8−99.7%.

This method has the same disadvantages as the pill, that is, it does not protect against diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse, and is also contraindicated in smoking and women suffering from hypertension and obesity.

Another effective contraceptive is the period ring, which consists of transparent and flexible plastic, has a diameter of 5 centimeters and is inserted into the woman's vagina, like a tampon, between the 1st and 5th day of menstruation. The ring functions for 21 days, then it is removed and menstruation begins after 7 days.

Like combination pills, the ring releases the same hormones (progestins and estrogens) that are absorbed by the vaginal mucosa. The effectiveness, price, disadvantages and contraindications of using this method are similar to those for the contraceptive pill and patch.

Long-acting agents

The list of contraceptives for women over 30 years of age includes hormonal injections and an implant, as well as an intrauterine device. Their effectiveness lasts from several months to several years.

Hormonal injections

This method is not widely used, but its effectiveness is estimated to be between 97% and 99%. The method consists of an intramuscular hormonal injection between the first and fifth days of menstruation. The injection is carried out by a gynecologist, and there are three types:

  1. monthly;
  2. two months;
  3. three months.

In the first case, the injection contains progestogens and estrogens, in the last two - only progestogens. The principle of operation of this method is to block the ovulation process. In addition to its main function, the product also helps reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system and reduces painful sensations during menstruation.

The disadvantage of this method is the lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases and the failure monthly cycle in a woman. It is also harmful to fertility, which only recovers several months after the injection takes effect.

Contraception with an implant

This is a 4 cm stick that fits inside your non-dominant hand under local anesthesia. This stick releases a special hormone (etonogestrel) every day, and the implant is effective for three years. The effectiveness of this contraceptive method is above 99.5%, and a woman’s menstruation may completely disappear. This method can be used instead hormonal drugs, which contain estrogens and are contraindicated for those suffering from hypertension and obesity, as well as smoking women.

This method allows a woman to feel maximum sexual freedom. The disadvantage of the implant is that it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, some women may experience side effects from the active hormone, such as severe headaches, acne, constant fatigue and fluid retention. Another disadvantage is that the implant is placed in the body surgically, so it leaves a small scar on the arm.

Intrauterine device (IUD) or IUD

An IUD is a small plastic device shaped like a “T” that a gynecologist places inside a woman’s cervix. Usually the plastic spiral is coated with copper. This metal is toxic to sperm and prevents them from fertilizing an egg. The spiral is effective for 5 years, and its effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancy is 99%.

Due to the size of the device and some of the effects it can cause, it can only be used by women who have already given birth. There are also cases where IUD changes the menstrual cycle and makes its symptoms more painful.

In this regard, in Lately Models of devices have appeared that use hormonal drugs instead of copper. Such devices are smaller in size and can be used even nulliparous girls. The effect of IUD with hormones lasts for 3 years, and its effectiveness is approximately the same as that of IUD with copper.

Another advantage of the IUD is that a woman’s fertility is restored immediately as soon as the device is removed from the cervix.

The only disadvantage of this method is that it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

When choosing one or another means of protection against unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account several basic factors, for example, for contraception after childbirth it is better to use disposable methods. Right choice a woman can do if she has sufficient information about existing means contraception. In this case, she must consult a gynecologist, since not all remedies can be used in certain cases. The gynecologist will provide the woman with all the necessary information and offer her the most effective method contraception in its specific circumstances.

Contraceptives can be divided into traditional And modern facilities. The degree of effectiveness of any contraceptive method is assessed using the Pearl index, cat. equal to the number of unwanted pregnancies in 100 women who used a particular method of contraception for 12 months.

Traditional methods of contraception:

    Mechanical methods :

- vaginal diaphragm – a metal ring with a rubber cap; the diaphragm is inserted in such a way as to cover the cervix and create a mechanical obstacle to the passage of sperm into the cervix. The edges, inner surface, its outer surface should be lubricated with spermicides. The diaphragm is inserted before sexual intercourse and removed 8-12 hours after it. There are several sizes of the vaginal diaphragm. Pearl index when using a vaginal diaphragm – 12;

- condom (condom) ) is a contraceptive used by men and is a sac-like formation of thin elastic rubber less than 1 mm thick. Condoms are made of rubber, latex, and plastic. A condom prevents sperm from entering the vagina. Pearl index – 20.

2. Chemical contraceptives (vaginal spermicides ) – destroy sperm in no more than 1-2 minutes. The Pearl index when using chemical contraceptives is 30.

- spermicidal agents used as douches – vinegar solution, boron solution acid or lactic acid, solution of permanganate K, 20% chloride solution sodium, lemon juice solution;

- vaginal spermicidal balls and tablets (containing boric acid, quinosol and tannin);

- gramicidin paste .

3.Rhythmic methods:

- calendar method – based on determining the time of ovulation and limiting the number of sexual intercourse during the periovulatory period (2-3 days before ovulation and 2-3 days after it). Pearl index – 24.

- temperature method – determining the time of rise in basal temperature by measuring it daily in the morning for 10 minutes. And abstain from sexual intercourse on the day of the fall and the first 3 days of rise in basal temperature. Pearl index – 6.

Modern means of contraception:

1. Intrauterine contraception:

1). Neutral intrauterine devices (IUD) - the most widely used are the Lips loop (a polyethylene device in the form of a double Latin letter), an IUD in the shape of the letter T and the number 7. The mechanism of action of neutral IUDs - they disrupt the implantation of a fertilized egg, which is associated with accelerated peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and the resulting inferiority of the egg. Pearl index when using neutral IUDs 4.

2). Medication IUDs – contain copper, gestagens. Mechanism of action of medicated IUDs:

Copper has a bactericidal and spermicidal effect;

Gestagens change the properties of cervical mucus, which leads to difficulty in the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity, and also causes the inability of the endometrium to implant an egg.

The Pearl index when using medicated IUDs is 1-2.

Contraindications to the use of IUDs:

Acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;

Chronic inflammatory processes with frequent exacerbations;

Infectious and septic diseases and fever of any etiology;

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency;

Benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs;

Polyps of the cervical canal;

Erythroplakia and endometrial leukoplakia;

Polyposis and endometrial hyperplasia;

Tuberculosis of the genital organs;

Malformations of the uterus;

Intrauterine synechiae;

Menstrual irregularities such as menorrhagia or metrorrhagia;

Disorders of the blood coagulation system, accompanied by increased bleeding.

The IUD is inserted by the doctor in compliance with the rules of asepsis on the 5-7th day menstrual cycle, after an induced abortion - immediately (or after the next menstruation), after childbirth - after 3 months. Necessary conditions are: normal blood picture, 1-2 degree vaginal frequency. After inserting the IUD, the doctor should examine the woman a week after the first menstruation, then after 3 months, subsequent examinations are carried out once every 6 months. The duration of stay of the IUD in the uterine cavity is 3-5 years.

Complications of intrauterine contraception:

Lower abdominal pain;

Uterine bleeding;

Ectopic pregnancy;

Intrauterine pregnancy, often ending in spontaneous abortion;

Perforation of the uterus (partial - when the IUD is inserted into the muscle of the uterus in the area of ​​the fundus or side walls; complete - with the movement of part or all of the IUD into the abdominal cavity).

2. Hormonal contraception. Classification hormonal contraceptives.

It's hard to say how barbaric modern methods contraception will be considered by our descendants, because the most progressive and safe contraceptives two hundred years ago look today like an instrument of torture. It is known, for example, that in the Middle Ages women put iron caps on the cervix, lubricated it with a solution of mercury and lead, and inserted pessaries made of steel wire into it, which caused infection and bedsores of the reproductive organs. IN different time and in different countries Contraceptives were continually prohibited either by the authorities or by the church, so devices such as a vaginal syringe or a vaginal douche periodically appeared on sale, which were used to cleanse the internal female organs.

Current contraceptives promote the principle of safety and guaranteed protection against unwanted pregnancy. Three types of contraceptives are justified and approved by official medicine: physiological, barrier and medicinal.

  • Barrier. Prevents sperm from entering the uterus. The most famous barrier contraceptive is the condom (both male and female). Other barrier contraceptives are intrauterine devices, contraceptive sponges, cervical caps, and spermicides.
  • Physiological. Assume sexual intercourse on certain days female cycle when the risk of getting pregnant is minimal. Another method of physiological control is the PPA (coitus interruptus) method.
  • Medication. They are presented in tablets, as well as vaginal rings and coils that release hormones that block the onset of ovulation.

When prescribing a woman a certain method of contraception, gynecologists often give her the opportunity to independently choose the appropriate method from a number of similar ones. But how can this be done if the same drug has dozens of analogues, identical in composition and mode of action? The rating of the best contraceptives takes into account the opinions of other women, the cost of the drugs, the correspondence between the expected effect and the real one, as well as the presence of additional benefits and side effects.

We remind you that the information provided below is not a purchase guide. Consultation required with a specialist!

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best birth control pills

It has long been proven that long absence pregnancy can disrupt a woman’s health, causing hormonal disbalance, as well as mental and organ diseases associated with it. The Frenchman Verne Boullot, a historian by profession, spoke about this back in the 19th century: “If a woman is not regularly pregnant, she will suffer from hysteria and from a whole category somatic symptoms stimulating almost any type physical illness or mental state." At the same time, unwanted pregnancy and abortion can cause no less harm to a woman than a prolonged absence of pregnancy.

Millions of women around the world choose hormonal contraceptives as their preferred method of contraception. They do not affect sensations during sexual intercourse and are guaranteed to protect against unwanted pregnancy and the consequences of its absence. The action of hormonal contraceptives is based on the prevention of ovulation. Scientists have calculated that at the time of birth, a girl’s ovaries contain about 1 million follicles capable of becoming eggs, and by the age of 37 only 25,000 remain. Hormonal drugs do not allow the body to ovulate, so a woman’s ovarian reserve remains full. Meanwhile, hormonal pills have not only advantages, but also an impressive list of side effects, often life-threatening.

3 Lactinet

The best contraceptive for adult women
Country: Hungary
Average price: 675 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Unlike Jess and Marvelon, Lactinet contains a single active ingredient - desogestrel. Belongs to the category of mini-pills (preparations containing minimal amount hormones). Lactinet mini-pills are often prescribed to nursing women with an active menstrual cycle, as well as to those women for whom combined OCs are contraindicated. Lactinet is one of the few oral contraceptives prescribed to women who smoke, as well as women over 45 years of age.

Another feature of the Hungarian OC is that its protective effect against unwanted pregnancy is somewhat lower than that of modern COCs. For this reason, the drug is not recommended for use by women of active reproductive age (up to 30 years). Otherwise, it is a fairly effective contraceptive with less than modern tablets, a list of contraindications and side effects.


  • allowed during lactation;
  • does not affect weight gain;
  • Suitable for those who are intolerant to synthetic estrogens.


  • provokes the occurrence of mastopathy;
  • disrupts the menstrual cycle during use;
  • causes depression;
  • causes nausea at the beginning of the course.

2 Marvelon

The most inexpensive remedy
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 1,425 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Combined contraceptive drug from the Dutch company Organon. Approved for use by women over 35 years of age, as it contains a reduced amount of active ingredients. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it normalizes the volume of discharge and eliminates pain during menstruation. Can be used as emergency contraception, but not more than once every 6 months. The effectiveness of Marvelon as a post-coital remedy does not exceed 80%.

According to women who took Marvelon, the drug has Negative influence on the ability to get pregnant if used for many years, so it is recommended to take these tablets in courses. Given the increased risk of thrombosis, before taking the drug it is recommended to undergo examination by a hematologist, hepatologist and vascular surgeon.


  • is inexpensive;
  • normalizes the cycle;
  • increases libido.


  • causes acne;
  • thickens the blood;
  • increases appetite.

1 Jess

The best birth control pills
Country: Germany
Average price: 922 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Jess is a combined oral contraceptive from the German pharmaceutical company Bayer. The active ingredients are drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, when severe forms PMS, and also for the treatment of acne. The contraceptive effect of the pill is based on blocking ovulation and changing the quality of cervical mucus, which becomes too thick for sperm to move through.

Unlike other COCs with the same active ingredient, the Jess formula has been improved: it uses drospironene of the latest (4th) generation, and each tablet contains 1.5 times less ethinyl estradiol than other COCs. For this reason, Jess is less likely than other drugs to cause swelling, mastopathy and weight gain.


  • eliminates menstrual pain;
  • improves skin condition.


  • the cycle takes a long time to recover after completing the Jess course;
  • addictive;
  • reduces libido;
  • causes migraines.

The best contraceptive suppositories

Contraceptive suppositories belong to the category of spermicidal contraceptives. The principle of action of chemical spermicides is to destroy the sperm membrane: interacting with sperm, the components of the drug destroy their membrane, separate the head from the tail, depriving them of the ability to move. Particularly strong sperm, however, are still able to reach the egg and fertilize it. This may result in the birth of a child with certain physical deformities. This relationship has not been proven, but many women testify to it. It is not recommended to use such contraceptives regularly, because the acids contained in the suppositories can have a negative effect on the condition of the vaginal mucosa, as well as on the cervix. Suppositories do not have the highest contraceptive ability. According to statistics, 15 out of 100 women who use contraceptive suppositories become pregnant within a year.

Thus, contraceptive suppositories are a convenient birth control option for women who rarely have sex. Suppositories are ideal as an additional contraceptive - when the pill regimen has been disrupted or during the completion of lactation. The undoubted advantages of this method of contraception are the absence of systemic effects on the body and the preservation of intimate sensations.

3 Gynekotex

The best cost of contraceptive suppositories
Country Russia
Average price: 140 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Ginekotex suppositories use the same active ingredient as Pharmatex suppositories - benzalkonium chloride, so these products are similar. The fundamental difference between Ginekotex and Pharmatex is the cost: Russian candles about 3 times cheaper than German ones. Some women note that these suppositories dissolve slightly less well in the vagina and produce more foam.


  • are inexpensive;
  • do not cause burning;
  • protect against infections.


  • take a long time to dissolve.

2 Patentex Oval

The most popular remedy
Country: Germany
Average price: 370 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The main active ingredient in Pantex Oval is nonoxynol. Included in many contraceptives as a lubricant: thanks to its spermicidal properties, it enhances the contraceptive effect of cervical caps, condoms, sponges and vaginal films. When interacting with a sperm, it damages its membrane, thereby depriving it of the ability to dissolve the egg membrane. The time required for sperm destruction is 40 seconds (10 times longer than Pharmatex). The drug does not have bactericidal and antiviral properties, therefore cannot be used as protection against STIs. There are studies showing that nonoxynol contributes to the incidence of certain types of human papillomavirus in humans.


  • effective;
  • dissolve quickly;
  • have an exciting effect.


  • have an unpleasant odor;
  • cause itching;
  • foams excessively.

1 Pharmatex

The best contraceptive suppositories
Country: France
Average price: 349 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The main component of the drug is benzalkonium chloride. This drug has been used in medicine since 1935. It has not only a contraceptive effect, but also an antiviral effect (protects against infection by viruses herpes simplex), antifungal and antiprotozoal. The substance has an immediate effect on the sperm: its shell is completely destroyed within 10 seconds after contact with benzalkonium chloride. The rest of the drugs in this group require at least 30 seconds. Due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, the drug is able to increase the volume of mucus released, which has an additional contraceptive effect.


  • have a pleasant smell;
  • dissolve in 5 minutes;
  • protect against infections.


The best intrauterine contraceptive devices

The intrauterine device is a contraceptive device that has been well known since the times of Ancient China. IN former time spirals were made from aluminum wire and wood, and today - from hypoallergenic plastic impregnated with anti-inflammatory compounds. In terms of its action, the spiral is classified as a barrier, abortifacient and spermicide at the same time.

  • Decreased fertility. The presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus promotes the production of proteins that inhibit the maturation of the egg. As a result, ovulation is inhibited and fertilization does not occur.
  • Abortive effect. Located inside the uterus, the IUD negatively affects the endometrium, inhibiting its growth and ability to accept a fertilized egg. In fact, the IUD provokes miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Spermicidal effect. In response to the located spiral, superficial inflammation occurs inside the uterus. As a result of inflammation, the alkaline environment in the uterus is replaced by an acidic one, which is harmful to sperm and contributes to their destruction. To increase the acidity of the intrauterine space, copper is additionally used in the coils, which stimulates the secretion of acidic secretions.
  • Barrier contraceptive effect. The inflammatory process causes irritation cervical canal, which in turn produces increased amount thick cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus.

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a reliable and effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, which, however, is associated with the creation of a focus of chronic infection in the body.

3 Spiral Nova T

The most affordable is not hormonal IUD
A country: Germany (made in Finland)
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Nova T is non-hormonal IUD, shaped like the letter T. Its base is made of hypoallergenic plastic, which is wrapped in copper wire. In order to enhance X-ray permeability, barium sulfate is added to the plastic - it allows you to determine the position of the spiral during x-ray examination, if required.


  • not noticeable by partners during sex;
  • has an affordable price.


2 Mirena

The best hormonal IUD
Country: Finland
Average price: 11,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Mirena belongs to the category of hormone-containing spirals, therefore the principle of its action is similar to that of hormonal pills. The fundamental difference is only in the method of delivering hormones to the body. True, according to some women, the hormonal IUD, unlike OK, does not cause increased appetite, does not provoke swelling and does not cause irritation of the digestive organs. Like Multiload, Mirena is installed for 5 years.


  • normalizes hormonal background;
  • inexpensive hormonal contraceptive;
  • reliably protects against pregnancy.


  • requires large one-time expenses;
  • causes back pain;
  • contraindicated in the presence of benign tumors.

1 Multiload

The best intrauterine device
Country: Ireland
Average price: 2800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Multiload is a spiral made of plastic and copper. It looks like a rounded T with uneven surfaces that prevent the device from slipping out of the uterus. Aseptic inflammation in the uterus is provoked by copper wire wrapped around a plastic carrier. Interacting with an alkaline environment, copper wire releases about 30 mcg of copper oxide daily. The contraceptive effect of Multiload lasts for 5 years.


  • reliably protects against pregnancy;
  • economical;
  • doesn't fall out.


  • provokes inflammation;
  • increases the duration of menstruation;
  • causes discomfort after installation.

The best barrier contraceptives

Barrier contraception is the oldest, cheapest, most universal and widespread method of contraception. Typical representative This category is a condom. Less known are contraceptive sponges and rings, cervical caps, vaginal films and diaphragms, as well as chemical barrier agents (suppositories, aerosols, gels). There are practically no contraindications to the use of these drugs, so they are ideal for those who are intolerant to OCs or IUDs. Some of barrier contraceptives are able to prevent premature ejaculation in men, protect against STIs and allergic reactions to ejaculate in women. Main disadvantage barrier agents is that they act only at the time of their use. Our rating includes the best barrier contraceptives - the Nuvaring ring and Pharmatex sponges.

2 Pharmatex contraceptive sponges

The best spermicide
Country: France
Average price: 65 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Contraceptive sponges have been used by women as a barrier method for many centuries: in ancient times they were sea sponges soaked in oils, and today they are polyurethane foam soaked in chemical spermicidal compounds. Pharmatex sponges use benzalkonium chloride as a spermicide. Unlike contraceptive suppositories, the sponge has not only a spermicidal effect, but also a mechanical one - it physically prevents the penetration of sperm into the cervix. Having installed the sponge, partners can immediately begin PA, and in the event of repeated sexual intercourse, they will not need to insert a new sponge into the vagina, since it retains its effect throughout the day.


  • does not leak;
  • convenient to insert;
  • long lasting;
  • has a pleasant smell.


  • inconvenient to remove;
  • difficult to find in pharmacies.

1 Nuvaring contraceptive ring

The best hormonal contraceptive
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 1050 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Nuvaring is one of the methods hormonal contraception, which, however, uses a fundamentally different method of administering hormones - vaginal. Thanks to this, the hormone does not pass through the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and therefore does not affect them negative impact. The ring releases the minimum required amount of hormone throughout the day, which eliminates hormonal surges throughout the day (as is the case with oral contraceptives) and creates an even hormonal background. Another advantage of the product is the confidentiality of its use: the ring is easy to install yourself, it is not felt during sexual intercourse and does not require removal after. Duration of action - 3 weeks. After 21 days, the ring is removed, and after 7 days it is installed again.


  • installed once a month;
  • does not cause nausea;
  • has less pronounced side effects compared to OK.


  • sometimes falls out when straining;
  • causes headaches;
  • provokes the development of vaginitis;
  • allergic;
  • increases appetite.
TO contraception include means and medications that can prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy. In addition, contraceptives, in particular hormonal drugs, have been successfully used in the prevention and treatment of conditions such as hirsutism ( overgrowth hair), menorrhagia (heavy and prolonged menstruation), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). And the use of barrier products (condoms, vaginal caps, spermicides) also serves to prevent sexually transmitted infections.

Types of contraceptives

All contraceptives can be divided into several groups:
  • hormonal agents;
  • contraceptive coils;
  • contraceptives with spermicidal effect;
  • barrier agents;
  • natural methods.
The most effective of them are hormonal contraceptives.

Newest contraceptives

The most modern forms of birth control include the contraceptive ring, hormonal patch, hormonal injections and implants. The use of these means is characterized by long-term contraception and its high effectiveness. New generation oral contraceptives contain minimal doses of hormones, which has reduced the list of their contraindications and reduced the number of adverse reactions.

Hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives are products that contain sex hormones - estrogens and gestagen. Exist various shapes release hormonal drugs: birth control pills, vaginal rings, birth control patches, implants and injections, and hormonal intrauterine system.

It is very important to consult a doctor before using hormonal drugs, since there are many serious contraindications for their use.

The action of hormonal contraceptives is based on the suppression of ovulation and thickening of the mucous secretion secreted by the cervix. Thick mucus prevents sperm from entering the uterine cavity, and the supply of sex hormones from the outside prevents the production of its own sex hormones, due to which the egg does not mature.

Birth control pills can be divided into 2 groups:
1. Combined oral contraceptives. Contains 2 hormones: estrogen and gestagen.
2. Mini-pills contain only gestagen.

Combined oral contraceptives, depending on the composition, are divided into monophasic and triphasic. In monophasic contraceptives (Regulon, Marvelon, Jess, Janine, Logest, Novinet, Rigevidon, etc.) all tablets contain the same number hormones. Triphasic contraceptives (Tri-Mercy, Triquilar, Tri-Regol) contain different amounts of hormones.

Three-phase drugs are used less frequently. They are less well tolerated, despite the fact that their composition imitates changes in the content of sex hormones in women’s bodies during the menstrual cycle. Depending on the dose of the estrogen hormone, there are high-, low- and micro-dose combined oral contraceptives in the drug. Currently, low- and micro-dose tablets are more often prescribed. It is necessary to take oral contraceptives every day, at the same time.

Combined oral contraceptives should not be taken under the following conditions:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • liver diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe headaches, migraines;
  • overweight bodies;

  • age over 35 years;
  • malignant neoplasms of the genital organs and mammary glands;
  • increased level cholesterol;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • age over 40 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.
Mini-pill(Exluton, Charozetta, Micronor, Microlut, Ovret) - drugs containing only one hormone - gestagen. Due to this, they can be prescribed in cases where it is undesirable to take combination drugs. For example, when breastfeeding, with concomitant diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, varicose veins, smoking, and also over the age of 40 years. Also, mini-pills are contraindicated in case of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland, uterine bleeding, the cause of which is not clear, when taking anticonvulsant and anti-tuberculosis drugs, diseases and disorders of the liver, damage to the blood vessels of the brain and heart, and during pregnancy. They must be taken every day at the same time.

Adverse reactions when using oral contraceptives may include irregular bleeding, fluid retention in the body and weight gain. Their severity and frequency depend on the dose of the hormone contained in the tablets.

Safe contraceptives used during lactation include:

  • Mini-pill– the composition contains only gestagens, which reduces the risk negative influence for duration breastfeeding, quantity and quality of breast milk. Breastfeeding women can take them 5-6 weeks after birth. The disadvantage is frequent occurrence intermenstrual bloody discharge– a sign of the body’s adaptation to the drug. Before using oral contraceptives, you should consult a doctor.
  • Injectable drug Depo-Provera, subcutaneous implant "Norplant" - also, due to its composition, do not affect lactation, have high efficiency. They have a long period of contraception - 5 years for subcutaneous implant and 12 weeks for Depo-Provera. The disadvantages of the method are that they are prescribed and administered only by a doctor. Side effects are the same as for drugs containing only gestagens. In the first 2 weeks there is a need to use additional methods contraception.
  • Intrauterine devices– do not affect breastfeeding, are prescribed for up to 5 years and begin to act immediately after administration. Disadvantages of this method: possible unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen during feeding, abundant and painful menstruation in the first months of use. They cannot be used if a woman has suffered inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages before or after pregnancy. Inserted and removed by a doctor.
  • Barrier methods of contraception(condom, diaphragm) - quite effective during lactation if the rules of use are followed. They do not affect the baby’s health, the quantity and composition of breast milk.
  • Spermicides– can also be used during breastfeeding, due to local action they do not affect breast milk. Quite effective in correct use– can be used independently, without additional funds.

Contraception for women over 45 years of age

Perimenopause (or menopause) is the period in a woman’s life after 45-49 years. It consists of perimenopause - the transition to menopause, and two years after the last menstrual period.

Ages from 45 years and older are characterized by a gradual decline in ovarian function and a decrease in the ability to conceive. Despite this, the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy remains quite high, especially if regular menstrual cycles are maintained. Therefore, contraception is especially relevant during this period. Pregnancy at this age is accompanied by high risk complications such as miscarriage, gestosis, incorrect location of the placenta. Childbirth and the postpartum period are more difficult, and child morbidity and mortality are higher. Also play an important role accompanying illnesses women - cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive system, liver, urinary system, most often of a chronic nature.

It is important to use contraception not only until menopause (when menstruation has completely stopped). It is recommended to continue taking it for 2 years if menopause occurred after 45 years, and for 1 year if menopause occurred after 50 years.

The choice of a contraceptive method at this age is quite difficult, and is carried out only in conjunction with a doctor. It is necessary to conduct an examination to identify possible contraindications for one method or another.

  • Barrier means(condoms) - safe to use, but quite often cause some inconvenience. Chemical spermicides are also widely used not only due to contraceptive effect- they are able to reduce the phenomenon of vaginal dryness, which is important for women in perimenopause.
  • Intrauterine devices often contraindicated at this age due to large number diseases of the body and cervix. If there are no contraindications for use, preference should be given to hormone-producing coils (Mirena), since they not only have contraceptive, but also therapeutic effect– for menorrhagia ( uterine bleeding) reduce the amount of menstrual blood loss, help prevent inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, and reduce the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.
  • Hormonal drugs– Progestin agents such as mini-pills, Depo-Provera, Norplant are used with advantage. They are not able to influence blood clotting, lipid metabolism, liver function. The use of combined oral contraceptives is quite limited. They are used only if the woman does not smoke (smoking is an absolute contraindication to their use), and there are no other risk factors for the development of thrombosis and coronary heart disease. Preference is given to low-dose drugs, such as Logest, Mercilon.
  • Sterilization is the most reliable method of contraception, but it is rarely used because this method is quite invasive and involves surgery.
  • Emergency contraception at the age of 45 it is used extremely rarely, since the use large doses hormones causes strong adverse reactions.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Prevention from unwanted pregnancy is one of the most current issues concerns all women. Everyone understands perfectly well that abortions cause enormous harm to the female body. However, gynecologists are seriously concerned about the current situation: despite the fact that there are now new generation contraceptives, the number of unplanned pregnancies ending in abortions is growing every year.

What makes women refuse to use effective contraceptives of the new generation, take thoughtless risks, and, in the end, go for an abortion? The financial side of the issue? It can hardly be called an objective reason - methods and means of contraception are very diverse. If desired, a woman with absolutely any income can choose suitable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. In fact, most methods and means of contraception do not cause much harm to a woman’s budget. An abortion will entail much more damage for the woman, both financial and moral.

If the reason for women’s refusal to use contraceptives against unwanted pregnancy is not the financial side, then what is? What makes women risk their health and ignore contraceptive methods? As the results of long-term observation of gynecologists, as well as statistics from sociological surveys show, the most common reasons for refusing to use contraceptive methods are trivial:

  • Ordinary laziness. A woman does not want to look for suitable methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. However, hoping “maybe” will sooner or later lead a woman to an unwanted pregnancy. If you don’t want to spend a long time selecting contraceptive methods, the IUD is exactly what you need. In order to use a contraceptive method such as the IUD, you will only have to spend a few hours visiting a gynecologist once, after which you can forget about the problem of contraception for several years. This is the best method of contraception for those women who do not want to monitor their menstrual cycle or take pills.
  • Ignorance of the operating principle of most methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Unfortunately, the harm of contraceptives is greatly exaggerated in the minds of many women. Often, entire legends are formed around the means of birth control, passed from one woman to another, each time becoming more big amount horrific details about the dangers of contraceptives. If a woman fears for her health, she needs to see a gynecologist who will help her choose the safest method of contraception, taking into account her particular health characteristics and needs.
  • Hope for a rhythmic method of contraception. Many women use rhythmic methods of contraception. However, they do not take into account that in order to successfully use the calendar method of contraception, a woman’s menstrual cycle must be very, very stable. This method is far from the safest method of contraception.
  • Women are afraid to use contraceptive methods when breastfeeding. Many mothers believe that this can cause serious harm to the baby’s health. However, in reality this is not the case. The use of contraceptives while breastfeeding is absolutely safe and cannot in any way harm the health of the baby. If a woman is still very afraid, she can always choose non-hormonal contraceptives. What they are will be discussed below.

A lot has been said about the dangers of abortions that women have to undergo due to neglect of modern methods of contraception. Therefore, this article will not focus on this issue. It talks about what modern methods of contraception exist, and also gives a classification of contraceptive methods.

Natural methods of contraception

The physiological method of contraception is one of the favorites of many women, despite its imperfections. There are two varieties physiological method contraception:

The female body is designed in such a way that a woman can become pregnant not every day, but strictly on certain days of her menstrual cycle. Pregnancy can only occur during ovulation. Ovulation is the process of release of a mature egg from the ovaries.

Any biological method of contraception is based precisely on this feature of the female body. And that is why, for protection with biological methods of contraception, it is very important that a woman has a stable menstrual cycle.

A natural method of contraception, called calendar, allows you to determine the time of ovulation by counting and scheduling days favorable for conception. In order to do this, a woman must know some features of the conception process.

Fertilization of the egg is possible only within one day from the moment it leaves the ovary. The sperm retains the ability to fertilize the egg in within three days from the moment of penetration into the vagina. Natural methods of contraception, including calendar methods, are based on this feature.

First, a woman needs to determine the duration of her menstrual cycle. For the first day of the cycle, you need to take the first day of menstruation. Subtract 18 days from the resulting duration - you will get the first day favorable for conception. After this, subtract 11 from the first day of the menstrual cycle - you get the last “dangerous” day. Remember that the reliability of such a biological method of contraception is only possible in the case of a stable cycle for at least a year.

The temperature method of contraception is a more reliable contraceptive, as it is based on constant accurate measurement of basal body temperature. The main places where this temperature is measured are the oral cavity, vagina, and rectum.

In the evening, prepare a notebook, pen and thermometer. It is preferable to use ordinary mercury, since its readings are more accurate, and accuracy is very important for an effective method of contraception. Immediately after waking up, without getting up in bed, measure the temperature in the rectum for 10 minutes. Try to take your temperature at the same time. After this, immediately write down the readings in a notebook; do not rely on your memory.

The temperature must be measured for at least a month. After this, the woman needs to make a schedule, noting calendar dates vertically and basal temperature horizontally. After this, connect the dots. The result will be a chart of your menstrual cycle.

Immediately after the ovulation process occurs, the basal temperature, amounting to approximately 37.3 degrees Celsius. The most favorable days for conception - this is the time within 4 days before and after the rise in temperature.

This method is difficult to attribute to the most best method contraception, since it is not reliable enough, but its adherents talk about some of its advantages over traditional methods of contraception. For the sake of objectivity, these advantages are listed below:

  • There is no need to introduce foreign substances into the body, as, for example, when using barrier methods of contraception.
  • Unlike pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy, such methods fall into the category of safe contraceptives.
  • Also, religious women prefer to use these methods, since these are the only church-approved ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • Such methods are non-hormonal methods of contraception.

These methods have only one drawback, but a very significant one - although they are safe contraceptives, they are very unreliable.

Birth control pills

Contraceptive methods for women nowadays are quite wide. Including contraceptives - pills. The pill is a fairly reliable contraceptive that protects against pregnancy in approximately 98% of cases. Such a high degree of protection is achieved thanks to the artificially synthesized sex hormones included in the tablets.

Oral contraceptives inhibit the ovulation process and also change normal structure the mucous membrane of the uterus, thereby excluding the possibility of embryo implantation even if fertilization does occur. Thus, pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy provide a multi-level level of protection. This is why the pill is considered the most reliable method of contraception.

Some women worry about whether pregnancy is possible after taking contraceptives, especially hormonal drugs. Such fears are absolutely groundless; absolutely all changes occurring in the female body are completely reversible and disappear after the woman stops taking oral contraceptives. In addition, contraceptives such as pills have a very “pleasant” side effect - almost all women note significant improvement condition of the skin, nails and hair.

In some cases, gynecologists prescribe hormonal contraceptives for women with therapeutic purpose, for correction. Remember that independent choice Hormonal contraceptives are not acceptable for women. Only a gynecologist should prescribe hormonal contraceptives for women. After all, it is possible to select truly effective methods of contraception only by taking into account all the individual characteristics of the female body.

Doctors highlight several advantages of hormonal contraceptives for women:

  • Stabilization of the menstrual cycle in those women for whom it was irregular.
  • Also, hormonal methods of female contraception almost completely eliminate premenstrual syndrome and unpleasant physical sensations during menstruation.
  • Hormonal methods of contraception for women protect a woman from such a common disease as Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Women who use hormonal methods of female contraception have a 60% reduced risk of developing all kinds of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
  • In addition, the risk of developing various tumor diseases. Moreover, a pronounced therapeutic effect is noted. For example, in those women who used hormonal contraceptives for fibroids, doctors noted a significant improvement in the condition, and even a complete cure.
  • The risk of developing osteoporosis in those women who use hormonal female contraceptives is reduced significantly, which is also important. Unfortunately, a good half of all women experience osteoporosis. This is also worth paying attention to when choosing contraceptives after 35 years.
  • Remarkable prevention of the occurrence in the future of such a formidable complication as ectopic pregnancy.
  • The use of female hormonal contraceptives significantly improves the condition of the skin and treats a large number of skin diseases associated with hormonal disorders.

However, while listing the numerous advantages, it is worth mentioning also negative aspects, which this most effective method of contraception has:

  • Women who prefer this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy may experience periodic increase blood pressure. However, such a side effect is very rare, in no more than 5% of cases and, as a rule, in women who suffer hypertension.
  • Modern hormonal-based contraceptives may cause seizures cholelithiasis in those women who suffer from it.
  • When choosing pills - the most effective contraceptives - you must take into account that in the first months they can cause menstrual irregularities. These disorders may manifest themselves in the form of spotting or, on the contrary, complete absence menstrual bleeding. You should not be afraid of this phenomenon, since it is temporary and disappears on its own, two to three months after starting to take the drug. In the same case, if this does not happen, which is extremely rare, the woman needs to consult a doctor who will help you choose another, more optimal drug. After all, the effectiveness of contraceptive methods is ensured precisely through individual selection.
  • The main argument against hormonal drugs put forward by women who prefer non-hormonal methods of contraception is gaining excess body weight. In fact, the concentration of hormones in modern contraceptives is so low that it cannot in any way affect body weight. And weight gain occurs due to the wrong balanced diet nutrition and insufficient physical activity.
  • Some drugs can cause quite unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands, reminiscent of the sensations during pregnancy: the breasts may become full and even ache. As a rule, such sensations disappear a few months after starting to take the drug.
  • In very rare cases, severe headaches of a paroxysmal nature may occur. If headaches occur more often than twice a week, the woman should immediately stop taking the medications and consult a doctor.
  • Women who use hormonal contraceptives after age 40 often complain of periodic occurrence feelings of nausea, almost never turning into vomiting. Doctors explain this by age-related hormonal changes in the woman’s body.
  • Some women complain that after starting to take the pills they experience emotional instability. However, doctors deny any connection with contraceptives.
  • Quite often, in the first few months, a woman may notice a change in sexual desire. In some women it increases; this is partly facilitated by the fact that the woman stops being afraid of an unwanted pregnancy. Other women, on the contrary, complain of decreased sexual desire. However, this is also a temporary phenomenon, and a woman should not worry about this.
  • In rare cases, when taking hormonal drugs, it is possible that age spots, especially on those areas of the skin that are exposed to direct sun rays. In case of similar complication, the woman should inform her doctor. As a rule, after a couple of months the problem goes away on its own.

Barrier contraception

New methods of contraception provide women with wide choose. If a woman does not want, for some reason, to take birth control pills, she can choose birth control local application. The principle by which vaginal contraceptives work is very simple: they use chemicals that are inserted into a woman's vagina. When sperm enters, these chemicals, called spermicides, instantly destroy them. In addition, spermicides create a thin protective film on the vaginal mucosa, and thickening of cervical secretions also occurs. Thus, an additional barrier for sperm appears.

There are two chemicals used in vaginal contraceptives: benzalkonium chloride and nonoxynol. It is on their basis that a local contraceptive, beloved by many women, called “Pharmatex”, was created. Another very important advantage that such contraceptives have when breastfeeding is complete safety for the baby, since the active ingredients do not pass into breast milk. The following describes the main types of contraceptives in this group.

Contraceptin belongs to the group of “chemical contraceptives”, disinfects, has antibacterial effect and kills sperm. This is the best contraceptive for those women whose sex life is irregular. This remedy does not require systematic use; it is enough to administer it once, immediately before sexual intercourse. vaginal suppositories in the vagina.

Nonoxylol also belongs to the group of “chemical contraceptives”. It also has a pronounced spermicidal effect, leading to immobilization and death of sperm. In addition, this drug has a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect, which ensures sufficient high level protection against many sexually transmitted diseases. Patentex Oval has exactly the same effect. The form in which these contraceptives are produced is suppositories.

Gramicidin paste continues the list of contraceptives. The active ingredient in this chemical contraceptive is the antibiotic gramicidin. It is a powerful bactericidal and contraceptive agent. In addition, its use is very often recommended for those women who suffer from inflammatory diseases cervix or vagina.

Chemical methods of contraception also offer this effective remedy, like Traceptin. This is very effective remedy, which has a contraceptive effect. Available in the form of tablets that must be inserted into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse. However, such a chemical method of contraception may cause such by-effect, How strong burning sensation in the vagina. If you are faced with such a problem, you should turn your attention to other local contraceptives.

Latest methods contraception offers a woman such a remedy as Pharmatex. It is a contraceptive drug and reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy. In terms of its effectiveness, it can be placed on a par with such contraceptives as suppositories, IUDs and tablets. The risk of pregnancy is no more than 1%. In addition, this chemical agent Pregnancy protection has a high ability to protect a woman from many sexually transmitted diseases. It has a inhibitory effect on such pathogenic flora, like candida, chlamydia, herpes, gonococci and chlamydia.

This tool is one of the optimal methods of contraception during breastfeeding, also for those women for whom intrauterine contraceptives - the spiral - are contraindicated. Pharmatex does not have any contraindications or side effects and can be safely used even as a contraceptive after 40 years.

Pharmatex is available in several forms:

  • Vaginal balls. They are inserted 3 minutes before sexual intercourse, deep into the vagina.
  • The second form is cream. The cream must also be injected deep into the vagina immediately before sexual intercourse.
  • Tampons. Inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse, the protective effect lasts 24 hours, whereas similar contraceptives are one-time use. And before each new sexual intercourse, a new dose of the drug must be administered.

If you use candle contraceptive methods, make sure that they are at hand at the right time, so that you don’t start frantically rushing around in search of the treasured box.

Some women prefer rather exotic contraceptives, the patch, for example. The patch is glued to the woman’s skin for a certain period of time, during which protection against unwanted pregnancy occurs. What is the basis of the action of such a contraceptive as a patch? Under its influence, the level of hormones in the female body changes, which, in fact, has a contraceptive effect. It is worth keeping in mind that this method is quite young, so the effectiveness this method contraception is not yet reliably known.

When listing barrier contraceptives, the ring also cannot be ignored. In fact, the idea that the ring is a non-hormonal contraceptive is wrong. The principle of its action is the same as that of tablets. However, its advantage is that a woman does not need to constantly monitor timely consumption. A contraceptive such as a ring is enough to be placed in the vagina once - and for three weeks you can forget about the issue of contraception. The hormones contained in the vaginal ring penetrate into the blood and provide protection against pregnancy.

Due to the action of hormones, the uterine mucosa changes - it thickens and loses its ability to implant a fertilized egg. This remedy reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy in 97% of cases, but do not forget that it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. That is why its use is justified only if you have a regular sexual partner.


Very often, in response to her question about which contraceptives are best, a woman hears about the IUD. An IUD is an intrauterine device. Is this really the most reliable method contraception? In order to understand this, you need to know by what principle protection against unwanted pregnancy occurs.

An intrauterine device is a special flexible device designed for insertion into the uterine cavity for a long time, and provides protection against unwanted pregnancy. There are two types of IUDs:

  • Non-drug spiral.
  • Medication. Such a spiral may contain substances such as copper, silver, gold, progesterone and other drugs.

The shape of the intrauterine device can also be very diverse: in the form of a ring, and in the form of a spiral, in other modifications. Plastic is most often used as a material for the manufacture of intrauterine devices. The spiral combines the advantages of barrier and hormonal methods of contraception.

Protection against pregnancy occurs due to the fact that the spiral:

  • Causes thickening of the mucus of the cervical canal of the uterus.
  • Significantly reduces the speed of movement of the egg into the uterine cavity.
  • Reduces the ability of sperm to penetrate the uterine cavity.
  • Causes changes in the structure of the uterine mucosa.

Intrauterine device on this moment is the most effective method of contraception, it provides 99% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, if you compare contraceptives for breastfeeding women, the comparison will be in favor of the IUD. It is completely safe for the baby, since even when using a medicated spiral, not a drop of the drug will penetrate into breast milk.

A woman can have an IUD inserted at any time convenient for her, regardless of the day of her menstrual cycle, which allows the woman to choose the day that is convenient for her to go to the doctor. In addition, if you choose contraception after childbirth, the IUD is the best option for you, since it can be inserted immediately after childbirth, as well as after an uncomplicated abortion.

The intrauterine device is the best contraceptive for women who want to achieve long-term and effective protection from pregnancy. However, when choosing contraceptives for girls, you need to know that the use of a spiral nulliparous women Not recommended.

It is not recommended to leave the device in the uterine cavity longer than indicated in the instructions. Also, in no case is it permissible to independently remove the spiral. To summarize, I would like to once again draw attention to some facts:

  • A contraceptive such as the IUD can be used as a method of contraception after childbirth. Make sure to purchase the IUD in advance and notify your doctor of your desire.
  • The intrauterine device is an absolutely safe contraceptive for breastfeeding women, since the device does not cause any harm to the baby.
  • Those women who are contraindicated in using hormonal contraceptives after 35 years of age can use the IUD without fear of worsening their health.
  • I would like to draw the attention of women to the fact that the intrauterine device does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. That is why the use of a spiral is justified only if a woman has a regular sexual partner.

Contraception for men

Very often, girls are interested in what contraceptives exist for men, and do they exist at all? Despite their limited choice, contraceptive methods for men still exist. All currently existing male contraceptives are described below.

Coitus interruptus is one of the most favorite methods of contraception for men. The essence of this method is as follows: the penis is removed from the woman’s vagina before ejaculation occurs. However, reliability similar method male contraception very small.

Very often, at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, a small amount of sperm is released, but quite sufficient to fertilize the egg. As statistics show, every third sexual intercourse using interruption as a male contraceptive leads to an unwanted pregnancy. Also, with constant use of interrupted intercourse, a significant decrease in male potency.

When talking about what male methods of contraception there are, the condom also cannot be ignored. As everyone knows, a condom is a latex elastic sheath that is placed on the erect penis. The method of contraception using a condom has several clear advantages over others male means.

A condom prevents sperm from entering the vagina, thereby completely eliminating the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Direct contact between the penis and vagina is also eliminated, thereby eliminating the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, a condom is a one-time use contraceptive, ideal for those men and women who have sex life irregular. In addition, it can be used married couples for whom other methods of contraception after childbirth are not suitable for some reason.

The use of condoms has no contraindications and does not require large financial costs. However, it also has a disadvantage - the condom may break. In this case, the woman will be forced to pay attention to emergency contraception methods.

There are also less common methods of male contraception, such as sterilization and hormonal drugs. Since birth control pills for men are still in the testing stage, they will not be discussed in this article, but read on to find out what sterilization is.

Male sterilization is called a vasectomy. Its principle lies in the intersection of the vas deferens. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts about 10 minutes. About a month after the procedure, the man completely loses the ability to have children. However, this process is completely reversible if a man wants to have children in the future.

This procedure has absolutely no negative impact on a man’s health: his normal hormonal levels do not change, they do not decrease sexual attraction and potency.

Today, this is a complete list of known contraceptives for men.

Emergency contraception methods

Unfortunately, unforeseen situations periodically arise in life and unprotected sexual intercourse occurs. In order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, there are methods of emergency contraception. I would also like to remind women that if they need emergency contraception, traditional methods will not help them.

There are certain post-intercourse contraceptives that prevent pregnancy even if the intercourse was unprotected. Contraception after sex comes in the form of pills containing large amounts of hormones.

Contraceptives after the act according to the principle of their action and chemical composition are divided into two types:

  • Contraceptives after sex, the main active ingredient of which is levonorgestrel. Most known methods emergency contraception belonging to this group are drugs such as Escapelle and Postinor. They belong to the group of hormonal drugs and can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription.
  • Contraceptives after sexual intercourse, related to non-hormonal drugs, based on this active substance like mifepristone. The most well-known post-coital contraceptive belonging to this group is Postinor. Non-hormonal drugs can be used as emergency contraception for adolescents.

The principle on which the emergency contraception method works is that the process of blocking ovulation occurs, which eliminates the possibility of fertilization. In the same case, if fertilization occurred earlier than the drug was taken, the drug eliminates the possibility of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Despite the fact that such products can help prevent an unwanted pregnancy, a woman should remember that these are disposable contraceptives that cannot be abused. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this type of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Teenage contraception

No matter how indignant older people may be about moral turpitude modern society and obscene, in their opinion, behavior of teenagers, teenage sex was, is, and will be. And it is extremely unwise for adults to try to bury their heads in the sand - denying the existence of a problem will not go away. It makes much more sense to help children and tell them about contraceptive methods for teenagers. This will help avoid problems associated with venereal diseases and unplanned pregnancy.

The latest methods of contraception allow you to choose the most optimal method that will not have a negative impact on the growing body. In order to understand how to choose contraceptives, it is necessary to take into account some characteristics characteristic of teenage sexual intercourse.

  • In most cases, sexual intercourse among adolescents is not regular, so using new planned methods of contraception is absolutely impractical.
  • Unfortunately, in adolescence Very often, casual sex occurs, which significantly increases the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, contraceptives for adolescents face not only the task of eliminating unwanted pregnancy, but also protecting against sexually transmitted infections.
  • Contraception methods for girls must be very reliable, since an abortion performed at such a young age can lead to serious consequences.

Taking into account all the above-mentioned features of the sexual life of adolescents, we can draw the following conclusion about how to choose contraceptives and what you should pay attention to if a teenager categorically refuses to go to the doctor:

  • A contraceptive method for girls must be reliable in preventing sexually transmitted diseases. And also protect against unwanted pregnancy.
  • Contraception for girls should not harm their health.
  • In addition, a contraceptive method for adolescents should be affordable.

Condoms or non-hormonal birth control pills most ideally meet all of the above requirements. But their use is only possible if the girl has one permanent and reliable sexual partner

Traditional contraceptives

So, you have learned about what contraceptives are. However, before summing up, I would like to mention folk contraceptives.

Unfortunately, even in our time, many women rely on traditional methods of contraception. And they completely ignore the effective ones traditional methods contraception. There are various contraceptives at home:

  • Douching the vagina with a powerful stream of water immediately after intercourse.
  • Douching the vagina after sexual intercourse with water in which a certain amount has been previously dissolved citric acid.
  • Inserting a piece of lemon into the vagina before sexual intercourse.
  • Inserting a piece of laundry soap into the vagina before sexual intercourse.

Supporters traditional methods contraception claims that a sudden change alkaline balance in the vagina leads to the death of sperm and eliminates the possibility of pregnancy. In fact, such folk contraceptives will lead to the occurrence of a disease such as cervical erosion. But preventing pregnancy using folk remedies is impossible.

This article describes all methods and methods of contraception. Any woman who takes a responsible approach to the issue of family planning can give preference to the most effective contraceptives that are suitable specifically for her. However, before making the final choice, it is still better to consult with your gynecologist, who knows about all your diseases and individual characteristics of the body. We sincerely wish that your test will become “striped” only when you really want it!



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