White braces - beauty at a reasonable price! High aesthetics of white braces.

Statistics show that almost every third person has any.

The solution to this problem is modern orthodontic constructions that will give a beautiful smile.

White braces are a system that has an aesthetic appearance and is almost invisible on the teeth, and which can be used to correct malocclusion at any age.

Advantages and disadvantages

White braces have many advantages:

  1. fixation of the system occurs on the frontal visible part of the surface of the teeth. The arc of a white shade practically merges with the color of the tooth enamel, due to which a pleasant aesthetic effect is created;
  2. they have a neat appearance, do not bring any discomfort either during cleaning or when eating;
  3. in the manufacture of the system, an individual approach is used, all the anatomical features of each patient are taken into account;
  4. ceramic structures are made of hypoallergenic materials, are highly resistant to various food colorings, so the system will retain its original appearance throughout the course of treatment;
  5. for cleaning it is not necessary to use special products, the cleaning process is exactly the same as in the case of a metal structure.

But the system of white braces also has disadvantages - high cost, since special expensive materials are used for manufacturing.


White braces are divided into several main types, each of which has its own distinctive features.


The most effective and popular orthodontic system today is made of ceramics.

Ceramic systems, in turn, are divided into two subspecies:

  • monocrystalline: white matte model;
  • polycrystalline: the system has a low transparency coefficient, the color of the arc is selected as close as possible to the color of the patient's tooth enamel, so they are almost invisible on the teeth.

Ceramic structures have the following advantages:

  1. aesthetic appearance;
  2. comfort when wearing the system;
  3. qualitatively fixed on the enamel and hold until the moment of complete removal.


If a child has an abnormal bite, treatment should not be postponed. How and when braces are put on children, read in.

White braces are a modern system that makes it possible not only to become the owner of a beautiful and beautiful smile, but also to have an aesthetic appearance of the oral cavity throughout the course of correction.

Ceramic structures are the optimal system, as they have good aesthetic qualities, and at the same time do not require large financial costs (unlike sapphire ones).

Only a specialist can determine which orthodontic system will be effective in each individual case. The orthodontist will also be able to name the approximate terms of correction to achieve a positive result.

White braces: photo

Ceramic braces are currently one of the most popular orthodontic systems for correcting malocclusion. This is an effective mechanism that will not be a reason for ridicule, unlike metal ones. In the photo you can see the result of the treatment and the ceramic braces themselves, which look neat and almost merge with the tone of the tooth enamel.

The following photo shows sapphire braces. This is the most expensive system, which in terms of its efficiency practically does not differ from ceramic ones. In the photo you can clearly see the appearance of such structures. In Western countries, such a malocclusion correction system is used as a decoration.

Another type of white braces is plastic. Outwardly, they are similar to sapphire and ceramic ones, but in terms of characteristics they are in many ways inferior to these systems. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect of the correction process, it is best to give preference to ceramic or sapphire braces with a white arc.

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Braces are the most effective system and any anomalies in the development of teeth in the jaw. To ensure that the correction process does not cause discomfort in terms of aesthetics, there are so-called white braces.

This is a system with plates and an arch, which is selected in color as close as possible to the color of the patient's tooth enamel. Thus, the correction process (which can take up to 1.5 - 2 years) will not make the patient feel awkward and embarrassed when talking or smiling.

Some twenty years ago, only crude iron structures were available to patients, designed to correct defects in the dentoalveolar system. It was simply impossible to hide the presence of a bulky corrective apparatus in the mouth. However, modern orthodontics offers more aesthetic, and sometimes completely invisible braces in the mouth, allowing you to keep the fact of the treatment itself a secret throughout the entire period of wearing the system. Further in this article, we will consider what white bracket systems are and how they differ from each other.

What are white braces?

The phrase "white braces" is usually understood as a corrective orthodontic appliance made of ceramics, sapphires or plastic. With one of these systems, it will be much easier for the patient to hide the fact of undergoing treatment. Most often, these models of braces come with white arches. Unlike metal ones, they are not conspicuous and remain almost invisible in the oral cavity.

On a note! Many patients note that white arcs (and, in fact, it is ordinary metal, just covered with a layer of white polymer), fail very quickly - the outer coating breaks off. Therefore, when choosing such systems, it is recommended to pay attention to the quality of materials.

Varieties of white braces

Arcs of white color are included only with vestibular structures. In the case of installing a lingual system, in which the brackets are fixed on the inside of the dentition, the shade of the arch does not matter, because it will still not be noticeable to the interlocutors. As for the ligature and self-ligating bracket systems, white arches can be used here in both cases.

So, all white bracket systems can be divided into three large groups, based on the materials used for their manufacture.

1. Plastic

Plastic models became the first aesthetic braces, making an excellent alternative to flashy metal. Visually, they are very reminiscent of ceramic and sapphire solutions. The undeniable advantages of such devices are as follows:

  • a wide range of available shades, which allows you to easily choose a color that will ideally match the natural shade of the teeth. The presence of a white arc in the kit makes it possible to increase the aesthetic properties of the system to its maximum,
  • affordable price: the cost of plastic structures usually does not exceed 40-50 thousand rubles, which is much lower than ceramic and sapphire devices.

But plastic orthodontic structures also have many significant drawbacks: they break quickly even under slight mechanical stress, change their original color from food dyes, and quickly lose their attractiveness. And the constant repair and replacement of structures inevitably leads to an increase in the total cost of the entire treatment.

There are very few brands of plastic braces. The following models can be found on the Russian market: Spirit from Ormco, Avalon from Ortho Technology, and Elan from the German company GAC.

2. Ceramic

One of the most popular types of "white" braces is a system made of ceramics. with a white arch are the best option for aesthetic braces in terms of price and quality - they do not catch the eye, their matte locks perfectly adapt to the natural shade of the enamel and practically merge with the teeth. Ceramics is much stronger than plastic, while not as expensive as sapphire devices, i.e. quite acceptable for the price.

Solomonov Boris Dmitrievich
Orthodontist with over 20 years of experience
“Aesthetically, ceramic braces are superior to their metal counterparts. They suggest the presence of a white arc and light locks, which means they remain almost invisible in the mouth and provide the proper level of comfort during the course of treatment. However, not all patients are of this opinion; for some, metal devices look more stylish. So the main thing here is a matter of taste.

Of the minuses of the devices, the following can be distinguished: due to the fact that the systems themselves are white, the accumulation of dark and yellow plaque is more noticeable on them than on metal devices. The cost of such braces is much higher than the price of metal structures. In most dental centers, the price of installing a ceramic system starts from 50 thousand rubles.

Among the most popular brands are the following systems: Clarity, Damon, Empower, Reflection, Crystal, Mystique.

3. Sapphire

From the point of view of aesthetics, they are the best option for discreet correction of defects in the dentoalveolar system. With a white arc, the plates can only be detected upon close examination. Such braces are created from artificially grown transparent crystals, which look more like a luxurious piece of jewelry than an orthodontic system - when in contact with saliva, they become almost invisible, and when exposed to light or bright light, they shimmer beautifully.

Their main disadvantage is the high cost among all possible aesthetic systems. According to their performance characteristics, such models are very similar to ceramic structures, but the price for them is several times higher - from 80 to 120 thousand rubles.

Important! Wearing braces with white arches, although slightly, still slows down the treatment: depending on the complexity of the bite anomalies, the period of use of the structures may increase. Such braces are quite fragile, so the doctor will not load them too much, so the pressure on the teeth is small, but constant.

You should always remember that any braces require the strictest observance of the rules of oral hygiene and timely visits to the orthodontist. A careless attitude to the state of the corrective apparatus inevitably leads to a change in the color of the plates, their yellowing and even breakage. If simple recommendations are violated, even the most aesthetic-looking devices can become unusable and look very untidy.

Having decided on the installation of braces, a person, as a rule, first studies this issue and sorts through various options, since there are now many options for choosing. Recently, white braces have become increasingly popular, due to their aesthetics and less visibility in the eyes of others.

Braces with a white arc: myths and facts

Many dental areas are overgrown with myths and misconceptions, and white braces are no exception. So, there is a myth that the arc is cast from light-colored metal. In fact, alloys of nickel, steel, titanium, and so on are used for this, and a light shade is obtained through the use of Teflon. It is quite resistant to external influences, although it can peel off due to such irritants. Another thing is that the frequency of changing the arcs, and this is from 1 to 3 months, will not allow Teflon to lose its qualities, of course, subject to proper attitude to the care of the system and oral hygiene.

It is impossible to call white braces completely invisible, they will still stand out against the background of the dentition, but much less metal ones. It is worth saying that a certain percentage of patients, on the contrary, consider it stylish and give preference to metal structures with pleasure.

White arcs, clasps and elastic bands

For most people, braces are associated only with bulky, monstrous structures, and many do not even know about the existence of white braces. They can be made of plastic, sapphire or ceramics, and their main difference will be aesthetics, that is, they are almost invisible in the mouth and do not cause any psychological discomfort to the patient.

White braces do not have any separate name, they are usually called simply white arches, since they become the main component of the whole structure. Her elastic bands and locks are also usually white, therefore, in addition to the traditional task of straightening teeth, using this system, you can also hide the fact of wearing braces from prying eyes.

Initially, they were made of plastic and favorably differ from metal structures precisely in their aesthetics, but their fragility and low strength became a minus. Over time, the paint on the system was erased, chips appeared and the color changed, so ceramic and sapphire constructions began to appear, which replaced the plastic ones.

Advantages of white braces

Of the existing advantages of white bracket systems, the following are worth highlighting:

  • resistance of ceramics to external influences;
  • lack of discomfort during wearing;
  • a slight lag in terms of the speed and effectiveness of treatment from metal structures;
  • the highest level of reliability of fastening the system to the teeth.

Disadvantages of white braces

As for the shortcomings, there are also them, which is quite natural, speaking specifically, these should include:

  • an attractive appearance is possible only on white teeth;
  • longer period of patient adaptation to the system due to its size;
  • in comparison with metal structures, they are less reliable in terms of strength;
  • in care, they are more demanding in terms of their fragility.

One of the most significant arguments "against" white systems is their price; for a considerable number of patients, this aspect is of decisive importance.

What are white braces?

Today, plastic structures are not so common, giving way to ceramics and sapphires. Ceramic systems are found in two versions: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The former have a matte tint, while the latter almost completely merge with the teeth due to their transparency. With their help, you can set and successfully solve the problem of correcting the bite, as well as getting rid of the patient's psychological problems.

Ceramic products - the golden mean

Ceramics is also good because you can eat your favorite food almost without exception, and also not worry about violation of diction. The disadvantage will be the need for careful maintenance, but this is perhaps the only serious disadvantage of such structures.

Often ceramic systems are produced with a white arc. They stick to enamel well and with high quality, are transparent and almost invisible, but the price for them starts at about 50 thousand rubles.

You can find out more about ceramic braces.

Sapphire designs - an elite option

Sapphire systems are made from artificial crystals specially grown for this purpose. They are distinguished by a high level of strength, they look very beautiful and are almost invisible to others, but they are significantly more expensive than ceramic systems.

On a note: It is best to put white braces on the upper dentition, as it is more visible when talking and smiling. To make the aesthetics even higher, many dentists recommend installing systems with wings that will protect the structure from food particles entering it.

The duration of treatment with sapphire systems is about two years, in other aspects there are no differences from ceramics, but this is if you do not touch on the cost. The difference between sapphires and ceramics is approximately twofold, the price for such designs can reach 100 thousand.

Full information about sapphire white braces is located.

Plastic systems - a budget solution

There are no external differences between plastic braces and ceramic or sapphire counterparts, it is not difficult to choose the color for the desired shade, in addition, you can further improve the aesthetic performance with the help of a white arc. Finally, the financial aspect plays a decisive role, since this is the cheapest option of all discussed above, but there are also disadvantages that push many people to choose sapphire or ceramic structures:

  • not the highest strength, which, of course, can be strengthened with additional materials, but this will immediately lead to an increase in the cost of the system;
  • poor resistance to staining, which implies the rejection of some products, especially those containing dyes;
  • longer duration of treatment due to slow movement of teeth in a row.

You can find out more plastic white systems in this.

Differences between white arcs and metal ones

The arch is that part of the orthodontic design, which is paid the closest attention. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that its role in correcting the bite cannot be overestimated, in particular, it is the arch that creates the necessary pressure, due to which the teeth move in the right direction.

From the point of view of its characteristics, the white arc is no different from the metal arc, the main role here is played by external differences. In fact, it is also made of metal, but covered with enamel on top with a special composition, due to which it is not so striking to others. Color has no effect on the effectiveness of the healing process.

Features of wearing and caring for the system

White braces can be an excellent solution for those who may have psychological discomfort from wearing such designs. For example, many children experience stress from ordinary metal structures, as they are teased by their peers, and to make it easier to endure this period, it makes sense to consider installing just such a structure.

Some patients complain that the white color changes to yellow over time, blaming the imperfection of the design and their dentist for this. However, the fact is that such a picture occurs in situations where patients do not follow oral hygiene well and miss visits to the doctor for correction. Accordingly, a proper attitude to these issues will allow you not to encounter this problem in the process of wearing the system.

Which white braces to choose?

Today there are many different models on the market, but the most common and popular are:

Who likes white braces?

It is optimal to put such systems at the final stages of the process of treating malocclusion, completely giving preference to them means slowing it down. Well, they are suitable for people who tend to experience psychological difficulties from wearing braces, especially children. Who exactly should not put such braces? For those who do not follow oral hygiene well and are not punctual in matters of correction, in this case the appearance of the system will be far from the best aesthetic examples.

The cost of installing white braces

The price is largely determined by the model of a particular system. For example, lingual systems will cost significantly more than ligature ones, but you will have to visit the dentist for correction, and, accordingly, pay for it less frequently (once a month versus three).

Also, such factors as the complexity of treatment, the current state of health of the patient, the level of oral hygiene, and so on play a role in pricing. It is worth remembering that before installing the system, it is necessary to cure all dental diseases, possibly remove wisdom teeth.

The approximate cost is calculated as follows:

  • consultation and diagnostics - from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles (in some clinics, the initial consultation is free);
  • installation of a bracket system - from 100 to 150 thousand (for both jaws);
  • design correction - about 1 thousand per visit;
  • removing braces, brushing teeth, installing retainers - about 5-6 thousand.

White braces are made of ceramic, and due to this they differ significantly from metal appliances for bite correction. The systems are characterized by a natural shade, invisibility in daylight, apparent transparency. Bracket systems of white color are aesthetic, effective and optimal for patients with high requirements for treatment.

The color scheme of braces is selected individually, taking into account the natural shade characteristic of tooth enamel. As a result, the patient receives a device that is minimally visible on the teeth, allowing you to talk, smile, and speak in public without embarrassment, embarrassment.


Ceramic white braces are distinguished by an aesthetic, improved look. The treatment uses several types of systems that differ in effective results:

  1. polycrystalline;
  2. monocrystalline.

Brackets of polycrystalline structure are identical in shade with the natural color of tooth enamel. They have a white color, remain invisible on the teeth due to the transparent structure.

Monocrystalline braces are distinguished by good aesthetic properties, a translucent surface with a matte effect.

Advantages and disadvantages

White shades are fixed on the frontal visible part of the teeth, due to which a high aesthetic effect is achieved. The devices do not spoil the smile, are not visible on the teeth, have a neat, presentable appearance, do not form discomfort when talking, smiling, eating.

White braces are created individually, so they do not interfere with normal conversation, do not change diction, pronunciation, and are quickly addictive. Ceramics is hypoallergenic, hygienic, resistant to food colorings, therefore, spots do not form on the devices, they do not turn yellow, while maintaining aesthetic properties throughout the treatment. When treating with white braces, you can use various products without restrictions.

In addition, with white braces, patients have no problems with cleansing. They do not need special products and are cleaned in the same way as metal alloy systems.

The disadvantages include the high cost of braces, which is associated with special production technologies and the material used.

Devices with a white arc

Metal systems are formed by locks and an arc made of a metal alloy, which are clearly visible on the teeth when talking, smiling. In white braces, the locks are transparent, identical to the natural shade of tooth enamel. The arch can be made of uncoated metal, and be completely white, almost invisible on the teeth.

The disadvantages of the white shade arc include the rapid abrasion of the aesthetic coating during the treatment. The cover material used to process the arc often peels off and reveals unsightly metal underneath.

It will not work to mask areas with a disappeared coating on your own. In such situations, you should contact the orthodontist, who will replace the arch with a new one. A transparent arc is more expensive than a conventional metal one, so its use can lead to an increase in the price of treatment.

How much do white braces cost? Prices for ceramic devices are higher than for systems made of metal alloys. Given the variety of design, the cost can be $ 500-1200. At the same time, the costs are fully justified, since you can comfortably undergo orthodontic treatment and make your smile even more attractive.



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